Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, October 06, 1904, Image 2

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- - -
Brief T eleg14an1s
'fho third negro hank hall hCl'n
started In 1\1 Isslsslpp ! .
eGorgo Ade , who Is IInlll to ho mal-
Ing $0,000 a weele from his IJluYH , wIH
remain all winter In New Yorl"
'rho I11lnols Central rOIJOrtn n totnl
net Income for the ycar elllioll , l\11w \
:10 : of $8,860127 ! , or ! ) , a IICI' cent on
the stock ,
Mrs , : \Iuy I , Taylor of Docntllr , III. ,
1ms brought suit I1gl1lnllt HClUlDn Da.
vis , a reLlt ( d mnnufacturol' , fOl' $ r .OOO
hrench of ' ' ,
damages . . , nlleglng 111'01I111H'
Om lnl reports litO rocelved at ' 1'0-
Ido of nghtlng at ' 1'lellnnntl / San.
.Iunglm , the 1011 II on IlClng gl\'pn IIH
alxt y miles northenst of Llao. Yllng , ,
The total reglstraLlon nt I ho Unl.
\'erslt ) ' of 1\llnnesoto. \ Is : Acadomlc ,
1,210 : engineering , o Ei : 111'\ ' , ,12 :
melllcal , 420 , Total last ) 'ear , :1,846 : ,
Chlof gnglneer ,101111 } " , Walluco of
Iho Isthmlun Cannl commission has
returned to Chlcngo for a two weels'
rest nnd discusses the worl ( on the
big ditch ,
Whllo nghtlng nre In the Rhnft of
the Enst Vulcnn mlno nenl' Norwny ,
1\lIch" \ eleven men were seriouslY
hurned and It Is thought that nt least
one will die ,
In his speech lit Norfoll ( , Neh"
Spel1ler Cannon accused .1ullgo Pllrl-
or of garbling nnd mlsroprosenLlng
former President 1\IcKlnle"s Ilolltlon
on reciprocity ,
Bno ] Cohn , Imown thl'O\Ihout \ ;
Austria for his henencence In feeding
the homeless poor through the mo-
Ilium of the Poople's Kltchcns . , 1M visiting -
iting this countr ) ' ,
Suits have been med to lost the
valid It ) ' of a statute preventing an ) '
person to sue to recover' three tlmos
the amount of the losses of a stocl (
margin speculator.
In a collision at Dloxom , Va" he.
tween a Now Yorl ( , Philadelphia &
Norfolk passenger tro.ln and a freight ,
] ngtneer S , , T , Drown a 11I1 l"lreman
} < 'rancls Donoway were Idlled ,
Engineer .Tohn Shnno was 1lIIed ami
three ether persons Injured hr the
derailing of the Missouri , Kansn ! ! &
' 1'exas "fiyer" at Lowls Stntlon , 1\10"
caused by a mlspluced switch ,
At Keolmk , In" during 1tetl'lfic
eloctrlcal storm a boll of lightning
struck \ho \ Colllns'lIenlsllp wholesule
carpet Imlldlng , The structure waR
destro 'ed b ) ' f1ro. Loss , $200,000 ,
Absence of delalied roportll from
the Russian commnndor louds to 1\
fear In St. Potorshurg that Kurolmt-
Idn may not sorlousl ) ' contest the , la-
paneso advance , but retreat north ,
'fho sultan of ' 1'urltoy invlterl the
AmerIcan mInister , Mr , Lolshman , 10
dlno at the palace and this Is tnlcn
as an augur ) ' of the solution of the
IICndlng Turldsh-Amorlcnn Iuostlons ,
President Roosevelt recelvod the
members of the Intorparllamentarr
\Inion and promised soon to cotJIl1lr
with theIr request that ho shall call
another peace conference at The
Hngue ,
'rho Government of Pnnama Is sendIng -
Ing several young mon and women to
study In the United States and Europe -
rope The first compan ) ' of sIx Htll-
dents bas started for DolgllIUl und
France ,
At the rounlon or Wilder's Brigade
at Lafayette , Ind" Genol'lll .10hn 'I' ,
" 'lidoI' waa given a rousing welcome ,
and at Ills suggostlon It was deeldcd
to hold the next nnnuni meeting ut
Chlclcnmnuga. ParI , ,
' 1'ho Union Pacific lends sllecnlntlvo
interest In 'Vall street. 'rhe stocl ( .
I1fter ndvanclng stendllr on smnll
transactions , smllienly jumlled to
10l1 , , on nn abrupt Increuso In the
volume of trading.
