. THE STRAIN orWORK. . - Best ot DACkll Give Out Under the Durden of D02l1y Toll. 1.lout. Gcor/W / G , Wllrren. or No. : I ChomlC'nl , Washlnglon , D. C" S } 'II : "Il' an honest fact that Doa'1'IJ Wd. ncy Pills did m'a a great lot ot GOOlI , and It Il were r.ot true I would not recommcnd thelll. 1l waR Iho strain ot II C tin g that f' broulht on kid. t ! ; ,4.f , " ne ) ' II'ouhlo and ' ' i weakened my , 1 - ' 0 1v bacll , hul IJlnco ' J I , ; , , uHlnL ; Donn'a IhJ. , /'yV / noy 1'1119 1 1111\0 lIClo(1 ( SIX hun l'cd pounds and fclt no bad cHects. 1 ha0 not fell Iho trou. hlo como back since , allhoufh I had lJun'crcd tor fi\'o or six ) 'ears , and olher remedlcs had not l1chled 010 at nil. " 10'0 : ' sale by all dealers , Price GO ccnFoctm'.MIl4urn. \ . , . Co. ' , 1Iuffalo , N.Y. 'I'ha moment wo fool anI' ) ' In ron' tro\'el'sr wo hn.vo already C0l1l\(1 ( slrh' . hi ! ; 101' trulh , nnd begull 1Itt'I\'inL ; for oursel'csCarl1 e , How's This ? We nt ! r One lIulltlre.1 ! lollar , 1t , urr1 for Rny c. . . " , , atarrb tb , , CMIIO 1 > e cur d by " " 11" C..trrrb Cure , F , , T , clm : aY CO , . Tel , lo , 0 , . w , th IIntlelllrnc.1 : . have known I. ' . , I , CII ney , lor tlII1 IlIt I yellr. , 011.1 hellc\'o bUll I'rrt rtly IIUII' trdJIA III all bll lnc . trlllliactloll 011I1 IIAndlllly Iblo W carr ) OU ROY obllllltI"n8 IIIAllo Ioy III Qrm. WALIJINU , l'aNNAN .v. IAnVIN. Wholel lc IIrUIIIIIITuledo , O. llall' . Catarrh CillO I tnkco Internnlly , artloll IIre.'O ) ' II1'UII the IIlood Rml mueo. . . . .lIrl.'r 01 the Iytelll. 'I'rathuoIIIIII. Acnt frco , l'rlco 7 lOUtA per bottl , . . 1:0111 bv nllllruICIRt. ! , 1'a\0 \ lIaU''emllr 1'111. tor conltll'atlon. The Marriage Partnership , 1\Ianlngo Is II. IJ1lrlncl'shlJl. anll a ono Jlartner In 0. bushll'sS house Is not graleful to the olher IJUltnor for lIa 'inr. ; him his Il0rtlon , so 0. wll'o 1Inonll\ \ not ho eXlloclell to ho f1'Illeful to hel' husbaud. And If she has 11. rIght lo hOI' 1110ney IIho haR 11. right 10 Itor own IIfC' , which Is the GHt of God.- I \'erj'hod "s Magazlno , Brunettes Defore Dlondes. "Th 1l1ajorllY of clly men cheese 1\ ark gIrl as typcwrllor In Ilreferonco to a fnh' ono , ' said the malletcr . of 1\ typlnt employment hureau , " 'I'hey all' pl1rent1y thlnl ( the hrunotte moro encl" . gotlc and huslness,1Ilte. " , Millions In Melons. ' 1 hlrl ' million dollars hn.\'o heon pai(1 ( hy the East to Colorado melon growers In the Arlmnsus valley dls. trlct since Iho discover ) ' or the famous Reel ; ) ' Ford cn.ntaloullcs , . Golf Good Woman's Game. Golf Is an excellent gnmo for wom. en , as the muxlmum of Illeasurc alld I exel'clsp is 10 ho ohtahled wilh tho. . minimum of lahar. . . Leson ; For Women. JerBc : : Shore , Pa" Sopt. 26 ( Special ) - " mill's Kh\ney 1'11\s \ have done worhl of good for me , " 'fhat's what Mn ; , C. B. gamest or Ihls IIlaco haste to ' in ) ' of the Great American Kidney ' . 'tomed ' ) ' , "I wn.s lalll up slcl ( , " Mrs. Earnest continues , "and had not been out or , hed for five weels. 'I'hen 1 began to URQ Dodd's Kidney P1IIs n.ml now 1 am BO I can wOI'I ( and go to town without BufferIng any. 1 would not be with. out Dodd's Kidney Pills. 1 ha\'c good rcnson to pralso them everywhere. " ! 'Vomen who suITer should learn a leRson ( rom this , and that lesson Is , "curo Iho l1tlne 's with Doelel's Kldnoy 1'11\8 \ Ilnd ' ' your sUffering' will cease : Woman's health depends almost en. lIrel ) ' on 1101' Itldno 's. Doeld'B Kldnoy 1'1111' lave ! no\'er yet tallod to make health ) ' Ihlnc 's , European Forests. , 'l'ho percentage of the wooded arelUl f EurOIJean countl'les , as comll\l'ed : " with Iheh' lolal areaS , Is as follows : Finland , 51.2 ; Sweden , 49.3 ; Hussln , 40 'i : Auslrla , 32G ; Luxemburg. : m.l ; , Hungarr , 27.7 ; Germany , 2Gl ; Sor\'ll\ , 21.9 ; 'I'urlO ) ' , 23,4 ; Norwa ' , 22 ; Hou. mania and Swltzorlanlt , 21.4 ench ; nulgarla , 20,8. 