Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, October 27, 1904, Image 4

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    " " ' \ \ . . , . . . . . . . .oM' , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \ . . . . . , , ,
. . . . . .
I . - - - - - - - - - ! r WO. J fPlib1i"at1
" " 'P.M ahcd every Th Ui ; - ( : ; ; ; - : -
; Ji uui n m . . ----E- t
- - - - -
- - - - ' -
- - - - -
K,1 ; ; ; : Neb. ,
,1 h Ihl ! pOiltomco at 1Irol1ell Uow ,
u u6jI"d.'I"B IDlltler tor Lnlh lI Bluu throllllh
tile. U. ! : I. Millis.
- 'M IISUJtil'T-jUN l'HIUR :
Illln\'OAr.IIIAjvlluce . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I .
. . : : : : . : _
- ' ' -
; L' tlr-u : 'lur-lIloclt.lI'IJluth Ae.\I'
. . _
- - h
. \ \ IH1'HiINU ItA'l'i .
I lilt ! ( 'ululllu. ptr moutll , & ; .00. cnl-
lIu.1Iur IUOlltll ) $ \ UII tlnarh.r l'olulIIlI , I"r
mUll/h. / Il.r.o. ! : LAthah 111111'161' CUIUUlII , toO
tIIDt : ' loch I'"r ' 1II0nth.
Car J'er UII UI tloK" \ . frO tillite pllr luoh , per
otolltll Iuclil " , Ivelll-Ior \ r. c.u.lIr 111111 "bcll Ir ler.
lIeu Nutlcn , tlr church talrB , .0cll111lc nnll 60lllrllllu. II
11Itllt ! wheru . 1U01I0) ' I" clllllgl'd , tllle.lllIlt rll1..II ,
tlnelI ! , lIolicol alld rellohltlone. tlllit-halt rulu. . .
WtlIdlngIIUUct1 ! hI/e. halt l'llct ' ! tur Ilobllllllo"
lI t or IIfC flut .
Uunl" 1I0lleU8 1rt\J , hll1r , "le. . tur lIullll.IIII. " ,
uhllullry nuUr.ce , IIlId e"rds ut tbankl.
l.t1gbl lIullctI.1.t rlllt , IJrulded IIy . ' /\lutel..r .
Nc rlllt.a.
. . . . . . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
'l'hurday ! ! , Octo el 27 , JCO ,
- . . - _ . - - - . . - - . - - .
nl'lltlh1\e'lllJ \ 'l'le" ' , ' . .
N.-\TluNAI. .
! > 'or l'r h'clIl. ' . 'l'b odurt ! ' } 'U I dl. Nt'1V Yull.
I'or VIc 'pre"ldelll. . . .S n3tor 1'3Ir"alll'8. Iud
( lor U. S. 8euatol. . . .1'lmer : J. lIulk"lI. 1.llIcIIIII
} 'orColllfr &tlJlall ( , III DIOI 1\1. " .Klnkal".O'N11
ST\'rt : .
I.'or Governor. . . . .Jolul U. 1\J\cke \ ' , Oqctolll !
} 'or I.teul.Gorl'rrlor ( . l . McGilton , Omaha
} 'or SeCrelar ) ' of S'al" A. GaluqJa ! , ell Cluud
I or Auditor. . . . . . . 1.1\1 : , Searl. . JIo'OIf\lalla
, 'or 'rn'a8urer. . . . . . . . Peter Motlcusen , Ord
For COlnllllqslOIl 1'1111l1c : ! arid UulJ lull'J
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H. 1\1. 1UnllI'rtmwlIl :
For Atlornc.OeuN31 Norris lIrowu. K..arut' }
I or BIIP'rlllll'lI."t : ! uf Pllbllc IuslrucllolI , . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .J. I. , J\lcUrlell.C ellcva
. ' ' . . . . .
f.'or 51'1Ialllr l'UlI'elll1l 8"1I3Iurlal HIMrlcl.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1\1. 1. . I'rle" . A " all.t
J'or Ht'flCI.qt'nlalh..q. l'UI\1lxIII H\1lrlcl. \ . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A. U. COpq , . } ' , 'Vlt\Il'rvlll. !
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \ \ ' . \ ' . MaIlle" s. Calla \Va } '
. f.'or . COUUIY Allorllty..A. n.lJulllllhl } ' .II , H.
. . .or Supervisor. tllhd dIPlt..C . II. 'rhorle. II. II.
