JUSTfR ( COUNTY R PUBUCAn By D. M. AMSDERRY. BROKEN DOW. . . NEDRASKA I 'JGII ! HlIUJfU : G\lIall \ ; o SQ nulm u .cIUO ( JUr 0111 ' 1001 11 IIU 'OIUISIW 'U oq SIIlII 1U1\1 \ lIq ' 1IIJI1UUolq . ( JOh SI oils Ans swdUlI 011,1. ' 1.11I0.1 ul OS'I ; ) J9tl sol JU ; ) U UO oH 01 U : " , 1U0nu olt\\ ! { ItG ] OIls oSlIna.1 ! ! ; . ) : imt 1:11 000 . ' 9t JO ] AUUllmoIlU.1 \ ( ) ( ) JIW > ( Jo.\ , oN U { lOllS 011UU \II \ 0\\ UII . . V 'pOJo.\oa OJU alaplnollH DIn OJ "Joft no o'\l 01 1II00HOtJOIII oln .Ie " ' ) OO 0111 IOlnTO 'SOSU ; ) 011I011 III lUll II PIJO \ DIll UI POSSJ\I ( \ 180q 011 [ O.IU U uuo10 ' 100S tJuaIJl > lI\V. \ . lU1\1 \ IIOI\11ao\l : \ 'SSOJ } .0'0 II0uOI \ISPJ 0111 ' tJurou ' 01U11I 'JG\\SUU , )111 SI os 'UlUPV SU Plo SU "I tllIIlpUnuoa OIlJ , 'oSIO UIII1 JO'\O ' , 'IOftUI lnq 'SJIUJ 'JU ( OUOUI III " (1111) 1011 ' . ( IISUO os uow olJnp uowo0111 1\1111 flJ 11011 01 S\I uluJfu : UOnSO\1\ \ ) Plo ' \110 \ 1UI\1 \ sl OJOn 'Iooa dOinl 01 ls q .llolJ1 UI.\Jl OJUlquqoJlI olllo l ! 0111 lIuu 11aIJOIUV Illnos uJ JOIUIU\1i1PIUI sl 11 ' 011I1 [ SIII1 1U OJOtl1 uo lIlo OJU slIonnlo.\oJ OU 9.\US uapoIIIV tl1nos 1U0JJ lIa1ullsJI ! V 'uuJ o tloltuol1n { Iwq , t.lI1UJ . ; 0 tmhJloSIUP ( { l PIAOJI ls\ltll lu SUlI 011 lU1I1 110lfol { oq 01 sl 11lIolqOJII \ uonu.5l\uu 1\l1.IlIU 0111 1'o\loS ' SUlI l)11 SluPI1 lion lUutUJD { JOP"UX IV 'JOtd 'tlJOr 01 111 no S10)laoll'10IO otl1 IIVmlouJ lunlJQ ImAsPIIUlI moq osn 01 ode ( ; } ! [ tJIR\1JnoaUQ JO osooJnd Otn JOJ II 0 [ HHY ( "I POZIUuflJO Uoq ) SUlI 10JOOS 1HloIqxoPIIIUlV ott.1 ' 01111011011 [ 0111 ul JuoolQ 1Utn SOSOI 0111 HI 1"llAOI1 [ utIA\ 'lIq 0 h\OU SJI ( 0111 lS0J01uJ 1.UOJ { : U'UJ ' IIIJdS 0111 ul UlOOI < t ll11n SJO -\\011 OIn 1U111 1JotIOJ uom Ullo.011.1 . j tl2110ttl1 mOtn pUOJ O } O'U } Plno.11 sOIUI1iJJIt AllumOB iUO } UIIISUA\ JUJ(1Il IUUOISSO.I uo'o 0111 uJ S OtltuUlI ( ( [ puu Slooq POUP . eJL'61..L'I JO uOIP < JnO ; ) mil JO > IIIIII.L 'llools 01 slloJoJd .sns JJOtn 1\1(1 O } pJUtlq ( ltu S.11 ll1H 'UOUl uu'll O'IUh01 JISUO ) OJU UOlUO.\\ 1ml1 1UOUl01US OIn . .toJlJOll1nu [ Jno sl 1UJOOwoQ.qolO HllIor ! 'lS Ott.1 'OtOtA\OtU09 UOI ulqlOUloS .10 o > [ np U JO SJII JUIU U JO ' { Juo UU oq a } SI OOS OJOtn DUO Iquu.\\ OIlS ' } U1n PUJlU JOI ( dll SQ1IUW ' { JI2 uuapalUV 1I0P U JaAouOtlA\ 'OJUJJUM uJ olqlOUJAUI ofl O } ' } tl noalll 'SSI -J010Ul fl patlsnqUSO ApuJIU pJOOOJ 0111 WOO ] tlJ pllr ' UIJU uuulJao 0'11 JOJ pauuuld sl SlSIJ010Ul JO sd.100 V 'UOI9 , slmpu O Juqo puu SOAloSUlot { } puno.lu oouaJ U Ptlnq Plno.atn JJ sass oJ JJOtll ( III o > luuI 01 Olflu 011 tloq ' } tl IW OUOOJO ' [ O puu uos\\UJ. 'M HUIUOI.1 [ ' [ \ \ 'tJ UIJUOhSUA \ 011 ' } 11I11 UsIno Plnooldood lJIUII JO IlUJJ J.J'l1ouu A\OJ Plnoa OI ( JJ UUUI papuoq'lluq { o IIJJq 11 PlllotlollouJsnus ' } uqM ' . . \12uIPJOaOU POUOJ puu S.10UnllOt9 { JOJ UO'U1SIUI [ oq a10'111 OJU AUn JO uomsoll IUloOS { loon 0 0.\1111 01 OJua mlu ptnots { UIUUUl01110PI JO SlUlloJA 1Qorqns Otn uo ' } sulsml1uo uu oCJ 'OOUld SJO , Od uJ 'Plnopoq UU ' } som 'IV 'uonUJ11I1JU JO JOAUJ UI sl Otl ' } uq1 soounouuu UIAJas JO JOOd UDI 'ul2Jum nums II q ptooaJ Otl { p oq uns , 'PUUI2u : [ JO > IUUIl Ot { } 101M uonOOUUOO UI uonUJollo oOO'OOO'1i ! Jlot { ' } ' 111M. 'JOAOMOtt 'StlOA\pJU 0\1.1. t 'JOSitn ' } O'JUW [ ' [ OO S 0t1 { UI ' .It2nuqnl { \ ) qou.\ ' ( . .10.ON Ottl JO SJoqwow AUU uoaq .IUOAUII 0.10111 .Iuq' } Sollol { UOSUJ.'Jl \ ! 'OSJIIOJO 'OIUUIl Sill uo 000'09Z -1 A\OJJoq Plnoo OUO.\UU 1'0111 'IUm1 O } 'OO 'p\lJQnUu SIQOJ Otl lquqoJlI 'ol -auJu MOJpUV JOtl1ouu sl OJQtn n 'lUtn Qqnop [ JOJ UQS , uPlnoM. 011 lU1n JIUII JO ) [ 001 11 satsIJQlQ { { UUlU UIIO11 UU1IJIUII s , UJ'IOUII.1 JO > 1001 U JOJ O1'PJ ! 