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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1904)
CUSTR [ COUNTY RPU [ UCAn Dy D. M. AMSDERnY , , - - DROKEN n w. 0 0 NEDHA8JCA L nUBsla la now counllng hlchlac. / \ . OIIlJ that were lost In the 'fiuotnll coup. . - A mnn who will put Iron In n carl , 111'0 presen'er would : ' ! "Iap the horn Ilt lL , camp IJllecllng. , - - Third Secrelnry Gurne ) ' now lieI" celveR that his Illea of his own 1m. portanco wna an overcsllmatc. Philadelphia's tall Is the coclttall on " "heels. The cocl\tall on oJI1los would nccorll uetter wHit eternal JIl. ness. Anolher 1\Iul1nh \ 10 reportell to he 10090 In SomallJand. Dut 1I0n't 1)0 decelvcd. Insist on havlne the orlgl. , nnll\Iad. Up In Vermont the raltlesnakes are mlllting the cows. Wlher. that or the Chefoo liar haa eslabllshed a branch olnco there. The Sl. Petersburg NOVORU declare ! ; that International law I In pollle mYlh. Um.m.m , well , let'a bo sJnll It's poJlto , anyhow. It's a cinch that the corset manufnc. turers wlJl put on n slmlsht front when It comes to a question , of their staying Qualities. The death of Lafcndlo I1earn Is n distinct Ipss to JlterRlllre. His tnJenl wns excoptlonal-perhall9 It Is lIot too much to Bay unique. It Is Rome Indication of New Yorlt'a er.ormolls thirst that she conlem. Illntes the expentIllllro of $ ! lOOOOOOO for a now wnler SIlPllly. John I" SuIUvan hns again slgnell the )1hHlgo. ) John I" cOllI II Have a great denl of vnlunble tlmo b ) ' uBlng a rub. bel' stamp In his business. A conlempornry IlhlloHollher ob. SC1'VeG that ) 'OU can't mnJo your wa ) ' In this world by Itlcltlng. Pel'llaps ho nevC1' saw footbal game. l.ook out for bloscopo Illclures CIf Vesuvius In action IJrelly soon now , No doubt dozens of men In this coun. try are nJready bua ) ' 011 Ihem. The Hnguo conference mlht ! 1nle nole of the fuct thut ! H , OOO ucehlents , fatnl anl1 olherwlse , occuned on mil , rends In this countr ) ' Inst year. Signs of the tlmell : When she lu carrying he pucJmge they nl'o mar. rled. When ho Is cnrr'ln ono she Is thinking about , geUlng u dlvol'co. " Poverty , necordlng to J. O. Phelps Slolcen of college 8ettlement eXllerl. cnco In New York , will ono day ceaao I to exlsl. So nlso In t11at day wll\ \ I riches. , It Is a maI'o hopeful and not morc Imznrdous enterprlso for the l1uJ.e . 01 Orleans to try to rench the nOl'th Jlolc than to ttomllt to sot up UO throne I ot his tathers. Evidently the Clovelnud jud e whe hoJds that n mnn with a nagging wltE Ims a right to get drunl ; : 13 of tllUt : school at 11hllosol1horo who bellovE that what Is Is right. Presldont Eliot of Harvarl1 Sn8 the , true gentlemnn will bo doferO/itlal / , ( ' nge , bonuty nnd n11 worthy thln 3 , HE' probabJy classes the homeJy girls IH ono ot the worthy things. Marconi hns been held UII hy (1 polIceman for violating the cpeed .1:1\\ : InInning his aulomohlle.lnd wns unable to pu11 any wires to save h1m seU from going to the station. The mnn who writes to a Now YorJI paper declarln ! ; that housowOJ'Je Is n1' the oxerclse thut women neoll to J1Iale them beautiful , atrong amI heullll ) ' simply signs his loltel' "Cranl , . " There Is a race horse that hus been given the name at Togo. As soon as I the Togo [ j.cent elgal' nPllcara the all. mlral mny retire , Imowlng that ho hns renched the limit of earthly glol'Y. A heretotore esteemed contelnllor. nry maltes : L grent display or the nn. nouncemont that Chauncey Dellew bas cracked a now jol\C. Nothing couM ba baser or crueler than this. . - France Is nbollt to have another crisis. Nobod ) ' seems to Imow what It Is going to be , but It Is