Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, November 10, 1904, Image 1

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'Illlht , alII I pr\'cnl h'atlachE' ' ' . nilI'
CIHlrll'jI art ! IIIOII"l'all' . } . 'I'onlour GIIIC" \
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- - - - -
School Rooks ,
School Supplies ,
J. G. Haeberle's :
We have just received :
a fine lot of. . , . . . . , . .
N w Cards and. fpJclels :
li'or the fall trade. . . . :
Good work and Low Prices
\Ve have $3,000 pri'ate money
to loan on unprov'd farmR at a
low rate of intere t.
[ HDwlcn & 1 { OU51 { .
1 am now lucated just north of
the CURter Nationaillank. Come
and see me for bargains 111 real
estate. Some choice acre property -
perty for sale.
. . .
- - - - - - -
o Money to loan 011 imprO\'ed
farms.-l . G. l\IoOHF. , Gleim
Block. 41tf
. .
- - -
Some nicc hogs at SeyboltR
Rale on the 16th. I
. . . .
- - - - - - I
H.eneau & Leonard , Bonded
Abstracters. Order h ) ' phone ,
we pa ) ' the call. ,
Bring your chickenR to P. J.
Simonson and get the highest
mark t price. 10 tf
SCJhoH has a nice lot of Duroc
J crseys.
Farm Lease , Chattle 110rtgage
and Warranty Deed blanlg at
this office.
- .
- -
- -
\V AN'l'ltD-Men with families.
11'air price and good houses.
34tf West Union , Neb.
. ,
- - - - - - ' - - - - -
DR. T. A. I.EACH ,
: J : ) : EI'Jax : : IScrr
Brol < en Bow , Nebraska.
I t is our aim to gi'e you honest -
est , conscientious work and to
please you in ever ) ' detail. Should
our fillings comc out or our work
prove un atisfactor.r in any manner -
ner we will cheerfully refund your
money or do the worl ! over free of
charge , whichever you desire.
Bv a new method we remove
the -Ii ve ncrve perfectly painless
and immediatcly Jill the tooth ,
thereh ) ' avoiding the of't f 'peat-
ed visits of the patient to thc den-
tist.Ve are prepared to extract
teeth absolutely painless and insert -
sert new ones the same day if de-
sired. Our anesthetics ar adso.
lu tely harmless.
T. A. LEACH , D. D. S. ,
Telephone 258 ,
Office in Myers-Gliem Building.
m : : : : : : : : : : m
I Thc district court will convene
ill this Ctty next Monday witb
Judge IloRtctlcr 011 thc b 'l1ch.
d. Hey e , Secrdar ) ' of the
State Bankmg BOlml , camc up
from Lincoln Monday to remain
ovcr election.
Major r lison of Anslev , carne
up Wcdnesday with elecWtion reo
tUfl S. This ofl ce acknowledges. .
a fnc1l < lIy call. :
ChaR. Penn , COlll1nandmcl1t of I
I the Soldiers Home at Milford ,
camc home Sunday night to
exercise his right of franchise.
W. D. Hall of Sargent , was a
friendly caller at this officc this
morning. He came o\'cr yester-
da ) ' with the election rctt1rn .
W. S. Amsbcl'ry of Sheridan ,
Wyoming , is expected to arrive
in the city li'riday with his bride.
They will visit Kansas City ald
8t. 140uis before they return.
Jerome Whitc and family. who
left here two or three ycars. ago
and went to 1\Hssouri , have re
turned to Broken Bow with the
view of buying property and locating -
cating rermanently.
Miss Lena Caywood , who has
been in California for the past
four or five years , returned home
'l'uesday on a visit. On her return -
turn she visited thc 'Vorlel's Fair
at St. Louis and relatives in
As thc official canvass of the
election returns will not be malle
until tomorrow , we are unable to !
g'e exact figures on the several
candidates this week , but will
publish 'the vote in tabulated
form next week.
'rhe special meetings at the
Baptist Church closed Sunday
night. Twenty.three professed
conversion during the meetings.
Rev.Vhite left to-day for
Juniatta , where he expe ts to
put in special work for two or ,
.thrce weel } > , > . He is a hard and
ff ctiV'V 'ker and is filling' the
position of "Pastor at Largc" in
a vcry acceptable manncr. He is
the right . man for the place.
