Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, October 20, 1904, Image 12

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Brief T eJegrams
1 < "o.l1ures for the 111'111 nine montha o [
1904 IIbow 1\ lain o\'er cOI't'ollllOndlnl :
Jlerlod In J 903 ,
Bishop Wnrren or Denver , COlo"
edlcntcil n now Industria.l bultdln
at Mordatown , ' 1'onn.
The Brothers Doherty won the Lon.
don co\'cred court tonnls ehnmplon.
l.iblp 1\1 the Queen'a clu11 by 3.1 3"lIlno1
: \1Ihonoy : : nnd Wilding.
I.'rand Van FJeet , an neronllul. died
lit Grand .1unctlon , COlo" frol11 Injurlel
received In failing when mnklur ; n hal.
loon ascension In that. cltr ,
Ono or the younl : womcn cop ' 18t.s
01 the govCI'nInent hlle rolwn the roc.I I
01'11 by trpcwrltlng :1.000 : : ) wor H In n '
departmental day of seven 1J01I1'/ ! ,
President Cornlslwy of tha American
League team usls : .1ame9 A. Hurt to
provo charges ma e by the lutler In
HtateInOnt on Jlost.sea50n basehall act. .
, Tnmf'JI 'robin WIUconvlclell 111 the
UnltCii Statcs COll1't at Calr ; ) , III" on
the cllurge 01 usJng th mnlls to do.
fraud and \Vas sentenced to utaI'm In
the penlton tJnr ' .
'rerry McGovern was glvlnt ; J ddle
Hanlon such Bevere pllnishment In the
bout at Industrlnl hall , Phllulclphla ,
thnt the pollco stopved tllu flrht Iu I
the foul'Ut round.
A street car was dCl'ttlied I ! I , t h
nd or the Ohio rlVJr bridge at Hoeh.
mIter , I'll" nud crashed Into n. hulld-
lng , Idlflng ono man nUll sorlously In.
juring two ethers ,
'rhe , ! : ! cc011l1 series or the World'B
pool tournamcflt was 1)la'cd Ilt St. ,
Louis , .Toromo } { eogh , Bllffalo , won
f'rom 'rboml1s Hu'eHlolI , St. LOIIIH. by
a Rcorn or 12fi to 1J 8 ,
Dean 'I'homns Holgate , lho new
Jlresldent 01 tllo NorlhwcRtorl ) unlvol"
rlty ; , elected to slIcceed Pl'usldcllt.
Jnmes , hlU3 bceu connectell with lho
unlvorsl ' for ellwen 'eal's.
. . . 'fho war oUice at Home has rccalled
1Iudet. arms the reserves oC J VO : : , except -
cept the c/1.\'nlry' / \ ' anll nl'llllery. whlc11
plaels ! about fiOOO , 11I01'0 troops at tbo
dlsposnl o ( the governmell t.
George E. ' 1'a 'lor , Iowa's canclldate
for the presidency 011 the lIatloua1
IIhort . 11I\rtr , flll1s to tIIo hlR IIIJllllnn.
I Ion papers nnll his Ilnme w1\l \ not ap.
pear on the oUlelnl ballot In Iowa ,
' 1'he lotteI' ot nccoptance oC 'rhollln
T. . , Watson , populist cl1ll ldllt for pres.
Illent , has boon made public. 'rflt"
w1'ltor scores bolll the 1'01lubllcan'
tlemocratlc par tieR on their I'ccorlls ,
HUBslR.ns tlll < o the ottenslvo sOllth or
1II1I1len IInll Bontslllput1.o IR Ialtllred : )
neter a brlsl < battlo. 'rho , Inpanesc
Iletoat is snld 10 bo 1 1l0 to Ihelr fnll-
ure to fOttlCy It hill coml1lul1lllng the
town ,
: \tlS:1 : Helen David BUl'per , dallghter
or Presldcnt "m\lun \ : R. Harper of the
Unl\'erslt . of Chicago , } 1 8 neen mt.r.
I'led to Charles Scrlhncr Ealon.IIss :
Harper anll11' : . l aton were studen'ts
In the unl\'II'IoIt : ) " ,
SoeretalT Bar and Sh' Chen ' 1'lIn
Liang Cheng ha\'o laid the foundation
for n now Chinese oxclllSrol It'caty ,
and It Is thought the It'eat . will bo
rel11 ' Cor 8ubmlsslon to the sennto at
the cOmlhz ; session.
? tUss Desalo Wilson , who WIIS
11rownecl at Virgin In. Deach , Va" SlIn.
da ) " afternoon , wus the 'ollnest :
Ilaughter of the late WilHam Wilson ,
former postmaster genernl , InRtead of : .
his niece , , ns lit first relOrtctl , I
'rite Spanlsh.French a/'recmrmt / 1'01.
'JU\'o totOI'OCCO : : : has bocn sl nell.
Spain ngroolng to UPIIOl't the lilt ex-
rlty of the Moroccan omplru 1I1111er
the sultlln 11.1111 rccognlzllll ; tlie rights
ot I"ranco roslllting from 1101' AI cI'lan
posseSSIOlS. !
Bmperor WIl\fnm's \ gift 10 the Amer.
Ican peolllo of 11 bron1.o atlltllo oC 1"I'ed.
( ! rlck t1 e Great will be unvcllell br
the Bareness Spock yon Stol'nher ! ; ' ,
the Gorman ambassulroas : , on the e ! ! ,
Jllannde of the army war collcgo at
WashinGton , No\'ombor 19.
'fho Will of the late Pl1stmafltr ; ! Gen.
ernl Henry C. Pa 'ne was filcd for pro.
hate atlI1waulce : , 'rho ostate. eRU ,
mntell In yaluo at $700.000 , of whleh
$ OOOOO , is ! } crsonal nnd $ lOOOUO I'clil
eslatl' , hI left in trust chlofi : ; COl' the
benefit of his wife , tn ; , L"llIa W.