bound to come. The 11eople ha\'o stood the prO\ont cahn about as long . as 1103' sible. It Is a snd fact thnt thousands ot ubstanUal American clllzons ure less Interested In the anmmncemcut that Mr. Jefrl'les Is going off the stngo than In the news that Ml' . JoffrleB IN rolng on. I James A. Gurland , re11110unlre , ot Now Yorle , who has just remarried his divorced wife , tried GCQrgo Mere. dlth's scheme , but fomul It didn't work. lIe dlseoverell ho couldn't Hct any suhstltuto ror the ' /OlUan ho loved. The stntement that 150 Chlcugo teachers are Buffering from overstud ) ' Is respectfully referred tor cogltallon to that western unlverslly prOfl' : h' : ' who said the other day that schoul teachers oucht not 10 have s'\ch Ions llcaUons. PEAGEPROSPEGTS - NONE IN SIGHT SO FAR AS CON. CERNS RUSSIA , WAR UNTil VICTORY GOMES - Price" Men are Few "Peace : : It nny and Far Detwcen-Attcmpt nt Medl. tatlon Would Dc Regarded as an Unfrlendl'l Act. - I S1' . J'8TEJUmUnO-'rho Novoo VroJ11ya , Ilclret'nling , the renewed talle of foreign Intor\'onl1on In the 'HUfHIO' JnlmJll'so war , saYB : Such tnlle , If hURed upon the fnct Ihat now nnd again the voicing or an urgent deslrlJ for ) lellce Is heard In Russin , must rel1eet the marveJous Ig. noranc of or Indlfferenco on the Ilnt't of forelgltel'H to Hussln'a true Internal conl1lt1on. 'rho fart thnt In nuasln , ua In othel' countries , there nre several pnrtlcs ; two of these wnnt penee- Iho l1xtrcmo l'I.IlctlonarloH ! , IJCcn.uso . they ronAlilule what Is Jenown In the Unltod StntoR 11urlur ; \ ho Spnnlnh. American Will' , aud In gngland l1urlnr the Boer war , liS " 1I0n1'0 nt any 11rlco" men , ancl the ultra I'I1l1lrals , bOCI1u80 they are In favor oC 11 humllll1l1ng wenl.en UO , - l1eace which wou1l1 fires- ent ( ; ovCl'nment. nut. these ) lnl'tles are Inslgnlficllnt beslclo the great hOllies of moderato ) Irogresslves , who WIHh to BOO Hussln's Inlerlol' economical call- ahlJlllel ! lloveloped to tholr Cull est extent - tent and who reallzo that only through n declsl\'o Russian "Idory III the can the wO\1lul 110 henlml , not IIlastor- cd , Russin. . has the' opportunity for Interior de\'eJolll11eJl1 on 'Which tholr heart It ! tiel. 'fhe Russian nutllO/'ltles / llUve been \11101llc.'lall \ ' I1.lItlurcd that Ihe report Ihal the Unlh 11 States cOlltemllllltell tfmclerln/ / ; Its goocl uf1lc's In the Inter- oat of the resorntlon of lIenee In the fnr cast Is untrue , 'rho assurnnce w .t ! recelvet ) with satisfaction , although the report hlld lIut he en glvon ero. donco III govol'1lJllellt. ch'tJleH. CQI.OGNE--lll the COliI' so of 11 Jong UJ'lIcle t1i6C\lHln ! the subject or medl. l1t1on hetween Hllsnln nnll .Tapan , the Cologne Ga eltc , which Is regard ell as the orgnn of the Germall foreign ofIlco , snya thl1l even In It s JIlost modified form n prollosal III the direction Inlli. cat.ed woulll bo regarlled un un un- frlendJ ) ' act , nnd that the Atate undertaking - taking It , ' , 'OuJ,1 , Incllr grave 111 will therehy. " 'I'Istntement that German ) ' In sympathetically inellned toward a peace con gross 111111 woulll taJm n. step In thnt direction In conjnnctlon wltll America , " the Gnette : : alll1s , "IN Ilb. poJutely false , : \ncl It Is e < 1l1ally CuJsc to Hay Ihat Gerl1lnnr has conchJtlod or la conslclO1'ln I1n ) ' I1greement with Russin. Incomlmtlulo with German"s I , neut1'll1lty , " JAPANESE PORT ARTHUR lOSS Camp Follower Says 50,888 of Mlka. do's Men Are Sin In. CHICAGO-A slleelnl to the Dl1l1y News from Cho 1"00 " says : "Accord. I I ; to a cnmp follower , who Ims IJCon Cor aomo time with the , Jnpane80 nrmy now hORleglJol Port Arthur anll who III at present In Cho Fee , having arrived - rived trom Dnlny , the number of .Jall' nnese Idlled bofol'o till' forts hns rel1ched OO < ! O , Ho sa's the 11111\11110'8 men recJdesnlr nllaectl ) the strongest posltlous. IImltln ! ; hole rushes In mnssos , the soilllm's helng slrlplletl of their accoutremellts 111111 clothillg. 