Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, November 03, 1904, Image 11
The Wabash Is tha Only Line Landing You at the World'lI Fair. nround trip rates tram Omaha are aa follows : $8.fiO sold dnlly except . . } 1'rldny and Saturday , good 7 days. ' 13.80 sold dally , good tri darB. The i Wabash 18 the only lIne that Inml's passengers at the main entrance ot the 'Vord's ] Fall' grounds. Also the only I lIne thnt can checle ) 'our baggage to the WO d s Fall' station. Think w1tat I . saving at tlmo , annoyance an ex. tra CIU' fare. Ail agents can 8011 10U through ticket d route you over the WabaBh. Very low rates to mnny poInts South , Bouthenst. For beautltul World's Fall' folder nee nll Information call at 1601 Fnrnlml St. or address Harry E. Mooros , Oen. Ast. Pass. Dept. Wab , R. R. , Omaha , Neb , It Is easier to win a gIrl's hellrllhan i It Is to earn her hand. I Superlnr'Quatlty and extra quantll : ; must win. This Is why Defiance Stm'ch Is taking \he place or all olhers. Vlrluoos and noble dceds are bet. leI' than l.1lgh descent.-Eurll1Ides. Every housoleeeper sDould Imow thnt If they will buy Defiance Cold Water Starch for laundry use the ) ' will snvo not only time , becltuse it never sUds to the Iron , but because ench packnge contalnB 16 oZ.-one fun pound-while a ] ] ether Cold Water Starches are put up In * .pound lIacle. ages , aun the price IB the Bame , 10 cents. Then nGaln because Defiance Starch Is tree trom all Injurious chem. Icals. Ii your grocer tries to BO ] ] 10u . 12.m : . pac1utgo It Is because he has a slade 80 hand which he wlshos to dlBIJOOO of before ho puts In Defillnoe. Ho knows Ulnt Defiance Slarch has rlnted en every paclcne In ] argo tel. tors and figures " 1 ( ; ozs. " Demand bo anco : and save much time and tnonoy and the annoyance of the lron .ttlcklng. Defiance Dcver stlcs. ] , . . - " A VOICE FROM THE PULPIT. nev , Jacob D. Van Doren , ot 67 SI th street , I'ond Du , Wis. , Prosbyterlan cerg'man ] , S"'II : "I had I attaclell ot kh1ney dls. ol"llers whIch lcollt mo In the house for days at n time , unnble to do nn'lhlng , Whnt r Bul'feroll can 1.ordly bo told. Compllea. tlons set In , the par- tlcularB ot which ] w1l1 be peased ] to gh'e In a personal In. tervlew to any ono who requires Infor- ml\t1on. This I can conscientiously soy : Doan's IUdnc ) ' P1I1s caused a general 1m. provement In my . , . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . " , . ' . . " \ . . . : . . ; \ . ( ; - . , , CASTO RIA For Infants and Children. . The Kind You Have . Always Bought Bears the Signature Promotes Digcslion.Chrerrul- ne5SMI.1Rest.contalns neIther rphine norMinuaL of 'Nor "N.ARC : OTIC. ' II . , tU . Ii. In - , Use Apedecl : n CorConsUpo- non , Sour StomachDillrrh ea nessnndLosSOF Worms , Convulsions . . , Feverish- SLEEP. . F 0 r 0 V " 0 r FACSimile signature of = . Thirty Years I CASTO RIA . . . _ . , . . . TM. O.maull.OpIII" "EW " 0" 01T'f. > 7 " 1. . . " . