Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, October 13, 1904, Image 9

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11 . The Retrosletive ! ( Person.
i . !
: =
. Ill' 1I1'\'l'r thl mun Is trlll ' gl'l'lIt un- . . f
, -
I ! \ tll hl"H dCII\1 : I"
\ " thnn hwIIH' ! ! IIWII ) ' ltear nn\1 u.
. IllIutt'l ! what he hnR IIItI , \
, Ho tulle ! ! abollt tilt' natlolls thut long 1\ \
sincl' hl\\'o Il'Is\\11 awu ' .
. ' ! 'Ib.\ A\HI mllllrnN wllCn hl' cnlll [ 1:1 : I'l'S th\111
'J' & ) wllh the natons : of to-lhl ' ,
- f l
IIe tlllltR IIbollt hlR 1J0)'hooI IIml thCun
. that CO1 \ ] < hrll thl'lI"N :
-j . . . lIe tallt ! ! IIbollt th. . ucto. . ' ! ! unll WI' nc'\r \"N
, 1 sha1IH'I' \ ugnln , . l I
1 He'OWN thnt eV"I. 'thln ! : worth while
, ' , , " . , ,
lon Hlnel' Im "one h.'Cor ' \
1 ' & 'l AlIl1 lIfl' , to hllll If ,111Mt onl' rand. s'ct
I fl I IInl'l'l1l-nothn : 11101'1' . ! I
1 -Wuf < hlnstoll Star ,
' , I
( { . I I
, ! i 51 ! Y
'f ! ' urnm . mJT @ @IID !
I. .
- \ .8Y 1110P/5 ( /Z5x .wv .
i Cobden had done the thing In his
usual masterful way. IIu had illva . .
d the little group ill the corner , tal , .
1 -en E\'elj'n by tile ar1l1 , and , with a
laughing apology to the others , ho had
I led ] aer away. As till' orchestra on
the pallll.emhoWl't'C'/1 plntform
launC'hed Into a Stt'UUss waltz , Cob.
den led the wa ' to a corner or the
"eranda. Bl'fore th,111 the trim lawn
of the Suburban club la ) ' Hl1100th and
le\'el In the faint moonllghl.
Cobden studied the moonlit vista
for several moments In contemplatlvQ
silence , Ho dr w a cigarette from hl3
< : ase , but sUddenly throw It unlighted
. -over the rail. lIe laughell nervously.
The girl lal het' han lightlj' on hl:3 :
"Bob , " she said , "j'ou'\"o seemed
rather queer to.nlght. What's the matter -
ter ? "
"Rattled , " ho rOllled ) laconically.
" : -onsense ! " she laughed. " ' 1'hat':3 :
110t In j'our line , "
" : -ot genernllj' , I'll admit , " he said.
. "fo.nlght , however , it's a fact. I'm
i . bout to O somoth ng I'\ ' ( never done ,
QfOl'O-somethlng of vital imlot'tance
to me. It's got on my nerves. " I
"It must be somclhlng awful , " she i
said lightly. . I
"Horrible , " he acqulosced. "I'm !
.about to pmpose. "
Ho leaned toward her In his chair.
" 'fo you , " he supplemented.
' : 'he girl gasped and stared at him
: In speechless amazement.
lor wanted to do it nicely-to say'
, .
lot of llretty things , but honestly I am
J'Uttled , Evelyn , for heaven's sake
saj' you'll marry me ! " ho blm'ted out.
She drew away from him , Her eyes
opened wide ,
"Bob , " she said In a queer little
voice. Then she sprang from the
< : 1alr.
" 0 , no , no , no ! " she cried ,
. " Cobden looked at her helples8ly. He
, groped blindly fat' words to express
Illmself , The expl'esslon came finally
in the shape of an inarticulate groan.
"I Imew It , " he said with pathetle
: OI1\'lction. "I'm not half worthy of
rou. I had no buslnoss to IIUPIlOSO :
I you cared ; still , I was Idiot enougll
t to hop.e you might. " < -
l The girl was standln by the rail ,
her head turned fl'om him ,
"It Isn't that. I do care , " she said.
He rose from his chair and Etood I
tJCslde her.
"Thon-then Evelj'n j'OU wlll- "
" : -:0 , " she said.
