Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, December 05, 1904, Image 1

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' . ' USTER COUNTY " : , , , "EPUBLIC N. ' ' "
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VOL. XXIII. , _ " , _ _ BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , N . RASK J THURDSAY , . JANUARY 5,19Q5.--ElGl- , : PW E , " : - ' - ' NO. 3D. . . .
- - - - - -
. - - - -
- - - - - - - -
; ' . . . . . . , J"
i ! There IS 1I1lh\1fll1nhly abnllt ' ; : '
W cyeglusses the ! mult' 11 < ; dn" 'j or.
: "r. Not ever'one cnn be IiUed with : ! r
: 'fiY t e same clip nn 1 spritl . De. ; i
stdes , e'c glasses : lhould b r :
:1.11. built to fit the face becomingly , ,1 i
fJ and a Inll fen.tured perl'ou ; i
needs a different stzed lens , etc ) . , , , 'M
' . : than the man with a brond fnce.
. m.a c e'cglnsses to fit each ; ; I
, 1Dclt\'llual , and charge tlO more ; r
' ! r. thall ) 'Otl pay for ready madc =
'fi stock , . . .
r f '
> ; i'
OO .
. '
: , t.
"ii/ii " / , . : r : "
, . , . . . . . ' " . . . . . . ' . , . . . . . . . . . . . ' . , . . . . . . . . ' " , . "t . " : ! .
: ' ' : ' ' ' ; i1 ' . U . : ; jr 1 ' . . i ; "ii'.t : ' .1 . t . ! ; : . 'ti" ' .
. ' . . " . . . . . . .i ' . i. " _ 'J''h ' , .J
: r-i'- , ' " . . . . . , , , , . - . . . . . , . . ! .YiJ . h . . : . , . : . . : . . . . . . . " . . : . . , . . . , w'l . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . ) . " . . ' . . : . . : . . . , . , . . . . . . . ' . . . ' . . . " . . ! . . : .r
"t ! ! ! i1r.,4-'J : . . . . . ItJ .pr.4. , . . : , ; i i : : : ; .Ol. ' " 1'.1 , ' , : : ! : : J"i ! t ;
School Supplies ,
J. G. H ae'berle 's ;
: A. kind of papcr is made from .ea-
weed which is 50 transparent that it
may be used instead of glass . for win-
I l . . . dmrs.
ti : ) Prusaian blue is made by fusing
horses' hoofa and other animal refuse
matter \dth impure . potassium carbon-
Dr. Pal1sa has giTen the name
"Slatin" to the lIIl1all planet which was
tiiftcover'ed by him on the 9th of } { arch
A. medical eXllert contend ! ! that out
of 1,000 girls Rtudying the piano before
thc age of 1 about 600 are affiicted
with nervous troublcl > in later life.
"Gossmner iron , " the won erful prod-
ct of the Swansca iron mills , is so thin
that it takes 4.800 sheets piled Ol1e on
the other to mBke an inch in thick
ness ,
Hydrogen light is sIJl.'cial1y fa.vored
In hospital work for hygienic reasons ,
l1 ide from the udvautnges of economy ,
, Dnd the recent cxpIH'icnce with the new
5t1'aeho ll\mp at the Vienna general
hospitnl conllrms the favorahle report , , !
aheady l'cec'ed. .
] n GC1'IIIItn'arnish fnctories an easy
wa } ' to extingulRh a burning pan of oil
hRII been fouu in the use of a fine-
meshec1 , , 'irc net. As Boon ns this eo\'C'rs
the burnillg' s trfnee the iron wire : : ! COli-
c.1uct off the heat so raplc.11 ' that the
gtules cnn no longl'lnmc ,
Phrl'nol istH r't ' thl\t thc higher intellectual -
tellectual processes arc performed in
the Crout IInrt of tIll' braill , but recent
studies have led Memo ph 'HiologiSts to
coucludo that the IHJ"tcl'iOl' lobes of
the cercbrum nre 'the 1'nl : scat of ml'U-
tal lowel' . 'l'heal' 10118 are more de-
\'eloped iu Ulan thr.1l in other animals ,
lUt'rl are most eonspictlous in the l gbest
rnees of men.
