Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, November 10, 1904, Image 5

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    ; I . t- - - _ . , . ; , _ : : : = : , ' : : : - . . . . . . . " . .
. .
: .1
r , ROYAL J ; .
' . .
. Baking Powder
. . Saves Health
! ) The use of Royal Baking Powder is
I essential to the healthfulness of the
family food.
I . , . .
. . i . ' Y cast fermcnts the food. ' ' . ' \ , " I . .
< " , . " Alum baking powders arc injurious. .
II I , / ' . Royal Baking I owder saves health.
. _ _ _
- Hj ; : t S : I : ; : ; : ! : : : : ; . -j
I . ,
/ - - - - -
'l'hc Brolcn Bow District Sunday -
. : , day Sc nol Con\'cntion h'l < 1 in
( the 1\1. 1 : . lIl1rch Ratur < IJ.\ night
L : anti Sunday Wtl ! , a feast well
{ " ' , ' I worth atlcIH1illg' . I ) ror. tcidle ) '
( . " and ? \Iiss Ilaines of Lincolll'cre
' in attcudance. Their ablc atl-
. < 1reHse ; ( lid much to inspirl. : the
( \i\ \ \ . . ; Sun ay SchoollworkcrH to greater
I . enthusiasm. 'J'he sesHion Sun-
/ , . t day night attained its hig-hC'st
, . ! ' " pitch atHl the large auditorium
j.i' of the church was completely tilled -
ed with an appreciat audience.
ht ' he music was in charge of
Ramaha Rycrson and his lhoir :
b ' . tilled the large pulpit rostrum.
' : The main address of the cven-
! \ ' t , ing was delivered by . Miss Ihines ,
' ' . Supt. of the Primarj' work for
the state. Her a dress was upon -
. on the Jerusclem .Cruise. Hcr
novel picture of the Holy Land
and thc trip was greatly ap-
preciated. She exhibited a number -
ber of curoisities which she
hrought with her from Bible
, . Pledges to the amount of about
. . . .
S50.00 wcre secured for the state
1 work. A permanent organization -
tion was effected by electing D.
M. Amsberry , Presidcntj. Miss
Owens , Secretary-'l'rrasurerj H.
- l omax , Su } > t. of 'reachers Normal -
mal Dept. j ReSpraker , Supt. i
( of Home Departmentj Miss Ehza
. , Sheppardson , Supt. of Primary
CurCJU CO'H'UIUItloli.
Mrs. B. 'V. glns , Clearwater ,
Kan. , writes : "My husband lay
sick for three 11I0nths. 'J'he doctors -
tors said thd he had ( luick con-
I sumption. We procured a bottle
of Ballards Horehound Syrup )
and it cured hil11. That was six
years ago. Since then we havc
always I < cpt a bottle in the hous .
For coughs and colds it has no
equal. " 25c , SOc , $1.00. Sold
by Ed. McComas , Broken Dow
and Merna.
- -
- -
- - - - - -
I LcnrnlnJ [ to
j . . PIJY n Piano
; . . . .o-v. ' or Oroan
, , : t . ! > ! { 1 I\tato : Easy
- by tllu use
. ' ( " " " " .
. ' ' , ' .n.a : nf PROF.
" - flclP
. ; ' f.1 ( TRAI1SPDSI.
. v 1W'.jI ' TIOU MUSIC
> \T }
, , 'iPti1lItta
. Any on can
pos\tlvrly \ IIn < 1
" dulJ C.ln I..lrn to
"So slmpl ; I qulrkly learn
. . , T , . , h _
pIAy"-CI.ol\ts by Mu. .1 r to piJY : \ piano
. wllhoul tlw .11 0' ' .1 1 J < 'h r or any pre-
or vlouo org.m , ; Inowled ! : , 01 mowilt. . Ihl , l hart.
