Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, November 10, 1904, Image 8

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( .D
Mall8:1chulletts : and Mlnncsot 1 Give
Big Plur llltics for Roosevelt , but !
Wect Delllocraitc Governors-New
York ill 174,000 for Roosevelt.
New YUJ'I" Nov. ! O.-Wlth the Iec.
tlon IcturllS stili Incomplete , tile Illu.
rnllt ' or the lIrcslllent In the nullon ,
II.ccordln ! ; to u\1 \ In lcutlon8 , wUl ex.
( el'll JcuOOOO-lIJtJ greutest plurality
c\'el' gl'en un A\I1erlcun l'antlltJnto.
'l'lw nelll'est npllronch to tull'ote : ! was
in 1SHi ! , when lclnle ) ' rcc'r.I\'e a
plurality IIpproxlmating 8fiU,000 , ' 1'he
Jntl'l'eat noW centel'li In1I8sonrJ und
MUJ'yhuul. I.att. ! returns hallcato that
the fOI'lUl' ! ' ItatH : ! Is In the Hepubllcun
( 'OIUIIIII , IIU fUI' aB prcsldentlul elect.
01'1:1 : are CIUCPI'IWll , uut thut .Joseph W.
, Fall. , the DCllIocl'1 lc cUlllIllute , hU3
lJeen electell go\'crnor. \laryland : ,
the 11l'eshlt nUul vote wl1l pl'obuby : lJe
cast for Presldeut Roobe\'elt. I.ate
returns I ; dlcatt. ! that 'rholl1us A ,
Smith (1)1111. ( ) hus bcen elected to
congrl'S ! ! In the Fh'st distrIct b ' 450
111 II rallt ) . . In the other stules , It Is I
shUlII ) ' a 1l1lJstlon or 1Ilurnlities.
The "solid south" was lJroken lJy
the probable defection or tls80url-
thll ; section of the coulltry usuully
ha\'llIg thirteen states In the Democratic -
cratic column. The ligures today
rhow hut twelve state ! ! , with 133 votes
for Jutge !
Lute returns In lcllte that the en.
tire Hcpubl'an : state ticket , wllh the
exception of go\'ernor , Is elected In
l\lIsHourl. \ President ROOEe\'elt. It 18
defillitely kllown. hus carried the
North Swept for RQosevelt.
PreBldcnt Hoosevell carried all the
DOI'thern stutes-swept them , In fact-
ant ! hus :143 : electoral"votes.
"rhe banner state Is Pennsylvnnla.
Twellty.follr hours a net' the 11II1lJ :
closed the retlll'ns tram lhls slale In. :
dlcatell I hut HooscveU'I plurality
would I'ellch 4Sj,000. Next was I11lnols
with UIIJlOxhnatel ) ) ' 290,000 plura1lly
tor Hoosevelt. Ohio gu ve Roosevelt
210.0UO and then came New
1'01'1. Ktute. where the Ilresident polled
aplJroxlmately 174,000 votes more
than dill Judge Parl\Or. The New
York city retllrns are still Incomplete.
bllt the amuzement over 'the result
has not subsided. Jutge ! Parltcr carried -
ried greater Now Yorl. b ' over 41,000
' 1'otes.
In general , the altuutlon Is chiefly
Interetillng because the tlclwtln many
of the states was Cllt. President.
Roosevelt rnn alload of his tlcltet In
nian ' lucalltles , notably In las6uchu.
Eells , where he secured 11 plurality or
86,000 votes , while the Hepubllcan
andiliale tor govel'Dor wus defeated
by ! In tbut state the leglsla.
ture Is HOllubllcan alld the entire Re.
IIl1bll'I\11 t Iclcet , with the excellllon
of gO\I'nOI' ! , wa elected. \lIssourl ,
cll'cnlllsiulltes : arc similar. In Ne.
brasicn. the definite announcmnent.
that the legislature Is UOIHlbllcan dls.
pose ! ! 01' the statement that WilHam
J. Br1111 hus asplrutons ! 1'01' the Unit.
ed Stutes senutorshlp. In that state
the ruce for the governorship Is close ,
'With J. n. MlcliCy ( Hell , ) 111 tbo
lead. All Hepubllcall\ congressmen
are . . ell'cte .
Minnesota Vote Is Split.
t'1'horo Is a cnrlous situation In Min.
nCHota , where Heel uvelt secure 125 , .
000 Illul"allt . . but where a Democratic
govemol' anll a Republican lieutenant
governol' were elected. 1'ho election
or' a Democrullc governor Is the sec-
OI d In t he history of the stnte. Chair-
mun Babcocl. of the Republican can.
greslilonal committee has been roe
turned to congress from Wisconsin ,
but Chalrmun Cowherd of the Democratic -
cratic congressional committee WIlS
defeated In l\l1slourl. ! 'rhe situation
1n Colorado Ilresents an InterestinG
phase. Roosevelt has carried the
.tate by Ilroba ly 15,00U , but. the gov.
< < , . 'norshll ) Is still In doubt , both sides
claiming "Ictory.
As Interesting to the voter as any ,
thing today were the slutements llil
lIue by JUdge Parker and William J
' In hl8 statement Ju ge Parko1
! declal'ed that tlte people will seer
realize that "the tarlfHed trusts ur. .
ubsorlJlng tbe weullh of the lIution. '
He suld that when thut time come :
tbe people will tUl'lI to the Democrat
Ie party for relief. In this lotte
Jutgu ! Purker suys he IIhull 110"0
leel , 11 nomination nor public o lee
lIe tlhwuses the difficlllties encounl
ered by the Democrats in mpkhll
tbelr cumpulgn this yeal' and J make
liUggestions on harmony In the part
Ooncludlng , the judge Bays be doe
not hesitate to suy that the grell
I moral qllelltlon that contronts th
Democrats Is "shall the trusts an
, corporations lJe prevented trom COI
trJbuting money to c"ntrol or to ul
in cootrolUng eJecllons ? "
In his statement. Mr. Bryan sail
referring to Judge Parlter : "lIe dl
"s well us ho could under the clrcun
etunces , ho was the vJcthn ot unfavo
able conditions and of a mlatak ( '
, n.rty . policy. 'rlle result was due t
the tact that the Democratic part ) ' a
tempted to bo conservatlvo Sn tll
presence of conditions tbat deI.andQ
radical action , "
New Orlel1ns , Nov. 10.-Loulslana
plurality for tbe national Democrat
Ucket Is about 35,00 ( ; .