Cobden squared his shoulders ,
"Why not ? " he said with quiet
force ,
"Because-O , Bobby , because you
-\1'0 mistaken , " she said , "and it isn't
{ all' to j'ou , "
"Why not ? " he persisted In the
ame tone. . . .
"Well , for one thing , I'm old , you
. . .
oollsh bOj. .
' "I'm not exactly . a nestling mj'self , "
. .a'id he.
' "
"And j'OU shan't malTj' me out ot
pltj' , " she declared.
"Pltj' ? " ho said In amazemont.
"Yes , that's just what j'OU are do.
lng , " she said. " 0 , I read you IIlto a
J book , sir. You have always been so I
# _ u _ . . I
"Oh , no , no , no ! " she crlcd ,
Iood and thoughtful and tender.heart.
ed , And now that I have IJRSsed
I hrough Innumerable seasons anl1 am
growln ! ; somewhat IJlHI3e , ) 'OU cOl11e
lorwm'd and offer j'oursulf In aacrl.
lice. "
"I do nothing of the sort , " aalll he.
"I ask j'O\1 \ because I 10\'e ) 'OU , as I
a1 waj's ha0 loved j'ou , "
'rhc slrl laughed gentl . ,
"l1obll ' , IleUt' , ) 'Oll can't fool women I
In some thlugs , " she said. "You have
nevQt. really Cat'ct ! . If j'OU did , whj'
weren't ) 'ou'Ct' Jealo1ll : ; of me ? Whj'
did 'ou let all m ) ' IIttlo affairs of the
heart go on with never a murmur ft'om
J'ou ? 1\Ien at'l1 not silent when thej'
' cal'e.'elther
renllj' cal'e. do they watch
mothlr man's suit with cql1anhnlty.
It.s hecal1"e ! " I'm growing old and be.
cause I am no longel' sought ufter that
j'OU asl , me now-you dear , bra \'e ,
gonerOl1r. ; bo ) ' ! "
"En b'l1 , " he said , "RJ'e J'ou crazj' ? "
She shook hll' head.
"Ko , Vt > rj''erj' sane , " she said.
"Look het'I , " said he , "I stahl \Vaj'
ami ga \ I. ' those otlwr challs the field
I / / : . /,1W- .J.
I ' I
"Did you really care so much 1"
because 1 ne\'er Suplosed I mattered
a penn 'worth to you. I staid away be.
cause , ahove all else , I wanted ) 'ou to
be ha1lllr.
She smiled Imowlngl ) ' ,
"Oh , you l1ellghtful old sham , " she
"It's not a sham , Evelj'n , " Cob den
said. "And there al'o lots of other
things that ha\'en't been shams ,
olther. It wasn't a sham when I used
to wall , the stt'eets half the night ,
eatln ; out my hcart with a jealousy
I nc\'er felt the right to express. It
wasn't a fiham when I pacl\Cd off to
the wools ( that time when ymir en.
ga el11ent to Dean was announced. E\ ' ,
I , used to envy e\'erj' squirrel 1 shot. "
"Dill j'OU reallj' care so much ? " she
said , She was scanning his face eag.
erlj' .
"I wlfh I might make rOU understand -
stand how I ha\'o cared , " he said slm.
IIlj' ,
"Bob , " she said slowly , "I hroke my
engagement with Dean when J'OU
came Imclt ft'om the woods that tlmo
because I Imew then 1 could novel' bo
happy with anyone hut ) 'ou. Dut I
11\'er dl'eamel1 j'OU reallr cared. "
"I wanted 'ou to bo hapPj' , " ho
said , "I dllln't want to pain ) 'OU by
'Iettlng ) 'ou Imow I had grown to care. "
"It wa , > 111\0 j'ou"-her hands on his
shouiders-olto bo genet'ous-far too
generous , "
Cobden laughed gaily.
"nest assured I ne\'er shaH bo
again , " said he.
" 1 thinlt I shull 1I1w ) 'OU better It
j'ou're 11101'0 seillsh , " she confided-
'fhomas G , Fossenden III Dos ton
Two of a Kind.
TI1l' 1allSil' Ollyer Mowatt , the Ca-
lHuliun : ; tntps1I1an , who eujoj'(1 ( the
rcputatlon of ne\'cr glvlug unneccs.