Dr , Isanc K , l"unl" 11 Now Yort ]
spIritualist , puhlll1hes the results of
nn luvestlgatlon Into the buslneRR era
a enlcago dealer who furnisheR outfits -
fits to so. called medIums for hogus
IIplrlt mult.I'lallzntlons ! ,
Flro destl'o'ed practlcall ) ' 1111 the
stocl , In the Chrfstlnn Popel' ' 1'ohncco
company's factory at St , Louis , 11am-
aged the bulhllng and endanger'JlI the
lIves of the 000 emplo'es , 'rho loss
is estimated nt $ ! lOOOO ,
Reforms In Russia for the Jews uro
promised by Prlnco SvIl1tol1011t' , I
sIc ) ' , the new minister or the Intel'lOI' , I
who donlos Urnt there wIll h n new
constitution for the countrr , but fOl'e-
aees a. lib oral admlnlstrntlon ,
Walter 'Yelhnnn snys domocmtlc
leaders predict thnt Pnrl\Or wIll carrr
New Yorle hy 2,000 Illurnlltr , The
pArty Is well organized , I1nd , whllo ho I
casts doubt on the Ilrol1llCc ' , ho sa's '
the republIcans face a grave dnll or ,
rrhe Oregon Short Llno Is to tegln ,
the construction of a hl'anch fl'om
1\lInhlalta \ , Idnho , 10 'rwln I.'alls CIl ) ' ,
on Ule Snalo I'lvcr , where nn Irrl n-
tlon s'stem has IlCell complotcd , re ,
claimIng 270,000 ncl'cs of vl\lloy land ,
The granel ledge of the Illinois
lnlghts of IIonor electetl II II , GII.
more or Delnvnn grnlld dlctalol' , 1. . , I I.
FreIberger , Chicago , grnml vlco dlc ,
tater : George J. ' 1'ellOl' , Chlca o ,
b'1'and assistant dictator : N , C , Nu ,
son , Shelb'vllo , grand treasurer ; J ,
'W , Hunsnler , Annu , grand chanlnln ,
Protect Their Enemies ,
In l.hnssa the lam us Ilosted 1Ilro -
clamatlon on the walls commnlllllllg
the Inlwbltants "not to hurt : ho Drlt-
1eh so long ns they behllved them-
sch'cs. "
. Floht for Lifo Th-t : Could Not
Overcome the Incvltable-A C:1reer
That 15 Bound Up In Half a Cen ,
.turyof the Country's History ,
WOrWgWI'mlnRsGeorg'u / : 1"1'111-
hlo HOllr , H'nlor UnltcII HtntcR Henu-
tor from r.lnsIHlchulwtts , III eel Ilt hili
home In this elt ) ' nt 1li : : \ o'clocl ( Frl ,
day mOl'm'lng , 'fho end followlll u
flerloll of unconsl'louslless thut hnd
continued Ailleo carl ) ' ' 1'ueHdn ) ' , nnd
camp RO gentl ' thnt enl ' Iho nttend ,
Ing IJhysJI'llIns were nwaro of the
exc'l : momcnt of the dissolution , I
'I'ho attundlng IlhYllwlIlns elesfllllroll
nf the senlltor's IIfo six weels ngo , lIut
such was the vltnllt ) ' cxhlhltell lIy
thlll' cllstln ulshcll lallent ! that OVCII
thl'Y wel'l' Hurprlsctl , nnll the 111111110
WIIS 01 tlmos lell to eherlsh fnlth In
all ultlmllto l'UCO\'or ' , Lllst SUllday ,
howevlr , 1111 hope WIIS ahandoned
Ilftor a Illst unsuccl'ssful nttempt 10
ntl1nlnlstel' melllclr1 < ' nlltl nourishment.
Urlef lurid Intervalll were followed hy
10ngcI' lIuratlons of ullconsclommcss
unlll TuestlllY morning , when the ven.
cl'Rhlo stllll.'sm\n Rnnl , Into 1\ state or
coma fl'om whlcn 1111 I'fforts to I'ouse
lIm ) lroved flhue ,
During the lust hOlIl'R thel'O WIIR not
a 1I1OVenHnt ! of the hody IInd onlr I\ .
scal'cel ' IJercelJtlhlo pulse e\'ldcnrecl
Lho nnni stru glo , 'l'hel'o WOl'O Ilresont
at the heelllide when death came the
senatOl's son , Gonel'lll Rockweed
1I0al' : his uauJhler : , : 'Ilary Hoar , alHI
Dr , 'Vanen n. Gilman , who for weel\/ !
Jmd hNI1 In almost constant ntlenu-
nnco Ullon the sonutor ,
' ) 'he cal'eer' of SenntOl' George I"rls-
hoe Honr Is IJound up wltil 11ft ) ' ) 'ears
of the hilltor ) ' of the country In the
latter hl1lf of the nlnoteonth century ,
1"01' at lenst forty ) 'enrs Senator HOllr
occuplell I centl'ul Illuco In the aIYec.
lIonll of the l'eJluhllcan ) lart ) ' ,
Born In Concorll , 1\laRs" soventy-
eight ) 'ears ago , of 11 fllmll ' oven then
dlstIngulshod In the history of Massa-
chnsotts , his IIfo from the da 's when
he WUR famous as one of the I'Ilest )
clnsslcal IIcholnrs eVer sent out hr
lIarvnl'el'nR a recorll of advancc-
ment fl'OIll ono Ilost of honor 10 an ,
othel' ,
Callctl to the hal' of Massachllsctts
In ] 84 ! ! , 110 soon h'CIIIIIO cll ) ' RollcillH'
nf Worcester' and '
IlI'eHlllent of the
trustees of the city IIhl'l1I'Y , For so\'ell'
teell yearR hI ) son'ed In the stuto leg-
Islattlre of : 'Ilnssachllsetts , nil ante.
chnmhel' of congress. nntl hnvlng heen
sent to the l"OI't.first
) , Fortr-secOl(1. (
Forl.thlrel and FOI't.folll'th ( 'OIl ,
gresses , In ] 877 WIU ! chosen Unltell
Stntes sqnalor \lassaehusl'tts , nn
olllce which ho occulled ) for the re'
malnlng ) 'enl's of his
fife , 1\11' , Hoal"s detol'lulnatlon In his
fnst ) 'ears of ) luhllc life to set ) ll'lnclplo
lIeforo pnrt ) ' , hIs hlgh.mlnded honostr
of 1IIII'JlOSO and his 11O\\'er as 11 dc.