Pa'no , nnd hlH slstel' , Mrs. Imugene
P. Cameron. 'fhero :11'l a. . number of
minor bcquosts.
Socretnry Hltchcocl , malh IL statement -
ment in connection with the 1lIslwsl.
11011 of the ] ) oll810n lallli fraulls caSf !
n Now Yorlc to the eerect that the
action of Judge I.ucombo 111 refuslu1 (
1'1 grallt a l'elleal'ln : ; upon bls 111'Iglnnl
1(1ilslon ] in the Hcnson CallO docs nol
\ \ nerect the position oC luter ,
mt the go\'ernmt1l1t In the C.turlll" .
IlI Vf.lllll . caees.
lIcnce COnrCJII ! ! ,
wtclC1nnljo\ll'l1cd In Doston , h eXIJCl'toll
, to accoz\lpllsh farreachlng resultR.
nOl1 ; ntJ1cllvlty at 1I1ul\llen Is he-
lIevell to mllloate that the HII5slnnll
II \\iadfqh \ ? I' un atlal' ) , on the HOIII' ;
orhCJl hucse al'lnr , which Is Ealll to
brc fi'Yti pat
fW ! EHblie nine ulliun teamst ers
" 'J.l.o wCI'O"convlctell In Ihe sUlorlor [
co\iPr1i1M \ b ln\ . .
lnon Iho chnrge of con ,
RI lI1 lr h\1 wnglng about a tolmslol'I\ : '
ntf1lfe ret1i 'eu , Coun. , were en ,
. 'teH ' el1 j cWqP c t.lf.nths ) ench In the
: co ! ht > : Jalt ;
- -
- - - -
Japanese Receive Stronu ReInforcements -
ments lnd Assume theOffenclve -
Artillery Fire Directed With Great
111I\ IJI\-A hloodr hattlo II ! now
l'l1l-ln/o / : nhollt six 1II111R ! norLh or Yun.
lul rall'olfl ! : stntlou , 'J'ho , Jallllnese Oil
Hllnllny full hncl < nlong the whole front
l'I'OI'NCII Ille Schill river ( Ilhont hllif
WII ) hel WCIJn r.luJlen IInll Llno Yallg ) ,
nllll ( 'Ilme wllhlll thl'l'e ml1es of Yen.
tul. hut : \lolllll\y the .Jallalwso recelvell
9ll'C1u I'cinfol''elllonia or InCanll'y alld
nrllllcl' ' 111111 not anI ) ' held tholr Ioal.
IIOIIN , hnl'on aflSlIlI101I the offonslvo ,
TIlt ! /1ghtlng / InJtell ! the entlro lIa ' Ilnll
night. ' 1'110 .latJanese Illrectell thclr UJ' .
II1l'I'fll' ( ' with 'Jrl'at , skill nnl ! scnl'ch.
1)11 Iho HnsHlnn positions so lIorcely
I hn t tlw HIISdllll.1 ! fell 11n < : I , north of
the Schill 1'1\1' . which CI'ORSeS I II ( !
mlh'olld sO\'on mlieR frum Yentlll ,
The ltusslt\llH 'l'nC3dn ) ' m01'lllng I'C'
ll11l cl Ihelr ullvnl1 < 'o une ! on co marl !
craHHoll the Schill 1'1\1.1' ane ! engaged
the .Iapllneso two miles south of fl ,
. \ 10r1'illc 1I1'IIIlm'y ongngelllont Is 111'0'
cee , lnH ulong 1 ho enllro Cront. 'I'ho
1'01'11111 o ( Iho Imillu Is stili Hndoehlel ! .
H'I' , PWI'I HSnlJHGSo'cro1ghtlnl / ;
'IOI'th of Yelltal. rcslllting In a tElJIIIIO'
-ar ' chocl , of Genornl JHrOIlItldn's
lIlvuncc gnuI'd. of , which I he AHsocl.
, tcll PreHH COITCupOIlIlcnl nthllidcn !
tcltI'Qplwd ! ! thu IIl'Ht neWH , If ! not I'e.
gllt'llE'el ut the Will' o lce II ! ! Inlllcallnr
a 'gcncl'ul p'IIHagmnent , 'l'ho luteHt
a/fir:11II / Illspatchm ; Inllicaling the Ills.
( Iosltlon of the \II'lous corps : Ahow thnt
I he whole urnl ' Is not 'ft III line of
ha II Ie , The 1II'0scnl. enhRgementn
Il1a ' , I hel'erorc. he l'egal'lloll U ! ! u re.
sill ! or Il' l'olllllol' al taele which nil
rlltm'llt'lHlng ! foe 111:0 the .1alJaneH ! !
might. he eq1CctCtI 1.0 mnlte , bnt with-
enl any cnlcnlatlon : 10 IIl'o\'cnt thu
ItllsRllln advance , Genel'lll KlIl'op t-
Itln'11rcscmt SnllCl'lorlty , In nHmhcrs.
II Is hpJe ! hel'u , IH hounll Roonet' or
lall ! ! ' 10 cOIIJwl the .lnpaneHe to full
huel , l1JlJn thcll' Hlmng position within
I ho 1I'Iungie formed b ) ' Yental. Llao
Yllnl { mill Sylntl1n. . [ \'er 'thlllg
'points ' to thai ( lIutl'lct aH bclng the
III'ORIWct : Ivo Heene of I he deelHlvo
stl'1l-gle ! : of 1 his 'cnl"s cumpalgn ,
St l'ateglu l'caHons oC the moat welghl '
chal'aotm' 1'01111131' 11 hUllerntl\'e fOI' the
HIIRslunH , as well as for the .lapanc3e ,
10 IHJHlow Ihelt' chief attention IIllon
the cOllnll' ) " oaKt of the milway , 'rho
llmisunn ! 11I'e compclled 10 this CO\ll'o ;
hecanse Ihe I'I\lIl'Onll runs norlheast-
Will'll mill hence IInus oC commlll1lca
lion 111'0 mOl'o'I11uoI'ahle from the
, ,
[ ho , Iapaneso arc Inlllloncoll II ) " /1.
similar eonsltlol'allon , but Ihe railroad
1111 10ngCl' Jla 's n foremost part In
t helt' plans , In view oC the approach.
