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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1904)
. - - ( USTR ( COUNTY RPU ( UCAn By D. M. AMSDERRY. , DROKEN DOW. . . NEBHABKA L N ws in Brief I WllIlam 1\IcA..ey , an ohl.tlme aclor , dlod at bin homo In Roxbury , 1\Iass. , at. the ego ot 67 yonrs. In tnc hurrlcnno that Rtrucle lIon. durllEJ , many IntereBt : Jffore1 great. 1y , UlO\tsands of valued logs being washed out to sen. The OO:1rd : of tru tees unanimously elected Herbert L. Stetson , now presl. dent. of Kalamazoo college , Ialnma. . zoo , 11lcb. , 118 president. of Dos Molnos , college. , While a fire was blnzlng In the bnBo- , "ont of the Sisters of Mercy convont. . In Chicago , moro than 200 girls march. cd out In good order nnd there were no fatalltlos. Governor DaUey hns received 1lot. . ler Crom Prof. W. C. WUcox , of Iowa , staUng l11 t ho didn't say the people of western Kansas were Illl crazy part. of the tlmo. At IlnwJlns , Wyoming , the coloro& woman who nave her husband a severe beaUn , ; , using II. rlflo with which sh" fractured bls sltUll , pleaded guilty and paid bet' fine. Louis Harmon , ono of the trio of obbers who murdered George Goyer , a farmel' , near Alton , 0" more thnn a year o , wns electrocuted In the an. nox at the Ohio penltentlnry. Tommy Ryan , middleweight. ch3m. pion of the world , knoclted out Tommy Watlnoo of PhUadelphln In the ! tb , round of a bout. schodllle1 to go ten fOunds , nt Denton Harbor , 1\Ilch. A large number of JapaneBo army reserve men residing In 1I0noluiu hnve , received nollficatlon by cable from the military authorities In Japan call. Ing them homo for army servlco. The state of Nevadn filed II. claim ngnlnst the United States In the United States court. . of claims for $470,474 ndvancQ(1 ( In nld ot the fed. ernl goyc.rnment. during the civil war. Whllo resisting an attempt. to rob him as ho sat. In hlB place of busl. l1ess , W11llnm H. Knelerlng , II. Baloon. leoe11or , at 3300 Princeton avenue , Chi. cage , 'Was shot and died In a { ow minutes. Jose Mnrlnda , Porto Rlcnn , who was tnken to Honolulu as a plnntn.- tlon laborer , was hanged there { or the murder on tbo night. of Septem. ber 2G of the well known banleer , S. E. Damon. The Fore RIver Ship Dulhllng com. pany announced that the United States battleship New Jersey , under con. structlon at. the ompany's yards at Quincy , MMs. , w11l be launched Nov. ember 10. Paul Godard , n French expert. In precious stones , jumped from one of the approaches of the new Wl11lnms. burg ( N. y , > , brldgo and wns dashed to death on the slono pavement , 126 feot. below. Captnln J. G. Mohlor , a pioneer of Kansas and prominent attorney , Is dead at Ballna , lan. Captain Mohler was the attorney for the CllOyenno .n' dllms who were trle < l tor murder and acquitted In 1874. A new RUBsian loan of $270,000,000 , o.ccordlng to the Drussols correspond. ent of the Standard , hl18 virtually been conclndetl. The first portion of this loon , $70,000,000 , It. . Is eX11ectcd , wUl be Issued In Jnnuary. The 11Itnois Central railway sent to the chief or police of St. Louis a check tor $760 to defray' the funeral ex. pensos of Detectives Shea , Dwyer and McClusky , who were kUled In 0. battle wllh nJlegod trnln robbers. The pence treaty between Chile and Dollvla , which has just been signed , \Vial bo uubmlttod to congress durinG the present session. Ono of the prln. clpal eln1OOB declareB that Dollvlo. renounces < nounces n port on the Pacific. DnrgJaro entered tIlO home of Court Scond. I\t ArkansnB City , KnnBas , an robbo It of UlOO ! worth of jewelr and 1tvcrware. Secord Is 0. Snnta F ( engineer and wns out. on the rondo Prosldent Loubet gave a dinner Ir honor ot King George of Grecco , wh ( is now visiting Paris. The preBldenl had on his right