Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, December 08, 1904, Image 2

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'I News in Brief J
Sccrctnr ) ' of Wnr Tnft 110)8 spcclnl
nUontlon to dlo I'hlll""III1I III his nn ,
nual ro"ort to the "reshlollt.
No fewer thnn lGG "co"lo will re.
col\'o mcdnls nnd ( 'ortlllrntl's for IImv-
ery sho'11 : : In the SloculII dhmster ,
Governor.oh'd ' AI\'n Adnllls or Col ,
ol'ndo cxprellHOR cOlllhlollco thnt Pea.
body will wllllllrnw frolll the fight.
Themes O'Brlon , a deserter frolll
' In Al'lzono ,
the United States nl'lny
was arrested nt a hos"ltnl In Peoria ,
Ill ,
It Is rumored , on apI1 1'llltl ) ' good
Rl1thorlty , thnttho Great Wl'Htcrn will
IIhortly bo absorbed by the Union Pa ,
clfic , ,
The yoto cnst In Vlr lnlll for 11resl.
dent waR cUlwnRscd. Pnrkor rocolvel1
BOGG4 ; Hooso\'olt , 41,181 ; Swallow ,
1,38 ( ; , . I .
The posslhlo prcshlontlul cundldncy.
or Secretary Shnw In lWS ! la recolv-
Ing vary sCl'lous conshloratlon Iin
Washington ,
OfficIal returns for Iowa Rhow thnt
the blennlnl olectlolls amel1l1ment cnr.
rled by 2:1,323 : , nnl1 the 'l'omll10 amend.
ment by GJOG. :
'rho Argentine go\'emmont delllnnd"
Eatlsfactlon or Parnguay for /lCtiOIl
o { the Parngl1nyunH lu flrlllg Ullon AI"
centlno gunbout , .
In a clnsh hetween It/llla1 { fnctlons
at Cnt'hondnlo , I'a. , two mea were
111110d , ono mortnlly wOUllllud nnd . nn.
other sel'lously Injuroll ,
E , VlIlal , a half.breed 1I1I1Iun , chnrg ,
ed with the assnsslnntlon of Colonel
Francisco Chavos , sUllerllltendent or
I111bllc Instl'llctlon or Now 1\Iexlco , was
nrrested ,
Hesult oi the cnnvass or Oeol'gla'R
\ , 'oto for proRldent Is at ! follows : Pnr
Iter , 83,472 ; Hoosevolt , 2.1,00 : : ; Wnt.
son , 22G3 ; Swnllow , G8G ; Dohs , 1J7 ! ;
total , 130JJ2 ! ! ,
'l'ho vol'llgo vote for olectorfl on
the rel1l1hllcnn tlcltet In New , Jersey
was 2.IGlJ8 : , end the dOlllocratic av ,
erngo was lG.IGjO [ , mnltln the a\'OI' .
ngo republlcnn majority 80jG8 [ ,
A score of boys und roun llIon
were hurt hy the giving wnr o { n
gnllery rnl1ln In the Stnto i clIslhles'
nt'mory Ilt PhlIndehlhln. d\ll'hl \ the
l1rogrcss or a lmslwt batl gnn1C ,
A IIcenso Wlrs IRsued nt " 'lIshln ton
for the mnrrlugo of 1\IIss Nllnnlo 1.01 ,
tel' , dnughter or the Into Lc\1 . Lei.
tel' , nnd sister or Lndy Cm'zon , to 1\Ia.
jor Colin C1\m1 > hell of the l nlIsh !
nrmy ,
The officllll cnnvnss o { the yote
cast nt the recent 11l'csiliontlni clcetlol1
in Oregon shows : Hooso\'o1l , GO'I ( ; ( ; ;
Parlcor , 17 , 21 ; Swnllow , a,80G ; Dohs ,
7G1J ! ; Watson , 7 : J. Hoosovoll'H l1lu ,
rallt ) ' , 42J34 ! ,
Pe plo 1\rl'lvlng from the fnr ensl
tetl a remnrlmblo story or the llIyste
rlous dlsnl10nl'nnce from tllo tl'\lnl \ , litH
'or 3 o carlonds or stOl'es nml warn'
clothing belonging to 11rlvato conHlgn
ces and officers ,
'rho holrs and cxccntors of the lat
Robert Sonmon Ill'O contostlng tll (
right of 1\1\'s , Hohort Senmon , former
1y Imown ns Nellie Hly , to Iwoll till
fortune o { $1,000,000 01' moro thlln wa !
once h01' husbnnd's ,
Jblm Cullah ) ' , through his 1'0111'0
lIentatlvo , F , I" Deming , or Demln [ (
Gould , .Chlcago , denied thnt ho WI\ !
bncltlng a COlllIIUUY which aeols to se
cure a monoJ1ol ) ' of the salmon outllu
.m the Pacll1c coast. .
Hov , WlIllnm Pllxton of Prlncetot
university and scmlnal'y dlcd nt hi :
llOme nftor a tw weols' Illness , m
'Was In 1IIs 81st ) 'ear nt1l1 his denU
' the rcsult or ' ' strol"
'WIlS n pat'/1l'lIc / "
caused by over excitement ,
Joseph p , While , for ton rcnl'S 01
derly In the stnto trensurel"s oll1cc. I
under nt'rest at Alhnny , N , Y. , chnr
d with 6hootlngh's : , Josch HUSHUI'
n handsome widow , : J ( ; ) 'enrs old , , len :
( JUSY was the anI ) ' nl111nrent mol J\ ' (
Mrs , Russell died ns a rcsult of th
fthootlng , White Is Gri ) ' 0111' & old nnd
wldowCl' ,
Albert II , Drown , .10se11h Hldc !
Charles nnd ' 1'homns E\'nns W(1)'e COI
' "Icted b ) ' a jur ) ' In tho' federal COIll
&at Knnsns Clt ) ' on seven counts of n
'indictment cllnl'glng them wHh lIaln
the malls for canYln out a fl'nl\l1\
, tent sehome for trnl1lng stocls I
oods , 'rhey dell\'ered goods ( Hero
. .cnt from lhose the customers hn
purchased ,
No date hns yet heen flxed for th
meeting or the North sen. comml8sl01
but tII0 pl'ollrnltlnl'les nre boln n
ranged , 'l'he Drltlsh nnl1 Husslnn 1111
bnssadors visited J ol'elgn l\lInllt.
