Approach of the Dawn. " 'When you get Into a tlCht place I _ 4 Qverythlng goes agaInst 70U until It teems that you cannot hold on a Minute lonber , never clvo up then , for that Is just the place and the time thn t t1'e tide w11l turn.-Harrlet . ( ' c her Stowo. \ Wt3hlngton I , Popular Namo. ' 1'hl'ro are moro counties In the t'nlte" Stntes nnmed for Wnshlngton tlnn : for nny other man. The cnpltnl , . . . ! 'tnto and two cltlcs exceedIng 20,000 In fJopulation also benr his nama. J } Don't you know that Defiance Starch . ' " ' h.I < It1 beIng' absolutely superior to ' - 'w. ' 11I\ ' other , It put up 16 Iunces In pack- j , . . " 1Ilnd fleUs at same prIce as 12- ( ' "I , , " packages ot other Itlnd ? "nny a traIn of thought carries no It'pight. . .II . h Cure ! ! CoM ! ' , Coughll , Sore ThroBt Croup Inl1ueuza , Whooping COulth , JJronchltls Bud Aathma. A certain cure for Consumption In first ltalOefl.nnd n. sure rcllcfln nd\'nnrel1stn es. U ! < C at'ollee. You will see the excellent etrect nfter taklnlf the first dO" . Sold by dealcn evcry. where. Larlle bottles cents and W cents. I ' . I I ' . . I . ! t . , tt t tI t - I , . f b WE DEMAN .YOUR ATfENTION. . ' 1 . . , } tr anyone offered you & good dollar for an imperfect enl , ! . I , < auld you take It1 ; J If anyone orrmd you one gooll . : dollar for 75 cents of bad money I , , would you t < .ke it ? ! " We orrer you I ounw' of th. ' very best starch made for 10e : ' ; I' No otMr brand is so , good , yd' ' , an others cost 10c. for 12 ounces. , . .j l' Ckrs is a business proposition. DEFIANCE STA CH isJht but and cheapest. \ We guarantee it sallsfattory. I Ask your grocer , The DEFIANCE STARCIi CO. , II \ OmahiNeb. . . W II \ " , = I Thompson' . Ey. Waler ' w. N. U. , Omaha. No. 53-1904 Not Wholly Benertoc5nt. JCxperlments wllh the theory thnt muslo mn ) ' bl ) used as a medlclno IIhow thnt npvrcclablo cbnnces ot { lulso and blood preSBuro follow the In. fiuenco of nn nutomntlo pIano. Wo have noticed It ourselves. It had not. however , occurred to us thnt the ettect was sedative or curlltlvo.-PhUndol. phla North AmerIcan. When a blgh.salarled office finds It necessar ) to Boelc tllO mnn ) 'OU mny expect. to see thieves tr 'lnG' to brewc Into jan.-Chicago News. Manl Children Sickly. MothorGrny sS\veet POWdCI'S forChlhlrcn , tlSOO b ) Mother Gray. n 1\urso In Children's Homo , Now York , cure 'c\'crlshness , Hend. ' ' ' ' Dls. ache , Stomach 'l'I'Oubles , 'l'cothtuK order ! ! , I1realclp Cold ! ! nud Destroy " 'orm ! ! . At. nil Drutmlsts' , Z5c. Snmple mallodFREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted , LoRe ) , N. Y. How to Quiet a Horse. When a witness In nn English court temnrleod that it was necessary to 81t on a horso's hond when ho was down to leoep him qulot. the judge replied : "NothIng of the lelnd. People don't seem to understand that t.ho only thln { ; necessary to leee1J 11 horse from klelt1ng when ho Is down Is to get hold ( > ! his car and leeep hIs nose up In the nlr. I