Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, December 15, 1904, Image 6

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Document Deals Voluminously with ,
Questions of StateTa.riff Left for ! ,
Communication---Position of
Future - - -
the Government Toward Organized
Labor--Dealing with Illegal Combi. .
Plesiliont ! ' ' to
HooC\1's nHssnge
, the ollnlng of the
COIress rlnt lt
short surslon of that hod ) delis \01.
of slnte.
\nlnously wih questons
revision Is len
The suhje'ct or lnrlf
for n further communlcntlon. Suh.
ltantlly the mcssa'go Is as folo"s :
To the Sonnte nnd HOlso or Heprescn.
ta I1 :
' 'he laton contlHNI to Injo ) ' noto'
worth ) ' IlroRllcrlty , Hueh II'Oqpl'l ) : ' oi
' ' elue 10 high ' .
courRU pl'lmnll ) tie 1111'11.
Inl a\ello of Qur clt1nhlll , tal'l to.
Hotlr wih Nlr grent Illtlnl re ( urcs ;
IJt nn' ImllQI tanl' tactor theren Is the
wnrllin/ of Iur -C0Itlloel o\orl'
I\I tl I , .ole I' ' 'rhe peoilio ha\o em-
' their of the
Ilhnthnly I'XII es1.1 nllllre1nl
tllclpt s unli 11'ln ! these Iioleles , n'el
Ihelr cl"ln' that these IHlnclple1 hI IWllt
suhslnntal ' UnChlneel , nlhou h of
cnUlh ( nlplell ( In a Ilrorcssl\o slllllt to
IIN changing conditons.
Cauton Against Extravagance ,
The 11IarJt.lent or scope or the func-
tOU ! of tl natolal o\'el'nn1nt Ie-
Ilulrcd h ' our de\elollment n ! n naton
Involv"I , or rOUtc. Ilcllsc of eXp1111 ;
a 11 the porJod of pro lwrly thloUHh
which the country Is IlssluJ justirs ( x.
Iiondllres fl : IlellHlHnt Impro\'ements
far g'tltol' : lmn woull ho wise In 1mId
tmes , Batte shhm nml fOlt1 , publc
InR , ' ' '
1IIId ! lul Imprm'cil wa tN'ways 1'1
Il\c"tmouhl which shnuld 1m mnelo whcn
we 111\0 the moue ' : hut ahtulunt le\-
eUUc and a ll : o HurphlR nlwn's lu\le
. ' ' ' , nlel constanl care shuull
1'0 tnlH'n to a ' '
Juarll alu1t uunec(1RII' )
Incrca1o of thu ordlll' ' expelses of HO\-
( rnI0It.
Capial and Labor ,
In the \'ast onll
complctel lechanlm
of our modern cl\ll7el Ifo the 1011nnnt
note 1' Ihe note of Industrialsm : anel the
'relathlH of caplnl amI Inhor , nnel e511e-
chil ) ' of orJnnl7ll call1nl nml or anl1eel
Ilhor , to euch other and to the Iluhlc nt
largo come Reeoml In Imporlnnco oul ) ' to
the Intmalo of ,
IIestons famiy Ifl
As Ion ! as the stntNI retain thc prim.
ar ) ' cuntlol of the polro Ilower the cl"
rmAtancOI mU1t bo nlo/other extrmo
whIch rCCuh 0 Interference l ' the '
authorites , whether In the way of Hafo'
Juardlnl the rlrhts of lahor or In tl
way or Redng thnt wtnl Is not done hy
cnlv porsols who Hhleld themsr1'es he-
hInd the name of Inhor. I thee IR resistance -
sistance to tbo felerol courts. Interfer.
( ncn with the mals , or Interstate com-
merc ! or molestaton ot federl IH'opert ' ,
or If the state authorites In some erlls
which thy are unable to face cal for
helll , then the felerl go\'erment mn ) '
Interfere : llt thOU/ll such Interference
ma ' 110 causel ly a conditon nf thlnl
nrlsln out of
! connectel wlh
Imo que1ton of lahol' , the Interference
Islf slmpl' talts the term at restol'lnl
ol'dor wihout re/ard to the
which ha\o caused the hreueh of -
for to len order Is a pl'hnnn' 'dut ) ' an
In a tnO or dlrollel' anl \lolnco ni other -
er Into '
sllllt abe'anco
qUlstuns Int order -
der has IJJen restored. II the Dlstrlel
of Columbia nnd In the tenlorles the
fl'dtl 1w co\ors the entro fell of gel
; the lahor Is
erment lut qurlton enl >
aClto In populous centers of commerce ,
manlfnctures , or mining , Nl'\'ol'theless ,
hell In the rmactmontnll In the en.
fOlcoment of law the fl'derul go\'ornmenl
wIthIn IK l'eKtrleted sphere sholll let ar
exnmple to the stntn 10\'erments , ospo'
caly In 1 mnter In'lal as this afect ,
Ing loboI I lele\'o that under ml1el
Indu1tt lal condItons It Is often nccessor ) '
nll O\'el where not neccs1an' , I Is el
( fil wlso , that there should be orban'
Izaton of labor In order beter to AecurE
the of the '
rllhts Illh'hlual -
\a e-\nllHr
Al cncouro.Cnt shoull be sIrn to nn
lch { 'Anlzton. so Ion Is con ,
, ! al I
r f.tell wih a duo end lecent ! 'gard fo
rights of , '
Ptlt olhers ' art In thb
'oOltl' some I/bor unions which ha\1
"hol I ua I I' . and other labor unions whlcl \
'qm0 , bon
oren ( among the most -
1h'o agents In worldng for
geol clt1en-
hlp.and' for upltng the conditon 01
I tl13e wtQse Welnro should ho clmest ! tl
U' tl5Mts , nut when nn '
' [ ) Ithol' unlol
'Ieeltl Improper enls. nr seoltK to nchlev (
pralleI onls h ) ' Imllroper It'anl al 1:00 (
cItzens nnd moro especialy al honomhh
scn'ants must the '
Illlc oppose '
Iolnc ns resolutely ns the ) ' woull 01111091
the wlonglulng of an ) ' great
Of eourso ony violence , hrutalt corportnn , ,
, Ihoull not fm' ono
rupton mOlent II
. \Vuo.worllel's hn\'e
tolerted.Vuo.worllel's \ an entr
1'lht to or/anlzo and hr ni pcaceful ani
means to to '
honorhlo endca\or Ilet'Hunde
thur rlowl to Join wih tlol In Ol ln
Izntous 'rhe ) ' hl\'o n legal I'hht , which
nccordllg to elreumstnnces , 10) ' or mi :
not lo 1 moral r : ht , to retuse , to worl
'n tolpan ) ' with men who declno to jell
theIr Orh'llzltons ! , The ) ha\o unce' n ,
clrculstunce' the tight to commit \10
lenco upon those , whethel' clillolhltl 0
wlle , " 'olllrs , who refuse to BUllpor
their orrr\\tons , or who sldo wit
these wih whom the ' nro at Ildes : fo
mol 1'le I ! Intolemlio In nn ) ' forl.
