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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1904)
. " . . . - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - AS THE FARMER SEES I - - REASONS WHY HE BEL.IEVES 1'\1 ' AND TRUSTS R PUBl.ICANS. , Ne"cr JccDh'cd NOI' Hc' They Un"e " , . . . IIn\'o , \ . trnycl1 IIh Jnterc . 111111 \ " I're..1\-01 , . J'n\'orell JcJlslntioll for IJh BCllefit. , - Bnrh IInUllllnl I"nlllll.lillI Clllllhtsl1.l. : ' .110 fnct th'll Oil ! "I'III'lIIul' " , "ote IIII1 l Ito : rcckolll'I''ml nllli cnlcre lo , nllil nil orlh lhelr hl'il nr ulllelllj4 (1\1'111'11 : IllIl ( ! CII'lIl1Jr , A WII ) ' Crolll ' \I hell 1\lIIIt'e llIg tw : the 111:1I111111 : Cl'oWII , IlIIlrl1l1l11l'lell : h ) ' the I Ill'cJllllicei ! 1\1111 falw1:1,4 : lIe Ihe 110\111- \ IIIII , , L1I1' rII'1I1t'1' : ( 'II lillil'clIl" , nllil IhlllllI , 01111 thluks nnll l'pIII ! ! , nnll tlechle : ! I hI ! QIICSlhl1i with n Ili I'l'I'lIill Jt\II \ lIIcllt Ih It 'call ' 10 Ilt'clslou which I : ! hOlle..t nUll I , , ' ; : ! . III tSUU II wnll ellel'allr tearcII thlt : Ilecel\'ell II ' tl I' thl ! ClIl'lIIer II'tlllld ho \ ) tlm lIellei'cul ! I'f'- J1'cat III'umise" Illallr or ( lIlli lu IH' nllaiuell II ) ' \'ollll fOl' CI'I'I ) "lh'f'I' , bill Ihq ! was 1101 RO ; Ihe Cnl'1II1'1' IIIhht he tIN II\'ell whell a\\'II ) ' [ I'UIII hOllie , I.ut . nt bill own lire , itlc' , with ! llIml ) ' ot ( huc 10 wf'ih ; the ( llIl'41101l , Iw decl.II'.1 fOI' Ihe olll Rlnlultml , A D ' 1'lnl UK'I- OCIL\'I.'W PAil'A ! D 1'1' CA ' ) ) I- IJA'j'I'M O ' 1'111' ) : 'I'\'I'IONAIJ 'I'WK- Kl' NOW SA Y ' 1'1INI. ' 'l'U11 1.\1t\nm ; DgOIIHm lUG U't' . III WOO the l'J' ' ' \'a 1111J1erlnll lII , 111111 with hi' ! lo\'c of ! freellom It'I \ /lflill thn t the f lrlltel' I might he RIllllllclell : , , hill lIJaill ( he 11110\\ " cll COlli II 1011 Sl'II C 111111 ca 1m cOII lllel',1 linn (0 11cclllthl' (1I1C tlolI , alld , : ; cclll ; : no dllller o [ 1II111111l'1o1111 : or o\ct-thro\\ the cIt"1i : hl(1 so\'crlllllelli h ) ' the lIeW Imlcr of tlllll ; : , forC > Cll lllOn u b ) ' the \\'ar \\'llh 811:1111. : the fal'lIIll' naln : cal ! hl ' -'allol ' Cor lhe Hcpuhllcall ticket , Ifllll tlllll' Ius II1'O\'ell thlt : hi ! ! JUIIlIIcllt : WII go < > c1 alltl 'hi ' ! ! tlccl ! > iou l'Ight. Chaff Will Not An..wcr. . ho tht : ' Jl'e l'lIt clllllpal:11 no ncw (11' Itrillll ; : i' ! lIe Iq II1'e elllcd. 'l'he Demo' cI'at 111'1':11:11 : ; thc Hcpllhllcall 11II't : ) ' . \'illf ) ' the Pre ldellt IIlItI holll COl'th gllttl'l'in ; : mlcralillt. , hilt dcflllelle i ! I ! Incklllj (11'hat \\01111 II gllle < hy the elc- ' PI'ellleut I not ' of a HeloN'alc : 111' lolI 1lal'ellt. A gelel'al "en In 11) ' howl" 1' In n'gll IIIcn I , 11111 to CCI'C the fllrlltl' it 1' " ' ' to 1ll'o.ient ' thau \otc ' leCC" II' IU' ! dil I. ot Prelllllt ! , , OIC terl 1 DClolratc two ) 'elr" 0111) ' of nh'lllIle DemoI'lc 1\11111 ll'aUOII , WI ! ! Iwlcicll' to Ilrac. . ' ' hll : ! throllhollt thc lcl J.I'al 7e hHs , ) } , ' ' Ihe'lwlCI' n ! lh2 ehlmce I to I trjl'h' ! (0 carll 11 hOlet I I'i II ; , tepre'i \'allle 111 < Ilrll" 11111 Inl ; Iq the 111hlll ; "lew : , IIlItl Hllhject of l'ldlcllle ot thc la- IIf the WOIIII , " ; Jcl\h'llc' ) ' wa : cectlll , a HlIHbllrall ' ' ellactell a cousltellt ' \ ' COIII'l' : : : II1'utect\'e . .al'l HII'tr ' wa ! l'o\'I\'ec1 , Cactlrll' ftnlell. : Ilellllo'ed ; h'ell worl , 1t th ! 111he l we ! ! U\'CI' Imown , COlliUllltol ; ; ' ' , defcnt- . ftlllltcl.'lluCI rc tO'ell 811:11 cll , Clh : fleol orc1el' uitnblhe,1 , 11 the ' ' the people \ ' 'l'hlll111ile Islllel" alel I\'ln c\1 Ihel'l ) ' In II Cnlct HelS ! 1ml 'he I OIII101"UII ) ' ot ! rcolln ; a cI'Cltablo pari , [ ' , , t 011 earth. ' ' o .he Sil' tlI'elte latol . hll ' ot th curl'enc ' ha ! ! heel li Uell 1) ' thl actol ot the Hellhlcan 111111' ; Ihe 11hlic dcht l'ellucel 1111 . lstlllol , Intel'eit ch1 li lowel'ct ; laws 11aSel' ' , 1hal1 IIril the Ilhl hl ul er cui ti\atol , ail that , too , wltholt tnx 1 . ( 'ost to nn ) ' ilC. ( n except the ole 11. ' ' hClwl h the purchase ot ) tl 1'lL e ) ' the \ ' ' . lalil fl'lll o\'el'll11ent. 'fhe lecl'jllS of the rOlte for 11 I lh , mlal cal1l , Uw eOItlcton of which I tl1 I'ell , I' 1 ( ' 1'0 wil I ; I'hllllh COIn , ' n Ielllhlll111 Pleilllelt 111 the 11\I : (111 clns : ! l'uccl\'e a ru.\tel ( 10 ole wl ; ' fl'OI the of lhe At hell'n cOlwcton 1lte ami lafc h ) this gl'eat Wtel'wI thal1 the fU'UHl. ! , 'l'he oPPDJlt ! 10 the Clhal reci [ , ocl ) ' hil. 01 accoull ot the leductol of the larI 01 1',1 W RIal cale I\el ; " 1101 I 11 cOlrllllnll ) of what the I'eilll , ollhl he , luRtC:11 : of I'eta 1111 ; Il'Olllc , tlol. ' 11111 lo\yell ; lhe plce of ! ; Ilelt , lh ! OJll SiU ha ! he1 thu I'mll 1111 the Il'OlllCLolI ha ! bol stlulale hlcl'easel. , nill llro t' , Bnoft of Protecton. I . 'l'ipoll' ) ot ploteclfol wllich suaId , nnll \ ' the of our , . . de\'eltp lulustllef COI , -.r' tl ) c\1lal wih the Heplblcan pari ) _ is neCe : < IU' ) ' to Ihe IH'ospel'l ) ' of Ii , "t ( Irlel' . A 11\1 01 l rlcllurlllrOII1 . ' ' , Ihe ' If the , mi ) 10t il'rse Il'ice I i lll dOIi Ilt cqual the RIPIII ) hut ' , , 'Ir tllI'hlch protec' Aleleal lahol 11 ' ' : ! wor ! { hi hOle 1IIIIst'le > hll'e lt ! wal' > . 