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . , ' ; W. ' Douol. . malr . . "d sell. more men' . $8,60 a1JO II 'ban 8IU" GIbe , . m.nlll.cturGfI In tbe world. The naeoa " . L. onill\l 18.10 .boN "NI tbll ( fruteBt . . .lIen . In the worM I. \ > foPADIe ot their enel. IeahtrlCl"M81I1Ulnlr Alul .u rlor wMrl1llr qUAIIUe. . . It 1 could .bow you the" . belw""n 0 , . . ehoe mAde In m , 'actory and tbor other m.II. . . .04 'b. . hlclI'lfmde leathera uoed. rou . . . ) uld under. etanc1 whr W. 1. : lJoDlllu . f3.loO .hoee eel' more. . . . . . . . ther bold 'he r Ihlye\1It etlerL'ur I lonller , .nd .re . ot n..ater . TalDII th.D an. , other .14 ahoe DO lII mullet w-ua" knd Will the . , . . . . ' . . . , aUeAlor the ' Jul. 0.0.0 endlnl' 1. 1904 were S . .26.1 W.1. . IhnJlIl. . . . IrIlJl"nte"o Ihplr nlull b. , I'Iamp\nar \ bit name a.n4 prl on tke bottom. Look t Itt - , t : .110 IlUba talO. Sold "T eboe dea"'rs " efubere. , SUP , ! ! ! , , ! ! ! ! ! ! : r , , 1' ! ! ! ! ! I ! tI ! ! blOEAR. . , ati/atl'MI. Ij/rad IMm 1Wr'jO 'n ' ! > ! rIJM'1 all 1Df" 10 oIAtt" t/ing i"1 , , .roo (1. < < J.-/J. . JltVUE , D'7' r.'j"t . , U. . 'i. nl. " , Ut , II.thrno" , ' , . . . . W. T. . noallfllu n. " . CoP. Colb.k ! In hlo 83.l10 . .hOf" " . Coron" Colt I. con ed to be Ute UCllt I'aten' ! .6aUler willie. } 'aat Color Y.rlehl uoell ( 'xcll1ah'el" I . . ! . W. L. DOUGLAS. Droaldon , N..abu.I. . I I : , , \ I i . " ' , ' ' . . . . I l1ealth. They brought great relict by lessening the pain onll correcting the acUon of the ] tldney secretion B. " Doan's KI51ney PlJs ] t r sao by 1\.11 dealers. Price , 60 cent ! ) . l < oster.Mn. burn Co. , Duffalo , N. Y. A girl's wntch Is uBun.1ly more orna. mental than herBelf. How's This ? We offer Onll Hundred Dollar. neward tor an , ea e ot Cltarrh tbat canuot bo cured b , 11.11' . Catarrh Cllre. F. J. ClIltSEY & : CO. , Toledo , O. W. . tb. u040""lOod have known F. J. Cbeoe , 'or tbo Jut I yun. and 'OlInll biOI rertecU1 bal > ' crabIll In all blulne. . tnnuellona and nnanclallT able to carrT Ollt AII1 obll1:811uni nlade by bll\lrm. WALI > IHfI. Kill/UN AI } .1AB1'UI , WbolooQlo Druiilll , Toledo O. n.n' . Catarrh Cllre I. taken Internalll , .ct\n. \ lro tlT upon tile bloo < 1 .nd roueou. 'IIrtee" or tb. , yolem. Teatlmonlall I"nt tree. l'rlee 7 celus Pv bOttle. 1 > 014 bT follllrIlKllhl. . Tllke 11&1I'a Family l'II\s tor COllaUl'atlollo A young man likes to hnvo a girl sit up with him till midnight during courlship , but nfter marrogo RO docs not wont her to sit up for him that latc.-Chlcago News. romt&nontly CUrM. No nta 01' nel'1'CUI"efII &fteI' If" ITS 11m dfoJ1 : tlMJ ot Dr. 1.:110" . " 0" , , , , % 'lIne ' Heoloroo tIJ' . Bend tor FnFl U".OO " ' trtAI botOe and t.ntloe. liDo 11. U. JUuiBo Ltd. , 831 Arch 8met , l' Ulod.elph1& , 1' & Pointers for Stateaman. It wo were II. staleman wo never should begin an Intervlow WIUl : "l\I ' atlentlon has been calle:1 : to an arUclo concerning , " etc. " ' ( > 'would not want people to think we dldn'l road the paperB. Law of Sacrifice. The Jaw of sacrlfico Is this-that to those who win , to thos" who pay the price , the