Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, December 05, 1904, Image 7

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! Y c1
' t i m
: ) Her Serene Highness ,
Miss Anlcricn.
Queens there bcen since the world
be : l.n , , ; ) i
Dut none wllh n rcolm like thine.
From the land ot the blest 1'0 tur Japan ,
You l'ule by rlehl dlvltle.
Your crown ? It WIlS ( athomcll by God
Thntl10ne but ) 'ourselt mlnht wear
The jewels set In the COl'onel N
Ot ) 'our wonderul woman's hair.
} . ,
Your 1I1.w there Is nonc who would dara
. ' dlIllIte ! ,
'r And none shall aslc how or wh'n
You wcre crowned. For roul' l'ulo Is Ilb- \ . ,
' ! olut" \
And 'ollr throne Is the heortA o ( men. m
\I _ -llelen HO\'oll1nd In New Yorlt Press.
ill ( i
, , ICopnl ht , 1004 , by
"It was In 1850 , " began m ) ' frlenll ,
. .
.that I was attached to the staff or
Qin. Speirs , the British resident at
the court of the Maharajah of Guallos ,
\ Both the General and his wife were
i Scotch , and extromel ) ' superstitioUS.
( One morning Mrs. Sl1elrs , when she her appearance at breal\fast
looked so unwell that the General re.
i mnrleed anxiously :
"You loole as If ) 'ou had had a bad
night , my dear. "
, "Yea , " replied the wlCe , "I bad n
) most curious dream and It haunts mo
1 still , It was so vivid and realistic. 1
thought I was wallelng In the com.
r pound near those old Indian tombs.
j when I saw a man of venerable apt
pearance , seated In front of the tomb
\ nearest the main gate of the Reslden-
II cr. Seeing mo approach , the man
. arose and , advancing toward me ,
r salaamed respectfully. Thlnlclng him
} a beggar , I felt In my pocltot for m ) "
I .
"Nay , memsahlb , " sail ! the man , "I
' do not need ) 'our lms , but I do need
t j ) 'our help It you will glvo it to me. "
' "In what way can I bo of service
to ) "ou ? " 1 Inquired.
I' "I will tell , you , memsahlb , " said
the man , kneeling and kissing the
hem or my dress. "You can deliver
I mo from a punishment that I am un.
I dorgolng for the murder of my uncII' ,
many ) 'oars ago. I was my uncle's
lJartner in business. Ho was a pros.
, llerous Itinerant merchant , and with
: his train or camels laden with th
. rich Btuffs or the looms of Kashmir ,
r shawls of marvelous fineness , won'
, I , \r , < trous embroideries on sllle and satin ,
( kin cob ( cloth of , gold ) , precious stones
and ether costly merchandise , wo
wandered from one end of India to the
other doing a thriving trade.
"My uncle , who , by the way , was
but a few years my senior , treated
I me more as a brother than a nephew ,
often telling mo that he would leave
If mo all his wealth. when he died. But ,
alas ! I was not satisfied to walt for
I the course of nature. I wanted my
t uncle out of the wa ' at once , so that
; I might marry his aughter , the beau.
' teous Fatima. Ono night , having out-
J : I 1 stripped the slowly moving camels , wo
'I ' arrived at these tombs and determined
I to await the arrival of the train. As
my uncle dismounted from his horsll ,
" crept behind him and thrust my
, sword through his heart. He fell deaJ
without a groan and ' 1 dragged bs !
" body Into the tomb , covering it WIUi
J shawls , and turned his horse loose
\ to wander at large.
"I had scarcely done this when the
i shonts of men , the roanlng of camels
] anll other sounds apprised mo of the
f nrrival of' the caravan. The men unloaded -
loaded and fed the camel ! ! . while I
I hastily secured my unclo's money ,
i ordering the men to carry It Into the
I tumb , toHlng thom that my uncle
i. w uld rejoin us on the following dn ) .