- -
Of Rcgistered Duroc Jersey
Males and Gilts at my place ,
November IS , at 10 o'clock a. m.
four miles south of Broken Bow.
'l'hiR being my first annual sale I
invitc you to attend and be convinced -
vinced that the abovc hog is
meeting with great popularity
not only in the cast , but is Rwift-
ly moving" westward. I do not
claim to havc the best berlt hut
do claim to have some good ones.
M ) ' heard hcaders have heen selected -
ected from prize winning strains
( 'aeh year , paying as high as
$100 for males. My this year's
shoats arc the best J ha\'e ra.ised.
Why breed infcrior grades when
y u can buy registcred ones.
Come and bny at your OWll pricc.
Let me say you cannot make
good animals with corn , alfalfa ,
barley or other frains. First
you must havc a foundatoin from
which to build. 'l'ry making one
out of a razor back that I have
secn roaming the woods of Flor-
ada or some like specimen in
Nebraska. .
J Cadwell Perfection 20251
' 1 Cad well Corrector 26157.
Lady Broken Bow 49614.
Lady Gibson II 31080.
Edna III , 26568.
Manley Sow 62966.
Edna Perfection ( ,2967.
and Othcrs.
TERMS OF. SAL1Under : $10
cash. O\'er S10 , tcn months time
at 10 per cent , approved security.
Also some choice Hegistered
Herford bull calves of the best
breeding. ' 1' . C. Callahan , auc.
tioneer. O. N. CADWULI , .
1I . .t I.llIllnclit UI1 " .arth.
Henry D. Baldwin , Supt. City
Watcr Wors } , Shullsburg , Wis. ,
writes : iiI have tried many
kinds of liniment , but I have never -
er rcceived much benefit untH ]
used Ballard's Snow 14inimen1
for rheumatism and pains. ]
think it the best liniment OrJ
earth. " 2Sc , SOc , $1.00 Sold by
I Ed. McComas , Broken Bow and
U ( > IIU"Ucnll Elected aU Mix Ctlll I'CI'I.l' ' !
lIIrn III NcIJrl19kn.
'rhe ) ' arc : l . J , url U ,
li'irst District , Lincoln ; J oh n L.
Kenncd ) ' , Second District , Onla-
hnj J. L. McCarth ) ' , 'rhird District -
trict , Poncu ; B. H. Hinshaw ,
Fourth District , l"airbur ) ' ; G.V. .
Norris , li'ifth District , McCoolq
M. P. Kinkaid , Sixth District ,
O'Ncil. Kennedy heat Ilitch-
tock of Omaha by SOO votcs.
J. ' 1' . Arthur , populist , of Comstock -
, stock , was re.elccted supef\'isor
in his district over John Scott by
100 or more votes. He carried
Sargent by 99 votes , and his own
township , Douglas Grove. Scott
carried his own townsh ipVest -
cr\'lllc , b ) ' 33 votes.
OKT . .a.o.
Tomorrow is election aud we'll bet Usnt
I half of the cBndidates will be elected.
'i'hose of our people , doing business at
nok n lIow on Frida ) " audSaturday ; were
1\Irs , Ashbaugh an Harry , Walter Day
an wife , J. R. Baker ol1cl wife , and Mart
Aw05 I..ewis of Custer Center , and his
father of Broken Bow , stopped over lost' '
'fhursday , as t1\ey \ were on their way up
to their claims in the saud hills , helping
C. D. Da ) " thresh his millet.
Sawmy Waddington passed the c.iti.
cal point last Thursday aud with no
bockset we look for his recovery hilt it
will be some time , as he hAs bccn very
low , and is } 'et for that maUer.
Corn husking is now in full blast , the
threshing is now all doue , and the lUa-
chines pulled in for the winter , and we
can only say that the harvest of all kind }
of crop , has been a bountiful one.
Dr. J. II. Morrow , who has charge of
the cases of Scarlet Fever at Mr. Hill's
came o\'er Sunday and concluded that
it would not be safe to raise the quarin.
tine for some days yet , consequently the
republicans will be short two straight
voteR in this township.
The Literary Society held their election -
tion of officerat / last mee.ti g , and for
this term are 111 follows : PreRident , n.
Pope ; Vice-president. Roy Eastman ;
Secrelat' } . and treasurer , Archie Hughesj
Critic , Miss Swenson. 'fhe next meeting
will he held at C. D. DIl1residence. .
. . .