'I'ho other European counll'les have less than 20 POI' cent of wool\land , England has tlto smallellt wooded area , 3G lIeI' cont. World's Fair Visitors. l'prsollll attendltl/ ; the great I xpollition nl St. I.oula shoulu secure n room close to the [ "l\lr nnd In a flato brIck bulhlln . 110- , tcl Epworth has all the conveniences ot a. ' ! lrllt-clnss modern hotel , wllhln tour mlll- lit" : ! ' walk or COllventlon nnll AdmlnlHtru- \ tlon entrance. ! tooma $1.00 per dll ' al1l1 lip. Mealll at rCll80nRblo prices , From UnIon Slatlon , go to Olive trcct. take Delm1' ! Gardl'lI car. goln. . . " 'cst to 6600 , Our bu ) ' . mett 1111 cl\rs. Wouldn't That Petrify Voul ; , At Knaresborough cMt1e , In Yorle. , shire , III a dropping welt , In which , , r It pieces at wood , sprigs or trees or i,1 nowcrs are dropped , they are 11011'1. tied , or turned to stone , It would , doubllcSG sor\'o a human holng In lito same wa ' , only nohod ) ' aplwars will , hlf ; 10 try the experlmont. + ' Monument to Llthoori'lphers. The town or EolhcnholTcn. naval'la , nolod for lis qlla1'1'los of lIlltoSl'aphle slones , has docldcd 10 erect a 1110l1U , mont to Soueteldor , the 111\'ontor 01 lithography. n otnccr sent to Investl ale the . : . I nlTl\lrs or a go\'ernmont fimn In the , , TI'alls\'aal , near Polcerslrool11. founl1 1111 expert at $ " ,000 11. ) 'oar , an nsslst. unt at $ : : ! , OO and anolhel' f t $ l.t OO hl har o of OO chlckollSimllor / l11un , . ' Agemont hall rO : Jlled In 0. loss , te 't\t . ot $1fiOOOOO , It Is sngsostod that verholls 0110 n n. 1IQ11 why mortlal InIS so often IJro. Ialwfl'l ! In the Soulh American rOllUb l'tteso la t.ht. : W1 ] W c. , lIa.ymcnt oe doLt , 'I " , . . . . ' V. , Why ? Wh ) ' l"I1tor thl ! 1J\'culnJ ; IJhallowlI 'I'he IIlIlIo:1 : of (0:11'1" I.IIIV ? - Why RI'litl/tC / lIulil hlclIltI'cembcr \ 'I'hl' IcllllltleHI we ewe to MIIY' : ' " ! 'Ii ! thlll' fo , ' thn bUll nnd hlolllIn ! ' \'lIclI IIklpl' ' ! III' , ) ! , f'r ( > Jl < 1 111111 LIII\ ! ; " 'ho fHIW'th III chilly nllllllnn Heap ! ! hal'Jt or hllter rue. 'rh ) " fl'own or tll ) ' IInlllnllnel'l1 ' , ! I hllll' " nil cll'tuuht ; uf Iull. : 'Iny . IJtlllH I hI' " 1111lCUlltY,1J . oC nclllcs g , " IU\\'I'rH uhht. " ! ! lthlo pall ; OI'WIII , ' 11011 tll ) ' ' tm'II ) ' IIII1I1CII 1"011 11I11(11) ' 'IJII 111111 or cia ) ' 01' hf > urt thol1 thllJ 10.11 cOIII.h't comfort Do III/belc : ! ! ! cm Iu/e ! of 113. ) ' . Dr Ithul while IIf ! " ! ! TwtU Hlill IhlRers ; 'l'h ) ' lolIu,1 , th ) ' 1IOIpl'III 11:111111'1 ' Bhnll ho n ! . l < the fountll of wnter To wnnd..rcI' 0'(01' 1I"1oII't.t Rllnllll ; wor.1 1'1'011I tllo hel1l.t , In Ihuhlell ! ! , : ' 111) ' 1I1'I'clJ thn nrll ) ' IIIllItH u [ PUIIl , Anll arch O'H' the hilifl ctcrnul ' 1'11" I'nlnhow of hupe lI nln. -'Int' ) ' E. 1,11I II eo III New Yorl { Sun , - - - A Speedy Sallboilt. 'I'ho heat Ihnt Is hel'C sho\\'n was dcsigned espcclall ) ' for a hey who had no } JnlIence , tools 01' 611111. lIe wanted n hoat. aucuno that woull1 go fast. A board with It sail slucl , UII ou It was not to his IIIdng , amI so this elllIrel ' OI'lginol affair was 111'0' duced , Nothing In the heat wes oe mlue. except as klncl11ng wood. but the l11al1n and salling of similar hoala afforded mn.n ' an hOUl"S onter. talnment. I uch dor when the wind wn.s hlowlng oft shore ono or mOI'e of theRe heals \\'ero set adrift In Long Islan sound , Orf they would so110 \ catamaranll , Rornotll1les at an anglo wllh the wind , hut alwars out of Bight , ue\'er to relllrn. Once In n whllo ono wou1l1 ho n.djustod jllst right and thou It was hUI'Il to 1\Cl'p U\l \ wIth It h ' rowing , It would go so fnst. 