sncrlfice 1B no sacrifice ; that Is to say , the element of pain 18 not present. New Use for Breakfast Food. A near.slghted : Mllwaukeo man who loves his plpo recently smoked up three pncleagos of breakfast food before fore discovering hIs error. When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper. BEGGS' BLOOD PURIFIEI1 CURBS catal'rh" the .tomach. , PATRIOTISM OF THE JAPS. \1lkado's Troops Examples of Self. Sacrificing Devotion , The followIng are reproducelt as they were prInted In JallOneso news. 110por : Midshipman Shlbu 'o snW bls moth. er before his departure to the front , when the following conversntlon passed between them : "Mother , I shnn not como bacte nJivo lhls time. " "Why should ) 'OU not ? " "Mother , how can I Jive when I ougbt to dIe ? " Icucbl ( ] was ono ot the sailors wbo went to blocle up Port Arthur. Just before bls delllJrturo he wrote to biB wlfo these few lines : "There Is no doubt but that you arc m ' wlfo and w111 behn\'o accordIngly. " These few words show the spnrtan spirit of the JapeneBe , to Buffer In sl. lenco and bo strong. At the battle ot the Ynlu , Soltller Suzulel was shot through the stomach and fen down. Dut ho cried out : "Yes , It IB only a scratch. " 110 bnn. daged his wound hlmseIC and told his friends to mnrch on. The wound proved fntnl and ho died three days arter. SoltHer K. Suzuki In ono ot his let. tel's to his bome mentions n most pop. ulnr song sung by the soldiers at the front , which runs as follows : He-"When I go to the front , bring up this child as a good clllzen. ' When I die , tlo not weep. " Shc-"Why should I weep ? Am t not a soldler's wife ? Fight for our emllOror ; the honor will abldo with this child. " Eddie Fey and the Baby. Next to Eddie Jo'oy on a street car 0 bit ot an Infant In Its mother's arms was screaming with an Its tiny might. 'rho Un ) ' might with which 11 screamed drowncd the rour of n flnt wheel. ' 1'he mother tried to quiet the vocal c'clono with II. boUle and by taBelng hut the mite wns too busy mnldng noises with Its mouth to use It on the bottle and couldn't hear II. word of tht : . tall , . Sudden ! ) ' Fa ) ' waved his hand. The shln ' , little , distorted red face l'elaxed. Two big , blue moons sailed out from a cloud. 'rhe ) ' shone lam. bentl ) ' on } < 'o ) ' . "Goo ! " People began to Inugh , and the fem. Inlne contingent looleed admirIng ! ) ' at Foy. In the midst of the laugh leI' the In. font was beginning again. "Hush ! " cautioned I o ) ' , excltedl ) ' , to the 'pasBengers. "I've got It bluffed. " Once moro Fay executed hlB magic esture. The squall got worse. Fin all ) ' Fey desisted. He whispered : "It's tough to fall down on the en. core.