ALL YOU IIAve TO 00-.1- lu II. . . I' II UII Ihe Iey :
board of the IIIuument aoJ IIIl' l olul J pointers ull
the movable lIcll's _ h"w what k y , to : ; lrlkl' to pl..y
any 110 chord Simpl. ur . 10 pleLI' [ ny . , yel Gr.lonUlic. Endorsed IInd
un" by Music Tuche'n ' aU lIarll lit the U. S. i
dictionary nnJ key to music , arranged -
It Is perfect
ranged so Anyon c"n unde..lnJ It. We can not
enumera ! . ! Its many polnls of merit hNe. so wrlle
us for full Information. .and dUII't deliy. ; eents
nted eve" , . vhere. Ad < 1res5
" -
Sol. Mlgn. and DlslrlbulorlL A. ST. LOUIS , U. II. A.
- - - -
Boston , Nov. ! I.-SIIOIclent returns
from the election In illassachuseltB
ha\'u 1ICen receh'cd to Indicate a vie-
tOt.y fur Hoosevelt : ultl li"alrbaults
elel.tol's , hut at till' sltmo time a dc.
fent of Gu\'cruor Batt's fOI' election
by WI11IItI1l I. . Dougllls , the Democrat.
Ic cnndltlatC' . 'rite Hl'IJllullcnns elect-
cd the r'st , of thl , ) ttutc ; tic I\et , at least
ten of tlw fourtecn congressmen and
a Inrg ( ! lIIt1jorll ' of the legislature ,
which will select two United States
senators. 'I'ho Democrats elected. be.
sides thell' candidate for governur. at
least three congressmen. Hoosevelt's
majority Is estimated at 82.000.
- -
Louisville , NoI.Witb ! oue.thlrd
of Kentuclty's 1,89G precincts report-
ed. the yole Indicates a majority In
the state for Parl < er of from 13,000
to 14.000. The figures of the Demo.
cratlf ! nnd Republican lIlanagers show
little vurlance from this result. Ken. I
tucky In 1900 gave Brynn 8,098 plu. '
rallty. 'rho returns from G83 precincts -
cincts show a plurality of 16,026 for
Parlwr. 'fhe congressional delegation -
tion Is unchanged , ten Democrats and
one Republican. The Populists In.
creased tbelr votes sltgbtly.
Republican Landslldc In Michigan.
Detroit. Nov. 9.-l\Uchlgau was the
scene of a veritable Republlcun laud.
'slide. Roosevelt and Fairbanks have
carried the state by un unprecedented
majority. variously estimated at tram
100.000 to 150.000. Fred M. Warner
and the Hepubllcan state tlc1et are
elected , nt least eleven of the twelve
congres men from Ilchlgan are Re.
pUblican nn.l . the legislature Is ovr-
whelmingly Rellllblilan. Insuring the
re.electlon or Unllc1 States Senator
J. C. UUIT\\j ,
- - - ' -
New Hlmpshlre.
Concol'tI. K II. . Nov & . -1'1IIa state
hns pre ! > erved uuhrol\l'n Its line ot
HppuhHl nil IIntlonn I victories , which
begall with Frelllullt In 1856 , and hnR
given itti nleetorfll vote to Roosevelt
hy IIIJ)1l'Oximntel ) ) ' O.OOO. 'rhe Repl1b-
IIcnn hhVO nlsu tJleeted their congressional -
sional1111 stille tll'l\ets.
- - -
Wllmlugton.ov. : . . -neturns nt
hand I his morning Indicate thllt
RooRc'lt hClS CIUTII'II Doln ware by
ubollt 2.iiOO mnjorllY an thnt the He.
pulJilcnuR hnelectCl1 their entire
state I it Itet 1.1) ' u.ajorltles a little
small ( > r.
. .
- - - -
Mfs ! 16Slppl.
