Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, October 20, 1904, Image 2

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Color'S 0' the Moment.
. \ i th l > < < L3tm "lI \ "nl'l'S Hl'ccn and
" ' ' ' s p. , ; " t.lltIi , : Inlll ! comblne'il
fl.IT bt > sl.ud tQ , th cotors of the
IUoJueQ : ( , POIl t ; i alld rnw sills are
l" , "ub : hbrh ' , . , AlIodet of dark
[ . . 'If' ' I'ongt e. with a n\lsed strlpo rUII-
II UII : through Il. hu a Hltlrh\'lth , "cr -
IIt'le gorln , nnllit 1.1 tuclell'hol'l1.on-
t \11) " 1\11 the wa ) ' arollntL thb hip , hl\\ "
I' ! ; ; a hex plait 11.WII the cl'nter of
tIll' Iront 3nd hack TheRe tllcl..s are
hlitched nhont HI or l'lght Illches In
d.'plll a\1(1 ( thell aIlO\\'l'd to t1are with
( ofir 110011 tucks t'llInllnrtlcall ! ) -
r'H11111 the holtom , l'arh of these tucls
IIt'cHled hy half.lnch wide roW of entro
"nux , The sldrl jcut strnlght
olI"Q II 1111 , and the hOlllcc , which Is
t.udCtl III haIC-lllc h t ucl..s , hlouses
HII lill ) ' over till' belt. A , beauttrul
white Irish lace ) ' 01:1' : anil the collar
cOI 11llelo the necl ; , allll the slco\'es arc
, : ; ' 1lht'I'ed Into the } 'lIl\ ! . ' quite full and
fllB to the 11111) of till' elhow , Here
1H t\ln Is a IllIff a1(1 ( helow Is a tight , I
tlttedIeove : : of Irish crochet.
- - - -
Combination Under Garment.
Tho. advnntaJ1J that the cO\11blt1lll .
wIlier g rmelltlllcalls In a I'eductlon of
111111. lit tl o wali'lt anll ovel' 'tho hillS
Iii : \ well\recogn\wd \ 0110 nnd 11 I\P' \
IItrcnL nt a gluucu , ' 1'ho mollel l11us.
tmtell alllleals to
c\'orr woman wbo
. . almg to lwell her
, O\ltlInos \ as nearly
1I0rfcct as } losslblo
and Is not \'n \ need
I of fullllcss over
the bust. As shown
It Is ronde o ! naln-
sool. with a low
round neclt. but It
r"a he cut WIt)1 the square outline , or
I'l Y 11111\11e , or left highs may be 111' , ) '
. fUl'roll and all 'lIIaterials In , "ogue for.
IItlllcl'wear nro allllrolll'lato , In the
I l'ase of the 1II00uI ] the trlml1'lng Is
l'llhrQllle : y , but here ngaln a choice
I/j / allowed a washable hices are much ,
{ ' . ! tell nnll frills of the material also
ar , ' hl'ogue. .
The garment If ! marIe with front ,
IMCIH , Hide 'buclls ' , under arm gores
and 1l1\cl ( portion oC sldrl. The fl'ont
I : . fitted hy means of lloublo llarts , so
IU ltlng the garmcnt ahsolutel ) '
Hmooth filtlng .and the nccessary full.
ne" ! ! ! at the hael ( Is 111'0\111011 b ) ' the
Aklrt , which Is gl\tllOred at Its UPII r
( ' , I ' aull jolnell to thu hod ) ' IJOrtlon.
' 1'hqmu tIt ' or matel'lnl requlrel ]
fol' the medium Izc Is 3 ) 'IU.S . 3C
IncItes wide , wllh : J If. : ) 'al'ds of wide
\Jl'Oldet'y \ , 3 ypnls of narrow , 2 %
ymlfl of tnsertl n and 2 yards 01
1) ( , Hllllg to trim as Illustrated.
" ' , , , " : : ' , -
, Le'lther "Trimming ,
A decided l ovclt ' , In the way a
tclmmlng for sOllie of the new mln't
walsh the ' ' colla :
veiling nre tUI'l1'o\'or
and clIlTs [ uaite or Hort leathor. AI
, < 'IlInlllo of' thlg I " a palehlt , , ) wals
trImmed wlt1collnl' and culTs ( 'f so !
t'll leather , In Hhnlll' somewhat slmlla :
tn the emhl'oldored unll lacQ collur unl
I'/tl'f / sels so milch tn domnnll durlul
the slll'lng alld sUlllmer seasoll.
lenther trlllllnlnHs are helnH used tl
. . lllt. " xtollt oil tlio 1I0W tnllorod suit :
l\IId , mlncoats , so that this uovelt ) ' me :
IIll'et with qulto aH much or a RUCCC ! .
ai , wllhl : ; trlnllulnl ; as In tlio othc
Iu : so , [ rcad.mUlnl'ments \ ; ,
' - - -
" ,
. GIrl's Russl3n DreGs ,
, Slmplo IIltte frocls , with sllirts nnl
llqd ) ' lOrtions In Olle slIlt lIttle HII'I
' ' well 1\1111 eminent !
