- - , . - THE PillS THAT CURE RHEUMATISM Mrs. Henry Story , of No. 532 > > Iuskingdum Ave. , Zanes- yUle , Ohiosaysz "My husband suffered from rheumatism so I that he could hardly stand. His \ back hurt and he had such ' pain in his left arm that he could not rest night or day. The doctor did him no good and it was not untit he tried Dr. WiUiams' Pink Pills that he was bc1ped. Six boxes cured him completely and he has not had an acbe or a pain since. We tbink tbe pHIs are tbe best medicine in the world. " Dr.Wiliiams' Pink Pills for Pale People cure rheumatism because tbey make new blood. It would be fQtly not to try a rcm dy with such a convincing record of cures. 80LD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. The Wabash Is the Only LIne Landing You at the World's Fair. Rround trip rates trom Omaha Rro . . . tollows : 8.50 sold dally except Friday and Saturday , good 7 daYB. ' 13.80 sold dailY , good 15 days. The Wabash Is the only line that land's passengers at the main entrance ot the . , ; _ ' World's Fair grounds. Also the only I. ' " 1" ' \ tine that can check your baggage tt . ; . : the World's Fair station. Think what i < , < . . saving ot time , annoyance and ex. , i ' tra car tare. , .t& 'J : ' : ' : All ngentJ can lIell you through ticket and route you O\'er the Wabasli. Very low rates to many points South , Southeast. For beautlrul World's Fair folder ant ! 11.11 Information call at 1601 Farnam st. or address Harry E. Moores , Gen. Agt. Pass. Depl. Wab. L Ro , Omaha , Neb. - How Many Legs Has a Wasp ? London weekly offers a $50 prize lor the answer to the question : "Has . . WaIIP eight legs ? " More Flexible and Lasting , WOft't shake out or blowout : by uslnJ ; l > enanee Starch you obtain better re- .ults than possible with any other IIrand and one-third mora tor same IDoney. Real religion neyer has to adyertlse : . . , chance do . " ' ' " ! ! or to good. : : ' , r" . ' " i C ' . " 'I'i- r. . : : ' \ , , ' " & . ' > , :1 ' " " ! t" : HAll SJgns Fall in a Dry Timo' . , ' " r t : UE SIGN 01' TUE FISII . .I . , , , ' NEVER II' AILS IN .A. WET 'rDIE " : ' / ; . . , . . ! , " i " In orderlng-Tower's S1lcke . customer wrlte i "I " 'IOID , , Chey tOm be all rlyM If tlley ha" . the 'Fbh' on tlletn. " ( ThJ. confidence" the outgrowth - growth or sixty-nine 7 1U'11 ' ot \ IU"Otul manuraoturln . A. J. TOWER co. fttBtpoftbnda Dolton. U.S.A. . . 'rower UmJted On-1JtVlt\I1 eo.l , . , . . . . . . i 'I'oronto , Canada I1Ja u > > O .ahr 01 WGITIJIfted Wit WllItbu CIoU/g - DID YOU NOW aat JOU can rot moro light for lOll muneJ with. MONARCH , CARBIDE FEED ACETYLENE GENERATOR a&Dtrom aD'thlng 01.0 In the world-excopUho .nnt Send tor CataloKllo D. .OKARCH ACETYLENE GAS CO 1012 Farnam Se. . Omaha. Neb. ASK YOUR WIFE Jhbe thinks you ought to be good to your Rcalp and keep the hair nature gave you. She know. . THEN ASK YOUR BARBER about UNDOMA , the greatcst balr allover ot tbe . , e. It'liguaranteed. De knows. Bend us your name for free treatment. THE UNDOMA COMPANY. OMAHA 1 W Save on Drugs tIJ write for our 100-page catalol''UC : ; .howlng 10.000 nrtlcl at cul prlc-e1l. PATENT MEDICINES , RUBDER GOODB. TRUSeEB. p. . ! .Rl h"a dM ! E 2 : DR. McGREVV For 30 years hall mnde II 8pe < 'lulty ot nISEAfI S OF lUl N. 1-ll'hl- ' cen y'ur" In