In ! ; close of nRvlgalion ut Ylnlww ,
:11111 oC IIw fact that thu line to Pltsewo
la long anll Cllmllorsomo nnd lIahle to
InIOl'1'II1l1on ] , I hey must consider J < 'ell
Wnn Chong mill ' 1'al\ll'lmn as the
SOIIl'CO uf SUIplles Ihll'ln the wlnlor ,
anll with thlH In'Iow IlJe castol'l1 COlU-
11IIIIIIeullons of Llno"an , ; arc o [ the
ut mosl Im\101'lance \ ,
Frick "nd Rockefeller Succeed Burt
and Fitzgerald.
SAJ.'I' LAKEJ Cl'l'Y-At Iho1l11l1al
lI1eCllllt ; of the sloclholdcl's of the
Union Pllcille 11111w1IY , held In this
cll ) ' ' ( 'lies liar , lIonr ) ' C , 1"I'iI1 ! o ! Pills.
1IIII'g mill WIIIII1I1\ . Hoclwfcllcr of
Now YOI'le were ulected dlrectOl's III
Ihe 1IIIIco of J. . , 1.'II7gel'ulll a11l1 JOI'aCO [
G , 1311I'1. 'rho hoard oC IIlrectorR now
slanc\s \ m : full 0\\1\ :
Oll\'cl' AmeR , 'J'homll ; p , l cl\CI't ,
1Ielll'r C. " 'l'Icl , . Gcorgo . .1.ollid. / . E ,
II , Ihu'I'ltlllln. : 'Ital'\'ln 1111hlll ! , .1amcH
H , lI 'c\e \ , Otto II , Knhn , CllUl'lea A ,
Poahol\ \ ) ' , Winslow C , Pilerco , William
, G , Hoclit'C'IlCl' ! , I1c11l' ' H. 1iogol's , .1 ( \ .
cob 11. Schiff , .Iosellh 1" , Smith and
, James Sllllmlln ,
'j'hew were rellreuC'nted at I he 1I101't-
Ing 1 , .u tISl shllrlJs uf sloct. , )
Storm In Central Americil.
I.OUlSVIl.I.1 , K-A Now Orleans
special Hn 'R : ' 1'he steamer Bo\'prly ,
which haH arrlvell hOl'o Crom lion.
11urns and Glllltomnlrm ' '
IlIIrls. l'OllOl'Is
that a t el'l'lhlo storm swept the lIon.
dul'US cuast fur Ihl'co da 's belllnlll ; ! ; '
Soptel1lhOl' : ! ! J , 'I'he cll ) ' oC Puerto
Cortez RufCerel1 rout Ilamage IInd 011
' 3cttlemellts from Ihllt elt ) ' to Coiba
\Vore bl1l1h' Illlmll ell , So\'cl'I\l onor.
mOils lal1lls11l1e8 were I'etlorted , No
udvlcc111111 / been receh'etl fl'Om the
Interior Ul } to the tlm lIie Boverl ) '
sa1el1 ! ,
An EdItor for Congreu : ; .
DA'J"fl..1 Cm mC-noU\oel"nt8 of
Iho 'fhlrll IlIstrlct munell 1 llItor I. , 1' : , ;
1"el11I1er , of 1.ltchflolll 1'01' cJt1gre : : > s ,
Uprl8ing In Chin" Is Feared.
SIIANGIIAI-NulUcrous 1'\11101.tll 1'- ) . ,
coh'ClI Crom the Intcrlm'
: toiling oC the
nctlvllr oC HOCl'et toclntll'N ; al Ilolnts
wh\el \ ' nlJart UI'O ( 'autllu ! ; ' sorlouR un.
cllslnoss. It II ! Imown that Lho 011111116
0\'Ol1'whcre UI'O IllslllHrln grcnt onx.
lety nnll I'O tll'oelll'lng IIw mnRt 111011.
el'l1 I'ms alHI munition ! ! oC Wnt' fOl'
the JlIII'IOBO of cqulpplng the soIt110r ' ,
'I'horo Is no cel'tillnly 11(1 to whetlH'r
the nnxletr or Iho olll'II\IR III Illt' 'ctcll
ugilinst antlcfjmtell l'Ilng" ! 01' : til to
whethel' 1t Is a IlI'eclllltfonal'y no\'c. :
ment agnlnst , 1108511110 tlnn el' .
Twenty People Are Killed Outrloht
In Wreck . ,
WAnHl SBUIWl'wellt "
IIlno , llersrmH were hl1lell anc1 Blxl '
Injll1'Ic1 b ' n ( 'ollll'lon oftlHsourl : Pa.
clflc trnlnll I hrel' mllo' ! eaat of War'
1'1)J1l1hurl ; nt , \ o'l'locl , Mot1l1a ' morn.
Ing. 'I'ho twlnH WH'e the ! ! ( ! collIl Reo.
