Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, October 06, 1904, Image 10

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- - -
9 I
* Dry Goods Furnishil1ls ! ,
= = . = , . ' " , . , , , . - - , '
, Gl'oceE es1 , q lass E-d _ , China re ! i
, . I
2 f qo.'s is thc placc o buy c\'crything in thc .aho\'c , ' ,
. lUles. Just try lt oncc an you'll be conv1l1ced. , \ \ '
( { I E\'crything at the vcrv lowest strictly pncc. ! irst-c1ass . . ' . . . . and . . . . up-to-date . . . . . . , . . . and . . . , i & ) " 3 )
I Our Spices , Teas and Coffees IN I
N ) )
, Are strictly pure and of thc best quality. Sample
' : . . - ! 1ty over others. II@Vc are' also headquarters < 1 ,
for Fresh Fruits , and vcgetablcs in their
j season. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' r { 1 ,
I Yours to please , f ,
Ii PORle-Sheppard Co " !
\ ; ( , . r. " " , " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 1' ' " " . : " ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' " - ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . J ' . o' ' " . " " 1 "III" , ' " _ ' ' ' ' 'UI''III ' ' ' ' , ' ' . . . . ' ' . " "ljII" ) . " . ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' . II' ' , 1 - " . . ' " ' ' " , . " 'II" " " " " " " ' " - " . " " , ' ' ' ' ' 'III''Or ' - - ' ' , iW ' . , '
'QW 7 ( IS : , : > ' : c't : I'S- " - : tL\t. \ ' $ ' 5'(1.yS : > ' /f ' / "S " : > ' 1.p.I ; I D ' - " ' : " - J ' ; : ? { 'j'ff'J \
- - - - -
'I'he ( 'lIlIlkln VUlltesl.
'l'he pumkin contest at Ryer-
' ) \1 George Co. 's store last
Saturday afternoon attracted
quitc a large crowd of peoplcsev- ;
ral hundrcd regiscercd and enjoyed -
joyed the treat to pumldn pie and
coffee. 'l'here were several hundred -
dred that did not stop for pie or
to register. 'rhere were twenty-
four pumldns entercd for the
prize which was to be an Estey ,
Organ to the one bringing in , the ,
largcst pumldn that had rcce'ed
tbe seed from the Rycrson I.
George store. C. O. Miller carried
off the prize , vith a pumkin I
weighing 81Y. pounds. His I
nearest competitor was Andrew
Weavcr of Mason City whose
pumpkin lacked U of a pound
weighing 80 pounds.
'l'be judges were J. G. Leming ,
E. R. Purcell and D. M. Ams-
'rho 0111111111 Bee' ! ! Now Color lUngnzll1c.
'l'he real , genuine en terprisc ,
The Omaha Bee leads the proces-
sion. It has just adde ncw color
magazine fcatures to The Sunday
Bce which compare favorably
with the best New York and
, . . Chicago papers. The enormons
cxpense involved in giving its
rea ers the benefit of the latcst
innovations in artistic color prcss
work may not be fully underst od ,
but it should bc richly rewarded
with greatly incrcased patronagc.
It is ccrtainly gratifying to know
that we havc such an enterprising -
ing ncwspaper in the wcst , an it
must be equally gratifying to
Thc Bee to lcnow that it is recognized -
ognized as the only really mctro-
politan paper published in this
section. If you have not sec.n
the ncw fcature , buy a Bee next
Sun ay.
F. C. Embrec spcnt a coupte of dnys
at Brokcn lIow Inst week on business.
l\JiS9 Ethcl Ashbaugh bc nn a term of
I > thc Ben Cox distnct l\Ionday.
I A. D. Hunt hought a couplc of lIIilk
cows at l\Icrna Saturda ) ' , hau1in them
hoUlc in thc wagon.
Miss Swcnson , H. n. Hcals Rlill wife
drovc down to thc "Huh" Saturdn ) ' , rc-
turning home Mondn ) ' .
Hnrry Ashhnu h and Roy Hnstlllnn
leavc for St. Louis 'I'ucslln ) ' of this wcck ,
whcrc thc ) ' wiJ1 sce thc "bi show. "
More thnn two inchcs of raiu fcll thc
last thrce days 01 Scptcmhcr , puttin the
ground in splcnclill cOllllition for fall
ReW. . C. 1\l llcr prcaclll d his last
sermon on thitl work SlIIlllu ) ' c\'e ning
Bllll wiJ1 move to Gibhon this wcek
where he will labor the l o\llin \ ) 'car.
1\l llan1 1IiJ1 , wife 11I\11 Prell Dny
hoarded fort-two Satunln ) ' lIIorning fOl
St. I.ouis } ? lr. Mr , a\lll \ 1\1rs. Hill wi11
visit re1nth'cs in ntlll tlcar thc city whih
1\1rs. Ne11ie Hewcll alill. chi1drcn 01
Olllnha , are visitin at her Ulothcr'sl\IrJ
Dcals , for nwhite , white 1 11. is looking
\lp a tlew location ill thc wcst otllcwhcre
with n \ 'Icof tII vin .
Mattie Foclge tIIct hcr parcnts at Uro
ken Dow as tlIC ) ' were returning froUl St
I.onis nd accompaniec1 thctll hOlllc Snt
\Inlay ruornin , rcturnin Sundll ) ' even
jug to Custer Center ntld hcr Ichool.
IJroke Ilito III. . . BOIiHe.
S. LeQuinn of Cavendish , Vt.
was robbe of his customar )
bcalth br invasion of Chronic
Constipahon. 'Nhen Dr. King' !
New Life Pills brokc into hi !
housc , his trouble was arrestel
and now he's entirely cure
Thcy'rc guarantee to cure. 251
t , Lee Bros. Drug Store.
c- = - - ' - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
l\llIl'rll1o \ ! J.ll''II I'
'j'he following is a list of marriage -
riage liccnse issued by Judgc
Armour for the month of Septcm-
ber 1904.