'I'll ( ! seas wouM go ever them , but ns thc ' hnd 110 deck on the ) ' wOllld go , II was faun 11 after awhile thnt too slort a heat would not sle.r : ! ver ) ' woll. A long heat on the olher hand. would lloep polntlns about right. so Ihat the ) ' Wl'I'O made fl'om two to eight feet long. 'fho hest war to build the heat wn.s to llnd 11. board ahout four feet long aud six or eIght inches wide , This was sawed tllagon' ally across the center , and the angle mn.do on each piece wns made the bow. 'I'heso two plecos were hold side by sIde olght Inches all\rt : , and two narrow slrips were nallod across bow nnd stem ; an oxlra pleco having II. halo In It was uallell on the bow slrlp al1l1 11. stlcl ( n.hollt 11. foot long' I wns sluck In it for a mst. 'rho best , ' , , ' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ' i ' , I UJ.Y rv Sallboilt's Construction. kInd of masls wor < ' . made of dowels- stlcl.s ouo'lIl1arter Inch thlcl , toJ \ ( found n.t lumher ) 'arlls and hard ware stores , On the tnnst w fafllot1ed a e1'OS3 arm just as wide as the hoat. " ' picco of shooting made nn excellenl flail , and anCl' It was fasloned on th ( arm with 11. thread and needle , the two lower corners were fusloncd so curol ' to the shIes or the hoat. 'I'he sail was put as far forward as 1105 slblo In the bow of the heat , fOl' II h ld steor. alld 110 rudder becauH lIeee8snr ) ' . Without nny doubt , thl hey who IIvos IImu' Iho water and cal find some odd ploces of lumber , soml nnlls alld a picco oC cloth wIll fiUl in this hoat.maldng enough to amusl him 01'1' n.lld on hal the summer.- 1Ioston Herald. Trussing Game. The Trussing Game Is Illa'od hJ two persons , each oC Wh0111 trIos t : overlul'l1 the other. after holh hav ( hooll tied or"lrussed , " a8 follows : 'I'll. . pla'er seats hlmsol ! on the fioor ; hll hands , placed palm to palm , al'l bound togelher at the wrist with I hondlwrchlet. and hl8 logs are lIcl , In 111\0 mn.unor ahov. , Iho unldes , 'I'll I I are then dra WII up. the arm : . 1111\ccd over thom , and a stlcl. nholl I fOIlI' fcot long pusholl ovel' ono arl1l uudor bolh Imooa un(1 ( out again o\'e I , Iho olhor arm , The Illar'I' can nO\ ' , : 1110\0 no } lart oC his IImhs OXC'l1t hI : toes , It ho 13 o\'ort\ll'nell the ends 0 , ' , ho stlcl ; : pro\'ont hIs fntllng on hi : sIllc , but ho CIl\11I0t right hlmsol wIthout nld. ' 1'wo 111I1)'ers "lmAsed I In this war , are placed oPJloslto oael I ! ether In the mllhUo ( If the room. thel I I toes jnst touchln , 'l'ho ohh'ct of ( 'acl l Is to tip his ollilonont m'ob ' lIIel1n . oC his tees , and ho who first does th ! I Is the wlnnor. It either of the IllaJ . erG falls o\'er , ho must bo placed II I . IJolIUoll ! again b ' the 811cclators , I The Humming Bird. . Ono of the Ilrottiest and most Inter clitlng of birds common to the 6)0 I : I th8 humming bird. It Is so ver ) ' lIttl , , nnd dainty and goes abom Ita worl . : \vith such u air ot nuthorlt ) thltt enl 10''e3 to V , ' . . ; ch it os It. nIts In DnJ 011 . - . . ' , n. 0- . . . . . 