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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1904)
( UST R courUy R PUBLlCA" - - By D. M. AMSDERRY. - DROKEN DOW , - - NEDHASKA _ _ -.J william Waldrrf Astor findA Amer. ica changcd In DeDle resllectH , uut stili oujecllonaulc , If worse comCR to worst , Carnagi\ ! ' bu tUTJ\e Intt : 'fcmple of Pen co can an I"wy hOSIlltal , - - - This story that cats somotlmes i commit sulcldo opens the 11001' : Jr I hOllO for all Uht slecpcrs , I The hlghor educatlun has resumcd Its promlnont posillon on tbo port' Ing pllgO , Tncldo ' 1m Iowan' hur I e\V Yorlt's latest nnd most IHIatlal ] ' 1ostelrr : Is frankly I'arisiun-llut with the accent on nothing so Elllall UH the rrnnc , - Women nro perfcctly contented with their lot so long liS they Ilon't meet'nnother woman who apllears better ofr. An Eastern maglstrato sa's'ltnlt \ , ennCRS Is n dlseasc , An occasionul fine Is not n bad remelly agalnsl a rctul'll of the malally. From the nnmber or excIting all\'en' tures he hils ono woulll thlnlt , J. Plcr. Ilont Morgan was about to go on the , \'Ilullovlllo stage. A St. Louis nO\7spllper reporler lert nn estate of $79H4 ! , but then ho was n. newsboy for some : rears beforc ho became a reporter. 'fho death ot "Monslelll' de Paris" Is a reminder that In Franco eapltnl punishment still menns the dexterous removal of the caput. A St. J.uls man paid a clulI'\'o'anl $1,000 to locate A burled treaslII"o for him , S usual , the clnlrvoyant nO\T has ull the treasure In sight. Jf the smart sct In Newport GOtS to quarreling too blttorly It ought to he ahle to find n basis for compro , mlso In another monlcey dllllHr ! , Arizona will not pormlt p\'lze f1ghts , hilt there Is proba\.Jly \ no objection to J.entlemen ; stIlI settling ther ! IIttlo dlr. ficultles with n gooll IJIllr of guns , rt must puzzle Ahhul Hamid to un. l1 l'stand wh ) ' ho Is spolccn of as "the unspeulmblo 'furl , " when no ono talls about the unspealtablo King Leopolll. I [ the Newport women Itcep on los , Ing IIlamonds they might stOi'e them : tnll wear the receipt with the cost price of the jewels wrItten ucross Its lace. \ , Times change , nnd'wo change with , them , A man who pAid $34 fOl' a Pmlr mna hat three 'onrs ago sa's thllt he is going to use It for a hen's nest this winter , , The 11011co say that the women's fashion at cnrrylng handbags Is I'e. Hponslblc tor the many holll'Ul1S , As in the Ilays ot Allam-tho woman Is to blame , The newest wrlnltlo In goH Is to } Jut a drof' ot the 011 or rhodium on ho ball , When the ban Is lost ) 'OU tnrn a dog loose , and the animal IInlls It. Grollt Idea. The English have mallo a treat ' ut LhmIR , The Drltlsh 110n and the 'fhlh , f tan 111mb will now 110 down together , In whul relatlvo poslUons no one Jleells to bo tolll. WOI'ltmen robulldlng DII1Lllnore founll a lot of wheat still hhrnlng on ( lno or the wharves , Anll the "a\ \ ) . oul" signal was sounded more than seven months agol It was distressing that Mme , : \Ielhn wns "overcomo" aCter running over and Idlllng n man with her aulomo' bllo In Paris , The French lJensant. ' ! should bo moro careful. The dlrlglblo flying machlno elthor won't fiy or'on't steer or won't tYJ either , Persons hohilng rullwny Su' j clrltles may consiller them a reason , r.bly permanent Investment. The cabled Inte11lgenco from Europe that "Ilrought ullghts Bo hemlo. " Is In the nature of. n CrlSf : II'ulsm. A prolongell drought wOllll : Ilrlvo Dohemla to sulcillo-ol' w.tCl. ' ' Dun's report sa's thnt "retail t rach 1 tn fall lines or dry goo lIs , clolhlng ! mlllinory and nearly ulI w'arlng up , I parel shows n health ) ' growth , " am t I his , 0 marrlell man , Is what It call ! . " " "prosperity I ; ( . , It Is said that the crllisor : ' 1111 'j ' \I \ 'jI waul\Ce , launched at San } o rnnclscC1 ' , ; 1 "toolt to the water gracoruIl ) ' , " hll " conshlorlng the name ot the "cSRol WI -'J shall requlro conllrmator ) ' o\'ld"IIC' ' before bellovlng It , * ' Searcb the averugo mnrrlell man' f "est pocltets