! .Il1ter earned the I'esllect of men of nil
parties ,
London Has f\ew ! Lord Mayor ,
LONDON-Aldormnn , John Pound ,
chairman of the Lonllon General Om.
nlhlls COmI1l1n ) ' , III11Ited , wns on Thurs.
day chosen 10l'd ma'or of London fOl'
the ensuIng yenr , He was horn In
Lendenhnll street , clt ' , In 182 ! ! , Alii.
orman Pound will succeed Sir .Tames
Thomlson ntlchlo as 1000d mnyol' , Ho
Is hend of the firm of , John Pounl1 &
Co" 111111 was electell nldel'lnnn of Aiel ,
/nte / warll In 1812 ! , 110 Is past mnstor
of the Leatehr Sollors' coml : lIY ! , ) last
mnstor of the l"nnll1l1l\Ors' comJlan '
nnd pnst master' of the Frultel'ers'
comllUn ) ' ,
Te msters Will Not Strike ,
CBlCAGO-Dlfferonces hetween the
IlUcldng hOllso toamster's 111)(1 ( the IlUcl ; .
Ing fir111s which refused to I'olnstato
80mo of the drlvors who wont on I
fltrlltO In S'ml1l1thr wllh the hulcher
worlonen hnvo heen adJusled to the
sntlsfactlon of the eom1111tteo relll'e.
senttlng the teamsters and It was nn ,
nounced hr thnt commltteo thnt thm'e
would ho no flll'thor trouIJlo hot ween
pnclter's nml tenmstors , 'rho men
whom It wnA clnlmed hnl1 heen Ills ,
crlmlnnted I1galnst will not ho I'emn.
po'cd ] ns tenmsten ! , but given othel'
_ _ _ _ _
Talks for Good of Farmers ,
ST , LOUIS , 1\lo-At \ the fourth
I1n8 Iwsslon of the l"nl'll1ors' Natlonnl
congress , DI' , .1 , 1" Sn 'I1l'r ! , Ilreshlent
of the : 'IlIclllgan agrlcuJtul'U1 college ,
rend a IlUller on "Tho gllurntlon of the
1"I1I'mOl' " , " " ' 1'he l"nr'mel's' Institute
Systcm In the United Stntos"'ns the
tOlllc of Prof , 1In111l1ton , chief of Ino
11Ivlslon of fl\1'1110l'S' Institute of thl'
dopaI'I men t of ngl'icuturo ! , Hesolullon3
relutlnJ : to good \'Oatis \ , fnl'mer'R' Instl.
tutes , and several 1'0commerlntlons (
to the nntlonnl 11011UI'hnont of rlGI'lcul.
hll'o were Introtlured ,
Jealous of American Shipping ,
LONDON-'rho 1.0nl1onlol'lllns
Post In a strollg odltoml on the shill'
ping Iul'stlon sa's thnt Germnn onol'l ; ) '
Is consl1ll'uous hut that '
, thol'o Is even
greater nel'11 to Iwop a wat'hful e 'o
on the shipping of the Unlll'd States ,
'fho 1IlIICl' suggests with wlthdrawnl
of the Ilrlvllego of I'ecoverlng , n fl'oo ,
dom to negotlnto for rerlIlrocl11 conces.
slons nnd Ihlnls -o\'lvnl of some of
the old navigation ' \WS would ho
easier now than If the iJte(1 ( bo omes
neCe8Snr ) ' In the face of grently In ,
censed rlvalr ) ' ,
. . .
Dlte Fixed by Jap:1ncc : for the
I Attacl < , .
1.0NDON-Thero Is a lIln tOllny n
nott'wCII'thy nhlenre ! of neWH fl'011l Iho
' fal' oaRt ' h ' the nctlvlt
, nc'ol1lll1llllell ) y
wl1l1l1 In Htwh < 'nA of l'UI1lOl'S COil'
ccrlling the conllllion of Port Arthur ,
Other corruspOllIlmtJ04 ! with the ,1up'
aJiuso 111'11I ) ' roponl the rC'port COli'
Inlned III t hI' relort ) from New
Chwl\ng Ihal I hl' Husslun nrmy has
I'etll'ed 10 the "orth of Multden I\nd
I'eports frolll Chlnose ! soun'os at lInr.
hln glvln1 ; OC'lober , I us the duto fOl'
a .11\11IInl'So I\Ual'l , onlullen : ( ,
The Dall ' 'l'elegl'l1)1h's ! ) Shnnghal rorI I
roslOlHlpnt ) gh'p 1\ vivid I\cconnt of I
the torrlille ' ' of horiherl
I'u\'ngos IImonr.
the , lnpnnf > se , elll'cllIlIy among I hose
lIesleglng'Ol't / Arthur , nssmtlng thnt
II athH frolll dlsenso ( lxreell the nUIll-
lIor of these 1Jlloti In I hl' fighlln , 'rho
rOl'reRlloullmt. ! lulels that It Is I'llInor d
that the ,11nanelo \ : ! uro IlI'olJarlng to
OCe'UllY Salthlln ,
'I'ho ' ' ' ' ' .
