Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, November 24, 1904, Image 6
. - ! THOUSANDS HAVE KIDNEY , TROUBLE ANn DON'T INOW ( IT to Prove what Swamp-Root , the Great Kidney Remedy , Will Do for YOU , Every Reader of this paper May Have a Sample Bottle Sent Free by Mall. ' 'Vcale Iul lluhcnltby JdhlO ' 1I 1\1'0 rOSlOnslhlc for morc tclmcBSJul BufIertng than nny oth01' ( U8eaSO , theroforc , WhCD through neglect or ether caUSOR , Jddney trouhlo is lOrmlttod to continuo , fiLtal rcsults1'0 8uro to follow. 'Your oUlm' organs ma 'noCl nttentlon-lmt 'our Jddncys most , because they do most [ ) .lHlncol attention. first. If yon are stck or "feel hadlr , " beg-in taldn Dr. Kilmcr' , Bwnml-Hoot , thc great Je1 < lncr , lI\'er amI bladdcr l'emml ' , becaus4 ns 800n as ; yollr lehlo ( 'S begin to J'et hetter thcy will hell ) nIl tht othOl. organs to health. A trial wlIl con 'inco au 'ono. . . . The mllli nmI hnmedin.te. effeet of , , BWRllip-Uoot the great lddney nUll bladder remcdy is soon rcalizcd. It stanl1B the highest for its wondel' ul curCR of the most lllstresslng cascs. Swamp-Uoot will flct ; 'our whole s 'stem rightul1l1 the best proof of this is n. trinl. 63 COTTAOB ST" MlJr.nosD. : M lR'I ! ' , DuAB Sill : JAN. 11th , 11101. "I ver Htnro I wes In the Army. I bOll more or lelllllthiney troullie. nllli within the IHlHt year It becoU1o ffl'yero IIntl Cotnlilicatl'd thot I 8ufferl'11 cverytllln nnll wali much nlnrmell-my Btrellltth nllli power WII talit leaving mo , I "IIW , nn ! lvortlemellt of SWIIIIIII.Hoot 11I111 wrote nsltlll 'for m1vlce , I 1101(111I tbo Use ot tbo hllJdlclnooml nott'l , 0. deohled Improvement eJter toklllK Smllnp.Jtoot only f\hort tlmo. I contillued Its UMO 1111I1 Oln Umllltful to f\OY U10t I nm cntlrely curcil 0.11I1 strollK. In order to lie very lIuro ahout thl , 1 hod n. doctor exnm. Ino 11011I0 of InV wllter to.cloy 111111 be lIronounced t nil rIght uml In splenlihl cOllllltion. I ItllolV tbM your Swamp.Hoot Iii purely VOlte- tnlllo 011I1 doelillot contlllllll1l1 hormrul Cll'UJrH. f'hnlllclng you for my complete recoverz utilI OOOllun\Jndlni : SWllm\l.Jtout \ to nil 6UllcrOl'S { 11In , " Very trul ? yourll. I , . mCIIARDSON' . Swamp-Root Is not recomnllmdetl for everything butit promptly CUI'CM ld nej' , EDlTO IAL NOTE.-In ortler to provo the wonderful mor ts of Swamp. noot you may lmvl. ! sunple : bottle amI II. boole of vllltmblo informn.tlun , both aent absolutely fl'co by mllH. ' .rho book contllins mIUl ' of the thousl\lIds upon t.housl\nds of testimonial letters re' pcived from men amI women enred. ! rhe value amI 6UeCC8 ! ! of Swamp-Hoot " 1'080 well ! cnown that 0\11' reatIm's are wvisCll to fiend for 11. sample bottle. In ondtllg YO\11' n.ddress to Dr. KHmer & Do. , IIlnghnmton , N. Y. , be sure to sny vou rcad this gencrous offer in this Trouble In Our Mldnt. Not since wo eat II lot of moth Iml1s tor peppermint lozonger have wo made sich II mistalto as wo done when we were to Memphis the other day. We drunl ( II small bottle of Ticltler's Antl-sltcptlc , thinling it wns cream de mint.Ve 11.1'0 now under treatment for II restoration of our thlrat.