. f ; . . . . ' . , . f . , . , . . ' , ' ' - . I _ ' , ' . , ' , - , . H"\ ' _ _ _ " , ' , ' > , , \ . . " . . . . . , I " . . " " " "L.A.-- . , : ' _ . , . _ I , . - - " . .c. - . _ . _ . . ' . I Go'od , Health , " to .the " ' ' , ' , ehildren . ) - - . Children especially are fond of dliint s , and the housekeeper must look carefully I to . their f od. As good cake can be made only with ' - good eggs , so also a cake that is health. . ft l as well as dainty must be raised with a pure and perfect baking powder. , . Royal Baking Powder is indispensable in the preparation of the highest quality of food. It imparts that peculiar lightness - ness , sweetness and flavor noticed in the finest cake , biscuit , doughnuts , .crusts , etc. , and what is Inore important , renders the . food wholesome and agreeable to young and old. . . . I ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO. NEW YORK. . . I - - - - - - - - - r _ "mullr Rl'lIl1lou 'fhlluksgh'iug Dn ) ' . 1Uor note worthy an hapP.r event could not have taken place than that at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Hickman of Merna , . " 'rhanksgiving Day in honor of Mrs. Jennie Alleu. A reunion of I all of Mrs. Allen's children and grandch ildren. 'l'he daughters , Mrs. C. O. Eigles of North Bend , Nebraska , with two little daughters , and Miss Bertha Allen of Dodge , Nebraska , arrived at Merna early - ly Thanksgiving morning and was taken to the Heckman home , I where the mother , brother and sister , whom they had not seen for , , most twent years were in W \ti \ g. Such reunions are m'ore appreciated at Thanksgiving - ing time , when the head of our grand old nation issues her proclamation - lamation of Thanksgiving. It , is then we raise our voice in true , , . . ' a.nd appreciated thank offeri.ng , to the Holy 1i'ather forprotechon : and care all these years. l Mrs. Allen and ber children all enjoy good health and are prosperous - perous and thrifty , all natives of Iowa , but came to ebraska in their early life and established hqmes. On this Thanksgiving , 1904 , in Custer county , Nebraska , when this familv of three girls and the one boy Mr. Guy Fr7. er of Mason City , Nebraska , who is a prosperons tonsorial artist , with their husbands and wife and the eight young hopeful grandchildren surrounded the board at the Heckman home with BEGDNNEAS iN MUSIC LOllrnlilD to I Playa PIRno or Organ Made Easy I by the use : at PRO F' . i WINTER'S TAANSPOSI. ! TION MUSIC CHART. Anyone can . . IlOsltlvely :111.1 So aimpl : ; 1 chilJ can Itarn 10 'lulc"I ) ' le.1rn pl"y"-Chorus by Mu"ic T iachers to 1'1.1) ' a piano . or org.1n wllhout the al.1 of a le.1ChH or an ) ' pre. , vlous ! > nowle.1 ! ! ! ! of musIc "Ilh Ihls ha't ' , , ALL YOU HAVE TO DO-Is 10 I'IJl" 1on \ Ihe "t'\ ' board of tha In lrumt'nt and Iht ! colured pointers Oil Ihe movable slides holY whal keys lu strike to 1'\:1) \ : ' chord or piece. : lOY , \ . , . . SlmP/e / , ao hlY , yal Iclanllflo. Endcuad jlnd uud by MUllo Tucher.ln .11 pzrll ot the U. S. . , . It Is a perfect dictionary and Ie : ) ' 10 music. ar. range. ! so anyon ! ! can unl ; rsl\n. ! It. We . can nol , enumerate Its OIJn ) ' points ul ml.'llt her. . so write . us lor full Information. .anJ den't deJa ) ' . Agents wante ; ! everywhere. AJdrt.ssUSIC nit : IIATIONAL , . . CO " . S hl Ml r. . and DIlrlbulo"t. D'pl.A. ST. LOUI' , U.I .A. I the mother at the head and the . table dressed in pure white linen laden with the productions of Custer county until it fairly groancd under its weight. What land is more just to its subjects ? What state has purer air and more wholesome eatables than the Golden Rod state ? 