'oJII sill , uItu OJoJoq slqQP Sitt UU Plud OIM uum 'lon1UOI 0111 JO lmn sJ I'JOOQJ uo 80Ploln8 IIIHI12110ln ' } SOUl 0111 JO oUO ' " , ,00J1Q UUM.UO 100sqmul ul ou OOl d.1uqs II oq oSlu PlnollS OJQII1 5uPIJOM. . nns 81 PUUWQP puu lddns JO MUI Oil , } Jl 'MOIl . ; ) mos dn PQntJ ofl 01 05 o.\uq pa2t ] , o'l } JOJ sawall OSQtI.1 'SJJJ2 snJollo utduuPPIOU 0.111 OII1 02uOltl UI ' .101 uroJoq SUA\ 1111111JOpuo , \ \ Oh'JoJ DUOP oq 01 uoos os BU11 11UP one .Isnr pa1s1111QUlqUUUIAJOS , \\OU otl.1 JOAuq snU1 oqs Jlmt pOl 1UtIAur JOt10 { 0111 { lapolllxo uuwo , 5I1no.\ u : : 'Iq 'U JO qUIoo > [ ouq IIJolnnao Otl.L 'Ou'lS o , \\011 A\oml 1,11I\OP otIs uOqM suonu I.\uJ OJOUI mn nu l1ofi OIls ' 1(2nouo ( o.nQUJHUIUO sl { Jlfi u JI l1s0uoll , , 'JUQASOtn notlhl .cIUO 1S0UOII OJU" , , 'IIUIII UIUO 3 'IJoJ "ON oln SOAJasqo , , 'UOlU OUlOS" - 'uonsnqlUoa snoouu1uoos III oAonaq OthsJatl1o. { . JO 101 U OJU OJOtt1 'tt.mq 01UOUl SUII A\OnO } u uOIIA - 'OtUOtI 1'0 SII " 'It lnuiJ01SUOOO 1JJUtl0 Uln sJ mJoJo. .11U'8 U1uqo uaa 10q aouoJaJ1IPqJ , L NEWS IN _ BRASK _ I KEPT NO STATE PREMIUMS , A Word From the Former Adjutant General of Nebraska , l..INCOJ N-l.'ormer Adjutant. Gen- pral Barry retain eel no III'cmlums whllo no wns In o lce , In Il Icller to Governor - nor l\lIclwy \ ho declnred thnt. ho hnd novel' l\Opt. llrell1hlll1S on state wnr- rant'S , and If ILnyono of hIs clerIcal ( orco dId so ho hnll no Imowledgo of lho matter. EXIlCrt. gxnmlncr Wlglns ! chnrged Darry with a shol'tngo of nbont. $ ,10 , ; ho amount. lwln/ / ; duo the atato from : ho to I'm of Barry as adjntnnt. genol'Il1 , r the national 1111\1'(1 , Geneml Bnrry says In his communI- atlon that the matters referred to In the report. of ' " . J. : xamlner Wiggins - gins , In connection wIth the pl'emlums , WOl'O transacted by hIs chIef clerIc and thnt , ho Is not. 1I1'0lared ( to oxplaln them until ho hns hnd tlmo to com- munlcato with tho'cleric. . 1m. 'J. , Ayre'S , nnd the former stenographer , Miss Meechnm. "As soon as I have communIcated $ Vllh them , " says the letter , "I shnll aoltlo UD the maller. " General Colby still owes the ' 8tolo the premiums on slate warmnts fe. lalnell hy the atato urler the couHa nave pnssed on the nctlon which ! he attorney gonel'lU 111'0buhly wilt tJegln In the near futm'e. ' 1'ho other account chnrged against. Colby hy the exnmln- rr , the I1ay of the Wilber troops for lho encampment. of 1101 ! , will be Investigated - vestigated by the mItHnr ' department nnd Governor 1\lIcl\Oy hILS orderell Judge Advocate Colonel I hrhart. to roceed wllh the hwestlgatlon. This \s \ the nccount. whIch Colby Ilsserts properly should bo charged to hIm 'lnd its details will bo gene Into be. Cora the stnto demnnds a settlement from the gonora1. WORKMEN ADJUSTED RATES. Nebraska Jurisdiction Stands for Low Charges , NORFOLK-Accol'lllng to the Jauu. \ry number of the Nehrnslm Worlmmn , lust. beIng Issued In thIs elt ) ' , the No- IJraslm jurisdiction of the AncIent. Or. fer of United Worlunon bas just ILverted se edlng fl'om the supreme odgo. The compromlso was efrectel } when the supreme ledge , through a : ommltteo , agreed to allow NebrasIm lmvo Its own wny with regard to unranty fund rates Instead of adopt- ng rates whIch had been sot down by : ho supreme ledge and which would 'lavo greatly Incrensed the expense , f the jurlBdlctlon In this stale. With the alternatl\'o of either pay. Ing tIIO rate or withdrawIng from the :1Iltlonnl : order starIng them In the { ace members of the Nebraslm jurIsdIction - dIction were pretty general In favor oC withdrawing at. the meeting of the grand lollge to bo hold In South Omnha next. Mny. A few days ago , however , a commltteo of the supreme lollgo met. o lcers of the Nebrnslm 10dgo nt Lincoln and the result. w the granting of Nebraslm's o\'ory wlsb , 60 thnt. rates henceforth wltl bo lower than they hnva been heforo. WlII