\1mlt'ahl } \ aru .
hlonahlc , 'l'hl : . ; one Is llecullarl
, tt\'actlvo nnd cl\n h made with th
s I 1 g h t I Y OIJC
511UUI'0 ncelt , a
lIIustmtcll , or h
rllIlul'cll high h
thc addition of th
'rhlchl and stnul
Ing' collar. and als
allows a choico/
the flllllcngth dm
hlo slee\'es 01' th
outer ones In hn
length ani ) ' . 'fll
model Iii made (
I'o'ul hI lie casl
Incre , with trlnll1\lu \ < ; of omhroldure
h \1dlng edged with hlucl : , a1ll1 Is bet
l'ITC'cU\'e and durahle , hut all the m
tclp.1 ! , In.V11l1\9 ! \ fOl' IIttio girls' dress )
arc eCuallY I\IJllroprlate ,
The 11.18 Is mude with front nr
; k\ci'8 ' :1" : Is In\ \ ! ! III a hex Illalt :
cenlcl' .Iront and haelt with OUtWl\1
tllmlng'r.I..ij It each shlc. the closlt
'tieing lin' 'J In\'IHlhl ) ' at the hacl , II
n : , h tltl hex lIlaH , The 10llg sluc\ "
a':1 : ; ' II' , , ( shall At'Igathcl'ell ' III
) l'tralght ' culYs , while lIw oul ( > I' I'nes' II
iu hnlf length IInll In hell shllile. 'I'I
. , ltlclll Is qnlte bl'lml'atland , when I' '
'ritt ell , Is arrangell ulI er the dl'e
c'Ilng { ( ; at the center lJacli.
The quant ) ' of lUatel'lal I'cqulr
CO [ ' the medium slzc (8 ( ) 'eurs ) Is Ii
} 'Iuds 27 Inches wide , Ii ) 'u\'l18
luches whlo 01' : J ) 'a\'lIs \ 41 Inehus wit
with 4Y. . , ) 'ards of hanllln1 ; to trim
' . - - - - - -
" ' '
, , , ' .
"W3slilng Rugs , "
-'Opal ! , rugs 1\Ia ) ' he wushcII repeat. .
I wttont : ! hannlng thum. In fl1
" ' Rhlng a go 011 l'lI ' . ' 111) ' lUalos I
. o ors 1U0ro mellow. A , nltcl' In I
HQu ! ' o Boautlful tells how tp 110
iy cLssfullY : 'l'ac ( the rug un a
ot hare oor , the , L1uelc Illuzzn 1101
a ! ; ; 0011 a 111aco tiS an ) ' , ScrlllJ tli
OUhl ' with \\'ul'm al11n oula NIII ( , fi
rlrlSI' wll h lIIall ) ' clear wllter unlll all
the soall If ! rOllloved , Let the rug dry
on thl' floor without relllu\'ln ! ; the
lacl : ! ! , thcn I tno ] , ui ) : and It will not
shl'lnl : , 'r ' ll , 11111' 11\111 out ( IC Hhupe.
- - - -
Mlnses' Fancy alouse.
11l'Oad shoulders malte the latest
cdlct of faHhlnn alld 111'0 relldered ex.
cepllolll1l1r allracl\'e ! In this vcr ) '
prell ) ' bIIlU/W / , whl ( h Inchllles the ahal. I .
low 1'011I\11 ) ' 01:1' : , which also makes ,
olle of the lalcat unl1 newest feutures.
' 1'ho 1'lOllel : Itt made
of tobacco b\'Own
veiling , with ) ' 010
and culTs oC ecru
lacq ulIlI the trIm.
mlng ban d of
sill : embl'olderlJll
with IIttlo circles
a 1111 stitched with
cortlcelll silk , It
can , however , he re-
nroduced In any
- -
seusollahlo material and 'Is qulto IlS
wcll ndllllted to the odd waist as to
the frucl : . 'l'he waist ahd sleo\'es are
hath gathered at 01011' upper edges
allli joll1ecl to the band , which closes
wllh the waist at the center front.