and ) 'Ol1 will fInd fro II ' ; tn to thirty recipes clipped from tl ! , coollng columns or the 111\11crs , I'm f . ; ; Ibly they Cllt out the I'echles so thel ' , ' wlvc8 will 110t see them nnll tl' ) ' t F' follow thom , : , A spealter before the Jntel'l1atlolHl Gcogrnphlcal Congress hus beell II ! ' , : flg plalnel' weather rCllorts , 110 hu \1. mIssed his cue , What most Ileolll " ' want 1s an absolutely accurate prc lc fj. . ' tlon ot tbe weather In their own froll ' 'nl'd-about 0 m"nth in . .c.Ivanca , . . . . . . - - ' - - - / rlNTO DEEP WATEH - - TH NEBRASKA l.AUNCHD ! : : WITH SHOUTS AND DOOMS. CHRISTEUED B MISS MICKEY i Di1ughtcr or Nebraski1's Chief Execu. tlve St\ndo Sponsor for the Vr.sel : , Ship Suoports Weakened Too ' ; ! ulckly and Boat Ti1I < eG the Water. , - SI ATTLI'Slleclul to the Omahu Un' : Imllutlont or I'osll'alnt uncI ell er ! 10 1'I1IIh Into the IIl'mR ( If 0111 Oc'an , IIIl' N'IJI'aRlm hl'Olw I hrough t he r. , U'R thut helll It and ut 2 : 02 II , m" amid Iho shouls of OOOO Ileollle , the boom. Ing ( If great glll1l1 of the monltOl' W 'omlng' , the hluro of hanllf and the hoarlo slnloltl of all the whlstlus of all the shills In the 11111'1101' , the great hllll glided cOWII ! I he WU'II Ullll Inlo ltR lIatllral eemon ] ! . : 'Illsa 111f'w'ns ] not IInawnre , 11I111 ua the IIl'st t I'lmor of the startlnr ; ship WIlS lIoted , fihl ! hrol\O tlw hl'lghtly declccd hottlo of ehampuHne flc'rOIlS the mnsslve Btel.l 1I0S(1 of the y\sscl , allow Rhl ! , \\'IIS IHJI'n IIl1d ehl'lstenell , 'I'he dl1 } ' WIIR dlLrlt I1l1d foggy , hilI. the cltlzells ml1do u holldu : , ' of It , All hIUls ] nnll olhel' buslnesa hOllscs were ( : losel1 from noon IIntll 3 : 30 II , m" lhut lwer 'lJolly might have an OPIIOl'- tunlty to lit tellil whl1t la here lookcd UIas one of the most Imporlalll events III the hlslol'Y of the dty. At the shlp'ardll ( wel' ) ' Inch of room was oecllplell Ulld Oil the acljollllnf. ; wharves Iho 11001110 sWfll'mecI lo the danger point , SOllncI f > lcamerll and tug's were IItted till liS floatillg' g'ran stanes ! ancI Jl\l1ny thoUHnnds wCl'e tlms glvon a chance to see the new \\'nrshhl take Its dl1 ! Into the wllter , On the lallnchlng stllllli 111111 assembled - sembled the ofIlcel's ot' the IItates of Wushlngton and Nehraslm and rep. resenlat h'es of the I1l'my ane ! nil vy of the United States , togothel' with mUll ) ' lHllngulshed citizens who wm'o Invited h ' the : 'Iloran BI'OS , eomlmny 10 grace I he occaalon with tlll'lr Ilr's. ence. Bands fl'om the navy : , 'ul'd , from Fort Lawton nnll from Van. cOllver harmclta flll'nlslwd I ho mil sic , IImong the plorl's helng II spll'lIell march ucllcated to Nl ! Jl'llslm b ) ' a local composel' , alld } Jla ' ( ' 11 11IIbll < 'ly for the f1I' t time tol1r.y , ' 1'he only hitch In th llrogram for the lallnchlng was lImt callsell by lhe Impetlloslty of Iho ship Itself. Apllal" cntl ) ' Imbllcd with the Hph'lt of the occasion - casion anl1 eager to Hhow that It ( 'olllel Iwell lip with the IIIlC'Q sot b ' I he great state fOl' which II Is num'I1 , the ehl'flHlm Hlal'tcll elcwm mlnlltos he- fore the tlmo HCt. 'rho tll1l''ns still rising , hill the \\'uler wns sll\1clently ! \ lllgh 10 11\0111 dnnger of UII acclelent. Congl'essman IIlImllhl'ey of WaHhlngtoll 111111 jllsl he. glln hlK Hllcech , which wus lo have lJeen followetl IJ ) ' IIn Invoealloll hy ReDr , J\latthewII of Seatllo , whell 0. cl'\sh WIIR heal'd liS of hn'1ltlllg planlII , I1nl1 t he great 111I11 , lrombled for an Installt , All ( 'yes seemed 10 hllve lenterell ! on the shll ) I'IIthcl' I hIm on the IIllCalwl' . fOl' a whlsL : < : n' , "She's mo\'III , " t II I'll cII Instnntly lute a III' mllltuons l'hoCl' , antI l he eb\'lls\a \ ; was 011 Its wny to the wntm' , 1IIH8III1'y : Nnln lIel\Cy slooll rnally , a charming SpOI1lOI' ; for a ' 1ullg. nlllc ( > lIt cralt , coolly awaltln tile \\'Ol' , As lilw saw the \'e3s01 st.nrtlng she qulckl ) ' gl'l1sped t-.e bottle lIy the necl , und hroke It 0\01' the stl'm of the vosliel , III'onolillcln ; . ; t