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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1904)
. . . . . . - .11"' GE e aas aasg . R ! ! I I St.Jacobs Oil . ; : : ; Irahhl , siren 1 : , sura , I : : Ihe best \ household remedy for Rheuntatism N oural in Sprains Lumbago Brui90s I Backache Soreness Scintica 5tiffncis Prlco , 2Sc. a.nd SOc. . I . .eee..eGeQ.e. 8 " I I BLINDNESS AND DEAFNESS CURED AT HOME It YUlI have wlIBk eyes . , taUlull . , . AI ht ilfauulo . te < . 1 lid. 8CUIU8 1110 eye. lOr . 80ro .yes or " "Y ktlltl . , catarrh . u. tloatuo . , "rite fnll < Jr. " " .11'11011 uf ) unr c".e "n < J a Irlal tlcatmont111 Lo eeut YUll I , . . . 'rhl. FREE . . Irealmont OF CHARGE. I. lolld alld I I - ' hnrmle. . . . . . allil h&lcurl'd IlIal1'1"Oe' e. . . , . , , = " " 1I..lIuu'8 w " "ppolnted IJ ' ! . . . . , , , , , . ) . I tlVO . ( loTcrnor. . . . . ChIef : yo If : Snrgeun . . . . . 10 . Iho MI. . auu.18\1. . . . lu.lltutllm . rur the lIltnd. , aud. l1\ou J'ro. . fe..ur . of tbe0 and . . F..ur In IhoAmerlean ! ledl .1 t'bl. . I e. CI'OBS IIY08 . . .t.alchlel1od hy nelVl'alnle..rnetho < ! . WrIte to P1J. HARVEY MOonE. Eye IIU < 1 ] ar lJ1st1tUtol Bwte 211. Odtl Fellows' Dldlr. . I3t. Lows. Strawberry and j II , 'l ! J ! ! ! ! rtme hleeI : ol I C\\1I1r1l1 Hallroad Company have reccDtly 1 , , uClI i 11 publicatioD ImowD as Circular No. 12,111fhlch js lte1icrlbcd tbo I I best territory in this country for the growlulf . ot early strawberrlel und . carly vegetables. Bvery dcaler In slIch 1)\.ollIlCl-\ : Hhollid address 1\ ' to the IIl1 fJr lnclI . Ilt " Pubuque . , qwn , , rCIlucstltl/ / 1COil ) ' ot "Glrouli\r J. F. No. MEItItY I : ! , Asst , Oen'l l'a s'I'rcI.t. . . MEXICAN .Jl"I I I Mustang linilnent r . , Ctu'c Cuts , UnrUH , 11l"u :3CH. I I I 1I 1I 1 I I I U , : I o : . J } Thom son's Eye Wat r j ; 'l ( _ , . . - : Io : 'U ; . , ; _ 'l ' ! . : , 'I ' ; " " _ . " , ' . . : - , . . . I : d\ : \ ' . , " 'It _ . . . , , . , . , , , , , , , . IJ ' ' ; ! IIIIIIIIIII. ! h"j . ' I"I\ \ " " ' ' ' t. ! " . 'f ; : " , ' ; ; - : h b' ir 1 . f I i j1 , < . gl ! - g ! . ' , _ IL < ; : _ , ' . j l tll I ' t . . . t . . 1 ? , + ? 'u L n i ; . ! " . . . . . . . If. . " ' " ' v ; ; b ; ' ; ; : ' :7 : : ; : ' ' ' , similating IhcIoo < landUe lIla- ling theStomo.chs undBow ls or ! , - I . . I Promotes Digcslion.Chccrful- " ness and Rest.Conl ins neither i Opium.Morphine nor 1ofincral. , 'Nor'N.AnCo'J.'IC. , " ' I , o"o.u . ; t. . _ : Sa - . . . Alz.St'Nut. . &x.11.SJil - . . Amr..r-t ; J. , J ' 'Ifn ' . , e - jj Br'I % ' . < < -JJkJ' ; t.-s oJ > 1f.7 St6d.- ct . . J/0tNyJrM. nmr. I A perf eel Rcm dy rorConsUpiI- non , Sour SlomachDiarrhoCll Worms , Convulsions , fc\'Cl'ish- ! ncss nm1 Loss " OF SrEEP. File Simile signnlure or \ , , NE'V 'ynRl . " EXACT copy OF WRAP-P.ER. " ' - , . . - . . . , , . . . . _ - - . - . ' JI\ \ - - ' . . ; . ' . - . . ; _ . . ' ' . . 