Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, October 13, 1904, Image 1

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Ingots o ( pure gold purchased -
chased dIrect ( rom
the United States
mint are used to
make the solid.
sea m I e s s shell
that ( arms the
outsIde o (
Watch Chains
Firmly welded to this shell I : : the core of
durable alloy which minimize : : the cost of
the chains without effecting In
allY way
their appearance or usefulnes : : .
, -
. j .
I - "II'\ " ' - - - - - -
: ; : : =
School Books.
. , .
. : . Tablets - xn-
' ; , School Supplies ,
" J. G. Haeberle"s :
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
I ani now lucated justporth , of
the Ct\st \ r ! % tional ank. . 'Come
" a 1tl Jvtc" ' : liar ; i'I ; 111 "r al
estate. Some ch lce acre property -
perty for sale.
8 tf HAS. . ANDERHON. _ .
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
A.P. . KIRBY ,
l' . ! \\1J.lt3ft ! ! ! ( ! jlli. : ! tal'Q : !
Sales cried in this and -
ties short notice. Satisfaction
011 guuran-
I teell. Address or 'phone A. 1' . Kirhy ,
\ i Merna , Nebraska.
We have just recfived
; a fine lot of. . . . . . . . . .
New Cards and Folders
. For th fall trade. . . . .
Gooc1 work and Low PriCCR
: JEI"'ISar : '
Broken Bow , Nebraslm.
It is our aim to give you honest -
est , conscientious work and to
please you in e\'cry detail. Should
our f 11ings come out 01" our worl (
. prove unsatisfactory in any man-
ner we will cheerfully refund yom
f. money or do the work o\'cr free of
) charge , whiche\'er you deRire.
1 Bv a new method we remove
the "live nerve perfectly painleR
; and immediately fill the tooth ,
'I " thereby avoiding the of't repcat.
ed visits of the patient to the den.
; tint. We arc prepared to extrac1
teeth a solutely painless and in ,
sert new ones thc same day if de ,
I , sired. Everything done by tht
. ' latest methods. No arsetiic OJ
cocaine used !
; \ T. A. LEACH , D. D. S. ,
. Telephone 258 ,
Office in Myers-Gliem Building'
m : : : : : ; : : ; : : : : : MI
Postmastcr General Pa.rne died
Frida ) ' of last week ,
Dr. Pennington found a ten
doltar ill lying in thc streets of
Brol < en Bo\v , one day this week.
Ii' . A. 'VaHon and wife retu'rn-
ed Saturday night from a visit
of several days at Lincoln and
We note from the stat < > papers
that B. C. Nmpfield of Anselmo ,
was appointed 10st master , to I
succeed l oy A tlusson , resigned.
A. C. Hapgood and wife lcft
Wednesday morning for Seattle ,
Washington , where Mn , . Hap-
good's parents live. .
Samuel Wright , the only uncle .
of Oeo. McRae , arrived in 'the
city Saturday from Wichata ,
Kansas , to visit with his Hephew.
S. 1-4. CaHnoH of 'Vesterville ,
\ as a friendly calter at this ofi ce
Monday. He expects to move to
Brul\t n Bow about the f rst of
! \Irs. A. H. Shoemaker and
children left Wedncnday morning -
ing for Seattle , 'Vashington ,
where Mr. Shoemaker went
everal months go.
Andrew Sherbeck has bought
a house in Ansley atld will move I
to town. In a few years , Mr. ,
Sherbeck has made a arrell of
money.-'l'he Ar os ) ' .
E. C. House sold the Chal
Empf eld ranch of 1,040 acres in
Custer township , last week to
parties in the eastern part of the
slate. Consideration , $7,800.
'rhe party that bought it will
probably locate in the city.