JnclsouIs. ; : ! : . . : \tJv. ! I.-'rho Domo-
cratlc majority fJI' l'nrltfl' and Davis
will be In It.e r.I.gllturhoo,1 : of 5.1)00 (
l\IsslssIPI)1 ! ) l' tUl'IlM eight Dellio'l'atc :
congl'e smen , I.hll HeJjuLlIrhns : mrd-.r..g :
110 oPIIOS : ! Ion. .
- -
Milnc. :
Portland. 1\10. . Nov. ! I.-'I'h ! lml.
nation flOIll the elecUo1t 01 II Ethl.
( 'ont'sl IIIalnt : ! ! detract.1 . frum tIe
It : ! ( . ! ' ! , < ! Th. rfsl11t was a victory tor
Hoohey ! : : ' . and Fnrbar.II. :
Austin. 'I'x. , : ' \ 9.-Returns show
that the vote caHt wilt hardly exccad
'j5.000. or which 250(1)1) ) were cast
fOt' ParlC'I' : . tO ; , ll ) for Hoosevelt and
the hnlara e srl\tterlng.
- - - - - '
\\'hlll' Hln'l' , Imll.tloll. Vt. , Nov. ! I.-
HOI , t'\'I't : " 111TIt > d \ ' ( rlllollt by aboul
111.000. Hn rail ahead or lcKlnley'e
\'oe ! In 1900. wllll Parker rail bebln
1hal 01 BI' ) ' n.
- - - - - - -
If ) 'on want Kood stock hog
watch for Seybolts Rale.
- -
Are You Dntarested In The Sooth ?
110'ou CARI TO l' OOF ' 1'U1 M.\flVJtJ.OUS
\ ! 1mvm.Ol'U\U.tN'f : NOW GOING ON IN TIff )
. .1 Grrea-t Oel:1'tra1 : : Sou-th :
all or.n ONI S-'ro GIWIUCU ?
I Do 'uu wnnt to know ahout rich fanning IBntls , fcrtilc. wclllocalell on a 'frunl
Linc Railroad , which will produce two , three and four crops from tbe same fiel. .
t' . : l ' low and on terms ? Ahou
each . anll which cou he purchased at vcr ) priccs easy
. l. I. ' [ stock year. raising whcre the extrcmc of wiuter feedin is but six (6) ( ) short weeks ? 0
where truck growing aUII fruit raising yield enormous nturns each year ? 0
places . ' tIa ' in the ? Of opportunities fa
of .100rs year
a lund where ) 'OU can livc out ever ) )
establishing profitahle lIIanufucturin iurlustries ; of rich mineral locations , ani
husines , > opcnings ? .
splendid If ) 'ou waut to know the dctoUs of auy or ttll of these write me. I will glaln.
odvisc ) 'ou fully and trut111ully. . .
. '
( . . 1 , \ . , . . "nu : , Genera.l 1lIllIlhrRtluu DUa ludu8trlll1 AKcnt.
Louisville & Nas11ville 'Co.
. . .OVltt'\.I. . . . . . . K NTVCK1l.
. . ' . . . . . . '
. I
. .
, I "
\ :
. ,
, . .
. . . .
" ' -.J
' - -
- -
mR WR Rijij mU
- . . -
Solid Republican Congressional DI.
eiJation From the Antelope St.1te.
Returns Are MOI'c Slow In Coming
In Than Usually the Case ,
Lincoln , No10.'hile lIot con'
ceding tlefeul Iu ! JO mUll ) ' word , mUll'
uger or thl ! t'lIslol1 l'IU1IIJ lgTI III I.hl'
coIn athnltted that un the tnce of 1'0'
turus the Helllbllculls hnd cunle
ever.thhlg , Inchllllng the hellli of tha
statu ticket. whtch wus the 1I111) ' ot' .
Ute In serlolls dOllbt. No Ilgm.t1:1 : wert )
olterell nl fusion headq\11uters , hut Og.
