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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1904)
, The Wabash I. the Only Line Landing You at the World' . Fair. J'lround ' trip rates tram Omahlnro a. follows : ' 8,60 sold dally except I'rldar and Saturday , gooll 7 da's. ' 13,80 sold dally , good 16 days. The Wabash Is the only IIno that land's passengers at the main entrance of the World's Fair grounds. Also the only IIno that , cnn check your baggage to the World's Fair station. Thlnle what a saving of tlmo , annoyanctl and ox. tra car faro. All agents can sell you through ticket and route you ever the Wabash. Very low rates to mnny points South , Southeast. For boautlful World's Fair folder anu all Information call at 1G01 I ! Farnam St. or address Harry E. J.oores. . Oen. Agt. Pass. Dept. Wab. R. R. , Omaha , Nob. Many n noble thought has been Irowned In n shallow Ink well. " "r1tll MU INE EYE nI < : MEDY Co. . Chlcalro. It rour e1 a are ore or InftAmcd , IInd Iet oeullt' . Wlce and tree umple M UIttNE. It curea all"e.l11a. Our nets our nn els nre for good or 111 , our fatal shadows that walk by us IUII.-Fletcher. ] lfn. WlnBlow'lI RnnU\lnl : Syrap. I'oT children t.eetbIDj : , aoftenll the UIUI , rodueCA m. lammaUoD , alla1al'aln , CUrol wind coil. . . 2Ic a butUo. A. woman would rather people thought sh was tallor-mado than JeU.made. ' " . . , < . . - ' . ) I'W " ' ' ' ' ' " * ' ' ' \I'OJIr. ( . ' C < \ - , HAPPY WOMEN. - Mrs , Pare , wife of C. D , Pare , n prom. Inent resl. dent rr GlasS - S a w , K ) ' . , says : " 1 was 8U rr erlng from fI. com. plication at kidney trou. bles. Desldcs a bad back , I had n great deal 0 : trou. ble with the Bee r e tlons , which were exceedlnglr Ttulabl , sometimes exccsslvo and at other times scanty. The color was high , anll passages were accompanied with a scalding sensation. Doan's Kldner Pills soon reg\tated : the kldner secre. tlons , mnltlng tbelr color normal , nnd banished the Inflammation which caused the scalding sensation. I can test well , my back Is strong nnd sound , and I feel much belter In everr WD ) ' . " For Bale by all dealers , price 60 cents per box. FOSTER-MILBURN CO. , DU Ialo , N. Y. Glass Bottle Market. Louisville Is the largcst glass botUe marleet In the cpuntry. , It t I V oung women may avoid much sickI - . : , f ' 'ness and pain , says Miss Alma Pratt , if , fthey v/ill only have faith in the use of { , ydia E. Pinkhamt s Vegetable Compound. , ' Dun Mus. PnnrnAM : - I feo1ft my duty to tell all young women 1 how much Lydia. E. Pinklmm's wonderful Vegetable Compound has , done for me. I was completely run down , unable to attend sohool , and , did not care for any kind of sooiety , but now I feel like a. new person , and have gained seven pounds of flesh in three months. " I recommend it to all young 'yomen who suffer from female weak- , DeBS.MIss .Au.u. . PnATT , Hollr , Mich. ' _ _ r : : FREE l\mDIOAL ADVIOE TO YOUNG GIRLS.--- . . - - 'AII young girls at this periOI of life are onrnestly invited to write l'Irs. Pinklmm for advice ; she ba.s guided in a. motherly way hundreds of young women ; ber advice is freely IWd cheerfully ciTen , and her addrcs8 is Lynn , Mass. .Judging from the letters she is receiving from 110 many young girls Mrs. Pinkham believes that our girls are often pushed n.ltogether too near the Umit of their endurance nowc.dll.ys In . our public 8chacl. . . and acu n l"ica. Nothing I. allowed to Interferc.wlth Itu les , th lrl mU8t be pu.ahed to II the trent and _ graduated " "ith honor ; often physical oo1lapac follows , uuli\ ' l kkuTun : to rcCOTer the TitaUty-often it 1.1 DOTcr rcconrcd. I _ _ f \ A Young Chtca Girl Saved from Despair. " , / DEAn Mns. : : - I wish to thank you for the help and ben- .fit I have received through the use of Lydia. E. Pinkhnm's