Quit Growing Btets. l\I'COOK-Tho Amorlcan Sugar Beet. company has decIded to retire from the raIsing and buyIng of beets In the Ropubllcan valley with the present. season , lea \'ng the Standard Sugar Beet. company In IIOssosslon of the enUro field. The arrangement is mutual , anll a sImilar ono obtains In the North Platte country. The Stand. nrd people are nlready In the field making contracts for noxt. year. Hospital for Insane Quarantined. The State Doard of Health gave or. del's that. the Nobrnslm Hospital for the Insallo bo quarantined for an In. definlto porlod on account of th pres , enco of smallpox. Suporlntendont Green says there Is but ono case , and ( t. Is mUd. Doubt McGrecvy Having Cash , O'NEILL-'hen the papers reachec' hero contalnl\11 ; n Phoonlx IUspatcl to the etTect that. Presldont McGreevJ of the Bllthorn Vnlley banle hal turned 0\01' $ : ! GOOO to Pollco Officol McDonnld of Phoenix , ArIz. , the people , plo hero Instantly lmow It. wns a pIp. . droam. ' 1'ho total dOl10slts are enl about. $50,000 atlll of this only aboll : $35,000 Is duo to Inlll\'hlual doposltor : in this county. It. now seems safe t. . sny thnt deposItors wlll get. moro Ula ] riO l1er cent. , so that. the lOBS to tll' ' communIty Is not. so serIous , aHhoug ! n Cow IndIvIduals wlll sutrer. Wedded Flfty.Slx Years , GENEVA-Tho fifty.slxth weddln anniversary of Mr. and 1\Irs. Abrnr I onard occurrIng , their chtldre gnvo them surprlso at the homo ( theIr daughter , Mrs. C , A. Warne' They hnvo had seven children , fi\'o ( whom nro livIng : eighteen grnndchl dren and ten groat'lrandchUllren , on of whom was preBent. 1\11' , Leonard brother , 1\Iadlson , arrlvOl1 unexpeetel ly from Lnndborn , Itan. , completln the surprlso. LINCOLN-Artor a long wrangle n tornoys have 11echled to appenl to 1I Bupromo court. to ascertain whothl the Lancaster 01' Douglas count . dt trlct court. Is to ho oboyol ] . How pny over $12,000 without rubbh agaInst the nuthorlty of two con fi ! ( Ing court is ono of the problems Clo\'lus Kendall of Omaha. TI county court. of Douglas count ) . III sahI that. 110 Bhall not. llny 12OOO . hIs mother's eBato to Nerlah n. Ke dall , hIs brother unUl further ordOl Judge Holmes 1"cenUy ruled for 1'\ \ rlllh Kendall , STATE NOTES , Teellmseh merchants report a good hollday tracle. Dodge county el\\plo 'cs but eIghteen male teaehors , The hotel Lathrol ( nt. lIardy was uurned0 the ground. There was n fire at the Normal college In Frelllont , but It. dl not. In. terrupt , worlc. Nehrnslm has rcnll1.ec1 Cram the In- specUon oC ltoroeno ! ! nnd gnsoliIio , at 10 cents per bnrrel , the sum of $38 , ' ! lG4..10 , nceordlng to the biennIal re- port. of 011 InBJector ( Church , whIch was fitocl wllh the govornol' . At lIoldrelo John n. Lucns , who flhot and ItlllCd CIYdo Iestor December - ber G" was hound over to the dlHtrict court on 11 charge of mur er In the fil'st degree and was remanded to jail without ball. Clmrles Fle1tl hung himself at Crete. 1I0 wus a foreman of stonoworl , on the now Durllngton depot. at. that placo. 110 was found at. supper tlmo hanging from n I'ufter In the tool houso. No cause Is lmown for the deed other than that ho Hnd been drlnldng heavily. The l"armel's' " Elevator company of Stram svlllo , have the elevntor under conBtructlon nnl1 hnvo commenced to purchase nnel shIp grnln. An oxper- .Ion cell man has been placed In chnrgo of the buslnoss and the farmers by co-operntlon h0110 to cIrcumvent the graIn bU'ers' trust. If such an Instl. tutlon exIsts. Judge Harrington In tho'llstrlct. . court. at Long Plno , has granted a decree - creo annuttlng the mal'1'lago of S. Herbert Moore and Clura Tn'lor , which occurred _ il Long Pno [ several rears ago. The clecreo was petltlonell tor by Will H. Ta'lor of losedalo , Ill" who declared that hIs sistoI' had been Insane slnco lS ! ) I. 1\1rs. Moore Is now an lnmalo of the Lincoln asr. [ um. George E. lIuslwll , president. of the Beatrlco CI'eamery ( 'olnpany and for. mer resIdent. of Lincoln , will retnrn to LIncoln from Callfornln with his famlly about .1atlllnry 1. 