' 1'ho old thc'lry that the apparent eu-
Ia.rgement of sun wlII moon near the
horizon is due to compl1' : sol1 with tcr.
rt'stril11 ol > jc ts hns loll ! been nnsn ti : , . , "
la tor ' , It In now upluiucd as II. 1' ( -
suIt oC somc pceuliurJt.\ the e 'I' .
which IIceotlnt ube fot' the Inte deter-
minl\tion that the shape ol the sky II )
f a horlzontull ' witllmcd convexit ; } ' , with
a singular dCIJreslon : in the zcnitb ,
_ 'I : ( It'I1CSO\JIO : . IIL'"t lc'LlIn ' ! : .
Two collergirl. . . at home for tbeh
aprlng , 'ncntiun eoneeh'ed II. bt'illianl
idelL the other c1a , . . Ever ; } ' g-irl lenow !
the plcasure of I'cllding or listcning t <
"creepy" stories nud being 80 fright
ened that one llnren'l look over one'l
shoulder. ' 1'he ; ) ' etermlned to try thh
delicious sensation to the uttermost pas
sible to them. 'fhe.v su.t up all nig-ht
. .I. , with plenty of candy anti n. substantia
! ' luncheon. and a pile of boolts fron
\ wl eh to rend to each other , Thesl
stories included KipUng's "ntmi , " Poo' .
" : \Iurdcl : in the TIuo lorguQ ; " thl
"Death.of . Nuncy Sykes , " Buhver'
" and the Urail1 , " and pllrts of th ,
"Tul r 'fwo Cities. " In the morninl
two , "cry sleepy and somewhat cros
young women declarCil tlmt ono woull
not helieve how dUIlctJlt it was to si
down in cold bloocllttHI malto up one'
miml to be scared , "Yon can't do i .
; . dcl1hcratclJ" , " tI S thoh' onc1uRion.
. ' FOR SALn-680 acres , 1 mile 0
Broken Bow , on reasonable terms
28tf T. W. EDWARD S.
' . .
. l' " -
Is : : : : : : : : : : :
- -
Remcmber the Dixies Jan. 14.
a.Hiscr of Mason Cit.r returned
home this m01'l1ing on 44.
Charlcy Windnagle and 'Vilt
McCundlcRs returned to T./incoln
Diah Woodruff of Georgetown ,
was a city visitor the latter part
of last wee ] { ,
"Till Reeder and wire of l\lerna ,
returned from a short visit to
Ravenna yesterday morning- ,
John Turner returned last night
from a visit to Bedford , Iowa. ,
where he spent his holiday . va- .
'I'he Misses Sullh'an and Lo-
m ax returned to Lincoln Monday
to resume their studies in the
Wesleyan Uuiver\ity. ! '
John Reinhard of McKinley ,
called Friday' and renewed his
subscription to the Rl\PUDLICAN
and Nebraska Farmer.
John Wall of Arcadia , has the
congratulations of his friends in
his succcssful racc for chief clerk
of thc house of representativcs.
Rev. J. R. Woods of Mason
City , attcndcd the meeting of
tbe board of the Baptist statc
convention at Lincoln Tuesday.
Ray Duke of Mason City , went
I to Llncoln Monday to visit his
I mother , with tbe view of going
to N vada , Iowa , on a short
visit. '
Wm. Haumont of Elton , re.
turned to Lincoln Monday to resume -
sume his studic ! ) in the a.gricul-
tural department of the state
Tom Wright editor of the
Anslev Chronicle went to Lincoln
Saturday to witness the prelim.
inaires incident to the organize
ation of the legislature. ,
A. T. Simms is having another
story added to his 'residence. When
completed it will greatly improve
thc appearance as well as the
convenience of the home.
W , S. MaUey of Ansley , wa
at Lincoln the first of the weel ,
looking after a clerkship in tbl
legisbture , but as t. is sidc 10s1
in thc race for spealer , he was
let ou t. ,
.MARHIHD-In the parlors of
the Ulobe hotel in this city Dc.
cember 29 , 1904 , Mr. Ed Keep
of Sargent , and Miss Elsi Pax-
ten of W st Union. Rev. J. R.
