Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, November 03, 1904, Image 5

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\1 \
Judge Parker's Statement an Amazingly Recldess. .
Falsification of Facts and Figures.
\ .
Which Has Been Repeated by Bryan , Olney ,
Hill and Other Democrats-Real
I Cost of Islands in Money
and Life.
, It hns been tntcd rcpent'dly during. the cnmptlsn that , Tudrc Park'r. the
Democratic cllnditlllto for tbe Prosldenc ' , Js It dlsclille o ( D. ll , lIlII. who Is
acknowletl ed to bo the Irclltest tricltster In his lIart ' , but tew pel'Nons belle\-
ell that Pnrker had 111'o\'etl to be such nn IIpt 111I1111 that he ( 'Qulh'c his
mentor points . : lU Insll ) ' bent him In the lIrt of Calslliclltion ; yet Ruch IIppoars to
bo the cnliU , .Tudje Pn1'ker has outhllloll Hili In call1lalJn [ thn.t wlll pass Into
hlstor ' I\S n 1'orol'll.hreuker tor DOllIoerlltic unti'uths find IlIhU'epres'ntatioli. Ills
I recent 81leoch. In'hlch lie distorted the factsl as to the cost of the Philippines
in 1II0ne ) ' and lIe , as sllch /rote ! lue pr\'erslon ot the tacts that William .
Curtis , one ot the most conser\"ntlve ami illlilartial wrlterR In the countr , ) ' , call $
Parker to aCl'Onnt In the Ohlcago HCcol'lIel'ald , nu In ellendcnt neWSIHlper ,
which has not nlwa's , ,1I0en fait. to Hoose\"elt. lu n Jetter date W shlngton ,
D. C" October lithlr. . Curtis says :
"In order to plense a few n mirerll
ha ( Pu"ter ) dl'dded the destiny nn 1m.
periled th ( ' wcJful'e of se\"eral 1I1111100lFi ot
pl'ople without rc nl'd to the facts or cou ,
si erinJ ; the COnSelllenCeS ! , 110 , accmwd
! 'resl ent Uoose\'elt of reckl'si'l ' spealdn ! : .
hut' ' Hoosc'clt lIe\'cr mll e hnlf ns rlct.- !
) ess a 8pel'ch , . 'Judg-e Parker demonstrat-
\ 4.'d with his own ton lIe thn t he is not lit
to exercIl'e the nnthol'it ) ' 1\1111 assume the
respon8lbllltil's ot tile IIl'esiden ( ' ' ,
, "lIe is either n dcmng'ouc : wIthout
' conscience 01' cisI' thp'ictim of mnllcl-
ous enemies 01' foolish ad\'isl'r8 , ' .rhe
ftatmuents he uUel's lire so fulse and
absurd and ridlcnlous that he esl'r\'es
l11Iore pit , than blunll ! , ) , ' 01' ex\l1Iple , he
tells us that 'We IlIn'e wasted 0\01' $ U ; ' O-
000,000 or the Ileople's 1I10uey 111111 s/lcrI- /
ficed o\'er 200,000 Ii\'es' in the Philip-
IIIrW $ , : \11' . llryan.11' . Hill aud slvernl !
other gClltl1I1en h:1\"e : nsserted that the
I'hiJippilles hu\'e co t the lCollle of th ( '
'Unite Stutes noooooOOO11' ; . OIne '
put the fi nre at $ iO JOOOooO , .TlldJe
, , l'ar1er sJIIit. the dlll'erence , It wonltl
be interesting' to knQwhel'e he gets his
; , fi ures , ,
"i\ . resolution wns introdnr'll In th ( '
enate In the SI1'inof / 11)02 inluh'lng
at tlw 'Yar Dl'partmellt as to the l'Xa't
\ nmount of moner XPUI\lI' tor militar ' !
1l\1l1t-Ies In the Philippine Islnnds fl'olll' '
f 1IIa ' ] . ] S)8 ! , nnd a detailed tatement
: was then submlttell b ' the Serl'etar ' of
, War which foots up $1iO.I2GriSUl1 : ,
, The II1' 1leipnl it'ms arc ns follows :
Quu1't,1'mn tl'r's 111'11n.rhuent . . . . $74:14-1:0 : : : : ;
SuLJsl8teuce dell l'tlllent . . , . . . . . . : ! 1 , : ! ,272 :
1'1l ' dlII\I'lllll'ut . . . . " , . . . . . . . . . u\In : : ! , : ! : !
I'dicill1I'I'I1I'tUlI'lIt . . . . . . . . . . . . aS7S,7liG
Ol"dulluce1'1II'tuwnt . . . . . . . . . . . 4,802,0 : ; : :
13IllInl ser\'lco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,322,712
Amn7.llIJ : HXBitcrntion. :
"That brln ! : ! : ! the acconnts down to
April ao. HJ02 , SllIce thnt date the ex-
pcnditures llavo prouabl ) ' heen $10,000-
000 a 'cnr. At the outside fi IIl'es the
totnl expen iturcs of the Uulted Statcs
go\'el'llIlleut sluce Admiral Dewey eu-
tered the lla ) ' of rlIIi11l : with his fleet
hn\"e be'n lII\ler ( $ 25OOOOOO , IlIelu in- ! :
the $ OOOOOOO pllill to Slllin : under the
trent ) ' . an e\'Cl' ' other charll' , direct or
'nllit'ect ' , that could posslbl ) ' be constrneu
ns conne'te with the .aclulsitlon and
ret'ntlou of the I'hilipplne archipelago ,
civil , lIa\'al and mili ta I' ) ' . 11' Judfe
Parker should ndd to this total 1\11 the
money that hns ueen spent since : \Iay 1 ,
18GS. for the support of the Ilrm ) ' and
nav ' . for the constrnctlon of shIps , fortifications -
tifications finll navrrI ; : ( , ami for the
pay of the cle1'lts in the War and Nil v ) '
Departmellts at 'Ynshlngton , he could
Dot pile \Ip , the fig-IIl'es as l1igh as he
maltes them jn hh ; speech ,
"His assertion thiit OOOOO 1I\'es hnn'
been sacrificed is e\'en IlIore IlhSUl'll 111111
sensational , nnll It wouhl not he true if
( ! \'ery Ulan , Ioldler. 81101' IlI\(1 ( ch'ilian ,
who has gone to the Philippine III"I'hi-
pclago for nll ' reason slnctla : ) ' I , ] 8)3 ! ,
! Ia died Rnll were uuried 'thl're , 'I'he
totnl numher of Roldlers , I'eg'ulars and
, 'olunteers , that have Rerved In the Phil-
'pplnes ' at .uny time docs not exceed
1 OOOO , I cannot get the exact Iiures :
since the Islnl\ls ( wcre turned 0\1'1' to
civil lluthorItles , uut bctween .Tune :10 : ,
If-fl8 , and Jnl ) ' 4 , 11102 , .jOn7 onIcers IUld
122,401 enlisted men were sput to the
'slnnds , Of these 2lS ; ' ol11c'rs mil
4i,8U7 enlsted men were \'olunteers. 111\(1 (
1,882 olcel's lli i'1534 were regulal'8 ,
Totnl I" LOls Thnn ' 1liO.
