Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, October 20, 1904, Image 3

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' . . . DORSES AN
; , , . REMEDY. ,
. I
> Dr. Lappanl Uses Dr. W/illarns' / Pink
, . ' Pills In His Practice Becausc Re.
. sulto Met HIs Expectations.
. .
Dr. LnVl1 < ml , the fnmous physician
J to the Vutlcan , whoso name has recently -
cently comq BO grently to the front
on nccount of hla unremitting atten.
tlon to His 11ollness , the Into Pope
Leo XIII. , I1nl1 the hlgb csteem nnd
. , , : confidence with which he Is regarded .
, \ by the present rope. 1118 11ollness , i
. f. IJiux X. , Is 11 man ot commanding' '
genius. He Is more than 11 mere man
pf science ; ho Is a man ot original
and Independent mind. Untrammeled
b7 the "otlquetto" at the medlcnl pro-
tceslon , and hn\'lng used Dr. Wll11nms'
Pink Pllls for Palo People In his prnc.
- . tlce with "good results , he freely R\'OWS
the facts nnd cndorses the yalue of
this remedy with nn auLhoriLy wblcb
no one w111 yenLuro to Q.ucsllon.
Dr. Lappon ! ' . Letter.
"I certify that l la\'o used Dr.
, Wllllams' Pinl { 1'111s in four cases
ot the slmllo anemia. . at de\'elop.
ment. Arter a tew weelts ot treat.
ment , the result came tully up to
my expectaUons. For that rea on
I shall not fall In the fuLuro to
extend tbe use of this laudable
preparation not only In the trcat.
ment of othcr forms of the cate'
I . gory ot allemln. or chlorosis , but
uleo in cases at neurnsthenla Qnll
: the 11ke. " ( Signed )
I \
I . Via del Gracchl 332. Home.
The "slmplo anemln. of develop.
\ " referred to Dr.
ment" by Lapponl Is ,
ot course , that tired , languid contJltlon
ot 'oung girls , whose do\'elollment
to womanhood is tardy alld whose
health at that period is so often im'
} Ierlled. His opinion of the " ; 1luo of
Dr. Williams' Pink PIlls tor Pale Pea.
pie at'that. time is of the highest sci.
entlfic auLhorlty nnd it confirms { he
l any published cases in which anemIa
and other diseases of the blood. as
weIl as nen'ous diseases , such as n r.
TaUS prostration , neuralgia , S1. Vitus'
dance , parah'sis and locomotor ataxIa
have been cured by these pllls. They
nre commended to the vubllc for theIr
efficIency In making new blood and
strengthening weal { nerves. After
such an endOl'semeDt they will bo ac ,
cepted by the medical and scientific
world at theIr fuIl "nlue.
A warehouse In l > arls has heen bullt
with glass fioors.
Magnificent Crops for 1904.
Wcstern Canoea's
, Wheat Crop tills
Veer Will be 60.-
000.000 Bushol9 ,
end Wheat at Present -
ent 10 Worth $1.00 ( I
The Oat and Barle , Crop Will Also Yield Abundanll , .
,1 Hplendld prices for all kinds of grain. C ttI
1. au othel' flum PTO UOO for the row In& & : 01
, . -nleh the cllml1te is unsurpllbSC .
Ahout 1WOOOAmerlcan\ settled In " 'e t.
ern Cunada during the past three ycal'l ; ,
Thousan s of free bome\teads : of 160 lI'rf' Htlll uYllllablu III the belit uirlculturul a.s.
It hn. . been ! laid tbnt the United Stnt 'I wll ]
be forccd to Import whcllt "lthln II'y fl'\\ '
\ I'ar' ! , ecure II. farm In Cannuu. un bccoUlc
ne ot those wbo will produce It.
Apply for Information to Superlnlen rnt 01
Immigration. Ot1l1\\'O , Canada , or to uuthorJ-.I',1 :
ev.nldlan : Government AgentV. . Hennen ,
tIOl Xew York Lifo Dulldln ! : , Omaha , Xeb.
NORTH-iOUTH . & 1'7a WEst
Ift"V Wi. . . . rlN
. _ . . _ r'tOWEIl : ;
) J1JB
.1 A'&RPR
& r.RfW"'R' . .