hI' ( ' 011\011' tlonal formliia liS she (1111 HO , lieI' words worp IIl'Vel' heal'll , 0\11 by her. self , for t h ( ' 1i1 11I11 servlen hUll hpeu sq I1CClIl'lltO lIIul tIll' loolwul HO IWOII Ulnl the vesol hall lIot mon'll a foot along the wU'S 111I Ilw gre'lIl lIns 01 the 'V'ol1lln ! lwgall to t hlln < < IlI' I' ' JI'eotln to the 1I0wesi Hlater of Ihl 111111I111 1111 the jo 'ollH IHIIHlel1lonllln of the al'Calr hl'ol\O loose , 1'111)01' BnlllllJ ; ( If Soutllo mnlll 1111 c1\lCnllll \ ; luhlrelis , telllllg of the 11111101'1 nlleo of Iho ocrUHlOn to Soalllp nH wel as to Nchraslm nnll the lIatlO1 , IiI wns followell h ) ' Spc'l'ntnl' ) ' ( If Siale Snl1l I I. Ichols , upt In gm'I'II01' ! 0 Washlllgton , who welconwll Go\'el'no "Ilcl < c ) ' alld the Nobmlllm'lsIIOl'fl , < : O\'UrIlCII' M Iclp ) ' then RIIO ) , ( ' , nile was rl'equelllly IlIlel'I'lIl1l1'll b ) ' III : pll\lIse , The Shl1 ! Nebr < 1ska , SI A'l'l'lI , WII5h-1'11I IHllt 1,8hl Nobrasln , which wn8 11I1I1IC'lwll hol' 011 l 'l'ldll ) ' , hns a IIIRIIIIICellHJnt of Ii , 000 tons , ItH conlral'tlI'lco \ Is $ :1,7:1:1 : : : GOO : length , HI fC'l1t a Inchel ! ; hClln 7G feet : ! ; Inches ; limn , : ! : I foot IIH hos ; dlsplncenwnt , 1 , OOO tOIH wolght lit lallnchlng.1,500,00 / 1101ll1l1s ; lIeed. 1 ! ! 1\11018 ; lIul/cnte / hOl' e 110\\(11' , 1,1I00 ! ! ; englnos , 1'1'0 1'011I ( ' 'lInllel' trlplo I'XIlI1I1Hlon : ho\lel'l \ twelve wato ! ' tnl\\IIII' \ , ItH mnln hn tor ) ' ( 'onslts of fOil I' 1 : ! .lIwh unH , elgl 8IIII'h nnll l w'l\'o ( i-Indl lInR , - - - - - - - - Uprising In China Is Felred. SIIANGlIAI-Nuu'rous I'Olllll'ts 1'1 celvell ( I'om Ihe IlItcl'lcll' telling of Iii ncllvll ) ' or soel'ol soclolles nt Iolnl ) willel ) ' npnl'l 111'0 I'allslnlSIH'loUH III ( 'aslness , 11 It ! Imown thnt the oll1eln : ( 'vel''whel'c uro IlIuplaylng gr'at an : loty 111111 nl'o pl'oelll'lng lho lIIost 11I01 Cl'n arms IUlIl I1Il1nlllons of Will' f ( the purp080 of ll\lIlpplng \ tht' sol II/I' / ! ' : ' } 'hm'o Is no cel'talnty ns 10 whllhc the anxleO' of the otllelnls Is 11I1'l et ( ' against nntlrhJl\tell risings 01' as 1 whether It Is 11 ' ' ' IlI'ccaut lonnl'y 11I0\ J1ent agalnsl Ilossible Ilangel' . FUNRAl. ! : : OF SENATOR HOAR. I City of Worr.eGter Bowl : Beside the Body of Its Foremoct Citizen , II WOIlCI S'I'OH , lllflfl-'I'ho < 'fty of WOl'reRter on ' 1'lIeatay ! howell IJlIlIte ! ! , the hoelr of It ! ' ! fOl'omost clllen : , Son. Inter ( ] ( 'or o Frlsblo 110nr , whllo the : rotatl' of illl1Hflnc'hmJelR ! , Im(1 ( In It ' o mCAIII'O ' the 1I11110n , 8)'m lJal h Izot ! wlh the IlIullldpallt ) ' In Its grief' . Hev , Dr , } . ; llwurd J verotl. Hale , ( 'hollluin of the Ullitoel Stall's Iwnuto nnll a lIfe.long f'Il11I1 ! of SenatOl' HOIll' , t'ontltwteellrn'el'S / at the homo just hofol'o 2 o'cloclt , Only memhers of the Immolllate houfwholt ! I1nd n few neighbors - bors attended this serylce , ' 1'ho hOll ) ' WIIS then Illacod In the heurse hy the active IJIlIllJCllrers , all Ilresent or paal lJecretarl's of the sltmlor ! nnd the honol'llry IJIllIlJcllrors , Sonnlor lIt.nry Cahot LOllro , 'fhomus , Jelferson Cool. Iclgo , CharIeR FranelH Adams , Attorney - ney General WlllluJTI II.Iood : : , ' , for. 1uor Govemor WIurl'll : ) ' Crane , Gon. 01'111 Wlllintn I , ' , Draper , , Juelge I.'ral\cls C , Lowell or BOHton , Colonel GelJrgo H , Lymun of Boston , Htollhen Salls. hury , Itenl'Y A , Iurah , Dr. G , Stan- 10y IInll anel William g , Hlce of Wor- ces'tel' , 'fhc I1cU\'e IlIlllheal'ors and thc fomlly escorted the remains to the Chureh of the Unity , whore Hey , Dr. .Iule . mnde 1111 alldress , 'I'lw heel : , ' will he talwn to Concord fliburin ! . PORTER EXPRESSES SORROW. Ambassador of United States Writes l.etter of Condolence. P ARlS-AeUng on Instructions from 'Vashlngton Amhussullor Portcr sent Mme , Burtholill the following let. tel' : l\Inllnme : ' 1'ho .leath . of the eminent sculptor who hud alwa's aimed at givIng - Ing to hili worl < s \expression of Rome grcat Idea 01' nohlo aspiration has 11I'ofoundl ) ' lIloved