whlle the ) ' 010 ; Is closed at the lert
shoulder ; eam , 'rhe collar Is one f
the new Olles , of the turr..over sort ,
'n11l1 can ho slashed aul1 worn with a
tic , as IIltlslrated , or Icft plain as pre-
fcrrod. '
The walsl consists of the fitted linIng -
Ing , which Is optional ; fl'onts , haclt ,
slom'es , yol\O nnl ! trimming hand ,
When the IIl1lng Is uscl ! the sleevcs
arc fucel ! 011 h1l1lcatell lines to fOl'ln
CUITR , hut when It Is omitted culTs of
the requlre,1 depth are mude selmmte
31111 jolncd to th lower edges of the
slee\'es. The waist Is gathere at Its
lowcr edge , mucIc to blouse sllghtl ) ' at
hac1 { as well as front , iU1I1 Is closed ! n-
vlslhly h ) ' means of buttons aUlI 1001lS ,
The quuntlty of material required
for the. medium slzo Is 3 * yards 21
Inch os wide , 3 % yar s 27 Inches wide ,
or 1 3 ) 'onls H Inches wide , with %
) 'urds of allover Inco for ) 'olte and
cuffs. and % ) 'ards or slll. for trim.
mlng balld , .
, euf
A fuded cotton dress can ho madl
whlto hr boiling In crenm of tartal
watel' .
A IItlle soap mixed with sto\'e hlnel ;
Ing will 11rodu e bottel' and more last
Ing lustro thnn without ,
For spongin ! ; out hureau drawers ( ) I
sldeboa\'lls use tepid water contalnln
: \ sn ull ( IUantity of Ih'molln ,
T.l1O wax f\'Om dl'lpplng candles cm
ho remo\'cd f\'OllI tahlo linen b ) '
generous appllcatloll of alcohol.
Alum , the size oC a hlclwr ) ' nut. dls
Eolved In a 111m of stal'ch , will bl'lght
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
en the color In muslins , ginghams , anlI
callcocH IIClel' washing ,
'rho little sort cotton I1lsh mOils
. \1II\(0 \ excellollt duslers.
Car\'PII furlllllll'o which ( loOes the
.lust . clolh clln he mnl10 as altractlvo
r ncw b ) ' brushing It with n soH ball'
IJ ush dlJlled } In IlOrosene.
F-'ushlon In Capes.
Short circular cnpes afO all the
fUHhlon right 1I0W. 'fhoso most 1n
VOHUO for early autumn weather are
o ! coarse IlIco : any lace 1\1,0 \ Cluny ,
Brugo or 1I0int Venlso Is In favor. The
CII pes vnr ) ' In length. Sometimes the ) '
fait just to the shoulders , ethers reach
to the hU5t l\n \ , nnd stilt othel'D
touch the waist , In ecru or l1yed to
match Ihe color of the gown they wl1l
ho the most fashlonablo durJng the
early fall , The "mart gil'l Is Huro to
contrlvo many uovol wa's of adding
to the charm of her cape. She mnr
f\slon ( It down the fl'ont with 1J1 ,
artlstlc-IouldnJ ; buttons , or It. mn
ha vo the elract of IIClng tied togothel
' . ' 11th 111 an ) ' smart.looltlng IIttlo blac\ \ (
! mtln hews , If she wishes to Inorv
decidelll ) ' change Its elTect , she wl1l
1111p satin lIIesHnlllle or , "cIvet ribbons
thl'ough thc mcshes of the ) ace at
elthct' sl e of the front. At the IIccl :
the rlhholls nre tied In rosettes , nnd
tnen again n bit furthcr down.
- - - -
Handy 011 Dropper.
A medlcillc dropper as an alljunct
to the mnltlng oC mll'onnalso was the
InSIJlration or n housewife not long
ago. l'cryono who ever trlell to
mal\O lIIa'onnalse ] mows the bother of
adding the 011 slowl ) ' , drop 1Jy drop ,
IInlll the dressing Is thlcl. enough ,
' ' the dlf ,
'rhls woman expul'lenced same
ficulty and met It with the ficent mell ,
Icine drollper , which adds the oil
with muchlne.1\1w \ regularll- and p\'Oo
clson. !
'f11llf1 , W3
Glaced Itld Is considered smart or
outing hats ,
Wlde'1I1alted rnchlng Is vel'Y unbe
coming to many.
With a Imoclabout coat a woman I !
rcad ' for anything ,
11altoIll ) 'our mind to the waist
contH ; they hnvo como to stay.
Gilt braid nnd huttons still gl\'o e\'f
dence that the war Is not ended.
Dolmans and mantlcs are the latesl
Impqrtatlons for winter cloalts.