111'lly of 1 01 C ) ' 1111 Ilcrea CQISllllltiol. IISUl'illg hhh IH'lces CI ( ' ' ' . . (11'1 II'Olhl'tl. ' .he fm' 1 e' Is III1ehteil to the Heju' ' ' ) ' Co I' the ruml free \ ' Icl JU't lel\'el Hytel ! , I.'h'st sleilel h ) ' the elit , 0 ( ' a leHII : ; Cnrl 11111er , hllself a I 11uhlcal , the Illea WR 1'\Ilrted upon 11 I'CC0I10Itll1 h ' a Hejuhlcal Pu lla tl" Generll , allojlc < 111 ellar cd Uj ( h ' the ' , ' ' HeluhlcllI jrt 11111'oll'Ialh Ildo h ' 1 Hel1blcal COIro : ! Cor I \ ' ald of the ' : ! In\'eslaUon tlal 11'0101 H'stel. A . Delocrlc POtml\ter ! Ge b ' . PI'C 011 , ljJlol.ted ) a Democrtc dent , refw.cll to uXllelll the I 111roll'i HOls 11111 I'ellol'tcd 10t 011) ' ad'er"el ' the J'S I II , but that the Rchemo w Imjrclclble , Ntt uut the lelllh . cals wcreIall In rull 10wer WI t B'lItem' "h'el a fall trial , aud 11 eut ' ' , as the grent 11'lctlcahlt ) as wel bele to he derl''ll h ' the rur\1 pOlllatc rul ) ' demolslrntcll , I lom n $10,0 1 ' IlrolH'latol for the tll of the Nyl ( I has ; I'own 10 In Illprollrlnton or ' $ : OOOOOO uuder the trlcmUy elCOI 1111 ' \ ' hUlhts ! ! nII'cssl\'e nlllIIcnt ; jol ot Hellhlcln luIIIIIRtl'\lols , :0 u\ \ ' of ' rl 0110 thlul ( oull hl\'e heel RI'h ! beHent to the tal'ler ; It ha ! plneell h In duly cOlmunl'alou with the WUI' Lnd om thu sluslll of rarl ( ( . lfe eDel'es III hecule .a part 1111 11111 or this II'elt ulton aud I Ilt enl ' II : to read of the dollls tll'oulhollt t . world , but the faclte a 1'01 < cII j frequent uld prmpt commulllclton t able , him to tale : plrt II Iti 1lllrs. ' 1 1armer Is 10W recolnlzellat 1 hi ; : , hro : mhllt' blSllllRH mal , mil the Ilsco\ Is dle to the I'lrl free delvery ! ) 'llc estahlshed Inll fostered hy the Hepi Icln purty. ' : part has hE .ie Hepuhlc:1 ) nlwaJt o 11 . 1'tHslv (1' In tu "or ur IlI laton the thrcel llenett 01 tnrmlr ; 111 th\ wi II ! conshlerell 11111 lemOlbe'I 1 'wL the flrmer eusts his \'ole , . ' 1he [ llntorms or the Helllhlh'll : ' ' so Democl'nte plrtcs 11'0 111111 Important Huhjects . the .thlt l'ICIISlol , Inevltablo thut thc lutter fo 10(1 I ' f ' fOl' vote-I'a hlm ' ' I' . II 101111' I JU'II' > , 1 that the Democr/tiu Illrt , Is 1u'lnc \ , H , Y1 , . , j .J - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - tlll 11 khlj " 11'111'1 ' luh'l' Cnlse relr ( " , Ihl' ' ' ( IH'urs II'llnt'llslil ' fal'lIlr IIl\'cr . or ' [ ' ' ' ' ftJII'irIH 11111'I'1 ( Cralll. "MUD.SL.INGING. " . ) rlocrnta Newlllnrorl Are lorrl. ll11 Whcn Juch Arc Htnted , I Nel Yok 'l'rlhllle , ] ' 1'0 ( 'II'lw ; Ihll .tl' 1l''llell of Ihe UII"f 1'llrl 1 : " 1' t'ckle ! ! 1111 11' ' ' ! I hiI 'h [ ' 11111 , If olectt'l , tl Hl'I'IJIQII 11,11'1 , Ihr Wesl lulel , CCll'11 frnsll AI\'I'I"I (11 Hlih Alerlca , IIHI COl- Iolllnll fl il (11' ' 1111 [ ' Amercnl em- . h:11 ' ' I [ lrOIHr Illrl-1 : 1' Illh'I'n l 1111 101l. , " ' ' JH Irnl 411'1'11.111 'j'he cal ltlte tl " I sll' I 'JI I' 'il. wlh ( 'I'\llloIH 10derntuI , : lil. hi"/'II'h / . ( , wl ! ! CUllr'I'IIIIj the eltry . ; Illu I" hil. lil CIn' ulllllll , cllll. . or IJII1110 Ihll 11 mnl dJHlllllH , " I" tlHI' : 11'IIIII'--llnl I ! 1111,1 hrowll 'I' " ' , , luu . his 1I'It .11t frl poltical i " Itll 11'lllo wrre I Il halol-hox I III"II : . , . llrfl'I's ( .r . Htul" 1llIW flc .Tlcky 111 ; Ihll .his cl1111 ; Il I Jolltcal 111' a lr1 , , whll 1 Hllrnljn 10 jllje , IH i HIII ' ( hII'111 : lor Ilel"iulnl tl Ilt l'IIII' : lltII : I' ( ff UI\'Ij , B , 111 , who il ; 1'111 I II1IIlJI IJI I Hlprele COllrl , ' ' -thnl , he JIslh'I' ; 1111thnl wl\1 ICClel1 1 . , rll 1' f rillll ( IIII'ISI wl h his hic to i ' ' ( OJ' { 'Iif ,11cjo'hlp of II'nllll's 11 ' tl : ( Ullt ( , I' ApJlllds Oi tl1'011111 Ihlt ' , ' ' ' , ' , 'he ' chose 11'11 Ihl' II 'h\1 : ' 1I'\'nll I ! . HlIlh ( 'llllll'lllal l'llll'Slltalh'e the ulee. 1hilf llalfol'lh-11 thcso tel IIIClton 1lllsJllI'd 11111 imlqllltahlo fac , Il ( ' : ! ' ' ' \0 \ th ( ' , horrifed Demo- 'II Il'IIJ'llll . . " " cl'aL" 01'1 lS , Ii 1111."llgil ; W ( ' \ , thh I''II HOIII ! ! , Jt th < e factA llllll ) ' " 111111 , " thll "hat Is the Rorl of " 1111" ' \ " ' " ' ( ,1111111' 1"l's II , YOI II- \'okp II' \ III [ 'Il-urf robe to I I ! jlllclal , hill ! It " ' ] \ eal1 ale la "he Issle , " nOOSEVEI. T GOOD ENOUGH. The J.euJllc Jlkc the 'rcahlclt' DOlu- . , ' . ocr. ! Ie " ( ) ' 8. [ , Julll K Wil' , of Vi' IIIf. ] 'Ih ( ' 1'101,11' ' , 'h\'I' : " 1'1 mOl'u o [ Uooe' ! \ ' 11luII ) 'ullh 1111 cowbo ) ' Ild 111.tRllal :111 : la \ < I''rel : ) ' III IW- Il'u I IJ I I I i.i 111' IUI , ol1er aUI / ( - ' ' ' ' 10 el'lll' III II'ellll'll thlik .tllIIsdvel fi' jllls ! f his lilil tlCl'locl'atlc 1111 ' ' , ' ' ' he lllllhli':11 : 1"1:01111) 1'1 C ) lele\'o \ \ ' 111111'11 \ ; II III rpple with I U lt'II'I' ( I IUIII'hlst IH liercely f 1101111 1:1111 : I wilI Il'ollc'ho or flht , \ paliul'll Alc 11' ) ' 1hil delllo- ' ' . ' ' ' far ae- ( ( el'll'i .I. 111'1 lpmu'I'ntc 11 , I I ' \ ' 'e' lOl hal lI II'j\lrl'a Ic Ilc exclls 'I. " of 1\'I' : ! , . with his colorleHs delo- CI'III' : Ilnl illls. ' 1/1 , tOIS lol ( ; eltll popllal' cstmat' ! 