For Supen'lsurtHth ,1I11.1 .1J. . IJrull1CalllIvy : :
l'urclcr' ' , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A.1IU3UIl8
) o'ur trea'urer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .J. B. J\lolyntux
J.'or coa,1 O\'er e"r dlslrlct I. . . . . . . AuslllI Loyd
J'or lUad oveneer district 2. . . . . . . Prank HOIllh
} 'or roa1 oveneer dl ! > lrlct 3. . . . . . P. R. Slr:1dley :
For r0:111 : UVtCRttr ! district 4. . . . .0. E. ElilrehiOn
Vor road overseer dl lrlcI ! . . . . . . . . P. 1\1. Krall e
l . . or road overst'er district c , . . . . . n. 'I' . Rollinsoll
. . .01' load overseer district 7 , . . . . . . . . L. Cu hm:1u :
Next 'I'uesday week is election.
The conservativc and business
1ile administratiou of Governor
Mickey un er his present a - I
ministration should insure his reelection - i
election without question.
. . - - . . . . - . .
Voters Bhould remember that a
vote against the repu 1ican candidates -
didates for the legislature is a
vote for a dcmocratic senator and
against President Roosevelt.
. rrhe republicans will Illalc 110
mistake this year in voting the
rcpuulican ticJet straight. A
vote for the opposition candidates
will be a vote a.gainst the principles -
ples of the rcpublican party.
'l'he fusionists have grcat
hopes of defeating Gov. Mickey
for relectiol1 ecause of his bold
land in favor of the christian re-
ligion. ' 'l'hey pretend not to op-
po'se him because of his belief
in christianity , uut ccause. of
his public utteranccs of the faith
within him. 'l'hcy pretend to ha\'c
110 oujcctions tohim ecause he is a
Methodist , but they object to
him hecause he has no hesitancy
iu IH'oc1aiming his faith in God
and { the lowly Nazarenc in matters -
ters of state as well as in private
life. If he would "hide his light I
under a ullshel" when on public
parade and be good Lord and
gOOlI Devil , hc doubtless would
come nearcr meeting thcir ideal
of IL go\'crnor. But he is not
tha t Idnd of a Christian. He
docs not hcsita te to sta tc his con-
\'icL ons whcne'cr he decms it
the rig-ht thing to do , Notwithstanding -
standing that he is only mortal
anel is Ha le to mal mistalcs ill
other matters thc stme as .my
enc else. Some persons oppose
him ccause he declincd to commute -
mute the seutencc of Htlea , the
man who was cOllvictcel of murder -
der at or near Collumblls. None
proba l ) ' regrettcd tlmt unfortunate -
ate affair more than the Governor -
or , He ma c several personal
visi ts to see Rhea and understood
his case thoroug'hl ) ' . lIe wa an
escaped crimin l when he committed -
mitted the murder. He wag
drinking it was truc but the mur-
tIer was a cold , cleliuerate aud
brutish deed. tIe not only 5hot
- - - -
; oOOY' .rJ".ooc "
Jeweler and Optician I
West Side Square , ti
Broken Bow , R
1\ Sl NbraSka.
: I
_ _ _ _
. " " ' ' ' ' ' ' 'MI1 ' ' . . n' ' ' ' '
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
hi victim wlten he was p1cllting :
with him lIut to shoot but Idcled
him after he waR dcad alld rifled
hi ! ' ! pockets. 'l'here was 110 Jlaw
in t he proceed i ngs of t hc court ,
'I'hcre were 110 lIIiuigating dr-
cumstances , Not Dill ) ' that hut
thc Rtate lelri latll1'c h:1I1 : deliberated -
ated on a hill to abolish capital
pUIlisl1n1l'nt which waR introduc-
C ( ' ! ' ! ) > l'riallj' to mel't I hea'scasc.
Aftel' " "l ! deliberatioll the legi ! -
lahtl' ( ' rl' IIsC'd to IHl ! ! ; the bill
refllsillg- illll'rfl'l' with the d -
cision ( ) f the court. 00Sl'agc :
Ullder whose adminiutration
I ltca waR convieteel cll'cliucd to
cOlllmule his IIIc.'lIce to life im-
priHolIlIlCllt , hut grail tell all \ X-
tension of the date of execution
unti ! aHcl' the ! > l'ssioll of the
legislature that that I'HI ' ) ' lIIig-Itt
pass 011 tlrl' CJlle\tioll. ! Pl'rsollal.
