Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, October 20, 1904, Image 5

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Supplement to
Thursday , October 20 , 1004. I
\ I
. . .
Great QueeUon Ie 'Vhether 11 RapubU.
J ; : cnn or Democrotlc Allmlnletr .tlol1
, . Shnll Comll1ct the AlTftln of GOTcrn-
. JUcnt - OPllosltlon Ie Neither BoCe
, r\or anne.
Altholl h the Hepllblican partTcl. .
Comes II cQmparisoll of the character
i111l1 frl'so ! 1ality o ( , its cuIlJldlltc with
thosc oC t.hc calldhlates of the St. Louis
connmtioll. dt llreCers to ur e the election -
tion oC HHosevelt 111111 li'alrhanks itS tit-
tlng rrprcsentllth'es allli IlIstrlIInents , of
the llart "R llOIIole8 anll intentions ,
, 1 ! it were h'lIe , which It Is not , that
therr IS IInythlng in the cal'cer of .Tlldge
Altoll H , Parker , to jllstlfy the cOllten-
1 tlon that he w01l11l make a "saner and
I snCcr" Pn'bldcnt thall 'l'heodore Ho ( ) . e-
, 'ch , thl' Cact would remllln , that , tied
I ' 1111 with the Domocratlc llarty , a , [ oses
'Tith the modern equipment f a Gladstone -
stone , ( 'ouM 1I0t insllre as sufe amI sane
a gtl\'rnmcnt as the Hepublican party
( hns administere(1 ( under Prlsident Roosevelt -
velt ,
It is not prell'ndcd thnt JlHIlc l'nrker
possesscs : lny ! : ! 1I1lerlol' ly of statecraft ,
character or experience to Grover Cleveland -
land , In Cact , he has beoll accepted by
the conscrvative ulmnents of Dcmocrncy
as a dlsuppolnting alternative for the
pOllllerous orlldo of Buzzard's Ba ' , nnd
he hns only ben : accellted hy the radical
or Br 'an clement of the party , because
he had lIemonstrllted the lack of Cleve-
lauel's snfety and sanity hy votiug for
I trl' ( , Rilvcr JI1 lS9C 1\1111 1900 ,
In rllese two \'otes the proof Is com-
pletr that there ds nothlllJ : : In Judge
PIl1'ker'tconvIctions , .character or conscience -
science to promise anything hettel' , should
Ibc be f'h.'Ctcd , than a weal. , vAclllatillg
/lnd reactionary Democratic administra-
Worlo than this , whatevcr ma ' be
thou ht of Jud e Parkcr's personal char-
, .acter nnd ability , he t\tllnds before the
I " , 'orlrl as the prcllillential creation of
I David D. Hili , and his chief associates
nd ndvisers since his nomination have
I I been Hm. "Bill" Sheehan , "Pat" Mc-
Carren , "Charlie" [ IIl'llhy and others
of the : \Ianhattun hrllnd of Tammany
litate men tor revenue enl ' .
"l\lr.- Jl'nch1Both ! - ' ' 'are. ; ' '
I Nothing in his campulgn utterances
\ has ! < nggl'lstell that , \1lle ( Pm'lter pos-
seSReR ano ( the btern attrllmtcs of
lea ertohil ; that bin plwlles to the will
o ( a strong , consel'vative , conscientious
chieC , On the contrary he hils eal'De
till' sobriquet , bestowed upon him b '
SIICakcr Cannon , of " Ir.-li'aclng-Both-
' " a 's. "
Thercfore a'ote tor the "safe and
snne" Parker and his octogenarian mate
is enl ' to be justified b ' trust In the
safet ' anll sanity of the 1ll\I'ty whose
non ners the ' are.
POl' tort ' YCIlI's-barring the two
Cleveland intervals-the Democracy has
been exclude ( rom power , because the
American people have mistrusted Its
saCet ' , its sincel'it ' and its sanit ' , Dur-
i .jng . all that period Jt has embraced \vHh-
. in Its ranks nearly all the elemen1s of
discontent , discol'll and reaction that are
thl' signs and proofs of hopcless llolltl-
cal stagnanc ' and decay.
As u l ) rt ' it threw everJ' impediment
within its reach in the way of the energetic -
getic prosecution of the war for the
preserrntion of the Union.
'hat the rea er may understand t1Ult
the Democratic leopard has not changed
Its BPOt. in fort ' years It mny he recalled -
called that on July 2 , ] 864 , the Democratic -
cratic membel'8 of Conjtl'css ; put forth
an address to the people of the United
Statl's in whlch , , according to George
William Curtis In Harller's 1\ontllly ,
Pres.ident Lincoln was charged "with the
cngro slJ1ent of power ; with military in-
\ terCe < rence in elections ; with the creation -
tion ot bogus Stutes ; with illegally rnls-
I lng troops ; with uunecessary amI hateful
I conf.crlption : wiLh the lIn 'mont of PoJt-
, orhitant bounties ; with emplo 'ing colored
troolls on an cquallty with white soldiers ;
wJth setUng up u Culse 1\nd rnlnou financial -
cial system ; wJth placin us in perB or
forclgn interference ; with I'IHleuvorlnl : to
corrupt the race by amalaml ! lou with
lleI'oos : ; , "
In August of that slime year August
Delmont , whose son is now"IJU11Ing wires
behind the "Sphinx of Bsopus , " as tem-
pOl'llr - chnh'man of the Democratic Nn-
tlonal Convention , said that " ( our years
of misrule by a sectionlll , fanatical 1\nd
corrupt part ' had ht'ou ht OUl' country .
to the Vl'rge of ruin , ' ! 'he past and present -
ent are sulllclent warnings of t he ( lis- ;
astl'ous conscqllences which would hefall :
us if 1\1' , Lincoln's re-election 8hOllld be :
made possible by our want of patriotism
Dnd IInit ' , "
Sc'monr's : Senthnont .