Lady Monson , wlfo 0 : the Drltlsh nmbassador , and on hll 1eft Mme. Nelldott , wlfo of the RUB tllan amb .8sador , President Roosevelt has dlrectel the appointment of Mrs. James Long street. . to bo postmaster at GalneBvUlc Oa. , to succeed Colonel Henry P. DIU row , removed , on the r0110rt of an Inspector specter that Colonel Darrow I not I resident of the community In whlcl the postoffico Is situated. Mrs. Long street Is the widow of General Jame LongstrC t , of the Confederate arm ) . Cot. Anthony , the Kansas 1110neo editor , Is so seriously 111 that. bo I bardly . cxpocte < l to survlvo. DIBpatches received In London fror various points rO)10rt ) a rather Bever , arthqualtO amI much damage to pro ) crty tbrougbout Scandinavia nnd Del mark. Murat Halstead , the veteran JOIll p l.Ust of Cincinnati , has been electe Qresldent of the American NewsboYI ; ompany , which was organized to Iml IIsh the American Newsb07s' Magi II clno. IIo also hns booB hosen cdlle t the magazine. II I \1 \ II CITY WI LL FAlll JAPANESE HAVE PORT ARTHUR . AT THEIR MERCV. - POSITiOnS COMMAND TOWN - Mikado's Men Can Drive Russians from Main Forts at TheIr Pleasure -Japanese Losces In Last Asoault on Port Arthur. , C'IJI FOO-Port Arthur Is doomed. The correspondent of the AlJsoclated Press hero hM received Information , the rellnhillty of which Is heyond Iluotlon ! ' ! , thnt the JU)1Iltleso now oc. cUPY ) lOsltions which place the cast sldo of the town nt. . their mercy , The Inst assault has gnlned for thcJI1 110sltlons which Insure their nhlllty to cnl1ture the main cast Corts wlwnovcr they are rendy. It Is cnl. culnted by the , Tnlll1nese that I ! the Husslnns do not Iurrender : the former will bo call11ble of )1rolonglng ) their flnnl stand at Llaotl mountain on the ' 1'lger's 'rail for IL much longer time , with the lIIero hope o { prolonging the strule ! , Long before the fJeC01HI Pa. cllic squadron arrives the .Tapaneso fla , ; will wllve over the wrecltell elta' del. 'I'hls will end Viceroy AlexleIT's . dream of an unconquernble clt . 'I'ho .TamneBO ) have not occllplell the main Corts and highest 110lnts oC the hills , but they occupy In overwhelm. Ing numbers Ilosltlons which will en. able them to drlvo the H\\Ilnns ! : baclt whenever they deBh'c. When the , TU111ltleSe occupy the enst fort rldgo they will cOlllpletely doml. nnto the other nusslan forts with ' their nrtlllery. LONDON-'rhe DnllY Telegraph's Che Fee corres)10ndent ) , telegrnphlng 'I'hursdn ) ' . says that the JapaneBe losses dllrlng the laBt. . I1ssnult on Port Arthur were henvler than on any of the prevlolls atlnclu ; . 'rho bombardment - ment , he says. wns flO fierce thnt. the streets of Dalny were said to trem. ble , as though fl'Om an earthqllaltc. The salllo paper'8 corrClpondent ! with Gencrnl Oku , under dnto of No- vemhel' 2 , says that the In lcatlons are thnt a terrific engagement Is ahout to commence. ClIg FOO-Tho .Tupanese are nmv In a position to commence the beginning - ning of the OIHI of the operations to capture the eastern fortified ridges , Their fllee I1I1rle has been completed by the 111aclng of 11.lnch howitzers. During the nIght of October 29 all the reBerves advanced through n net. I work of trenches In fl'Ont of the enst- ern Cortlfied rldgeB from Bouth of leekwan to west of Keoltwan amI to the west of Rlhhmg mount.aln , called br the JavaneBo Shochosan. The bombardment llOgan at rlawn October 30 , and Infantry attacltB were planned to go against JUhlung moun. taln. nn untrenched hill between the const of Danjusan and the cast. . of leel\van and on three Keeltwan forts. SLOWLY GETTING TOGETHER. Russia Agrees to Part of Terms on North Sea Court. ST. PETERS DUnG-Negotiations regarding the North sen. court of In. qulry have not ret been concluded. The Assoclatel { Press Is