Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, October 20, 1904, Image 14

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Ull.I1llllllillllllllllilmlIm.nlllllH ! 'U" ' ! ' " nn , "n , , n ' ' ' ' , 1 "
I-SnocialSalo on Hats and Can I
Cloves and Mittens , .
I Saturday , October ' 29 , 1904 I -
- -
: - : : au the auollc date we wil1 give our pa trons the bcnefit of very T.OW PIHCHS on Hats - : : :
E and Caps , Gloves and Mittens. As these goods were bought uctow the regutar wholesate = =
: : : prices , we are able to sell them at less than cost to othcr deaters , thereby making a great : : : : : :
: : : saving for our customers. Come in and inspecLthe goods aud our prices : :3
- ' -
- , -
- - - - - - - , '
- - _
- ,
= - = 50c Hat for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35c We haye a fine line of Oaps , = =
= = 75c Hat for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oc. which formerly sold for 25c to $2.25 = =
$1.00 Hat for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15c . these
= _ = 1.50 IIat for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.00 und we will put in this sale = _ =
: : : 1.75 IIat for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.25 = =
2.00 Hat for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . 1.5 Ca"s for 15c to ( l'1.50 3
: : : : : 2.25 Hat for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 7J . r c.p . . : : :
: : : : : 2.50 lIat for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.00 . . : : : : :
E 3.00 Hat for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.50 'J.'here are great bargmns 111 : : : : : :
E 3.25 Hat for. ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2.75 them. Get one. :3 : -
All Our Gloves and. Mittens at Wholesale Prices.
= = . . . . . , _ . . . . , = =
" : = - - - - - = = = - - - = - - - = - : : : - - - - - - - ' - - - -
- -
- : = : In the auove Jines we carry a futI and complete stock , and by the great increase in = =
= = our trade , the peopte tmowu that our prices are right-try us and see.Ve have an elegant : : : :
= = tine of Bed Spreads , Table and Couch Covers , Portieres and Lace Curtains , IUd = =
E Gloves , Cloals , Raps and Furs , that we would like to ha\'t you examine before uuying : : : : :
Ewe win make the price suit you. I400k over the fottowing : . . = - =
: - : : : : Cotton li'leeced and Wool Hose , for children. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10c to 35c. : : : : : :
= = Ladies' Hose , good ones. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10e to SOc. : : :
: : : : : : Men's IIose. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 pair for 25c and up. = =
= = Outing li'lannels , per yard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7c to 15c. = =
: = : 'W ooll 'lannels , per yard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35c to 65e. = =
= = Elegant Cotton Blankets , per pair. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ ,75 to $2.00. : : : :
= = \Vool Btankets , per pair. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.50 to 7.50. = =
= = Home-Made Comforts from. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 to 2.00. : : : : : :
E Feather Sofa Piltows , each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75 to 1.50. :3
: : : : : Feather and Downing Pillows , per pair. . . . . . . . . . . . $2.00 , $2.25 and $4.00. : : : : :
: Nice ' .rable Padding , per yard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S5c. = =
- -
: : : \Ve deat in everything in the Dry Goods and Furnishing lines-and we don't want :3 :
. : : : you to forget our Special Sale on Saturday , October 22 , 1904 , of Silk Shirt Waists , and Silk : : : : :
: = : and 'Wool Shirt \Vaist Patters at sp'ecially low prices.Vhen in need of a pair of Shoes- : : : : : :
= = we have them for yourself , your wife , your husband , your boy , your girl or baby. = =
- -
- ' -
- - - - - - - -
That Bie Ear of Corn.
. . . : . . .
- -
- -
: : : We witl give to the person bringing and leaving at our store , the Largest Ear of
: : : Corn and spending $10.00 in cash in any of our departments , uetween now and December
= = 25 , 1904 , the following prizes : '
. : : : First Prize. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5.00 in Cash.
: = : Second . Prize. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' " 5.00 Lamp.
: - : : hlrd rlze. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.00 Hat.
= = Fourth Prize. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.50 Shoes.
= : Fifth Prize. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.50 Gloves.
= = Bring in your Big Ears of Corn and g'et one of lhes prizes ; and , by the way , just
: : : : : remember that we have the Largest and Most Comptete Stock of Fresh Staple and Fancy
= = Groceries in the county. .
E Yours for Satisfaction , and Prices that Are Right ,
I Peale-Sheppard Co. , ,
arI"he : " .J3ig : : Depar1n:1ent : : : S"tore. _
: ? i1iiiiiil111111111111III111111111111111111il11111111111111 Ifrll11111111111ilil1111111111111111111111111111111111il
- - - - - -
- -
Local Mention.
J. J. JOl..ner of Merna , was a
a city visitor last Thursday. He
teindly remembered this office
with a call.
'Gene Westervelt , editor of the I
Scotts Bluffs Republican , spent
last week in the county visiting
retatives and otd quaintances.
His wife was with him and Ult'y
, visited her parents in Dry Vattey.
' .rhey. returned home li'riday
Jas. Ledwich and E. C. House
have formed a partnership. The
new firm will occupy Mr. Led-
wich's office. These men are
among Broken Bow's bestcitize ls
and business men , worthy of
snccess and we wilt be pleased to
see them succeed ill their new
reta tions ,
' 1'0111 Wright , e itor of the
Anstey Chronicle , was in the city
Mondav night attending the
meeting of the County Editorial
Association.Ve learn from him
that Geo. Richtmyer , formerly
cputy county clerk has bought
club room building at Anstey
1 the view of starting a bank
uinn of Cavendish , Vt. ,
bed of his customary
' . . .