Horutlo Se 'mour , Qn his speech al
permanent chalrmun ot the same con-
\'ontion , an\'elghed bltterl ' agaillst wn ,
coin's admlllistrution und the HelJllblican
parlJ' , sa 'ing : " ' ! 'hey were animated b '
intolerance and fa 1111 tl clrnn , nUll hllnded '
by an ignorance of thl' spirit of 0111' In-
6Utlltion , the character ot our people :
and the condition of ( Jill' land , " "Step h ' :
fttell , " ho cOlltlnllcll , "thl' ' 11IlYO marched
ou to results frol11 which lit the outset I
the ' would have flhrllnk wit'h hOl'ror ; I
and even now , .llI'n war hus desolated
our land , bas IIIIIl1t8 hea\ ' ' burdens upon
Inbor , and when hankrllptc ' and ruin
overhang us , the ' Wlll110t hn vc the union :
restored ercept upon coIIIUtions unknown I
to the Constitution. " Be concluded hy
demanding the restoration of the Union
through the uuco 1dltlonal surrender of
the prdnclplo of lIational seU-preserva-
tion : tnd "tho fllll recognition of the
L" rights ot the States" demllnded by the
't " peoill' ! of the South.
'hese speeches of cl1nollt and So\-
I mour-the prototnes of the Belmonts
" , nd lIllis , nr 'alls l\ud Bell 'l1I111ani ! ,
HOllrke Cockralls and Curl Schurzes of
our dawere but the Ilrelude to tli l'et { .
olutlons of the cou\'ontloll 111 which 1ln-
coin's adminlstrn tion wns 1I01l01llleed
from every trlllItional ( poillt of'Iow withIn -
In \"ocabultry ! of llartlsll\n vituperation -
tion , and the war was deuoullced tail-
ure In the followlug porennlal DemocratIc
phraseology ;
neaolnd , That the conTentton does ox.
ptle1tl . elreln I't' . ns t ! ! ! ! cnc of the . ! . .mcrl.
cfllll'Ollll' / , thllt attel' tOllr Yl'lIr4 ! or failure
to 1'l'lItII I'l' thl' ( 'ulon by thl' l'llerllllent : of
wnr , tlurlllJ.t wllh'h , umll'r thl' IIl'elen e ot 11
, dlltal'v Ul'Cl' ! < ! < ItY-III' Will' ! IO\H'r hl hl'r
thllll trll' COlllllltullfJlI thl' lOllsllllltion It.
"I'lf hnll 111'1'11 III rl'Jtllr < < lt'll III I'\'l'ry 1IIIl't , alHI
IHlllile IIltl'l't ) ' nwl llrh'n1 < < 1 I'htht nllkl' trod.
dl'lI dO'-/II , nlHI the mntl'l'lIll PI'l'lty of
Ihc cOlllltl'Y rR I'IIt1nlly I1l1plI Ilro , JIIRllee ,
hllllln 11 II y , 1IIII'I'ty amI tlt ( ' IIlIltlh' wl'lfllro
( \11I111111 \ thnt IlIIlIIelllllle I'ITots ! Itl' mal1e for
l'I'R8Utloll or Iw ! < lllIticII. with a , 'll'w 10 nil
ultlmlltc COlI\'l'UtlUU ot nil the Htutr4 ! , or
other pl'l\cealtle mCIIUS , to the l'lHl thllt , nt
thc carllest prnctlenbll' 1II01lll'lIt , pen co mny
Ilc restorel1 011 thc basis ur the l . > "e 11c I'll I
Uulou of the Stnles.
Uemnllllell fHnte's Ilhht ,
In nnothcr resolution the prlucllllcs IInd
purposes of the Hcll1\onts aud Seymollrs
of ] 8G4 werc eet forth In these < tradi.
tlonlll terms :
Hesoh'l'I , Thnt the allll nlll1 ot the
ob/ect /
Democrntle pnrt , . lR to llrl'Sl'r\'C t 111 l l'dernl
Uuloll null Ihe rlltl1ts of thl' StlltrK ulllm ,
paln'd , 01111 tlll' ' hl'I'eb ) ' I1cclal'c that till' ) '
clushl'r tlw numlllilltrath'c USUl'IJntloll of
extrnorlIl1nr , . uml dnl1JtcrouII powerK not
Irllutl'tl 1t1 thl' , COI1t1tIlUtlOII , the slIlt"cI' .
sloll of thc cI,1I by 11I111tlll'Y Inw III Statcs
1I0t 111 IlIslIl'l'eclioll , the nrhltrnry nrreKt ,
Imprlsollmellt , tl'lnl awl Sel1tl'lIce of Aml'l'l.
cnn cltlzl'l1K 111 Stntes where ch'tI law cxlllt9 ,
In full tOl'ce , tlw SlIll\II'I'Ssloll \ ot Crl'l'lom
of "IJCpch nud of the IIl'eBK. the deulul ( It
thR l'lht ; ot nt < 'IIIIII , the oll\'n 1\11(1 ( n'o"c(1
dlsl'l'lurll of HI/lte / rl hlR , the t'lIIllloYlIlrnt
of 1111118\1111 \ tNIt \ lnlh8lml / the Interference
with /Iud / l1enllllIt the I'Iht of the Ill'Oplo
to Itenl' nl'lIlK. liS enleulntell to Ilre\'ent a rl ! .
storatlol1 of Ihe Union nml the peflletuntlon
of II : : O\'Cl'llIlIent lIl'rh'lnj ; Its jUflt po"C1'9
trolll the lonsent ! of thu govel'ued.