'Vhat county more picturesque than the hills and valleys of Custer , dotted with cattle and hogs with the wind mills lifted in the hea- "ens , suggestive of the purest of draughts ? What people with more energy , pusb , thrift , industry - try and character than the God fearing people of our fair Ne- braslm ? Mr. Sam VanBuskirk and family and brother , two of Cus- ter county's wealth ) ranchmen were present at this Thanksgiving - ing dinner. -X. l..eUer I..I"t. The following is .the dead ' letter list for th we k en'di g November 29 , 1904 : Elton Carroll , ( card ; ) F. R. Child , Dert Clark , ( cardi ) Mrs. Freemout Green , Mrs. Walter Guile , Jesse.Swick , ( card. ) Parties calling for th above : will please say advertised. L. H. JItWItT'l' , P. M. . . Prom NelJrasriu. After 16 days looking over western Nebraska , D. J.Omste d writes from which this extract : Corn is better than in the 'l'er- ritory. Did not go into the'sand hill country , so saw no place where a section' could be homesteaded - steaded in one body-SO and 120 tracts plentiful , but a mail mnst bave more than that as he cannot depend on farming-must keep stock as well. Most farmers make their money from cows. JOh111'lynn ; milks nine cows and sells the cream for 45 per month. I was out two weels with a team from Custer county. It is the country to make money in. I know men there that have got rich since 181)5. In ' 94 w s tbe big drouth. 'l'hey lost every- thing. , Now they have 70 to 80 head of cattle , 25 to 30 he def of horses , and keep 70 t080 hogs , own from one to a section and a half of land , with fine house and . I.l t. . . . Are You Interested In The Suut" " ? . no YOU CAlm 'ro KNOW OF TlUlIIARVltI.OU5 , . mWUI.Ol'lt\IUN'l' NOW GOING ON IN T1IJ\ ' : c.rea"t : Oentra1 : So"'t2-th ? OF IN NUl\tltHA m. ! ; 0I'1'C > R'l'UNJTJlt5 110R YOUNG : \lItN OR ere ONP.S-TO GHOW RIcn ? . . If Do Wl1l1t to know nbout rich farmiug lal\11s , fertile , wdl locatell ou a'l'run1- : you } ; , , , I.ille Railrondr which will produce two. three nud four crops from the same Held nt low prices nnd OIl easy terms ? Ahout each . nml which can e purchased very stock year. raising where the extreme of winter feedin is hut six (6) ( ) short \\Ieeks ' ? 01 places where truck growing and fruit raising yield enormous retuni each 'year ? OJ Ii laul1 where you can live out of door ! ! every dny in the year ? Of opport\lnities fOI establishiug profitable Ulanufacturing industries ; of nch millert l locations , nn bUS\11CSS openings ? splendid \ details of ' al1 of these write use. I will gladl ) , If ) ' 0walt to kllow the all ) or J al1\'ise ) ' 0\1 fully amI truthtully. . . \ G. A. I-ARK , Gener ! ' . l..nnlt.r llou aud IndD.tr.