-New York 'relegraph. Where Trees Grow Fast. A tree which grew nearly twenty feet In a ) 'ear and a half has been tnlcon from the experiment station In Snnta Monica cnnyon to the world's fall' to show wbat Cn1lfornla can de In n. hurry for a place In the shade. It Is n varlet ) ' of the eucalyptus. A small grO\'e of these trees was planted on n shnggy cliff hack ot the experl. ment station , where It seemed as though no tree could grow at 11.11. When this parllcular tree wns about a ' and a half old It measured four inches In diameter. In order to get It safely to the fall' the whole tree waB carefull ) ' packed In mosses and sonlted cloths. One of the most Interesllng features of the work of the stallon Is ImvorUng trees from foreign countries nnd try. Ing them In Cu1lfornla soli nnd ell. matlc condllionB. FlrBt one soli and then another Is tried until n congenial one Is found. One ot Ule nddltlons to the CaH. tornln tree family thus mnde Is ono of the most beaullful treeB In the world -a Jacaranda , covered with Immense IIInc fiowers. 'rhe whole malcos an et. fect of bewilderIng beauty. The Little Japanese. Once . I knrw n Japnncso. " .ltll a IIttln hlue chemlHo. Socks RlIII HUI1l1uls and 11 Pl'ctty Ilfiper tan. Lnd ) ' toot nnd daml ) ' hand , lI'rOlCoJlIl'nll ) ' plunnl'11 ; And ho dldn't I ! em 11 t nil 11 flShtiliC man. He wCt'I lIeut amI ho waR cll'nn , : \08t delightful to be te lI ; 110 wnt ! "potll'lIS , 110 " , ut ! "Ille anll he was 8PUII ; He WIIK "ugclI' . ho wns "pice , lIapllv temport'd to 11 , 'Iel' ; AIIiI } 1O dldn't Icem 11 t nil u filhlln man. He would grc > cl rOil wllh a "mile 'l'hat wOlllt ! 'arr ) ' IllIlt U 11I111' . wcet ilK summer , nnd cXllunsh'c In Us plan ; . He woult ! 11011 hlR henmln 11011 , Llkc a IloIIHhl't ! Illtlo dnll ; An lIu dldn't seem at all 11 fighting mun. " 'hlch Is why I'd gh'e a lot. COllld I camp UJlOII Iho HJlnt. " ' 111'1'0 he'H winning hloo y Illurcls tor Japnn. JURt tn walch hIm wniling In. I Willi Ihnt Hmlle ubo\'c hIs chili : For III' tll lI't litem ut nil u flshUng mnn. -Dertrund Shadwcll In Chlcngo Post. Wives Sold In Russian Provinces. In the Khnrlcotf , Poltavn nnd BIn : , terlnoslnv pJ'ovlnces of Hussln theJ'e It ! rapidly growing trade In the snes at ot wives , frequently ut their own do. sire. 'fhe usual cause Is the extreme povcrt ) ' of the hushand , who can no longer ] eecl1 his wife ; though It Is of. ten because the wlfo dealJ'cs to IJe free from a cruel , drunken vartner. 'rho trade has IJecome so common that few markets nre held without such tJ'Uns. ncllcms , which are conshlf'red so bind. Ing that no caHe has lIeen known of I ) hushallli demanding hlB wife hach. Their mnrlwl value varies from 8 to of ; Hi.Iore ; Is never 11alll. The women are reclulred to bo goo. ! 111111sowlvC8 and field worlwrs. The de\ters or ngents are Jews , who get 10 to 15 IIcr n. . . . _ Lt , , , hIlP"hsUI. I'I , , . - _ . h:1racter. T11 habit ot Indl1str ) ' enn bo 1\0' Qulrod nB caslly as the hnblt of Idle- nOBS. But It Is alwa8 the mnn or boy ot charncter who Intrenches him. IOU with goo II hnblls , and It Is ahvn's t110 morn ] weakling , the oharncterloss pcrson. who becomes the slave of evil habits. Accomplishments are eIther helps or hindrances to Ionulno auc. cesa. IlIgh qunllUeB or character o.lono cnn mn.1eo thom worth while , might ) . , and enduring. No chromes or chenp vrCmhlm ! ! , buJ. a beUer Quality and onothlrl1110rc ot Dennnce Starch for the 11111110 llrlct' oC ether Blnrche . Vlrtu 8 of the Amethyst , The nmeth'st , In days ot chlvary ] , W S believed to have grent power ( or (000 In bnttles. 