With the oml811ion of Il few phrases
Jn'hl ! ; relrence ! to the theu llre\'lllllng
ClJllditJion of war , there is nothing to dls-
tlugulsh these utterances of the Demo-
cmUc 'part ' ' forty years ago from those
of the same llourbon party to-llay. ' .Dbe
similarity or phraseology used to de-
1I0unce , to eclare nnd to de1111111d ; the
ill\'ocatlou of the Constitution to pre-
sen'e rights nnd liberties from ImagInary
perils of admlnhtmtJ ve usurpation , mlli-
tllry su.bversion and individual invasion ;
the fictitiOlI'i co II cern over uon-existing
finauclul 1I11l1 Industrial burdens-all go
to show that the Democratic llarty of
10 ( ) . ! stl11Hls in the same old shoes of
186 ! , snarling ill the hecls of the Re-
puhllcan party which now , as then , is
olng things tor the advancement , peace
and prosperity of thu people of the United -
ted States ,
It wHl be observed that In Auust ! ,
lSU4 , the Democrntlc party assumed to
I'xpreSIl "tho senile of the American peo-
plo" in it > > arraignment of Uncoln nnd
the Uepubllcan party , an assumption
which the American people in Novom-
bcr promptly re ( > udlated by the Collow-
ing"ote :
Popular meetoral
"ote , \'ote.
Uneoln nnd Johll90n , . . .2,21H.OO7 212
McClelhlll and l'cndletonI,8OS,72'S : 21
St/ltel / ! not voting . . . . , . . . . 81
Delaware , Kentuck ' allll ew Jersey
were the only States in the slim Democratic -
cratic column that 'ellr.
Snme Old Cry.
Every four 'ears slnco l G4 , the Democratic -
cratic party has gone thr ugh the same
formula of arrnlgnln the Repuhllcan
parb' as the part ' of unconstitutional
usu1'\lI1tlon \ , fanuticism , sectionalism , ex-
trn\'agauce , 1inllnclul bankruptcy , cen-
tralization. corruption nnd ubuse of pow-
er-and with two eXeeptions the American -
can people hu\'e retl\l'ned the same verdict -
dict thcy di in lSG ! . In ] 884 and 1802
certain oxceptlonal fonditions , for which
the Hopubllcan part ' was in nowise responsible -
sponsible , caused the Americun people
10 lend n trusUng ear 1'0 the reiteratcd
impeachment ot the Hepubllcan administration -
tration , Cleveland's two terms wcre the
l'l' > ! Ult , both gl\'ing conclu h'e .proof of
the Incompetence of the Democratic
party to administer the gO"ern111ent except -
cept by adopting ever ' Hepubllcan polley
and practice they had denounced ,
In Cleveland's second a mlnistl'atlon
the Democratic party attempted to replace -
place the Hepublica.n tariff , with a mongrel -
grel mixtur of free trade , class protection -
tection and special bounties. and then ,
came to IJasS the very conditions of rev-I
t'nue defioits , social dlsordor IInll widespread -
spread despair and mlsel'Y of which the
American lple ( had only IIreamed under
tile spell of Democratic Ilemngogy.
'l'he retoration ! : ! of Sufety I1nd Sanity
in the admhll trn tion ofmel' can affairs -
fairs came with the election oC 'V411lam
rcJ.\.l1llcy In ] 8D6 , Since tnen the nation. .
'has ' eXlwrieucell II llerioll of prosperity .
uneJCl1mpled In the history of the wOl'ld ,
It 111as waged a fmecessful war r u1Ung
in establishing IIbet'ty and n popular
government In Cuba , In extending American -
can freedom , justice and protection in
rorto Hico and the Philippines aud In
ad\'ancing the United Stutes to a IJOwer-
ful , ulmost u c < J111mandin ! : place , in the
'polity of nations ,
Notl n like the national development
of these eight years J1I1S been kllown in
the 'past ' of the rOlmbllc , and " "ith it
, ha ve come world-wide responsl llitl S
nnd duties , 118 well as problems of internal -
ternal government ,
\he Hepubllcan parl ' within the Constitution -
stitution , withouf stl'alnlllg any of the
powers reposed in the Nxecutlvo or Congress -
gress , has met t'w demllnds of the hour
with courage , wisdom and success , to
which the chorns of Democratic declamation -
tion , denunciation mId demnds l1n 's the
hlhest ! tribute ,
So to-da ' In its history , it. policies
( lnd its canl1111ates , the Hellubllclln part '
alJpeals to the _ \mel'll'an people as the
party of nchievt'lUent , of I'esonrces and
of the conrae to grapple with every
new phase of national lite. It Is the
pnrt . of SOIIlIlI principles , saCe finance antI
snne execution of the laws. ' ! ' 118 lll'OO !
oC : Its capal'ity to govern is written in th
' ' of the United
helllthy III'ogl'ess States
during the past Corty : rears , The guaranty -
anty of its fitness to continne an the
execution of that great trust is in the
cbarater and experience of its leaders.
" 'hlch Will You Trn.t ?
