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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1904)
. . , r Oil Little Used In RUlli. . , Notwlthstamlng ] the largo prot1uoo 'tlon ' at petroleum In HUBsl1\ the use 01 lIumlnating oil In the country IA IImall. It has been IImtOlI by Itnx on refined all. Hecentl ) . the Balm re- nnors have petltlonell the [ ovornmont to abolish this tax on rofinOlI 011 ( or homo consumlltlon nn to subslftuto tor Il a tax on all cru e all produced , About Ithe Wedding Dress. A host of superstitions center about the wedding dl'ess. Some sUtchcs should ho set In It b ) ' the bride hor. IOIr on ller wedding day-sho ahou1cl "sow her own joy In 1l. " But the rroom ; Plholllli ne\'cr bo allowed to soothe the brldo In her weddIng dross until ho meets her at the altdr. ; Trap Gun KJIIB Man. A. E. Chambers was ltillod at Santa Nora. Cal. , b ) ' I\ load of salt ured trom . . RIJrlng gun the owner of a cabin nad ( lll\ced nt hIs door tor Ute purpose ot Alscouraglng the vIsits oC burglars. Money Versus Experience. What do you It rou haven't o.n , . 1l01Ie ) ' ? You are rich in exporlel1co. . J - - - - - Good News for All. " Dradford , ' 'I'enn" Nov. 21.-Spo. ( tlal.-SclonHllc ) research sh lws Kid. o y \ 'l'I'o lb10 to bo UIO father of so { llnn diseases that nCW:1 : ot : : . dl:1' tovery of a sure cure ( or It cannot bo welcomed all over the coun. irf : Arlll according to Mr. J. A. DavIs of. this Illace just such a cure Is found In 'Dodd's ' , KIdney Pills. Mr. David says : . " "Dodd's Kldnl'Y Pilla arc all Ullit Is claimed for the1l1. 'fhey have done mO more good limn anythIng I have ever talton. 1 had Kldnoy Trouble very barl , al1l1 allor tnlclng a few boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills . com. 1110toly cured. I cannot pralso them too much. " lfdnoy Complaint dovelopf1 Into Drlghl'R Dlaoase , Drollsy , Dlabotes , HhQumntlfnn , and other ImlnCul and falnl diseuses. The saeguard Is to cure your lcldneys with Dodd's Kid. ney' ' Pills when they show the first lIyrnlltom ot disease. Men With remlnlne Tastes. , Whenever a man Is found to have I tastes commonly consIdered femInine , ho Is almost sure to bo a distinguished Clersonago. For Instance , Sir Walter cott , Mohammed , Dr. Wolsoy , Rlcho. . ( lOlMontalgne , } Jlerro I ltI and the , el Gray v , r , ) QU excessIvely Coud of cnls. - , IJv"ry : nouseltcOper snould know thnt It they will buy Defiance Cold Water Starch for laundry use they " "Ill sayo not only time , bocausc It never stlclts to the Iron , but bccauso each paclmgo contains 16 oz.-ono full pound-while all ether Cold Water Starches are put Ull In % .pound paclt. ages , nnd the prlco Is the same , 10 cents. Then again because Definnce Starch Is free from nil InjurIous chorn. tcals. It your gl'ocer tries to sell you , 11. 12-01. . paclmge It Is because he has 'II. ' Htocle on hand which he , vlshos tD dispose of before ho puts 111 Defianco. Ho Imows that Deflanco Starch has .prJuted on every paclmge In largo let. ters and figures " 16 ozs. " Demand 'Doflanco and save much time and money nnd the annoyance of the iron .Ucldnl : . Definnce never sllclts. Irlsb eggs nre rIchest of all , better tlu\n \ Englllilh or DanIsh , and Dl'IlIsh pl\strycooes } nlWnYs try to buy them , ns Uloy gq r.urthor. . Insl t on Getting It. , 'Some A'rocera MY they don't IeeeI' Den nce Starch. This Is because they have n. stacie on hand of other brands con : atntng only 12 oz. In 11 package , whtch they won't be able to sell first , t > ecause Defiance contains 16 oz. tor the Rllme mone ' . Do you want 16 oz. Instl'ad ot 12 oz. tor Bame money ? Then buy Def\anc. Starch. neQulres no coolt1ng. I.ondonors are slnglarly well cared . fOl' In the matter of rooroatlon. Thev