. .
- - -
. . .
. -
- - - -
- -
. .
KANSAS , ROOSEVELT , 100,000 ,
Victory for lIepubllcw Stlte 1nd 1..1'
tlon:11 : Cl\lIulualtt > ,
'I'opl'lw , NoI. ! I. 1I'IUl'II'I ' nt 11111111
show I hul HOCl. l1 II h : . : , I UI/I'd / I .u ,
IIClM hy u lIIaJOI iI.1 I'III , ; { Iy 1I111IoaCII' ,
ing lUOOOO , I : . \ \ ' . litH h 1:01 : I'll'l tl'll
go\'el'IIIJ1' hy II" Hl'/'IIIlet / ' 1111- II ) 1IIU' !
rnlllY of ii- , , " , " 1 0III" / " . " ' 1' . 'I' . Kt'IIt ; ' . . ,
HeIJ\lhllt/J \ / , ' 1111111111111' 101' t.UII1'111 \ \ ; '
urer , will I''r/\ / I' II 1I1I11'nli' 01 1 . "Ut ) .
1\I:1I1Y \ : I\1'1'IIf'lwll Iklwl , 106\1111'1' , /1l1l
UII IIIII'II'lItl' hallul : ) 'Itf-III , IIHII'l'l ; IIII !
I'elurlls " " Jal ( ' IIml II l'orl'I'1 1'01U11
of tll ! ' \011' I'nnllol III' "htuillflt ! for
Iil'VI' I'll I IIOIII'S. KfJlle ) ' , tilt' tlatl' : 11'I'un
111'1'1' , lIud II lJurtl light. His elp'tlon
waf : ! JU'IIll1t ull ' \ he enl ' 1111n ( ,11 the
tlC'I.1'1 . o\'cr which , hm' , ' WII : ! a can.
tI-lit. 'I'hl' lerlslatm'which mny
ha\'I' 10 elf'l'I a Uulll'cl Statc ! Jenutor.
wtll IJfI O\'I'I'whplmlng ! ) ' Hl'IJ\\hllcun \ \ ,
The c.'lghl mlIIh'l'f ; of ( 'on I''ss frolll
this slale un' all Hfpubll'aIlH. Con.
gl'I'SEIII'n r'I'l'lv(1 ( majol.ltlp.s slightly
less 1 hall 00\01'1I01' 1I0cll. 'I'here was
u IIghl on III the J"ln ; ! , : SOI'OII1I ullIl
Sixth d Isllc ; t 1\1111 \ 1l1C election of
Itepubl'an { IIIl'mhf'l's was I hought to
be In lIoubt. Congre3lI1ulI'Idor
MUl'llock's ' majority In Ihe Seventh
district Is QstirnHecl : III 14IJOO.
Phlilldelfi\IIII \ , Nov. ! I.-'l'he HepulJ.
IIcllnll : hurl ! lIIulle IIn aln1CJst ( 'Iellu
In ' ' ' ' the
sweep l'enllsylvfi1dn , l'U'I'ylng
stnte 1'01' HoosI vdt and 11'ulrbunls hy
eve ! ' 400,000 IIl1d ele'tln twenty.two
ot the t\\(1I1t8Ix HtClte senators and
twent"lIhl ' ' the . . .
) ( ot' thh.ty.two con.
gressmen. 'I'hl' ) ' hu \ ' ( ' nlsu elected
auont 175 ot' 111 ( ' : .w , ' lIIl'mlJers { If the
hOlUtJ of relll'es'ntathps. 'I'hls gives
them conlrol of both hl'anC'heA of the
legislature hy a huge U1ujorlty. In.
stll'lnthe / elel'tJon 01 Govel'nol' Pen.
nypllclwl"s aplolntl ) e , P. C. Knox , for
Unltel ) SluteH senator to RIIl'ceed the
late1. : . S. Quay. John P : ElItlns
( Itel. ) ) Is t'leC'tell stllte SUlreme ) COllrt
j1I1gl' 11) ' a mnjorlly uhnost us great' '
liS thaI C'I\Qt 1'01' the Hepllhllclln na.1
tlonal tlcla'l. 'r1lt Hepu hlll'ans ha VQ I
nl80 cnnlel ! neur ! ) ' all the jlldlplal ,
IlIstrlcls In which C'lpctlons were Iwld !
for 1'01ll11l0n plens jlulgps und the IIvc I
counlll's III whl'h u3soclute judges
were ( 'hmwlI.
Chicago , Nov. ! I.-According to the
returns , IIl1nolM w\ll \ give Presl ent
Uoosevell the lal'gest 1)lurulity ever
given to nn ) ' presidential can ldute.1
He hus carl'led Chicago by 97,000 and
the cOllnty of Coolt olltslde the c1tr
w1ll glvo hl11l ahout 9,000 udllltiollal ,
making his pillrulity In Coole county
not far from 107,000. The Repuhllcan
state centl'al commIttee clahn tbe plu.
rallty 101' Preslclent Roosevelt will to.
tal 290,000. though some of the committee -
mittee claim 300,000. The Democrut.
ic committee refuse to give any fig-
ure. 'rhe Hepubllcan state tlcltet hus
been o\'el'whelmlngl ) ' elected. 'rhe
Republicans. b ' carr 'lnlt the First.
} i'iflh and Blghth districts. heretofore
lJemocratiC' , huve Incl'eaRed their con.
gresslonal delegnllon from seventeen
to twenty.
- - -
Columhus , 0. , Nov. 9.-The returns
trom dln'erent cities und counties In.
dlcate thut tbe Htpubllcan8 buvo
broltcn u11 theIr records In Oblo.
Their highest plurality was 137,000
In 1894. Chalrmun Dick put the ROe
publican Illurallty largely In excess
of HiOOOO.
' 1'he Hepubllcans clulm II. net gain
of at least one congressman , Taylor ,
In the 'rwelrth distrIct. Chairman
Garher ot the Democratic state com.
mltteo also claims a tlet gain of one
Democrutle congressman. 'I'he Ohio
delegutlon In congress now stands
eventecn Republlcuns nnd four Dem.