'I'he rOBuJt was that tlw Husslnn mnchillo guns mowocl Ihol1dowlI. . 110 aJso a8. serts that there Is some talle among the omeers anll mon that leads to the bollef that the .Jallllneso mean tu t.rr to cnrr ) ' the Inner forls this month , lAP LINES OF COMMUNI'ATIONG. . - - = - McCormick Comes Home , NEW YOHK-Hohert S , McCor. ll1lcle , AmOl'C'an ! AmhnssndOl' to Hus. sla , 11J'1'lvod ' } 'hlll'llIln ) ' on the Htoamer Doutschln1Hl. Amhnssndor l\1cCormlel ; : came homo on n 10l1vo of absene ! to aHeml to nrgcnt 11I''uto ' business. Ho " , Ill romaln In thlo ( 'ountl' ) ' about 01\0 month. Four Ye lrG In Mexican Jilil. Dl NVEI1 , Colo-Pollco Cnplaln l 'rnnl ; : l.eo recelvell Information that 1I1s brothel' , ' } 'I111oth ) ' .J. J ( ' , the Amol'lcnn locoJJlotivo ( 'ngilloer wllC1 hils heen hold Iu IIl'lson ut ucnlecas , : \Ioxlco , slucoIa : ) ' 1 Jast , hns been found Jullty of 1'0sl1ol1slblllt . for the wrcel.lng of a tmln whll'h ho was 111111 , Ing and hus heen sentl'lIccIl tu hnrd labor In the saIl mines for fO\IJ' ) ' ( 'nr8 , United Stntes SOl1lltOJ' Pallol'xon will continuo' ' his offortn to have the slate delartment ) at WI\8hlnlon Intorcoclo hi tllC man's behnU. t . . . I CAPTURE lONE TREE Hill. Jnpo Driven From n Point of Grcat Advantage. ST. P TEHSIIUHO-De plto the feeling of blttor Ilhmppolntnwnt 0\01' the falluro oC the Husulan offenslvo nnd the complolo mhCnrrlago ! of Gen. Nnl KuroI1l1t1dn's planfl , the baltlo I'Onlll1\109 and his defeat tloon not ap. pear to ho IW ( 'rushing nnd dlsaslrous as the ' 1'01 < 10 lelegrams led the Hus. alnn pUbllo to nUJIIollO. Whllo the taleR of death nM slnugh. tel' hn\'o plunged the nntlon Into grief , ancl the oxnct sltuatloll or Kuropat. It1n's nrmy , ospcelall ) ' the 10ft , Is not cluu' : , hut pl'OhahJy must bo regl1rdel1 as critical , It Is ovll1ent , thnt the wild IItorlos oC Il rout Il11d of the cuttln t ocr of a whole corlls , otc. , m'o haseless. lCuropnlldn h allll doggedly trying to stOIl1 the tldo Illld there Is nothing but ac1ln I 1'1111 011 fur the heroic fil\lre of the Husslnn cOU1nlnndor personall ) ' directing the fight to El\VC his balleI" ( > (1 loglonn. ' Indeed , the latoHt ofIlclnl 11IspatcheH' almost re\'lvo the hOllo that ho Ilocs not cOlwldor the baltlo to ho 11'1'0' trlvenhl ) ' Jest , aa he hns JlersoJUtlly lallnched aUae ) { Ilrtel' attack agaillst Iho fltronf { .Jnl\I1oso ) [ ) losltlon on Lone Tree hill , south or ShI1Jeh ( ' , at last ( : Rrr'lng It hy storm and ohtalnln some re"ongo for the loss of the 'rhlrd artlllory hl'lglltJo , hy cl1plul'lng eJeven 110ld plecolJ nnd 0110 machlno Iun. Iun.nnt nnt whether thin offcnHlveneas of lUlrOJnlklll ) wall forcoll III onler to ex. tJ'lcalo hl9 flnnks Is not rovenJod. tIll' Will' omco alnl'mlng that It Is u1Iuhlo to communlcato ) Jrocso lufornmtlon re' gardlng whnt Is occurrlnE ; 011 the left. Everything IJrovo tnat not slnco Iho time of the finclonts , and certain. Jy not within a hundred yenrs , has the worJd wllnessed such dOSlllorato fighl- lng , The slaughter dOllblJesi : Is ap. palling , but the wal' olllcu contends that the 'foklo rOllOrts are oxngger. ated. THOUGHTS OF INTtRVENTION. : Time May Be Approaching for Action on Part of Neutral Powers. WASHINGTON-The war In the east has enlisted the closest attontlon oC the administration and It Is feJt that