( USTfR COUNTY RIPUBUCAft I By D. M. AMSDERRY. BROKEN BOW. . . NEDRASKA. - Brief Telegrams 'fhero nre two 1\hllhls running for rontroft { ! ! nsalnst each other In Mary- land. , Mnscngnl , the Itnllnn composer , In II. nndldllto for the Cl1lL11Ibor ot Do. , ' putlos. 'Popstnmnt , n nOlorlotJs Bulgarlnn , gUlltor , wns murdered nl Snlonlca , . l r01lenn Tnrle . FIfteen IIor80ns were severely In. Jurcd In collision on Denver & Illo Orndo In Colorado. The will ot the Into SCIUltor'lIt of t > lIssourl 11Is1l0ses ot an eslate vlllued t $ l OOOO , nmong hIs lawflll helJ's. Genernl J unston thlnls thnt nrmy officers should got an Increase of 1i0 pOI' cent In IJ Y nnd onllsted men 30 Jlor cent. The Union Pacific repol't of Ollera. tlons for the yem ended Juno 30 shows a surplu8 actcr payJng 111 vhlends of 8,2G3,4 G. A steamer from PlIerto Platn , San fomlngo. reports that the , Unltod , Btntes hn8 seized the cust011l house In Pterto ! l'lata , Wlsconsih republlcans of bbUl fae. tIons deny that the natlunal tlc1\Ct Is to be slashed , but Cf\ch fllcllon Is sus. Jllclous of the othor. The Olilo state convenllon of the } 'ederatlon of Women's clubs has clcctClI Mrs. EdwIn L. lluchwaltor ot Gllrlngfield president. A young American vIolinIst. fenrlng failure. conmlltted suicide In New Yorle on the eve of being accepted ns n. member ot the 1\Ietropolltan arches. tra. Heporls reach St. PeterstJllrg that a Japanese prisoner saya O 'ama 18 pro. IHl.rlng to retlro nlong the entll'o IIno , l"resh troops from Hussln reach 1Iar. bin , Speculative excltoment Is resumed In Wall street. Under manhmlatlon ndvances are shown b ' the whole list , while the total at transactlous Is very Jarge. illinois Federation ot 'Vomen's clubs , In session lu Danvlllo , was told : by Professor Felmly at Normal thal the present low pay at teachers Is harmful. Clydo Sratton. wbo was arrested In St. Louis , Ims admlttod , according to tbo pollco , that he escaped from tbo Mansfield ( Ohio ) reformatory by crawling tbrougb 0. sowor. The contract for the construction ot the government building for the Lewis ami Clark centennial exposition nt Portland , Orc" has been awarded to J. E. Dennott ot Portland for $22 , . 682. 682.At At Centralla , 111" without leaving their seals a jury declared thnt the board ot education was within Its rights In so gerr 'manllorlng the school district ns practically to segregate the negro cblhlren. Alton D. ParleeI' , In trent porch speech at Rosemount , to a New Jer. Bey delegation , replied to Secretary Tart's cballenge on administration ex- JJenses , saying tbo official , figures vrove his chnrges. William E. Curtis writes of the Phlllppino exhibit at lho world's fall' , which has cost $1,400,000 , and which represents the more allvanced at lhe Jolanders , and also shows them In , their primitive state. The powers signatory of The Hague pea o convention are to be IUIked to , form 0. tund at $100,000 for the main. tenance ot Andrew Carnegle's palace I . f , peace. The OBt of the building Is stlmated at nboul $800,000. Great Drltaln has retuLled n. request ' , < to Ilermit German ' to use Walfisl ! 13ay for the lamllng of troops and SUII' 'plies essential In the war against tlt ( , J1atlves at German Southwest ACrlca ( } ermany Is sutterlng reverses , The business ot bu 'lng Oregon nnd ! Wasblngton wbeat for sblpment te Chicago and other eastern mt\rlwLE , 1111s ceased. The railroad comlmnlCf cannot supply enough cars to handh the traffic and consequently business 11 "PracticaUr at a stamlstlll. 