Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, October 06, 1904, Image 1

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, . .
- . . . - - -
( . . 0" . . . , . ,
. .
I.i . , qfi . . , .
. . 'ii" ; j'iJ'
: ; ' . (1 could be thought of
f : " . ' for maid or matron
'IJj. . ; , than a Simmons
. " ! '
lorgnette chain.
" We have a fine
Iii' : ; ' , ass 0 r t men t to
, . choose from-all
. , ) / " ' styles , exquisitely
_ t\ . ' \ , . " chaste or richly
' )
J' elegant.
Watch Chains
-both men's nnd women's styes-nford ]
. nil the dvnntnges or the most expensive
: : . . _ kind , yel save the cosl of superfluous gold.
" .
. \ .
" , . 1 . , . , " .
k . ,
i , , , '
, . 0 0 .
, . , .
. : - . School Rooks ,
, ' '
' : . , . . Tablets
, ' , ,51. . J'
School Supplies ,
\ ' '
J. G. Haeberle's ;
- - - _ . . - . . . . .
- . _ I am now lucated just north of
r' the Custer National Bank. Come
. '
: . . , and see me for bargains In rcal
- .
-estate. Some clwice acre property -
perty for sale.
t 8 tf HAS. . ANDIUSON. I
- - - - - - - - - - -
A.P. . KIRBY ,
t. . \'JHgl1UDll ! : ! ! : ! 1'Q
Sales cried iu this
allllluljoiuiug COIIU-
ties 'short notice. Satisfnctiou
. teed. Address or 'phouc A. P. Kirhy , :
Mernn , Nebraska.
9 . .lBou Being I
B Big LiIw of I
, I Outlngs , il I
and. I
r1. " . Teafte Downs II
just rc'ci Vl'fl n t !
. .
I The Roolator !
Other wintpl' I
U goods at i
. 'rry l"I ; : I :
. Watts-Kennedy II
i Co. ,
I North Hide , Broken 130 IV I
J 4 WW Wi'ffi W wJWWt'Wm m
- ,
: : : : : I : : : : : m'
II. II. Andrews was a cit.y visitor -
tor tl'hursday and Frida. } ' of last
. J. J. Douglasof Callawa } ' was
a social caller at this ofi ce last
Henry Miller of O\'er , made
this ell ce a friendl \ ' call while
in the city Monday.
tl'his oOice ac1U1owledges a
plcasant call from B. W. Brewer
of llerwyn , tl'uesday. J
tl'hos. Hunt and M. F. Smith
of A nsellllo were welcome callers
at this ell ce last 'l'hursday.
D. l\I. Amsberry and wife went
to Frcmont ! o.lon ay morning to
aHeml thc Baptist State Con-
\'en tion.
O. ] . S. Kensington will meet
with Mrs. .1. M. Kimberling ,
'l'ncsc1a ) ' , October 11 , at 2:30 :
o'clock. All members invited.
! o.l. Patrick of Omaha was a
friendly caller at this oft ce last
li'riday. lIe filed on a section
homstead located near IIyannis
while in the city. '
Mr. and Mrs. G. \Varring of
Lillian are the proud parents of
a seven and and half pound girl ,
born to them Sept. 28. Mother
and child reported doing nicely.
Jesse Gandy claims the belt for
a big corn yeild this season. lIe
reports that his corn is husking I .
80 bushels to the acre and that
he has one man that husked 14
bushels of it in an hour.
P. F. Campbell of Georgetown
was in the city 1'uesday week on
his way back from Grand Island
where he attended a meeting of
the commercial club Tuesday
night in the interest of an electri-
al railroad of the South Loup.
H. J. Edington returned Friday -
day morning from Colorado , where
he has spent thc summer with
his wife. He reports that Mrs. I
Edington s very much improved
in health , but he did not think it :
best for her to come back here.
He will make a sale of stock and
farm machinery with the view
'of remaining in Colorado for the
benefit uf hcr health.