J Joseph 'McCandlcss , Merna.
l j . Lelah 'l'ro'er , Calla way.
- \ Pctcr Lakeman , Sm'gcnt.
-I Mary Bedwell , Sargent.
J li'rederick Brooks , Arnold.
I I.Ala L. Chcsle.y , Mi11dale.
J Hichard 1\1. Crosley , Mason City.
I Ella E. Lec , M 'son City.
Chas. Lite , Ansley.
Maggie M. l\liUer , Ansley.
j Ira G. Runyan , Mason CitJ. .
Frances Rumery , Mason City.
J Henry S. Rumcry , Mason CtJ. !
j Medora Runyan , Mm\On C1ty.
William \Vingret , Cairo.
May DelhI , Ansley.
William Kollmann , Mason CitJ.
Anna Schmidt , Mason City.
Chas. W. Brown , Gandj" .
Corda S.Vells , Dunning.
j Samuel O. Sterncr , Callaway.
1 Clara L. Knudsen , Brokcn Bow.
J Arthur Hagadorn , Broken Bow.
1 'rillie Tyson , Broken Bow.
Arthur G. Casc , Berwyn.
Ida B. Lcck , I lton.
Newton Haddix , Mason City.
Annic'Tykwart , Mason City.
Silas Lund , llrownlee.
Waync B. Murphy , 'l'hedford.
Mclvin T. Cannon , Broken Bow.
Olive Yotter , Archilles , Kan.
I.cttcr I.IHI.
'l'he following is the dead
letter list for the week ending
October4,1904 : \
li'rcd Allen , J.V. . Cannon , W.
F. Owen , Shurley B. Preston ,
Mrotto Scholler.
Parties calling for the above
will plcasc say advertised.
I4. H. J mVHTT , P. 1\1.
u _ _ . _ _ _ _ _
Colll.'KC NUWH.
Night school opcncd this wcck.
John Gillings wns abscnt on Tuesday.
Thc Normal room is now rcnd ) ' for usc ,
G. C. Taylor of Hcrwyn , entcrcl ( th
shorthand c1tpartmcnt 1\lol\lla ) ' .
MItis Hnttio I.ity of Shcubcrt , Nchras ,
ka , rcceivcd thc smlncws of hcr slster'E
11cnth Tucdny tIIornln . She lcft fo !
hOUle 'rucslla ) ' .
, V 11 HHn".T.
mhcl Shnddcn hils becn 'Iuite ill willi
congcstion of the livcr. The last we
heanl she wns impro\'ing.
A11ic Calhoun has 50 ncrcs of'cry linl
wintcr whent. lie linishcll sowing i
about a month ao and now it is luokin !
linc , eSJ1ccin11) ' slIIce thc rcccnt rain.
The rcpuh1icllts of Gnrlielcl townshil
hchl a caucus Inst Tucsday ut Swisq Val
ley school house for the purpose of putt
Ing towntll1il' ticket in nominution.
DI' . A. J. McArthur of Wcster\'ille , i
rcctin a fine liwcl1in llOuse on hi
farm enc mi1e enst o { Wcissel t. \\1
1IIlllCratUlll Hiat hc cxpccts to make hi
homc on the farm in the { utme.
Threshing is the ordcr of the du ) ' il
this vicinity. 'l'hcrc are threc stcamcr
. 11I111 one horse powcr at work here a
prescut. WI Iller whent nnll onts m
) 'ich1in wen but spring whcat is poor.
W. A. lIence wil1 hn\'e a puh1ic salc :1
which he will dlsposc of his pcrson
. property. The 11nte sct Is Octobcrl
- 1\1r. IIcnce expccts to ICll\'e this vicin l )
Imt we have not hcartl whcn he expcct
to go.
Again we were surpriscl1 h ) ' two of 011
youn people quietI ) . drivin off to th
, Ercacher's house nl1l1 getltng rnarrict
rhis time it was Arthur Case und III
J.cck. ReDe11is ticd the knot. 1\11
Casc is a ) 'oung Canncr , who has grow
up In tIllS neighborhood Rllll is we'
known. niB wife also hus livcll hCI
from chi1c1hood.
Per several ) 'cars pa :
. she has taught in thc public schools (
the count ) ' . Mr. and Mrs. Case havc th
best wishes of their Criends In their JOUI
ncy through life. ,
. . \
. . .
. ,
. - - - -
! , . All nJltn.
On Oct. 5th , at 8 a. m. , at the
j.'irsl Presbyterian church , Mr.
Gcorge I . Stuc ) y , son of Mr.
and 1\lrs. Henry C. Stuckey , and
Miss Margery Campbell , daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Campbell ,
of Gcorgctown , wcrc unitcd in
marriage. 'l'h ( ' ccrcmony was
pcrformcd by.the pastor of the
church Hcv. Mitchcll , in the pres-
cncc of a large number of rclatives
and friends. Miss Jean Campbcll ,
sister of the bridc , was bride's
maid , while Mr. John Stucl < ey ,
thc groom's brothcr , was groom's
mall. Immcdiatcly after thc
cercmony there was a spccial rc.
ception at the Grand Ccntral
Hotel , whcrc the bridal part ) ' and
intcd guests enjoyed a social
hour and a delicious breakfast.
'l'he wedded pair then took train
No.12 enrout for St I-4onis wherc
the ) ' expect to spend a few days.
We'undcrstand that Mr. and lrs.
Georg ( Stuckc ) ' expect to makc
their futurc home ncar George-
town. 'l'he best wishes of a multitude -
titude of relat'cs , friends and
aClJuaintances for their success
and joy go with thcm.
- -
PA'I"l'ONBowlANAt the residence -
dence of thc groom's parents ,
miles east of Brokcn Bow , Mr.
Samuel R Patton and Mis Mary
N. Bowman. l ev. II. g. Myers
ofliciating , at 1 o'cloc1c , dcl. 2nd.