"Or these the entlro tleath lst , In-
chulng those kliled in batte , those who
dle tram woun s ? disease , nccldents ,
lomlclde , suicide , rowning and al othel'
\ , Dln cau , e ! : ! was 10 ofcers an 4,23,1 enlsted
" 1'ho mortalty for the year ending
June 30 , WOI was thirteen olcers an
5 ; men , an to l' the ) 'ear clllng June
80 , 100. , It was two olers and levent ' -
eIght men , maling the total numblr of
denths lu the nrl ) ' in the Phlllpine
Ilalds urinJ ; the ! x ) 'enr ! : ! of AmmIl
occu11aton . l : oUlers an . , iG ! enlsted
"The number of pensIons nppled for
b , soldiers who wel'e enlaged in the
pnnlsh war In Cuba. ' Ice aUll
the Phippines an h- , the families of
those \10 died In hatte 01' trom wounl }
nlI dlsease up to ( late Is 68.13. ' .hls
In'lude men , women IHI chidren , .
"Hence 'ou wi perceive thnt . 'Jullge
rrker bns eth'r heen hetrn'cll , or I
Guity of gross pre\rle : Hon. Whlrh-
tVlr WiY 'ou look at It e\'el''bor ' wi
thnt snch surd and
Cgree I rlrkles !
A - atatcmcnts do not recommenll the
for President of the Unied Stutus.
Too l'repoeteroue to neny.
, "Judgo Parker ! luotes 8Ie Inony-
mous person wh hRS len glvlnK him
. Inf rmaton Ibont con ltunl In the Is.
Inod. , I be woul nnl8 his 'Intorllnt
the publc might jUdge of tle value of
th" tatementR , but he uP11ears to vouch
tor tbem , and may therefore be h.l re-
.pnslble , Some at them Ire Jntnmous'
eme' ot them are rl lculoul , IU 80le
.f8 too , repsteru'to deny , TJley are
Qut. 1 rckles' a Judie l nrker'lowl
.1nona to whIch I hae Jut rofee ,
I woul bo dlmcult tor &nbd , to
. IDto
Cd .0 maD7 llebol te alune
pacc. I wi tale see or them sern-
tl :
"Xo. 1. 'The ofcials of the govcm-
Uent are dlsholest , corl'upt nnd despotc.
' .he i911\ls ( seNU to have sncce 'ed in
the ' ' of .
geting vel dl'egs our peollle.
"Xow'l'lment / In the world hn.s a
more dlltellgent. honest or Indnst'ious
corps of emlllo 'es t h:1 : is serviug Inder
the lhliplllIe ! conlnl : 1. and the ns-
s'ton IR an insult to the fnmies nl11
( rleIls who Ielain II tl Ulltcd States.
' '
'l'he ' of the -
l'eCOllls lhiPlllle government
ment to dnte wH show n Ilelrce of el-
cleuc ' ' ' elual the
) , hOlest ) nHI Iidelt ) to
exeelltve Iwl jUI1cal hranohes of an '
: O\'el'nmellt In the weld ,
"No. : 'All'ilnltural ' the coulltr ) '
is for the time ruiled. Lnnd Is Joln : . ;
out of nlti\tlon , thc pOllulntion is i-
( cd. II In some plaeus unable to get
l'r pcrHy No , Rclsnl.
"Two 'ears aJo there wns n terrible
Ilrought ni o\'er the PhlllPlllnes In thc
farmers lott dIit' Cl'Op" . l.'amine wn ! : !
:1e1tell : br IIn appropriation from Cn-
gl ( 'SS which was expcled ! for 1'100 ald
other foods and dlHtrihuted where It wall
Ilcrer ImOI/ ; the people llut Is It
houest for .Judjc larla'r to hol 'he gov-
el'llclt rellpolsihlo for nn act of Provi-
delce : Last 'ear , however , prosperl '
wall restnred an at the present date
there Is enlth where the '
no ; pot on agl'i-
cultural Ilolllntion is in better conl1-
ton than ' In the Phippine Illunds..rhe
enl ) ' dlm'cul ) ' Is the lacK of labor. I Is
Impossible for fI'lel's or other emplor-
ers to obtain 'he , I\III nc'ded , althouh
wnJes are three , and In some cases Conr
times as high as the ) ' were h'fore Aler-
icnn oceupation , 1'he propie arc clam-
orln for Cllnee coolel. who nre pro-
hlble from eel\ng 111110'll'nt in the
Islnnds under the
1hillplne sale ex-
11 lon Inws that prevui in 'he United
"Xo. 3 , ' 1'hc cOlntr ) ' Is overburdened
wih taxation : isease Is prevalcnt nu
the fnrm nnilllals are
' ' 'he , rte of taxation wi . l\ernge : m
per Gent. lower than untler Spunlsh
dominaton , but un er Ameril : rule
taxes m'o colected Crom e\'er 'Id ) ) ' im-
IJu'tlaly. I"ormerlr tho'e who had a
'pnl' or wl're dispoed to brllt the col-
l'ctors e\'aded parment , whie' otlrs
wpre corpele to 11 the last penn ) ' ,
The le\'enUes , theretol' ( ' , l\e three al\l (
( nul Ures as large as the ) " e\er were ,
Sillce the ( norccmellt of tmitar : lawt
nnd rl'gula tion ; the constrllton of sewers -
ers nntl the Jlrifcaton of the wa tl'r
! ullplr the Ileath rate hnsJleen decrCa ed
iO per cent , I Is true that more thln
half the farl anlmiis in the IJlippinC
IiId from the pln ul' durinI 'the great
drought of m02 , hut Is I honest for
. 'Jud e Parker to charge thnt calamity to
til admlnlstrUon ?
"Xo , .1 'W11le lstrlcts are in tie
'hnlHls of
Imt rOle J\xtermlnntcd.
"Lnlronls are hlrhwa 'men , treebot-
ers , who 1\0 in gnlgs In the woo s , rall
the setements .anl blackmai the plwlt-
ers. In Spanisb times the " used to
lourlsh , but the vlloru ! nnd yhila1t
olleratlons of the nath'e con taIHlar ) '
hae prnctcaly oJterminutet them , and
the Phippine Islunls nro now as safe
as any part of the United Stutes ,
"X 0 , n , 'The Illee of pructs Is
poor anl unremunerlltve.
"An , ' . In the
) person Intereted detais
on this point can obtnin the qnotatlons
on Ihllllpino stuples , such as hemp ,
tnbacco , ; 1/ar / , copl'a an rice , trom an ) '
commission-house , where .Tu ge Parker
could ha vo seclred accurte information
H he hnd Illnced any yalue upon his
wor , He olght to know that prices or
a/rleultlral / pr lcts are not fxed lu
: \ lnnla . , but in the great murkes of the
"No , 0. 'Pl 1c opinion has no free
upresslon : ; newspapers fre bought up
or nre browbeaten into
"l'he ediors of the : \ sience. Ianlamerlen ,
the Cable News , the 'l'lmes , the Slnlla ) '
Sun' and others \
ue\tpapers publshod
Inhnlla wi smie whcn ther I'eud tbat ,
1'hey dller In opinion as to the meris
of the men nnll the wisdom of the polr ) '
o the admlulHtratlon , Some of the
papers lulPort i fn < Homo oppose I
nu the latter lambaste the olfclals with
an energy that is unequaled In any other
e ltorlul rom in the worili lletore
Ju ge Parlwr made sleh 11 prepo'terou
nssIr10n he ahonld hnve oXlmlned a flee
o the ; \Inia 1'lmel or the 8ulIay Sun ,
'l'he eliiors of those paperH hnve gOO
grouud for 1luel sit ngalnst him.
lnre Cn.e ot ) ncolshtoncy.