ha YO Been a lady Iceep a horse quiet In that way without solllng her cloves. " SPECIAL NOTICE. UNDOMA Bnlr ' 1'onlc wl11 lend to your hnlr that soft fiuffy appearance appreciated by po01l10 of IOOd taste and refinement. Ask Your Darber. Send t , your nnma tor tree treat , mont. TIlB UNDO\IA CO\IP ANY , Omaha Scott a Rotpld Writer. Scott Is said to have written "WaV' crley" In leBs than sIx wceles. He wrote yery rnphl1 , seldom rovlsed and ns a con ! > o'luonco his novels were full of IJlunders , errors nnd anachron Isms. ( } , OO pOl' 1\1. Lewis' "Single Blndor , " 8tral ht. e cll-nr : ; , costs more than ethel brands , but. this pI.teo ! dVC ! ! the dealer 3 full' - the smoker a bottel' cigar Low 5' Factory , Pcol'ia , 111. . Books Always In Plenty. There Is no truer word thnn that of Solomon : " ' 1'hero Is no end of making oles. " The sIght of a great library verifies it : there is no end-Indeed , it were pIty there 'should be.-Dlshop HaB. Hundreds at dealers say thlt extra quantity nnd supol'lor quality at De. fiance Starch Is fast talt1ng place at all other bl'an H. Others Bay they can not : seH any other starch. The latest. museum Creak Is 1pIg with two legs. Outsldo a museum it Isn't. necessary to have Cour legs to be a hog. . Dealers say thnt as foon ! , as a. cus. tomer tries Defiance Starch It Is 1m. possible to sell them any other col water stal'cll. It can be used colll 01 boned. A 1lltle sympathy that gets Into OUI feet Is worlh n. whole lot of sorrow that. noyer soales deelJer thun our feel. Ings. to 'j J\rr" , Wln 1ov.1I I'oothlnt ; ' t'Iyrup. ' Forchlhlrl'n teetbID . 8Mten. tbe . . . ! > : IUI11. , reduce. fn. Ila.mwatlou , allay. vaIn. curc. wind cui" . . . c a OOIUO A little sorrow may teach moro than many sermons. "Dr. DR.t.1 KfJlln,1y' . FRvorlte Rfmfd ! ! rurl'.1 m1 wUe ot 1ttirrlbl. . ; dl'I'M" . Wltb plel\8ure 1 , . .tit , to 11.1I wan.lou. ) . . . . J.8weel.A.1ban"N. Y. The empty heM needs a haughty air. I { . . . ' . , . . . . . . . " " . . . . " . \ " " 1 " ' " . " . . . i . : . : CASTORI.A , - . . . ! . . . . . . . " , , . . . . . . , " ' , . . . . . . . . . . . " , " . , ' ' ' . ' ! ! or Infants and Children. . I . ' . " , , ' , , " ' > } . . 3f = ' % -r. ; " ' ; . ' I ' . " " 1 1. . \ II i : : The Kind You Have . ; I\ : . : I lj \ { , t . . . . . - . . . . : . . : . . . . . , . , , : l ; -'jjy ; to'I . . : - . , . ! , oJ" I . . . , . . " . . . . . " 1W , . . . . , , , , , , , , > , , " " < " " " " " \ " ; " " , ; , ; , , , , ' , . , " . . " ' . " " " , , . , , , , ; ; ; " . "f.i ; if&-.r. IiiO''Tffi ' o = . . \ ! " AI ways B DUg hI t. Af1c ( blePrcpr ) tionrorAs- ! \I" il 1 slmilating lI\ct'ood mmc ula- Iii ; I : ti1\gUll Stomachsand.Bowclsor : B ears th e , . ' , I I i SIgnature ' " , ' / , Promotes Digcstion.Cheerrul- : nessand nest.Conl ins neIther 11 ; .9.piumMorp1linc : nor 1ofiu.craL ( of if or"NAn.COTIC. j ' . . 