SlUT oIT nso to anj'one , was fond of
tl'lIIn a I'otort which he received from
an Ontario rU8t1c when ho was en.
dc'a\'orlng to uoothe the countrj'man's
feelll' ! : ,
Sir Ollvor rounded a sharp CUl'\'e
at l' < 1thel' , fast f > peed while drl\'lng'
along a ( 'ountrj' roall nnd Imoclted the
ru"twho \ was riding a blcj'eh' , Into
he ditch , ' 1'he statesman Immelliate-
I ' stoppcd his hot'se. and lea\'lng his
\'Chlch went to the other's rescue.
"No\\ ' , now , don't sn ' a word , " ho
began soothlulj' ; as he helpell him
from the ditch , "I'll fix It all right.
1'110111' Mowntt. "
"I dOll't CI11'O whut rOl1 are all oyer ! "
shoutl'lthu \ nngrj' countrj'lnan. "nut
I lmow this I all ' ' "
; 1\111 o\'el' mud !
- - - - - -
Studying Philippine Problem.
Allq'no Nolalld , the BI'Hlsh travl'ler
aud I\uthol' . has ul'l'\'elliu ! Boston. 110
Is the Dl'ltlsh uuthorlty on tmplenl 1
Cololll allen 1llldlms beml stlulj'lng Iho :
Ilrospcets or the United States for 1m.
111'0\111 ; ' ; the Phl1lpplllCs as the Bl'ltlsh
Ia\ ! ' ' , ) fiO In In'HIt ,
Rcoords Date Back Almost to eglt )
nlng of Authentic History.
Of all 1'0011 1III\I1ts there Is noM
whit-II has hel'n so lon knoTor been
IIOSrl"HSl'd of so Ilist l11guhlhcd 1line. .
ago nll : thl" aHl11ll'agllf , Ha records
I'l'ach IJ\wk ulmost to th ! ' beJlnulu
of al1thontlc hlstor ' , ami It III men.
tlollell : ' ) ' the comic IIOl't Ct' tlnus ,
who died ahout 42 n. C. 'fhe Ho.
mails l1l'ld the vcgetahlo In hhh es.
tecm. 'I'hf' eldet' Cato wrote 1L worlt
which Is stili extant , "De re Hustlca , "
uUlI It h'eats at length of the \'Irtuos
Ilud ' ' ' cu1t\'atlon ! ' .
111'0)11'1' ) \ of I\sllnl'agus.
PlInJ' , III hl3 natural hlstorj' , written
about GO A , D. , hils l\1uck to suy about
It , J Ie foellngly observes : "Of nil
the llrOllllcts of j'our glmlen ) ' 0111' chJer
I care IIhUllld be I1HIIIU'I1/IIS / , " Illld ho de.
\"otOR sen'ral chaJters ) to Its man ) '
oed cttnIltil's ) and the bOHt mcthods
of raisIng It. He I1ssel'ts that 11le soil
ahont Ha'onnlwas so fa\'ol'able to
lis jll'oIIIe-tion ( that three head8 gl'Own
111 that district had been Imown to
\\'el h a HOlllall jlOIllUI. 'fh Is 110111111
! 'Ieems ' to ha\'e been ahollt eqllal to
ele\'on Olllle-OS In 0111' tIll ) ' , so It wOIII
3\1)Jarentl \ ) . have tulen fOllr ot th ,
sta IIs t\1 \ hll ve reached It Ilollnd ot 011'
'rhe aRIIIII'a11I8 IJClng" ess'ntlall ' n
sOllthom plaut , It Is II HHlblc that the
stock gl'Owlng In HRlj' WaR of 11 more
\"IL ot'oIlS gt'Owth than that of 0111'
northern clime. It Is [ ollnd all arollnd
the 8hol'e3 of the Motlltel'1'anclln and
hrnnches flIT Into fOIll' o1' Uve 11Istlnct
f > IICcIOtlebhleH : ! the ono ol'dlnat'l1y
IIsed fOI' elllhie 1Illt'pose } ! .
Threatened by a Chemical Counterfeit ,
It Now Is in New Demand.
: \Tol'e than twenty j'el1rs ago , nnd
anCt' an extended set'leH of eXllerl-
ments , It was nlUlOllncetl that chemIsts -
Ists had dlscovercll how to multo artl-
fie-Ial Indigo , 111111 It was soon ascertained -
tained that the ne"lrolluct \ , . , 'aH Identical -
tical In Its ) Jrollertlc'H with the old ,
A very [ ej't'lIl'H elapRed beol'e. the
lll'\\ ' Indigo was made In Get'many on
a comll1l't'clal scale ; I1nd , as it could
he' sold lit a chealler rnte than that de.
rived ft'ol11 clllth'atlon , the Illantcrs
, ,
WI' ( tlll'entenod wllh rllin.