I ) ' Wt' would prel'l'l' to s { ' ( ' capital
pUlli5hllJ lll auolishl'll in lite
statt > aud tltill ! ; it ! jlwuld IH. .
But as 101lg 11" tile law i. . on onr
statute houb it iq the hu.silllHis
of our comts tn cnfonI' : it allll it
is not the prJnce of till' no\'ern-
or to interfcre with the judgment ( ' -
ment of the COIIl'ts , olll\ , ' in l'X-
tremc cases wIH'r it is estahlish
cd that the court has becn mis-
informcd and the party is- not
guilty as charged. I t1 ot her
words the executi\'e clemency is
only intendcd to be cxerciBl t1 in
casc bf the innocent. 1'erj' law
abiding citi7.en , cver ) ' loyal Christian -
tian of whatcver demonination
owes it to christianity and to
the laws of his state to ! butaiu ! ' !
Gov. Mickey becausc of the op-
po ition against him. Not only
that hut hc has gi\'cn the fltatt' a
clean , URiness like and conscrvt-
tive adm1l1istration that should
commend i tHcls to all classes rc-
gardless of part ) ' afiiliations.
Attl'lIUOIl'utm's. .
'L'he question of holding a Constitutional -
stitutional Convention wi11 b ( ' one
of the questions to be , 'oted 011
at the coming election. , As it requires -
quires a majority of all vote
cast to submit the question every
voter shoul < 1 make it a point tc
vote on the qucstion cither y
or no. There has been a pre\'ail.
iug opinion for years that th1 ;
state has outgrown the present
Constitution , 'rhere are severa ]
instances in which _ change
should e made for thc benefit oj
the public in gcneml. Whethel
you favor a convcntion or not. ,
vet either ycs or. no , otherwis1 ;
y ur vote will e counteel against.
I _ _ _ _ -
1"IlI o AI'lllIlsuttlllll. !
rhere is always' some one il1
the pop rauks in e'ery campaign
that presist in trying to defeat
some one on the repuhlican ticket
bj' false representation. An instance -
tance in point i. : : ; a story that
came to us the other da ) ' ,
which it was stated that " .11
phrey had not made out commit -
ment papcrs for a single paticnt
since Sherifi' Hichardson ha
been in ofiice. And that the said
sheriff had to take his paticnt
to thc asylum without said
papcrs simply he cause lf Hum-
phrcys negligcnce. "
Now m ; a mattcr of fact Mr.
Humphrey is not a member of
the county of insanity and
has ncver serveel in that capacity.
He has nothing to elo with tl1l'
examination' of paticnts or thcir
COl11m i tt mc n t.
J. H. Dean , who was appointed
a uum er of years ago by Judg
TIo1comb as the attorney of that
board still serves iu that capa-
city. ' [ 'he hoard consish. of the
Clcrl < of thc District Comt , Gco.
- ' - -
" " " ' H " ' , , 'u IHrUl1i Uen'lI.
"Our little daughter had an
almost fatal attack of w looping
cough an bronchitis , " wJ' tes
Mrs , W. K. 1Jalallll , of Ar-
1I10nl , N. y" "but , when all
other remedi's failed , we savcd
her life with Ur , King's New
Discovery. Our niecc , who hael
Commmption in an advanced
stage , also used this wonclerful
mcdicine and to-dOl ) ' she is pcr-
fcctly wcl1. " Despcrate throat
and lung diseases ) 'ield to Dr.
Kmg's New Discovery as to no
other medicine on carth. I u fal-
li le for Coughs and Colds , 50c
and $1.00 bottles g1larantecd by
Lee Bros. 'L'rial bottles free.
_ . . " ' . . . . . . . . " ' . . . . - . . . . _ _ . 1
- - - - - - - - - -
B. Mair , Dr. H. C. 'l'alJot ! an
aU oriley J. R Dean. If a
patient is ill sane they alone have
anthorit ) ' to so adjudge and
authorize hi ! ' ; comlllitttuellt , and
lIot COllllty AUorJIl'Y TIumphre ) ' .
Yet such talc ! ; arc manufactured
fOI' the occ.aBion alld circulated
hy the e who clo 1I0t havc the
opportullity to m certain thc !
fality ! ' of their charge. ' [ 'he I
facts probahlj' arc that Sheriff I
l ichal'lloll ! le\'cr ! took a patiellt I
to lIw : Jiylulll ! witholtt the com-
mittment paper , if he did it was
110 faull of thc countattorllcj'
aR It WUlIlO ! Plitt of ht < ; bUiincHs !
to furlli' h them.