the Amlrlean nation , which has received from hIm lasting pl'oof of 11ls Sll1coI'e admlra. tlon , As the Interpreter of I heso sentiments - monts the government of the UnllClI Stales has uillden me to sa ) ' to ) ' 011 that the statue of IIhorl ) ' onllghten- Ing > the worlel has rI\tereel ! the uame of Dartholdl dcal' to ull my cOllntry' mllI , who join In 'our gl'l'f anel thnt of tlw urtlstlc wOI'II. . In acqnlttlng- myself this Iluty allows me to cxpress my pel'sonal s'mlJllthles and those of all the members of the emhassy who , IIIw m'self , hud with llal'thollll fl'fenll- Iy relatlolls during' the last I wonty yeara whleh have left. In Gill' hellrts soverelgna wo lIe\'el' shall forget. 1 have the honor to he , YOIII' reslle tf111 qrvant , 1I0HACE POIlTEH , FUNERAl. OF DEAD STATESMAN I SImple , Priv lte Service Over Ir William - liam Vernon.Harcourt. LOXDOr\--'I'he remaln3 of SII' WII- lIum , " conft'I'lce.'A Sntllrl ny , wel'e ul1ried In lhe family valllt ul Nllncham , Oxford , wit h the ulmoHt Rlmpliclt ) ' allIl llrl\'ary , Ollly the I'nmll ) ' and tcnalltr ) ' were present. Slmliliuncollllly a memol'lal Horvlco wes hold at St. Margarel'A chllrch , Wuslmlnlstor , where repre3entatlvC3 of Klllg I dwal'll anll Ihe ill'lnce ot WaleR wore IUnollg Ihe Immense con. grlf.HllolI , whleh Inchulol1 Ambassnl1ar ChoatolrH : , Choate , ,10hn n , Cart 01' , Iweond seeretll1T of Iho American om , hassy , and Ihe olhel' nl11lJa sadol" ! and mlnlslm's , cahllwt lIIinlstel'S null llel" ! .tollul and ) lolltlcal I'ollf'ngllos of the dcceAsed Htnlesmnn , - - - - COMMITTED TO THE GRAV ! ! . Lact Services Over Doely of George F. Hoar' Held. COXCOHD , " , Iuss-'rhe Ins ! fH'r \'Ic's OVOl' Ihe hol1 ' ( If lJnlle\l S\utei enulor George FI'IRhin JIOlU' WI' ( hed ] 'fllesdny In this IOWII , the placc of his hll'lh , anll sO\l'nl hllllll\1H1 0 I ho HCllatJI"S formol' townsmen fol lowed Iho holy ( 10 lho IIncc ] of H : l hlll'lnl III Sleepr I1ollow ecmetOl'y , It \ the 1 lrsl Parish chlll'ch ! Hel'vlco wn ; I I COlIIIIICII'II by Iho ) lURtor , ) tm" , Lorcr I B , , \lcDonoh ! . The lmstol' 1:110110 : : nl - , words o [ clllogy , I'ealling Insleal , Iumes HlIsHell I.owell's IHJOm 011 Chen nln , Al the grn\'e hl'lol' sen'lc s 0 hlll'lal wCl'e heM 11I111 the lJOII ' wa : 1'0111r.lllted to the I'avo , - - - - - - - State Election in Geerla. ! A'I'I.AN'fA , Ga-F.lectioIlS of Rlntl nnll cnunt ) ' olllrel's , lIIemhers of th , loglnlllro ! ] , jllllgeH 111111 sollcltol'f \\'IJW hcltl In ( I\I' ' ( O\\III ) ' III UOOl'SI : \\'edn'sllay. ' ( 'hl'ro wall ) u'aetlcull : JlO ( lPllosllloJl 10 I ho democrnto ! call dlelutel > for stale of1lces JIm' fOl' COIllI 11 Iy jlldges 01' utornO'H ! , The Htat l ! t Iclwl was hl'al1c > d h ' OO\'l'l'1I01 , Iosep ! ; \1. 'I''I'II. - - - - - - - - - - - - Senator Hoar's Will , WOHC1'S'nH : , luslJ-Tho will ( I the late SenatOl' Ut'CJI'go . . . , I1oal' wa tIIoll Wodncsday , 11 mitheH 110 IlIIhll hefJlleslR , 11I\111111 hh ' ' { ; ; III'oIJerl ) he I W'OIi hl SOJI nnd dallghtCl' . Hocl wooll 1I0a" Hnll " , lIssIal' : ' lion 1' , an gl\'lng his Al > noll\ll11l'llt estate III Pa : ton to his gl'1II1l111lllghtl'I' ! , 'Che wi ( Inled , Janllnr ) ' 8 , IDO.1. , . - - - - - - I Democrats Meet Clndldate. [ > . NgW YOHK-l'hc I1l'sl ( 'onfel'enc 10 Iwl Wl'en , llIlIgo 11l1'I'1C'I" ! lllmol'l'ati , s ( 'lullllllall' for governor of N'w YOI'I II- IInll , ltiligo PIII'JJI' loolt Ilhwo 1 > ' 1'111:1 II' at Ihe ulnrtments ) of till' lalt'I' , nanll . H. I.amollt anll Nntlollul Chall'lna 11. Ta mart JIITlvell Hhorlly anl'l' , ll1.t II' lIenlt'l" 'I'ho 'folll' eonferl'Cll at lellgl ' , roncomlng tlw state IHsues In No 11' YOI'I , nlld Iho I'olntlolls the " hplll' 1 'd ' the national camlJlllgn , At till' ( : encl 10 slon of the ( lIsclIsslon , Judge Parler e , \'Isltm's Ilelmrt ( > d , declininG to ta ] J of thl' conft'I'lce. 