Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, October 06, 1904, Image 4

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    : . , . . - . / : 'A'I : : j" .
QIu tcr o. 11cpublicau
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" " 'i ijj ; hcl' ' nery ' 1hllr .I y 1\\ . the ( JOOlilYjenl. / : .
\Msinltlt\ : \ \ ' . . - I tlltor
Rotl'led ht tbl' ; ; ; , ; tico"t ; ; imlell ! lIolV. Noh , .
u soond..t1II\M ( mllltor fur tranulI'p ' lou throllllh
the U. M. Malia. . - - - . - . .
- - - - - - '
aUlIMOlUl"l'ION l'ltIOlU
Ono \'ollr .In I\IIVI\IICO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.00
- - - - - - - - -
t.t-\1I\CI'11 ! \ ! ( Jurtcr lUoclt.ltODlth , n1 '
- - - - - - - - - - -
Al > VlmTIlNCJ ! ! ItATltM.
tine column , pel " "lIIth , $7.00. Ono.hnH col-
limn , Vl'r 1II0lth , SI.lI ) ( lu rl cr column. Ior
mOllth , 5J.W : Lor Ihnn lIunltor COIUIIIII , ro
contr ' Inch liar lOoulh. .
CAli I'or 011 nPt 1'111(11. ! .II cOlltn Ilor luch'er
Loc'118tlvertl ' hIK" Ct. II . Ior linn IJlIch 1t.I01'
UOII.Nutlco of church falr , oclnhle anti nntertaln.
locutn where mlJlwr 10 chllr/I'd / , onu.half rMIR.
1'oolot ) IIUUCOI no,1 , Ic nllltl01l8 , olio-halt rntu .
Woddlng IJIIUCI'8 trou. haIC Illlce for lluhll nlnll
list of \ lltll.
Ilrel\ Irco. htHlllc. \ . . for l'uIJll hlllR
OllllUarr nnUCIJR , and cnrd8 of thanks.
( " , qnllloUcoH at r8\1'0 \ lr.lded hy I'alntoa of
l'hursday. Octobel 20 , lCJ04
Hl'llIIhllCIlII TICkt't.
1-'or PlesIJellt.'l'heotlore Hue e\elt , New York .
I.'or Vlce'ple hlollt. . . . . Sellafir 1.'alrllaIlJ\.ltllt
J.'or U. S. Senalor. . . .1'llIIur : J. IInrkett , Lillculn
J.'orConlltehman 6th JJI I. . M.I'.IllIlwhl.O'Nell
tiTATI ; .
J.'or ro crllur. . . . . . . . .John II. MIcke ) ' , Osceola
) o'ur Lleut.GU\.errwr. . . . g. G. McGlltoll , Omaha
1-'ur Secretary 1,1 Slall' . . A. nalusha , Rell Cloud
I.'or udltor. . . , . . . . ( . lit. Searlt ! Jr. , Ollalalla
Per ' 1'reasnrer. . . . . . . . . . . I'elur lItortcnMcn , Ord
1.'ur ConllnlhRlolI I'uhllc I.antls al1llllulhlhlll\ . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11. lit. gatulIl.'rclllunl
J.'or AtturucyUl'ncraJ..NurrIR IlrowlI. Kearne ) '
l.'or SlIperlntelltlent ul Pu llc IIIRtr\lctlon. . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . .J. 1..lItcllrlell. nClluva
} o'ur SI'II:1lur : Plllul'nlh HUIIuurlal UIMtrlcl. . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . lit. I. . 1.'rloH , Arcadia
1-'or Heprcsenlatll'c . Plft ' . I"th UIRtrlct. . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A. II. C"II I''t tl'rvill. .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \V. V.lltathcw8.Callall'a '
I.'or Counl ' Attorrll'Y. . . .A. R. lIulllllhrl' } ' , 11.11.
I ur SupervhHlr. third dIRt..G. lJ. 'l'horpe. 11.11.