Omaha. UIII II. . " , , , TrNtment b a 8 permunenlly cured thousnndll at 8mnll co t. "aTe tIme IInd 1I10nAY by des crib. Inll' your ORliI' , IInd write tor l'rt. " book nml termll otU'elltmcllt , ! l1t'd Iclno 8"lIt In plain paCklll'O ' , 1I0x 76. ( ; am co 216 South IUh Street. Omaha. Nllhrnska. I = WI . J1N6LE , TU TQUAlITY BENDER IT1'AI6UT 4CIGAR ALWAYS RELIAB LE Y r JubtJor or I1lr. , " lrulu Yaotor ) ' , l'oort. . , 111. antcd HAW FURS all kinds From all .ectlon. ot th. collotrr. Will ra ) ' hillhe.t . . . , . . . ca.b prlre. A E. UUIUUIAnn r. Inte. Datlon,1 Fur l\1u.h.nt. OINCINNATI , 0 , IW. . N. U" Omaha. No. 48-1)04 ! ) BEGGS' CHERRY COUGH 6\'RUP c.urtS . COUba Aod cold . , . I , ' , . . , . 'J' ' 0 . . . . , . ' , . ' , [ NEWS IN N BRASKA I - ROOSEVELT'S PLURALITY 84,833. Complete but Unofflchtl Returns from Nebraska. Unofficial , but complete returns for the state of Nebraska show that the vote on president at the last election was In the neighborhood of 22 ,000 , or about 16,000 less tban was cast four ) 'ears ago Of the votes cast Presl. dent Roose\'elt rec ( > lved 1J7 : , 13 ; Pur. Iter got fi2GJ7 ! ; Watson , 20 , 22 ; Swal. low , GaOi : Dehs , 7,380. 'rhls gives Mr. Hoosevlt ! a lliurality of 84,8:1:1 : : , and a clear majurlt ) . o\'er ul1 of OGIi. : ! On governor the , 'ole wns vcr ) ' nearly - ly the same In total ns for IJreldent. ! : ! Governor 1\l1clOy I'ecelved 111,707 : Bergo , 102,470 : SWnJuler , fi,277 ; Vull , 5,087 ; l\Ilcke"s Jllurallt ) . , 9,2:17. : 'rhe unofUcllll returns from the nine. h' counties ot the stute on preshlent follow. RooeI'ar ! - " 'utSwal - voll , ICI' . 11011. low. dam . . . . 31 [ 902 467 119 Anlelope . . 1813 3iil r,0 ! ! 99 Bunner . . , . 1 iir ; 18 9 [ j DInino. . . . . ] 27 :14 : ] 7 : I Hoono . . . . . 1823 . (71 , (28 ] 24 Box Butte. . 668 2 ] 8 71 20 Boyd . . . . . . 1233 328 2(7 47 Brown . . . . 1 87 ] 30 j ( 8 Jhltralo . . . . 2 [ M 730 642 94 Hurt . . . . . . 2081 628 ] 71 83 Outler . . . . 1723 1273 281 97 GUill ! . . . . . . . 2711 146ri 1 % lii4 Collar . . . . . 1797 1021 148 31 Chuse . . . . . 32 ! ) 111 j ( ] 3 Cht'rry . . p 978 :121' : ' > 86 H Cheycnne. . 681 261 :10 : 3u Clay. . . . . . 2118 701 57H 111 Colfax . . . . . 1180 . 7t ) ! ! 14\1 \ 77 Cumlll ! ; . . . . 1490 124ii 61 21 Cusler . . . . . 26r.S . riO ! ! 10ri8 118 Dnlwtn. . . . . Suii u2:1 : 28 :14 : DaweR . . . . SI8 248 81 2a Da WBon . . . ] j 12 4ii7 < 437 12V Deuel . . . . . 39J ! ] OR 36 4 Dixon . . . . . ] ii24 1 7ii 141 82 Dntl o. . , . . 27S9 1643 87 va Doug-Ias . . . l 24S 6806 279 ; ; r , Dundy. . . . 391 92 9\ 10 Flllmort' . . . ] 980 839 r.79 4Ci 1 I'lnllIn . . 1269 472 : :62 : 46 J"rontlor . . . ! l93 IS' ! : lIi3 2 : ' J urnas . . . . lCi'HI ' :1:13 : : 479 7S Gn e . . . . . . 4:101:1211 : : 1911 2J'I : nUI'fleld. . . 40r. ! I\ 94 4 GOlll'I' : . . . . r,411 lCi4 212 24 GI'Hlll . . . . . 11:1 : 49 Ii . . . Greell'Y . . . S311 447 18 . 20 Hall . . . . . . . 21 08 8:1 : 271 13 Hamilton . . 18Hi ii48 410 161 HIIt'lnn . . . . . . ] I 78 299' 3iiO 17 : ; Haycs . . 0. . . 33 : > 10(1 ( , (8 7 Hltehcocl ( . . ii9R 16' ' ; ] 90 ] 0 Holt . . . . . . 1710' 1331 70G 122 Hooker . . . . 7 2 : ! 2 Howard . . . . 12j4 ! 47ii 40t . . . Jcfforson . . 2067 Ii ! ; : ! ] 22 ] 26 JohnRon . . . 1611 IH liiO 119 J\carne ' . . . 