IIl'VS eh\ewht3re Indlcatet1 that 00\ "
ernor J\11tke : ) ' , who Is loW man on the
Heltet , will bave n. plllt'nllty of not
less than ! } .OOO , SuOlclcllt re1urn8
from tbe l < 'lfth district l1n\'o been reo
celved to show the re.electlon of Congressman -
gressman Norris. which means a solid
Republican delegation from Nebrasltl\
to the lowel' house oC congress.
Mnnager,1 In Lincoln of Conress. ,
mOll BllrleU's cnmpalgn for the Unit.
ed States senate , with complete nnd
partial raturns ( rom every senatorial. .
nnd representative tllstrlcl , claimed' '
the nex1 leglslaturc will stand : Sen-
atl' , HepllbHcans. 32 : ruslonlsts , 1 ;
bouse. Republicans , 78 : ( uslonlsls , 22.
On president , NebrasltD. lias gona
overwhelmingly COI' Hoosevelt , estimates -
mates of his plurality going [ ( s blgh
as 75,000.
Th'e proverbial slow returns tor
Nebrnsltn seem to be retarded more
than eVeI' by the unusuul length oC
the ballot.
The returns trom forty.tbree of the
ninety counties of the state IInvo
heen received com'plete. and partlnl
returns froUl all tbe others. In these
counties 1\l1c } : y hb.s a Ilurallty ot
2.634. whllo In the same counties two
years ngo his plu'rallty was U 5G , or 11
g .ln of 1,078. IlIa plurality then In
tbe entire statc was 5,3G5 , LII a plu.
rallty this year of ,500 Is therefore 11.
conservative estimate.
- - - - - -
Bouth Dakota.
Sluux Palla. S. D. . Nov. 9.-Roose-
velt has curried n arly every county
In the state by pluralities of trom 100
to 2,000 , Indicating tbat his plura1\ty \
will not be tar from 50.000. Returns
from the rural precincts are slow ,
but nll In lcate a landslide for Roose.
velt. ' 1'he largest previous Republican -
an plurality was In ) 889 , wben they
l'llrrlell the I3tll.te by 30,000. The entire -
tire atate IInd congressloJlll1 tleltets
and nearly every He pUblican county
ticket. a well us members of the leg.
16latulI ! , wall elected. "It was ( l lUUg.
nlficent victory , " suld Senator Kit.
tredge. 'J'IH contellt ror the removal
or the cupltal wus 1\11 exciting feat 1II't'
of the day and the proposition Is prob.
ably defeated by from lEi.OUO to O.OOO.
. . . . - - - . - -
St. Paul , N\ " . U.-lttl \'t.1t re.
ceh'etl a l'Icortl.breallllg plurality III
Minnesota , gulng far beyond ! \I c : 1 < 1 II'
Icy'a : ; mal'gln of 77,000 fOUl' y..arH aro.
On th tllI ! tll' tlw 1 etllru ! ! IHJ far 1 C'
celvetl the HOJlllbllclIU l > l rtOl'al Uclwt
will have a pllll'llJlty of ovel' 100,000.
Parltel"H vote w'us much smaller thnll
thnt rcceh'ell : by Bryan t'our yearR
ago , antl Hoosevelt wa especially
strong III rountiell which of old wore
Populist strollgholiis Despite the tre.
m'.mdcJtls 111m ality for Housevet ! , the
IJlmlCH'rIlts oppal'ontly hn.vo eloetal1
their c'audldnte for governor , John A.
JOI.III' : ( , [ & The Republicans elect the
IHIIUM' , t their state tleltct.
. .
