" - - ' " - - - - - . . " . - - f " ' ' - " ' - . _ . , - - - - - _ . . ; . _ _ . .r.-Io. _ , _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - r--- . NEW ERA FOR GREAT WEST President Roosevelt's National Irrigation A t to Be a WonderWorker. . , . MilliONS OF CHEERFUL , H'APPY HOMES \ . 'f ' A venue of Relle to Oongested 0" Itlesea I t" I Prosperity and Patriotism Fostered by Oontact with Soil-Republican - ' , Party Leads the Way. . ; ; : E"en thc DClllorratR arc hC'glnnlllJ ; to . ; ' 1 ; " tl'lIlze ! olllcthillg of the IHI lhilltlc fur " ooll which III'C to cOllie to the whule , . ' Ullltcll Stale throll/h / the IIl1liolllll Irt'l. allon.lIet . IIn cII hr II Hl'll\IhliclIlI COli' . . . gl'CKiI , 111111 Igllcil h ' PI'p llll'lIt Hou c\'l'lt , .llllle 7. 100 : ! , ' 1'he I > I'lIIoCI'lItI'IJ ! : IInW : clallllhlJ ; that they " 11111 it. " Still , thc , . Iac'ts 1'CIIIIIIII that PI'esltlcllt H ( ) Hpvelt , l1r the fl'ce of his OWII illrlltit ' , Il1lt till' mellSlI1'C thl'ou h COIII'CS : ; 11I111 IIlIule It j the law of the 111\1(1 with hi ! : ! olllcllli si : . ; . I lIatllre ns l'rc hlcllt , It Is 1I0t a 111'calll , hilt a fact , that thl' 111'e cllt IIIJIII\111tlon of the UII it C'(1 ( ! : Hales . ' . cnll he dllillicatell 011 the a1'ill ( llIullc 110- ! I11l1ln III the \Vest , 'l'his CIIII Ic , II0nl" : without lIIakillJ ; lIew COIIIIJl'titOI'S fOl' those IIh'ellll ' CII IIl'll : In 11:1'1 : cull 111'11 I . , . IlIIrsllits In Ihe I' ast 111111 III thc ollth. , this wOIIIII'l'ClI1 lIet 011 the other hll\1l1 , of ( llalltlllJ ; 1lIew lIatlnll ill whllt J' ! 1I0W , 1\11 hilt IIn IIlIhl'okclI desl'rt will conCl'r ' , " I ( 'lIm'IIIUllS hellcfits on those sl'ctiolls , ' < , whleh lire nll'cad ' co"crell with flU'IIIS , ! " " . fllctol'c ! ! : ! alld tOWIIS , ' - Hh : Intcrnnl Prohlcmy , 1'- In onr grcatVest , a IJolJl\lntion of , JOO.OOOOOO mlht : ; Ii\'c In 1lI'spe1'uus cnll' ; tcntment. 'l'hel'c Is erel' 'lhlu ; . : tn 1I1 IJ I'e } ; " mill rewnl'dtheil' hlllu II' ' -tl1 ! ' ehlll'l11 of climate 111111 IIf SI'elJ'I' ' , the fl'l'tllit ' of r , toil , the 1Inlma illahle wealth of walm' . f forest 1\1111 mll1l' , anll , IICI'OS the Pneilil' , , ; ncw worlds to COllllul'r. 0\11' hi eHt , 'ill' t tC'l'I1al Ilue tinn to'llar i thr 11l'rlllll'ation . : Hill colollization of this prodlllth'c area. , , ' , . ' 1'hl : ; IIl\tlon mu t 1.c < ' 11 011 with it : ; his. I tOl'ic work of civilizatllm , It must 1'011- tin1le thnt 1I1111'Velous 1' < 'l'iprocal IIrOCI'SII II ' whleh Jt has 80 r\ll : 1l1 ' rise 11 to illl' , ; Illenslll'ahle hclJhts of eeollnm l' 1111\\1'1'- the mnklll ! ; of new lLIJl11lllllnlties to fccil r' the oltl , thc cIllnrclllent : : of 0111 COI11I11I\11i- " tics to fC1'11 the new. 'l'he lon est stl'll ' ; , 'et taken to this cnll is niioplioll of the .A' , IIlnn of lIatlonal i1'1'l atlon-l'hlellr " ' . thl'ou h thc Jnstl'lImentnlit ' of I'resill < , nt . . , t' Uoose\'clt. It is n III'W IlOlil' ' , enl ' at : : ' , 'j " . , Ilreseu t in it : ' ! ex Ilel'i men tn I sta e , hll t ' ' ' ' . ; : thos ( ! who kllow most n hout It helie\'c it ! ' " , ' ill : l mensure hig with national fate , " . , / : , : ! \romcntouR = " 'CW Jr.ru. ' , ' j' : , 'Ve : lrc cnterill ; ; Ul"111 n IICWUII' ' mo- , mcntons e/\ that calls for the hlhl't : ; qunlilies uf conslrnetivc stnteslllanshill. ' 'XII ! ! movement UlUSt hi' hro\lIr : fOllllllr\l ) n1ll11 1'IUI ) ' allt11nte1UclI.t1r : ; malHed , Wc nt'e Illannlll ; ' : , 1I0t for < Jur"eh'I1I hilt for flltul'c ; . : encI'ntlom ; , for wc are HIl' forc- fnthers uf : I mlhtr : ; : flltul'e in n mlht : ; ) ' j 'rtt't. . ] and. If wc nrc eqnal to 0111' dlll.llllll , " ' ) < lUT opportunities , we l'11nll make 1I01lll's J : , J fol' n hlllldl'ell mntion of tbe frce..t u'llm I o rho ev'r ' : llkcd t1ie enl'th , " 'e are 1i'\"ing in all n e of 1l1ihl ' e111'I'lI1cnt , BnJ.il1l'1.'l'ill W'ork " , hil'h " the 1nl'o-t cllet'l\tlon 'WOllhha..e tllol1ht ; au impossibility wnl llC the l'nI1111Il't11 tnsk nf thi : ' ! generntinn. 'I'lli''W : : Yurk IlIh"'II ' , the I'eat tl1l1l1el of thc 1\1111' I' 'h'allilt'1Ii1rflRtl , tlw I"tlllllim : c\II1\1 : 1111I1 tbe SnIt Uhcr T ( , : < ; cn'nir ill . \ ri1.nll:1111' : othrr II1nl11l11otb irrhlltioll Ilroject will UOII Itllllll n'l ! ' coll1l1letetl : mnllllllll'lIts tn the collstnH1 enin. . of 0111' IIl'u111e : Hill thli' ! ne. Thc flltllre is Ilntellt witlt til : ; : rI1der1I111 < , rtakill s whil'h"il1. . ill 1\ f < , w tJrief 'enrR , nlsu stnl1l1 a nccom- lI1ishell fnct ! ' : , Eg 'pt wai' ! for celltlll'ie ; < the ) : rnnl\l'Y or the wor1l1. 'l'hl\t 1nlill of 1U ' tcr ' 1\1111 1'OIUIIIIC > e wn ! ' ! the cl'nllle of 0111' ci\'lizatioll ! , J."ur cfI\1Iltlc'IR ! ' a/es / the Ni1e hnR riSf'K 1\1111I111111' ; , to fertilize the 11\1111 " "hirh has yie1l1ell , frnm 'I'\r : to ) 'car , the slIstellmcc : of tL emln ; ; mi11iul1s. Grcntcoot Qncstlon or thc Ase. The (1IIer-tlon or irrjl\tioll ) : whieh 1I11\\ confroll1. ' ! the llCollle of Ihe 1 llitcll Statl' ' ' is Olle of the IllOSt iml101'tnnt of the al' : . ' thlln the 1l'-th. 1'1 It ' of IllIII'C importallce - , IIIlnn call1l1 or a clcell wn tI'rwa ' to Ihe Ilea. It in..ol\'es the "lIllIliun nf the fnr. ( 'st nlll' fiooll problt'11It em hrm'es the flltm. . interllal 11evclollmcllt or thc ClIlt. cII States , H will reqllire 'e\r" of01'1 : to IICI'f < , ct Ihc 'stelll of lIatiolllll Irri a- tloll , hlltit , wi1he \ the rcal t hCll lit ever cOllfcrrell 011 the we..terll 111'01l1e. : \cn m\3" : he c1'lIel 1111I1 1I11falr , hilt 11:1" 1111'e I'I ! ' : . ; ellerOIlI'l ' 111111 IItterly 111111111'11111. 'l'he enrth , Ihe ! llIll nlltI the walers IIl'C o'tS killll to the IHlOI' 1111 to the rich , 'rhl' ' roses tlo not tnll tn look 111' n l11all' finallcllil stnlll1illJ ; III'fOl'c l'on rlltin tf ! bloom fOl' him , 'fher 1'ow wlll'1'l"1'1' ' Illnllte1. ! 'rhr ' l'tn''I' thp 11001' mall's co' , tlle : liS Jlad ] ' ns the ' do thc rich lilaH" "lila , 1I1l bnlltlr ) Mnlcc" J > ntrlolll , : \ntiolls lll : ' ' I'prhlJ ; Illto heill ! : , ; tCller' nted hy the fOl'l'e ot 1leas 111011" , hilI the "Igorous 1I11ll1hno I , the IIIl1tlll'e I'UWt 'I of a Stnte cln olll ' ht , lllll'tlll'l'll 11111 Imiit 1111 IIIJOII the all\lIlll:1l1t \ : fillil mall : ' rolll IJI'tllll1l'llnllH or the carlh , ' 1'he vr" C'xl"t < 'lIee :11111 : lulvalll'e or \'ilIzntion II : ' , firlllb' JI'O 11111 \ ell 011 lIIatrl' nl rCSOllrc'p" , : : \atlolls hrl'OlIe ) : ' ; 1'1':11' : allll 1IIIII'llelllll':1 : as the ' 11en'lu ! , a gl'II111S fOl' l'asIJlJ ! , , : t I' fOl'l'r-l : 111111 llllltcrjaill of llntlll'e with : : tlll'lr rell' : ! 