Vege- ( Q.blo Compound and Liver pms. When I wns a.bout . seventeen years old I suddenly seemed to lose my usual good health and vitality. Father said I studied too hard , but the doctor thought different tmd . prescribed tonics , which I took by the quart without relief. Reading one day in the ] 2aper of Ml'S. Pinkham's great cures , and finding the symptoms described answered - swered mine , I decided I would give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a. trial. I did not say a word to the doctor ; I bought it myself , and took it according to directions regularly for two montb.'J , and I found that I gradually improved , and that all pains loft mc , and I was my : old self once more. - LILLm E. SmcLUR , 17 E. 22d St. , Chicago Ill. " . . . . . . Lydia. E. Plrucha.m's Vegetnblc Oompound i8 the one sura rent- to be relled upon at this important period in a young girl's 1110 ; with it sbe can go through with courn e amI snfety tbo work .he must accompllsh , and fortify ber physical well being 80 that her future life may be insured against sickness and suffering. FORFEIT It - UDDO' torth"Uh prodnoe the or1l1na11ettllrllU1d .1i11AW" of $5000 &bOn tuiliDoa1&1J , 1I'b1oh ' 11'111 ' prOTO tbelr ablolnte genulnene. . . Lrd1a : Eo PiDkham lIedlclne Co. , L711D , Xu& , FOR Burns and " FOR Cuts and Bruises , GOOD ll\.N COltNERED PARISHIONER TOOI < ADVANTAG6 OF HIS PASTOR. Good Advice and Excellent Logic Turned to the DIGldvant'aoe : of the User-Could Only Have Occurred In Sinful Chicago. "Doctor , " salll the 0111 man ns he Laale n Reat In the minister's stud ) ' , "I've como to see ) 'ou this morninG about II. matter that I'vo been thlnlt. Ing at with a god deal of earnestness for [ ; ome time. I'll get to the point. at once. Do ) 'ou bellovo a tnxdol1ger can enter the Itlngdom of heaven ? " "My deur Mr. Bullion , " the good man replied , In'lng a hand upon the vlsilor's Imeo und lool < lnl ; Ilt him 1llldh' , "I'm glnd ) 'ou have Cfr 0 to 1110 with this matter , and I will bo frank with ) 'ou. I don'tlHlIovo ! n man who avoids pa'lng his just eharo of tuxes can have favor In tll'.J sight of the Lord. Ono who Is worth millions may thlnle when he ) I YS his taxes lhnt he has n right to practlco decep. tlon , He sees that Smith's taxes nmount to only $15 0. ) 'ear , and he sa's to hlmselC : " 'Smith has just as many children to educate as I have. 'l'he pollee will protect him just as carefully as they protect me. Ho enjoys all the bless. Ings of living In 0. free country , just as I enjoy them , Why , then , shaul 11 I pay $10,000 n ) 'ear In taxes whllo he P3)'S only $16 ? ' "Dut In arriving nt such a conclu' , ; Ion ) 'OU would forget that even If Smith had us many children as you hall his little ones would naturally be In less danger than ) 'ours. The pollco \Vould not have to guard them so carefully us they would ) 'ours to lwep them from being Itldnapcd. And , again , remember that while Smith might enjoy the blessings of freedom. he would not have as much to lese If our government were to full as ) 'ou would. Finally , Smith , In pa'lng $16 a ) 'ear , might bo conscientiously obeyIng - Ing the law , whllo ) 'ou. oven though ) 'ou paid $10,000 , might bo violating It. Thus ) 'OU would be sinning just as much as If ) 'OU stole , for ) 'ou would , Indeed , bo stealing from the state. " "Urn. I sec. And supposing Smith , In paying only $15 , was avoiding his duty. What If he ought to pa ' $20 , to bo exactly fair ? Would the Lord bo likely to regard him as being just as \I1uch of n thief as he would consider mo for pa'lng only HO.OOO when I ought to pay $15.000'1' " "Just as much. I < 1on't believe he would have any more chance thnn ) 'OU would to enter the l < lngdom of heav en , " "That's what I thought. I'm mud\ obliged to you. I see your taxes amount to $7.50 , and ) 'ou're drawing a salnry here of $ GOOO a year. Say , It your Investments have been turning out badly , como aroun < 1 to me and I'll put you next to a good thing or two. I always like to see 0. gooll man get along.