Goluchowsly at Vlcllan to arl'llngo tI :
chotce or an Austrlnn nllmlral ! ! houl
that bo found necessllrr , Al1ml1' ;
Monte Cuccoll Is Iolnl ; to Bullalle :
to confer with BmJlel'or l 'rnncls J
150ph on the subject ,
. .
Dy unnnhnous vote the Knoxvlll
Tenn. , chamber of commerce Invlt.
Tresldent Uoose\'olt to'Islt thnt cl
on his southern trip.
At the Cblcng-o 11\0 stocle she
Clnude l\rnmbnch : o { 1\lalne , In" W (
the grand dmmilionshh ) for a. carlot
.or fifteen gralnfed steol's.
Iv , Dr , J , D. Hnnlln , former
11Iresldent or Hownrd unh'erslty , Was ;
Ington , D , C" died nt Clovelnnd , 0 ,
' 1'he official vote In CallComla i
1n osevolt , 205,22G : Pnrker , 89,29
, Debs , 2J,635j ! Swallow , 7,380 , Hoe !
.velt's pluraJlt , 116J32 , ! ,
, '
- -
Final Day Designated n5 Francis Day
In Honor of the Presldcnt--Wlth I
"Farewell" the LIOhl5 Go Out and
the Show Is Over.
- - - - -
} ) 'I' . l-'lUIS-A lI\1of Il\1t \ hnlll'ellilivo. .
eel'C1I101l ) ' hl'llI lit the hllRO of I ho
J.OUh'UIIIl ; ( I'IIl'ehIUH' monumellt con-
l'I 1111 I'll tlll ! Worlll'R filiI' lit mlllnhht.
I j'I'I' III(1\lt n , H , 1"I'lIncla , ' al''OIlllIInlell )
h , ' II IltllnlJel' of I ho oll1dllls of the
. 'XlwHltlon. ( 'ongl'l'ZftllHl ! In the IIII
Irolllptu , roatrum.
With word a , "r'nl'owell , II long fllrl- !
' ' " I'l't'sldcllt
well to YOUI' gl'olltncsa ,
} "rnllcl tOlldlCd II HIIII\II level' unll In-
, : tlll1lly t.hl ) IIIlImlllntlon thl'oughout
IIw gl'ollnlla WIIH lit UII 01111.
'rhe tlllIlllJnelous allil 1II1I11I1111'l'lIt ( 'X- ,
T.oaltloll . whotlo telldl'lIs of IlItll'eHt
IIl1ve f'xtftlliell ! Into ever ) ' tllll.tloll of
the clvlllz11 ! world IItHl tn'l'n Illto
lllJOl'lgllIlI1 I'CCCSHIJH , hrlllging wlthlll
HIO glitcH of HI. 1.lulH 11I11I10116 of vlH-
1tora ( rolll throllghollt the entlro
\\01'111 , hllll : rlln Its cOUl'ao IIl1d 1I0W
IIIISSCR 11110 hlstol'Y IIH IIl'ollahlY huv-
IIIg COII" l'IHCd I he mOHt l'ellrmiClI ta tI ve
collcctlon or l'eSOUl'Cl'S or the wOI.1t1
( JVOI' nsscmblell ,
} ' ) 'Olll I ho Incol111on or a III'ojCct. to
holll IIn l'xposilion to IIltIllgly com ,
IIIl'lIIomto the 100th IIlInlvel'HIII'Y or
tllo IlItl'chllllo : of the I.Ollhdllllll tOl'l'I-
tOI' ' , until Ihe pOl'llIls WOI'C thrown
open IIl1el the worlll Wilt ! Invited to
Plltl'l' allll ! 'njor Ih. . . comJlletol1 exhlhl-
tloll of the wOl'III'6 IIr. . . , occllpled II
III'I'IHI of 81'\011 ) 'IIII'H. ! 't'ho Ilurnlloll
IIf the I'xjHlsltloli hllH IJlJen sevoll
II\OllthH \ 111111 el\1rlll thllt tl1I1e nothing
hila { ) ( 'I'III'I'CII to throw a dll1l11ICnlllg
clCcd Into the IlItol'cst. ( ) \ . to I1ctrnet
fl'01l1 the expo31t1ol1 III nuy wur , ' ] 'he
hcst onlCl' hllH heen 1I1nllltllined
tllrou hollt ; Llll'l'e have heen a few
IIrcs , hilt 1111 were IIf 6111nll 1I10lllent
with the UXl'l'111 Ion of the dostl'\wllon \
or the hOllfle of 1100 1100 111111 tlw
JIll I'll al lIestl'uctioli of the 1\1 IlIsolIl'l :
1IIIIIIIltll ; l'ccClltly , 'l'ho rOl'lnor WII"
Jmlllollintoly l'l'hlillt , No 10SH or life
hils orellrl'NI dUl'lng the oXl10HIUon
from IIcehlemt , Sl , l.oulH hnfl 11I'ofOl'-
I ell ItH 11I0tlt grnclous hOfll1ltnllLy to
the worlll 111111 It hUH heen ucceJltcll.
' ' ' ' In to
'l'hrongH of vlsHot'H hnvo lIom'etl
ntluIIII the eXl1.1sltloli with the oXllce-
latlon of 1IClllg ] lloliaoll unll HlltiRllcll.
' 1'h ( ' ) ' hn0 IIcH\l'h ) 11 nl1lllzcll nllll gl'atl-
lied. ' ] , he oplllion haa heell eXllI'essell
It nil thlles. on nil Hides , nlld without
l'csIJI'\'e ' , that the Loulsillult PUl'chnac
CXIHlHIUolI hnll IIl'ell a SUCCCHa , Con'
' ' I'ecelvoll
gmtulntOl'y IIIPSHlIgCS WOl'O
In Inl'go lIul1lhcl's fl'ol11 nil ] lal'ts of
the counh' ) ' 111111 fl'OI1l uhl'oad , convoyIng -
Ing follcltlltiollR III10n the Hueccss 01
the eXlloRltion.
The'0lmhly 1I10st III'01l11110ntl ) '
l\IIown In cOllnectlon wit h the WOI'lcl'f
fall' la the 11I'ealtlent , Dllvll1 H. l 'l'IInclf
, IInl1 It WOH IIt.t1ng Ihal the fi 1111 I 1111)
, .