) o'ur SuperIHor.llfth IIIRl..I . J. Drnl1l.Calla" , ; ! ) '
} o'or clerl < . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \ . n. 1II1II1R
Pur trea urer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .J. M. Klm crlhl $ (
I.'or roall'Cr ccrdIKtrlct I. . . . . . . .Au tln LU'II
I.'or rO UIU\"l'rReer dlslrlcl 2. . . . . . . ( . 'ranl ( Hunth
I ur ruad UVI'rReor dlMtrlcl 3. . . . . .1' . H. Stratlle ) '
I.'ur ruad O\'crseer dlKlrlcl4. . . . .0. E. 1 lllclson
. . ' . . . . . . . . . ' .
I.'or road O\'crMeer dlRtrlct 5. ) lit. Kl'ansl'
I.'or roall uvurRcer , lIstrlct 6. . . . . G. ' 1' . Rohlnson
} ' roall overseer dlfllrtcl 7. . . . . . . . . J. . Cushmau
lilt ! 0110 ' 1'1'110 I'I'ullht'er.
wfhe New York platform is
ambiguous , uncertain , evasive
and dishonest. It would disgrace -
grace the Democrats of the nation -
tion to adopt such a platform ,
and it ought to defeat as an
aRpiran t for a Democratic nomination -
nation any man who would be
willing to have it go forth as a
declaration of his views on public
questions. In Illinois , in Wisconsin -
consin , in Michigan , inIinne -
sot a. , in Indiana , in Ohio , and in
every other state that has not
acted , it behooves the Democrats
to arouse themselves and org-an-
he to the end that they may prevent -
vent the consumption of the
schemes of the reorganizers.
'l'heir scheme beg'ins with the
deception of the rank and fi e of
the par y. It is to be followed
up by the debauching of the
public with a campaign
fu d secured from the corporations -
tions , and it is to be consumated
by the betrayal of the party
organization and of the country
into the hands of t.hose who are
.to-day menacing- liberties of
the country by their exploitation
of the producers of wealth.W. .
J. Bryan.
E. 1. SBA Hl , . ) H.
E. M. Searle , Jr. , repnblican
candidate for Rtate Auditor , is a
Nebraslm , product , having been
born in Haxton , Keith county ,
this statc , August 13 , 1871. life has been spent on the
plains of Western Nebraska. TIe
always has been active in the
interests of that scction , though
by no means hackward in extending -
ing aid to any movement calculated -
ated to belp the whole state.
Mr. Searle is cminently fitted
by nature for the position to
which he aspires , and his business -
ness training has bcen strictly
in line with the work which he
will be expected to do in the
Auditor's office.
He engaged in the bank ng
business at Ogallala for six
years , thus gaining his first
practical tratningin finance.
He then served as depu ty county
treasurer for four years after
- -
- - -
- - . . . " " " " " " " ' . . .
6 S
ti s
I Jeweler and Optician I
B West Side Square ,
Broken Bow ,
t . ' . , " " ' . , . : . , : : " , \ = , ( ; ! 't' ; , . \ _ : " : :
, .
which he was e1ectetl count ) '
treasurer an < 1 served two terms.
1\11' . Searle was appointed state
examiner of banks hy Auditor
Weston , and his first term resulted -
ed in a saving of $25,000 to the
taxpayers and during his fOLlr
years of service neither county
nor state lost a penny through
errors or mis-management.
At present he is actively engaged -
gaged III cattle raising , beiug
the owncr and manager of one of
the best ranches lt1 the range
conn try of Western Nebraska.
He is industriousexact , prompt ,
fai r-mi nded , scru pulously honest
and invariably pleasant and
agreeable , in fact , he is a model
candidate for Auditor.
LINtOlN 1.E'f'I'lm
Lincoln , Nebraska ,
October 3 , } I)04.
T. H. 'l'ibbles being "cooled
ofl" by the owners of the paper
which he edits , has dipped his
facile pen in vitrol and ddressed
a number of personal letters to
anti-fusion : members of the
populist state committee. One
of these missives fell into the
hands of tbe editor of the Franklin -
lin Free Press , and was published
in that paper. It was too
lengtby for reproduction here.