have fifty.threo theaters and fort ) : . three mUBle balls. You ne\'er hear Rny one complain . abo\lt \ "De anc ( > Stllrch. " There Is none , . , l v.J1J , It In'Q\p\IIt ) ' Ilnd quantity , 1 $ ounce" , 10 cents. Try It now nnd sn\'e ) 'our money. Small mon do not gaIn great truths and great Dlen 110 not retaIn them , JIr. . Wln.low"1I SoothlnA' Plrrul" FOf children teethln . .otten. Iho jUIU. , reduee 10- bmmaUoQaUay.p"lnlure.wln < 1ooU..11010"1.10. : / " . More onemles have been slaIn by mercy than by malice. \1IIT8 \ f''nn"nontl , . cuI'No nt Of nCM'CnmHU.fttIP . Orat day's u. . . \r.IUlno'l O"t Noreo , , " , f. fl nd tor 1 IIIC 8 .0 ( ) trtal hollio nn,1 t..Ut , Ua. U. U. KLlIfIl , LW , . 31 Az1b 11leut , l'bILa.1olpWAl'z1. A man's tltlo to glory does not de- vend on the glor ) ' of his tltlo here. . Wrllo MUnU\R In'R nF : mllCo , . Chlralro. It fOUf OYf are ( lre , 'r ' InnRIIII' < 1. Rnd ! tot oculI.I' . Wvlee and tr e 1811I1'10 AI U unn : . II curel "II 010'1I\a. \ . 1\Ion who al'o always on the malw never mal < o much of anrlhlng. Defiance Starch Is guaranteel ! bly. geat and best or money refun ed. 16 ounces , , 1Q cents. ' .rry It now. I lIe bas made no great gains who has never lost anything. "Dr , Ja..hItennfdJ" . 1"Inorlto Remfldy Itundout.N. y..currll.n ) ' ooriouI1.1dnor 'rouhlo.l sa In : . ! _ t.a & > OIWA1L" II. Wardolliun"Tllle , I'i , J. lJOUo. .1.OG. Chance is ono of the most proCane words In our langungo. - InifJortant to Mothers. < : Earnlno ca"'tully crery bottle ot C.\STonJ.\ , & uro aud "uro rcmcdylor IntlUlt. a.n.t children , an.t .eo tbat it Dearatho /711 # " ' - . - - ' # f--'p. lanatnro ot , : In Uao 1"or Onr 311 Ye.n. The Kind You 'Te Al"al' Bou hL An. open donlal ot Oed DlJQ" be bet. tar thai ! . an empty d611nIUoa at HIm. f , T . ' . . . . " , . . . . . . " . . , . . ' . . . ' . . . , . . " . . . " . . ' . . . ' . . . , . : . . , ' . . ' . . " . . . . . ' . . ' l' \ . - . . . . . . . . Furs of Two Colors. An entirely novel Idea In ( ur trim. mlng Is to appllquo ( Ilf medallions or ! towers In one colol n scarCs and muffs of another colol' . G.vC' eaulUul set ot thIs doscrlptlon Is of ermIne , the very whlto fur bolng ornamented wllh scrolls of molelltln on each shoulder , on the slolo ends , and on the pnnels of the largo muIT. _ 'I'lger and leoll rd ( urs are made uplsually In small Canc ) ' neclttles and very plain crescent Inuffs , never trimmed In any way and lined most Inconsllcuousl , ) ' . Dlack and the reddish 11O.hy caIr ( allow the sattlo model , and are In. varIably slttlilio. 'fho red IInd white catr Is sometimes lined and combined wIth whIte l < ld , hut the blacle Is nil smooth , glossy blllcle , with not even a jewel In the clasp , Snal\O sl < ln , too , shouM he recorded as obson'lng these extremely tailor- made deElgns. All these eccenlrlc Curs afe almost wholly worn wIth tailor. made dresses IIl1d with S11 all , \lnob. ll'llslve loques , the fur fU\'l1lsl1lng \ all the audaclt ) . lUll I showln03s lIecossary In nn ) ' one costumo. - - This Season's Laces , MultlCorm uses for lace lhls Sl'ason molto the 1'IInsac1clng of bureau draw. ers , worle bags , trunlts IItHI all Itlnds of slorage corners a 1)l'Ontablo ) busl. ness. Any sort of lace clln he utilized , hea\'y or fine , ancIent or modern , bll1ck , whlto or yellow. If 'ou have only a Bcrap ) 'OU can \lse II In con. necllon with rlhbon for sorno sOlt of a neck piece. If a 1I1l1e more , It may do Cor a hat ; one I < lml will EOI'VO for the crown and another for tlte brIm. Allover lace hals fOI' dreHsr occasIons arc as bocomlng as they are of the mode. 'I'ho felt or velvet Itat may bo , given an touch by the addItion of n ruching of lace. Lace joined by handworle maltes the prettiest sort of an ovenlng bodice. 