Hhould bo IIcalllIatell IIH 1"1'11 lIt'lf
'JII ) ' , " In hla honor ,
- - - - - -
NEARL.Y 20,000,000 ATT ND.
St , Louis Exposition Visited by Multi
tudes During Its Career ,
S'I' , I.omsWhllo It will hc ImJlos
Hlblc to uhll\ln the nctual I'ecelpti
. 111\11 oXl1enltILllrwi of the LoulHlnlll' '
PurchaHlI gXJloHILIun compnn ) ' bofon
the mhhllu or DeeembOl' Socretllr
WHlloI' B , Stoyens of the WOI'hl'H fall
mnllo the J'ollowln , ; stl\temont to lit (
ARRocll\tell PreHR 'I'hm'Hlny night :
" 1 I'om ruportll that hn\'o been SlIb
. mltted or the HdmlsslonH to thE
HI'Ollllllfl Ul1 10 I ) o'clucl , tonlht , , WI
alllllllto thl\t the nttendnnce on 'Frnn
da (111) " will ho a few tlII1IIHnnda h
excess oJ' 200,000. Hnll that the nttond
I\nco for the I'xJloKILIon Jlurlml wll
1 be In the nclt-hbul'hooll ; of 18.800,000.
"In I'ollnel nllmhm'H , the OXIHlHlLlot
COlli1111 Y hils eXIIOII1el1 ! $22,000,001
' . slnco the InrlJlltloll of the Worlll'H fl\l
! I III'OjpCt , 111111 thc eXIHJllltlLm'oH of thl
! ; o\'uml RtlltOH mill ICl'I'llurles hl\\1
l'ellchcll a tolnl of $ ! 1.000OOO , 'rho 1'C
cehltH Hlnro the olwnhlg ( In ) ' , AI1rl
:10 : , hllvo nlllolllltcci 10 I\hout $10,000. .
000 , cpllsltlt III ! ; or I\llmlHalollH 111COl :
ccsHlon ro'nilins.
In Illlllllion to theKe recollltH wer
the f\llllls , I1mounlln to I\hollt $12
000,000. I'IIlscll h ) ' suhst'I'IJlUon nil
1\111lrolll'lntioll. to hllllli the uXllOHIt 101
"While It I" I1nlloaHlhlo to stllte ( J )
nctl ) ' tho' IIlInncll\l ( 'otlllltion of th
oXJloslton ! ( 'OIll11lut ' on th 'H ' , the clo ;
Ing Iln ) ' , It con ho 1It thm'lt all \'u ! ) , 1\1
nOllneel1 thnt all IlphlH nnlrlHt , th
conllHln ' huvo hlWII lIald with thu 0 :
celltlon or fl'w ' '
a ClIl'I'onts I\CCOUllt
sitch nH SI\IIII'Il'H , ole" nnd thnse wi ]
It la Ihollht ! , coualllllO tHmrl ) ' all tI :
HIII'IIIIIH. HO thl\1. there will enl ) ' ho
\'ct' ) ' SIIII\II umollnt left fOl' the stoc'
holllel'H ,
" 1"1'0111 till' I\mount of 1'O'nlt lea Of
Il'ctull h ' the '
) lXllosltlon coml1lUl )
Is ustlml\tl'll that Iho con'esHlollnlr'l
011 the PIIe Illul otllel' Ilnrts of II
Hl'om\llR hll\'o tal\l'n In nt loaat $11
! lOOOOO , "
0 , PurS ed specl ; T'raln ,
) d ST. I' A PI.--Tho Chlcngo & NOI.t
! y western IH plannlllg" 1\ " 11\11"0 sel
speclnl train , " which will tra\'erse tl
IW cumlll\n "H IIno In South ] ) nlwtn , 1\11
> n 1I0sotn anll othCl' Htntos this wlntl
1d The coml1811) ' will l'un a sllocll\l tra
corr'lng ProfH , Wilson ntHl Whcol
Iy of the SOllth Dalwtn Agl'leult\ll
It. pchool , A. O. , Toh1lfH1Il nnd1 : , } < , 01' ( .
10) ' 0\01' ItR'nrIOlIH lines , with HtO
s : nt ever ) ' vlllugo and WH ) ' stntlon , ' 1'
4 ; groin oXJlertH will rotllluct hl'lof II
16tures nnll diasclllluulo InfOl'lltntlon
fl\l'Inel' wllo cnll nt the trnln.
- - -
Durlln ton and Union Pacific F'1Ir. Pt. .
tltIon In the Federnl Court ,
O\IAIIA- : ] ( ' L'lIlol1 I'aclfl ( ' Hili : ,
\\'a ) ' I' ( ) II 1 IHlII ) ' , IIII'ollgh Its allorno ) ' "
, Iohll1 : , 1I11111wlll , aud thu Chlcngo ,
IIl1rlhlgtllll & ( lIhlY 111111 B , & 1\1.
, HallwlI ) ' ( : ollllIInll' ! ' ' . Ihl'ol1/h / : thcll' lit.
t01'1I0Y , , I. I . J'l'h ! ' , 1I11(1t'II1'mi ( lIofOl'I'
.llIelgo W , If. ; \1111111'1' III I.ho Ullltlll'
Stales ch'1111 ( 'flllI'l Wellllcscln ' P\'CII'
hI111111 / fI/'el1rl'll 11 tPIllIIl1I'lIr ' relitl'lllll'
Ing ( ) \IOI' \ ( IIJIIIIIHI tlH' cOllnty tl'COHU'
1'C'rH of Ihl' tlltt'I'I't'lIt ( 'ollllllos or Iho
tltllto of rpJJI'n4I 1 thl'ol1gh which thch'
rClI ) ( cl Ivp I'OIII1M rllll , from IIttOlllptlnt ;
In any WII ) ' 01' manllOl' to ( : ollccl the
lrlXl'S lovlt'll II/ahlllt / the COll1llll1lnllnt
mil II II 0. . ' Ir"lII ( , lIffll'ollll ; 1111) " of the
tOl'lns of IIny tliX wnl''lIl1t whlt'h mll '
1I0W or hcrcurtm' lIu IIllIced III thoh'
.11111'0 ' : "JI1I1 CI' I'nntcd thc tCIllPO'
l'II1'Y 01"1101' 111111 the Iwul'llll ; Iii lI't fOl'
j\Jolllln ) ' 01' 'l'IIIHdnr , Dccpmh\ 01'
: ! 7 , 1IJO,1.