Tt.e t I ! ' tukh\il1c4l'o01klr.\ \ : \
I mtx' Jtlperi Ir
, TOWER' " 11h Coot ) Md t1 h
1 ( O1'IIJ ! : ) th : world GI'er 7rty ore : rroddn
k or ! lOI'lfor 011 Jr.d . ) c { wet lV rll.
IDM'2'g ! ' rmct\t rn tJ\e \ JIGt'i Of
\ ' THE FI'H : ) I ) ' cedto vt t.
I bfoctlon. All rcllAt'&olm Jcl the\ : .
\ AJ.1Offf.R co..B03TOJltWS.D.1A.
TUm CAIlIJIA/f / ca.Ua.'ted.TOOBTo. ! ! CAR ,
Strawberry and
Vegetable Dealers
'l'he Passenger Departmr.nt or the Ilhnol
rcmtral Hallroad Company have recentl : , ' h"uI
n llubllcatlon Imown U Clreu1u' : No. I : ! . In II hlc
\0 \ ; debcrlbed the
besllerritory in this countr
tor the Ilrowlng of carly strawberries Ilnd "url
" "lltltableR.o very dealer In such llrolllcl
. .llOUld al1 re s u postal card to the undl'rsllll1
ut Dubuque , Iqwa , requcstlnl : u copr ,
"Circular Nil. I : ! .
. J. F. MEIUtY , Asst. Ocn'll'llss'I' Acn !
: " ' . : EXICAN
Mustang liniment
I CJUrflS Sprains and Straius.
' 5' Citnr belt6r Quality th n most 10t Ci&ars
'L , . . l"tlllr jobber or direct trom ) o'.elOrr. l'eorla. 11'
} 'orlune.'ln Utile ' : : . ,
G ( 'n. . f.a.lI , K I' II W
e AlDerlean \'I rrwl1cre. marloe' tell. ! ;
U'7 10612 per Ib.1 COli. to rrow leu thOln 11. J1
dOlo.nrt. routl and I'ed tur nlo ; 1I00101t' treol "rl
' . . , . .dOl ) " . UZARK QlliBENG CO" Dept.l3. Joplin. 111
' . . t
. . , " .
. .
. . . .
' , , -
' -
} : : f ODD : :
: - 'i' . . ' . : _ ! = : '
( JO i ; " - : " , ; - - . " . . 'f . : ffil' , . " ) } D !
. e@ .
Hcr Father's Daughtcr.
I'm the "Unughtf'r of my tather , "
And hl"o . ' \ mllllnnalrt. .
And RO 'tls only nalurnl
'l'tmt men Rhoull1 deem me fl\lr :
At 1t' 'It. thl\t Ihey Rhonld tell me 10
Anll usle l1Ie tor m ' hcart-
But oh , I wish thnt 1 coulll tell
'l'he rnllo ! Hnd true apartl
Thc ' noclc UrOlitH' mo of 1\ ball
And bc" me for It uncc :
'l'h" IIcnUmentul Idl\ll thl' > ' try
'J'o 11111 mo with 11 , .J.unce.
An 901llt ! of them wrlto'cr cs.
Anel thc > ' ra\'o I\bout 111) ' 'cs-
Oh. Isn't there n tou < 'lutonr.
'l'ht tll IO\'l'I'S' words upplll's7
Therr.'s one of them who teat'S hili hair
. \lId thrl'utcn ! ! HUlclde.
Anti then unother lint' who ! \wears
1111 1II111r. In ! ! be his bride.
lIo'lI como SOlnO night when I'm m1 ce II
Anll bt'ur me far UWlI\-
11(1" I wll < h thnto'IIU : , , : oulll tell 1110
" 'hut 11 mlliden 'ollght to 1111)1
A nel thl'n there' ! ! ol1e who nc\'er conwlI :
I1r 1f'l1\'f'M fill' qlllto olol1C.
The lh 'nfllll1t1mcM I I1Il'et his c'es
" 'hcl1 I 'Iulckl ) ' raillc 1I1 ' own :
Pl'rhtlpR. perllUl1s , Wl'ro Ill' tll omo
With tl'nder words to woo-
Oh. won't ) ' 011 plpll.'Ie lell mn
" 'h\t II mnltll'TI ou ht 10 do ?
- WIlIIun Walllce . Whltl'locl : In New
ror ! , 'l'lmclI :
- - - -
' . ,
The Antiquity of Chairs.