101 , ' 10' " or 111C' hon ( ' 'sucldel ! , Ono mllst be \'err HIIII , for the slightest 1I0iso frIght. ens It 1way. / . It han very gorgeous coloring , The UIIII'I' ! Jarts are shining freen , the wlllgs IInd tall IIrc flulto durl. , and the throal II ! II hlu1.ln rod , In the wlnler It goes from southern Florldl\ Cont1'l11 AmerIca. The 1l'It Is a ver ' cule strucluro. It IB made or plant down. then co\'ored 0\1' ' , \'llh 1I10S8 lichens 111111 small plant Ilh"rs and II ! uSl1allr hulll In orchnl d trces m' oJs : , The ( ' : ; n :1re : Iwo In nU1l1hcr alld d a hcuutlful IHII'O white , Hs f(1\'orlto dish Is the ! toner and H1I1all In'ctll which It discovers In the J\"crs \ , that It frequcnts. - - - - - Tent Mde on a Rope. A t cnt can bo n1l1'10 h ' chtldren very easll1 ; IInd quicl' ; ] ' without outsldo - _ . . \ The Tent In PosItion. help , Got three old shoet'S or SlI11WI9. :1 1'3110 and some safety pIns and fol. low this plcIUl'o anll description : , 'l'le the 1'0110 hetwecn two treoR , so that J'ou mny walk under It wIthout touching 'our head. 'I'hrow a sheet or shn.wl oyer it. ' 1'io foul' strlngn as 10m ; as J'omselt to each cornel' of the sh et ( ono on each comer ) . On the other end of each string tie a Ilolntell slIcl , . Drive these sllcls Into the ground as far from the rope as 'ou can , 'I'he sheet will now malw a good root , Two mOl'o shoels are now used for the sides of the tont. Each sheet 11Ial\OII an end and ono side , Use safety pIns to pin up these wldos , The hole at each end of the lent under tlte rooe Is necessary to Iloop It cool and comfortablo. Most tenls arc very stuffy and hot. but this tent Is as satlsfaclor ) ' an arrangement u.s can he made , - - Turks and Russians. ' 1'urls and Husslans Is n game pla ' - ed hy two lIersons with slate and pen , cIl. Ahout a quarler of the slate Is marlwd off hyaline at each end , and in eneh of the c011lllartments S3 marlw off are made a number of dols about the size of a pInhead , those at ono end represenling 'furls and the other Husslans , The numb or of ' 1'urlls and Husslans may ho larso or small , as ugl'eed on , but must be equal. At ono cnd or each compart. ment Is a smnll square which ser\'os as 11. battery , Each pla 'or , In tmn , places Iho .IJOlnt of his poncll In 'his own battery , and then draws a lIne qulcl ; : ! ) ' In the direction oC his onom "s men. This IIno must have no angles In It , hut must bo straIght 01' cll1'\'ed , These dols through whIch the line Ilnsses arc consldorod dead men. and he who first klllH all of the cn0m "s men Is the winner , SOllie. times the 1I10 'ers arc required to shut tlwir cros or lum away their heads , \'hen d\'l1wlnl ; theh' lInes , - - - - Games for R02lny Days. ! , Lots of flln can he had with a pea. nut tou1'l1amcnt. Ha'e four llooplo at each table , and In the celltel' of each , ha vo 11. largo howl of lIeallllts , and a - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - pair or tongs , slIch as cOllie It\ candy exes , gnch Ilerson mllst trj' to re. 1110\0 Ihp IIcnlluts ono at a tlmo wllh out Htll''lng the ether nuts. At th < ! 01111 of twont . mlnlltes n boll Is rung , arlll the ono hn vln rOll1o\'ed the larg' C8t nUll1ber of ) Ioanuts Is awarded n slll1lJlo lIltlo prize. Anolhor slrnlllo hut amusin pastime Is to have a ring hung from the cl.lan' dellor at n convenlont distance from the flOOl' , l'ach ' child must \\'all. dI , I'ectl . UII to the rIng , anti without hes. itnting tr ) ' to run 11. Iloncl1 through the rIng' , 'fhls sounda VOl' ) ' oas ) ' , but If ) 'ou try It ) 'oursolf J'ou will he sur. 1J'ised : how difficult It reall ) ' Is. - - The Single Rope Swing. Sometimes 11. rO\1e \ wlJl he found 1 'Ing' ahout the ham or bacl. of the house which could he used to mnlte a swing , hut It Is not qulto long euough I fOl' the l1urpose. That Is the tlmo a alnle 1'0110 swing may bo made which w111 furnish enough fun to last all summer. The end oC n soap box mal.es 0. good scat. nore a hole In the mid. dIe