'lhe amendment ant BtrongUI nln
t or thf CUllo : > ers' labity law Is t'el
ommcnded , and the passage of a la'
requiring the adopton of a blocl sll
nal system , to 1lrO\'ent rnlroad ncc
dents urged.
Unions of Government Employes.
The message contnues :
, 'hele II no ohjEcton to emllos I
the cunrnment formIng or he longing I
unlonl ; ' but the SO\tmlnt C'I lolhj
dls rlmlnuto fOl' nor dlscrhnlnute ngnln
nonuliun nlln who ore In Is (11110 :
ment , or who Icelt to le ,
om\lotd unc
I. Mleo\r , ' It ' Is a \ ' (1)10 11111
l'llptr tor jU'el'lnent olploes to hii
thumel EHI tlI't1r for the 1"111090
fxtoltnc ImllOIerly high salnrh's flo
thl O\'el'nment , gSIIclalr hi this tt
ot those within the clnssllel ICI'\o , ' 1'1
leler co 111 I. loth municipal olul I un
11'0 as a wholC an excelelt hOl ) ' nf 111
Ic lel'\n ntl. 'rhe ) shoull ho I 1 pi ) Ia I
! 'thlh' II/'mont mUlt le ohtnhlc 1
argulnl : tllr elnlms tnlrly anc honol nl ,
beforl t11 Con less , nnd not h ' lalll
. ' ' for the doleat of the ''tht'r C conll'l
ml'n who tduso to rI'o Ilrumlfes .whl
they cnn not In conlclenco ch t '
AI\mnIHtmton \ ! ! IS Ilreul ) ' tlllll ste
to pre\'ent and Ilunlsh ohuseA of this I'
ture ; lut It wi bo wise fOl' the Cent
to supplement Ulls octon h ) ' leHlslatol
Durelu or Labor.
Mich clm le done l ) ' the go\'erlnE
In lulor mUUll mrrolr ly cl'lnlI :
Iclty to cortRln conditons. ' 'ho burl
or labor hnB done excolent worl ( of tl
klud In 11) ' dlfurent dlrectons. I fU
IhOI'I ) ' In ) ' Ifore , ) ' 01 In a "peclnl mes-
"a o the fiI report oC the II'esthalon
at th ! hurrau of lalI' Inlo the Colorndo
mlnln stl'lk. , ni this II 0 Atrlko II which
l'l'I'ta In'Ir ' c\1 tOl'ces , which are 1oro
or1' n t WOI k c\'or"hero under the
cowllols of mOller Indusllolsm , bowie -
wie Itallnlly Ilromhwnt.
" 'hln wo como to Ieal wIth grent cor-
Il0alon , the need for the o\clment to
act 1ll't'ty Is for greater tmn In the
cnso oC lahor ,
becnu'o Jrent corportons
cal heeolo stich anI' h ) enlagln In In-
terstuto commerce , and Intel'stato com-
melco Is peculnrly the fell of the Hen-
erl 'O\'erllelt. I 19 nn ab9urllt ) ' to ox.
Ilect to olmlnato the ahusel In Irnt cor-
pOlatons h ) ' state ucton. 1 Is dllcul to
ho patclt wllh nn nrrument that such
malerl Ihoull ho lef to the states , be-
calFO 10ro than ono atnto pursues U10
Ilnlc ) ' of cl'ontng on ens ) terms corpor- I
ton9 which nt'u le\'or opOltel 'lhln
thnt stut9 at al , lut In other states
whoo laws they Ilnure. 'ho natonal
'O\'CI'nlcnt nlono cn deal ndequatoly
wih thele ' Int Cotlrtons , 'fo tr ' to
tlenl wih 'thon In nn Intemperte , le-
' , would , In
Itl uctl'e or If mn o/Ic spirit
ni pl'olmblt ) mean that nothln what-
I\r woulel ho accomplshod , nnd , wih
nh olut ( crltnl t ) thaI I nnthln were
accolplthc It waul II bo of a harmrul
natt'l , ' 1he Amllcnn peollo nee 1 to
contnuo to show the \'el ) ' qualUcs that
Ihey ha'o showl-thnt Is , modorton ,
eel ( sense , the carnelt leslro to a\'old
coln ni ) ' damagc , nnd )01 the quiet do-
tN'mlnaton to pt'ocoed , Atep l ) srep , :
wihout halt nnd wlhout hurr ) ' , In olm-
tnn thll or al least In mlllmlzln what-
onr of mlschler aI' of 0\1 there I to In.
tel'stnto commclce In the conduct ot
/rcl t cOlornlcnl , ' 'hey m'o octng II
nn Fph It of hostlt ' to wealh , ollher In-
dl'llunl or cotlmte. ' 'hey are not
the rll'h ' than
lalnst man nn ) moro
aJahHlt tht poor mnn , On the contmry ,
thc ) ' al'o fllelll ) alllo towmd rich man
and toward pUO' man , Ilro\llec only that
ench aCls In slllrit of -
1 justco enl 10-
cenc ) ' toward his telows. Great corpor-
tonl 110 necessar ) end ani ) men at
glent nnd sl/ular mentnl power can
such ' ,
manage cU1lomtons 8uccessful )
amIuch man mUKt ha\o gnat Iownrds ,
But thllo corportl19 should bo man-
nJcd wih duo regard to the Intercst of
tlo pUllc as n wholchere this can
bo done under the present In ws It must
ho dlnC \\hro these laws como short
othel's should lo enacled to supplemenl
them ,
The hureau of has
corporatons mnl0
( areful prclmlnn'y ltest aton of many
hnportnnt COpOI Uons. I wi malto n
Ilecul l'epQrt on the beet Industr ) ' ,
Bureau of .
The Ilolc ) ' of the bureau Is to accom-
Illhlh the lJrpOle9 of Is creaton l ) ' co.
