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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1904)
. . THOUGHT SHe : WOUL.D DIE. - Mrlf. S , W. M lrlne , of Colorodo Springs , Degan to Fear the Worst. Donn's 1 < ldne ; Pills Swed : Her. Mrs : Somh Morllle , of 428 Sl. Ul'l\lo AI" Colorado SprlnHs , Cola" President ( If the Glen l ) 'rlo Cluh , wrllcs : "I surrored ( or three ) 'onrsI'll h Bo- vero ! .Jllclncho. ' ' doctorB 'I' h 0 told mu my 1ldnays wcro nrrccled n II d 11 res ( ' I' I.J ! ed medicines for rue , ! .Jut 1 rOllnd It was only a f waste of tllno nod malic ) ' to tnllo them , DUll ! .Jegan to fear that I'ould I novoI' get wcll. A ( rlend ad. vlsd ! 1110 to try DOllll'S Kldnoy Pills , Within a wcolc orler I ! .Jogan usln , ; thelll ( waste to : much ! .Jelter that I decided to keep 1111 t.he treatment , alld when ( had uliClI n lIttle over two iJoxes ( was l'lJl.lrely well. 1 have now enjoyed thl ! best of health tor more than rour munths , nnd words can but Il0orl ) ' ex. ureS3 my gratltllde , " For sale by all dealers. Price 60 clmtg , Foster.Mllburn Co" Buffalo , NY. , , Chinese Abolish Torture , 'ChllllLS crimInal cOlle has hcen rc- Vilioll. ' ' ' ' ' of . 1'he ha\'llu'olls pllulshnll'nt , ; llIclrto pIeces" hns hUl'n ahollshed , 1\1111 It Is IHJlleVl " that all torlll1'e111 III ! ahollshed soon , AI ! n's Foot.Eaie ! , Wonderful Remedy. "CfI\VO trIed AJ.f.gN'S FOOT.gAS ( ' : , 1\1111 ( hullt to bo n cortaln cllre , nlll1 gives com. l'ort. to 0110 slIfCorlllg with sere , tClulel' and 111'011011 feot. I will recommend ALLI N'S ; rOO'.EASn to my , as It ! s flt'taluly : a wOllderful rcmcdy-MI's . , N. a. GuUfoL'd , Now Orleans , La. " Swift L.C"tter Carrier. ' ' " " of nll 1'110 "frlgatc" Is the swiftest nnL : hlrlls , am : lu home o [ the Clilla. lorlnl Islcil of the Paclnc Is usce ! as a 1(1ttor canler , Tal\Cn from the nest Imfol'o It can fiy , It Is haud fee ! .on IL HAh dIet by the natives ; aUlI In the 1:0111'14) : of n few months bccomes so ( mlle that It can he lI.Jemtell ! dllrlns I hll tla ' ane ! w1l1 roturu to Its IlcrclJ ILt : mnet. : : ! Occupation for Turkish Women. li'rom the lime oC lhe first lucnrslQII nt' the Tllrlts lute 1 lIrolle drawnw rll ' " 111 heen IL favorite Il\Irslllt amen ' ' ' ' In thl 'I'ul'ltlHh' women , _ ospeclally hlll' ( mfl , 'fhcy :11'0 flald to hav ( tOlunell It orlgluall ' from Hall n wo Illon who were made cavtlvo In till 11111'1 when OUomau alleys ravasel the Mollltenaneau , He Is C < 1reful Now. " 'lOll tIou't sa ) ' 'dOWlL with thl tnlnls ! ' nny more , " sale ! the frlellll , "No , " auswOI'cd the al1rohens\v , 1 ItI7.on , ' 'It docou't seem to have nn : 'IJl'Lclical ' : eCfect aUlI I'm afl'l\ld sam i nwt mIght hoar me anll relallnte b : mLhlUllly reml\l'ldug 'liP with IIrlces. ' Weather L.ore from the Bible. "When It IH evenIng , 'e say It wI ] 11f ) fuul wcathel' , for the 8ley Is rell ; Iud In the lIlomlng It wltl ho fOl welllher' toelay : for the al. ) " Is re , 1LU loworlus-Mntthew xv ! . , 2.3. Sample of Red Tape. There uro no fewer than thlrtColI volumes of reglliallons concemlng th , ludlan al'm ' , amounting to GOOO clos ! I Y'llrlntca llfises , F dlng Bottles for Needy Babes. The llIrl1lln ham health delartmcr ) furnIshes reedIng lJOltles for the chi tlreri of imllO\'erlshed llaUents , , CAN DRINK TROUBL.E , Thtt's one way to get It. Altllough they won't admit It man people who Auffer from slele he\llach : 1IIci other IIl\s \ got them sll'lllht ! rrm the corree the ) ' drlnlt and It Is cas\ \ ! [ lrovcll It tlle"o , not nmhl to leave to 11 tcst as In the case oC a lad ' 1 Connetlsvllle. " [ had lJeen a surrerer (1'011I sIc hellliaches for twent.11 'enrs