'A ' PROGlAMATION I - ISGUED DY THE PRSIDEf'tT ! : : OF I THE UNITD ! : : STATES. I - FLAGS ARE AT UALF MAST I A Ccmmlttee to Arrange for the' Fu , I neral of Postmacter General Payne -The Place to Be Filled by Gen' cr1 Cortelyou. - I WASHINGTON-Tho IJI'eohlenl Is. sued the following' proclaJllutlon : " 'ro the People of the United States : 1Ienry Clny PII'ne , postmas. tel' general of the Unltell States , Illed In this clt ) . ut ten minutes IlIIst G o'clocl , yestel'Clay ntternoon , Hlslng lo emlnunco h ) ' his own efforts , suc. cessful In his enterprIses , attalnng { to positions of high trust In bURlness , enel'setlc und conscientious In his re. I lations with his fellownwn , ( If slngu- i ] arly gentle , loyal utilI lovuhle nl1ture , Inspired by a largo senRe or the duties - I ties of a tl'\l0 citizen and winning the respuct anll estcen of all with whom he assoclatoll , he WII > > called , In the fullness of hIs 11Owors , to dlschurge the duties of n pocullarly onerous and responsible office In the high counsel of the nation , HIs career Is an ox- I umplo for good cltlzcns to follow IInd i his nntlmol ) ' death I > > mourn ell hy all , : ' "The presillent Illrects that the se\- eral leglslutl\'e departments and their dependenclell shllll nhow fitting regard - gard for the memory of this cl/stln- / gulshed lubllc man ; thal the depart- 1II0nts In the city of Washington shl111 ho clos 'd belween the hours of 9 o'clock a , m , ancl 1 o'cloclt IJ , m , on the day of the funeral , Friday. the 7th Inst. . und that the national fiag ahall ue dlapluyed at half.staff on all the pUblic bullllings throughout the Unltod Stales untlI the funeral shall have talten place , "Dy direction of the president. ' ' 'JOHN I1A Y , "Department or State , WashIngton , D , C" Oct. ii , 104 ! ! , " President Hoosc\-elt cq.lled I1t the apartments of tile late poslmaster general to e : lfntl ! his l1OI'sonal condolences - dolencos , A vust III11n110r of telo- gralltH w ( re received fram 011 over the countr ' , a large portIon of them cm1lng : from Wisconsin , A I'elue < ; t tohus I hoon made by frleul1.l , In ? lIIwaa. i Iee that consent he given fOl' a pab. IIc service 1 1 that clt . , ! A cor.nultteo cnnslstl g of First As- I slstant P nlmastel' General " ' ) 'nlle , W , HlIehaol : , chleC cIerI , of the r state departJ fent , nnd : \ ajor Charll's I UcCaule ) ' of the marlnc CO13 will mcct at he state 110\131'1 \ mont to plan I 11 ' .l talls of the fuueral arrauge. I ment. : , 'I ' f'l'csl enl noose\'clt tlllay formlll : ' 11eslguatell First ASfJl'tr. l l'fJt. ! : , = ? s' leI' Gonol'al Hobert. , T. Wynno..ns acting pastmuster genernl. It Is well understood - stood that General Bruce Cortel'ou , now chalrmon of the republican national - tional committee , will be rippolnte poslliiaster generaL TO PROTECT Ol.D SOl.DIERS. Can't Get Patent to l.and Without Residing Upon It. W ASIlINGTON-The commissioner of the general lanll office has Issued the following stntement Intended for ! the protection of old sollllm's contem- pating ] Rettllng on public lunds : "Information ha been received at I he general land ofilce that Ileslgnng ( llOrsons 111'0 circulating reports through Indiana and elsewhere to lhe effect Ihat old soldlcrs nro ontltled to l'nter pUhlle lands. partlculnrly In Western ehl'Uslm , and recelvo patent - ent I horofor without residing upon or cultivating the Innds , as other l1er- sons are relull'c(1 ( to do , This report Is false , "Tho cJIII ) ' favOl' given 10 old soldiers hy Ihe hOll1obtend IlIws which Is not rantcd to othr perHons Is lhat of \.Jelll \ ! ; ! Iermltted to male : his first fiI- lug through an agent and to ha\'e the lime of his ser\'lce deducted from the rI\'c 'ears which homestead ontr'men uro refJllreli to I'eslcle upon the land , " l.abor Federation Complains. \ \ ' ASlll GTON-l.'rnnl. "Iorrlson , genel'al secretary of the American Fel1el'allon of Labor , has filet.1 with the Interstate commerce commlRslon a con1\llalnt \ alleglns ( lImrlmmatlon on the lIart of the transcontinental Ims. Hengel' association against the federation - tion of lahol' III the matter of I'educell rates fOl' delegates to the lIational metlng ! of that organization In : : ; an