Bllt a strangl' thing has lwPllcned.
It has been recently found that when
the two 1lnds of hulho , Ute natural
and the artificial , are blcnded In equal
IH'ollOrtionR , a dye Is ohtahwlI which Is
not only more durable but Is brlghtcl'
In hne tlll'n olthl'r bj' Itself.
This 11Iscovorj' has nat1ll'ally rcsult-
ed In an Increased demand fOl' the old-
fashioned Indigo , a1111 fresh impetlls
has been I\'en to an Industry which
was milch In need ot 8ullport.-Cham.
bor's JOllrnal.
The Pines and the Se l ,
T 10\ ' ( ' that spot on Ihf' ! ! 1Jrlh r'lI Mhoro
\\'I1 ( > I' whlsllcrlnl : plr.f'-O . : pr11 I1n\\.1
' 1'0 1'1111 old ol'l'all' hou 1'hrll' "
Wllh a trall'Ulitlnl'l'alli ( 'I'U\\'I1 ,
SllI1ptlll1c he l'l'U'S \ te1lp\stlloIlRI ' ,
Swift "II 1111 I I1g , that holRl'l'oUS ( 1111 ,
Ih'J.chln hoal' '
allns wlLh wurld-ulll cun-
For \ ho 1'I'l-htclle pln s tlt : t shl'llIl ,
II way
Fl'oll1 his claMp nil tt'l'Ln llnly.
Or. mild fiR a eoolndov ( \ , III ! " "OOS ,
\\1t11 loan lang'rou ! ! wa\ ' ( ' . ,
Ac'oss the lwltch of lIlIte\1 sRnd
To the ! ( 'lIwce K' sOUll lllg cav q :
III Ijllh"rJIIg' hcart oC Kllmmer c\'e ,
\\'hl'n his hl'art lwats rl'stlesl'l ) ' ,
( 'replllllg 1I01H'll' sly. 111'\1' at P"UCl' ,
111' CI'II\'P ! ! II 1 < 188 from the droopln111I1es /
Thut list to his minstrels ) ' ,
Th\n the mooll I'jllp > ! out Oil the blll\
aho\'I' ,
Br'nstllI thl' eloud-hlllo\\'s fl'l' ' ' ,
\ \ 'utchllltht' . ; l'oquPlr ) ' of the pilles
\\.1th the e\'pr-lIrg-'nt sea :
HI1I' ollllga helll"oll or lights ,
. \s shl' mllSI' ! ! titVhllt' , 111I'rrll '
GllIlIl'IlIg' dO\\11 with Hlh'e" " ' slIIllI ( '
Oil till' hl'ltlill IIllht or the Ktntel ) ' plllcs
. \ till the ItIl-COllllul'rlllg' sea ,
. \It ! IIpl1111I1'f ! nntl wldl' , deep Hcn ,
TIIP j ( ) ' of ynur lo\'p distill ! fur toP.
TII ! ' ( I'ag-I'allco of shorclI IIl1lmo\\'II ,
. \ IHI the tlllo-ciad h'l htll of ( lOl'sy ,
-Hustoll Transcript ,
Tourists Spend Vast Sums.
American tourists , , 'ho al'o sll'ead- )
Ing Ihemselves o\'er Europe little realIze -
Ize how carefully the money which
the ) ' nnd others ma ) ' slll 11I1 Is reclton-
od UI ) In the "I1I'lous countries the ) '
patronlzo. The total spent by the
tOll1'lsts of all natlons In a year malws
a vorj' consldemble hudget. 'l'ho German -
man statistician has just been tiring
his brain over the exact amount. Hero
al'O S0l110 or the figures : Switzerland
dnl'lng the j'ear haH 3,000,000 visitors ,
who slIenl ! $ :10,000,000. : Italy , the RI ,
viera and Spain between them net
$ GOOOOOOO. 'fho various g'reat capl.
tals talm In all $25,000,000 , culled
from the 110ekets of the 900,000 visitors -
ors to Paris , the GOOOOO to Lon on , 1
the OOOOO to Berlin , the 350,000 to
Vienna. and so forth. Baths and seaside - i
side resorts have hordes of visitors ,
who sjlCllll more than $1 GOOOOOO.