110 Ims been In Colorado and CalifornIa for several years on account of lII.hea1th , but. has so far recovered thnt his ph 'slelans mlY ho can return to this cllmnto with safety , The family has been for some tlmo at Ocean Deaeh , Cat. Recently P. C. Alc01'll of Crab Or. chard suffered an Injury to one of his e3'es , and It was beHoved the optic mIght bo saved. However , Inflammation - tion sot. In In such a had condition that the sight of the other c 'e was threntened , and the surgeons deemed It. advlsablo to remove the Injured eyebaH to guard against the possblllty [ oC 1\11' . Alc01'll's suffering total blind. noss. 1\Inror IIaclcctt and some of the cIty councilmen of Humboldt Imd an In. tereBtlng sessIon with a stranger who 3.llpeared laBt. weol , and made all preparations - parations to open up a. huclwt shop In n vacant o lco room of UtO city. The nuthorltles objectcl ( , bnt. the man went wIth hIs ' ' on al'l'angements until warned that. ho would bo hnwedlatelY arrested If ho attelllpted to do busi- neSB , when ho decided to drop tllO matter. P. J. . . . ' 1'r03'er In jumping from freight. No. 4G at. Callawa r , had a. narrow eSt capo from n horrihle death whIch he is lIable to remember for some lime to come. 'froyer has been up ut Shol'i. dan for some time past nnd , wnntlng to get. back to his homo at. Callawa ' , made arrangemontB wIth II. party l > rlnglng Bomo horses cast to ride with hIm. Thlnldng the traIn was not : ' , , ; olng to stall when It nrrl\'ed there , he made a jump for the platform , which was covered with frost. A few minutes IntoI' ho was dlscoverod h ) ' Franle 1\1alcvlclm , the nIght. watchmun , I Iring InBonslblo. with hIs head nearl ) ' touching the rails. Shorlff lIall of Holt. ( 'onnt ) ' Is qnlte pleaBed wIth the calltu'o [ of Demard I McGreovy , the mIssing hanler , anlt I sars ho had rccel\'ed a tip that ho was In Arizona and waJ ! mal\lng arrangements - rangements to go to Arizona when r ho received word of his capturo. 1\11' . - 111\11 has worl\Oll dlllgentl ' on the case 3 from the boglnnlng anll had sent. de. scrll1Uons of the missIng halll\Cr to' 1111 olUcenr In Arl7.0nn IInd soveml R other states and terrltol'les. The sllmo 11110 of taU , concerning seed corn ns was /I\'en / lit. the state unIversIty seed com specal [ ever the Burllngton route In 'Tocu1l1sch , wl1t bo carried out at. the cmln s9sslon of the farmers' Instltuto. ' 1'he farm' ors nro nwnltc to the fnet. that. there g Is much In the proper selection or the n grain , Its cnre" In the cultivntlon of n the ground , and In changIng crops , If Hon. .T. J. . . . Young , who has ono of the hest fnrms In Johnson count . , says lhnt. n few ) 'enrs ago under the Bamc conditions that have pro\'aJod [ for the past. t.wo or three : ronrs , ho uBed to raso [ ns high aa so\'enty.fivo hushelE of corn to the ae1'O , on land which h now ) 'Ieldlng from thIrty to thirty , fivo. , , to The Nobraslm falt. commission wll 10 contrlbuto the $100 necesslU'3' f01 131' brlnlng : : the mammoth stntuo of e s. brnslm from St. Louln to Lincoln. } 1 to has been dechlcll to place the statutI Ig In the rotunda. oC the atllto calilto t-lbulhllng , where it. wl1t be sheIterel of from the rnvages of the elements. I ilo Is thought. thnt with such proteetiOl [ IS the start statue can bo 11r'scrvell In of Ilefinll(1) ' , A meeting wilt bo helll II InOll1ahn by the stuto commIssion , unt s. at. that tlmo 11 telegram wllt be sen reo to