At dawn the caravan started , leavln ;
< . /.1'/1\ / \ 1111 , r . . , , : : : : :
' .
i .
t I
' \ , \ \ \ \ \ . : : .
, ; "In what way can I be of service tc
\ you ? " I Inquired.
, , mo with the dead bed ) " of m ) ' unclc
, Hoto dlsposo of It was the question
Looking around the tomb I spled at
. Iron trap-door leading , as I fount
when I raised It , to an undergrount
! chamller which had ovldently beN
' the abode of the priest In cllllrgo 0
tilO tomb. Raising the body , 1 carrlel
\ It down the stairs nnd laid it on Uu
, yt. . } . fround , cuverln It with shawls.
. ro. . then removed the bag of gold to th ,
chamber , Intending to return for then
I and remove them to a place of sat tv
I had carried down the last bag ani
. . , -
Dalh" Story Pub. Co , )
was preparing to ascend the , stairs
when I heard the sound of' hoofs.
Looldng up , I saw It was my unclo's
horse. In the joy of the animal at
seeing mo It nelbhed jo 'full ) " , at the
same tlmo strlldng against the trap
door , which feU with a clang , .eavlng
1110 In total darkness. Ascending the
stairs I endeavored to ralso the trap
but could not , It was In vain. It was
immovable. F1'I1ntlcaIly I shouted and
beat against the Iron until exhausted
and , with bleeding hands I fell on
the fioor of the chamber which I now
realized was to bo my tomb as well
as that of my unfortunate Idnsman.
Trul ) " , I was punished for my crIme.
How long It was before death came
to release mo I Imow not. But 1
cannot rest until my remains are
bt rled. Do this for me , gracious
lady , and bring peace to my troubled
spirit. But , beware ! Touch not the
treasure. It Is accursed. It Is blood.
money and will bring mlsfortuno to
the possessor. ' Then I awolco and
found that I bad been dreaming. "
The General was the first to breale
the silence.
, "Well , my dear , it was only a dream.
Forget all about It. "
Two da's afterward the General
accompanied by his staff , left on his
regular quarterly Inspection of the I
Province. Letters , however , arrlve.1 !
from his wife summoning him to return -
turn at once , ns cholera had broleen
out at the Residency and had caused
. many deaths , eSl1ecially among .he
natives. The return journey was made
with all posslblo speed. Mrs. Speirs'
- - - - -
- = -
- -
= - - - -
? : : - ? - . : - I
. . . . . . . . . . / _ _ I
. . . . ; ; /
UThrust my sword through his heart. "
tidings were but too true. The dread
'disease was doing Its feU worle , spar.
Ing neither ) 'oung nor old.
And now comes the strange part
or my story" During the Genoral'a
absence , bls wlfo Imd the tomb search.
cd. The two slccletons were found as
described , and the treasur . The
lamp , which stood in a niche at the
foot of the stairs , was brought away ,
the romalns of the men were burled
and the treasure wns left In the subterranean -
terranean chamber. Then came the
cholera epidemic.
Among the victims was the bead
mahont ( elephant leeeper ) and his
son , both of whom perished In a few
hours. One da " the wlfo of the dead
man confessed that they 11Ud reopono'J
the chamber and stolen the treasure.
The money was sent to the Directors
of the Honorable East India Compan ; , ' .
The amount was upwards at 500OOU.
Now , marle the sequel. In 1857 , the
Indian mutiny brol\O out , the East In.
dla Com pan ) ' lost Its charter cnd the
vast territory passed under the control
or the British government. Was this
duo to the Kashmlrl's curse , Qulen
sabe ? as the Spaniards say.
The Harrison street car wns crowd.
I ed when the tnll woman struggled up
the aisle and grasped a strap. 'rwelvo
. men were seated on each side , but not
. ono arose and offered his seat. At
I last a. smaU boy touched her on the
I arm.
I "You can have m ) " seat , lady , " eaU.
1 cd the youngster.
