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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1904)
. . ( r1. : . . . . . . - . . . _ _ . \ _ _ : . , - - ' " . : : , : t "II'r ' ? \.D" , ' : , ; ; m _ : : . * " " " ' : , , , ' ; i ; ' ' " . " . . 'f. - = , , " , , , " " , ; ' " " " " " " " ) ' : , " --J " " " , " " , , , , ' " , , , , "ii 1/J , tll" jt f' ! I" , : I : a : ( > _ : EI S . . t\ , \ b'\ : ; ' ! " ' ( } . . \Vn have Olll' of' tlH' IUl'gest and lwst ; lull's of iI" " ? I ' . Hhop ill th , 1 ( 'Olllty ! , . und wl'.ul'e sllIlilltf them at , ' : the J'lght lelJld 01' ) ' ) ( ' ( U'J'PH that. 'YIll be.811J'e . ) ) C ( to plenst' YOII alld make YOII U ( ' Imw IJ'wnd ojOUIH ! ! ii Ladies' Shoes , Men's Shoes , : Boys' \ Shoes Childrens' Shoes---Shoes , - - - 1 )1\)1' ) ) eV.lHoybody , and sold us eWltV ] unyhody- . - , ' : : i Come 111 Hml look tJPJIl ! O'et'V 0 wIll he pleus- , , cd sh w th to ( % I . : .I : : : , _ _ _ . , . _ _ . _ _ _ _ : - = - _ = t . . . . ; . ' \V ' ' to ' t.o ( I ' 1. . I e al'e gOlllg' g'IVP ; Ie pel'son ) ) 'lllglllg 'fl.und ! leaving at Otll' stOl't. , tlw IUl'gpst Ear of I ( : " Corn and spending' $10.00 in ensh in uny of'oUJ' ; . I : depul'tnwnts between now und JpeeJllhpI' 25 , : " i 1 H04 , the following' pl'i\fps \ : . J r , : .Fil'st. Prj\fc. \ . . . . . . . . . $5,00 . C'asb. , ) ' - ( } . ( l w ueCOll d , ) ) rl\fe. \ . . . . . . ' . 5.00 T' anp. : IV' . 'I.'hil'd Pri\fe. \ . . . . . . . . 3.00 II : at. Fourth Pri\fe. \ . . . . . . . .5.0 Shoee. ] jlifth Pl' w. . . . . . . . . . J.50Gloves. . . 'Q l Bring in YOIII' l > ig em's 01' ' eOl'n alld get : one I of these f.lri cs. Hl'IllCIllhl'I' t.lw place is on the ; i enst side of' the H < JUUl'O Ht Peale-Hhr.VPul'd Oo.'s , ' i Big Department ; Hto ) ' ( ! . ' 'X111 'i ; - - - - . . . . - - - - - . . . . . . . : l\ ' \ - - - - - - - - - - - _ S-pec ial Sal e : Saturday. October 22J 1904. ! , ! Si I k Sh i rt Waists , ' : ; 1 Silk _ ! 'I.I _ OOI _ hirt Waist 'patterlI _ ! : , I At Specia.lly Low Prices ! See ! ! tl Kid Gloves 49c to 98c. , ' = - - - - - - . d : , i 1 - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - V - ; - , , ' ( < < , ) Ol1rs for HatIsfactlOn , : Po'alo-Sheppard Co . . 'a Big' DeIartlllellL Store. " , . , , , . , , . . , , , , , , , , , , , . . . . . . . = - 7) , , . . . < 1 . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' " . . . . . . ! ' " ' I "III" ' ' ' ' < " ; ; c- 1lJ11I1' -0 ! ! ! , ; ' ' ' 'UI II' ' ' ' ' ' " IJ'"IIII' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . ' ' ' ' ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' . - " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' II''U' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " I' ' ' ' ' ' " " " " " " " . " ' " " " " "I" ' ! ! ! ' " fT 0 - : , . < - . ' ' - G' ' ' : . ' \1 "t : - i.t'Ji ' : " . -j " : ' < - - = - : ( : \ ss"j rc 't\S'1 ' (1'\S1G ' \ ( , , q.L)1 \ v - . . Why Sl1ulIlIl . , ( } lmllt'lIl Great interest is being mani- festcd in every state of the Union ' O\'er the 'cOIning elections for Congress. 'l'he lower House is to be elected anew ; the upper body , the Senatc , will undergo only partial rejuvenation as rc- sult of possible changes in the legislaturcs.Vhatcver the ou t- come may be in the legislative election , the pol i tical com plexion of the Senate cannot be changed. It is possible , however , to install - stall a Democratic majority iu the TIome , if the \'oters of the land temporarly tatC their e'es ofT the gun and abate the interest in public questions which they have shown for the past tiveCon- gressional clections. 'l'he Democrats have not had control of the House since the Fift-thirc1 Congress. 'l'he next COl1g'res will be the l ifty-ninth : and during all that period the voters have steadfastly . insisted upon the republicans. retaining the majority and directing the policies of Government. And _ why ? 