12Jr. : 393 : JR4 8:1 : Kolth . . . . . 26:1 : 84 7ii 2 Jeyn. Palm. 448 ! 17 121 ! 10 Kimball . . . ' 14:1 : , 1 \ 10 2 Knox . . . . . 216:1 : S26 :128 : ! II Lancaf-ler. . 8167 I 9S I fi6 : ! rr.2 Lincoln . . . 140111 3211 22 : ! [ ; 0 LO lIn . . . . . Ion 22 , : :4 : 4 1.01111 . . . . . . 2a 2 : ! 69 . . . 1\Icl'hel'80n. 108 12 ii 1 Ma.lhiOlI . . . 2210 ] 050 lii7 r , : : : \I'erl'lcl ( . . . . 12ir , 400 242 lrii = "alH'o . . . . . 119M 18l 2 4 62 Nomahll. . . ] ! I'\6 784 2BO ] 14 Nllclcolls . . 161ii 8ii : :8 : [ 46 Oloe . . . . . . . 2r.111 1421 118 ; 104 Pawllee . . . 17:19 : fi61 ! II 109 Pel'ldlll ! . . 179 Fi7 Sii 4 Phelpl ! . . . . . lCi67 217 393 110 Pierce . . . . . 1122 4Fi4 ! l7 31 ! Plalle . . . . . 1947 ] : ; 10 1Ii8 HI Polk . . . . . . . 123ii 239 610 ! ] i1 nell Willow 137:1 : 30 : ; : Jr.7 111 Hlchn\'llsol " : ; ; ; 4 1664 l:1ii : 68 Hoclt . . . . . . , 1:18 : 39 23 Sullne . . . . . 2:1911 : 1147 24r , 113 Snrp ' . . . . . ! l98 67ii 49 r.,1 8111111 < < lel's . . 2880 10(1,1 ( I S2 180 Scotl'l' Bluff ii:10 : 103 :1\ : 27 SeWI11'd . . . . 2243 ] 029 2il ! 110 Sheridan. . . 67:1 : 172 182 40 herll1an . . 1'09 ' 14 0 . ( 23 21 Sioux . . . . . . 247 ] 11 2 , ( 13 Stanlon . . . S9ii 512 ; ; 7 2 ] 'l'hnyer . . . . It130 812 209 ] 01 ' 1'holl18s . . . 86 39 11 2 'l'hlll'slon . . 757 538 : ! O 6 Valley . . . . . 113R 220 357 iiO Washlng-lon 18611 79104 : IS 'Vayno . . . . 14,3 551 71 : :0 : " 'ehstor . . . 1585 423 446 89 'Vheeler. . . 187 51 ! 69 4 Yorlc . . . . . . 2ii29 7 : ! 426 211 - - - - - - - - - - - - Totals . . .1:17,13 : 52679 20ii22 6305 Plurality. . . 84,833 l\Iajol'll ' . . . 50,626 Postmistress Resigns. TECU1\ISEH- Orpha Coll1ns has resigned as postmistress at Smnrt. v111e. this county. She says the post- office w11l not pay more than from $25 to $30 per quarter and she cannot afford - ford to glye It her time. Osmond Bank Sold. NORFOLK-'fhe Security State bank of Osmond. bas been sold by W , M. Rainbolt to a number of ORmond business men. Typhoid Fever Epidemic. , , . NORFOLK-A serious epidemic of. typhoid fevertllD.s broken out through northern Nebrashn. and the disease is reaping It harvest of many lives. The cause of the 1111l0ss has not been . determined. It Is claimed by somo. that in Norfolle the standpipe , which has no screen over the toP. h ! , respon. sible , being , as they alleged , filled wllh. . dozens ot dead birds. Ex.Chancellor Fairfield Dead. Information ot the death of ReEd. . mund Bnrl\e Fairfield , eK.chancollor of the University of Nehl'a ka , nnd for years one of the 1.10St pl'Omlnent ellu. caters in the state , WIUI I ceived In Lincoln. Rev. Fairfield died at his homo in Oberlin , 0. , ased 8-1 - rears. Gagc Farmers ; Fight Trust. DEA TRICE-A rOllslnE ; mass m ( ' ( > t. Ins was helll at Adams to consider the eleyator project. Over $4.000 has been subscribed , and a building will prob bly bo erectcd In the near future - ture anel an experienceQ grain man l1ut In charge. StamJede of Cattle. DAKOTA CITY.