UIIH'Uon. not antaHonlsm ; l ) ' making
const'uet\'O Il'glslaton , not destruct\o
, the object of
prosecuton lumedlnto Is
Inluh'les ; h ' cOISel'\'nt\e I"'estl nton
of law and tnct and l ) refusal to Issue
Incomplete aud hence lecessurly Inuccu-
rte repolt1 , Is 1101c ) being thus ono
of Ollon Inqulr ) ' Into , anl not nlnck un-
on , lullness , the bureau hus IJen oblo to
gain not on ' the , but ,
! conldence leter
stl the co-opollion of men engaged In
le lllmut ( buslnlss ,
'I'ho III'IIU orenl to the Conlre1s the
l menU9 of lettnJ nt the C09t of produc-
I ton melCO of , OUI' \ullous great stoliles of com-
I Abo\1 al else , wo must strl'o to keep
, lho hlghwas of commel'co open to al
I on eflni terls ; anc to do thIs It' Is nec-
l'sSI' ) to put u complete Itoll to ni ro-
1m tlS , Whetwr the shipper 0' the mi.
loae Is to Ilal0 mallel nn dlferenco ; the
rebnto must 10 stoppel , the nbuses of
the IIl'nto car nnl prl'ote l'rmlnll
tmcll nnd sllo-trck Rstems must be
tolilol nnl the legislaton of the Flty-
cl hth Congrosa whl h declareR It to
unla wful for nny poron or to
orlr , Il'unt , 11\0 , solcit , cnrpomton , 10-
ceh'o , , ' .
OiY rllmte ciJcc81on 01' r.lscrlm-
Inatlon In I'csllect of the trnsportaton of
an ) ' ) rOI11't ) ' In Intelstat or fOIE'gn !
commerce wholeh ) ' such prolrt' ( shul
h ) nny de\leo whato\er lo trn portld
nt a lels rt' than thnt Inmed In the
tnl'lrs publshCl I ) the cr\ler mUlt ho
enforced. \\'hlo I nm ot the ollnlon ( thnt
at Iosonl It woull ho undesirlle , I I
w'o not hnpr tcahle , 1nal ) to cmtho
lho lnterltnt. ! Commetco Commission
with Henernl unthorlt ) ' to I
1x altoml
t tl' ! I do not hclo\'o thnt. as a fnlr 10-
enrlt ) to sllllperR , the Commission should
lo'eNtcl with the power , where n gl\en
mte hal helm chalencel anl after ful
' to ho . to
hlnl'ln flunel unrolsonahll. le-
cilo. RUhjoct to jUl1clll re\lew. whnt
shnl lo a l'el'onuhlo mto to tllw Is
. the of the
1.110 ; rulng commlslion t
tlko ( 'flct ImmClntel ) nnl to obtahl
UnINS nml It' Is ' '
! I \
unt l
e\'erlel tl
court o ro\'lew. In m ' Judrllnt th
IUSt Impottnnt leglslll\'o net IOW IId ,
Id al t' III , the re ulaton ot COI'llor-
lonH II this nct to confer on the Inter'
stnto Commt'eo Commission the IlowOI
to rlwlso mt ( , nml regulnton ! the re ,
\lsel rlo to nt once 11 Into erect , nnl
to ' In and
Itn ( fect unlels unti tt
court of l'c\'low ' \ ' ' ,
l'e\'l'ISeH I
Much space Is here de\otell to r
consldlrlon of tlo problem or the
prOllr housing of the per In OUI
great cites , nnl the Imlortnnco of I
11rOl1er soluton of the qucston ! lown
On this subject the messngo sa's :
' 'hlr. Ahoul ho levero chllt-Inuor ani
ruCtol'y.hllpetln IlwI IK1'1) ' IkKlr
ahle thnt mll'lld women ! houldlft ' ' 1)1
In tnctorlel ' 1ho 11Imo Ihl ' of the mnl
Is to worlt , to ho the hl'uelwhlCI' : th
prIme dut of the womnn Is to hr th
mother. ) : housowlfl.
to Al IIUlstons E
trnlr nnd 1nnnco slllt Into uth't hllr
wht'n with the '
nl1cnnco Coml1\11 I' .
lenlous , the \'Ital Impottnnco of tr'ln
to shnpa coniiton3 (0 that thelo tw
cltll of the man nld of thl woman cn
bo fulll'd undll' rensonuhl ) ' t.1O 1 hI
elrcumstlnces. I a I'CO 1101S not hu\ '
1111t ' or ehldn ! , or ! f the chlrln 1
lot , , gl'ow up , or I wl11 the ) tow u
It ) nlo unhEulth ) In lnl ) and stuntl'
' In , then that
or \'Ieloul mlnl raeo Is de
l'lllont ami nn henplng up at wealh , I
, ; pllmdnr ot momlJtlr ) ' moterlal prn 1111
I ) Cl avnl In Arlculture. uny IltKreo us orlOtH.
t- I The Dlllrtml'nt ! ot Atlculurt hn
I , Into
Ilro'n 11 cluoltonal Insttuto
, wih c flc lt ' "f t.o thousand Bpeclu' '
' ' , lunl ' rch Into the sclonct
'I' \ II ti ( . rl' ! al
II of IlrQducI , > ' 'he ConJrlls uIIIIOPll1
; ! , ' nnd , six
IU . - dlrocl Imtrecl ) mtlol
Ills f . " " ) ' to carr thl.
! toll. "nnull ) In w&l
"I i I rlaches CVt'r ) ' Btote au terrl".y I
. . I
, t" " . . "
the Union Im1 the 1"lal1 of the Boa Into.
I I ) ' COII under olr Ilk Co-uJrltltn , Is
hael wih the Btato eXI.1 hnent stntUl ,
/111 wlh mnny ntwr 11 lutoll nnel In.
, ' , ' .
Is searrh.
,1I'llual' 1ho w0111 cnrefnly
eel for IOW'nrletos of gmlns , fmls.