'If ' , ' - ' , - ' plhlil' IIl 'lhIIRaIHI-lf ) hll- , ' ' f " , - ' ! 11''li ( ( "hol nllls-of DeloerL' l\f 1''e . ' 1'1',1 41pawl'I'I'11 , the , lgorols. I- JH. . sh.l. , \iI"II\ : < ' 'I'hcollore Hoose\'ull than Ihp - ' ' s , ' ' , II e-oIO'h' . Il'l'relive Alon l Il'ker , 'Ih ( plnl fOllS 110 mhhty lenr to.lhel' , 'I'll' 11'0111 10 be I ) ICI 11'0 /111 ; 111'e 11clh'I' fllIllll' o [ hls calllai n tlllll 1:11 ] . AUI wih 1) ' Jowlell l' of I he , \ ' ' ' the 11'I'il'1 1101110 alc thil ! ' whilh plpile Iheh' 1nsle III falc ) ' Ult fl thil' illls o [ Whllt I'enl AmerclIl 1lhlll : 1 > \11111. . It I wure t hetl 111 , Jlnl" ni I h\1 : , that loose\'e't wi he 11 ! : H ) "hlCI' Cheltl lalrlcndc8. I i ! ! II'01 the nlilllu ( f the Dmo- cl'Itic ' ' th ' ' , 1111'1) 11 ( Il'lselt cln jl 11 lell alHlhlntcs of II- I his 10mila ( . I C'ale Inlllli 1\1 Illrl.-leIIH : for the vun- tll'e ! ! ot thl' dlscl'clltet 1)lrt ) ' , mil c- ( lcl' I hl' pcuple 10 JI111Hlt Ihem , whil the DIIwI'I'I1c Natolnl Ollllittee nUl ' ' 1'111111) , ' 11'I expeelet to hl ) ' 11 ! teal ' S H\l'I 'l'lw I ) IIHllntlc pal't ) ' , ' wih is 11' . sOlll'lewl , filllllrial , nld ecolomlc , lc , hOlleII ' hehlli PIII'I ( 1111 ot'e 11' ' \'oiccil h ' , ' ' 1111111 IxIH'cIII'II''oiccil WiialH l' BI'\'nll , 1111 ( , Ihm' Delllurmti , - ' . \111 Bl'rll II'omlw . : : to 11' llize thl . . I' ' 11al'1) ' lCcl' Ihe ( 'Il.rlol ! 10w' ! g\'i. ' Ihll' " uf " ( ' , I tll'ltr (1 "o'lal I jO\CI IIIUI a 11 1111iIIHII O\ICI. . hlll ot telel11111 1111 Inlh'n:11 : 111e : , wlh 11 the H\llel ( ( ' ' 'hal \aI'I'sS ( f thollht III 11101 ' I"l' ! I rol la ' fo-allll lelllers ot 1\1 I' - 1\1) : ' ( ' 'IH''l 10 l't Ihe'olo. . of Helsi hlc 11l'l 1 Il'olloslUoI so ( . IjUI ll Ii I. ' ' thi : ! ! 'I'hc Inlll wilh the Delul'l'all 11 11 1\ t ) ' , lhiH 'cal' , is that il tloes 10t e\'el furli ! > h IOlll ( ! ! ylew , Tnlte YonI ChoIce , DaII 1 1 il , fho fIIOlsor o th { llul'I'a Uc ( 'jII1llate for the Preshlelc ' ! slil : lt ! I , , Iuuls Ihat he "dill 10l ! 1l\ : ' ho1'Ill' , : "tllll Oi Ihe 10Ul ' IIIN tul 1'\1' Ihilt ) ' ) 'l'nl's 1i Ill l'IU'Ji ' III\\ IH'I ) ' ' . Sf P' \ ) illllatcl IH ocll'll. , dal ) ' : \ II 1lllical ) ' l Ih ! Hlatelel , lal , ! 1lil i to he Iclm'ed , the la 11,11' I. Ion "pl'ret\'o I lal 10 ell tn the 1I'eII'IC ) ' ; If fall" thll it \a l'\'hlltr 11\lu ; f ( thl' IHl'llOle of 11 : ! thl' ' allll If the ealll ! II'olllj peojle at tll ' ' 1hhl wh" I 10ecph'lll il lU' ! ' IOt of Ihc alihe lels Delocruc Ila'duls ? c- cId \\'nnllt I 10 Wile ? s' I i ( 'Olccll'11hat Ihe Delocl'nts II > 10t Oi l'l'CU'11 Oi the tarI IlcstOl , ' .h hhl the 4'aM' , it ho 11 ( . wOI1 , 10t Ilwh \ tl t'lIlt .1:11 : rl\'lslol ,10 the pal'tr 01 , I pO ( ' 11 to Ihe jlllclllle of l1rotccLol. . t 1l' ul hl.llII'ncLcll ) ' fl'ee trlc , hrll ; Ihl : Ildlstl'ill tlljre ! ! lol , hnr tlles nl a- the ' hle\'lnhle 10wlrIII of 1I'Iccs on fil 10 II'tllcls' as 1- ' 1'01 ' a I SOl I rlmowledgps t ha t tl he l'Olllo1 of Aloriclnorkll len re 10W'asty hlll'O\'CI , nlt that 11 the ' ' ft h'lll ! ! theclljo ' COlelllclCI'S of 1 I , \ hleh I 111 ; roull , 10t COl 1 1111 HOI ' 'II' hllulrlll ) 'Ir ! ! n ( I the nemoral HI hlll iR way WI wnllil I'e\'crse the whcc 'er or IlrUlrl'JO thnt the workllJ11 IIIIhl 1'ljn ) ' Ihe \ ' of 11 ; jl\'alols lfe tl Cwrl' ' the ( ' 01101 lot 11 tt I'nul 0 IC'I , (11) ' > , or .lpII'rsollal Il'al'el ) ' o [ bn ' ,1 t tlh ! 11 hI , The hclllnlllcln of the Oermlln t hi' Wlrlt ench other II' haell one of t l'l.1 " , 1lemlhl letMOI ! thc ) ' IOYO tfllh ; ' lle 1'h1eHty I" alwa ) ' " tl ndllrnhle tral .ho The Ihlelt ) ' of Oerllnn to\.nrll enl rO' other lns hoon tl ID ahynYI olle their ntrlkll ' & chnra ' - : nl' IHlnlrnhlc lw 1- t rhttc.- , , I/lrh > lks In 1111IIO : ! \11- SUIlom ( : , IS ) ! r ) , ' Ulllw the UQjlhlcal pole ' of pi I ' hOlu nmrket c1 tectnl 01' . alerts .Ib- ' alld . .IbIllllCnctrll'S Ilrolllee1 the hi IIIlr1lt II tl' weld , e\'el It we 111 I' ' fO ! el :11 all ' of 011 prOlllcti abrat , 11 II'ot cllon hai Ils Ilt us lh" Ircal4 lel 111 eXllol'tll1 1 ; tel II the worlil. Chlll 111t 111111 110 . " ( heaJ" eOllh'1 ' ' Is \1'1' ' low 1111 T1111 111'1' II.hl1'1' ) II tl ( II 1IIIs 1111 the roslit Is thlt the 11l01 1 ! m'o htt''IIIl II \ ' ' llUlllly Jo\'ert 1 lho IWI I cell I ) Htl l \ UOII. II ! lllO of t l ere It Im'l'lllcll thllls. chcalles the IIoillu to uot I T , . c - - - - - - - - - " - - - THE PHILPPINE ISSUE. - - ! nrked : todllcntnl or Jnlhe Pnrker' . ' , . J'Itlnn. Nolhlnl In thl ( 'Olllll't of the Dele , I"ratc Ilarl ) I. nlll' COIIIIlh'l ! to the ' Iho ( ' which IIlhlc Wl'll Illn 'nlo wih It Issues ' 11hallons ullelllhlo lfer 1111h : 11g Itel'nal felJ ' to thcm. 1"01 elght ) 'ell'/ It Wf IldlsKollbl. wOlldell tu tlH fl'ee nll unlhlitot coin' l e ot ilver lt In nrhltrnry I tlo ) ' , the hf'hl't of , lt tllerllhlc : Is calltlllnle