Chait.s were in use In Eg 'pt so long
ngo liS 3399 D. C. 'fhe Chlncso em.
ployed them Irom about 1300 B. C. In
Illdln. thor : were used. and 111'0 men.
lIohed as dating from 1100 n. C. HOllse
chalt.s , , vith baclcfI. were In use In
lndlu. A. D. : mo. ' ( 'he ) ' arc l\lown Lo
have ! Jecn emplo'cd in Home so carl ) '
IH ! A. D. 70. l.icln mentioned by PlIn ) '
at. Lhqt date. Chairs with foot re8ts
\Yerc 118el1 In Home A. D. 1 O.
- -
- Flnc View Froln High Peal < .
From lt. GeneYleye , a I clllt In GIl.
IIn ! Count ) . , Colorlldo. a lIerson can
see into foul' states and Ol tel'l'ltOl' ) ' .
On II. clem' 11n ) ' the obsen'cl' can discern -
cern Hlo Ulntab MountaIns oC eastern
Utah , the 1\ledlelno Bow range of
W'ou1Ing. the tips or HIe Hoclces ! In
New : \Iexleo and tbo prIncIpal 1I0al.s
l' Colorado. The plaIns , stretchlnf ;
to thn eust , : m , ) planl ! ) ' , 'lsllJle clear
Into cbraslm.
Dogs Becamc Intoxicated. .
A beer wagon eollldod with an Ice
Cl'eam sLand at Pro\'ldenct' , R. I. . and
the stock of cl'cam was ] Jreclpltated
Into the sLreet. A hoer barrel
Lurnet ! the mass illLo a 110rt 'of frozen
pllddlng. whIch was purllllwn of b ) '
sOYQraI tlogs. Two ot the more yora.
clous of the animals hecame hadly In.
dcatcd and wandered almlessh'
ahout In a. most amusing manner tor
a long time.
Ncw England Industry.
An Interesllng Instance of pcrslst-
ent indmtry is offcrcd h ' the case 01
.T. P. KC'PI ! : of Poland , 1\lass , . who
two weel < s ngo missed his Saturday
trIp with butter to Conway \'lIIage for
the first time in twenty.slx 'oars.11' : .
Keyes Is about 70 yenrs old , and al.
thu h his home Is reached b.r IlJY
roads that are balll ) ' drifted In wintor.
he h ! ' ! nlwlI's managed to got
thruu h.
- -
New Uae for Automobiles.
The Ce'lon government. Is serlouly ! ' !
eonsillerlng the proposItion of snbstl.
tutln , ; on aU fit roads light auLomo.
biles for tIlC old sLage coaches which
, still exist on important routes for mail
and passenger tramc. 'I'he required
I speed Is thlrLy miles an hour. and
each \ ' ( > hlcle must. . carry slx pass en.
. gers. OO poun s of letters and 2G
IJounlis of baggage.
Deer Just Looked Around.
A deer entered the garden or Chas.
IOl'grage of GolTstown. X. H. . UJIIl
. . . . . .andercd around quite a while. not
offering to oat an .thlng. At lastI \
' ; qucpzell out 1)etwecn the burhetJ
wll'os of the fence on one sldo of the
l'al1road. passd ! nCI'oss and througl :
I ho ulhcr barhed wIre fence wilhoul
InjUl'ln Itself in tht } least.
- - - - -
Coin of Gcorge III.
A. O. Peabolly of Wilton. N. H.
picked up a coin a few days since
On one sille arc the lelters "Doorglll !
III Del Gratia. " In Lhe centcr was :
cut of a Icing. On the olher sill !
were thc letters : \1BFET H-HEX FD
_ UE'fI.DSmA'fE , coat of arms will
( 't'own upon namo. 'I'he date 011 thl
vleco was 1 9 .
Broke Into Swarm of Bees.
Rees flwarmed througl1 a. . hole whlcl
Erncst l\lllls made In the wall or HI'
lown 10cl < 1l ) ) at 1\lartlnsuurg. VIt. , ani
stun him until he shouted fOI' help
The bocs ha\'e a nest between th
IllasLerlnd clapboarding. MI1J ad
mlts he was tt''lnr ; to efleac. ) ) but hi
I'II'S he wl11 sue the town for darn
1. aes.
- - - -
Colt Has Woolly Coat.