1" . " ' I I Gtltlsllcs m : to L:1nguIc : ! ] ! : . I Tht'I'l' al'c : J82.llo0OOf'l { 'ilhlf'fl' rllt'ulling I hKame langlluJolt' ; , mlIln1 ; I ( , hlnt'se the mosl Hpoll'n 1tllgIlUgl' : . 'J'hl'r ! ' nro mun ) ' . dlnll''I1. hOWt'VC'I' , which seem scurcely to hl'long to the Hnnw tongne. The Inhahltnnt3 of : \Iungolhl 11I111 Thlbet CIIII hnrel . IIn. dl'l'stnntl the IlInlect oC the IICoplo In ' ' , Olher whlol ) ' H)1olwn ) lun. ! -IIUgl'R ; UI'O IIR follows. Itl millions : j gngllsh , 1211 j Gormun , 70 : Husslun. GS ; SllIlnl h , . { .1 ; I'ortugese. : : : ! . Hlor ! > I''II' I"f\ 1'1'110\1 lhut lhe " lrn ! \l1uIIIIl \ ) ' . lo elhC1' with Ihe ImpcIIUI' ql1ulIl ' of IJl'flntll'c Hturch 1t1111t. It lIext to hlllO lhll' 10 IJeIl 1111) ' lIthpI' h nUIl1. Once In the Tropics. Vnlllable sclelllltle < < lIsco\JI'lcs have I' eently bt'en 111Relo 111 the l\1ethow vuller In Washln ton which tend to show that tliut ! 'eclloll of the countl' ' waR once 111 the tl'o1Jlcul zone. S01110 hlg letlges of I'ocl , ha vo heen UI1' eal'the < < 1 which. when hl'Ol.on allllrt , Ilroved to be COl'llled In layer ! : ! , and be. t ween the IR 'el' ! ; wel'e Imlll'l'sslonH or lnlssl's IInll lem'os Bueh 1114 an' 1'0111111 , ' only In the trollics. - - - - - - World's Fair Visitors. JJp.r:3lIn : IIll'ndll1 III ! ' 'Jr'at gxpollInn /I t 81. LOlli : ! should { 'f'lIro 11 roolll 1'\08t \ > to the li'all' 111111 111 u : onf ! ! lJrleJ ( . bullllllll ; ' . Ho- tcl Epworth has 1111 Ihe c01J\.enlcllcell ot B 1II'ot-clul'O : : 11111111'rll hol'I , wlthlll four mln- IIlcfj' walle of Convelltlon nnd Adl11ll1l tTa. Uou elltmncc. Blllm ! $1.00 pcr day and U fOl' lodJ1ng.ll'al11 : nt renoonable : prlce . 1o'1'om Unlol1 Inllon. ; ; 0 10 Olive IItreel , ' ' 'ke 1) < ,11I1I1r GRrtpn ! ( 'or. Jlolng : wcst to ceOO. Our boy" TnI'Pt nil C:1rs. - - - - - Friends of Seagu lis. On the nm'thent ! coast of England , In the neighborhood or'hlthy , a s111ull soclot ' Is lIelllg' formed , which haR aH Its object Ihe pl'eventlon or dhcaso among seagulls. . Ie you 1I0n'l r'et the hlm'l't Itlld bP. t It. YOllr own fault. JJelllllll' { ' HllIl''h III rOI' lIale e\'U\\'hC'I'e 3ml Ihl'I'e I pusltl\'I'ly nothlllg' to eQual It In ( IUal. It y 111' 'Iun ntll ) ' . The Eagle. The cagle has hN.'n uset ! us an el11' lIlem fl'OUJ the Idea or ancient m 'thol- ogy that It wa : : ! the hlrel or .100'e anll WitS I he olle thal hOI'c t he souls oC the tlylng lo tllHll' abJle ( on 1\Iount 01r11l1Hls. Whlle Indulged in Gin. ' . . III the stomach of one of the whales eaughl off the coast of Shetland lJJ' whullng steamel' has heen COllnd a large Dutrh gin bolt Ie. It' was In Ilel'- reel I o lIt1ot ) , , - - - - - . ' : \ 1111'1'11'lifo ( \ on all a\'cl'oge lasls 1'nl y.plght 'C11's. ' . , - lt 1 .1 .3 M f.'pI . CISTORIA For Infants and Childrcn. . - ' - ' - - - - - fhe Kind You Have Always Bought I Bears the j Signature of " ' - : I ' . In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTO RIA , , "e OC"TAU. . .OMI'"Y. II YO" . atTY. ; ; , ' 'ft. ' , \ . . . _ I. . . . : " -J- . _ ' _ ' I . " 0Ln r-r.rE1'rDCi ' , tU..D TIHRI'1N ' IT Ir1IAJIT trNTRAVELL'U f"O-onI.T TURN" ' : ' 0 'n.z. " I i ! HOME VISITORS' EXCUi = lSIONS I FnOM ALL pOINrS ON MISSOURI Pt\C IfIC R. JlW41 ( , . = GR ATLY REDUCED ATES EAST , = INDIANA , WESTERN 'OHlO , LOUISVILLE , KY. , AND INTEn.uDIATI : POINTS. ALSO IIAWESYILLE. POYEilS : , LEWISPORr AnD OiYEHSBO O , KY. September oth , 13Ut , 20th , 27th and October 11th. Return limit , 30 days. DON'T MISS THIS CHANCE To v1.s1t the old home I1.nd t Co your frlon ! t or ' ) tbcr daoy" . , on I'ARTICULARS , IIjQUIRE or CO"I'ANY'S AOLNT. OR II. C. ' 1'U W.\hIXU : , O " . .rQl I'autn ! : . . , ulld ' .rl t. t AceDI , lIt. 1. ' " ' ' ' ' :110. 1' , . , , . _ . . . , . . - . . - - . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . , . " " " , ' ; " , . , . ! IN G.n ] A l' DIR1'ltESS , SPELLS LONG VOMITING RESIST. I ED EVERY EFr-ORT TO I CH C" . I Mrl , Drooles eclmo So Weak She Thinks She Would Have Died Dut I For Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. - - Irn. Sarnh J. . Ul'Ool.s , or No. 4i ! 1.111' coIn Pari" Chicago , 1111nols , gives the following accullnt o [ her cure from dls , tresslng spells \'omltlng : "For five ) 'eurR ofl IInd on I was trcated In'aln b ' dlffcrent. doclorlJ for relict It stomach trouble which showcd Ilsclt In frequcnt und , tr'lng spells \'omltlns. . Part or the time I was nlJlo to worl. , und again I would be confintJll to bed COl' lhreo or fOllr dn'B In succession. "M ' stomach wns at limes so doll , cnte that It would not retnln even pluln watcI' , The spells would sometimes - times occur al Inlet'vuls ot hair nn hour , and would leave 1110 so weal , that I would bo C0ll11lelled to 110 down . lJetween them. would have sc\'ernl 01 them during the night Collowlng 1\ day o [ such attncls. 1 lnally I be. came so wcul.enthat ! ! I had to gh'e \VOl'lllng altog < , thcr. I weighed enl ' nlnet ' .fcur pounds. "Last Januury J reall alloul Dr. WII. Hams' Plnlt I'll ! ! ! : Cor Palo Peoille In one o [ the Chicago dally pallers nnd bought a lIox nnd begun to I1S0 them. Arter J had used halC a box l found that 1 could keep on 111) ' stumach the food I ate. I wus cncouraed ! lJy this nnd l'OIt on using the pllllJ for tour mcwths. At the end ot that time the vomiting spells had ceased altogethet. nnd m ) ' weight wenl up to 1-12 lJoundB Rnd Is stili growing. "I lhlnl , 1 surely would ha\'c died U It bad not bcen for Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Cor I sometimes vomited clear blood , Hlld tor lhree or four da 's at a lime I could not cat a lJlte at an ) " thing. On doctor said I had chronic InOammation of the stomach , and an , other snltl my dl lcuity was u cnncer. but none or their medicines did me nuy good at nil. Finally I concluded that 1 did nol hnyo lJlood enoUh to ? dlSC3l my Coed , and I lJeban The .renl. > lUent tllat has cured mc. I can eat anything now , fintl have strength for nil Idnds of worlc. I uhvlI 's Icep Dr. Williams' PIn I. Pills on