-C. J. O'Connor of Homer suffered the loss of thirty head ot cattle In Omaha creel _ , while a herd of fjOO was belnb driven from thl8 place to Homer. Mr. O'Connor had made a shlpmont of these cattle frolll his ranch In Ch rry cOllntr. When unloaded from the nrs here they wer ( ' not watered , and when they smelled the wnter In the creelt they stampeded fUIII 1nstead ot going onto the hrldgo went over the bl\nk and thirty head were drowned and trampled to death betore they could - . be - - sot ten . out. - " ' , . THE STATE IN BRIEF. A new lighting company has been organized at Plnttsmouth. York w1l1 oslt congress ror $12i , OOO Cor Its IJrollosed federnl building. 'fho farlllers In the , 'Iclnlt ) . oC Ad. alliS , Gage county , \\111 build an ele. vnt01. 'rhe remains of Prances Claflin , , , 'ho died In Washington , have been IntCl" red nt Fremont. 'rhe Doane college lectlll'o course opened Ilt Crete with nil address b ) ' DI" . D. Ii' . I1'0x of Chicago. 1 1rtoen divorce ClHles are on the doclat of the district court of Gogo count . to he dlsllosed of. Josellh Oelssel , a ) 'ollllg man , Is wanted nt ' ! 'ccumseh on the charge or forgery. He has fled the countr ) ' . Z'h'o destroyed the large barn ot .Tohn Boatmen , A. H. CaRe's bill'll nnd several other smllller buildings In Sterling. GeOl'ge Tuttle , 0. former resident of Gage count . , was shot and It111ed III Colorado last weolt. The shoo ling was the result ot nil old teud. Ir. and Mrs. ' 1' . Ii' . W1l11ams of Peru celebl'l1ted their golden wedding. A Inrgo number of their friends and rei. atlyes were Inylted to celebl'ato the event. E. .r. DIII'lett has fIled a slntement with the Beel'etary of state certifying that he spent $42i dlll'lng the last camJlalgn to get his third term In con. gress. ' 1'hls he gllve to the state com. mlttee. At a recent meeting of the school officers of Dodge cOllntr the proposl. : tlon of apolnting n county trllnnt ofu. cor was discussed. 'rho prollosition was left to the eclslon of the dlrec. tors. Ii' . Ii. Ingalls , a Long Pine jeweler , has m'sterlously dlsallpeared. His wICe died It week ago. lie bought a l'n7.or Wednesday. Silicide Is feared. 110 tl'i'd It once. Searching parties are worldng. ' ) 'he faculty of the State Normal school at Pel'll has udolllell 3Pllro. priate resolutions regarding the death uf Iiss Del.tha Knight , a tencher In the 1.lnroln school at Omahn , who graduated at the N0I'l11:11 last June. 1'he state hanldn b0111'11 rejected the applications for license of lhe Con. tinental } . 'Inance company of Chicago and lhe Co.opemtlve Homo lurchas , Ing comlmn ) ' of Omaha. ' ) 'ho latter company claims toJC operated for the b netit of the colored cltl7.ens ot Ne , bl'uslm. In a game of base ball between Chadron and Cm wford , Hany Ketch. am of Cl'awford was seriously if not fataIJ ) ' injlll'ed. He had his shoulder dislocated anI ! received internal In. juries , the effect of which cnnnot ) 'et be determined. Barr ) ' Is a son or Ed- ItOt' Ketcham of the Crawford ' ) 'rlbune' is a fine roung man nud universally Illtcd. In YOI'k county some of the country schools have declared vacations for periods - riods ranging from two to four weelts. ' 1'he object of the vacation Is to , ; ive the boys a chnnce to don husling pegs. The school law mnkes It im. peratlve to talce some such step as this. According to the wording at the law. the boys cannot be Itept out of school in au ) " other war : , as' the i amount of attendance required durIng - Ing the term must be consecutive. Printed orders have been Issued' by the Union Pacific Instructing