-IIardman ( Tenn. ) Free Presa. Indian Girls Marry Young. The custom of marn'ing girls when they IIro mere chihlren of nine or ten years i Increasing rattler than de. cren.sln ! : in Dengal and other pnrts of India. The resulting racilll degener/l- , - tion Is becoming BO obvious that Inws have been passed In several roglons forbidding the marrillgo of girls under fourtoen. . Japanese Dressing for Wounds. At II cost of : JG cents Japn.neso doc. tors cnn dross the wounds of GOO mono They use a finely powered hnr. coal obtained by the slow comhustlon of strllw in closed fnrnacos. Sachets filled with It 11.1'0 applied to the wounds , and Its nntlsol1t1c and Ilbsor , bent qun1itles gcneral ! ) ' effect a rapid curo. , BeUer Than all far Roads. A writer In an English nutomoblle paper clll.lms that roads conld bo Impl ormanently dnmp by the appllel1t1or : of strong solutions of cnldlum chlor Ide or magnoslum chloride , nnd tllll this would bo cheaper than oils nm . .without their objectionable odors , Bees 'L"ve Bright Colors. The bee Is nn artistic upholsterer It lines Ils nest with the leaves 0 flowers , nlways choosing such as hav' ' bright colors. The ' nre Invarlnbl ' cu 'In circles so exnct thnt no compns would malte them moro true. Tribute to Her Vanity. After a woman renches a certal ago , she may regnrd It ns compl ment ror a mnn to attelnl1t to 1111 wllh her. even If she lloes not wish t onga"o In the game-Atchlson Glob , \ 'Latest Fad In Furnishing. The ver ' latest thing In furnishll1 11 to have the walls of rooma rove ad with a coaru , dead-black CAUVI1 livcr anli llndder trouble1l , the symptoms - toms of which aro-obliged to pass YOIl1 watl\l. ' ' amI smarting \ fl'clltteut1y night ay , - ing or irritatlou in paRsing , brlclnlust or , ; cdlment in the urinc , hcudn.ehe , hac1mche , lIuno back , dizziness , pOOl digestion , slecplcssness , nervousncss , hCllrt dlstut'lmnco duo to ba lcldney trouhle , sldn CI'uptions fl'onl va lood , neu\'lllgla , rhcullmtlsm , dlabctes , bloat- ing' , irrltlLblllty , worn out fceling , lade of nmbltlon , Ims of flesh , sallow COin' . plcxion , or Jlrlght's disease. If yout' watcr , when allowed to rc- main umllsturhcd in 1Klass or bottle fot' twenty-four hours , forms II sediment or suttllngor has II cloudy nppcal'llllcelt i8 c."hlenco that YO\11'lddno 's und blud. cr neell hnmcdilltc attcntlon. Swamp-Root is pleasant to talre nml is for sale at drug storcs the world over in hottl s of two sizes al1ll two prlees- nftyecnts anll ono del 1111' . Hemember the Jtanw , : ) \ \ ' - , Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot. um the addrcfl8 , JUng. ham tOil , N. Y. , on eYer } ' bottlo. . paper. 'The gelluinenes'.l of this offer is guarantced. COUPON. Plellqo wrlto or till In thhl cOllpon with ) 'ollr nlllllO 111111 1\l1tlre'M IIIllI Dr , Klhllur & Co" wlll IWIIII011 : 1\ Free Snmple HoUI" Q' ' Swamp' Root tbo Orcllt hltlney Remedy. , Name. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. and No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . City or Town. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mention 11111 poper. English Was Good Enough. An ngllsh tourist wns being driv. en on a jaunting car through the Don. egal hlshlnllds , nnd nfter a time the results of his observntlon cnmo to the surfnco in the following 11uery : "Driver ! I notice that when ' 0\1 spenle to your friends whom 'Ol\ meet on the rend 'O\1 invarlnblr do so In Irish. but when address ' horse ' you 'our 'O\1 do so In Ensllsh : lIow is this ? " ' 1'0 wblch cnme the retort : "Musha now thin. Isn't English good enough for hlm.-'l'ho Spectntor. Uncle Eben. "Somo men gets a heap 0' education - tion , " said Unelo Ebon , "do same as some people get a flno colloctlon o' bait wlfout catch 111' anr fish.-Wash- Ington Star. Glass Bricks for Building. Glass bouses of 1'Cry substnntlnl Itin can bo built now. Slleslun glass makora are turning out glass brlcko ( or all sorts of building purposos. Her Time Will Come. Young man , bewnre of the girl whe lcts you do aU the tnUclng durinB courtship ; sho's IJln'hl ! ; a wallin ! ] gamo.