Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 29, 1904, Image 9

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    r- - - . . . . . . . . . . , \ , - . . r. . . " . . ' . ' "
A Nlatter
01 Health
There IS quality in Royal
Baking Pov/cler which Inakes
the food rnorc digestible and
wholesome. This peculiarity
of Royal has been noted by
physicians. ) and they accord'-
ingly endorse and reCOIl1. .
, mend . it. .
. . , . .
than any othcr man in its l1efeat.
Why did 1\11' . Hays seek to put
a club in the hands of 1\11' . Ruth ?
The conversation above referred -
ed to was overheard and can be
verified by witness.
'When 1\11' . Hays relil1qmshQd
the oi ce of chief oil inspector
he was short in his accounts. .
At my instigation m } ' chief clerk
overhauled the accounts of his
oflice and found that Hays was
short to the amount of $124.80.
Further than that , he ( Hays )
had taken away from the office
every receipt from the state
treasurer taken by him during
his administration. 'Vhen approached -
preached on the subject he professed -
fessed ignorance and could give
no good reason for taking the receipts - !
ceipts away from the office but
was compelled to admit the sh9rt-
age. 'l'he money in question
dropped out of sight , so far as
the exchequer of the state is concerned -
cerned , between July 31st and
September 30th , 1902. 'Vhen
Mr. Hays saw that he was u'p
against it he settled his shortage ,
, and was very glad to get ou t of
it so easily , by giving to the
State 'l'reasurer his personal
, , check for $124.80 , as is evidenced
. by a receipt now on file in the
l" office of the chief oil1l1spector , of
which the following is a copy :
Lincoln , Nebr. , May 25 , 1903.
No. 30409.
Received of James E. Hays ,
Ex-Oil Inspector , one hundred
twenty-four and 80-100 dollars.
Peter Mortensen ,
Sta te 'l'reasurer.
'fo say the least , the State of
Nebraska was benefitted by a
change of chief oil inspector to
the extent of $124.80 , which
money was illegally retained by
1\11' . Hays.
'l'he foundation of all the statements -
ments made in this article is my
\ own personal observation , the records -
. - cords of the state ofiices involved
and the evidence of witnesses
, \ knowing to the facts. In conclu-
I slOnl assert that the inferences
, and conclusions drawn in 1\11' .
Hays' "Coal Oil Scandal" circulat
, - .
are false and misleading in every
particular. '
I was not in a "conspiracy tc
protect the Standard Oil monopo'
ly. "
I did not permit the "Standa1' ( '
Oil Company to name the in ,
specters , " neither did that com'
pany or any other oil com pan )
ever show a disposition to wan
to name them.
The "oil " is
inspection" not <
" . "
"shameful farce.
I invite scrutiny of my ever
ofiicial act in connection witl
thi's matter and with all othe
matters pertaining to my admin
Made in California.
I. .
m Jb. packagcs.
AU hlg4-olau aToCJUI.
Farln Lease , Chattle Mortgag
and Warranty Deed blanks a
this office.
. , . ,
. . - '
istration and am wilting to abide
by the judgment of the people
when they have had opportunity
to weigh the facts.
In this connection it should be
borne in mind that our oil inspection -
tion law provides a test for im-
flammability only. and not for
quality. In other words , our law
proVides for perfectly safe oil but
does not necessarily provide for
oil free from solids and such other
imperfections as would detract
from its illuminating qualities.
Poor burning oil does not necessarily -
sarily mean unsafe oil. It is not
my fault that the law provides
for a test of inflammability only
and not for quality as well. I do
not make the laws. It is simply
my duty to execute them as I find
theln. 'fhe Hays circular seeks
to hold me responsible for omissions -
ions of the law in the matter of a
quality test.
IOUI ) . 'fowusbll ) ' } 'Icket.
At a caucus held by the republicans -
licans in Loup township the 24th
Lon Davis was elected cbatrman
and J. E. Cave nee , Secretary.
The following candidates were
nominated :
For township clerk , W. 1\1. Davis.
For treasurer , J. F. Bryson.
For justice of the peace , Frank 1\Iorro\\ ' .
For constable , Frank Syrson.
Road o\'erseer District NO.1 , Aaron
ROld overseer Dist. No.2 , P. P. Beck.
Real } overseer Dist. NO.3 , Al1\l0rgan.
Road overseer Dist. NO.4 , Geo. 'l'rue.
For judges election board , J. E. Myers
and Wm. P. True.
110r clerk , Nc Geoege.
We are sorrow to hear Peter Beck is
under the doctors care.
J. 1\1. 1\Iason and family have returned
froUl their trip to Kansas.
We notice the railroad officials are
prospecting along the Ioup valley.
Another railroad meeting has been
called to meet at the Welch school house , I
Oct. 8th.