Its tlclet agents to accept no more signatlll'es with fountain Jlens or Inle furnished by passengers 1n plll'chasing transporta' tion. This rule has become necessary owing to the ease with which forgeries were accomplished b ' the use ot Inles. Here after the company will furnish a brand of Ink which tbe traveling pUblic cannot ulle excepting under the direction of the agent who seIJs the ticket. Ed .Tohnllon's hardwal'C store at Clarlcs was entered and ahem $15 wmth of Imlves and l'n7.ors were stol- en. Before noon Ji'J'I\nk A very , aIJas Gussie IlIls , was al'l'ested and charg. ed with beln the guilt ) . pal.ty. Mrs. Hlchard Gould appealed to Governor - ernorI1clCy to parole her husband from the penltentlar ) ' and the case has been talton under advisement. Rev. Gould was convicted of running away with a 1 .year.old girl , Eva li'lInt of CentJ'l\I City , and living with ber In South Dalwta. 'rhe wife told the governor - ernor thnt she needed' hel' hushand at home to help take care of their five children , for whom she has been mal\1n u living since her husband's conviction. Norlh'I'n Nebl'aslm Is surrel'ing from an epidemic of typhoid fever , which is sOl'lous to a degl'ee. an the Uves that are talcen evOl'y day 1'011 up to an astounding list of lIeollle. .Just wbat is the cause of the Illness haH not beeu detormlncd , af ! the fall has heen dr ) ' and warm. Iu NOI'folic it Is claim. ed by some that the dlseate Is due to the standpipe. which Is unRcreened at the top. It Is claimed that there ar. ! several Imahels of Ilend birds In the hot tom of the 1I1pO. I It Is quite 1Il\Cly thnt Peter Kuhn , wanted in Deatrlco on the charge of forgel'10'111 not he brought bacl , from Kansas City , IlS l.'rltz Kees , on whom he passed a. forged checle for $75 , re. celvod a draft from ono ot Kuhn'F suns at I\ansas : CIt ) . for $50 , lIe atat. cd that the halance would be forth. coming In a few dars. , Tamt's ColTman. a H' 'ear'old son c , [ E. Coffman of Nebraslm. Cit . , was shot In the leg by another boy , who w Hhooting at a. marle and missed tb ; marlt. Ph 'slclans thlnlt tllll' the IOJf wl1\ \ have to be amputated. ' . - , , , , ' , I I , , ' Flesh of Dear and Camel. rn Germany boar's 110sh Is rent1r fn.vored , nnd smoltell bear tougues , hams anll sausages are both apletlz. In ; and expenslvc. Ever slnco Paris , In the slolo oC 1810.71 , was driven to eating up the animals at the zoo , eamel's 110sh has been demanded by French gourmels. Remarltably IIko lIeef In nIl pen rance , it Is as Lemlor ns foal , and there are Parisians who 1m. port U regularly from Alserin. . Wood In Iceland. Iceland bas been tound to bo not so SosUtuto ot trees as commonly report. ed. Proto Pr.tz ot COlonhngen 11nds that It contains rees ot eonshlcrablo tlzo. A country so cold wl1\ \ not stand Iho reckless destruction of trees which It has endured in common with other mce heavily wooded regions. With : u.ro It is believed that lcellmd mo. ) ' ( at bit covered with forests , Simple Remedy for Glass Woundl. It cut by glass oxamlno wound carl ) . fullY , cleans with antiseptics , llOldlng he wound over an empty bowl and roe peatedly squeezing the antiseptic Into the wound. When sure that theN 18 110 6:1asll loft in , wet 0. comprcslI In the solution nd bind on wJtb n dry