Informed t.ho present position Is as follows : The terms of the draft. . of the treaty of the leglBlation of the court are under conshloratlon by the emQrOl' , who may deslro some modifications , but these , If any , are not. . expected to bo of In1.1Ortanco. Ono of the 111ana alread ' agreed on Is that. Grent Britain - ain and RusBla will jointly propose that France an1 the United States appoint. . a high naval officer ns II. member - ber of the COllrt , which 11robabh' wl1\ \ sit. In Paris. The four officers of the Russian Dal. tic squadron , who , It was orlglnallr llrranged , were to remnln In Paris until the arrlvnl of Admiral I\aznalmlT : , , are coming on to St. Petersburg to present the report. of Vlco Admiral Rojestvenslt } ' to the eml1eror. Massacres Whole Crew. LONDON-Accorllng ( to , Informa. . tlon C'om , the IGland of Perlm , nt the entrance to the Hell sea , an In vestl a. I tmn of Masslrn Isln.1\Il made br th" ntitan of 1\Iu : , ; :1t shows that the Ciq , . tuin and a tWllt" crew of two'lono tTlE'n , which I\fl : IO Drltlsh staamer TImon Innorl l\l'l , which rnn asher , ) nt the Kurla Mlsil ! slnnds. werf' mnssn. cred hy the natives there , Nine of , the murderers have he ( > n arrested. In. formation wal : that the heat had cal1' sized and all oC the occu1111nts dl'Own. cd except. ono hey Another Rhodes Scholarship , LlNCOJ.N , Noh.-Next. 'enr No. braslm will zet ar.other Hholles schol. arBhlt1 aI1polnl1:1nL A notice of this was Bent. to Chancellor Andrews b ) ' s George R. Porllln of London , secretary - tary of Vie scholarships. No Spirit for GAyety. ST. PE'rERSmmG-Thero wes little tlo attem)1t ) Thlll'sdn ' to celehratn. except cept In a perCllllctory way. the t ( > nt1 annlvonmry of th ! ' ncrcflslon of Em peror Nicholas. The Im erlal fnmll ) attOlHled a To Deum at the I\azar cathedral and there were tlel'vlccs It all the church ( os. Later the troOl ) ! were paraded , the thoatl'rs gave fre { exhibitions to the school children , ntH there WM music nnd holiday dIBpla ' 1 In the pnrlts , but on account of th { nnxlot ) . regarding Port. Arthur o\'ory thing wus on a smnll scale. DEGIN TTACK , I Furious Assault on Port Arthur Outer Defenccs. CIIE FOO-'ho general assault upon Port Arthur , which began In II. Ilrelltulnnry way October 24 , develop. ell Into n fiercely rnglng battle Mon- Iluy , when , according to a hitherto In. : fnlllbio l1uthorlty , the Jnpuneso tlung IlOavy Corces anlnst. ! . the fortresl : ! In II tholr third attemlt ) to secure a com. mandlng pOBltlon , 'rho JUlIIneso ) hnvo been prepnrlng for this aSBult for II. month. It Is belIeved - lIoved that the .1npaneso did not ex. pect to caIlturo the town on this occa. ' slon , but to nccompllsh another 1m- ' ) lortant Corward step , This plan was udol1ted Collowlng the fIrst. Msault , when thouBalHls of lives were sacrl. ficed In nn nttempt to swarm over th fortlficutlons by a mere Corco of IIlIInber , regardlels of 10RS. This asslmltlitO \ the previous one. wns n climatic Incident. . of weary weolts of trench dl glng , gun mountIng - Ing anll smull en a ements. In the opinion of < 1xICrtn ) the assault. . wl\1 \ cellse when the Japanese hllvo se- cllred slIch position as will enablo' ' them to Cree)1 ) steadily closer under the noses of the Hussilln gllns. It Is belloved that two more general ns. saults will be nccessary before the dlBtance between the bolllgerent lines Is sUfllclently shOl'tened to make an att mpt to enter the main Corts nn malto the end of the siege 11ractlcable. A steamer which has just arrived here from New Chwang reports hav. Ing hearll heavr firing at Port. Arthur "londay night and 'I'uesda ' unW It wns out of earshot , Indicating a continuance - tinuance of the battle which began October 24 In 11 preliminary manner and developed Monday Into the third attempt of the Japanese to secure a cOllltnandlng pOlltlon. : ! ' 1'he JapaneBe opencd fil'o with their artillery along the whole line , Incl. Ilentallr continuing their dally prac- tlco of dl'Opllng ) shollB Into the har- bor. The Husslans replied. the sounds , as of distant thl\1Hler , telling the Inhnbltnnts of Porl Dalny thnt the long eXI1Cctml I1BSault on the COI , . tress was Imminent. 