1\Iost Rev. John Joseph Glennon ftrcbblsbop ot tbo Catholic dlucese 0 : St. Louis , Issued a circular letter 111'0 testing against the IJIlssago at at amendment to be voted on at the com ing election providing for free tex' ' books for public school children. Tbo automobile records for fifty am twent ' .fivo miles were broleen at tlH . Cleveland Driving Imrie. Chal'lel Gorndt sent his machlno fitly miles h 165:42 : , as against the former marle 0 1 : 01 : 23 2.5 , and Earl Kisor sent hll macblno twenty.five miles In 23 : 9 , al , ngalnst the provlous 'record 0 28:402.6. : Lellx Kocb at Cincinnati , a nowspn per man , was arrested at 1\Ianasth 'EurolJean Turke ' , bolng mlstalten fo , n DUlgarlan leader. Dun's revlow ot Chicago trade say weatber conditions have been a hind .ranco to retail business , but manufacturers , facturors report a steady advance. Rov. Dr. Franle Gunsaulus at Chicago cage , In an address before tbo Teacl ! ers' association at Connectlcut II I'Voolsey ball of Yale university , 1'1' ( dlcted t111lt this country will becoU1' ' : the world leader In education , ani called the American "a. world man. " . . I _ ' , , , , b - - FIGHT AT MUKUEN JAPAN SE MAKE SUCCESSFUL ATTACK ON RUSSIANS. - ARTILLERY DUEL Ofl THE LEFT - - - Firing Lasts All NIght and All Day and Spreads to the South-Chinese Say ExtensIve Preparations Are Making to Turn the Russian Right. - 1\tUl\D1m-Flghlln hegan at 10 o'clock In the ovenlng SOUthORE\t at , l\Iuhden. The Japanese have advnnced to the "llIago of Jenda lln , which they are reporled to have caplured after 11. figltt lasting until morning. 'rhero was' an artlllerr fight on thc night of Octoher 21 on the north shore of the Shal\to \ rIver , dIrectly Iouth of 1\htlulen. , 'I'ho cannonading , which was heavy , WIlS conllrlUetl to. day , the Russians attarlclng the Jap. anese unsuccessful I ) ' , 'l'he fighting , It Is bellevcd , will continuo up to the walls of l\1ulclcn , The artllll'ry firln on tlto Husslan 'estorday and Inst. left , which lIegl\n cd durIng the night , has spread Bouth. The , realher has again clellrell up and Is much helter for active 011\11. \ tlons. ' ] 'ho da 'R are warln and sunny. . but tlte nights Ilro cold and some of tlto Husslan troops , wltoso winter overcoalK have IIO\ \ . arrived , ar9 : : :11f. forlng trom the collI. , SU8111clous movemellts of the Jap. i aneso have lIeen ollsen'ell west of the' ' railroad , The Chinese sar positivelY i that the .lalll1noso IU'O preparing to' ' turn the Russian right or hrealt , through a vulnel'l1.blo . point ot tlte lines. News hag just lIuen received hero that the .1almnesl' assumed the of. . fenslvo on the east front ancl made I a slhhl advance. : It Is rumored thnt the .1alll1neso : have talten all the Husslan Iloslllons' ' at rdagou. lIetween I1unslan und Fllulapu , on the road from 1\Iululen to ! llentslaputze. lIut the report has not I been confirmed and loolts ImprolJl\ble. There was a reconnalssnnce In force Inst night by tlto Husslan western I fiank and closultorr firing continued till 2 o'clocl , a , m , The JnllllneBe were discovered to 110 ' ' httt'J'lolIr ( fortifying along the whole IIno , Imt this Iloos not. on the cont\'l1t'r , Ilreclttdo the pos. 81111111y oC an attael , lIy them. It Is the general opinion hero that serious events will not develop for some days , hut Judging hy t he hurried manner In whIch tlto Chlneso are settling their inoney aITal:1 ! : Inluledon ! they are ot n dlfCerent opinion. ' ] 'ho whole armr Is delighted with the appointment of Genel'lll Kmopat. lcln as commander.ln.chlef ot the land forces In the far east. 