, lIol1 of pUlsellger ; trulll No , :10. : which
left ' \11.111111 , Knn. , f01' SI. L < JulI ! 8un'
clay night unll 1111 extrn freight train ,
The IleHI 111'0 111 tJnc10rtaltlng rooms
III 1I1 1J clly nnd m01l1. o ( the , , , oullded
ure In the mllroall hOSIIIAI at. Sc ,
1111111110 : ,
'J'h paR8engcr train , consisting oC
two dnr cnaches , a I'ullmall rar and
IL cahomc ; , WIIS looded wllhVorlll's
Calt' e elll'slonlHls 1'1'011sOlltheast
Kllnsall IInd ! wulhwest MlssolIl'l , 'I'ho
l'cJuJar IlIlI-JHl'ng'l' tmltl No , :10 : Ilnll
Iwell cut In two ut Plensllnt 1111I on
aconllnt of the ] Il'av ' loall and IIn l'n- i
glno IIHachel1 to the frollt cur -
nut a. . hnggago ( ' 01' aR n buffer , 'rhe
extrn freight hull shletrllclcell at
; \lontscl'l'l1t fot. HIp. nrlt ! section of 1'\0.
au which eOI'I'll'lI Oslgnals Ihut 11 Rel"
( ) ) lei Eecttoll waR following , 'l'hlH Wllfl
followed hy IHlHflon or train No , liO.
which the freight cl'ew toolt 1'01' the
oconcl secllon of No , : :0 : , 'rhe { I'olght
pUlled Ctil of thc Hhletraclc and three
, n 11 0. , weRt mut the seconll sectloll ,
rhl ! Imllllcl. teleseoilcil the tenllCl' or
the pRsflcnget' englno Into the front
: :111' : , which wes loaded with passen.
J.ers , ul1l1 It watl here that the sacrl.
fice or lIfo toul < pllCe , 'rho IJIISWII'
! ; or conlluclOl' , E , I. , Bal'nC'fI , run nil
Iho WHY to " 'arrenflhur and brolw
he IICWS oC thu wreec ! , E\'er ) ' phpl.
clnn In the town respunlled anll hun.
clrells or cltl enR hllstonoll to the
wreclc and aUlsted ! ! the wOllndell from
benealh the tlmbl1l's or the brol < en
cal'S , 'fwollty ] } eOllle WOI'C Icflled Ollt-
right UIIIl SOVCII IlIo before 8 o'clock ,
'I'ho Ilcall were plaClI ! Hllon tlat cars
and bI'OUlhl. to t hi : ; cltr 01111 Dr , llIlls ,
the COl'Onot' , Immodillteir Impanelled
a jllt. . allil sturtoll on the Innlry [ ,
which IR stili In session. 'rho afternoon -
noon wus talcn np In hJentlfyin ! ; the
Ileall anll 'I'IIUScUY ! night the conductor
of Lho freight train WI1S on Ih stund.
He clllims to have heen Ilozlng while
his train waR al 1\Iontsorrl1t and when
train No , GO pusscII EnglneeJ' Horton
hollevcll It. WIIH t hu soconll section of
r\o , : :0 : anll thlnlc\ng \ the trlll'lc cleor
plllled Ollt on the 11Ialn line ,
L , C , Drossel. Jlostmastcr at Eatun-
v III e , Kan. was lalcen out from unllel'
a heap of se\'cn hOllies anll oscllJK'1l
with nothing 11I00'I. ! HCI'OUS ! than a
h/01\Cn ! log ,
- - - - -
i RU I , , - I
o JAP.-.tlE'H
= - = -RAII. ttOA U
- -
. . . . . . .
: : sRUAD -
. . . . . _ . . . . . .to'\ .
.to'o '
1'\0 1'adlcll1 change IH notcil tn the
11O ltlonR oC the ollilosing IIrml fI , Coso
slicks contllllle scollllng cast 11111'pst
Ol the rall\\'a ) ' abollt "eutal , showing
1111lt Nolim'R : , communll Is stili In the
vlcltlltr of the mines , l\ollroplltJcln Is
Imld to ho planning 11 vigoroS ! dc-
feuHe shell hi the , JapalwHo talw rlul-
dOl' IInl1 altomlt plIl'fmlt. Tlellng lip'
llI1l'ently Is to ho hh1 main hast' . hat
t\\'l'nt ' mll113 Houth of 'I'lellnt { he 1s
fOl'll'ylnl ; YIIII , where the topotmphl.
cnl condltlous Caver the llusRll1ns , The
map nlw ! ) hews the posltloll or lII h
Hill at Port. Arthlll' , the ! /l'CII1' of' re-
oc'ul. I\Irco \ ! fibhlln , when' thollsllIlIls
01 , lnl1ulH'sl' fell In lj1Cll' tl\bbUl'11 \ IIt- ,
tl'fIIllt. to hold the IOIll1l111111J1l1g ! eml.
- - - - ' - - -
Purcels Post Agreement ,
l' A HI S--I t. . Is otl1l'1nll ) ' nl1l1U1l11cocl
that the alJI1\IIemellt ; for a ] 1:1\'cel : IIUdl
lll'tWCOI1 the Ullitell StateH IIlId 1'I'mco
Inell\dln \ Corsica. . Hnll Algeria , wlli
como Illto forcll on XCH'E'Dlhol' I 11I11101' I
contractR with the COlllpal'l1lC' Genr
el'lo 'I'mns.AllantilJllo allll J XJlI'CS I
co 111 IlIIn ) ' .
- - - - - - - - - -
German Miners Drowned ,
DI SSAU , Ocrmanr-.A sudden In.
I'llsh of walol' und l11uII 111 It e'oal l:1lnu :
fit GCI'Ithoclc : , dltllrlct of KOClhon. ) ' 0 : ; '
lel'llu ) ' , Irnlll'lsonod elghteon mlnerH
, \ ' 1101'0 helll.1\'I1 to hllvo pCI'lshcll.
Corrected List ad.
' 1'0110A cOl'reclell , list I/f the lIves
II/st. In the slnlln ; ; of the . .1llj'lanel'n. : .
h01l1 11(11 Ylm oIL Plgeol1 BII ) ' Sflpten.
bur 18 pUCI'I\ ] the tolul 1111mher : o.t 197 ,
Grain rlen Asl < Injunction ,
'fOI'I I\A-Al1 IIclIon wnH l1led In
Ihe Unltell Stllte ! ; ( ' 1/111'1 1l:1I1 ! : Cor a
lempol'llr ' I'dOl' ugilinst , I. W , HUll.
rorll , the l'III1tlls ! Rlatn gl'llin Inspect.
or , to Ilrc\"l'n him frolll l1nCOI'clt1the /
luw of this ! Hnte cOI1 < ' 1. I'ltlng the
welghlnl ; I/C ! ; 'I'l\ln hecauso oC Ul1 ul.
legcII ullfalt' f YH'ltitlln. ( 'I'he com.
plalllllnls anI tltolIlllanll : glevator
companr I/f West "It'glnln , the Hal"
rls.Scott cOlltllllnr of illinoIs , the Gl'lInt
W , Kenny Grilin comlllln ' I/f )1(830111'1 ( ,
.Ioltn r. Glover or lIssourl anti Brault.
nllxleI.lrlC' ! \ ) ' of Missouri. .