PresIdent FrancIs accepting tb gift. . . . r , , " ' " " SUPREME COURT ENDS , DECISION OVER FLO ! I " - . ' - _ . _ . - ' & ; . , . , t < : ' 0 . I " 'I" . lt 1 > I 0 . I i . I ,1 . _ = - = = = = .INDlC'l1TE4 C'HANNL PRIOR. TO JULY'6' 18670 (1 ( JNDlC'AT.EtJ NBC'OF ] ; AN THR.OWN JNTO .M/3 OllR./1 - CHANo'G C > > 'CHANNE.L .ANJ : > NOW.RCTURNED TOI . flJ2RAslA.zsy . : JUPRENS COURr.IW ctJ JON : The decision of the United States Supreme court. giving to Nebraslcn n necle of land thrown Into 1\Itsourl ! by a change of , the rlvor chnnnel III lSG7 , and declarn the mlddlo of the old C'hllnnel to bo the bou\1dary between Iho states , hns cleared up a number of long stanlllng disputes between - COST OF RURAL DELIVERY. Millions Expended That People Shall , Have Proper Servlcc. Postmaster General Wrnno writes in the 'World's Worlc : "In 1817 ! , whim the rural sorvlco was started on pro. ImUon , $40,000 was deemed sufficient for Its trIal. Durlns the fiscal 'ear that ended June -l10-J ! , nearly $13- 100,000 was expended for rural free lIe1vor ( ) ' . For the fiBcal r'ar upon whIch wo have now entered $20,81G , ' GOO has been appropriated for the con. tlnunnco and extension of the rural mall se1'\'lce. Thct'o were 24,566 rural routes In exlstenco at the end of the fiscnl 'ear , Juno 30 last , ! IH6 now routes hnvlng lleen put Into oporatlon durlns the flscal 3'ear. Oct. 1 , l10-1 ! , there were 27,135 routes establlshed , and the servlco was being extended at. the rate or nbout. 800 routes a month. 'faldng 450 people as the average number served on each route ( a moderato - erato estlmato ) the rural servlco In operation Oet. 1 , 1D04 , , was bringing the malls wHhln casy rench , of the homes of 12,213,750 residents of rural dlEtrlets. Automatic Savings. A new Idea for encouragIng thrift Is being developed In HaIr. It. is nothIng - Ing moro 01' less than an automatic banle. In n cast.lron pillar there are hree sllt.s. In the top ono the coIn IB Ins rtecl-a. ten.centlmo pleco. If It. Is false It. Is promptly rejected , and fa11s out. or a loweI' Bllt. If It. be good , the receipt prompl1y drops from the thIrd open Ins at the bottom of the box. So soon as the depositor has co11ected fh'o or 11\01'0 \ of these re- colpts ho can exchange them for a bank pass.book at the regular .savingB banI. , and on hIs savIngs ho wlll bo pall1 by government. Interest. at the rate of 4 pOI' cent. By means of this excellent. lIlt1e Invention the labor01' Is able to plnco n frnctlon of his 11nl1y wages at. Interest. without the trouble or tlmo Incldont. on malting a journe ' to the nearest. 110sto lce , a g1'eat. con. vonence [ , seolng that. such banlts are open only at. cortaln hours , and these not. suIted to the mnn who works with his hnnds. Judgment I nstead of "Red Tape. " When n business organIzation becomes - comes a body of thlnldng men and women , Instead of n vast. machlno of whIch each In lvldual Is but n lJUrt , It become ! ' ! posslblo to govern them mal'O by the spirIt and less by the letter of the mlo , thus ut1zlng ! ! Indl- \'Idual judgment. at those poInts where n strict adherence to the mlo Is unclo- slrnhle , sa3'S Success. It. hecomes posslblp to ollmlnato a great deal of dotalled s'stem 01' "red tape , " and to substltuto active judgment. 'fhls de. volops Indlvhiual capacity In the om. ployo , whllo It grently lessetlfJ operatIng - Ing expenses for the emll10 'cr nnd enriches - riches the busIness with maI'o Intolll. gent. worl , . Welcome to Chinese Students. It. . Is for the ndvantago of thIs country - try thnt wo should eHtabllsh the AmerIcan - Ican poInt. of view as widely as possl. ble throughout the Chlneso emplro. The maI'o thIs can bo done the bettor It. will bo for our commerce amI the Industries upon which that. commerce depelHls. LeavIng out all IIllrulsUc consldoratlon It. Is for our own unquos. I tlonahlo Interest that. wo extend Amor- I lean Ideas and AmerIcan Infiuonco In I the largest. meaBuro posslblo In that t land of almost. HmlUess markets , al1l1 , to llo thIs It. would ho to OUI' great. ncl. ; vantngo to encourage hlgh.class ChI , I neso students al1l1 Illgh.class observ. . ors of our lustltutlons.