Even scant pouches are doomed ;
the fittest waist has been accepted.
l'el\tller ; rosettes for stilT hats have
rl\'als In those of tnrretn. anl ! of rlhbon
Grein Corn Soup.
Grate a111 scralle the corn from
cnough cars to malIC one pint of pulp
Bl'eak the cohs In halves , put them
In 11. l\Cttle with enough cold water to ,
' thcm ' ' the l\Ottle holj
covel' ; co\'el' \ , nnd
the eal's hrlsldy for half an hour. Thel ]
strain this watcr Into nnother sauce ,
) Jan nnd let It boll down to less thnn { J
When reduced to the proper qunnH
fy , add to the corn water the com pulr
and let It simmer five minutes ; thet :
Feason with snit , II little sugar anel f
dnsh or IJepIJOl' , Add one pint of ho :
cream , ono tablespoonful of butter nne
a heniling tahlespoonful of t10ur Ills
I sol\'c1 ! In a little milk , Let the 'whol (
I just hollull anel' the flour Is In.
Put 11 tahleslloonful of finel
- ( 'hoPIJeel Iml'slc ) ' .In 11. SOUII tmeen , pO\ \ "
. In the soup , and serve.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
h _
. ,
h. ,
, el I
It {
' , ' j ,
c , ,
, .
. . ' .
. . .
' % , ,
32 . "
_ ' , . _ _ _ _ . _ h . .
mI. 1 l\n ) ' waists I\l'e IIh\'u 's In demu\1l1
.ct . , anlIhls ono has the met'lt of heln ! ;
: ho quite nov1 as well us 1\\I1ll1entl \ ) '
.ho gmceful , As lIlustratell It Is made of
. It , whllo Hili. . . with the ) ' 01\0 unll ( 'Un'S of
hit < : I'Um'COIIll'UlI , l'lcQ. ' . otcl' chilTonl1d \
III ! ; flnlshClI with IIIIIJlQIlC ! , Hlc , scal' [ of
101" whltIlmhroldl'I'CI \ l'rOIH. ' . 11 ( ' ChlnC' fll : '
. , ,
I. ' , I' . , ] wIth " U ! \ 'OW'lIcht' : :1111 I'clg11
: J
_ _ _ _ _ _ .
with fl'I1I/I' / . 'rhe l fuJi Ilal
I thu tUCllH IUIII IH.J . ! ) , ' ? ; < ; II IlIvlslhl , '
the lcft oC. the front. on a..lIno wI
the scarf , 'ro l1\allC the wolst fot'
woman IIr 11\1)(111111I slzo will bo
I ( Iult'cd , n 'III'III ! : , : . 'arll'1 27 01
'II\1IH Hnch \ s' ' \'lIle \ wlth % ) 'UI
1\11'0\1'1' \ \ lacl' U1ul % ) 'al'ds or.
fur ! ; I'lIrf.
. .
, . .
Automatic Pump of reat Power.
C. A. Arnshl'rgl.r ! , an en lnecr of
nudy. Idaho , hns just receIved pat.
cnt letters for an Im'cntlon thnt 110
hn , been worltlnr ; on for ) 'ears , and
which promlscll to rovolutlolllte certain -
tain feutures of mUIlng nnd Irrlgatlnc
olleratlonl ! , It consists of an automatic -
matic quadruple action force pump
that Int reasos the outOow of water
hy four times that of the ordlnRry
force pump requiring the sarno motive
Some of the grcat advantnges
clalmell for this pump are that It can
he operated at IIny speed ; that It can
hI. ! made 11)1 ) In any Hlze ; that It worlts
011 11 central 111\'ot IInd Is at all times
on an , even halanco regardless of the
, ll'lth of the well or the volume of
wnt\I' bchlg raised. There Is no lost
motion , It throws just ns much water
wllcn tlto lover Is going \111 as It does
I when It Is going down. It Is IIblo to
1 lse water at grcat height without
much addltlon,1 , IJoWel' , for the reason
thut. It both pushes and pulls at the
column of water. It can be adapted
I I-
. .
Diagram of the Pump _
Wh'n , Junger box B Is downas , hewn
In the IllIstmtlon ' , the wutcr cntcI'M at !