'Varren Lang's adopted son
living 12 mites west of Broken
Bow was thrown from a horse
last Monday night and sustained
a roken collar bone and otherwise -
wise hurt. Dr. Pennington was
called and reduced the fracture
for the little fellow an < lleft him
; ting easy. ,
A. G. Albert of Baraboo , W s-
consin , who , with his wife have. .
been visiting relatives for sever-I
al weeks in this vic111ity was a
friendly caller at this ollice Sat-
urday. Mr. Albert informs us
that his wife's health has improved -
proved so much since being here
the he will h.l\'e her remain for a
time at least.
'l'he Baptist State Convention
held at li'remont last week was
the largest attended of any ever
held in the state. Heports from
the several churches and mission
fields shows a marked improvement -
ment over former years. Plans
for enlarging the work the ensuing -
suing ycar were made. Plans
for enlarging the work the ensuing -
suing year were made. 'l'he sessions -
sions throughout were highly i n-
I tef ( sting and profitable to all.
The convention wilt be held next
year with the First church at
Omaha. Hev. C. W. Brinstad of
Omaha , was re-elected General
Missionary for the state. 'l'lte
ofi ce of pastor at large was
created and He\ ' . White of IIar-
\'ey , III. , was elected to fill the
' . 'he UCIf' ' nnctu. ' .
Hev. B. C. Horton , Sulphur
I Spriugs , 'l'exas , writes , July 19th ,
1891) : "I have in my 'family
Ballard' Snow 1-4iniment and
. HorehoUlul Syrup , and they have
provcd Gcertainly satisfac-
tory. 'l'he liniment is the best
we have ever used for headache
r aud pains. 'rhe cough syrup
has been our doctor for the last
eight .vears. ' ! 25c , 50 , $1.00.
Sold by Ed. McComas , Broken
. Bow and Merna.
I -
j it ASi ; M hi ; "st ; :
In. . OVVD. . !
The Singer 11anufacturing Co. , manufacturers
of the celebrated. . . . . . , , . , . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sinlrer Sawin ! ! Machine !
y ,
have opened a store and gencral ofi ce in the Cus-
, ter Block , 3 doors north of Drake's dry goods
store. Besides the various styles of family sewing -
ing machines manufacturcd by this company ,
the store will carry a full line of. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
WW : = : : ! : Wm $
I Frclt Klump of the 'Vest l'a le ,
was a friendly caller at this ofi ce
J as. Boggs of Elton , was a
friend I ) ' caller at this oOice
Tuesda ) ' .
J. B. Klump returned Monday
morning from St. Louis where he
visited the great fair.
Misses Hannah Edmunds and
Rex Hurless went to St. Louis
'last week to attend the fair.
J. C. Bowen and Alpha Morgan -
gan returnQd from their Colorado
trip the first of the week. They
report h ving enjoyed a pleasant
trip.C. .
C. II. Gere , the founder of the
State Journal in 1868 , died at his
home in Lincoln li'riday of last
week. It was flue to Mr. Qere's
ability that the Journal attained
its hifh standing in the state.
I ev. J. R. 'l'eagarden left
Monday tor St. 1-4ouis , where he
took his son , Marvin , for surgical -
cal oJcration. Mrs. 'reagarden
will J0111 them the latter part of
this week. 'l'hey will visit the
fair while there.
Dr. T. 'V. Bass authorizes us
to state that the partnership between -
tween him and Dr. Farnsworth
last week was not consumated
and that such partnership will
not exist. Until further notice
Dr. Bass will have his ofiice at
residence , first door west of Cus-
ter National Bank. .
Joe and WitHam Krenz of
Merna , who had been arrested on
the charge of burning a threshing -
ing machine , several hundred
bushels of grain and three
wagons on the night of September -
ber 10 , had theIr preliminary
trial efore Judge Armour Monday -
day of last week. They were
bound over in the stun of $500
each to the next term of court.
A I.ove "etter.
'Vould not interest you if
you're looking for a guaranteed
Salve for Sores , Burns or Piles.
Otto Dodd of PonderMo. , writes :
"I suffered with an ugly sore for
a. year , but a box of Bucklen'
Arnica Salve cured me. It's the
best Salve on earth. 25c at Lee
Bros. Drug Store.