- - -
Cbeyenne , Wyo , Nov. 9.-Hoosevelt
has carried Wyon&lng by about 8.000 ,
Mondcll I H' J.I' ) lias been elected to
cotlgl't' ! 1 by < .tver GOOO. Dro < .tlts ( Rep. )
bas , ( : : kp.terl govornol' by avel
4.0UO OVtI' ; sJomc ! ( J ; 1I1. ) . and thr.
rest ot' tLI ! Hepllbllcall state tlckel
ba8 11P.f:1I elected bY majorities rang
Ing I rom 3.UuIJ to , OOO. The R pllb
IIcnnH will control both hranches 01
the state legislature , tbus Insurln
the r e.l'le"lIol1 ot 80no.tol' Clarle
Chpyenl.o Is far III tile ; I ( : cul for thl
permnMnt 10cntloll or tlto state cap
North Dakota.
Grond } ; 'orls , N. D. , Nov. 9.-Roose
velt ccu'I'Itl1 : ! North Dl1lwtll by eve :
20.000. 'l'hlH I : > an Incl'caslJ or ovel
GO IIIJI' ( 'allt fl'om1t'KlnleY'8 : majority
'fhe stille tlclet 113 elected by 4,001
less or thu 140 members In t1l1
bousc:3 of the legislature about nlDet :
will t ! HellUblllltn. This will Ins\trI
b ltat' .lectlC1I1 of : Republican Unltc. .
Sthtei ! 1t f.l\tol tll succeed Senate
_ m _ _ _
I : ' \ew II I1Vl'n , Nov. 9.-1t Is estlmat
ed th t Hoes vell'H plurality wll
rearll ulmost aooo , which Is severe
thollEI1IlI ) ahead or tcKinleY'B Ilgur
In 19 1J. Orl the state ticket , fror
gOV rtl < .tT down. as well as the cor
greHlor.ul , tllere was a clean sweel
- - -
South Carolina.
Clmrll.oton : ; , S. C. Nov , 9.-'I'be R <
publl ! & 11'ote will hardly reuctl 1
per te t ot tbe totul vot& . Seve
Den : cratlc congressmen were elee
Jacksonville , } o'la. . Nov. 9.-Rolul'D
y Indlcah thp. usual Democratic majo
Itles In Florida. ' 1'he Democratic cal
dld t's tor congress are 11.11 electal
- .
South Carolina.
Coluiublu , S. C. , Nov. 9.-Parke
, be carrltd the a\&te - . , tooet.
. . , .
.I. l
. .
. . . . .
. ' - - - - " " " ' ' - ' " " ' - - "
. . . . . . . . . . . : : . . : A . , : . , . : . . iU' . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , : ; 't" . ; - . . . . . . . . . ' " ' ' '
trJJ. -t.y ' ' " ' " ' " ' ' ' ' , . " " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' , ' ' ' ' " " " J3 "
" \ ' ' ' ' ' YII'
" ' J'O'C.I.\tf. ' 11"4. " ! tlt'
'Cj. 'to' , " ' < , ( ; j.J : : I J"oii : : ! ' ! : ( ' { ] . ! tr.JI'J' ' timi : : : . ' " ; : J.iIb. ; ' 4.r ; : ? i2. . . . , ! : : . . . .iIiI1'Il : ! " ' . . . ! ( .If "f' ; . : .
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. . .
M \ . 1. : : I(6'l , . " ! J1t1
: , I' . : Iil'1
f ! . . . . . . .
! fti i
It's , you th t we are aftcr ( if ) 'ou are not alread.r a satisfied.custom . - ;
if'n ' 't' Ilt the big.storc . , ) an ) ' 0\1 can rest nssured we have no big prcm- " :
A\ \ HUll or trnhng stamp ticals to palm off on the unsuspechng , who Jfp
1\0 \ 1I0t rca1iz it is necessa1' ) ' to pay bigger Vrofits on go ds in
fl U unler to Sl1sta1l1 such s'stews. Now thnt the Hoh ay Season IQ up-
" ' . l { on u we would he 1)len ctl to have YOU sec our MnmlUoth Stock of , . . . f'l .Ii
i Wi
: . i. ' iiJ
' 'ft' 1 : ' O. IS h W are an d A r tiHi I
: . . ' fl' b i' , ! .