'L'he ceremon ) ' took place in the
prcscncc of lJuite a numbcr of in-
\ ' ted guests. Mr. Jas. Patton
and IissMollie Rapp acted as best
man and bride's maid. A sump-
ptnons dinner was servcd which
was greatly enjoyed by all. 'l'he
groom is a young man of finc p-
pearance , industry and thnft ,
while the bride is a general fa-
vori tc in a wide circle of fncnds.
Herc's our for joy , happiness
and prosperity in thc vOj'age of
life. 'rhe following is a list of
prescn ts :
Cakc platc an vinegar cruit ,
Hattic 1\1. Lilly and Hattie Chap-
in ; towel , Mrs. 1\Iiller ; pcrfunme
he rt , Mamie Chapin ; towel and
berry dish , Mr. and Mrs. Peacock ;
cake stand , Mrs.Vood ; table
cloth , Mrs. S. P. Smith ; butter
dish , Mollie Rapp ; comb case and
glass , Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Chapin ;
pitchcr , Grace Rapp ; furniture ,
Mrs. Cox ; lamp , Jas. Patton ; stem
dish , Alva Jones ; sct teaspoons ,
Marion Patton and wife ; enc set
plates , cups , saucers and stewcr.
1\Iiss l mma Bennett returnc
Monda ) ' morning from a visit in
thc eastern part of thc state.
She has acccpted a position with
Pealeheppard Co. , assuming
her duties Monday.
KemVahl and wife arc visiting -
ing fricnds and rclativcs in Iowa
this wcek : 'l'hey will takc in
thc Ak-Sar-Ben Festivities at
Omaha on their return.
. -uhUe Hulc.
H. J. Edington will sell 611
public sale on .Thursday , Oc.
tobcr 13 , 1904 , 14 miles southeas1
of Brokcn Bow , one mile east oj
Ncw Hope school housc , th {
following property :
50 hcad of cows and hcifers.
15 head of ycarling steer .
40 head of calvcs.
S hcad of horses and colts.
Also a full and complete linc
of farm machincry.
Harve Brown , auctioneer ; A
P. Johnson , clcrk. ,
- - - - -
' 1111.1 ( lI'Y I.lst.
T-4ist of jurors drawn for the
Novcmher term of the Distric
court , commencing , November 14
1904 :
I A. C. McIninch , Algernon ; L
B. i1imms , Amoldj D. A. Van.
sant , Ausley ; T4. C. Morris , Bcr.
W'I1 ; J. B. Holcomb , Broker
Bo\\ ' ; l . W. Buckncr , Broke1
BoW. ; . J. Windnaglc , Hrol < cl
BoJames ; Wardrobc , ClitI
- John S. mith , Dclight ; Olive
Porter , Douglas Gro\'e ; Chrh
Bonde , l ltm ; John Anderson ,
Grant ; David Myers , Garfield
N. Prodnce , Custcr ; Con Fleisch
s man , Kilfoi1 ; J. A. Dcne , f-4oup
Chm , . Grangcr , Sarg-ent ; Dat
Mycrs , Hargent ; B. 1 . Higgle
'l'riumph ; Ah'in Daily , Victoria
E. Chrisman , 'Victoria ; JelI
e f4ccp , West Union ; l . A. I mer
. son , Westcr\'illc ; B.V. . f-4owe
W 0011 l \ ' 1' .
Church ttcr.tce" .
U. 11. ClIlJRCII.
1'rcl\l'hin \ ncxt SIIt\llu ) ' lIIornin UU
e\'cning by the ) Jl\stor. \ Morniul ; subjec
"Sallclify Yoursel\'cs. " H\'enlllg sui
iect , "The"nluc of a Delinate Aim.
rhc SCllior Y. 1' . C. lJ. will re.orglm <
SIIt\llny cvcning. All ) 'ol\n people wb
are intcrestcII iu the work ure invitcll t
he ' . On Sunlla ) ' uftcrnoon the !
wiI he baptislllul scr\'ices ou the Mudd
ucnr thc Kin school housc. On this al
> f count there will he no services at Custl
, e Centcr. All our pcople are rcquestc1l1
rattcncl this baptismal service.
I 14. 14. I plcy , Pastor.
. . , "
DItNTI8Tlt.V ,
Owing to our having formed a
partncrship for the practice of
dcntistrj" 111 Brokcn Bow we arc
now cnabled to buy our goods in
larger qu\nitics ! an at grea.tly reduced -
duced prices. 'l'hcrcforc we havc
dccided to givc the public the bcn-
cfit of the low priccs. And until
furthcr noticc wc will do dental ,
work at the following low prices
and at the same timc cndeavor to
please you , in work and price.
Set tceth $5.00 and up , crowns
$5.00 and up , bridges $5.00 per
tooth and up. Call and see us.
Yours for busincss. Ofiice north
wcst corner Healty Block.
Drs. li'AHNSWOR'l'lI & BASS.
A Ull111119 ! Chlll1C. !
'l'he Ed. Molloy Restaurant
has changed hand , thc new proprietors -
prietors being Mikc Scanlon and
li'rank Woodruff. 'l'heywill deal
in cigars , tabacco and confection-
arj' and run a short ordcr housc ,
meals being' serve at all hours ,
a Iso lodging. The firm name is
Scanlon & WoodrulI , and the
boj's will be glad to mcct all
their old friends and acquain't-
ances : 'l'hey will be ready for
busincss Monday , October 10.
Itlnrkct lIeport for Toduy.
UIIAINWhflllt . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S .IIZ
liar ley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ZZ
lIat8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21
HY6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54
Oorl1 , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,36
IIOIl" , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 520
Hteer . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.00 Cit 4.50
Cow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5) @ 2.75
Sprlllg Ohlckells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , lI8 , per pouult . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .05
TurkeYlI , per ponaI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .08
Untter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
Egg. , per dozen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
PotatoOll. per bushel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
0010U8. per bUllhel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75
Havl"r tou. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,00
HtrRwI > or cwt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IS
lIgbr , Grannlated. per cwt.$5.50 @ 6.30
Cure. . Chltl. . uud Fever.