' ] , ho pelltlon 11e'OIllIHlIIyhl the nll'
IllIclllton JIIlulo lIy t hI ! lInlon Pllclllc Is
of sevclltyfolll' 11I'lnll1 ! IlngeH ,
' ] ,11l ! hUllte In lIool\lng the "ofltl'n.ln.
In Ol'dOl' Is owln to the fnct thut
lIuelel' Lho new rovcnl1o IlIw of Ne'
hra lm the tIlXO ! , ; of I'Illlwn ) ' oorpol'l\ '
L10nH hccome duo und .Iollnfluent . on
Dcccmhel' I. ' IIml Iho tux colloctln
.olllelnlR of the l'ellllectl\'O cOllnllos are
authol'lzud tlllIlel' the IlIw to lov ) ' IIJ10n
nn ) ' fumlt ; thllt IIIU ) ' ho In the handa
or IIny IIgont of the rOHJluctlvo com.
punloH to 1I11111 ' 1111011 the Ilellnl1uont
tnxes , or thn t IIII1Y tlwl'Pllftel' como
Into thoh' hlllldH 110 long IIH the taxes
renll ln IInHlltlHfI'el. 1It'IICO , IIR thOHO
cor"oratloll tllxeH hl''OIlII' cllll ! on alld
IInOl' 'VClIIIOHtlIIY. t hp railroads hnel to
h'n-ry anel got the rCHt I'Hlnlll ( JJ'llel'
grantel ! .
- - - - - - - - -
Positions Offered to the Missourian by
President Roosevelt ,
' ' ' Cocl'e"
W ASIlING'I'ON-H/'l1utOl' , ,
\IIHHol1rl : , who 111'1'1\11 III WnHhlng.
tOil 'l'l1esllay IIlght fl'Om hlH hOIllO , cnll.
eel WCllnostlll ) ' Oil I'r'shlent HooHevoll
1II111 IlIlll nn extOluled eOllfl'l'oncc with
him. It wlla the III'Rt tlllle the III'eHI.
' Coclo'ell 1\1\11 met.
dent anll Senate ! \ \
sillce the erectIon. \ WIIl'n It hocllme
o\'hlcllt thnt Iho 1'01111 ( ) ( the t'loctioll
InJlssollrl : WOI1hrOHI11l \ III the re ,
tlroftllnt ! from thc Hlmlltl' "Jf11' : , Cocl-
rell the III'eHhlent lut It hu ulllicrstood
thllt ho wOIII.I . 011'01' to hllll a fellel'Hl
allpolntmcnt comllll'naUl"llle with his
nhillty , Iwowlecgo ! of IlIIhllc nrfair : ' ! ,
wldo eXJI\'limco 111111 high chllI'Hctor ,
At the cOllfercncc 'Vcelnestlnr the
Ilresidont Inforlllell Senl1tOl' Coclroll
that ho would allllolnt him nfl n mem ,
her or elthOl' the Isthmian cunnl COlli'
IIIIHsion 01' of the Intl'rHtato commerce
cop1ll1lsRIon as thc HonntOl' might eloct.
Selin tor Coclroll dill not IrHllcate to
the 11I'oshlent whut hc might 110 1'0'
gnrdlnl-t the llroffOl' ulIII lIulil to his
fl'lenda oftCI' the conrol'onco' that he
woultl 110t U11l10\1IICe \ his doclHlon , 1101"
hups fol' soveml weela , as It was
not ncceasul'r tilllt he sholl1 ! ! do so
hnmelHntolr ,
Says Jap Loss Was Great ,
S' ] ' , pg'1' RSBlTllG-'I'ho WI\I' office
hUH I'ecolved Infol'lnathlll fl'Om Chc
Fee thut the .Japunese UHSUlllt on Port
Al'lhllr wns I'CllI lscd wllh onormollH
losses , -
- - - -
New York Man Jumps to Vestibule
from Third Floor of Hotel.
L.ONDONI'erton Chupman , ago.1
2:1 : , whoso homo Is In New York Clt ) '
committed sllichio ut the Carlt'on hote' '
br throwlnl-t hlmRelf from the thin' '
fiom' InrllHng to the vORlIhlllo , whet' (
he wns Hhocldnglr mungled on thl
mnrhlo 11001' , IIIR sl\\lll was cl'ushed
ono arm was ahaHol'ud nnd thel'e W01' (
other Injllrlca , fl'om which ho 11101Ir
tOl'l'lhle ugon ' within u.fuw . mlnlltes
Chnpman IIITlvoel ut the Cnl'lton Ius
Sutll\'llnr \ nCcoll1lllnlcd hr hlR'ulol
After dl'esslng for 1IIr\l101' Ionllu :
o\'enlng ho left hlH I'oom unll 1111111
I' nrl'l\'lng at the houel of the stuh'cnH' '
IIllIldclIl ) ' el1l1lell the Wilt ( 'h fill attend
[ ) - ' clcul'cd he 11/111
nnt , al1mngfonvlu'd , I /
iHlor nnll foil thl'oe lIIghts to th
gmUlul. The \'estlhlllo W/IS flllell wlti
well c1\'casell men nnlt women wh
I' ' ' ' to the dining hnl
\\(11'0 IlI'oceedlng
' , ' when the tmgl
] hc hunll WIIS pln'lnl-t
Incltlent OCCI\I'I'11. \ It waH 1111 HO stilt"
IInr : ; thnt gl'ellt con fils Ion at once III"
\'nllel1 , hilt the 110ctol's sllCcltllr 111'1'11
ell unll Chol1man wns con\'e"cil to hi
1'01111I. lie slIcollmh11 ulmost Immed
I ) atl'lr.