Y 11lVaSl0n 0 f Cl lrOI11C
ion. When Dr. King's
PiUs broke into his
rouble was arrest d
e's entirely cured.
nteed to cure. 25c
g Store.
' - ' -
Next ' 1'uesday is Nebraska Dav
at the \Vorld's Fair at St. LouiS' .
All that can should arrange to be
there on that date. That , vitI
require leaving here 011 the 23rd.
'l'he community was visited
Monday and 'fuesday nights
with a heavy rain , which was
followed by'a light frost last
night. Both north and south of
u-c ; the rain turned to snow , but
soon melted.
The ladies of the M. E. church
win give a Hollow'een party in
the building in Reatty btock just
vacated by P. H. Munk , Monday ,
October 31. They will serve
pumpkin pie and doughnuts. An
1I1teresting program witI he pro-
\'ided which witI appear next
week. A fee of 10 cents wilt bt :
. . . .
- - - - - - - - -
( t1uI. . . ll Hel'vl"C' .
U. 11. . CIIURCII.
On Saturday ufternoon at 3 o'clock thc
regular quarterly conference will be held
Rnd in the cvcning therc will be preaching -
ing by the presiding elder , Rev. A. Bo > 'd.
Sunda ) ' morning and evening preac111ng
b ) ' the presiding elder ReA. . llo'd , and
in the afternoon at Custer Center.
- - - - - - - -
Coullty Court.
Judge Armour passed on th
case the State against Claud'
Robinson last Friday , whose
trial was had j1 few days previous
on the charge of disposing of
mortgaged property. Robinson
was put under bond for his appearance -
pearance at District Court.
The case of Robinson against
Snell , ' a replevin case , was tried
befor Ju g : .rmour last Friday
' '
by a jury. A verdict of $150 0
return of property was rendere
in fa\or , of defendant , each part
to pa ) ' his own costs.
Joc Spencer will fal"lII Mr. I\1ce
placc the coming year.
Hthel Shadden has been sick for son
tmt ! ! . She does not improve very fast.
Wm. Case of Missouri , hns been visi
iug his hrother , P. M. Case , the past fe
Earl Mosley has a uew top bugg :
The uext will be compau ) ' to help OCC\1r
the seat.
Walter Bence and family left the fir
of the week for Oklahoma where tilt
will spcnd the winter and probably locat
Jamcs Smcts' twiu baby died last wcc :
The other enc cUed about a month ag
Mr. and Mrs. Smets have the sympatl
of thdr friends in this neighborhood.
Who ever saw snch a quiet campaig
Hlcctioll da } ' will he here before ma [
k1l0w it.Ve presume oue reason th
there is no more euUmsimliu is becau
the repuhliclms Krc sure of the IItate I\t
the pops have 110 hope at all.
Joe lIaumont had a very exciting til ]
last week with his thresher. Whi
backing his engine to couple to his se
arntor , the enJ { ne beiJ1 ou soft groUt
ran back too far catcll1ng him betwel
the self feed amI the levers of the eugiu
Mr. IIaulllont was tlot seriously hurt y
the J > 06ition was a very close oue as I
could tlot et out until the men back ,
the sepcuator. For a few days he \ \ '
unable to do mnch work but now is aho
o\'er the effects.
latlDUC 1It"I.l ! .
Saturday , October 29 , 1904 ,
10 a. m. I will sell at Tom Fi
len's Barn , 75 head of horse
mostly mares , weighing 1,100
1,400 p.ounds and bred to mat
moth jacks. Also 2 mammo
jackS , best breeding and siz (
I also avc\about 2,000 cattle for
salen lotto ! suit the purchaser ,
at Dr. CofTman's ranch. 'rete-
phone connections at Broken
Bow. 'l'erms on horscs-Cred : i t
of months , purchaser giving an
approved note bearing 10 per
cent from date.
- - - - ' - - - ' - -
. . COUC'5C Nu" , , " .
l\1SfCS ! Ollie Street Ullli Bclle Hickman
visitecl the college Monday. I I
Ross Hutchinson and Waller Mulloy
entered the uight schooll\1onday.
C. O. Robinson. a former stndcnt of
thc college visitcII the Rchooll\tonduy.
Frank Griffith and Wult .IIutchinson
cntered the night school Wcdncsday of
lust week. '
lrnnk Robinson was absent from
school lust Friday to see his granc.lfllther.
H. Crawforcl , who left for his home lit
Corydon , Iowa.
'i'he night school has changed from
Friday to Thursday night. 'rhe scssions
arc now Monday , \Vcdnesday and Thursday -
day nights of each wcek.
Hllecinl Offul' or JOIII'llIll } xtend'tI.
'fhe pecial offer of the Custer
Connty Republican and State
Journat for one year is extended
to November 1st. Parties who
have not yet availed thcmselves
of the opportunity of getting
both these papers for the price
of one shoutd can and renew before -
fore that date.
1I1arkct Ueport tor ' 1'odUY.
Wb"at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . ! I
UILlle ) ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.1
0818 . ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21
Rye . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . 5
Corn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 :
UOIlII. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . 4 31
Hteers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.00 ( ir , 4.51
Cows. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5' ' ( ) 2.71
SprlDg Cblckenfl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . m
Cblok.m , per ponutl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .II
Turkeys. per Ilouoll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .01
, Dutter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . .1 :
: Egg. , pordozen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21
, r.l1 cKLLANROU8-
: PotatoOll. per bufthel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 ;
, Onions , per bushlll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , .7 ;
: Hav , tllJr ton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.01
. tHrawpor rwt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
: Mugllr , OrannlaWd , perowt.$5.SO @ 6.31
: Curcy Cllltl" , nlld l cvcr.