nr au 'ono who has C\'er had a IJIII : sIc hmllincho Imowfl what I surrere omellllles lhroe Ila's In the weelt would have to remaIn In bcd , at oth time3 1 couldn't lie down the 111\ w < llIld 1J0 so grel\t. 1\1) ' life was n tc I\r , nnd If 1 went away from home ( a , dll' I nhvn's came back 11101'0 de : than allvo , "Ono day I was telling wonu1I1 ,1 tl"Oublcs aull she told mo she Im < < that It was ) lroha l ) ' coffee causell ' \ nho aald IIho hall lJeen cured by ste Illpl ; , corteo nud using Postum Fa ColTee null urged me to tr ) ' thIs fa < < rink. "That's how I came to send out 0 et I > omo Postum nnll from that tI l'\'e , ne\'er heon without it ror It S\I my , taste and has entirely cmell . , ( myoId troubles , All I did was cavF ) oU the correo and tell and dr wellmado Postum In Its Illace , 'I' change hns tIono mo maI'o good U " cv ythlng else put together. "Our house was 111,0 u drug st Cor 11IY buslJl\nd bought e\'erythlng III arll of to I10lp mo wIthout doIng I tooll , but when I besan on the I tllrn 'illY headaches ceascd anll at-her ( troubles quiclcl ) ' dlsallpenrcd h(1 ( a frlond who hud an ex perle jmt 1\Ite \ mlno and Postum cured jUtt as It Illd me. "Pos um not only cured the 111 Itches , but m ' neral health has lJ Irnpl"o\'ed , nnd urn much stror t hl1u beforo. I now cnjo ) ' delle , : l'oBtum moro thnn dhl cotx , , NUIo glyen by ll St i ' Co" Hr f" " rocle , MIch. "Therc'A a reason" and It's WI Uudln& & ; ClOt. 'VU Short Circular Caper. In Style , I I Sl\CJrt e'lrculal' cnlles nro all the , fashIon rl ht now , 'J'11CI o mo\t' ! In I vogue for late . \UKuflt Iln ) ' ! ; nnd car ! ) ' I\utumll weathel' ILre oj' coarse lace ; an ) ' lace 1IIw CIIIJI ) ' . Bru/c / 0) ' point Venlse Is In CO\\'O ) ' . 'J'he calle ! ! vary In lentli. , Sometimes they rail jUHt to the shouhlcl' , othm' rraeh to the busl line , ' anll HUll other ! ! touch the wnlsl. ( n ecru 01' dyell to match the colO1' of lho OWII 01 [ ' ) ' will ho the most fashlonahle dllrln the carl ) ' rall. 1'1) ( ' I1mII't : , ; 11'1 III sUl"e to contrl\'c nmn ) ' m'\el WI1 'H or addlnJ ; to the charm of her l'alH' , She ma ) ' faslen It down the rront with hi , ; , nrtlsllclooldng but. tons , or It maJ. ' ha\'e the euct oC he. In tied to ethl'l' wIth many smart. ' 1ooldllr ; ' IIltlo iJlac'k Hatln ows , If Bhe wishes to more dechledly change Its erroct she wl\1 \ slip salin mossallno or'elvet rll/ans through the meshes of the lace at ellher sIde of the front , AI. Iho nIIck the rllJbons nre tied III roseltes , and then agaIn a hIt further down-September Woman's Home COlUllnnlon , - - Midget Furniture. 1 01' thl' nurl1ery tlWI'O Is mIdget fur. nlturloC II Idnd that c1cUgh ta the hearts of the children. 1I0t doll furnl. ture , but Curnllure or jnst the J'iSht sort ( or the use of children : comfortable - able elLsy chaIr ! ! ahout onethlrd the slzc ot those In mother's roum , cov. ered with IJretly cl'ctonne ; a small 80fa and a 1It1le box couch , covered to mntch , a'H the OhIo State Journal. ' 1'ho little toilet table Is drapell wllh the cretonne , and there are hangIngs of It at the door. A small white writIng - Ing desk und tahle , wIth a while chair of correspondIng slzo , ha\'o a place in I ana corner of the room and on the I dCllk nre slate and pencil and an al. ; phn et garno , 'l'ho cretonne box I Coucll mal > es an excellent receptacle Cor to'S when they are not In use. Excellent Pear Dessert. Coole onchlll ( CLlII of rIce twenty minutes In IJlenty oC bollhlg salted water. DraIn and put In the double bollcr , wIth a hl\lf cup of rIch milk. Coole until the rico Is sort and the - mlllt ubsorbcd. Sweelen lightly and season with a few drolls of'anllla , tYo teaspoonfuls of preserved gInger julco and a ( ew drols ( of lemon julco. Tnrn Into a mold to cool. DraIn a quart of stowed pears free from juice , i ) fill theIr centers with prcserved gin , ser chopped fine ILnd moistened wIth n teaspoonrul or orange juice , ' 1'llrn the rIco into a low glass Illsh , arrange the pcars about It , and garnIsh with gInger and whIpped cream. - - - For Afternoon Wear. Full waIsts made wIth d p poInt. 