111111 cllln'el'lill thcIII illto , I lelll1 ' lIowlll III rea 111 of wcalth 1\1111 COHl' fort. ' 1'0 holll n 111'01)le III hllillstrloll , 111'1 dllcU"e , eOlltelltel1 IlIhit : , hnhlts of , ,11' tile 11 JIll of lIatl' ollslII , it Is 1I1'e'lrlll t. , . slve thNll nil 1IIII'I'est III thr ( ' 11111\111101' ' I . , of lallll , 'rhls fad li : ferll nloll ) : thl ; .1r flhores of hl tll'Ie tll11e. Whl'l'l'"rl' O\ " JI' cl'lllllrllt hns llll111c laws whll'h hnn' Iv' ! ell the ! , < , ole ! , of thc lallil lis ol'elll'alll' ; , t , 011 fah' terll1s , thrll cOlllcllt allll IIlcIII\ ) \I'e been 011 e\'eI' ' halld.'hel'e'or II hat ! heell harl1 for the mall.es tll ohlllil I . 'Ihp ' IIS0 of the Intul , tlilm I1ISCllllh'lIt alii I 11illlellllles 111I"0 bcen l'all1(1l1l1t ( 011 e\'CI' 'hlllll1 ' , nllil ( l'rlllllJlltir lIatlolllll 1'11111 hll' III'ell the re"lIlt. 'l'he lIohll'St lI e to whl , ' ( 11J1 ' mall 111' Ileollle call IJlIt hhtIJ1' ' hi I I illkc It eithel' II ! ! wal'lllll : : or wise III f trlletioll , III the t'lIitl'll : 'Hlltes we ha"l " In quu\ltr \ , IluantitY lllll'III'elr ! ! ! iuch Sill' t IllIeR nnd l'r"ollrl'l'q n 110 011) ; ' : O\'I'I'lI' Illellt JII the WI1I1 ) lOver hut ! helol'l' , lJnllllJr 111 COlllre"tell Cltlc. . , It is llut withOllt scrlolls mellll lIJ ; thlt : sol1I1I : ' of 0111' ( ll'nle , ! arc IIIl\s llI : ' ; III I'itle : ' ! , thnt JII l' lles l'clII ! > ! al'l' ; ' : ollllJ ; hlh. : 1'1' , 111111 helll'l' Ileolll' ! IIl'e 1I\11I ill fl'l\'l'l' l'OOl11s or llInlll'r OIlCS , :11111 : that Ihc lit. tl'llilallt lI\1leOIlFl'lllIellt 1'1\ \ . . , 11100'al , ! , h ' . iclll , hlll1l"trial , IlItellt'tlllllll\l(1 lIaliolllll , lire 1'1'1'11 011 PVCI'halld , \\'c lire to'I1a ' vasslllg thl'ollh ; ; 1 ! , eriod nf III'o lll'rit ' 111 the Ullitell Htatl' ' ; withnllt 11\1'01111,1 III the wOI'III' , . ; hiltol' ' , .IlItl llI fl'om the histor ' of all IIl\tioll , this lIIa ' 1I0t 1'011' tilllle 1l1lclilliteh' , 0111' It'alll'I' ' ; II1I1"t kiln\\ ' that Ihl'h : \ \ ' to ' 110 , 1I0t with 1'111111111) mell wh 1 hll\'e hel'lI l'ailll'll 10 sllhmls. I\'c Ohl'lliell'I-1l 1It'01lle who stalllll'l'lId ' to shllt Ih"h' C 'I'S , Ollell thp I' 1I1U1l1h allli tllke whllte"cr is gl\'l'lI 111111 he cIJlllelltl'tl thel'l'wlth , Ad'e'sitwill u1'ill l'UIIIIIIO' 11011 ill 0111' ci-tles ; IS "coll1 ellgelll ] I'-I : hail , " HClllclt ) , 111 Irrhntcd Fnrlllll. III cOlltel11plat JIJ ; the dallN' : , of thc fulurc Ihlt : lIIay l'O1l1l ! to thi l'el\lhlil' ! \ , thc wl-e : citl1.l'n shollltl rcacI : out 11\111 l'izc wha tcn'r relllcI ' lIIa ' he'lthill his I' < , aeh 111111 IIIIPr ) it tO thnt all tIll ! \'cal'S 10 cOllie 111\\ ' he free fl'OI11 fenl' fil1l1 ; li5tlll'hill ; ' : fll1'I' < ' : such ns arc al\\'II 's at work ill l'\'l'l' ' nation , ' 1'hat rel11ed ' ai ) ' IJcal'S to lie , hI Il\1t \ till' halance of 0\11' IHJlllllatioll hnl'k 011 thc lallll nud la'el' ' It th 0 1'1' . 'I' h l'l't' H'CIIIS to hi' 110 othel' l'l'llI' , ' ! II ' . 