Nashville , Tenn. , Nov. ! t.-The elec.
tlon returns ars slow comIng in , but
It Is practically cerlaln thut the state
will glv Parker 11. . majority of 26,000 ,
while 11rasel' ( Dem. ) Is re-elected gov.
ernor by alJout ] 0,000. glght Demo.
crats have been elected to congress ,
leaving the C : mplexlon of the'delego. .
I tlon unalterM. 'I'he election or Will.
lum BMe to the United States senuto
I Is certain.
. Virginia.
. Ulchmond , Va. . Nov. 9.-The Demo.
. crntlc mujol'lty on the presl entla ]
ticket will lJe about 29,000. Nine
Democratic congressmen out of a to ,
tal of ten hllve been chosen. Slemp ,
tbe RepnLIIC'un Incumhent In th
Ninth district , apparently Is re.elect ,
ed Ly u majority of about 1,200.
- - - - - - - -
I.lttle Hock ' . . ' ' '
, No9.'I'he Gazette' :
ad vlces frolll u11 ( lurts of the stuto beal
olll th ( ' l'sllu.ah's CJr n 1lllIrullt ) ' ofto ,
000 lor l'ul'lI:1' ' I k'h or the sevet
congl'csl'lolial dlstrlc1s Is Democratll
r . by majorities rnnglng tram 4,000 t (
- - -
, Idaho.
Boise , l a" Nov. 9.-Returna Indl
cate that Hoow\'ell ! w\11 \ carry thl
1. state by from 15,000 to 20,000. } , 'roncl
Is re'l'ecte ) to congress by l , OOI
and Ouo lllg ( Ill' ) ! . ) Is elected g01
ernor hy about th ! ' same nmjorlty.
Alabama ,
Montgomer ) ' , Alu. , Nov. 9.-11. A. D
Mallory. chairman ot tbe Democrat ! <
stute eommillee , Imld that Alabaml
bad cast lhe largest vote In yoal'f
"bo majority ot the Parker elector
w\11 \ be 76,000 probably.
Montana Is tor Roosevolt.
Bulle , Mont. , Nov. B.-Montnna 1
, tor Roosevelt. returns IndlcatinK i
lain b ) ' the Republlcua or over 3
10 per cent oyer tour ) 'eara alO. GQ1
unor Toole ( Dem. ) Sa .lectd.
. . . . . . . . .
- " - - - - - - - - -
. . .
. '
_ _ . _ _ u _
10W 130000 , REPUBLIOA. HI
Only Democrat In Congreao From
That StOlte Defeated.
Uef11olncs. \ . No9.Chalrman
Spl'nc e of the Ilellubllcnll state cen.
tral comllllueu cstlmutes lloose\'elt.'s .
plurality III the alate by 130,000 , an
incrcaC of , OOO IIIIICO enrller estl.
mateH ,
Da WBon ( Hl'II. ) , SecOlul IlIstrlct tor
congressman , pulled through b ' a
lIarmw margn. ! All other HeJlubllclUl
COIIgroll5mcII wern elected.
'rhe HeJllll1l1t'un plurnllt ) ' In the
Fh'st 1llsll'lct Is about thl ) IJUll1e us be.
tore nnt : in the Blxth I.acey has about. .
6,000 plurality. In e\'er ' othel' dis.
trlct ot the stnte the' plurality has
been : ncreased. ' 1'be totul'ote of the
state w1l1 lJe about fjOOOOO , as against
ii20OOO four years IIgo.
In this l'lthe ! So'lull5ts showed
/Jurprslng / ! st englh lIull thell' vote
was almost equnl to tht. ! Democrats
In many prednrts.
The blellnlul elections amendment
is bellevell to ha VI ) beell carried In
the fltutl' , but un IImendment provld.
ing fOl' all Increase In the slzo of the
legislature wa : ! defeatell.
Denver , Nov. 10.-Hoosevelt'8 pIn.
rallty In Cnlorato ! has been Increused
by latel' " , ! turns ami muy l'Ull above
15,000. Republicans and Democratrl
claim the election of governor anll an the Uepub.
IIcnns thl eaten to contest the stata
Iect.lon on the grounds or alleged
trauds In Denver. 011 the face ot
Deurl ' complete return\ Adams has
carrlell Den vel' countb : ' 4,500 plural.
ity and he appears to have a safe lead
o\'el' Peabody without this county.
AccordIng to ! hc returns In the
Tlmcs , Adams plummy 1n the state
Is a little over 10,000. The Times
concelles thut the result Is III doubt
as to the other state omcts , but. .
claims llw legislature to be Democrat.
Ic in both branches.
- -
Mllwaulwe , O10.Tho result. ot
the election In Wlscollsln showl : ! that
Roosevelt 1'1111 uhead of evel'y ticket.
and carried the state lJy a plurality
estimated at betweell 60,000 and 75 , .
000 : thut Governor Lal"o1\elle \ has
been re.elected by a plnrallty or about
50,000 and that the congressional
complexion remains unchanged trom
two years ugo. The legislature.
which Is to elect a United states sen.
ator to succeed Joseph V. Quarles , 19
largely Hepubllcan. and the question
of whether Wisconsin shall have .
primary election law has carried by no
safe majority. One of the surprises
in the election was the big Increase
In the , "ote of tbe Social Democrntla
Seattle , ' \"aRh. . Nov. 10.-Completo
returns trom ull the precincts In the
state ot Washington show thll.t the
Roosevelt electors have carrIed tbls
state lJy over 30,000 votes. Albert E-
Mead ( Hep. ) Is elected govt'rnor ! ' over
George 'furner ( Dem. ) by between
6,000 and 7,000 votes.'les : E.
Coon ( Rep , ) Is elected lieutenant gov.
ernor hy fully 14,000 votes. Every
othel' candidate on the Republican
state IIcl\Ot Is elected by trom 15,000
to 20,000. except Humphrey. Jones
and Cushmau for congress. whoso ma.
joritleB will be higher. The next leg.
Islatur wll ! be very strongly Repub.
- - -
Salt I.uke , Nuv. 1 a.-About one.
third of th , ' voting precincts ot the
state II\'e HomJtJvelt 27,381. Parker
ll ,992. Deh l , 09. 'rhe precincts reo
port'd Include man ) ' 01' the heavy Re.
public I\n \ Illstl'lclR , lJut so uniform hns
been he laln for Hoosevelt tbat. It. Is
now ( ' \llent ! his 1)IUl'ullt ) . In the state
will be fUI' In excess of first est ! .
mate . H'pulJlIran State Chairman
Sl1rr C'\ametl \ ! the el'e1on of the en.