bandage. z'or a simple cut wet com. press In antiseptic solution and bind Dn firmlr. Saved with FIshing Rod. While fishing In Llrrord reservoir the caretaker ot 8tirchley Institute , Dlrmlnghnm , England , saw a domes. tic servant named Annlo Curtis throw herself Into the water. Delng unabla to swim , ho cnsl for her with the rod , and. catch Ins the hoole In the girl's' ' clothing. ho managed to bring ber aafely to Rhore. School Children Are Wily. Under a now rule women In pectors visit the public scpools of London amI Insllect the pupils. 1'hose thnt are not clean ar.l sent homo. But alreadY It has been found that Bome of the chll. dren sm r themselves with mud boo fore entering school , In bope that an Inspector w111 lla ) ' a "Jslt. How's This ? 'We oft'er ' One nundred I10llan Rewar tor any tale ot Catarrh tba eanllo be eure < 1 br Uall' . Catarrh Cur. . F. J. C &NEY & CO. , Toledo , O. W' . 'he ' . .1el'llllrned hue known F. J. Cheney ror the lu , rear. , and ! Jellen him perfeetlr hon- oflble In all bUAll1eu trl\lliaetlon. and Onanelallr . .ble to carrr Ollt any obligation.IIade hy hI. Orm. W LVUW , KINIU ) ( & MARVIN , Whulo ale I1ru ! ; 'I.II. Tuledo O. nill' . Catarrb Cnre I. lak n Internally. aetlne dlreetlr upon tbo blued and mucous lurtace. ot tb. .y.lelD. 1'o.tlmonlal. lellt tree. l'rlce 7 eeoLi bOltie. 1:01 < 1 by all I1rlllX IAI. . Take U&lI' . " 'alll1r1'1II. tor eon.UpaUora. Kept Out Witches. In England , up to comparativelY roe cent Umes , horsehoes wera extensIvely - Ively used almost everywhere as anti- witch charms and the custom Is not evea yet an extinct one. No witch , It used to b said , could enter a building - ing over the door of which a horse- shoe-or , better stm , three horse- shoes-nad been affixed , prongs down. ward. Synonyms for "I. " The Japanese language contains no fewer thnn eighteen s'nonyms for the versonal pronoun " 1 , " one tor each class of people ; aud etiquette makes it unlawful for a person be. longing to ono rank In society to malte use ot the pronoun pertain In& to an. other. Bar Unvaccinated Peraons. Thirteen British life hisurance of. tcea decllno proposalo trom unvaccinated - cinated persons. A prominent club womnn , Mrs. Danforth , of St. Josepb , l\\icb. \ , tclls bow she was cured of falling of the womb and its accompanying pains and misery byLydia E. Pinkbam'sVcgetable Compound. . . DEA.R Mns. PINItUAU : - Life ] oolcII dark Indeed when a womnn { ( 'cIs thnt her IItrength is fading awny nnd she bas 110 bopes of ever being restored. Such was my feeling Iew months ngo when I was advised thnt my poor henlth wnll clLused by prolapsus or falIln of the womb. The words sounded lIlte a knell to me , I felt that my lIun hnd set ; but Lydia E. Plnkhnm's Vcgc- table Compound came to me 1\.6 an elixir of life ; It. restored the lost forces and built me up until my good health returned to me. For four mouths I took the medicine dnily , nnd each dose added health nnd strength. I am 60 thanltful for thehclp I obtained through Its use.Mlts. . FLOltENCJt D.lNFOnTU , 1007 1IHles Ave. , St. Joseph , Mlch.- -000 for/elt If original of abou. lett" proulng , .nllln.n. . , cannot b. prodllc.J. u FREE 1\IEDICAL ADVICE TO 'VOl\IEN. " Women would save time I1mI much 8lcmcs8 ] if they would write to 1\lrs. Plnlduun forntlvlce as 80011 118 any dlstrcHslng symp. toms appear. I t is free , nd hus put thommndJ ! ot women 011 the rJJrht road to recovcry. J , ' l l IJ : ' . 