"Thanle " ' " saId the tall
r ) 'Ou , woman ,
1 sealing hersctr In the vacant space ,
J "and now what prompted ) 'ou to do I
I that , my little man ? Was it not polite ,
3 ness ? "
1 "No , " replied Ule bo ) " , "there's a nail
. stlcldng up in that scat.-ChlcagQ
I NQws ,
Then Married In Dark That Marks of
Age MIght Bo Less Apparent-
.Judgo Zell Hoe leCt his llcd th6 oW
night at 1 : ) o'elocle to sllcaIc the wl1rds
whIch bOIlI1d together Hngan B. Day-
hard and Lou Fall'll , aged 4 'ears ,
sa'S the Des Moines Nows. The cou.
plo walleod Into the cllY fem , ; oppo.
silo dIrections to real } the reward they
hnd walled twent.soven ) 'ears to receive -
ceivo and then asl.ed lo bo wed in
the darl. ,
The groom arr1 , t\i trout 11 o'clocle
and "hung nrounll" the trent ) "ard un.
tIl the arrival of the ; brldo , The ) " mot
In the moonlight anll approached thd
house hand in hand. It had been n
long tlmo slnco they had Inst met.
Judge Roc thrut : his head from the
door without the formaUt ) . ot dressing
or strllclng a light.
"Ploase don't strlleo a light , squire , "
111cad d tbo groom in r. husley "olce.
"I reclcon Lou ain't tM pmty e8 sh6
was\'on ) 'cars ugo. Kaln"
: rou tIe us U11 In the dlll'le EO W/J leen
ttllnle wo all' es ) 'ouug es wo used t
be ? "
When it Will : ; oyer the ) ' told a pa.
thetlc story of 1l1lmblo submission te
fate. Each hod wntched teullerl ) ' ovel
the last declining ) 'ears of father and
mother. J.'or twonty.soven ) 'ears the )
had slaved to ease the path of inyal
Ids in the separate homes. A fo\\
days ago the death uugel flitted awny
wllh the soul or an aged moUler In
ono homo and a father from the other.
The angel opened wide the door
which has been barred these long
twonty.seyen ) 'enrs.
JUdge Roe will not den ) ' that ho
Celt a thrill of joy ns ho watched thorn
wandering arm In arm down the moonlit -
lit road.
Con't Look B:1ck. :
In climbing up the tmll o ( liCe , though
troubles may cmharll\ss ) ' 011 ,
Thollgh etouds ot lsuppolntmcnt may
o1 > sellro ) 'om" mortul sides ,
Though thol'ns 110 hIdden In the pollt to
wOllnd ) 'our ( eet ( lnd harass ) ' 011.
And hot1to ! wlnls ( ml1.Y blow retarding
dust Into your eyes ,
Ke ) holding on wllh flteody ncr\'e : It you
should ( all JUSl rlso again ,
It ) 'ou should for ( I nJmont st'ay , got
bucle onto the tmclt :
Keep pro'lng that the comIng day may
brIng ) 'OU sunny 1I1lcs : aealn ,
Your c'es IIx on the 1 > eacon light and
don't loole bacle.
The beocon way up ) 'onder gleams , though
clouds nt limes muy curloln it ,
' 1'ho light ot hope Is shInIng on the
summit ot success ,
Though It may BomeUmcs yanish trom
'our sight you may 1 > 0 cel'tuln It
Again will lIash Its ' ' '
cheol'y l'a/I to
1 > anlsh your dIstress.
The gaunt woh'es ot ad\'erslt ) " trow
gloomy lalt's moy howl Ilt ) ' 011
And clingIng feurtl yom' bosom may
mo't ! mercilessly racle.
The S'J'lm lIends ot dlscolll'llgemcnt trom
lll'kened nooks mo ) ' scowl at ) ' 011 ,
Dut hold u grIp upon ) 'our nen'Q antJ
don't look baete.
'Vhen rest the llrltest clouds ot lite l1H
cheery sun will shlno ngoln
The fiercest storm will spend its toree
and Icn\'e a smiling sk ' :
Around the wlntcr-Cettered oalc the flow.
erlng'Ines will twlno again ,
The longest lone o ( 'woo will have { I
tumlng by and b ) ' .