-Chlc..go News. Boatswain Burled Captain. Quito recentlr the boatswain of t . British man-o'-war bUl'lelthe cnptah 1\.1. sea , rending the bllrial service him seU. Chinese Outside the Empire. ' 1'ho number of Chlneso outside 0 China is estimll.ted at over 7,640,000 All < Your Druggist for Allen's Foot.Ease. "I tried ALLEN'S Jo'OO'L'-EASE rooent Iy , and hn jUit ! bought another supply II has cured my corDs , IInd the hot , burn1nE and itching sonsatlon In my toot whloh wa ! almollt unbearable , aud I would not bo with out , It , 1I0w.-Mn ; . W. J Walker , Camden 1'1. J. " Sold by aU Druggists , : l5o. Deforo marrlngo a man awell.r t 10\0 ; nfter mnrrlase he.lov . t swellr. Openings sometimes come to me I\.nd oysters when leasl oxpectoll. Men are lUte chlcleDs-they alwII.3 want to ret on the highest rooal. If , " , ' t. ' ' , " . " . , , . . ' . ' , , ; - . Do It Now. 1'1118 lIro's a. urden Cull 0' woeds- 'Ye've Hot to Jlull 'em nil eroro t hey JIll the Jleld wllh seeds When they nre dry uu' tull. Whllo wo complain the Jleld ots full- DOlI't sll wllh Crownln' hrow An' fret becauRo you'vo not to pulI- H's best to "Do It JlOW. I The job a fellow soMlerR on Is one that's never through : Eoeh I1R8 nnoliler chnnco thnl's gone An' lelt liB mal'O to o. Nobody else can do your worl , I lIto ) 'OU cnn , IInyhow , The task gl'OWII hl lcr while you shlrk- ! t's best to "Do It now. " Thero's n1WII8 lotll 0' tlmo to spare ' 1'0 lell ) 'our woe8 , my lion : 'rho hardest worl , of nil to lIeal' 18 that thnl's novel' dOlle. The "put oft" II1l1n , ho d008 thIngs twIce In spite at nil his row. Don't wllll to nsl , or Hlvo advleo- Out out und "Do It Jlow. " Jlow.W , D. Nesbitt. Paper Parachute. This Is not qulto ns exciting sport I\B shooting the chutes , but it Is good run. Of course you Imow what a para. chute Is-a thing 1I1w nn umbrella , with or without the stick , which , when properly wolghted nnd dropped from a ) Jalloon or a high tower , wll ! fnll to the ground very slowly and gently becnuso ita broad surface offers a grent deal ot resistnnce to the air. J > nrachutes used by balloonists nro generally very Inrgo and have no atlclt , but some dnring persons have jumped from housetops with common umbrellas nnd escaped without serious - ous injury. It would bo rather Interostlng to drop II. smnll pnrnchuto from the rooter or a window and watch it sail gracefully - fully to earth , but the fun would hnrd- ly pay for the worl" as ) 'OU would have to cnrry it upstairs for ench flight , unless it was destro 'ed or cnp- tured by some other boy on its first descent , which would probably bo the case. 'What 'ou want , clenrly , is some means b ' which you can shoot the parnchuto up Into the all' from til0 ground. Such 11. pnrachute gun Is easy to mnke. You need only a tube largo r - cKTr : : : " ( g I I . , About to Be Discharged. enough to contnin the parachute easlly and a stout rubber band. The paraclmte may bo made ot tissue - sue pnper or other thin , tough paper. or ot thin muslin or sllk. It needs neither the stiff ribs of an umbrelln nor any mochnnism for opening an shutting ; its weIght nnd the resist- nnco of the nil' attend to that. It docs need a stlcl" however , and this should bo very thin nnd light. and at least twlco II.S long as the closed parnchute-that Is , &S long ns the dinmoter of the open parachute. The stlcle is simply pelted through the pnrnclmte , and a thrend tied around the top of the pal1er and the stlcl , wUl maltO all securo. The ribs , if they may bo called such , are merely six or eight threads or fine cords pnsted to the outsldo of the parachute from the top or center to the edge. The upper ends of the cords mny bo tied round the stlcl , : the lC\wor ends should project rar beyond - yond