Heasltll Wheeler had the misfortune to
loose a fine milch cow by falling off a L
high bauk. .
Callie Spraker of Washington county ,
Nebraska , is teaching at the Morgan I
school house.
' 1'l1l. yuung people had a very pleasant
time at the surprise party at 1\Ir. Griffins
Friday evening.
John Cherry's little son , Charley , had
his thumb mashed in a ha } ' stacker and
will loose part of his thumb.
Jennie Baldwin returned to her hotut
at1\lason City , 11riday , after 'a 10 daYf
visit with friends in the vicinity 01
) Cumro.
. I. . It Gibson has bought an interes1
in the store with R. Pierce at 1\Iiller , an (
will move to that place some time before
next Summer.
. 'fhe bridge across warm swamp ha
been remo ele aud is now in fine con
dition. A. Fonda , our supervisor , at
tended to the work personally.
'V. H , Harrison , Cleveland ,
1 Miss. , writes , Aug. 15 , 1902 : " :
want to say a word of praise fOI
Ballard's Snow Liniment. :
stepped on a nail , which cause (
the cords in my leg to contrac
and an abscess to rise in my knel
- and the doctor told me that
would have a stiff leg , so one da
I went to J. F. Lord's drug stOl'l
( who is now in Denver , Colo.
he recommended a bottle of Sno ;
Liniment ; I got a 50c si e , an4
it cured my leg. It is the bes
liniment in the world.
ABSCESSES , with few ex
ceptions , are , indicative of consti
pation of , lebility. 'fhey may r
however , result from blows 0 '
from foreign bodies , introducel
- into the skin or flesh , such a
'e splinters , thorns , etc. Sold b'
, t Ed. McComas , Broken Bow ati
OfTj . . . . . . . , _ . .1' ' ' ' ' ' , . . . . . _
Tfi ) . ab Looal Option Mere Optional by
( Hylug Uesldcnfs or Entire Couut ) '
11 Yolco In Electlous.
To make the "local option"
plan more optional , the Nebraska
Anti-Saloon leag-ue , has drafted
a bill which it will have introduced -
duced at the session of the legislature -
lature this winter. This will
apply to those counties where
the villages have been fighting
with the liquor problem. Under
the theory that the residents of
the entire county are effected by
the existence of the saloon in the
village as much as those inside
the corporate Hunts , the advocate
has drawn up the bill to give
such county residents the powers
of the ballot on the vote for or
against licensed liquor selling.
Said Mr. Darnall :
"The new law will not interfere -
fere in the l'ast with the operation -
tion of the Slocumb law , nor docs
it affect the local optiol\ law fur-
thh than to supplement it. I
have the bill drawn up and it
will be introduced at the uext
session of the legislature. 'Vhen
the question is once referred to
the people , the law also stipulates
that another submission to popular -
lar vote sl1a11 not be made inside
of four years. This stipulation
is made so that the liquor element -
ment will uot be nagging the
temperance people all the time ,
after once being turned down.
Petitions signed by one-tenth of
the residents of the county must
be secured before the question
can be submitted , under the proposed -
posed law. " \
Mr. Darnall has just retuned
from a trip to the western part
of the state in the interest of the
league. .
'fhe Nebraska Farmer has the
following to say of Dr. Brenizer's
cattle at the state fair :
Dr. J. G. Brenizer , Broken Bow ,
Neb. , got 3rd premium on his 2-
year-old heifer , Orange Blossom
of Hebron , in a strong class at
Ule State Fair last week. This
heifer had not been specially fitted -
ed for the show , but was shown
in her every day dress ; otherwise
she would have gone higher.
However , she is a splendid young
cow and is a credit to any herd ,
and next year you may expect to
see her out again , as well as some
other good ones that are coming
on up at the reni er Shorthorn
Dr. Barnes at the Grand Central -
tral , Thursday and Friday , October -
tober 6 and 7.
A. ntunl. 'rlu : Great I\XCltrH-
Iou Period.
'l'o St. Louis : You will regret it for
years if you fail to see the St. 140uis Ex-
position. Special low coach excursion
rates made daily each week from Sunday
to Thursday , inclusive ; seven days limit ;
slightly higher rates for tickets good in
sleeping cars with longer limits.
Very low one way rates to the far west
and Pacific Coast. For instance , 1 > 2S.oo
to Puget Sound ; 122.S0 to Spokane terri.
tor } ' ; $20.00 to Helena a11l1 Dutte terri.
tory. This low rates w"stoound , when
added to your return rate eastboU\lIl ,
makes a very low round trip rate.
To Chicago an back : Daily low rates
either direct or viu St. 140uis in either
direction , with stop overs at St. 140uis ,
Kansas City or Omaha.
1I0me visitors excursion : Visit the
old home back east. September 20 and
27 and October 11 , half rates plus $2.00
to lll1liana , aud many points in Ohio and
EXl'O lTlON.