'rhe one iden amJ g the mQn IH to advnnce. There Is every Indication thlll when the next fight com os It will be or a desperate chal'llcter. GREAT CROP OF POTATOES. YIeld ThIs Year Estimated at 8,774,245 Bushels. OMAHA-The Union PacIfic hns just Issuell un agricultural bulletin dealing with the potato crop of Ne. lraskll for 1904. The hulletln shows that the a\\'ol1ge \ of Nehraslm"s potato crop lagt year Wl18 G3,472 and the yield , 23,7G7 bushols. The acreage lhla .ear Is estimated at 74 , ! i2. The bulletin addn : ' 'It will be seen that a mllto' .nl Increnso hM tnltCn plnco In the acreage planted lo'pota. . toes. It would seem that N'braskn clln lIuccesBfull ' engage In potato raising for commercial reasons. When one refiects that the total acrenge this year Is about one.thlrd the area of the smallest county in the state It Is evident that potuto raising Is very : , profitable. ' ] 'ho western Ilortlons of the atata will , produce potntoes In reat abunllanco If the cillnatic cOl1ll1t1olH I provnlent tor the last four 'ears con , tlnue. " An estlmlLte by counties of Ihe 1904 , yle1l1 Is then given and the total yleh ! Is cstlmated Ilt 8,77-1,24f hushols. UNION PACIFIC'S REPORT Company Shows Net Earnings of Ovel Twenty.Slx Million Dollars. NEW YOHK-Tho pamllhlel re . port ot the Union Pacific Hallronl company for the fiscal year on del , Juno 30 , Inst , Issued , shows : Grosl earnIngs , $51 ,279.231 , Increase , ' $4 , 204,042 : operating OXllenses. $29,02G , 007 , Increase , $1G8G,723 : net earnings $2G,2 2G24 , Incl'easo , $2 , I7,31 ! ! . Aftc recolpt ot other Income ami pa11en ot total charges , there rlJmnlns SIlI plus for the 'car ot $4,713,4 G , 11 d ( crease ot $230,018. The report sots forth thnt owing t , the decree In the Northern Secnrltlo ompany suit the Oregon Short Un has been unlLblo to collecl Its Nortll ern Securities tllvldel\tls since Fet ruarr 1 , last. Vatican Sounds the Powers. , HOME-'I'ho vatican Is Bounding th ; powers on the sUbject of the ndmlt sian of Its representative at 'l'h ' s Hague conference , un the Bame groun I. as the suggested admission ot th I. South American republics , which W01' not rOllresentcd. The vatlclLn en phaslzed the fnct that It , vas oxclt1l1e t . . from the first conference ehlelly IH I.causo ot the opposition of the Halla 11 . go\'ornment , SUllllorted b ' Greal Drl I. aln , which asleod In exchn.ngo Italy' ' Bupport for the exclusion at 1'0111'I r.enlntlves at lhe Doers. THE ARMY FRONT. - - - Along Which There Is Bald to De Sharp Flohtlng , ' MUKDI NShaflllghtlng / contln. I' ues nlol1g the front. The Husslnna nro entrenrhlng ground 'recently occupied hy them. I Whllo 110 pitched battle haa occurred I during the last few days , the two arm led are IWllt In touch with ono an. othOI' , holding the positions they oc. cuplell when the big battle endel1. 'J'herc la no evidence tlmt. the Russian army will rush north. ns WRS the case after the haltle oC 1.lao Ynn. , ; , In facl , the Husslans ha vo another IIno of de. tenses to fILII hacl { on In the event I that they are fOl'ced out ot their pres. ent IloHltlonH , During the InRt Cow days there has been frequent nrtlllery fire , occaslonnl Infantry atlarl < s and Ilall ) . clashes be. tween outlloRls Itnll Rcouts , Unless the .Tllpltneso takl' the inltln. tlve soon the Hussillna , It Is OXllocted , will l'OSUl110 tlto offenslvo and on. lIeav01' to drlvo the JlLllHnese hade. for the 1)\11'11060 ) \ ot Insuring the saCet ' at their winter qUartfl'S ! , which un. doubtedly will ho north ot l\lultdcn unlesl ! a southwal'd udvnnce Is suc. cossful. Another hlg haltle Is expcctell short. Ir , as the wmlher Is already turning cold. It will he Imllractlcnblo for the two armies to winter In theil' Ilresent Ilosltlons 1JIhlwn ' between Muleden _ and Llno Yung. Many Inri dents are comIng to light showln gthe bravery of the Russian soldiers during theh' stubborn resist. anco to the .1allRnesc advance amI In their nttempts to drive the Japanese hack. The men foutht nIght and dar without l'est and afterwards worlcoll for hours parrying the wounded to the hospitals. When the Russian troops recapturel' I.ono Tree hll1 ther retool , severn 1 punH ; find a qunntlty of am. munition whl 'h the Jupancsl' had previouslY - viouslY captul'(1. ( 'rhey also took sov. eral Japanese J.uns ; In adtlltlon. At the conclttRlOn of the fight the hill was covCl'ccl with the dead and wounded of both armies. 