Dr. G.V. . Bartholomew has decided -
cided to leave this part of Custer
count y and locate in Broken Bow.
1'he Doctor has built up a vcry
fine practice in and around Comstock -
stock , and it will be with sincere
regret that his friends see him
depart. We believe however that
thcre is a place at Broken Bow I
for another first class Doctor ,
such as Dr. Bartholomew , and
personally we are glad to see Dr.
Bartholomew seeking a field of
wider opportunity as he merits.
-Sargant Leader.
'rllc uellt Doctor.
Hev. . C. Horton , Sulphur
Springs , tl'exas , writes , July 1'Jth ,
1899 : "I have in my family
Ballar 's Snow Liniment and
Horehound Syrup , and they have
proved Gcertainly satisfac-'he liniment is the best
we have ever used for headache
and pains. The cough syrup
has been our doctor for the last
eight years. " 25c , 50 , $1.00.
Sold by T d. McComas , Broken
Bow and Merna.
I" _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ ' _
We have just recdved
a line lot of. . . . . . . . . .
New Cards and Folders
li'or the fall trade. . . . .
Good work and J40w Prices
1 " ; ; M h = st ; :
In.Fc > "VV'.n. !
'l'he Singer Manufacturing Co. , manufacturers
of the celebrated. . , . . . . , , . , , . . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sinor SewinJ ! Machine ,
have opened a storc and general ol1 ce in the Cus-
M ter Block , 3 doors north of Drake's dry goods
store. Besides the various styles of family sewing -
ing machines manufactured by this company ,
the store will carry a full line of. . , . . . . , . . . . . .
: : = : .
Ed. Royse came up from Litt-
coin , yesterday morning on busi-
Joseph Sittler of Merna , was a
welcome caller at this oOice
A. P. Kirby of Merna , was a
welcome caller at this ofi ce Mon-
da ) ' . See his card in this paper
announcing his profession.
tl'his week we publish the delinquent -
linquent tax'his is the
second time that it has ever been
published corrected up-to-datc in
the historr of the county.
MAHHntD-At their new home ,
Merin tl' . Cannon andl\fiss Olive
Yotter , Friday , September 30th.
Miss Yott'r was a resident of
Achilles , Kansas , while Mr.
Cannon is a carpenter working
with Mr. Norcutt.
Robt li'rench , grand lecturer of
the Masonic fraterl11ty spent se\-
eral days in the city last week
cond ucti ng a schoo l of instruction.
tl'he session closed Saturday nigh 1
with a stereoptican'he
throughout were very interesting
and highly appreciated by those
in attendance.
1-1. J. Edlngton of East Custer
has planned to sell his cattle ,
about one hundred head , several
her es , hogs and shoats and farm
machinery at public sale in two
or three weeks. Parties desirous
of buying cattle horses , hogs or
farm machinery will do well to
watch for the date which will be
announced in the RupumIcAN.
tl'he annual Demonstration for
Peace , appointed for each 18th of
! \ ay , was this year postponed un-
bl Oct. 8. A letter has been
issued by Mrs. May \Vright
Sewall , chairman of the Peace
aad Arbitr.ltion Committee for
the National Council of 'Women ,
in regard to preparations for this
demonstration. It is very much
to be hoped that the friends of
peace and arlJitra tion will arrange
for a celebration in everycommu-
Rev. A. W. Yale , closed his
work here as temporary pastor of
thc Baptist church last Sunday
night. He was greeted by a
large audience Sunday evening.
He left Monday for Fremont to
attend the Bdptist State conven-
tion. Immediately following
state convention week he has
planned to hold a series of meetings -
ings at Burwell. As he expects to
hold several meetings in Custer
association this fall and winter
he will continue to make Brol n
Bow his headquarters for a time
yet and in case a permanent pas-
tor cannot be secured before December -
cember he will continue to occupy
the pulpit as frequentl , as he can
arrange. I ev. Yale IS an able
and eft cient minister of the gospel -
pel and a man of high ideals , a
consistant christian and highly
esteemed by the church and com-
A Io'e I etter ,
\V ould not in terest you if
you're looking for a guaranteed
Salve for Sores , Burns or Piles.