'fJ l.Jr PUr1M1l 'I . . ttf f } : - \ In ' . ; : ; Use Ape CCIrorconsup - " non , Sour StomachDiarrhoea Worl1\SConvutsions.t vcristr I nessnmlLosSOFSLEER , , F 0 r 0 V e r f Fwsimito sgnnture ; or f. . , { . Thirty Years 1,1 CASTO RIA ' / . . 'nil OINTAUft . . . . . .0IOMJlY. nlW YO. ' 0" . , . . . 1'/ i - . I'to. . , - " . " + 1' . " ' . . : " ' 1./1 1 ( . " ' . . . . . . , . \ When Anlwerlng Advertllementa . . . ' , e Klndl ) ' Mention Thl. Paper. r ( BEGGS' CHERRY COUGH .VRUP curu cousbl anlil coIda. : . . , J1 CITY OWNERSHIP IN BFlITAIN. I Oppon- ; ; I Leading PC\lIcy Pr < tlses the System and Its Results. . The Ame1'lcnn who tlrcal1s l11unlclllnl ownershIp for feRr or its hehl usell to crento pollllcal mnchlnery anll rob the public anll who lIeclnres that wo must. first cstnbllsh the mcrlt s 'stOI11 may be astonlHhcll , sn 's n writer In lho Worlll To-Dny , when ho learns the extent ot the du\'ululltIUJuL ot Drillsh munlclllal trnillng11lller these COtlll ! . tlons. Seodng ] lo Icarn "tho othcr sllto" of munlclpatizatlon In Oreat Drltaln , the Invcstlator Is nt over ' tU1'l1 referrel1 to Arthnr I\n : ) ' , I dlsllngulshell citizen of O1asgow and hcnll of the gl'cat mer. chandlslng hOUGO of Arthur & Co. , ns the nrch cncm . or 11ll1nlcll1allzallon. lIe Is prcsldcnt ot the Cltlzen unIon and the Ta"J1a 'ors' federation. When nsleed , "Do 'ou thln ] { Glasgow ahou1l1 own and operate Its traIns ? " bo an. swered : "Certainly. The owning and operatln { ; ot these tramwn 's hils becn I highly l)1'ontablo nnd thoroughly Nntl rnctor . . the nccountiug Is correct ntHl nobody opposes It. " "Dut. 'Ol1 ihlnle lho trams should bo operated for profit In reHet at rntcs7" "Not nt all. They should bo run on n low tnctor of 8afet . , and profits bo , sunle. In betterments or reduction 01 charges. " "nut thIs Is soelaHsm 7" "Well , they can It. socla1lsm-munl. cltJal soelnllsm. And thIs ft'om the man who was to have glyen the finnl word a alnsL mu , nlclpaHzntlon ! In Great Brltnln there Is opposition , not to munlclpnl ownor. ship as such , but enl ' to Its excesscs. Frog Culture by Millions. The cultIvation of frogs Is n now In. dustr ' , but It. can bo made profitablc , ns there are thousanlls ot acrcs ot I wamlJand ] In Pennsylvania , worth. I less , whIch could bo utilized. Ahout t.wo millIon will be dIstributed In tho' ' state. Some of the nppHcatlons re- celvcd by the department are very amuRlnA' , nnd they will be storcd away umong the state Rl'chlvcR. A New Ded. I forll nppllcant wants to Icnow f [ the frogs " \\111 flourish anti tie wen In panda that have been constructed for fish , hut abnl1l1onell , or IH1l1ds that are made to cut Ice ofr , as they arc fed with clcan water. " A BI'cndysv1l10 , Ducls county , farmcr , IlSS for from ten thol1sand to fifty thousand frogs with which to slock Neshamlny Crcele , which , he says , "Reoms to bo run out of fish , so let lis have some bUBft'ogs'1 A 'l'ullytown man writes for n sUPllly to slocle. "our millponds with , as they , are excellent ponds for that purposos. " I A Phi1adelllhla man writes to know If ' the frogs are green , and ' 'i ! they wl1l leeep babies awale nIghts by their cI'oallngs. " A Clearl1eld county mall a8es if lhe frogs are "good eating , " and whether they ar "real frogs ' 01' only hoptoads.