'l'he Japanese prisoners were Ireated by the l1u sslans with the gr ( > atest ItindneBs. At on ( > hospital "lsltcII h ' the Assoclatel ! I'I'e3S cOl'resp01l1ll'nt .lnpanese prl. vates werc found In their omcers' warc ! . The armr hospltlll corps and the Red CI'OSH soc\'tlos \ dlel splendid worle. The wounded were dressell and forwarded to the hosllllals with the ! ; reatest expellltlon. 'I'h Husslan commissarIat nlso was admlrabl . handloc1. Portable soup ltlt. chens wore most useCul , going under fire to feed the men. WAR AND ITS PROBLEMS. Russian Reverses Due to Restriction on Liberty. ST. PETEI1SBUI1G-A. remarl\1\hle study of the war and Ils prohlemR hy 1\1. Petroussl < l'vltch. n well.lcnown writer , appears in the Pravo , a weekly paper ; and Is attrnctlng a good denl of attontlon , M. Pelrousslwvltch hold. Iy maintains that Russia's reverses are due to the l'ostrlcllons placed on the llbQt'tles of the nation , declaring that whatev'r the outcome of the struggle with Russia will win a vlctor ' fot' con. stILutionallSIn. He adds : "The war has glllrlnglr rovealell the clluse of the evil , and has shown the hopeless condition to which a :1l'eat : ; nallon mar bo brought by the deprlva. tlon of all freedom of thought. feel. Ing atHl nctlon. The burenucrac . , pos. sesslng all the strings ot Irresponsible power , ltoeps the people under a tute- lage. which has novel' nttalned such proporllons , hils never with such nr. bltrary methods flouted the law and never mal10 the country feel Its power so painfully as during the past few years. " Such out8polwn crillcism 'Would never have p.8m1 permitted under lho I Van Plehve regime. The uewE1IHlpers which discuss the nrtlcle 1ll1vo not a word In defenf30 of hureaucracy. but they do not Indorse the Ilrosilects of I 11. . constitution , the Svlet pointing out that } . mperor Nicholas' manifesto for. mallr cleclared his Intention of uphold. Ing nutocrac ) . and that. Intf'rlor I\Ilnls. ter SvlatoIJOII\1Isky : Is pledged to the manifesto. NEBRASKA DAY AT THE FAIR. One Thousand ResIdents of State Take Part In Ceremonies at St. Louis. ST. LOUIS-Headed br Governor r J. H. l\t1cltoy 1,000 Nehraskans cele . hraled "Nebraslm da ' " at the \Vorltl'f Calr on 'fucsdIlY. ' ] 'ho formal cere monies toole llloce In I"estlval hal ] Chancellor I . Benjamin Andrews 01 B the University of Nebraslm olTere ! ' the Invocation. Addresses were mlld ( by President 1"\'I1ncls \ of the exposl lion , Governor 1\lIckoy. Hon. John LeI Wohster of Omaha and G. W. WattlcI of Omaha , II resident of the Statl \Vorltl's Pall' commission. In r\Y1onso to the welcoming ad dresses at Preslelent Francis , Gover nor John H. l\1lcke ' at Nohraslm mad 11. . length . address , dwelling on thl stato's advancement , Its 'Wondel'Cul rc sources , cllmntlc Ildvantages , et. Johl I. . Webster al d G. W. Wattles WSI spoke. The Outlook In China. LONDON-Bennett Burlohh. arte careful 1nqulrr Into the situation , c d bles the Dally Teleg\'l1ph \ trom Shan hal that the 110lllical out1oole In Chin o Is worse now than prIor to the 'boxo o . outbreale In 1900. " Wldesllread opel \ of secret societies. ho sa ' 1 d . show a dAngerous recrudescence c antl.forelgn feollng. Drilling of larg n . hodles of well equlppoll troops Is Ilr ( t. coedlng da ' and night In many Illi ' 's . trlcts ot southerll ancl mlddlo 1'.01 ) Inces and the Chlnose authorltlos ar buying military equll1ment. . , ' . I ATTITUDE OF WAR THIS IS WHAT IS ASSUMED DY ENGLISH PAPERS , FlRmG on THE FISHING FLEET It Is Freely Discussed by London Journals-Belief That the Czar Does Not Intend to Punish Mar Who Ordered Attack. LONDON-Tho tone of comparative moderation nnd calmness hitherto shown hy the Ilress ot l.JOndon Is ob. served to he 'Iehllng to ono of an out.spoleon bellicose nature , The Dally 1\lall editorially spenks of war threat. enlng and gives In scare headlines , "Ultimatum to Hussla EXlllres This Afternoon , " ot . Wllhout going to these lengths , nearly all the papers are discussing the possibilities of War should the war Imrty 111 St , Peters. burg ho able to Influence the emlleror and government Into a determination to shield the omcers ot the Dnltlc slluadron. 'rhe unofficial explanation of Admiral RojestvcnsltY , telegraphed from Vigo. Is st Igmatlzed by the MOI'lI'TJ ! ; Post and oth r papers ns ap. parently thnt of a lunatic , whose con. tlnuanco In 11. position of responslbll. Ity Is n mennce to every "essel that navigates the sea. The Dally Telegraph , representing the government view , sars : "There Is no doubt. whatever of the government's serIousness. No reo 8110nsl\le \ ministers would order a fieet athwarl the IlIltIt of , 'essels of a forolgn power without recognldng ; the responsibility of such 11. . g1'llve step : . , yet this Is what his majest s gnvern. ment has done with Its eyes wide ellen , " Au eCJullllr bellicose ton ( ' character. Izes the Drltlsh correspondent's dls. patches from St. Petersburg , which openly Impute the Husslan dell1Y ow. Ing to the hellef that Great Drltaln Is 11etermlned not to 1'1 sic war Ilud express the conviction that the Rus. sinn govrnment Is determined not to punish the offc1Jdln omeers. Ml1Ilrld dlslllltches ( 'ommont severe. ] . Ullon the attenlllls of the Russians to def ' the SlllUllsh government by the Ilretense that tIwlr vessels are damaged and hr Ilroceeding to coal fl'Om German vessels , and also Admlr. al Hojesl\'nsly's alleged eXll1anation tllat th ( ' I1rlng on an uIJproachlng yes. , Bel was necessarr for the protection of I his sQuadron. 1.01'11 Rosebery , In sonlIng ( 11. . checle for $500 for the sufferers. describes the North sea affair as an "unspenle. able outrage. " The lornlng Post's Copenhagen correspondent glyes a report that the calltaln of n llrltlsh steamer , after IJRsslng the Baltic squadron Frlda . evening In the North sea , saw , two miles awa ' , n two-funneled steamer In distress , which apparenl1 ' sllnle before ho was nble to reach her. It Is suggested that the steamer had been attaclwd b ' the Daltle squadron. AVAILABLE SUPPLY OF GRAIN Heavy Increase of Wheat and De. crease of Corn and Oats. NEW YORK-Special cable and telegraphic communications received b ' Dradstreet's show the following changes In nvallable supplies , as com. l111rell wllh Iist account : Whcat. United States and Cnnada , east of the Rockies , increase , 2,839,000 bushels : afioat for and In Europe , In. crease , 700,000 bushels : total supply , Increase , 3,539,000 bushels. Corn , United States u.ntl Canal'a ' , east ot the Rockies , decrease , 16,1G9 , . 000 bushels. Oats. United States and Canada , east at the Heckles , decrease , 347.000 bushols. . 