'I'ho girl who Is clever at that sort of thing can get \lp a fancy waIst ror six or eIght dollars that would cost her fift ) ' in the shop. Attractive Ruffled Sklrto. There are many nttractlvo rumed sldrts for Blonder womcn , but lhoy should bo passed by by stout maIds. For example , a recenlIy Imported mod. el has a sldrt of pale yellow net , rafh. er full and long , trImmed with five rue. fieB of yellow plneallplo sllle , whIch grow narrower town.rd . the groulld. Each rumo Is edged with a narrow corded l1uff oC a deeper shade of yel. loW. The bodlco of net Is half hidden ty fichu tabs that end below the waist IIno and are held In place by a girdle or blacle taffeta. 'fho sleeves nre puffed nnd end at the elbow. Curious Combination. A curIous ( ashlon whIch has mado. Its appearance of late Is that of . . . .earlng a celnturo of blac1e taereta Ivlth a colored costume. ' 1'0 accom. pany It there Is generally a rosette ot blacle taffeta worn 011 ono sldo of the corsage , and sometimes the same Is repeated on the sleoves. The effect Is not alwa's o.f UIO hallplest , eSIeclal. ) Iy when the gown Is trImmed with a ( BrIerent colored materIal 10 that or which It Is matle , and II may be doubt. ! d whether the vogue will be or long juration. Stylish Little Coat. Eton jacltets malte 1Iio smartest of aTI the season's wraps and arc par tic. llarly charmIng worn b ) ' young gIrls. rhls ono Is made ot tan colored cloth with vest of brown vol vet and trIm. mln" ot braid and maltes part ot a ; : olltumo , but the desIgn suits the sep. nrato Wral ) equally well and all soa. sonablo materIals. Dlacle taITota Is muoh In , "oguo for general wear and - . . 'I' Dh ; " I , ) ' IIIYlol1ton : , lt.n"as , 'cIUngs mal.c up most charm. Insly ( or UIO cOllt : > of lighter weIght , The quantllr of mntorlal requIred ( or - . girl o ( 1-1 ) 'cars of aso Is 3 % ) 'ards :11 : , 3 'al'ds 27 01' l ! : ) 'anlsIt incites 'Ide with , 'artls o ( , "eh'ot nnd [ j r 1'ds oC braid to trIm as Illustrated. Gowns of Dyed Laces. l ntlre gowns or d'ed laces made up . .Ith slllt or'eh'et allpllqueli are , mon , ; the no\'eltles ot thu Reason. I3ro\\11 ValencIennes lace Is perhaps .ho ne\\'est mawrlal , and It Is mounted wer brown In a deollCr shado. A nodel In thIs Inco Is built wIth a full ' ! panlah ounce edCod with . . . double , - \ rumo of crepe do chIno and 11 nn'ro runto to head H. 'fhls model show , 0110 oC the season's fanclos , that 01 comhlnlng dIfferent varIeties of lace fine alld heavy , sllle and wool , anll Ir dIfferent colors or shades. Tlto blouSf I Is of hrown . valencIennes and H has & ) 'olte of rIch hrown corded guIpure lint' a puer oC corded silk forms the outline of lhe 'olta. ' ) 'rhe sleeves are In r douhlo IlUer 10 the elhow , endIng wIll : full chlffoll l'Umes. ' 1'he stacIe Is 0' whllo Inca alld hroWII crepe tlo chIno ' ' 'I'ho glrdlo Is of crepe de chino. : Girl's Sacquc Nlght.Gown. In Rplte of the fashion for dalnt and elaborate ullderwear whIch hDI talten such a hold on tlto fancy 0' 'OIl11g gIrls , liS well as of lhelr elders lhe Raquo nlght.g'Own always finds III 11lace. ' 1'hls 0110 Is absolutely slJ1lple but Is malle attractive by fine materia , and frills o ( Ilretty needlework at nect. nnd wrists. Nalnsool" linen batiste , camhrlc , long clolh and muslin nll nre appropriate , alld Crf11s can be eUno. ' ] ace or ombroldery , but the model IE made ot English naInsook and t closed by means of small pearl but tons and buttonholes. The nlght.gown Is made wHh front' ' and back and can bo left plain OJ strengthened by the applied ) ' 01(0 a' ' 'preferred. Also there Is cholco nl lowed between a turn.over : and I standIng collar. The sleeves are slm plo full ones gathered Into bands. ' ' 1'ho quantity of