'rho bombardment - ment continued fllrlollsly until lh(1 afternoon of Octohel' 2i ( , when the nusslnn guns on the gtso mountain , Antso mOllntllln und Rlhlung mountain - tain became brlell ' silent. COMPILATION OF INDIAN LAWS. Two Volumes of 1,200 Pages Each Fu IIy Indexed. WASHINGTON-A revised e ltlon of the compilation of the ] aws nnd treaties relating to In lan affairs , compllell and mlllell under direction of congress hr Charles J. Kappler , chief clCl'k of the United States sen. ate committee on Indlnn attalrs. has been Issued b ' the ) government prIntIng - Ing office. 'rhls compilation Is embraced - braced In two quarto volul11es o { 1,200 pages each. and contains all treaties ever made with the Indian tribes 'nnd all laws relating to the various In. dlans enacted by congresB up to the present time , together with executive orders creating resen'atlons , procl- } matlons , statistics , trust Cundfl. etco 'rho rovlsed edition Includes the slg- rlntures to the treaties , many treaties that. were heretofore unohtalnable and othm' useful Information. Each volume Is fully Indexed , making 1'0- search eas ) ' . The statutes at. large IB Collowed In Its malwup. 'rhe compilation - pilation of the Indian treaties 1ul ] aws has heen recommended Cor man } ' -ears br the seCl'etar ' of the Interior , commissioner of Indian affairs an both Indian commlsBlons of congress. ANNIVERSARY OF PANAMA. Reception In tl1e Afternoon Followed by a B311 at Night. COLON-Thursday's celebration of the first annlversan- Independence was an orderl } ' one. IIlgh maBS was helll In the morning , anll In the afternoon - noon there was n meeting at which munlcllml officers delivered orations. ThlB was followed by a reception ten. dered by the governor. Porfiro Melen- dez ; the civil nnd mllltnry gm'ernor of Colon , CommandCl' Merriam of the American cruiser Dixie , the conflular officers and many other persons at. tending. The DIxie fired II. salute of t.wenty.ono guns , At night there was II. IIlsplay of flreworls ; : und a pub. IIc ball. 'I'he town was decorated In red , whlto amI blue , and pictures of President Hoosevelt , President. Amn. dor ami Governor 1\lolendez were Ilrominentl ) ' dlsl1layed. Booth-Tucker In London. NEW YO UK-It was announced that Commander l < rederlck Booth. 'l'ucltor , who for eight and a hall ) 'ears haB commnnded the Salvation Army Corces In the United States , Is al1polnted to the International headquarters - quarters In London , and will act ns secretary alHI re11resent all countrlee olltslde of Great Britain. ThlB will malto It net'eflsar ) ' for the comman el I to travel In all 1arts of the world Commanllor Booth-'l'ucltcr's farewel meeting In Now Yorle City will b ( held on Novcmber Hi , Study the Country. . ST. PAUl.lInnl'assengcr : nm' ' . Immigration rOl1reSlmtatives : of th { I NOI'thern l'acll\l' \ stntloned In the 1m . ) lOrtant centers from : 'Ilnlne to Call fornla , will gathel' In St. I'lIhl th ! ! weelt anll will l(1a\'o Thllrsday morn ing In ) Irl"nto cnrs ntll1chClI 10 till rogutu' ! weRthounll throllgh train 01 a comprehensl\'o tour of the torrlton ISNOve1 b ) ' the Northern Pacific. 