of a board , pass Iho rop" through nn tie a I010tln the hottom. Tie the " - - ' - - - - " - - - - . - - - - - - - . - - . - . , . - - = - - - - - - - - - - I iC other end arollnd a hranch of a tree as far away from the trunle as vos. sible. Let the hoard bo not more Ihan six or seyon inches wide. A good athletic bo ' cau hn.ve grep.t fun wllh such a swing , 'I'bere is a l\l1acl. In handling It , but when once mastered he can swIng bnck 01' forth llOrfecll ) ' slralght In an ) ' d1rection. Grasp the rope as hIgh as ) 'OU ca:1 roach , stnnd far back and with a quIcl ( jerk lift yourself off the ground and straddle the swIng , The hoard should bo far enough from the ground to let the toes touch , then , b ' touch. Ing the ground occaslonall ' It Is lias , sIble to l\Oop going straight and nol ro\'olvo. H some ono Is near b ) ' to puh : : ; 'ou can be lIushod In a circle 111\0 a "merr-goround , " There Js enough vurioly In this sl 'lo of swing 10 malte It worth while to male it. Waif Proved Himself Hero. H there \.10 \ degrees or Idnds of hero' ism , then perhnps thot arIsing out of unselfishness Is the hIghest. At all events , this typo was well Illustrated b ' a sailor lad many 'enl's 'ago. Ho had been 3ent. a poor waif , to the tmlnln ; ; ship Chichester , and when his tlmo was up he went to sen. HIs shIp , bOllnd for New Zealand , was run down In the Engtsh ! channel. and almost at on co began to fill , In the confusion a woman rushed on docI ; : and shoutc for tbe boats , A sailor told her the IlOats hall been swept n.way. " 1\1adam , " ! ; ald a lad standing hr , " 'ou can't swim : 1 can , Put on my life bllo ' . " The lad l\OlJt hImself afioat until he was rcscuou in the last stage or ex haustion. and , thouSh nearly all li\'os were lost , the woman to whom ho hnd glvon Ihe buo ' was n.mong the saved - . . . . - - . . . . . - . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . - . - . - . . - - . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . l . - . . . . . - . . . . . . ! 1- ROLLING THE BALKV HOOPS. ! - - - . Do you Ilnow thn.t J'ou can 1'011 11. .1 ! hoop har.1nrnI'd ? That Is , start It rollIng - , Ing In ono direction and ha\'e It slid. denly stop , and then start rolling in exactly the olher direction. Well , ) 'OU can. and vor ) ' easll ) ' . too. and that Is only one of the lIueor things ono can do with hoo\1s \ , I A 'alldc\'ll1e \ Ilerforl11er used to . amuse largo audiences by mnldng hoo\1s \ roB In lots of qlleor wn 's , t\11'n' I Ing' comers , chaslns each othel' in clr- clos and actln generall ) ' as If they were all\'o nnd were playing tag games oC their own. 1l tal\Os a lot ot IJractlc ( ' to bo abl . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - It n''oltoward ) ' 011. The hOOl ) wIll slop , and then roll toward ) 'OU , pass IlIg ; " 011 If YOll ha\'e gI\'en It n stl'Ong enollgh twist. When YOII have mastered this , at' ) ' 011 will at ) ' 0111' very first trIal , ) 'OU are read ' fOJ' a very prettr lItUo pas tlmo. Get one of ) 'our fl'lends to pro- yido himself with a hoop , anll hn.vo II hacl\\\'ard race wIlh 'OU. Drew t 'c lI es , ten yards. or thirty feC't , atlt , and standing on nne IIno throw ) ' 0\11 hoop 11\st : the olher line , at lhe Rame tlmo gIving It the hackwal'd twist YOllr object Is to malIt } roll towar ) ' 011 , to pass ) 'ou and roll as far behind hind 'ou n.s It wIll. ' 1'hol'our pla . - - - - - - - - . - . - . - . - - - - . - . - - - - . . . - . . - . - . - . - . - . 1- . l I . . I. ' I i I . , " , " , i i . . o 1 . , - I i I L"- . _ . _ . _ . _ . --1 - - - - - - - - - - - ' - ; --H- -Ine.