-Plttsburg ChronIcle , Telegraph. - ' - - - What's In a Name. Representative Olmsted of Penn. E 'IYnnla , Rn 's that old Dr. 1..0\1 Bull was a ccrgyman ] of the Episcopal faIth nnd lived In Chester count . , his stnte , not many years ago. The good old doctor was called UIJon to bnp. Use a child , the offspring of a famllr with the surname of Frog. Wllhout any IJrelhnlnary observallonR lho father nnd mother were call1',1 to the fl'ont at the end of the second part or lCRson of the scrvlce. "Namo this child , " snld the doc- tor. " 'Ve name It nftet. ) 'ou , sir , " saId the mother , ns she handCII the bnby to the doctor. I "Oh , bul ) 'ou named the last after mo. It was was chrlstoned Levi . , " salll the minister. "Welldoctor \ , can this ono after 'our t'other name. " Anll the minister did , chrlstenln { ; It null , and the 'oungstel' went forth wIth the cognomen of Dull Frog.- Boslon Hemltl. It Wts Good Advice. The man laughed uproarIously. "I'm' n pretty healthy loodng ] sIlcclmen , am I not , doctor ? " he aslw . "You certalnlr : a1'o , " Ilnswerod the physlclnn. "Well , tcn 'cars ago 'ou toll1 mo to prepare for tleath. " "Did I ? " " : " "You did "WeIl , I see no reason to Le hllarl. DUS about It. That's seed al1vlco at any time. IRn't it ? " "Yes , but- " "Doesn't your preacher glvo you the .mmQ advIce ? " "Of course , but : rou see- " I "WeB , why don't you go and laugh at him 7 I dId ony ] my duty b ' , and from what. I ] mow of : rou , I would say that. I can't..thlnl , of any ono who has mom extended preparations to I make. Good da ' , sIr. " "Sometimes , " mused the man as ho went out , "It Is easy to male a point anti tllfUcult to cUnch It. " The COO's Cold Nose. When OIlh , perceIving 'twas time to em- . bnrlc , Deslt.l' the Crentllrl' to en tor the Ark , 'l'ho Dog' with a frlen llnes. LTuly Hub- limo Asslllicli In h < < mllnA' thl'm. Two nt II. tlmo He ro\'o In the Elephanltl , Zobms uni ! Gnll Until they were 1) 11I1e a boxtul ot screws- The Cnt In the cupbonr , the Mouse on the IIholt. The lluf ; ' In the ( : rack. Theil ho backed In hlmRolt : nut lJueh wnll the Incl. ot nvnllablo apnco lIe coul n't tuelc nil at him Inlo the plnco ; An IJO , thollgh Iho rivers rushe over the Illnln And 110wn trom the hea\'ens tell LInn- leetll ot min. lIe dtoOlI with his muzzle thrust out through thfJ oor 'J'ho whole 10 Ilnrs ot thnt terrIble paUl'I Decauso at whIch renchlng , the Sago : ! untold. The nee of It lI'n1lhy Dog' nlwnrll III collI. -Arthur Gulterlllnn. In New York 'fltnes. Helping the Cook. I Boartllng MIstress-What are tboso boarders grumbUng about now ! Servant. .They'ro roaaUns the beet. . Ancient Ann Renectl. I A man think. It wfulIy stupid for a woman to lOBO her voekotboole , but ! bo forgot how often she has to hel11 him find his colInr button , nnd romem' ber for him Just where he put his hat. -Daltimore American. Deed. Not to De Recalled. No mnn II'OS 11.11 . the meaning of hIli deeds bl'foro he commits thorn : but , once committed , It lIoems as thouch they hnd hccomo part ot the hlntor ) ' ot the unlverso , and the consequences : I are Inoxorahlo.