'fill J trip Is to be made for the purpose 0 slvlng the ropresentativeB of the S'B . tom I1Crsonal Imowledgo of the west Its cities al'd growth. . I GLOOM IN RUSSIA FEAR nXPRESSED FOR THE SAFETY OF PORT ARTHUR. - OESPERSIOH IN THE WAR OFFICE General Nogu Makino a Supreme Ef. fort to Capture the Fortreos-Feels Confident That Success Will Soon Attend H Is Efforts. ST. PETEnSDUno-Thero Is con. Blderablo anxiety here over the mill. tary situation. No late news haa heen received { rom 1\1ul < den , General Salt. haroff's report of November 1 merely Indicating that mattora were Ilt. 11 deadlocle aro\llul Shal < he. The Jap. aneBO have made some tentative moves on both fianlts , which were I checked , but there are no signs yet of general advance by their anny. I Foreign reports Cram Port. Arthur I nro decidedly gloom ' , whllo the au. I thorltlos continuo to profess confid. I ence In General StoesBel's ability te. hold out , the popular { eellng Is that the heroic garriBon , which ull'eady has made a historic defense , must now bo near the limit ot human en. durance. The officlnl reports from Toklo de- scrlbln ! ; the desperate assnults on Port Arthur , beginning October 2G , have creatQ(1 ( vlslblo depression at the war office , The sustained character of the bombardment. with siege gunB and the breaching of the walls by underground - ground mines , but. above al1 the Caet that the Japanese government after weeles ot sllenco regarding the operations - ations or the besiegers hl1vo given out these reports before actual succeSB has crowned their efforts. convinces the mlJltar } ' authorities that. nfter long preparations Genernl Nogi Is not only making a supreme effort to ( 'any the fortress , but feels so confident of success that the result of the prelimInary - Inary operntlonB has becn made Jlub- IIc. They helleve the assault wns timed COI' the announcement oC the fall of the fortress to be ma o UlOn the hlrthday of the mllmtlo tomorrow , which , } } y a strange eoincltlenco , Is the tenlh annlvCl'sary of the accession of Emperor Nlrholas anll a great Russian - sian holiday. 'l'omorrow , therefor ( ' , Is expecte to be marltcd by fate for a Ilay of Immense rejoicing either for , Tapan or Russia , accOl'dlng as the present assault succee s or falls. The wal' ofllco Is tr 'lng to } } uoy U ) > the nusslan hopes with references to the long and successful defense Lleuten. ant. . General Stoessel has thus far conducted - ducted , but things have now reached such a pass with the garrison anll the character of the present nttempt upon the fortress IB evidently so determined thnt tbe authorities frnnltly admit. . the } ' would not. . be surprised If the cnd was nt hand. In the face of the gloomy reports direct from Toltlo the Invalid nuss , the army organ , torlay nn- nounces that the storming operations ende with a repulse of the JapaneBe on Monday , but the paper falls to glvo Its authorltr for this Important. state. ment. No official report warranting It has been recolved br the war of1lce. BATTLE MAY BE DEFERRED. There May Be No More Fighting This Year. s'r. PETERSDUnG-The expectation - tion of serious developmentB at the theater of war has again failed of reallzaUon. 'I'oday's official dlBpatches record nothing more serious than the u8unl sltll'mlsheB. The strategists Ilt the war office are genernllr Inclined to bellevo that. the eXlectcd ) great. battle may be deferred and llOsslbly may not occur this 'oar , thoulh the Japanese mil ) ' malte n desernto ) attempt to fiank Genernl Kuropatkln and compel him to surrender 1\1ukden. If Gener. al Kuropatkln'ls convinced that the Japanese are now numerically superIor - Ior , he may decide to drnw oCf , as It would obviously bo unprofitable to rlBk II. general engagement. until the . . . .ast armies to be placed under his command can reach Manchuria. What. , ever happens It Is not lIleely thllt the Japanese can talto KuropatJdn un. awares. Repeated reconnolssances beyond - yond the Jnpaneso lines betrn ' the strength anl purpOBes of Flold Marshal - shal Oyama's movements. If