'l'he answer is simple. because at each recurring election - tion , the Democratic part ) ' stood for some policy or political principle which the mass of the people would not appro\'c and because - cause by thc same token the rc- .1)ublican party's programme of Government was acceptahle to the mass of the thiuking pcople. The Honse of Hepresentati\'es is the direct exponent of the people. It is easy to trace , election by election , the reaSOI11I1g' of the voters compelting' their action at the ballot box and which re- . m1ted in republican majorities in the House. It was t he l i fty- third Congress that passed the disastrous Wilson tariff act , which in such a brief period of time brought such worul disastcr to thc industries of the country. Men did 1I0t havc to he statc 1- men or economists to trace the relation between cause and ef- IIroke Into III. . IlnIlHC. - - S. LeQuinn of Cavendish , Vt. , was robbed of his customary health bl invasion of Chronic I Constipation. When Dr. King's New Life Pills brol < e into his house , his trouble was arrested and now he's entirel ) ' cured , They're gnaranteed to cure. 25c at Lee Dros , Drug tore , fect ; on thc cOlftrarj. , the hum- hlest person was the first to feel the results of the legislation-the J rst to loose his job and have his 1I1comc cut ofT b ) ' the falling in- dustries. At the next election the voters could not get to the polls too SOOll to vote for a l e- publican Congress to put the tarifT back on American basis and start the wheels turning again. Next election came the money question ; the Dcmocrats tooi < the free sih'er end , the Hepub1i- cans the sound mone ) ' cnd. Again the voters put the Hepuh- licans in power. In the succcd- ing election the question was to dcfelld their former votes and to kcep the republicans in power to 8ustain the tariiT an continu sound money lcgislation. After that came the war with Spain , with its conscqucnt Philippincs problem. Again the Democrats sought the un-Ameri- can aud uupopular policy. 'l'hc ) ' were for scuttliug out of the Philippines and shirking rcspon- si bilit ) , . McKinley mggcs ted to the voters that the Amcrican wa ) ' , as long as wc had thc proh- lcm thrust upon us , was to stay at work and work it out. 'l'he mass of the voters agrecd with him and agaill put in a l epub1i- cau lIom e to sustain the polich s of thcir choice , now three iu uumbcr-protcction , sound money and a scnsible and humane pro- g-ramme for the Phillippines. In the succeeding election the Democrats nmhe once more to the breach in advocrac , } ' of all their idols , free trade , free silvcr "scuttle , " each which had votcd aud been \'oted down by thc people oncc morc , and again werc rcpulsed by thc voters. What do . the Dcmocrats pro. posc in this election tha t is d if. ferent from their former oners w1 ch ha\'c been rcpeatedly de. cllned by the people ? 'I'hc oul ) ' clincrence hctwcen their present and their former ositions is rI clilTercnce of sincerity aud de. finiteness of purpose. They arc clivided and unccrtain on the tariff ; their Presidcntial canli. date is for gold , the mass of their party is for sih'cr ; the ) ' d ( ] not know exactl ) . what. the ) ' want to do with the Philippincs except to differ from the Republi. can polic ) ' . Is there anything in their plan . - - - - . . . . . ' , : . : . . . : . . , ; _ ; - : : : : : : 1\ . . . . . . . : ' " _ ' of action which would warrant the voters in reversing the { I' own judgcmcnt 11t retofore expressed on those policies. and dividing the responsibility of the Congress - gress ? 'l'hc populist candidate has no hopes of election and does not expect to carf ) ' a single state in the union. 'l'he question of suprcmcc ) ' is between the dcmo- crats and republtcans. Watson , the populist candidatc , docs not hesitate to exprcss himsclf in fa VOl' of l ooscvelt ovcr Parl < er. No voter can afTord to talcc an ) ' chances this year ill chasing' mcrc lUoonshil1c. Votc eitheir for Hoosevelt or Parl < cr as no othcr candidate has a ghost of a show. Noosevelt has been tried and has been found able aud true to .the best intereJts ! of the coun- try. Give him your votc. ' 1'llUrulIghhn'tlIIClg Sull ! . P. 11. Munk , the well known breeder 01 thoroughbred Duroc Jerscy and Poland China hogs will otTer for sale scventy-five head of Duroc Jersey and Poland Cina hogs at public auction at his place in the north part of the CI ty on Saturday , October 2 , l J04 , at 1 o'cJock. 'l'he hogs offered will consist of both sex , consisting of three sows with li ttcr of pigs , six old sows and two enc ycar old boars. 'l'he ballance of the l1erd consists of pigs and shoats from tcu days to i five months old. 