--------- I Thr \ he Hop ro ! ; . to do this. although n little twist ot II the wrist dom ! It all , but It lal\Os lIlUo I' or uo Ilraclico 10 mal\O n hoo\1 \ 1'olt II bacl\\\'anl. s 'l'ahe ; hOOl1 In 'our rhht l1antl. ' s rour nugel' l'nds on the Inner sldo 111111 ' - ) ' 0\11' Ihul1\h pressell fil'l1\ly 011 the out. 11 side , ! \ow Sl0 It an 111Il'rhal1tlllch \ \ a wa ) ' from 'ou , at Iho same tll1\O lurn. Ing 'our hund swlftl ) ' 0\01' so that 'ollr Ilnger al'o aho\"e and j'our thul1\h " halow. Thlti will malw the hoop re. s vol\'o towarll 'OU , although the force e or ) ' 0\:1' : throw carrlos It 11 lItUo war In 1tho ( ) t cr t\lrectlon. \ In nn Instant this I ) forreulll ho o\'prcome h ) ' the fol'co I oC the twlill ) 'ou ; : ; 11\0 It , which makllol I mnlo trios his hand nnd trIos to mal.o hlhOOl1 roll bacl. farther than raul'S IlId , 'fhls sOlll1ds very slmilio nnd eas ) ' , \Iut \ It Is not at alt so. for after a hoo\1 \ has rolled hocln\'anl for a IIttlo WI1) ' It w\1lllsuall \ ' 1'011111'0. circle , nnd It 'ou 111'0 not careful It will , after 1IRHluE ; ( ; you , roll 1lear : around ) 'ou nnd Hlol1 bet ween the lines In front oC J'ou "flcl' all. It la\lOs \ : . lot oe nlco jlld 111ent and 11. vel' ' dollcato . , cnse o ! tOllch to I1\l\lAI 1hoo1 \ 1'011 st'i.\j.ht \ bacl""artl till It t\roIIS \ , and 'ou will find that thIa 11115' time will call torch liS muclr l'1'1Il os 1IIarb1cII ' ) r II , , .n "ll1lls. , . . . . - . . . eJ. . . . . , , , : > , fA ri , . : . ---1'- . , , : , r1 ) . , I ' \ . -Oo' . . , ) , { 'rr.u. " 1jr ' : vf-JQ c J. it.-AI4 , 'V' ' l P ) - . ; - 'IJI } ! fj.Kl ! 1 > . . . . . , : ! . . . . } J ; 1J1. . 11 ! tf. . { . . ' ! ' ; r , r'G.r ' : J.'IJI ? t 't I , > . , , , /1 . ' } ; 1:1 _ : : : t1JL. : ' . ( f ) . , Il r ' : , . > " " , r'1 1 ' " : 't".r 6 ! CtJ IfliJ : l:1 : ! I The COJt of Production. 'I'ho question Is freQuently asIwd whelhor the faruwI' should try to I malw mono ) ' by getllng a larger price ' Cor the things he grows or b ) ' cheap. ( JIllng IJroduction. Wo reply both , but In the main It must ho by ch'ap , enlng production. 'rho roasol1 Is that the contl'ol'of coat of production Is lUore IlIlder his hallll than the control uf soltlng prlco. 'rho selling prlco is ' regulated h ' conditions extendln fnr ho'ond the boundaries d his own fa 1'111. 'rhis l1elJCIHls on the l\nl1 \ ot 11. crO1 he is gl'owlng. If he Is pro , duclug n crop that Is porlshahlo he wi1l ho facing prlcos contl'Ol1olhy 10' cal condItions lar ol ) ' . If ho Is gl'ow , : In ! ; wheat hei1l ; be facIne ; } ll'lces , that are made b ) ' world-wide concH. tlons. What Is the use of a man' ' aloPlJlng production 0 : wheat and say. ' IlIg that before ho pl'Oduces auy I maI'O wheut ho wi1l help sho\'o the 11I'lco up to a I1gul'o fill' In excess oC that pro\'alting at the present tlme'l Some men are sa 'ing that , but these sumo mon can huvo no more effect on lho pI'Ice or whent in the WOl'ld than the man that OWIlS a meadow brool ( can affect the tides of the ocean , which 110w hnck nnd fortlt in response to great laws VIII'Y far be 'ond tl1e control of mnn. 'I'llo man In his wheat field has tea a consIderable extent the cost of pro. ductlon under control , and his ability to manIpulate the factors that enter Into the cost of production will de. termlne hIs pro1lt or his loss. The cost of production . . . .111 be determined b ' numerous thIngs , among thorn the yIeld or crops. ' 1'hor ( ' Is many n ( armor that sa 's he Is malting money from the a\'eruges ho now 1'I1ises and Is not Il1l'tlcular ! allOut malting more. H UW.t Is so ho should bo contonted. nut there are thousands of farmers that J [ they lept hooks on every