material requlrej ( or the medIum sl'le (12 ( : . years ) Is 5 ; : ) .ards 27 , or 3 % ynrds 36 Inches wide A Hint for Artists. Now that hand.palnted panels 0 : trImmIngs are so much in vogue fo' evening gowns there should bo a gOOt chance for a skillful artist to malt ! her own gowns beautiful or dlspOf at such work where it Is wanted. In doing thIs Illllntfng a certaIn design sign Is cho : > en , perhaps a spray 0' fiowers or the colors desIred , and thh desIgn can then bo repeated In th , varIous parts or the gown , tao slzo 0 the desIgn depondlng on where It Is te bo usod. Such a gown could have the sash ends , fiat ) 'olw or colll1r , sldr , panels or other sldrt decorations al Imlnted wHh the desIred pattern. Rib bon valnted with a smaller pattern O' the same design ma ) ' also bo used. mouses Illlinted'wIlh .floral or but terily desIgns are very 110pl11ar abroac and are sure to bo worn here. r Dashlna F.rench ; Modes. WIlh the rev \"al of nIl the plctur esquo modes , 'eveh the tallor-made ( nro taldng on a dressy touch that ha ! hItherto been foreIgn to theIr ipartll"l1 lar stylo. 'fho dushlng modes of tIu LouIs periods are to bo seen In thf soft chIlTon cloths , and oven the ne" double.wldth crellO do chIne Is now 110 Ing made up In the draped mOdels tc which the tailors are givIng theIr bes ! attentfon. And In contradIstinction to the o modes the new ones demand that th { dress ) ' costumes bo of silk or velolel nnd that the trImming bo of cloth The novel chiffon faille Francalse , 01\1 \ old friend como bacle under the culf ton guIse , Is seen In the LouIs SelZf mode with the seams strapped will : cloth , graduatcd cloth bands upon thl : sltlrt , the characteristic revers Caced with , 'elvet and the clwth allplllluN pllled with lho same , - - - - - - Dangerous Flowers. The fiorlst hold a tullil In hIs hand "Somo Ileollle claim that a tUlip hu : no smell , " ho said. "As n matter 01 Cact , It has a dangerous smell. 'l'nle : a tulip of 1\ deep cl'lmson color and In. halo It with profound Inspiration : > an.j It will bo allt to mlllO ) 'ou IIghtheadell You will tla ) ' and do queer thlngs- dance , sing , fight , swear IUld so on Per two hour : > ) 'ou will cut up In UII ! ! wa ) ' . Afterward ) 'OUill bo do. pressed , " ' 1'ho lIOPll ) ' Is another dangerom fiower. A ) 'oung woman of nervou , tempemment , If she lingel's among " bed "C POll111e8 , will become drowsy the . .no liS If she had smoleed a pIp' or two ot Ollll\1u. \ In Asia MInor where Ule opium manufacturers culU vate vast fielltI of 11011Plos , tourIsts ill sllectlnr ; the heautlCul 1I0wers often bt' como nltogethor Incal1l\cltated. 'I'ho ) get so sleep ) ' the ) ' can hardly talli 'I'he ! ) " reel In theIr ralt. In some casl' the ) ' have to bo put to bed.-Dost l1 Advertiser. A married man alwlI's wondera what his wlfo will say ar\er the com .pany has departed. i' ' , ; : . . : . , . ' : - - ' : . . . , . . . . ; . . 1' ' ; . . . . . : . : . < . , 0. . ! . " ' . . . . . \ \ .1 , . , " . I' . . . ' . . ' : . , . ( POUL1 1J ' ( ; ; 't : : : , ' : / . . , ; . . . . . , " , , . , . . \ . ' jJ . . . . . , I . . . : . . . . . , \ . . , . . . . . . .w - hv , ' " ' " : o . " . , ' I .r . ; IT- . . . . ' - - . . - ( . Geese. In common geese the males and tomales dlerer In plumage , but this Is not UIO case wIth the puro.bred geose. In theIr case the males mid females are alllee. The largest geese nro the ' 1'oulouse , and these are popular wIth men that have a fancy for largo fowls. If 1\ man wnnts In'orR , however , he will choose the ChIna. ' 1'hoso that ralso the geese largely for ( enthers will choose the Emhden , because theIr ( cathers are lJUro white , and hence the marltat value of thom Is greater than wIth those geese whoso feathers are multI-colored. If a man merely : wants 10 produce blrls ( that can be mllrltcled to good advantage he will IInd a cross of the 'foulouso with the Embrlen gl\'o good results. Where geese have access to a ponll or a river they wJ1J derlvo much of t:1elr : suhslslenco from ' ' the water. 