- - - -
, h ,
- . ,
- 1
Should Kuropi\tkln Fall In , This Battle
the Dls lster Would Be Great-Gen.
eral Kuropatl < ln Has a Big Job On
His Hands ,
S'f , P 1'I H.sBUHG-N ( ) olllclni
now ! : ! of the result of tO Il "S bllttic
south oC hllalen Is nvallaJJle a.t thla
honr. Gunel'lll I\.uropatkln doubtless
has communicated his reglllnr report
10 Bmporor Nichola" , hut the lapntch
wus 110t seut hnek to the gonol'l\l stuff
tonight. So Ihe latest word from RUR'
slall SOUl'ceH Is contulned 111 tlto As ,
Hocluted Press dlHpatch from 1\hll < tlcn.
As Is natural , the absence or omclnl
news Is JlcsclmlsticalJ ) ' Interpreted In
, man ) ' quarters , hut Ihe gOlleral starr.
Ihough I'ellcenl , counsel Jlntlenco ,
polnt1nl out thaI the oCfensl\'e move. :
tIlont was } 1ll1nned on a large scale
and hOR not rot ronchl'll a stUU ! whet'o
a l1eelsl\'o ro\'crue could ha\'e been at-
' ! 'Iw fl'Ol1tal attuclc on thhe Yentul
mln08 Ile\'eloleel ) a. . desperate battle In
which 111'ohahly 100,000 Jnon al'e en.
gllged. but though the dltJpatchC1 ' so
for deal almost eclllsiveb' : : " , 'ftl.1 thl
feature of the battle , It IH pointed out
that there Is n much wideI' fIeld In-
\'ol\'ell , A fight on the Russian lert
flank has not 'et de\'olopod Rnll possibly -
sibly hol'o General Kuropat1ln intends
to dull vel' his main hlow , What force
IK pllshlng Corward In this dlrocllon
bohlntl the RCI'ocn contnlnlng the col.
umn at Shan1lntaldze Is nulmown. but
the I1ppeartce tonight. of IL R\Hslan !
column at 'r1.oranchnn. t hlrtr miles
southeast of Mulden , stl'l\\lnl \ : ; at 10'10111
1\II\rshul \ Oruma's communications with
the Yulu , : ' m the Imowlc ge that an.
othm' column Is ulroa r ael'Oss the
'faltso 1'l\'fJl' , gl\'es eyldence or the
wide nature of the tlll'l1lng mo\'cmont ,
It' Is possible thai the nUacl , on thc
Yentnl minus may sll11pl ' be Intenlle
Lo hol(1 ( the mliin .lalmnCe ! force stationary -
tionary anll t hul t.ho olllcomo or the
Yen tal l1ht may Jltl1e hourlng
on the re mlt oC rhe gencml engage.
menL :
\\"hllo II h ; now assorled that Gen.
l'ml KlIl'tJpaUln '
enjo's u consillerablo
nunwrJclll 5ul1erI6rlt ) ' , Lho main fear
eXlll'essed Is tlmt this l\ In-
sutllcl nt to ( juabl ! . ! him to carry but
I he big opCI'aUons he hils 11IHlmta1ien ,
Allprehonslon Is clmcll : hr the To.
1,10 Ills patch Rayln that 1'11elcl Iar-
"hilI Oranm reports that he Is gaining
grail nil : \nll has Cllt on' a Husslan eol-
nl11 n helow the 'rallse rl\'l'I' . It 110nl ) '
natural , after the l'l'peatoll r\'erse ; ;
alre:1Cly : HurCer'clI , thai RHslam ; full '
l'eJII.e how mueh ctpnerul KUl'Opallln
has Htal11 ! on the agumpllon ! ; of the
offensive. 'rho bnttle now In progress
\\IHlouhtedly w1l1 outweigh In Impon-
ancc the harll tIght at. Line Yang , For
Kmol1allcln vletOl'Y , pal'Ual or com.
pJete , Is nceessury.
News That RussIans Advance Hailed
With Joy at St. Petel'sburg.
ST. PI ' 1'BnSDUHG-CommentIng
upon the order ot" the day Issuell b ) '
Genol'Ul KUl'OpaUln on Snndn ) ' , the
No\'osll ( ' : ! 1rossos 1InqllallfIcd confidence -
dence III Ihal. commllnller and sa 's :
' 1'hls is the Ulall who at the begin-
IIlng ; of the WUI' said , "patience , Ila-
lienee , and ag-aln patience , " " .c have
awaited In obedience fUI' Ills worlls ,
"now the time hns come to t Ul'l1 s01\tll.
wml. : " Advllnce now will bo no Idle
word , 1\1\I'OIHlUdn IK goln ; ; t hroush
to save his coml'l1llus at POl'tt Arthur ,
t huugh he may hll\'e to defcat four oIl'
poslug al'lnleR to do so , U1\t our sol-
Iliers arc } 1I11)P ) " . It Inot : \ nat.ure . to
dero ; Rucslum ; t I'OOp8 1.0 roUre , '
The formal anllCIII11CCment that Gon.