'GOVERNOR OF OREGON t * " Uses Pe.ru-na In HIS Family " \ . I For Colds and Finds It an Excellent Remedy. , I . ; , I , ' ,1 , . , , . { , t , \ ' I , \ ' 1' ' The Magnlfl 8nt State Cnpltol Building at Salem , Orlgon , j 'i.I ; ; " _ _ _ _ on . R ISE FROM THE EX.GOVERNOR OF OREGON. l : ! ; , .J' . , 1. : > . . -ltU.NA . Is Imowu { rom the Atlanto ! i . to the } 'ac1flc. Lettcrs of congrl\.t- \11nton ! Mn eomnumdaUon tt'sUy- ing to the merits of l'erunn. as II. elLtnrrb remedy are pouring in from every Stn.to of the Union. Dr. IInrtmnn ill receiving hundreds of such letters daily. All cll\.sscs . write these letters , : trom thu highest to the lowest. The outdoor laborer , the InrIoor art- ! rmn , the cleric , the edltorthe statlsman , the prenchcr-all ngree that l'er\1111\ the catarrh remedy of the uge. The stnge nlHI rostrum , rceognidng catarrh as their gre : e t ent'rn ' , are es. Jlcciltll ' entl1\lsfllstlc in their praltie antI testimony. Auy man who wll\hc8 perf < , ct. henlth must bo entirely free from catarrh. Catarrh is well-nigh unlvertial ; uhuollt omuiprcsent. Perunlt is the enl ' absolute Rnf < 'gunrd ] mown. A coM Is the lcglnnlug ) of catarrh. ' 1'0 prevent e01l1s , to cure colds , is to chent entarrh of its victims. Pcruna not ollly cures catllrrh , but pre1'cnts . E1'ery IlOusehold should b supplied with this great rmcdy for coughs , colds and so ( orih , 1'ho Ex.Governor of OrcJron ill an ardent admirer of l'cruna. lie kccps it I continuall ' in the house. In totter to The PeruIII. . Medlc1ne , . : 1" Co. , 110 MYS : ; f. . ' { I ' : ST.lTJII 01" OuJtQOI' , e " [ , r , EXEOUTIVE Ditl'.A.nTMJlNT : r I' . . . f ! The Perunn. Mediclt1e Co. , Columbus , 0. . \ 1 , , { ' Dellr 51-1 IlItV had oCCAsion te ' . \ I , . us your Peruna medlcln In my laDle J/y for colds , lJnd It prov'c/ b IIn ex- ! " t eel/cnt remedy. I 1111 ve not hlld O e , 0 I CAslon to us It ( or other nJlm" n. ' / , I Yours very truly , i 'I , W. " , . Lon ! . " ! It. , , 'ill bo noticed thnt the I x.Oo. . . . . ' ernor sn.y ho hns not hat } oecMion to fI use Peruna for other uihnent8. The > > . I reason for thlll is , most ot4''r.0.i1mcnt4 . I begin with 0. colt ! . ' I Using 1'01'\1111\ promptly eu" , colds , j ( he protects his famil ' ngainst oth I aUmcnts. 1'hls ill exactly whnt. every 0t11 Jf I family in the United HatclI should do-- Iteep Pcrnnn. In the honso. Use it. { o coughs , coldfl , 11\ o.nd other ellmatlo affections of w uter , 'nJlll ' there will bo no other ailments in the 11ouso. Such fnmUIts should provide them lIelvea with a. copy of Dr. IInl'tmnu' . { reo hook , entitled , "ClII'onlc Catn.rrh. " , Address Dr. S. U. lTl\rtllll\D , } 'rcslden' lof 'rho lIartman Snnltarlum , Colum. 1m9 , Ohio. All , eorre8 ) ondenco held strictly confidential. , - ' " " \ W. L. Dougln mako. .nd _ lIa more mon' . $ B.DO .hoo. lI.an IUIY ether manufaoturln lire world. Tbl ! rtillBOn W. J. . ! lougla " 1.,0 , ehoo. Rre the I/rr > Rwet "IIlIer. In the "orld Ie I.rau.e of tholr euel. , lent.tylo rr\lY IIU1nf { I\I\I 1'lJrrlor , wrnrlnK Qllnlltlc. . It I could .how 'Oil thlldllT..renell between the .hoo"mnuo , III m ) ' factAlrY R"I thORo ot olher InRk. . . nd the hlalHtrf\(11I " . .ther.n.ed'oll wOllld uod. , . . 