the edge of the pnrachute , nnd ho fastened to a metal ring , through " 'hich the stlcle passes. The lower "nd of the stlcl. has a lenob too big " . . " . . " . " . , A TEN-MINUTE AUTO. _ t ) . . \ & " . . - > " , ' . . \ Diagram Showing Construction of the Automobllc. This does not mean that thle nuto- rnobllo when bullt will go II. mlle in ten minutes , but thnt it can ho mndo In that tlmo , so .slmple Is Its construction - tion , If 'ou have nll the materials nt . hand. First , you will need a thin boarlI I 18 Inches long. by 6 wide , rour spools , . for screw e 'es , ! lnd two piecea or wire , some cord nnd a small iron or lead wolght. Screw a screw o .o into each corn or t the bonrd nnd have them all point slightly downward , with tholr eres nt r ht nnglos to the bonr,1. Run the wlro through these 0)'e8 , ono picco nt each end ot the bonrd. ami on ' ' : to enl's of the wlro pIneo the SIJOO to make tbo wheels , as In Fig. 1 , bend. IngIll the ends of the wlro , which must 11ro'ect ' boroml the outside of to go lhrough the ring , and on the bottom of the Imoh is a groove for the rubber band. 'rho shooting tube , which may bo ot paper , should be as long as the stick and largo enough to lot the closed pnrachuto slip through easlly. The rubboI' band is nttached across the bottom ot the tube. ono end bolng taclted to ench side. Put the folded pnrachuto Into the tube , see that lho rubber band lI s in the groove , hold the tube firmly with the loft hand , and , with the right , Imll down the knob and the ring together several Inches nnd lot go. 'fho stretched band contracts nml shoota the parnchuto up into the all' 1111:0 : II. pell. from a pea shootor. When the 11arachuto has reael-ed Its high. est point it begins to fall , but Immediately - diately opens out , fills with dr , and descends very slowly. If there 1'3 much wind it will sail quito a distance - tanco before It renchos the ground , especial ! ) ' if you stnnd with your bac1 ( to the wind and Incline the gun for- ward. GOOD GAMES AND TRICKS. Japs and Russians. Japs and Russlnns is a game plnyed by two persons with slate and pencil. About II. quarter of the slate is marled off by a lIne at each end , and in each of the compartments so marltod off 11.1'0 made II. number of dots about the size of a pinhend , these at ono end representing Jnps antI the others Rus- slnns. The number of Japs and Rus- slnns mny bo large or small , as agreed on , but must bo equnl. At ono end of each compartment is a small square which serves as a battery. Each player - er in turn plnces the IJOlnt of his pencil - cil In his own bnttery and then draws a Uno qulclt1y In the direction of his enomy's men. The line must have no angles in It , but must be straight or curved. Those dots through which the lIne passes are considered dead mon , and ho who first Itllls nil of the enemy's men Is the winner. Sometimes - times the players 11.1'0 requlretI to shut their eyes or turn nway their heads when drawing their lines. Literary Characters. Furnish each guest with paper and pencil. Slowly read a Ust of familiar characters in llternture. numbering ench. The pla'ers must write opposite - site the number : the name of the Look from which the character Is talton. A prize mny be glvon to the owner of the list most nearly correct. Dry Land Crab Race. A dry land crab race Is a very amusing - , ing game for the Uttlo ones , and Is played in this mnnner : A starter and an umplro are needed for the crab race , which should be run on soft green turf. Ten yards or thirty feet is qulto long enough for it. The racers IUleel down on all fours and (01'00 In IIno nt the starting point , with thslr bacls