Dally ToJegl'llph'H e'0I'l'es(101111. (
ent I\t Slnllllntln leal'ns that on IIn
nvel'u/e / Ili l I'I1l1roatl trucls "el' month
al'e rcachln there ludl'n with HU"p1l0S
for the HusslnnH , Iln ! ) ' or these con.
HI 1n III 1m I H , the ( 'Orl'C3"OIHlent aellls ,
1\1'0 seut h ) ' 1II'Ivaie Rpec'ulnlors , In'
( 'Iudlng Aml'l'lrllnH nnel Grecla ! ,
- - - - - - - - - - -
Do1ughters of Klnp re Called Upon
to Act ,
Ngw I1A VgN , Conn-The triennial
( 'onventlon 01' the Daughters of the
lIng In till ! Unltl'd SlateH'US for-
mal1 ' OllOlwd at St. Paul's church
' 1'hursdu ) ' , 'I'ho charge to the ( 'onven-
tlon was mnlle ! I ' HI , Hev , CievelnJ1l1
Klnlock Nelson , hlshop ff Geol'gla ,
110 nsl'tl lhe DaughtOl'R of the KIng
to direct their l'Ul'nost wOl'I , townrd
remedying the dl\'OI'ce ovll. He Imld In
1111 rt :
" ' ) 'wo hunlh'ed thousand dlvorcos a
year means worl ( fOl' women of reverence -
ence , heart nnd R'mpnthyIy : greatest
trut : ! Is In the chnl'l1cter of a mnn ,
rathol' than the leglslntlon of Amerl ,
call mon , to slom the multitudinous
tldo rising agulnst. the sncredness of
motherhood , Divorce III hUl'lllng out
the honeH of IL heautlful Amel'lcan
home life , "
- - - - -
Believe Fortress Ca'1 Hold Out Until
fxt ! Year _ I
VIADlVOSTOKPl'lvnte relOrls
fl'om POI't Arthur slate that the garrison - I
son there Is C'onfidont of IJCln ahle
to hold out until the heglnnlng of I
1I0Xt. yea I' ,
The l'elJOI't Is ronfirmell of the loss
of the thl'Co , Japanese torpedo heats
and the dnmnglng o ( a , lallunese
cl'lllsOl' h ' camillI ; In rOlltuct with
Russian mlu's , All Is flU let at'lal1l ,
VORtO ) ; . I
Grnnel DIIII' AlcxanllorlIl'hal'lo. : . !
vltch hus lele\'I"hctl ! \ her , offering
the hospitality or a HJlcclally con-
stl'ncled vIlla on his I'state at Altodor ,
In the Crimen , 10 ofllt'ers wounded In
sea fighting , Allmlrnl SIrYIlloff has
given IlCrmlsson ! to Lieutenant Dom-
hrovsld anti lIllshl"mnu lla\'On Ad.
mlnofl to accept the Invitation , and
they will Rhut for Altotlor shortJ ' ,
Give Battle to Russians : o.nd Capture
Ta P1'SS ,
S'\ \ ' , pETlmbUUHG- haR
heen rec I\'I'(1 ( here fl'OmIuldon : to
the ( \ffect Ihat the JaJanese ! have at
Illst lJegllll I ho ofll'nslvc ,
Thu ) ' have < 'UJJtured Ta Pass and
al'e IlresslnJ : on Gencral Kuropntldn's I
left IIlInl"
'I'he wnr offire Is unoilip to ronnl'm
I nls otnclallr , hecauRe Kuropnllln's ,
I1lsltches ) : 11I'0 following the UmpUI'OI' ,
hut the Assorlntell PI'I'SS Is Informel1
h ) ' the g ( ' 'al stnff thnt all '
lIolIs IlOlnt to Ihe news IHln ' InlHcn'l
It Is hpllm'etl th ( ' Husslans ahanllollol1
'I'll Pass without Rl'I'loUR I'cslstanre , ;
So\'el'al 01 hOl' IJUsses of the Da I I
I'I1n e , aslwnrtl of HentslnIHlt7.e , :
twenl ' miles Routhensl or \ ;
are also III the hl1nl1s of the . \IUIdOn'l
Postmaster Ge cral Confined to His :
Room With Hreat Trouble ,
W ASIIINGTON-Poslninstl'l' Gcner.
III lIel\l' ' C , Pn 'ne Is sel'lousl ' III at
his nl1l1l'tments at the AI'lIntnn ; hero ,
\larllel1 symptoms of heart trouble
hn\'e 110\01(1)eel ) 111111 his { 'onl1ll1on lJe.