G. W.Vrirt acogododohes. .
Texas , says : "His daughteJ
had chilts and fever for threE
years ; he could not find anythin
that would help her till he usee
Herbine. His wife will not keel
house without it , and cannot sa'
too much for it. " 50c. Sold b
Ed. McComas , Broken Bow ani
- -
m '
BUSINESS i.:1i.12J
: < < m . < < : . : . :
- - - - -
tteud Corn.
I have a limited , amount 0
thoroughbred yellow dent corn
calted the Sure Crop variety , fo
sate at $1.00 a bushel. Leavi
orders at once if you want it.
19-22 Jnss GANDY.
'l'he Big Department Store a
Peale-Sheppard Co. are sellin !
Dry Goods and Furnishing5
Shoes-lots of them-and Gro
cerle too-my but they are a. lo
of husy fellows.
Fanll tor MR 'e.
155 acres , 66 miles south ea5
of Broken Bow , 3 miles nort
west of Berwyn ; S5 acres in cult
vation , 70 acres in pasture ( fen (
ed ) , weU and wind mill , so
house , . . . rooms ; sod stabte , fram
granary , over 1,000 Box Etde
trees , B. & 1\1. track in sight fc
3 miles. Price and terms give
on application. Will give po
session this fall. J. KAY ,
lltf Broken Bow , Neb.
- -
Mone ) ' to loan ou improvc
Iarms.-H. G. l\o OIm , Gle l
tBlock. . 41 j
Dr. Slunner Davis , Granel I :
y. lanel , Nebraska , . specialist i
I ) ' discase of eye and ear , exall1im
tion for glasses. 2j
: : Keystone Restaurant , ,
o. O'l'IS } 'HSSRNJ > lm , Prop.
1) ' Hegutar Meals 25 ccnts.
14ul1ch at aU hour .
n I ) ? ' YOUI' patl'onag solicited.
at North Sill uf Squa1" .
se - - . . - . - - . -
Highley & Honeywell ,
Plain find ornameutal plasters tll
bricklayers. All work prompt .
donc and satisfaction gUh..antcc
Residence. thrce hlocks west of
& 1\1. depot , IIrok n 1I0w. N h.
trI. DOIUtlH ,
AI. klnl1d or work III unr hno don. . Iruml' '
_ nil III I1ret.la8 ord..r. J'r'Htid libol' ' "II 1
eOfilfr IIUIIUII II&t 01 the bllullrlt.
GIVI VH A TR.A. . . .
at tJro\tun Jlolf , . _ - . Nubr".1
s , DH. ' 1' . J . FAHNHWOl'lI ) ,
th .t1DENTIST '
s. W-OlDce In northwest corner nealty tll 1.
. . . . -
- -
- --I
Legal Notices.
. . . . .
- - - - - - - - - -
All adrtlsclllp.l1h miller thl hcnt ! " ,111 be
clllu tJd for nt levlII ratt'Iz : 11.(1) prr "quare
for Ilr t 11IJrtlJn. . 811I1 6uc 11I'r IIluuro- for tach
lIub c'lulJt lurt'rtloll.
"slluarfl" III ten IInlJ or rrnctlon ( ! Iulcnr.
- - - - - -
Nollce 10 NOII.H.1qldell ( lJefelllllIl1.
' 1'0 Ulys es I. . 'Vnnl , .lcfeml\IIt : :
You nftJereb ) ' notllll'd that glllllln n. Wnnl ,
on the 19th dn ) . of Relltelltbl'r. 1904. 1111'11 her
IIctltlon In the omeo of the clerk of the I > Is.
trlcl COllrt In nI\l for CIIMter COli 111) ' . Nebrl8ka.
th , ! prayer whereof 1M that Mhe ha"1 a .lIvorc\ !
frulllihe honds of mltrllllOIl ) ' now cJtIlltlir be.
tween ) ' 011 allll he. The ICrOlll\(18 alll'lred 111
lhe lIald pctlloll ( ara'4 foliowM. to.wlt : ' 1'hat
defelldall ( hall at diver ! ! alld IIU 1111 r ) ' tlmeH treal.
ell Ule IIlalllUIT 111 a crllel allllll1hlllltan mallller.
Ihat tlufel\lallt fnll"tl. nlld refl1l1'\1 to IIro \ . III nllli
IImllllalli thlllllallltlfC amI their chlhlrlJlI , ( hat
.h.Cel\lallt ha ! ' ! hcollte ! a hahllnl , Irullkanl.
l'lallltilT alHu a'4I < ' 4 that she hc allowed tile carc.
control : tI1i1 CII'4tOlI ) ' IIC the minor chlldrell IIC
1lalntilT : tn,1 deCendallt : tml for e'lllhahl1' relief.
'l'hc defel\\tIH 1M n.tlllin'd tll allKwer the ! ! ahl
pClltloll on or heforu t\Ju 14th .Iay IIC NovI1mh'r.
11)04. IC ) 'lIn falliulIHWCr ) 'ollr defallit will h , '
ellleretl al\l decreu lal < ell III Mahl casu a'l prayel
III the pe1l1l01l.
Ualcd UII'4 ( 'lh da ) ' of Ocoher. I'J04.