Aristocrats Travel Incognito.
It Is said that In the past twelve
months numerous 1'urollOan ' men at
tltl ha\'e visited this countrj' under 1
assume(1 ( nameR , ami the fact Is ex-
Illnlnell In this wa ) ' : Wl en thej' como
here the 111'actlco has I been to asso ,
clate them with It matrhnonlal ven-
ture. This is distasteful to these who :
are Innocent of an ) ' Intent to plek UI ) :
an American holress and fatal to the ! , .
wllC' reallj' ha\'e such ) llans. Once pUI I
the tag "Fortune Huntor" on 11 bum
baron or a sllavlned l1ulw and hit I
1113nJ are ruined , For these reason\ ! ,
man ) ' of the members of the gu\'Openn .
arlsloerucj' comA over Incognito. I
_ _ I
One-Dwelling Parishes ,
'fhe parish of l\lontensthorp , tllr
miles from Oakhal1l , contains a slnlo
houso. with fuuI' Inhahltants , 'fhe'
house Is part of a hall nearlj' nU I
fallen Into dccaj' , Occasionally till I
church Ron'leo Is read thm'o. 1.lan. 1
( 'ourt , three miles from Chepstow , If ]
anothf't' one.dwcllillr ; Ilarlsh , witt
four Inhabitants , It hus a ruin 01 '
[ l churoh. whel'o ser\'lces are held oJ I
lon In el'\'pl" I
, . . . , ' . ' . .
Picturesque English Windmill Too
Much Behlntt the Times.
Plctltresquo old wlndmlllll Rtlil sur
vl\'u on the ( ! lUlt COllllt or Bnllantl ,
where the countrj' Is IIl1t nmI tlto wltul
goes hlowlll I\lon with that unoh ,
structl'd frl'cdom which IR so exhllnr.
I\tlng ii , the Fcn'ow ! ; the 1\l1If : of
t hem nil haR ' , A ' .
HOI\ ( Ilnj' ( It. two
ngo , I\t Great Yarmonth , tlw fl\mous
IIh h 'fowl'r windmill , the highest In
Bnglnntl , It Is sahl , WI\S sold for de.
I - - .
"f ' . . .
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High Tower Mill , Great Yarmouth.
1110 II t Ion. It COHt $50,000 to build In
1812. It Hen'od liS 11 Illndmlu'lt far
and wide , ItH cal1 hclng' 120 foot fr01l1
the ground , Clrculal' In form , tne
mill contl\lned no fOWl-I' I hlln t wo\'c
floors , Its wl\l1s are sevel'lll feet
thiel" and nro estlmatod to contain
hundreds or thousands of bt'lclH. It
was Hold fa I' $500 11I11lel' the haI11IUCl' .
These I11l1ls hllYO doue ) llentr of worlt
In thell' aj' , anll I11l1ny or them have
made fm'tunes for tholr' owners , but
steam 111111 roller mllllnl ; hl1vo 11111110
them an anachronism , IInd todllY they
are no mol'C than a quaint remlnllor
or the dllj's of 0\11' gmndfathcrs IInd
daj's before thnt.
Dog Was Wealthy In Own Rloht.
'I'he rlch'st dog. In his own right ,
that c\'er 11\011 dll'd ut West Chester' .
Pa" In 1888. He hlld bcen tile IJCt of
1\Irs. gllzahcth Shee , who 11Iell two or
throe years bofOl'I him , lI11d left In her
will the sum of $ tfiOO 1'01' his RUIlort ) )
as Icn ns ho should live. At his
denth the mOlle ) ' was to go to SI.
Peter's Bplscolal ) Church of TredJ'r-
fr 'n township , hut heforo the church
coulll get the money It .was stipulated
the dog was to be tlecontlj' blll'led ,
wrnllpod In II sheet fot. II shroud and
placed In a collin made spcclally fOl'
the recoptloll of his body. Unlllo :
most famous do s , this ono was
neither good looldng nor well bred ,
bolng' 11 mongt'ol of the lowest type ,
suBty and stupid withal.