'l'he Durocs arc from the best families of the breed. Bell Model is a pig of Nebraska Bell thc $510 sow. A. l . Winnahall of Fairbury. refused - fused : MOO for a litter brotl1er of him at the State Fair this fal1. Partie ! > wauting the best strains of the Duroc brecd can do no better than improve this oppor- tunity. Six months time will be given on al1 sums ovcr. I. H , A. 1) < 'IIUI ) " . Perry O. Guthrie of Gothenburg - burg , , an M. B. A. deputy is in the cit ) ' to work in the intcrest of the lodge at this placc. He would be plcased to meet all the members and all others who want cheap insurance against life and accident in the best fraternal order in the country. He is stopping at the COlUmcrcial. "IC''O. IA , Cora EdIUUI\l ] visited last week at Mr. Kinsreys. Will D01l1an am ] family spent Sunday at R. R. Robinson. Carence ] DOUian nnd family are visiting - ing ut Will Neils of Broken How. The road hess is out getting the men to work the rouds. Some places need it hu ly. Mrs. Haze Willia1l1s returned last week from \Vaverly. Nebrasku , where she has been visiting her son , 1'11I o , preached at Pleasant Valler. school house Sunday morning. He will preach there again two weeks from to-.lay. . COUeKe NU'WH. Ada Wickelam ] was a college visitor Monda ) ' morning. Myrtis and Merle Miller were added to the roll of students in College 1\1on a ) ' . Willie Martin , Ralph Cox and Ross Humphrey ot the city , entere the night school Monday night. Clnrence Johnson of Anselmo , entered College 1\1onda ) ' . lie is oing the juni- tor work for the college , Prof , IIuff , instructor in penmanship is giving excellent satisfaction. He has the rcputation of bting the hest penman in tI1C slatt : . - . - . . - Church Hcr'Vtce. . . U , B. CHURCH. l'r achiug next Sunday morning am1 ' . ' at Custer e\'cning. I'rcaching Center. Suuday afteruoon at 3 o'clock. Junior y , 1' . C. U. 3:30. : Senior V. P. C. U. 6:30. SlI1llJay School 10 a. 111. Prayer Ulcding on 'l'llllnda ) ' e\'eniug. I. , I. . Hpley. Pastor , BAPTIST CHURCH. Hval1gelistic meetings will be be hel at the Baptist church , begining Sunday Octoher 16th. l\1eetings will he hehl e\'er ) ' evening in the week t.xcept 1\1on- day. There will hc II IIIl1sicul service SII1111ay afteruoon. The singing al all , services will he an especial uttraction. Theil meetings will he cond lcled by RcGeo. . I. . While , who has recently heen appoinled Pastor ut Iurge for Ne- , bmsku by the Nebraska Baptist Stale Convention. Mrs. R. R. Barnard and her I mother , Mrs. Dr. Greer of Call- away , came over Monday and took the train for Surprise , wherc the ) ' go to \ ' sit relatives. . _ . - - - - Paul Humphre ) ' weut to Lincoln - coln last week and cntered the State University to take a select course. Paul is making splendid i hcadway for a boy of his age. After graduating from the BroKen - Ken Bow High School he cntered thc llusiness College completing , his course last ) 'ear. He has since been employed in his fath- er's ofiice as stenographer where he got something of the practical. In the University he will tal < e up English grammar , rhetoric , 1 English Histor ) ' and such branches as will especially equip him for a business life , For abe bo ) ' of eighteen he has no reason to feel ashamed of his attain- men ts. - ' - - " . - . . . . . . 'P"I' ' ' P T " " " " : 'r , UI , . . . . . . ' ' ' ' ' 1" . Hev. Bi gs , State . Sunday 8chool Missionary , of Omaha , occupied the pulpit in the Baptist church of this city Sunday morn- lUg and evening. Jas. Henry and S. C. Waldron of the southwest part of the count ) ' , were cit ) , visitors Motl- day. 'l'hcy remembered this ofiice with a friendly call. F. L. neals of Ortello , was a husincss caller at this ofiicc r-.Ion- day. He ha rented his farm and will makc a salc of his property - perty and talC . . a resl fur a year. - - - - - - - - - - - - Lomax , Nebraslca , October 12 , ] 904. Mrs. glizabeth Houchin , who lived for man ) ' years at Lomax and for the last few years at l airbury , Nebraska , was brought h re 'l'hursday for.lmria1. . Many I nends s'mpatluze with the bercavcd. Mrs , Houchin was a membcr of thc Baptist church of f-4omax. Age , 55 years. She leaves a husband and many re- la\'tives to mourn her death. Nollt'e ' 1'0 1111111clm1 Purchusers. - - - You are here by . noti fied not to purchase any .order issuec by School District No. 144 for the reason that I do not intend to pay them on account of i11egal school being kept here. MHs. ANNA H'l'ni Ity , 'l'reas. SllrcnI ] Suh , Sutl1rtlllJ , Octohel' 2 . Silk SI11rt waists , silk and wool shirt waist pattcrns at specially low prices. JGd Gloves .t9 to 98 ccnts. PI\ALF-SUI\P1'AHD Co. ( : UI'eH Chit. . . . Ulld Ilcvcr. - - - I . G. 