_ . . -
041111111' . \\lm'IIP \ } ' . )
We lIotkt. ill lIw Callaway ,
Trihulle , the siuctiratt' populist
paper , thl' c'ditllriah of which : are
qaicl to he fttru'i'\lted by I . g.
Hrl'ga anrl A. I' . Johm101l1 if-
Irongly acJ\'II.alill the ell'clion
of i\Ir. .IohllsC1n for County At-
tOl'lh'OIiC . of the arg-Ul11Cllts
mwd ill fa\'ol' of Mr. Johusoll is
that he i- ; a partlll'r of T g.
Kirkpatrick a till wan amwciated
with Kirkpatrick whell he was
cOllllty attomey , which it is
claimcrl is the groullcI suftici nt
for the \'oters of Custer couuty to
\'ote fol' Johnsoll.
I'hc abo\'e facts heillg' true is
just the rea SOli why the voters
; llOUld not vote for .I ohIIS011.
We had anticipatell that the pop
Icadcrs would try to elect Johnson -
son on K i rkpa t riels record , si n
ply hccause he was regard cd as a
vigorous IH'o ecutor. In a sense
that is tmc , hut we never had a
prosecuting attorne ) ' who was so
expensi vc to the county s was
T4. E. Kirkpatrick.
III the fint place mall ) ' of his
cases against supposed violaters
wcre i nsti tu tell with ou t propcr
invcstigation. 'l'he result was
hc was heaten whel1 the case
: camc to trial and thc county ore
i the cxpcnse. 'l'hat there were
man ) ' such cases as that every
; one cogl1hmnt of the facts will
not den ) ' . We have not lookrd
I up the unnecessary cost the coun
ty was put to because of such
casc ! ; , ut everyone knows that
it was no small amount.
But aside from that extra expense -
pense during his last term his
administration cost the count ) '
several hundred dollars more than
has the prescnt administration of
A. l . Humphrey in the itcms of
clcrk higher , detectivc servicc ,
, etc. , for which the oouuty recei\-
ed no direct enefit ,
Kirkpatricks last term was in
I 11)01 and 11)02.
I We find hills filed and aHa wed
Jor extras as follows : '
1901 CI.AJl\I .
No. . . ( i05 , clerk hirt : , C. Carlos. . . . 50.00
. . ' 11 > , " " . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.00
100 ; . " " . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40.00
1902 CI.t\I\I- : : ; .
. " 1371 , " " . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.0(1 (
" 1\151. tleted'c work. . . . . . . . . HS.25
" 137. ! , derk hirt : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2S.0
" S\ \ , " " : . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5u.8S
, , " . . 1"73 , " " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00
IU(13. " . II J. G. leollan1. : )3.00
" SS5 , " " " " . so.oo
, , " ( l12 , " " " " . 12U.00
Tutn 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fsSo.1 2
'l'hh ; extra clcrk hire was for
the purpoRc of looldngnftel' the
dclinqucnt tax list of the cily
alld'illage. . If hc c\'er did allY-
thing' in that line there is no report -
port on Iile showill g it. 'l'hl'rl'
is 1I0thing- n'corcl to show that
h ( ' fouud any delinCucnt ) tax or
how much was e\'cr turnel into
till' ll'casurcr throngh his ( ' ( Torts.
It ! ; tnw the cxh'as are lIot
great hut are ncarly eqnal to Dill'
tllird of hiB Ralar ) ' for the l'nUre
two Y 'am.
' ( 'he prcscnt incumhcllt ha ! ; not
" 'H" cI IIlIt ' .lfe.
J. W. Davcnport , Wingo , K\ ' . .
writcs , JUlie H , } I)02 : "I w.lnt
to tell ) 'ou 1 helIevc B.dlard's
SIIOW TJ nimcnt saved my life. I
was \l1lCh'r the treatmcnt of two
doctors , and thej' lold JIIC onl' of
m r III1IgH was ntircly gOlW , anll
tlil' othcl' bully : atreckc1. 1 also
lwd a Inmp ill lity si dc. 1 don't
think thal I conlel ha\'e lived
O\'l'r two mOil t hs 101lger. I was
inc1ul'clI by a fricnd to try Bal-
lards Snow T-4inimcnt. 'rhe first
application ga\'c me great relief ;
twc' ) lift ) ' ccnt bottles cured me
I sOllllel and wel1 , It is a wonder-
fulmcdicinc allCt'I recommend it
to' suffering humanity , " 25c ,
SOc , $1,00. Sold , } . g . Mc-
Comas , Brolten Bow and Merna.