11 cII yolcos are exceedIngly becomIng : : to gIrlish figures and are much tilted 11 for the waists of aflel'Doon wear , ThIs done 18 made oC rORe.colorecl wool ba. tlste , the yolte bolng of finely tucltcd silk , with a desIgn of bIns bond Ins rormlng loops In whIch mCllatllons I II' ot lace are sot , and round the lower o edso of thl ! yoke Is a frill whIch matches the waIst nnd which Is stitched and trImmed with all em , brolllered band , ' 1'0 mal.o the waIst : It ld : It Itd. d. d.I er In II"or or ad ny D IaI1 d b ' May llantoll. w for IL girl of H ) 'eal'1 ; oC ago wl11 b It. requlrell , ) 'lI.rds of mate1'lal : ! 1 , ) p. yl\rds 7 or If. & ynrtls H inches wid I 'od ' wIth 1 ) ' 11\11 oC ) 'oltlug material. , ad - . ' Gr tpc Catsup. , nd 'fa make gl'll\10 \ Ntsnp gct sove ' 1110 110unds of gntll'S ( , I'lcl , them oft tli Ilts fteuJ ! ; , wash 1111'1\1 , IlIIt them ( n all stone jar 1\1111 ! J t the jar o\'er Ute to fire In a tlCl'lJ lJOt at ho11:111 : ; wate ! Ink the gra10' \ ; cool , In t hlj ; . . : \:1UI hl8 ror an bOlli' In ordrr to : OSl'U U lau seelis. Hemo\'o rl'om the Ih'e al straIn throngh 1sle'o , h lng carer are that all the IlIIlp goes through , ThE bo adll 1\ Illl1t of J > oed chicI''Inegv any three and 1halC pollnds o ( sugar UI . ) os' II. teaspoonful each of cInnamon 1\1 the cloveR , Hetum to the nl'o and coc . ] until thlelt. _ _ CII Fish Pudding. eJ Ingrelllcnts-Ono.I\I\1f IlouDll cook ead'fish , ( a , pound c ollell potato , 1 olin . ead' Cl' butter , 1 l'gg , 1 talJlcspoonful mille , , e toaspoonueholliled \ ( II\rsley , lIelll ] and salt. lou3 Method-Rcmo\'o the fat and sl , , eo IttiG trom the fillh , nnd broal , the fish It : sronn fiakes : rub tllo Ilotnto throu Drtb a T.'lr sIeve : u'lx It wllh the fil ndei 1/1'11111'1' ILnd sail : molt the butte , In II Ha1lcCIJlln , ndd the fish 1\1lxt\1l'o to II , mix well together : ndd the fgg ( well beaten ) , the mill , and parsle ' : Iiour the mlxturo Into u butterell mould or plo dIsh , cover with crmn.Js ! , bakp In a moderato oven for about thh ty mlnuleR , turn out on to n dIsh. IH\IJer , goal'nll-Ih with ( Jarsle ) ' and lem. on , nnd ser\'I' , - - - - M lascs' Tourist Coat. 'r\1O \ tOlll'lsl. coat has talen n firm hold on llClpular flH1c ' ILn,1 , will be lIIuch W01'n durln the comIng Hel1SUn hy J.'ol\n { ; Irlc ; ILS'fJlI as by grown women , 'l'hls ono Is pecul1arly desh'- ILhle nnd sulls the Honoral wrap and the costullle equally well , but , In lhe case of the model , Is made of Ilark hll1 ( ) chl'vlot trImmed wIth braId and alltclll'd wllh carllcelll sllle and . - - Is desisncd ( or weal' over any gown. ' 1'he coat Is made with loose fronts and back , the lattm' being confined at the waIst IIno b ) ' means of a belt cut In two portions that are lapped one over the other and held by but. tons. The sleeves are wIde and ample plo , I1nlshed wIth rollover flare cuUs , 'fhe quanllly ot material required for the medIum size Is 4 % yards 27 inches wide , 2 % ) 'ards H inches widE or % yards 52 Inches wille. Jellied Salmon , Those who are most Interested in the more substantial courses at the table wltl be glad to try the jellied salmon , which malws a most appetiz. ing as well as a tasteful luncheon dish , or one to be servcd