toward the winning post. At th\1 signal off they go , each ono crawling bncl.war . The rnce Is not always to the swift. It is not at aU easy to leep In II. straight Une , and every time a raeor t1ll'ns to look over his shoulder ho loses tlmo nnd'ground. . There wUl bo c01llsions , bun1lJs , ald all sorts 01 IIttlo mlshnps , which wlll thoroughly amuse the spectators , r.nd the chll. I1reo , too. Tartars Believe In Kindness. The Tnrtars have a way o ( IIvin with their animals which Is trul astonishing ; they talk to thorn , and when thc ' wish to encourage them tc some extra exertion the ) ' whlstlo tc 11lom as If they were birds. If the animals do not travel well they address to thom tender ra preaches ; and when special effort Ii needed on the horses' part , they sa to them : "Come , mr doves , ) 'ou know 'Ol must go up there : courage , my pets ; come , so on ! " And when the difficulty Is aecom ' ' - the spools. This l\Ceps them from i rolling off once your nuto Is in mo- tion. Wedge t\IO \ wire rnst to the open' ing In the spools with bits of wood. Now get II. strip of board nbout 18 Inches long , ono Inch wite : nntI thlct ! nnd hraco It with three smaller pieces ns shown In I.'lg , 2. Ono tacle in the joints wlll hold It tlghtlr. 'fhis stlcle nnd Its SUIJports is to be tncltClI to the back of 'our nuto hodr , the elshteen inch hoard , ns Fig. : J shows , anl'our worle Is near ! ) ' done , Your cord must he twlco ns long nF. the dlstanco rrom the renr whceh to the top of 'our olghteen inch stlcl : On ono entl of the cord tlo the welgh1 nnd tie lho other onl1 to ho contCl of the rear axle. Now turn the 1'\1 : wheels hnclnvarl1 nnd 'ou wlll Eel th\t : ( ,01',1 , will wind around the nxle pllshcd they prnlso nnd caress their pets , allowing thorn to rest and urea the , patting them between the eyes , rubbing their IWSOS , strolting the hnlr on their foreheads between their cars j indeed , caressing them In every I way. nnd treating them IlltO much. loved chlldren. Clay Pipe Water Mill. This water mlll belongs to the class of "renctlon" mllls which are turned ono way In the effort to throw a stream of . . . .vater in the opposlto dlrec. tlon , and it is made of a clay pipe. Cut away one side of the mouth end of the stem with a Imlfe ( not your best one ) , or rub it away with a file or on II. grindstone until it Is 111(0 lolg. A-that is to sn ) ' , until 'ou hnve laid bare , so to spenl" the bol'o of the stem ror half an inch or so. 'fben stop the rPilViN..nrn-.nrr'ITn. ! . . . . . . _ I Water Mill In Action. I hole , both at the end and at the side , with scaling wax , leaving only a lImall round hole at the point farthest from the end , as sbown In Fig. D. Now all you have to do is to rasten a flno cord with sealing wax to the edge of the bowl , at the precise point that comes nearest to the smol\Cr's mouth. ' 1'10 the other end of the cord to the chandelier or other convenient object , and pour water gently Into the bowl. A flno jet of water wlll shoot out sldewlso ( rom the lIttle hole In the stem and the plpo wlll begin turning In the direction indicated by the ar- row. I twlll l\Cep on turning as long as there is any water In the bowl , and , indeed , a good deal longer. by the effect of the momentum. Whnt males it turn is this : At any point of the pipe except near the llttlo hole the water presses with equal force In every direction on the pipe. At the point of the stem opposite the little hole there Is a certain pressure on the pipe from the inside , and this pressure Is not balnnced , because on the opposite side-that Is , tbe hole- there is nothlug for the water to press against except itself. Hence the