Otto Dodd of PonderMo. , writes :
"I suffered with an ugly sore for
a year , but a box of Bucklen's
Arnica Salve cured me. It's the
best Salve on earth. 25c at J-4ee
Bros. Drug Store.
. ' 1.'he Broken Bow Band left
tl'uesda } ' morning for Omaha to
take 'part in the Ak-Sar-Ben
Dr. R. B. Mullins left MotHla ) '
morning for Baltimore , where he
will attend a dcn tal college for
several mouths , after which he
will return and take up his work
h re. II is wife acco.m pan ied
h lIn.
John Co\'er , forl11l'rly of Mason
City who is now located ncarSsc-
rmitento California engaged in
railroading was a friendl ) ' caller
at this ull ce tl'ucsda } ' . Mr. Cover
was a member of Co. M of the
li'irst Neb. in the Philippine. He
is visiting his parents Mr. and
Mrs. .Jacob Co\'er of Mason Cit ) . .
"Comrades" will not only appeal -
peal to every Grand Arm } ' man ,
but to the general public as well.
It is a story dealing with two
heroes of the civil war , who came
together after a long separation ;
but owing to the animoslt.v of the
household , one of the old comrades -
rades is turne adrift , during the
absence of , bis fricnd and protec-'he funn \ . situations which
follow , and thc'dramatic climax
which brings father and daughter
face to face , classes this among
the best comcdy-dramas of the
day. Frida } ' e\'ening , Oct. 21st ,
is the date set for its production
b ) ' the' Cusfer Dramatic Stock
mm m M
r ; . . .
"ou Can Buy
All Kinds of
I School Books
And \
. Supplies
Eel. MCC0I11aS' ,
ANI ) .JE'VIU. n.
mm mmmmm
. . .
: Ien. : "tis-t ,
Broken Bow , Nebraska.
'Ve are here to stay , and to
guarantee our work to be as rep-
resented.Ve do not claim to do
anything but wbat we positively
can do.Ve make a specialty of
relieving l , > ain in all dental operations -
ations ; and for this purpose we
are prepared to administer
Gas , Vitalized Air and Dentaline ,
at your desire. Our fillings ,
plates , crowns and bridge work
cannot be excelled 111 any manner
as we make a specialty of all
kinds of dental work.
Our motto is to please you , and
if you are not pleased we will refund -
fund your money.
T. A. LEACH , D. D. S. ,
Telephone 258 ;
Oflice in Myers-Gliem Building.
- - -
: ,1
Corn ShullorSll1
_ . . . .
- - - - - -
- - - - - -
- - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
If are going to , see the
Old you l e1iable. . . . . ! . buy . , . . . . . . . . .
Murseilles ' ,
Rll.ellel" . . . . . .
atSter (
Better a.nd
i \ Iasts Lange1" tha.n. ny Othe1" .