Let the American voter look across
the stlle ! of puhlic lite to-day and ask
Jllmself 'Thleh he would rather trust to
administer any public or prh'ute trust-
the Hepubllcm lIart ' under the leadership -
ship of
nacled b '
Secretaries IIn ' , Sha'l'aft , Ioody ,
Wilson , lIitchl'ock , (01.ton ( , nnd
Senator Allison and the HepublicAn
llIajorlty in the Senate ,
Speaker Cannon und the , Republican
majorlt ' In the 1I0ue ; ot Hepresen.
ta tlves ,
Elihu Hoot nnd the host of learned
lawyers \Tho believe tllat the American -
can Constitution is not a PQtrlfied
ttumbllnl ; block In the path of national -
tional evolution , Ilnd
The glorious rocor of HcpubUcan fidelity -
ity to the Union and human pro-
Iress ,
The Democratic ( Iarty uuder the Joader-
ship of
Hacked bJ'
David D. Hill , William Jennings Dryan ,
Denj. 'jman ) ) , Champ Clark , William -
liam Ii' . Sheehan , Patrick H.c -
Carren , Charles Ii' . [ urph ' 1\1111 'Oll\
Senator Gorman and the Democrl\tic
minorit ' In tbe Sennte ,
Congressmnn Willlam8 : and the Democratic -
tic mlnorlt ' in the 1I0nse of Hel-
Bourke Coekran nnd the host of fos..tllz-
ed hired I1dvocates who have been
s outlng "Unconstitutional" at e\'ery
mea ul'e taken to preserve the
Union , ndvnnce its prosperity and
establish its power during the pnst
forty 'ears , and
.Vhe Democratic record of seces ion , re'
pudiation I\nd obstructJon.
The issue before the American peopll'
next No\'cmber is not between the pcr-
sonallties of 'l'heodore Hoosevelt and
Alton D , Parker , hut between two great
orgllnlzations rcprcsentln1 : reililectivel '
11rO.lress aUlI stugnl1t1on In national liCe.
'l'be verdict promises to be ns con-
clus.i\'e as lit was on the same issue in
- - -
The Got-1Uch-Qnlck DeU1Dcrat Dones
Are Brollulnu Too Boon.
Certain Del1\ocrllt. , with the exuberance -
ance of the lIewly rich , al'O boast' nl : of
the States t.he ' lire goinl : to cllrr ' by
mel\ns of thclr big camllnlgn ( nnd , 'herfi
iil no telling what may happen , even
'wilh ' money in the treasur ' . Onl ' a dn '
or two 11 go , ono politician from " 'est
Virginia was bewailing certain willi-
pro\'ed facts in connection with campaign
1110ne ' . 'hey are thinking a good deal
of campaign mone ' in West Virllnla
just now. ' 1'\1ls \ IHll'licular IlIlIvldl\l\l ( \ of
the Demcrnllc camp suld , in effect , that
West Virginia ili likely to go Hepubllclln
this fall. "TIle ni gers wj ) ) 1111'ot ! ! the
Hepllbllcall tlclet , " he eclllrcd , "thoso
who ure allowed to'ote , ' ! 'hey'll tale
our mQney nnll then go ! lnll vote the He-
IJUbllcl\n ticket mralght , "
' .rhls Is n comri'atiO\1 ! \ of ! : reat imllOrt
to our erring hrethren of the oPllOslng
camp , It was not always tlII\S , bat now ,
with the Australian hllllot , In somc form , '
in use in many States It is n sad fnct ,
thut thc riffraff who sell UlOlr , 'otes tale
the moneJ' and then \'ote liS 'tlll'Y lllease ,
' .rhe Oil trust can put . ( tR mOil C.illto
the Parker campulgn fun , hut It I'anllot
buy even one of its OWl1'ast arm ' of
mplo 'es , nor an of its vJctlms in the
world of business ,
'l'he Democrats I\.re IJllffed up over
their fat } Jocletboolt , but It won't 1ll'lll
them In the comlll election. ' .rhe Pl' < lllie
prefer to have moner In their OWl1 l , ( > t'k.
ots , 'honest ' mOlloy wllich they hll\'e been
able to. cllrn thomsl1\'es , In Il time of
llrosplrity Iln illllll-trial : aclh'it ' snch
as Il Hepubliclln administt'lltion gl\'es
After :1n eJthaustive review ot the
situation in the Hoosier ! -Hate , " 'alh.r
" 'ollman , the stuff corr'sl'olllient ( ot the
Uf'cord-lIeraJd , suys : "With thu Ho-
publlcl\11 rankli vl1'tually ROlId , with
the' Democracy bounll to lose a tow
'tllOusands of the BITanites , with nothln
present in the IJ11hli ( ! mlnll to leall to Iln
upheavllI , Ilnd with Indlnna Hopuhli- -
clln State to fltnrt with , one doe. not
need to be a seventh ROil to foresee the
result. " AmI lie l'stimlltcfJ the Hepubll-
call 1I1nrality at "somewhere between
lGOoo anll 80,000. "
IIB.lnl { uno hie to nuree nlllonl ( them-
ealves a8 to whether the lloll1 Ittnndarll
Is n fcur40 or R hleellln" , onel alt to
, . .haUler we olllht ; or olllht not to ha\'o
free nlld unlimited colnnJc ot ll\'er ,
they ( ollr oppouontlS ) have ftPllorently
tholl ht It cXllalllent to avohl ' ' 'Iy
conllnlttololl thelle sllbJoch , 011I1 hull-
vldnnllr ; ouch to lollow hili IIRl'ticlllor
ben t.-Roosevelt' , letter ot acceptance ,
- - - - - - -
Ohica&oans of the Oemocratll' persua-
810n are trJ'lng hllrl1 to get , ludlO Phr-
ker to come out ' " e.t Ilnd attenl1 a ban-
quet. But JUtlKU Parker Is nut hunlr ' .
Like Poo-Hnh , just bl'ol'o the exocutloll ,
ho "lIoesn't want an ' lunch ! "
It Is freel , . predicted by the o who
ought to know that Ulster county , Ncw
York , Jul1ge Parker's homo county , wHl
give Roosevelt 11. . good majority.
Nel1r1J' I1all Dillion .Dol1l1re Ilor.
Cor 'VoKee.