-Chlcago Record.Herald. A Terrible Price for Fame. An engineer named Knorr , a Oer. man who has become n naturalized Russian , built four of the great bridges on the TransSlbcrlan railway , Including the big Yenlsel and Obi bridges , which cost , respectively. $2,300,000 o.nd $2,000,000. They were great engineering feats and brought him international fame In his profes. sian. sian.He He had five daughters , who were famous In Russia for their beauty , and whom he loved dearly. Just after his first great bridge was completed , one of them died : o.nd as cach of his three succeeding bridges was built , another died. There secmed to be a fatality In It. He would not build 0. fifth bridge. and now all hls"ft mo and wealth worth nothing to him , for he has nev. er recovered from the shock of losing his dearly-loved children. Wasp Exercise. "There's nothing II1te tennis , " said the young matron. "Not that we have a court of our own yet , as we hope t < J have some day , but we Itave what seems likely to prove an excellent sub. stltute so far as exerclso goes , and that Is a wasp nest somewhere In thE side 'all of the house. "Day before yesterday I ldlled twen ty.two wasps-this war : You grasr the hlsk broom , racquet fashion keep your eye on the wasp , and wheD he serves with h1s characteristic dasll and vigor , you give a return strokE that stuns him enough to give you I ] chance to finish killing him off. "I'm having lots of pl'Uctice and getting In flne form for tha court bl ours , by and by. And Incidentally , I'n : chief IIteguard for my two ) 'our.g stcts.-Now York Sun , A Heritage of Hearts , , They whose hcarts nre whole nnd stron , Loving holiness , Living clenn trom 8011 ot wrong , 'Venrlng truth'8 white ress- They unto no tnr-ot ! height Wenrlly need climb ! Henven to them Is close In sight : From these IIhores ot tlmc. .Only the anointed eye Bees In common thlnlP- Glenm ot wave , 1l11 ! } lint ot sky- Heavenly blossomlns ( , To the hearts where light has birth Nothing can be rcar : Dudding throu h the IJl00m ot euth , lleavin : Is ulwl\'s nenr. nenr.Lucy Lucom. Good Income from Sheep. A Monroe county man who Investel $529 In sheep last tall has sold $22 worth of wool , has 143 lambs that wll average eighty pounds when ready fOI market , which at tour cents a poun ( makes them worth $572. Total In come from his 110ck of sheep $799 , am be .tlll blUl the sheep. Not one a them hili cot &W&y from hlm.-Kan . . . . Cftr Jourual. . J Admiral Schley Uses , , : In His. . . . . ' Home. " : , : . . , : ' ; > k'V' . ; . ' . ' _ , " . ' . . q . . " . . c . , ; " , . , ' . . . ' " , ; .o. . . _ " = _ at the gl'eatest nn\'nl 1mttles in the worlll was the ON Fight Off Hantingo. Never since the dispersion or the Spanish Armndlt hns there I A GREAT NAVAL ATTL . ] b 0 e n . moro op- och male- ing''ictory iu the onwlll"d mnrch of dvillzn ion than in the notahlo c"ent of .July 23 , 1808 , in which thu grcat here , A miral Schley , too Ie It lcndlng part. It was II. great Jlaval battle. Without 11. moment's warning it 110gnn. Quicle decision , \1nda\1ntcd cournge , excellent discipline - cipline , resolute sclC-conf1donco-these combined in Admirnl Schley to produce that dush nnd daring 60 charactcristio of the A'llloricm soldior. A mun 111USt think qulc1tl . in th Ra days. 1.'hcre is no time for slow nction. Ncw cntcrlH''cs ! arise In an hour. Old oncs pll.SS nwuy in n momcnt. A multituc10 of grcat thcmes c1n1l10r for noticc. A mnn mo.n 1I1Ust tulee si < 1cs for or ugainst by intuitioll , rathcr than logical deduction. Ono day this fighting ndmirnl , Sehlc ' , hnppencd to bo In . , compnny , , Ith oth- ' ' OF PE-RU-NA. w 0 r c Cl'S who [ ADMIIML'S OPINION - - . I tnUeing on vnriom ; , I topics of populo.r intercst. The /mbjcct of I'cronll. was , I THE FmH BRAND SLICKER A VALUED FRiEND itA good m n1 ) "Clrw ago I bougbt II FISH BRAND Slicker , and it bas provcn a valued fnend for many a Itonny day , but nolV it It sctting old and I must bnc : uJotha- . Please send me : a pncc-mt. " ( Tbe nsme of tbl. worthy doctor , obllced to be out In aUlort , of west her , wW b = clven on application. ) A. J. 