I : I IA ( i. W.\HII. I'lallltiff.
I i.2010' ) N. ' 1" nAIIII. 1I'r A ttorll" ) ' .
. .
- - - - - - - - - - - -
HI\\'ICI : \ O ( , . HUI\1J\IONH BY 1'1TIIfICA'l'ION
III ( he Couuty COllrt. CIiMler COUIII ) ' , l'Iehraslca.
SlIa'l D. Alllirews. Hecel\'Cr
of Oxford COlillty Ioall As.
soclallou. Plalllliff. .
'VIII. Law'er et al. Def"IIII\lI\1\ \ .
Will. Law'er wllliaku uotlce thaI 011 tlw 211I1
day of AUlClIst , 11)01. J. A. Armour.colIlIl ) ' hllllllJ
uC al,1 ClIsl"r cOIIIH ) ' . I"sllell all order ofatHlch.
mellt for th" 111111I of ; 172.21) . III all act (011 ( tlellll.
Inll befothllll wlwn'llI SliaH 1 > . AllllrewH. n. . .
cel\'er oC OxConl COli lit ) ' Ioall A'4'1uclatlon Is
plaltttiff a 11I1 Wm. LawYtr ! allll lh , ! Balik oC
Callawar am deCelulallt ! ! ; lhall > wlll'rty of UIl1
llcfelHlalit.11I. . Iawy"r. cunslMln\ ,11 oC
about 25 acre ! ! ot wheat III shock. allil oC oC
abollt 40 acreR of barley III "lwcl < . II0W on lhe
followlllg , Ie.crlbetl ; real u"latn sltllalellhl CIIS'
ter cOllllt ) . . Nebrasl < a. lo.wltl Nwi ! oC Sectloll
H , . ' 1'oWII'Ihlp 15. North of Hamre 25.'e'4t oC
Llh P. 1\1. . haH bel'lI attachelllllllier saltl unler.
SlIch I'roceelllllirS were hulill Halll calis" that
011 tlwith day oC OCloh'r. 1'10-1. Hlltl : calisI' waM
cOlltllllled tu till ! 2hH Ila ) ' oC Nowlllbel' . 11101. at
10 o'clock a. m. SI1AS D. ANIIKItWH.
HeclJlvl'r of Oxfonl Coullty I.oall
As"oclatloll. I'lalotilT.
1".21.-114 By SIMON C" II.HON. 111" Atty ,
Ullitell Slale'4 I.all Onice. I
BrukellBow. Nuhraslca. October 12. llJOt. \
I Notice 18 hetIJby Illvell that III purRllalice 01
Inslructlous from the ConlllllHHlun ohhu ( jellpr.
al Laml Onice. ulld"r anthurlt } . vestell III hlll1 I
b } ' bectloll 2455 U. S. fleSltt. . . \IIII'lule,1 b
the act of COlIlr"sH al''ro\'l'd [ P"brllary 26. lM'15 ,
we wlll proc..ed to olTer at Pllbllc Hah' 011 till
25th day of November. lIext. at tlll'4 olllce. till
followlllll' descrlhell tract IIC lallll. to-wit :
Se4l1wH ! Sectloll S. 'l'owllshlpllJ North. } { anll'
20 'Vest of 6 1' . l\t. Any alltl alll"1'sOlis claim
( IIII' adversely tll. . . . abuve tleocrlhel lallllb arc
: ulvled to l11e their claims III thlH uOlclJ on UI
hefon : thlJ da } ' ahove desllllated Cor the com.
mellcellt of Halll sale. othl'rwl..e . their rlghl !
will b'1 forfeltell.
JA \VtI1TltIlEAII. . Reilister ,
11)-24-112 JOliN RItESE. Receiver.
'ro whom It may cOllcern :
S. Neth. H. A. Jellkilis atHl others havlll
fit..d their petltloll III thlJ olliclJ of tlJlcOUllt !
clerl < of Cllster coullly. Nehraslm. askllll { fo
the vacatloll of \ubllc road aH followS : Com
meuch , , : ; It the MOllth\\'lJst corner oC Heclloll 3
, 'l'o\\'lIshlp 1 ( , . Hamre 21. thellce north 1 mile tt
where It Intersecls rO:1I1 : No.3r2 ; ! . All ohkc
tlollM thereto or clalmM for IllamalllJ" , mll'lt b
lIed III the COllllt } . Clerl < 'R onice on or heror ,
IIUOII oC the 21st a ) ' of Decemher. 19Jt. or sllcl
road will be vacatell wlUJOllt referellce theretu
III 'Vltlles ! ! WhereoC. I have herellnto 8et m :
hallll al\l Meal oC " , aid cOllllt } . . thl" 17th da } ' u
October. 1m. ( JJ.o. : W. DIIW1\\ .
COllllty Clerk.
11).22-113 JoS. PIGMAN , D'uJ\lt
united Slate ! ! Lalld omce. ' .
llro ) < ell Dow. Nebraslm. October 10. 11)1. ( I
Notice Is hereby ! rIven thai the followlll
lIamCtI settler has filelillotl e oC his Illtelltiol
to make tlllal proof In "uPl'ort of his claim. all ,
that salll pruof will bu lIIade he Core Helll"le "
al\l Hecelv..r at llrolwlI 1I0w. NehraH\m. \ 0
No\'ember 18. 1tH. "Iz : llUMPIIREY" '
'l'APPAN oC Brol < ell Bow. Nehra"ka. " tor tJI
Se IIWi ! S..CllolI 7. 'l'oll"lI hll' Ii Norlh. Halll {
20 West Llh P. M. He lIame ! ! the follo\\1 II I
wltlwsse8 10 I.ron' hiM COII IIIIIOIl" n'"idl'I\Cl' III
Oil autl cll1llvallOil of Imid lalld. VI7. :
Perdlnalld Bertrall oC Brokell How , Nuhri" " ,
1m ; Jame ! ! D. Ream ot Broken BOil" . N , bra > ; l < a
Eililene Bolhwl'll of Illokell Bow. Nehra'lI < :1
Fredrick Ream oC Brol < en Bow. Nebraslm.