Teagardcn , officiating.
The O. E. S. Keningston will
be cntertained by Mesdamcs C.
H. Jeffords , 1. A , Hp.neau at thc'
home of Mrs. Hcneau , Tuesday
Jan. 10 , at 2:30 : 0'c10c1 { , All
members arc invJted.
S. L. Cant10n of this city went
to Lincol Saturday to help organ.
izc the legislature. He is a
member of third house with
g-ood chances of getting' a clerkship -
ship in thc legislature.
Mr. arJd Mrs. J. W. Scott 1'-
turned Wednesday of last week
from Dry VaHey , whcre they went
to spend Christmas with the > ir
children and old neighbors.
Their nephew and nicce Mr. and
Mrs , ' 1'hompson , who have recently -
ly located in that vicinity came
over with them on a few days
visi t.
Joseph Bec1nvith of this city
went to Kcarney the first of this
week and ordered a complete
cement block machine for hollow
walls. Mr. Beckwith will set
this machine up 'in Broken Bow
about the first of March , and
will be prepared to supply the
wants 01 the public with this
popular building material , which
architects say is more durable
than brick or stone. In our opinion -
ion this new industry will supply
a long felt want and we bespeal {
i for Mr. Beckwlth success in this
. new industry.
Mrs. 'V. H. Osborne has been
quite sick for some time and the
physicians in charge has decided
that a surgical operation is neces.
sary. Arrangements have been
made for the operation todaj' ,
Dr. Summers of Omaha will as.
1. SlSt Dr. Mullins and the local
11 physicians in the operation ,
t l-Iarr , } ' and Ed. Osborne of Chey.
enne W'l' and Bent Osborne oj
West L1berty , Iowa , came home
_ I to be present at the sad ordeal.Mrs
f Luce a sister of W. H. Osborne :
i. Sr. , of West Liberty , Iowa , cam (
with Bent yesterday morning.
i Hemember the Dix es JflU. 14.
The new count\ ' board will meet
next Tuesday
C. M. Forscyth of New Helena
is in the city visiting with his
family for a week or two.
Alpha Morgan , and family returned -
turned the first of the. week froU ! '
their visit in northeastern Iowa.
'roc1 < l Berry who bas been at
Omaha on ll1S wedding trip returned -
turned to his houle ut AllMnce
. .
this morning.
Bert Harris formedy of Brew-
ster has located at Lincdln where
he is engaged in the general mer-
can tile business. : . , . '
'l'he Farmers Institute tomorrow -
row will be an interesting session
and should be attended bv every
one who can spare the tiine ,
Von. Campbellof Georgetown
who spent his holiday vacation at
ho ue returned to Omaha Monday ,
where he is taking a course tn
Mrs. Parisade Pircer of Andale
Kansas , who has been visiting
her motherMrs. Barrett at Merna
i : ) 111 the city visiting at the home
of W. W. Potts.
Ole Seyerson of Triumph ,
boarded the train here Monday
1110ming for Lincoln to attend
the agriculture department of
the State Uniyersity.
Wm. Noonan of Britt Iowa arrived -
rived in the city last night on a
visit with his parents , Mr. and
Mr . 'rom Noonan. The RnpuD-
I.ICAN acknowledges a social call.
L. A. Wells and wife returned
from Plattsmouth , Nebraska , last
night where they have been visiting -
iting the past two weeks at their
old bome. They report a pleasant -
ant vlsit-
EdwAlexander and Henry Beal
are late accessions to' the RRPUD-
LICN force. Alexander is a student -
dent in the Broken Bow Buisness
college and Beal is a student in .
thc city schools. "
Hev. DeLong of Merna , who
was recently sent to the Lincoln
asylum for treatment has gone to
his former home in Ohio. His
brother came after him and ac-
cOlllpanied him home. ,
J. H. Smalley who has been in
the city the past week looking
aft r the business 'of the Dierks
I-Iumber & Coal' Co. , during the
a bsence of Mr. . Molyneaux returned -
ed to Mason City , this morning
where he has charge of the Co's
J as , J-Ienoard and Miss Reed
surprised their friends here last
week by getting married. The
marriage took place at the hem : >
of the bridt : , in Coucil Bluffs Iowa
Mrs. Leonard is the effiClent instructor -
structor in shorthand in the Broken -
ken Bow college. Mr. Leonard
is associated w ih LA. Reneau _ in
the abstrdct business. Both the
contracting parties are highly re
sl'ected citizens of the city.