G. W.Vrirt , Nacogododohes ,
'l'exas , says : "His daughter
had chills and fcver for threc
years ; he could not find anything'
that would help hcr till he used
Herbine. IIis wife will not keep
house without it , and cannot say
too much for it. " SOc. Sold by
Ed. McComas , Broken Bow an
rn m mm m mm mmm
J. C. Moore , abstracting. 2U
Dr. Leach , Dentist. 'l'el. 258.
Dr. Sumner Davis , Grand Island -
land , Nebraska , sp cialist. in
disease of cve and car , examination -
. tion for glasscs. 2tf
Farm Lcase , Chattle Mortgage
and Warranty Deed blanks at
this officc. '
For lessons in practical penmanship -
ship and book-keeping for the
busy worker scc Prof. Huffat the
Business Collegc.
Hapgood has opened a pain1
shop just south of the Globe Ho.
tcl , where he 1S preparet1 to pain1
buggie and do all kinds of work. .
Call and see him. He is the
largest contractor in this section ,
Stoc1wrs and feedcrs for sale.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
. All the latest designs in wal
paper at J. C. Bowcn's. it :
Bring your chickcng to P. J. .
Simonson and get the highesl
\l' , et ice. 10
} _ _ _ _
, l.\m SAJ.n-Six hcad of horses
all br < : 'k n. Also two ladj"
. styli h saddle horses. .
Georgetown , Nebr.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Insurancc that insurcs.
3Stf R G. Mom < H.
- - - - - - - -
- -
- - - - - - -
[ ) uroc Jcrscy malcs for sale
r both fall and spring pigs , SlO.01
to $15.00. Also a few sows.
I Htf A. 'L' . SItYU01'I' .
- -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
l.'illl' hnnch of Whiteface alH
Shorthorn steers for sale. Arl
dehorned and in clegant conli
lion. 'l'i me to righ t partic :
antil1g to fecd.I. .
_ 14tf llrolcn How , Nebr.
! , Attend thc night school at tIll
BU1i ! ness Collcge. 'l'he lowcs
ratcs and thc best ervices eve
gh'cn in an ) ' school in Brokc !
llo w.
- - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - -
Dr. T-4cach extracts tceth pain
less. 15t
J. C. Bowen bu's cream ani
pa's the highest market price.
1-4os'l'-Ncar the U. B. Church
Sunday , Septcmber 25th , a pai
of gold bowed spectacles. Ownc
can have same b ) ' paying for thi
notice. L. L. EPI.1\Y.
" . . ,
- - -
, --I-
li'oR SAT.It-lOO stock '
I ten miles north cast of Broken \
now ] ( J-17 ' 1' . C , CONN1tJ.\ " .
\V ANTHDl1eiili ; ; - - fli1i - ; .
li'air price and good houses.
Wns-r UNION l\1U.l.ING Co.
34tf \Vest Union , Neb.
FOR'l'ow.1 lots anll a
few five acre lots in this city.
-Allen Reyner.
I urlu lor Hale.
miles south cast
155 acres , 6.0
of Broken Bow , 3 milcs north
west of Berwyn ; 85 acrcs in cultivation -
vation , 70 acres in pasture ( fcnc-
cd ) , well and wind mill , sod II
house , 4 rooms ; sod stablc , frame
Box Elder' '
granary , over 1,000
trees , B. & 1\1. track in sight for
3 miles. Price and terms g'en
on application.Vill give possession -
session this fall. J. KAY ,
lltf Br 1 < cn Bow , Neh.
Mone ) ' to loan on improvcd
farms.-H. G. l\OOHlt , Glcim
Block. 4Hf
- - - - - - - -
Drs. Davis and l.'arnsworth . of
Grand Islan , Nebraska , are prc-
pared to treat all forms of chronic
diseases , such as rheumatislll ,
stomach disorders , tUlllors , can-
ccrs , paralysis , kidncy discases ,
etc. 'l'hc doctors use besides
medicine and surgery , thc X-I ay ,
hot-air bat hs , electricity and
massage. 2tf
- -
Heneau & I-4conal'd , Bon ed
Abstracters. Order by phone ,
we pay the call. 15tf
- - -
li'oR SAH-A good li\'erj' barn.
Enquire of P _ A. Walton. 1-17
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Legal Notices.
All ad1'ertlsemout8 under thl" hC811 will bu
charged tor 8t Ieval ratt , vlz : 51.00 Ill'r IIqullru
tor ftrllt In"ertlon. and 60C per > > quafC tor each
lublequo ! tln ertlon.
A "sllnaru" II ! Len Uues or traction thtJrtior.
NO'I'ICI 1 : : ' 1'0 CR1 DI'l'ORS.
In Connty County. within a 11I1 for Cn"lel'
Count ) . . Nebraska.
In the matter of tlw . .state of Belle C.llastln\H ,
' 1'0 the crellilurs of sahl estale :
You are hereb ) ' notified. that I will sit at the
COllnty Courl RoolII In Broken lIow in said
couuty on OClober 22. alill December 17. 111H.
alld 1\larch IIj. 115. atlO o' lock a , m. . ach Hald
dates. to receive anll examille all clalm"l alCaln-
st said I-state. with a few to their adju"Itmenl
allll allowanc . 'I'he time Iltnlle,1 for the Ilrt.
selllation of clalm'l alCalnsl Hahl estate Is . .Ix
1II0Ulhs , frolU the 16th day of Seplember. A. D , .
191 > > , all,1 , the time limited for lIaynwnt of debls
h ; one year fwm sahl date.
'Vltlle"s my hand and the seal of sahl COnUl ) '
Court , this 14lh da ) ' of Septemher. 110 .
14-17-100 [ SIAL ) J. A. AKMOUR.COUllt ) . JIII\e.