the tlmo Is approaching when It wl1l bo In OJ'dOl' for the great neutral powers to IIIOVO IowaI'd the restoration of Iionco , I Pl'esldont Hoosc"ot ! has CI'om the ' first slued ready to use his good of- 'I llce to stop hostllllios on n hasls - . ornhlo to holh beJllgoronts , hut hon-I. , estolllJed fJ'Om mo\'lng by the fact that It has been the IInbrolwn ruJe of 0111' go\'cr1lnent to walt. until It Is assurorl that holh sides to n controversy of this Jdnd are willing that we should act. ' 1'hore has so i'm' been no open proposition , nOl' can It be lJ'uthfull " Hlatell thal o\'en an Indh'cct oVOl'lm' ( ' I hns como to Waflhlngton fJ'Om St. Pc. torsburg 01' ToJdo , hut It Is belloved the slgnH poJnt to an earJy moro In tbat 'dl ectlon. Russian Dead More Than 10,000. W ASlIINGTON-'I'ho .JapaneHe Jegn. tlon ha received the followlng'atlvlces from 'roklo , unllOl' duto of OctobOl' 1G : "l'lnl'shal Oynma rellO\.ts that the number of UUHslanH 1'0\11111 dead on the l1eltl In fl'Ont of OIlJ' right army on the 1lith an1l1l\ntcll to ,1.IiOO , henldo m11l1) ' mol'o ) 'et uJJaceollJlIcd 1'01' and ! l\Jndr'ds of now pl'lsonel's , The ontl. , mated totnl UI\ISI.111 Imm In thla quarter - ter alone oxeeeclH OOOO. 'rho UU3slall 10sHes III front of OUI' contOl' aud Jefl annleR are IJClng Invt'stlgatell , "Tho nnmbo ; ' of Hnsslnll COfllAeS burled lIy UA 11rlwlously , amounting to : ! , OOO , I'ofel's to the lluartOl' of OIlJ' Jeft army alolle , "Oyama fllJ'thm' ' ' . l'ellOl'ts that he es. tlmates the lIumher of Hus311ln COJ'IIWS left Oil the floJll In f'Ont ! or our COlltOl' al'mr at 2 , OO. "Tho total lIumhor lIf Rmml:1I1 : corpses so Cnl' uscel'lalllPd ronch f.SE O : "Tho abo\'o does not Inol1\lo \ ( the re- > ult of the norce on/Ilg-emont / with (1111' left l\I'my and mun ) ' IIIlIro yet undls. covered In all flnarterr. , " AVAilABLE SUPPLY OF GRAIN Increase In Wheat and Oats and De. creae In Corn. XI W YORK-Special cable and tolegrallhle cummlmlcatlons rect'lred by Brullstl'cct'H sho" , the following changes In nvalJahlo lIulllllles as compared - pared with Inst accCullt : Whoat. Unltell Statml :11ul : Canada. el1st of the UoeJle ! ' , Increase , G. H j ,000 bUNhels ; al10nt fl ) ) , and In J urop ( ' , In- erE'nse : , 1:100.000 : hushels. Total sUllpJy , Increllse , 7.l 7,000 bUkhols , Corn Unltod Stnt\s 11I111 Cuuulln , onst of Iho Hocle1cs. InCl'cnse , 8titiOOO bushols. ' } 'ho leadln IncrcaseR rOlort < 'll thin weoJe uro , 1GOOOOO hushels at the northwestern Intorlor olovatOl's. 1.1 ! l2.- 000 husheJo In Manltoha : : : wOOOO bU hels at the Chicago lIr"'ulo 010' vators ; : ! 37OOO bmhelt ; ! nt tho11I. : . \\'l1ul\Oo Ill'h'ato olovl1tol's alHl f .tOO bushels nt Clovoluncl. Debs Makes Address at Chlcilgo. ClIICAO-'I'ho ; "watl'st tfforl or the boelallst part ) ' 11urlng tile Ilreoent 110lItical l'ul1llllllgn was mlclo ! at 1110 I Auditorium tOJHlI\Y nlHh ! . gugono V. I Dohs n1ul 13l'njl\l1Iln I1mrul'll. : the 80' I clnllst cnndhlntl'3 rOI' prcsl ( ) nt antI I \'Ieo proshlcnt , doll\'or < H1 I1lhlrl' ' . .e\ : . I thr.t wore rt1l'0t'ell with HrC'nt uathll. I slasJby an 1\\II11onco that 11110(1 ( the . hnll. An ndmlsnlon rco was charro ; , but this hnd no Ilowel' to J\Oell down the altmuJunce , 113 sQveral hundred men 111111110d for admission ufter all the Reats hn been sold. A lUll IN FIGHT I - HOSTiliTIES CEAGE ON ACCOUNT OF RAIN. - SEEMS LIKE RUSSIAN DEFEAT - New Dlop031t1on 10 BeIng Made of Forces on Both Sides and Hostlll. . ties Will Soon Be Resumed-Both Armle9 , Have a Chance to Brelthe. : - - - ' the mo. ST. PE'rERSBUUG-For ment heavy rains and Imlll1asable rOl1d have compelled IL suspension of oleratlonn ) In Manclmrln. 