water Is driven out in one direction and the . I pipe is SIJUn around in the other. Bcst for Soap Bubbles. The hest solution yet made f01 bowing ! soap bubbles is prepared ns follows : Fill a quart bottle half full of distilled or soft water , nnd sift into it four-fifths ot an ounce of Cas. tile ! ! Ioap powder. Allow the powder to thoroughly dissolve , then add one- third of a pint of pure glycerin. In ? aklng the solution bo sure to keep the bottle In a temperature of 70 de. grees or more ; also , when blowing , uubbles , carefully see to it that the room is at a temperature of 65 de. grees or II ( ew degrees II.bovo. Having the right temperature is ono of the greatest ( actors of success in making , hubbIes. After the solution is a day . or two old , or at any time when it ! fnlls to make good bubbles , freshen it r up by adding more gl'cerln. With this solution bubbles can be mnde whicb will last from one to ten minutes , Some have been mnde which floated In the all' from twelve to thirteen mln , utes. Run the cord over the top of the UIl right elghteon Inch sticle and turn UII wheels bacltward until the cord wind Ing around the renr axle dl' the wolght to the top ot the uprlriht. Hold the wheels nnd wolght in thl position , put the nuto on the fioor ani , lot It go. ' 1'he weight wlll pull Qn th , string , which In unwinding wl1turl \ I around the nxlo nnd the wheele. ani the auto wlll run swlft1 . ncross th , floor , stopping enl ) ' when the weh.h rests ngainst the floor or nuto bOlI or when the cord Is 11.11 unwound frar : I the rear axle. You mny plle quito a cargo of bulh lug blocls ; on tbe front of the aut and transport them from plnco t 111nce , or ) 'OU may tnlO 'our sister' ontlre elflll fnmll ) ' for n 1'1110 , provide ) ' 0\11' wAlgt ! : Is fairly lleav ) ' , . - , , I , . ; : , I " ' , , ' . " " , : filii . , . ' . ' , ' , ' " ' . , ' , ' , . ' . , " , _ . t' ' ' , , . . " . " ' = - . TfRRIBLf. SUfftRING , TillS YOUNG WOMA1r APPEALED IN VAIN FOR HELP. 'When Jlopo land Ahno t Ht'ttl"Il Ino Uttd lJI181'nlr UcU t Came from au Unexpected Source , Mrs. Emnl Hcidobrcder , ot No. 132' Joy street , Bu'dngtou , IowlIwhose hu9' baud is IIU employeu ot the RU1l1 Lumbel 00. , tells 11. story of pitiable rmffering : "For out 11vo " she " n ycars , says , ] l11\dn. host of physical ills thatkoptrnonQ iuva11d nud puzzled the doctrs. Bomo ! Jt thom thought IVas going into con. Bumption. At time I was BO wealc thnt ' I could not comb my hair or oven wasb ) my face. Then cxcrucluth1lf paius run suddeuly np my thigh and I 11I1.d to bo carried to bed scl'cllIuing iu my ngouy. I could no longer do my work aud the drain upon my h "buud's pur80 wn. Tcry hea"y. I crn."e food but what J nte only gave mo discomfort. : My liver was tQl'pid , and often I hlld to bo cardell to the door for air to save mo from suf. focnting. "The worst wns the } miu which Boemed n.s if my thigh wore being l > ushed out o' my body. The bOllt doctors could do wa' to denden it by nnrcotlcs. Once the ] thought I could not live for moro than two days. Iu ono ot my worst attacks , friend said : 'Why don't you try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills ? They are the only thing that over helped my rhoumn.e tism. ' " I took his advice. After using oUf box I felt better , and I continued to US4 the pills for three or four months witb steaely improvement until I was , voll. For four years I have been able to do aU my household work , aud no longer hnv to take medicine for any sorions trouble. I gave ono box of Dr.Villlnms' Pinlc Pills to 11. man on crutches because 01 rhcnmatism and ndvised lilY markea woman to buy 11. hex when aho wus com. p1ainingof the same troublo. I heard thna ho was soon able to throw his crutche9 away , aud fjIte told 1110 she hnll got ri 01 the rhClllllati1 > JU by the use of ouo box nnd could not thank JIIO too JIIuch.II Testimouy multiplies us to the JIIag- oi11ceu t curative powe1'S of \Villiams' Pink Pills for Pulo People in cases ot rheumatism , neuralgia , nervous hend. nche , palpitation of the IlCurt and all forms of weakness in eithcr lIlule or fmllnlo. 