--R. J. Campbell. Cut Aldcrmtnlc Specch Short. Long specchcs b ) ' Liverpool ( En ' land ) aldermen nro not oncourn ed. I The lord ma'or ot Lonclon has been llrovldod with a sandglnss at\(1 \ ( 1111 'mom ' bel' ot the council Utny Illea1i ! moro than ton mltmlos. Storel.eoper rOllOrt thnt tile I'xtrn quantity , tOJcthor with tllo slIllorlor qUlllity oC Defill\1co \ Starch rnnlcs It I next to hnposslblu to sen nny othcr IJrund. SleeplcGs Creatures. There 11.1'0 . several species ot fish , rcptl1es nnd Insects whIch never sleep during the whole of their exlstm ce. Among fish It. Is positively Imo\\'n thnt pUel' , snlmon and gohlfish ne\'or IIleep at. all : also that there arc Bev. ernl others In the fish tnmlly thnt noyer slcep moro than n few minutes I ! . month. There are dozens or sllccles of flies whIch neyer Inllugo ] In slum. I b\r , anll fl'Om three to fiyo species 01 lierpents whIch ulsl ) no\'er slecp. Lonocvlt ) ' In Wtrrn Climates. Statistics show thnt maI'o people llvo to bo 100 3'ears ohl In warm cl. ] mutes than In northern countries. We Imow thnt hero In MexIco there nrl' I I many eontenarlanlJ. for In towns not torty miles from the cnllltni nro not n. few men anti 'ond the 101' ' ' 3'ear Hnc. Oermany reporta 778 cen tenarlans , France 213 , England 14G anf' . Spain 401 , nnd the populntlon of Spatr tI relntively smalh-Moxlcan Hemlel I TO emu > : A COLD IN ON1 nAY 'r/lko JtUlltlVtJ Itromo Qulnlno Tl1l.1lot . All drtllt. , I t > > rutund the muney It II tlills to cne. 1 > : . W. GroTO'1 Ilinllluro II on oacbbox. 25c. A Sunday Custom. In Bomo of the small English vH. lages the custom still IJremHs ot rln ! ; . Ing the church ben for fl"o minutes nt . 8 o'cloclc Sunday morning If there Is .to bo a sermon preached at the 11' I o'cloele servlco. If no beB rIngs the I prudent housewife understands that the sen'lco wl11 bo shorter , nnd she I nrranges her dlnnor hour accord Inc. ty. Cornstarch to Remove Grease. Cornstarch wl11 remove grease most ettectually. Rub a Utllo Cresb , dry cornstarch Into the soiled plaeo and it wl11 begin at once the process of ab. sorbing' the grense. Brush the first used off carefully from the garment. and proceed In the same way with more until the dlsficurement has en. tlrely disappeared. Knew Where the Ball Struck. They were on a golt course not far tram Glasgow. "A splendid strokel Caddie , did ) 'OU tollow thnt. bnll ? said the pn'er ] who had just driven. "Naw , sir , " repled ] the caddie , "but. I thlne ] that. gentleman wI' the red coat cnn I tell you where It. struck. I see him feellltg his head. " A Detached Belfr ) ' , The v111ago church of East DerghoU. SUlI'olk , Is probably the only