Roosevelt Did Not Say It ,
WASHINGTON-It wnH allthorltl
tlvcl ) " IItatel1 nt the Whllo HOllse thl
H , the IlI'oaltlent hnH no recolloctlon of
II , \'IHtt frol1l , Iohn BonlLle , the l'cIII'CHen
Ie IILI\'c of the : \laHtm' I'lIlntol's' IItHl Dc
11. . OI'ntOl's' ussoclatlon , who , at the co
Ii' \'cntlon of the Cltlzona' Inll118tl'Inl 11
lIuncn In Now Yorl , Ilcolan'll that tI
II. IlI'olclltlont had tndOl'sell u III'OJ1osILlI
It to 11IIt on lallOl' IInlona th l'uallonslll
lM It ) ' for pnml"zlng hllslness hy lee
10 Ollts , It wnH annollnced the 11roslllo :
0 , . dhl not malw tllo romeu'li I1UI'IIIIItl
to him br11' : , Bonttle ,
- - - - - -
Grent Rush of Immiorants ,
h. NEW YOHK-So l' nt hua hel'n II
all l'ul1h of Immlgl'ants to this Ilolnt
110 the InRt few lIu's thnt the Inllnlgrn
in. slnllon Ilt Ellis Islaml wnH crowlil
Jr , ami so\'eral thollfl/lnl1 / ste mgo IIU
.In scngers wel'e obllgel1 to romnln e
el' bonrd the stenmors on which the ) ' I
'al rived fl'om l urnpe , ' 1'he Bultlo cal :
! C. with Il Htocl'ago lIat nllmhOl'lng 1,7
lIS IInd with the al'l'lvul of the 1.11 Sn\ , (
ho the nllmllm' of Itnmlgmnts Il wnlll :
JC. Iln oportunll ) ' to face the IrISlJect ( ]
to lit mils Isln1111 wus stili fllrther
"l'nl\l\C11. \
I - -
The Cost of Collection and the Estl.
mated Receipts From All SourccB-
Nced .o ( a Tax on Wood Alcohol
WIIHhlllrton-'I'he IInnual 1''llort of
( 'ommlsllonel' ! : John W. Ycrlccs oC the
Internol ro\'enUe IJ\lronu \ IIhows that
lor the IIRcnl yelll' l'llIlol1 , Tune 30 , 1J04 ! ,
lho l'ecollts ! of the burcall wore $232-
! IO 1,00 I , 1111 IncreaHc of $2 , 1G 1,07J ! oVel'
till ! ( 'ollectlolls fol' Ihe yen I' next )1\'e-
eCIling. 'rho ( 'ost of collection Wus
I.S ! ) Ilel' cOllt , Ilfl ngahlflt 2,07 fOl' the
) ' (1111' lIJO : : , nnd : ! ,83 lIeI' cf'nt , the lI\'el'-
IIgo cost of collection slnco the formn-
tlon or the hllrcnu ,
" ] , he eRtlmntcd I'ecelpta fl'om nil
bonrceH of Internal 1'0VJ11l1e fol' the lis-
cal ) 'Clll' enlling , llIn :10 : , 1J05 ! , nre
230,000,000 ,
In 11)03 ) the total IlI'odllction or distilled -
tilled 8J11rlts wus 148OG,87 : ! gnllons ;
III 1J04 ! , 13J,50,2J.1 ! : ; gallonR. In 1J03 ! ,
In round numbera , 1.1,000,000 gallons
of tux-pnll" splrlls w ro wlthdruwn ; In
1 IJ04 , 117,000,000. ' 1'hero has been It
decl'case In the a1110unt of tobncco
manufactured and nn Increasc In snuff
mllnufact\l1'o , 'fhere wnfl un Incl'euso
In the IlI"oe1\lcllon o ( hoor.
'I'ho 1'0\11' statoa having the InrgeHt
III'oc/uction / of dlsLIIlecapll'lts / during
lhl' 'eal' are : 1I1lnola , ,78j,8JJ \ [ ! ! gal ,
IOIKentllcly. ! ; . 23,070,1Ii2 gallons : In.
diana , 20S38SGS gallonR , IIIHI Ohio , 1:1- :
lIGa7 : gallons ,
' ] , lIe fO\l1' StUtOR which IIrol1ucod the
IlIrgeHl quautlty of fet'llHmtod IIfIUOl'
I1l'e : Nl'w YOI'le. 10GII1,8U8 hal'l'f ls :
Pennsylvanln , li\2J3G \ : : ! hal'l'olH ; 11I1 ,
nola. , Ir.\2-I4G . : \ hal'l'l'ls , anll Wisconsin.
.1,0Hil2 : : ! ! hu 1'I'0ls ,
On the suhjcl't of wool1 alcohol 1\11' ,
Yerlccs sa's : "The recellt lleath In
Nl'YOI'I , clt ) ' of sovol'al men , l'aused ,
as all"ged , hy Ill'lnldn In a aaloon
II CII 111' soll1 111'1 whlsly , which In fact
was a IIqlllCc0111jsell / ) lal'l'gly of WOOlI
alt-ohor IInd ( 'olroll tO ; aH to I'esemhll'
whisler , has hl'OlIlht pl'Omlncntly to
Ihe attontlon of the 11Ithllc thc SUII-
pOHl'11 USl' or woml alcohol as a he\'cl'-
III' ! ,
" ' ( 'here Is no tax 11110n wOUll alcohol
Hnl1 , thcrofore , no rcrorel of itH mnl1l1-
fuctlll'c 01' sale Is le\1l II ' this blll'eall ' ,
anl1 In no way 110es It comc within the
of the ' ' 1'ulaLlon
srOl1e IIIHlIol'tlon 111' ( ! ;
or this ollleo ,
' ' ' 1'ho methods of IlIIrlfylng al1l1 1'0-
lining wooII ulcohol no\\ ' employed RO
CUI' 1'01\l0VO Its toxIc flualltlcs that It
call he and Ilrohahl ) ' Is lIael1'Ith Homc
\m \ ; > . l1angel' than forll1cl'ly to mhlltol'-
atl' oUI1 alcohol in \lre\HII'ation \ \ of
\ ' \'lolls IdlHIs of 1'01\1110\11111011 alcoholic
hlwol'uges. ' 1'hl'ough those imll1'O\'cc/ /
III'ocesseR of relining It Is n COl\ll1CtltOl
with ethyl alcohol for use In the l\Iall ,
ufactmoa und al'ts , In the IIreparatlon
of 1100'fllll1ea ntHl l'osmetlcs and to
Jjome extent in the mal\lng or medl-
clnnl coml10\\lIlIH \ ,
"Unlosa by leglslutlve enactment the
URe of otll1 alcohol free or tnx In the
nrts ami mllnllfactmcs 8hollld he
i gl'llntel1 , then this oll1ce slIbmlts fOl'
consldel'lltlon the 11I'oI1l'let ) ' or the Im-
110RIlIoll , throllgh neccssury leglslutlon ,
or Itnx on wood alcohol to an n.mount
! mt11clent to I1lace the two n.l'L1cles-
wood and eth1 alcohol-on huala or
I'flllullty , "
, Another Russian Blunder ,
LONDON-The 1\1ol'lllng POllt'S COl' .