18-23-110 JAMBS WJIITlm1\AU. Re18tl'r.
To whom It ma ) ' concerr , :
'I.'he commissioner appoillted to "Iew a real
petltlolled for b ) ' \ \ 'm.Vorth et al. a road COli
melllIg ( at the north.west corner of Mection 3.
townRlJlp Ii. ralill'e 22. ami rUllnlllir thenc
south alOll1l' the sectloll line hetweull SectiOlI
33 and 34 about Olle half mile ami then III
sOlltherl ) ' dlrectloll alOll1l' the roall a" 1I0W use'
to a point III sl'ctloll 4. towlIshll' 1 ( , . rallile 2
where It wl1lll1ter"ect the luhlll : roall a' ' " 110'
located lIear 11m 'rllrner'alle ) ' school hOUR' '
1ball reported III favor oC the eslahllshlllel
thereof. allll a1 ! objections thereto. or clallli
1 for damall'es. nlllMt b filed III the cOllllt ) . clerk
office 011 or before nooll of lhe 15tb da ) ' of Vi
cember. 1'JI ( , or such road wilt be e tabllshel
wlthollt reference thereto.
In Wltlless " 'hereof. I hav ! ! herellllto "et m
hand ami ! ! eal oC salll cOUllt ) . . thl. . 11th da ) ' ,
Decemher.l'JOt. Hlw. \ \ ' . DRWB\ .
COUllt ) . Clerl < .
IS-21-111 hmAI. ] H ) ' Jos. PIG IAN. Depllly.
, _ .
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
NO'I.1Cg 01 SUrl' .
III District COllrt of Cusler COllllt ) . . Nehra..kl .
Aultmall C. Tooker. PlalntlfC.
RO'la g. 'rooker. Defendanl.
' 1.0 Ro > ; a E. 'I'ookl'r :
Yon will tllce nollco that Oil the 24th , lay I
Septelllher. 11)04. Allltmall C. Tooker. plailltl
hereill. l1lt'd his petition III the District cou
of Cllbter conllty. Nebrasl < a. all'lllIst ) ' 011. tI
object alld prayr ! ot which petltloll I" to ohlal
frulll YOIl a decree of 11I\'orce 011 the II'rouIHI" " , ,
ahal1llonmellt allli dlJ"ertioll " alHI the care all
clIslod ) ' uf the 1II1110r child. CharleH,11'(0) ) ' "
lhe Issue of the lIIarrlaire betweel1 ) ' 011 allli II
tlalntllT hereill.
You are required to allswer Maid I"'tltloll I
or before the 7th da } ' oC Nebra'4ka. 11.1. (
Uate\ this 2Hh IIa } ' of Sel'telllber. 1 < ) (4. (
16.19-102 } ' A. H. HU lrIlKI \ ' . HI" Attorlle
- - -
Unite,1 Stlll'S I.allli Ollicu. ,
Brokell How. NehraMI < a. Sel'lemher. 17. lrJo.t. i
Notice 18 helehy Irh'ell that the followlll
lIame ! ! IJttler ha ! ! fil..d 1I0tice uf his IlItl'lltl ,
to mal" , I1l1al prooC III MIII'I'Ort of hi ! ! claim. al ,
that . .alllllrooC will he lIIale before HeJI'41
anll Hecel"er of U. S. IuHI Onic , ' at IIrol < ,
Bow. Nebralm. 011 October 2 . 1'lIt. ' . \1
CUAHL1 Y r . OWgN oC Allselmu. Nl'hral < :
for the Ne } . sectloll S. 'l'owllshll' Ii Nor !
Halllre 22 West ( , th 1'1. . lIe lIame'4 the fu
10whllr wltllesseM to prove his contlnuolls rl"
.lellco 111'011 allli cllltivatioll oC lialtl lallli. \ i
Johll lIlt..le ) ' oC Merna. Nebraka ; CharI ,
Day . oflerna. . Nehrlbla ; Dalliel Wohmuall
! \te..a. Nehraska : Charley l.achry : .of1'rll
Nehrasl.a. JA IJtS WlurrmHAIl.
15-20-1Ul Hlhter.
. . . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
United Slates Lallll Olliee. ,
Urolel1 Dow. Nebraska. S'plumber 'I. 191.11. \
Notice I hereb ) ' II'IVell that tbe ' "l1oWIU
lIaml'd settler bas 1l1ClInolice IIf h"r Ilitelltl ,
tu make tlllal IIrooC In Slll'l'urt of her ( 'Iallll. al
that salll llrooC will be male I > cfotl ! Hl'II 1
ami Heculver at lIrnklJn lIow. N'hrasl < a. ,
October 22. 11)04'Iz : III.I.IA N I. KINU. M
huqlJ Nebraka. ! for the r ! Nw \ . Ne IiW ;
I ( I Nw Se } { . . .ectloll 23. 'I'UWIIShlll 21 Nort :
ly Ranll"e 21 West. She names thu followhllr w
d.lIesseK to IIrove her conUIlUOII'4 ru..ltlellce III"
, amI cultlvatloll of sal lallll. vlz : John \Vllrl
} ' . IlIlI'ton of Mllbllrn , Nebra"ka " ; Harry Miller
Mllbllrn. Nehrasla ; 'I'bulllaK ' 1'rholl of M
bllrn. NebraMka : WaKltllllCtoll r. . Hankin
- Mllbllru. NebraMlla.