It you should slip and lose some ground ,
strl\'o hard to .nln ) ' 0111' plnco again ,
Do not Ilppnlled when obstllcles con.
trent you on the tmete :
It wcarled , stop Ilnd blow n bIt , the1'
stl'lIo the sarno old pace agaIn ,
And set ) 'OU teeth and bul 'o nhealJ
and don't loolc badc.
--Del1\'cr Post.
Influence of Emerson.
No wrltor so qulclcns ; : the pulse of
generous youth ; so malees his brain
throb and reel with the \'Islon of the I
world that Is yet to be , writes Henry
James , Sr. , In the Atlantic. It Is as If
the spotless feminine heart of the race
had suddenly shot Its rUby tide Into
) 'our "elns , and made you feel as
novel' before the dignity of cle:1I1 : IIv"
Ing. Undoubtedly ) 'our first necessity
alwa's was to report yourself person.
any to this mystic shrine without de ,
lay , to Imow what the 1IIe1'Ophant
might have been commissioned to say
to ) 'ou spcclfically ' " ' " ' " Mr. Em.
erson was an American , John the Baptist -
tist , proclaiming tidings of great joy
to the American Israel ; but , lIlee
John the Baptist , ho could so lItLIe
foretell the form In which the pre.
dlcted good was to appear , thqt when
'ou went to him he was alwa's unoor ,
taln whether ) 'ou were he who ahoul
come. or another. And , naturall
enough , ) 'ou were liable-unless , as J
have already said , ) 'ou were uncom
monly free from personal vanlty-tc
Where Torpcdoes Fall.
A remarkable fact about this in
genlous nnd now most accurat (
weapon Is that down to the presenl
war there had been no Instance of [
ship under way being strucle by a. tor
pedo. All Its victims had been caughl
at anchor or were otherwlso station
ary. And , from the best Informatlor
available , the same thing has happened
poned between Russia and Japan. NO\1
the qu'stlon arises : If the torped (
boat , which bas power to catch the
hare , cannot coole him , how Is tlu
coolclng to bo done by the submarine
which can neltlier see him nor catcl
him ? The design certainly Is to USI
the submarine against ships unde :
\Va ) ' to replace the torpedo boat , whlcI
cannot act in daYlight. And It Is al
open question , wblch experience alonl
can decide , whether it will bo easle
for a. . submarine to catch the hal'o b :
day than It has hitherto proved for Uil
torpedo boat to catch him by night
Certainly enthusiasts will be by nl
means satisfied If the submarlnl
proves eapablo merely of attacle 01
ships at anchor.-London Revlow ,
A Chic Retort.
Mr. Choat's quickness at repartee I
well Illustrated b ) ' the fOllowing story
During a "week ond" at an Englls
countr ' house his neighbor at breal
fast ono morning chanced to bo
pretty American who had como t
mlsfortuno In tr'ln to manlpulat
her egg In the English fashion. WIt
face full of ( llsma ) ' she turnol ! to him
"Oh , Mr. Chooto , what shalI I do
I've dropped an ggl" ,
"Caclelo , madam , cncldo , " answW'o
.to" , '
" nmhassador"-LiDDlncott's.
, " , ' " I ' , . , '
{ - -
- - _ . -
I \Sketched \ In court as the verdict of the Jury was announced.
Significance In Ho ors Paid to th
Dead Leader.
The bed " at Paul Kruger WLIS laid
to rest In Pretoria. . on Friday. Boors :
of all factions , these who from the
first supported Jrugerlsm as welI as
those who did not ; commanders of
Kruger's armies , and these who served
In the ranIs : Englishmen who fought
against Kruger and the British govern.
mont that overwhelmed him , all par.
tlclpated In UIO ceremon ) ' at the grave
of "the lion or the Transvaal. "
The most notable tribute paid the
Boer l.cad'er who organized resistance
to British encroachment wns the fi1'lng
at a salute of twenty"one guns by the
or the sovereign of the DI'ltish
I empire. Under this order the former
president or the South African rOllub.