'I'OWER CO. ; ; ' (1NER.f' Boston , U.S.A. - . r 'rOWER CANADIAN a COMPANY , Limited 1/11. _ .t.S't\ . . ' . . . Toronto , Canada loin I1Rfol. Wet Weather Clothln& ultl , and lIata for aU Idnds otwet work or aport lIel French In Great Britain. There nro 26,600 French In Orer Drltaln nnd Ireland , mora than three- fourths at the number being In Lon. don. The business most followed among these Is coolwry. Important to Mothers. Examine carefully eery boUle ot CABTOnIA , anfe and BUrO remedy tor Inlnnt. nnd cblld'ren , and BeO that It Deare the " ' " / Slnaturoot : In Uuo For Oyer 30 Yeare. The Kind You nnve AlwII1B Dou ht. Vertlable Treasurc House. The value of the vatican , the pope'f ! rosldence at Rome , and Its treasure ! ! , In money , would exceed ' 150QOOOOO. Mother Cray' . Sweet Powders for Children.I I Successfully used by Mother Gray , nuraa In the Children's lIomeln New York , oure OIiutlpatlon , Fevcrlshnee" Bad Stomach , Toothlng Dlaordera , move Bnd regulate the Bowels and Dcstroy Worms. Over 00,000 tes. timonlals. At all Dru sts , 250. Sampl& FUEE. Addreas A. S.Olmsted , LeRorN. Y. The chief end of man , according to the chronic klckcr , Is his feet. Why It. Is the Best I Isbecause made by an entirely ditter- ent process. DefianC1) Storch Is un. like any other , better and ol1ltblrd more tor 10 cents. Desperate diseases are doctors' do- lights. I..ewls' . . Single Bl1lI10r" IItrnlgbt 50 cigar , 111Me of extra quality tobu.cco. You pay 100 for clgnrs not 80 Kood. LewlB' I } j'actory Poorln. Ill. I - ! Dargaln hunters are generally 801d. I All Housekeepers I use Defiance Cold 'Water Starch , be. cause It Is better , and. oz. more ot It I tor money. I . Deware of loose dogs and tight men. 1 UJ Save on Drugs I ' UJ writ. t r onr 1 OO.palre , . . , .to'Wlu ( 10,0I1rtlcha ) / at cut prkcIS. PA.TENT MEDlC1NE:8 : , RUBUER OOODS , TRUS 1B ! : , StURMAH 8 : McCO"Xrn DRUG CO. e. . . . U tb &I1d Dod. . . Omah. . . Neb , j \'aiset1-it populnrity ns 1c tnr1'h l' l1lcd ' , its national importance - portance , its extensive \1se. Ono asleed his opinion. WBhout. 1\ moment'ItCHit ttlon , ho said : "I enn cheerfully HI\Y thnt MrSchley 1\115 taleen l'ermllt nnd I bcllevo with go ' 11 offect. " I.neo the Jlnttlo at Snntlngo. the thonght WIlS upon him without any wnrnlng' , 11.\\(1 ho dlsposell of b with the Ramo , 'Im IInd deciHion tLS ho .1itl with the 8plmish JIcI.t led by the ilI.fated ViRca 'I\ . . IIis words conccrnlng Pcrullll1wo . gene out Into the w01'l to be rCllcntcd by u thoullal1ttonguc / ! , bccIL\1IiO ho Ims thelll. Lllte the ncws of his victot' ] " ovcr Cervera , his words can- etrnlng I' 0 run a will bu I ADMIRAL'S WORDS CARRY WEIGHT. I caught'up by the Illultltudcs nnd pnsscd from Illouth to mouth , across occllns aud con- Io.ucnts. : gxccpt foranin.born manly ( : . 11. countryof free spccch , thosc wonls never " , oull Imvc llcollu Ucred by f\U ol11ccr in/mch I notnblo position liS thllt of Admiral Hchley. l xcept for wodd-wlde notort'ty ! 