Indltatcd : blV the Itrrow , AN tht ) pllln.H
: "oc nsccl1I . the 11"\01' pUBhes the
1I1unfter val\'o Ipcloslni : the SlltnP. and
pro\'I'ntIng the escHllo ot the wRt r ,
which hi forced \II ) throUHh the shut-ort
\'al\'l0 Into the plpo D , As the pipe de-
I'C01I19 , a vneuum I crell ( 'cII In the ! ! lIC"
tlon , 'nJ\'e nbo\'c , thus eau lng a conUn.
nOlls How of water upwnrd whelher the
pipe unci ph1l ) CI' hex arc goln up 01
110wn , 'rho mo\'ablo Hectlon or the pipe
(1ho\'o the slIctIon'alvo Is opemtcd In 11
hall anI ! loIoclct joint , tl1I1':1 : gl\'ln fref
, mo ( 'mcnt ut : ull times when Iho plpt
apPl'Ol1chl's 01' I"cced ( ' from the c"'ntl'l1
uIIl'iJht Htandard , ' 1'he main 1IPo E cal
be exlendel } to any hoJfht des rcd ,
I to nil uses to which any force pumr
can he put , f > uch as raising water iron :
wells , mines , ponds or laes. ] with an )
lil1l1 of power that Is used In operat
In ! ; olher pumps.
Protection for X-Ray Operators.
Irs , E , Flelsehmnn.Aschhelm 0
Snn Francisco Is said to he the firs
) l'al\ogNlphel' ] \ to ufje a glass screen II
X-ray practice. She says 11 doubl. .
) Jla'e glass sereen Is the most sen
Iceahlo devlco for pro\'entlng Injur :
10 the OPOl'lltOI' anll that It can be ar
, . plied equally to mdlothcl'lllJ ) ' and radi
Or:1IJh ; ) ' , After SOme eXllol'lmentln ,
flhl. ! ordol"ed the construction altel' he
own plans of n y rtlcal platc gIns
sel'eCII , feet In width 111111 roach In
to n hclht ! of fi\'e anll onc-half fee
fr01l1 the floor. Dnrln ; ; the last 1'on
months the sCl'eon has been In COI
stant use In her lahorator ' , 'Vhll
opel'Utln she IlCellg It between he
holy ( anll lho tuho whonovel' It Is po :
sible , her exposed hal1l1 being pre
, hjctcd b- the usual ruhhor glove , Sh .
I has found that the hen yy platc ; ; Ia
; , : ; ereen possesses all or the uclvantag'c
pr lrall plates In preventing the pas
. . n e of the rays , with the Importl1r
: : uldlton ! of JJel'mlttlng an 1l1IobstI'ucte
\ ' 10of the suhject and of the X-I'll
tuho In o der to judge o [ the Intcnslt
' : of the m ) ' , Glnss Is ollaquo to tl1
i XI'fs III greater or less degl'co U
rOl'llln ; : ; to Its tfllelmess. Lead. aIm
Inlum , Iroti imd COIJIICI' I'eslst the 1'\J :
(0 ( a great. extont. E\'cn the clothlr
ha. ; a alight protective orrcct.
- - - -
Measurement of Dew.
r 'rhe menslII'emellt oC do\\ ' has alwa :
been IlI/l1 / ull because of the fact th :
l ' \0 111ethod hcretofore hlt. g\'en ! exa
, "esults. lu Das WetlC'r , 1\1. Ferh d
" '
cl'lhos 1\ 'new sort'or Il\'osomotc
i' \'hllh ) has IYcn sallfifaetOl'r rNuH
. , ; nd whll'h Is cOmlJOscotl of a 111cco
0.\111' which haH IJHII IJIlI throllHh
spcclal Ilrcllllrntlon 1\1111 IlIpJlel ) In
! 'h'mical Iolutlon , 'I'hls IIIIIJCI' II ; ( !
lIoi'ed In ; l hex plllcellllI\'lu ! the nil-
n the I'O\\lH1. \ tlto qnantlt ) ' of Ilow I :
'n hHllcatcl1 b ) " the 11IscOlOl'atiOli ,
Iho 11al\I' ) , A scalc of tints Is ell'll
11IItl'I1 ) I'XIJOI'lmelltall ) ' . which Is II ! ! '
{ or uIHI'HJSO ) of comlllu'I\on. thc
lIuln fllrthel'Ised I hl'oe sorts of j 1
( lCI' . the l1rst fosmllll IlUantltlQR
.Icw. the Heronll for Inl'N ! qnantltil
1ml the thlt'l ! fOl' Yel' ) ' hell11ews ,
. ,
Claims a Perfect Vacuum.
Pl'of. 1':111I1'1' ' GateR of Chcy ) ' Cha !