'I'he'loadlo : ; Increases reported this weele are 800,000 bushels at the northwestern - western Interior elevators : 440,000 bushels InIanltobn ! : 325,000 bushels at Depot Harbor : 17SOOO bushelfl at Louisville : 90.000 hushels Ilt Roclles. tor nnll 80,000 at the Milwaukee 1'1'1. vate elovators. i Len.lllng decreases are 174,000 bush. els at the Chicago private elevators , and 50,000 bushels at Chattanooga. OLEOMARGARINE CASE DECIDED : Use of Palm 011 for ColorIng a Viola. tlon of the Law. W ASIIINGTON-Justlce Drewer at the Supreme comt of the Unlled States todar anounced the decision of the court In the oleomargllrlne case or August CIIIT of Chicago. a/lirmlng / the decision ot the United State'J district court. b ' which Cliff was can \'Icted at vlolallng that portion at the oleomar , garlne law fixlnr ; a tax of 10 cents pm IJOuntl on oleomargarlno artificially colored. In this Instance palm 011 was . used for the purpose ot coloring the ' . substance , nnll the prosecution was resisted on the ground that the all prOlluces 11. . natural and not an artl. ficlal coloration. The court did not 8ustaln this Yiow , declaring thnt palm 011 was put In for no other l1\1rIIOSO than to 11roduce a 'ellow color. ChrIstian Home Manager Dead. COUNCn. DLUl < 'FS , la.-Rev. J. G. Lemen , manager of the Christian home at lhls rlt ' , died al 3.20 n. m , Wednos. day , at his home , 714 Avenue D , nftel'l two w'eks' Illness. Although his death toole place after so brlet elclt. ness , It was not unexpected. Mr. Le. mon has been In declining health for two years or moro. ( Inll when the serl. ous chllracter ot Ills malady became manifest several dn 's ago , graye feara were felt that his enfeebled system could not stand the attack. lie was 5G years old. I I rNEBRASKA.- STATE NEWS I I _ THE NEWS IN NEBRASKA , - A new elevator Is about to compete for business at Adams , Tecumseh's new $16.000 schcol house Is nearing campi ell on , Ccdar Rapids has experienced a crent building boom thla season. I The York Commercial club Is mo\ . . Ing In the matter at getting a noW depot. C. F. Pettigrew , n Chicago con. tractor , Is to put In a gas plant nt Co- lumbus. 'I'here was a good attel1l1ance from Nebraslm at the OXl10sillon on No. braskn da ' . Johnson count . Is shipping potatocs b ' the carload to Kansas nnd Mis. souI'I points. , .10achln Miller , six miles north of Utica , blew the top of his head off with n shotgun , No cause Is given for the act. At HnrdY , 1\Iattle Forsha fell from n footbrldgo Into the Hepubllcan river , hut was rescued as she came U1) the third lime. Nebraska dentists are not weB pleased wIth the llresent dental laws , and will bo before the next leglsla. turo for relief. At York Charles and William Marke were arraigned before Judge Ta 'lor and held In bonds of $1,000 each on n charge of kidnaping. Charley Smolinski , n Polish lad , while fishing In McPherson's lake east of Columbus , caught a turtle which " 'elghed nearly thlrt ' pounds , The city council at Wymore I111s granted a franchise to the Gage Coun. ty Indelendent Telephone comlJllny and work on lls lines will be com. menced. The new mill whleb has been built In IUmca b . the Ithaca Milling com. IJIlny , with a capacity of 100 barrels per dar. commenclJd grinding wheat last woek. Arter a successful pastomte of seven 'ears , Hev. F. E. Janes of Fro. mont , pagtor of the Christian church , hns tendered Ills resignation , to tal.e effect next month , The new wagon bl'ldgo across tbo Platte river at Schu 'ler has been nearly enough completed that teams are crossing dally from Duller county in great numbers. _ Stanley M , Rosewater of Omaha won out In n comlJCtllIon with over 150 students for one of the two va. ( .ant places on the Unltrslty of 1\1Ich. Igan G1eo ane l\Iandolln clubs. 