hund , and I recommend thcm to my friends lJc. cause i lmow lhey cUI'cl1 me. " I Dr. Wlllau ! ' Plnl. Pills agrec wllh lhe most \1il'nlc ! stomachs an I strcngthen the dlgestlvc ol'gnns until they do their worl. perfectl ) . . They arc sold ' all l l'tlggisls. - - - A lIlan may huv\ ! hut one character. hut he hUH as mUllY l'ell\ltations \ as he hns friends nnd enemies. - - - - - 5100 Reward , $100. Tbr rcalle. . of Ihl paper will be lCn\clllo Icarn that Ihere" ntlcaHone lIleal\r.1 dhe3C thai acleneo bao been olole 10 cllre 111 All 1t8 .tR e8 , RlIlI IbAt . II . . ' ' . . . . ' . ' " Catar.h. I"III' Calalrh ( 'uro Iho .Illy t'.I'I.I' "lIn' nllIV knoIVnln Ihe lIwllh'nl trnierulll' . C/nlr.h / Lelni : n cunelliullullal ' , rcqnc : ! ' 1rllllslltu. . I lIou..1 lIeatmenl. lIall' , Catarrh ( ' 11m 18 laken In' teruall ) ' . . .ctln ) : dlreclly u ell Iho hlollll..lld mucous hurfaceo ur Ibo } -.ICIII , Ihereby deUmhl" Ibo foulldnlloll . or Iho dl eap1 IInd ell'lng tb" patlellt hlreu'll h II ) IJlllIllIc up II' ! , onE1l1l1tri.n anll alPhl' IlIg na'lIre In dulng 1t9fork , The lrol'.letors " " 1'0 eo much tallh In 118 ( 'IITIIII\'c POIH'I" IllIil .hryolTer . Ono Jlunlhed Hollars tor foUY , 'a'o Illul It falll 10 LUre , l'nllur liAr r.t IpAttmunIAI. . A < J < lreI8 F. , I , 1'1Il I \ & : to. , ' ! 'ulc o. O. I'old IIr nlllJrlliJf.I8. 3c. ' 1'&l.e Hall' . "allllly 1'1118 tor Contlpatlon. - A " ! ; " 1001 , Is not nl\vn 's born of ( 'onsl.'lous guilt ; sometimes It I hI. ' I 1111 < 'x or a life oC IIhue. ! I LARGEST IRRIGATION ENTER. I PRISE IN AMERICA , 'rhe ' 1'wln Falls Land and Watl.'l' ' . , located on the Snalw I'h'Q1' , I wl'ntr-four mile ; ; Rllllth uC Shoshone stotlon , the lal'est ! ItTl alloll ' ntel" pl'lsc ' in Amel'lca. ' IlIvol\'lng . I eXJll'n. II/tnre / of ovel' two million dollars and redalmlng two l1un l'ell nnd se\'enty live thoui'antl acres or thu I'lchest vulley lands III Ihe state oC Idaho , Is now pl'actically ' rompleted ntlll will be dellvOI'lng watol' on the lands within lhe J\xt \ slxt . to ninety da 's. 'I'he main canal , HlxllIlno mlls long , Is elbht ' feet wltle ut the hottom , one hundl'cd nnd t welltr-folll' feet at the top and caITles ten Ceel of water. 'I'he p'ojecl Is I1clng constl'uctell tVltlel' lhe ClII'cr att , anti comes un m' t he 1m. mediate supen'lslon of the Idaho Stat ( ' Lan1 ! Buurel. Last fall tllo Land BoaI'd authorized tlw opt-nln ! ; 01 : W , ' 000 aCl'es oC this land 111 IIl1hllc enl1' ' , nnd lJotwlthstnndnp ! ; the fact that. no wat < 'I' would ho < < lelh'f'rl'll this real' . all oC this land haH lCell ahsorhe . 'rho State Lantl BoaI'd now nmhol'lzeH ' the opening or an additional ] 00,000 Ilcrc' ) at noon , Octohel' ' : ! Oth , at Twin Falls City , and n gl'eat ' rush IS eXIJ'c' . l'd. ! 