, \'egelablel , trees , amI Sll'uh ! ,
sultlhlo \'lrloul localte9 In our '
hns tr ; nnl esulel. Imlltel beneft to our cell'l
I rrlgl ton ,
Dlrln the two Ilel a half ) 'enrl that
hnvo elnl11ed silco the passao of the
rcclamnton act rallll proress hls been
mndo In the sun'ers of
anl examlnntons
the ollilortulites for reclnmnton In the
thlrteel Atate ! nnl 11reo terriories of
the nrhlVost. . Constructon hos nlrenely
beel henln on the Ilr est nnd most 1m.
flortlnt of the Irrlgton worlts. and pllnl I
are beln , completed for worltl which wi
utlzo the funls now nvalablo. Tht
roclamaton nct hns been founl to bo rq-
' and ' , and
larkobl complete erecth'e po
broul In Is pro\lslons thot a wile mn e
ot umlertoklngs hl leen posslblo
It. At the Ramo tmo , economy Is gur.
oltoecl b ' the tact that the tunds must
ulimo , tel ) ' bo retured to be used over I I
Forests ,
I Is UIC cll'dlnal Ilrnclplo ot the for.
est-rcler\'e polcy of thl1 Almlnlstrton
that the rORorves are for Uso. 'Vhal.
u\'or the at theIr
Ilterferes wih use 10-
sourcs Is to ho nvollel ly every posslblo '
meanl. Dlt these rosourcs must bo used
II such n woy os to malto them pcrmo.
ncnt , I
Alhough the wisdom of creatn tor- ,
cst reserves Is nearly everywhere heart. I
Ib' recoJnlzed , ) 'ot In a tow locltos
there has be on mlsulderstandln nnd
complnlnt. The folowing atatement Is
therefore deslrblo :
The forest-reserve polc ) cnn bo sue- ,
cossful olly when It In the ful auppolt I
ot the peopla of the 'Vcst. I can not ;
Rafe ! , end shcull not In an ) coso , bo Im-
p0ged upon them oJnlnst their wi Dut
neiher en wo occept the vIews of these ,
whose only Interest In the forest Is tem-
porr ' ; who nre nnxlous tq reap whet
the ) ' ho\'o not sown nnd lhen move awoy ,
lem'lng dcsolaton lohlnl thel.
' 'ho making ot forest resen'es wihin
'mlh'oad wogan-road - -
nnl lall-grnt lm-
, for the three
Is wi herenfer ns post
) 'eors , ho so mana el as to pre\ent the
Issue , unler the nct of Juno -I , 1897 , of
11/0 ror oxchallo or leu selocton ( usu.
al ) ' cnleel Rcrlll ) , In ul cases whelo
fOlost reser\es wihin orens covorel ly
to be to
Innl grnlts nppear ossental
110 prosperiy ot sot ters , miners , or ethers -
ors , the go\ernment lanls wihin auch
I1'op01el forest le901\OS wi ns In the
roclIt past , le wlhlrwn from sale or
entry pend In : the completon at such
ne/otatons wih the owners of the land
ns Irevent the ot -
rnts wi ! creoton so-
calcd scrip ,
Establshment or gnme reserves
wherein may be preserved specimens
of our wid animals wblch are now
rnpldl ) ' tending townrd extncton Is
Pensions ,
The , 'oterms at the cl\1 war have a
cnlm upon the nnton Ruch as no otler
of our , The
cll7ons possess pension -
sion bureau has never In Is hltol' be on
manaJed In n more sotsfoctor ) ' manner
than Is now the case ,
Indians ,
The progrcss of the Indlami toward ch'-
17ton , though not rnpld , Is perhaps ni
that couhl lo hoped for In vIew of the
ch'cumstoncqs. I Is commonly declared
that the RIoadnnco of the Inlians III
duo to the unsatsfactory chntcter of
the men appointed to tolto Immcdlato
charJo of thcm , nnd to some extent thIs
Is tluo. " 'hUo the standard of the m-
plo'es In t10 Inlinn ler\lce Ahows Geat
ImlJr\'ement ever thn t of l'Jolo years ,
oml whie octual or
corrullton lagrant
dIshonest ) ' Is now the mro excepton , I
11 ne\'ertheless the tact that the solnrles
palc Inl1an ngents ere not large enough
to aUrcl' the best mon to that fell at
\ollt , ' 0 lchlo\'o satstnctO'Y reRuls
the ofcial In chm'Ho of an Indlnn tribe
should pOSSORS the high qualfcatons
which Ot'o required In the manager of a
lar o business , hut only In
cess Is I possible to secure men of such
I trlO tor these positons ,
Postal Service ,
In the Postotco Department the ser-
h'o has Increased In elclency , nnd con-
ditons lS to ro\'onuo nll expendluro
contnuo Intsfaetor ' . The IncrE se of
rO\'CnUl' lulln [ the ) Enr WI $9,358,181.1 , .
or G,9 per clnt , the totol receIpts amountIng -
Ing to $1,382G24,31. The expondlures
were $112,3G2IG,70 , an Increoso of obout
! pol cent o\er the Ilrevlous yeor , lolng
tIU' $8,99,49.G In exceS9 ot the cur-
rent revenue , Incuded In these .
tureR was a total of
npproprloton $ : "
95G.G37,35 for the contmmton and exten.
Ilnn of the rurl frIo delvery servlco ,
which was nn hwrelso at $ ,902.237,35
O'er the nmount txpended tor this pur.
pOSE ! n thn precedlnl Iscul ) 'ear , L'rgo
as tll' expenllluro hus leen the benct-
cnt reRu1s nUnhwl In extending the
fl e ! 11"tllbulon ot malK to nlC relhlents
of the wls-
Iuml hlrlctH ha\e jURlfel
10m of the outay. Stntstcs hrouJht
down to the lit of Oetober , 1:04. show
thnt In that dnte thelo wore 27,1 ; rurl
' , sPI'\'ln
tut's Istahllhll \ ! Ipproxlmntey
1 : .000,000 of Ioplo In ruml dlNtrlcts re.
mete tlom IOstolces , and that thcre
well tlllllll nt that tlno 3,85 ! pettons
tlr the lItuhlHhment of new ruml rOltes ,
Unllestonnbl' Rome part ot the enerll
Inct'uge In r'cI'hlt ! Is due to the In.
clell'll IOstul fnl'1teshlrh the rrl
"er\lco hus nrlrdel. 'lhe re\'enucs hnve
nlsn bon nlded Ilent ) ' by nmendments
In lhe clsl11ntol nf mal mater , and
the of of the
curtalmont Ihusel seond-
claAs , 'rho In-
mnlng Irl\lege n\erage
Cl'elSO In the \'olul1 at mnl mater for
the lellod lllnnln ! \ \ Ih 1902 anl end-
In ! Juno. 190 : ( thut porton for 1905 bo-
Ilg rtlna ttl , Is 40,4 per cCnt , ns com.
pnl'l wll 2 ,4G l1r cent tor the Ilrlod
hnmedlntely IlrCceIUn , nll Hi , : : fnr the
Ult. fOlr-eal' porlod Inmodlutel ) precedlnl
' I 0 meRRngc llere points out the
neell for ImlJrm'ement In our consular
s'stcm , Id\'lses the creaton of ana'
tonnl nrt ga1tnnl tugestR th {
enactment of
law , natonnl quarantm
Extravagance In Printng.