Ure stae ticket.
Sun } . 'rnncIHco , oJOThe Hh ,
pubcan : : estlmale 01 'i'iiOOO plurality
tor Roo'ev ! lt lu Cnifol'Ola : appears tl1
I be confll'med h ' tlH ! latest returns
From a IIl1nJtH'I' or ( 'ountieH complet
return ! ; ha0 not heen I'eeel\'etl , lJul
their \'otps will not matPI'lal1y C'hange
, the result. A full dl'legat ion of elgh 1
I congressmen 11Il ! ' helm c'hosell IInll IIH
I election of a Hellllbliran s'nutor b : ,
the nexl 1118IuIIII'1' Is a I\I'I'11. \
- - ' -
West Virginia.
Wheellns. \ \ ' . Va. , No10.'l'ho He
publl'ull \ ; clul'Y In West Virginia. II
com IIINI' . HooS\'l'll'H plurullty II
! J(1\\\.tJn \ \IJOO \ 111111 : ! 5OOO , uud mB )
fxcl'ell th ! > ( ' Zhure6. : D\wson Is elect
. 1'41 gU\'I'rllul' lJy a plUl'I\lIty ) ! robl1bl )
exc''I'III1g -IIJIIII. . -\11 lI\'t' 01' the 'He
IJIhIt'an : ! ( OIlll'sslunul ! 1I0UlllletlH arl
SUt t PHral. Thl' I'gltllaturc will b (
Hepllullrllll In both branches.
- - - -
POl'tlllllll , Ore. . Nov. 10.-Roose
yel'H plll1"\1I1 Y III Oregon , esthn\tel
trlll1Ih. \ . ' IWllt Iivall\Jle ! tlgures , wll
IllolJahly I'xcl\'d 40,000 , twice tbe mR
' . jOI'1t I-Ivell : an ) ' Ilrcsllential ! candl
dnte In the tute ! n uny electlou belt
Sn thl' IIIH't. Deflllite tgUI'l'H ! troD
8011\1' : solatcd COUllt ! S w1ll not bl
1l\'ulaLI : ( . tor se\eral i.lays.
_ .
- - - -
Baltimore , O\ ' . 10.'hough the 01
. ficlnl I'etnrr. ! ' are 1I0t al1 In there I
DOW 1111 doubt that : \Iaryland bas gen
HCtlllbllcl1n lJy a plurality or a.bou
1,500 , w11 ! ! 1111'1 o and probably tou
of the H'pubHcun congressional catJ
. . ddall ! ! ' elected. Tbls result Is alma ! !
o as great liurprse ! to e RellulIlIcl1n
- . . DemocraU.
r-l. _ . ' .
. .
- .
Republlc:1I1l Have Almost Doubled
the Mcl < lnley Plur:1l1ty.
hl lul.upoll ! > . o\ ' . ! I.--llItllnlla hll
betH ! CII1'\1 \ e(1 ( by the HPJluhllcall1J lJ:1' :
trom ' 15.lIOIJ to [ , : ; , UOO. ' 1'ho l-glslaturo
will be Hf.llulJllcan ! liy nearly fifty.
prolJahl ' more. All the nine Hepub. ! .
llclI.lI l'ODgl'essmell al'o I'lJ.elected lJy.
Incl'l'asecl maJorllles lIud the H.e\lub- \
lIeulls elalw also the Second /HId
' 1'wf.lfth ! lllstricts , 1I0W represented by
Hcpl'eselitutlves Miers alltl Hoblnson ,
both Demucruts. ' 1'hey are In douht.
The legislature , which will meet In
Junual'111 elect two United Stute ! ! ,
senatol's , ono to succeed Vice Presl.
dent.elect Charle6 W. fl'alrbanl.s. Sen.
ator BevCl'ldge w1l1 lJe re.elected.
The Hepllbllcans hl1ve almost , If not
quite. dOllllled the : \lcKlnley plurallt ) '
In the stute of 2G,4G7 four ) 'ears ago.
In Iarlon ( 'OUllt ' . which Inclu cs In.
IIlallallolls , 1t : : . ! pn'C'lncts 111111cnte the
11eplIII\lI'all5 \ I.ave cUI'l'll'd the ( 'ounty
br 11.000 , which Is almost doullie th"
McKinley plllrnllt . of I'oUl' 'eurs ago.
Vice J'l'c ltlent'el ( > ct Churles W.
Falrbaults l'el'lved th. . rellll'l1s at his
residence frolll 11I'lvntwh'cs. . which
connected hll\ home with the white
house at. Washington. He and Prenl'
dent Hoosuvclt early exchanged con.
gratulatlolls. unll Senator J.'alrbanks
WAS given a I'ec ptlon at the Colum.
bin. club.
New Jersey.
Newark , N. J. , Nov. 9.-New Jersey
was curried by the Republlcuns by n.
IUl'ger waJorlty th\n even the most
sungulne of the RepubllcuJl pre lc.
tlons. 'rbe state gIves in the neigh.
borhood of 60,000 tur Hoosevelt , ex.
ceedlnglcKlnley's : majority four
years ago by 3,000. Despite a local
issue against him , and which cause
111m to be cut severely in several
parts of the state , Stokes , Republican
candidate for governor. deteated
BJael. ( Dem. ) by Dlore than 20,000.
Eight Republicans and two Democrats
will constitute the state's con es.
8ional delegation , II. guln of one tor
the Republicans. Allen deteated Con.
gressman Hughes In the Sixth dls.
trlct. ' 1'he leglslatuIe : Is overwhelm.
Ingly Hepubllcal1 and John Kean wJ11
probably succef'j himself as United
States secator.
ltlnrkct ncport tor 'I'odoy.
n It.\lN-
Wbeat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IS .00
lIulc ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 ! ' ,
\atll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 :
Ity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,5. .
Corn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Zi
11011'11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 20
Mtecrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.00 ( ilo 4..U ,
Ccw . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1I.5) : ! @ 2.75 ,
SprlUg Cblckeus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OH
CJbok"n@ [ . per \10'11111 ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OS
Turkey , I"r ponn'I. . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . .o
l'tlonuoJl- :
lIuUer , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . .12 .