, \111. , l'lallll ! ! to luwe lll'oduced a p :
fl'ct vIcuum 11) ' lutrcuillcing molt
> ' . ) : . \ \ , ! I ( I . ! 11\1'll glllss : Inll then he !
lit lu the tll\le fOl' thh-t ) ' hOlll's with
ltlt lJQtJQn llll'iton.ln ' the mOllth oC t
II 11I 1" , When thH ! 111ston Is wHhtlr" ,
relh ( ' 110Hl'Ilglass 1I11tollllltlcall : , ' rl
r ; I1IHenlH IhA tllbl' . The Simco th
'ilH 111ft Is elall\1 \ ( ' ( 10be : \ perfect vaC\l1I
111 ; 11.h 1tllhl" " 111\f1 lH' n lISl'd In X-r
I'rb' , 1'1. ; wall rl\mu'tmIJII' rcml : .
, . ,
. .
- - -
Ample Accommodtlon for Three Cows
and Fifteen Horacn.
S. C. C-Please Ilv/J II. plan of a
harn with silo sultnbllY 1'01' Ihrc
horses IUltJ octeon cows , I woulll lI1e
the slnhlc to hu\'o II. cement' 0001' , and
bo bllllt ns cheap ! ) ' as IJosslble.
' 1'ho plan sho""n Is Cor II. barn 3G 11V
GO feet. The framework bove th
hasement consists of nn olghteon.fool
[ wnt nbo\'e the horse stahle , then { )
twolve.foot drlvowD. ) ' , then II. twent ) . .
foot bent. In orl1er to have room for
: t. team to bo out boslde a loaded
wagon t'fterc shollld bo nn overlay 01 , '
Ilx ! feet In the mow over the call1o ;
this w1ll glvo plenty of room on the
thrash floor. The stllirway to the
basement g-oes down fl'om the drlYt'
Ooor Into the fced.mlxlng room , Th ( '
- - - - - - -
: -
; I I
. . . . . . .1
.1I I
w "
t I
. I
. I
. 1
Floor Plotn of Stock Barn.
. ' \ , mbclnl : room : , hnrM stable : C ,
r..ccl nlllJ'N ; D , coI < lnll ! : ! : g , hex stGH ;
P , PHSI\g'C beh111 ! ( 'attic : G , manceI' ; II ,
roothollse undcl' ri\'own ) ' : 1. silo ,
hn ) ' or feed tram above Is put down
throush a. swinging door beside the
'l'he basement consists at sixteen
single cow stalls , box'stall and four
horae stalls , wIth feed roolrts. Pro"l.
Elon'ls made for II. concrete ,
nrched o\'er with concrete , under the
drlvewu ) ' , The silo Is on the outside
or the bnrn , beside the drl\'ewn ) ' , and
can bc made any slz desired ; ono
fifteen feet In dlnmeter IInd thirty feet
high would be about the size reqult'ed
fot' the amount of stock the lIasement
would contain ,
Drying a Cellar.
M. n-A cellar partlall ' fills with
watel' e"ery sprlnr. , Would It be bet ,
tel' to remed ) ' this by dralnngo 01' the
use of cement ? The cellar Is In two
parts , 40 by 24 and 27 by 24 feet. The
wl\ter seems to come up from the hot ,
tom. The soil Is sandy loam and
SOOIl absorbs all the water when dry
weather sets In.
It 'ou would drain 'our cellar ) ' 011
would bave a. beUel' job than by try
Ing to Iwep the water out with cement
for If the water comes in to the deptt
of two feet It. will be Impossible te
Iwell the cellar dry. IfOU lallI tht
cellnr bo'ttom wllh concrete , POl'tlanl
cemout should be used ami should be
not less than four Inches thlcle , thE
first , three Inches to be composI1d o
one of cement. to nine at grn"el , anI' '
the top inch one of cement to two 0
, sCI'cened gravel , Gravel Is us geol
as brol..en stones , J ( the roel. Is no
too tar helow the surface of tilt
groulIll and the le\'el of water fron
the rocl. docs not come abo\"c cella :
bottom , a well can bo \drl11ed and th ,
cellal' II rained Into it. This would hI
leRS oxpensl\'e than digging a Ion ;
Transmitting Power from Windmill '
n , C-Our windmill mUHt ala'1 (
fift ) " ) 'ards from the well In order tl
get \ \ 'lne1.Ve are now using tWI
wll'os running' fl'om the cross sllcl :
of 'r-shaped el1JOws , the longer arm
of which ongnge the rods or the wll1l
mill and pump resllectl\'ely , This ha
not been \'ery sntlsfactOl' ) ' , Cal
you suggcst a hettl'l' method ?
I do iJot see 110W this nrrangemen
' ' without altering th
5' can he Imlll'o\'ed
J. IJl n comllletely , It OCClll'S to me thll
.e If the IJUmp wel'e 111aced Immedlatel
is Ululel' the windmill In an excavatlo
's ' cleell enough for the lIurposo Md th
s' watel' hl'ought from the weU to th
1l IJllml1 b ) ' means of 11 pipe , It woul
d wOI'I : satisfactorIly. 1 may mlsunde
IY stnnd the circumstances , but It n ]
, y pelll's to me thnt this , at any rat !