came so sorlous durln thl' I1nr as to
{ 'ause gra0 concel'n ,
Report of Gra'1d Trunk ,
LONDON-Chul'les Wilson Hlvel's ,
lu'esletlng nt the scm'l1l1nunl ! lUeoting
of the shnreholl1ol's
of thc Gl'I1nl1
' 1'runl ( I'I1l1wn ' hOl'e , snlel the abnormal -
mal worl.11I1eXllCnses of lho IIrst IJUrt
of the year W < 'I'O ( ! t1O to the se\'orllY
o ( the weathel' ulHI the 110pressloll
which exltel1 ! III the Unltel1 Stntl's ,
as well as III Cnnal1a , 'I'ho IH'OSllOCts ,
llOwe\'el' , WCI'O hrlght , ns 11 humlll'l'
COI'II hnrvest In tht ! Unltetl States I1nd
a heavy whent hnl'\'cst In C u\lula
IlrollheRlel1 a IJel'lol1 of great "
1'1111 aetlvlty III these ' con1lnol"1
No Western Hendquartcrs , I
NI W YOHK-An 1111)1nl'cnt ) sottlc. I
ment Co I' the ! u'csent of the question
of I ho establishment of westcrll I1l'mo- I
cratlc heal1quarters ) IUItIOUIICl'lI
at the lIatlonnl eommltteo rooms ,
! \IOInbol's of the exocutlvo committee
sahl no such helllllunrtel's would 1
o3tabllshc(1 ( anti Chall'mn 'fllggurt I
vulel that loltcrs IIntl telogl'l1ms re.
colved mndo It nll)1ear ) thnt the estnIJ.
lIshmont of such hoal1quartors Is 11:1-
necessun' , Mr , Talgnrt eXlocts to go
west and nl90 to visit . . . .lch u.ircr .
110lnts ns seol11 nocessnry ,
. .
. . . . ' .
I Raldln'
nusla ! rtles Bring In
Many Prlsonera at Mukden-Jap.
i1ncse Sending Out Large Parties
of Scouts ,
: \1 UKDEN-\lany : \ sltlrmlRhes nnll
rocollnolssllnees are reportell to hellll ,
IUnrterH here , ' but excollt for these
clulel still prevails , In the nglltln/ / ;
thnt IIl1s lJeon tal < lnl ; plnco the Hus.
sinn scouts hnvo almost Invariably
shown superiority to the Jnpanese ,
hoth In rldlnlIInd fllhtlng , 'rho .1a'
I"npse movement up the 'falsto river
alll1OIII'S to he lJr u compnratlve slnall
furct' ,
Beautiful autumn weather contlnucs ,
HelnforcomontR nro tIIlldl ) ' un'lv-
lng , Ovm' 1,000 convnlescents have
I'cturned to duty ,
' 1'lIe army Is In good wOl'fng ! conrll.
tlon , Omcers Ilro dlstl'lhutlng the re-
sen'l'S of stores that WOI'O hrought up
from Linn Yang , as ndeluato supplIes
nt'o now coming In from the north.
Details of the fighting near Inpu ,
hotween Bentslnpntzo und the rl1Il.
ronl1 , on Soptembel' 6 , show thllt. Gen-
\lIstchenlw's : scouts , accompanlel1
hy 11. battery of artillery , attacked a
,1npanese position , where there was 11
bl1ttery of c artl11er ' , two sluadrons of
eamlry IInli two compunles of Infan-
( r ' , The Japuneso were shelled out
of their posItion on a hIll and suffered
heavy loss , As the ) ' rotlrod the RussIans -
sIans occupied the 1I111 until nightfall ,
when they , too , retired mider cover of
dnrkness , ha\'Ing lost enl ' three men ,
The , TapnneRe arc sending out large
parties of scouts lIaIly wIth the object
of checl < lng the Russians' continuous
raids ,
'fho mnrch of General Hennelnmpf's
Cossaclts arounl1 the , Tapanese right
nauk , which was mentioned In these
dlsplltches on Septemher 26 , was a
remarlalJle Ilorformance , Accompa-
nlel1 hy a hatlerr of artl11cr ' , the Cos- .
sacls co\'ered eighty miles In fifl ) ' .
four hours , The ) ' strucl , the enem ) '
north of nentslaputze on September
] ! I , and thence cmllnu'd : sOllth. clrc ,
ling the ,1aUneso ! l'lght lInnl ; I1nd com ,
Ing unexpectedly on the .Japanese line
of communications near Denzhu , on
the hanls of the Tallse river Septem
her 22 , Inl1lethllconslclerable dam-
nge , 'fhe ,1apanese wore thrown Into
gl'eat confusion , hut the Cossacls re ,
Urell with a loss of only two 1lIIed ,
Dr , Iatveleff , who wns captured by
thc .In\laneso \ at Llao Yansnys / that
the ,1apanese are suCforlng severel ) '
1'1'0111 1I'Gentel'y a 11I1 Ihat they hegger !
his asslslnnce In comhntlng the Ills
euse. , lapltnese officers of the slaff
llI'e excellent linguIsts and many 01
them spenle gngllsh anll German as
well as some Husslan , The .1apanesl ;
arm ) ' Is livIng 111 most onUrely on rlcl !
and preserved foods , hut It 15 com
fortahly elulpped ,
Pa Rourke's Rangers Are Champions
ofhe Western League _
Ol\lAHA-Omnho. lIDS won the pen.
nant of the Western leaglle , 'fhls
proud achlevl'ment , uccompllshod hy
a Gate CIt ) ' team for the Ilrst tlmo
since 18 ! ! ! ! wall \'rougbt hy the most
remarablo ] sllell of lJall pla'lng nnd
the lInlsh was thrlllln , : anll spectacu-
Inr , The two gnmeR I\'hlch Omaha
look from Sf. JORoph I1t the VInton
Stl'OOt grounds Sundar In the pres.
enco of 8,000 fnns were fast and brll-
IInnt on the lIart of hath teams-a
splendid rllmnx to the torrlflc gnlt
lit whlcl ! Pa Uourlw's men have been
speelling during the closing heat of
the season , when they have won
I'lghteen out of nlnetoen gnmes , pushIng -
Ing from thll'll to UrsL plnce ,
It Is dOllbtful If In the his torr of
haso hnll I1ny team ever slIrpassed
01' elunled the record maelo hy th : !