'V.Vrirt , Nacogododohes , 'l'exas , sa's : "His daughter had chills and fever for thrce years ; he ould not find anything' that wou1 < 1 help her till he used Herbine. His wife will not keep house without it , and cannot say too much for it. " SOc. Sold by Ed. McComas , Broken now and Merna. . . . sm m m BUSINESS POINTERS. Mm m m mm m J. C. Moore , abstracting. 2tf Dr. Leach , Dentist. 'l.'el. 258. - - When in town see Dr. Bass , the dentist about your teeth. FoIt SALE-1'ow 1 lots and a few five acre lots in this city. -Allen Reyuer. \VAN'I'HD-Students for the Busines Colle e , who desires places to work for their board. We have sevcral good opportunities - ties , if taken soon , both for lad ies and gentlement. Drs. Davis and Farnsworth of Grand Island , Nebraska , arc prepared - pared to treat all forms of chronic diseases , such as rheumatism , stomach disorders , tumors , cancers - cers , paralysis , kid ney diseases , etc. 'l'he doctors use besidcs medicine and surgery , the X-I ay , hot-air baths , electricity and . 2tf massage. , . . - - - - - - - - - - - - Dr. Bass will do ) 'our dcntal work as good and as rcasonable as any 'hlc. ' Ollice at residence. . - Heneau & Leonard , Bonded Abstracters. Order hy phonc , wc pay the call. 15tf l oJ { HAH-A good H\'ery IHlrn. En < Juire of P. A. Walton.17 ] , , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I N r.n. , . i' . , " 'I " 1oJ " . 'l'uesda ) ' e\'cning , Octuber 18 , at the Opcra Iloltse. under the aURpices of thc Chnstiull Church Choir , there will he relldcred a first class programme , consistillg of music , literature and an high- 1) ' amusillg black faced comedy , entitlcd. "A lIoly 'fcrror. " 'l'he choir will be assistcd hy outside talent illcluding l\Iiss Pauline Oldham , J. n. " ' . r4ewls and others. Don't miss this entertainment - tainment and the opportunity to pay 25 cents on the tlew church organ . at the same dme. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - All the latest design in wall paper at J. C. Bowen's. 7tf Bring your chickens to P. J. Simonson and get the highest market price. 10 tf , . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Insurance that insurcs. 3Stf R G. l\rOOlW. . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - ' - ' - - - - - - Duroc Jersey mules for sule , both fall and spring pigs , $10.00 to $15.00. Also a few sows. 14tf A. ' 1' . SlWUOI.'l' . . , . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1i'ine bunch of Whiteface and Shorthorn steers for sale. Are dehornecl und in clegant cOllcH- tion. 'l'illlC to rig'ht partics \vanting' to feed.I. . I. A. HHNHAU , 14H Broken Dow , Nebr. Dr. 1--4each extracts teeth painless - less , 1Stf J , C. Bowen buys cream and pays the highest market price. . . , m . . . , . . . . - - . , - " , . n. " ' - - \V ANTnD'"Men : with fami1ies.1 li'air pricc and good houses. 'Vns'I' UNION Mn.LING Co. I 30tH West Union , Neb. I Dr. Sumner Davis , Grand Island - land , Ncbraska , spccialist iu diseasc of eve and car , cxamina- tion for glasses. 2tf Iru"11 for tt , " , ' . - - 155 acres , ( , y : ; miles south easl of Brol < en J30w , 3 milcs north wcst of Berwynj H5 acres in cu1ti- va tion , 70 acres in pasture ( fcnc. ed ) , well aud wind mill , sod housc , 4 rooms ; sod stable , frame granary , o\'er 1,000 Box Elder trees , B. & M. track in sight for 3 miles. Price and tcrms given 011 a pplica tion.Vill g'e possession - session this fall. J. KAY , 11 H Broken Bow , Neb. Mone ) ' to loan on improved farms.-H. G. MOOln , Gleim Block. 41 tf , FOR SAI.H-Six head of l orses , all owl n. Also two lady's stylisl1 sadclle horses. HARRY lIUN'I' , Georgetown , Nebr. - Legal N oUces. _ . . . _ , - - - - - - - - - - - L ( jAI. AUV Im'1'I m 'J'ti , All luhertbelllontd uudor tbl8 henI " "III he chorgell for lit levlIl rtltt , vl& : $1.00 III'r ql1l1ro tor first In orUon. Blld UC per MIIUUrll for olldl .obsl'qooat ' 11181.r1l01l. "lIqullre" 18 cu lines or frllctlon thmeor. Notice to Non-Hcsldellt l > efcllllanl , :1'0 Ulysses I. . " 'ani. defelidalll : . YOII a..e hereh ) ' lIolilled thai gmllla n.'a..l. . 011 the Ilth da ) ' of Selltl'lIIb.r. , I'JO.I , IIh ,1 her pellllul1 III Ihe ollice ut the cieri , of tlltl District - trict COllrt III alld tor lnster cOlility. Nehraqka. llw prayer whereof 1'1 that flhc havlJ a divorce from the bOllll , > ot lIIatrlrlloll } ' IIOW exl"tl1llf he. tweell you aUlI sill' . ' 1'111' II'rouul" alle , .tl III tlw Hallll.etilioll a. . . . as follow' ! . to-wit : 'l'hal Ilefelldalit has at tll\'ers aoll sUlld..y tlllle' ! treal- ell the pia III tilT III a cruel alldlllhulllalllllal1l1er. that delellllallt failed. al1ll rdu es tu pro\'hl alill malutaln till ! plaintiff all,1 their chlhlrell , that llefelldallt has hecollle a hahital drullka..l. . 