'III'lasqul'rny : , chlof of deslgl s of I1l\l1ellnss ancl grollnds at Illp . \VOI'JtI.S I ull' , St. Louis , has Ileshmetl ( L hotel nncl townlIe ! I\IIOWII fiR 'l'wll1 Fall ! ; ( "lty. In the heltrt of tlwtie I a 1111 : . ; , and n $ iiOnoo hot < ,1 Is 1I0W 1II111el' ( 'on- "t'UttlOII. ! bl'sltles lIumerou' { huslrJlm blor ! . ! : ! autl rsltlonces. ! Ot' $60,1100 wOl'th of town lots ha0 Iwon Rolli w/lhln / the llIlst slxt ) . dn 'R. The 01'- gen Shol't ' Line , nt au early Ilate , will hcgin the construction of a ; .mnC'lI line from 1\lIultlolm through 1110 heart of Il'fle ! lanlls to till ! 1I0W lown of ' 1'w In } a1l8 City , It Ipems to he the ! ; enoral olllnlon that dlRrltr shoultl hngln at : , oll1e. 11Od l'ls"s home. - - - - - - THE WORLD'S FAIR-ST. LOUIS. lIotd } ' ; p\\'urtll. th'o block trom the Allnun. lst1'l1t1on anll CODVl'ntiOI1 entrunl' ( ' . Iii a uru , ptJrl11allen brIck bulfc1 I 111 : ot o\'rr.lJO . roollls. a cot , 110 11101'0 tn Hlop lit Holel } ; pworth tlJ.lII a thl'I'IIIIQrary turr UIII tram" hotl'IH. lt1\IC tllX ! a un uud uJ ! , I'urop"arllllUD ; , 1"lr t.cla . ! thllWI : h lI-r'u"onalJlo prlccH , 1\ , 'ry (1)11' \'el1l1'lIre , Hcudqu.1rtef ! ; 'F urmerllllllDUI COIlvn's. 1I00m"l may 1m reserv,1. I1h.llllar Gurth'lI , 'ar on 011Httel } ; IlwortI , titiOO I Wa hl1lIUU ( Ave"'t : , LC1.oal , 1 > 10. I : \IItHlIng one's owu hllslne:1s l'eCI'lln's i mOI'l. sliII 111011 those who Cre'ol ) " ' " ' ommpnll It seoll1 to realize. j'OI"I' H 11II.J.e,11I of dllllerll HII ) ' the ex It'll . I quantlt > ' IInll ! 'uprlol' rlllallt ) or lJl'- fllltll'l' Htnrch Is Cast tlll < lul ; 111aco or 1111 othl'l' lJt'llndll , Olherll I'\a ' ' they CIIII not IICI ! allY other starch. ! GII't [ ] Is Rcrc One. I From Mount ( I'II\.ltn'l' ! , n. IJal ( In I ( : Illlln ( ' : Jllnl ' . ( 'olurac\tJ \ , Ilcr'1n cnn I : 'oe IIHO COlli' tatl'4 ! : llIcl'Ow ! tl'rI'ltUl' ' . ; On1 elena' tluy the ohsl'rvl'r l'an tlls. cern thl' Ulntnh lI1ollntnln/\ enstl'I'n I Utah : the : \ll.lIl.'lno . How I'nne ! tll' I \\'nltlln , th ! ' tip" ur the Horllo ! In j New ; \I'xlco anll the lrlncftml lleahs of Colol"ndo. 'rho plllltHl , str\lchlng ! to till' , 'ast , lIt.o plainly \'Islhlt' I'loar Into NubrnRlw. r Iln not IIclll" u J 'l n'lI Curu fur ( In l1l11J1t.I bn un I'q\1I11 \ fo l'ol1hH ! ntlll cohl . - . .ton : . ' Ir 1101"1:11 : , 'J'I.lnlt . llrll1H. 11111. . Pf'lJ. H. , 11'00 ' . . , , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , How to Test a Diamond. ' 1'0 tcst n tllull10ud rub \'ogol'Otlsl ' with a bit. of silk Cor 11. 1lI01tl1'nt , nnd lhe slont' . If 11. dlall1ond , will allt'a'l bits of wool. colton or papor. gXIIOS\ ! thslono ! to the lUree ! 1'11)11 of the slln Cot' 11. few lI1olUenl ! ! nnll ! 'l'lllO10 ! II dnrlienud rOOI1l , Ir It Is 11 IlIlImund It will gill\\ " An IInltllllon tlhllUOl1 shows It number of IlUages when on\ ! lonlts I hrough It. 'I'hu tllltlnollll shows bill OIlC , : 'Ifllrlnl1 1 < ; ) ' 0 Henwt1y 1'\11'1'1'1 \ 1\00'f' ( 'Jf'f ) , 11I111 < 1'9 wenk r9 strong.lIl1rl1g llIts. Mil : . - - - - - Valuc or Pride. \\'e lUorlaJs , mon I nll womOll , de. \0 lit' man ) ' 11. dlsllllllOlntment bet we un bl'pnlCllst IIntl IlInnel' tlml' , I. . cell hacl , lhe teal'S IInll 1001 , II 1111\0 \ IlItle Hhout IIw lips , nnd In answer to hltlUlril'R sa ' : "Oh , nothing ! " I'l'Ido helpH UB , nnd prIde Is nol II had I hlng when It enl ' tlres tiS to hltle otlr own htll'ls- nol tu hml othol's.