The meetings at the Robinson School
house closed 'fhursday evening.
1\1r. IIlItll\lrs , Dave Christen returned
from the St. I.ouis Fair last wl ek.
Re. . . DeIollg was occolllpaniell last
Sunday by Danny Cosncr of Mcrna.
Guy RobinRon returned Iriday from
St , Iouis. IIe reports a good time.
SlIpt. Iewis called at the Robinson
School house last 'fuesllay hut found tbe
< < leer locked.
Miss l Ulma Carr of Uroken Dow , is
\ ' sitil1g among friends amI relatives at
New Helena.
R. R. Robinson amI son Harvey , were
business visitors at Broken Bow Friday
aud Saturday.
1\1rs. I dmunds rect : ! ve II UIl' satl news ,
WellneRda ) ' , of tbe 11eatb of her mother.
in South Wales.
William Edlllllll S antllIarvey Robin.
SOli were business visitors atIr. ! . Iows ot
I.odi last Tueday. !
l\Iisses Mary , Sarah alill Ruth HdlllUlul'i
weut to CUlllro last Satunlay for a few
days \'isit among friends.
Willie and Bennie Williams , John Sny"
der antI Joe Doman have purch05ed new
corn sbeller : ; . 'fhese new macbin will
500n have tbe corn shell'ell.
Thcre is no school at tbe Robinson
School house. 'fhe tea her , Miss Mag.
gie 'fu'lor of Merna , is . . .ery sick witb
typboid fe\'cr. We all wish for her re-
co\"ery so sbe can be among us again.
SoUle of the hoys had a good timc
Monday nigbt. They serenaded Willie
McGaughey and wtfe at Mr. Snyders and
thcn pla'ed a few tricks ou some of the
I nei hbors who were at home aud asleep.
Can anyone suggest 11 go otl way to
make youn men and boys behave , at
least , half \\11) ' dece nt when they are at
church ? Young men and bo's sbould
have respect for otbers even though they
ha..e none for themselves. If they can
not go to church or any place of gather.
ing and behave themselves as genU em en
should , the ) ' should sta ) ' at home , sa\'e
their ' aud bu ' hook " -
monc ) ) a on "ml1l1-
uers" if they do not know how to hehavc
without beillg told 11) ' pastor/l lul those
who go to the same places as they do. It
is shame for them to do as the ) ' do.
Iarents go with } 'our children somet tues
and see for } 'ourself how they act.
Teach them to respect those around t1lem
or to stay away until the ) ' do know
1I1I.I.n..I NIl\\'H.
I. . Wearing has n IIeW comer at his
honse. It is a dnughtc r. All is wcll.
J. II. Sloggelt has agl\iu lIIovctl to the
lIow nnll Albert Walker IIIO\'CS onto his
( arm.
'rhe hUIII of the tllt'cJher : alul the teeter
or the cngine have pnssecl throngh onr
1\1rs. t' . G. Montgomcr ) ' is at Pringlc ,
. D. , on a visit to her chilllrclI tlllll
grand children.
David Ashbangh htls the skeleton of
his new house up bnt thinks he will not
hnvc it finishcd before spring.
J. Austin I.o'd is now in the dehoruing
husiness alltl is around like a roaring lion
seilldug whom he mo ) ' de- .
'I'he clection hns passed , the batlle of
ballots is over once more 111111 no mtlttcr
who is dectcd just pntlt down in IIIt1c\ :
aud white ( he is III ) ' prcsitlent , ) 111111 uow
what next.
'rhe roat ! boss hllll comc I1l1tl tlisnppcnt'-
ell like the morning mist 8nd 1I0W the
gofers are springing frPIII the gronlltl in
all directions aud it begins to look us
though spnds was tt I1l1lpS.
Com ? Yes ! Wc huvc an cxtradori-
nary fair crop of coru tllltl soon will hc
heard the voice of the fcstive forevcr
singing :
Drllll ( out of th , ' lIallo ; :11111 : h\lIIIII..r.
' .rhe lumber an01I1'1,1Il'0 \ ; :
I. ctl ! tinker up th , ! corn crll"
'he eOI'll Is rip , ' III } ' bo'o ; :
RUII out the walrOIl JOhllll ) ' .
We atart at euly lIIorn :
To set the Baul.HoauJ'I rllllclnl ( .