NOllce to Non-Heshlenl Defelllialit.
To Ulysses L. 'Vard , defeudant :
YOII are hereby uotlfied that I-mma n. Wanl ,
Oil the 19th day of Seplember. 1 . JIIed her
petition III the ollice of the clerk of the Dls.
I trlct COllrt In allli for Custer connty. Nebraska ,
the Ilrayer whereof Is that Hhe have a dh'nrc
from the bonds of matrhI101l ) ' now exlslhllC be.
tween ) ' 011 and she. 'rhe Irrnnnds allelr'd 111
the lIald pelltlon are aK followl < . tu-wlt : 'I'hal
defendallt has at Illvers and RUlldry times treat.
ell the plalnlllT III a cruel and Inhumanillallnl'r.
that dcfelillant failCiI. allll refu e"l 11I111'11\ III anll
main laIn the Illalntlff and tiwlr children. Ilml
defendanl has become a habltal IIrllnJard.
l'lalntlff also asks that she lie allowed tile care ,
control alld custody of tlm minor chlhlwn 01
plallltlff and defendant and for equitable relief.
'rbe defendant Is reQnlrpd to anRwer the . ; alll
petitIon on or before the 14tb da ) ' of Novmllbcr.
1904 , If ) ' 011 fall to anllwer ) 'our , Iefallit will b.
entered amI decree taken III said caRe ao ; Ilra'eli
la the petltloll.
Daled this ( .th da ) ' of October. 1'O .
gMMA G.VARU. . Plaintiff.
17-20'-109 N. ' 1' . nAUIJ. lIer Attllrne } ' .
- - - -
NO'l'ICI : : 01 > ' SUI'I' .
In UIRlrlct COllrt of Cllster Connty. Nebrasla
Aultman C. Tooker. l'lalntilT.
Rosa 1 : : . 'l'ooler. Defendanl.
' 1'0 Rosa Tooker :
You will take notice that 011 lhe 2Hh lIay 01
Reptemher , 1'O . Aultmall C. 'I'ooker. plalntlfi
herein , filell his petltlon In the District COllrl
of Custer COUllt ) . , Ncbraska. a alnst ) ' 011. th ,
object a 11I1 prayer 01 which I'etltion Is to oblalt
from ) ' 011 a decree of dlvorceon the ICrolllld'i 0 : .
abllldllllment alllllle"ertioll all,1 , the care a. . .
CII'llody of lhe minor child , Charles \ \ ' . 'fooler
the Issue of the marrlalCe belweell ) 'IIU and till
plailltlff hereill. ,
YOII are reQlllred to allswer said Ietltloll III
or before the 7th day of Nebrasl" " 1'1tJ.t.
I > atellthls 2 lb day of Seplember. 1914.
AULTMAN C. 'l'OOKI > \ ' .
16-19-102 By A. R. lIU)1I'IIKF.Ills Attorlley
Ulllle,1 Hales J4allli omcl' . ,
Brokell How. Nebraska. Selltelllber.7.11)0.1. . i
Notice Is heleby IClvell thai the followlllll
named s , tter ! hal < 11Ielnotico IIf his Inlelltlol
_ to lIIake tlllallrouf III support IIf hlR claim. all'
I that Kald pwof will be lIIade before Helrl.II'
and Recelvprof U. S. I.alld Ollic. . : It Broke !
f Bow. Nehra"lka. 1111 OCloher 2j , I'O ' . \17.
. CIIAIU41- g. OWl N of AII ehllo. Nebral < ka
for the Ne , Sectloll Ij. 'l'o\\'lI'1hlp 17 Norlh
. Ranlfe 22Ve < ; t 11th 1' . 1\1. Uo lIameo ; lhe fol
IlIwlllwltllesses to prove his cOlltltllloll"l resl
Ih'nce IIpon an,1 cllltivatioll IIf Kaill lalld.17.
John IIlpsley of Merlla. NI\braol" , ; Charle :
Dav of Merna. Nehrahlml ; > alllel 'Vood..rlllall 0
Merna. Nebrasa ! : Charley Zachr ) ' : , f Merll : .
Nebra"ka. J AMItS " 'IIITlmItAu.
15-211-\1)1 ) He.I'ler. .
Ullltt',1 Slale' ! I.allll Ollice. , _
Brokell Bow , Nehral < lm. Septemher I ) . 19tH. \
Notice Is hereh ) ' ICh'ell Ihat the follo\\'l1ll1
named "ellier has lIIelnollcl\ IlI'r IlIlentiol
to lIIake lillalpwof III I < Ullporl of her clallll. alii
- that said 11roof will h. . lIIado he fore Hl'lrlsh'
allll Receiver at lIrolell llow. Nebra..ka. 01
October 2. ! . lIX } . , vl7. : I.ILIIAN I. KINn. Mil
burll Nehraska. for the g NwJ1" . No ! S\\ '
NwhS. . ! . Sectioll 2J , 'I'OWIIRhlp . ! I Nortll
Rallile ZI Wesl. Rhe 1IlIl1el < th. . follllwillir wit
nes < ; es to IIIO\'e her cOllllllllou. . . reshlellce 111")1
alld clllth'ation of said lallll.17. : Jllhll Worlh
Inllton of Milburn. Nehraska : lIarn' l'I11ler 0
Milburn. Nebra < ; ka : 'l'holllaR 'I'YSOII of Mil
bllnl , Nebrasla : Washillartoll 1 < ' . Ranklll 0
: \llIbllrn , Nebra ka.
-19-QoI 1 JA)1IS'JlITI.III1AD , Re IRler.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
COllllty court. CII < ; Ier coullly. : - ebra'lka.
' 1'0 tll' helr alld nexl of kin of Slella P. Uarl
horll. lJeceasml.