ono II' England which possesses nn enUrol dIstinct building for the beUry , The bells nre hung In a shed mnny yards nway from the church , nnd are work , ed from above Instead of trom bl ) neath. George Eliot's "Mlddlemarch. " GeorgQ Eliot Is Bald to have wrIt. ten "Mlddlcmarch" In four montbn. Some doubt Is thrown upon thIs state. mont. by tllo fact that. Bho commonly worked slowly , writing with grent care nnd del1bemtlon , nnll making few erasures nfter the worlc. was done. Dates from Twelfth Century. The grotcsquo ] cnocl\Or on the snnc. : uary door of Durham cathodra.I , , , 'hlch bears n rnther tllstant. resem. oanco to n 110n , Is saId to bo of the m'eltlh century. What Shocking Tastel "I met Mabel this morning out walking wIth her brown colllo dog. She was wearing n blue froce. ] Just Cane ) wenrlng 11 blue troclc with II. . brown do:1Stra" ! Stories. The Sunda ) sull never made the Montla ) ' saint. Burdens may bo the bn1last tbat lavcs the shiv. The more helDtul the deed the moro hol ) tbo day. Worry Is the worst. weIr that comes lo our doors. A frozen heart. does not malto a ! titt bacle. .MO(10Bt , . Is a gren ! ornnmcnt , 11t1t. somet/moa / It I. moro ornamontnl tluw uBotul. A good reputation III 111,0 oot hentlh : It Is not tu11y np11rcclated until - til It III lost. Cnnned cltarlty mny fccl the hunnry , but It. canneL fill the hcnrt. The grent thtn la not 80 much lo flU the pews ns to fiU the IJeoplo. Love lon11Q ever tbo JInes ot 1IIt h1 1 : . - ' - . . . . . , . . ' -r A bl\ttleshlp In th hAnd : I" . , . , ortJI two ultimatums In'tho bUlIlf. Inomnln ! Is seldom cnusod b1 the thlugs n mnn tloosn't say. The tavorllo vastlmo of d lynchln. pnrty is looping the loop. l..ots or poo1lo } pray for the POOl'- ' nud let It co at thnt. It's n wlso Intlul1lrlal stock thaa Icnows its own 11ar. . . , r ! . ! \\ll' . ' < . < 'tj.\ \ , , \ . . . . . : . i " ! : ii' ' , ' \ ' " ' " ' . : . 1\\\ . . . , , --I ) , < ( i1i ; . . . , cjJ ; " , ' " \ " ' \ , , . . : ' ! . . . . . \ " " . . - . , . . . . . . . . u. . . . . . . . \ /2 . \.j . . - , ' : . ' : . " . \ . ' . : . . . , \ . , ; ' " " . , . ,0 ; . . . . . . , , . ,1,11. . . . . . . . . . , . " . . . : r"f. : \ : . " .J ; . ; . . ' 1 ill/li.- : : . . . .l.\ . . ' . . : . , : . . , " " I , . . " , . , : ' " : ' , : - . . . . . . Q.r. . 't . . _ . . . . . . : : . . . . . " t ! . , . . . , . . .I. . . \ . . . . , . . . .01.\I ! \ , , . : . , . ; , ; . , . , . . " " - - . " " " 'tt. ( . . . liI'I"- " "I'IY l / ! , \ . - - ' /b..Zl . . . . : ; . . ' . II t . . ? w' . " (1. ' . . . , _ . ---c.'f : . . . . . . , . .r. . " . . . . . . ' " . . . . , , . . . . . , , . ' : , i./ : . . . \ ; ; : : { . : . . : . : .P. t. . \ \ . ; / . . . . " ' , . ' . . . : . " . . \ rtf : : iR : . . . . t : : .d\\"l\ . ' , . " : \ . . . . . ' . . . . . : \ . . \ . ' " ) \ \ . . . : . . , " . . : . t. : : : ' ' \ . i" : : : . : . . , : ' , . . . . . , . i\.I.Io:1' : \ ; ( . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 0' J. : , : : : i. ; ' } . ' r , ' : . : . . : ' . . . .t . : . ' . . . ' .i. ' . . . 'fo c. . . t I , . . . ' ! : . , , , . ; 0 . . . . , . . . , . : \ : . . " : , : : , tr 1. . ; . . ; 'f' Miss Rosc I-Iennc5sy , wen lno\vn as a poetess and elocutionist , of Lexington , ICy. , tells ho\v she was cured of uterl , . ,1 : e inflatumation and ovaritis by the use f Lydia E. Pinkhamt s Vegetable Compou d. "DEAn Mn9. PrnKTTA1 { : - I l1llve 1Jeen 60 bl 5sedly l16lped throug ! . . . the use otLydln , J .l > > lllkham'H Ye etn.bJo OompoUtHl thai ! I , feeftft butjusi ! to aeknowl\dgo it , hoping tl111t it may help some other womnn'.lufr9rn ; , ; at : I' did. II 1'or years I enjoyed the best. of health nnd thoughtt tfU1t 1 ottId , ) llwaYIII do. 80. I attended par tieR and rectptons ! thinly clnd , nnd"Vou bti Iddenly ! dulled , but I did not thlnlc of the results. I caught It , bact. . J ; nhl lghteon months ngo whllo menstruating , nml this emsed inllllmmntlon. of" UI6'\Vomb ( Bnd congested oyarles. I suffered cxeruclntlnlfoO palnaoOaml heph gctt.1nlJ 'worll ' . My attention was cntlCllto ; your Vegetable CcnuPoulldnnd' : ' \'ondcrtul curcsit had performed , nnd I made up my mind to it for t'1o nionth and Bee what It would do for mo. Within tmo month hI 'felt much'and : at the close 01 the second I was entirely welt. "I have advised n. num er of my lady friends tolRO It I\ml..n11.exprell. themselves as wdl satlRflCll with the rcsulls ns I was. " - : ! ltss R081C NolU. IlENNEBBT , 410 S. Broadwu } ' , Lexington. Ky. The experience nn < < l testimony of Some or the most' noted 'Womon of America go to Iu'ove l1e\011(1 : u. ( Itlcstlon , that J.JyUn.E. l > > lnkham's Yeg'ctnh1o Compo1llHI " , hi cnrrec/ull / fiuch , trouhle u.ud nt once , hy removln the ( , Jmltc , ntHl resto1'lugthe orguu9 to a normnl and healthy condition. II DEAR l\Ins. \ PINrrnAr : - About two years ago I conflu1t d'n. . phy. rician about my health which had beconia so wrotchcci that.l was no longer able to bo about. I had severe haokache , lefLl'lng-t6 ) vn 1 > ams , pains across the ab lomen , was vcry ncrvoua ami irritabI \ mr thiS trouble rew worse each month. 'rho } ) hysie lm prescribed tat 'J110 , 'but I SOOI1 ( hscoverecl that ho was unable to help mo , a11l11 th Q idetIto , try Lydia E. Plnchnm's Vegetahlo Compo11lHI , IInd sOOli' , onn : tun' it was doing 100 good. My appetite was returning , the 1m ins disa.ppear. . ing , and the general bonotlts were well mal'1ccd. U You cannot rcalizo how plcased I was , mul after taldng , Ulotm'edl. clno for only three months I fonml that I was compJotdy cure 'of : " my trouble , and have heen well and hearty cVJr since , imd no moro fear thel monthly perio , as it now.vasses without pain t. me. Y urn very tl'uJy , MIss PEAUL A01n9JS ! , 327 North Summel' t. , Nnshvillo , 'l'cll . " I WIlen a UlClIcJne 11M been RtU'ceRsfuJ In restorln to Jlea1th" more tlInn a million 'Women , you cannot wen say wltJwut trying UI "I < < 10 not bolleve it will hell ) me. " If you are 111 , do not hesitate to get a bottle of I ydia E. Pinkham's Vc"ct.n.hle CJJllpouml and 'WrIte l\Irs. Pinkham n.t J ynn , lUasi. : , for Hllccln.1 n.dvhe. : Iler advice - vice Is free and hellful. 