1'Iailltltf also asls that Hhe he aIIlH\'e,1 thecare. cOlltrol alltl custmof \ the milloI' chlhlren of Illallllllf allli defmulallt ; uul for eilultahllJ . .ellef. 'l'he Ilefl'lIIlallt 1 > 1 . . . . ' 1ullcll to allswer the "alII petition UII or before till ! Hth lla ) ' of Novemher , 19l.1 , If you fall to allswer } 'lJ\lr llefallit will h" elltered aUlllll'cree takell In said case a" prayell 111 the petltlun. Hatell thlR 6th day of Octoher. IIO . gM IA n. W.\lm. Plailltiff. 17-20-109 N. ' 1nAIII. . . IIcr Atturlley. ulliled Slatc" I.allli Omce. 1 UmkenBuw. Nehrasla , Octoher IU. 11)1)1 , Notice Is hercby Illvell that the followllll- lIalllC,1 > lettler has file,1 1I0tice of hi" Ilitelition to make filial proof III "l1l1l1ort of his claim. allll that "a hi I' roof will be mullJ before Helflster a 11I1 Hecclver at Brokell Bow , Nehral'ka , on Novelllher 18. l1JO-t. vl& : nUl\lI'UHgy A. 'rAI'PAN of Urokell 11011' , Nebra ka. for the Se } II\\ ' Section 7. TOWIIRhll' 17 North. Hallife 20 West 6th 1' . 1\1. lIe lIallles the followlllif wltlles'Ie" to pro\'e his cOII llIuolIs resldellce 1111- 011 allll cllltivation of salllallll. vlz : y'e..llnaIIlIBertrall.of Hrolen How. Nehras- ka ; Jame'l U. Heam ot Hrokeu lIow. Nehraslm : J ui'eue Bothwell of Urokell UOII' . Nehra > lka : Prellrlck Heam of Hrokeu lIow , Nebra"lm. 18.2.1-110 J AMHS WIIlTHIIIAU. Jellsler. RO.\ NOTI'I . To whom It Illa } ' concerr. : ' 1'he comlllls lon..r al'poillte < lto view a roa(1 pelltlolle < l for h } ' Will. et al. a roall COlli- 1II"IIhllr : at the 1I0rlh-w. . t l'orller of seclloll 3 . lowlI"hlp 17. rallle 2Z. allli rUllllhl1 ( thclICe sOllth ahJIIIf the sectitlll IIl1e he1\\'t"11 Sl'cliolitl 33 ; u,13 abollt Ollt ! half mile aull thell III a sOllthe..I ) ' ( IIrectlolI alollif the rout : a' ! 11011' IIseli. to a poillt III M.tlllll 4. 1II1\'II"hlp Ie , . l'aIlIfC 2 . where It wllIllIlertlt'ct th. , IIl1b\lc \ ilia , I a 1IU1I' I , , , : alt. < I Ileal' tI.t ! 'l'urmr Yalley school hou e. ha' ! repurlell III la\'ur of till ! establlshlllelit thereof. ami a1 ! ubjectiolls thercto , or clahll for dalllall'e'l , must be filell I I the couut ) ' clerk's office 011 or hefore 1I0UII of till ! 15th .Iay of lie- celli bel' , I'm , or such roall will be estahllsbe < l wlthollt referellce thereto. In Wltnes'htreof , I ha\.o herellllto set m ) ' lIaud aull . seal uf salll COUllt ) ' . this 11th < la ) ' of Ueccmbe..l'AH. HIO , W. HIWI\ : " . COUllt ) ' Clerk. IS-21-11l ! ! mALI H ) ' Jos. PW IAN. UCPllty. . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NO'I'IC aI , ' HUI'r. In n1strlct COllrt of Custer COUIlt ) . . Nebraslca. Allltmau C. 'l'ooler. 1'lallltitT. . . VS. Hosa g. 'l'uul'r , Uefellilaut. . 'l'u Ho a I . ' 1'uoke. : Yuu 11'111 lake uotic ( that 011 the 24th da } ' of Seplelllber , 11)0.1. Aultlllall C. ' 1'ouker. . plailltlff . hercill. lIIe(1 his petltlou III the Ulst..lct cou..t of Custer COUllt ) ' . Nehrasla. alaillst } 'Oll. till ! object aUllllrayer ul which Iwtitlull 1'1 to oblalll frolll ) 'OU II lI"cree of divorce 011 tilt ! Irolllllis of abal1lolllllelit alld dl' ertloll allli the caru amI cllstoll ) ' uf the 11I11101' chilli. Charles \ \ ' . 'rookeI' . the Issue uf the lIIarrlall'e hetwet1I ) 'OU aud the 1.lalutlll hereill. You arc rl1ulre,1 to allswtr sal < l pNltlolI ou 'or before the 71h da ) ' of NlJbraHlm. 1'1V-1. natl'llthlH 21th da } ' of Seplelllbt ! " . 1'O . AULTMAN C. 'l'UO"B\ " . 16-19-102 II ) ' A. H. UVAlI'lIlmIII' ! AUorne ) ' . Ullited State I.aml Ollice. l UrokclI Uow. Nebraska. SClltelllher. 17. I'JO.t. f Notle ( ! Is lIelch ) ' II'lven that tilt ! followhllf- lIallle,1 settler haH IIlellIotice IIf his IIIIlHI11ol1 to lIIake IIl1al proof III sUllllort of his clailll. allil that "aid proof will be lIIulc hdol'lJ HCllst'r allll Rece1\'er of U. S. I.allll Oll ce at Brokell Bow. Nebraslca. UII OClUher 2 . 11)(14. . 1'11. : CIIAHI.I Y . OWI'N : of Allsellllo. Neh..aHka. for the Ne . sectloll S. 'l'UWIIShll' 17Iorth , Hallil" 2Z We t 6th p , 1\1. lie lIall"'S till ! fol- lowlllll' wltllell eH to prove hili cOlltilluolI . . . , , ,1- llellct ! UI'OIi allll culth'atiou uf "alll lalld. \ Iz : Johll lli'Hlll' of Merna. Nchrasla : Charll' ) ' Ual' 01 Merna. Nebra kaUlI1lcl : WoolI..rlll\l1 : flf MernaIchraska : Charley ; ' .acho' f " "mla. Nebra..ka. JAMBS WIIIT"lmAIl. 