J ranclsco , heglnnlng November H , 'l'ho protest allo os that In response to Inquiries on the suhject Ihe fldera. tlon was ; nforme$1 by Iho ra lroads t Imt the "reulal' ; ralo" would ho charged , Railway Accident In W les. 1.0XnOX-FolII' persons WlJrO 1lIIed ; 11 anll It Is eiltimatClI that about fift ) ' . , wore InjUl'el. ome or them t'atall ) ' , In II a I'll II wn ) ' uecldent near Llancll ) ' , J miles soutlwast of Carmothen. " 'ales , Des Moines May Hold Ahllne. o CI CIATI ; , O-'l'ho allonal Ie Hnliehnll ( 'ommlsslon today dechlC'II 1\ , thnt the sale of Pluyer Ahllno h ) ' the , ) ' Kenlml" la" cillb to the Des , : \lolnos 131 club was legal. The Clcn'land Amorl. , n ( 'an league ( : Iuh ( Imfted the Illn'er . . . ' from Kcolmli , nlthough helonglng at h thnt limo to Des : 'Iloines , The < 'ommls. w Ilon holl1 that the Cleveland club ean 10 enl ) ' s'euro him by draft froll1 Des II' Iolnes Instead of Kcolmlt , conditioned 's that the Ilraft } Jrlco bo as specified II , 1'01' the rial's oC which lhe Des Iolnes club Is u mcmbm' , , ' I " , , I . , . , , , , : , ' " , , ; , ' ' . ; . , " f . . . " " . " , . _ . _ - ' - - - - - - - - NEWS IN NEBRASKA _ _ . _ _ " " " " _ _ _ . . . . . . . _ _ , - - -a , _ THE STA l.ARGE. 1 'fwo ql'llin elemtol' ; ; ur ( ' 10 be' erect. "d In Pnlll1lloll , In a rnl1tlwny acC'hll'nt at Dpatrlro i\lrs , .Tolut' Osso"skl wua SerIOlI ! ! ) ' If not fatall ' Injnred , 'rhe fruit 'Ieltl Is something p.nor' mous In SlJward cOllnl ' this year , Peaches are espcclull ) ' plentiful. : \101'0 ) leachcs were grown In Cass connt ) ' this ) 'oal' than for \renty 'ears i past , The ) ' are of sUl1erior quollty and fin'or and are soiling on the streets of Plattsmoutl1 for 40 eenls per bushel. TImothY I. , Smith of Lawrence , Kun" n largo IJroperty owner of Gabo count ) . , finished IIhelllng corn on his farm three ml1es southeast of IlIIs ; last weel\ , from which ho received 8,000 bushell ! , A , .T. " 1001'0 of Vl1l1scu , la. , has ar. rived In Omahu IInd tuken his plnco I UII : succesllor of Alhel't 0 , Swln , post. i onIcc Inspector , who wns transferred I to the Chicago division' last weel" : I.ftCl' man ) ' 'ears of forvlce In No. hrasl < 14 , A. Jess of South Omuha was ar. rested at Chadron for soiling liquor to the Indians , Al first ho nttempted ' to resist al'l'est , lnlt ! lnlllng officers not to ue foolell with , he went lo jell and Is now there , not bclng nblo to give IL bOllll for $ :100 : , for which amount he Is bound oyer , At Grand Islanll 1" , Z , DI'RIllH , , Toe Dlrdsong , and Joseph Balle ) ' were sentenced to une year In Ihe 11enl- tentlary , having plead gulIt : ; ' In the district courl of burglary and J. . , 1\le- Cormick to onp year fOl' forger-y. An wore caught In the se\'eral ncts ancl DO trial resulted , Upon the eomplnlnt of l red Mc- lInay , farmer living a few mlleR wesl of Crete , , Joseph Kulhanelt , Il neighbor - bor \Icllna"s , was arresled charged with selling liquor on SUlldar : , He was brought before , lustice l nr , where lIe unexpectedly llleadCll gulIty ancl'U5 fined $100 and costs , amounting to $5.75 , ' 'l'heodore , Drush of Cass count ) ' , hils petitioned the district court for a decree - cree onnu1llng his marriage to Mrs , Edna Drush , The couple were 111\11'- \ rled at Lincoln , November G , 1900 , ! alleges that at the time of the marriage - riage leVal ! 2.nlY 17 rears of age and Inc l.)1able ) of contracting a vallcl marriage - riage with the defendant. A criminal assault was made by a 'outh named Waltm' Klngle , aged J5 , upon n woman of 55 , named : \II's , Dana , near CrawfOl"d , The woman .tcnches school nour Cmw Butte , and the boy had hoen cal'l'ylng mall and doing chores for her for som ! . ' months , He tlcl ! her to the 11001' and assaulted ' her , He Is beIng hunted for , 'fhe Burlington shop ! ! al Ha\'elocl , . t1) ) h'l ' qtI l'g'I ! ! n th 111'1t1b.altl . tle . Ill'escnl forc wll , ho In < : l'cas l1 h ) ' the IIchliton ! of 150 men , The machine and hell r shops will be ( ) :1larg - " d . , At - the prescnt time the arc , ovol'crmcd , 't this time 500 men arc emplo 'ed , The prol10sed Increase In the wOI'I\lng force will bring several hUl1lh'cd people to town , News of the death of lIon , C , II , Gere ot the State Journal was re. celved In Pawnee county with profound - found sorrow , Mr , Gere was n rcsl- dent of that county anll a state representative - sentative hacl , In the sixties. 