I cal ) 'our utnton to the leat ( x'
1'll\'nlnco In IlrlnUng and bilding IOV-
( rnnwnt IluhlcntlHN , amI e8pecl\I ) ' h
thn fllt tmt nlolethol' too muny 01
theo publcatons arc pllnted. 'lhore I
1 constant tCmlCI' ' to Increase tholl
numher 111 their \'oilme. 1 Is nn un ,
.Iel'stalement to sa ) ' that no nppreclable
hnlm wOlll bo cnulel b ) ' . anl substnn ,
from , decreas ,
111 lenent \ oull nCllUO
In tl nmount ot llrlntng now do no
. ,
lt lenst Ono.hnt
Laws Concerning CItzenshIp.
ot onl' arc tw 1\\s l'latng to nnt
umlznlon now Ilect\'E but these re
latng to ollznship of the United Stn te
ouht nldo to bo mndo the subject 0
Iclenl1c 1llulr ) wih a view to prob
lhl ( turtHr Iglslnton , 1) ' what net
'xpatrlaton mi ) ' lo nssumpd to hn\
ttln accollll"\11I how 10nK nn Amer
cnn citzen may rl'lldo nbroat a 1re
1.1\0 thl Ilrottct1 of our 118Spor1 ,
\'hothtr any tqI'ce of protecton shoul
, ' 1 extelet to one who hus made th
'I ' h'clamto of Intntn to become a ell
. of the ' but not
I. ; on 1nll11 Stal's 111 ! St
I u,1 nnralzto , . ar qU.Htons ( '
_ Import , rlghl
, 10110lS In\olvlnK pe101.11
11 ' 1oCen produelntrlcton letwe n thl
' ' nnd forol
k n\'t 'Inent n go\ernment
In , \tt Ullon thelo IUlston8 our laws u ,
llnt. I rrcommtnI1 thnt nn ( : nnlnnton
ho mnle hllo the t.hJI'ct . ! of cll7 lKhlp ,
txlmtrlaUon , nll I.rotecton ot Amorl.
call leglllnlon. abt'ond , wih n \Iow to nlprollrluto
The ntnlou of the Congr ( ! Rhould
ho eSIIcaly Ilven to the CUITenc ) luel.
lon , a 11 thn t the stundlng commltcEs !
on the mntt'r In the two houses
wih t dnty , take up the mnter of our
clrreney nll see whether I Is not pos.
slblo to ReCUIO nn ngl'eoment In the busl.
nos wOl'hl tor botolln the R'stem ; the
commltles Ahoulel consider the
of lie roUremen t of the Hlonbacltl and
110 prohlem ot . sturln In our currenc ) '
Ilch olunlelt ) na Is consistent wih safety -
ty , , J\'ery sl\'or dollr should he mnlo
, law In the
) receemalio goll at opUon
of the holdcr. '
Merchant Marine ,
I esneclaly commend to ) 'our Immedl.
ate nUenUon the oncourgemont ot our
morehont . mOllne by npproprloto legila-
Tari ,
'ou On later , tarlr I shol communIcate wih
Immigraton Ind Naturalzlton ,
In lealhm WII the Eluestons ot Imml.
grton anll nnturalznton It Is Indls.
ponsablo to Ileep celtoln tncts cver lo.
fore the mlnla ot these who shal In en-
nclng the In ws. Irlrst anl toremost , let
us remember thnt the quesUon at blng
n good Amorlcan has nothlnwhate'or
to do wih a mln's birthlliaco nn ) ' moro
than It has to do wih hIs crood. In
every from the thIs "
gonerton tmo gO\
orment was toundod men ot foreign
birth hnvo , Atood In the very foremost
rnk of good citzenship , nnd that nol
mere ! In one lut In ever ' fell of Amer.
Icon act\II' : whlo to I' ) ' to draw a dIs-
tncton between the man whoso pnronts
came to thIs countr ) ' anl the man whose
ancestors cnmo to several
I goneratons
Is I moro nlsurdlt ) ' , Good Americanism -
canism Is a matter of heart , ot conscl-
once , ot lofy asplmton , of sound common -
mon sense , lut not of bh'thplaco or ot
'fhore 19 no danger at having too man ) '
Immhrnts of the rlsht Idnd. Dut the
cll7enhlp of this countr ) ' should not be
elobascd , I Is vlnl that wo should keep
high the stondard of wel-bolng among
our - , thcreforo
wago-workols anl we
shoull not nlmlt maRSCS of men whose
"tandatls at 1\lnl nnd whoso personal
customs aud hahlts mo such thot they
tenl to lower the level of the Amorlcan
wago-worllerj end obovo 01 wo should
not admit nny man of nn unworthy tpo.
nny mnn concornlnl whom wo can SO ) '
thot ho wi himself bo a bad cll7on , or
that his chidren anl grndchldron wi
dotret trom Instel of adding to the
sum of the goo 1 cll7enshlp of the coun-
tr ) ' . Simiarly we should toke the greatest -
est c1ro nlout noturlzaton.
Under the Constuton I Is In the
power of tlo Congess "to eslablsh 0
unlfol'm rule of naturalznton , " nnd
numerus laws hove tram thno to
heen onaeteel tor that purposc. which ,
hove leon supplemented In a few stntes
b ) ' state laws 10ving speclol applcaton.
There should bo I comprehenslvo revision
of the naturalzaton laws , The couts
hovlng power to naturolzo should be
dCfnltely namtl ly natonal outhorl ) ' :
the upon which
' naturalzaton
'ma'lo conferred should bo lefnloly pro-
scrlbel ; pUllcoton ot Impondlng natural.
Izaton opplcatonR should lo roquh'ed In
of the In the
ad\anco II henrlnS court ;
term nnd wording oC ni certfcatol Issued
should bo uniform throughout the coun-
tr ' , anl the courts should be required to
moko retuls to the Secretnry of Stnto
ot conrclrod sta tel , periods f ni noturolzatons
Protecton of .
Electon :
Tlo power of the Jo\'orment to pro-
tect the at the of
olectons Is
own olclals 11 Inherent nnd hos been
recolnl7ed anl alIm el ly repeated doc-
of the . '
laraton1 Supreme court. ' 'hero
Is no enem ) ' of free go\ernment moro
dangerOuR none so Insidious as the
corrupton of the clectorto. No ono do-
fends or cxcuscs corrupton , and It would
seem to folow thnt none woule oppose
\'Iorous mllures to eldlcnto I. I
recommend the onnctment of n law dl-
I'ccted aJnlnst' lllhery nnd corrupton In
Fdernl l'lectonf 'rhe dotalR at such a
law may le Rafel ) ' lett to the wlso dlscre-
t ln at the Con ess , hut I should go
as tar as unler the ConRttuton It I
posslblo to go , and should Include severe
penalIes alalnst him who gl\os or 10-
ceh'es a brlbo IntemJcl ! to Infuence his
nct or opInion as un elector ; nnl provl.