"The crtclml of the adllnitrnton ! : !
which ' in the
appeal' aly Ianla palel' ,
oren bitter Iwd \olent , are almost with.
out ) upon its , '
eXCelton bale Iberalt )
towld : the ; tor '
natves doln&
& exnct
whAt Ju ge Parker 8n'S i has uot done :
t for giving the l"Iplno9 to much selt.
go\ernment ; for prlulsng them Jude
) Iendeco ant tor appintng 80 malY
nnth'ea to orce. l V\U" , o"Q Or ot
eury prvince , evey mayor at every
town excep Ila , and almoat .Tr ,
aDd .
proTllcDl1 mWcpa oac f
_ l , _ _ _
' , . Iore thnn , \
ntl'C Pillno. 8,00 nnt\N\
nrt on the Ja ' rols , aut It Is the olln-
Ion ot the IleW Jnpl'rl ot : Innln. hoth
) Icmoc'rntl' a11 H'lllblican , nnll ot O\'er ) '
forclgl'r. l ur011:1 nUll Americau , that ,
\Hr lttle brwn hl'lthlrl ul'eHly hlM I ,
ahvut ' Relf-
oM m\eh hlll'llullenco
\ ( Inl I
gU\'lICUt aR he ( In staut. I Is n
' \ ' fur . ' anll Jlly
Ittc ) ( .1IJ"l 'lc
8UCCC ( rs to he Clh'lluell in this coun-
tr ' for gl\lul , the nntl\ M too Hmal n
"hnrl In the lo\'ernlelt nll in the
l'hlhlllnes tor gl'lng them too 1n\ch.
" :0 , i. 'Pln8 llrotlllce II the theaters
n re CNI '
! O'I.
" ' ' I . , , ' In
1hl'r ( ; uo crn orshll thle'er
tht , Phlllplle ISl1119 , mil th're has
LIn nl e nce cl'l Jo\'ermeut WUM
. omehol ' hnR \ '
eltah181111. ! ! c\'identy
hCNl telllr .1udJC lnrklr about thep -
l'l' slon ot a II/ , ' ha ell upon Incll'nts
In the ilslrrltlon , II which the Unl.
tcd State ! IInR plled toWl b ) ' the
In ' , ' dl'nmntlc mann'r ,
alto 1'er ) tor I
Into Illecls tl'unpletupon. The pin ) '
ant I
wn ' oncl' . the co
Ilresentl't hit , I 10 I '
hnt not pruhlbltlt a ! econ PNHllctioll ,
the thl'ater nlil the actors woull hnve
11'n In ' moh of -
( ( torn 111lces 1 n Intlg-
who hall or-
1nnt lollicrs ml cthrnll :
rnnh" tor thlt Ilrllse , ' 1'0 8atisf '
' ' . the
11blc camor. Sl'nor 'L'olentno.
nlthor , wnll arrl'tCd , Ic was rell'nsM
Iller honts. hut jumpell his bnI mu ) rn
a W. . le nflrwrd tel In wih lclrte ,
the slllrcme chief of the Xationul Demo'
c1tic HeJllh1c of the Ihlllll111ue Is.
IUIII ' nlli prl'lnrct his llrclamntonll
' . for
ant COlldlcted hit l'rl'cspontelct.
Hlcarte cnnllot or writl' . lloth of
entlemen liow In the -
thlsO ! are 1101i-
h'ltar ) ' .
TrInh Arc Fnlr.
"X < 8 , 'Dltect\cs Ippenr In the Jule
of sClalts.lU / the oath of n single
on Is enouh to dlslro ) ' a Iln's rcpu-
tation , llr1ert ) ' , Ibert ) ' or even lfe i-
" "hen ! ler :1111n. InRt slmmer
thl're had 1111 foal trIal tor sedition
slnco the estahlshment of the cvi ! ov-
erment , the latest. in which Dr. GOlllez ,
edior ot : nlth'e nCWlllper , was e-
( undnnt. havll ! Insted four months , nlli
he was aClulted 1110n t'chnicallc ; lUG
peollic hnd been con\icted of what mn ) '
ll' term ( ' 10ltlcI ofcnsl's. Ileldln
tht t 0 ld Ill \idlms of the lonKOlg
junta nld other , trl'asOlhle ' ; -
tjolS. anti thltr.thn'l' Iler . onB hul Klf-
( ered the ( 'nplnl IJl'nalt , { : lh cu c hav-
'in ! : been cnlcfll ' reviewcll hr the Su-
11''IC Court , ' 1helr ( lilll were mnr-
' ' . , rohh'r ' ,
< ( 1' arSOl rnlle fll hihwlY
' ' ,
'l'hel'e are two IlrtNtive orJanizutlls
- conllectoll wih 'he clt ) ' pol'e ,
whleh worl , within tl Ilnlellnl Imit ,
'l'he other. ( 'onnlclcd wih the l'nstabu-
Inr ' , WI' : < S in the rurll district ! Amer-
irnn. 8panlsh :111 : Inlve d'tecth'cs arc
'ed , ' ' ' , '
cmplo 'l'helr ltthotls Il'e txactl )
the 'ale nld the wciht of thl' ' -
; test-
lOI ' In court is t.iliar to that of thl
of York ' othcr ' ,
Iiolie XIW 01 nu ci
nishop nrlnt , o the I lllsl'ollr : chuch.
In In jlter\"iew wllhl Ilblh.hull last
. 'June. said : ' :1ula is c0111arath'ely frco
from crime , ' .
11t-Iorlol' ( a1l IruIlelllls.
Fe. ctes of th ti1e : rt so wel go\ern-
cd or n1e so free frol saloons or vlclols
clastes , ' 1hle ill a S11l'islngl ' slal
amouut of crime anico.
Ext ' Stn t.
rnort1 nnr ) tCltcn
. 'Xo . , 9 , . 'Jlt e Parker hi\s'lf d'clarr5
tht .the islald remain to.dnr Iterlr
Iltouchcl for nl ' ood' that the United
States 1iht have doul' for them ,
" 1'1Is is a most cxtaorllnarJ' state-
mnt for Inle1ian ciizen to male ,
' he for b , '
r cnl ell lrouuted ) Ilnor-
, male : . Does . '
Ilce ! or ) reudice. 'Julle
Parkl'l' s'e no seed il the establshment
of 4Odlols ( ld the ellucatlon or
1ore than OOOO ehlllrl'n : Does he
l'c'allze the vnlne If the punlc Imlr\'e-
rlits that han' , the
! ! ecI nUlle lew
harborf at1 ; anln , whi'h ha'e co"l
$ , ml to tlate , anll $ Oi-ri : ; at 1010
nnd Cebu the \ , the -
; w\lellll "trcett pa\e-
IC'lts , the . Inrks , the sew'rs , the new
wnter s ! tOIS , tne Il lc hlJhwn 's that
hn\e beel extJlled alll Impro\'ed at a
( 'o"t of $100,00 ; Ihc ] , O school hOlse8
hat hnbcen bui , an the various
othl'r Iml'ro\el'ltf lpon whleh m lolls
of dolrs 11\1 beel expendell. not rrom
thl treasur ) ' the Unied States , but
from the local trcasurles of the 1lan ! : ! s"
I wou : require a pa/e / In a 'newspaper
to t'l what IH ! : ! hetl dOle In the wa ) ' of
pubUc utlties alone b , the Amercan
rnwent ,
! clf-8npportn .