You am hereb ) ' 1I0tifiell that Dora I.l'ollanl
SIKler of said dec8.u'd , has tiled Iwr pHil 1011 Ii
. .alI court. alkltll : that (1eo. W. SIIIIIII < ; IIr 1 < 011\
olher sultablo person may II" appolllle" Ad
mlllilitrator of the eslate of Rlell:1 lIartlihorl ,
"I'cealled. Said lIIatter ha'i b'ell set fur Iwarllli
fllr October 2211I1 , 191H , al 10 , I'chlck a. m. al thl
_ coulIl , . court rllom III Umkell Uuw , Nehrakka
whell'd 1'\1 tle'i may ap\ll'ar all" h" .
1Iall'd Ihe 27th dar IIf S"PIl'mh"r. I'JlJ.I.
l&-lM-IOJ ( tI"AL ) J. A. AK IOUI < , COllnl ) ' J 1I"1l
- - -
Not/co'l'o / Crcllllors
111 COllilly court. wltblll amI for CII.Ier Cllllilly
'fo the credllorli of e Iall' of AI ert lIerl
YOII aru hereby IIUlilil'll. 'I'hat I will sll at th
CUIIIII ) ' court room III llrokell Jlow. ill sal
COIIIII ) ' , 011 Ihe 2 lh da ) ' of OClllber , l'llH. Oil th
2 lh , Ia ) ' of lJecember 191 > > ; allll 011 the 2'lh da
IIf March. 1')115 , each at 10 o'clock a. m. of eac
day. 10 rl'cdv. . alld examille all clalmh all'alm
lIald ell tate. wIth a view 10 their aIjlllilmun
- alld alluwallce.
'l'he Ihllo lIlIllted for the I'rehelltatloll
claIms all'alnst lIald estate III III" mOlllhll froll
Ihe ZMllt day of Seplemher. 19tH , a 11I1 the tlm
'r ' lImlt-d for 11aymeut of llebls Iii on" Yl'af frol
. lIald date.
S Wilnelllllll\ ' hand and lhe seal of salll count
conrlothlll ; Ib day of SePtember. 1' .
I 16-1 104 11l"ALJ J. A. AIIMOUIICOIIUIY JUtll:1
Notice to OUr ( > 9h1Cllt ) ) prClllI0I1tH.
A. U. Smith. Johll Uoe allII MrR. Johll Uoe.
.Idelillallts , will talol' lIotice that 011 the 8th
Ilaof Sel.lembtJr . , 111O . n. JI. A lI < 1rewH. plalll-
tiff l1Iell hiM Iletitioll III the lJl.lltrlct COllrt of
Custer coullt ) ' , Nebraska , all'allillt said delellll.
allill. the ohJect alld llraYl'r of which : If' to
forecloRe a eerlalll tax certltlcate 111111..11y . 1\I.
1 . Schllerllllt'r. ( reaHurt'r of CURter COUllty. Ne-
hrallka , for tllO ! laIc 0taxe'i levied 11\1011 tt. . .
KouthweRt Quarler ( RW1 ! ) of the southwest IllIar-
ter ( lIwXI of Sectlun lwelve (12) ( ) towlI'ihll' lillie-
leell1) ( \ ) Nerlh Hamre twellty.two , (2Z ( ) WCllt.
CURter Collllt ) . . Hebmsla. for the ) 'earR ItI5 10
IS ? ? IlIchlRlve for the HIIIII of $13.,0 : that saitl
certlficale wall daled the 201h day of , 1'ehrllary.
1901 ; lhat Raill Coullty of CURter nil 1. ebrllary 20.
1'.101. paid $1.95 Rllb'ieQucllt laxe"l Im'led allah''It
Raltllallli for the fl'ar 11)X ( ) : that Ihe IIlallltiff
herelll IR thu oWller alld huMer of salll abon ,
IleHcrlb..d tax Hale certltlcate allll la-l : : recelpls :
that \llallltlff ha"laid Rllb"e'lUellt taxe. . le\'I",1
avahillt saltl lalld IIl1tll'r Kal,1 , certlficatl. . ali
followM , tu-wlt :
lIa11'11. . I'Xl' ! . $1.57. taxes for the ) ' , 'ar 1901.
AIIIl. IKt. 1'103. $1. 5 , 'axeM fnr the ) 'ear I'JlT. ' ! .
l\1a ) ' 1st , I'MI ' , $1.211. taxes for lhe year l1Jl13.
'J'hat sahl tax sail' cerlltleat ! ! atlll Kllb'il''IlIclit I
receillts Iraw Iliterest at tile rat < . of 20lei' CI'lit :
11\111I ( hl 20Ih "ay of I.'ebrllary , I'JlI3. ' allIIO , I'er ' c.
celli then ! after : Ihat there Is IIOW dlle IIpllll
Hahllax Kale certltlea\l' all" lax recept. Ihe 1'1111I
nf ) .55 with Illtere'il at IIIler celli fmlll o.
vember 14UI. IllI .
\\111\1 < & ; , . .01 < 1 : . Plailltifflrays for :1 tI..cree
lhat d'felldallts he 1"'Ilihed 1111':1) ' the sahl SIIIII
or tllat "laid prellll"es b , sohl III Ratlyfy the
alllllllllt f01l11l1 dlle.
'Yoll arc re'llIlrell to all "Iwer . .aill III tltlnll 011 or
before Ihe IHh Ila ) ' of Novemb , r , I'JlI ' .
lJah'll S"lltmllhl'r 211. l'ItH.
16.1'1-105 II. JI. ANIIRHWII , .
11) ' WII.IIS CAIIWI-.I.BIR : ! A 1111I lie ) ' .
, \ lIesl. J 111m. 1I.1'IAII < . Clerk. ISIAL [
III } ' S. 1' : . WIIITIUlHAU. I > epnt ) ' .
- - - - - - - - - -
III U1 < ; trlcl Cuurt of CURter OUIII ) ' . Nebla ka.
SllIIon Call1ernll , PlallltllT.
Jane IIl1nleali. : . IIefl'lIIlalit.