15-20-101 He lsler. Ulllte,1 Slates Iaml Ollice , I , 1I.-ok"11 lIow. N"hraska. Stptelllher 9. II ) ( ) . I Nollce IS herehy IlI\'ell that th. ! follll\\'IIIIf- II a 111 l'tl l'\ll..r \ ha. . liIet 1I011ct ! of IIlr Ilitelltioll to make IIl1al proof III support of her clahll. alill that said Ilroof will hu mullJ hdoro H"II"ler ami Itlcelvcr at Brokeu BUINch"a ka. on Octoh.'r 2Z. 1901.11. : I.U.I.IAN I. KINn. Mil. hurn Nehra"k.l , for the 1 Nw'Iel4 sw ! . Nw'Se ! ! . sl'ctloll 2.1. 'l'uWllshll' ' :1 North. HallllcU : WCllt. Sh.'lIallletllh. ! followluif 11'11- lIesses III I' rove hur COlltIIllWII ! ! n..h""c" 11"011 ami cllltI\"atioll uf said lallll. vi : Juhll Wurth. 11If101I of Mllhllrn. Nebraska ; lIarry 1\1I11el uf 1\1I1hllrn. Nebralla ! : 'l'holllati ' 1'1'011 uf Mil. bllrll. Nebraska : \\'a9hllllllOlI 10' . Hanklll of 1\1I1l111ru , Nehra kOl. H.l'Iljol JAlIHSYIIITl > lmAII , H"&ri ler. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - COllllt1' cllllrt. Custer CUllllt ) ' , .braRlla , ' 1'0 thl ! heln allllllext of kill uf Siella P. lIarts- horll. lI"cl'a . . .I. yOIl. . . . . ! III'rehl' lIotlli'tl that linea Ieulla..l. SI..IlrIf sahllieccasI. has 11I.,1 her IlelltiulI III . .aid cuurt. asklllil that Glo. W , SIIIIIIIS ur snme ulher lIultalll" perMIII ma ) ' b. , a..I'lIIlIteiltl . - 1II1111 tralor of the u'ltate 01 Stella I' " lIart..llOrll , lec'a el. Haitllllatter hall 1"11 . . . .1 Inr Iwanll ! : ' lur OCIl.I..H' . ! ZUlI. 1' ' II. at to u'clucl' a. 111. at the CUll II 11' cuurt roumlll Ihukell 11uw. N""ra ka. whl'lI . .II . 11I1t're l..d l.arth'tI ilia ) ' al'.ar . alill I" , lItanl. Ual..d the 271h Ilal' of H"I'It'lIIh..r. 1Jl11. 16'1IOJ ISI > AI,1 J. A. A IHIOUII. CIllIlIlY JIIhe. . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - Nut/t'O'I'u / Cn'lUIUI'S III ( "tHlllt1' cOllrl , Wltlllll allli fur Cllslt'r cnullty. I\tbrasla. ' 1'0 till' cr..ditun. uf cslateIf Alhert n rt- I'chhlll..r. Ynu aru he..eby IIntll cd. . 'l'hat I wIll HIL at thc , 'uUllt ) . cUllrt ruum III lI..kell Huw. III " "hi COli lit ) . . UII thc 24th Ila ) ' of Oclnber. l'Jo.t. 011 the 2 lh ( Ia ) ' of Ul'celllber l'I ' t ; allll 011 the ; :9th lla } ' IIf March. 11))5. ) each at lU o'clu.I , . . . III. IIf each day. to r celvu allli exalllhll ! all clalills al."al1l"t " lIald elltale , with a"Iew to their aljll tlIlO1llt allll allowallce. The tl1l101 Il1l1it.,1 for the l'I'e"elltatloll nf clahllll allaillst lIalll o tate Is III" IIIl1l1ths frolll the . : sth llay of Sel'telllber. 19l.1 , ami the tl1l1e IIl11lt..ll for pa'lIIellt of llebtllill Olll ! } 'l'ar from Hallillatl' . Wltuen 11haull aull tht ! 8eal of Ralll 1'011 lit ) ' courtthltl27th lla ) ' of Sepleluber. I'JO.I. ' 16-19-11H lti At.1 J. A.hKl\IUUICColluty Juhre. . ' , : , . , - ' , . ' . ' . . / J L : : ' ' ' ' - : r'f' . ollce to OllfC"SldUlll Ucrcm1 nts . A. U. SlIIlth. Johll Uoe :11111 Mrs. Johll 1 > oe , 11efellltllllt , . . wlllialoe III1t1ce that 011 th. . : lilt\ \ ! ( lanf Sl'lllember , lr I . II. H , Alldr"wI , plain. IIff lIIetI hi , . petltlllllill the UlRttlct ( "ollrt of CII'ler eOlllltIebraska , allalliRt Rahl tleteud. : \11111. tl.c nhjl'ct alld prayer of which arll to fnrecloRe a c'rtalll tax certlficale IA""e(1 Iy M. I g. SChnerl1lller , treal\lIrer of CII ter cOlln1) ' , Ne. hrallka. 'urthe "alo uf t\Xe levied 11 po II the fOlIthwe t qllarter ( 'I\v ! ) uf th ROllthwest 'Iuar- tel' ( RWU of H'cllllll t\\'I\-o (12) ( ) towl1shlp IIll1e. h'en (19) ( ) Ncrlh Hallll'e twellt.two. (21) ( ) we'I ' ! , I Cllsler cOllllly. Nchraskl. for the year. . 1895 10 1M' ) ' } IIICI1II11\'e till' the SUIII of $13.,0 : that lIald c'rtllicOltll wa'l ( lat(1 the Ih day of Jo'ebrllary , 1'(11 ' : tllat ahl COllllt ) ' of Custer CIII f.'cbruar } ' 20. 1'1\11. p.tI.1 $1,95 I'lIb cllllellt taxlJllevlell al'alll'lt sahilallli fOI' the } 'ear IIO ( ) : that the Illalut1ff herelll Is tlw OIV II er aud hohlcr of salI ahn\'c (1l' crlh,1 tax sale certll1cate alld tax recchlt' ! : that Illalllllll lias Ialtl , , "h I'1Uellt tax"M h.\'le(1 alalllst altl lalld 1IIIIIer haltl C'rlltlcall' , a fnllowM. tll.wlt : Ma ) ' 1st. I'IIJZ. 1.57. taxeR for the 'e\r 1'101 , AuII' . 1"1 , 1'1113. ' :31. : 5 , faxe for Ihl' } ' , 'ar I'JlI'2. ' Ma ) ' hi. I'm. ' : :1.2 . laX'M fill' 11111 y'ar 19113. 