lo ' the " ' Irl'ept 10111 tnllllnri ns "frllll unt Irre\'oeahly c > llblshcl" h ' thu Ht" Jlhlcal pnl'ly , " he ' the ot the 1"101 tlllO ( lll melory . oldest voter the Delocrac ) ' hns been til. Ilnatil ajahlst "Ilrotectonism a ! ! I rohbel'y"-only to hn\'e DI\11 B. 11 wnl'I1 the tarif Issle Into the hlt'k ) 'arll Inllahysm of tllie , "hecuuse It Is I ( Iles , lon 01 which " \'CI' ) ' few or us ( Delo- CltR lree. Nnthlllg l'l > ull hl\'e heen "more benu- Uul to lce" thul the sham fren7Y with which Delocrats 1111 "IUII-llllerIllsts" ' ' whl'h by ( tllOUlIl'et tIl Il'Olllpt acton tle UUllct Htlte ! sllzell the opportuniy aut hl'cUI'J Iloscs ell or the authorl ' to ( thc l'nnul-cx. I anl cOltlol IHlhllnn ' ' the ' which the ( 'I'lt avllt wih DClo- l'I'aLI' COU\wton ! sWllow d 11 Its \0' 'llfl'rols Rcrlples Ilt resold that , " \\'hel eutl'I'I tl wJh powcr It wi COII- 1t'UCt lle 1nnl11111 elnll . ! pceI1) ' , hOI' . . lly nlHI cl.onolllllall. No wouter the IlIocdu echo. "when elltlstlt with Ilwcr . , " re\'crhemtct throulh the rellh. lc. Awl now' comes . \1on n. Plrler ant cra w lhe lin of ante.clection oXJledlcncy throuh Ihc Phippine Illanl , of hIs party - ty , "We lulil , " l'en ls that sibilnt toc- umrnt , "that we ouht to do tor the 1 1. plnoll t done tor whl we hl0 Ilrcadr the Cnbaus , 1111 It Is OUI' duty to make thnt l1rol1se : OW , " At the frst opportunity , Tudlo Parkcr \as given to nlht'll n hi soul o\'cr tl \ ron ! 11'petrt 11 in slh tltutn ! Ameli. cal justil' ! ! , IIC'I ' and ! ( 'cuit ' for SpanIsh - Ish lruot ! ) ' . lxlOI'LUI ailI oppression in the . he th "now" Phi\lllinus. 1011feil the \ ' Eso. II Ibo\'u Illotlton wih tleso [ wan word' ! : "Tho acehlent of war hlol ht the Phi- 1p [ \1 into . our posseslon ant we lre . 10t at lhel.t ) ' to diHrc nrtl the rcsponsi. hility whh'h thuR cnle to us , but thlt rl pon'lhity wi le , hest suhsen'c h ) ' 1II'OHlr 1 the 1llllels lS rll111 ' a ! 10- Rihlo for - and ivillg to set-overlmclt them asnrllceH Ihnt it wi come as Roon a' thc ) ' al'e reason bl ) ' IH'epare for . " i. , When ; by , Tolm G. : I- Ilr of BuIalo I ! to whethcl the Del- puic phrae , "self- oYcrnnlt , " In the for\"oinJ sentenre Wl : to be constrnet a "i entical , ; ( pCllece wih j : poltcal 1111 tcrritorin ! , " he 1''lllet : "I am in helrty : Iccord wih that 11ank In the Democratic 1111tOI'1 which nd\'ocate ; tmltinl the I illinos precsely as we dll the Cnhln ; :111 : 1 10 ] Cn\or maldn ; tt Il'oliie to thcm :0 W to take such Il'tlonH SOOS IT O.\N PUU- DoN'l'Y BI DOXE , " Are , Iherc's the ruh ! Give , the prom. ise , aud a Dcmolratc promise at that , ntlw. alc redf'cl It "as Hoon as It can [ Irwlenll ) ' ho done , " \'IS tler\ e\I' a more fnrnnt cnse or that jugln : wih wor s that i\e ! ! the word of the , but prol ! 1 to car puts iH fulflment beroml the 11nle of l\hl ; hOlle ? Why 1II'0mio now what In the [ 'xpedlency auc widom of the futue it IIY le\"er hI prllient to fuli ? No woncer the Vcmoclale New York ' 'ile : ! surrlly decnl'e thlt "tho 011) ' pll'lepthIe lTerellce between the Dumo- eratie jo ltlon 1111 the Hcpuhlean 110si- , tion I' that .Tut c Parker woull tell the [ . 'ijjino : lOwhlt is in store tor them , 1111 Prcsillent Hooe\'olt wOlld not o . . ' ! 'here i" IIlthin : eiher In his Ipeech or , in hill leHl'l' to : f" :1blrn which wOlld in any othl'l' than a hel'lleis nnt-impe. rillst minll It'11 10 the l'tnCllSlons that wC'e Io II the White Itl e he wOlld 11r le townrd niI Il0sle.slou : in thc far I ast a poley 110\'I'ut from that pm'ued ' ' Hoe ' , " ly Pt'c'ih'nt l\'I ' ' . 'rimc. ' ' thc opln' .le tll'thI' exprssec Ion that "t Ihl' . \mlrll'an Ileoille werc 1Iell to'ote to-II ; ' npon the Iluesloll of ' ! ( ' te imlclll.y : llll ; Indep'ntence lhe Phipplle , the ) ' would yote tIl Ilrlll ( < ilon town tel to one , ) erhap twcnt ) ' to 0111' , rertainly by nn excnwlnr ) e lajority , ' ! 'he ) WOIII ] yote i IIOWI be. rnmlo they m'l uot Iliune al1l becausl \ ' tlY lre 10t hl'llllI : thl ' \ werE _ 10 vutc the ' Iskell Ipon Ilucition wl\elhC : _ we Ih0lll1 ' 1Ike the lromie now' the ) ; _ \1111 l1ngh In thc facls or those wh ( t Iske thel to take the tl'olhle to eXllres ! .t 1 dlelcy tlir wi , upon I mere qleston of cXlw , \ Il'OlliC now to do omethln ; : whicl i . , _ It mlY bl ) rlelent to do ff or two hun 'e drell ) 'eorS hencc , pO : lhl' ne\'er , woull I " . \m to II 11" t relch the ullscailbl , ' o [ ' . Certainl 11'Ihts DI'lorrle folr. : . Pnrkel"s ' ' with itH " .hlle tl'Ollsl' IOW 1 slon ns It cln 1I'lllnt ' ho done" condl lion. . .Iininlll- Philppine Isue CrOl Iho Dellrl'atc ' rateor : ) ' of tlllblcal ll.\ns res.lon , lnt perlu1"m or StecJ. \Vhen the gl'Clt Iron and steel Inlu try o the Unlled Stntls thrives , othe . \leri\ Imlu ! > trlcs thrl\e. ' .ie Denl or 1'\lc : plrtr eoull 10t leilnte to de Htroy the Ilrotel'ton It the Iron nnd Ite ( i\lustr ' without IIi lntn ; to dcstro : the jl'osperlty of the Unif'll Stntes , 'i 'l le 1110ns of alh1lonal llroft nn wa hn\'c ' to the 'fe ls thlt l'OIC Iln nn 10 Hluel Intut ) ' 1IIIer Hlpllllenn 111 , wOlld hn0 becn Inrull , If nt 11 , h : { forel1 , hall ! nutonl Delocrtc 111rl ! ' ' \ ' the Illt el ht " ' II'l'\'aietl Illrill 'U "f'lr : ' rl Ot this ' dUI t 110 Iantc l hllustr ) ill 111 the lalt f'1ht ) ' 1':1' : : allllell PllormOUi th 1\ , ' to Iho wellth ( f the Clllll tlt" Inll l'\'err hmn\1 of All'rI'al 1111\tr I llt : \ I'II'nl\rl hns h\ll ' 1Ihllnll'll ! 