Mr. 'ribbles says :
"I feel about fusion just as I
did at the close of the conven-
tion. There was never a more
silly thing attempted in politics
than to force fusion with the
Parler Democrats. I WAN' ] '
Mr. 'fibbles is generous to his
allies. It must be pleasant consolation -
solation to the Parker Democrat ,
who has suborinated his own
principles and desires and is supporting -
porting members of Mr. ' ! 'ibbles'
political family , to be rewarded
with the Imowledge that 'fibbles
wants the Parker Democrat "kill-
ed forever. "
Continuing Mr. Tibbles makes.
a more vicious thrust at the
Bryan democracy. He says :
"We should get as many men
into the legislatllre as possible
who will ne\'er vote for senator
for any man who haR supported
Parker. "
Mr.V. . J. Bryan of I-4incoln ,
Nebraska , will please agsume an
innocent and unconcerned ex-
pression. He is one Nebraskan
who tallies exactly with the de-I
scription of the supposititious. .
individual referred to by Mr.
'ribbles. The Nebraska Democrat -
crat who admires Mr. Bryan
doubtless will humbl.y bow to the
will of Mr. 'J'ibble5 and see the
Democratic candidate for senator -
tor ruthlessly ! I11aughtered by the
populists , and at the same time
will obe ) ' orders strictly and \'otc
for Berge and the entire Populist
state ticket. 'rhe servere discipline -
cipline which the Nehraslm
Democracy has undergone has
taught it to turn the other cheek
until both cheeks are a mass of
bruises and welts.
And while the DemocratR are
out working for the populist
state ticket , the populists are
laying down the rule that no
man who supports Parker shall
enter the sacre precincts 01 the
Senate Ch.unber.
Mr. 'ribbles also places Mr.
Berge in rather an embarrassing
position. lIe closes his letter by
saj'lUg :
"I want to thank ) 'OU and all
the noble men who came to the
Capitol Hotel meeting. Do
what you can to get such men as
they in control of the peoples
party in Nebraska. Then we
will be able to down the grafters ,
thc ollice seekers , the pasR-takers ,
" " "CM " ' ' ' ' 0 11'rolll DeaUI.
"Our little daughter had an
almost fatal attack of wllooping
cough aud bronchitis , " writes
Mrs. W. K. Haviland , of Ar-
monk , N. Y. , "but , when all
other remedies failed , we saved
her life with Dr. King's New
DiRco\'er ) ' . Our niece , who had
Consumption in an advanced
stage , also used this wonderful
medicine and to-day she is per.
fectly well. " Desperate throat
and lung diseases yield to Dr.
Kmg's New DiscO\'ery as to no
other medicine on earth. Infal.
lible for'Co tghs and Colds. 50c
and $1.00 bottles guaranteed by
Lee Bros. 'l'rial bottles free.
. . ' \ , " , . . ' 'J" ' ' . , '
. " . .
! , , : , .
and take thing\ ! into our own
hands. In that day we will put
into practice the old principles
with which we started out in re-
gan1 to omce holding.
' ! 'his candid admission that
Mr. Herge , the anti-graft candidate -
date was nominated by the I
"grafters , " iR rather refreshing' ; ,
and M r 'l'ibbles reference to the ,
men controlled that convention :
"ol1 seekers" and " -
as ce "pass-
takers" is even worse. Doubtless -
less Mr. Berge who abhors a
rail road pass ( i fit is carried by
a republican ) will at once resign
from the state ticket , now that
he has learned upon indisputable. '
authorit ) ' that he was nominated
by the pass-takers of his party-
and according to Mr. 'l'ibbles
the grafters , ol1 ce seekers and
pass-takerR constitute a majority
of what has been known as the
populist party in Nebraska.