at a Sunda evening supper. It is easily made , Soale one tablespoonful of gelatln ( as usual , and nllx It with a can 01 salmon and three.quarters or a cur of salad dressIng , Set it away tc harden , This 18 hut one of m n ) slmllm' dishes which any sltllul cool may do\'ise , - - - Fancy Covert Coats. Lest the covert coat approach mo nolony a varIety oC finlshlnss Is in trodueed Into Its makIng , l'ull ; sleeve have been Introduced , and now soml 'of the short j ckets have ( u11 back ! held In at the waIst wIth a shor strap , Olhers ha\'e wide stl chet haDlI curved around over the sboul ders half way to th hac1" ( ormln ! a cape effect. Slot scams , braIdIng appliques and l'ull1lngs are all intre duced. lendIng the erstwhile slmpll covert jaelwt a moat ( estive aspect - - - New Form of Enterta nment. At IL luncheon a short , time ago ; now rorm uC entertainment was } In vlded b ) ' the Juests themselves , Th hostess a81.011 each ono to como I 8011\0 Wlroprcsentln ! ; her ( ud : th(1 the guests were supplied wIth poncll atHl canis aDlI the one who guesse the greatest number o ( hohble ! ) SUI Sl'sted recelvell n prIze. Ono glr who wlshell to show thnt she , va fonll of musIc , had ( nstened t h ( dress a plcturo of a cr'lng ltittcn wit a bandagell hend-mleu.slck. Pineapple and Or Jnge. Ie Cut the top from n pIneapple ar 4 careully remove the InsIde , so lh : c , the shell mlLY not ho broken. Cut tI pulp Into bits , mix It with the pu of three ripe orl\nes , also cut 'Vel 'n amall , ! Lnll lIber\II ' sweeten the ml ture. Smooth arc tlte bolt m ot tl e n plnN\llple shell so that It will stal 10 uprIght , refill with the trult pulp , ILl r , set In the Ice fm' three hours - - - - fIr 10 Mixed Catchup. : Id Take el\\l1\1 \ qunnlllles of green 1 ul matoes , whlto onions fil1Il cl\blJa ; ; m rrlml in a Slusa.o : : mill , SIJrlnli tr , wIth salt , turn Into.n bat. ; anll hnl t1d up to draIn nil nIght. Pllt In a j nil wIth ono ounce ( uch of whlto nn ole tard seell , II0wdr2d mace , grou cloves 8tH ! allsplr" , ; cllop two 110 ot red popper utJd add. Cm'or wI , ntronl ; , coltl vinegar. ell - - .eo Whole C < 1nned Tomatoes , ,1 Immr.rsu the tomatoes in bolll IeI' walt'r ar.d Sllil oft the 'skins ; Inte luno lotlle of ho\1lng \ water put jl In enGlIsh tomatoes tl ) fill a jar , C01 ltn : Anll ste\1J1 ror eight minutes , t1i gh paclt Into 1\ hot jar , tlll fo ovorl1ow : IIh , with the ho\1ln \ wlltor and HNI\ \ . , , . 'ih Octohor Cnt\1 ! ' ' will IH'n : ; t1 , , conclusion ot Dr , S , Weir : , { tchcll"s rl'mRt'lmlJlf' 1J1gl'nllh ' . "l'he YOllth of Washington , " Th ( ' work wilt t ) ( , put ! . lI'Ihcll ! ' In hook COl"nl O'toll1' 8th , Tl\ \ ( ' ullJlr slrong ficllou aurIn ! feature , Jack l.ontlon's " 1'ho Sea.WoIf , " Is nearing It.a fiUlll climax anti will end In the November IsslIe , Th short slorlcs or the numher will Include : " 1'he 'rhorn 'l'hat Prleltcd , " pathoUc star ) ' or some t 'plcal experIence oC the stutllo , II ) ' Grace Eller ) ' ChannIng : "The " 'ullerwul1s , " another " lIsB Nlg el' " tILle , hy Hose Younl ; ; "A Head ) ' Letterwrlter , " nnothCl' story of the Nevndn mountains , by lIrlam II , chelson : " .I..o\'e at ! . < 1nJ ; DlstalH'e , " n humorous lastor ' . h ) ' .1nmes Ra " montl Pon' ) ' ; "ConcernIng I ' Aunt J-llen , ' hY OOI1\'ernOllr lorrlH j llnothel' of Anne Warner's rlchl ) ' humorou8 1IBR Clo storIes , thlH lime "Jnthrop . . . . .athl'OII.B Cow , " ancl n. monologue , "H\C'hard's \ Pl'nctlslng , " by Iluth KIm- rJaIl Gllrlhwr. < Russia Has Most Holidays. Ilunsla ha ! ! more holldn8 pCI'1 : \ . num than any olher Burollean naUo.u -elghtslx In all Austria come9 next with 8eyeI1l.slx. Everybody's Magazine. 