HP ; 5 , vpr .10zen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 ,
J\1I (1x , . , ANKOUS-
1'0Ihtll lIperlJU hol. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 ,
IJUlnup.porl.lQsbol. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75
lIav , [ I'r tou. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.00
HIrIlW , per rwt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .105
MUII"rUlllualatecl. l'ercwt.$5'd t.O !
. _ - - - . _ - - _ . . _ -
A. . "un""v" ' IJlc > 'clc.
'rcrminated with an ugJ.r cut
on the leg of J. B. Orner , Frank-
1111 Grove , Ill. It de\'eloped a
stuhborn ulcer unyielding to doctors -
tors and remedies for four years.
Then Bucklen's Arnica Salve
cured. It's just as good for
Burns , Scalds. Skin l ruption !
and Piles. 2Sc , at f4ee Bros. ,
Drug Store.
- -
m w
m m m
, -
J. C. Moore , abstracting. 2U
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
A t Seyholt' sale you can get
some A 1 males and gilts.
- - - - - - - - - - -
F'resh oysters , candycigars an ( !
tobacco at Scanlon & WoodrutT's ,
. - . .
- - - - - - - - - -
Fresh milch cows , somc t n (
Duroc Jersey hogs , both mal <
ami gilts at Seyholts sale , Wed ,
. nesday , NoIII. .
- -
I ) I' . 2'C" " ' " \ ' .
Dr. ' 1' . 'V. Bass , office over Mc ,
t Comas' drug store. All1cinds 01
work pertaining to his professior
. done iu a thorough and satisfac ,
tor.mallner. . . . 20 tl
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Scyholts sale on the 1 th.
The Broken Bow State BanH
has somc new sa fety depo i' '
. boxes , for rent at $1.50 per ) 'ea ,
'l'hes boxes , protected hy thell
burg'lar alarm , alTonl ahsolutl
prott dion. 20-2 :
_ . . . .
- - ' - - - - -
Inside of0 : claYi ! Scybolt. . .ah
of l'attle , hogs , horses , l'tc.
. . . - . .
li' nl' hunch \Vhiteface alt (
Shorthorn steers for sale. Ar
dehorncd and in clegant concH
HOll. 'l'ime to right parlil'
. wanting to feed.
1. A. RHNl\t\U ,
Hlf Brokcn How , Nebr.
. . _ .
- - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - ' -
( f ) 'un want g'oU1 stock hog
watch for SC'ybolt's sule.
. . . . ' .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Ir..rnl lor Malt' .
155 aaes , h ! miles south cas
of Brokt.n : Bow , milt's 110rtl
west of B rw'llj H5 acrCR in cnlti
va tion , 70 acres in pasturc ( fcnc
ed ) , well antI wintI mill , 80
11Ousc , roomSj \ sod stable , fram
granary , over 1,000 Box RIde
I. trees , B. & 1\1. track in sight f ( )
3 miles. Price , $15 per acn
Part time. J. KAY ,
11 tf Broken Bow , N b.
' . . - - - . . - . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . - - . - - , , -
- - -
I . . . N II..ah ( " . t. , I. . " , ---I
: - - antI I
sciatic pains yield to the pcne-
trating iutluence of Ballard's
Snow IAniment. It pcnetrates
to the nerves and bone and bci ng i
ahsorbed into the b100d , ib heal-
ing. . properties are conveyecl to
evcry part of the body , and ctTect
some wonderful cures. 25c , 50c ,
$1.00. Sold by Ed. McComas ,
Broken Bow and Merna.
No'clnbcr I.ow Atntc" .
' 1'0 St. I.ouis : NO\'l'l1Iher olTen ; till'
Inst opportunity for ol'ljll ; the St. l.uniM
Hxposition-the 11I0st IIIl1gnificent SP' C'
tacle the world hns l'\'Cr pl'lllucoII. Hee
it now or never.
Special 10w coach excursion rutes daily
each week frolll SUIIIII1Y to 'fhurslay ( , in-
clusive. Sevcn dny limit. Hlightly
highcr rutes for tickets gooll in stecping
cnrs , with longer limit.
Tu Chicugo : Daily low rollnl1 rip
rates , either .lirel.t or "in SI. I.oni ! ! in
either direction , with stopovers nt St.
T.Ollis , ln1as City or Omaha.
I.ive Stock Show : Onc fan : pIns $2.00
for the roulld trip to Chicago and return
on Novemller 26th , 27th and 28th.
WINT1\H. \ TOUlUS'1' RA'rHS.
I.ow rouud trip rutcs to Gnh'cston 11m )
San Antonio , 'rexlls ; Nt.w Orle\I1s , I.ouir. .
ianaj Mobile , Alabama ; jncksol1\'ille amI
St. Augustinc , Plori a , IUIII hmll1refl < ; of
other points.
If YOIl are l gurillg on a winter excur-
siun trip , I can furnish you valnable information -
formation , or write to I , . \V. Wllke1ey ,
General Passenger Ageut. Omaha.
21-24 H. I. . OR ISH\ ' , Agent ,
Chicago , Burlington & QUilll'y R. R.
A cold wavc struck , this \icin-
ity yesterday morning. A brisk
wind with an occasional flurry of
snow has prevailed for the past
twenty four hours. 'rhe atmosphere -
phere has the appearancc very
much of winter.
Not a tUc ] ; ; Dny Hlltce.
"I was taken severely sick with
kidney trouble. I tried all sorts
of medicines , none of which re-
lievcd. One day I saw an ad. of
your Electric Bitters and determined -
mined to try that. After taking
a few doses I felt relieved , and
soon thereafter was entir ly cur.
ed , and have not seen a sIck day
since. Neighbors of mine have
been cured of Rheumatigm , Neuralgia -
ralgia , Liver and Kidney troub.
les and General Debility. " This
is what B. . l . Basi ! , of li'remont ,
N. C. , wntes. Only SOc , at I4ce
Bros. , Druggist.
D fiB. H. 0. & W. 11 : . T A LBO' ! ' ,
( J1I10iJ o\'cr UaohtJrlu' IIrult Hllrc.
DrokllI Dow. - NiJIorAllLa.
I . . . . . .Dolller [ n , . . .
, Pumpl. Wlud. Mills. 'l'auk , Irlt\lI \ , ( J"sllllnf
Englnun , etC. etc.
Drokon now. Nebrflska.