"Alll , fnal ! . the DllocraUc cnn < l-
date for the I'resi encr asksre : the
Phippine Ilan s a self-supportlug cow-
lunl ) ' 't '
"Ue confS his ignorance upon this
110iut jn Ilmost the snme ureath that ho
declres thl'm ft tor in epcndence Ind
sef-go\'erIUent , I J'udg-o Parker had
made ' fOl' hi ,
anr Il'epartion ! Blleech i
b had taken the trouble to Infm'm himself -
, self upou the Jest Ilportaut coudltlons ,
hl would ha\'e known thnt the custllHI
rl'\IUI : alole duril/ the IUAt tbree or
fOllr Ylar have hel'l Se\'eltCln , eightel'l
nnll nineteen milon 10lars a ) 'en.r , un
Increase from three , four or fi\'e lllouI
a ' ( 'ar dllnSlluioh rule ; anll that the
other revelue ! have impI'uved In I slm-
ial rntio , 1'he Isln.n s are not only self-
sUPIlltnK ; the ' Ilt only pa ' e\'er ) ' cent
of the eXpl'lSeS ot tbelr go\'ernlent eJ-
( tptntil lalnteualce of the 1.0
reula ; troop now on ut ' ther ( ' , hut
thl' ) ' could nefll 11 exhibit costlg 11
million and a Iluarter at the St. Louis
exposilon , and arc spendinJ betwelu
three and five million dolnrs a ) 'ear In
the constructon ot hnrbors , lnlwa 'I.
'hlh1n's ' : , water work . electric lrht
' pl lltll \ " , buidings , In other llble hn-
" o Parker wishes accurnte in'
.u !
trmaton an wise a'lce on these Ruh-
jlt le can obtnln both hy Dsldug
m hop n'nt , ofIanla ; ; Dshop Grans ,
of Shunjhal ; lshoplcKIJ o ( 'l' lto ,
al of whol nre . nUcn inl the EplJcopal
convntlon at. lloston , or from l"ather
Yntm l of the Homan Catholic church ,
rereuty retired ns ( llplaln II the arm ) ' ,
who 10W 1\(1 at Wimete , I 'l'he '
11\'e no poltclli prejullceB or -
tOI ! < 'alli it 'hey hn.d the ) ' would 10t aI ,
low thelmeh'es to he Jnfuence therehy
In their ju ! mnt or their statements ,
01 why wi not Judo Parlter consult
Goveror I.ko P. Wrllht ? le Is n
from Iemphls , has
lemocrt : le occu-
ple al emlnelt IJslton upon the bellh
and I re ar by al who know him
wih admiraton , respect an confidenee.
"One or the most -
ton ! : ! In a endl ate tor the Prel enc ) '
1 to know the trnth and spenk It.
O l S104,180,000 Ixvenced the
: 0'
o 30.
JbUIJIJllnee J .uue
The Wuhlng10n correlP9n . 't of the
: York TrIbune I10w. at te actual
cl of te l'hUppluec U I I. s
- - - _ . - - - - - -
1o" " wns o111 ' $ tI,1S0OO. t ( ' sa 'I : I
" 1'hl' 1\llt ' wih whIch , Iud ! ! Parkl'r
aUII ox-hol'ltan' ! : 0111lnlowell thl
Ntltelllent thnt the Philppines hnt cost
' . m , OOOOOO '
thll count' 111 thl per'
whidl Ihe " to ,
tlnacl ) wih dlll I
Irlr Is talsl ' hn ! beel II'O\'tl alall
nlli nglllll , arc Plst the cOllrell'nslol of
pl'r ell ! In WlshhlJtol who arl' tamilar
wih Illes , the rcnl cOIltll ! II tbo Phlll'
" 1'hat the ( t of the Phillilllln ( ' , In-
clHlng the $ OOOOOOO 11n.ltl to Slaln ,
IlOllltetl , Il' to : Ia ' I , JUO : , to $ tHU-
, , hns heen l' tahlshl'd h ( ' 'Old 111'
ilte. No Delocratic lelblr ot either
hOlse of C'Irress dar11 tn l'hnll'lI/o
eeretar ' Hoot's statllrnt to thnt elect.
'J'ho COllt to this cOlltr ) ' for the tel ow-
In 'ear : hls heen hewn to he $ : , OSO , '
00 , ald tor th ( ' r'nr jn t do > etl : 10-
0 0 tota I of 1) . tSoOOO , 'I'h/l / t has
bl'en the actlli cost of the PJllllllln g
U11 to Jlne ao , 1\01
" 1'ho tntenlent ' . P
! :11' rler p rm\tNl
himself to rll'Ilt ' whl'n he Ih'lnre : thal
'o\'or OOOOO Ih'e ill'en . '
\ : , ! ha\e Rnerilel.d'
i el ) IUl I 1' false , 'l'he total lo s ot life
of Amerlcnn 'troolls mul llllhws In the
Amerlcal m'm ' frl al CI es ha
nmonltc(1 ( to 4OUi l\ri\atcR ant liri 01.
cors , n tolnl of 4.:2 : I el , g\'I'n 111n
to this ' the of HI '
nUllh"l' 11s PIIHI Il'
Nlts. ' of whlll iM
! lr 1 Ihernl estlmll'
lels than ] OOJ. the rl11 total 1J re-
Slte } OOO , nalmt ; ; \1' lnrker's
OOOOO , : Iur'o\'cr , the tntal here /In.n /
Inclule teathll 11'01'UIIUII , slelCe t-I ,
d acclll'ilts , .
nWllhll 1111 lther ( , al .1
Imllortnnt conl'ihltor ) ' en e. the COl-
tlglolS dlsea rs which , Ul'estl'alliCII ,
\ ' 1111 . ' OS whel
r\'lget Amelluns 1.'III
Amorical ocru\alOn bl'll 1 Onl ) ' 12(1
000 AnwrIcan soll'rl al told , lun-
ecn sept to the PhlllpllllIUS , ,
" _ \s an oISt to this 1081 of Ie Rholil
' Ret the work of '
1 InlilcPlt tIe 111'1 ,
lellnl COI'JS 11\1 of the healh olcels
or the Philllline Clml' lon , whnse
unerlttlll etfortt hn\'e Kllmllt Olt the
1111 ue , relhllcd smalpox 11t uther con-
tngiolM II"cnl's tn 11 mlnllllll. 1111 rcn.
del'l'd thu
lhllllllles as hellhtul IS
Clba. I
nne to HCllnhlcnn lnlclC9.