'I'ho writer Imow of a man that lived on the \Junlts \ oC a rIver and had a large flocle of goeHe. Across the shallow rh'er was a starch factor ) ' , and from this a Itrge : amount of IJoaled com dallv ran from the sluices Into the rIver. 1'ho geese made their livIng ocr thIs ! corn , which they fished up out of the water. It made a IlorCeet food 80 far as softness and digestibility wel' concerned. 'fhey balanced their ra tlon with the seml.aquatlc plants grow. Ing In the rl\"er and along Its mar ln. There are manr ; 110 \ situations where a flock of geese would save wbat would otherwIse go to WIISto , Shallow ponds In slimmer teem with fish , water beetles , worm : > and other forms of life. A fiocl , of gCl'SO shows great enjoyment In hunting their own , food In sllch places. Geese are also consumers of some of tile bllgs that disturb lhe peace of the farmer. One man told the writer how he used to use them for . the destruction of po. tate bugs. 'I'he geese would travel down the rows , darting their heads now to tills : llde and now to that. They consumed In the course of n day a very largo number of bugs. The fault to be found with them was that they dId not do their worle per. fectly , but left colonIes of bugs here and there , whIch later had to be des. troyed by other agencIes. 'fho geese lays from twenty.fivo to fifty eggs and Ir she could be bred' up to lay more would become more popular on the farm. Perhaps It Is . , posslblo to ultimately develop geese to lay as mnny eggs as hens. but that result Is a long way In the Cuture at the present time. Fr shness of Eggs. There are many old ' \'a 's of test. Ing the Creshness of eggs. Some of them may bo of Ultle yalue. Here Is one that Is going the rounds , but for whIch wo cannot vouch. It may be al1 rIght : Eggs arc placed In a pan at water , givIng each room enough so that Its motions will not be Inter. fored with by the others. The aIr in the egg wJ1J be governed nccordlng to the age or the egg , If the egg haE ! been kept In a moderately warm stato. U the eggs ure just laId they will be motionless. U they re moro thun a week old they wJ1J partly stand on the Ultle end. 'I'hls Is becuuse the aIr chamber Is In the other end of the egg. This aIr chamber grows larger as the egg becomes older anll the molsturo In It evaporates. When the eggs get stili older they will stand up straight In the water and when very old will fioat , 'I'hls test of course would be of no value in the case of plcltled eggs or or eggs l\Opt In cold storage where the temperature was so low that the evaporation of molsturo from the eggs would be very small. Fowls for Market. The farmer should not walt till ho Is ready to marlcot hIs hens and roost. ors beCoro separating them from the rest of the fiock. ' 1'hose that are to bo so dIsposed of should be separated from the rellt : at thIs tlmo. If they are to bo sold for the ThanksgIvIng marlcct they shouM ho placed on fat. tenlng food at thIs time. Chlcleens for market should bo made as fat as posslblo , as the bu'ers want them that way. 