_ _ _ _ _ n _ _ _
I . R. Barnard , publisher of
'l'he Loup Vallcy Queen , was a
city visitor Monday. 'l'his oOice
ac1mowlcdges It fricndly call.
N. A. Hall of I ou11l1 Valley ,
called Monda ) ' and had his subscription -
scription advanced and took advantage -
vantage of the olTer of the State
Journal free.
Mrs. Wm. Schaad of the Cliff
Table visitor ' 1'ues-
, was a city -
day. 'l'his ofiice actmowlcdges a
welcome call. Mrs. Schaad reports -
ports the crops good in that locality -
cality this season.
I eTrites and famity left
) 'csterda ) ' for their new field of
labor at Lexington. 'rhe ) ' were
givin a reception at the M. I .
church 'l'uesc1ay night br his
l eGeo. . 1-4. White of Harvey ,
Ill. , who was elccted pastor at
large at the reeent Baptist State
Convention , arrived in the city
last night to take temporary
charge of the church here.
li'riday , October 28 , will he
Republican Day in Broken Bow.
Gov. Micke ) ' , tJtpt. Atty. General -
al Norris Brown , 'l'reasurer Peter
Mortesen and other stotte candidates -
dates are billed to be here.
_ . _
_ . . - -
m m m
r You Can Buy
All Kinds of !
I School Books .
Ed. McComas' ,
I w AND JIt'VH" R. I
s mmmm m m m
, . : ' - ' ' : 'is ' ' ' } . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . gi3 . . . . . . . . ? \ i'l\ ; . @a . .l\.W ; 3 1-\
r. : START THE !
' ! i H OW IS th. IS f or a ro osllOn. " ! ' r
I \Ve want you to see our ever increasing I
l stock of ] raH and \V inter Goods and get next to i { 1
@ , ' " ! "
l money on YOUI' purchases from us , we are going i
i to give with every dollar purchase , i
il A 10 Cent Premium Ticket I
I On Onl' Pl'etty Line of I
t JexTelry !
: I ,
. Uonsisti of ( { naranteec1
! Rings , Cull Buttons , Broaches , Hat Pins , Watch Ch lns , Fobs , Etc" Etc , s .
. tl 'J'hen , . h : ides . ; lUt , with evel'Y : i.DO fJ\II.-I \
I elms , " ( at onp time ) WI' will pl'esent yon with
, I
. I One Meal Ticket i
l , /1 On the Globe Hotel. I ;
I Seriously : Isn't that a good thing for yonP !
! i 1 Fall P ndcrwear , 11 ats , Uaps , Hhoes , Hosiery , i
< ji 1 h'pss Goods , I tc. , just as cheap as the ehcapest i ,
'I and Fifty Cents Worth of Jewelry and It Free i " , . . ,
\ i Dinner throwed in. i :
! I . - ; ; ; ; itio ; ; . j
! Jhis l ' [ } fJens : : ; a l'dayO"toher
: ' l 15 , 1904 , and remnins good until .J anllury 1 , 1905. i
i Don't .be too long finding out that the place to lll
' ( ; (1 ( ( tl'ade IS at i
( J'r : -
; . i ,
'a ( sl S s J
i . . I
i sl ' 7 : >
. \ I North Side , in Opera Block , Broken Bow , N ehr. Ir ;
1. 1V . .
" " " " " " " " " " " " " ' , ' + t"t"t'tt'tt"t"tt"tt"t"ttt" " " ' ' " " , " " " , "
- -
- -
I Corn .1
- -
- -
Shellers ! I
- -
- -
' = = 'J.'he corn erOI ) is now a sure thil1g ; and it = =
= = will require a good many new shcllm's to shell : : : :
. this crop. .I.f yon oxvect to huy , I can 3
- -
- -
- -
- -
= = awl ean sell you most any kind of n sheller yon = =
E want. 1 hI ! vo brtlllC'h hOIiSOH at : A nRlny and Hnr- = =
= = gent ulHl if YOll nl'O non 1'01' ilwse ; voints than hnl'e = =
= = cull on them. = =
- -
- -
- -
= = 1 also have a lot of Htwond hnml Hliggies = =
= = -just. . the thing' ; fOl' yom' ( ' , hillroll to go to Rnhool = =
- -
= 111. : : : : : :
- -
E liThe Dealer That Saves YOII Money , " 3
- -
- -
C.S. MARTIN , MfiAgt
- - .