'Vrlte to-day. Delay Dlay be fatal. FORFEIT If we ( ' "nnot forthwith prodnco theorhtlnrll1etten CUld "in.turu 01 $5000 aboYO tOlJllmoo1&ls , which w1l1 pruv" theIr allloinle Ionlllnen" . , . LIula. .1C.l'lukhulU Med. Co. , Lyun , M. . . . . - - - - THE FARMERS II on the Free lIomestoi1d Lands of Woatorn Canada Corrytho baonorfor yields of wlloat tintS . ot her aralno for 1004. 100,000 FARMERS recflve . .oooooo a. a reault ot their Wheat Crop alole. The returne trom Oat8. llrlry and other ! trAn. ! , al well & 8 cattle. and horse _ . add cun lderably lO tblS. Becure a Free Home.trlllt at once , or purdlalll froUi eumll rellallle dealer wbllo Illnd. are 10ltlDI : I preaen t low prlccs. Appl1for Information to Superintendent or Jmml. Iffatlon. Ottllwa. Canada. or tu authorbed Iaoldlln Oovemment Allent.-W. V. lIennult , SUI Nllw Yurt Lite Jlulldlu , Omaha , NetJra8ka. I'le&lll"7 where yon laW thll atlnrthemellL cured to IItn , . cured. EmInent tUl1los , mlolsulr. , oongrotismcn ITS and the Jncdlcal JlI088 declare F my ourell Jlermlulent. I after othcr fall. wnJT1 - IIA Y JfOlt J'ltl111 ! . . TO-I Al1l1rusa.Dr. Town _ , ) , 'oud dn LuoW1a. We Buy Raw Furs of All Iinds fro1l1 all partl of the conntry. JlJllhelt ca'il prIce I plld. We IIlve rou promvt return. . Write forclrcular. Addren , S. D. S.lren , 610-610 W. LoculI 51. , De. Molnu. II. . .Grand Island. Route. . . . . - - - - - - - - - . .Double Daily Service. . with now 80.foot. Acety-leno OOg. - lIg11ted lullman Chair cars ( seats Creo ) 011 night trll111fr and Pullman Illgb-bacie scat Conches on day traln8 , between < ansaa City anll St. JOSOllh. ro. ; HIli. . . wat1111 , Seneca,1\Iary,8vJU ' { an. l'ah'bury ; , l'alrOl.)1I1 ; ) , If:1stlnp and Orand Isl.1m } , 'Neb. Connections made nt Kansas City tor all IJolnt8 East. Soutb and West , .At Ornnd Isand ] IlLrect con- nectlong nro made with Union Pacific fnst. trulnS' for Calltor. nla and the lacffic NOl'thwest. s. M. ADSI' ) ' General Passenger Agent , St. Joseph , Mo , - . . H + HHH.IH'I + HtH + I + H' + + .H' + . 1-H-H-1-H-H-H-H-H-I-H-t-l-I-l-H"l-H . , ST t ! ! \1' ' The Old Monlt Cure , ! \f \ . for . I PaIns and Aches : A COBS J , . . , : of the human family , relieves : OIL \ , ? ' ; : ' and cures promptly. . : . . . MARK. Price 2 c. "net 50c. oO - 1--l-H-H-H-H % + H-l--I-H-H % + 1-H-I" : " : .t"IAI"I-H-H-I-I-I-H"H-.H-l-l-H + 1-H--I-I + 1-I + 1-H + I"t-I"I-Mt-H : + H + t t 1 + . PUTNAM FADELESS DYES tillf rur.oecb brlghler In' IlIler colore thin In , other dM. 01\0 100 . .oka.e colort .1Ik , .00111Id c9110n , quall.II."d I. 1"lt'16 ! t" " 'I . .rite ! rt..1ttI. AM &kr" we.w MII4 , . .t , a14 at 100 a " "Ika. " . . Writ. ' " Ir. . MttIat-How . . 0 , . . BleAch aIId Ubi Colon. MJlJiUJJIf D1Ul61 co. . Ortw..uu , M'--i \ . . - , r .