OI'al Kourol1aUdn Is at last slroub'
enollgh to assllme the olTcusl\'c , to.
gelhel' wll h unolliclill rOllorlR thnt of.
f"nsh'e mO\'t'l11ents ogulnst the Ihree
armies of Fle1 ! ! ) lanlml O 'aml1 'hl1ve
been lll'O reslllg ! ulneo Oclober 4. hils
iC'ut Il thl'lI1 of joy thl'outhol1t Hus-
sin , 'rhe unnollncemenl , whleh hILs
been awnltell pnl.lenll ) ' through the
lun . \\'eal' ) ' mont hs of discouragement -
ment lUll I defeat hat : an InslmtalloouS
elTerl. 'I'he Il11bllc bulletin hoal'dfl nt
I ho Htl'Cl't ( 'Ol'l1eI' upon which were
llOsted copies IIC Kourol1atdn's ! ortlm'
of t he lIa ' were Slll'l'OUllllod br crowda
I'call ) ' chem'Cul for the IIl'st time since
Iho Wal' hl'han.
- - - - -
Reforms In Education.
LI\COLX-Swte SUIH I'lnlendent
FowlC'r ! 'ome t Inw RIO sent out IIsls
oC 111w.l.Ions tll the vnl'lol1s count . su.
pel'lntflllllents of Iho state askln ! ; ' them
tll maliC suggestions r.s to new educa.
tonal ! lo.W3 nceded , ' [ 'he replies are
now in II.nlt will bol8cd as 1hasls 111
CUl'lnlng bills to 1)0 Introlluced nt the
next scsslon of the Il'glslatur , 111
Rlhlltlon to Iho now edul'atlonnl laws
to b III'OpocII ! the repeal ut ( l nulU'
bel' of Ilead lotteI' luws now on the
statute bool\8 Is lIugested. !
- - - -
WllHonsln Stt. warta to Stay ,
nL W A UI\l : ; F-Tho national rtlpuh.
IIccn ( stalwul't ) Alnte tlcl < et. headed
\J \ ) ' Cormel' Gm' , I dward 8col10ld , will
remnll1 In the fioM. 'l'hls wus dect.clol
after a protracLed meetllll ; oC the lead.
\11 \ [ ; stalwlIl'ls from e\'lr ! ' pnrt of Wis.
cOl1sln. Amonl { thuse who toole purt
In the cllnfOl'once WOI'O : Sonntor
Jolm C , SpoonC'r , fot'l1l\r ! GoEcJwal'd
Scotlel. ! ! former GoW. . H , Upham.
Sonalor Spooner , It Itl saltl , was In
fuvor of wltlJltrawlng the tJcl\Ct In
the Intcrest or natlonlll IInd congros-
slunnl tlelcls ,
, ,
- - - '
. _ , , , . , .L . . . ' . . ' ' 1) ) . .
. , , , , ' . " , - ' ' , . ,
A man nUIJH',1 , O ear Carlson. who
hnB hecn wflrl < fng on the Cnlon Pn-
cillo Iwar Pickrell , went "Iolontlr fll'
annl. ! .
IloP. . p , nlnlwmore , IlIlstOl' of the !
Mothodlst ehurch fit 'l'cc\Insoh ! for the'
PUNt tWIJ 'eum. has mO\'e his fomli-
to"eplu Wuter. hlH new chnrge.
' ) " , l\1. lJorlfmlU1 oC I..fncoln. stlltl' In.
s\wctor \ or ! ! Chools , wns a "Isltor at
the 'j'able Reel , Hchonls and UXIIl'CHwc1
hhmlClf as bcln well IJlltistled with
twlr ! "lIIlltlCIn : ,
lo'mnl. . .1.tor : r.II , grI1I : , l''C'h'or of
the Ancient Ol'dol' or Uultt'1101'1ntfn ; ,
led nt his home In PluUsmouth , Ho
was ,12 ) 'ears of UbC' 'rhe direct calHJC
or dl' WI1M CUI1Il'l' : .
Davlll Martin. a l an ulJollt 10 ) 'eurl
0111. who has/heen workl l COl' II1\O
Duffey , 13o\'en mill's soulhenst o ( BC'a" .
! ! r Cr'osHlngCllt his throut , sevorlng
the . . wlndplpc , Ho w1l1 die ,
'rho repurt that I\flputrlcl , Dl'os , &
Collins , railroad contractors , had IIC0n
nWlIl'dcd tile contl'l1ct for hullllhl the
MUI''I1I'rOIelm cut-of ! of the Union
Pucltlc hr. ! ; IJUcn cnnfirmoll.
Adrnlml .1 , 11. 0lllJ8 anll wiCo of
Melbourne Beach. 110. . , Hre In Bcat.-
rIce "IRltlng MI'S , Gillis' son , D , C.
Canfield , 'I'ho ndmll'lll iJ 70 'ears of.
ugo Hn Is 011 I h I'otlred list.
A ) 'oung rnnll nllmed 110cIlnfJ , 1I\'lng
n few miles froUl Osceolu , met with au
accident. IJe was pulling a loaded
gun on the wnon : and.1t went err nncl
the charge went Into the right shoul.
1101' ,
'rho ropubllcans oC Dulwta , ' 1'hurs.
ton and Cumlng counllcs met In con.
vent Ion nt Pender and plarocl In noml-
natloll 0 , It ' 1'h0111)ISOII of " 'Isncr as
n. c:1I1I1IlIato fOl' rcpl'esentative from
Ihe Sixteenth dlHtl'iel.
Dell TabOl. , the ) 'uunl' , man who was
arrcsted last weel , on the charge ot
seUItIllquol' / at Mmrur wllhout a
IIcenso. llieallecl guilty In count ' court
at PJaltsmollth aull was t1uecl $100 IlIHI
costs ,
HeC. . ' \V , Cl'Ofts haR leudered his
resignation us IHlstor of the Congl'ega.
tlonul church or Beatrlcc nftct' sen' .
lug coulluuousb' fOl' ahoul. t weh'c
rears , POOl' health , which a recent
tl'lp to Colomdo failed to'ltulu'o\'e , ;
the reason gl\'ou ,
IIazlu , \ . ' ' . '
Brallr'ou'.old daughter'oC
1\11' , auel Mts : , 1"l':1uh " llrady , of Iodlsou ,
fell Into 11 eOHSl1001 and \\01\1(1 ( have
Jest her IIfc hut for the prOmlt aclloll
of William Teilt , who jlll11\1ed \ In anll
Iopt hOl' from Sllllclllg to th ( > hallam ,
'l'he cesRpuol wan ncarly fllll:1wl # : 'III' .