Ilons for the publcaton not enl ) ' ot the
expondltules for nomlnotons and elee-
tons of al clndldates lut else of al
contrlbutonl recel\ed and expendiures
commlhoes ,
mole ly poltcal
Delays , In CrimInal Prosecutons.
No subject Is beter worth ) ' the oten-
ton of the Conrress than thot porton ot
the ropolt of the Atorne-Generl dealIng -
Ing wih the l ng delays end the srlat
olttructon 10 j stco oxporlenccd In the
cnses ot Dcavels , Green nnl Gn'nor , and
BOlon. " 'ero these 19010tell enl spclal
cales , I should not cal 'our nttenton to
thm ; lut the dllculteR encountered as
le alds these men who ha\c , been Indicted -
ed for crlmlnnl plnctc are not excep-
tonal : the ) ' ere preclsoly Rlmlnr In kind
to what occlr aguln nnel Icaln In the
case of criminals who ha\e Rumclnt
means to ennllo thrm to take nth'antnge
ot n B'stem of pl'oceduro uhlch hns
! own up In the FI'derl curts anl
whIch nmountt In oftect to mnklng the
law CISY of E'nforcement Igaln t the mnn
who hal no money , end difclt at enforcement -
forcemont , oven to the point of some-
tmes ! ccurlng Immu lt ) ' , ns regrds tne
man who hns mono ) ' , In crlmlnnl cnses
the wrIt of the Unlel Stltes shoull run
throughout Is lordors. The whaell of
justce shoull not be clogged , ns the )
ha\'e In the
\ leen clcrJel C1S nho\e
mentoned , whl're It has pro\l nbsolute-
I ) ' ImposHlllo to bring the accu ( d to the
1.laco hlK trial Ipl'olnted , l ' the Consttuton for
At Ilreslnt the IntorCRts ot the Inno ,
rent man nl'e amilly Blteguarl\.d : but
the Inten'lts of the Io\ernment , that Is ,
lho Inte 'sts at honest ndmlnlstrto
that II the IntoroKts or the people , art
not rccognlzel ni they Ihould ho , No
oubject boler wnrmlts the atenton ot
the Congress , Indeed , no sulject leto
warrantl the ntenton of the bench und
the . the ! ,
lor throl./hout Unlel SltlS
Mnn ) ' suggestons tor the Improvement -
ment or conditons ln Alnslm arl
mnde , among others the ndmlsslun ot
: delegate from that terrlor' to con'
; ress.
HawaI and Porto nco.
The should he '
Ala1kan nat\es Jh'ln
the to , ,
, rllht nClulre hell nl1 dl911osl
) t prollCrt' upnn the SllO conditons af
I\en other InhnhlantR ; nnl the 1)11\1111
If cltzonshh ) should l gl\en to such al
'nay be oblo to meet Ce tlin dufnlo 10-
lull'mlntl , In Inwal ConHress should
: IYO t" 1:0\010' power to remove all
'ho olclnls lllntell undl'r him , Thl
arll at Innolulu shoull be dreh ( I'e1
; 'ho mlu'llhro"pltal ser\lco pllUld ht
mpowelel to stud ) ' 10111ns ) In 'ho 11-
'Ilds. I UKlt spl'clll consllorth , ; fet
he nnd ' ot '
I'commol1atLn3 til'
{ o\elnor of POI to Hlco ,
' .
Fore'an Poley.
In trrntng of , lur fOI'ol n 1101c ) ald t,1
ho atltudo that tlls gt'lt naton Ihouhl
'SSUlO In the world at lore , I Is ahso.
' ' ' to onslder the ' '
. 1'1) IJt'eSllr ) ( orm ) nl'
110 naa 111 the Congrcss , throl '
'hleh the thought of the : ,
naton t
. ( xllresKlon , should 11(11) eVlr'Ihl1
'I mhll th6 fundlmental tnct tUt I h
' , to trat our
1lOtsllo (
rorelln Iiolc )
' 4ller this pole ' tok 1 shopo In thl
. . . .
. .
erort to pltur. ,1'tee for othr or jus- I
tce tor lursl.h'uH , In\'o la eonltonlll
Ipon the atttude we nro wllnl to talto
town'd OU' nlm ) ' , a ni especlnl ) ' t wnrd
nul nn\ . I Is Iot melely ulwlsc , It Is
cont"IIJtble , tor n n'I , ns for nn In.
dh'ldunl , to USe hl/h'1ounlln Innrun/o
! /
' , or to tnko10'
10 proclall 19 pt' \10'
Rilons whll'h are ridiculous If unsupnort.
eel II Iltenlnl tOI'CC , nll then to refuse
to pro\llo thl ! torce. t there Is no In.
tenton of Ilro\'hlng nnel at keeping the
fot'co IceS1n' ) ' to Imclt up n sl'ong ntl.
tulo , tlen It Is fur better not to ossume
such nn'atttule. .
' 1ho stcndy ulm of thl9 naton , 01 of ni
hlenl , be to '
enl ( natols Ahoull stl'l\e
lo hllll e\'er nearer the da ' when there
shnl Ilre\l throughout the world U10
pcnco at jUltCO , 'lhere are Idnls at
pence which ere highly undoslrllo ,
which are In the long run ns
a ! nn ) ' war. T 'rnnts end OPPI"ossors have
many tms made a
widerness anl caled
It pcace. The peaeo of trnnnous terror ,
the PN1CO of crven wenkness , the peace
ot Injustce , nl these Rhould be shunned
as we shun unrIghteous wor. The goal
to ! t before us ns a nnton , the oal
which shoull le set before ni manklnl.
hI the ntnlmnent or the ptaco of jus.
tce , of the peace which comes when
each naton Is not merely snfo-guar
In cwn , but
ls rlghtl scrupulously roc-
ognlzts end performs Its duty toward
' 'hero Is lS } 'ot no jullcial wny of cn.
forcing a right In Internatonnl law ,
\'hon ono naton wrongs nnother or
wrens many others , there Is no tribunal -
nal be fore whIch the wrongdoer can bo
hrouHht. Either It Is necessnry supInely
to acqulesco In the wrong , nnl thus put
a prolium upon bltnly and nggres-
slon , or 0110 It II nectssary for the ng-
grlevel nnton "alanUy to stanl up tor
, Is de\'lsed
Is II/hts Untl mothol \
b ' whIch there bo
) shal a dtgreo at In-
terna tonnl control over orenllng na-
tons , It would ho a wlcltel thIng tor
the most cl\llzel powers , tor these wih
sense of
10St Intornatonnl ollgatons
nnd Iwenest most
wih Ind generous np-
preelaton of the dIference letween rlHht
anl wrong , to dIsarm. I the great clv-
11701 natons of the present da ) ' should
completely dlsnrm , the result woull meon
nn Immcllato recrudc1cenco of barbnl'-
Ism In one form or anolher ,
Arbitraton Treates.