the .Tap- anese really Intend to advnnce It Is 111\01) ' they will do so Immedlatelr , and not Ilwalt the arrival o { the eight. . Russian corps the first Installment of which Is already at Mukden. Hequlem Mas3 for Alexander III. ST. PETERSDUnG-Tho emperor , and empress and the ImHJrlal ) family attended a solemn requiem mnss at i the Church of St. Peter and St. Paul I In memory of Alexander Ill , who died ten 'ears ago 'Vednesday. The em. peror will In a few days bid farewell to the Fourth army COrI1S , which will bo Included In General Grlppenberg's arm ) ' . It Is now understood that Gen. eral Llnevltch's nrm ) ' will bo deBlg. nated the first nnd General Kaulbar's the third. the compoBlsting standing as oX111alne In former dispatches. Trouble In Centr America. MAZATI.AN , "Iexlco-Now reaches ) Ioxlcan west coast 110rts from visit. ors from Guatemala thut the IIttlo re- - Il1\hlle Is on the verge of nnother revo- ! ) utlon. which IB said to be the result of an act of war on the part of the HOl1\lhllc of Salvador. General Salva. dor ' 1'oledo Is now proparlng to In. \'ado Guatcmah\ the hend of Corces furnished by the Sah'alorean { repnb. IIc , and It is feared the trouble Is lIltel ' to Invoh'o nIl Central America , , President Cabrera of Guatemaln has turned aialnst. Toledo. . , ii' . . . , . . , ' . . , ' . ' - , . . . I . 1 L N WS - IN NEBRASKA I - $27,500 FOR A LOST LEG. This Is the Amount Recovered by John Connelly. 01\IAIIA-John Connelly , a Wyom. Ing stocl < man , recovered a verdict against the Union Pnclfic road for $27,600. This was for loss of both I s which were cut 01T by a trnln at. the foot of N streQt , South Omaha , some years ago. Connelly hall sued Cor $50,000 , and this was the Courth trial of the suit. Theverdlct. Is the largest thnt has over been recovered hero In n persou' al Injury damage case against a cor. poratlon. T. J. Mahoney and J. A. C. Kennedy appeared Cor the plaintiff. and A. 'V , Jofferls was assoclate with the Union Pacific law 'orB Cor the de. fenso. The defense waived Its argu' ment. In order to cut off 1\rahoney's closing argument for the plaintiff. The only nrgument. made was by Mr. Kennedy - nedy , who opened Cor the plaintiff AGED FARMER IS FOUND DEAD Wife Who Makes Discovery Ha9 Dlf. flculty In Sending for Help. L XINGTON-Chrlstlan Olson a prominent citizen of Dawson county , was found eall b ' his wlfo at the west encl of his farm , about. . ono mlle Crom the house , where ho had gene In the afternoon on horseback to fix II. fence. Not. returning , his wife went In search of him , finding his corpse near the fence. She went In quest of help , got lost In the cornflold , but later got to n nelghhor's house , finding no me at home. She final ! } ' got to II. telephone , but It. was 11 o'clocle before aid reach- r1l ! her. 1\1r. Olson , , 'ns &bout 80 years of ago and sllhjert to Ilttacl < a of as. thma. MI' . and : 'Ilrs. Olson lived Illone on a farm two miles south of this city. MURDERER GETS SIX YEARS , Sentence of Tim Carr for the Killing of Charles Best. PAPILLION-Tlm Carr , who was found gllllt ) , of mansla\l ( hter after trial for the murd'r of Charles Best at Sal'I1 ' l\lllls park on the evening of , Tilly 4 , was sentencell hy .Tudgo Slit- ton to six years at hard labor In the ) Ienltenthll' ) ' . Carr's aged mother , hlB sisters and othcr relatives were present - ent when the sentence was pronounced und were gerntly affected , but Carr I seemed In good spirits beclluse the sentence was no heavier. When Can' was led bacle to jail weeping among the women was general - eral , and mingled with this was a I'rarer by lrs. Carr for the protection of her son. Children Are Taught to Beg FnIJMONT-Tho ! police pllt. . a stop to a bogging Rcheme which had been worlwd successfully by means of Rome children In the r\sldence portion - tion at the city. 