-it l tri , ! .Lol1isville & Nas11ville Railroad Co. . OUIV. " , UNTVC . t ' . y . . , . - - = - - ' " " - : . . , .t i. ' " - - l . , : . . .f. . . . . . . . barns. Fi' ir is plc 1 H\tl. , If I an ) ' one wants to know particn-I lars abont the country I will gl tlly answer questions.The I I Owasso Leadcr , ( Iu < l1an Terri- tor ) ' . ) DIsberrl. Wilson Wcdlllug. - The Sheridan Post , ( Wyo. ) Itl speaking of the Amsberry-'Vil- son wedding in that city , sa's : liThe marriagc of 'V. S. Ams- berry and Miss Hazel Anna Hay Wilson was solemize < J in the church at 7 o'clock 'Vednes ay , November 6 , in the presence of quite a number of frien s. The alter was beautifully decorated with potted plants and flowers. The bri esmaides were , Misses Bessie Kissell and Myrtle Hatton , while the groom wqs attendrd by' Messers li'red Decler and Arthur Parker. After the cercmony : the brida ) part. } ' repaired to' t'lie homc of Mrs. 'V. W. Harrington , were a 5umptious dinner was l > artnken of. 'l'he happy couple departed on train No. 42 yesterday for a visit. ot the groom's old home , Brokcu Row , Nebraska , and at the 'Vorld's Fair. 'l'he bride is a very attractive young lad ) ' . During her residence of' three years in Sheridan she. has made a host of fast friends. 'l'be groom is tbe trusted cashier at the B. & 1\I. station in this city and is an exa111plary young man. He has lived in Sherida'n about eight years and has a score of friends , who join in wishing him and his young wife a long life , happiness and prosperity. " Clas8 Recltnl. Miss Pauline Oldham , the , elocutionist , will give a class recital - cital in the Opera House , Tu.es- day nig-ht , December 20. Half of the net proc eds will be divided - , ed equally between the elgb t , churches of the city. This IS a commendable enterprise and Miss Oldham and her pupils deserve the liberal support of the com- .munity. . 25-26 A Talk on Togs. People trade where the most corteous treatment is extended them and where the plain truth is told them. Our increasing business shows that it pays to deal fairly and honestly with Custer County people. "TIIl\ CHICKENS OF nECItPTION NItVUR FAIl. TO ROOST IN Tun I1E mRY Ol . " "BLUNT ' I AILURIt. 'rRUTII , JIONIS'l' VAL It , AND BItST PRICItS IS OUR GUIDING STAR. " Be you availing yourself of our 1,0 cen premium offer , or getting any free meals as your neighbor is ? Bring your wife and children to our store. 'l'he more there is in your family the more money you can save on your winter togs. 'VIt ARE LOADItD ON WINTItR DRY GOODS , l1LANKItTS , OVItR- 51101\S , UNDItRWItAH , RTC. Give us a trial and prove'our statements. The Regulator , North Side. Broken Bow , Neb. I On the evening of 'l'ucday ! , December fJ , the Junior Y. P. C. U. will give a unique entertainment - ment at the U. B. church. An old time program has been prepare - pare , and the elderly people will doubtless recognize among the songs and readings givcn some of the favorite gems of their childhood. 'l'hc dccorations will be exceedingly pretty , thc stage representing an old fashioned winter landscape with mimic forest , log cahin and fro7.en stream , backed bJ' a glowing sunset. After the entertainment an olel fashioned supper will be 9 n'ed in the parsonage north of the church , the menu consisting of brown bread , butter , haked beans , pumpkin pie and hot coffee. This supper is part of the program. Admission , 25c. J IKht Will De tHlier. 