'rhe lIIall who has hi ; ; hOllle 1I110n 1II0ther cll'lh , the lIIau who 11ra's hi , ; li\'illJ ; sll'alht : from lIatlll'e's J.ralllll' ' , the 111111I'ho is free frol11 all the Ullccl'lnin- tics of a wap l'nl'lIl'l"S cmpl ( ) 'lIwnt , till' 11I:11I who Jather his wlfl' al1l1 ehiltlrell al'Olll1l1 his OWII hcnrlh tolle 111111 Jets hl Ih'in h ' his IIwn lahtll' 1'1'0111 his OWII lallll , Is thl' I1lll'hol'a e of this c'\1lltr ' , lL IJIhooves 01\1' sta tI''lIIen to riI' ; 10 I he ntl'asjon fil1l1 111111\1e \ the . \lIwl'lean Ill'nllll ! : with n patriotic 11elcl'III11111tlon to tlll'1l thl' hal:1lll'C : or 0\11' Ikllmllition hack to the lallli a111 Illnllt It tbl'I'e with home , that 110 ocialIlheIH' ( , \ ] call ( ' \'l'\ ' 11i tm'h , 'l'hls will sn fcual'tl : ; thit' ' ! lIutlon for ull 'ears to COllie , AU ( : nn Un'\'c lIomc" . ' ] 'he IInlioll has In1ll1 for e"crr lIIall who will mal\C his hllllle UpOIl It in : ' ; 0011 faith-who will hreak tIll' soI , 1,1mt : Irop : , hllilll a hOIl'c aUII ; ; ettle down t , ) sUlport ( his fallli1 ' 1'1'011I the ; ; nll , hut the nation 11111nn IRllll-at Il'lst : , It ollht ; to llafe IInlle-for the 1111111 who 1Ill'I'eh' 1'1'1'k ; ; to fOl' < , sla11 tllc al'tllnl slttll'l' an1 ; sell out to hllll at a Ilrulit , or hl'I'Ollle a ] :1111\01'11 \ ] , < ' llectill ; ' ; inl'ollle from his tcn- : 'lilt. J.alld mnnolloly rl1hs men of a I\r " ! ' por.tioll nf the ] J1'II11ucts of tbl'lr lahul' , It lIu1lilics thl' I'p 1'1t of cOII"ljtntlollalll:1l. : nlltC'l'hll'h scrks 10 : . : h'c 1I nrlIIl'e IIf 1I0lltielll ( l'I'I'III11 , Xo mall is free in thl' true ! \t'JI"'C : of the term whn is hi" I1n1l1cn to nlllttlirr fn1' tbe nll'ans 111' hb exi ; < telH'i' . tIIltl ] : \1111 mllllol1ll1r makl's rpllel ! ' ! in t < , nll of l1ntl'iols , In the ClP : ! ' or IN'nlltl ] it Ih'l'I\'e more thnll half the 1101111' ] atilll1 IIWII ' frotn its lIallve snil. It IiUed their llpa1111 with hittl'l'Ill'S'I nl1l1 eVI'1I ! wnt fOllle of her l'bilth'l'n illio thc ranks IIf 1' II la 1111's ( ) JIlIIies 111 the rlOllr of hel' J1'eat 11'11111111' . WI\1 lIelp the Itn"t. T1H "n jllJa lioll alltl srttlelll 'nt of the Jrt'a t. e11l1'Jr , .f Im Uc Inllds 'I11NUlft . thllt ( ' \'el'r factClT } ' wlleel in thc Ullitell State IIIl1st whit , ) f\st'r thnt ' ' ' . : \ ( , e\'l'S unllkiuJ. : hOIl e IIIl1st 1tl1111l1e more IIItJ1)3" . : \Illl tll:1t ( ' ' rai1I'oul' IUtl t ' ' 'H'rr lI'alll'l1ort more fll\i5- ellI'l'S : 111111 frt'iJIIL : 'j'hls , ill lurll , nH'lIn 1\ lare11111 , / hnier 110111111111011 iu CI' ' ( , lIslel'lI nlld 1 < "lIlherli tlllV II , 1\1111 thnt of l'OIll'se will CI t'.a'lI 111111 1'lIlm'e : ; the , l . lI1alld fur : \11 the jlrol1ucts IIC ll1 : -uj ] ill thc 01tt < ,1' ! 'l'c1ll1ll' ! If the clulil r - . III thc lIIealllillle that whil'h J : . : rtlWII from 1111' ; ; 011. to he CIIIIIIIIIH'I'11 b ) ' irri/ation / ill thl' , , " , , ; ; t , will go IIhl\lJ t ex'lusin'h' to Ihp fl"'llhlof / III ! ' " hOllle IIInl'kel tll ilt ! ereet. 1'1' within the nrid rl'ioll itself /11111 to th sutl"f 'III of UII JI 11111 ell 111'1II111111H III lJe Oriellt1I11 III the frozcnloltl : r.imltlcRR Urlcntal Tralil' . YIslhlc llI'reasc III Alllcrican tlllllllr ; III tl'lI11' IHtwl'clI thrsiutle 1 l\st UIIII I I the I'lIcltie CIlst Is hr\(11111 , thl' I'UlIl'elJ' " lioll ot the cll'llhllll' ' l' tlZl'lI , ' 1'hlll trllll < ; ' . l'urtntlull ' iSSlIl' COIlCl'l'ns thl' llll'r'hullt , Ihe lllullnfal't\1l'er IIIIIl Ihe llIe'h.'Il l' IIf thc . \tIUlltiC tlltl' , thl'ltillh' : ( tatp. . allIl the fill' " 'ot III' wl'll III' the Pacitil' coast , ' 'J'hl'"e lII rl'llnnts , IIIUllllfal'l\1I'cr 111111 IIIl'ellnlllcI' hn "e the nl le Intl'l'e"t III the Aslatil' tl'alh' that thc ) ' haye ill tIll' Ir1'hatiull Ile\'elolllllelit IIf Olll' ul'hl