, ttt"tttt't"t"'t"t"tttt't" , " , ' " " " ' " " ' " + 1't"'t1""t"tt't"'t" ' " ' " " " ' " " ' " " " " " '
- -
I Wagons ! I
- -
: : : .1 bought two ear lomls \Vagolls from = =
: : : parties who had more 'Vagons than money. = =
: : : Among them are some Buel'kins , Broeksmith , = =
= = Florence and . .LafayotteVagons. . As long as = =
E these last I : am going to sell you 'N agons for less = =
E money than other denIers Cllll buy for. Oome in
: : : : : : and let. me show you as good \Vagon as other = =
E : denIers are sellilH. ! . ' for $ 5.00 t.o $70.00 = :
- -
- -
- -
- -
I For $55.00 I
- -
- -
- -
- -
: : : : : : I also have a car of Gang and Sull < y = =
: = : Plows which r an ( selling' at prices that. are less = =
t.han othl'r denIers buy for. 3
- -
- -
- -
E Gang Plows , 12 and 14 inch , $5'5.00' ' = =
E Gang Plows , 16 inch. . . . . . . . $35.00 = =
- -
- -
- -
I liThe Dealer That Saves Yon Money , "
C. S. MARTI N , Mfl ! . Agt
- -
: : : : : : -AND DEALEIl IN- : : : : :
- -
- -
: : : ANTI < r RUST GOODS. = =
111111111111111111111111111111111111 + 1111111111111111111111111111 1 11111
I " " J' ; ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
" " J''J'J'J'J'J''J' '
'I ' Do You Want a RaIne ? i
C > r Sa1e. .
lone-story , house , ground ( , Ox112. Price. . $ CIOO.OO
U lone-story , frame , 3-room house , ground 100x112.
R lrice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250.00 S
1 new one- tory frame , . 5-room honse , ne block from 8
if public square , with one lot. Pnce , . . . . . . . . . . 1,100,00
S 1 one-story f ame , 5-room hots.e , with barn and two 8
lots , U1cely located , 1 ; nce. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,100.00 8
1 t wo.storJ' frame , ( , -room residence , new ca'e. . new
S barn , ( , lots , good well and cistern , nicely 8
U located. Price. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,200.00 U
lone-story frame , 5-rooUl honsc , with four lots , ti
8 gravel well , wind mill , barn , chicken house , 8
orchard. Price. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,000.00
8 8
Some of the best ten acre tracts adjoining town
8 for sale. ' S
fi Some of the best located . lots for residence. fi
fi fi
, . . ,
Broken Bow , .
- - - - - - Nebraska. 8
. . . . . " . . : o'3".r.rJ'.rJ'.r.r.rJ'.r.r.r . : . . / ' . " . " . . : ' . " . . . : ' . : . J
. ' .
- -
AAAAAAAn AAAAA ft ftA ft ft AA
I. . ffi . . . m 1' AI
r < , \.T J.Oll are cor ( 1. II y 111Yl t ec 1 to ea 11 an d see ,44 " tl < :
t . I
c )
" The Malleable"
c )
. : \Ve wiII SllOW yon how to bake "just.
: SlIch lJiseuits as mother lIser1 to
: m make , " with on Iy one-lutlf tlw fuel
I : now bei 1g used , Htre.ll th , li eonomy , : j
: Convemence , Dnralnhty and Beau- -
: ) I ty UomlJined. A great savel' or : .
11'lIe1 and Lahor. l\rac1t' of Ial1e- :
: ahle Iron and Hte ( 1. Iivcted to- :
gethCl' ike lJOilrl' f
u , ' . ! proQerly
: Ilsed wIll Iw a 11 fntlnle. Uom- =
: . 1e \ \ n ( ' i n g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;
j October 11 , and Endinl ! October 22 1
: ' 1'IlOre , wiIIlw ' 1'hree-.Minute Biscllits : J
: and Uoffee sl'rvl'd every day li'l { I I .
: ' A sa lesman from till' fadory will 1) ( ' : l
: hCl'c . to d < 'JollstJ'ato ) ) its HIIIWI'iol' : '
C c (11' ( ' fl I' 1 t. I nH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - ) : " , '
'l' ) every pm'phaser of I I ' 1 1 he lfl 1 - cl : '
: i F I < 'ahle" Hangl this week only we : ' .
: " ree wiII give absolutely FHKI u $7.50 I
Het of Cooking etensi1s. . . Ii'HE1 "J
c j
j C. W. APPLE , , :
! . \Vest Side HCullre ] , Broken Bow , Nebraska. 1
_ J9ir.t : : J : . . . . . . 'tM JiFJiUiOO 2i : . . ! : I