'l'hose who will persist in closing - ing their ears against the continual - tinual rcconl1nendatiou of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption - sumption , will have a long and bitter fight with their trouhles , if not cnded earlier by fa tal termination. Head what ' 1' . R. Beall of Beall , Miss. , has to say : "Last fall my wife had c'ery symptom of consumption. She I took Dr. King's New Discovery after everything else had failed. Improvement came at once and four bottles cured her. " Guaran- teed' by Le Bros. ' , Druggists , Pric 50c , a l' $1.00. Trial bofHes free. . .Ql II ' " . , . . , jO . ' ' . r. : d , , ' . . . . . . " . " 1 " " "If- , ' , ' " ' , / . l _ _ , : : . . . .r _ - . . ' . . _ . - _ . _ . . . . _ A. . - - . . . - , . , . , . . , . . . _ _ _ , , _ ' - -k1 . : . . . . . - _ . . . .t"I : : : : : : : ' r l. ! : : ; . : : : ; . . _ . . . , -IS J . J. , _ _ . ' , I j' ' . , . , , t i' \ i : , We Are Now' Ready for Christmas , r : .A.R.E : : " "Y""CC - : t : ' . , ' .i LADIES DEPAI Tl\IBN'l\ - - A selection frol11 these will be appropriate. Stand I-4amps. . . . . . . . . . . $1.00 to 7.50 Hand Paiilt d Car mtiol1 'Yare . . " , . ' Pin aud. hair .pin tra's. . . $ .50 .75 . aiul 1.00 . Plates ; hread illul'.fruit. . . 1.00 . ' . , , 1.50 . , . . 2 50 . al1d:3.00 Cream and sug-m" scls. . . . 2.50 , Tankard. . . . : . . . ' . . , . . . . , ' . (1.00 . Cracker jar. . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . 3.50 . . . : ; Japau se hand painted tra'H , nut bowls ; olives , ' ( tnit : scts , chocolate sCts , , . fniit' , plates , salades , etc. , . . . " . " I" ' - - China . ha'mt' } > ainted chocolate - ate sets , t'eil sets , sngar aud : cream sets , breakfast sets , etc. - - , SFrO'ES 'A. 'V. Legg' 14111Iie Shoes.$3 50 . . j ' ' .00 2.75. . 2.50 2.25 and 2.00 Quaht.y. aud price can't be bell t . - - . li'urs , J acl is , Facilla tors , " Clla" , rcss 'arus : : , ' . Mend Sale Dec. 5th 1804. 'Regular y Special . , . 30 pen nds Rice , cxtra gooll. . . . $1.00 American Lye prr can. . . . . . . . . . . ole. . "l' a Sifting's per pouu . . . . . . . . .10 I Ruh No More. . . . . . . . . , . . .2 for 5c. Noti'e t.lw . diRplny or hpuntiful china ware in onr window 11 BJ'01f8@l } e@f e ( C@1 ] ) McCa.n's 100 anu 150 Pa.llurna Always In Stool < . , - - - 1 - . . . . , . . . . . . _ . . . . _ . _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CHICHESTER'S Er GL SH PENNYROYAL PLLS ; 0' 11" . to " , dO v .AO\ ' ' 8 b $ ill' ! f\ " co "tOil. " .rf' . Alwaya reliable. Ladh' . Mkrui : 11t rer CIlICIIE.'II'rtU'N : ENGI.Ioit : III U d and . 0101 roet l1la boxea. 81'1111',1 wIth hlue rlbboD. Tak no ot..r. n. . . . . . . . . dn"lt'ruu" . . .b.tt. tuUun"oD.llnallntlo" . . lIuyuryour Urogglst , or send , It' . In 8lnmp , ror l'o'Urulnr _ . T..tI. 1D0nlal. allli . . n'.I1. . . . "ur t.ndh..1. . ttt.r. by return : n..n. IO.OOO'1'tSlhJ101l1,1 , Bold b7 all Druggists. O IODEBTEU OHEMIUAr. 00. 1100 adl.on Iqu&lr ( ' . 1'1111.,1"40 " 11.01101& Wa D"P' " _ ' 1 r _ _ GEO. F. BAR'l'HOLOMEW , ! 1U u. . J > ysici :9 : CZ19J Ul' e. 9 , Diseases of the nose aUlI throat. Office over Hneberle's drug store , 'phone 109. ResilIence IIospitlll , 'phone ( H. Broken Bow , Nebraska. I - I J. : : B. Jon..es : , . .4Il ! t.3a ! < < ! ) l U9 ! :1l' : Auction Sales Every Saturday in Br01ccn Bow , NebraHka. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DR. W. H. COI4E , V eteri narian. SpecIal aUellIJon glveu to.colt . calveo and pig ! tbat are 10 110 IIlltbrlry roo\1lt1on. \ 'l'ele. J1booe No 203 , ne lIleoco , Iwo hlocka W09t of South SIde Bcbool 1I0u10. . WHEN YOU CAN BUY ON Easy Credit Terms P I A NOS ' 124.75 UP. ORCANS 110.00 UP. SEWING MAOHINES $ . STOVES and RAMGES $ HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Of 011 kinds ot 60 oonte UIJo IRON and StEEL SAFES , TYPEWRITERS and OFFICE FUftNITUR.E From $ O.2 up. We .re the largeal mannfActnrera OD eartb. bue uollmlted ca ltal aod nil dIrect 'rolD tha work.hop to the flrnlde , 00 BA Y I\\ONTtiLY PAVMENT.5 to honor.blo people jp all parta of the world. , No. otber mooufo1ctnrer " ,111111\ 'au UIO the goods tor'oars whUo .Iowl , palow tor tbem. Write tor latormaUoa IJI Prce Ctillorue Nu , 1iS THE ENCLEWOOD CO. eIId.le < ! ra."I. . . 111.83 R.ndolph SL , Cblc'IIO. III. . U. S. A. -EN'l'S DEP ARTMEN'l' . - - 'l'hc uotiol1atc man can ue plcased with this list. Sr-IOES Sir Knig-htg Dress. . . . . . .54.00 . Riguer Dress. . , . . . . . . . . . 3.50 Amego Dress. . . . . . . . . . . . 3.00 Delmar Dress. . . . . . . . . . . 2.50 - - - DIU SS G r4uVES. . l\lochas. . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . $ .50 . .75 , \ , 1. 00 1.25 1.50 I\ ' . tI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 . i. . .75 1.00 1.25 , - , 1.50 , . - - S1 II.1 'l'S. J'altc ; ' color . ' : . . . . . . . . . . . .50 Fanc ) ' duck white.\ : black .75 , l ancy colors and white. . 1.00 Mol ir'si1k and lincn. . . . 1.50 . 2.50 Lion collars . ' \'culTs..2 : for .25 1l'ANCY HOSIERY. W eel . . . . .25c , 35c , an .50 Cotto'm . .10c , 15c , 20c,25c .35 , " UNDFInVEA } HAil - Ail wool , fancy , each. . . . $2.00 All wool , ribhed , each" . 1.25 'Vl'ight's Hcalth. . . . . . . . , 1.00 Glastnbl1l'g Health. . . . . . 1.00 Cotton fleece. . . . . . . . . . . . .50 lIat5 , caps , clothing' , craven- ette O\'er coats , ovcr shoes , hankerchiefs , tl1ufl1ers , etc. - - - - - - - - - I DUS , R O. & W. E.l'AT OT , PHYSIGIANS f ! SURGEONS. 011I00 orcr l1aobcrlu'f1 Urul ; StOfO. Droltn ! Jew , - NUlJfI\I a. o. 1-1. CONH.AD , , . . . . .1)olllor In , . . . . . I'UIOIIJ. Whlll. r.l111 , 'ranlL . 1 < "lItlIIglIOosollnll Engllle" . ot\J. etc. Brokoll lIow. Nubrllskl\ . _ . . _ - - - . J , J. SNYDIUt , m 'HJlwmua..tli. : . , & 111. ANII NO'l'AIt\ l'UUIIC \.IJ ' ,18 JUBilee of the I'IIIICU. Hllllelal uthontoll "uo to COJJIJCtlclIIII ncpo ltlooM lI\k nlltll loll vouch. " 8 neatly oxoeul , luul "II kinds of legal \)1\1'Ori wrlthb , OtUr.o III tilt ! r tir of [ lank at ( . : ommurc , ' . Brokcn nuIV. f'/chmalu. . D { ' 'I' . lJ. Lt' 1HN W Ol'lI ( , DEN [ jIsrr , omM III northwe t corner 1t"IIIt ) . Ulock. Keystone Restaurant , O'l'l FHRSHNmtN , Prop. } egular Mcal 25 cents. 1 lunch at all hours. \'our patrouage 80lici ted. North Side of Square. . . - - - - - - - - - - - - M. DOllHlH , S.M. ImllWl tDI gumllllJa. AI. kllld a ! work III our 1I0e done I'rompUJ 'IDIIn ftrs\-IM8 \ orlll'r , rrrned Mboon , th cornef HOllttlCMt 01 the " 11I'ro. GIVI lIe4I. 'r . " 4. tlrohell lIow. . Nelira"a. : TIME TABLE . Hlto1n N HOW , NI B. 1.I"colu , nCII" ' . r , . . , u. . . . . . _ Uelcuu. Clllcu&ro , uune , ht. "CI"-'Jh , . .uru".ct , " , I IIHL\H CII : " , Hutt ' utu. ' 4:11) . HI. ( .Ol.\tI. . A ntl HUll 1'lI'lulch.cu . 