' .r.ho . census of moo showcd that the
waes of all clnsses of labor iu nll the ,
1llanufactlll'lng Industries of the United
States was $ , a : ! ' , a33bll as ugalnst $1-
: : ' ! H,2 8,32I In lSU-1l ( gain o ( $ .131,10- : ;
O ,
The c'eusus reports of wage ! ! for labor
and salarJes tor clel'ks anll oUleers elll-
1)lo 'ed in manuCactUl'lng inllustrics Cor
the last three dl'CUlles lire as folloW8 :
1000. . . . . . . . . .f403,7113:1 ! : $ : ! , :12:1:1:1.8i7 : : ! : : :
1800. . . . . . . . . . : ! U1\.IS808 : 1SHS.I1 ! : !
.1880. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \.I4i,03,7il : )
No censtls tnken ,
Hall these cenllus rOlol'ls ( Included the
period from ] SU4 to 1110-1 the comparison -
son would be fa I'1Iore Htrildng , Cor
IlIouRalllls of workingmen lost Ihelr jobs
s.hnrth' actor the last Democratic 1\l1nln-
btratl n ( ] SD3-1SU ; ) went into power ,
ulIIJthere'el'e "er ' few workingmen ot
those able to ( wep their jobs who did 110t
ha\'o to submit to nt least some rcductlon
In wages ,
'l'hoso were the days when Democruc '
IllIed trouble on to trouble , and secmcd
to leave nothing undone that eoul bo
done , to b1'illg .imllovc'rlhment ! : ! to the
A 1leriean wOI'kingmuII. .
'he entire countr ' wus made a 50rt ot
luhoratory tor oris-Illal Democrallc ex-
perimentntion lu'lIriOlls eXlllosl\"e products -
ducts 1\nd b ' .pl-ollucts , Inchlllhl especial.
h' free tralle , free sih'el' , fre ! ! riot aud
Creo soup , \1Inlterl'll not tllut dl'Soln-
tion was brJII ht Into tlwu lInds of
American homes , that the worldll mall
nnd hi ! ! wire al1(1 ( littlc oues were lincl1l'd ,
for tbe necessities ot IItc , AO 101l us
Dl'Illocrllcy WI\l1 h'ell thu chalice to I'X-
pcriment with the ideR IIC takilli : the
home market aWIIY from Amel' cnll Illdus'
tr ' and ! ; Ivlll It to the foreilner , 111111
nntn enl ing husillr'iR 1ntcrcsts b ' nJ.tita-
tlon a nlllst the lIltl I\lal1lu1'(1. ( (
Atler WHilom h'Killlc ' was ( .Ie'tell
Pl'esitlcnt 111111 the polll'ieR oflroti \ > l.tlou
and of sou lid 1I\0JIl' ' once lI aln ellluh ,
II flh ell , the Ilhenonwnni rowth of thl !
Ullitell Stutes JII wealth a 11I1 IIrllsllprH '
Attracted the wOlldor ot 1111 cI"i1i wll 1111-
tious ; and this I'owth hils cOlltluued
" , ith accelerlltlug "clJl'Il ' 11\1 \ to the IIrcs-
ent time ,
'l'he CUIIRII ! ! ot 1000 r\'ol'lled thH ! gl'l'lIl
IIp\Tard mO\'eml'lIt wlll'lI It wal ! ollly
ahollt halC wn ' 10 wlll'l'C' It i' ! 1I0W. or
COllrse , IIn hlcl'clINe oC lIeHl'I ' hili ! II hill-
In dollul'H ill wIIl'kiu mrll's WII I'S (1IIl' ( "
1I0t eJllcern Ihl' wlIl'klu/omllll / alolle by
' , 11 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' hllsJIII'
IIII meaml ( 'OIlCCI'U' ! f'\'el' ' ' ;
mall ill the Ullltl'li HateR , l'\'cr.v I'llrmer ,
a 1111 I'"pr ' womllll IIlItl I'hllil (1I'IH'1I11l'1I1
ou tJl ( ' Ilihol' ( If othm's. I'm' , tllt.l1' sllil/lOl'I / ,
1.01' IIIStIlIlCC , If thl' WII I' > I III' lthol' : III
mllnllCllrt11l'lrlJ.t lrulllstrlf''I hllli 1101 III-
el'ellsell In thl' milliolls tJII' Ilel' I'a vltll
cOIINllmlltlou ot whpllt c01I111 IIlIt hll\'c ill-
el'ensl'tl from a.I,1 hll\llI'ls ill 1 11.1 10 fI.a : :
hllshrls In mO.I , alld the 1I'icu of wllt'llt
611110t Ilollhied. ProRllel.ltr IR IIII\'II 'S
UlIHle 1111 ot IIn almost eJ1lh''I'I ( I'h.lill of
circulllstallCfs , alltl It Is emir h ' hJvlll :
ever - link R Ulld nnll NIl'OIlthat / 111'0" .
perity for nJl call le IIrl'RI'I'VcII ,
- -
Why Uoo8ovelt Jot [ ore l'oplliar tltnn
' ! 'he New Yorl. SlIlIlln ' Democrat , II
newspaper that l'l'colltlr holtcd l'arl\l'I'
IInll cllmu Ollt CUI' Hoo/I\'ell , jn Ih-in ; :
the l'l'lUlOllli wh ' Ihe I'lIrkel' cllmlllll 1I
I : . lauJ.tlllshllll : 111111 the ! tOOlIlH'elt cam-
pai u Is boomillg , HIIS :
" , ll1d o Pllt'lwr has fl'W ot the attrl-
blltes ot llOlJl1ll1rltr ; 'hc l/re Hoosevclt
has lhem u II ,
"Pnrleer iii tllllitl : Hoosevelt'ls ' hra "e.