111111 pOl'ulill'itr , fH ch l\a PCl'\I111t njo\'s : , no rcmedy could l'VCI' hn"o rccelvcl1luch ! out. . spoken pu Ilc CUlloI'/t ; lllollt by tluch n muu. WESTER OA'Jl A'S Magnificent Crops ior I 04. Woator" Canano' ! ! Whont Crop thin Year VIlli bo GO- 000,000 01l3holo , nntl Wheat ot Pro - ont Is Worth $1.00 u Dua1101. The Oal end DarlBY Crop Will Also Yield Abund nlly. Spll'ndld prices tor nil klm1s of Lrnln , cnttln nml utller turm pr0l1uco tur 1110 gru\\'lul ( oC whlcb the cllmnto III Un Urlllicli. . About IWOOOAmerlean'l hn"e I'ett1l't1In ' We tern - ern C"1II1l1 lIul'ln the ll1ll1t tllreo yeunl , ' 1'hOIll'anl1l1 ' ; of Iree homcHteatlH of 100 nero' ) ( 'nell stili nvalll1\Jlu In tllu beJt u.rlcultuml . 11111- trlctll. It bn'l been f\ald thl1t the Unlte,1 StnteR , , .111 110 forced to ImlJOrt wheat within II "cry Ct. " ycnr . Sl"curo " u Clmn In Canuda and bceom\ ! ono of thObC who " ,11pruduco It. Apply tor Intormntlon to SUlerlntendent ot ImmlJrnUon. Ottllll'l1 , Cnn8III , or to uuthorlze < 1 Canndlan Government A ont-\V , V. Bennett , BOI Now York Lito lJulllllu/l / , OlOlIbl1 , Nob. Strawberry and I Vegetable Dealers i The Pallsengor Depl1rtment ot the Illinoh , Central Ilallroad Comlmny have recently I ul'd I1llUbllol1t1on known as Circular No.12ln which III lIollorlbed the best territory in this country Cor the growlnot / { cnrly atrl1wberrlcs nntl ellrly vCllot.ablcs. hvcry dealer In such IJroductR IIhuuld I1ddrell8 11lost.a1 card to tllo undorlilllnf'd I1t Dubuque , Inwo. roqucstiDIr 11 cOlI ) ' of "CfroUlilT No. I : : : " J. F. l > 1EUUY , Ass" Ocn'l Pl1ss'r Allen. . Insist on Getting It. Borne grocers Bny they on't keep Defiance Stnrch. This i8 bCCI\UBO they have a 8tock on hand of other brandB conhllnlng only 12 oz. In II. paclcnge , whlchth ey wfn't be able to sell fir8t , because Defiance contnln8 16 oz. tor the Bame' money. Do you wnnt HI oz , Instead ot 12 OZ , for IIllm money7 Then buy Defiance Starch. Requires no cooldng. It looks as It the czar were due t get his crown nicely Jnpanned. Deflarfce Starch should be In cvery household , none 1'0 oed , beld es 4 oz. morc tor 10 Cl'nts thnn any other brand ot cold 1\'ater 8tarch. Nothing convinces like convIction. U ' fThompson's Eye Wa l A strttclng contrast between Deflnnce Storch and any other brand will be found by comparison. 'Dcflnnce Starch stifren , whitens. beautifies without - out rotting. . IIt gives clothes back theIr newness. It 15 absolutely pure. St III not Injure the most dcllcnte fnbrlcs. For fine thln s and all things use tbe best thcr'e Ls. . Defiance Storch 10 cents tor 16 ounces. Othu brands 10 cents for 1:1 : ounces. A strlldnacontrast. . TOC DErtANCe STAItCtt CO. . . 0mW. Neb. DON'T WEIR A WID. Iecp tbe lUJlurlnnt , he 1tb ) ' heed of hair whIch nature "nvo ) 'ou. If lour Jlnlr Is falUnll out you cl1n IItOp it.-uso Undoma. U atves now I lito to liloldy hl1lr. It'll ruarl1ntee4-Aak you. I barber. Bend us your name tor tree treatmenll. ; THE UNDOMA OOMPANY ; gtlUHA" . HANDY BLUEING BOO'K. In shocta ot PURE ANILINE BLUE. NobottleR. Nopn < 1 < 1leR. NOWI18to. Gtn ! lllam. amount ot bluelnlr water Cllch wa.b.dny. Ask your arrocer tor it or Bend 100 tor a book ot 2 ' Jean. . The Handy Blueing Book 00. , 81 EI Lake St. , Chicago , III. WANT YOUR NAME nd wlll.end you prospectu. nd full particulars of NINE SUCCESSFUL COLD , SilVER , COPPER , LEAD , ZINC AND QUICKSILVER MlnlngCompanlcBlf you will send us your name and nd fress. Mlnln ! : Maps Fre . I AR , UCK"E-OOODE CO 11UlSSION CO. . 325 Olive Street , St. LouIs , Ma. , St. Jacobs Oil ' = p : ; : he Rheumatism and Neuralgia , PUXN AM FADELESS DYES Color more aoed , brlohler and luler colorllhln any olher dr. . ana 100 Pickage color. silk. 11I001 nnll collon eQvalir well and II Quaranleed to alve perlocl ruulta. I Aak lIIler \llfu\llflll \ \ .end po.t paid all0c a packag. . Writ. lor Iro4I bookl.t-How to Dr. . DI6ach and Mix Colors. .IJU.VJlUl& JJICUU co. , Unlanl/llI. . .Ill" , , , . . . , . 7 When Answering Advertisement. Kindly Mention This Paper. W. N , U. , Omaha , No. 45-1904 BEGGS' CHERRY COUGH SY RUP cures coughs und colds. .