crop would find that the ' were annually losIng on some oC tholr croplO , Of tbis they are now ignorant. The in. crease of the average yield Is the first an most Important moans of decreasIng - creasIng the cost , That these ) 'Iolds cnn he Immensely increased under belter l1Icthods of culture Js prove ho 'ond 1111 controversy by the results lhat have been altalned In dlITerent Europenn countries. The average ylold of wheat pOI' acre In England Is double what It Is In the United States. This alone shows how great. Iy wo can yet reduce the cost or each bushel of wheat gl'own on our farms. Another great factor In reducing the cost Is drainage , thIs letting the all' Into the ground and makIng ere avn.ltable by oxidizIng It the manure now in the gl'ound or that Is annually placed thero. Wo go oncar after yeor bur 'Ing manure In the ground nnd then so saturating It with "Nuter that the all' cannot malw It sultablo for plant food. The complete utlllza. tlon of all the CertllIty placed In the soil Is one of the most complete ways or rOduclng the cost of the crops. Fertilizers Without Humus. Where soil docs not respond to the labor of the husbandman It has been the general practIce to apply ommer. crnl fel'tlilzers , and the marvel has sometimes hecn great that even these did not seem to bring out the strength o ! the land to produce crops , UntIl I'ecent times it has not heon realized that the supply of humus In the soli was of very great Importance end U1I1t the resuP.II 'lng or the humus Is the first thIng to bo looled after when the lan is to be bl'oush ; . back to Its former productivity. A man will do well to first ascertain If there Is a lacl. of humus In the solt and in case ho finds t11at to bo the case ho should at on co prococd to add humus. This may bo ono In various ways. In case the area is small It can be fllled with humus best by the application of barnyard manure , which always con. talns 11 great denl of vcgetabla mat. tel' . "TO have sometimes said that fiber , which Is large ! ) ' corbohYdrate , has no manurin.l power. That Is truo. but Itls not the manurial quamy that counts with humus. The humus holds water and prcvents the land drying O1lt and it at the sarno limo holds with it some manurIal elements that are lot loose on the decay of the fIbor. A farmer should use every occasIon to get humus Into his salt. The burn. ing of [ of the corn stalls and stubble or grain Is : J. proceeding that tends to destroy the supp ! ) . of humus. 'I'hoso should alwa's bo turned under. - - - - Hay In the Mow. The mIstul'e content of hn ) ' when It Is Jlut into the mow varies greatly , this dopondlng largely on the wn ) ' In whleh It Is cured. Some hay that 1s ma.o from grass cut late and cured In tiry weather has In It so llttlo molsturo that durIng the wInter It may frequontlr Increase In welsht. As a usual thing hay does not In. crease In weight durIng the wlntor , If It is cut Iulto green nnd stored In un I1nporfeclly cured condition It1l1 often bo foun with such a larso per. centago of molsluro In It that spon. taneous combustion Is possIble. Hay eured properly will hn.ve In It a can. sltlerablo quanllty of molsturo and will tend to lese thIs molsturo during the winter , and this loss wUl equal ton Jler cent or the bulle In many In. stances. - About 1,400,000,000 , pounds oC but. tel' are made In this cOllntr ) ' ann\ ! , all ) ' . 