'l'he thought is not original
with Mr. 'j'ibbles. Others have
arrived at that conclusion before
l videntl.y for the purpose of
embarrissing Governor Mickey ,
Judge England of I-4incoln , has I
written the executive an open ,
letter asldng him to state
whether or not he rides on railroad -
road pasies ! , an if so what influence -
fluence it had had upon the
governor's official ation in cases
wherem corporation interests
were involved. Governor Mic-
key's reply is direct and candid
an is in striking contrast with
the demagogic utterances of fusion -
sion candidates , who invariably
work the anti-pass sentiment
for all it JS worth before the elections -
tions and stuff their pockets full
of passes as soon as they assume
the duties of their office. Governor -
nor Mickey's letter is in part as
follows :
"Replying to your interrogatories -
tories , will say that I have accepted -
cepted from the railroads such
courtesies in tbe way of transportation -
portation as it has been customary -
mary to bestow upon the person
temporarily holding the office of
chief executive , and which have
been accepted by every governor
which the people of this state
has ever elected.
"By accepting such courtesies
I have never been influenced in
in the slightest ( legree in the
.discharge of my duty , nor have I
been swerved in the least from a
course which is honorable and
just as between man and man , or
between the corporations and the
people as a whole.
"If tlie citizens of Nebraska
regard the pass system in the
evil light which you have portrayed -
trayed and if , through their
legislators , they see fit to pass a
law abolishing the pass system ,
I will take pleasure in affixing
my official Rlgnature to such bill ,
provided I am occupying the executive -
cutive chair at the time.
Very respectfully yours ,
JOliNI. . MICKItV. "
Oue of the practices of the
fusionists was to neglect to report -
port the cost of maintaining a
sta te insti tl1.tion , incase the
figures would 110t ppear well in
print. In his report to Governor
POj'nter. J. N. Campbell , super-
intelUlcnt of the Keqrney reform
school refers to in an ofT hand
way to a deficiency ot $ HOOO for
his biennium , and explains that
part of it was for oflicers salaries
and another part was for fuel
and light. He then goes 011 to
say :
" 'rhe other items of the appropriation -
propriation probably would have
been sufficient to maintain the
institution had it ) lot been for
cxhorbitant prices caused by the
trust control of uearlv all articles
of use and consumpti"on. "
Mr. Campbell's bject in introducing -
ducing national issues in the
state campaign Ulay be readily
guessed by an ) ' one who reads
the following figu.res : His per
I capita for the period embraced
in the rcport was $1&8. ( ifJ.
Under Governor Mickey the
per capita for a similiar period
ne\'er has beCll hig11er thal1
$134.54 and has been as low a
Who can blame Mr. Campbet :
for forgetting- state affairs ant
I talking about the trusts ?
: Farm Lease , Chattle Mortgag (
an Warranty Deed blanks aj
this office.
" - . . . . " . . . . . .
, .
. - - .
' ' ! t. ; & tt. : : t.tiV ! 1-1' '
: St1)1en'i ) ors Proceedings. :
: x x :
I . . . .111118111110' TIIII : DOAIIII. . . ; . .
C J T.AIITIIUR. ! larIC8I1t. . . . . . . . Dls't. I :
Uro.I , Un.ttRIVALT , LtIIlan " : ! I
C : ; , n II 'rnonrr. , IIrokoli 110. . . . . . " : J " > >
C JOI. FINNuIllRI'JIJIUr. . . . . . . . . to -I ti. . .
C J. II. MOUIJUII' , . allawaJ' , . . . . to r , " '
C A , FOil II A Oconto. . . . . . . . . . . . . . " II . , .
C . . . . . " '
C : , ; 1\ ! \ .
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c ; . ; ' ! . ' 1 : 11 . : ! . . ! 1'mtJ : ! . : : ' ' : t.
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r. ; 'u ' .uu'\i..U' . , u-"Uw.-"u , . . . . ; a
Brolen Bow , Nebraska.
Sept. 27 , 1904.
Pursuant to adjournment the
county board of Rupen'isors of
Custer county , Nebr. , met in regular -
ular adjourned session at the
court house in Broken Bow , at 9
a. m. Chairman 'Phorpe presid-
'I'he minuteR of July 16th , 11)04 ,
read and approved.
[ t was moved and carried that
the claim of the Standard Bridge
Co. , for $ part payment
bridge of work done ; also the
claims of D. A. Yansant $154.0U
be allowed on the brirdge fund.