, Yo are In e\'ery wa ) ' enCea\'orlng to
help on , wih cordial geol wi , e\er ) '
mo\'ement which wl tenl to brIng us
Into moro trlend ! relatons wih the rest
of manlllnd , In pursuance of this polcy
r shal shorty 10) ' before the Senate
troates of orbltmton wih al powers
which are wllng to enrer Into these
treiltes wih us. Furthermore , ot the
request of the Interpnrlamentar ) ' Union ,
on omlnent bed ) ' compos cd of prctcol
statesmen from al countries , I have
asltel the Powcrs to join wih thIs go\
ernmonl In a seconl Ingo conference ,
at whIch I Is hoped that the worl ( al-
reed ' so at 'rhe
) happiy legun Hague
ma ' bo cfrrled some steps further to-
ware completon. This carrIes out the
deslro expressed by the
frst lnguo conference -
ferenco .
Poley on Western HemIsphere.
I Is not true that the UnIted StntCs
fooll ony land hunger or entortolns nn ) '
project os rogarls the other natons at
the western hemisphere Auch
sa\o ale
for tholr wolfore , Al that this coun-
tr ) ' deslrel Is to see the neighboring
countrlel srallo , orderly , anll prosperous ,
An ) ' countr ) ' whoso people conduct them-
seh'el wel can count upon our hearty
friendship , I n naton shows that I
knows how to act with reasonable -
clency and decnc ) In social end poltcal
, If keeps orer nnd
molers I ! pays Is
ollgtonR , It neld fear no Interference
from the Unied State9 , Chronic wrongdoing -
doing , or on Impotence which resula In
n genorl loosening at the tcs at clv4-
Ized soclet ) ' , mo ) ' In' America. al elsewhere -
where , ullmatoly requlro Inten'enton by
'omo cl\lzd nnton. nnl In the western
hemlsphero the ndhorents ot the Unltel
Stats to the Monroe doctrine ma ) ' force
the Unlred Stntes , howo\'er reluctonty ,
In faglnnt cases ot such wrnglolng or
Impotence , to the oxerclso ot an Inter-
natonDI polce power ,
Our Interests und thos ot our southern -
ern nelchlols nro In realy Identcol ,
'he ' ha\o grent naturl riches , and I
wihin their borders the I'elgn ot law and
Justco obtnln ! prospcrlty Is sure to como
to them , \Vhlo the ) ' thus obey the prl-
mnry laws of cl\llzed socety they may
rest assurel that the ) ' wi le treated by
us In a sllrlt of corllal nnd helptul s'm-
plth ) " . " ' 0 would Intertero wih them
onlv In the last resort , end then only
If it became evident thul tholr Inabl.y
or unwiIngness to do justco nt homo
and ahroal hol vlolatel the rlghtl at
the UnIted States or had Invlel foreign
11gesslon to tl detrIment at the en-
Ure body of American notlon1.
In assertng the Monro doctrine , In
taltng luch steps os0 ha\e taken In
rnrl to Cula , Yonezuela , nnd Pnnama ,
amI In ondea\orlng to clrcumscrlbo the
theotor of war In the tar East , to
secure the open 100r In China , .nd
actel In our own Intcrest as wel ns In
the Interpst at hunnnlt ) ' at large. There
110 , howo\er , cases In which , whie our
own Interests are not creaUy In\ol\ed ,
't"onl appeal Is mndo to our s'mpathles.
There are occlslonnl crimes eommltel
on so vnst n Hcnlo nnd of such pec\lar
horrr as to malt us doubt whether It Is
not our mnnlfust duty to endla\or at
lenst to show our Ilsnppro\nl of the deed
'll our H'mpnthy wih these who haye
It. The must bo -
" cnsCs ex-
"urered 1)
trlmo In which luch n course Is just-
foble. nut In Ixtrcmo case ncton moy
be justfnhle end proller.Vhat term
the ncton shul talto must lepe"1 upon
the clrcumstuncs of the cse ; that' Is ,
upon the degree of the otloel ) ' and upon
our power to Iempely It , ' 'ho cnses In
which wo coull Interfere b ) ' toco of
nnns ns wo Intertercd to put stop to
Intolerblo tnrdltons In Cuba nro noces-
Irl ) ' VO : ) flJW , Yet It Is not to bo ex-
Iloctel thut 0 ploplo Iko ours , which In
1plto of certain Vt'ry ob\lous shortcom-
Ins , 11\'ertholss fS a whole shows oy
Its conslstelt prnctce Il belet In the
nllnclpleu ot civi und rel/Ious Ibcl'ty
'md of orderly freoom. a people among
, vhom even the worst cllmo , Ito the
.rlmo ot Inchlng , II ntver moro than
illmdlc , so that Inll\lduals ald not
'lasses 1'0 moll'ltell In their tundamentol
- Is Ino\lublo thnt such a na-
I/htl-It \
lion should desllo engorly to give ox-
l'I9slln to IR horror on an occasion Iko
thnt ot the mnssncro ot the Jews In
Klshonlt , or when It winesses such ) .
'omatc n 11 lonl-extoneled Cluul ' fnd
'IPPI'sslon aR th cruelty and oppression
of which the Armenluns have heen the
\'Ictms , Inllhlch hu\o won tor them
the ' of the clvl7ec world ,
Indl/IJalt lIlt'
Rlohts or American CItzens Abroad.
E\'on where It Is ot posslblo to ( e-
'mre In other natons , the oLser\nnco 01
the Ilrlnclllles which we accept us ax-
, II neces9al' ' for us ' te
Iomatc I 1nnl'
In'lst upon the rights ot om' own clt.