- - - - -
! J J. SNYDElt ,
' ANI >
i . it .Qirl&-Jllld , N01 AJL\'LlC
1180 Justlc" ot the IJeaco. 8pecallltwuton [ ! Klve [
to collectlon8 Depollllions takmllf'lIIlon vouch ,
an nelllly exccuted and 8111dndl of legal paporl
II'rl\l"II. 00100 In tbe rear ot D.ult of Commurce ,
Uroken 110w , Nllhraskll.
0\ 11
to . , , ,
' O t\C\ ' .s" s . It//
f\\.C tlt"t
co\ ) 0. .
- "nfl' . Always . rellnble. . L..II. . . . . osk IIrugjllat ( ut
( J.utJ.n.r.U.N : EN < < U.Utlll III Ih'd and
( Jold metallic boxes , SI'IIIt' < 1 wllh blu" ribbon.
TAke no othl'r. . . . . . . . . , " . .rll' . . . .ub.tI.
Sutlon.lln , . 1I"II"tlolI" . JlIIY of 'our lIruggl. ,
or elld .Il' . III IIt OJI' tlJr . . "rlh'uhu. . 'rl'.tI.
. .
monhd. . and" Ih'lIl'ror l.n..I. . . . . . ( . . "tier.
by r"turn MIIII. 10.UOII ' ! 'eslhIlOull\ld. lIold : bl
11100 nl..IIMon 'ItJullre. . . . . . LA. . 1-.a-
lI.AU..lhI. P"I/Of.
Legal Notices.
- - - - - - -
All tr.dycrthemfJllh under tbl he lid will bl
cb"rged tor at 1111/111 r ltll , vii : 11.00 ppr IIIjUII"
tor Ilrst lUlI6fllon. and 6Ot : lJor IqUllrtI tor IIbcl
_ lubeeqllclt In erUolI.
A " . ' 1oar. " I Ion lIuell or flllcttOIl th"r..o' .
. . . . . . .
' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Unltl'd States Land amco , ,
IIrolllHl 11ow. Nebraska , Oclober 2 , llJ .I.
Notice III hereby Irlvl'n thaI OI < I\'I H I.
SWICK ha , ; Illed lIotlce 01 hi" Inlonllnn tl
make IInallrool belore HelllRter allli Receh'l"
at his office In 11roken 11ow. Nehralika , on th ,
- 9th dayof December. 190-1. un application No
25'19. for the eM nw ( , wH nl' 01 Sl'ctlon No
35. It TownRlIlp :0:0. 19 North. Raul'e : No. 21
'VeRt 61h 1 > . M. UII mUlieR ali W\lIe"Reo \ ; :
Hol'tln n. I.'erreler 01 New 1Ielena. Nebraska
Ceonce ; 'J.'emplar Broken 1I0w , Nebraska
l'err ) ' Collman IIf N"w 11elena. N"bralika , I'a
trick K"Uy 01 Now Helena , NebraRka.
21-26-111i JUIES WItITlHllIAtI , Ht'lClliter.
. -
' 1'0 whom II may cOllcern :
- 'rho commlsliloner apPolntcJ III vh'll' al' ' ' . I
deemed for the public Irood tu locale II pnbll ,
road petitio lied for h ) ' John gUlCent allli olher ,
and commenclllil at the lIectloli line 011 the weh
Iihle oC Sectloll to. 'J.'oWlIshlpl ! ! , Hanllc I" . wht'rl
road No. 'W ) Inlersf'Ctli the Recllon 11 lie. Hnun
hIll thenclllioulh to the coru"r. Ihence we
rods. tlltmce abont 'IJ radii , Ihelll' " In a liouth
w" lerly direction on the lIIust Ilractlcal rout' '
to connt'ct with road No. : . { 1l. haR reporlt'd II
favor 01 the elltabllshment then'ol , alld aU ub
JectlonR thereto , or clalmll lor dam\lceo ; . mns
be Illed In till' Coullt ) . Clerk'lI onle" 01. or betor' '
nooll 01 the 1'7lh day 01 1 > ecember , I' , or liucl
road wUl be estahUsIlI'd without n'lerellc ,
, , In 'Vltuess " 'hereol. I have hert\unto set III' '
- hand aud .eal 01 Raid counly. this 2 th da ) ' 0
October. I lItH. G1o. " ' . UGWK\ ' .
Counl ) ' Clerk.
11.25-1 .11) Jos. PIOW.t.N , Dcput ) ' .
, . .
. , -
. , . " . " . .
. , .
, . "
. . . , . . . . . , . . , . . . . . .
- - - - ' --r---- . . " -T
- - - - - -
united Stales Land Office , l
Bmkellllow. Nebra'lkl , OClober 10. 19J1. f
Nlltlce H herd , } . 1C1I.'n thai the IlIlIowln < < . j
lIameII\I'lor hh'i tHelt notice of hl'l hWHltlon
to male I1l1alllruoC In SUllllort oC hili c1alru , and
that Baht Ilmol1'111 1m made belore Heglsll'r . '
and Hecl'ltC'r at Drokell Bow. Nebra'lka. 011
NovHlllber lH. 19U . vlz : IIU1\IPJlH EY A.
'l'APPAN of IIrokl'lI 1I0w , Nebraska. lor tbe
Se' { nw4 ! SC'cllnll i , 'rOII'IIRhlp 17 Norlh , Hange
20 We'lt lith 1' , M , lie lIalllOlI the lollowhllc
wltllelillC'1 to Imve hili conUllnollR resldellce liP' I
on allll clilth'atioll oC lIalllalld1 % :
I'erdillallli Berlrall 01 IIruken Bow. Nehrall'I I I
ka ; Janw'I n. Iteam at IIrokelllJo\l' ' . ebrlska : ,
1-lIllene 1I0thweU 01 Ilrolen IIl1w. Nebra'lkq : I
Predrlcl ( H.eam . 01 IIrolclI Bow. Nt'brallkl.