11 , " o. I "Plill'J ) I t hOI1 n ld Ilrest ahrlnll" ha heNI ' ' 10 hHllel1 Iltlntll 1'01 t.11'l'ted with thn Inl''ahl Illelil 1 ( It , sleel , which , Olle ! was 1111cI' but no : h IS Kil : If c- Iro"llert ' nt JOI , J , rc"thohIOII ch , "Prlilll'i ' nt 1010 anll Prest ! . \hroall"-ws u ' : t'I\1111 1 IlhrlsA Ihi (111allll wih I'l'a t fort. ' to theme r-c I'al 11l111 ] ! II 1nUO. I shol II IjlH' t , > thel'Ith 9tl ! Ifnter force In 11 ' fnl' 111111 1he 1101 rOl' ' of .t ; 'elr : fl lot thl'I' HelHlhll\ ; rnlo thcr ha\'o 1111 , ut -111 Cl'lhlr : rllt ; alns II the IIr01le st i ' of the tllrll lll ! . altl ill il HII' r . hltrl'II' in thl refll't Iltr tlinell fil Hw UIIf'll Hltes br al tl IS , IIton of the Wltld , - - - ! IO , : thHloerntlc "arty 11,11cll. ' ' 111 'l'he DllIItl' ( 'all:111 : 1:1111' .he alO tl'rll ; tn homlwill , Iho 11IS'f t : : t 111't ' blrhl 111 Jllol'rals lre ' \ ' ( : , fur th. ' of I\ earl it cttOI Ilrk ( - - - - . - - - . - - 'Ihe truth II. tlleJ 1 10W 11rc di , aIeltou In the Delocrntc PII't ) ' tlm thcrc WII ! ! WIS whel Brln 10mlnatl'1 thc frit tle. elth lr'lm Demo- crnts uC W. . 101 ClelIJ I. loarl ! wi tljllort P"rker. In ew York tlt tl Hr 'lllte ! ! hlve 11t I Slate 11"1'II ' > t ticket II the feld mld wi'tle tor Wat- Hon , the lolHlit IQnllle 'or the L'tli. ( lCIC ) ' , II ew JCI'sey thc Ulrsttcs " 0 orgnnlzed , " ' hl thO 1'fple 9 DUlw- crltc jlrt ) ' lt ! wi Ih ht the reKulnI . In other , 41r/ln11 tul. lulalHnle States tw free sHver 1111 Bryal Delllo- ( rt ! nre In nrm au wi won , the Parler arty , THE WORKNGMAN ( S FRIEND. nnlwn , Firemen POT 0 NotAbJe Trib ute to Pro"hlolt Roe CTclt. No Prc lllent ever receive n moro 10tahlo tlhlte from n 1.11 orauh- tlon than lhldore n0llen lt fid at thl con\'enton ot .the Urtberho or I.oco. \ ' Firemen In . A - mot\'e hcl Hulllo. pII- 1 ( ' 1eetllg wus h 11 on tll night of Scp. 13. Pull ) ' , O lns were In Ittcndunce. GI'I141 : [ nster 1anlhan. in cnclll- dres , to the Jng In l ! cul11 attenton flrt that a Ncw Yurk lellaper had crltclsL'1 the Plelltlcllt hecalse he had Iccepted an honorlr ' 1emhcr hip in the Brolherhood of Locomotive I'Ircmcn. " [ , .t ' , " . "that ( me sa ) snll : Ir. lunllnhan , I the Prcsident ot the Unied States or UIY other or Is clizcn ! ! doe nothln worse thnn nccel1t melllbership in this orgallizaton ho wi nclther merit the H wi 101' deser\'e the censure of ony ot his fclow-lon. ( Cheers , ) "I the rest of the pu blc , nnt partcu- Inrly those who tre Intrusted wIth the : directon of our gQverlllent nnt the munagemcnt or the naton's srmte t enterprIses - terprIses woul do as the PresIcnt nlld meet us upon n comlon le\'el , there woult he tewer strie oU1 los ! strife nnd more of peace anl goo-wi in the indntrill ! world. " " \'hat his the Presldclt done for ) 'on " shouted In Intoxlcltcd I ni , who slooll near the dool' on the right , sta/e " \\hat has the Prcilelt tone ? " re. pented Grnnd : Iaster lunnahln , "l'he PrJsi ellt has ) Iro\'cn to the oralll1.ull wOI'klngmen of hl ! cOln try 1hlt he has In Interest In their welial'e by acccptllg honorar ' ' in In 1cmbel'shlp nn organiza- ton of men whose flccs are be rllled b ) ' smoke .and dust , In < who tally 111 ' " hourb' face the gravest dalgerl ' 'he monster audlellce burst Into denfenlng cheers , 'l'he tumult roled from wal to wil and back laln. Ien stood on the benches , ly Uj wi ; thclr hit ! ! and cheering for the Presl , dent. 'l'he temonstration was ' SII' taneous Ind was encral al o\'er the hll , l"llall ' i died down nnl some one in the audience shouled : "Hurrah for ' .hcodore Roosevel ! " And ngain the crowds burst Into chce's IlId whcn the secon . temonstra- died the Intoxica.te out man waH ton nowhcre to be ! ! een. Dnrilg the dllonstraton the men 01 the sta o sat lient Ind made no elort ether to check or urse on the remark. able \ ' which the President had reo o\'aton cel\'o. ' .he HI'otherho docs not per- mit poltcs to Jlfuelce is acton , but " memhcrs , realdle s of party , entertain - tain a high Ollilion of Presidellt Reese \'elt and wi stald b ) ' hil as frmlr as he stun s by them. MR. DAVIS' CONTRIUTIN - - Democrntic Vice-Preallientint CnntU- date Urnw ! the Line nt $ GOooo. A press telelrnm ated CUlherllnd , : I " Sept , 7 , su 's : "I Is stated on relnble authority trOI Elkin : ! thnt the campaign contributolI of le1Y G. DI visTI 10t be un'thlng lke the amount tJhe Democratc manag- eIl had expected , le hn ! ! fxed the 110lnt for ni IIIrp08es nt $ ; 0.00 nnll his brother. Col , ' .hOIIS B , Ulvls of 1C8er , ) \ YI. , 1I\'e . a simiar Imount : " : [ 1' . Elkins IIHI : [ rs , Arthur Le , Ilauhtcri or :11 Davl ! , lre known to hn\'e