'fho wearer Wl19 ron. dered bravo , ( nr bolng and honorablo. The amethYBt wnB also said to deslroy the cravlni : for Iquor , whll'11 W B ns prevalent In thoBe da's I1S It Is In lhla. Many Days Without Sleep. A Philadelphia physlclnn tolls or a doc lor who went wlUlout sle for Dight days nnd nights , and ot another who tUd not go to bed tor eighteen days. Napoleon rode for dll's In the IlI.ddlo apparently without sleell , No authcmtlo tests problllJl ) ' exist. The Useful Alphabet. i'Thero's ono good thIng o.bout It , " i111Cldcd the ancient Phoenician as ho Invented the alphabol , "sonlo at those politicians w111 be sure to wrllo lot. tel's now that wllJ ] mock them Into a cocked hat when. they run tor office. " Mora Flexible and La8t1ng , won't ehnke out or blowout : by uelng Defiance Starch you obtaIn b\tlel' results - sults than possible with nny olher DrIlnd and one-lhlrll moro ( or .ame money. Lfttle Objection to Slavery. It mny bo better to be an old mnn's dnrllng thnn II. ) 'Ollug 1\lI1n'8 5Ia\'e- yet tbero are more slave9 than dar. lings. Write MunlNl R'n : mMF.I1Y ; ; Co. . Cblcalro. It Jllur eyea ere 8Oro or Inflnluod , IIl1d Ict o.u\lO1 "dvlco "lid tree 11\11I1'10 AI UlIDiE. It eurel all oYII'IIII. Sometimes a Htern parent nllows his daughter to well the man ot her choice because ho bas a gru go aganst him. MI' ! ! . Wlnstow. . . Root11In ) ' 1'nl' . For ehlldren toothln\f \ , the KUt1Il , rcdurllllDo I1lmwlllolI , au. , . . J > & 1D , cure wind coli. . . . . \UIu. I . The female shopper d csn't 11n"o to go to tIHI exchange deRle'in order to change her mlnd.-Phlladelphla Roc. ord. Did you know that you can got more LIGHT tor less money from a Monarch Carbide l eed ACETYLENE GENERATOR than from an.thlng else In the world-except the Bun ? Why not Investigate. Send tor catalogue D , Monarch Acot'leno Oas Co. , 1012 1.'arnl1m street , Omaha , Neb. . A grain ot sanlt leadB to the faJ ! 'of Ii mountain when the moment hUB came tor the mountain to tt\lI.-E.r' nest Renan. "Dr. nRvld 1.nnoll" ' , , ra1'nrU. . U.nledl" I1coll. . " tor tb" 1I.r. v.i.,1 " ' . . anor . . . , .ht , OAri o ! , ua..IIIIC. " 1I.1'"roll , .tlhallT , i' . Y. Wwrl < UwDItII. . 11. A good woman Is uBllnlly too good or any man-but ! orlU1\ately \ she doesn't know It. Those Who H ve Tried It , , ' 111 use no other. Defiance Cold 'VI\- : er Starch has no eQual In Quantity )1' Qunllty-W oz. t9r 10 cents. Other orands conlilln only 12 oz. Things that 11.1'0 almo right are al. .ogethor wrong' . . rllO ! ! . Cure Is the belt medicine we ever Ued ( II' aU l11rectlons at the thront and IUIlIfI.-'VK. O. EIIDSL.T , Vanburen , Ind. , Fell. 10,1000. A IIttlo elbow grease hi worth a Jot ) t ony phraaes. WESTERN OANADA'S Magnificent Crops for 1904. Wee'.rn Canada' . Wheat Crop thlll Year Will be 60.