I lie received the salute that would
11ayo been fired over his grvo by his
own people had ho died In olllco and at
the zenllh of his power.
I 'fhls recognition b " the conquorlng
nation of the ranlc and the sorvlces of
: the leader of a conquered people must
have been very grateful not only to
I Gen. Botha nnd his generals , but to
all of the humbler followers of the
Doer president.
In view of the fact that Krugerlsm
Is a factor In the transitional struggle
In the Transvanl , the nctlon or King
Edward In ordering the salute fired
over the grave or Kruger was not only
gracious , but politic. No ono has
clearly defined what Krugerlsm Is In
Its application to the present situation
In South Arlca , but If Paul Kruger's
last message to his people urging
thorn to preserve their national spirit
Is Krugerism thcn it must bo dealt
WIUI In the spirit of the treaty of
lenCO signed May 31 , 1902.
In that treaty the fighting Doer
generals surrendered on the promlso
that their people should bo given or
should retain ropresentatlvo Instltu.
tlons. The Boer contention was that
the Doers should retain their language
I and should constitute a self.governlng
t TIoer state under British sove elgnty.
This Is not Inconslstont with Kruger's
'tast message to preserve their national -
" al or Boer splrlt.-Chlcago Inter
I Ocean.
Soldiers Sing on the March.
MusIc , says UIO London Globe , has
I always played a great part in fighting
and Lord Wolsoley declares tbat
"troops that sing as they march will
110t only reach tholr destination more
Qulcldy , :1.1111 In better fighting condl.
tlon than those who march In sllenco ,
but Insplrod by the music and words
or national songs will feel that self-
confidence which Is the mother of vic-
. tory. In the Japanese army It is the
custom for UIO soldiers to sing as
I they go Into ba.ttlo . and rush to the
charge. The practice was romarlccd
during the operations of the aIlled
Powers against Peleln. Their favorlle
sonf ; Is the "Klml Gayb , " or national
anthem , which has been Engllshed as
follows :
May 0111' 101'11'11 dominion last
' 1'1\1 \ thousand ) 'cni'l'l ' hnpallAed
TwIce four thousand time o'crtold ,
FInn as changclcss I'oek , earth reeled ,
Moss ot ages uncomputcd.
In the Russian arm ' tests were
made a few years ago to find the value
ot marching songs , and the results
! l0 confirmed lArd Wolsele"s dictum
that the regulations now decree that
roglments on march and In advancing
to cl argo tiliall sing national songs.
H.rd.Worklng Churchman ,
BIshop I\Iallalleu , who has just
s passed his 76th birthday , Is ono or
: the hardest worleers among church.
h . men. Aside from his duties as bishop ,
c.a no Is writing a boo Ie , " 1\Ioses , thee
Man of God , " Is at worle on a long are -
Ucle on Danto's "Divino Comedy , " In
whIch the religious attitude of that
author will be compared with thftt or
Milton and Shaleespeare , and Is pro-
11artng three volumes or translations
or the sermons or the well"lcnown
Fre _ ilrotestn.ut , Bersler ,
. . . . . . .
. . . .
Total Tonnage 33,643,000 Tons-Eng.
land Leads ; America Second ,
Recent statistics published In
Franco estlmato the total tonna o
of the world's merchant marino at 33-
( H3OOO tons , says the New Yorle
World , nnd the number of vessels at
24,853 , of which 12,671 are st alD'
shills , with 27,184,000 toua , and 12-
182 are sailing vessels , with 6,459,000
tons. 'l'hls glvos an averngo of nbout
1,5'10 tons fOl' steamers and 638 tons
for sailing Yesliols.
Although the construction of largo
ships has greatly developed during
late 'ears , the greater part of the
'World's goolls Is still carried by veSt
Rels of average tonnage. ' 1'ho num.
her of ships of ever 10,000 tons Is only
The tonnage of the principal coun.
tries Is us follows : England , 16..006 , .