'fhe youngsters car. rled papers showing that they were living In a wagon In the southeastern JJart of town , that their father was Hick 11.1111 the - were absolutely desti. tute and there were nine children In tilt ) family. Last. weele they worked the same part. . of town successfully , and when the mllttor was Investigated no such people coul be found. Fires Two Shots at Operator. DmA'fnlCE-What seems to have been 0. bold nttel11pt at. robber . was mndo at 2 o'clock In the mornln by an unl entlfied IDan who fired two shots through the window of the Dul'- IIngton stntlon at. Dewitt , at Night Oporatol' Darnes , one of which toole eITect , wounding him slightly In the arm. Jlldge Parker has expressed high apreclatlon of the part William J. Bryan has talten In the present. cnID' lIalgn. Shooting at Valentine. VALENTINE-Four persons were shot , two perhal1s fatally at a dnnce hall near Fort. . Niobrara. naymond .T. D. Smith , a qllarterblood Indian and 14\1111 Johnson each recelve bullets through the body Crom the effects of which they will probably die. Arthur 'rrumbull , n l\'ery ! drh'er , and John Stratton were strlouslr wounded. The Injurell personB were preparing to leave In a wagon when fired upon from ambush. 'I'ho two horses were Itlllod. Potatoes Yield Dig Returns. YORK-William Paden , n farmer living weBt of Yorle , planted thlrt } ' ncres of potatoes and cared Cor them , 1\:1d this fall sold the potatoes In the ground for $50 per acre. The purchaser - chaser Is to dig and gather and mar. Itet them without. . expense to Mr. Paden , The 8-year-old dnughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin OSBowoltl of Gage coun. ty was shot In the right. arm b ' the accidental dlBchargo of a 22-callbro rlflo In the hands of her brother , wno was pln 'lng with the weapon. Large Sale of Sheep. FnE\1ONT-Detween : 40,000 and fiOOOO sheep will bo fed In the vlclnltr of this < 'Ity this winter. The numher Is smaller than usual , but Is large considering the scarcity of feellers and the high prices preml1lng. The largest sale made at the Fremont Rtoel ; : yards so Car this season was made b ) " E. Parno , a sheep man from Bolso , Ida. , to II. E. Janes , St. Paul , : MInn. , when they will he shipped for feed. In pllrposes. The allle ronslsted of GOOO he:1I1 of f 2.I1ollnrl lambs and 80- pound wel1HuA - . THE STATE AT LARGE. The parishioners of neve Smith at Drmlshaw surprised that gentleman by calling on him In good ! ) ' nllmber8 , each one bringing some article suit , able for t.ho Ilreacher's larder. D. J. Klmmerly waB badly Injured 10 a runaway accident In Deatrlce by beIng - Ing thrown from his wagon on to th ! ) pnvement. He Is 70 years of ago aUlI will be confined to his homo for some tllho because of his Injuries. Orvlllo Dateman , 12'enr-ohl son ot ? , . . . .T. n. Bateman , of Stella , accillenlnlly - dlBcharged a shotgun , blowing his on. tire let ( hnnd off and Bhatterlng the bones so that It was necessary to am- ) l\\tate the arm a call pie of Inches be. low the elbow. The accillent occurred. whllo the young man was out hunt.- Ing. Will Moore and Jnmes Daggett , whl ) Hve Courteen miles southwest of Clear. water , were ollt hunting and the team ! which they were drl..lng jumlled JUBt. as Daggett was getting Into the wagon , causing him to drop his gun. Doth barrels were discharged Into the right leg , just above the anltle. Tbe log will be saved. i The ceremony of la'lng the cornerstone - ; stone of the Indies hall of the Grand . IBland college was observed by thO' ' I faculty , students an friends of that , ! Institution , the contents of the corner- I stone being Issues of the college papel" ' contilnlng a history of the Institution , articles of Incorporation of the college - lego , etc. The