I has heen the aim of A lerlcnl mnnl-
( ucturl'rn(1 ( thc th'S 'l' uf Ol' plollle to
Ilcl'ense the eXlll"l' of mallrl'llrl !
Un the 0111 I ' rl' ' -
lieI h'loCrlltlc ; II' nl\l-
fl1tlrrs conslitlllt I 11:11 : Iel II 011'
' . Unller ' '
expO't Hl'IHhll'lllIe tllj
111\'e stl'I1h' : . Ilc\eIH'II ! lulln/ / : the U'I
' ' ' 1S:10 ' '
'ca's l'I\II wih thl \U'agltl
] 0 ' . of ' ' ,
pll' celt. 011' tltal IXIHI'tS ald
dull ; tw tel ) 'cars elulhlwih / ] : no
the ' ' or the
II\eragetl 1 IIC' CUlt
whole. Dlll/ / : the Inst tIl ) 'CI' or
DClocrltc rile 011' eXllol'lf of manl-
faeured protucts Increlsedlll' one IIC'
C'lIt ,
'l'h ( ' n'plblcan Ilnrtj CIII ) Ilto power
in ] 8(0 , Illl 111'il thl tOl rllU'S elt-
in 18 O ' ' of '
wih 011' eXlll' ! : 1lllCm't-
Iretl lrodlcts fu I'l u'l ( 1i ( 1111' ( 'pnt ,
of the total Ixports ; durill the ten 'eal'S
' ] bOO th ' ' , ' 18
( 'ndllg wih ( ) a\'Iraed
per cent. of the 10tll , a 111 d111tlb /
ten 'cars clthlwih / 1UO the ) ' Wll'O
: .II per cent. of the totnl , In the fiscal
) 'eal' ] ! )01 the ) ' w're S pC' relt of the
tltal. mul II InO the ) ' wure 30 ( Jr celt.
of t e totnl.
'he I uus show clcluI\'el , ' thnt the
rreat s 'stel of Amel'ilm nUllraetlrcs
' ' ' ' exports or ( -
llt 011' hll'l'USI'II lnOncl-
uellll'ohlltll ( whlrh cOltlhlte so Irlel ) '
to the wcalth mul prospC'i ) ' of thc COUl-
tr ' lre II ue to , Helu Llcan Illclc ! alI
adlllillstm tOI :
III'lnl from Ahronll.
The less the Unied tltes , thrugh 11
proterth'e tlrll. Illorts of the thlli
that own labor clm '
Is lt hOle lall'
' ( ' . he
flrtl'e just as wel lS ol'elgners.
mO'e It i\ : 1 hJu to import of IlcetsarJes
nntl luxuries that cnlllot be Ilm'hasetl
al home , 'l'he consumlltiol of ( ! '
cole 1rl'
clpita in the Uniled Statc ! which il
] 8DU was cht IHHllls , is now tweln'
10 1111 s. Our 1IIIOI'S of sUI r , teall ,
spl'Is ! , sits , laces , l'tl . hae increasetl
( 'onsilerabl ' nrlul the last Iiht ) "enrs ,
Wih the Americln workingman sure
I ot
a Joe 'home mn.I'Iet ( or what le 1110-
luce ! Itots almost without 8a'lng that
he wi JI1 ( ' elou/h nlnl ' to 11 ) ' for
hilllself ( orelJn Inxnrlrs thnt he could
uot dl'cam of .ha\in In Democrtc tles ,
Day after < a ' the New York 1'Imes ,
the : cw York Worll nlHl the Bl'oold 'n
Eale rlpelt the le that Chal'man Cor-
tlrou has extorted cOlltrlhutons from
wealth ' buslues8 cuterprise ; on pl(11Is
thl' ' ' of Prel-
rcdcelllle on I'e-ell'tlon ! -
delt Hoose\el. 'l'he ' hu\e hn ur/el1 /
IHl chllon ( ' 11 to nlle I single concl'ete
cnse an ha'e reliled h merel ) ' reiter-
( tll the Ilanllr , AI" , rerult the un-
( olu ed Ihn rge it rl'coiJng II'on ' is In-
wntol'S wih the proplr efect or im-
Illirhlthuir / creliblty on e\ery Issue
of the cllpalgn ,
"Ulllouhtclly I wonllt be Jold1le
nt the prcHent thne to Ire\cnt nny of
the tru"tl froul rClainln ! pro.llcroul
h\ the IlmJlc cxpcrlcnt of mod ) , !
' n owceillnu chnnle In thc tlrlf " "
to Illrolzc the IndtHtricl of the country -
try , The trnlh would cca"o to Ilro"II ! " ,
I hut thclr Inllcr cOlllcttorl won lIt
: be rulnelllnll thc wnrrworlcerl won hI
"tnr\o , whie I wonld not II ) the
fBrluer to hunl h , , IJrOI nce to market. "
-Hocvelt' . Icttr or ICApll/ce ,
I llr'an , Delocr'ts in
ther cXIretsed desire to robll.e tle lUl-
Sheehan-Pal'Jer '
- ( 'olhination tla lt'
frunt 10 their leudtr. ! thl'Y could wake
the rebnlc more stiuJluJ hothlJ ; for
Hoose\'elt. 'l'hc I'l'atel' , the
! pluralty
against Parll'r II HI'\/1 8trou/lllllt / , thc
Jrenter wil ue the selt-atsCnetul of
W. J. nr 'an , for Ir. Hrrl Is hat
hUlnn , nlli no mn.n llkl the han thlt
smite ! him with slnc're rl'lIlh ,
So-calel lulelJelHlenotl'l'S who prn-
fe ! ' to Hee litle loQll In elthlr ot thr
sreat Ilrtll's liht proftabl ) ' folow the
wis mnxln "or two f11 ' , choose the
lIsser , " No Inn cnl be ; 0 hln ly nuu-
Ilartlan ns . not to Fce thai thl I luhl.
( 'ln 1II't ha ! done 101 ' goO fOl' the
countl' , than the nemora ( ' ,
- - -
Donlt fnl to retnrn
I Utlmblcnn
Con are" . ' 'lo electnn ot Roolevel
Dnd Ifnlrbnnk. wil bc nlmolt I hnrren
Tctoryt ) the leilslntvc hrunch ortlc
Ie In control of
&overulent the OIIJIO-
IIUou. Jt Iepublcan p lclu lre to
he con tnned It Ie Ihlolntely neculry
that nU IrnuchcI ot the
be In nccord.
If you wIsh 1 cOlltnuance of the prs'
ent IlrOsllCOU8 tmes , Tote to retain tilt
Iepublcal lfari. plrt ) ' In control or l1ttounl
_ _ _ 'A. " _ r _ . _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ h
Qnotee Unnnmllt Authorltc nUt Mil-
rCIre , = nte IletorIn nn AUncle I
Utlon tie loner nnl 10ncety of 11e
Oun Nnton.