"PIl'kel' : ill ( " 'nlrullC't1 h ' Cl'iI'IIII , ; 111111
patrons ; Itooso\'olt ! s illllelJI'llIlent ,
" 1'urker repr"sl'lIts 110 I'ollc ' l1ulI hils
uo Illllltll'al rel'orll ; HlloJt ( Is O'II ' ! ot
the IH'knowledell Ilrugl'pRsire stllh'SIlWII
ot the l'elltlll'y al1l1 his l'el'Ol'll is the I'ec-
ord of the sunf + hlne 'l'al'lI of IIIll1tunt
111111 alvllncillt ( ; A mCI'lcllllislII. -
"As there Iii pructleall ' 110 nile to viI-
OIpusl : ' ollllOse tbcre Js no ono to actl\'e-
I ' durl'1l1l , Judle I'nrkcl' nil a polItical
Iitalllll\rd.lwllrel' , 'l'heOlluru Itoose\'elt In-
\'ltes the IIr of llIlrUsun pllemles unl1 lit-
tl'Uets to hlK SU'llorl ! ' thouKl\nd ! ! of pnt.
rlotlc 1111\1 ' 1\llmh'el'I.
\ earlll'st \ ! .
"Judgo Parker Is 11 weak cllndillatc , I1n
I unwJao caudllltlte , un ullfortunkte candl.
l1ate for the lrC3ldellc ' . A life of judicial -
cial 1l101l0tony and cxc1uH.lon from 110Ht-
Jcal IIffalrs does not atlpeal to the alle-
glallco of pnrUsllns. 'heollol"o Hoosevelt
Is n strong , a vigorous , IlU invluclble
calllllllllto Cor the pr ldency. lIe is n
of nctlon nomlnnted for an elec-
tornte of uhoundlng cnerJY , force I\nll
progress , Be QS , epedally , the ! del of
the young lIIell of Die cOllntry.
"It Is , therefore , not at all surprising
thnt ns the votcrs contrast thcse Iwo
calllldntes they shoulll be irrelstlhly
dra WJ1 to one-to Uoosevelt-anll IIhOlll1l
be rCllelled from or heCI.IIIIl' , hllllfferent
to his nntagonlst , l'lIrl , cr. Such Is the
prcsellt trend of the call1pal/n / and it Is
lIecldellly \'orllhll' to Presitlent Hoosc-
velt , No reasonahle dOllbt of hi ! : ! ulec-
tloll exlsls or Is eutertalnC1 ! br IInyone
fumllil\r with polil'il's , Democrat or He-
IJllblicall. "
It 111 Very IlltJ10rtnllt thnt It Bhol1ld
Uc lleJluhllclln.
In the rcat political contct which
In thl C'Ountr ' ' ' four '
occurs ! ! c\'erJ' yeaI'll ,
mill which is 1I0W on , the elccUon of
Prelliliellt Js npt to ( H'ershnllow all other
interests , 'l'Ms onght 1I0t to be so , ' .rho
President Js the hellli of the exccllth'e
hl'anch of the government , hut the leJls-
la th'c brllllch Is ellnall ' us ImlJOrtllllt.
UopllbHclIlIS 1'Ihonl(1 ' ( relllemhtr thn t it Is
liS hllilortllnt to holll Oon ress as It 1:01 :
1.0 elcct the I'reilllellt. ! 'I'lli' election ot
, lnd e l'lIrkm' would melill IIIlll'h moro
thall the Jlllhll'tion or his IJCrilolllllltr Into
that high olllc\ ! , His ell'l.tIou'onitl melln
the election of a Demol'rllUc House of
Hl'presentatlvl's , and this wonlll he most
nutortnnate , becallse :
Ii'irst , the DOlllocrlllic 11l1l1 ' , cOlllllosell
liS it ill of 1111 the cllstJ'lll'tell elemellts of
the country , ill not \ ( 'nllllhlo oC SIlCCS- ( .
fnll ' administering the IIffah's ot this I
on'rlllll'nl , It hUll 1I0t the capacity to
dl'al with the g1'l'at prohlems thnt now
coutrollt us , SOCOIIII , a Democratic
House ot HCllrl'Selltntives woulll mean
Ulnt the ellth'e Irglslnth'o IIInchlllery ot
that hOII ' won1l1 he 1lllIep(1 ( III the control
oC tilt ! South ; Ihc HIJenkrr , till ! Iollllllitteo :
011 I'll I e : ' ! , 1\nl1 1111 IhlJ hlllloltnllt commit-
lers , II ! ! well ns th ( ' chnlrlllllllshlllS of the
fIlIlC : , wOII11 ] he COlli posed Inr/cl / ' of
( lntherll men 111111 the grcnt IlItl'rosts or
tl1p ol'lh'ollitl h ( ' KIIIlJ'linntell ( to
: OulIll1l'l'lI ; ! , ( Jlll'it' ; . In nllll\\'OI' 10 thi ! > ! Lt
iliahI' , sal < < l Ihat a DI'1II0l'l'\tll' : \ HOllsc
I'ollitl < < In 110 hlll'lII. us tilt' Sellllte wOIIIII
Ntlll hi' Hl'llllhlil'llIl 1111I1 c01l1tI 1 11'1'\-1'11 t
' III1\\'isl' ' l'llilicnl Ip IRllltlon
IIII \ \ Ol' , Bllt n
1I1'lIIuI'I'ul it. II ousc ( 'oulll lll'e\'ell t Hellllhli-
I'all It'LdslutIolI , a 11I1 11'lnt harm might
l'pRlIll fl'olll tha I , 'J'lw I'It'l.tlolI of II ! tlJ-
IIIIhlil'UII , 'ollg1'es'l Is sl'arl'ely slcUlHI 111
I III III'I ! , " " ' ( , lo thl' rlcetloll ut II HI'll\1hll- \
Cll11 1'1' ( ' iidenl.
rhc'lldlll : J'rlnlrc.