'I'ho plcturesflue personality 01 Thomas W. LlLwson Is welt to the fore In the October Issllo or E\'ery. hody's Iagnzlnc , Not satisfied wIth the allowance oC SllaCO slven to his "Ft'enr.lcd Flnunce" In the hod ) ' of the magazIne , he has hurst the honds of edItorial eonyentlon and Ililproprlated sovernl paes ! In the Udyel'tlslng sec. tlon , IlUrt of whIch hl' uses to reply to the SCOl'CS or letters anll InquIrIes whIch I.\H \ rcmarltn lc articles have brought hIm. lie deals wIth his crl. lies In mueh the same SIJlrll ho hl\n. dies lhe financlers-wllhout gloves , Incldentall ' , the Octo Del' Issue or BY , el''bolly' ! ! Is 5 OOOO ; the Issue of September - tember was 42G,000 and a sec011l1 et\I' tlon had 10 he prInted , Teach Boys to Swim. h one of the loadln gn lIsh 'sehools lho boys arc taught to swim , as in other schools , hnt lhe ) ' arc laught to 5wlm fully dressed , McClure's for October , l\lcClurc's for Octohel' is tlmol ) ' In the tlest : 'Ien3e. ' It I'eads vlgorousl ' and Intelllgcntly some of the Import. ant lessuns of the hour , In Its sel'ious artIcles l\leClure's ' ( Ioes not deal wlt1\ the cursory and the superficial , but wIth the vllal , fundamental thIng- , and Intenlrets its real meanIng and alJpll. eallon , It 18 Impressing- itself tre- mCJIldollsl ) ' on the me and thought of the da ) ' hy 1t3 weIghty and authorlta. tlve way of doIng thln s , In the dm , matlc slory of Goyernor LaFoltot'e \\11I1 the fierce political war which Is rendIng the state or Wisconsin , Lincoln - coln Sterrens has found material , not ijnly for a stirring story , hut for the \1'esentatlon of facts and IJ\'lnclplcs or the grayest signIficance to the repUI ! ' ' . : : . . Condemn Clay Modeling. v " modeling In schools Is con. demued hy European doctors as "worse than slates" as IL means or lransmlttlng infecllous dIsease , 'fI- , St , Nlchelas for 1905 , Mr , Charles II , Ca ffin , the welt lmown al'O crItic , has IJ\'olll\rod a SOI'- les of articles for ) 'oung follts under the tille , "How to Study Pictures , " whIch wl11 be a feature of St. Nlcholafl l\lagazlne durln the comIng year. A set or beautiful copIes of the lilctures selected by l\lr , Caffin from the worill's mnstPrplcces lfLS IIC0n pre. parmI especlall ) ' for StJlcholas and will ncromjJany these a rtlC'le ; : ; , Itl " ench nrtlcle 1\11' , Cnt1\n \ will contrast the worle of some great artist wltI : that of anoU1Cr equally great , show I" Ing a HIngle IIlclure palntecl h ) ' eacl' [ ) and ) lolntin out the likenesses alii differences het ween the two plctm'e ! and the metholls or I.he two llUlntel's Pawns Cemetery L.ot. A man of Halifax N , S" wanled I yaeatlon HO balny that he l1awnell I cemeler ) ' lot In order to lla ' the expense ponse of one. Rats Destroy Insulation , Hals 'Ive trouhle , In lho l..01\1101 \mdel'ground rnllwa ) ' , hy eating th ruhhOl' Insulation off the wlrcs , And Papa Sometimes Is the .7. The Hlatlstlcs show thnt the I1VCl ng" numher of persons to a fatUlI In thc United Sll\tes Is 4.7-Ne1 Id Unven Union , at _ Ie Ptclfic C03St Shcll . ] 11 As one travels Houth aIling the PI r ) ' , clfic coast the shells hecome mol' ' .x hrllllant In theIr colorlll s , ] e _ _ _ _ Id Wine In ( ioatnklns , 111 Wille In1atlclm : I still cal'l'lell t l11lLrlet nt Fnnchal In goatsl\lns 1J the peasallts , la , . . . Around the World liS II I hllve uled ) 'ollr Fish Brand lIckerl for yeus al' In th : ) lIowolion Islands IS' cOlI fOllnd them the only ertlcle thot , ulted. I am U d now In this country ds ( Africa ) and thlnl. II great , delll 01 your CORti. " ! th ( NAMe 0" APPLICATION ) Theworld.wldere utQ- ' . tlon of Tower' . "oter't \v. 