-Geol'lo ICllol. Lewis' "Siuftle : Hlndel' " ! 'tmight 50 clJRr. ; } Jr1ce tll dl'l&lel" : tBOO ( } 11l'I'1 ; , 'I'hc ) ' co t. ! lOll1e more thnn otber Imlnds , ! nltl1 thull a good 50 clljU' shonltl cost. Low I ! ! , .Fnelory , Peorln. III , Church of Solid Coral. A chtll"ch oC solid coral Is H ctll'loslty oC th11410 ! oC Mahe.I'hls h lnlHl. rls. Ing aooo fcel. Is the hlghost oC thoSe Se 'chelles grollli In the Indlnn ocean , Hnd It s bUl1dlnga are all fl'om sqllUI'O blocls hewn CI'OI1I IIIl1ssh'e ( ' 01'1I1 Hnll glistening lI1 < e while 111 II I'hl 0 , "n , . Jnvld } { ( .I1I1..y. . . " . . . . ' ' ' 'orllt' ' ' ! ttl11l" " " . . . , . .1 my III I I had dl. . . . . .l. olld ! .hlllpy III.ea. " , " Jt1 1 > oualor AILe.e Alurl1l. I'Arl.l'l. . N. \ ' . II AJut lie , . . Expert Testimony. "There 11I'0 IHteen symlltoms or ilrllnl\enness , " said a mellirul wllnoss In an Iongllsh } lOlIce cOlii'I , 'I'he judge hastily IInl'lI the deCenllanl $ r , and call1'll rOl' the next case , - - - - - . , . ' ' Mr . ' .11I.10W'8 Aunthlll ! ; Syrnll. 'P'or I'lJlhlren teotl1ln. . : . ullflCII tI181(11" " , rrlluru In' IJI1IIUIIIIUOII. &lIa1'IuID , curoa wlud coif. . . u a wttle. . - - - - - Dates a Staple in Arrlc : ! . In SOlUO lIurll : of ACrlrl1 dates form the 111aln food of the nallvl'R. th\h' ! huts arc COl1l1Hlsed chioU ) ' or the lea\'cs. the IIbre oj' the leaC-stulIs Is emlllo'ed In rene muldn lIlId Cl'OlU the saIl Is o1Jtalneel an Intoxlcntlng 111'1111. . _ nl'alpl' sa- ' that itS I'oon n a I'US- 101lll'I' tl'l5 nl'flunce Blarch It Is 111I- J1o Hlhh' III ! I'II Ihelll 1111ntlll'I' : poltl watcl' slltl'l'Il. Jl ean be us d cold UI' holled. Kof. ono lJIun In I ell III IIsunll 11)ves : his ImJlre8G IIJon his fl'Ju"s ! , " , hkh prolmblr Is COI.tunate 1'01' his fellows , , - - - - - - - Many Children Arc SIckly. Mothet' ' ' Sweet POWd01'S Gt'ay' : ; forChill1rcn , nSfJr11Jy Mother Gl'a ' , a nUt'lio in Clilhh'en'j Home , Now York , cUt'O Summcl' Complaint , 1"evCl'lshness , I I cada l' hoS l om ac h 1'1'0 u hiesl ; J.'cothll1g Di ordersl1ud IJcstroy WOl'IIIS. At 1111 Drllggists' , 5c. Sample mallcd FItI"F . Address Allen S. Ohlltcd. ! 1.0 Hay , N , Y. 11. wOllld lalw 11101'0 I han a shy. ' ' 1'11'\'aIOl' l'jt'\'Utc , SCI'allel' \ 10 \ some [ leo' pIc. I I , I TilE LADY I WIIO IRONS j Mows how import.tit it Is I 10 lISt good starch. Defiance , Starch is' Iht but slarch I I madt , It dotm't stick to the Iron. It , givcs 01 bcauti. : ful soft glossy sliffnm to tht : dothu. II will not bhttr or crath the goods , II HII , I for less , gou farlher , dou : mort , Ask the lady \\ho ; Irons. Odilntt , Slarch at all I grocl'.r5 , 16 oz. for 10 ccnts. : The D flANCf STARCn CO. , : mlAIIA - . N [ , I PUTNAM Color