Onle mOI'o the Sllhlllx of gOIIS .hn . !
llol\ ' ' 1hls tll' , Ilhough the \'olct
Is that of ,1ulLc ) urkl'l' , til wlrell arc
thnso or the hh'l'tl nllt.lllll'rllllhlt of the
: l'W 10lk WOIII.lllullonllj tnr thIs
' lnll his stunll the ' -
ll'a upnl R1I'halc 1111t-
111'1 oe Buehalal ulI a IIJtrHt11 ' Ilte"
1l''tllon or the l lstiltiol , . 'Jlul e
) ' 11ker IIl'I'Otl : tl I I III 11 01 ' \'Icws oC
.1nsph PII1er : , tlelal lllg til Ihl- :
.Iollllclt . ( f thc Ihlllllllu tn the fOI'll' "
or Sll\'a/cr / ) ' allli rlctlol 11'(1 whllh
Alerical d\lhmtlnl ha ! re > l'll'l , thll.
'l'hcre ( 'Ul be 11 .101ht . that thu II
1I ill ( or thl' 1111111 or thl , helatet
" 1'1 'lotl' of I Inlh ) ' ( 'lllll 1 Wil
' ' ' . ' ' ( .
111Ihl'rtl'I 1.lallll'(1 1111 elll'(1 Ilt.
Two hItherto '
1Ihoml.or : mll'chlllg cllh
, Ict h ) ' "Culolll'l" Ohl\'II1 H. \lllal. .
If lo'toli. nl ! lelr.W. . InrIII ( , or
' . cnttlerll bnth , "
: 1olk. fer\lt 11" .
pelrell heCol'e til jlt ! ' Ol his Il0l'h lt
I'ISelolltllul / hnlhartell hll wih
" , "
"two ' ( ' ' thu ( '
exl'nlht 1HlI'I'sts" 01
of AllC'lc'Ille II the Ihlh'llhll' ' '
' ' .
'l'hl'l .1ulJe Purlu'r II'olll'l thu ! 1'ech
thnt bal' ! intellll e\ll'IlI ( ! II I'e ! I' ) ' lne
of .hn\'iug . llel ) writ'l ( or hll , 11t wellt
thelll one hettcr il falslrlll the recor.I' .
n\l 11.1 I'ell'esmlu/ , / : the belll\iellt \ nhn
o Amerlcll ( 'ont'ol II the Islllll 's'
Clltl frnm he OPII''Slllol of 81111.
' ' hhmwlf his
II Itllk Ulll
'Io.lstf the ,
All'lC:1 ( Iositlnl II Ihlllplnes
.JltrO " 1\'Iel' lllllct 'OI In nlon ' - '
' of thl'I'l' :
'mlls tltelt cnllillll !
whose phras : ! lsn ' I'e-
( : lsn1111' \ 1 stlIdll ,
I'lhlll'U to thu balnlo of the nlllre ,
in which lhl' ' WU' Itll I ) ' IlhlllCll ,
'l'hl 1llalell 11 I g-n I lit. ill t.l\ flce ot
I\J'whellg ! testlolY to til l'oltlr ' ,
, hll ! thl' l'I nlltC'r to Sl ' If 1olelll
thele , " . \t thc hl' t tl ! ) ' hvu hell II-
l'feelt ; : t the Wllft tlshnlll t , cor-
' ' ' , ' ' \ ( '
l'lllt 1111 Il'slllh' 'Ihl' illll\ls Kel'l
tn ' ! ' , ' thoH' '
Ilve UII'etI',1 II \H'
g'ltl ;
. " ' , ,
tl'Iot / 01' Ill'npll 'Ihl' wOII,1 III ! I
fr ' ( ' ' ' ' J I. ' '
Hl''I'l'tlWIIII 'I'lft Iltl hl
1 Oetl'H 111 _ IJH I'S"I : II11111 \ lS
Imol , tl II'I' ! ' of 0\ Plolll !
, : ( m'lhl'I' ' UII
Jule lrlc. Illol' frol
1101rl\IS Ilramel' ! IC . \ l\rll:1 1'lle il
til Ihillllll'o : " . \ I'Ilultl'lr , til
'ouutr ' " ( ' the ' ' ,
I ( ! Cl' thi' l'lilet 1111
Isohlg / out oC I'ulh'alln ; the IIOII/- !
tiol Is II-fell 1111 il Iome Illel's ullhlu
tnI't / Wllk , ' 1he ( 'nllh' ' if on'I'-hl'-
tclell wllh tXltCI , II el\ ' II 1I'\lelt ,
thu ( Irm Ilhll : Ih'all , tl\ towat II
mll ' 1IIces II rlI ( , whule IlIstrl'ts II
the of ' , ' ' of ' -
1II11s Illh'ole tll II'iel' " II'ot-
' ' ' rath'c ,
l'ts 1001' al II'emuI
) this wel' a , h'le ' 1111 11 allll'oxl-
' ' h'lIe ( the
mlt'h' Indltmenl o cOIIICI ( !
lxlstil/ ) ; II the Ihlillllcs 1 : the ( ! I1el
of 01' tlCUpatiol , wht wOIII he the
' , of ? " ' hu
\11It llllthll 'olli I lut
tht the Alllil'an 11101 was lut l t'l
rovcrl Iself. lut 110le a seml-cvlell
ll tll'llelltelt
Alect. the " 'hole Peollc.
In thlf mltter I IN imll llhl ( to dls-
til/ulHh / betwu 1 the HUllhll'al p'l ) '
and the Amerlcln lloillu. ' 111 fl 1'1 C'
I lcrel ) ' the hulrument ot Ihe latel'
In the Phippines , anll i . 'Jul/e / 111'1,1'1'
were eleled lreshlCnt in , XO\'lmher , It
would 10t , coull not chauge the chnr-
arter of t.homel'Il11 JO\'lrnllt In
lhl' Phlllpines pelllll the tme' ' l'\'Cn
he \uull alow "the 1,1:111'11 : to " plellu'e
thcms h'e. for sef-JO\'el'lleI" ) :
doell , Parker
lurln lt pelod llclJe
think that ho eould find. In tlw 1'111s
of ' 1alllr : , 1\ ) ' mIl betel' litell to
ullhnlll the honor , ju tce ' 11 Ibel'ty oC
AmerJcan rule , thll the mun who ha'I
estlhlsh'd peal'I , order , Il'hools , a 111
cOl'lll of jlstce In the Islal s ? 'I'he
Illestol SI/lstH / its OWI als\lr-he
cculd not , thouh he wel'e to tl'ar , his
' ; ' . Da\'ltl B , ,
101ISclol' \
l\n favol'le : Hi
W1Ial ) . ' SllelllI , Charle ; \II'lh ) '
1111 Pat : \II'Olrl'ul to Issl t In the 111.
cult task ,
UPOI 1Hh ahsoiltcl ) ' ( nl e anll malg-
s .1uthI' ' to
lallt Ireln1sl ; 1Ikpr ( I'nceeds
a\ai n tlmcrlen : ulmllllstlation In
' .