'I'he 1I0rtlll'rll rl'illg ( ' or the U11l1ell
Rlatl's Is hl'hl l'IIJlitll ' 111111 IICIISI'I ' PPIHl-
III It'll wll h PCOIlII' "I'om " : \ ' ( ) rwa ' , wetlell
II lit I 01'1111I111'1 ; . 'rIlls is right , tor we are.
of tlll'lII. " ' 1' III'I' ot till' h'l'llIl of IlIImall-
II ' whll'lI JWll 11llh'II BJIIlu1II1 allll lIIal1t'
thl' " , l1JI- , \xlla allll IlIiJ ! I'llIrlltl ' 1I11\le
lhp L'lIltl'tl Billtcs. 111111 who , ; . . IlpSI'C11II.
1I11ls elll'rnily "utl1 tilt ! HI'Pll lll'lIlI tll'ket.
I t IIII ' ono Ilullllts thut the ortheru
Hlulrs III whll'h lire Iicttl11 NU mall ' of
0111' OW11 H'a 1111 hilI'Ium ; will this ycar go
lI11ythlll hilt ltepllltllCI1I1-Well , he shollltl
h ( ' talccn cure ot hy his f1'icllll , .
I'oor Olel UOIJlter.
' ( 'ho Oemocratic rouster
Hhhs. with a 11I0\11'lIful \ ! : IRnce :
Ii I wcmld crow like 1 uReter ,
Hut I tIo11't gct the challco. "
"Tho rocorll oC the 1nst seven yunrA
provclS thot tIle Illrty now In po"'er
CUll he trulJtcll to take thc lulllltlonni
nctloll neC""Rry to 1IIIIIrovc nllli
IItreuJ'thcII our IIlolletarr ; " ; retom , ! lull
thut our ollllonellts callnot he liD
trn.ted.-HO < li Vt'IL'a letter of acceptance ,
FOllr week , . IJetore election It looks
to the cOllflcrnulyu Ill'ollhets at ! If Hoose-
nlt wUllld have :117 : elecloral yote ! : ! to
ollly I ! ) for Parlwr , with the probahlli-
ties rllllnln ill fa01' of un IlIcrcallo In
the ' ' ' .
UCIHlblll'an I11I1JOI'It ) .
liThe American lIolllu Is huleell the
crnllie of liberty-it Iii tltll unit of the
Uellullllc' . struIIlth.-SculAtor l < 'lIlrbanka
In tha SCDate , JaDuu.I1 , 160.3 ,
The I'roeverlty ot tJle AarlclIltural :
Clnlll ! Jlel1l1e thnt Men Itl1JnKell la
AU Other I.ll1eB of Industry .Are
Al o Proellorollli. -
In hili' tamoll ! ! Chlc tgo cOllvimtlou'
IIllccch III ] 8UU W. J , Dryall lIald that
till ! . \merlclll1 bllhleltl ! 1111111 Inclutled the
" 1111111 who III 11111110 'ed for wages , the
IIIUI'clmllt nt the cl'Otls'rontIs storc , the
fnl'11Iur who /OCII / forth In the morning
nUll tolls nil tla ' , alltl begin ! ! In the
sllrinl , : I1l1d toll ! ! all II 11111 111 cr , the miller
who goes n tholllllllid fcet Illto the carth ,
the nttorlle ) ' 111 the country towlI , " etc.
lie nlso eXlrcscl ( ! ( the "Democratic ItIoa
that IC ) ' 011 1I1alH ! the maSRef ! IlrOllerOU8
their 1J1'Opcrlt ' will linll 1111 wny Ull nnd
throllgh lJ\'e1' ' dall ! ! . "
L'hu Ucpllbllcall IHlrlr llll1'llI the laRt
cl/ht / ) 'el\l's , 111 fllct ns well 111 theory ,
hlill hcell clll'rylllJ ; ( Jilt till ! ! "Oo111ocrutlc
hlen" of 11Ialdll the 111tInn '
111\ \ III'Olllcrou ! ! by
1I1111dllg tile "nUlI\Sl'lI \ ( IrOlllCrous. " It haB
rencl1(1 out nftcr the Inhorlrlgmen In
the cltlCII , the Carmer , thc country Iller-
chnnt , the IIIlnel' , the conntr ' lawyer ,
etc. , nil Inchllled In Dr 'an'B defiultlon
oC the "Amcrlcull liuslucss man , " and
It hM mnde them nll prosperous. It
may bo said of the IlI'osperlty thnt the
Hopubllcnn party brought 1I0t Cor certain -
tain clas8es , but Cor the IllnflSeS , nn
from them Ull nnd through every clnR8 ,
IDNOUGIl l Olt AI. 1 , .
'hrough the openln of thu mills of ,
the United States , rellderod ngaln POS-
Rlhle b ' the returll of the country In
181) ; to the HCllublican polley oC protection -
tection , the uncmllloyed classcsVoro
glv1I ! work. 'I1I Y wmm THEN
BI'Yl\n sdld thc ) ' were , but H USY MEN.
A Cotrust of Result , , ,
In Delllocrntic times there was con.
IItnnt aud frelluent IllIlIRlon to the Alll\1Y
01" ' .rUE UNMMPLOYED. The Coxey
Army thl\t wont to Wllshlnglon , In 1894
to demand that the goverument glvo It
worlc wus but a IIm:111 juerrHlIl detachment -
ment of the vast army thl\t \ stl\ycd \ at
home , rmfferell , starvell and Cound the
1I\"lng oC life to he Illmost unendurable. '
When this IIrmy of the ullomployed got
work , nnll not only that , hut got steadll , . .