uIIII I'1'1ll1'nl'lll IUlltI , ' 1'11l' ! lIner thllt trlIle , the : . : reatrr thl' IICIllIIIIII fOl' Ihe hlllu t1'lnl , IlrlIClucls of tIll' vu t l'l' lon rnst of the , Hocl.r 1II0nllttln : , the 1tl'I'alcI' the 1'11I. : ll' ellc ' of trunI't'lIle : Imllslol'tntiolls ( , , the gl'entl'r 0\11' t1'lllle with . \siu , I III II wu ' the Illl'1'cha II ts , llIll1ufnctur. I l'rs 111111 11Il'l'I..allll' . l'lst or the HOl'k ' 1II01l11 nlllK hlln' 1IIIII'e at stal , , ' thn : ha"e tIlt ! l'al' fic l'lat Stllll' , IIlel'ea'I'll l1'uIII' , yithsla , cSIIl' allr IIll hll'reasel Ie. IIInllll fill'I1I1'I'll'all fooll'luO'K , , nll'alls 111- (1"'a I'11 1II'lclI : It II I'll I , C'ollllllll'C'lal allll III- tluHll'llI1 III'tlVIt ' on thl' l'\l'ilil' l'Ollst , a 1U'el' : : 1I011lliution on thp PIII'llit" fillIl finall . . the 1II0st hl1llol'tallt or 1111 , II larI'I' : ; hOllle IIInl'kct fur whnt the 111'01111' uf tbo l'ncWe COllst cnll the . \lIIel'iclin I ast , J mllroyecl Trnll"ltOrtnton. ) 'j'he tl'lIlI ) IIII'tatlon IS lIe I : ; f etllln ; ; ItHelf. 'j'he tl'I\II 'eollllr1l'lItal ralh\'u\ ' l'OllllJllIIIl'S C/lce II gluhe cirdlllJ , : l'Ollllll'li. f tloll th:1t fOl'Cl'S thclII to 1\lll'e Ihe elll. clt'llcr of their H 'sllJlI" , w < , st of Chi. cno , 'l'ho' "tealll 11111'11 of the PncifiC' ( .ceall fil'e lIIeetlllg the t1'llIlIIOI'IltlolI tIc. IIIIII1IS : , thllM the Allleril'ull eOllllllerco . , with the Alilatle l llit Is Illsured b ) ' that . , , . ' . " J . " , , . . , " . . " " " , . . I , - UNCLE SAM"I'm .5orrJ' , but I cun't use UIIJ'tlllll1l wltll n t" : J ! tied to It. " - - - - - great 111'0 11111 tCI' of tl'Hle ImowlI' a , ; swift /11111 l'\glllI1' : tl'al1slorlnllulI ( , 'l'hl' eOIllJlI < 'llIellt or thi tl'lI1SJlOl'llitlol1 : is II ste\llr : atlll 1'l'lillhle 11\\ ' of fl'ei ht , HI'l'e Il'l'iIIIIOII ; l'OI1Il' illio plll ' , 11'1'1- ; ; ' :1tloll : IlIslII'e l'cj.'l1la1' ; l'I'OIJ 1I11l1 1hcl'e- tore a Iba'1 ! yolllllle of fl'rihl : ; ; I'vell as n rl'lillule tl'lIlI IIOl'tlltioa ill III'I'S 1'1':111111' : 11'lIle. 'J'hc e IJhll"I' ; ; of 1111 tie II 11 I life al'l' IIUI't IlI1I1 11:11'1'1'1 : of the e\'oltllilllllll' ' 111'0' . "pss that has 1IIIIIIe'the Pllitell Rtates Ihl' 1I'lIlemler : of the worlil. ' 1'he lI'tl\'J- lit's oC the I'onlltl' ' al'l' risil1 ! : to Ihc lIew " " ( lIlllllllc SIIlIHll11'l1. He whll fllil to SI'I' this shoulll ! 'eek Il I1CW JlCI'SIH'ctln' , ' 1'0 the orlliJllll'r mUll the term . \ ialie t.Hle Incks ) Il' < , ial SIIIIJiI'IIIICC. : ; lIe IIIOWS It rl'lItl's tU trollie with . \Sill , 111111 thnt we arc ClIl\fitnlltr ! pXllllrtill1 : to alill IIlIJlOI'lillJ ; frolllsl:1 : , Ill' Iloc'I lIot I'cali1.c Ihnt 1111 the Irlllllll1 : ( ' ( ) ulltl'lc'I of the earlh lire l'olllJlrtill' : : : flr the tl'atl < , of t1'\'CI'a1 hUIHh'C'll million . \slalll' , allll that thlt1'II11c Is rpall ' the ; ' : l'l'a11'st l'Ollllllel'- l'inllll' ze of Ihe I1ny. III' 1101's 1I0t realize 1 hat this tratl" IlIn ' he thl' mnkill uf hl OWII trlll' , c'allillJ : or 1l\1silless. Your } 'crsonRI Intcrcst. } < 'ann rs. rluwhcl'i.lI1illerll , IUllIh < 'I'mell ( nlprehallt ! ' , lahlll'pl' ) > : IIf the \\'I'st , 110 1I0t \'ote an : IIt'onr OWI1 illtel'l'stl-l , thllt of ; 1'11111' fllmillIH1 'ours atHl thpir futurc , Yet for Hoosc\t 111111 I"nh'hallk , 'l'he ' hll'c hrought 'OI1 Jlal1 t llhl s In