-Doston 'fran' f > crlpl. New Raccoon Dog. In the Now Yorl , Zoological parle Is . 11 whlto l'accoon ( log fronj northern Japnn , whIch Is regarded as ropre' scntlng n new s11ecles and has been named Nrctereutes Albus , sa's a sd entlfie jQurnni. 'fho ordInary raccoon do of Japan l1tul ChIna Is an nnlma1 closely allied to the true dogs , but I' with mal'ltcd suporficlal resemblance to n raccoon. It the Now YOl'le Bpecl. mon really Indicates the oxlBtenco oj 11 whlto sIleeleR of rnccoon clog , the ract will be or eonsitlemlfe zoologIcal Intorest. - . > states bordorlng on the MIssouri , Mis. Blsslppl and other rivers nnd removed n IUunber of havens for crimInals who have tal\On refuge on land In dlsputo hetween states Ilnd evndod convlcUons by pleadll1g thnt. the state whoso au. thorltles arrested them had no juris. dIction. , NO FRIENDS IN POLITICS. \ - Mcan Trick Frank Hatton Played on Congressman Cannon. Congressman Cnnnon was not al. wa's so powerful In 'Washington as ho hns been'of late years. II'J te11s with glee of a visIt ho once paid to the postoffico department when blunt I"ranlc Hatton wns postmnster genern ! . He took with him a consUlutont who wanted to bo post.master of his v11lage , ; Cannon was bitterly opposed to him , but. did not ] want to turn hIm down I openl ) ' . When they reached the do. partment Cannon left. the would.bo 110stmaster outsIde the screen door and weut. In to see Hatton. Ho told Hatton ho li1tended to brIng the man In and ask for the place for him , but begged Hatton to refuse H. "Whero's the man ? " asIed Hatton. "Just onto sldo the door , " Cannon replled. "In that case , " replied Hatton , raising his voleo so ho could be heard a city bloclc , "I want. ) .ou to lenow I have lyIng enough to do hero without lying for you. DrIng him In. ' ' Cannon brought. him In l1 d Hatton blandly appoInted him. Teaching Preventive Medicine. It. Is a fact of which the mellical professIon Is well aware that the bet. tor class of newspapers are the great. educators of the common peoplo. They furnish them with tholr high school and c011ogo courses and do more than an ) ' other agency to form the opInions of the great. multitude. This beIng the case , It behooves an roputnblo I1h'slcnns [ to join In an effort. to glvo the papers such medIcal reading matter - ter as wlll Interest and InBtruct theIr readers. In no other way could pro. ventivo medicine bo taught so thoroughly - oughly and succesafully as through the medIum of newspaper publ1clty. Unthlnldng people , and indeed many of indcIlCndent. mind , bellevo absolute- h' ever .thlng they read In theIr paper. 'fhereforo preventive medlclno could easily bo Instl1led Into the minds of thIs bod-Medlcal Journal. Qualifications for Wife _ Ex.Senator 1\Iarlon Dut1er at orth Carolina. got. Into n discussIon wIth a couple of friends the other evening on that. a11.burnlng social CuesUon- dlvorco. At the concluson [ of the de. bate the senator related this : "Down my way I have a fdend who scorns to ho a confirmed bacholor. Ho' : some yonrs past. mlddlo ago now and the homeliest 1001dng cuss 3-OU ever saw. Dut ho's a humorist. Ono day I aslted hIm jolt1ngly why he 1111 [ not. get. mar. rled. 'Beeauso with mo , ' he said , 'mar- 'rlago Is 11os81blo only under three con- 11tlons. [ ' 'Indeed , and whnt. are they ? ' I nslced. 