1'0HIIO\1lent ( at Shanghul tolegl'allha :
"It IH re"ortod thnt Il Hl\aslan \ tor"elh1
heat desll'uyOI' retltrnoll to Vlnl1l\'o.
, stol , from scolILlng ex"edltlon waH
! HlIll , h ) ' the guns of the Huaslun fOl'ts
In ClTIII' , "
Hope of Early Fall of Port Arthur Re ,
vlved by L.ate Reports , ,
l1 'fOKIO-Gol1lwlIl Nogl's tolegml1l
I _ annoltllclng the Htol'lulll allil enllt\II'c
I _ of 20:1.\lee1' : : ! hill WUII l'ecolvcl1 with
( ! cheel's hr the .lnI1llIWHO lIuOlllo , It 1'0 ,
II'h'oS the hOl1l' of Ull enl'I ) ' ealltm'e 01
o Port Al'thur 111'01101" ' ] , he 11eollle hnve
I. nevCl' desllltl1'ell of tho.succosa of the
c lIeslegel'sl hut the forjW io uf the du
tfcndCl's II till the II1'ol lon of UII
. ! : ! Io e , whlcll exceel1 ! ! W monthH UH
, . . mOHt II h 01'111 Ill'ellmhlalT estltualo 01
:8 : the tlmo l'l'qlllt'ell to acco1111111sh th
1'00Iuction oj' this strongholtl , ' hns hcOl
n SO\l1'co or Ilelll rcgrot , comhlnol'
with the loss of lIfo alld 11IsnplOlnt
' ' Iho facl that the
montH m' \ tllog (
11. lias occu"Il11 flitch a hugo flll'co 0
It l\Ion. dccreaHlng Fil'ltlltu'Hhal's : O'a
a ma's Ht I'ellgth I\t a LImo when he need
tcd o\'ory a\'l\lIahlo mUll.
c. 'rhm'Hllny wns the l1ato setltnllor thl
nconR l'lllLlon act when reCI'IIllR coltl (
il. jolll the al'llt ) ' , ( , hCI'ell II ' the now :
w rl'om Genol'lll Nogi. I hOlIHl\tIlls of re
III cmlts throll/holtt / tht' l'I\IJllro mal'chol
II. to IJ1I1'I'llels and 1101lllcd unlflll'mH fo
1tho flrst time. Following Ull honoree
nt ( 'uatom , IIIlI I'l'loLl\'l'a or thl' rocl'llltf
, 'II cnl'l''llIg IIn fI 111111 hllllllerH ,
the 1I0solillors hi tholl' hUl'l'IICliS ,
- - - -
Herr Most Leaves St , Louis ,
10 S'1' , LOUIS-Oil the 11l'omlse thl\t h
len\'l' the ' ' "lIcl'r" '
In would \ ( 'It ) Johan'
nt Most , the Now Yorl , IIllurehlHt , wh
lJd wnfl anes11 : ' ] 'IIl'SIIIIY IIlght'IIS l't
lR. 10uHcd , IIIH nnoHt l'oUowel1 the bl'cl\l
: I l III up of two moctlnts nt which h
1wus to hn\'e spolwn Oil IIl1urchy , N
110 churgo wlla mndo aguhll1t him IInd h
00 wns held 1'01' the ehluf. Whell Chl (
, Ie of polleo KllIlr hud : 'Ioat hl'Oug-ht hi
II ! ; fol'o him h ( ' \\'ua nsl\Oll If ho woul
Irs lenvo the ( ' ( I ) ' If l'olullaell. 011 al
In. a\\'orlll" " ; In thll aflll'lnutl\'o the 110lie
ga\'e 1\loat his lIbl'rl ' .
. .
Report That They Now Occupy 2 3.
McttJr HIli ,
LONnON--\'col'llInJ ; to n ' 1'01,10
dlHIHltch to the Stnlllllll'el Ihel'l ! Is nil
1I110lllclui 1'1111101' thllt the .11111/lnes1J /
huuled lurgo cullhel'lIna ! \ to the tOl1
or 20:1 : melI' hilI. frolll wllOnco their
IIl'c hl1f1 U sweull of thl ! whole hal'bor ,
' 1'I1IR report elouhllOHs goes hC'OI\(1
the fncts , but vnt'loufl IIlalll\tchcs In'
dlcate the Ilrogl'l'SH I ho , Jnllllnose are
IIll\lthlg In 1I1l' 1'I'IIIICt 1011 of Port AI'-
thill' , , InlIlImw , hNt' l'XIIllIl1I t.ho gl'cnt
Im"ortnllno of : W:1 : j\11tm' hll\ \ , whIch ,
heHleleM ulvlng co 111 III 1\1111 of the hnl"
hOl' , will Rel'VO liS 1 wille hrcl\ch made
lIy the well e the .Iullllnoso hlld pl'C'
vluuHI ) ' Ilrlvl'll III lIotwClJ11 the I tso
grollP 1111/1 the Ilusslnlls' Inst l'otrent
In the I'Uvllles or LuoUe 1Il0ulltllln.
' ] 'hey eleel\l'o thnt I'elrcat to LuoUo
" ,11he \ oCfecU\'ob' Cllt off nud that It
IH not unillcel ) ' thut LlloUo will bo sl.
multnnoously uUllclwd In the IInnl as.
nOllllett BIII'lelgh wh'cs to the Dnllr
Tclegrallh ( I'om Cho 1.00 that In the
InstuRsnult Iho .1n11l1ll0so lost .1,000 III
one hOlll"s flghtlng , 'l'her claim to
have cuutpl'ed t.wo mOl'e of the north.
enstern I'ortsllli a third , which Is
11I11.t of thc West Kol\\nlll fort. They
clailll , j\\t' \ , Bllrlelgh adds , to have ef.