thu l'hllll.lles II tel'll whleh fl'om
the dn wn or hlstnrr tematolls hl ve
cmplojet in their atackll UpOI RIWI''SS-
fil go\'eumelt. Here Is a slleclmen
e :
nut . 1\.Ill' frrm tie 11ut3 we OWl til Ihl-
1111111.g 11 1I'IJn'utnu tOl' thl' l'UJO 'II'Ut or
tIe 11c 8111 . 11'IIII'fI's WI' rHI HeSH , WI' 110111
" thl' to "
I utr CII.tUlj" nllusl IIIUIe (11"
Iel'o or nu IpUllllhll' Iwll'y , 11 tol'Y
' ) ' ' tn "
h'I)18 Ihlt 'I'nll lellllleunlKI 111 (
thl' ' ' hi '
\ -
11111 10V'1\'Ut 1I'IIIuII 111 IU-
' ' ' ot t Iwnllle ,
IlrICl'I'I'11 hI HI 011111 Ilrul
1'\18 , whl'l dlsl'lrl't'll , 1t1\'CI Oll'l hiI two
' ' ,
eOUllel-lmLJII llol 01' l'lort vlolelce
'Ye can pltue "Colollel" Codman
: ndh' ; . Iardon 11\1 the serre rlls
the "A Beach '
or yon Hejular DemolI'ntc
Club of ) , eng Jsl/lld" / Ihlv\rillt II awe-
slrlck unl ol oVo\ this hOl'rible Ilt'II'
tive loljuled olt ot the mlasll of
.Ioeph lullzlr'l Ilsensell Imngilatol
' . ' clutch it
'lhlt 'Judle Ilrltel Ilwuhl lt
al I drowllllg mn.1 at a Itrl w olly
lro\'OS the de'pemtlol of hicampnlgn ,
ot ( 'on tent history to '
; wih cUI ; IUP'
' (
pOl't lotoriollly'aIHc teRtmolY aKalllt
his { 'Cultl' 'men In the Ihlpilines , hr
a111 invokes itl I il In &IPpol" of the
Jenoral1/lton / thlt there Is "no II tance
of 1 nltlon rcevinl from her colonie
an'thln lke un IllNlulto return for
the lo\1 and trlnIIl'u Ipent" "gnl'
' deM. " ho llelllnly
land'l Nuton:1 ; uu
Inoranty 1''errell , "wall Ilouhletl hy the
I'C\'OI of the thirteen ( 'olonlls It hal COllt
' ' .
to , 'l'hu AmerIcan
fl llel 1 lUre ex.
1Jmdonit ! : ! , folowlnl Europel ar/uII'nt ,
es thnt nnnexation of the '
Ile Ihllll'
pinel must ) Iromote II1'olrel , foster COl'
merce nll illrutr ) ' , an Introduce the
I'ann of civilizaton lnto a buo\\'ard
and Ilferior IICl' , ' 1he evitlence of his-
tor ' I to the ( utl'ar ' , "
However Hl'h alpeals to hlstO'\ ' may
ha ve tickled the carl of 'he "Avon
Benfh negular lelO'ratc Cilb of Lon !
lllnd , " thy Uist h : ve made "Colu e"
Colman ( and :11' . 1arllou wince.
Trnth of JIBtory ,
'I'he evl enco of hlstol'y and of contel-
Ilrant'ls condition ! aIol'r Incontro\'rt-
Ille ( Iroof that gn l\lls greatnCS to-
dn I the direct ret urn tor her colonlz-
in ) elorts on thIs contnent , In Asia , In
A trlca , II in the Islunds of cvery ocenn ,
Glor haRune out fl'om her IU coo
hal r turued to her n hln retl toll for
11 , tl "bloo and trClre Ilent" In the
olou1lt& : Ihe bls tlone In the tour cor-
nes ot the ( Qrth ,
Tbla republc , thp hl.belt end most
lucceaul dnelopwl t ot Belt'KOYera-
" j WL'
. _ _ _ _ -
1 ( t tme hM s en o " hll ellrth 'n
inheri , " 1s the Ilest lI9s1hlo prot that
. . I
.Tutl/e / Inrklr tnkl n IlrbIllll ylew o
the posslhlities mll llelleltl ot clonJz-
Hln. A I hOIJh s'pnrated trom the cun-
tr ' thlt Illh(1 ( "n hn.dWllllln Infeio I
rllce" frol the IClne of . 'Jud c PArker' .
Illo'ch to the "Avon BI'\h :
\ I"la
Vt'lo'rtll Club of l.n Islan , " Iloe
Il thlnt ! for a loment thlt gnglmd ha
10t Ihlrlll In whnt wall Conlllcro for
11 I khll when the hlll'lllHlenco at he
A Il'rll'll l'llonlrM wal nchlevld ?
But , htUll 11 the luu'mw , peU , Qnd
IlstaltlleR : ,1111 o Plrker takas 01
h tor ) ' 1111 the onward 1111 ' :
Iwel'll of Iltlllal aIalrll , ftanl ! dl4cl0
Ill the ( art that the Delocrntic candi-
dlte COI' 11'cslll lt ot tl Unied Stte.
I to ' ' ' ' - th
: ,111 hl'lc\'o I\'er 'lhlngovl
J 'hlJ ; 11Ut or 11:11111' :
! cnl Iler lGaln
AIIII'i:11 gun'rllllelt In the PhilppInes ,
lol l ) hl'l'I l' thl're )1 ) n Hel111cul ad-
Inlllsl'llol In , WIshlnKton , I locm
1111St hll'rllhl tllt a Prlsll ! ltRI can-
Ilhlato houll hl'CUlO the wlll herald
or c\r ' I 'illr 1'11101' bred In tle pu
: \ .
Ieus ollnll.
_ \nd tl thlll , thnt he has deRclnde
to thl ! Ilellh , not to ( O\N ! Imme ate
nhIIHllI'nt of the 1hlhlphl's to to
tNll1 merl'lls f ' and
( ther l\n cO'rult
IIHtNlt ) ch'II1Iton , hit to turu OTa1
their Ilr II:1lthm : for huh'I\'mlllee : to to
1111ty 11:1 : ! of 'l'a11nl ) ' , 'wcl'd IIlt Ti-
Np\'er Ietore hn.s thl caltlllte or I
lolllunl or nlllzitiol AtOOt reveled -
ed hefm'u the A1el'h'ul Ilooille In thi
1'010 of n ( 'I'elnlols 11.tUI ( ot the 10Y-
Nlllllent of hi ' ' .
! COlltl' I ! llkl Judge
l'lrk r til' below the IU\'t1 of hIl , prt , .
ConUnnntol of I'rllllrl : Wil Do
Much S ' ' .
tl 'lro I.
' ' , ,
'l'he '
Dellol'ltic 1lntll'1 ICClse tbl
Hl'lllbll'uI I\'I ; ' or all ntt m1lt to " 'dn- '
t11niew the I'1bel's oC rllcul and
, le
t0lal { rUc.
. \1 IIlul'l t at the r'cent AmorIc1
Banl'I'I'I' CII\'ellnl" . l Xl\ York 1u
tlltet the fnlsl ) of thll stntl'lent and
, the ' ' .
Iw1 01 l'oltlr Helllbllcau
111't ' . b ' ( olch' ' whl'h Il'olllote the
lHSII's ! llroslJrl ) ' or the SOlth , hall
II'onlll11 al n n fel'lInJ of Iltlal o
w.lltw11 th hl'lel''le1ents , at lost
or the two rlceo ,
. (010 I'd lmlkl'r f.or Hlcllll , Va.