'Well , my wife , ' he repl1ed dro11y , 'must. bo rieh , beautiful and n fool. Unless she Is rich and henutl. ful I won't. 1I1nrry her , and IInless she be n fool she won't. marry me. ' . . Roosevelt With Fulton. it Is nn ulmost. forgotten fact that PresIdent. Rooseve1t.'s grandfather wns the first man to nnvlgnto a steam. boat on the OhIo and l\l1sBlssippl rlv. erSt Captt Roosovelt. 'was a o1oso pel' > sonnl frle\\l of Robert. Fulton , Invent. ' or of the steam craft. Soon after Ful , ton's successful vorago on the Hudson the captain concelyed the Idea 01 launohln'g such 11. craft. on what wcre then Western wnters. In the sprIng 01 1811 the vessel was launched at PllllI' burg und the presldont's grandfnthm bognn hIs v03'ago to the gulf. 110 on. tered the 1\IIHslsslpPI during the times of the earthqualw whIch devaBtated se much of southeastern MIssouri , but weathered the tumult. successfu1l and continued his tl'lp to Now 01' leans. Brave In Misfortune , .10s\ph 1\1 a 111' 0 1' , a plucly resld\nt 01 Canal townshlll , Venango count . , Pn. , wlll1e drivIng hIs team hItched to 11 I log of wood was strucl , by the log hl'calclng hIs leg In two places. Aftel vanly ! yoltlng for help until ho noarl IlCrlBhel1 with the cold he c1'llwled t ( the horseB , d1'oVO them along sldo 11 I stU1l1P , pu1led hImself with hIs b1'Oler : leg to the top of the stump and ther : to the bHClc of 01\0 of hIs horBes a 111 ] In this wny sltcceeded In gettln homo nUf } seeuring the servIces of f Bur eon. I' " "J 1 . Llahta on rooklyn Dridoe. There 111'8 three 1lghts on the DrooJ ) bn brldgo whIch are never floeD b , 1- , * these who hnvo occasion to use tht - brldgo nt night , but. those three If.ghU ) mean much to the maBtars of salUn ; : vessels whoso mnBts approach or e1l ' ' ceed the 13ri teet between the ccnto of the span nnll the wnter , Ono of thi throe Is directly In the center or thi span nnll marIes the hlghesL 1,0Int , th6 othcr t.wo nro at e1lch sldo of the cow tor light , about. 10 teet. from the tow. ers , nnd marle the dnnger ILmit. . . Lord Rocebery's "Good Story , " In a recol1t EngllBh blogrnphY pears nn anecdote told In the char torlstlo English l:1annor. The wrlle remarleu : "J. l'd nosebery told a vor ) . good story ( for ho Is alwl1Ys nml.tJlng ) about. n gentleman who was t.ravellnc In the southern United St.ntes. The vIsitor was bolng shnvcll by n. neg1'o barber and noticed the extr01UQ blunt. ness ot the raz r. If 'Yes , sir , ' saId the barber. 'It hI vurr blunt , Gar : I WIlS out last nrGh wId the boys. ' ' ' Newspaper Circulation. A statistician has lenrned tbat th. nnnunl nggregatlon of the clrculntlon of tbo Impel's ot the world Is estlmnted to be 12,000,000,000 copIes. To grnsp " the Iden of this magnitude wo m"a } ' alato that It would cover no tower than 10,450 square ml1es or surface : that. It. Is printed on 781,250 tons of , pnper : nnd , further , that. It the num. bel' (12,000,000,000) ( ) represented , In- stcad ot copies , seconds , ! w would taleo maI'o than 333 years for them to elapso. \ , Found at Last. Hensley , Ark. , Dec. 26th.-Specln ! ) -Thnt. a sure cure tor Dnckncho would be n prIceless boon to the people , and i espocln1ly the women of Amerlcn , t admitted by nn IntereBted In .mcdtcn1 mnttors , nnd Mrs. Sue Wlltlaws ot this place Is certaIn she has lound In } Dodd's KIdney Pllts the long-looked for 1 cure. "I am 38 'elrs : old , " Mrs. WIIUamlr eays , "nnd I hnvo sufferell with th $ [ Dnclmcho . . . .ery much for tbreo or tour years. I have been treated by good phrsiclalls and got. no rellcf. f I but thanIs to God , I ha\'o found a cur& Jt. last. and It. Is D : > dd's Kldnoy P11ls. I have taltcn only ono box nnd It ha ! ) ) done me more good than all the dOOo \ tors In three or four ) 'ours. L want a1l surterers from Dackache to