more good. Illluhler anll Insler colors Ihlln nn : 0' ' Ihk deilier or'fC wllacnd ! po:1 paid nt IOc n pnckace. " t'ortuue&lnUltle I1'I1' , GINSENG U8. [ ; 8011 , i : ru I. II I" erbere , t > cll. In : , \lIl1'rlclll1 1II\,1.el aI' ' ! f.i to HI : ' : I'l'r Ih ; C"1I111 jrtlW len Ibau II. II/I / , ( 'ItIllBl1d. ru"t. and .rll ! I'r 'hle ; hooklel rre ' 1rlt" I UUHIENO CO. , lJept , 6 , Jopl l' 11. lJo. _ . i W. N. U. , Om : "a. No. 41-1904 . , . , - ' - - " : . . . , \ " , , , ' 1'- - : ' ' ' ' ' , . . " " " " " " . , . . . . . _ . . . " . - , _ . . . _ . - - . " . - , - . . . - . . . . . it . t . , Many \V0111en are denied the happiness of children through derangelnent of the genera. . tive organs. 1\11 rs. Beyer advises \VOl11en to use Lydia E. Pinkhamts Vegetable Compound. : "Dl An ) lnH. PI I\1IA I : -I suffered with Rtomrwh complnint for' years. I got so bitt ! t hat. I could 110t , ee.l'ry my ehildl'el1 hut Jive monthH ! thcn would Ill\YC It miscaniagc. ' 1lho lasL Limo I hectlmo prcgnant , 111 ; . husband got mo to tuke J. . .lIn B. Pinkhnm's "Cg ! ( t.nhlc Compound. Aftcr taking the flrsL hoWe I was rolicved of the l : icknc ! ; ! : ! of stom/ttJh / , Illld began to feel hcttcr in every wnV. , I cont.inued it ! use 1l.11 < 1WIUJ I cllablcd to curry my Il1\hy t < ? 1111ltnrH.y. I now have It nice gjrl , and. can work hetter Ollln I ever could before ! . I am liIro a. now WI ) . man.lllls. , . FJtA. It Bl YJ.H , 22 S. Secoud St. . , l\1 ridel ) , Conn. I 1Iq ; , - 1t : \ Another case \"hich proves that 110 other medicfirl in the world accol11plishes the s lne results a' ) Ly ia E. Pinld1alll's Vegetable ConJpound.I I . . . . , . . . " . . . . . .ps" . " . . . - .ps"f ' - - - - t. II DJ1\1t : ill ItH. lI H I1A 11 : : - I wn.S rnll.1'I' tIlJ for five years and gave' birth to two ] 110- 11l1ttmo chih1rl'n. After Umt I took . . .t1in B. Pllllchnm. , . . Y" c tn.hlc d'10J/H 1)011I111 , culIl it. . ( 'hanged Ill < . ' from It weak , neJ-rOlls woman to a trong' , halpy n.llll healthy yife within l'\'eI111lCnths ; WI1h- in two 'l'ars a lovely liWc git'l WIl./-I / borll , who is the pride Hlltl joy of my hO\l/-lolloJI1. / If every woman who i : eurc feeu ] ill I grateful IIml hupp ' liS ] do , yon ] JIUllt. lJa vc It host. of fl'illtl , for Hvcry day I bless yon for the light. , health and ) mppi. ) lCSS I. ' ( lItL B. Pinkhnu ; Vg tu.hlu Compound 11.\8 brought. 1.0 illY homo. : ; inccl'ry ) YOUrI : ! , 1t1RB.1.11' ] ' \ P. 'YnAnUY , li'lat : n , 'I'he N01'1IIan , 1Hilwllulwc , Wi" , ' ! Actual stcrllit . In woman i very ral'c. If nn " 'Woman th J1U Hlle is sterile let hcr wrHQ to 1\lrs. PlnldlHWl ut , L 'lm. J'lJaIiH. , wuJlln advice is given free t nIl wOllhl-hc. . mid c'XICC'tuut. ! m thers. , ' FORFEIT If " ' 0 cnnnot torlhwlth IIrollucII Iho orl lnnl 1..1ll'IH Im Ilcna111111" n $1' : 000 uhoT" leufmonhdw , \\IIII'ro\' IIb fJll1t" l'mlllr"IIJ" : , . . . . ' , ' . " U Lydia JJ : J'lnll' ' ' ' ' ' " " " en \ _ I Great Reduction in Rates via , I VV ABASH RAILROJ\.D t. . HOlllc , ,1 IlOl's ( , : 'I'l'ul'l'lonfl soll1 eVeJ' ) ' 'l'uefHlay In f'plf'mhf'r anl1 Octohnr 111h , lInlt farc 11111111 $ : ! , oOJ tor thu l'Otllll1 11'1/1 / 10 nIl pOllitt : : In IndlulIu , I 110lntR In Ohio nllli Jl'lIlIl1'Iy. $8.0 81. 