. . ,
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
otit'o ' 1'0 Credltol'S
III coullty cOllrt , II'lthln ami Cor Cllsler CIIIIIII :
tl , ' 1'0 lhe credltonl oj edtale of Albert lIel
: he ! ! chlllll"er.
YOII are hereby 1I0tll1\ I , ' 1' hat 1 will Hit at I
coullty court ruolII III lIrul < ell 1I0w. III , , : I
cOUIIt ) . . olllhe 2Hb Ilay oC October. 11),14. on t
2Hh llay of 1 > "cember llJO.1 ; 1IIIII'un the 2'Jlh d :
a . of March. 1905. each at 10 o'clock a. III. of ea ,
_ day. to reccl"e ami exalllille all clallllli ; lIrahl
Raid estato. with : t , 'Iew to their adjll > ; tlll"
alld allowallce.
'rbe tlllle Ihllltel for the t > reselltatlon
claims all'alnst lIaltl us tate Is six lIIonth fro
HIe 28h day of Selltelllber. 1 . allll the lit
limited for Ilaylllellt of llluts Is ulle ) 'ear frc
lIald date.
WItDen 11Ihaud aud the Ileal of salll couu
court thl8 21tb day of September. l'l ( } . ! .
. 1c.19-1IH IlileALI J. A.AKMOUKCouutyJudw
. . . .
- -
Notlco to ( ) lIrE'shlellt.nCrOlltiontll. ,
, \ . 11. Smith. Juhn Doe allil Mr . John 1 > oe , I \
Ilefeml:1I11q. will ta\-l' lIotlce thaf 011 the 281h' 'I ' , ! .
1Ia ) ' IIf He"lclllber " , lW4 , II. 11. AnllrewM , plain. It' .
tlCf led hll.etlllolllll 1I11 IIIMlrlct COIlt ( of !
CuQler cOllllt ) . . Nebrallka , : ill"aln8t saht deCelld.
aliIH. the objl'CI anll prayer oC wblch are (0
foreclose a ccrlaln lax cerUf1cale IS8111'tl hy M.
1 . Schllerhlll11r. lreaSllrer of CURter cOllnty. Nt' .
braqka. forthc 1 < ale of ( aXI'M levletl U\lon ( he
ROlithweQ ( qllarter \ \ " ) of lhp. ! ! uulhwl'st quar.
ter (8w10 ( of Sectloll ( weh'e (12) ( ) tllwlIshl\l \ ' " 111"
teen (1 ( < ) ) Ncrlh Hallile twelll.two. 121. ) weqt ,
CIIQler coullly. Nebra l < a. for lhe year ! ' ! 1895 10
181) ' ) IIICIIl lve for the SIII1of $13.,0 ; that Rahl
cerllf1cahl"aq dalell the 20th day of l'ehrllar ) ' .
11))1 ( ; Ulal ! ! aht coullly of ClIster UII 1 < 'ebrlllr.2O. 1
11)01. lIald $1.15 ! ! UII"I'tlllellt taxeR Im'lml agalnqt
Mahllalltl for ( he y'ar 1'JOO ' : that the lllallltllT
hl'rehl b tht' owner allll hohler of saltl abovc
Ileqcrllll'lllax ' 4ale cI rlllicale : utli lax recl'IsHM ;
thltllallltllT ; halaid RullGellllellt taX"M levle.1
auaillst halel lallli 1IIIIII'r f.altl tertillcale. a'4
fol hn\'M. towlt :
May \ t. 1'll. ' ( $1.5i. taxe' ! ( or the ) 'I'tr : 1')01. '
AIIIC. IsI , 1' ' 3. $1.4.'aX'H for 1111' ) ' . .ar l1JU2.
May IHt. 1'ltH. $1.211. lax's Cor th" y'ar 1903. -
'J'hat Mahllax 'laic c'rtllh.ah , alill snh'lt'qlll'1I1 J.-
n'c"llItR drall' Inh're'\l at Ih , ' ratl' of 20 Iler "lIt ,
1111 hi the 20th Ilay..f . 1"I'IIrllar ' . l'ILIJ. allliiO I'er
Cl'lIt Ihl'm aftur ; that thue Is IIOW111' 111'011
. .altl tax sale cerll11lII" : :11111 : lax recel > t. till' 111111I
IIC 2'1.5 ! with IliterlJ t al III 1'1'1' ' celltrOIll / 0-
\ 'I'mhl'Htll. . 1'J01.
WIWIUJrIJIW , I'lallltilT prn'-1 ! for a"1
lha ( Ih'f lIIlallt ! ! be tl'Jllltt'lll1l'Y ' the ! ! altl Slllll
III' lhat salcl Pttmll"e. " . 1)1) " "III to . .allsC . ) ' thc
alllllllilt flllllllll\lw.
YUII an' rellllin'ti toanwer ' 4altt Illtltloll ! 011 or
bnfore till ! HUI day IIC NII\'emlr. ! 1')04. '
Dated HI'ph'mher 211 ; ' 1' ' ! 4.