. , , . .
. . . . .
- - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
made hi ! office cO ! t the county
morc than ten dollars dllrillg hi !
term aho\'c his salary. He has
furthcr shown hi ! ; good j\lllgp-
ment in declinillg to commcnce
prmeclltion ! ; where there were
not suflicient evidcnce to smtain
the ca\e ! in court. In thiR particular -
ticular alone he ImH savcd the
county hunelreds of dollars. No
personal or pctty IIcig-h1Jorhood
law Huits ha\'e heen encolJ\'aged \
at tilt. ' expcnse of the I'ounty.
Where thc.'re lIa" ; heell ! H10icient
ellenc'l' to \\'al'l'lII : t a prosecu-
tioll i\tr.1 { umphrcy ha. , , 'ig-orouil. ! ,
pl , . , ecn teel.
i\1 r. 1J Utn ph re ) ' is nnt only a
t 'InperallCC lI 1I1 hut Ill' is It COII-
s' ' 1'\'ati\'c alld able lawyer. I rt'
dot's not have to lry a I'a\c ! tH'fol' , '
lie knows tllt'I'I' i ! ; lIothilll.r ill it.
If the \'olt'rH wanl tn ( , lIIplo\ ' nlll'
who is cupalJll' alld CHll' who , wit I
sen'e the CIIIIII. . Y a hI. " a nel l"'Oll-
o.lJically tlll'Y will . - ( ' ( 't A. I .
' 'Hulllphrc'y lht'ir county aUol'llC'Y
hy all incrl'It ! , . . . " lIJajority.
. - . - _ . - . - - - .
.ltlll . ' " :11111 : ( ' ! I.\.o \ , ; III' 1.:11'1'111111. :
'l'he f llowillg h the list of thc
jUelgl' allel derl ! ; of clcdioll a p-
l'oil1lcII ' hy ) ) j trict Clt rk , Geo.
B. Mail' , for Clmter cOllllty :
Jlldge1-\ . I\ll'Inineh , . W. We\\el' ,
Johll A. 1:111. (
Clerlu--Iltm Ilren : , Jllhll'alkel' .
AN I.H\ ' .
JlldgeC. . . Hllison , o. 11. I. ' stcr , A.
Clerl.sA. . 11. Barku , H. A.Iillel' : .
\N'OJlJ. \ .
JI\llgcs-C. \ 1\1. Bluwels , JlIlIl1 1' . J.OIIg' ,
W. G. Mills. . . .
CIt'rks-Alhert ( ntlllIlnll , A. McGllire.
lIIilt'N. .
Jl\Ilge1-J. \ DuvicisOIl , Geo. J\IeRae , I. E.
Clerks-F. ( . 1't'lldllS , R. R. Wdch.
lIlWKliN BU011'1'11 : ; SJlHi.
JIIlges-l' . A. Walloll , W. H. Shackle.
forel , C.T. . Bowlllall.
Clerks-I , . H. Cole , C. S. Martill.
1I\OKliN \ 1I0NOR'rll SJDF. .
J1Hlges-M. G. MOIIgomlr ) ' , D. H. Ban
111:1' , Oscar 1'appnll.
Clerks-C. R. IIICI : , D. R. Rockwell.
CI.IFI : .
JIHlges-J. M. Fodge , Charles llIakcmall
Johll Schmitz.
Clerks-Frank Beals , J. R. Unker.
CUS'l'FR NO.1.
J1HIges- lIaefele. J. \\'eenej' , A. J
Rl'C\'C : .
Clerb-J. II. Wulhttrll , C. e. Hmpfic1
CUS'1'Hlt NO.2.
JllIlges-C. J" Day , W' . 1' . Hellmall. . . W
S. Turtlhull. .
Clerks-Jtrolllt : Taylor , C. G. II II rf.
1JI 1.IGII'1"
JI\llges-W. \ J. Shroals ( , , O. 'I' . J.ewis , W
II. Cole.
Clerks-W. H. Daly , W. n. Salleng.
IiTl\ : [ .
JI\lIg'es-H. \ S. WolrulT , Jolm McFate
1. ' . II uenefield.