Paul Haumont went to Lincoln
ycsterda } ' morning to enter the
Agricultural department of the
State Universfty. This makes
two ) 'oung men that has gone
frOIH Elton this year , Every
farmer bo ) ' in Custer county who
has attained the age of 1 ( , or 18
should attend that school. They
can get more practical knowledge >
in six months about stock and
farming than they would get in a
life time on a farm without edu-
catcd instructors.
'I'he Grand Island Business &
Normal College of Grand Island ,
Ne raska , is one of the biggest
and best schools of its class in
the United States and we hear
that several from this locality will
attend this winter. It has'a
thollsand students each vear and
those who can not pay ll expen-
scs in acIvanca are allowed to
graduate from the school and pay
in Illonthly installments after a
posllion has been securcd for them.
An\ one interestcd can get full
inf rmation by addressing . . the
Comic Ollem
Brolen Bow has the opportun-
lty of securing F. A. Wade's
famous "Beggar Prince Opera
Co. , In "Fra Dcavola" for Wed.
nesday evening' , Feburary 1st.
The Beggar Prince Co. , standE
without a rival in the world of
. comic opera. The engagemen1
, depends upon advancc subscript.
ions sale of 200 tic1cts at $1.0e
- -
, lUghlamlc1'8 lustnUUolI. ,
, 'rhe , Highlanders lodge of this
cily held their installation Of I
o p rs for the ensuing year last
: r\lesday night , The attendan e
was good and , work passed off
satisfactorily. After the instlll .
ation'an ' oyster supperwascr\'ed !
and enjoyed by all present. 'l'he
following are the omcers I
I11ustrious ' } ) rotector. . . . D. M. AlUslJerfy
Chief Counsellor. . A. II. Vaulalll1htghaill
- , . , . " , . , . . . . . , . . . . \
Worthy Evangel , . " . J , , _ , . . .C. R , COX
Conductor , , , , , . , , , , , . Miss Lulu . Drown )
Herald" " " . . , . . . . . , Miss , Lotte .Slmms
Chief pCArches" , . . . . . , : Mra , A. E , m\is' \ '
Seutry" , . , , , . , , . M , , . ' . . , , . , , ChBS.
'Varder. . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . , .T , A. Doots . '
. , '
Union' 'Young People Conveutlou
of Brolcon Bow.
If' - -
Sunday. Jau. lith : , 190 : ; ,
8:00 : n. ltI , Sunrise Prayer 1\1 , U. n. churoh ,
led by Gertie Orr.
Afteruoon Session ILL M. E. Church.
2:00 : Bible Study and } > ml o Service. by
Miss Martill. llIlIrlco H'orson ,
1\1 \ IIslc
2:30 : " 1'ho Ullron , " .rohn 'I'urnnr.
2:411 : DIBcu8 lon lOll by A , A , 1\1 \ Itcholl ,
: :1010 : by , I. I , W. [ .owl ! !
2:00" : 'Young ' ! ' ( 'HPleM Hoolety. n 'I'raln.
Ing : : ! choollor YOllng Chrlsthuls , "
by H , LOffinx.
ole bv U , A. WnLtjo ; .
8:05 : "Suclablllty" hy I\11s9 Sat'l\h S Ybolt.
3:11i : Disculislon led 11) ' Hev , Ohamberlaln ,
Music ,
Eveulng Sel ! lolI at 1\1. Church , .
/1:30 / Pmyur Service Iud by H. A. Watts.
7:0U : 'l1'he Prayer l\1eotln \ ; " -
" 1'l1e LeRder , " ChuB. Wlndnaglo , Prof.
Mohler ,
lI'I'ho Member. " IIarr ) ' Kim ball. Dr.