.r . I
ohl " 111'hl'l. 1:111 : : RJ" lch which
Illonht fOI't:1 : J 1''ll'Ilous 11111115e , Il.
whh'h the ( ' the \ -
lelr ltcs (1'01 SI\th jon-
1(1 ( the ' ' the ;
wlh Ilrl'atbl tl'Ol North
rr , ltdll ! all' hl' attenllc(1 ( tbo ll-
\'Plltiol not (11Y with the conlelt. but' '
11101 thl tlh'lol' , ot the whie hlluosI' '
Il'l o ( thl SOlth , le tI'1 ) wlnt on to I
show h' ' ' tIl Ilm or the '
" lellt. olthern'
IIroe "n,1 , lollllllnlr lucrea"lu : , nnd I
that thi , ' the _
: WIS ll'atill 11 tme to ,
heter , IHJ I'stUlllIg hotwcel t'ht hoter
lI'lclt' of the two ruelS , . \s to the
Hhll'U ot the npro , I the Ilr'spnt ( phnnow-
l'nIIIH'O"/Ull ) of 1h ( ' Hnllth hu Rall :
no 'Ol llw Ihot WI' ( ' , , ,
1101111 t,172,12B,0
\111 h ot " 1'01'1 ' 1 't'll ? Io ruu know th"t'
Ihe Huuthl'l'u '
lt I our
I'oMIIIrly 1110111. pro :
' hca\ ' ' '
IncI' hcaIlrllll'tloli lt the tohacco
l'IUII ? )0 'IU Imul Ihlt WI !
dI'4,1'IHI:1 : ; w01'11 or IIJrOII pro 7(1
n " thl'
elntf hUKil" 1111
Ilat \lrket
1111' tl $ IO I 1181117 In YOI Itow thal
\e II rot ) I 1 ( ' $4 , : I ln,71 wnrll ot oati ? Do
thnt WI' ' ' ' I20,43
301 kiothnt II'w1I'I' : : ! Tortl
lt I' 'I' ? ] n 'IU Imow thnt we ' $708-
. /I'oluce /
r. < O,7 w01'11 o ! Ilclnlups ? )1 you know
HUt we II'mlue : : lml.\3H : WOI'h ot I
' ' ? ' kuow that .
tu 3'IU ,
II'otle:1,117,4:1,70 : WII'ti lt rom , mik- '
' ot ' ' ' 'of ' tb.
I ! 1 11111 IIrOtl11'IIlu 11' Ul'1'ut
Soutl I ! $ : ; : ! , ,1:7ll,8D 1'11' ' 3'clr ! ?
When hI hlll liuishel CII. Rober
I.WI' ' , 11 ( uorgil , hnlkcr made au elo .
speN'h whldl he " la the
1111It II Jald : "I \
Ilafiug le/rl / nlill the loaliu ; "hla 1:1
thnt makl1 i 1111 ; " :111 tht "It "I.
me n r a t Ilal of Ih'nsllrl' tl hOr tron
011 colorml brother of Vh' iula. le ba
Etatetl the facts , altl I am ; Ia to hue
Hellhlcnu here. IrO lleriy , Ito tho'ra a
Ole SII. Ilslels ) Ioom wherever It Ioes
mil : wlhout-dlHtluctolls as to IC"ol.
'ICO , color or I'clglol , makcr men hap
: , ' of their
lcr hetl'r 11 more 1I1111C11 re
SIOIllllltet tloclety. . , -
I fullll fl lo-
tal W , .1 , UI''au's , ' telllitou ! of 1 , pr -
Ilel'iy which "I'e : 'ehcs the masses Cld
thel wOI'ks 111 and throlgh every clls. "
'l'I lm ) S XO BWL"lElt WAY 'ro
upr.p H 1"L'I 'l'U HACM QURS
' ' ' ' '
11 'HAN 10 GIYB 'l'HM COU -
lUllLl\N lHOSP m'l'1.
' . .
rynn'l Ue\clnton.
Br 'nl'n I'ecellton lu Imlaul sbowl
CIChllh'llr. that the Delocrats or the
; \Jddle West ' 10t yet cured ot the
free slver cI'aie , with Is neeompanyln ,
' 'I lonf 1'he Rielc'l of the St. LU
on the '
Illatorm 010
mOlI'Y lueston wn
quent. Inrltl"s telegl'am tlsfed to
ow ' and cnahlel them to prl
lInt I "goll stun urd" C8ll ate -o the
COlsel' lth't wlnr ot the ) arty , , whie the
Iih'er wlus was cool ) ' sot afl e , to b.
( o le an cnJolcd Into soot hl1WQ du
Int the calllaln. .
Al a lutter of fllCt , the rm' 'unB ' m.
or the Dtlo'cltie Ilrty Itan on the
money lueston nnd 01 11 otbers jus
\ \ here the ) ' ftoQl in 18O , 'l'jle logic or
event/ has nut convincetl their reBOe
lecule ! : ! , on economic 11uestons , ther
have 10 l'eason , .
.Br 'un , whu coull not carry IndIsn.
for himsel , calluot , of coursc , carry tb&
Htate , or nny other State , for ,1'nrker.
He has , however , l'evenledlhe . .89vWch
, hide ! unler ( the Jou's Hklu , elJlled , for
a IUI'IISC , b ) ' a onle , naUon
treat :
111't ) ' , -
I The I'eople Inow nnd Trnet
RooseTett .
I II Cortlnato for the )
' RelublclQ
party ihat It. cau ltnt ICor'the , Pr-
, tlnc ' II so wel Imown , to the peoa o'
the Unlel State ! : ! thut no story , uo r.
Icetloll lilOI his chu1cter 01 hIs , yorl
' affects the mInd In the ,
'I , II'ree , 'l'he , Americal llople hn T8 bul :
, tl'lr ( 'JI ' on 1r(0ldent Hoosevlt tor
' ' ' they know him.
1:1 Yl'nl'l ; They r
Illrt Ild tl'l't hllll. 'I'he rnlslfcaton.
oi the enemy agulnst him Ire useles.
JI "lr'hodY Irolt9 hy the grwtl of
manutl'tleS , ' 1h051 who lre engaaed I.
the bmdn'ss I.ihl'r I ! < : lllllsts or wa < .
' ' first of , but In
l'Ul'ler ! Ilroft al Iddl
tlon to thele are the merchanta whe
11\\(11 ( ( , lnnntacturel prollucts , ' the rJ
roalls thnt dlstlbutc them , tbe tam. ,
who cnjo ' nn ; nerated demand tor ta
II1'oduct ! . nntI fl othel' 'clsses who .hN
II /nerul Irosleri ) ' _ '
In hIs "peech before the Union
( of New York , Seretar TIt n.
that when ho n ke Proe Bor .
I of the Unh'eul ) ' of Chicago. wh 't' h.
thought of ' 1 :
Jud/e Plrker's t or (
( 'lltlnCe the later repled , 'W l ; I r
mlnd me at a ' .
go old tawl1 10re "blcb runl , 'n.
huJn God , 'bldrID cn driv It' I .