Tuesday , October 2S. An geOl } Nebraskans -
braskans should hc there and help exploit -
ploit the prosperity of our grand com-
monwealth. II. L. ORMSlI\ ' ,
IS.I8 Ticket Agent.
. . . . .
# ) ; . ) . : cr.r.r.r.r".Q (
ti 8
Th e. . . . .
t" ) li
I' E ag 1 e
Fre h Fruits , 11
ft Fresh Vegetables ,
A pples ,
Watermel < ? ns ,
M Pure Splces ,
Cider Vinegar.
- -
I A Full Line of I
I Fresh Groceries
, Ii
'J S Yale Coffees.
y d 'Phone 58. i
PLlrn pliJ Pie ?
& Attend thc Pumpldn Contcst Saturday , October 1st ; 1904 , and
.you can gct Pumplcin Pie and Coffcc Ij\rec. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . '
"Eat , Drinlt and Be Merry. "
A Special Invitation is extendcd to all to visit onr Departmcnt
Store on Pumpl\ Day whethcr ) 'ou arc in thc Contcst or not.
t Free ' i i ! el ! ! Day !
v IITO"I I 1 eXC I IPOr Ok
Ij\all and Winter Line of Dr ) ' Goods , such as the ncwest and
( best thinbrs in. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Manish Sni Ii ngs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . SOc to $1. SO Flan nelette. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 y. ; c and ISc
t P . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '
namatCloth. q SOc to 1.00 Ij\lannelette Outings. . . . . . . . ' . .lSc and 18c
Chpped Zebeline. . . . . . . . . . . . $1.00 to 1.50
Broad Cloth Suiting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 Outing mal11lcl : . . . . . . . . . e , 10c and 126c
i Velvet 'Vaistings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80c to 90c Cotton and 'Vool BlanJets. . . . .50c to $7.0
The Largest Assortment of Ladies and Childrens Jackets , Tourists -
ists Coats and Furs Ever on Sale in Brol < en Bow.
' ( ( { J The Newest and Best Things in
I Boys Clothing : , : : : w : 'B : : g : d Underwear. .
Men's Clothing : and Furnishings.
All we want YOU to do is to EAT anl1 LOOK on Saturday , l. ,
October 1st , 1904. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
' , t
' ( ( (
& ;
, l I ' " . " ,
'OA.l B
. _ : _ f )
c- . : . . c- . ' - . . . , l' 'r . . . . . < . , . ; ! . : : . , . c. . , ' ,1' , . , . - . , - . ' ( , ' : . . c . . ' ,
" : \ " - ( ' "i ' ( . 's : ' 'S ' ' -Yf ! ; ? - ( { : f'"t' ( : > . : - .o - /j : . - : ( Jf : = t
= . -
The pastor and people of the
U. B. church desire to express
their thanks to the people of
Brolen Bow who so willingly assisted -
sisted in entertaining the delegates -
gates to the recent session of
conference. Our only regret was
that we did not have more visitors -
tors so that all who desired could
have had guests. By a unanimous -
ous vote the conference expressed
its hearty thanks to the people
for their cordial welcome. . '
lIon. A. H. Copsey was a city
visitor Saturday. This ofiice
ac1mowledges a friendly call.
Denutnu' Woman , I
Plump cheeks , flushed with
the soft glow of health and a
pure complexion , make all women -
men beautiful. Take a small
dose of Her ine after each meal ;
it will prevent constipation and
help digest what you have eaten.I
50c. Mrs. 'Vm. M. Stroud ,
Midlotbian. Texas , writes , May
31 , 1901 : We have used Herbine
in our family for eight years , .
and founel it the best medicine
we ever used for constipation ,
bilious fever and malaria. " Sold
by Ed. McComas , Broken Bow
anel Merna.
Speci l Homeseehel's :
Louisville & N ashvil1e
/ '
. .
October II , and November 15
l.eH" tllau one " arc ( or tllC
1I.0und 'rrlll ,
'flcketH IhUitetl to return 21 dUJH from
dute of 8ule.
For full information , ratesschell.
ules , time ta les and literature ,
descriptive of the various resources -
sources , agricultural , mineral
and tituber lands along the line ,
call on or address
.J E. Duvcnport , J ) P. A. , . St. J.OIII
H , C. Dalley , N. W. I' . A. . . tl1lcu : ( J
P. D. 011811 , D. ( ' . A. . . ( "IlIclnlluti
. J H Milliken , D. 1' . A. , . 1,0Ilhl\'lII
i C. Jj. STONE , ( hm'l. l' 88CllgOI' Agent ,
t Ioul vlllc , Kcntuck ) ' .
Doroo JoneT 1I0ga red and lold. DOlt bloo
oUb trcla. . . 'Addre. . . O. K , O.\1 > WKLL ,
IIroklu Uow , Nobrlckl
- .