IS.2110 J A IH WIIIUIIIAD. Hc.loter.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
' 1' . . wholn II ma ) ' cntlcerll :
H. Neth , H. A. JC'lIklu'l :11111 nlher > ! havlug
nlt',1 th , lr Ilelition In the olllce III the cnUnlY I
d"rl " , III CII'II'r . 'nunl ) ' , Nnhra > ! ka. aRk IIII ! ' lor I
Ille \ , H'aloll "I a 1'lIhllc ' road a'l lolluws : COlli' t
mellcllll ( al Ih , ' uuIII\\l'lIt curuer 01 Sectilln 3 , '
'l'oWII'lIl'I' II > , Halil/l' , :1 : , Ih'nc. . IInrlh t I1Il1e 10 1t
Wllle ! It IlIlerM'ctli rU:1l1 Nn , < i2 . AlI obJec. )
IlolI'llhelelo or clal1ll Cur "lalllaue. . , mnllt I , , ,
lIIell III the Cnnlll ) ' Chrk'1 flnice IIn nr helnrn
1111011 or tlw ! I..t .Ia } ' "r III'c"IIII'I' . l'.IO ' , IIr "uch
rO:1I1 11'111 h l'acalllI'ltllnllllelerellc , , , ' thl'"lo.
III Wltnl'liOWhen'ul , I hal'e lIereulllo " , ' 1 III ) ' I
haml allll I'ocOIllII sahll'nunl ) ' . Ihl. . lilh da ) ' 01
OCI"h'r , I' ' " . ( ; 1:0. : W. Ih W \ ' .
Coullly Ch'rk ,
1 : : : : 1 ( ) , I I .
_ : : : _ :
UlIlIl',1 Hlatt'll l.all < l Ol1ic . ' :
IIroken lIulNehra"la. . Uctuher 12 , 19 . I . ,
Notlcl' Is h mby Irh'l'lI llial In 111I1' na1iCe III
IlI trucUnn'l Crolll till ! COUIIIII lolI oltllt O nt'r.
all.and Onic. . . nllll'r allUwl'lIy ve lc" III 11111I I
U ) ' 1Iectloll 2 55 11. S. ItCl' . Sial" a' ! allll'JIIled b ) '
the act IIC Cllulres" : Jllllrult',1 Jo't hruar.6 . , lk5. I
1wi ' IIl1rmPl',1 : In oner at l.ullIe al , 1111 tllt
25th , III ) ' III Nell'emher , lIe"I , al this ollic. . , the
followlnlr , Io.crlll'd tract IIC lallll , tll'l\'lI ' :
S/ ) .j'tl1' Hectlnu , 'J'oWII'lhll' 1'1 Nnrth , Haul/e
! W"'it III It I' . J\\ \ . All } ' :11111 all JI I"\lIII'I . 'Iallu.
IIIII' aII'er'I'IIII' \ aho\'c .1t crlhe.1 land. . are :
all\11I1'11 III lilo' tllI,11' clallll'liu Ihls onlce ou or . I
hllore till' .Ia ) ' ahov. . llo'1l1cuate,1 rllr Ihe COlli'
lIIeucelit IIC Naill oalo' , "lh'rwl e their rlll'lll'I
willi. . ! IIIrr\el. \ (
J o\ tI'I Wlllrlml\U. : Helll'ller. i
19.2112 JOliN Itm.H. Ieceh'f'r. ,
. . . . . . . . . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
lu the CIIUUO' Conrl. Cu " 'r COUIltebra k : : .
Slla'l D. AIIlII'Recut"1' I
01 Oxl".1 ( 'ounl ) ' I.oau1' . i
nclaUon. I'lalutllT.
\ ' .
Will.\'er el al. IJdcIII1:1111 > > .
\\'m. I.awyer wilt talce nollce Ihat nil thl1 211d
, Ia ) ' of A II K'"t , I'IO . J. \l'mlllu'.cOllllty Jlltlile
01 ! laid CU ler coullty. 1'I'Iue,1 anllrder nlaUach.
mellt IlIr tlw ! lI1IIIOC : t172.2\1. III all aclion ! 'elld.
hilt belore hlln wh r..11I SlIaq II , Audrewli. I'C-
cl'h'.r 01 Oxlnnl COUllt ) . I.oall A'IslIclaUou 1M
plallltilf and Will. Lal\'Yf'r a 11I1 th. . Balik 01
Cal1awa are d , felltlalll ; that IIIOI..rt } . 01 Ibe
d"feudalWm. . I.\w'r , cOII'lI'lllul { III Yt 01
aholll l. ; :1I'rt' ' ' IIr wheat III shod. . allli III H of
ahllul 4U aCl'e'l 01 hal'lc ) ' III Rhock. 1111' on the
flllol\111 11'rlbed real , .Iat , , ' 1ltuatellln CIIR'
Icl' COUul ) ' . Nt braoka , twI : Nw't 01 Section
II > . ' 1ownRhII15. North II Rallle 2. " 'ebt 01
61h P. 1" has ceu alachel under saId ord.r.
Such ellllllR Wel' , ' hall In salol cau'e Ihat
11 the Iroc , Iy 01 OClol'r , IIO , > > alll callo ; . . was
contillued to tht' 21s1 , Ia } II NovC'lber , l'J' ' . , at
10 o'clock a. I. St.AS D. ANDR'S ,
Rc'celver 01 Oxlord County Loau
ASboclatiln. Plaintif.
1'22-14 1) ' St tN CA I RON. Us Aly.
U'IIl',1 ' Slate Lalld Ilce , l
Broken 10w. NebraRka. 11l/1er 2 .11 .
NOllce II hereh lvell Ihal the
} ! folowlul
named selter has tellwlcl' oC her luteltlon ,
III make I1l1al "rol In IIn"lorl c.f her caim , and 1
thaI Hald "rlll wil he lade bulore H.ellsler I
all Hecelver at Brllell Buw. Nehraoka , on
\ecelber 3. 1 < , 111 : I.ILI.IAN I. KING ,
Ilbur. NebraHka , lor 11 F Nw , NI ! 8w .
Nw ! Se Secton 23. 'owllshl" 21 Norh ,
Hanle 21 West. She lIaml' ! the lolowhll wit.
ne"He" t"r'e her conlhtuolR n'sld nce upon
allli , 'nll\'atiol IIf sahllald. vl % : John Worth-
nl , Uarr ' 01
111101 Ilbur Nebra'ka ; Miler
Milbur. Nebralka : Thomas 'l'I'liOU 01 Mi.
bllr. Nebraska : Wa > hiliuton 1' Hankin of
Illbllrll. NelraHIa.
2.2-15 . J I S WItITnJ AI. Heilstel.