: \nrHhl111 [ Phillips of W1I1I5bo1'O , Vt
has a c 1rloslt ) ' in the shape ot a col
filx monLhs old , which In C\'Cl' ) " WI :
l'e5embles the moLher , except that. 11 :
! JL ad or bolng covered with hall' II !
co\'ered with wool. With the Ion ;
_ lo s or It. colt and the wool 01 t : . Rhee :
It 11rescnts a novel appearnnco.
- -
Pec.ullar Traits of Family.
In nrookl'n a father aud mothe
rnlHel1 111) a famll ) ' consisting oC nln
JallJhters and ono son. All Iho ( 'hi
Ill'en are married and hll\'c osrln ) )
. \11 t1H children or nll the tlullghlN
are bo 's. ami all the chlll11'oll ( lC th
Bon are girls.
- Many Strawberries froln .an Acre.
n. P. Woodworth c.f WestOeld , Yt
ons pickell thin ) 'eal' frum a bed e
I'ss than un a'ro. 4,000 quarts (
' ! trl\whrrrle9. 'I'ho plcltln RNtSO
'nsll'tI from Jllue 20 until Au ! : 1.
A Crop of 60,000,0:30 : l3ushels of Wheat
Will De the Record of 1004.
The r lmlts of the thl'eahlu ! ; In
We ll.'rn Canada nro nol 'ct comp t.
cd , bllt Irom luformatlon nt hnnd. It Is
safe to 5n ' thnt the n\'erngo lcr ) ncro
" , 'f1I bo renlollabl ) ' blgh , nnd n tall'
, ( 'sUmate111 place the total ' 1l'111 of
wheat nt lJOOOOOOO busbels. At pres.
ent prices this will udd to Lho wealtb
ot the farmers nearly $ dOoOO.OOO.
'I'hcn t hlnlc of tbe hmncnso 'Iold of
oats and hnl'l ( ' , ntHl the 1I11'go herds
or caLtle. for nll at which gool1 } ll'lcos
" , ' 111 bo Imld.
'fho following ornclal telegram was
! lent b ) ' Honorable Clifford Slfton.Mln.
Ister at the Interim' , to J. I'I ! Strath.
cona , 1IIgh Commssloncr ! for Can.
: uln :
"Am now able to Rtnto tlcOnltel ; ) '
that unl1Cl' con lt 10nR of unusual dim.
cultj' In Northwest : \ full' a\'t'rl\Cc crop
ot wheat of good Iunllt ) . hak belll I
reaped nn is no10CIl'O ! \ from SII\ \ ) "
sLantial tltunagl' . 'rho rel10rLs of In. :
jury bj' fl'Ost nnd rust wcre I'ossly
emggerate . 'fhe whcnt of l\Innltoba '
nnd NorUnrclit 'I'crl'lIorlcs will n ( : : re'
gate from fiflr.tI\'e to slxt ) " 1lltlHon
bu hels. 'rho qu\llt . 1M oOlI and the
price Is ransln : ; aroun ono ollar' '
pCI' bus\1 \ " I
Franc 11. 8I1C:11'man. I In the Sat\1r. \
tInr \'cnlng Posl. sa's :
"Wh'n our first transcontinental
railroad was built , leamc men It.
tcmJ1ted by isotherman demonstration
to pro\'o thnt wheat could 1l0t. Pl'otll.
nJI ! ) ' be 51'0vn norLh at whore the 11ne
WlS projected ; bllt the renl ranal'Y
of the world \lcs \ UtI to :100 : mIJes nOl'I b
of the Cmadian l1acll1c railroad , : UIII
Lhe da ) ' is 110t dctlnltel ) ' dlsLnnt. when
Lho United states w111 Imocl , at. the
doors of Canada COt' Its breal. Hall.
real ! men see such a da ) ' ; It ma ' ho
hoped that statesmen ale ! wlll see It ,
and arrange theIr reelprocltles while
the ) " 1Ua ' ' 10.50 gl'aceful1r. Americans
already ha'o swal'lued inlo that. far
counl.h. and to a dCSI'co lla\'e tal\Cn
Lhp Alccl'lcan whC'at 11eltl with them.
DesplLe tile fact. that for rears n little
DnlwLa sLaU n on the S1. Paul road-
l tIt'el.a-hcld the dlsllncllon ot boln ! ;
Lho largest. pl'lmar ) ' graIn mtu'let iu
Ihe world , Lhe Dahotns and : 'Itlnneotn. !
w11l one day 'Ield their Imlm to Sas.