7:20 : DIcusson ! led bv L. L , Epley ,
7:80 : "l'ultlvlI.tlon of Idf'ILh. . " John Lewis.
Solo 1.Iy Mrs , F E 'L'tylm' 1
7:40" Are the Ohrl t 11m Young People I
Advo.nclnjt. : " J as. Whitehead.
7:50 : 'f L'be Youths of the 20th 'Century , "
Gee , U. Muir ,
Anthem , Methodist Cllolr.
8:00 : ODen Parliament Icd by r . p , Rowland
8:80 : MusIc ,
Remember thc Dixics Jan. 14.
Republican Clubbing List.
. ,
. -j. "
'The RnpuBLIcAN has arranged
the following clubbing list , good
for the month of January :
REPUBLICAN . . aud State Journal. . . . . . . . . $1.00
, ' . . . , ,
and Nebraska } 'armer. 1,55
. .
aud Inter Ocean. . . . . . . . . . . 1.55
. It . and Toledo Dlade. . . . . . . . . 1.35
and Globe-Democrat , . . . . . l.bS
As the prop9sition with the
State Journal has been renewed
for this month only , everyonc ,
that has not should avail themselves -
selves of this offer to get the
State Journal free by ordering
through the RJtPUBI.ICAN. ; The
Journal will be of special interest -
est during this session of the leg-
lature and will be worth several
times the mone } required for
both papers.
For magazines or other papers
you may' want , 5Jend to the Rn- .
PUDI.ICAN. We can save you
money on most of them. Send
cash with order.
) ) OUlelltic 'W ronbl. ! t.
It is exceptional to find a family -
ily where there are no domestic
'ruptures occasionally , but these
can be lessencd by having Dr. .
King's New Life Pills around.
Much trouble they save by their
great work in Stomach and Liver
troublcs. 'rhey not only relieve
you , but cure. 25c , at Lee Bros.
Drug Store.
JOIN1' I ST.\LA.'l'lO
The MV A hall was the scene
of a very pleasant party ednes-
day even ing , where the Woodman -
man and Royal Neighbors met
in joint session for the purpose
of installing officers for the year.
After the instalation ccremoni-
We have just receivcd
a fine lot of. , . . , . . . , :
New Cards and Folders
For the fall trade. . . . .
Good work and Low Prices
. I am now located just north of
the Custer National Bank. Comc
and see me for barlfains ln real
I estatc. Some cholce acre property -
perty for sale.
; I Dr. T. W. Bass. dentist. Office
over McComas' drug store. 25tf
es lun h w 'ser'ved to which
all did ample justice.
Following is the list of ofliccrs :
'HO\\I. . NnIG'\lBORS - M sdams i
Ora J. Hobinson"Oraclej , .Mt.lfY
Street , Vice O. i Loretta Street ,
Chancellor , Nellie. \ qlliss Rc-
corderj Chafit ) . I Ricltel , H.ecd'v.i
Carri Peniugton , Mar ali S.arah
H. We t , 111 er Sentinel ; Anl1a
'Strill1cyT : ) 1t : r nHllcli Cor .
'McCouins au Neltie Jenldlls'Man '
agersi Dr. W. R. Peuingtol1 , Physician -
sician , ' . . " " " " . \
'Vb'O'Dl\lAN-'Wm. 'arr tl , V. C.
G , T. R biitson , W. A.i' ' 'E' S" .
.Holcomb , anlter ; F. M. Skill-
man , Clerki Chas. Robiur.ol1Es .
corti P.R. tradleYIMau'agcrGco. ;
Jontc , Scntry
. " .
VRlnnbtc Arllctl'H ( JIron A "R'to ; Doys
Whu Scll the Llu uln SUndRr SIRI' .
'l'he greatest newspaper in , Nebraska -
braska today is the Lincoln Sunday -
day Star. It has special features !
. . . . .
not found in any other newspaper.
The Star's Comic Section is
prill t 'd ' in colors and is alwa.ys
entertaining. The Mngazil1e
Section with its beautiful picturei
in colors has no equal in the west.