: f :
i . . . oveI"ties. . .
f French , German and Japanese Hand Decorated
l.ri Ware , Haviland China and Imported i. \i 1 ;
l i . . . . A r t 'f\T J. eve It- les. . . . . M 1
: . & : ,
fl " . . } .IJ I , f .
. . , .
, . ! ' ; a"- ' - - - . ; :
< \ "
" . . 'J. . . . ' 1
. , . . . . . j ! .
t D1I1I1er Sets , fro111. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :56.00 : to $20.00. : : .I ! r' , . :
. , l Decorated Plates. . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 to 5.00. J . "
. & . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' "
.f i\ \ D ecorate d S a 1 a ( I S. . . . . .50 to 5.00. t 1 ;
. ' ti j Decoratcd 'l'ankartls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.00 to H.OO. }
- . :
. . ,
" . .u . _ _ _ _ _ . ! ! ' f :
: , ' . . : . I" . . .
- - - - - - -
" " : , j d
i\ \ , :
1 : : fti :
And Our Regular Monday Sale , Still Helps to Clean Up 1
ig1 1 C u uur SI DC k t 0 Y our Ad van t 8OIIl ! ! \.1 \ , :
jif , ! ( J P ounds.hOlce . Rice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c. m WJ
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . !
! i. ( . i . . . O Bak111g Powder. . . . . . . . . .05c. Ui . j ! ! , ; l ;
t . . . . ;
St rt . cl stay nght by tradmg with us , the largest store and
t. k1i ! srnal1c t price" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . m r
: . , Qi _ i : ' t .
! loJ' , " - . , "
. .
'P : : ; " ! ! 1' . RyersoneorQe : C o. ilt :
i. ; . : . : : ) '
t . ! . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . , . . . : . . . . . . . . . ft. , : - .
" . . . . . . . . . , . , . - , . . , . , . . , , , , , . . . . , . " . . .
i , ' : ! . ; :1'-j4 : jr ; ' i , ' : ! . . : : \1-I''h-I' : . .t. ! . : : : i.l : \ , - . , . . . : . : . : ( . ; ; . . : . ; . r. . , : : : - ; . " ' . . . 1 . ! . . 'II . . ! . ; . ; : : : , ; . j1 . . . . ! . ' ' . . . : . .oioI' .I ; 9 ! ' t , : ! . . : . . , . , r ! : ' : e'tt' ( : . 'It ; ; . ! . iiO" . . " . " . . " . ! . o"i-al. ' ' \ ' : : ; ; ; . : . i.l " : .1"N' ' ' ' ' ' ' ! " ' " ! . ; . " ' : ' . /J'1.1 . ' ' , ' . ' ' ' : ' ! ' . ' . . . : . " ' . & . : : . ' ' ' . ' . . : . ; ' : .y"oj. ' ' . ' ' ' ' 'jo..7.'u . . . . . . . . . . , . . , . ' : . " . . f . : : " J ' ! " " ; , { . . i " . . ' ' , , ; u J , : . ; . ! . ; T' . : . : . , : : i' . . ! . Wifir . . , , : . . . , ! . o' : . " ] ' , : . . . : ( ' , :
- . .
- --4 " " "
- - - - - -
- -
L.V. . Amsberry came in from
Lincoln Sunday night to spend a
few clays at h0111e.
Church tocrvlc , : " .
A11 services of the church 11& u9ual
Sunday morning and evening. Preach.
ing at Custer Center at 3:00 : p. m. All
Ilre invited. I. . . 140 Eplcy , Pastor.
Rov. Homer Young of Cotner Univer-
sltv , will fill the pulpit of the Chrisl an
Cl urch , Sunday morning and cvening ,
Nov. 13th. Everyhody invitet1.
Not a Hlcl& : nn > , tUncc.