Ie wouM work satisfactorily. J. n , n ,
- -
II' Foundation for a Building.
, ' 3 .J. 'V. D-I wish to put a foundtllio
uude\'l\eath 11. bulhllng 20by fiO fee
two stories high , 'fhe ground hils
hard stan ) ' subsoil under II. foot (
mOl'e or blacl lonm. Thol'c Is a fa
p ; of ahout ono foot across the bulldln
at Would It he necessnry to dig below tI
ct fl'ost and ) JUt In 11 dl'aln ? How shaul
e. It be done ?
I' , -
s , ) \11 foundatlolls are hettel' It the
or 111'0 drained. unless In sandy 01' grnn
a Iy soil. In 11 ston ) ' subsoil II goc
a fmutllatlon ma ) ' be made h ) ' excavath
'x111'011 ' cllough so t1mt the wnlls will I
ht ht'low frost. If n. drain Is put In I
II ! ' 1I0t lJUt It under the wall : the propl
of Illaco Is just outside the wall , tl
I' _ tOIl of tile coming level with the bl
cd tOIll of thc wall ; Ihls will carry ocr u
I'e thu watm' and 1I0t allow It to star
m. mlllcl' wall.
- - - - - -
18 , Round Silo With Wooden Hoops.
.1. W , C-Could II satisfaclOl' ) ' clrc
Inl' 1'110 ; 10 built with two thlclmess
of Inch lumher with tar paper bet\\'el
II' , IhemIsing half.mch elm llI1l1hel' f
r- hoops to which tlllI boards would 1
ell nnlled , ITow Ulall ) ' 1IIes would bo 1
iltQulrecl for the hOOIJS f1nd how wll
a should they he cut ?
ho - -
, \'n Sl1o with woodell hoops ha\"fI b\1
iOS 11I\11t. but with what success In 11111
us \llIlt \ ) ' haR not been learnell , If n 6 ,
111 , I . .uclt as lIesel'lhed wel'o well const ! . ,
.a . ' C'I 'I woulll ho h10xllcnsl\'e Ullil shol !
.ts. I ' , . . . . . efco ! for a number ot "f' ; I' . . ,
No GItep-No : Appetlt-Just a Con- :
tlnual Backache , I
, Toeph ! MCCIlUlc1 , of 14Sholto \ St. , (
Chlcao : , Sachem of Tecumseh Lodre : ,
says : " ' 1'0 yenrs ago my hcalth WRS I
comIlletely bret < en down. l\ty back
ached and wns so ,
tame that at times I
WII9 hardly able to
dress mYBoIr. I lost
my appotlto and wall
u n II. b 1 0 to sloep.
There seemed to bo
no relief until I took
DOll n's K I n 0 i
Pills , but tour boxes .
of this remedy et. ,
tectect n complete and permanentcure.
If sufterlng humanity know the value
of Doan's Kldnoy Pills they would use I
nothing else It Is the
, as only poslUve I
cure I Imow. "
I.'osalo \ : by all dealers. Price fiO
cents. Fostcr-Mllburn Co" Dllaalo ,
Arc Perfumc9 Disinfectants ?
I aHlwtl n. doctor In England tr per-
Cumes are really dlsenfectants , "No , "
he snhl , "How can they be ? " I
IIslel1 n doctol' hol'o In Franco the
sumo quostlon and ho answered :
" Iah oul , ? Iatlame , sans douto , " and
xplalned that the Uasls of over ) ' pOl'-
fume Is n. strong essential all oC 25011I0
Itlnll , end that those 'essontlal oils are
antlscptlc. Now , which Is rlght.-
London 'fruth. I
Religion and Labor.
A mail's IJl'ofesslon or trade Is not'I I
only 1I0t Incompatlbble wIth religion
( pro\'lded It bo a Illwful one ) , It Is his
religion , Ea\'Uestness In a lawCul call- I
Ing Is not. worldliness , A 11roCossion :
Is the sllh ro of our activity. There Is
something sacred In work. 1'0 work (
In the appointed sphcro is to be rell-
gious.-P. 'V. nobortson.
Great Catch of Sturgeon.
A : \II1ford IInven " ( Engln1lll ) ttrawler
recenl1) ' landed twelve nno sturgeon ,
eaught In ono haul. Some of thom
were six feet long , Such II. catch has
nc\'er been Imown prevlousl ) ' .
Cure to Stay Cured.