'l'hat aliliax . .all' certillcall aud lIbsellllellt 1 receipt ! ! dm\l' IlItel"1t at tht ! rale of 2U per OlIlIt : 1111 tn the 2111h ( lay of I.'t'hruar ) ' . 1' )3. ) 3111110 leI' \ . I cmlt there alter ; that Ihere Itl 110.Iue UI'OII \ saltl tax "alt ! c'rtilicate alld tax ' till ! blllll IIf $2'1.55 with IlIlelc.t at III l'eI' C'lIt rum 0- v"lIIher Hlh. l'tI . WIIIIHo'ulm , Plailltiff pra's fllr a decree that dcfellll.ull" he leqlllled tllpa } ' the Ialtl SUIII 01' that said 1.elllls"M hlJ Sllill to Hatlsf ) ' the a III IIU 11 I fllullIl ( Ille. , \'nll arc " " 'llIln',1 to all'lW ( r s\ftlpctltloll 011 or hefore tht ! Hlh da ) ' IIf Nnvclllher. t'lOt , D\tell S"lllelllhcr 211 , I'M-I. IG.I'I-llJ5 11.11 , ANIJKHWS. 11)- \\'IIII Ct\U\\'KLI. , lIl' ! Attorney. \ tte'l . , J nHCI. II. 1\1.\11 ( . Clerk. ( SlaL [ 1 , 11) ' H. \\'II1T1WUAIJ , Uel'uty. . . . , . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' Slm\'ICI 1IY I'UlI14tCA'l'ION. . IlIlJIst..lct Cllurt of CIIster CIIII II 11' , Nebl:1..ka . , : , 81111011 Call1ertlll. Plailltiff. Vol. I I Jalle I : . 1I1I1' < 1eall. D.'fellllalli. Jalle I' : . UlIl' < h'au. .lcflllIltIIt , will take lIotlc" . tllat nil the 2"'lh ' day /If S'lH"IIIlIIher ! , 1')04. SIIIIOII Call1l'roll , Illallltlll' h.'lelll. med hi. . Iletl- tlflll 111 the Olslrlct CIIIII'I ot Cnsler ( Ollllty , Ne- hraqlla , alrah.\l . Rahl tlef"llllanl , the /lbject anll I'm'erIf which am tnllc.\'r of 9al.1 t1efcud- allt tlw HIIIII of $15o.ou , Ille ( III ; 11I accollnt a fllllllw , , : 'I'll COlli 11I1"91011 1111 . .alII uf IlIls 2 alllt 3. hlock 36. Callaway. Nchra I'a. 'I'n CII t IIf ab tracl. COlllmIR I/l1I IIIII/Iall. Atltll'Il"Y'1I f" " ' ' ' < : I1II11I1I11f title. Prilltlilif . t\l'lI ' Y"OIl'tI lax , lM7 alill ISilS. filla..allt'e IIf I Itl. . alltllllhr ser\"lcei. Saltl : tt'Clllllll-hellllr dill' : Ullillayahle to ol e U. 11.UllrewH alld a..lllIl'tl III plallltllT anll plalll- tiff 114 1I0W Ihe nl\'IICI' allll hohler tlll'reof : that " 'I altl . ! Ih .Iay nf S lltellll'r. ' 1''lJ.t. orller of atlacll1l1ellt . waR I" U"II III I < ahl actloll , Maid ( lrder . . .llIrm.II alld Iilcll OClllhl'r I I. 11)lJ . how- 1111 ( that ahl Int'l ; : al1t113. hlocl , 3 ( " Callawa ) ' , , hul Ill'eli . .ltaclll..lllllder . "aid , , "ler. PlallltllT a'll.s that the ( 'onrt Jiml amollut llu ! ! nn hi'alii accollllt. that Kahlwal I.roller ! ) 1i0 altaclll' " he soltl tll . .allsty thl' amoullt so fllluid . dlle. ) 'ou arl' . . .qulre,1 t ( , aliMYer cald . , clltlon 011111' hl'flll' < ' the 11th "alr NOH'mher. 1'101. Date,1 , thl'l4111 t1a ' of Octub'1r. 1'llH. ' SIMON C.\MKKOO. 17.2lJ-IOS I'lallltll1'alld Attorney. . . IWA 11 NO I Ie I , : . 'I'll wholll It ilia ) . COllcerll : 'l'hc Clllllml."ltHl'r al'll llltcd tll view a roall petlUlllled fill' hy M. Jo' . Ulalll'l1lhhh' . : I roall cOllllllellllclll1l at half Mectloll corner btweet ! sectloll" 1 ami 2. 'l'owllshll' 19. Itallif 2-1 , thellce cast ll11lh' Oil half ! H'CtlolI 1IIIl'thellce south and ea t throlllfh thc outh hall III' section 6 , 'J'O\VII- I < hll' 11) . Hallle 23.10 a ' " wllere thc sOllth 80 rellilille cru e till' secIIlI1I I"e betwcllI iec- tloll" 5 alld ( , tllellClJ outh"aqt throlllfh the " "lIth half IIf tile outll lIalf II ! the sOllth\\est quarter of "ectloll 5. lowllshll' 11) . rallll ! 23. thellCe ea't 1111 S'ctloll IIl1e hetweell sI'ctions 5 ami S. to\\'IISIIII' 11) . raHlllJ 23. has reporlell III favor of thc establlshllll'lIt thereuf. allll all ohtlolls tlll'.elo. or cia 1111 " fo. . ( lalllalreS lUust 1m 'iled ' IlIlhe COUllt ) . clerk' " ol1 ce on or before 110011 of thc &lh day of 1Jl'clIIlIher. I'JO , or such mall wll he e..tahll'he,1 without rl'lerellc" thereto. III \ \ 'ltllesfIVllereof. . I ha\"e hereullto et lilY haml allil s'al of said COUllt ) ' . this 4t\ \ ! .Ia ) ' of Octllhcr , 19lJ.1. Gno. W. UIWI\ ' , 17.2U-107 ( IAII Coullty Clerk. Ullited Statell I.allll Ol1 ce. l Broken 1I0w. Nehraska. October 1. 190-1. f Notlcc Is hereby 11\"ln that th. . follo\\1 II 11'- lIallleil settler has 11Ielillothe of hi ! ; Illtelltioll In lIIalw lillalproof III SlIl'llort ' of his claim. and , that said I'roof will blJ lIIade before Rell'lster allli Hecel\'t' " at llrokell 11011' . Nebraslca. ' 011 t : -Illvelllhl'r Ill. Ilo.t , vlz. ' 1'110MAS UUN'l' of AII ellllll , Nehra..ka. fn. . the . .w { lIe ) { "ectloll ) . 26. 