'fhero wan practically no fi htlng Wednesday. There Is o\'ldenco of a now tllsposl. lion of the forces on hoth sldos. Gen eral ICuropalkln 10 extending his righi , whether with J1. view to a tUl'J1lnl ; movement fOl' tbo lIafet ) . of Lone Tree hili , the ImJlorlanco of which point Is full ) ' reallzod hy. the Jnpaneso , who have attommptod to retaJto It In the night attacks , or whether to meet and Ihwart a Jl1panose turning movemenl Crom the " , est , has not yet developed , 'rho , Jupaneso alHo npllenr to bo hlft. Ing wolght to the west\VI1rtl. Veiled hints conlinue to arrlvo that the Russians have recovered from the blow Infilcted last " , eel ; : by ) i'leld 1\Iar. shal Oyama , I1nd that General Kuro. palkln Is IlrellUrlng to reuew U10 ntrug. gle as soon as the roads become dr ) ' . 'rwo Associated IrOHS tllspatches from Mule1en tonight mention reports that the , JnJlaneSIil already arc proparlng to retire and the war omce admtts that luropatlc1n's left lIas agnln movell slightly forward , hut there Is DO light I\Jlon the movements of the Japanese There Is , Indeed , an utter lack of late news from Toklo and an enemy so re. sourceful may really bo preparing a sllrprlso movement Instead or are. treat , relieving the pressure on the lront with a'Iow to accomplishing somothlng on the flank , Many critics hero continuo to bellevo that General Kuropatkln Intends to re. lurn to the line of the Hun river. The enforced cessaUon of opera' tlons by the had weather , If the Jnp. mieso oflonslvo hud renlJ ) ' exhausted Ilself , gives hoth nrmlcs a chance to hreatho and puB themselves togelher ! lnll would seem to oumro as much henofit to one side as to the other. for : ) I'actlcnl purposes , When operations recommence they will nssume an en- tlrelr new 11hl1se , with now dlsJX > sJ. lions and ohjectlves , PrncticalJy InHt week's ImttJo has ended and It goes Into hlstOl'y as 11 Husslan dofeat. i When oporatlons are resumed a new bnt tIe will bogln. The , Japanese ad\'ance Is ten miles south of l\Iukden , 'rhe Russians have hullt heavy tlefennc3 ! two miles noulh of the J [ un rlvor , whGro they 111'0 ex- perled to malw a stand , 'rhere ar no I ' Illuturnl defel1ses at that point. The , Japanese rellort that the ImtLlo has been the most severe yet fought on the plnlns , the Russian forces consisting - sisting of the First army corps a1\l1 the Fifth aud Sixth Siberinn corps , The only delonses were InCantry trenches which were hastily made. Maps caplul'ed h ) ' the Japanese show that the Russians hnd rranged 1'01' n. sorles of retreats , and these maps Indicatel ; where stands were to bo mnde. 'rhls accounts for the slowness - ness ot the advance of the Japane2 and their Calluro to cut off the Rus. sian retrent , which was conducted with grent sl < 1l1. Rl1vlnes and ! ; t1111eR met wltb hr the JallUneso obstmctod the advanco. THEY CAN'T FIGURE IT OUT. londonerc Don't Understand Kuro. patkln's Tnctlcs. _ ,0NDON'-Engllsh' neWSllUllers anll mllltal'r critics Hnd it dilllcult to ap- IIOJ.tlon the exact strategIc slgnlficl11l'o : lttachlng ,0 General KuropatJdn' action on the ShaJtho I'lver , It Is sup. posed that his success hero was due to having . , Ollt thl'oo d1\'lslons of tJ'OOllS In resoJ'\'e , and It Is admitted that the nttacl ; : on Lone 'I'reo hili rua ) ' have ueen un Intentlonnl counter stl'oo arl . ' drawing out the Japanese from strong lJosltions. 'rho hnlance oC oplnlol1 hO\\'OVOI' , favors the Idea It was n desJlerato endeavol' to cover tno'otreo.t of his forccs trom the Bensll1dlstl'lct and thnt the bat. tic of ShaldlO mar ho consldel'oll to have endell in ! \ victory , hut not a dc- el81\'e ono , fol' the , Japnnese , who WOI'O too exhausted to follow up their suc cess. _ Sncelal tllsllatches from St. Peters uurg maJo mention of a erushlng do fCl1t or two .Japunese dlvlslon8. 