'lool'Iu ; proof Oiled ClothIng : : r . . . .urel the buyer 0' " . : . liS the polltlve wortll of .11 II'Drmcntl bonrln ! : .rz.If 1If"\St\ . I 8 tblll Siltn of the I1lah , tI Do'UW. LIS\ , ' A. J. . 'm TOWERJCO. 80ton , U. S. A Il'n : n TOWER CANAOJ N CO , LIl\UTCD > Toronto , CanQl'a ' I" . . . . . . 5bndard Cream. There was a tlmo. tome yenrs nco , when coeam was nlwn 's ot nbout the sumo conslstenc ) ' . That was before the cream trade I11ld Bottled down to he ono of the great Itulustrles oC IL dnlry nature. Slnco thnt time wo have Ilotlcell a gradual wealeenillr ot the cream. No'Y when one orders cream III II resta rant or hotel ho Is not sure whetlJer the lIuld that Is brought to him Is milk 'or cream. In fl\ct , It Is "ery apparent thal some o [ the cream so.ca11ed Is nothIng more than very rIch mllit. We doubt not that a \ ' I'y ] nrgo proportion o ( the cream contalml less than ten per cent ot lJut. tel' fat. The state Inw of IllinoIs and sOllle ether states now maltes It nee. e 6ary for commercial cream to havc no"1 ] oss thnn 17 lieI' cenl of huttCl' fat. But thel'o are practically no state Inspectors , and that means that the people n a11 of the smalltr : IIlace& ' have no protection from the law as to \vhat the densIty of the cream shall ! be. The movement by some ot our : loadIng dnlt'y scIentists to get a stan. dardlzed mille w111 doubtless result In getting a standardized cream. It scems to us that the cream Is more often low in fat content than Is the ' . mill. . The te'ndcncy Is much : ; rcater I to sell attenuatcd cream than it Is to sell mille from whIch the crcam has been partly l'cmo'\"ed. The latter is quite generall ) ' regard ell as a dIshon , orable course , whl10 in the malln : ; oC cream there is r.o stnndard r cog' nlzed , anll even the ono established by law is arbitrary and not natural. - - Effect of Sea Voyage on Cheese. LIverpool Eng" Jul ' , , " ) 29-Somo time ago a well.known firm in Dow. den sent a CheshIre cheese to a frlenll in PerthVestern Australia , 'rho r ply is worth readIng : "It ar. rlvell in IL most aristocratic conlll. lion , " says the recipient , "It was so h1 ; h thal when we tool { the lid off the box we were nearly spll1lcated , The cat took reruge in IL tree , the c011le dog barled at it foL' haIr an hour iJy the cloclt. When ' \\'e recov. ered a 11ttle and were calm eno gh to talm o servatiDn , we found there was not a fiy left in the house , ' 1'he clock had st pped and the smell had put the fire out. This all goes , to provo what : J. splend(1l ( cheese it is. They have got It all round Perth that l'nullmcr's ; bave got 8 real Cheshire cheese , and nbout a thousand IJeQple have walltcd past our store In the hope of getting a snIrr o ( it. So far the grocers tallt of having It cremated , because they sa ) ' that nCJw the Perth pUhllc have been lct into the secret or what cheese is reall ) ' made o they wilt never be satlsticd wIth the stuff they get here and call it cheese. \\'hen it landed here It waL' a bIt high , I expect the heat of the tropics sct it rlpenin . After bclng exposed to the cold for a day or two it Ie all right.Ve have treated many of OIlL' Crl'nll ! : to II , taste , and they are all pleased wIth It ; so are wc.1l1er. " . lean Cheesemaler. : Low P Jy of Buttermakers : . It Is quite natural to blame the but. tcrmaler : whenever a creamery is IWllt In a. bad condlllon. The proper one to hlame in lnost cases Is Ule manager , as In the 1l1'st place hc should never hIre nn incompel nt man , lIe simpl ) ' Iloes so that he may save from $10 to $15 per month , Ho Iloes not reallzc that by doIng 50 ho Is lasln ; ; $100 peL' month , Soma of our 10wIL buttermal\Crs are working under mtller dlscouraglni : condItions. The avcrage wages paId our buttcr. mal\Crs does not reach $ GO ( leI' month , and cven at that figure sOl11e oC the dlrect01's are continually worryIng ahout how they wilt he able to reduce hIs wages , 'rhey do not apIJreclnte theIr bullet'malera' work , no matter how well nnll sId lICu 11) ' it has been lIel'formed. The rcsult often Is that the same creamcr ) ' hires a. cheaper man , lIe has llerhaps been en1ploycd : is can washer In some creamer ) ' . lIe ] mows nothing about buHermallng and as a. result the quality of th huttel' from thal creamery is 1m. palrt ( } . A $ j5 or $100 man is a great deal more IJrofitable than a ehear man , and uuless good men arc em I' . 1110)'ed it wilt be Impossible to leeer ' up our butter standard-M. Morten ) sen. BIll Nye's Cow. The stor ' Is goIng the rounds of thl ! ) : ess thnt Dill N'e , bavlng a cow tc : ; ell , advertised her as follows : " " 111 hen1th I wilt "Owing to m , sel :11 : my resIdence , township 19 , range 1S . 1ccordlng to the government.s sUI'\'ey ono plush raslblH'r ( ) ' cow , aged ! years , She Is of undoubted couraSI and glvos milt. frequently. ' 1'0 a mlI : . who docs not fear death In an ) ' fern .I > ho woultl bo a great boon , She il vcry much attached to bel' 111'OS01'l homo with a stny chaIn , but-she wil bo sold to an ' one who wilt agree tl treat her rsht. ] She Is ono'oul"tI Shorthorn and Ulrea.fourths h'ena , wilt also throw In n. double.barrel shot gun , whIch goes wIth her. In ! tIn : she usually goes awa ) " for IL week 0 two and rehu'ns wIth II tall , red eal with wnbbl ) ' legs. lIeI' nllmo is Hose would rather sell her to a non'rcs lIent. " ' 1'lw l1alr'man can rejolco 111 the ff\c that hIs i'arm Is increasIng In fOl'tlllt : orery 'ear , even l ( he Is only maltlll ! , u IIvlns at. the business. 'rho enl : ) osslblo exccptlon to thIs Is the mll that IJrOllueoo'mlllt to sell w1'o10. . LL _ _ _ - - - - WASH BLUE Costs 10 cents and equnlG 20 ccnt5. worth oj any other Idnd of bluing. Won't Freeze , Spill , Break Nor spot Clothes Witii iiic\ ! \ Ground in the fJJ ter. ' At all wllo Grocers. 1 \ , , _ - _ _ _ \1 4 One.Room Lodging House. In n. police court case nt Durnley , I Englnnd , il was statml thnt the ac. cl1sod man , hIs wife and elsht chllllren sler' In one bedroom. Onc or lho chil. dren saId thal In the summer tbe , ! . ' toolt In "harmnltCl's as lodg-ers , " "Where 110 the ) " sleep ? " asked the magistrate , ' 0'11 tbo roof , " was the re- ply. Salt ArsenIc. The publlc analylst or l\Iaryehone ] , London , has dlscoyered In three outer or eleven examples of salt arsenic in the , proportion or ,0024 grain a po nd , rhls was twlco as much as the ex. ports cons Iller harmless.f' " - I I ) Ascend the Gabelh rn. The Gabelhorn , Cnnton Vl lols. ' Switzel'and ] , was aseendell ( OL' the \ first tlmo rQcently h ) ' two tOUl'lsts an a guIde. Many attempts have been made during the last fIfty 'ear6 , Doors for Special Occasions. 1\lnn ) ' old houses Itt Ho land have : \ , 3 leelal door , which is no\'er opened ' save on. two occasIons-when there Is a. marriage or a death In the family , I Sure Cure at I Monticello1Iss" : : Oct : ; ( Spe < ; la1)- ) . Lawrence County Is nlmost dally In receipt of fl'esh evidence that a sure cure fOI' all Kldnc ) " ' 1'rouhles has nt ' .ast been found , anll that cure Is Dodd's Kldne ) ' Pl1ls , Among these wllo have reason to ! > less the Great Amcrlcan Kidney [ lomcd ) ' Islrs : : , L. E , Baggett or this place , Mrs , Daggett hatl Drop6 ' . Dodll's Kldne ' Pl1ls cured her. " .I was troulJled wltll my lddneys , " Mrs , Baggett sa 's III recomtnendlng Dolld's Kidney Pills to her friends , "mj- urine would harllly