'J'he revocation of the appointment -
ment of Maude Potts as Clerk of
the County court and the appointment -
ment of H. M. Armour to - that
oflice was read by the clerk an
br vott' of the board was approved.
'l'be revocation of the appointment -
ment of R. M. Armour as clerk
of the count ) ' court and the appointment -
pointment of Maude Potts to t'mt
office was read by the clerk and
by vote of the board was approved.
A communication from A. 14.
Donahue of Comstock , requesting -
ing that the county board authorize -
ize the county superintendent to
provide blank temperance pledges
for the schools of the county , one
blank to be signed by scholars
and kept in the school and copy
filed with the county superintend-
ent. On motion the county superintendent -
erintendent was authorized to
furnish the blanks.
Adjourned till 1 :30 : p. m.
Board met at 1:30 : p. m. , al ]
presen t.
Maxson H. Lamphear and wifE
appeared before the board am1
made application for admission te
the Nebraska Soldiers and Sailor
Home at Grand Island which ap.
plications were read by tbe clerk
antI upon motion duly made an
seconded , it was ordered that the
chairman and clerk sign the prop'
er credentials for their. admission ,
'fhe remainder of the afternoot
was spent in committee work.
At six o'clock board adjournei
ti 11 9 a. m. to-morrow.
Wednesday , Sept. 28th , } 904.
Board met at I ) a. m. Al
l\linutes of yesterday read aUt1
'rhe forenoon was spent in com' '
mittee work , at 12 o'clock receR
was taken till 1:30 : p. m.
Boardmetatl:30 : p. m. Al
Road committee reported a !
follows on the petition of Willian
'Worth and others , for a road iJ
town 17 , range 22.
\Ve your committee recommem
that the petition be granted all (
the remonstrance be rejected am
that the c1aim of J. C. Wehlin !
be allowed for $575.00.
- - - -
Do you want never.failing
. good bread ? Use Yeast
Feam : it's safe yeast. Poor
yeast means badly-raised ,
badly - baked , dangerous
bread. Veust Foam mealll !
the best and most strengthening -
ening bread in the world.
nneate9 every particle.
expands and bursts cvery
starch cen , makes a fine ,
I white , bubbling dough ,
. brings out cvery nutritive
I value , and makes U loaf
thai contains more healthful -
ful nourishnlent twice over
than any baker' , loaf ) 'OU
ever saw.
The secret is in the yeast.
Itor sale b ) ' all grocers at
5C a package. F.ach package -
age contains 7 cakes-
enough for 40 10ave
Write for It How to make
Dread " -fne.
" 1 , . 10'- . . . . , . - . . . . -
- - to'l . ; I'3-0
$11.5 l e aSges a l '
road district No.3 Custer 'I'p.allll ,
$450 against road tli trict No.'I I
Kilfoil township.
J. ' 1' . Arthur ,
J. H. McGuire , } Com.
Jos. li'ennimore ,
At this time J. C. Wehling by
his Attorney , II. M. Sullivall , appeared -
peared before the board and tiled
a protest challenging the jurisdiction -
diction of the board to act in the
matter of locating the road.
'l'he following persons were
nworu and ga\'e testimony in the
matter. Jos. Pigman , Dept. Co.
clerk , and J. C. Wehling.
Action on the report of the
committee was by ulHlnimous COII- .
Rent dcferred till to-morrow.
' ! 'he road committee reported
as follows on the petition of
Frances Marsh for a rOful in town-
Rhip 1 ( , range 1 i.
\Vc your committee recommelHl
that the petition be granted and
the remonstrance rejected and the
I claim of G. II. 14in < 1all , he allowed -
ed for $500 to be assessed against
road district No. 1 , lyrt1e town-
Rhipand the claim . of C. g. Mooely
be rejected.
J. ' 1' . Arthur , J
J. n. l\lcG tirc , Com.
Jos. li'enllimorc , l
Moved and secon ed thal the
report of the committee he accepted -
ed and adopted.
At this time G. H. T-4iudal1 , by
his attorney , \I.Sullivau , appeared -
peared before the hoard al1tI aRkcd
that he be allowed to ofTer tc ! > ti-
mony in the matter.