Omllha tenm durln the Inst month
IInll 1\ half , I"rom the first of the sell-
son the team has como up from last
1lace , , The mnn'elous hall It has
lIoen ) llnylng of late , tnltIns first four
slmlght nnll then five tralght from
the lenders Is what gn\'o sllch excitement -
ment to the finishII to the lust
lIay three teams , Colorndo Springs ,
Jl'n\'er' anel Omaha , hnll a chnnee fOl'
Iho pennnnt. It vms a terrllJlo stmln ,
hilt It glOl'lous trlul1lllh , ,
Will Not Participate at Portland ,
W ASJIINnTON-Colone1 gdwlml ,
chief of the IJureau of Insull1r I1ffllnlrR ,
war department , rellylnto ) / an In-
ellllr ' from W , II , Hills , chairman of
the government honrll of the Lowls
nnd Cll1rlt eqlOsltlon : as to the partl.
clllUtllJn lJy the Phlllp\llno \ govern.
mont nt the Porlll1nll fall' , snYH thnt ,
In view of the g-rel1t burcJon cauRetI
h ) ' 11I11'Uclpnllon In the St. Louis tl1lr
and th ( " luoney and effOl't It has COSt ,
the Phlllppino gm'CI'l1Il1ent ( eels ron"
8tmlnell , with much regr t , to de.
I'llno 111'.rllclllllllon In the exposition , ,
In Memory of Chief Joseph.
l"g\\'IS'l'ON , Idnho-Indlnns from
all ovel' the nIJl'thwest hl1VO heen HUIII
moncll to gather at NOI'lh I.a\lwal \ , on
Ihe Nez Percl' ? Indian rescl'vatlon , In
order to celolJrnte with a. feast nnd
war dal ce In 11I0nlOr ) ' of their Into
lo\lIer : , Chll'f , loseph , At the same
tme ! a Im ccssor will bo chason to
rule the tribe , Summons hy mnll
and messongol' luivo heen sent to all
the wnnderlng bnnels , Inchullng the
Nez Percoz , Lllpwals , Blacl ( Foot ,
SpolmneR nnd Colvlllos , 1"lve " th u.
sllllll will bo Invited ,
- -
. - , . _ - - - - - - , -
What Prof , Bruner , Etomologlst , , Sayc
of the Insect ,
IINCOLN-I..nwl'enco Bruner , In a
bulletin just Issued from the state unI-
\'ersl ty agricultural oxperlment station -
tion , hns Jlvell It. complete summary
or the habits of the Hesslnn fi ) ' and
has outlined se\'e I'll I reme les for Its
extinction , lIe snys In the bulletin :
"Although the Hessian n ) ' hns been
Imown for number of ) 'enr8 to occur -
cur within the atnto , It hns done com-
paralivel ) ' Uttlo dnmage In the past ,
Dnrlng recent years , however , It bas
shown more of a tendene ' toward
fIIultlph'Ing In dangerous numbcrs.
8speclally hns this been true In
Southeastcrn Nebmslm , whem considerable -
siderable Injury has nh'eadr resulted ,
In order that the whent growers of
this and adjoining Bectlons may not
lJe tnlwn entlrel ) ' unawarl's should the
Insect spread nnd continuo to In-
crense , the eXllOrlment station I\U- .
thorltles have thought best to dls- ;
trlbuto this brlof clrculul' treating on I
the sUbject.
' ' 'rhls Insect Is a diminutive , darl ,
colored tly , much smaller than a. Ut-
tIe moslulto , to which latter It bears
It. general resemblnnce , Its habIt of
laying eggs on ) 'Olllig plants of wheat ,
hare ) ' and 1'0 renders It It. dangerous
farm post , Especially Is this true of
It in regions where winter grains are
grown. It ma ) ' also bCfome : u pest at !