11 . .UlutH lIttt "I..t . . . .It . . . .tnttl AUfl , . . "ulh " 'CI'/\ . tlo. : J'o ti"ul 11 urJreu : GHy , LIIIC'uln , th" bB , iflt .Jo e , . , : \IId. . ' : H , l.ouh. ( Jbl oajn IUl11I1I t'ul. . . . "t Cllr' 'untll..I0 : ! " .11I. Nn. " : : . .tul' ohl ) lit , , Jey. lto\'I1I1I1 , 11I/tIUI Ih' 11111\/ / , Auroru.'ok , t-uwanJ , Nu , H dellllrt1l f\lr \ Ihll I. . . I III. . . . . . . . . . .1)5111. ; III No. U-Ve8ttlll1llIII'Il.r'hll1 lIy. UUI6"ti , tCLlt tie.lattu , l'ortllllul 111111 1111 1'lIcll1c COII 1 I'olnu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . /1-10 / ate Nu. . .3arrlvoa t'IIOtll..eu ta . . . . . . . .1I : 51' . III , IleoploK. : ! , lIl.IUK &tlll recllnlDK cll.lr can ( ! lUllt. free ) 011 tbrougb trJIII . Tlckl' ' ' . .oldIud bll\ \ : gage chucked " allY polot III III l'r.ltod tHa tl Bnd CanadA. lotonuaUou. alt.I" UWItlhle. . Bl1d tlC\1 ) CAli 00 or wrUu to 11. I. . Orm. ! . ) ' . IIKU' ' " . IIr I , . W. Walr.cley , ( J I' . h , . IhDIII1\i ) r.brulr.a. 11. 1. . \ > IUUUV , II II r . . 1 , . J , .1 . , ) CHIIDRENS DEP'1' . : ' . 'l'hese are sUbstanti lgifts. , . , l 'UR SE'l'S. Angora white. . . . . . . . . . . $1.25 " U . . . . . . . . . . .3.00 Musk Ra t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . 5.00. Brown Cone ) ' . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.00 Dea ver. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.50 I . COA'l'S. , Boys and Gi rls . . 'j' . . . . . . $2.50 , . to 7.50 gntirel ) ' new st.yles. 'ro ) ' and hed. lampR. . . . : , .25 .50 .75 Mush and 1 1i11 cts , cup and. Raucer , toy (11sh sots , etc. Gr-40VI S AND 1\1'1"1'S. Gel f. . . . . . . ' " . . . . . . . . . . . . . J Oc - 15c , 25c ' ' 3'Oc' , . 35c ! vIi ttH. . : . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . 10c " , , " 20c 5c - - Beautiful aso\ortmcllt ! \ of Celluloid - luloid Novelties su 'tahle for . persons of all agcs. \ I _ _ _ _ _ _ nn _ _ - - - : - - . . . . . - 'l'his officc for neat job work. FRANSE MOORR , B lil miD fJ , tiJpiJi ! . 'I'wo block north ot Graml OOlltrl\1 1Iotel. I'lIt. I rolll go ollcltcl. PriceR reasouablo. W A. l'UOMPtiON : , . . CONTltAt1l'On.ti IIUlIU&II , prPII\IIa allll ostlmatoll ollllhortnotlru. J'rokou Jlow. NelJrllaka. DR c. B. JOB , WbillilklIl &L11il UiHI. . . Olllr.e III Itollily Ulnel ( I Ilr t .llllfd foom IV , erlll. aJlace Barber Shop Itor first.c1aS work , callut the Palnce Harher Shoj > , l verythingtlp.to.dllt . 14F.0 DHAN , } 'roprietor. SIMON OAl\tlCRON , GlU r-90Y 80u9cel1 1' A'l' LAW. HoomllS alld II , ltelilty lIIock , Jlrolten . lIow , Neb. . H JT-4L SIDE IIERFORDS au,1 nuroo Jllr I'Y JlOgd ' .r"d and luld. nelt bJOol\ orthtlrcla H. AddrtPII. : n. K , O.\DWELL. JlrokellllolY. Nebraska. DLt. 0.11. MULLENS , Physician Surgeoll. 20d IH&lrway ( rom we t und 10 Beall ) ' Dlock ; re.lldenco , Srd WOIt II. E. ehurcb. 00 1Ir.J1 IIII of Itroet. rtr'Urokun Un" , N" l1In ) " . . _ . - - - - - CITY BAH. EH SllOP , II. O.lIU1"fON. I'roprlelor. " 'Irat-cla. . work. Ron Iloom ( If IIroken } JOI. Btato ! Jank , ! Jrokeu1Jow , NebrBka. , . - . ROSS G. MOOHE , Attorney.at-Law. Hell uelAle alld loan broker. OWeu n AIJPlc'w JJlock , Droken Uow. lielmull" . : ! : U < 1Wt'.V.:1 , ; : : r-W't'1'r' : ' : : ; . : ; M' r. " ' II II' " Il.I'I ' it ! nt. E A : . .u. "BL' ! > Ju1 ! Y ( ( U . M.O tH F : : 'l'Hf ! LUNCS - - of. 'King's ! N W Discovery . Prlco FOR Cor.suMPTION SOc 1\1 \ $1 , or OLDS free Trial. Surcst nnd Quickest Oure for all THROA'X nn LUNG 'XROUP- LE , Of ; 1)ro ; E BAOK ,