" llIp hUAklnlC 0111 th , ' corn.
f ' CIWI < I'1'
'l'here'IIIUIIllc 011 lh" lI'al.,0 ; ,
'I'here' " IIIII lc III th , ' all :
'l'here's 1111I81c Int th" wlltl.wootlo ; ,
'l'hero's mU'Ilc "I'.n' wlll'rt ! :
IiUI the tllne thai ' 111111 ; mr ( :1111 : ) ' .
As I list at earh' lIIorn :
Is Ihe tllne pla'cd UII tht ! Balil/-lioanl.
By the hU51llnil 01 the corn ,
-CIlOIlU9 ,
Some love lhe IIlh cl ) III 11'1 i. : ,
The Irand PIano' " rlllll :
Some 10vII the ! : weel toned Orlloili.
As dullest OUIB the ) ' BIIlIr :
S/we love'thll sp ukllnlC OIu&lc.
Of the violin and hOIl1 :
D t gIve me the Banlr-Doartl mucic.
Pla'e by the Ifolden ears of corn ,
Each . tlugle on thf : bani' boanl ,
, J".aJc la lilY car . . ,
It slllli's of bl/rltlllll' ! corn crib. . " .
Which doth ollr 91'11'1111 clll' r :
It tells or peace allel "Iellty ,
' 1'0 the Imllirry alld lurlol'll :
Oh ! glve me the Uau . .lIonl1111111. . : ,
Played by Iloillelll'arli of eOI'll.
COtl1 up to I1i1ltlnle IUIlI we . will
whistle the chorus for ) 'ou.
li'red IIayeH , B. O. 1I u ttan and
Cam \Vahl left 'l'ucsday on a
hunting trip to l oek count ) ' .
They went with team and will
be gonc several days.
DUCHu't R.eIlJ ) ( ct Old A C.
It'R shameful whcnyouth fails
to show properrespect for old
age , but just the contrary in thc
case of Dr. King's Ncw Life
Pill . They cut ofT maladies no
mutter how severe and irrespective -
tive of old agc. Dyspepsia ,
Jaundice , Fever , Constipation nIl
yie1 < 1 to this perfect Pill. 25c ,
at Lee Bras. . Drug Store.
. .
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Duroc Jersey males for sale ,
both fall and spring pigs , $10.00
to : $15.00. Also a fcw SOWR.
14tf A. 'r. SItYllol.'r.
- - - ' - -
Insurance that insurcs.
38tf H. G. l\IOOIW.
Pure bred Poland China hog
for sale by A. Pool , Broken Bow ,
Ncbraska. 1 ( JU
_ . --rbti. . . _
- - - - - -
:1 : ! ; " ' ! : ia ! ; : : wmt : : ; :
' ! f\ : < :
I' You Can Buy
All Kinds of
. And
School I
Supplies I
iif " ' ,
E (
d. mC . .Jomas , !
AND J It'\V I'I.IU' . Ei
w w
r. " . .1 - ! n . ! ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , f'Nfo . . . _ . , . A . . . , . . .
: t' ' : " ' ; < j m ; ( \ > 1 I'i > l'ii : < Il' % Ul'N
! Bie : La.11p . Sale ! ;
< <
. t
< < \.cep your eye on our ,
Big 1401mp Sale that will
: show up in the next
c issue of the l epublicat1. .
: It will be a11 immcnse t
: afTair. All 11JO.t styles , I :
c1'i and the largest assort- tt >
mcnt vcr on sale in Cus-
ttr : county. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I >
c You. . to please , '
! m
! I J. c. BOWE . !
< : ' .
_ _ : , .
: . . !
c P. S.-Call and sce thl' , . . . t :
43 ! ) Q nd Herkimer Co. , . m
Neork. . . . . , . . . . . . . . . " 1 . ; ; ; " .
. . .
C c 'i''I\ ' ! ' \ " ' . . . . . . I .
: FULL CREAM CHEESE : 1- : ' :
U t _ _ _ 1h _ : _ : m _ vvV : :1i1ii : ' ; ij V ! iUl yv. : : : : ; ' U v 'J1 _ : : N' : I" : _ : " vv ' : ; : 13. v. t,1jiI : v : 1'l j u
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - -
' - . . . -
I J\Jnrl'h ' ' .I il'tIIlI' ! !
. . . .