times oven where spring wheat alone I
Is raised , but there III lIttle danger
thnt t his last will OC'III' ,
" ' ) 'he tI ' allpearR chlen ' during
sprIng and fall , hut a feof the rua-
turo Insecls may ho seen throughout
the summol' as well. IIol'e In Ne-
braslm the Iprln hl'ood may bo
found late In April , durhg } Iay and
the nrst Pl1l't of , June , 'I'he autumn
files Issue late In August , throughout
September and the fil'lIt Ilnl't of Oc-
tober-appearing Intel' In spring ancI
earlIOI' In fall northward , 'rhe eggs
are deposltetI both In sprlns and fallen
on the upper sldo of the lel1\'es and
the ) 'OIIIIS , as soon as hatched , malee
their way 1I0wn the plnnt to near the
round , where the ' lodge beneath the
sheaf of len\'es , "
All remedied Prof , Bruner has out-
IIneel the following :
"Burn the stUhhle when posslhle ,
This Is particularlY Ileslrahle when
fOl' any IHlI'pORO Rhallow 1)lowlng Is
unl1voldahle , If the stubhle Is left
'ong ' It wIll hurn mOl'e easll ) ' , Some
rnt'mors are willing to go to I h tl'OU'
hIe of HI1\'eallIn \ SII'I1\\ ' from thres 1lng
: .1\01' the stuhllle , Ihus Insuring the
hlll'l1lnand / at the samc lime getting
I'ld of some ' /Iaxseeds' / which ma ) '
have 100Igod on t he surface of thc
straw pile at the time of Ihreshlng ,
Man at .Broken Bow Seemingly
Struck By Train ,
DROKEN BOW-Tho mangled body
of Ned Balwr , a ) 'Ollllg mnn emplo'ed
as a teamster , was found on a small
brIdge nonr the Burlington 'ards here ,
Ono le hnd IlCen severed and was
1)'lns apnrt from the trllnl ( , He had
nPlmrentlj > been rlln O\'l'I' by a train ,
hut the l'allroal1 men and tJ'aln cl'ews
have no ] mowledge of any accident ,
nnd ) lls frlonds are sllsplclous of foul
pin ) ' , COllnty AttOl'n ( ' ' lIumphrey Is
1001lng Into the case and an Inquest
wlIl bo hold ,
narlwr , It III claimed , WI1S drlnllng
and earl ) ' In the e\'enln Hulll he was
going to join coml1l1nlons In a card
game muleI' thc hrldge , These com.
Imnlons al'o not Imown , Barlwr
came from Fall'field , Neh" whel'e ho
has relatl\'es , He lelYes a wife and
) 'oung cl1l1ll.
Preparing Assessors' Books ,
LINCOI..N-\lemhel's : of Ihe State
nonrd of EflUnll7.ullon have prepared
plans nnd lodged a reflulsltlon with
the State Printing lloUl'd fOl' the annual -
nual supply of assessors' hool,1I lindeI'
the Il1w as It now exists , Something
lllto 2,200 hoolls are needed , Members -
bers of the hOlml declare that theh'
I1ctlon in lodglnl ; the relulsltlon at
this time Is not calculnted to glun
Impression of confidence In the con.
tlnunnco of the law 01' an OXI1\'esslon \
I1S to Its \'Irtlll's , hilt rather a pre.
cautlonar ) ' stell to 11\'oclII'e \ the l1eces.
sal' ' Iwol1I In tImo.
Sugar Factory at Leavitt Opens ,
Ll A VI'l'\-The \ su al' fl1ctory here
has commencell operntlons , 'rho
campllign Htllrts lhls yenr enrllel' than
usual on nccount of fnvol'llblo wcath.
er rlpenlnl ; U11 the heets , 'rho flual.
It ) ' so far hns lJOen excellent , 1'1II1111n
1 nnd 1 G 1101' cent sugnl' , with a
purity of SO to 8G llOr cent.
Richardson counl r farmcrs I1re mnl-
{ ng Will' on nutomohllos hecauso of
the fright the ) ' gl\'e horses ,
Killed Under Load of Straw.
I EARN Y-Clnude l"estor , the ] .I-
'enr.olll son of : 'III' , 111111Irs : , I"rod \ \ "
Fester , living In nurltl' 'o valle ' , was
Instantly Itllled by the overturnIng
of a load of straw which ho and his
brother , who Is two ) 'enrs his senior ,
were haulIng , 'fho bors were comIng -
Ing down a hlll with the lend wb n
It slllpcll ) forwnrd fl'Isht nlng OM of
the horses , \\'hlch begl1n to 1lcl , and
run , The land was overturned ,
throwing the bo's to the sround a 1111
realtlng Claudo's necl , . The older
bo ) ' 'ns ba l ) ' bruised ,
T IN'- ; ; \ "
IN'1" \1"
Sutton has IIprhlcd to holl1 n ! treet' ,
fall' for one weel ; , commencing Octo- .
bel' 10 ,
' ' .
1'ho IIhrar ' association of Pa wneo '
City wJl conduct a lecture cUllI'se the
coming whiter ,
' '
'l'he pnssenger depot of the Northwestern -
western at West Point Is holng rapId.
l ) ' pushed forward ,
The active class of the Fromont.
Turners will see the St. Loult exposl.
tIon , lenvlng October 3 , ThIs WI1S de.
cl ed UIlOn at a meeting recently ,
AIlJert C , Swift , lwstofilce Inspec.
tor "In Neoraslm for the past nine
) 'el1rs , has recelvel ! notice transfer.
rIng him Immediately' to sorvlco 111 '
the Chicago divIsion ,
United StateR Attorne ) ' Bnxtel' has
filed a complaint of murder. a/aln\ / ! \ . .
Henry Guitar Ihe Indlnn who Itlllell I
his father , Stevc , on the Omaha. reser.
vatlon , ' 1'he nccused is In jllIl In
Omaha ,
'rhe mnrrlage oflIss : Jeaa l\lorlon , '
daughter of11' : . ami Mrs , Joy Mortoll , . :
and 1\11' \ , , loseph CUdnhy wlll tnl\e \
plnco at Arbor Lodge , west of Ne-
braslm , City , on Saturday OctolJer 1.