Wapello , Iowa , Oct. 10 ( Speclal- )
One of the most remorlmblo cures
eyer Lo lsa. County Is I
that oC Mrs , Minnie Hart of this plnce.
Mrs. IIal't was In bed for eight months
I and v..hen she was able to lilt up she
was all drawn up on one sldo nnd
could not walk across the room.
Dodd's Kldne- Pills cured her. Speal.-
Ing of her cure Mrs , Hart says :
"Yes , Dodd's Kidney PJlls cured mo
nfter 1 was In bed for eight montbs
I nnd 1 ] mow the cure WIlS complete
for thnt was three ) "ears ago and I
IUlYe' not been down .sInce. In tour
weels from the time I started tnldng
them I 'Vas able to make my garden.
Nobody can leno\\ ' how tbankful I am
, to be cnred or how much I Ieel I ewe I
to D dd's Kidney Pills. "
This case again points ant how
much the general health depends on
the Kidneys. Cure the Kldne's with
Dodd's Kldnoy PJ11s and nine-tenths of
the sufferIng the human fnmlly Is bell'
to , will lsappear.
The Wise M&1n. '
A wise man never stumbles twice
o\'er the snme stone ; when he passes
thnt wa ) ' again the slone Isn't there.
The Wabasl1 1& the Only Line Landing
You at the World's F&1lr.
nround trip rates from Omaha are
. as follows : $ SfiO sold dnlly excellt
Friday and Saturda ) " , good 7 du's ,
$13,80 sold dnllgood Hi da's , The
Wabash Is the only line that land's
passengers nt the main entrance of the
WOl'ld's Fair grounds. Also the enl .
IIno that can checl { ) "OUI' baggage to
the ' \Vorll's ! FiliI' station. Thlnl. what
II. su\'lng of time , annO"lluce and extra -
tra l'ar fare ,
Al ! aoents can sen ) 'OU through
tlclet nnd route 'ou over t11eVabash ,
Very low rates to man- } Joints South ,
( oulheast. l or beautiful World's Fall' I
raIder nnll all information cnll at 1GOl
Farnnm t. or addr ss Harr - E.
Moores , Gen. Agt. l > ass , Dept. Wllb.
R. n" Omaha. Neb. , :
Two Kinds of Wives ,
There are two l < lnds of " , h'es-one I' '
1lnd thluks her husband Is the great. 1
cst man on earth and the otlIor thlnls ,
sbe Is greater than bel' husband ,
STJTI : or 011I0 , CITY or TOLJDOlll : .
'FJIAn : , I. CI/F.XIIY makel . , ollb Iba be II 1'1I1CIT
l':1rtner : or tbe rm of . " J , CHKSEY' & ; Co , . dulnl (
bUllnel4 In lhe Clly of Toledo. Cuunly nnd SIal"
aforould , Anlt Ihat uld tlrm 11'1\1 pay tbl ) lurn of
OS ! : : JlUSOHF.IJ DOII.AnS for each and every
1'10 of C",4Rnl/lba cannot II.J curelby Ibe u.o at
UJ.LL' , CJ.-r.r.snu CUIIa.
S"orn 10 before mo and lublcrlbel ! In Ul1 pre. .
once , tbla Glh day of December , A. D , I88G ,
_ _ _ _ A. W. GLE\SOY.
{ - azJ.L . - NOT.l.IIT PtJDLIC.
Ihll'l Catarrb Cure II taken Internally"nd Icta
directlY on Ibe hlood and InnCOUI lurlacd"of tbe
IYlIlom. Send for leltlmunlall , free ,
} ' . J. CIIRNEY " " CO" Toledo , O.
( ' : old by all Drugjthll , 7c : ,
Take 1I11\11"'OIn1\11'1II1 \ \ torcon.tlpatlon.
Thlrt-fivO plgo bolonglng to II. farmer -
mer of Saragossa , Spain , wore stun
to dea\h by beol1.
More Flexible and Lasting ,
won't shallc out or blowout ; bylsln , : ;
Deflaneo Stllreh you obtain bettcr re-
flUUS than posslblc with any other
hrand and one-third mol'c tal'r - > aIJJII
DavId Revised.
u After listening patlenal ) ' to a lot of
C ! !
has-becns telllng what the ; . ' used to
" n be , David said In bls haste , "An men . . .f ,
I' ( . . T
Ilre firs h.
1) ( ;
' ( \ .
LJc Says the Misanthrope.
If g-Irls cultivated their dispositions
ns assidUously as they do their com-
t1I Dlexlons thel'o would bo fewer old
' . ba l1elors , '
tI. : : ' .
I't Bachelors were once ta.xod In Eng-
1111 land. ,
. v . . " , , " " ' . " . . . . . .