37,1 ; America , 3,671,956 ; German ) ' , : I , "
283,247 ; Norwuy , 1,653,740 ; I'rance ! ,
1,622,016 ; Itnly , 1,180,335 ; Russia ,
809,6'18 ; Spain , 71-1,447 ; .Japan , 6G8 , "
845 ; Demna'l" 581,247 ; Austrla.Huu ,
gar ) ' , 78,697 : Greece , 378,199 ; Bel ,
glum , 1G7,047 ; Brazil , 165.086 : Tur ,
leey , } 5I,49.1 ; Chile , 103,758 ; Portugal ,
101,404 ; Argcntlna , 95,780.
Two French War Ministers ,
Gon. Andre , who was recently oust ,
ed from his pORltlon as minister of
war In the Ji'rench government , Is now
thought to regard his rom oval with
equanlmlt ) " . At first he was naturally
indignant , but the quiet of his present
mode or lIfo Is a. . welcome change
from the turmoil and pomp or the wnr
department. Ills successor , 1\1. Del"
teau" , Is a strnngo mixture-deputy ,
Socialist aud acute financIer. Ho reo
celves his constituents three times II
weole and listens to the poorest. Peas.
ants in blouse8 are orten among the
number and. they maleo a. strange
show In his luxuriously .furnished
abode , which Is located In a tashlon.
able nolghborhood. 'fhoy loole oven
still moro out of place In the Impress.
Ive premises or the minister of war.
The Thrifty Japanese ,
Japan has forty'seven postal savings
banles , In which , May 31 last , there
was 468,995,645 yen ( $229,479,822) ) on
deposit. Since the war began these
deposits have Increased by 6,302,504
yen ( $2,651,252) ) , deposited by 643,264
persons. This vast deposit by th.
general run of Japan's population
wou1l1 scorn to explain the enso wItb
which each war loan Is subscrlbe
many times over when It Is offerecJ
for 11Omo subscription , Detween April
1903 , and September , 1904 , the number -
bor or depositors Incrensed tro111
2,934,388 to 4.181,293. This Is a prac
tical demonstration of the proverbln :
JalJrlneSO thrift.
strange Political Friendships.
The death of Hugh McLaughlin , fOI
many yenrs Domocratlc boss of Broole
lyn , recalls the fact that 110 and Hen
Ward Doecher were very warn
frlonds , though the paths In lIfo of thj
two men were as widely apart as thoJ
could well be. Another curious friend
ship was that which long existed be
tween President Garfield and JoIn
Morrls80) " , the prlzo fighter , gamble
and congressman. The late Senate
lIoar had a warm place in his henr
for Senator "Don" 'fillman , whom hi
re al'ded as a man whose great natura
ability was oVCl'shado\ved by frequen
bursts of 11asslon.
Anglescy'o Fad for Jewclry.
It has been set on record that whet
Lord AngleRey wns in his fu11 , glen
on the stage ho supported $500OO
worth of jewelry. In ordinary attlr4
ho wore a slnglo pearl stud for whlcl
a deal or has been willing to 11l\J
$18,250. At 5 per cent this ornamen
represents $900 a year. Supposlnl
the marquis were It once a f.ortnlght-
ho c u1l1 scarcely In fairness to hll
scores of other studs wear It onene
-It cost him about $45 every time hi
valet vut It In his master's Bbirt.
Proposition to Cede Part of Arizona
to Utah ,
Senntor Kearns has introduced a.t
bill fJrovldlng for the annexation 'to
Utah at all that portion ot Arizona.
north of th Colorado 1'1\01' .