'I'ho fat Is not Indeed eaten , but It in some way maIms the lIesh of the fowls tenderer and the buyers reallzo that. Moreo\'er , they are will. Ing to llIlY for the tenderness that comes Crom the fattenIng process. The birds will also bo tender because they have been Ileprlved of exercise. Fowls that exerclso are naturnllr ; tougher than these that do not. Four weeks feedIng will somethnefi add two \Iounds each to fowls anti thIs maltes qulto a dIfference with thcm when they uro marlccted. Don't Market Unfattencd Stock. Wo hnvo seen the traveling bu'er t > f chlcltens drl\'e u ) ) to the farm house and asle Cor poultry. Wo hl\.vo seen the fanner get out a pan of corn and toll the hens and roosters about hIm , then draw them Into tbe honynrd and the worle of selecting besln. The coclcerels were sold with. out an hour of filtlng. 'I'hoy were gaunt and lean shan1ced. They weighed light when Il\1t on the scales or hung on the steelyards. The farm. er got out of them very lIttle for the care ho had bestowed on them. 'I'hesJ birds should not have been sold wltll. out bolng fitted. Shut them up anr1 Slvo them at leust three weeks of goot feedIng. As n general Ulln. . : the grape vIne. ) 'l1rd should bo given clean cultivation every year. The Prairie Dog Nuisance. Pralrlo dogs have been declared to bo a nulsanco b ) ' the laws or Nobrasl ( nnd other slates. 'rite Nebrasl ( law goes so Car as 10 declare thnt any one havIng land Infested by praIrie dogs and not getting rId ot them Is malnlalnlng a nuIsance. The harbor. er of these anlmala Is made lIable Cor damages commItted on otlter land , HIghway commIssioners are Instruct. cd to Bee that the law Is enCorced. In the discharge of hIs duty connected with the extermination of pralrlo dogs the commIssIoner Is allowed $3.00 per day and expenses and Instructed to add the amount to the taxes oC the land where the work ot exterminating pralrio dogs Is done. 'I'hls malws it necessary for the owncr of land to be vigilant In the exi.ermlnnllon of the nuIsance. Tha qulcl < CHt and eheapost way to get rId of the dogs Is to polson tholl1 , and thIs Is gonernllr ; resorted to. In mak Ing up the polson three ounces 01 str'chnlno and hulf a IJound of potas i slull1 c'unlde are IJut Into one quart of boiling wUter. ' 1'0 thIs two quart ! > of molasses and a teaspoonful of 011 of anIse are added. Then a bushel 01 wheat la placed In a tight recelltaclr. and the mixture Is poured over It. It Is then stll'l'ed , while fuur pounds of finely ground corn meal .Is poured Into It , The molaAscs mal\Cs the liquid adhesIve , so It wfll stick to the graIns of wheat. The object ofIsIng the corn meal Is to ahsorb the SUllerlluous liquid or syrup and thus enable till ; ! grains of wheat to cal'l'y a largE : _ ' amount of the polson. ThIs poisoned graIn Is sown about the pluces In. nablted by the dogs. The ) ' cat it and rhe In large numbers. There Is , ho\\'evel' , a decIded senll. ment against the use of the polson. Ranchmeu and farmers hate to handlE : it and birds arc frequently poisoned as well as the dogs. There Is also some danger to live stock and children , Carbon blsulphlde has been usel1 for many ) 'ears In the extermInation (11 burrowIng anlmalr. It Is costl ) . , but It Is effectlvo and Is stili bolng qUitE generally employed. It has the ad vantage of reaching all of th ani , mals ; for there are always some pral rle dogs that will not cat tile poIsoned graIn. 'fhe chemical mentioned Is put lute the blll'l'o\\'s und changes to a gas thut 1\llIs the anlma.s. The Soy Bean In the North. The soy ean Is beIng moro exten. sl\'ely grown In the North now than eyer before. It Is found that It will do well f\\l.ther north than the cow pea , aud , In fact , thnt It can be gt'Owu as far > north as dent corn thrIves The farmers of MaIne who grow largely - ly only fIIut varIeties of corn alsc raIse the soy bean In a small way. II Is bellm"ed that thIs can be made one of the principal crops o ( the North Us value for the feeding of cattle I unquestioned , UII : It Is \"ery rich In nItrogen. In the growIng of this crop succes Is possIble only when the soli contains the bacteria that form the nodules on