Clerks-Jumes IIcnry , David tockham
m.l CIUiHK.
J\IIIges-Rohert Mortensen , J. D. lIiIln'rt
GIIS A. Olsen.
Clcrks-J. J. . mith , F. A. Zilllmel' .
Julgcs--Chester ( GrccII , l\I. O'Brien , S
K. Lec.
Clerks-C. W. Mottillger , N. A. Smith.
GRA : > : 'l' .
JIHlges.D. . M. OShOllrtl , JohllIntl : : , R
E. Williams.
_ .
- - - - - r - -
: _ _
How to
Make Bread
Geol ! bread bakers , ns
well us beginners , cun
always learn somethinl'
new about mllkitJg brend :
Send for our bread book ,
whieh explains "lIow to
Mnke Dread" with Yeast
1:0am-the best ) 'east in the
Good home-made brcnd
is delicious , nutrjlious. nml
ballliflland is just liS cas > ,
to make ns pie or cake , tf
you use Ycust Fonm nnd
Callow the directions.
which is the first essential
of good bread , imparts a
flavor and aroma of its own.
It's made of wholtsome
vegetable ingredients , uud
cOlltoills the secret of that
I > wcet , nutty. wheuty taste
which is the tlelight of alt
good home-keepers.
'Tile secret ; s ; n the yeast.
Yeast I.'oam is sohl by nll
grocers. l\och \ package
coutains 7cakes-enough to
mnke 40 loaves-nnd sell11
Cor 5 cents. H's the most
economical nnd the best. re-
gurdless of cost. Write for
the book ) ' . We moil
it jru. .
ChIcago ,
\ . .
I . . . ' .
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I . . . . . IJ . . II II . . . . .II.I.I. . .
.lrj i Ii sir ( : kr ill . :
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ii w. J. Woods' Store Ii .
.1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ f-
? / 'I' ' 'I' 'I' ' 'I' 'I' ' 'I' ' 1"1' / 'I' 'I' 'I' ' 'I' 'I'lt. It'It' ' ' It' ' ' 1'1' ' 1"1'1'11'1' ' 1'1"I' ! " ' 1t'1' ' 'I' 1t''I'It''IIIt'It''I' ' 1"1 ' 'I' 'I11t'1t' ' ' 1"1"1'1' 'I' It'
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t.i i t.t t t. It.
" : ill ' , , . . . . . . ' e. . . , . . . " . . e. . . . . . . . . .c . . . , , . , . . . . ' . . . . . , . , . . . . . C.G" . . . . . . . ' ' . ' . ' . ' . ' ' . ' . ' . ' . ' ' . ' . ' . ' . " . " . ' . . , . . . . " . . 'C."c" ' . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . , . , . , . , . , . , . , . " . . " . . " . . " . . " . . " . . " . . " . . " . . . . " . . _ I , .
i I
il ! la ! ' !
is- - -h e op ' ! OU1 , in Iii
, , : THREE MINUTES.Ve don't a\k ! : you to accept this state1 < < f
. i ment on thc bare assertion , hut we do ask-amI extend to
everyone in thig community cordial invitation to e in at-
't ! tenclance at our store an ) ' daj' in the week commenciug l
: . J f
- It i MONDAY , OCTOBER 31 , 1904 ,
* 1 and see -tl ioulef - - - ; ll bul illg l i l1lan. . ; ; , t ' y ur own r :
: : eyes , have a dainty lunch and a delicious cup of coffee with !
, i us , and hear the demonstrator from the Majestic factory i
: explain why a ] <
'II m ! MAJESTI Iron Malleable and Steel RANGE If ! I
i akes so quickly and so perfectly. When you examined
: this modern cooking wonc'r ! ) 'ou can read ily see from its con- i
i strucUon why this is trill' . i t
. ! MAJESTIC RANGES arc entirely diffe1'ent from all t
: other cooking apparatus. Wi11not clog with ashes and clink-
i ers , allow smoke and soot to l'cape into the kitchen , crack or
: rcak , or subject you to the expcnsc an annoyance of e\'ery .