Uniquc Piano Made of Birch Logs ,
An eastern millionaire , who owns a
log cnbln , charactorlzed moro by Its
elabornto appointments than ltH slm.
pllclty , In the heart of the Alliron.
dacliS , has purchased 11 speclallj' con.
structed piano to match the InterIor
of the main room of the cabin. 'fhe
Plnno to Match a Log Cabin
design of the IrIHtrument Is shown In
the aCCOm)1anYIn illustration. The
framework Is made entll'oly of birch
logs , IJllt together with as much I'e-
gard for I'oughness as clrcumstllnces
would lOl'mlt. } It Is said that the tone
of the Illano Is oxcellent. The wood
was thoroughlj' season ell b ) ' D. spoclal
proeuss hoforo helng made up Into
Its IJt'esent shl1)1o. )
- - - - - - - -
Wonderful Echoes.
Ono ot the finest echoes or which
wo have record is mentioned 'J : "
Barthlus , In his notes on the 'fhebals
of Statlus. This was on the banls : of
the Naha , between Coblonz and Din.
en , where an original sound was I'e.
peatod seventeen times.
At Mllnn is nn eeho which relter.
rites the report of ! l pistol from flftj'
to sixty tlmos. In a cave ot the
Pantheon It Is said that the guido , hj'
Oap111ng his coat , mal\Os II nolso oqua )
La the rellOl't of n twel\'e.poundor.
Pliny apeals of a cavo' In Dalmatla
where 11 stone tosed : : ; in would raise a
perfect storm.
'fho sweetest eeho In all the world
11I1SWerS a call at the sldo of the tomb
: If NUI'\1ahal : dud Jehanhglrn , at Ag'ra ,
rho guldo raises the crj' : "Great 113
Dod , and ! lIohammod , Is his Prophet-
Allah ! Allah" ! At IIrst three distinct J
musical notes 111'0 heartl In the echo.
which reverberate 1'01\1111 the t omo ,
: md ascend until thej' reach the small-
r dome , where ' ( hey I'i.unlte , and es- !
ape from the tom pie as ono tone. I
- - - - - - - -
OldTlme Postal Service. I
John Mcnlll of Milford , N. II. , !
whl10 examining an old trunl , came I
: tcross a lotteI' dr-ted from some place 1
In Maine 170 I. It hall 110 on\'elollo
: tllll was nrlglnllllj' fl1stened with 1\
ploco or stlcl.lnH 11111sLer. It hOlll's
mal'ls ot throe IHmtmoll , the O-st : I
IYas : ! : i miles 1'1'0111 any 1lOStolllcc' . anll
It cost 1S % cf > nh to . IJl'lI\'CI' ; t to Na. I
lhon " ( I' . ! : II' )1 , : : . . . . , ,
" " . _ " " " ' ' 'i''I' , . . . . . .
- - - -
Simple Explanation of What at First
Appenrs Remarkable.
A cllt'Ioll8 . (11111 ( WII ! ! rcct1l1t\y \ mOllo
In ono of the COIIIIl'r mlnos at BI
Cobro , Cubn. 'l'hose mines , once
IImong the rlchct ! ! In the wOl'1cI. have
hOl'n nhandO\ll'd for o\r ! thlrt ) . j'Cllrs ,
hccl\llsO 111\1'hl the Cllhl1n Inll\1'I'oC- !
tlon of 1SliS the coal IUJ1II\j' \ wall cllt
0'0' h ' the Insul'gents , anll conseqllont.
b' IJ1llllplng became Im110881ble , so thllt
the mlncs ! llIed with watOl' . After the
SlinnlHh ' Aml.'l'lean '
WI\1' nn campanj'
bought the mincH 111111 proceeded to
Il11mp out the watol' . In ono of the I
flhnfts thUR n111110 IIccesRlblo wns
fOllnd whl1t oneo relJ1'csonted nn II'0n ,
plelmxo as well liS Iomc croWbllrs.j
' 1'he11f'tlll In thee ! Implements hnd ,
hO\\'e\'I' . turned to cOPller.
Wondl'l'rlll thla ' thcl'e
ns maj' allpear ,
11'1 ' shuplo ! ; cll'ntilic explauatlon. 'fho
\\edt'I' Illtl'l'ln thl'Ough the rocls and
the Ioppel' : ere \'elnM cIl8sol\'el. ( some
of thu coppt'r , the solntlon contalnln
tulphall' of COllpel' , As Iho sulphlll'll1
nchl hnH a groatl'l' nll1nlt . for Itoll It
at Ot1l'I ( IIIBHol\'ell that 1110tal nnd de.