'rhe following pcrsons were
sworn and testitiedV. : . A.
George , Co. 'I'reas" Jos. Pigman ,
Deputy Co. Clerk and J. I r. MeG -
G u i re.
Mr. Sullivan stated that in .111-
dition to the statement of hi objection -
jection now on lite he wished to
I show the valuation of the road
district through which the proposed -
posed road runs. .
UpOI1 the vote being tal\Cn tlt ( '
chairman declared the motion
carried and the report of the committee -
mittee accepted and adopted.
I offer the following resolution
) and move its adoption :
. 1st. 'rhat the county attorney
be and he is hereby instructed to I
prepare and present to lhis boanl
for its consideration , amendment
. and adoption a complete set of
blanks for the establishment of
, public roads according to the
I laws of the state as said law now
exists , including all the steps Jtec-
essary to be taken in conformity
, vith the statutes- the state to I
layout and estahlish a puhlic
1 highway.
2nd. 'Phat the county attorney
be required to examinc all road
petitions after thcy have hccn
- tiled and commissioner appointed
and his report f lelt before appraisers -
praisers arc appointed or furthur
expenses incurred therein.
Geo. Greenwalt.
Upon being seconded and the ,
question put the chairman declared -
ed the resolution adopted.
Moved and carried to adjotlt'n I
till ' ) a. m. tomorrow.
. Thursday Sept. 2'Jth , 11)04. )
Board met at I ) a. m. All pre.
Minutes of ycsterday rcad and I
Head committee requested that
it be allowed to wIthdraw its rc.
port made yesterday in reg'ard to
the location of a public road petitIOned -
tIOned for bVilIiam Worth and
othcrs. By unanimolls consent
the request was g-rantcd.
'fhe committee thl'n made the
following report.
In the matter of the Wm.VortI ]
and others petition for a road we
your commi ttee wOllld reconnnen < 1
that the report of the commission.
. . . . .
- - - - - - - -
' : " ' - - : . . . . . . ' - ' " ' - " ' ' .l : " ' 1 ' ' ' ' ' \ .
- -
To be sure , you are growing J
old. But why let everybody t
see it , in your' gray hair ?
Keep your hair dark and rich , I
and postpone age. If you will . Vigor ;
only use A yer's Hair Vigor , 1 :
your gray hair will soon have I
all the deep , rich color of I
youth. Soid for 00 years.
" I nlll tlOW nvcr fl ) Ylr ohl aud J bav.
n Ihlrk. " 11I't , or IUllg hair "hleh h U
, oll\t'r , \ fh"5V ; ' who II. Aud 1101
" ollt'r'r \ nne S P9
Iruy : hair III 1I..n . .lul ! In Ayer's IInlr Viator"
1Is. II. 1 : . } JUN'l'I ! ! , JJeeld8 , 11111111.
fl.OO [ \ hottte. J. c. . A YEll ( ' 0. .
II .Irnhl. ! ! . I.n..pll. 111. . . . . .
_ _ a for
/llite Hair '
- J
-r bl rt.'jt.'cted for the reason that
he was not properly appointt.'d
and report wa ! > not sworn to and
further for the reason that the
chairman appointed by s , d COUl-
missioner did not take the proper
A nIl we ftll'lhcr lillel that there
is the proper number of signers ;
011 the petitioll. I
.T. 'I' . Arthur ,
.T. II. McGuire , } Com.
Jos. li' 1mimore ,
Moved allll carried that the report -
port of committee lie accepted
and adopted.
l oad cOlhmittee reported as ,
follows :
011 th petition of .T. C. Wehl-
ing amI others for the vacation
of part of road No. 780 , we rec-
ommcnd that petition be rejected -
ed alld the remonstrance Rustain-
ed. J. 'L' . AR'l'lltTH , )
J. lIt McGullm , rCom.
Jos. FHNNJ\lOlm. : J
'Mo\'ed aud carried that the report -
port of committce be accepted.
l oad committce rcported as
follows :
\Ve your committee recommend
that the petitioll of Matilda
Simonson and others , for a road
in townRhip 14 , range 17 , aud of
Ii' . A. % immerman and others , for
a road in townRhip 13 , range 17 ,
and of James 'Vood and others ,
for road in township 18 , range
22 , be granted , and that the peti-
tion of .TameR 'f. Currey for the
\'acation of road No. 102iu t wn-
ship 15 , range Ii be rcjected.