"I was taken severelysic1c with :
kidney trouble. I tried all sorts
of medicines ) none of which re-
lievcl , One day I saw an ad. of
your Electric Bitters and determined -
mined to try that. After taking
a few doses I felt relieved ) and
soon thereafter was cntirelv cured -
ed , and have not seen a'si k day
since. Neighbors of mine have
been cured of Rheumatism ) Ncu-
ralgia , Liver and Kidncy troubles -
les and General Debility. " 'l'his
is what B. F. Bass , of Fremont ,
N. C. , writes. Only 50c , at Lee
Bros. , Druggist.
. .
, - - - - - - -
DR.V. . H. COLE ,
V eteri narian.
Special aHon'.lon 1lvcu to colt , rlltvos and (11 e
thllt IIfO In 'In uuthrlfy ronc.1IUon. 'l'clo.
- nbone No 103. Ut' ld\JLCC , tWI ) blooka we t 01
_ Boutb Bldll Mchool 1I0U811.
, _
Easy Credit Terms
PIAN 0 S Sl24.7GUP.
ORCA'-NS 110.00 UP.
Of all kinds at 00 oonts up.
FUftNITURE From $6.21S up.
We .rB the IOl'llolt manntaetnrou on
earth. hayB unlimited capitol and .ell
direct froro the worklhop to the flresldo
on A Y tllONTtlLV PAY/l1ENT5 to
honorable poolle In all portl of the
world. No other manufacturer will Ie'
'au uaB the ( foods tor , ears whllo Ilowl ,
palull for tbom.
Wrltl for lalonnilloa IIId Free Cllalo(110 N u 175
. . CoDaoUd.1ed Fotwr' ' " ,
r 111.83 Randolph 6L , Cblc lIe , III. , U. S. A.
- - - -
D US. H. O. & W. It 'I'A LBOT ,
Olllao over JIllelll'rl 'lI ) ) nlK H'oro.
nrokJ1I 1I0w , . Nonra. . . . .
. . . . . . ) ) o.ler In. . . . .
Pumpl. Willd , ! lillie , 'fallk . 1"IUlng. . . , Ollltollno
Encillon , uto. etc.
lIro1oll now , Nehrnekll.
- - -
1& DVIl1Jt1JtQ : : ) ' . . . " t1. ANOTAnY
m.l&I W , ' ,
. \&I \ : l'UJIlC (
. iilrltJ Ju llce of the POlltU. HpoclslaUlntolllCl'eD :
I La colJcctlona Jullo : l1loIlA t.ak.olll'ruioll vOllcll.
i 8fll neaty exccutod and all killds of logol pllporp
1'lrlltl < lt , 0/11\1 / ( , III thl ) r'ar or HUlik or Commerce.
Ihok.on How. Nubrnaka.
- - - -
DB. . T. I.A. FAHNHWOlt'l'lI ,
I DEli'I'IST ,
, --omra 10 nor'bWOAL cornur lIutty Uloek.
Keystone Restaurant ,
Hegular Meals 25 cents.
I unch at all hours.
Your patronage solicited.
North Side of Square.
. . . _ . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
, mntlliwh 3mnal11Jl. ! !
AI , kinds or wllr ! . : III our hno done PromlUr ,
" 111110 r t..cln a order. . nod Bbo1 { 011 tlc ,
corner tOntllCII t 01 ttlu hquAre.
( H" : Uill 110 . .ttJA" ' .
llrolwu How , . . . Nebr..kll.
hH.OKgN BOW t NEll.
r.I"CU' : " , ncuver.
oluun. . . IIe1CUtl ,
CII'eullo. UuUe ,
" to 'sCtlcplt. . .ortlund.
n.UI" ' . . . . City , PlnU"ukclty ,
H' , . . . . .us. . . . . A 11 < < 1 uU . , 'rI\UC'hCCI
. . . .11 ' .0'1' ' 1t UHI ntl , , )1 , 'oluU
. ' " 1. ! 'toulh Wm \ .
tlo. 04J'et.I1IUI : 11 u.pri.e : 01\11) ' , Jlnc.oln , OIQ
II. . , , Jue"I" l\a08.S Ult ) . :1t. IHule , vbl
08jn Aod all to"l. . . diet IoU'J " "ooW..IO " : : a.IU
Un.I 8tllD t.1I1) ' at A..ldyIIVtUIIU ! , tfllll,11 h
lallu , Aurorll. l"rk. n"orjJ.