'fherE Is no confirnmtlon , howovel' , In an I'ollablo quartoI' of RIICh a roport. Ac. cording to the Standard's correspond. ent with General Kurold , who teJo raphs under date ot Octoher 18 , 0 UusBhm battalion which cl'ossed thE' 'l'altse rlvor has been almost annlhll , ated , Whllo retiring o\'er a pontoon uI'lelgo , the correspondent says , the Imltallon was ovortukon b ) ' a regl , mont of , JallaneRo cavaJr ) ' , which got Ita machlno guns Into position and swept the hrldge from end to end , Baltic Fleet Will Dlvldo. ST. PETlmSnUnG-.Tho naltlc fioot will dlvldo , 11\1't of It goln hy wnr of the SUC7. cannl und the re' malnder roul the CnllC of Good I1011e. C:1lltnln : .1111wvlorr. fonnorly of the bat- tlOShll ) Potropl1vJovs \ , who Is now Ill'rc , oxplnlns that the deln's In gel' tlng the warshilli ! through the canal mnko 1cllvlf ( OI1 of the l100t ml\'lsable , the callp route lIelnlQnl ) ' a fortnight longer. with ( 'oallng at sea Instead 01 In 110rt. Ho belloves the vo'ago to the fl r ensl wl1l bo mlHl In nlnoty tlays . anti 1I09Slbl ) ' . soouer. o TIDE IG TURNING - 'lews More Reassurlno From A RUG. olan Standpoint. ST. PETEnSDUnG-The newa frum : ho front Monday night wns moro 1'0 , issurlng from 11 Husslnn standpoint. rho sltuntlon Is sllll regl1rdod as be. Ing critical , but Gonernl Kouropatldn : s apparelll ! ) ' holding the Japane o firmly 011 his center nnd right wing , oven having recroR ed the Shaleho river , nntl whllo there are rumors 01 ! in exlenslvo , Japanese finnltlng move , ment , both all the cast and on the west , there Is no evillonco that the are aclual ! ) ' occurring. General ICouropntkln' leCt wing has heen heard from. The Ass < 1c ! ntoll Press hns the first connected ac count of UlO four < Jays' fIght In front of Tumin and Salchoun ! pa8ses , J' ( } suiting In the flllni wllhdrawal or the atrong Russian coJumn which hall been sent to turn the Japanese right , though General l\lIstchenko seems tc ha-ve penetrated n cOlIslclernblo tlls tanco Insldo the .Japa71oso side. 'rho rellOJ't of the o110rnllolls or the Husslan left wing Is utln three tIays old anti since that tlmo no ne"s has hoen recolvecl f/'Om t.hls column. ' } 'ho 81tuntlon at this date may bo de- serilled as follows : "Genoral KuropatJ < ln has sllShtly advanced his center'l I'ooccupylng , Shalthe , soulh oC- the Shakho river. Directly behInd him , at It dlsulUce of nine miles , In the Hun river and ncross the brldgo's spanning this stream the Uusslans must retlro In case the ' retreat on 1\IulHlen. Gen. oml KUJ'Opatkln must continuo to l1rml ) ' hold his center and right flank In order to prevent the Japanese getting - ting llossesslon of the Hun rl\'er bridges. 'i'hus ho wll ! COVQr the withdrawal of his apPl1rentl ) . beaten west wing. " There Is still'conslderahle \1I1cor- talnty ns to the disposition oC the left column , CCl'talnl ' 1l hus not re- tllmed to 1'1IuJden , Whethm' It Is ugaln advancing after Its first with. dl'awal Is not Jmown , It Is no longoI' a question of a Rus. sian Redan , though all hOIJ ( ) of rellov. ! Ing Port Arthur must allparently bo i abandoned , Little hope is expressed that Kuropatlclu wll ! bo able to ad. \'anco. The four dars' Hght of the eastern column was of the same ! 1esporat" Gharnctor that marlccd the operations of the center and rlgllt wings , A heavy Husslnn column undm' such leaders as 1 VUJ0 cr , HonnenJmmllff , Oarngross and KrontImtovltch. 