tbe 111l' tillllll 11'1'1Jatioll 1\ct , Its wU\'ldll/s / h\\ : ' ( ' nh' < , ntI ' e ulI , Ul1ller Its ollCl'allll1l there "ill he n II'IIICIIto hallllll'e IlItI.rests alll1 thlls lwlll In n'1I0werfui wa ' to kl'ell IIII ! o"el'I1IllCllt I'tl'al1 ' . It will Sl'ttltlll ! hl'l'f ( ) lIestillll , e"l'r ' IIcrp irl'lntel1 wOIIIII JlI'ollllce l111re thall thlrt ' tlllIes liS much Il-l : i" ! now 11rolllleell 011 1I11 ' of 0111' willI IIl'ill Inlll1s. It will IIrolluce IICW tOWI1S hr"UJoleratc' : , ir ( ) , . " , h'lI' ( ' 1111 the voculiolUl of 1l'Hle , ( If learllillg , IIteratlll'e 111111 I'e" lIiol1 : ; will folll'l"l1 ! , It will chal1 e tIll' I'at' ( ' of thc elll'th , It will chlll1g" till' fllt'e 1\1' .the skr. It i11 ! lIo11if ' tbe lit. , 1J10-:111Icre. : It ' 1\111 cll1\11lte Ihe l'li lIl1tc , It wi11 ; ; ive life. health. . jo ' nUll pros. llerj1 ' to tlJ IIIOllle , ' ' ' 'ork for Hel'uhllcan Party. " 'hm ; : w'e cmne to cOlltrllllllate the " ] we ftl'M of na tllrnl 'I\"pslel'Jl 1'1" t'lllIrl'll'i\ , nvtlalle for fooll , fm' illl1l1stl' ' at III fl\r e011llllcl' 'e. whell we nttt-Illllt t. . ; " 1'1\1 < ) ' ill nile : H't of tholHht Ihe 11Ilh : : :1IHl 1tt' < ' : H1th nl1cl 11elth , of the ridl" " witlJ whil'h I'ro\'ll1l'lIcl ! hils 10lIlcII : tlJI , . ; t1'e. 1I1I1I when we tr ' to re\lIze how c'"e - ] II"sih , ] ( ! 'wallt , ' ( ' , 'err mil lerinl llIillir"tioll or 1111Ctll lIe 1IIlIltlfllllt" Ilrovitlell for ; whl'lI we cOII 11rr how Illl'asllrl'll's 1\1'1' tIlt' "nlllcs which will ! < Irlll ) ! : Illto Iwlll : ' ; ' II t th < , tnnch of I1\cIIIC'rll I1ltlu 1 ' ' , 111\11 \ , how thec , 'alue ; : : , whell 0111'1' crentell , lire solill nllli rl'nl nll,1 hpl'ollIc hICOI'lII' ( I'll It'll Illto the elHIllrlll"t / I'll l't 11 l'l' of hn- ' III II 11 I'lwil'tr , we mllhl'ill to l'- tilllllll ! Ilrollcrlt' the 11 : lOll "III'e of 1'1'I I < JlIIlsltilit ! ! ' 'which l'l'slK 1I110n tMs l1a- . li'lII ' : \1111 it , . ; L'ho ell I'nlers , 'l'hl ill 1I0t ' 1'1'1\ ' tn ' . nnharmed the ' 111 < , \ Ilrl'\er.c pril'e- lr " hllOIll of ci.i1 li1'Pl't . whlt'h 11'aH'\ ! \ till' hllllyleillal 1'ltlzcII fl''l ( ! In do his "hlll'l' ill work of .1en'lolIlIIl'lIt , hnt to udopt slIl'h lIIeaSI\I'PII as will 1I''YCllt the wI 14' ' I ' ' ' l'lpar Ihe ' of lIa tlll'a I'CSOI\I'I'es. WII of I pl'OI'l' S 1\111 1110111' the tl'lnlllh of dv. . . The repol'll of the ' i1.utlnn. II'llhleall ( art ' shows It to e a 111't ' of IIro re , $ , A or l > _ . llln rollcriy. 'l'herc IR 10 ! teter erlel'lon of Jenerll llrCslll'it ' I hlll the 110 111 hl.hll' : , Whell ' II'I oed po tal l'I'\ ' tll'i tl l'I'11 ' ' tnll .ll'e ' ' , 'l'he ' ' hH'I'II'SC' . : . 'el'sa I'elll't Cf tll' lo tll trl Gl'lIel'll ! hlw" Ihut fo the 'enl' L11111 .llb' 1 , lSn : Ihl l'el'I'hlts fl01 Ilstll n'"lle wl.'e $ il,1JtJOO , For tie 'enr 11111It , lllr 1 , llfO : thlr wrrc $ lH\:8 , : m , 11 Jllercnte of : i 111' ( 'lt dlll'hlJ ; ie"CII real's of cOlthl\lS Hrlllulcnl rlll' , Ih\in 1he " 'ar IlIlln ; : .llll ' 1 , ] SO : the l'l'I'eilll' fl'01 tl1 111I1' ' urller IllhlesH Wer$81 , OIS : ; for the 'C'ar ellllg , Tlllr. 