- - - - - - - - - -
Unlle" Stale" Land Once. ,
Broken Bnw. Nehraka. October 1. 19. f
I hereb ' that the [
Notce } Ilven fnloWUIr-
lamed , 'ller ha' ted notice oC hi" Intenlon
\ lal" Inal "f",1 Inlll""ort 01 hlH claIm , and
that Raid "rnf wi be lIIade t..lore
all Hl'c'lver at Brolel 1101. N..braska , ou
o\'II'r IU. I' , vl1. TlO\IAS : lUNT of
. \ n elmo , NI'hraska. lor the bW ne !
21. 'I'owubhl" 19. NUrh , Ralll' ' 2. : \'cst teclon .
:1. le lIame" Ihl lolowllll wlleo ; > > es t prove
Il ( oltlnnoll" r'sldence UPOI a'lll culivaton
/I alllallli 1'17 : Jame" I.hld" ! ) ' of Alli.lmo ,
, 'hra"ka. Mllses 1. : mith of Ant'lmo , Ne-
IlraI < : 'J.'holas Rhodeslol Ansello. Nebraska ;
Wlllal 1 lalll of Albelmo. N"hraska.
li.2lt - J A ms'IITI . ItU" Helllter.
Unlt'l Stales I.ali Ollc. . . ,
Irolel Buw ,'lka. No\'ember 4. 19. f
Notice Ii hereby Ilel that PlAIH. : HUN' .
Ia : 01 Brkll Bow. Ncbra"la. ha lell 101ld
or iltellton to make Inal "rol hefore Hellster
anl Receiver at hl'l olcc II Brokell 10w , Ne.
Iraka. al the 15th da } 01 Decelber. 19 on
lomestead allcatlon No. 203 for the E *
. NwX 01 Sectloll No. 2. 11 ' 'OvI1hll No. II
North. Hal'o No , 21 Wesl hh P. 1. She
name al WllloSl'l : Daliel 'VeIH 01 Broken
Bow. Nehraoka : Roberl A. 1"lter or Hrokeu
Bow. Nebraska : Arthnr loge 01 Brolceu } ow.
Nebraska ; Geor.e SchmIdt 01 Broken Bow ,
Nebraska. J AM"S WIIT ICAI ,
22.2i .II'1 H.ellister.
CON'1I ST NO'J.'rg.
Hlliel Stltel I.aml olce. ,
I Irkl'l How , Neurska. Octoler 31 , 1' ; . i
A IlIl1iclellt l'Ulleol al1ida\'lt ha\'lnl been fed
; III thlR omce b ) ' Wlllal J. Uck"ol. contcs.
, tall. aualllll hOle le:1l1 elltry Ni. ' )20. lalle
. ' , for , ' 01
At.rI17.1/17 'ast hal tlw lorlhwest
qnart'r : \lllols I11 2. SeclOI 3. 'J.'owushl
t1 ! Norlh , Halle 2 Wel. h ) ' WiU\n S. N"vlns.
, Coule lee. In which II IH alellll Ilat 'Vllam
S. Nevll" Ia" al':1llol'd "ail lallli lor lor"
Hlx la"t Ihat hI'
thal lolth > > " Ilasl hal laied t
re'lde thereoll or cullvale or 1111W\'e lalllland
a'l h ) ' law reqlllrel ald hall l\er Inbmited or
telierell hi" "wol wllhll 7 ) 'ears lrm , late of
hi > > cnlry all al 01 lialllacll'o cnnllllle In the
Ile > ! ent lme. Sall "artle ! are hen'b ) ' Iwtlled
. and evidence
t apJar. reR11I11 oIer toucllnl
sail alellalol at 10 o'cloct a. 1.01 December
11 , . belor the Helll ler allli Hecelver at the
Unllel Slates Lald once II Hrokell 10w , Ne.
bra"ka. 'l'he sall cOllestant havlnll. In a pro.
Imr afhlavl , led OCloher 2 , 1m. "et lorth
lactl whlcl Hhow that aler due dllgelce per.
hnllal service of thlnotlce cal lot be malle , It
I Ilreb } ' ordered alli dlrectel that such uotlce
bo Irlven by dlle and pruper plblcaton In the
CUSTlR COUNTHm'UULICAN. . lrlcn 11ow. ,
N..hraslca. JA ms 'VUtTtm"AI , H"IIHler ,
21.26-17 JOliN RIWU , Hecelv..r.
' 10 whom It ia } ' concerll :
A ! ctllion havln. bten Ilell In the amCI 01
the COUII ) ' cleric oC CUBIr Conlty. Nebra8k .
by S. A. U. Iltt a tl mherll praylli lor the
vactlon of a roall dehcrlbed as lolows : Com.
lenclnl at the northwest CUrlllr 01 St'ctlon ,
'lownKhll,1. HanlCe 11 thence Huuth aie mie 2
alld a haU , th'Hc" eat 10 a poilt lIear the
KOllh.eabl corller ul tw south\c 1 qlarler ot
Section 2to , ' 1lwnohlp 17. Hanl ( " 23 , AU obJl'c ,
tol" theh'lo , ur clallls for ,1amalC"H , IUHI be
lell il Ihl' Coult Cll'rk'H omcl' or
) Oi heore
noon 01 the 291h day 01 Uecemb.r , 19 or such
roa" will be'acated wlholt relert'nce thereto.
\'lnes' Whereof , I have herellnlo set my
haud Meal of > > ald cOllnty. thl ! 2SIh a } ' 01 Oc-
tber , 19tH , GIO. : W , U"WIW. I
; H.16 Jos. } 'IIAN. Deput. .
- - - _ I
. . . . . .llcrd IlcntcC y. . . . .
CrlwdD HeoU , Nu. li1,03. .
. .
- - - - - - -
' . . " .
. J
" . ,
J. ( . BRENIZER Breeder of
Illre 1colch "II 8rolob 'roppcl Short Cat.
tu. My hi ft Dllherl 40 COWl compare
, Wi
hI bre'dlug with '
ald 111111) an ) woat or Ghlcago
My experlolco hlll hUlbt me tbat to
l"IICaclon , Ire dug [ caUtu IUlt bo raised In
this altlude. f 6xpect 1 raise them
hero \10 eQual 01 allytbng [ tn the U.
8 , I U'JW b.vo tor and
; buls IUtablu ,
' Ihl
net yoar' : Berlco. My cow. welghl trom W
pOlnd . tIII Dud 'Oi Utem , 14