I i other cooking apparatus. q
\ I : illa c of MALLEABLE IItON and best open hearth coldIII
i rolled steel , 10 to 5Q pCI' ccnt. h aer throughout than any
i other range. Flues lined with pure a.sbestos , aud the entire
, ttj : fallgc riveted with the best Norway iron rivets. A ir-tight " j
: i and dust-tight. 'l'his explaills why a Great Majestic Hange
: will do its work in half the time , and consequently with half I
It : the fuel. i.i ; ;
: Having sold the'Majestic Hauges for the last I ) years we
; : : i know that the elaims made for l\AJHs'rIC RANGHS are true "q
. i to the letter , and give our personal guarantee that the Ma-
; g : jectic Ranges are the most complete , durable , dependable and
I economical ranges madc , amI that's why we are having thi
a to' , cooking exhibit.Vc want all our citi1.ens to see for thcm- . . .
! el\'es the proof of the claims mafIc for the Majestic Ranges. *
f ' A VALUABLE ' ;
w i : _ _ . I _ ! _ _ _ _ _ _ ' . _ _ _ PRESENT. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
f Wc are going to g'e , absolutely frec , to every purchaser
i of a Majcs.tic Hange , during the sale enl ) ' , a complete set of
tA'i the celchrated Majestic Cooking' Ware made of copper , steel I J
: andc.'nunel , worth S7.50 , cheap at that and ! Jest at an ) ' price. *
i MAJESTIC RANGES arc made in all stj'lc and sizes , I '
: to fit every conc1itioll and c\'cry pmse. gxamine thc Majestic I '
i Hange-Glad to how it to you wl1eth r YOlt intend to huy or
: IOt. ! Don't bu ) ' an ill1ll1ilation when you can bu ) ' thc gcnuinc.
ttjf I ) on't forgct the date : W
i Monday , October 31 , and all Weel , .
" . , . J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . .
1 ? , ' : ' : I. : = ' : : ; ' : : : ; , : ; : ; , ; . . . , : ; . = "i' : ; j'J.J : : ; ' ; : : : ; n ' ; 1. ' ' , ; ; ' , : : , , . ,
. . . . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
) ) uroc Jcrst'Y males for saIl' , WAN'rHD-Mcn with families.
hoth fa11 amI spring pig , $ lO.UO II air price and good houges.
to $15.00. AI o a few sows. WHWl' UNION MUI.ING Co.
A. .Ht st an , Ne
_ _ : : . O't- : /W i
- . . 3W _ . ' ' - . _ _ / . . . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
f { ; fN H ; \f \ . ; r n
"Before YOLI fhlilcl , Consult I
C.eolU J ? pin.ea-u. . ,
I ' 1 Contractor and 8uillet. . gsti 111 a tes
I j Furnishcd frcl' w lh plans and specitications.
. : . ! l N ! j J _ .2 _ ' _ _
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
_ _ -
- _ - - - - L - _ _ _ ' - _ . . . - - - = - _ ! " . !
' . i { " ; J ; ' . " : : , ' : i'1i"frAi : 'J"tl. : : . , : : ' : . W ' ! . : " ' : C 'r : . ' . i : ' : ' : 'r' . : : : ' i . : : ' i . : t ; t16f.r : i'W : : : { . ' i .
. . . . . . . : '
1'1'1. / . . ' ' - ; ' .1. ! . 'La. , . . . . : . ( ji./r. . . 'I" . . .nl'ji. . III. ' : ! ' : " , " ' ; . ! ' ; ' ; . . . . . .1. : . . . " ' . . ! ; . i . . . " " ' .Har. : t.J : . . , rr..I. ; . . . j.
l.-Q When t'sirillg to on a bill \ii' \ ' . :
; . ;
.tD . ' of I-4ul11her call on "the. . . . . . . . . . . .
: ; . , .
C. L. Turner Lumber Co. f.
1" I 'i :9 :
t We carry a 1'1111 Rtock of I.umber , t
'fi' ; ' 8a5h , Doors , l\Ioulc1ingR , etc , : . . A.
, : , I. , .
; Agcnts for the Nehral ! < a C ntral. " : ,
Building & 1-40UIl Assochltion. rl
' 1I1''h' ! "II ; . " , ' : , " : ' . :1. . . " ' ' . 'f : ' " " ' ' ' . , , 'r ' . , ' . . . " . ' ' ' ' . ' " ' " .
! ! : .t"j'l ; 1t' ; , " 'l.f. "t. " ; : : ! : ' ' ; " " .
1'I""i4'cl''J ' " : ' , . .It . ' , ; ! . . ' ' . , , ' . ' . : ' ' . '
: / : ; J ; : i-IJ ; ' : ' ' : : M ; { ; : /1 ; ! . 1'1ji : 'Ji./J : : :