, Added , to tHese nre the many in-
terestiug features that go to
up n great dailYtlcws'papel" . 'The. '
Sunday Stnr has made a great
hit , and Is n trcmcndous su c s .
\Ve want 'boys in eve'ry t wn 1a
Nebraska 'fo seH the Sunday S'fii .
Oth r 'boys ' arc"l11'aking' ge : t
money se.l1i g th Star.'t
tqrt .Jpn .ju b1\sin \ s.s fr , . l rizei
are pffcred" c3.04 .month , tOl t
, boys , who sell , the gr.eatc UUtu ; "
berof , Sunday. Stars. , , W1' Q .fqr
particulars of ihis qffer ,3on4 , wQ tc
up your list of customers , . befpte ;
some one gets ahead . of you. Re-
m' thUh'r we tielp 'you.t's'ta'tt in
the 'Uusin s , ' 'No'c ' ' pit l t i
. ' . ' "I
qui red.
Don't delay : Wr te t'o'day : ' ,
Address 8'tal' . Pub. o. . , , LIyc ln
Nebr slm. " . , " , " 28- , , - . . . .
. . -
I. , : I
. . . t . . ,
_ r
. ' " . , , ' . , It
. , . , ! , , , ' < . ' ,
BOW , , , ,7 , ,
- - - ' , U _
. ' ,
.J. D , REAr.I , President. WILLIS OADWELL , Soorelary.r " ' "
. . . . ,
The proleen Bow lnotituta tbis year will be uuueulI.lly stroDR- , from
the faat that four of th cst speakers iu Nebraska will be pro8en > .
: Music
10:00 : Prelim'no.r ' ) ' . , , , , . . ,
10:80 : Iniry , in OUBtcr OOUL Y , . . . . , Mr :1" : . ' For-guaoD , . Bea.vqr , Or,08
11:00 : Ii ofl1/e / Orops. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mr. . 0 , M. Lewolhng' , De.aver Pity
11:30 : Why tb Boy Jenvea the Farm. . . . . . . .0. H. Jeffords , Broken Bow
. , , , , , . " " ' . .H .t
1:30 AlfaHa Oulture. . : . . .M'r. O. M. LewelJlbg- , Beaver Oity , Nobra k
: Bene'1 ts of the A' rioultura Course , State Univcrsi'ty. . . . . . . . . . . . .
/ " . , . . . . " , . . . . . . . . . , .J , 'V. Dawson. graduate. Broken Bow
2:1 Growiug' nnd Marknting Potatoes. , , . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
" . . . , . , " . . . . . .1\1r. ' 1' . G , Fcrgu8on , Beaver Crotlsing , Nebraska
Mr. Fergumu raises potatoes by tbe ton thousand buobela.
3:15 : Economio Pork Produotion , . . . , . . . . . , : , . . . . . ! . . . Mr. Lewelling
4:00 : wme Grass" . . . , . " . ' . . . . . . . . , . . .J. G. Brenizer , Broken Bow
.1 : 30 Question Box. .
Musio ,
7:00 : Sui ! 'Pillago " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . ' . L " . . " Mr. ll'ergl.tson
7:45 : Cnre ! lnd MRnf.igem nt of Po.uItry. . " . . . ; . . . , . . . . .Mr. Lewellh'1g. '
6:80 : Addrtjso. . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . Mrs. 'Olara ' A. Y o ng , Broken Bow
SATURDAY MORNING-Horticultural Soa.ion.
. '
10:00 : Report of OlJicerti. , I , . ' , . . . ,
10:80 : Adllrosa. , " . . . * ' . , , , . , . . , , . . , . . , . , , . . . . . E. I ! " . Stopbons , Crete
11:00EJIwtiouofofficers. : , , ' , . _ . , . . . . , ' .i..I .
11 :00 : Demonstration In J udRtng Bornes for Soundnes " . . , , . . . . . . l'
, . . . , ' , . , . . ' , ' " . , . , . " , . , . . . Dr. A , Bostrom , Minden , Nobrslka. !