'rho bars of Cuba are alh'c wlt11
5sh. but there is 110 fish Industr ) ' .
E\'cry lJOllseJeol1Cr slloultl Imow
: hat I ! they will buy Defiance Cold
Water Slarch for Iaundr ) " use thc ) :
\'lll sa\'o not only time , hccause it
Jerel' sUcls 10 Lho Iron : but because
ach pllclmgo contains lG or.-olle full
ound-\\"hilo all ether Cold " 'atcr
3tal'ches are 1mUI \ ) In . & .pound ) Hlcl. .
1ges , : md the I1I'lce Is the snmo. IG
: enLs. 'I'hen agalu hccause Del1anco
3tarch Is I'l'ee f\'Om all Injurl lls chcm.
.cal& . If 'oUl' grocer trios to sell : rOll
1 ] .oz. ) Jaclnge it Is btH'auso he has
1 stocl. all han whIch ho wishes La
:1lsllos0 : of befol'oho - lIuts In Dclhllce.
He Imows that. Defiance Sla\'ch lias
ll'Inted ' ' } In largo leL ,
; on e\'cry l1amre
: er3 and IIg\11'es "lG ozs , " Demand
DeJlnllce and sa\'e milch time 1I11d
mono ) " and the anne 'allco or I he l\'on
3l.1cldng. Defiance ne\'cr stll'la ; .
In fIft ) " years suIcide has Increased
In Great BritaIn by : ! OO pel' ceul.
Important to Mathers.
Exunlno carefully CTPry bottle or C.\gTO T.\ .
1811te an , ure remcdy for IlIflints nnl1 lhll < lrcn.
antI .co that It
Demlbo . . , I
SIullture : or , f.tI"
In Ueo } o'or Onr all Yearp.
'l'bo Kllld You HavlI AwA's ! lJouht.
London conSUD1t's : ! 000 Lens of ice
Ono Letter Malces Dlrrernecc. 1
Th\ro Is ( lno lcttt'r In the 1t1l1.rrlaro '
COl''II\OUY tUJ Ruhstllltt1n or " ,111'h
br I1nolhcr would 11lIhl'l' I houl l1ndH tt )
mnny who nro now IIlngl : ( ' , nnll w1u1c1
gh'o a IIcenl10 for unrnl ! hfulnN\1I to
thousnnds who ure Ulllnlt'ci.'hlch
. . . . . .
IH thl' It'Ue ! ' ; Thu lellor , . Ir ( ln
could subslltuto the lolter "K" 'ou
alter "So lOll ! ; ns 'O both ahnl1 ( I\'e. "
Into "So Ion ! ; I\S ) 'U both shull 1l1tc. "
Yon n\1' 11M I' nll ' lIlIe complain
ahout "Dl'l1nlwc Htnl'ch. " ' 1'111'1'0 111I0n ( !
to ellunl It In (1\IIllIt . 111111 quuntlt : : , IG
' ' ! \ ' 10 l'cntH. ' 1'1' ) ' It IIOW 111111 31\\0
: roU ! ' mU\lc ' .
- - - - - - - -
Gulis In United Kingdom.
Doforo the etlHI1Ht lIt IIl'al HIs or '
socletr : 'Ill' . .T. HI'own n\'o rcumns COl'
concltldlng that. th\'o uro 2.000.000
gulls In the l'nllCil l\lngllo1t1. und thnt
11\1t'ln \ ; ; the hcl't'lng 8l'IlMOll ( 'aeh bird
dl'stl'a'ed OO ( I' ) ' 11 dIlY" nt' 1 : ! , OOO Iln' .
In the two monl hR or the ! IeaROU.
'l'hcl\e. if they hl11l t'o1t1e to nu\tl1\'lly , '
would ha\'o been .I ; : ! 1,1100.001)I
-1.01111011 FeathcI'cd Life.
Dcnn\'l' St n t'1t 1-1 : J'UU t'IHI tC'C'll 111 .
gC\t \ a 1\11 lJ\t \ fII' 1I\l)1I ( , ' 1''l'ull ell. IG
OUncc ! ! . 10 cenll' . 'L'I' ) ' II. now.
- - - - - - -
Weary Bepctltlon.