1 , ml : tlu'r wel'e $ ] , ' B,817 , ni ilcl'en e of 1 : Iler celt 1111 \ ' of ' ' ' ' , IIIJ e\'el reari Hepnhlcan 1)'Osll'I'II' ' Gelll'l'al ; 'lhe 10stmnHter 11 hli 11111 report for 10 salel : "The ! lcl'elle III the Ilotnl the ' " ! revenles utests WOIIII'I" fil ) JrOlllCrly of thc 1I011le 1\111 the 11 tl\ly of Luslness Interests thl'ou1hout , the cOlllltl" ' hn\'e ' 10t hl'el ' . I wOlll ' ' fol' 'lhe ' ' ' II'OIWI' PO'tlasll'l' < h'lwl1 II ni ollldal < ' 10 Ihls ' " 1 'lllt Ittlllle wOlll'l" fnl ' ' ' ill Ihe ' of IIIO I'I'I'I ' lt : to ollcl'aUol tll' DIIIII' ; ' Il'il law ulIII 0111'1 HIIIU- Ical mla lrl'S , ! tilt "llh WI' ! the flcl. WHAT IS TO BE WILL BE i - - Growth of the Aldntlc UC111I for Prullnct" of thc Un \Clt HtntcI. 'J'hl's I'llc' latlolls hayc lin'll IIJOII ricl-'tatil III ' ' , wa ' - Ihil/s 1 11'111',1 Ihl ' ' ' ' havc ' ' Iml ! 'Jelliollic l'al'l' fIl' SOIlI' ; ell'l'ltills 11'1'11 11"1 HI\I' , I hll h < 'CIII' Itllllaril wlthlll the II t 'ell' 01 t 10 , that nt lea"t enl of the AsialllL IIntjlln las cOle tl lye 11101 Inlll' . ' ' . , 'J'ho ' ' , the e IlcIPPI'III ! Ille lihtll' : ; JIII- Ilwse , la"I' Inkc'l II hI'11 : tlll : , 1" ,111 . . . 011 IWI \ II II L'I II li/hlll / .11'ill the Ch'iYnl' , as 1 11\t of thclr IlhsiSII'ICI' , I nlli thc Ille : 11'11'11 lS to whall'rr h m\11 : frllm 011 whl'nt has nh'I'lll ' cx- tewll'll , in : Irl lIrl' . 10 tl 101'1' vasl Asiltic emlli' . , of ( 'hilll , That l'lel'el' ( II'I'C IIIIltlill K el'lis , II'PI- ' ) III : ' ; of the extent 10 whilh ' i 011 1011' hh'rnly Isell hr ,11111 , sn ' ! : , Whll 111 1111trtR tf fnur wllhlll Ih , ' Inst " ' or ha\'I' " ' ' ' ' 'lr fn IU"'I Illh 11'1111'1' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 1'\1'1' nf thl' ' ' thll IIPfnl'1 ni UI'I'n1t tll'c'lll' fOl' ' , ' ' " ' Ihl'l'l' I ' Itnls ' " " "II'IIH' , s 1'11' to ' ' ' ' ' ' of ! nl , I'Xll'l't n l'0lllU4'II I'XIIII I1 Ihl Ilrl"t J nl IC'I' fa 111'1 J11111 I ' 1'1' 11'111111 10 USI' whl'at four for VllolH , ' ' " ' Is 1111'OHII ' : tI'I I"'PIT hOlwlwl1 101 IHIII It to Ilkl tl Ittl 1'1.s111 HII'II- thl' ' ' ' ' I'P"- 11/11 whlll Ihl wih Ihl'l' 11'1 ) , ' ' A 111 UIHM / IIIY II IOII' IU/lllh'H . HIII 111Jl'r / 101 lt If / ll'llll IIIIII ' I. isIll fOl' Ilslc ly the Jllllf/l'lll'lH If , I ' ' , olhpr ' ' ' ' ; ! I'I'I'I'I1 mlln'loR t/lH 1111 nrtl'ht of ) , ' ' thl' ' ' , th/t ,111 Hln'l' Wil' 11'Jnl 1,11 ' 111/11 hnll IWI'I Illrlllll'PII Illto , II 111If ' ' ' " lice ' ' 111 nll'I'lltP 1'01"lh , Til' lolll'lt , , ' 11 h 1 ( 1frh'I ' ; hllllac'l II " /IHr / 10 ' ' ' , thl' ' " of 'lllll111 1'1'11' nllrlh'e vnll" II 110111 ot folr II ( ' 'unl II thnt ot / 1)(111 ) ot 11'1'11 I " Hhl IpSI The J 111/III' I' , ' ' ' to " ' 1 ( IXI'Ot thei' IH'lt 11 ( 1"111'1 IJJIII /111 ( 'hilwllre It blllH , I ! 11'lel'IIII "N' tl hllhllt JI'nlll Til' ) 1IIIolt vallt IluIIUtl'1 , of C'hlll'CI' ' l'h'l til' Ihl' 1'11- or Ihl' , ' ) Ihl' IlmlllUOI l11II'H 111) 1/IOIIIJ IIHI from ) { OI'II 11'llh , CllulI , tlJI' Jlort' 1111 Othl'l' 1111(8 ( lt II J'IHt IltI'H , ' ' ' ' ' 10 Hull ' l II I'lln'l Il'll'lh'/lll' IIII' ) ' , of C'IIIII ' Irlll 1111' fil thll 10ljmlie 1 h , 111 It wi he 1'/H ' tl 11 " 0 Whl'lI Ihl' ' ' ) ) ' tles for hllHnck Cllll' 111 WII wih Illr , 1)lllc' Could there hi' , Ildel' 111 ' l rl'l I' "Ialces or col1illul , I'XII'I sl'll a VlIl'tl'l' , hll'lI of the CII1'JOI' ! tralle 1Intiols Ihat 11st hCll'Cfl'th exist IItwl'el All'I'il'l : ld the . \slatll' tOlnll'll'l ! Alll'il'lI prehlcel lre\I , ' 1'1 ! . \satlcs ! h\c : I'arn' hi t. , I\t Ireat wih the rlst of thc . . \Vc ' goillg 10 ' ' \ ol.l.Vc Il'e 11P11 thl'l wilh Jt , We hnvc to shill It ICrlJ'S thc Plcifil' OClan o\'cr Ihe ( 'Ollllllel'l'lal Imlh- WI\ ' which we hln'e 1llle IlId hl'lel t h ' ' "hieh mllerll's our cn hIe I' 'stel 1'hl'l't II nothlllJ. : 11 tIlO'11 thllt can ! 