1'0' peatedy ) assaulted stronglY In- tl'enched .Japanoso } losillons on heights commanding the passen , The IIssaults were largeJy I.Jght " " 01'1 , , 'I'be cannonade was so fur ous that It was imposslblo to advance In the light of day. Finally , on October 13 , when the passes hall IlCon actua1Jr occu. pled , came the order to withdraw , Ilro abJY owing to a critical position at othcr Imrts of the front. Hero the ntor ' of the olloratlons nnd other paris of the front opomtlona of the eastern wings of the Uusslan army ends. WAR WILL BE PROSECUTED. All Offers of Peace Would , Be Re. jected by RusJa : , W ASllnGTON-Cour.t Casslnl. the RlHislan I1muassador. In a convorsa- tlon with a corresllondenl of the Asso. clated 'Press , reiterated with great em. Jlhasls whnt ho hl16 had occasion to suy Reverat times rogul'dlng Intervention - tion by the powers to conclude tllO war : " 'rhol'o Is , " ho sultl , "nhsoJutely no ollllOrtunlty for illtorvonlloll to stop the wal' . Hussla IlrOIJoses to prosecute the war to the end Ilnd all offers of peace nl this tlmo must ho rejoctcll. " Daltlc Fleet at Skaoen. SKAGEN. Denmark-Tho yosseJs of the Rllnslan Ualtlc sea 1Ieot arrived hero 'rhursda $ ' morning and anchored In the bll ) ' . Decision In Fruit Case. LOS ANGm.ES. Cal-Judgo We ] ) . horn In the United States < , Ircult COIJI't Thursday rendered his declslou In th ( ' fruit routing casel > , dt'n'lng the aJlpllclltion fol' n. stuy of oxecutlon l11ked for hy the railroad UJl011 the former decision of the ( 'ourt , which dN'lslon dOlllos right arhltJ'Urll ) ' to route Rhillmeuts of fl'llit at the Inlllal ahllllling 1101nt. 'I'ho IIttOI'1Ora } for tle I'IIlhoads gave notlco o ( alilleal fl'om , hulgo Wellhorn's Intest decision , hoth to the elrcll1t court of I ! IllleaJs nnd tno United St tes f.l1ilremo : court. ' " " 1/Y - / , , . . ; t ! " . " WASH BLUE CoJt ! 10 ccnt.g and cqunla o cents worth of nny othcr kind of bluIng. Won't Freeze , Spill , Break Nor .Spot Clothes W ii 9itie..s ) around in the Water. At nil wIse Grocera. . . . . ' 'i : : < , , Man's Place In the Unlversc. What Is man but tllo great musl. clan of the universe ? 'rho universe Is n. great organ wltb mighty I1lpon , Space , time , etQmltJ' , are 1I1w the throatB of this great orgnn : ancl mlin R lIttle creature , puts his fingol'fl on tllo lreys , and wnkes the unl\'lrRO ! to Ihundors of harmony , sllrrln { ; \\11 Iho whole creation tb mightiest acclama. tlons of pralae.-Clmrles SIUrgt.-on. ) \ Pcacemaker Is.Stabbed. . . Seolng two men fighting In front or his' house , M , Dujarllln , of the Con- sorvatolro 0' [ Music , Parlo , took his violin nntl begnn to pJay In ordel' to seethe the combatants by hlH music. Dut onE ! o [ the men at ouce turntlo on him and stabbed him , and ho was taken In a dying condition to llias. . pltal. J The Swl8a engluEers 11n\'o worl ec1 out plans for tapping the Lalto of SII8 In the Engadlno and leltlng the water drop down the mountain aide , thus creating J1. fall that would ylchl [ jOOOO horse power. During th tourist season - son the Inlte wouJd resume Its nOJ'mlll appearance , owing to' the nccesslty of ntorlng the wllter. . Could Get No ReGt. Freeuorn , 1\IInn. , October 17 ( SIll. . . cl(1)-Mr. ) R , E. Goward , a well.lmown man here Is rejoicing In the reller from suffering he has obtained through using Dodd's Kidney t'lUs. His experience Is . . . .011 worth repeating as It should point the rend to health to many another In n. similar condl. tion. tion."I "I l1J1d an aggravating case of KIt _ . ney Trouble , " 8a'S 1\11' . Goward , "that save me DO rest day or night but using R. few boxes of Dodd's Kldner PIUs put now lifo In