1.011'1'1 ' nlill 1'lul'lI , flold tinily cxcclt ( . 'rhIny / lTI'Halurday / , U3,80 SL Loul ! ! nil' ' } rei UI'II , Holl1 IIull ) ' . $27,1j [ Buffulo , : - : : n1"ll l"alj.1 or 'l'onmlo und return. hol t1all ) ' . $21.50 Delrolt anll I"I-tm'n , oll1 11(111) ' . $20.00 Chleno ancl I"ItUI"l1 ! COIIl ! wa'Ia Rt. LOlli , , ) . ! 'ol. ] .1aily , Long limit alld IItop over allowed lit St. I.lul 1111 JI.I. . . tlcllels , Sdlcllule ot OIU' Fast . t"ulna , neall down. Rend uv. 7:45 : n. . : : ! II , m. L\ ' . o 111 Il 1m . \I'r. ! Ll10 , fl m.180 : : ! u , m. 8:00 : n. mltj:4ti : ) / , m , Iv. ( 'ollllell 11111rr AlT. H:4r : , I' . rn,18:00 : n , III. 7ri : : ! p , 1II.ljOO : a. Ill , An. 'Vudu' " 10'011' Htalloll I.v. ! I'1& o. ' : p , tn. ; :50 : .1. m.7:11i ! : n. m. Arr. Sl. Louh ! I.v. 9.00 a. m. 710 : ; p , tll. Thl' ! ' ! ! Imillfi I'un lIullY. rOllll'a ! " ! ! thl ! ! tllIIl' wll h nt1j1 II n 1'11. ' 1'he " 'nlJal'h lanrl ! ; ull III\KenJc ! " ! ! lit I\lIti dWl'kl' IJII uit ! t Uti own fltntloll lit 11111111 "ntmlll'p orVII'IlI' " full' gTOUllfIH. Thin ! . \\hat thll : mlUIfI. CJlIlL'k IIl11e. ( 'xtl'lI mil' flll' ( ' tilly'cl , 111'111 a 11'lIghlful Illp. lUll ] yuu are not all tll'etl out hefore f'nlcrlll ; ; Ihe J' XIIOl1lol1 C'1'OUllflfl. An AJ.cllts CIIII rrmlp you via th ! ! WulJalil ! n. n , J'or 11".1utlul WOI'l 'lI Fair Cohler und nil InrOI"llHltloll all'h.f'I'/ ! . HAI R.Y E.OOI ES. a. A. 1' , D. WalJ h H.malia , Neb . - - - - , ' Y1NCHESI : : R' ' ! t , Take Down Repeating Shotgun's ; , . Don't spend from $50 to $200 for a Run , when for so . , , much Jess money you can buy { \Vinchester Take. . , " Down Hcpeating Shotgun , which wiIJ outshoot and J outlast the highestprIced.doublcb3rreled . J Uf.l I . ' besides being us safe , reliable and handy. YOU ! ' ' . \ ; dealer can show you one. They are sold evcrywhere. , \ . n ) . ' ' f FREE I Olr UO-P"C/e llltsfr.fcd C.lJue. . ( \ WINCHESTER R F'EATING ARMS CO. NEVI HAVENCONh' ' ! . HANDY BLUEING BOOK" In hhl'Ct'i at PUR E ANILUU ! BLUE. Xo hottlc ! ' . No ] > 111.11 ( . . . . )0.0 " . . . .w. lhe'i U'O > .111111 InO\1nt : \ of blIJelllR waler : : d ) WllhlHluy Able YOUI'lL'ccr / tor It or h ( ( .1\ \ Ilk J..r 11 book ot : : : 'l < mw'1. The Handv hmne ! : nook Co. " 81 E. lake 5 "r l ! icTjlo , H'II ' F ADELESS DYES ) ! /iI'r / dIe. One 10c taC ! ir-u colon silk. Vlool nnd collon equollr well nnd " Qunronltcd : to CI : < J perlect If HIIJI'N r.te lor Iret : IockletQW \ ! 10 Ore , Iuco IndIIIX / Col..r . .ru.'dlul" Jllei'fl CO. . ( 'llloIlVWU. .U'hlOl.1. - - - - When AnswcrlnlJ AdvcrtltJcmcntc 1 < lI10ly . , 'Ientlon fhlc f' pcr. I I BEGGS' BLOOD PURIFIER I CURES cltarrh r.f H1C stomach. ! - - " 'h ' . . . . . _ _ .