1.1'1-105 II. n. ANIIIWWS.
11)' CAIIWBI.t. , 1I1'4 Attortley.
. \ ( IO : , 11. MAII < . elerk. hmAI. (
A ttes 1. I B ) ' S. g : WIIITBIIB.\lI. Dellllt ) . .
_ _ . _ . _ - . . _ _ _ _ _ - _ n _
IIIIII lrl t COllrioC CIiSlUl' CUlIIII ) ' , N'hra..ka.
HIIIIIIII Cameron. PlalntllT.
Jalle I' : . Bllnleall , D."lIIlalll.
.Jann I' : . IIl1nll'all. , lefl'llIlalit will taklJ nutlce
that 011 the 2SIh .Iay of S'ph'Plelllb r. 1 < } 04.
Hillton Cameron , Jllailltlif III.relll. tII.,1 hi" petl.
11011 1'1 ' th , ' III"'lrlct " l'OUrI IIf 1:1I ler cOllnly. Ne.
hraRI < a. alalnsl Mahl , I < 'flJllIlIIII. the ohject allll
I > ta'er of whldl an' (0 reCO\'I' of Ral.1 defend-
aul the RIIIII of $1.I.t 1 tin. . on an accllunl a. .
follu\l' :
' 1'0 clllllml"411111011 " , al. . of InlH 2 allli 3 , ! clllck
:16. : Callaway. N'hra lm ,
' 1'11 CU-.I III ah..tract.
1:1)11I11I ) Is..loll . ollioall.
Atlorlll'Y' fe"l'anllnlllf ! litl. . .
I'rllllllll { two y..aro ; t."c. tM17 atHl I .
0Ilar\llIet1 : uf t 1111' allllulher servlce'l ,
Salt' ' aCCllllilt bHi1l1 { thll' and Iayahlc to onelI.
II. AIII'reW'4 ' allll aHhllrlll'd tll IllallltlO'alld plalll'
tllf Is IIlIW th , ' Ol\'nel' alld holder thereof : that
on r.ald 2 lh , lay IIC St'plemher. 1'.10-1. order of
attachllleill waH I III'II III lIaltl aCllon. all1
IJrder 1I'lurlll'll ; 11111 n"11 OcWber 1Ht. I'JlI4. shllw-
- \tll \ { that ahlllllR 2 :11111.3. hlucl < 3 ( , . Calla\l'a ) ' ,
Nehraslm. had h..en attached IItHlt'r said onl..r.
I'lallltll1' < s Ihat the ClIlirt lit III alllolillt , Iu , !
. 1111 hi. . salll acculilit. that Ralll real propert ) ' MO
ilttachell bo "ohl tll " , atlsfy lhe alllolillt Sll fUllnd
illte. y,1II are n'l\lIlre,1 tv anSWl'r hahl r.ethlon
1111 or hefore the 14th day IIC No\'emh..r. 19114 ,
Dalell thl'4 4lh day uf 'Oclober. llJ04.
li.211--1011 PlallltlCr atHl Atlllrll"Y.
' 1'11 wholll It ma } . CUIICerll : ,
'l'hl ! ConllnlRslolier appolllled to"h \I' a roall
Iletitlolle fllr hy1. . 10' . IIlallldnshlp. a road
. . cOllllllellllClnl' at half section corll'r betwccn
sect lOlls 1 alld 2. ' 1'owlIshll' 1'1. ' Hall 24. thence
cast 111I111' un half "ectlon 10. . " Ihellceollth alld
east thmllllh the "ollth half IIf "ectlon 6. 'I'OWII'
"hiI' 1'.1. lalllCe 23. tu a polnl where Ule sOlltb 80
rllll IIl1e crll."M the MecUoll IIl1e between bec.
tlolls 5 an,1 ( , thellce Moulh'ast thmulI"h the
- ! lonlh half of thc hllllth half uf the sOllthwest
! Jllarter of RI'CUOn 5. towlI..hll' . 11) . ralllre 23.
thence cast 011 s'ctlon 1IIIe het " 'eell s'ctlon ! ! 5
anti M. towlIshlp 1' ) . rallll" ! 23. hall repurted In
favllr of the establlMhlllllIt ! thereof. a 11I1 a1l
objectloll" thereto. or clallllH for dalllalCe'4 must
he tiled IlIlh , ' COllllt ) . clerk'R ollice 011 or hefore
1101111 of the ( , th da ) ' of DecUlnber.IJO.I. . or such
tual wll be eslab1l hClI wlthllut ruference
theretu. III " 'hll"s" WhereoC. 1 ha\'e hereullto
set lilY haJllI alld Rcal of Haiti coullt ) . . this 4th
Ila ) ' oC Octllher. 11)(14. ( ; 1.(0 , 'V. DBWE. . .
17.20-10i [ SIAI. ] COUllt ) . Clerk.
Unltell States Lalld Omce. t
IIroken Bow. Nebraska. OClIborl. 190-1 , r
Notice I" herehy II\'eli that the f01l0wllllf.
nametl "etUer 1m. . ; tiled nutlce of hlH Illtention
to nmlw filial proof In Mnpl'Ort of his claim. alld
that ! ! ahll'mllC will be lIIado hefure ReR'Iler
anti Hecl'h'er at IIml < ell 110\1' . NebraRlm. on
NII\.clllbcr 10. 1'.I. ( vlz. THOMAS HUNT of
, . AII..ellllo. Nehraska. fllr the swM ne hectloll
: ! u. 'l'owlI'4hlp 19. Nllrth. Hatlile 1.2VeRt ; 6th P.