ohjected to theh' fathcr contrIbutIng - Ing Inr e Rums , 1111 'hi ' son , John ' , . DI'Is , Is Hald to have done lkewise , " ' ) 'oar ! ! ago , Tohn ' 1' Davis spent a Inrc in fom' when his ; 111 countes Uncle 'rom Wil a catlilnte for Con. I rc : ! , but no resul : wcre ohtalncd , Col , DI\-Js being defeated h ' a large vote , Slnc thel the Un'i cs hayo Itw 1alth ' In polticians' . juliciolsl ' ex jelHlll g mOlle ) 'l'hcro's sOle sense in the Da\ls fam" Iy , Il appears , ' .he -8enator himsel ) hns alwa's succecdcll In lanilg on to : 4 his dolars , How 11ch ' hcter It wi he to . Ise , some of papa's money to hur Jret hon I ncts Ild ownH wih , than to throw them - to thl' mockinl-hh'lli of the Delocrat campain ! : cOumllee , \n n1 for nothing too ! : rnlld IcapJed , : [ ar8hll P. Wider's mot ! ! uccessCu : joke of the sea on hns a poltcll tnn to it that if cllcuilted to mnke e\'C : n Democrlt wih Iny sense or Is eterna aptness lauh ; , lc tcls or a teacher whe nsks a class of boy whether the ) ' woul : Iko to he President of the UllltCI' ' State' , Obser\lnj thnt nmll the gen crnl cllthusilsm of assent ole boy Wl sUmlt aud 11sCOUOlltl she Rahl : "Whlt's the matcr , WIie" Don'l ) 'OU wI h to ho Prelleut ? " "Y I , but I CII't , " repled the boy "How do ) 'OU kio" you can't ? " slt . aH1ed. " I'm . " "Bccalse a Democrt. ' .hat Ict 1111 out. n pllhleln Vl. Jemocrn tc lolc7' Or allMtlon 110es mich to lalltl1 Iho wae' of 1hor , blt orallzl\tol 0 W : ! ' -ea 111' : IIoel not lrovld COISII r 1'1 , { IISllpliol of cl)11 Is It\ : ) ; Iatrlt whll 1\ Rlld factorlli are 1'11 1111 ; ful tme : , 1 II thc 1011' ) ' of th , Hllllhl'an 11\1) ' 10 Irolel't a\ Ildus , : tll's hr wl : ( 11r neletlelt laws. whil it h R heel the pII"r " of the ntI\I'r\1 : , , . ' rl ' the Illst pnrlr. n ! 1\ilelt'e,1 CITolal , IHIlni ' , , much worl I : I'lliun In Ilrohlo II ! ! : e al 1)1 : ihl. fOl' Ihe atslns ot ! tllr cUln \t trll' hy rlII1il : the Ilrotl'tolI the tnr al r. H aloId ; . \ lericllfrldllCI , - . , The 11'loerte par , ha , 1een CltRI r. wl'on ; UI " " "I' Ihisn of the mOley q11 m UII f'fl tbo rl ln1tlon of tpteie [ 1:1 : : 'I Illt ! I r 1' the " 11 to thf r tablsll 11nllt of III Ju1 hlntarl { , both If , , hlc ' 1 It 111\O ( II , I I ( CllvUltlnI ) ' 111 h-nl "dlh , o t ( " flllU"lll qnetnns ' " tlr of thl l. on the ell 'Il" ) Irl , t hI' \ ( - I' r or,1 , or o HilIItt ' 1 h. : 11 , . ' ' . and at : : fallr 1 hl'I'II.IIt llljl/nlItlts 1" Cor l'LI. " I tl'rl'1M1. \ . llhlrlli l-I' ' 'k 11',1 , I Tnc"I' 11101,1 irrll"ion tl' ! r. " ,1 t rur 1 : IIJi ' 10 rlor . " . . , ' . . , . . ' - - - - - - - - NOTHING TO TAKE BA.CK. . J , . win nrnn ItxJltnl1 ll JOI" tlt to lal f [ ' ha ! ! om. ) bel. . Wilrt .ellllIgl lr'al "ly clgned hy the lellcrltlc :1' ' tolnl ( 'Olllllf tl l\tlt Illelch.s II Xew York , lHPll1 nluD other Illnce ! . ' 'le formeI cnlclilto to the. IlcslICY has sOlllethlll ; uf 1 rC\tta-OL lS In : : "gle toltenl " 'mtortlonL- , hit Ilf wi lun'e the lmo lt his If cXllnlnlng his t en III . r. rcrll 11111111 . tD vres 1 Jn 111. :1 ) ' s .beeu ) of lr11 l 01 I 10ot Inl tilel a good a ny 11rerelt QlcstOIS , ILUII 'et he 1\'e3 to tel th ! tlle. llt j t "w ho JrOos to alh'oate ' ewctJon or Parker J $ 1 t ster ) ' , lr'on wns 0110ctE il I"\ll ! before the COuYlwtln nlet at St _ 1011. J1eas Parker ' ' the OPIlbC tc e\'er dlY 11ullg slslons ot that . ! ! IIhlrl011015 ltherll ! Whel l"BI'ko' Rent hl. telc 1W slllille. . lelHnJ tl D uortc Ll11trOn Ir. Blyau rse trl n btc ot SICkllS to e- nOlnce th 101inee trnitlf a . ns 1 nlt dk.tator , Iut his drlwatlc lJlllarnCO on that Snttrll ) ' nlht Wi : ! o I f the lOt etrorllllry eLlsolte oC "C extraol'I1- : a I' ' . BI' ' ) I , , l'tTention. 'an 1Isl ( Plrlr Ind he dll'ell the con\'entiOI to Hend II telegrm to th nomin 11e1lllhl : ! his hOlest - - Dem- 01111101 01 otlelwelknown s , oClte Ilrllc\ll Lntcr on : ll. lr'an. in his own llpor , the Commoter , while the \elt' ! In the com'ellton wer frsh bufor 1111 , opell ) ' chnr ed thlt Judge Pnrker wa : a Ilnrty tu 1 lrrupt atlempt to dece 'e the con. vent 1 aUI that hi ! 10lllillton hnd heen secured b ) ' Improler melns. I was then thut the forlller Cllllllate tor the presl- enc ) ' 11t hllself on recunl by sa'llIg In the COnlll0ner. of July 13 , Ius ! than Q week lfter the nomillaton : "I ha\'e 10tb in to tlko hlck , " I seems 1 clrlols thins to fnd a mD who has "nothing to tnke hack , " nppe- ing on the StUIP fa , 'oling thc electt1 of B. for the prcsldenc- , .lon Plllr prcsldencI , ' has "Ilothlll to bcl :11 Br'ln tllm : ; he shollid In C0l1110n hnllel ) ' when he 1111Jar : 01 thc Htump In 1111nlla and elscwhere , rCllclt to hi aUI1Cice : ! eXlctr what he slid In thc COlloner of .1ul ) ' 13 , which WIS l1rinted eXllt ) ' one week afcr the Del0rrltc con\'enton was to ordur unl ' dars clled Ind fOlr afer , Tll e Parker ' 'as nominn ted for thc prcsillelc ) ' and , hnd sent his tclc rm l'cllllatng the Democltie platoll. In this issue of to Commoler : h' , lr'nn snld : 'I was a plain nll delbrrate ateml > t to