pass , The : loctOl'J4 saId I Ilfid Dropsy. I ba vo Itcn Dodd's Kidney P11Is as Illrected tnd am now II wen woman. " Dodd's Kidney Pl1ls cure the lthl. De'S , Curell Kidneys strain an the impurities out of the blood , That means 11\1l'e blood and a sounll energetic - getic body , Dodd's KIdney Pl1ls are the greatest tonic the world has ever known , Endeavor to promote the happIness , f othel's , and 'ou w1l1 Inct'ease } 'our : > wn , E\'ery honseltCepcr , shou1d know ! that if the ) ' w111 buy Defiance Cold " , WaleI' Starch for laundry Use the ' u'm save not on 1) ' tlmo , because ! t never stlclts to the 11'011 , but beeaus , ) each paelmge contains 113 oZ-one fun ound-whl1e all other Cold Water \ 3tarches are put up Inpound pacle. \ 9.gcs , nnd the prlco Is the same , 10 ents , ' 1'hel1 again because Defiance 3lal'ch Is free from an Injurious chern. : cals , If } "our grocer trIes to sell 'O\L 1 1'm : ! , llaclmgo It is because ho hils I ' 1 stock on hanll which ho wIshes to Isposo of before ho puts In Defiance. ; Uo ImowH that Defiance Stnrch has "rlnted on every lJaelmse In larse letters - ters anti figures " 16 ozs. " Demanll Dellanco anti save much time and mono ) ' and the annoranco Df tile Iron .tlcldng , Defiance never stlcls , Three thousand marriages are per. tanned every day an over the world. A GREAT INSTITUTION , It Is unusual that single institution in 1\ : Ity of 8,000 people will ovol'shadow 1n im. portanco o\'cry othel' intorest. but such Is i the case with the American Sch ol of Osteopath ) ' . and A. 1. ' . Stlll Iufirmary a Kh'lcsvillo , Mo , A stranger in KlrlcsvUlo is immodlately ImJll'cssed with the Idea thut the town Ig 1It1tlllned by this institution , In fuct , KirksvUlo has been maUo whut It is to.du ) ' 1 > ) ' Dt' . Stllland his fumous School I\n lnllL'lnary. It Is the lar/ost / patronIzed un. omIowo Institution of Its ulnd in the Unltod Statl's , Dr. Still's school enrolls ever 700 students yearly nnd each student is required to nt. tend foul' tcrms of llvo months eaeh bororo I the com'soof ' , 'I'horo comllllJtlng stud ) are eve ! ' 000 raduatc $ aud they are prac' ticlng lu e\"or ) ' state and torr1tory of the Unlou , About two.thlrds of the states have passed special laws logallzing' the sclonce. 'I'hls school teaches every branoh taugh' In medIcal oolloges oxeept "drugs" an osteopathy b substItuted for that , So thorough Is the teaching in llatomy that 0\01' ono hundred human bodies are dls. sected ) 'early by the tltu outs , ' . At the IntlL'mary , 111\tiollts from every j part at the couutry ! L1l(1 with almost o\'el'v ,1 form of dlsoase are coustalltly under treai- . ment , FOI' the past fiftcen years almost 't ' ! J\'ory train coming to Klrks\"lIIo has , . brought some now sulrerer hoping to find re. lier b ) ' the sclellce of Osteopathy. By the tholHnnds who ha\"o loft the Insbltutlon bcnellted by the treatment , the science hml 1 > ccn hcraldcd to the world ns a safe and rationallUl.otho1 ! of cure , So\"oral years n"'o 1 ft'eo cllnlo was cstabllshod in connoctlgn with the proctico department of the school md this Is still in opcration. Hundreds of the worthy poor , who IIro ullablo to pa ' for treatment , arc treated o\'ory afternoon by tl1e sculor studcnts fl'OO of clla1'10. " I ' At first tho.ugl1t nothIng scorns amore moro Imposslblo fask for (8 woman : han to bo employed as a SP ) ' , 'ct , hero are saId to bo man ) ' In Europe , I : he majorlt ) ' helng In the employ o ( .ho sront whIte czar. Don't ) ' 0\1 Imow thnt Definnce Star'h oe1ldos hornS' absolutey ! suporlor to J.ny ether , It put up Hj ounces In pacl - ngoR nnd sellR at Bllmc p\'lc WI 12. OIUI'Q ucl'nS'cs ot other kInds : ,