1'10 H IJllparW lur thll CUL lit. . . . . . . . . . . . Ij :55 : II. lit
Ho. u"lJulud 1I.Ir" ' " Iially. 1I111t1' ' " ' ' I'1I1
tlo. Uutt" . l'urtllllll1 1I1111 UI1 1'11011:0 COlla
pontK. ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 "Ii & 11
u.13 arrived from III. , tIt II , . . . . . .11 : I' . OJ
tllollplt1lo : , clll.lng and rlt:1 : UIlIt 11JJlllr Cl'U ( bUill ,
trllll ) on throuul1 Irliins. 'l'lck.'o ! auld and b ,
gllgo choc tl to any polll' III Ih Uultull tltllh
amI Canada.
Information , mapl ! thnll , , , bin "ntl tic" "
I nil on or WIU..lo . U. L. Ormduy , "IIIut , u' ' I. ,
W. Wak.iht ) ' , U. 1' . , . . , ( lRlr.hUJ tlt'braeka.
U. l. tj" IH , . . . , _ " 0\
This officc for neat job work.
Nu ifjll'D lBlJ4IIJ. J1B } .
Two btocks nor1h of Grand OontrBt IIotol. r.e.
ronllgo eollcltO < l. l'rlcea rO&8':11181.110. :
. CONTUAUTOn.'ls DUlLD lt.
PlaDB IInd cathnatol on hortnoUco.
J1mken ) Jaw , Nebraekn.
DR. C. B. JOB ; ,
IDJJ : BmfJ ! [ ) I1 ' JDII.
nmco In Heslly lIIock , nrat llItrs foam IV
aIace BaJb er Shop-
Itor tirst.class work , call at the Palace
llrLrherSbop. Everylhing up-lo.dale.
I.IO , DEAN , Proprietor.
ff l'-9 'y 8 tI cell . l'
\1. ' I.A W.
1100mB 8 and D. Healty Block , lIroken Bow , Neb.
'lid Duroo JerBey lIoK hred IInd 601d. DI'.t blood
oflhelrclu8e. AddrcP . U. U. C\.DWELL.
DrokeulJow , Nebraska.
DU , O. I.A. MULJ.AltN5 ,
Physician Surgeou.
2nll Slalrwuy from " ' ! lot enct In Itoslty Ulock ;
re81donco. 3rl1 Wl1l1llf . chnroh on Ramo aide
of aLreut. rrr-Uroken : ow , Nl'hrl\r.lIl1 ,
II. O. UUT1'ON , Proprietor.
Jllr t-r.I " worle. Ilou ICoom ot Droken lIow
: lInt" ! IAn" , Droken 1Iu. . . , Nubrak. . .
Attorne .at. Law ,
Runl U.tll' " nud 101111 broker. OlUce n AptJl , , ' .
Block lIroken Uuw , Nebr'8ka.
.il : i. ' ! ! ' . : unu : : : _ . . 'lX-J:1 ! ! : ! . r.l"1Or.r.r1 ! . ,
:11 : , , . f1 . . . /Jo. tl" . . . , ; ; ' Ii , c"ILU
( , \L. , . k"If , nti VJ \ ! .r1. ! .
A1JD C U R IE ' t.m . . UN C6t
- J-ITH ' [ ff King's .
New Discovery
FOR CONSUMPTION 50c PrieD & $1.0r.
OLDS Free Trial.
Bure t and Quickest Oura Cor nil