deceive the pnrt ' . ' .he Xew Yorl. 111ntCorm and ' ' , was vagne P\'poslb' so because the advocates ot ,1udge Pllker wore tr'ing to securc votes trom amen the people who 'oultl hl\e opposed hi ! \'iews hnd they Imm\'n them , Tie 110m- inaton was secllred , thereCore , b ) ' crook- 0 au Iudefensible metlwd ! , " . \s au exhibiton of poltcnl ymnas- ' campnign speech for - tcs lryl's Pal- 1er ought to be , worth golnl mies to helr , I ns he sny ! ! , he has "nolhhl ! to take hack , " } IOW wi he eXlllnin mat- terg to the Ileople ? Whnt dil he mean whell ho saId iu the Commoner : "T. nominnton r Judge Plrker vlrtull ) ' 1u\fe ! the Int-trust pllnk ? " Wil i ' true on Jul ) ' 13 that Plrker' ! ! nominnton had heen secured "b ) ' croolcd mean ! " ? l It " 'a ! tro then is it not trne 1ow ? :11. lr'an In the Commoncr saJd : "I shall 10t aplleal tor'otes for the ticket on false ; roul s , " Iow cnn he apllenr 01 the stump , t.lercole , nnl scriolls- ask the worklnmen of the eountr ' to ; ' "ote Cor the Dl'mocrnlic nominee Ifel' the Commoner had ( lecllred that .he labor ' ' , Par- plank .S 11'cIHU'III ly lmlge - ' kcr's fricnds on the ilhcommltee WIS I stradilng , meanhllles pllnk ! " Was :11. lr 'an Irllg when he said in hi ! [ Iper , "A Democrtic victory wi monn01) ' lte , I ahy , proress HO 101 ; aH the l > alt ) ' Is ulder control of thc \\01 " Htreot elemolt 1" I the party was unceI the cOltrol of the \11 street element when : ll. Br'an wrote thnt editorial , Is I not just lS much under the same control wlie he is on the stmp ? Perhlps11. ; Br'nn cnn explnln a\ay these tlilgs , Perhaps ho can nnswcr these qleston ! ! . Perhaps not. TAMMANY "TAR WATER , " Wil It Proyc nn Acccptahle ne"era c to RcatlcctlhJe } clocrnt .Tudgo Parker's "ldloniton , " nd , drossel to his waning supporlers , In hlH slleech to tle vlsiillj editors , ha In i , fOl' , sha ol lldomontl c ow al i : 1 the 11a thetic , , is thnt there lre dls , I ltte wonler in the , sClsions Democrntc cnmp m i staid from the South , gast ; elltemen nnll " 'est , lel who hn\'e certain trl1 I lens of respcctablity to reclwlI with , : fut that their clIlldnte Is Inl alwa ' hns heen cheel b ) ' jowl wHh Dayl11 Bennett 11 und hlld In glove wJt ' ' . 'l'lmma nr. I .Tullge Parker , recolizil ; : the dalger of his positon , llt Ilnblo to shake 01 : the poltcal alsocates nnl lethocl h ) : which he hns riHel , llleads ferenty fo ) "tho elmlnatou ot personal , factonl : ant Inlmportant of dlIerellce' , ! Invol'll ; I . slrrullltr Irlncplc eIIIn : I tOI , . " he declres , "Js essental to suc. ce : ! ! Blt wi the DIIocrnts rlnk ti I " " Tammany "tar wlter7" 'l'hcrc Is sOlethiuJ to be sald-ol . there \VAS-il 1avor , even , ot "tal wator. " Bsl1p Berklr' In bls 1nmOI ! ! . ' eulogy I10n tlat olr.fllhioned but In plenallt mlxturo declared : " 1'1 IS OE A A'l'Ut SO : In.D AD B : IG : ' ' ' ' AXD PHOPOt'l'O D .0 'In nV [ .u ; CO : 'j''l'V'l'ION AS ' 1' ( \ \ H.I'l'10V'l' IIU''I'I'G : , ' 1' ( BV'l' ' ' , " ClgJm :0'1' IgBtA. , tar water . nt of Stl water1. Olt thlou - - - A mnn who is wonk enonuh to pnt hll - cllllllne ) lu their (111'1 nne 101. . I mont' , ) Itanl' uefore tke conyentrn - \on\l not ho "trol' : enolch to re lli I their InfNonee aCt"r ehetoK , If hI l \cre h , : I ) IIQnlhllt , .aeonfnl- , , J UrYln \1111 I- ForI ) ' ) 'oarl oC prRetcRI control of th , . , O\\'I > eut 1 , tlo H lHblcul 111't ; the whole of ' COTers lerloll model II'O ! I'I , ' 1ho 1111 , Iltnvnls 01 rc\ ' ' ) tOI or fal lre to Ilrqrss werhel , ' ' . tle DOlol'ltc Illrty 1IS II 10wor. 1lstll' shows thlt I 1IIO'rnH tnl hl : II\fY' hlen folon'll h ) ' III I . l't : nIITerlt , nnll 1 HOlublcnn ) trl 1) IISIIt " llro llll'i' , \Vhy 10t IC pt of } llltnr l 00 Tonld , 'l'ho Dlocrtl rlrtl Is lh th" IJ whtl . 1 In tl1or fl llr hlhltnn hn " 1 11" thl 1'1 f4lrCII"1 I. I tvtrs : Inl\url C"I , " "t Ilrrf"NI : the Jsun' nle Hr ' to 0 btaln t. , , - ' " . . . ' . . - - - - , - - ' - ' 'J MINE GOES. ' [ n encl , cn1pr iAI 'l'hey look tu .Jlnlno ' 1'0 mlko : tho' tutlre outCODIO' plain v For ench oue knows l'hlt I' ! llln ( ! oes 'l'he tiio or luhle juc&lcnt low. Ole thue' rliM "went - belt tor Kent , " ' _ \ 11'or ' ono klew wht thot ma ' 'hl ! year the' Stlto , Ua gnlt ! 8tlck : l'hlt set ! epublcIn olate. A I l IOll ! There I ' , ( ti ! ! . Becalse h votes 110 &ollg th.n A , 11 GaiM wny So Ilthe n\1 Ja , A Iusb wtit checls tl ectlon ( by. 