Jalle I . IIl1nlean , Ilefe/uallt ! , will take 1I0tlce
lhaloll the 2jth Iln ) ' IIf Selll lllt\1Iher ! , lljO ,
HIIIIOII Call1eroll , 1)lalntllT h'nllI. tiled hlR petl ,
IIl1n In the I > 1 lrlel l'Ullrt uf lIster cOllnty. e-
hraRk : . "lralll t Italll IlefellllItII. : Ih. . object and
l'Io.'tr ! of which am 10 rel'U\'el' of . .ahl defelld. '
alII the KIIIII of slm.OlJ lIue Oil an accoulil ali
follow"l :
' 1'0 Clllnlllll < RlolIOII sale of loto ; 2 alltl 3 , hluclc.
Jr. , Callawa } ' . Nehra..ka.
' 1'0 CO"l1 IIf ab"llract.
Cllnllnl"l lon on loall.
AHOme"H h'e 1'lInlllllllr title.
l'rlnUlI1I" two ) 'I'ars lax , 1j37 ! allli IljS3.
( Jnaralllee of tllIl' :11111 ulher er"lce'i.
Sa hi accolilit h , lulr , IIII' allll payahle to one 11.
B. A'lllrew" alill aRS11(1Ie,1 10 plaintiff ali < I plain-
lilT Is nUll' thl' OWIICl' alld hohler then'of : that
1111 said 2 Ih da ) ' IIf Sepfember. IIItH. onlpr of
aHachmelll was Is"uI'II In Ralll actloll , sahl
unler relUmed alld tlle,1 OClober I t. IIjlJ , Rhow-
11111" tllal " : \ 101. ; 2 a 1111 13. hlock 36. Callaway.
Nehra..ka. ha,1 bl'ell attaclled nliller salll IIrder. .
1'IailltitT a'lII < tllat Ihe l'Ollrl filill amoulil , llIe
on hll < saul acclIlIlIl , thaI salll real properl ) ' RO
atta hl'll be sohllll . .aU"f ) ' lhe a 11I011 lit 511 found
dlle. YOII an' n'lIl1lrellll , allswer said Itlltlull !
Oil or before the I lh da ) ' IIf November. 19114.
[ ) atCilthls "Ih lIay or OClllber. 11)0.1.
17,2o-10 Plailltiff ali < I Attonw ) ' .
' } 'II wholll It lIIay cOllcern : .
The COllllhlssloll'r al'lollliell ' to view a . . . .ad .
lIelillolied for h ) ' 1\1. I' ' . I1lalllllIohl. . . a road
c01ll1lle1l1lC11l1l" at half section corner betweftn
Sectlolls 1 ali < I 2 , ' 1'lIwllshl. . 1'1. Rallir 2 , thence
east 111I11" 1111 half section 11I.'thelice . sOUlh alld
, 'ast thrllulh the south hall lit Section 6. ' 1'own-
shl. . 1'1. Hallle 23. to a I'oilit wlh're the 'Iunlh ! ! O
rod IIl1e cro" es the Reclloll IIl1e hetween Sec-
IloliS 5 allll ( , thellCl' sOlllhea 1 thrnlllrh the
Koulh half of lhl' suuth half IIf Ihe Houlhwesl
IIlIarler of 1'CtiOIi 5. 10wlI hl. . 1'1. rallll' ' ' 2.1 ,
lhellce ea1l1 UII I < "CtiOIi line helwe , , " " , 'cllon'l 5
allll Ij , 10wlI"lh 1\11' ' ) . rall'I' 23. haR rel"lrled III
favor of the e"ltabIlHhnll'lIl lhNeof. alld all , !
object 10111' lhereto , or clallllS for IlallllleR IIIn..t t
be iii ell III Ihl' cOUllt ) ' clerl'H ollice 011 01' hefore
lIoolillf Ihe 6th lIa ) ' of ! Jec"lIIber.'ilJ.I , IIr I < uch
roall wll he eSlabll"he" wltholll n'ferellce
Ihereto. 111 'Vltlle \Vhereof , 1 have hereullto
! let my hanll antI "I'al ot Raid COllllty. thlR 41h \
Ilay of Octoher. I'm. ( I-O. : W. ! Jnwl\ , .
17,20-107 ( SHAI , ) Coullty Clerk.
Unllell Slates Lall < I omce. I
Brolen lIow. Nebra.ka. October 1. 190 . f
Notice II hereb ) ' Irlvell that the followhar- r
lIallled ' ! elller hal < filed 1I0tice of his Intelltloll J.
10 make IIl1al tlrouf III KU\lllOrt IIf his clallll. and
Ihat Hahllrollf will be lIIale hefore Rellister
allll Rl'cI'lver at llrolc1I How. Nebra..ka. Oil
NIIVI'mb'r 1U. 190-1. vlz. 'rUOl\lAS IIUN'I' of
AII ellllu. NebraHlm. fur lhe Sw IH X Sectlun
. ! u. 'l'owlIl < hlt' I' ) . Nurlh. Hamre 22V"st : 6th P.
l\1. H" nallle. . . the fullu\\'lIl1c wltne se"l ttl llrove
hll < cunllllltnU" r..RldeIlCI ! IIpOIl mill cultl\'atlon
of "alII Jalill17. : Jaml's I.llIdle ) ' of A lIellllo. ;
Nebraska. 1\1o"les 1 < ' . Smllh of AII < ; I'llIIo. Ne-
hraoka : ' 1'holllaR Rlllldehiof Ansehno.NebraRka ;
' \ 'IIIIlnVllliams of Allsehno. Nehra < ; ka.
17-2-106 : JA ms WIIITmm.\I > . I 'II'Iler.
- -
Al'mNI > l\IIm'l' . " -
'rhe fol1owlllll" Iropo.,11 amenllml'lIt to , al.I\ \
cOllvelltloll for the re\'I lullof. lIm COII"lItUtioll
"f lI\1' Klale of Nehraska , as hereillafler Itel
furth in filII. 1'1 snbmllted to the eleclors of the
State of Nebraslm. tu be voled UpOIl at till !