11ls rather aUlI mother , II , N , Gcre anll wife , and his brother , ,1. N , Gel'e , wbo was Itllecl by the Indians in 1870 , all are burlell In 'raulc nock cemetery , 'fho Inrantr ) ' drill regulations ndopt- ell by lho United States army aJ1ll which went Into effect September JO In the regulul' anny , will ho adoptell by Comm.anllant Chase at the Unlv r- slty of Nebl'Uslw , anll the style of drill of the university hattnllon will under , go an almost complete change , DI'III at. the unlvorslty has ueen Ileluyell a consldel'Uble tlmo , awaiting' the arrival - val of the new regull1t1ons , ' } 'ho ueot harvest Is on in the vlcln. Ity of Sutherlanll , As ) 'et It Is 111m. cult to deterl1llne what the average ylohl per acre will be , but the Indl. cations aI'\ ) that It wl1he \ between olght und ten tons , 'fhe heots arc of oed qua lit ) ' and there arc few sma ) ) Q nes , , John Sheeh : . agell 40 ) 'ear3 , ala. borer , wus found de'ad In a hex ear at the Burlington dcpot at Groenwool1 , Shoehy , with se\'eral NHn)1I1nlons ) , had consumed 1\ Ig of heel' l1urlng the night , There Is It story of It fan 1'1'0111 Iho eur 11001' , but no extemal Injuries can IJl dlscovored , Near Yordlgre , I < .nox county ; while I Yllln'rtlo dnll Louie Groellng were going to n Ilunce , their team became Il11manllgenhlo and I'Un II way , lIe mol. Ishlng the carrluge , cutting anll hruls. Ing the 'OIJ11g people In a horl'lblo mllnner , l.oule was thrown over Il burbed wlro fence anll hili throat. legs , ntomach and IIl'ms were badly lacer- atell , L'dln was thrown ugalnst a } Jest or tree and It Is thought she suI'- fered a slight fracture of the slmll , : \1)1'110 was IlIIcll ) " hrulsed , but was the \eat Injured of the lhree , ' 1'ho finest ' of ' In ' ' Cl'Op peal's 8a1'\I \ ) county 11I'0 those raised by Adolph Peterson of Portal. ' 1'ho trees 111'0 wel htel1 110wn with well Illweloped and ripened fruit , Denjumln Poteet of Fulls Clt ) ' some 1I 0 ngo hrought suit ngalnst Iho Dur. IIng-tnn Uallrond COI1lIIllIl ) ' for $ lllHJ ! dnmnges for huclilng UII water on his Inlll ] uy the ralll ! , The comJany ) hus seltll'd out of COIII't ' h ' ) Jaylllg11' : , Poteet $1.100 , Another sImilar case Is uow ! Iolllllng In the district conrt Ilg'alnst the Burllngtoll , brought b : ' CI'UI'les Prluhello , . . . _ . ' . . , rlGURE OU El.ECTRIC l.INE. Activity AmenD Farmers of the South l.oll ! ' . GrtAND ISLAND-Sixteen repre- sentutlvc flU'mers from the SOI\lh \ I I.oUI ) vall'y wcre In Ihe city n.nd at i a meeting of the Commerclul clull clls- tnlssecl wilh lhe membora of the cluh ! v rlous plans to Slf'urc ! the constI'IH'- , tlon ot an e ] ( > ctril' lIne hetween Granll Island nUll Ganc1 ' , running approxl. matol ' duo wust from the city Into { Butfalo count. ' , lhellc ( > through Gill'll. { nel' und Sn 'c1el' nne : t:10 : cntlre northern - I ern tier of Burralo county tOWD3hll1S , strll\lng I ho South Lou ) ) , 'atley In Ii Luster connty and following UI' th I valley to Gandy , _ "rter a. full dlsC'IH" slon of the COllllltlllns In tnc terl'ltor ' t to ho sm'ved bMICh : a rallroud , a committee of one from town81111 [ \ to be traversed \\'ns ! Jolectell taln the prohllhltJ Hcnthnent as to vol- \ Ing bonds , the ! 