the roots. In that case the land will only need to have potush and phosphorus added to It , If it needs any fertilizers at all. The Medium Early Is found to be one of the hest varletlos for forago. The land should be thoroughly IJropared before thE crop Is sown and the soli should bl : ltcpt cultiVated. Drilling Is of course necessllr ; If the crop Is to be cultl vated. Under such methods a crop IE regarded as about eIght tons. The forage may he fed green , made Inlo hay or used In the form of silage , The silage Is preCerred by sheep ovel corn silage. It Is not probable , how. e\'er , that It wfll ever talto the place of corn In the makIng or slll1ge , U8 II can be advantageously used as a hay In some places where both cow pear , and soy beans are beIng raIsed the SO ) ' beans are preferred for the reason that they are much easIer to be made Into ba ) ' . In the West , as In the East , the great need of the farm Is to have a cheap source of proteIn. Where a man has hogs that need a proteIn feed In wInter It Is easy to belle\'e that the Rllage made from soy beans would be bettm' than the sllngo made from corn , as It would contaIn moro of the protein so necessary to build 1111 the mnscular system of the swine. 'I'he SO ) ' llean has been less adver. tlsed than the cow pea and is therefore - fore beIng grown less extenslvoly. It seems , however , that It has a wh1er ran go of growth , at least towards the north , than bas tllO cow pea. It will be wIse for our farmers to Lt.y a small plot of soy beans next spring. Fnrm buildings S110Uld bo gIven a "goIng over" before the cold of the whIter comes. 1'00 many cracles In the barn may glvo aLnmdant ventlla. tlon , but they glvo more-too many drafts. Ventilation Is health , but drafts are the opposlto. It does not cost much to stop up cracls , and if one Idnd o ( materIal cannot 1.10 se cured for this worl. another can. Thcro nro now Innumerable varIeties - ties of pOI , lees anti they nro increas. Ing In number every ) 'ear. WIthal , tllero Is an hnprovoment , but It Is dif. ficult to say how long this Improvement - ment will go on. I ( potatoes are planted on land can. talnlng much ! tumus there will bo lit. tlo occasIon for tbo application of nltrogeh. ThIs Is why new land Is frnQ\lImtly very good for potatoes. . " , . . Traltc a' Future Typical Amerloan. PatrIotic , religIous , devoted , voets. cal , IndustrIous , artistic , lItorar ) ' , hOD ! est. . enduring. From the IrIsh , pa- trlotlsm : from the Scotch , rollglous fervor : from the Jew , family devotion - tion : ( rom the ScandInavIan , Indus. try ; from the Italian , art : from tbll terman , honesty : from the French. fllckness : from the Indian. cndUl'o ' -Chlcago Journnl. "Meanest Man" Again. A man of 'Vexham , England , wa. $6 whorewlth to buy a wreath Iven r the fun oral of a frIend ot the vcr- I pn who had given Ule $6. Instead ) 1 \ If buyIng a wreath , the tell ow went 'Ilt to 0. cemetery , stele a wreath \ there , left It with the mourners nnd pocketed the $5. Dut his aot Wll.l lilacovored Inter. Decides Bridal Question. The Important question , When docs 4 brIde cease to bo a bride ? Is decldod by the London Queen , whIch says I'Ih8' ' ' becomes a "wife" at the expIration of six weeks nlter the weddIng. IndIan Never Forgives. The IndIan never maltes up after failing out wflh any ono. He may Ipeak to an enemy as ho passes , but lies wIth the hatred in hIs heart. Of the 467 savIngs banles In Javan mly one Is foreign. Of the 1,799 0. . . . Unary banlts only four are Corelgn. One hundred millIon bushels of rraln are sent every yenr to the mllI ) t Duluth and MInneapolis. "WHACKS" - I. And What They Mean. When Old Mother Nature gIves you " " " ' . ' & "whack" remember "thero's n rea. lon , " so try