'ons wihout reC111 to their tleed or
aCl' ; wi hou : I eglll to whether the ) '
wel'hQrn here The or loln Navy. alrll1
The strong 11'1 ot the govrnment In
"nforclng rcapI'ct for Is just rights hl
InternotU'ul mutorK II the nan' ot the
l'nltlel motei I mnst ' ) ' reeom ,
"lond thlt there bo no hal In the wot'lt
) f upbuldln the Amorlcan nn\ ' ) ' . Thel
' 9 no moro Iltrlotc Ihlt ) ' b.'foro us as I
, eoplo thnn to Iolp the navy neleluatE
lO thf needl o t ( ls countn"s positon ,
' \0 h\'E unellrtalen to I.ulll the IsU"
' cnnul. " ' hnvo to
1lnn 0 undrtnlIn so'
UI'O tor ourRelvrl IUI' just share In thl
'ld ( of the Orll'nlVo hn\'o under.
tlllen to protect our ctzens trom Im-
proper trfntmfnt In f"rc/ 1an s. W. ,
contnuo sttally to Insl t nn the oppl-
cnton of the :10100 Cctrlno to th.
Wcstel'l ' .
' heml"llhel'o. tnle3 our "
In thOe end al shnlar lotol Is to be
n moro bbastful 8hlm wo cn not orord
to aUan < lou our nl\'al ' . Our
voice Is now \atent tnIleacc , and Is so
potent becaulO wo are not nfrll , of war. .
nut our ' upon of ,
Il'utelntons behnl
peaeo woull ultwr I'ecol\o nOl' dcsere
the ht'st attlnton It we were Impotent -
potent to malc , them gOOl.
The Army.
WihIn U10 Inst thl'co ) 'Cnr3 the Unl
Stntos hns set an exnmplo In dLqorma-
ment whcro Ilsm'mament wns proper.
By law our nrmy Is fxll at a maxImum
or ono lundrod thousnnd nnl n minimum
oC Ilxty thou1anl mcn.Vhen there was j
Insurecton In the Phippines wo Ilept ,
the army It the maximum. Peace emo
In the Philppines , end now our ormy
has been reduced to the mInimum at
whIch II Is posllblo to Iteep It wih dne
relal'l to II olclency. 'rho guns now
mounted requh'o "
twent"ollht thousonl
men , If the coast fortlcntonl nro to bo
ndoquntel ) ' mannel. Ielth'oly to the
nnton , It Is not now so lorgo ns the po-
Ice force ot Now Yorl ( or Chlcngo rel .
t\'oly 10 the populaton ot eiher . .
\Vo need
moro olcers : there are not
onotJh to pertorm the regular army
work , I Is VCI' Important thnt the of-
cers ot the U'm ) ' shoull bo aecustomel
to handle theh' men In masseR , ns It Is
also Importnnt thnt the nntonal guard
of the sO\'ornl states shoult bo ace s-
tomed to octual fell manouyorlng , espo-
clal ' In connecton wih the regulaIl.
For thll reason wo are to ho congrtu-
lated upon the suceeRS of the feld ma.
enU\'ors at 1onassas Inat fal manluvers
In which
1 larlor number of regulars
and natonaltlll tool , part thnn was
e\'er bofolo nssemlied together In tmo
ot pence. No other cl\l ed nnton ! has ,
relnt\'ely to Is populaton , such a dl-
mlnut\'e U'my ns ours ; mil whlo the
nrm ) ' Is so smnle m'o not to bo ex-
cUled If wo fal to Iteep It at a VO' ' high
of ' .
grdo Irofclonc )
Grent progress has been malle In pro-
tectng our coosts ly odequato fOltll-
cntons wih sulelent KunsVo Rhould ,
howo\'er , ' much
pn more heed than at
present to tho'II\-elonment of nn exten-
sh'e sstcm of fonlng mlns fm' use In
n1 our moro 1IIIortant harbors , ' 1heso ,
mines ha\'e ho ' I (
leon provclto I 105t'for-
ml oblo ' \
u . I (
safcgum'l alnsl hO.lle leets.
The Philppines , J
In the Phlppino Islands there hM t
been durlnS the pnst ) 'eor I contnunton i
of the stendy progress which has ob- "
talnll 0\(1 since our troops Icfnlely .
Iot the upper hnnl of the Insurgents.
' 1he Phllppino peoplc , or , to spral ( more
accurntel ) ' , the many trlbcs , nnd even
rces , sundel'C1 from ono another moro
or less sharpl' , who go to malto up the
people of the Phllllpln ( Islands , contaIn
man ) ' olmlntH ot good , nnd some elements -
ments which wo have n rlJht to hope
stond Cor progress. At present they ere
uterl ) ' Incopablo of existng In Independence -
pendonco at ni or of luldlng up 0 civ-
izaton of their own. I
frmly bele\e
thot wo can hell ) thom to rlso hl her and
higher In tlo seolo of cvll7aton nnd
of capaciy tor sol.government , end ]
mo t earnesty hope that In the enl they ,
w1 bo Ihlo to stand , It not entrely nlone ,
) 'ot In some Ruch reloton to the Unied
Stotes os Cuba now . '
stnd' 'Ihls enl 1
Is not ) 'et In sight , nnd It may be In'I .
defniely postponed I our people are
foolsh enough to tum the atenton ot
the Flplnos nwoy from the problems ot 'i
achlo\'lng moral nnd ! aterla prosperIty , ,
of worldn : tor n stallo , ordorly. nnd just
government , end toward foolsh and dangerous -
gorous Intrigues for n complete Independence -
enco tor which they are as yet totaly I
unf. I
On the other hal1 our people must '
keep steodly bforo their minds the foct
that the justfcoton tOl' our stoy In the
Phippines must ultmately rest chlefy
upon the good wo ere able to do In lhe
Islands. I do not o\'orlool the tact tht
tn the development of our Interest In
the Pnclfe occan end along Is coosts ,
the PhiippInes havo.played nnl wi play .
an Importont part , and that our Interest's
ha\o bcen Horved In moro than ono wny
by the possession ot the Islands , Dut
our chlof reoson for contnuing to hold
thom must le thnt wo ough In good
folth to t'y to de our share of the
worll's worll , end thi partculor pleco
of worlt hns leon IIp0ged upon us by
the resuls of the war wnh SpaIn , Th&
problem presented to us In the Phlp-
plno Islands Is okln to , but not exocty
lke , the problems presented to the other
great cl\l7ed powerR whIch 1.1\0 POS-
sosslons In the OrIent. 1ore distncty
lmn nny of the power wo ere ondeav- .
orlng to de\'elop the natves themselves f
so that they shal tnke on over-Inereas.
Ing shore In tholr own govern mont , 'ond
ns tar as Is prulent wo ere nready od- I
their representatves to a governmental - I
ernmental equaly wih our own , There
nro commissIoners , julges , nnd gO\'OI'nors
In the Islonds who uro Fipinos and who
hnv' oxocty the some share In the gov-
ern'ont at the Islonds os have t