'l'l'st had dllllclllly 'In ] wepln himself
und the chIld ! ' ' '
uHJ\'e watel' unlll J'OpOS
wel'e JlrucllI'ctl , The elll ( ) os 11rOmJlll ) '
rnlscd a HIIIll to got1 : r. Test new
clothes , as thone he 111111 on wel'e
111'0 of 1II11nuwll ; orIgin 111'010 ollt
In the clothing 11ellal'tment , sitllilted
In the new wing or the nylllm for the
chronic Insane at Haslings ande. .
Htt'o 'ed abollt. $ : :00 : wOl'th of 1)I'OJlel't ' .
The first lasted ahollt one.half holtI'
hefol'D the Institulion'fI fire lIeplll't-
mont cOlllel ( [ lIon'eh the flames , While
rcmoving the Inll1l1.les from the dan-
goroul ! IIUal'lcl's Ihroo availed them.
Holvcs of the eonfllllion and escuped ,
hut were shOl'Ur at'tOl'ward captured
anll returned ,
An entbo\l1\11 ! fl'elght. tl'l1ln on the
Northwestern line ran o\'el' an oldman
hr the nnme of ' 1'aylol' gWlt11 { In the.
rRrdll at lla > olt , Cllt one of his legs :
off below the Imee and cl'lIshml the
uther abo\'o the Im ' , : \1 1' , j wlrll { was
wlllI < ing Hll town from his home In
Lho HOl'Ihea3Lern part of the village
IInd hnd ! Jasaed the lraln which struck I
him , On arrI\'al of the Jlh'slehUlI\ \ '
wus fmll111 necessal' ' to nmplltato both I
logs ahove the ] mecs , : 'lit. , wlug dlel1 :
: llIrlng- the Olll'I' ! lon , I
A nota.ble fC\mllr rCllnlon of the !
Dobbs faU1Il ' was heldll the oIl ! :
homosteall. len miles sUlltheast of ne. 1
atrlce. 1.H , Doblls 1\1111 hlB wlCo. .
came to Gugo cOUllt . ill 189 : ; , ' 1'011 .
chlldrcn were hol'l1 to thelll IInd all I
are I1I1\'e and murl'lod I1nd were In'CR'
.1l1dge WlIlll1m Harwlll'd of Xe-
braska City Illtenlls to Icave for SI.
Louis In his gusollne Jaunl'h'In I ho
lI\lssonrl riveI' , Ho w1ll bo am'ompa.
nlell IIr Ell GI'C ; ; [ of this ( 'It . and 1\
Humhcr of ) 'Ollng men , from 'Lincoln ,
'rhey expect to mul < o the t 1"11 > In loss
than n wcel"
A st I'll II gCl' with u now graft Is
worldng among the fal'mers In CI\SU
countr. lIe n pproachel3 a fal'mol' and
olTers to 8 ( > 11 him a waLm' tank which
ho gila ran tees will IIl'evont Wilt or fl'vm
fl'oezlng- ere weather , Fal1lnl ; to
maim Il sule he Indllces the Carmer to
oct IU ! snleHllllI1I IUHI hus him sign a
cont1'llct fot. IIno to he IIsed IlS a sam.
pie. oa tlw 8t rnngct' appcars to be
vorr unxlolls to place one tanl , in each
prC'clnct. 'I'wo - accompllccs latl'I' ap.
IlCar wllh Iho coni mct transCormerl
Into II. note nnel 110 m III III IIn 'mont.
C. 0 , l ngllsh loft for tcCoolc to II '
Rllmo the dlltles oi his lIepositl7. ;
as , ; onoml sllIJerlnlclllkmt of rhoIr' :
Coole division of tlto BIII'lIngton11' : .
1'ngIl5h : haR heen n slRtllnt IIIH"I'ln.
tenlient ur the IIl1rllnllon I\t Amara
for some tlmo ,
The Inbor unlollfj"of 1.llIcoJn are plan.
nlng a lullol' ulllol1 foil' . 'l'Ito 111el"
chllnts will 11u\'u hooths nnd Ihe unions
" " 111 establish liw atshops alollgnhlo of
the 1IniOll wOI'I\Crfl In nil lines , Iho 01.1.
ject boln to bhow the I'emlts anrl
objects of union labOl' . The fnh' will
\c hcld the tlnlw \ cof ] December.
: Supreme COW'Revrrncc : Lower rl.
btlnal In Nemaha CO lnty ,
I J.ICOI.Thl' : I'CVfnuc ! II" ' : ' eUllet-
I ell hr the Inst legHll1tllrc : has ngnln
run the SIlIH'CIUt' cJllrl. gaUtlllot unci
come Ullt unflenlhull.
I 'fho court , In d'chlfnr : the Nellnhl\
cOllnt . tax Cllse , helll that the seclfoll
I nUClclell Wll conAUlullonnl and I'e.
vomcd the Ilceision o ( the lowcr COItI.t
I und dl l1IsJcll ! ! the ( 'nHC. >
Church Huwo anll ethers socuroll , "
I lII Injllnctlon In the Nomnha 11Iatrict r'
I < : ourt to lu'ewmt thn c01tl1ty elerk ,
I from addlnH 'Icr cent to the vallw-
tfon of the county property as or-
derC'd h ' the Htl te hoard ul equal-
Ization. In hl'lnglng the ault the COII-
stltutlonnlitr of Ihe section which
provided thnt the state bonrel mu t.
equall1.e het \ \ ' ( > l'lI the counties hr
adding or dclurtln ( n percentum or
the yahmtlon'US nltac1ced. 'I'he
opinion has nol YIJt been written ,
though the Ih elslou was the unml.
mou fI\'orlllct of the court.