No sooller dOl'S ono gonel'l1t1l1n poL ;
through with Its l1t e pl\I'L IIpon the
carth when nnolher comes ulondo. / .
In . Lhlnllnl ; nnll nctln ; the snme
things. Indeed It's tt mIght ) . hmd :
from an exhausfIcss that. lloms
fOI'Lh lhe ne\'er-cndlng 110011 or ) 'C'l1'5. '
"nT J1'I , I" ' 1'nrmtntf',1 . . fur . , "t"n. Dr.
O.'ld 1."u d.I".urUt ntl1j d"I. " . d l1Ie. " IoUI. C.
1.1J" . . lIt..11 , 101\11,1110 \ , N. J. U..e' ' " "I' IQ ! 1uro. 11.00.
Rarest U. S. Coin.
The r\l'est coin In the Unltell st3.lcl
Is not. as man ) ' sUIIPOSC. Iho sllrcr
Ilo11ar of 180.1. but. the douhle engl ! . ! of
1 S.W. of whIch thel'o Is Oil ! ) ' one ill
exlstclll'O. and thnt. helongs 10 the l'ab.
Inct of the Unltell Stutes millt. II
call 1I0t he hOllght.
I'PrmantntlT euNd. No IItlor nel'TC1l1ne.1 an. .
FITS lI..t d"t" u.e or IIr , KII"o'.lIrut-'one : . , , "
er. e,1 r..r 1 , UK 82.1\11 tlalllulll. ; " , el . . . . .tl. . .
VII. 11.11. KLlIllt. Ltt1. . ValArcb fjU I , 1'lIUallelpll1a , 1' .
- . . . .
I Tragedies of Love and LIfe.
'I'ho cIIll of lo\'e Is a tl'l1gcd ) ' , just
11\1\0 \ the ellll of mc. Both al'o facls
I III nall1ro. and must ho urceptcd In
same spirit. A pel'SOIl Is 110 m'Jro
to be blnmed whell his 10\0 dlcs thnn
whell his bed ) ' dles.-New YOl'l ,
tr. . 'Vlnalnw" " "otIlIUI : yrul"
F'orl'hlhlrcn t".llIln . lollrn. the \:11111. . rl1lll1l''O I.
Ilawlualoa : .lIlla'II"tu , curo. wln,1 cull. . . : : : 'c a lN lIu.
- - - -
Women Not Wanted.
One of the cllriollS social laws of
Peru forhlds women to nttend fllnot als
anll ther do not alICar at. wllllllngs
( oxccpt as 0110 of the 11l'lnellml1) ! ) . un.
less ther al'o'I' ' Intlmnte fl'Iel1l18 of
the cOlltractln ; ; llarlios.
: \tfll'lno 1 .ro TIl'uw . \ ' cl\t'e ROI'O I' C ,
. malici : wcak l''CS ! lLI'OIl1l11I'UggibtS. ! . We.
They're L/ttle / , but 0 My I
The IJInln ! of 'l'agllt'hl , the .In\Jan' \ se
anatomIst. woll-lhed l.i : ! O l'il1ns , nntlit
stands : lOlh on Iho list ur hl'l\n ! weIghts
of 111 < ' . 11 11IRtlngllllhoc } . In tlto } ll'oCes.
slons. arts an sclmwoH.
I am ! ' : ure 1'1 0'1' Cllre rol' Comlllll1plIl1n sllvell
lilY IIta Ihree > 'CUI'K 110.- : : \1111'1. TJllI' ! . BlIllm : ; : ! ,
: \lulllu SHeet. or"lelt , X. Y..1 > 'o\l. \ 1 ; . IWO.
It Is lJOsslhlo to got IL ' 1'lIrl > 18h baLh
Cur G ccnts In ew York.
I nslst on Getting It.
Som ! ! A'l'n'cl'I / ' Ow > ' ( lnn't leeep
Del1l\nce Stal'l'h. 'l'hl ! 1M hN'IIII'e tltey
hll\'o II fitoclt on hant ! or olhCI' hl'al1 S
t'nlltalllln 0111 > , ] : ! O . In : L } ) ttcl\ll . e.
"hlchth "y won't he lIulu to : lcl ! 111.\t \ ,
hl'ca\l e Ucllnncc contlllnR Hi oz. to I'
I lhe ! : Iamc mOIIC > ' .