Increasing wngus , It made a quick and
n good Illl1rket Cor the Ilroduets of the
farmer "who goes Corth In the morning
Ilnd tolls all dny , and beglnB In the
sprllll ; and tolls all Bummer. "
'l'Ilere are nearly nine million mon la
thu United Stl1tCR who make a IIvlnl : for
themllclves a 1111 Cnmllles by tllllnl : the
Boll , nnd who must dellClIlI for their
Ill'oHllcrlty on the deml\nd for their prod-
11It. ! from the o emlJlo 'l"l In manlltac-
tlll' lIJ ; hlll1i1tl'les ( , ' ! 'he cenlus oC 1900
Rhllwelthll \ t t hq , wugcs of th090 employed
III mllnufnct\11'lng Inllustrlca 1111(1 ( Incrcns-
ed $ .JnO : : , rmO fl'om 18110 to HIOO , The
figllre ! : ! wOIIIII hll "l ! becn IInmcll6el ) ' moro
strlldn ! ; could the censull decadu have
coven'd 1814 ! , In the midst oC Demo-
crntle times , to 1004 , the llresent tlmo.
l'I1N ) .ABOHING Oru\SS 01" nUSI-
mss l\Il N , WHO wmtN GIYEN A
l'HO''IW'eION , 'lI PIOit CAPI'.rA
CIUMSI D I ltoa. ; ( . . . . . BUSIINLS IN
18H ! 'O 11.:1 : : HUSI1JoJI-B IN lUO.1 , ' ! 'IIlI ]
'HUE 01 , ' l'HAc'rICUbY EJVEIlY-
'l'hls Cnrming clnss of ImslnesR men Is
now glvoll ndl'llllate rU\TUl'd Cor their toll
by dny antI throu/h / IIlll'lng nnd Bummer.
It now clln , III fnet alrendy hilS , Ilaid ort
mortgllges alII ( IItnl'ted checklllg aceounts
with the cOlllltr ) ' banks ,
A Chnnlle 111 COIIIUtione.
The mcrchant nt the crolls-ronds store
now finds the Cnrmer and his wite Qud
chiltIren have menu , . to IIpend , and wl1nt
moro nntI bettcr clothcs to , , 'ear , hooks
to rend , and brlc-a-brnc to adorn the
country home , ' .rhe farmer could now
afflll'It' \ he wanted to ) to chnngo Croln
the l'orncoll plpo to tL real Hnvl1nn cigar ,
1111(1 ( dl'ess cvery hit as styll hl ) ' RS _ the
hllslness mnn In the city , IIRY I\S high
Cl't'S to his doctol' nnd his lavyer , an . .
jllHt I1S much relit Cor the Ilew In church.
His wlCe could dress In sntlllfl , silkfl und
IlIl'es , just lIke the city huslness ml\n's
wlCI' , 1111(1 ( hlro 11 IIt'r\'ant girl to 110 house-
wOl'k thllt III Democrntle times she hel'-
Arlf IInll 10 eill. llu could IIfforti to hllTO
hlA tlllllr.htt1' ! weur clothes tllat would
111kl / \ ! lIer look jllst 1111 u ttractive as the
hnnl'I'I"K tIn lighter III thu city , nnd stutly
I1I11Slc , nrt , I.'rellch , t'tc" thnt would mnko
hcr just all lIIuch at hOlllu In the most
accolIIlllIRhed KJclel ' . He coulll nfforll
10 Hl'1II1 his SOli to college where he could : I
l't 1111 educlltioll thllt IIIlght lIIake him ' r ,
Iwnw < < III ' 11 1'lIl1road or hllnk Ilresitlent , i'
01' l1\'cn PI'esith'nt of the United Stlltes.
'l'he Amcrlcun fllrmerll' Increasell pros,0 ,
\ll'rlt \ , recillrOcall ) ' hCllcflts the worltlllg- '
1111111 III the citll's , 111111 the wOl'klll IllIlIl'S f'
III'osllcrltr agnln I'cchlroclllly hCllefits the !
Carlllel's III tht ! countr ) ' , crelltIng thus un
endless clll\ln of IIIntnlll bunetlts , t
AH Cor these who " /0 / a thollsand Ceet I J
In the enrth , " elc. , thcy , too , hllv fnlly .
shared In th'l ! Hellnbllcan llrOllll'rlty t _
which has IncI'cnset ! enormousl ' the de- "
111111111 for Iron , coppcr , zinc , lend , coul , :
col ( ( ' 111111 the preclons mctllls , In milling ,
1111 wcll 118 In all other hrallehes of hon-
CAt l1ulutrlal ! : ! effort , till ! " . \l11erlcan busl.
lIess man" clln 1I0W sccuro the hire thllt ,
the BIble SIl ' 11 his lallOr is worlh ' of , ! "
but which Democrlltlc policies ruthlctis.
I ) ' dopl'l\'ed . him of. .
The 1.lmlt.
'hat the Democrlltlc part ' has ,
Brl/ht'll / disease. cancer of thQ stomuch ,
II11l1 fl\Tlft cOnSUIllIItOIl ! i generally ad- '
mltted , hut it wns no-er renllze 60
thorou hly before bow much it , had Hill. . . . .
A Sura Thin ! : . .
At this latu datil the tidal WtLTO Is
Carltelllu oVl'r n. G. Davis ,
Alld OTer ) ' outlook grows the darker
I or the IIlIspeultlllG , sllellt l'urker. : J
Lo t , stra 'ed 01' Btolen-l.'orty.fiTe ,
Pal'lwr cOllstllutiOIl clubs in forty : n I' '
Stutes , ' .rhe lilulers will be tewlrtIed "
with cople' ! of "Whllt 1 Know About the '
UllconsloltutllllllllltJ' of the War of 1861- I
] ) ti : , " by lion , A. Bourbon , bound ill
, .It , ,1 < 1. " . . , . " I. d , . . \