'rhQ dem nU for It. Is such thot lIttle Is sent abroad. \ \ J - , { ' , ; PHILLIP tIICIIDORli a _ , : . . inqton. D.C. , H P - = . : ' . . , : PhillpHichbornRcar Admiral Unite States N.wy , writcs from Washington , D. C. , as follows : "After tlIo use of Perona for a slIorl ocr/ad , I can noW' cheerfully recom- " 11end yow- valuable remedy to any 0110 wlIo isn need of /nv/gorat/nll lonc.J1hlJp If/clIborn. No remedy ever J'ct dovillcd has l'C- : ! ei\'ed such unstinted eulogy from so JIIany rcnowned statcsmen and military men us l'cruna. Our army ! lnd nn.vy arc-tho natural protection of our country : Perunn. ill Lhe natural protection of the army a.nd m vy in the vicissitudes of clima.to and exposure. If J'ou do not derive prompt and satis- ractorJ" results from the u.o ! : of PCl'una , I'o'rito at once to Dr. Hartman , giving a full Rtatcment of J'our ease an ho will bo pleased to give you his valuable ad. vieo ffl'atis. Address Dr. Hartman , President of rhe llartman Sa.nitarium , Columbus , Ohio. W. N. U" Omaha. No. 40-1904 I , Every housekeeper should lwow I that It they will bur Defiance Cold Wnter Slarch for laundr ' u they I wll ! save not onb' . time , because It never sticks to the Iron , hut because " I onch paclmge contains 1G oZ.-one full . ; pound-whllo all other Cold Water t Starches are put up In = } 4.pound pacl. . I ages , and the prlc Is the same , 10 cents , Then again because Defill.nce ( Starch Is free from all Injurious chom. I Icols , If ) 'our grocer trIes to sell ) 'OU j 0. 12.oz. pac1mgo It Is because he has a stocIe on hnnd which ho wIshes to I dispose of before ho puis In Defiance , Ho Imows tlmt Defiance Starch has printed on eyery paclmge In largo lei. tel's and fi ; ures " 16 ozs , " Demand Defiance and sllve much tlmo and moner an the anno'ance or the Iron 'sUcldng , Defiance ncyer sUcls. Intemperance among young women . In rural dlEtrlcls ! , Is sai to be rare. k Home Visitors' Excursion Tickets to Indiana and Ohio , Via The Northwestern Line , \1\1 \ be sold at very low rates on four ruesda 's , Sept. 13th , 20th and 271h , ' md Oct. 11th , limIted to return within O dll.Ys from date of sale , For particulars as to territory ' 1" " .vhlch excursion tlclwts may bo sol " ; ! tc" nppl ' City Offices , 1401.1403 Farnam St. . Omaha , Ne , . No man was ever disconteuted wlt\ I the world who dId his duty In It. "ery Low Rates to St. PaulMlnn. . apolis Via The Northwestern Line , Excursion tlclwts 1V1l1 bo sold , mo tare plus 1i0 cents on Sept. 28t , Wth ! lnd 301h. with fnvorable roturtl Imlls , on account oC Gldeons' con1 eb- : Ion , Cltr Offices , 1401.1403 Farnam 8\ . : > maha , Nob. Light hear I seldom goes with a lIgh : : lead. The Best Rcults ; In Starching an ba obtained only by us In ! ; D& . . ance Stal'ch , besldcs eltll1g 4 oz. ' 11ore fo\ ' the same money-no cooking required. Let pra 'er bo the key or the morn. mg and the bolt of the ovenlng. FITS fltmllUlentJ , . cured. No ftuot' ne"C12SnU anew > llrat d&1.8 u.e 01 Dr , KlIno'a Or. , , NeTTe Hello , , " rr , Sndfor Ii nE .2,00 trial bottle And t , . , , & 11Co . ' 1111. n. UoltunI.td.31 : clt 6tree l'hl1Ad.olpb1al'a ' Character Is property ; It Is the 7100 tlest of possessions , Important to Mothers. F.xllmlne care tully every bottle ot C STOnU , 1\ sato and lure rcmedr : tor ( ntants nud cblldren , nnd leo that U - : nenfstho , . " ot ' .3Jto"1ltturo / In U O l or Over 30 Years. ThD Iilud You UItVD Always ouht : ; I JUdge not thy frle d uutil tho. . stand In his placo. Ho that wreslles wIlh us strength. . . ona our nen'es , and sharpcns our 1\1111 , Our antagonist Is our holpor.- 13urleo. Ono's e\'er'da ' lIfo Is 0. surl"r 1'0' ' voaler of character tIlan ono's } lubllCl G..Cts-J. R. Miller. Wo can hardly learn humility and tenderness enoush , eXcollt b ) ' 8UtrC1- Ins-Goorgo Eliot. Tranquility Is nothing elno thlln a 1000 ordering or the mlndJ-MucUi Auro.ius.