IHI1lteli t'OJIPCl' tn IIH Jllnce , for sui.
Ilhllt'lr adll hns u greater all1nltj' for
Iron t hall fOl' COIIJIeI" In I ho lll'ocess
cNlal1l ImJ1I1rltleH which had uxlstClI
III thl' lrou were lert. behind mlllls.
turb,11. 'rhe woollon hnullle of the nxo
waH In Hoo(1 ( condition. ' 1'ho metal
waH IllIt'OIlR aull h'l'eHl1lnl' In shalle ,
hut In thl' ene1'l11 ol\tlhll's 111'esCl'ved
the fol'lu of the axe somewhat en.
largell III size.
Fine Hiding Place for Jewel : ; .
A WOl11l1n who hils a ftlll 1'01' collect-
ht lal11)18 ) utlllzeH ouo as a safe , it
It ! It IUl1W statlonRl'y 111111)1 ) of heav ) '
hl'onl' worl , . An uloell'lc hulb shines
.at ulght through Its Hlllllio of l'Ichl ) '
( 'olorell glass , but uo oil evOl' tlelllcH
the bowl or generouII : tllmeuslot\s. \ Bj'
touching n slJl'lng the tOll of the 11II11P
- - = - ' , = - -
Lamp Serving as Jewel Hiding Place.
Is swun arouud allli reveals n Itey.
hole lu the top or n metal box. The
lid being unlocltcd , the Interim' of the
box Is seen to hu fitted 1111 as n re.
cOlltuelo for valuable ems.
Crnzed by Beckoning Dead H3nd.
Gcr.darl11e No , S7C , or Moxlco Cltj' ,
was tuliOn to the Insane aSj'lnl11 reo
cenly ! nfter toiling the following storj'
of the finding of a hUl11an hand In Las
Vlzcnillas ulle ) ' :
The gcndnl'lllo was walltlng along
the alley when ho 8aw 11 paclmgo on
the sidewall , . On stooJllng to Illcl UII
the JluclmHo ho aa w that It contalnod
the foroarl11 and hl1nd of a woman.
The fiosh was stIll warm nnd the hand
mo\'ed as If boclwnlng to the gen.
darme. ' 1'he 81\1n waR white , ono fln-
gel' c&lrrlell 11 dlamon(1 ( l'lnl ; and on the
\\'l'l,1 was a hl'llcolot , showing that the
membm' had IJOen ) JlII'l of the bodj.lof
u of the bettet' class. The
softness of the sltln 1\1111 the bhlo
vems Indicated that the hand belong.
ell to some one beyot1l1 the ordinary.
'fhe ge1Hlarmo )1I1t ) the arm bucl ,
where he hall fouull It and ran fright.
ened to the f01ll'th comlsnrla , from
which an amhulance'as sent to plclt
lip "ho arm. 'rho endnrme wOl1ltI not
retl1ru to the scene anll later had to
be talwn to the huspltal.Iexlcan
- - - - - - -
The Modern Girl's Weapons ,
The present'tIa ) ' gh'l carl'les ahout
her I1Crson at least two concealed
weapons In the forl11 of the newest hat
pins , 'I'he hreadth of the crown of
the IIp-to'date hat hns malle it necos-
sarj' to add two Inches to the length
of the alrcally sUCllclentlj' dangerous
hat ) lln , and the re3ult Is astonlshillg.
The old.fashloned gold or sll\'or ) lln
or so\'cn or eight Inches In length Is
or no IIse whatever In securing this
summer's hats. The new Illn meas.
ures ten Inches from tip to handle
and Is l11ade of an Infloxlblc motnl to
pierce the heavy straws. Plain goill
heads , either rounll 01' o\'al in form ,
ar ; ) seen on many of the new IIlns , nl.
though some of the more eXIJCnslvo
designs are set with jewels ,
To Kill Hogs Humanely.
" . , .
A Chicago Inventor IIlans to thus
tlvo them nitrous oxide gas.
Fig Tree Grown In Maine.
'l'ho fig Is l'Ilrel ) ' a IJl'lnet ( ( of 1\Talne
HIli , bllt ! l1I's , A , Q , Goul1 of 'l'opsham
is the 110ssessol' of a fig tree which
lms this j'oar berne ahout a Ilozor.
large luscloUR figs. The tree , which
; tantls abollt fOl\1' feet high and Is
) Ight j'eat's 0111 , has IJCen boarlllg frnlt
: m' the 1nst three or four j'ears.