In the cnse or PltlO against Pine
, the tleclslon of t he lower collrt was
revorsell. 'fhlt ; was the case wherein
the hllsband , thllugh ] lrovlng the In-
Ildellty of his wlCe , 'Was reCused a < 11-
\'orCl ! hocaHso he waR II nonresldent.
'I'ho wlfo filed the Ilrst suit lor lli-
vorco and this wns refuse here hr
the , loweI' cOllrt.
Tell ; What is Being Done at th Pen.
Itentiary ,
LINCOLr\-WIII'don Deemor baR 111-
ed hlR 1II0nt.hl - I'oport with the Rtate
board or public lands and buUding's
concerning the , , administration or the
pcnltontlar ' for the month 01 Septem-
ber. Sixteen persons were rocch'oll
, at the penltentlor ' In September , nc-
teen wore dlsclial'ged , two commutcll ,
ono escaped. two were trnnsferrecl tll
the asrlum , I1nll one was paroled , 1'1.- '
duclng the nnmber oC mcn on hanrl
September : :0 : fro111 : 20 , the numhel'
on hanll August : n , to 315 , or thes ( '
165 wore omlllo-el1 : on full ta3k by
the Leo nroom and Dllstur company ,
, nine on thl'ee.rluarlers taslt and twcn.
tyolle 0:1 half tosl ; .
Orpheum VaudevIlle Bill.
O tAHA , Neb-I'III' the week tom.
mene1ng Sunil a ) ' . O'toher 16th , the
VIlurle\1Ile hill at the Orllhenm will h ( '
, 'arled and Ineltllles hoth 1'\ew York
and ElII'opei1n C\\'orltes , The hendllne
feature wIll be tr , anll 1\1rs. SlIl1lO- )
Drew , They will 111'C'sent n new come-
Illette , Far 111111 Clark wlH nlso have a
new sllccess In the slwtch Hne , ' 1'111'
'l'hl'ee RamonlC'rs are n recent import.
atlon f\'Om gl\l'ope of the Orphe\\ln
Gil'l'ult. comllnn ' , Paul Dame ; ; will
hl1vo an nsmrtmenl. : ot" funn ) ' rtorles.
Klein anI ! CllIlon are a. . pall' o { l1\'el ' ,
ancers and sweet singers ,
- - - - -
Build Big Elevator.
BENI'IUCE-At a meeting of the t
FI1I'111ors' Blo\'ulor eomllan ' or nlll
Sprln s I. was decde.1 . to build : .t. ne\\ '
: WOOO.bushul cIJIRcltr elevator , The
bu1IHng111 \ Ho ( 'reclel1 on the east.
sltlo of the 1'1\01' Crom nlue Sprln s
and wll" he operutcil 'by g1.Soine ! !
Will Argue Boyd Case ,
LI COLN-1'lw Boyel county lanll
case will be arguell In the supl'cmo
court Oclobm' ] S , The attorney I ell.
em I IB Heel.ln : ; to oust settler from
landH In Bo 'd COllntr , supposed to he.
long to the schuol fUlllls.
Farmer Killed by the Cars.
' 1'JI..DEN- , Hawldns IIled hem
from In.iul'ies rereh'cll two honrs IIC'-
fore , when a wagon ll llllell wIth outs
which ho was drl\'ln was stmck IJ '
a Slloclal lrain at the depot cro3sln _
' Lleutenlnt I < lv..nagh Returns.
'l'gCUMSEII-'Ilr. : 111111 1\1rs , , John
I J\aYl\uagh of thl ! ) cty ! have recc\'e,1 ! ,
I word that their son. Ll1mtenant AI' .
I 111111' Kayanagh of the Unlllell Stare : >
) ' , haR reaChl'l1 Sail Francisco IIIl
a rotllm trill from ChInn. and within a.
I woel , 01' ton , In 's will return to his
homo ' for vlHlt. Lieutenant
old to'n 11
I ICavnnagh , who is a graduate ofnll -
I I1poll'l. ; hns a brllllont sel'\'lce l'Qcol'Il.
, Ho stood on the hrillgc 01 the OIYJnphL
I' wllh Dewer I1l\1'hlt ; the entire manclI.
, vel'in ! ; of the ; \lanlhL bar cnga ment
I anI ! was. In fact , lilCOnll In commanll.
Corn Looks Fine.
i LINCOLr\-O. gtlcley ; : canm
from Osceoln tu cl111 on his
fathor. the Iovernor , lIe brollght
with him 11 gl'lJflll or eura IIr COI'1l
Illelwl ! at t'Ilndotn on ono of th go\ "
CI'nol" : : ; farms , ' 1'ho mwcutl\'o coun.
tenance assumell Ihe semblunce of a
smllo os the ( 'om wat ; lahl ollt In 01'
d"rl ) ' arra ) ' , on hitJ Ilosle , "We hu\ ' ! !
lots of corn lIIce thnt In Polk county" '
said the ovornOl' ,
Great Corn and Cabbi1g .
XlmUASKA CITY-W. R. Cothem
exhlhltell two c hha cR , ono wolhlll"
twetll ' .thl'ee IIlId Ihreofonrth ! ' a lilt
othel' t ' . ( , ' , r
! went ) UllIl one.half J01l11l1" !
\ each . / ; 1'0lIeHr this clt ) ' , William
I : \lllllhews exhlhltl'll six cars or col'l1
meHSlll'e I'lgutl'en nnll t..Cllt\ '
\ I'W ) urolltHI nnd oh htcen Inchcs 11 ;
length , 110 plchell the oar from I
J1ltlot 'Jacl'o nulll of '
com PI'OIllJl'lI- :
01151) " , where ho sl'a \ that he hns
Jllont ' or carll to mntch them , I lis
COI'l1 Is Ollt of llangl'r from frost , at ; Is
. all 01 the cQru ! > outh or lI c city ,