- 000.000 DusheIB" Dnd Wheat Dt PrCle- ant Ie Worth $1.00 a DUBhel. rhe Oat and Baric , ClOP Will Aho Yield Abundanti , . Splentld prlccs tor nUdnd ! of grnln , cattlc &nlt other tnI'm I'ro(1l1co tor the Ilrowln" of whloh tbo clll1ll1 to Is unsurpnssed. About lro.OQOAmorlclln' ! hllovo Rottlcd In " 'est. un Cunnrtu durIng the llUst th reo yel1rH. Thousntids of trce homcstcu\ 100 DcreR tnch Mill aVIAUl1blo In the best IIollrlculturni t11 , trlots. It has been IIld : that the t'nlted Stnte' ! will bo torced 1.0 Import whel1t . . .ltbln II vI'Jrl tow year ! ! . Secure n fnrm In Ct\Dlldn und become one of these who wllll'roduco It. Apply tor Informntlon to Supcrlntcn ent of ImmlKrnUon. Ottnwu , Cunlldllor to uuthorh.oo C na lan Ooverumf'ut AKcllt-W. V. Bennett , SOl Now York LIte lJulldlni : , Omahn , Neb. Strawberry and Vegetable Dealers The Passenger Dcpnrtmt'nt. of the Ullnol' ! Central Itatlrond Com lInn ) ' 1111\0 recently II < SllOd a publication known as Circular No.1 : : , In which b doscrJed ! the blst territory in this country i the ' lt1".l\voorrle ami earl ' , for 1IT0wlnff at clU'ly ! ) vellotablcs. vcry dealer In such product8 should uddre'li ! ' n pORtal IBd to the undcrnhllcd at Dubuque , Iqwo , reQuestlll1l a oOPY 01 " ( . ' ! rcular No , 12. ' J , F , MEUUY , Al ! lt. Gcn'l P . .w'r Agen" , ! Plany\1hofonnerly smoked 10fcigars now smoks LEWIS.SU GlE BINDER STRAIGH"Ir,5C1 : CIGAR YOUt JobblJr or dlre t trom l'acton , Poorl. . . . III. W. N. U. , Omaha. No , 44-1904 . , , . . ! I . ) , \ . 'It , \ , , ) . " . . . . . \\i : ' \I'\I. \ , \ . . < ( ' w. . , t. ' \ J ' ; : ' ; Y . I\.iH . ' \ : , \ ' \ I . . ' 1 .t,1'II ( ; Y . J\\ ' . ! . , , . ' . / / " " ' / ' ' : ' . . : . ; t. . . : : " . , If , ' ) , ' _ 1' V.y ! ' ) ' > , _ . , ' r ' ' . . . / j' . : , ' " : / : . . . . . . . : . r . . . .I ; . . . I" . . . , ' . . . : . . ! : . . ' . . . . ' . , ' . . . . . .l. " , " I' } ( . . . : ' . . " . . . . . . . ' " - : . . : ; : : : : j : . : . . . . . . . / . . ' . ' . . . . , + it , . . . . , . . . . / , ' t. s . : . , . . k .tt . . . , . . . . " too' I. ' lIo' , . \ \ ' 'Ii ! ! i . ) , ' ' 1 \1-\ : , < _ , I' . : : , . \ t1 t " l\ l y 'rJ r , I .I : : . ' . . . . . . . : & I iI. ' : : . \ ' : J ; " : : r 1 . . . . . . . , ' . ' \ . - ' : : ' " . . ' " . . . . . " . . . _ . . ' , . < : : : .z. \ . . ' l : M.iss Agnes Miner , ' of' Chicago , speaks to young \vomen about dangers of th Menstrual Period - how to avoid pain and suffering' ' nd remove the cause by using Lydia E. Pinkhamt s Vegetable Compound " url'o YOU TO 'VmtEN-I suffered for six wi h dY8m nor"l rhea ( painful periods ) , so much 80 that I dreaded evcry month , as I lmow it monnt three or four dnys of intense } Jain. 1'ho doctor 8nid this WI\S duo to nn inihuncc1 condItion of the uterine appendages caused' by l'ClCatod Rnd nogleeted colds. "If rom1 irLJ only rcalized how dnT1gcrous it is to tnlro cold at this critical tune , much Buffering would be 811\I'c(1 ;'hank God for LyUn. E. 1)lnltluun's Vcgctnhlo Comlul1l , thnt was the only medicine which helped mo nny."Tibhin thrce wceks after I started to take it , I noticela markcl improvemcnt in my gencm1 hen1th , and at the time of my next monthly period the pain hnd diminished consider. . . nbly. I kept up the treatment , and was cnre < ln month Inter. I nm lik another person since. ! nm in } 1Crfect health , my eyes are brighter , I hnvft ndded 12 pounds to my weight , my color B good , nnd I feel light nnd happy.