know ' . . . " t that they can get. Dodd's Kidney Pll15 , I and get. well. " , Dackacho Is one of the first eymp. toms of Kldnoy Disease. Guard against I Drlght.'s Disease or Rheumatism by curing It. with Dodd's Kidney PU1a. I To Train Servants. ! Hnmburg is to hnve n school for training ser\'ants. It. is not Intended to compete with existing schoob which provide training In domesUr. science for girls of well.to.do film } . } Iles. ' Every houseleeoper should know 1/ ' ( ' tbat If they will buy Defiance Cold \Vnter Starch for lnundry use they will S'avo not. only time , because It \ novel' sUcIs to the Iron , but because r each packnge contnlns 16 oZ.-ono full pou1\d-whlle nll other Cold \Vnter Stnrches are put. up In % _ .pound pac1e- \ ages , nnd the prco [ Is the same. :10 : f conts. Then again IJecauso Dcfianco Starch Is free from all Injurious chern- ) ieals. If your grocer tries to sell rOll a \ 12'01. . paclcnge It. is becnuse he ha9 . It. stocle on hand which ho wshes to t dispose of before ho puts In Defiauce. * ) I ' He Icnows that. Definnce Starch has i printed on every pac1mge In large let. I tel'S and figures " 16 OZB. " Demand Dofinnce nnd snye much time and " money nnd the nnnoyanco at the 11'00 i sUcking , Definnce never stlcles. . } Purity of the Mind. oJ You can no moro tUter your mind } Into Durlty thnn you cnn compress it , Into calmness ; ) 'OU must. keep it Dure i it you hn..o It. pure , nnd tbrow" stones Into It. If you would hnvo' It Q.ulet.-nusltln. ; 1 _ r $100 Reward , $100. i Tbe rell.dera at lbl , paper will bo Pleafiel\ Jean. I that tbero " at lelUt ono drcnded dlpa. . . lhat .elencs . bas been able 10 cure In 11.1Ita \ 61"Kes , aud tbat 1. I Catarrh. 1I"1\'s \ Calarrh Cure I. the only p"'Uvs ' cure now known to lbo m dllal fraternlly. , Catarrh . I belnlt a conoUtutlonRI dl.ea c. r01lulre. a C'LUbUlU' tlon,1 trealment. Hall's Cl\tarr" Cure Is tl1 ! > en In. ternally. acllnlt dlreclly upon Iho bl'Jod and mucou. j . lurfacea at Ibe s181em , tMreby destrp71nlt tb. toundutlon ot the dlse.\ . and Ilvlnl.hI \ ! p tlen' ItrenKt" by buildIng up tbo conHllUUnn MllI,18o , , \ Inll n\ure In doltl { Ito work. The proprlelor bue . ' 10 mll\h fallh In lIS curative 1'0"018 Ihat lhey otIer ; ODe HUDdre,1 VoUar tor any c tl1l1 It tau. tG ! cnre. Scnd tor list of tcUlmonlal8 , Adllreu J. ' . J. ClltNJy & : CO. , Toledo , 0. II Bold by 1111 11 rll 11 > :1 811 , ; 5c. I Taite l1..II's YI\wlly 1'1111 tor conltlpaUODo Cupid Is n sorry lender : after lead < I , Illg people Into trouble ho leaves them \ to fight It. out. themsolves. , I ' A Rare Coed ThIng. \ "Am using ALL N'S FOO'.L'-EASE , an . t cnn t.ruly 8ny 1 would not 1m vo been wit.hout . . I it. so long had I known the relict U would . ! \ . give my n hhig feet. I think it rare good / thIng for nnyone having sere or Ured toot.- Mrs. MntllwIIoitwert , Provldcnce , R. L" 1 Said by oU Druggists , 250. .Ask to.dav. , Statesmen who "also ran" are nat , I nraUy slow to predict n brIght. futun \ I tor their country. I ; t A GUAnA TlmD OUItt : FOR I'ILES , ItcWnlltIllld. lIIl't'dlnl { or l'rolnldlnK P1Je. . . Vou , drJ1iGI.t will refnnd money It l'AZO OlNTMEN1 hils to curll you In 6 lo U dIlY' . 601 : . The Culclwst. way to beat n womanr : : In an argument. Is to listen and sn3' ' 1/ ' , nothing. L , I'lso's Cure cannot be too lghly spall en at IU \ : II cough cure.-J. W , O'JII11ti , 3. 'l'lIlrd Ayo. . N. , Mlnucnpolls,1 > lIuu. , Jlln. O. 1000. , I It Is a good denl onslor to sUr tiP I L a hornet's nest. than It Is to tlnd me , I rlgbt place to crawl Into. \ : It ) ' 0\1 don't A'et the blgRellt and besl t , It's your own fault. D nRnee Blare ) If. . . ! , I. tor ! lRle e\'et\Ywhcrt ! autI there It L po.IUvey nothtng to equal it In qua ) . 1t7 or qUlt.nUty.