'xtl'nt to which hotlltli ahoulll he volu(1 , l1w , aasessec1 " : llun- tlon of each townbhlp , the population to he served , the llrohable amouut of shhllllng , such statlstles to be S lIl to the secretar ) ' of the elub. Disease Among LIve Stock , LINCOLN , XEBn-Stlltc VeterinarIan - Ian 'fhomafJ sa'fllhal he ha rerc\-c.1 ! . reports of more glantf'l'J cafJCS within : the past few wceks thnn he hl11l HCI' I Imow hefore In Ihe hlstor ' of Ihp ; state , H attl'illutes the Increase In the number of horses affecled with the disease lo earel\sllcsS of hursf' owners In not exen'lslng closer sr.rul- I Ing as to lhe hC'ull h or newlr 111I1'- chased animals 'whiC'h they Introllllcl Into their slables. He will lea" thl e\'enlng for Blgln. whcre several ( ; ae ! have been l'eIJort < c1 , fIe Atnted that there were several other ease , demandIng - mandIng hnm ( > dlate IIttentlon , Dr. 'J'homus fecI's : t repetition of the cOl'l1stallt 11lseiO ! epl omlc which lafolt year destro 'eeI $ ; )00,000 ) worth oC ( 'at- tie In lhe Rtate , His InvestiGllllol1 i have convInced him that the dlseaslJ I ! < clue to the fact that animals affcrl tJli ' arc tUl'l1ec1 out to feed on the stal1l1- 1 Ing stallts , Last : 'Ni.r 20,000 cutt1t' clle'l I fl'om this cause nlon , , " " ' " . ' , , , Party for Nebrask l.aunchin ! ] , : J..NCOLN-AII of the arrangements for the parly which is to uttond lhe launching of the battleship Nebmsl\a at Seattle , ha\'e Jlot 'ot been comlll't- eeI , hut Adjutant General Culver stat- c that ever'lhing'oulll be sel Iletl in a few da 's , The party will lean Lincoln Tuesday , Ortobor 4 , 0\01' lhl' Durllngton , An effurl I bolng mac1e' ' to secure n special Pnllman ell I' for the Hse of the party , but otherwlsp there will be llttle of the lIe luxe RIII'- rounllings of the a\'erage omclal jnn- ltot , . _ . i rn > ft-T" " ' n' " ' ' ' . 'J . ' - - - . ' j - . . . , j , A Week of Vaudevlll . OIAlIAebFor : : the wee It com. menclng Sunday , Octoher 9 , the Or- pheum theater pre ! : > onts a woll.\'urll'd bill of vaudc\'lIIe favorites , A enttu'l' . . In particular that Is exploited as 0111' ' or the season's most successflil lIeall- liners , Is , Joan Haclpn's "C 'cll ! of Love , " Emmett De Voy a 1111 Com- pan ) ' will appear in a comedy sl.etch entitled " ' 1'he Salnt1)111' , Dllllng- : : : , " ' 1'rclol1l' , who won ! I.rst prize fOI- helng the most pcrfeclly de\'elopPII man In the world nt Iadlson Sqllan G2lI'd n , will be a strong card , - - - - - Found Unconscious in Road. RUSllVlT.LE- < 'l't Irelaml , a ' Ilrol11inent horsem n here , was flIlIcI south of I1n ' Springs with his heall crushed and I'lglI t sillo paral 'zed. II e was unconscious " . .hen ( lIscovorell 111111 It Is surmised he was driving and halt got out of his uuggy to close a gall' . when the team btarted , and he after them , attempting to get Into Ite huggy , when lhe : wllelont OCCUl'J'PII. - - - Boy Injured in Parade. Br OO"'IF " [ LD-rnst after the 110\\ , " er pllI'alle , which wa : : ; ono or the ma1n attractions of the day , Asa Zellel' , n little bo ) ' auont 10 years of age , ran In fl"Ont of a team and threw n lol 01" confeltl up In the all' , which frlghtl'n- ed the horscs ! oo the ) ' ran o\'er him 'I'ho horses trampl'd him to some e\- : tent und the \'Chicle' is helleved II have ] Jnssell O\'l'r him , 'rhe' uoy \ \ a : < plclwllull senseless and ilt once tnl..t'u to the surgical roums of Drs , Kalin & Kalal' , ' 1'ho ph'sidans hope thm no serious Injur ' WitS sU tulnecl , tllollh ; his chin was hady ) mutlluted , 0111' knee was hurl and thel'o ma ) ' be 1nlH nal Injuries whlrh lI1a ' ] lrove fatal. Bailey Gets Twenty Years. J.'RI MON'f-l1owt1.r 1 ' , < Dalley11 ) ! ) . , ' assaultell .yearohl Poal'l Olson on September G , wns arralgnoll In II I trlct court und entered a plea ot guil t ' , He was given the maximum Sl'II- tence , twenty lnl's ! In the penltf'n- tlur ' . - - - - - F rmer Arrested for Robbery , BEA'1'nICJlobn gllieman , f\ ) 'Ollng fal'lnor IIvlns ten miles soUtll west of Boatl'ieo was RI'J'csted , ehuI' : cd with 1'Obhlng the hartlware ! ' ( I , " of Edwarlls & Bl'Ilf forel at Ellis ' \ \ ll'h was hrolen into I'CClnty ) , - Mr. BrYi1n : : t Grandfther , 1\Irs , W , , J. Bryan of Lincoln " ' .i' . . IIrmed the annollncoment of the hil' " of a elaughlel' to Irs , Leavllt. A I , 'I , gl'l1m to the gl'Rl1llmothcr stated Ihal the mother anel chillI ' WCJl'o both duiu" well. ' _ . - - ' - . .