fected u lodgement at Pigeon bn ' ,
tlms tlll'nlllg the I'mt Oil 20a l\1etOl' '
and thut the ) ' IIl'e now tunnelling fl'om
the gOl'ge holoLaolllJ hili. which
the ) ' hope III'st to 11nmu e and then to
rush , 'rho ellHllIltch ( ! OnUlllles : I
I " ] ) osllel'l1to fl.hUIl ! IH 11roceelllng
I lIally alld 1I1l' los ! : ! ! . ! ! : ! 111'1. ' adlllitted to
ho exccsslve. hilt the .IUlIIl1l'aO ] Insist
thllt Port AI.thlll' III II ! : ! t full within
tWl'nty-one 11nYR. "
- - - - - -
Secret Compact of Chile and Bolivia ,
Made Public ,
" 'AS IIING'i'ON-'I'III' secl'ct trel1t : . . ,
rocoully HlglI1I at SallUu o , ChI/e. / he ,
t.WOCI1 Iho BoU\'lulI mllllHtcr lit that
capltn } , ' 801111I'lh' ( J1Ilcrl'eH ! , 111111
the C'hlleull minister III' flll'eign rela-
tlolls , 8elllll' 1 lIllie BllIo , In whleh the
el1llle\"Ol' of ( ; erIllIlIlY h lIamcl1 aH IIr-
bltl'ntm' of I1n ) ' 11 I III ell Ity al'IRIIlg' \ \
Iho execlltloll of Ihc ( ! Oll11 tloll , Pl'O'
vldell In sllbHtllnc ( ' :
Plrst-Bollvla alHlllllolls hl'l' 11l'cten-
sioll to the Pl1clllc POl't 111111 reco nlzes
( 'hl/e'l- / ! right 10 the III'o\'ll1co of Allto-
t'apastu ,
SecolllI-Chlll' aHSlIlIIPH LTII' IIl'hts of
BoII\'la as recoglllzcd III lII'Ucle or
( he troaly or 1Slii. !
' 1'h h'd-Ch lie a JlIII'olrla ] les $2,000,000
fUl' the COIIHtl'lICI Ion of I'll II I'll 11 a In
Bollvln. She hot'self IH to CIIllstl'lI't
the IIlIe fl'OIll A\'Icl1 10 La I'nz , al.
I'oluly III OIIlI'atioll as I'nr as 'l'nclla ,
10 which ahe gh'l'fI a glllll'antoo lip
to $800,000 Chlklln a yoal' 1'01' the
const rllctlull of I h"l'O " Othl'I' l'alll'oadH ,
The BolI\'lan sectloll of Ihe IIlle shall
hocome tlH' III'Owl'I ! ) ' or Bolh'ln in
t wcnt ; ) .t'I\I'H ' , hilI eh IIcall III'ollucta
Hhnll enjoy IH'efl'I'Olltlal rebntea 0\01'
- - - - - - - -
F deral Court of California Upholds
Contention of Railroads.
SAN Io'fiANCISCO-Unltod Statcs
Circuit ,111110 ; " ' , \ \ " : \IIII'I'ow hns hand'
cd down a dl'eiHlou In the case of the
lutel'stnte commerce connnlsHlon
' 1g-alllst the SOli thorn Pacillc comlll\ny ,
the recelvel's of the Uulou Pacillc Hall
wny comlll1UY UIIII the Uulon Pacific
Hallwael COIl1IHIII ) ' III fa01' 01' the rail.
The "olut at Issue was the right of
the commm'cc ( : oll1mlsslon to doclal" . !
unJ.uHt a 1'I1te ou sllgal' from San l 'ran-
CIRCO to KOI1l'IW ) ' , Nell" as compared
with the lowel''lite tholl h to Omaha ,
Neh , 'I'ho COlII'1 rOI\l\(1 \ thnt the 1'I1to
eHlahllshod IIy the ( Iorenduut com"a.
nlcH waH lIot IIUjURt ; thnt the commis.
slon haH uo'Ight to Icglslalo and that
the Un 1011 Pacific Ralll'lJall comllnuy
could unl he IJIIII\(1 hr II\ ( ' order of the
commlHaloll I1U'WII ) ' , it lIot helnr.1 :
part ) ' to the OI'llluul suit ,
Iowa Oricultural College Captures
Many Prizes ,
CI II AGOIondar WH" III'aetleallY
Iho openln ! : 111 ' lit till ! IIvo : lto'l ,
Mhow , nncl when It dosed lu thl' l vou ,
Ing 0\1' 17.000 pcoillo hud Imsed :
thrbngh the gall' , Iowa Ag\'lcultl1l'nl
college cUlTloll orf I ho grentest uum.
hm' of 1II'Izes , 11 tool , fil'Rt "l'lzc with
the flit 11erl'rOl'II ( 'nlf "GoneralIan ,
. . . ' ' 'onrlln HOl'e ,
IIget. . fll'sl 1II'Ize lu Ilw )
f01'l1 1'I1lh' l1ud In t hl' awlnu ( llllnrt. !
Ull'ut It ( ! arl'lult ol'f the III'lit III'I I'R 111
Iho Berlshlt.p , Cheitll' ! Whlto anti
YOI'Ishl'c dCllUl.tmonts ,
Canudlun cxhlhltQl'H had a wall\ll' '
wuy In the shecp depnrtmont , wlnnln
lu uel1rr ! o\'el' ) ' dass ,
In the hOl'flO do"al'tmunt , enl ) ' thl'e (
elasses Wl'I'e Ilnssud II"OU. Dllnhnm
1'lotdwl' & Colomuu of Wa'no. III.
winning hoth IIrbt 11I'11.cs In the Pot'
dlll'on ! clI1F , whllo the Pahst nl'PW
Ing comflUlY \l/Iwuul\Oe : / won tlH
I1l'st 111'11.0 a nlust all the hlg 1101 :
) 'I\I'Ils estnhllshull'nts fIll' slxhOl'so en
1I'IeH ,
Will Improve Victoria Harbor ,
o VICTOlUA , It C-Tho Cunl1dlnl
11 pacillc Hullwa ) ' ( 'omllllnr hllH jllst ue
o qulrell hy "llrchuHo I.uurol Point , VIe
) , tc1'lthll'hlll' \ , a I'ocly III'onlOntol' ) ' , th ,
\ ' t'xlstencC' ' of which has l'call'lctel
o Hhl""ln In this hnl'lIl11' , nn1 ! will bills
( ) It ollt , It IR sllltl , Ilt 11 cmlt of $100OO (
o thus /I'Olltly / onlll1'glu IInd Imlll'ovhl ,
! t the hlll'hon \ the HItO which the corr
l' . 111111) ' hos ( 'Iumcn ful' Its whnl'\'es. 'rh
I ! cultllll1ny will 1l11111y Imll1odlntoly t
I' tno Dominion go\'e I'll 111 on t fl1l' a sill
stuntllli HIlIIshl ) ' to nhl It In this fOI
mlrJl\blo un l'I'lnldn ! ! .