Dog Hnd Lucky Escape ,
A sottcr tIe which run lindoI' nn
31ectrlc car at I < ; xotcr , N. II" ellcaped
, \ 'lIh110 \ la' , " of two tOl'th , dosplto the
'nN t1 > at fl" motnr' ! ! han whll1 : : f ) ' 11'
. , , . 1 \ . e' I , ' 1.1
. . \
Delglan's Device Expected to Be n
Doon to Oaromen ,
New nttrnctlons nro oxpectell to bo
lent to rowing by the devlco of 11
UelHlnn which ennbles the oarsman
to rneo In the direction the bent Is
moving , Howlng In the ordinal' ) ' wa ) '
. hns Its tllllnd\'nntages , as o\'or ' on
: ImowR who has suddenly bumped Into
I\nother bent or lIomo : ether obstrnc-
tem ! , ' 1'ho Bolglan Invontlon Is do-
sl ned to ob\'lato the necossltjor
turning the head In order to s"e that
the conrso Is clenr.
' 1'he mo\'Oment6 or the oarsman are
- -
the 13nmo ns If ho wcro rowIng with
his hack to the bow. Each oar is In
two Ilnrts , jointed Itnd fltte to the
oarlocJ" the pnrts bolng connectClI
with each other hy 1scctor , or
toothcd genr , worltlng between two
Illntus furnlHhcd with axlcs , l1pon
which the lIectm's hinge , the 111ates
bolug ntl.fnsted to the 10clts. The In-
\'el1tm' of the system Is D. Do'cn or
III l.Ildltlol1 th onabllng the oarsman
to BOO nt nil times where ho Is going ,
the de\'lco of the jointed onrs Is saltl
to lOrmlt ) of much grenter force with
less cxertlou.
Odd Relics Arc Unearthed.
Since so much excavation has he n
liono lu Now YOI'I , of Into , particular.
Ir fot' the Bubwn ) ' nmi other railroad
tllul1els , It grent nl1mber or historic
1'l'lIcs hll\'o beol1 dlscovorClbj' labor-
crR. 'fho most recent find was n
medal fOl' bl'ltver ) ' presented to one
' 1'hol1l1ls Sampson , who was a member
of the l11etrolJOlitan 1101lco force 11f.
t ) ' ) 'tars IIgo , ul1d It famous felloral
SII ) ' during the civil war. 'I'ho medal.
which Is It gold ono , wns gl\'en to the
olllCel' f01' lIrosuvlng' heroism. Thill
fllct Is stall-'II Oil ono sldo of the mellal
wh 110 on the othel' Is the figure of a
shl11 111 distress al1d on the shore two
1110n 1\1'0 I\ttemptlng to throw a lIfo
11110 to the wreclted mltrlners , Sampson - I
son was ono of the body guards to
Lincoln during his firat Inauguration
ami took IJRrt In the search for the
IIIottors who were responslblo . for his
The cost of wars at thb last 100
Teach Children Love of Flowers ,
'I'hero Is In a suburb at Vienna a
unique horticultural Institution which
might bo advnntageously copied in
this tountr ) ' . The Idea on which It Is
founded Is to encourage children to
talw an Interest In flowers and trees.
Ahout 7 O ehlldren attend rogularlr.
anll this 'ear thc ) ' have planted 2OllU
trees allli plants. At the end of tllO
j'ear IJI'lzcs are distributed to the chll-
drcn whose plants l1avo been best
cared for.
Plngue of Mice In Australia.
South Austmlla Is said to bo suffer.
Ing with a great Invasion of mice.
'rho cause Is the recent had weather.
which caused more or less of 11 failure -
ure of the wheat Crol1 , and the farmer -
mer ! ! allowed much g-raln to remain In
the ileitis , 'I'hls fell to the ground In
time , and so furnlahel1 much food fol'
the mice.
Illiterate Man's Fine Memory.
Jededlah Duxton , an Illitomto I ng'
lishman , had remarlmble memory
ancput. \ . It to a still moro remarlmhlo
lise , Ho remcmberell the number at
pInts of nle h had drunl , In his long
IIfl' ; what ho hall pall1 for them , allli
tIll' namls of the 111 < , n who hall
" , ntl'd him ,