Do > 'on want IG 07. , InlI"lIl : nt ] 2 nT. .
I tOl' ! : Iamc mom' > ' 't 'I'lwn huy Uellance
I : : : tut'ch. Hcqnll'es 110 l'lIIIII ! .
Il I
l .
It is th purest. ch anCjt starch madt.
It is fret of injurious chemicals.
It an bt uud where ordinarily you would be afraid
to use starch or any kind.
That's Defiance. Your grocer sells it.
. . . .
W. N u. Omaha No. 42-1904
. . . , . , , .
1\ CURES catarrh of tbe stomach.
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Mrs. Anderson' ' , a prominent society
"of J aoksonville Fla. of
) "roman , . , daught r
IRecorder of Deeds , West , \ vhovitnessed
her signature to the folIo\ving letter , praises . (1
Lydia E. Pinkhamt s V ege able C011)pQ.und.
U DJAU : MIlS. 1'1 K1TAM : - There nrc but tow mvcs-nml molhers who not n Umes end11l'ctl agonics and lch pam only'women know.
I wish such women knew the valne or J.ydla I . Plnkbam's Vcgctable
CumpouUtl. It is u. l'emal'lablo : : mClicine ( , different i.n action from any
I eYCI' knew ami thoroughl ) . rcliable ,
"I IHLYO scen cases where womcn < .lootored for with ut ponna.-
Dent benefit ! , who WCl'O e111'11 in less thl\ll three months after tnldng your
Vegetable Compound , while others who wore ehronio and inolUuh16
came out o\11'ed , happmul in perfect health after n. thorough trealment . .
, vith this 1nrdiqine. 1 haye novel' uscIl it myself without ga.ining"gr at
llcnefit. A few dos ( ' ] 'eslorc mr strength and (11)Jetitc , Ilnd tones up
the ontil'o s'slcm. Your medicine bus beeut-rlell and found true , hcnco
I ful y endorse it.-Mr..s. : H. .A. .t\KDEn5o , ! . ! 2 " "l1shinglon St" Jack.
sonville , 1.1\ : .
Mrs. Rced , 242 : ; E , Cmnlcrla1ul St. , Pl1l1ndclphln , Pn. , Bnys :
"DJAIt : : Mns. lJ I\IrA : -I feel it my duty
to write and tell yon the good I hl1vo received
fl'om JJ ' ( UQ E. Pinkhum's Vegetable Com-
II I have been 11 , great sufferer With fcmalo
. trouble , trying i1l'crcnt doctors and medieincs
with 110 hcnel1t. 'l'wo years ago I went under
an operation , nUll it left mo in n. very weak
condition. 1 hHl : stomach trouble , , backache ,
headachel palpilat ion of the lll'cut. . , amI WIlS very
' : \ \ \ nervous ; in fael' , I fit hell 0.11' ' over. I fimi
. . . " ' = \i' \ yours is the ouly JIIcllidno thatrcaches
f , . . 1 such tl'ol1blcR , mid would eleerful1y rec-
Jij I. / I l' I , j ommc1ll1 J.ytliu.I .linkJuuu'H Vegetable
, 'J I COIllIloUtul to all sll1l'cring womcn. "
When women nre t-oubletI with irrcgular or painful m n6truatlon. 'Weak-
nCBII. Icucorrh a , dirpla.cemtmt or ulceration of the womb , that-bc:1ring'.d 'IV1
feeling , inllamml.tiol1 or the ovaries , haclache. : flalulcnct' , Icncral pebUlt.y
indigestion , antI m'l."vous PI'o'3tt'ltion. they /jhol1ltl rememher tlwre fa ono trltd
an true remed : . ' . L 'dia. E. Plnkhnni's Vcgetable Compo.und at OIlCO
removes such t.roublcs.
Tbo cqwrlcnco : : amI t.cstlmony of senno of the most noted
women of America o 10 lrO"e , Jlcyontl a ( IUCSUOn , tJmt Lydia. E.
J.-inkham's Ycg-ctahJo Componnd will ( ! orrcet aU such troub16 at
on co. by l'cmn'ing- canso mul r ( storlng the organs to a hea.ltby
uml normnl cOlItlitIon. If In douht , wt'lto , l\lrs. Pinkham at Lynn.
Muss , as thommnds do. Uer mh'lco is free und helpful.