'rhe Fremont Concrete and Artlfic. Inl Stone company filed articles or In. corporation. Richard Whitfield. F. McGlverin , Conrad Hollenbeck and A. E. LItUechlld are the IncorZlorators. A. S. GreJaret. , who Is loolclng Ilfter the sugar beet crop near Ames , says be has slxty.five acres stili In the ground , the gathel'lng f wblch is delayed - layed on account ot the hean. weath. er. , At Lincoln , Louie Felts Is dead and bls hrlde at three months Is under the care at physIcians from the effects - fects of Inhaling gas that escaped ! rom an Instantaneous heater In tbelr bath room. The worl. of excavation for the new Durllngton depot nt Crete bas been begun. Since the burning ot the old depot last sllrlng n small wooden sbanty has done service as a pas. senger depot. 'l'he new church edifice at the Unit. cd Emngellcal denomination at Hast. Inga was dedicated last Sunday at three services. The new church Is a wooden structure erected at a cost at $7,000 and has a seating cllpaclty ot 600. ' Farmers who desire the prIvileges ot a wInter Institute can get tull par. tlculars by writing to Prof. T. I. . Lyon . or 1.lnc ln. Tho' 'f rmer' ' 'institute .Is Lupported by the state and Is under control ot the regents of the University - sity of Nebraska. Dert Egge , the 17.year-old son ot Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Egge or Tecum. SOlI , has disappeared and his IJarents are alarmed at his absence. The I 'oung man was employed on a farm . east of Tecumseh. County Allorney J. H. LInderman of Dawson county sccured 11. re'lulsltlon for the return at Leonard E. Morton , wbo Is under arrest nt Loyeland , Colo. Morton Is accused of getllng money under false pretenses. Extensive Improvements l1aye been completed about the Hastings as 'lum this summer , the greater part of the worl { havln heen done b ' the In. matos. Numerous new walks and 'drives have been made. 1\Irs. Catherlno ZIska , formerlY ot Wilbur , Imagined that she was tor. mented by demons and tried to com. mlt suicide in the county jail at Lln. coIn. A prisoner gave the alarm and lho woman was rescued. 'I'he owners ot bottom land on the Llttlo Nomaha rlyer , between Auburn and Nemaha City , I111ve organized n mutual company for the purpose at straightening the J.lttlo Nemaha river and cleaning and dredging the same to l1revent the overfiow. 'I'ho Farmers' State banle at Ans. le ' has been Incorporated with n cap. Itnl ot $25,000 , at which $7 , OO Is paid up. The Incorl1orators are 'Valton E , Nowcomb al1l1 C. O. Rltchmo 'er. .T\IIlge \ Dasll S. Hamse ' ot Platts- mouth has heen selected as vlco pres I. Ilont for Nebraska at an assoclntlon to ho Imown ns the Ramse ) ' l 'amll ) ' A8soclatlon of the United States. The object of the association Is to collect all dat/\ available , both 1n Amorlca nnd Europe , pertaining to the gene. alogy ot the famll ) ' , whether the name Is spelled "Ramse ' " or "Hnmsac ) ' . " , , ' " ' . , . 1 I . INDIANS ARE ON THE ! . STAND - I How the Wards of Uncle Sam Artt- Swindled. WINNEDAOO INDIAN AOENCY- Testlmon ' that the O'Connors , bonk. ors Homer , have got Indians" pension checles from the IJostoffice , endorsell the name at the pa 'eo wllhout authority - thority and applied Ul0 money 01\ notes glvon by the ono to whom thE } checl , Was drawn was the sonsatlon of the momlng session of the Inqulr ) ' court here. Joseph Hlnomann , an lu. dlan , declared that this had been done In the case of his own father who gets 11. . check for $17 pension every quar- tel' . He testified also that on a loan or $25 he had to glvo 11. note for $3G , duO' In three months , whlcb Is an Interest. rate or 125 per cent. Green Halnhow , ono of the leaders at the tribe , declared he had Ileon of. fored It team of horses tree of charge h ' the O'Conners If he would not tesU. fy before the Inspectors. 