DRS. R. O. & W. I . TALBO' ! ' "
011I00 over Uaoberlo'o UrllStoro. / .
Broken "ow. - NOllr"I" ' .
DR. 'v. II. COLE ,
Veteri narian.
pt1clal attontlon 1:1\011 to colto , calvo. .nd Illgo
tbat lire III 1111 ulltbrlfy con\lIt1on. \ ' .1'010'
t.bon" No 203 , n..hlonoo , tWo bloeka , ,08t of
Soutb Hide HebDDI 1I0u10.
o. 11. OONHAD ,
. . . . . .Doaler In. . . . . .
l'omlli. Wind. Ml11s , 'I'auko , 1/lttllIgs , o Rsollno
Kngilloll , 010. etc.
Urokoll Dow. Nohraska.
Up-to-date Photographs.
Ii'irst prize willner at state association -
sociation 1903.
Keystone Restaurant ,
Regular Meals 25 cent .
Lunch at all hours. '
Your patronage solicited.
North Side of Square.
Highley & Honeywell ,
Plain and ornamental plaster/ / ! and :
brickluyers. All work promptly
done alII } lltisflLctionIaranteed. .
Res lIence , three hlocks west of B. '
& 1\1. depot , Brokcn 1I0w , Neh.
Al. kInas of 'Work ' Iu our line IIODl ! promptlJ
Gnd in 88 order. IYf"Ited Hllol' au tbe
corner lontbeast UI tbesIuaro. .
"roken 1I0w , . _ . . Nebr..ta.
Christian Endeavor Hotel ,
'VUUI.D'H IrAln.
lfeulqllarterFi for chrlsllall t01.16 :11111 frlemlFl
of l1Iorality. , \ reNlleelaLle holel for re peetahl
11 < ! 01le. Iocalt-IltUu feet from (1al" 10 l alr
trolllldli. Street carR direct frol1l UIII , , " Sta.
11011. Uullt for hafel } ' amI comfort , Capacity
3UOJ ICliestli dally. Uacked h ) ' mell of hhrlleht
Rlandlllll" ami emlorHelllly Worhl'K 1-'alroll clalli.
'l'lIollllamlti of rel.rehllItall'e I.eople frol1l all
I oecllonli of the coulltry have elllCalled accol1lo
datlonFi. HaieH arrallll"ell in ad'lIue $ I.W alld
I $ , W tier day. Heml tor houklet111111" filII
I partlclllarFi. 'J'ell ) 'Ollr frlellllN ahollt It. All.
dreFiIi at OIlC ,
St. IOllls , Nlhsollrl.
DH.1' . fJ. FARN8\VOltTH ,
vr-Oll1cI hi uottbwolt cOlnurllteaUy Ulock ,
J .1. SNYDEH , ' .
tr ! , l'UJlLIC
, BO JUBtice of 1110 l'flIICO. HI"cl/l1 / nttont ou 111'00
10 coJlocllonll UCllo llIono tAkn.l.ensloll vonch.
! rlllloaUy oJocntcd : aud all klndl of IOl ! llapofl
wrlttell. Ot\1oo \ In thl ! rear of Hank or Couunorco.
Urokoll Dow. Nobraska.
Wan'm \ 1DJ UlPJID iL
'rwo II10cko north of Orand Oentral 1I0tol. rat'
rOllagu flollc1l0d , l'ricos reasonable.
CY'"PlsulIlnd / estlmatos all shortnotlco.
J1rokoll ! Jew , IiebraOka.
DH. C. B. JOB ,
: nfj B53)D ) [ ) ] fl U1JnHD.
OO\co \ In Hoalty lJIock , rst .Ialrs teem w
Palace Barber Shop
lror first.clals ! work , call at the Palace
BarherShop. Everything .
LEO DEAN , Proprietor.
ff 8 cell l'a
re y t l'
ltoome Band 9 , Healty JIlock. ! Jrokon Dow. Nob.
DB. . O. L. MUI..IJENS ,
Physician , Surgeou.
2ml Htalrway frOID wo t end lu Realty Ulooll : ;
roshlonco , Srlt WUlt 101. R. chnreb.t on Hamo side
of Mtrml. : cUrok"n : : ! JOw , Nobralkn.
11. o. HUTTON , Proprietor.
Firat-claIM work. lIoar 110010 of Droken Uow
ftato lIank , lIrokon Uow , Nobraella. :
Heal 08tato alld loan broker. Olllco n Aptllo' ,
Dlock , Drokcn lIow , Nelmuka.
. ,
- - -
WIT/I / Dr. King's '
New Discovery
FOR CONSUMPTION 50c Prlco & $1.00
OLDS Free Trial.
Surest and Quickcst Oure for all