No olher mellicine for women inlho worM has received such wide-
Rprend amI l1I11Ualiflell } eI1lloI'Remcnt , . ' No ether mcclicino hr.B Buch B
recol'll 9f cures of fcmale t.rouh1es. Hcfuso to buy any substitute.
FORFEIT If , .e ( 'Annot forlbwlth flrodure the orllllnal1f1U.en 1U14 llcuat.r. . of
$5000 abe , , , tuUulonl.II , "hie ! ! . .llIllrllYII nheolnle l"nl1l1ltlll. . . . .
IJdla E. l'Jnkham Medlchlo Co. , L7nD1 U. . . . .
- -
_ r _
A handsome World's Fair folder containln complete Information ,
\'iews of bUildings , CIC. , and map of St. Louis , will be tnt free on . . . . .
rcqucst to
MADE. $3.50 SHOES : .
w. L Douola malt c and _ II. more men' . .
$3.lJO aha. . than aJUf oIh r nunulacturr
In world. 'I h. . rtuou W' . . ahO'Ol'ait Iho
the T. . HODIM IUO (
( lroalnl 'tlltu Ullh" "arid I. . . . 01 weir eII' : Il.u1. 1. . .
tlU ) ' nllill" a\lll lu.rlor . l'I't"nlllo : 'jW > lIlI. . . ) t 1 colII < l .1. . " , '
, olllhe .1I1T'leu" brlwt.n II , , , .Iur , IUI" In la'dorf . . , !
' " " ) ! " " my I <
, II..OIe . or olhtr loak. . aU'l III" "I " h. " , .Ie ! , , , Ihtre n./I. ' ' ' "
would und.nlalld Vlh ) ' W. I" U nllu , f.3IQ ehnet IIO I " " " 0
to rnak. . wh , Ihe ) ' hold Ihtlr .Iuli" ' . tit ! > tUn. , "I' > Ir lonlt , , .
I and all or I < fo.ltr lutllll.l" valli" lIlan any oilier ss.w'O /
011 tile I" Ollo-dIlJ , auft wllf tbe wrl lor 'be Jear ' ! luuljI
JulJ l.l'U , werll
w. . . r , . ! JOlllllaa . . 111I113ntt(1 . . . lI'elr . nIne by Itamplng . bla . . . non. . . . . . . .
"et prlt' au II. 11011011I. 1.I ) ror II-lake 110 .111..11I"
liolll It ) ' allOlI dralc , . elcrl'hel6. 1"1110101' Eueltll . . . . .J .
/.ulu"rtl" . ,
SuperIor In I'lt , Cnrllrnrt nUll 'Venr. s ,
"IIJI" "orn lI l./MuJ' ' ' ' ' I..n ,1 < ' 1" jor lll fru//lulrt , 'nr ,
fllllI , , , ul""e.Wlllrl"'ljI.d . , " . " 11 'UP.t110"1I4J/.C"I/ ! . . "
, . . . .me' w , , , , 10 . .III . , , " " / " , . / " 11.00. " .
: , ( ' < II. o'i. . ' ( ' ' / : . / ) , cO"lng/lo" 1. Ij.ll/Jl" , : , . RIhmo,4 . . . .
f " ' . J. . Boultlall III'O'M ( 'III'Cmu. ( o1te"ln In hi. . SI.flU
, . . . . , . , ' , , . , . . . . .
, j. tlh ' ( ,10 : ' ( ,11 \'olludtJd to bo th. Ih. "
t ' ' ' . l'/lIO'.t l.t'uthel'UHlllu.
THE. I , . U. IJ lOr. C.lTAI.'HHJI11111 < 11 H'IL INnBUOTI ( ! 1
WORLd , lillI' III 1I1\1t.H : I' " 11.111 _
( jREATEST .stlOE Mfll ER w. L. DOUGLAS , DrccMonp MattI.o
C'lor more good. brlohter and luter color. than In'olher ) de. Onlll00 pachoe colon .lIk. wool and collon equall , well and I. guaranteed 10 glwo perleel result. .
Alk dealer or WI 'Iolllllnd post paid at tOc : a packag. : . Wrll. 'Ir ' ! ru lIookiet-/low / 100,0 , Dluch Ind Mix Ct4on. JICJ.\'IWlJ III' 1 : ( ; ( , ' 0" l'1I1I1JUIlII1. , JlI".rl