-MISS .Aa msLI.lm , 26 Potomao Avo. , Chicago , Ill. The monthly slclcucss reHects the condition of n womnn' , health. A.nrthll1 unusI1I\l nt thnt tltHO Hhnu1cl lun'o Ilrompt ( \ml lrOpor attention. Fifty thou nn(1 1c ttcl's from wnJncI11Iro\'o that LyUnj J , 1 > > ln"hI\1I1'8 : VClJctabte Compound rcgl u.tes men- atruntlon ntHl nmlccs these pcrlolllj Imllllc5s. 1 READ WHAT : nnss INDD OK SAYS : CI DF.AR Mus. PINlmA r : - JJyUn E. PlnJc- Jmm's Vcgetnhlo COI11I1uml hus grently bcno- 1lttCll mo. I will tell you how I suffered. My trouhlo Wl\8 'painful mCI1RtroatiOI1. I felt as each' month wont by that I WitS getting worso. I bad . severe bearing-down pains in my back and n1 > do" , Illon. ' u A friend advised me to try Mrs. Pin1chnm's medicine. I dil 80 and am now free from nU pain during my } ) CrimI's. " - .TESSIE 0 , LINDDEOlt , 1201 6th Street , Rockfor , Ill. ' . .1 ' . ' 1 FREE ADVICE TO WOnmN. : ' " . . Remember , every \VomRll Is cordI J1 , Invltcl to , vrlte to lUra. l > > fnlcham If there Is nn'thlngbout lieI' YluptOIDS she doe. , not understand. 11l's , J > > lnkhnm's address Is Lynn , l\Inss. , bel'lvlce is free nnd ehecl'fully given to every nll- Ing WOll11\n who nslcs for It. Jler Illvlco has restored to ] mora .tlu\J1 ono hundred thousu.ndVomen. . WIlY don't you trY' it , my sick sisters ' ! If weeaDDot forthwith tb. , , ] an4 " FORFEIT prodftell orldn,1 ettert tfrnat1nl" $5000 "bon t4eUmon1all , wlllob vllr prOTII tblllr . .blOlut.ltlnl1ln ne. . . I.7111. JC. 1 1DkhlLJD ! lodlcl'al' : < Jo. , LrnD : , JI. . . . MEXICl ffi , y , I ' . ' U M us tang .nlmen . t showing 111.000 nrtlel" " at cut prlcea. ' ' ' ' PA'J'i 'I' MJoJDICINE8 , HUBDER cures Cuts , Durn. . , Bruises. UOOD8. 'l'UUBBEB. t.T. StURMAn & MO""fLL DRUG < 0. . Cor 16th c.nd Doc"'e. ' Omah. . . Neb. , NOW . DONJF FeJRCiiET.I .I , Don't forget when you order starch to get the best. Get DEFIANCE , No more "yellow" lool < ing clothes. no more crv king or breaking. It doesn't sUck to the iran , It give.s satisfaction - faction or you get your money back. The cost is 10 cents for 16 ounces of tne best starch made. Of other starches you get but I ounces. Now don't forJ'et. . It's 111 - - your grocers. MANUFACTURED BY THE DEPIANCe STARCH CO. , ' _ m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Color , un aoods brlghlsr .nd luter oolor , than Inl othtr ds. OnelOe Plchge color. silk , wool and colton eQuslln and I. guaranteed tl alre Derhct ratuhill MlJtr or . . . will leod po.t paid altOe : a p&Cka WrU. J&t It" _ kill-How \ 0 , . . Blueh : ud Mil Colon. .JJOSllOJ& Dll UU 00. , trAM''U' " ] , I" ' . . . .