Irelleral electloll 10 be he1I ! ' 1'lIeslla ) ' . Nllvllnber ! t
M. A. I > . . I'm :
. ( SltNATa : 1-11,1 , No. II. . . )
A HII1 for a Joilit Hl'soilltlun recollllllellllllllr
10 1I. . , eh'Clllrl < of thl ! Hlate to , 'ot. . at Ihl ! next
electloll of melllberl < of Iii. . LelClI < lature fur or j
alrallll < t a COII\'elltioll to revlst ! . mellli alld
challle the COllstitutlolllf the Stale of N'bra-
ka III accordallce with Sectloll 2. Article 15. of
th. . COllstltntloll of the Slate of Nebra'lka.
l1e It Resoh',1 h ) ' lhe J.elClslalllre of"th"Stall !
of Nebrasla : \
I. 'l'hal I' Is lIeellle.1 IIl'Ce.sar ) ' to call a COli- I
"elltloll to rev : , ' . alll"d1111 challICe the CIIII- :
Ktltlllioll IIf the Stale IIf Nehra < ; lm. I
2. 'fhat the "lectors are recomll. . llIle'lllI10 ,
al the lIext electloll of lIIemher. . . of the l.el(11Ila. .
Illre for or alralllsl a ellll\'elllloll tll re\'lhe. \
I alllpllil allil challICe the COII"IIlIutloll ( If the Stale I
uf Nehra la.
3. ' 1'lIat at sllch lIext eleclloll of members of
Ihe J.elrl..laillre . ( III Ihe ballot of each eleclor(1 -
tlllir al sllch eeclloll ! , shall \lrllllet urwrlttclI
In slIch a malllll'r that lhe eh'ctor call hlillcale
his I'flfereIlCe ullder lhl ! law the wunlK : " 1.'OIt
call1llir a COII\'elltlllll In reville , alllel..1 alill
' - chall'e ! the COlIslltlllll1l of the Slate of Nehra"l'
ka. " alld "AnA I NS'l' call hili" aconvelltloll tll rt-
\'I e , amelul alill ChIIIIO the CUII Iltullllll of the
Stale ur N'bra I" , : " a 11I1 If a majurltyltllIlC. .
at Rahl el'ctlull I < hall \olt , for a cOllvellllllll , lhe
I.eiI"Iatllw ! shall , al It > ! lIext l-el < I < IIIII.lfCI'hle
hy law for callhllr the same.
I , G'II. W. l\IIfI < lI. Secretar ) ' of Slate uf th. .
. Slate of Nebraslm. II. . henb ! ) . cerllf ) ' that the
, - fun'a.ruhlllfCll'o..11 alllellllllll'lIt 10 lheCIJII tllu-
tllIlI of the Stain of Nehra"lka , alldlw'ldllllC for [
CUII\'elltll1l for the re\'I..lolI of
a \ ( \ sahl ClIIHIItIl'
11(111 . .I the Slale uf Nehra > ilm. Is a Il'lIe :11111 cllr- f
" rect COil ) ' of the urllrillal ellmllell hili Ila < ; se,1 b ) '
thl ! 'l'wellt-ela.rhlh se"111111 ( If Ih" I.e.I"IlaturI.f )
the Slate uf Nehraslm. a' ! It : lllpears frolll sahl I
. .rilrillal hill. UII lIIe III III ) ' nllice. :111 < 1 that ahl
I'mpo e,1 allll'lIIll1lellt allll re\'lslolI of Ihe Cu II "I- !
tllIlllolI of the Sl.te of Nebrall < a Is I < ublllilted I
' - 10 the ' 1IIalllied volerl < of thl ! Stale of Nebra..ka. I 1
for Ih'lr :1(101)11011 ( lr rej'ctloll. at Ihl ! Ielll'ral i
eh'clioll l < I be hehl ( In ' 1'lIesday , lhe lh , Ia ) ' IIf [
Nm'emher. A. U. 11)14.
III leI < II mOil ) ' whereof , I hav" herelllllll s..t m ) ' ;
halill :11111 alli"ell Ihl ! Ureat Sealuf Ihe Siale or
N'hra ka. ,
nOlle at IIIICOII ! lhl. ; 51h , Ia ) ' IIf Jill v III th , ' .
) ' 1':1 [ uf uur 0111' 'l'lIoll"lalhl Nille HUlldred I .
alhl I-'ollr. n ( the 11Ile\ll'lIIlellce . uf Ihe Ullited : .
Slale. . . Ihe Olle IIl1l1d..ell a 11I1 'I'\\ellt ) ' Nlllth :
alld of thl"l State Ih" 'I'hlrt ) ' I-I.hlh. ; .
( ,1m. W. MAli SUe
1j-21-S2 [ GR&AT SKALJ Secre.o' . or Stale. I ;
- -q.
. . . . . . . . .Jlerd Jlcnclcct III ) . . . . . . . . . .
; - Urlrn ell Bl'ott , No. 177,035.
I. _ i
' .I
" 'II
. .tI
. J' ' : ft. 1
, I-.clof'
J. C ; . BRENIZER , Breeder of
l'ure Scotch "nIl Scotch Topped Short Dorn Cat.
tie. hlr hlrd nnmber. 40 oows. Will COm
III brc , Inl : and qU IlI ) wIth any weat ot hlc.go
lily tJ1perllDCe : has hught me that 10 Ive oOd
e salisfacllon , breeillug cattle inUit be rals In
II this altllude. ( expect to raise the
here till ! equal ot IIII'thlng railed In the
y I II. 1 n w have bulls 8Ultablo for tbls and
' next 7eftr' ! ! lervlce. My COWl weIgh ! rrolD 140Qq
. 1000 poolldl. "ColDe amiliell Ulem ,
. .