'Vllness also- declared an attempt had been made t.o- Intimidate him at the point of a gun held by Harold O'Connor In th O'Conner banle Into giving up some- mone ) ' he bad on deposit. Jacob Hussell , another Indian trad. er , testified that the fact that n. ring" of Homer and Emerson mercbants snapped un the Indians' pay checlts- at the agency , prevented blm from collecllng m ney honestly duo 'be. ' cause the Indians would 1111.ve' . no ! money left after escaping from the- , whites. i Claims of traders lhat the Indlan $ . , are unfriendly to Father Schell's cam- " palgn for reforms In the conditions : surrounding thom were refuled when representatl.o men ot the tribe I1.p- . ( I peared before Inspctor Wright to tesll- ! 'rhe taldng at notes for double the' t sum of money loaned , the sale .or : [ , ' horses for $ OO when the anImals wero' l not wortb $25. the use of coercion In. ' " the malleI' at securing pay checles , th loaning at mone ' to buy whlsk - and the purchase of liquor In saloons. openly were some of the things testified - fied to. NEBRASKA SCHOOL LANDS , ! - - : There are Less Than Four Hundred ! Acres Not Under Lease. According to the records In the office ot Land Commissioner Follmer , thero- are at this limo only 381.88 acres or school land not under lease In the- state out at n total of 1,940,000 acres. This land can be leased by application' to the lal1l cOMmissioner's ' office. Dut'- In the last four 'ears there has been , leased about 54,000 acres and about. 120,000 has been re-leased. , - The cnact- ment at the Jlnkald law and the II" rlgatlon worlt being oorrled on , hag , made demand for school land and " this accounts for the numerous I1.Ipll- . . cations received lateb. , the appllca- \ lions being moro numerous than the' land commissioner's office could sup- I- ) ply. The land is situated aa follows : C'herry county , se1,4 sw1,4 36-25-:8 : : . . 40 acres : Gage county , lots 1 and 9 > In block 4 and , nw * 1G-2-7 , 3 acres : , Kimball county , lots 1 nnd 2 , In netA , ' 1G-12-69 , 69. 2 acres : lots 3 and 4 In : se * lG-12-59 , 69.3G acres : J. > erklns : county eth nw * and nth sw % an ' " sw * sw 3G-11-36 , 200 acres. Co.operatlon on Statistics. R. W. Durham at the department ot' statistics of the federal government II' ! making 11 trip througb the state In. . vestlgatlng the labor employed In the' penitentiary an II other penal Institu- tions. Ho . . .111 co.operate with tbe labor- b remt ot statistics and it Is cxpect lR this co-operation will result in muchl more accuracy than has heretofore ob. . , . talned. Sutton Creamery BUrns. SUTTON-The Sutton' creamer , . . . was completelr destro .ed by fire. Thill\ : Is the second time this creamery has 1 been destroyed in lIleo manner. It waS' built In 1883 by 11. stocle company I and burned In 1887 and rebuilt the- same 'ear. The loss wlB be about , OOO. Horsethleves Are Busy. NORFOLK-Horao t11 eves In ani\ > about Norfoll { have 11'en doing 11. rush- 1 Ing business latelr. Several fine ani. mals have disappeared and none or ' them recapturel. Dloodhounds l1ava- been put uJon the trail of a number of Ulel.1 without success. GIrl Injured In AccIdent. McCOOK-Miss Marthn Shears , ) Iv. Ing a few miles south1\'est ot 1\IcCool , . was thrown from a borse , severely- fracturing her leg between tbe hip. and lcnee. She was dragging henlelt home In tbo darkness , when foun bY' n member at the family. Woman Looks for Recreant S .se. . DEATHICE-A 'Woman giving tho- name of 1\Irs. Elliott was bere 1001 , . Ing for her husband , whom she claims .J deserted her at 1"alrbur ) ' . She statell " that ho left her at a hotel nt that place and nfter disposing of the house. hold goods ho left tOW11. Elliott was i here Thursday with a woman namell DavIs , and the couple left for Lincoln all an eyenlng tralu the sarno da ) ' . When 1\Irs. IWlott Was so Informell by Chlet Ashenfelter she lett for th - capital clt ' to see It she could locate. her truant 4us and. . . . , _ '