hall w111 cost $20,000. Charles WellB , II. farmer Hvlng t.hree miles from Falrbury , committed sui- cl e. He left the house during 11le night an not being able to find him In the morning his wlCe called In th@ neighbors at daybreak and they found him hanging In the harn loft. He wa& In good financial circumstances and his domestic relations were harmon- t Iou ! ! , so no reason Is Imown for his act. Copies of the new manual and the regulations provided Cor the new magazine - azine rlne ha\'o just been recelve < l Crom the war department by the ad- I jutant. general , and the Nebraslcn na- tlonlll guard w1l1 hereafter he rilled ! . under the new rules , 'I'he regimental and battalion movements are much slmpllfied an the new regulations are much more condensed thun the old ones. Detective Malone of the DurllngtoI"l' ' has returned trom Colorado , where hB' succeeded in causing the arrest or three persons , 'who gave their nnmes' a.s J. M. Harris. an ex-convict ; Chnrles Mock , also an ex"convlct , and Earl Dush , 16 years old. They hnve aU been bound over to the dlBtrlct 'court In Akron , Colo. Dush made a. confos- sian , naming the towns where theY' had stolen merchandise from the cars. Brakemnn I. . . W. Hansen of Emer' " son owes his life to luck. Beneath1 the wheels of his freight train on' . the Omaha road he was nenrly j ground to death In the switching yardS' . at Norfolk. Tossed headlong from thO ! top of a moving car by the sudden setting - ting of the air , his body lit. beneath the trucks and was churned tor some distance , being shoved along by the guards nnd kept by thom trom the I wheels. Ills Injuries are serious but. . r he wl1 recover. I - A committee of dentlBts representIng Ing various dental organizations over the state met In Lincoln and formu. lated II. bill which , If It pa8ses an examination - amination b ' competent. lawyers , w111 be presented to the next legislature for passage. The bill Is based on the , -law now In force In California and one ot the purposes of It Is to raise tho- standnrd of the profession 1n the- stllte. The provisions of the California. law are said to he the strictest. ot nnY' state In the union. Albert. . AbrahamBon , a bachelor far. . mer 50 'OIlrs of age , living twelve- i miles northwest of Shelton , was rob. . I bed of money and securities to the , amount of $1,260. A trunl ; : In which ho- . kopt. the valuables had been talten I from the houBe , carried to 0. corn field and broken open. I At a meeting held In Shelton which was attended by representatives or the Independent. telephone companies -j of that. pnrt of the state the Cenral 1 Nebras1ta Toll assoclntlon was organ. : Ized. The object of the organization Is to arrange for toll rlltes over the I various Independent lines. Willie , the 14-rear-old son of D. C. I Fender , section foreman of the North- western railway at DaUlo Creek wns I ' the victim of a shooting acclden't. Ho had been out hunting nnd when cross. 1 Ing the rallr011d brldgo west of town / his gun , which he was carr 'lng In the- left hand , barrel up , slipped between the ties of the bridge , the hammeI' striking a tie and discharging the gun , the full charge tnltlng effect In the left hand nnd the left sldo of the. chest and head. Ho Is badly Injured , but may recover. The Ashland Light , Mill & Power. company has been Incorporated , with a capital stock of $16,000. The Incor. porators are C. II. Brown , R. K. J , Brown , J , C. nalsbocle and F , E. I White. . The farm home of George IInlmaB , located five miles northwest of PlnttB' mouth , was burne1 { to the ground. The fire originated In ono of the upper roomB of the hulldlng , nnd IB supposell to have started from a defective l1ue. Fred Grlgsley of Seward county WM Reverelr Injured by being thrown trom ' . a load at bay. t