11 :80 : A ! i'lIrrner'a'xporionce Ill ! U Hortloultur listt. f.D.Bbuman , Cnll"wn ,
: Musio. . . . , ' , '
.1:00 : Selection Ilnd Cnro of Seed Corn , ' Mr , D. , Po A8hQ rn"Gibbon , Nqb
1 :45 : Roport. of Corn Judging Cmnmittee. . . .
2:00 : AnimlLI Diseases /lnd their Trcntrnont. . , . . . . . . . , . : . ' . . Dr. Bostrom
2.15 : Corn Cultivation" . , . " . , : . " " . . , . " . , . . . . . . , . .Mr. Aehbu'rn
3:30 : Sto.c roedin on ! ha Farm , ' . , . . ' . . . . Willis Oadwel.l , roken Bow
4:00 : RttIS\11K \ and Mnrkettng of the Hog. " " " . . . , .Ro. E , Allen , Arnold
4aO : Permnnent Organizl\tion. . '
l\Iu'sio. ' . to' .
7:00 Bet ) Koeping. , . . . . , . . . . . " . . . . . , . , . . .Mrs. A. L. Amos , C.o\1tosk '
7:30 : Addrp88 , , . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . , . . . . . , . . . . . . . . , , . , E F. Stephins
8:00 : 'I'IIX Question. . , . , . . . , . . . . . . . . , , . . , . . , , . . . . . , .Jules Haurqont
8:30 : AddrrJ : B. . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . , , , , . . . . . . . flon. F. 1\1. Ourrie
III'l\dclition 10 Iho I\bo\'o there will be a number of Ouster ounty's
bellt locl11 speaker/ / I\tll'lIdRtlCU who will treat \ltrioty of. topics. Thero' '
IVi1I1IiCl ! : be II dpllmdid mUdical program by Broken Bow's beat talent. \
Prlao. for Corn.
Prizes of $5.00 , : ! I3 00 and $2.00 will he given to the boys or girls uu.
der eigh teen j'earl'l ' flf It U who brin # { in tbe ten large8t' ' ears of o rn to' the'
institut , Prize of $500. $3.00 ulld $2.00 willRJso , be iven .to tbe mun
or women over eighleen Jettrs of age , who bring in tbo btJ6t , ten ears l f oorn
to the institute. All contl'stants UlUlt : he in aCI ultl attendanco. PrizeJ : of
5200 and 81.00 will be tven to the partie8 8eloatillg the best ten eafS of
o , rn out of forty oars whioh will bo 011 exhibition at thio lrisiitute. 'flils
o.Jntl'tlt it ! op"n to every body. \
; ( 'he tJ/llnH ; / ! eo IIl'poin ' ad to judge tbe corn will report at 2:20' P. M.
on S tllrc1I1) ' . '
A PormanDnt Organization.
At lhis illBt lula ' 1 permanent organization will be efTeoted and ofUo811j
, . .
. , .
eleated who will have the matter of fulure institutes in oharge. ' - -
Don't Mi s It.
No farmer in Custer county eRn afford to miss this institute , it will'
give you now i oM au will RWdlen interest in many 1l10dern methods of.
fttrmiul { . The inconvenience und smltll expense y 'wil1' be p t t ' in J\t. .
\ending \ every c uion of this aplondid meeting will pay you I\n hundred fpld \
for the time tllI mouey spent , Progressive farmtw like progr s8ive busi- ,
lIess and prMe.81iol1al ! men , Btudy their own line at bl1oinoss and profit by .
DOW Ideas whrch are boiul { contl\utly advanced. You may be a good faro.
mer Rnd II sUloc 88ful one , bllt lhera is no line man yet. . .discovered who
Imows all about farming ! Gl\t out of tbo sbell and oome 'to Broken Bow.
J\nd attend thh institute. 'Vtll.\t has proved to be a boqefit to otbers will ,
just fill surely provo to he a benefit to you. of
'V. , I1lso OXp Ot another speaker from abroad on Hortlcultufalsubje"ts.t
W a 111:50 : 01\11 your attention to the speoial Hortioultural Beaslon Satur
day forenooa Bnd evening. We want every farmer to attend all of 'h
suss ion and tbe laditB are captHlaUy invited.