I Judge Armour hm issued mar-
riagc liccnse to the following
pcrsons since the tin t of Octoher ,
up to date :
Samuel R Patton , Broken Bow
{ Mar ) ' N. Bowman , rolccn Bow
J Bo'd E. Griffith , Ansle ) '
t M irtie 1\1. Hatfield , Ausley
l \ .1 as. W. Hicldu bottom , llerwyn
1 BonIa } olden Hatfield , Berwyn
I J Gco , g. Stuckey , Oconto
t : l\1arjory Campbell , Georgetown
J Jf'sse B. Hendcrson , Anslcy
I Ruby 1\1. Pinclmey , Ansley
J Alexander 1-1. Stone , Comstock
} Pearl Havlick , Comstock
{ Geo. O. Smith , Callaway
Clara Alice Davis , Merna
'Villiam 'L' . Randolph , O\'cr
{ Myrtle 11. Rommine , Ovcr
J Mary E. Hcnman , Broken Bow
1 Belle Brakeman , Brokcn Bo\v !
J : Weav r Headlcy , Callaway'
l Nellie Empfield , Calla way
{ Geo. " 'Y. Shaw , Mason City
Maude-Coe , Mason City
j Mark J enscn , .Mason City
1 Cathcrill R. Keunedy , Ausley
J Henry : : ) tuckart , Custcr county
1 Fay Jones , Custcr count ) '
Oeo. W. McGaughey , Ansdmo
Nose Willett , Anselmo
J Bert Cool , Saritoria
t AgncR Saltzgaruer , Kt'arncy
CheHtcr Bond , Led i
{ Annie Kolho , f40cli
" '
- -
J Homcr WOOilrulJ , Broken Bow
11 unice Bunch , Broken Bow
I John W. Nic1wlHon , Callawa ) '
Phebc \Vhitehcad , Over
J Geo. P. l ut11C1' , Comstock
( T4ita Allen , Comstock
Cn'.ac NU'WN ,
G. C. ' 1'aylor and 1\1iss Phillips. are
huck to school this week.
'l'he girln lire clllI\ill to night school
hettcr IIOW. WC hopc to see them thickw
er yet.
JIIS. 1" . Culver IInd Wm. Burch of
Sheridan , Wyo. , entered the busiuess department -
partment MOOtlllY ,
Lasl Fri ay 1\11' . Dcan telephoned for
help to get SOIllC lettcrs out before clec-
i lion , five of the students went.
Prof. Mohlcr has I3tartetl a new g m.
.mar class for the new students , lea\'in
Prof. Huff in chnrge of the letter writillg
The bask t ball teaUl has been prncti c.
iug with the high school. We hope to
pIll ) ' them a llIutchr.d game in the ncar
' " . ' ' . . . .
r Iturc. . . . . ' ' . .
. - t'i. \ i. . .
Business men dcsrilll ; extru help will
cOllfer u favor hy IIpplying to the Husi- .
ncss College , The IIttHlents willlJC , glall
tit tiny time for IIn opportunity to work
in the cily ,
'fhe nUsines Collc e is ulliking ar-
rangcmcnts to estnblish a remting room
for the benefit of thc stutll nts , FJielu1s
. of the school who feci 90 , HsposcII , can
do us II grcllt tleul of Joocl hy donnlinl
the currcnt nUlllbcrs of their mugAzilll's
for the realHng ttlble. Auy one who wi1\ \
ht : williu to tlo this will confcr It great
favor on both faculty IIntl 9tutlellt9 ,
" - " " , , , , - - . . ,
! ' - , : : : : ,
, - - - - - - -
. . , . .
, . ' . "If - . " - ' . . . . . ' : ' : .11 Ie !
About buying' a. . . . . . .
Corn Sheller
I f so , you want thc hC-5t. ! U
\Vc have it. Nonc so good.
ThO JoB.letVc
II I Nonc so satisfactory : None
. so durable.
. , . , ' ' . ,
- -
I Have Just Received. . . . .
. . . . a carload of the famous. . . .
Note the following unheard of prices : : : fencc
with ( , .in stay , 23 cts per rod ; formcr IH'ice 30 cts. fence with CIintay , 28 cts per rod ; former
price 35 cts. Thb. . fencing- made of No's CJ and
12 g-alvanized win' . It will pay you to huy now as
it will he hig-her when thi : ; carload is gone. 'J'he e
prices ar ( ' made 10 introduce it.
C. W. A P P L E ,
. . Broken Bow.