- . . . - -
r : " ' " T - . . . .
CoSt. ! 10 cents nnd equals : ZO cents
worth of any other kInd of bluing.
Won't Freeze , Spill , Break
Nor Spot Clothes '
W g'le:6t1cls
around in the bJater.
At , aU wllCl Grocers. )
. > c :
BIg Hairpin Factory ,
Tbo grentest of the world's mnnu.
factories or halr"lns Is nt Pnlnswlcl. .
a vUlage In the Stroud vaHey , at the ,
foot o { the Cotswolds. There are no
fewer thnn thr o hundred persons em.
ployed In turning out these trifles of
the boudoir , nml hundreds o { automatic -
matic mnchlnes nro III constant operation -
tion trnnsformlng miles or wlr.e Into'
tons of finished plns.-1JOndon En.
glncer ,
American Stops SwlsB Train ,
Losing his new hnt out of a wlndo" ,
or a Swiss oXl1l'ess , nn Amerlca.n pas.
I songer pulted the alnrm cord antI the
train was stopped , He recovered his
hnt and cheerl'uHy paid a $10 fine ,
Antiseptic Flanellette ,
An English In\'entol' claims to haY ! )
found a process of mn.lung flanettetta.
garments nOlllnflnmmnble and at the
sarno time I\ntlsopLlc , .
Says a Misogynist. .
It Pm'ls huts and tlI11'1\S and necle-
laces were rcwards of cheol'fulness.
women would forget how to weep ,
A Teacher's Testimony.
HInton , K ) ' " Nov , 2S-Sopecla1.- ( )
It has long been clnlmed that Diabetes -
tes Is Incurable , but Mr , E , J. Thompson -
son , teacher In the Hinton school.
hna plenslng evldonce to the contrar ) ' ,
1.11' , 'fhom11son had Dlabotes , He toole ,
Dodd's Kidney PIII nnd Is cured , In.
a statement he males regarding his
cure Mr , TholUpson sa's :
"I was tl'oublod with my lddne 's
for more Ulan two ) 'cars nnd was
treated hy two of the best doctors In
this part or the stnte , They claimed
I had Diabetes and there was IIttl ( )
to bo done for me. Then 1 started I
to use Dodd's Kidney Pills and wbat
they did for me wns wonderfu ] , It.
Is entlrelr owing to Dodd's Kldne-
Pills that I am now enjo'in ( ; good
health , "
Many doctors sUH mnlntaln that
Diabetes Is incurable , But DIabetes
Is a Iddney disease , nnd the Iddney ,
disease that Dodd's Kidney Pills " ,111
not cure has ) 'et to be dlsco\"Cred ,
The three most beaullrul things In
the world nro roses , white butterflies
and a woman's beart ,
Every nouso\eeper ! snould Imow
that J [ they will buy Definnce CoM -t
Water Starch for laundry use , they
will save not onlr time , because It
never sUels to the Iron , but hecaul !
each paclmge contnlns lG oz-ono ( un '
pound-while all other Cold Watel"
Starches are put up Inpound pack-
nges , and the price Is the snme , 1 ( )
cents. Then ngoln hecause Dellanco
Stnrch Is ( ree from all InjurIous chemIcals -
Icals , H , your grocer trIes to selt YO\1
II. 12.oz , pnolmge It Is bocnuse he has
stocle on hand which ho wishes t ( )
dispose o { before ho puts tn Defin.nce ,
He Imows thnt Definnco Stnrch has
printed on eyery paclage In large letters -
ters and figures "lG ozs. " Demnnl }
Deflauco nnd sa\'e much tlmo and
money alld the nnnoranco of the iron
lUcking. Defiance no\'or sUets ,
The wise man who has nn.thlng to
say to a mule sn's It to his ( ace ,
The Wabash Is the Only Line Landing
You at the World's Fair.
Hroun trip rates trom Omaha ar
as foHows : $8.50 sold daily except.
Friday and Saturda ) ' , good T days ,
$13,80 sold Iln/lr / , good 16 dnys , The
Wabnsh is the onlr line that land's
pnssengers at the main entrnnce or th
World's Fnlr grounds , Also the only
IIno that can checle ) 'our ba gage to
the World's Fait' station , Think what
a. sa\'lng or tlL1le , anno'nnce and ex-
trl\ . car furc.
All agent ] cnn sell you through
tlclet nnd route you over the Wabash.
Very low rates to mnny points South ,
Southenst. For hoautlful World's Fair
, folder IInli all Informntlon cnll at 1601
Farnam St , or address Harry E.
Moores. G'n , At. , : Pass. Dept , Wab.
H , U" Omaha. oh ,
Some men worle o\'ertlme trying tn
: dodge bnrd worlc ,
. . .k Your Druggist for Allen'l Foot.Eass ,
"I tried ALLEN'S
FOOT-EASE recently -
ly , nnd have just bought another Bupply It
has cured my corllS , and the hot , burnlnJ :
Bnd ItchIng sensatIon III my feet which was.
almolt unbearable , nd 1 would not be wilh-
) out. It now.-1\h'I , W.WoIlIcor / , Camdeu ,
N , JIt Sold bj' uU Druggists ,
LI\'lng for one's land Is fnr greuter
lhan dying for It ,
I do not believe Plso's Cure tor Consump 011
bns nn equlll tor roughs nnd eolds.-Jolt ) . P.
llOTEU , 'l'rlnlty Slrlll 'I , I ll.l cb , 15 , tOOl
YOIl cun't alwa's judge a man's
banI , nccount by the artistic docom ,
tlons on the front of his office safe ,
Take Ll1ulh" 111'1 > 11I11 QUluluo TRlllel' , All iJrll
! 'hu ' relund the Ilh > llCY It It fl1111 to cure , E , W ,
UtoH" , Ihr\\ure II on el1ch box. : :5c : ,
The church Is net at all sacred
when It thinks thnt the street 11
whfllly accular-Chleno ! Tribune ,