: II. lIe lIame'4 the followlll wltllesRes to prove
, . hl'4 contllllHIII'4 re > ; ldelice UI'OIl alld cultivatIon
of altlland : Jallle'4 Lilldlt ! } of AIIelmo.
NebrIMka. l\ . Jo' . Smith of Allselmo. Ne. } .
hrn la : 'I'hnma ! ! Rhode 'oC ' Allselmo.Nebrasl < a ; I
WllIHlIII WIlliam ! ! of AlIse\lllo. Nehraska.
li-U-IO ; ( ' JA ms WIIITIII\AII , Hell'l ler.
'I'he folluwlllll' propo'led amelllimellt to. al.d .
cOll\'ention for the rc'lsluu of. the Constitution ;
nC the state of Nehrasl < n. a ! ! hereinafter set ,
forth In fu11. 1'4 snbmlUe,1 to the electors of the
State oC Nebras\ \ , to be voled npoll at the ;
lI'elieral elecUon to b" held Tllt'slla } ' . November
M. A. D..llJO.1 :
( SHNATE 1 < ' 11.1No. . 114. ) I
A BIll for a Joint Resolutloll recommeillthllr . '
to the electorH of the "tate tu vote at the nexl I
election of members of the Legislature for era
a alllst a conyentloll tn revhie. amelltl a 11I1
challge the COlIstitntioll nf the State of NebraM. I
ka In accnrtlallce with Sectloll 2. Article 15. of I
thu COII"tltllUon of the State of Nebraska. ,
De" Hesolve,1 h ) ' the I.elClslalure of the State I
of Nehra'4I < n :
1. 'rhat I' Is Ileelllell lIecessar ) ' tn ca11 a . I
\'elltlnll to ree. : . ameml allli challg. ! the CI n. 'I '
stltntlon oC the State of Nehraol < a.
2. That the ulectorR are recommellliell tu'ole i
at the next electlull of lIIembers oC the 1I'IfIRla- I
Illre for IIr alral1l8t a cOllvulltlon to reylse.
: lInellll alld challge the COIIHtllutlon uf the Stale
oC NehraMI < n , ' l
3. 'I'll at at such next election uf memberR of '
the Lelrlslatllre nil the ba110t oC each IJlector vn. j
tlll at Slich c1ectlf > lI. sha11 he prlllt"d ol"wrll1ol1
III Ruch a mallller that the , ' ' ' 'clor can IlItllcate
hiM preferellce nlltler the law the wonlR : "FOR I
callhlJ : a cunv..ntlnn tu re\'I'Ie. amentl an
chanlre the COlIstllutlnn of the State of Nebl"as-
1m. " allll"AGAINS'I.'callltllf acnnvellUolltore- I
vise. ameml alld chullI'e the Cnllstlluton ! of lhe I
Statl ! oC Nehrabka : " alllilC a majority \'otinlC ,
at lialtl election Hha11 yote for a COli nmUon. the )
J"Jlslalnro ! lhall. at II" lIext sessloll. provldo
by law fnr call1lllC tile same.
I , Ceo. ; W. MarHh. Secretary of Slate uf the
, n State oC Nebrasl < a. do herch ) ' certU ) ' that tbo 1
fnrelrollllC propn..etl . amelillmellt to theConltltli.
tlnll of the Slate of Nebra..ka. allli pmvltllllir for ,
a COII\'ention fur the rl'vlRlon oC . .altl COII'ltltli. )
y. tltm oC the State oC N'hraHka. I" a trun allli correct -
- rect . COP ) ' oC th" orlllillal cllrnlle,1 blll\as..e . b } ' t
the .1.went.lllhlh s , qIOIl of the L'glMlatllre nf
the Slalo of N' ; aM It al'JlearH from saI < l
Iorlllnal hl11. Oil 1iIl ! In my ol1lce. allli that balll
)1prolH > e,1 aml'lId men t allli re\'I"loll of the COIIK-
III tiutloll oC the St\l' of Nlhrasl < 10 ; Hllhmlttetl
, ' 1" tu qe qllallfied vnlers of the State of Nehraska.
II for their adoptloll 01" tl'jectlon. at the general
z : 1''CtiOIl ' 10 be hehl on 'l'uestla ) ' . the th .Ia ) ' of
a. NOVl'lIIh"I" . A. U. tlJOI.
h , In te"tlmon ) ' wherenf. I ha\'o herellnto "elmy
IIhallil alld al1le,1 th'Ureat Seal oC the State of
, Nebra"I < n.
IZ : I > lIne at Ilncoln thl'4 5h da } ' of Jill ) ' III tbl !
ey } 'ear nf unr Lurd Olle 'l'lIoll.alld Nille Illludred
uC allli Pnur. nC the lrillepenll..llce of the Ullited
la.Hate : the Olle Ullndrell a 1111 'l'wen [ } ' Niulh
: uIII oC Ihls State the 'I'hlr O. l llrbth.
01:0. W. MARSI ! .
- 8.2182 [ GRIAT SICAII Secrelal' } ' of .tate. I f
. J
[ Ii'HI . . . . . . . . .llcrfl Ileuctcr' U , . . . . . . . . . .
1111 Orlll1lou Reoll , No. l77OJS.
- - - - - - ' - - - -
. . ' . . .
h. 'II
II. '
uu :
11. I .
oC I
) ' .
I. . .