mo and 1 feel 111,0 n new mn1\ . "I nm hallp ) ' to state 1 have received great nnd wonderCul benefit from Dodd's Kidney Pl1Is , 1 'Would heartily recommend all sufferers from Kidney Trouble to give Dodd's Kidney Pills 11 talr trial as I have ever ; , ' reason to believe - lieve It wouJd never be regretted , " Dodd's Ildney Pllls malte you feel lIke a now mnn or woman because they cure the kldnoys. Cured Iddne's mean pure blood and pure blood mec.ns bounding health and energy In every part at the bodr. I Drunkenness has been addell to the already Imposing list of maladies . . . which oculists pretend to cure b } " tllO ' relief of c'ostrain , Many Children Are SIckly. Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for ChlldreIlt used by Mother Gray , nurse In Chlldren':1 1I0mo , Now York , cure Summer Cotlplaint , FoverlshnessHeadacbeStomach Troubles , : rcethlng Disorders and Destroy WOI'ms , At. \oil \ Druggists' , 25e , Sample mail cd FHEE. Address Allan S , Olmsted , Lo Hoy. N. Y. Men love at fil'sl and most warmly women love last and longest. This IJ ! natural enough , fol' Nature maltes women - : men to ho won , and men to win , 1 Evcry houseltcepor snoultl Imow thnt If the ) ' wl1l buy , Defiance Cold Water Starch for laundry use the ) ' wUl save not only time , because it novel' stlclts to the I1'0n , but bocuuso each pacJmgo contains 1G oz-one fuB pound-whllo an othol' Cold ' \Vater Starches are put UI ) In 74.pound pacJ- ; : ages , and the prlco Is the samc , 10 cents , Then naln ; because Defiance Stl1rch Is free f'Om all Injurious chom- Icnls. If ) 'OU1' grocer lrles to sell you n 12.oz. paclmge It Is heenuse ho har. ' 1 slock on hand which he wlshos to 1llsloSO ) of before ho PlltS In Defiance , He Imows that Del1anco Starch has 11rlnted on every pacJmge In 1l1rgo letters - ters and fl uref [ " 16 ozs , " Demand Denl1nce and sa\'o milch time anll money and the anne 'an ot the Iron slIcltlng. Defiance no\'er sUclts. A Cinelnnntl man recently Vlont tOo slecI ) In a lien tal ( 'hall' whl10 the den- tl t was repairing hIs teeth. Thc ) were false teeth. Beware of Ointments for Cbtnrrh I that Contain ercury , as mercury will lurely , 'cllroy tbo eenlo ot 1m ell &D < 1 completely dtraoiO Ibe whule Iyijtem wbe' ! enterloi ( " through Ihe mucous Iurtacei. Huc &rllcltu sbould ne\'er 110 lUed except ' 011 p. . . . . . . rJ" . tlon. trom repuwblo pby.I'lans , u Iho dam Bile IbeT will do II tcn told lo lho Kood you can pObAlbly de. rh 0 from thcm. lIall' & CMarrb Cure , lIIanutnctuffd by Jo" , I , ct.cnor & Co. . Tuledo , 0. . oonll\lno n. ) m l- cury , and Is laken Inl rnally. .cllni : dlreclly urCln tbo blood and IIIUOOU. Inrra'c. of Iho 'yolern , In bUJlnl : Jlall's Catarrb CurD bl1 lure ruu KPt th. . jenuloe. It I. laken Inlernally 110,1 , mode In ' 1'olcdo OhIo , by F J , Chener & : Co , TellllllonlBl free. I'old by DruI'FIIII. I'rlce. . . . . , rer 11111 liD. TAke & ) I' . Jo . .mlly 1'1111 tor IOI1.II"alloll. Nothing wouJd pJense the small hey moro than the privilege ot asnulJllnJ : : the role of father to the man occa- slonal1) ' . ' To the houlcwlfo"ho haR not yet become acqualnte with the ncw thin ! ; ! " " ot ever'day use In the mllrk t and who Iii l'ensonabl ) ' sntlsflcd with the old. we would suggest that n ot Dollance Cold \Vllter Starch be made nt once. Not alone because It ts uar. nntecc1 by the mnnufacturers to ba u. perlor to an ) ' other brand , hut lxcu\l5& each 100 l1aelcngu contains 16 Or.II" : while all the other hind ! ! ( 'ontain hnt ] 2 09 , It IB fmre to ! ! II ) ' that th , Inlly who once US\B Defiance Starch will \lilt } ) no other. Quality and Quantity must. 'WIn.