'I.'boy are 1'01d by ull druggist. throughout the wor1l1. Small Farms In Japan. Only 14,995,272 acres , or 15.7 per ent of the whole aren. of Japan , ex. cluslve of Formosa , consists of arabl land , and 55 per cent of the agsicul. : tural tnml1cs ! cultlvato less thau' two ! tcres each ; 30 per cent cultlvato two acres or moro up to one and one-hnll : cho , or a mtlo less than three and , three-quarter acres , leaving 15 per : : ent of the farmers who cultlvato farms of throe und three-quarter acres or more.-LontIon Enghher. Between Wind and Watcr. Not only 'wlll ' all the Inhabitants ot Chicago bo crazy In 750 years , but in somowhnt more than 3,000 years , ac. cording to II. geological expert , the ' : lIto of the present western metropolls will be cm'ered with water. Let the Windy City begin now to prepare for I its watery grave.-B < Jston Transcript. Gorgeous Tlbebtan Pheaoants. Two or the most prized denizens ell our avlares comes ( rom Tibet. Thes91 re the gorgeous golden and Amherstl pheasants. The latter , It is suggested" could profitably be Introduced nur coverts. An Honest Opinion. Mineral. Idaho , Nov. 14th.-Spe. ( tlal.-'rhat II. sure cure has been l1iscovered for those sciatic pains that make so many lives mlserablo , Is th ' nrm opinion of : Mr. D. S. Colson , a well known resident of this place , : B.ud he does not hcsitate to say that , ure Is Dodd's Kidney Pills. Th ' reason Mr. Colson Is so firm In hi. , , , plnkm Is tbat be had those terrible ( lalns and Is curod. SpcaklDK of th. matter he says : \ "I am only too hapl'lY to say Dodd' . Kidney Pills have done me lots of I tood. I had awrul paina In my hip , I so I could 1ll.Lr ly walk. Dodd's Kid. ley P1l1s stopped It cntlrely. I think hey are a and medlclnc.N . J - All sclntIc and Rheumatic pains are ( I aused by Uric Acid In the blood. . , 'f ' , Dodd's Jldney P1l1a make health ) ' " , Kidneys , nnd healthy Kidneys strain all the Uric Acid out of the blood. With the cause removed there can b. . 110 Rhouma'tlsm or Sciatica. . Siuce the dlscovory of AmerIca tbe amount of gold produced In the world has been loss than eleven billion dele lara. Mother Cray's Sweet Powders for Children. SUooellllfuUy used by Mother Gl'I\1 , nurse In the ChUdren's Home in New York , CW'O CoDJIUpatton , FeverishnC88 , Bad S DlAeh , Teething Dlaordors , move and regulate the 'Bowels ftud Destroy Worms. 0 vel' 00,000 te&- Umoniala. At aU Dru E\'i8tsMo. : Sample t FREE. Address A. . S.Olmsted , LeRoyN. Y' . Football to Harden Soldlerl. All the soldiers In the army of Aile gontlna forced to play football. It Is said to train thom to boar the ho.r ( } . ships of battlo. DenIers say thr ss soon al' ' ! a cu& , tomer trIes Defiance Starch It Is im. . possible to sen them nny other col\ . water starch. It can ho used cold o. " boiled. Many a man thinks ho Is gotUnl a . , corner lot in glory when he puts a , ) dime In the collection tbat he couldn" t I1I1SS on the street car.-Chlcaco Tr1c o bune. Writ. MUR1NE EYE mmEDT Co , . ChleelrO It fOur IOTeo Irll lure vr luOomed. Iud lIet oculli , ' , advle41 aul ! frelliaulpla btUlUNE. 1teurol all..11I.a , Some men bave a delicate lense of humor an the humor o. ! others ill IGlllole . ,