.T. ' 1' . AH'l'IIUI ,
J. n. McGuIIm , } Com.
.J o . FHNNIl\10HF. ,
Mo\'eel amI carried th at the
report of the committee he accepted -
cepted and adopted. (
Supen'isor Fen a reported that
he had sold 01 < 1 bridge lu mber to
th < . " amount of forty-one dollars
- - - - - -
HI"-II 11111 1.lIe.
J. 'V. Davcnport , Wingo , Ky"
writes , June 14 , IfJ02 : "I w nt
to tell you I beheve Ballard's
. Snow Linimcnt sa\'ed my life. I
was under the treatment of two
doctors , and they tel me one of
my lungs was entirely gone. and
. the other hadly afTected. I also
. had a lump in my si de. I don't
I think that l' could have lived
I ovcr two months longer. I was
I induced hy a friend to try Bal-
lards Snow J4iniment. 'l'he tirst
application ga\'e me great relief ;
two fifty cent hottles cured me
sound and wcll. It is a wonder-
fulmedicinc and I recotllmend it
to mfTering humanity. " 25c ,
I 50 , S 1,00. So1l1 by gd. l\1c-
. , Comas , Broken Bow and Merna.
- . . - -
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - " I
; : F' : ; .ii ; < . = ! . . ; - ' ' ' ' ' ' ' \ ' 'k -F' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'Iffii ! fiijigrn I !
ml1 mm rr .r T1. , rrrmnmn ? Jh ; i ii mntnr. ' m.r mmj' , f fT IJI !
! Before You Build , _ Consult
: e < > u : JapJ.n..ea-u : : , ;
i j Contractor and Sui I : fer. Estimates -1
I j li'uruishcd frel' with plansancl slH'cilications. ! \
IrJll ! ' ! . t UllU"'LUUI UtU.II' 'U . , ) ' / . . . ' e'lI1-J'U'tllU ' 1UlJtu.wllIJJUq f .
. .
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. . . ' l---.r. , . ' , .1:1.1 . ; : . . . . . , . . . ,1. . , . , . . . . . . . : . .f' . . . . . . . ; . l. ' . , .1.1.,0. . " . : . . : ' _ " " . ' . . . . . : . f' I. . . . . . : . . , " ' . . . . . . . ; - . . . . .1.,0 " . . . . : . . . . , ; . . , 1"11' . . . ' ' J ,1. .
i ! . When desi ri ng to Jigme on a bill i
! I ; Q
! if -41tUlhl'rra 11 on the. . . . . . . . . . .
: . ; . l
. ' : ' "
I C. L. Turner Lumber Co. : r-l :
\ye carry a full stock Cf ? f-4uUlber , r. :
iII 1f : HaBhoors \ , t\lou1chngs , etc. I'
. . . Agenls [ or lhe Nehr".lm Cenlml I fI\ : \ ' "
. . . . . . II/.I :1c : . . . . : . & . . . , . . : : : . . . . . : : c : a. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . :
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, - ' , . ' . . 1' . 'f" . . ' I . : - .cr. : ! : .J .
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" . -.J. . . : i.I ; : , : . : : : : . . . ; ; . .I.I : : \ . . . . ; : : , . . . : : , ; , : ! : . : : = . ' .J. : ! ' ) ' . . , . : : . : . : ; Yo ; . , . : ; : . . ,
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.W J. H. Slreel --u ; ; Ir LT. C\Slreet.
Sree-t JBros.
, . ,
Tuhlar 1tI1l't'inl ! { wcll ! ' . Pumps , 111111 pipe fittings.
Willd mills lIII tanks.
North Sido. - - - - Broken Dow , Nebraska.