'he on,1 , ! holt , Ald jeer and 10lt necal c theIr State h not i doubt ; Blt D. B , Hi Ua ! lall 1 cll : thlnl , , h b t k Alll ! ! thaI he p stil ; fllal , fain Is felt 1clenth the belt Of these oppllel to noOcv1 ; ' .lc ) ' ha\e the hlue ! this grc\t ; lIew- ! .t .h , . . ' know th. HooTelt rn't lose. ' rlrll' ' , ! O'S . , ' 'hat lS : fltle gee . ; 'l'ho tlle of publc jucgmlnt fotl The light Is rill , ; ] 'or ni expnin ! ' th . have to vote ! . . .1 wib rallc. PENSrN ORDER , NO. 78. PrCh n' Rees vl's Acton Is l Lille wHh , . In w nlJ Prccedent. ' ; rmules ! charatcr of rle charge that P1sldent Hoosu\'el hn ! exc det his consttutolnl powcrs Is HhoWI clenr- I ) ' hy eXlminaton o [ the facts nnd the laws cncerne In the executve fcton Iwo"-I lS the , "age pension orlcr" issue Ilst : Irh I" dlrerlon of the PI'eshlent. . \I 'one wil wi tnke the trolble to lenll the nct of .1unl j , 1SUO , as amellt- cII : [ I ' U , lUOO , wi I 111 a cear basi ! ! t" hegin with , I h'ects who 'shal have pelslols , nnt how the Imount of the Ilen ion , ill clch case , suul be determined - ed , s folows : Al persons who 8Ir\d 0 dnn or moro hI the ' ' the or mlltar. l1al ! ( o Unltf'tl Slltt . , Imllg the Into wnr or the ' who have l . rl'lellon 111 lecn honornliv ! chnrc(1 thlr rrl. :111 who nr ! I W or who mu ) ' hercafter ho ! nlellng Crom a nll tl I or Ilhysicul IlsahllY or a - Ilerll- nent chnrclpr , not the result or the l own vlcols hahlts , whlcl 11'lllnclnt s them trom the Ilcrformnlce of maluol Inlor In snch n ' ni to ruder them unable to PJI'ce ( Ill u snllport , shul , npon mnkln duo pro.f or the tne nccordlng to Ilch ! rules the Secret oC the 111 rcgnlnton ! ni , : InterIor ' . the IIY pro\'l l. le plaet upon lst or 111111elsloner of the Unle . SIl tel nnd he enttd to receh'e 1 pen. Klol 10t excecIUng $12lr l luth. nnd 10t less tlal U ! mOlthroortoned to the \r \ \ tlegree of Inlllty to elr 1 sU\port , Ind Iu such cach tetrmlllug Inabity 11 ! T- ' ' be . . Ir dlsnbll ) shnl uly eOlsldel.U. aur the or the hOWD bo RJJreglte , lsnliltes shal Thus , ns phln ns words cnn make It. is authority gl'el to the Secretary ot the Interior to determlno what pension shal le paid 10 AlY npplcnlt tor pension who ser\"ed ainetr dars iu the 'VII of He- bl'IOI , was honorably discharged , nnll who Is dlsable tor thc Ilelformanco of manual labor hr ouy cau ! ! ! other thnn the resuls of his owu vicious hnhlts , , ' Supreme 'urt } Ins decided thnt .he ( . UpOI the 10int of establshing the rate ot penslou to he paid , within the lmit Ire- b scrJbel b ' the law the Secretary of the : ' , Interior .ha ! eltre cntrl 'he only rhuck or \ ' him Js trom RUjer\'lslon upn thu President of thc United Stats. whom the cucral IW ! ! specfcaly direct shal have cOltrol of , the Commissioner of Pensions - sions nnd the Idministratlon ot the I1cn- slon srstem , , ' .hercfol'e , It wns dlrecHy in lue with . the duties ImpolleI nl > on Jlim nccrdiuJ to seelonn , U. S , Ho\lied Statutes , thnt Presldcnt Hoosevelt ave the cele- Irated order which has bren caled an e\'ldence of "nsurlntou , " " 1111'ialsm , " "a teslre to o"erile the consttuton , " a " ot the treasur ' , " .and other "lootn ; ' , 'l'he hard uames , h ) excltahle Delocrati secton of the Ievled Statntes I'etel're I'cnd. to ai folows : " 'l'he Commissioner ot Pension ! ! shnl perform , lndeI the directon of the Sec- retaI' of the Iuterior , ! uch dutes Ju the of the \'arlous lenslon and cxecuLoa I bountInnd laS RS ll ) ' be prescrbo , " br the Presl cnt Prc'ghlent Hose\elt. ' in hil pension order - , der , ld 10 more thau .hls Ilain ut ' , act- ' within the powers confcrre Inl strlct upon him b ) ' the Consr 3 or the Unite Sta tes. I'arJter' \VouJd I . JtlectlmVouJd lutlnctl Unletto , Ellsene A. : [ err1 presitent of t1a I.oan nnd ' ' oC :1nnesota ' 'rst 0111n 1) : Inlleajolis , iu an Inten'iew In the Com- mcrcal \'est or :1nll .pol ! snr" : " Iuch hll blln 8alll eoncerhll thc In- KhnIIPIIJ'I' o thp I'omllj tlletou 80 til 11 It relltNI to business , I his IwenrKe , Ihe ' : ' oC thu thlt mnlll'IUll'U goll stald. nrl1 Is n8sul'll.' , " lut , whie the tlory or tl l'ISC Is exrtlellt , 'et 11 mlter ot tact thc mln with monpy to tm'f'st oes 10t wRnt to le monetariy hwolvtd II or through R unseltlu condItons clnng ! af ndmlnlstrllon , The pulcy of the pnrty _ In ) O\'lr II prt , wel knowl and Is COl- , tlulnce In otlr. "I preclpltatc no dll eultl' . ' 1he polcy or the 1111,0sII0 , may ' ' d. hut ne- II 1\lr 10 ellll'ly conJf'Ltur Is uesllol to control \aul ) , J thllk. cnlso sum I l'ollrllon la busluess Ind Unnnelal cntcrprsl' : , lt lenst 1"f\ofrly Inl [ thl nud ' now ot ( onSII'ltSI snetv bu tnlki , Ihoull lore lulstlltlly demolstrat Tal Art Ie : . 'aclnltelt , ' 1'01 'l'Ij at Is 10 raclnated by the In"rrltahl 1)'sterl hehlnt Jlle 1.1- kl'r'i HII'erh of IcctjtNnce tat h. cannot - not la ' it Ibll Ion : clouh to take hii meals , le IlrNI oycr It trlu 10\1 tl - Ilew'e , He luls : It I > hl : wth nt l"lll LI'k Iprllli IlId drops to Mleej 1'1111 ; it II bN1 lI t lares that the I llsie 11 'sh'ry of \lnt It IU mcals Ill'ouIs clclrer , , lh eYlr ) ' leruMI , ant that ' the ot the 1) cuU oal11aln he ( on- - fllellty I'Xlle that it11 be 11 cear :1 : the of hi ' a : witer ! o"'n Pluto sprlnl. ' A r'hn , :01' we know thlt Dnil B. 11 In. - tllt" to qnit lltlr nrt Jalluary Cor . JIC his t\tlaimt'll caln : Prllill nt : - HO " , " ' ( fnl "t fraln 'lh\t ; \ a lite in- 1,1"1111 fk/ ! . ( ) at 'hln he 111 ex- hII,1 Ulf 1 .buluy ot Titll"raton Ipll thl Ur'r1ulllh.1 halt < f the lerl- 4'1 ' ' ' flr "wih 6,1 7"1" Is fllrfl 11'1,1' Ulnt Jnf ! 'I ' tlltn hIs hUlsI 1 onlur l"d walts to \ c I\Ht 11 Ijj ( 'I ll ! II llcarl "Ith (1 men ,