John Wlose , residing twelve milcH
southwest of Grand Island , lost sovel'-
al stacks of wheat of n'e and of ants
by fire , the sllmo commun\catln/ \ / ; 10
the stacls shorl1) ' nfter the Ihl'CRh-
ors had starlell the work ot thl'ush-
lng ,
l"ranl " , " 'OOdll , a noted crook , has
. arrested at Clifton , Arlz" for the
theft or $4,000 from a woman namell
1\lar \ , Tohnson , who lIves at Clm ron.
ShorllY Dnllman of DOdge countr , who
has been worltlng on the caae , received -
ceived word of the capture ,
RelatlveR of JIICOIJ R Hunzekel' , the
farmer who dlsappcared from his '
homo near the Jinnslls line , six : weels ;
sInce , helleve ther have found COllelu-
sh'o ovldenco he 13 the unl entiflerl
narty found dead the mornIng of AUI1-
ust 8 at the : \Ielropolltan hotel In "
Omaha ,
Carl Hllnn , ncnrl ) ' 80 yeart of age , J'
an one of t he oldest settlers of Hall
county , committed suicIde by sending
a. . H.callhre hullet through hla hmill.
lie was found lJy his stepdaughter , ,
: 'III's , August NIess , with whom he had '
heen lIvIng for the past three year3 ,
slnco the lIeath of his wife ,
Chief Cler'k Hal'nle ' of thl' office ,
of the stute slIllerlntendent Is al worl (
compIlIng the reports of the county
superintendents to bo used In the
hlennlal report to bo Issued from that
office , Nearly all of the rellOrts fOl'
the 'eal' ending ,1ulY , 1 ! l0.1 , have heen
recelvcd anll will lJe ready fOl' the
printer hr NovemlJer 1.
Anthony Wilkinson of F.lJert ,
\Vyo" Is f
" nt Ansley maldn necessarr
an'angements to feetI a large hunch
. of sheep on his home farm just west
of Ansle ' , It IS reported that : \(1' ( ,
WIIIlnson has decided to removu
from AIda , Neb , all his sheep.feedlu ! (
plnnts and maIm Ansley hIs future .J , ;
headllIarters for feeding , , ,
W , 's , Iattle ) ' of Ansle ' , Neb" anll
Ge : > I'ge 1. . , Tllmore of Omaha. . have
purchasell the old Outzen ranch , consIsting -
sIsting of ! l60 ncres , and the I aac
Clark eighty acres , malting 10411 ;
acres , being ono of the finest stocl-
mlslng and farmIng ranches in the
cast half of Custer countr , The con-
slderatloli was 10,800 and thla yeal"s
rentals on the Oulzen lan .
\\01'11 has heen received in Np.
braslm CIt ' that I ho bronze statue for
the memorlnl that Is to be erected to
the ml'nwry of the late J , SterlIn
1\lorton \ , which Is helng made in Paris \ ,
will not be ready unUl about the first
of the year , 'fho foundatIol1 antI all
of the Htone worl ( for the mel1lOl'lal
has ! leen comllieted nnd It haR hecn
1I0cillell to have the snme comilleted .f I
and read ' for 11II\'e11lng on Arbor lln '
of next 'ear.
Harry I1l1ghes , who wns rlln over In
the nurllngton ynrds , at Lillcoln , a 11I1
Injured to the extent that It was
necessary to aml11tate a leg , Illed }
Cl'om his Injllrles , He leaves n wldo\\-
and a numIJer of relatives ,
DePlty ! Game Warden Carter has
mailed to the express companies a letter -
ter In whIch he advises them to ho on
the loolwut for SUSlllclous 1001ln
hexes thnt might , . contain game helll ; ; '
shlploel ) out lIIegaly , He asls thl. !
agents to lenl'll the hlentlty of the con. ;
slgllor of every paclmlo whul hOI'
shlppell IJy freight or express 111 order' i
10 assist him In enforcing the game '
law , 1
'fho r IOI'l } of the condition of the I
state banIs at Ihe close of IJuslno ! ; ! ;
August 2:1 : , just compiled hy Chief
Cll'I'k Dodson of the bnnl.lnhoarl1 / , Is
1II0st gratifyIng , The 1I1cI'oaso of 110-
posits over the nmount rcported : a ) '
14 Is $2,282laO,92 , and the Increase
over the relOrt of Septembl'r 5 , HIO : ! ,
Is nel1rly $ liiiOOOO , Danls helrl on
the date of the report 11 reSl'I'VO ot' ;
: Ii li. 1101' cent , which Is a pur cent
higher than the reser\'e helll Iay 13 ,
The corn CI'O1 In Dodge cOllnt ' ;
coulll not IJo hurt In a great degrco
by frost. l"nrmers sny fnll ) ' Sfi 1I0r
cent of It IH out of the way , ' 1'ho .wi
stalls are high and the oars well l
filled ,
'I'ho r..yenr.otl ] daughtCl' of11' , 1\1111
: \Irs , Charles RItchie , \\'ho reshlo neil'
' 1'alml1ge , wns st ruclt h ' \IIS501lrl
Pacific passenger trnn ! nnll escaJltHI
wlthollt serious Injur ' , The chilli Was
11ln 'lng on the tracl ( near her hOll1o
when the englno struele her , the IllIot
tbrowlng her clear 01Y the rlghtof.
wa ) ' Into a hea\ ' ' growth of weeds ,