and say "thanlt you , " lhen sct about finding what you hava ono to demand the rebul\O , and try Lnd get back Into hne , for that's the happy place alter all. Curlolls how many hIghly organlzod ( leople fall to appreclato and heed the. first little , gentle "whacks" of the ! teed old Dame , but go rIght along with the habit whatever it may be , that cnuses her dIsapproval. Whls1eey , Tobacco , Coffee , Tea or other unnat. ural treatment of the bodY , unUl sert. OU8 Illness sets In or some chronlo dIsease. Borne people seem to get on very well with those thIngs for a while , and Mother Nature apvarenUy care. but lIttle what they do. Perhaps she has no particular plana for them and thInks It little use to waste time In theIr traIning. There are peopo , however , who seem to bo selected by Nature to "do \hlngs. " The old Mother expects them . 'P ' carr , out some department of her Jl'eat worle. A portion of these select- .d ones oCt and agaIn seek to stlmu. late and then deaden the tool ( the body ) by ! lame one or more ot the drugs-Whlsley , ' .1'obacco , Cocreo. Tea , : MorphIne , etc. You know all ot thcso throw down the same class or alkaloids In Cheml. cnl analysIs. T ey stlmulato and then . .j. depress. They take from man or worn. an the power to do his or her best . . .ark , .After these veople have drugged lor a time , they get a hInt , or mild whack" to romlnd them that they work to do , a mIssIon to perform , and should bo about the busIness , but tore loafing along the waysIde and become - come unfitted for the fame and fortune - tune that walts for them It they but stick to the course and keep the body clear of obstructions so It can carry out the behests of the mInd. Slcleness Is a call to "como up high- er. " These ! tInts come In varIous forms. It may be slomach trouble or bowels , beart , eyes , kIdneys or general nervous vrostratlon. You may depend upon It when a "whack" comes It's & warning to QuIt some abuse and dti the rIght and faIr thing wIth the bOdy. Perhaps It Is coffee drlnltlng' that offends. That Is one of the greatest causes or human dIsorder amonB Americans , Now , then , It Mother Nature Is gen- Ua with you and only gIves light , lIttls "who.cks" at first to attract attention. don't abuse her cODlrlderatlr-Q. or she will Boon hIt ) ' 0\1 harder , SU"6. And ) 'ou may be sure iiiiO will hIt 7'ou3ry , very hard It you InsIst OD. foll".lng the way YOq have been goIng - Ing , It seems hard work to give up . habIt , and we try all sorts ot plans to charge our III feollngs to aomo other cause than the real one. Coffee drInkers when ill will attrl. , buto Ule trouble to bad ( oed , malaria , overwork and what not , but they keep on being slok and gradually gottlng worse until they are finally forced to Quit entirely , oven the "only ono cup a day , " Then they begIn to get bet- ter. and unless they have gene long enough to sct up some fixed organla disease , they generally get entlrol1 well , It Is easy to quit correo at once and for nIl , by havIng well made Poslum. wIth Its rIch , deep seul brown color whIch comes to the beautiful golden . brown when good cream Is added , and the crIsp snap of good , mild Java I , there It tbo Postllm has been boiled \ong \ enough to Lrlng It out. It pays to bo well and happy for oed old Mother Nature then sends us her blessings of many and , "arlou , .J ' I' kInds and helps us to gnl:1 fame and 'q fortune. StrIp off the handIcap : ! , leave out the deadenIng babltl , heel } Mother Naturo's hInt ! ! , quIt being a loser and become a winner. She will help ) 'ou' lure If you cut out the things that keep you back. "There's a reallon" and a vrofound . pne. pne.Look Look tD tach packa for a COP'T 01 the famoUi UW. 1K > ek. . "Tb.e Road t. WolITllI. .