1t/lId " . J. , ! lolIlIlIl. fU.o . .ho. . . ro.t moro to lII"k. "hY they hulel their Ih"tlIt \ beller , WUI' ' IUllllcr , hYdW. . ot IIr nter 'ntrlullc ' vAlue thnn olher .c.o . .hoe ou tb. market \O.uay. , aud " 0 ] ' tll ! aAll' . for the , pnr enllhlll .Iuly 1,1004 , " 'oro 811 Rnr.olher : . . . , . W. I. . lIuuI" ! . 11111"1 IIlI'lr ' VRllle by .1"rnl"1111 1I11111&mo and price 00 the bottom. Look tor 1\-10 . 41 . . . . .8 no .ub.lltuto. 80lel hy .hoo dealeu eYerywhero. SUPERIOR IN FIT , COMFORT AND WEAR. "J l.ar , Itorn W. Ih DOl/oI/IJ ISM Ih" " 10 , . t/lf lad f"'tlt' tit" , . . ltilh a l ld. . , a/ll./"rltnll. I fllld Ih'III ' ' 'I' _ 'o..l" ( ItLtorn/t'rl alld Iun , 10 olhir , " . .111811 Jr'Il'I , OIJ 10 $7.00.-/1. .s. JI ( , ( Jr. , DI. l-oll" U. S. Jill. Iltwnlll , Rlehmollcl , YOlo 'V. T. . nOllllu. 1\,8 Corn" " ( 'oltRkln ' In hI. 8:1.nO : 811. . . . . . CnrOIl" Cnlt I. conceded . . be the lInOllt l'"tent Leather wl"I. . . l'I&.t Culnr Jlyelet.IRe. : . . . , ScIIIRlvelJ , W. L. DlUOLAB , BrooMon , M.oh..ett. . , . . HAVE YOU A HORSEP . , ' : WOULD YOU LIKE US TO SADDLE ? SEND YOU A BEAUTIFUt : . ( FOR THE MOlT WOHDER"UL SADDLE O""ER lEVER HEARD 0" . on ollar by which .nr.ne con hay. the nlc..t . .ddle In hi. , n.llhborh.od. cut till. Ad ou end lend I to UI end ] 'OU wlU rerelu oor H.w. . " and D..ulllul Special Saddl. Catale.ue , f 18I1Jo , baud.orn. photolrraphlo tIIudraUun. lIr &II Un d. ot : Mon's , Womon'o , Boys' and Glrla' Baddlos , Stook Saddles , Ranoh and Range Saddles , IIULL. MIDIUW A"D URalt. PUI" AHD FA"CY SADDLEI , I aVER' IMAOI" ' 1LIt 'UND A"D STY L E AHD S" A P a 01' IADDLL OUII PRICES Will ASTONISH AND PLEASE yOU. f Yeu .11I Ie' eyr V.r , Let. . , anti . . . , Adenllhlnl" " Libera' ' Ort. . J01I will j our New Free Trlot 1"10. . will recehe a IOddl. otl'er tbat e. . " . bone , let ahoul4 bAn at Olloe. flu OW" a bono , don'Holi to eut UJII Ad ollt aDd ND4 W u.o . to < 1aJ aDC . . . . , aU JOu lIe br reurlllll&II , m. , podp&ld. \ ADDRESS , SEIRS , ROEBUCK I CO. , CHICAGO. . . . , . . dr I , ; ' , , ; . ' , < ' " . Jj' : ' . ' i , ( . " 'I' " " i . ' ' . \ . , . ' ' " I. . \ ' . ' . ' : , - , . , , , " ' ' j ' 1 o'M . . . . , ! . ' ' ' ; , ' ( \ . ' 1 . , . . I , : t ; ' . , . . . 0 , " I ! , :1 . , " , j GET A GRASP . f\I \ ON OUR TRADE MAPJC ; " ( jET TO KNOW IT WHEN YOU SEe IT ' JI AND THEN NEVER BUY STARCH WlTtlOur IT. 'f\ ' , ' I DefiANce ST A CH IS WITI10UT EQUAL. IT IS GOOD. IT IS BETT ER. . IT IS THE BEST AND /t\o et'or IT FOR. ' " " f" " CfNTS THAN ANY OTHER STARCH. IT WILL NOT ROT me , I , . ' . I aornES. YOUR QI OCER. HAS IT OR. WILL GET IT I.f . YOU ; ASK fOR IT. a a a n a . . . I SATISfACTION O MONEY BACK. MANUfACTURED BY , ' \ The DEFIANCE STARCH CO. , f 'r ) OMAHA. NEll. r , , " } j f ; , ; . " I. " l . . ; . . . ' . " " ' , . , , t' 't' PUTNAM FADELESS DYES ' ' ? ' , o ; eolol .ort aooda Iahle , Ind 'lit. ' , colOrt Ihan In1 olh" II , . . On.o " 0\1411 nlrt ( , Ilk , " 01 and coltOfl e41UI' ' " .ellind l'laa"nkell , ( J " .cl , . .ullt. . I lt .i aJ. , . , . . .UlMB4oai ltl4al We : a l . .aaa.Vtlla Iar II. . oGILI.U-U..la D , . , a&u.cll . aNUIl eel" " M.O/JtO.IQ J'uUU vu. . Vi : 6We " 'Uu. ' ' . I ' , /