- -
: : : : -AND DMALlm IN- : : : : :
- - -
= = AN'1""I-rl'l tJsrr GOTS. = =
1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111 11
. . . . . . . . . . .
- - - - - - -
. : . . . . . . . . : r.Q : Q".r..r.r..r..r..r . : . . . : a : , o :
I Do You Want a I-IOllle : ? I
s . . S
8 8
6 F-or Sa1e.
1 one-stor ) ' , 4-room house , ground Wx112. Price. . $ ( ,00.00
lone-story , frame , 3-room house , ground 100x112. 8
81 Price. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250.00 8
1 new one-story frame , 5-room house , one block from S
public , square , with one ) t ; Price , . . . . . . . . . . 1 , 100.00 .
1 one-story fraine 5-room honsc , with barn and two
i lots , nicely located. Price. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100.00 S
R 1 \Vo-story frame , ( , -r00111 residence , ne\V cave. new
N . . barn , ( , lots , good well and cistern , nicely' N
located. Price. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,200.00
6 lone-story frame , 5-room house , with four lots ,
gravel well , wind mill , arn , Lhicken house ,
g orchard. Price. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,000.00
Some of the best ten acre tracts adjoining town
S for sale. S
Some of the best locatcl lots for residence.
E . C. HOUSE ,
N Broken Bow , - - - - . - Nebraslea. N
I .r..r..r..r..r.r Q.Y".r..r..rJ'.r..r..r..r..r..r . : . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . : . . . : Ir.r..r.Q'.J
' : i < m ' : i\X t't : ) tJ ! : fi , : t > ! . ! : mtJ\t ) : : ! , : t' ' : fk" " .
c I JAAAA . al'e l'ol'clially invited to ( 'all find Ren 1t ;
j c " The Malleable" !
} \V 0 wi 11 show YOIl how to ha ke "just :
: SIICh bhH'lIitH as 1ll0tWI' ; ] IIsed to i : :
: make , It with only OltC-half the ruel :
: ! now Iwing'uH ( d. Htl'ength , ) eonomy , )
: UonronieJl < 'o , 1)\Il'uhility ) \ } ( Beauty - :
. : ty Combined. A great RIlVel' of
: Fllel and Labe ) ! ' . lndo or 1\falle- :
: able f rOIl und SteeL Hiveted together - :
gether like a boiler. ff Vl'opel'ly :
:8 : used. will last a lifetime. COIll- :
: llWIH'111g. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :
: , j October 17 , and Endin ! ! October 22 ' 1
: ThOl'e willlw ' ) 'hl'p11 ( \ inuto Biscllits
, , : . and Uoifcp sPI'vml ( , VOl'Y day 11' H I ) . :
A salesman fl'om the fnctol'Y wiU he :
, , :1 : } wI'e . . to domonstI'at : its SlIlwl'ior ' :
, c c q IIn I. t : leR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \ ) )
i j 'I' 0 nvel'Y plll' ( ' I II1H I' O' ' L " ) ' 1 le 'I n I - ItI I ! :
:8 : F - ) ( 'alllo" Hang' ( ' this wel'k only we :
: I-ee will givl' absoilltely II'l { ) I a $7.50
: . Het of Cook i ng' r tensils. . .11' lU g I
\ , C J
. : C. W. APPLE , I : :
: " ( < < :
, , . ' . t , " \Vt\st . Side thllll1l'e , Broken Bow , Nebraska. . ' " , . )
Cw y ww w w w. w wwvww wwwvwvvwvwwwvwvw