The )10rtlon ) or Arlzonn arrectell Is
nboul 800 sluaro miles In area. It 10
north ot the Orand cnll 'nn and on
that nccount hlaccpsslblo to authori-
tics at Arizona. It Is sahl It now
forms n II1\\"en for criminals nnd the
purpose of the mea8111'0 Is to glvo
Utnh criminal jUl'lsdlclion over the
The people of Arlzonn , It Is do.
clared. . are almost unanlmolloly opposed - '
posed to any measure for nnnoxing
to tHnh of thnt portion or ArlzonlL
north oC the Colormlo rlvor. ThQ tel'-
I'ltor ' at largo dcslres to leep sale
control of tile cnn'on couutry and In
duo tlmo d'eJolI It.
Durln the conlomporancous sessions -
sions of the Arizona and Utah legis.
latures two ) 'cars figO a. . commission
tram the laUeI' was sent to Arbmna
nnd lall1 the project before the Arl-
zono. loglslatUl'e , offorlng every possl-
blo inducement , Though slven are-
speclful hearlu ! ; , the Arizona legislature -
laturo rejectel1 the proposition \1nnnl-
mously. ' } 'ho Bubject has not been
agltatod slnco then nllll there 18 no
ground for bollef In a change at senti.
111el1 t.
'fho Colorndo canyon In Arizona.
reaches a depth of more thnn n mile
in many llnces nnd Is e\'erywhoro a.
deep gorge between walls of rocle.
Peace o111cel's fl'om states alljacent to
ArlzonCha'o 110 authOl'lty of law to
malee arrests on the "strip" and fugl.
U\'cs from jUHtlco 111 Utah , Colorado
; :
Shaded part of map shows portion
of Arizona It Is proposed to annex to
, Utah ,
and Nevada. . have made this a rehdez.
vous and hiding place for many yeara
The "strip" is chIefly desert land ,
I sterllo and unwatered. It Is valuoles"
for ag1'lculturl11 purposes nnd BO tnr
as lmown posseBses lIttle mineral
, valuo. It can bo reached only by passing -
ing through Utah or southern Novnda.
A ! tonlshlng Announcement Made by
Dr. Lyman Abbott.
Dr. Lyml1n Abbott , clergyman , lawyer -
yer , author and editor ot Outloole , who
In a. . sermon to Harvard students an.
nounced his belief In a religion founded -
ed not on the Blblo , but on science ,
and the outreachlngs of the heart , 19
nearly 70 years old , and hns spent
I nearly his entlro lIfetime In the study
of religion and writing of bls conclu-
I slons. Ordnlned a. Congregational
minis tor in 1860 , ho bas Ilreached in
many of the famouK pulllta of Ameri-
t co. , Bucceodln Henry Ward Beecher
I as pastor of Plymouth church , Broole-
llyn , In 1888. He resigned ton years
l later to devote his energies to lIter-
t ary worle. Among Ills worles are
, "How to Study the Bible , " "Lifo or
" Christ , " "Evolution of Christianity"
L and " 'rho Theology of an Evolution.
. ist. "
Library Made to Order.
Senator Stoclebrldgo of Michigan
of ton told n. story of a. . very rich lum' ,
r herman wbo came to congress trom
- the lake region and rented the furnished -
nished house which belonged to a son-
v.tor whoso term had recently oxplred.
The house was a palace and was completely -
pletely furnished , all excevt the Ii >
. brary , tor the senator had talten his
io booles with him. True to the Instlncta
ot n. lItatimo of carefulness , the lum-
borman.congressman surveyed the 11. .
brary , then accurately measured the
empty shelves and tele raphed a
prominent house In Chicago : "Send
me at once 21G running teet ot
booles , " That was his Idea of furnishIng -
Ing a library. '
One Item of the Cost.
The Port Arthur fieet was said to
be worth In money , betoro the be ln-
nln of the war , $160,000,000 , It Is
probably worth now just Wl1Ut It will
brIng for ol junl. , although It is Pw
Rlblo that some of the vessels may be
raised and put In commission again.
nut the $160,000,000 that th. . . fieet rep.
- resented is all gonc , so far as Russia.
is concerned. And this Is but one
item in the enormous cost ot the great
struggle that Is being waged In tb.
tar ElUlt-leoria Jourual.