'l'owllshll' 1'1. Nllrth. Hallile 22Vest ; 6th p , , : \1. Ue lIallles the followlllir wltlles'eR to prove If hi" cOlltlllllOIl'l re > lltlellce 111'011 and cultlvatloll of 'Iahllaml : Jalll.1 1.llIdle } ' IIf AlI3elmo. N..hratllaTol' ' ! p , SlIIllh of AIIRellllO. Ne. \ hra I'a : ' 1'IIIIIIIas Hhodelof Ausellllo , Nebraska ; Wllllalll W III I alii" of AII'ehllo. Nulora'lka. 17-2Z-IlJ6 JA ms WIIIT : IIR " , Rell'lster. I'ROI'OSIW CONS'L'I'l'U'l'IO-I A I. s. ; AI\IENUI\I N'l' . " 'rhe follow hilI' lrollO I',1 alllelllllllellt to , : wd CIIII\'elltlon for th" revlsloll of. the CUllhtitlltioll IIf the fltate of Ncbraska. as hereillafter het fllrth III filII , IH liu\Jlllltteli to tile electo..s of the State of Nebraska. to bl ! vote(1 111'011 at the Iellural el"cUolI to he hehl 'l'lIesda } ' , Novclllbcr , A. U. . 1'J .1 : ( SlmATE I.'nu No. lI .j , \ Hill for a Joilit Resolutloll recollllllelldlnll' to till ! ell'ctll"s of tile btate to vote at the uext electloll of IIIclllb. rs of tile Lel'rHlature for or alfaillst a cOllvcntloll to revise. alllellll and challife the COllstltlltiOIl of the State of Nebras- 1m III acconlallce with Hl'ctloll 2. Article IS , of the COII tltlltloll of the SlalO1 of Nebraska. Ill It He olvell 1 ' Ihe ' ' ' ! > 1' lell'l'IlatllI'C of tlieState ofIe1 > ra ka : I. 'l'hat I' Is tl cllle,1 lIecessar ) ' 10 call a COli- I "ClitlOII to re e. alllelltl ami challllu tbu Cou- stltlltlllll of the Statn . of N'bra'lka , k 2. 'l'hat the decto..s arc re'collllllellliell III vole . OIt the lIext electloll of memherl' ' : of the lel(18la- f tllre for or al'aillst ; 1 cllllvelltioll tll revise , ' . allll'llll allll challlo the COlI > ltltUtioll of tile Slate ; , nf Nehra"lca. , 3. ' 1'hat at sllch lIe"t elecUnll of members of l' ' the Ielfl > llatllre 011 the hall(1 ! of eacll elector vo- tilll ( at sllch electloll. shallb" prillted or written . III sllch . a . mallller that the elector call IlIdkate . his I'.de..ellcc IIl1der the law the worels : "l < 'OH call1llll' a cOllvellUon to revise , alllell.1 allll I chalillc tilt ! COllstitUtiOIl of tile State of Nehra- . ka. " aUlI "AnAINS'l'calllllll' acnilvelltlolllore- i \.I e , OIlIIeml alld Challlf ( ' thl CllllstltUtioll of tbe ' . Htate IIf Nebra ka : " : ullllf a lIIajorlty VII lIu 11' . 'j \ at sahl ell'cUIIII tlhall VOItI for a CIIII\'clltlOII , tbe ! Ielfl'l'aturc ' "hall , at ItK lIext bell'llou , pro\'lde : hy law for call I III ( the sallie. I I , Ieo. : W. I\larllh. Secretarl- State of the , \ Siale IIf Nebrasla. , III herehy c. ! rtl f1' Ihat the ; fon'lfolllir 111'111'11.,1 ; lIl1elldlllellt to tblColIstltu. / thlllllf the Statu of Nebra I'a , alllllllll\"hllllil for ' a COllvelltloll fill' the revlsloll of aill COII'ltltu- f UOII IIf the State of Nebra'lka. Is a true alld cllr- rect LIII'Y IIf the orl"llIal " ell"lIe,1 hili ( las ltl by the 'rwcllty-.lllhlh " "Slllll of Ibo l.ell'lslatllm ' of tbe Slate ( If Nchra'lla. aH It alll'ear > l frolll salll IIrllllIal hill. 1111 IIle III III } ' ollke. alld that lIalli . \1rllll"s.,1 alllelllllll < J1I1 all.1 revl llIlIlIf the COli' " titlltlllll of tbe Siale of Nelora'lka Ii HUhlllltleli tll . th. . ' 1l1alllie,1 vulers uf the Siale of Nebraska. fu. tlwlr aduptiull or . . . .jectlull. at lilt ! II'IIlIeral eh'ctlllll tu he hehl UII 'l'II , , da ) ' . the Sih , Ia ) ' of ' NO\'elllher. A , n. l'1l1 , III h'sthIlUII ' when'uf I } , lIavlJ henmntu et 11I- h1I1l1 allll alliXl'11 Ihc rl'at Scat of lIll ! SI.lle of : -Ithra ! la. UOlle at I.lncolll . Ihlo ; 5th .Ial' of Jul ' III tile l''al' uf uu. Innl Olle 'l'holl'lallll Nille llllllllr"d allll POllrnf Ihe 1lltlepelillCIlCl ! uf thl ! Ulliled Hlat..s thl ! Olle Ulllltirell alld' 'l'l\.nt ' NUI111 alltl of tills Slate the 'l'hlr I ) ' 1 ll."hlh. " Gl > o. \ \ ' . MARSH. Stcrelao' of Stale. . . - - - - - = - - , . . . . . . . . . .JI ( rd Ileluleci II ) ' . . . . . . . . . tJrJwsulI 111'011 , No.lnOJ : " , - , , , , ' . 'I ; , ( ' ' ' : ' ' ' . - , J. G. BREN IZER , Breeder of Pure Scotcb RIIII Scotoh Topped hort Uorn . tlo. My hL'rd nnmher. . . 40 cows , Will Cat. Com _ rll Iu breelllllllllnd ( III-lit ) ' wllh IIUY wclt at ( ) h1c . . ! : o. Air 61:11..rluncu : hAil hllght me tbat todyo , 1\ll Iou < l ' \ tactlon , breeiling cattle mUlt 110 raised this altllude. r expect to raise thern n here 1/10 / equal of ' KII'tblng rllilud lu lht U II. 1 now buu : . : holle IIUtll1ble tor this auJ IlIeXfear'li Itllvlcu. AI ) ' cow. 1I'olghllrom 140Q 1000 1101ln118. ,001110 anlliscu Ulem , tQ _ t W.-'W/ , . . _ . : ,