'toJ thc . \"Iatc 11'III\UII fo Ihe whent Jlll. I Icls DC the Unlll'll Htltes , , a II II the wlJa t Il'odlrls of the Ullitrt iiatcslve 1lle : , tlll , cnllltr ' , to I grent I'xtellt , the tre 111I11"1I Iwrr It IH. 'he ' tall. aholt " 1111erlnl ! n ! " 'l'here 1' 111 "IIII < , rllill : ! " 'lhll clltlellt I 1Illllldl ; ' : whll t the Ilst of the worll II'Clll , 1)1 thl' illllhitalll' ! of this cou. Ilcllt. Illl'r th < , I'ult of Hl'lllllean nIl. 11111 t'ntoll , nK"orlntrll with othcr Illtel- lent. gOVel'nlcmt 01 clther Icle , Jl' , Iluse to 11IJ111 ' Asia wlh thl'sl IH'Cll I ts I ha t . \ sla n cts. ' 1he faet thn t the SllItes has ll Unlell cUlllle ! is llath\II ' nC'I' ( S tl "lst . . fl'eal nlli JUI Intermedlatc statiou. , ' I 111 , Il IJOISIS' Iln ( 'lose to the Asiatc < eaRls , Is hilt 11 11I111'lIt o e\UII ! whll1 are 1111'1 , of the h11lstl'Ial hlHtolr of the w 1'1 II Hols an 'ull' Ilnglul Ihat t1 ] Il'rHrllt lajorl ' o the . \Ielcal Iwojlle nl'o go. III ; to letlcl't tllr o'h'lIlihle dlt ' , 1101 to ' ' ' to or' lerely thl'lIl'h'es hlt nuotlr } " ' ' 11011 of the ' ' hlllun lI'C" 'j'hl wil 11 rllr 110 I. ' 1'his Js hit tnlklu ; ; of the pl'nllIets of Ihl' when t liell ! that . \sla 10W 1II'I11111s , I has lIulhllll to 110 wih 1'011 aUI " ( illli the ' ' . : Ihollnlli n11 IIt' otllr 11'111. . Ils of ni 011' lol11s 111 ni our flclo. , rles ther ' ' whlll wl otlll'rwile dl'lllll ' ' Is to the " , ' . 'I'hll hit referrll "lllll' If. flir of one sllllle Il'olluet , hit I I elolJh to nlord UI Ilsh'ntun. . 'et ' talk about " Anl ) tle ) "IWIJeral. IHl ! " 'Lhcre Is 10 "I11Iel'lal'lYe ' hl'others who ' JUhlJ to ' 111' hit II'C ; ; lS' sl.t 11 fel'llilJ ; the I'est or 011' hmthcl's uf I he'I'ltl' to JI"c thcl : tl helclts nr I nl 1\1111 I' ; Il'all oll'sel"e' the helells of It 111 , 'I'n Slhllt 10 1I11 'IhillJ ; dSl' \JII ! he si ' , I Is hit I Il'oulem IIr 1011I1111 ell e. HXIJrt of . ! nlufnchn'c" . , , . . ; : ' ' < ' ' h ' thc ' FiI'l's I 'CI'IIt ISlctl 11'IIlt. : lelll of toll"ee 1111 Ilhol' nt'I h . : : show Ihnt .II'IIJ . ; thc llllth of , ) 11.1' In t 011 Ixllnrt ! > ! of 1Illlfacllll' nlll11tel to . : 'IOOOOOO , nail.t , * :1 : , ' 000,000 ' l/rlclltlllll'OllIets / DIIII o , ! , the ' ' ' ' < ! Jllle l'XPO't : ff 111IfiH'tlr wel llallj2OOOOOO , ngllilst : : iOO.OO < or ni'lclllln ; ] Il'Olllcts , lhls 1'1 the Ih's1 tlllle 11 the hlstl' ' of Ihe l'01tl' ' thnl III 1 ; polls nf llllllractlll'e ! h\c : ex' , l'I'l'dlll tll e of t h < fn'II : , 'Ihls .Ihls 1101 lIP1 thlt t1 ] eXIJlrl : of 1111'11 IlrlJllcl Il'e tall of hit that thosl' or lllIl' f\III'I'1I ; hlve rl'ltr hll'I'I a III , 'Jhl ! I 1111e 10 I prolel'th'c tnriO'whilh , whlc I . \ ' ' , nlHO ' IllIclllslel'lrll lnlllfnctlll'es Il' ( 'I'IH' ' ; the Itll tellil fOl' Alerical fall prol1lcl' , ) c1ocrnCy'M Illl Hecorcl. Whel thc "ctellI of thc < 111Vn \'CI'e wlh Gl'lI , Grllt Icforc , Hlchloll ] I' wih Sherlll IIlal'chllJ , : to til sen , n l1'IUC1'lItiC lntolll COll tn 1 111'Lnrct Ihe Wil 1 fnllll'e 1111 11el111et n Ils' IllIol'lhlc lIen 11. " "hel the IJslle8 lell , tl WI C'enrIlC'-I : 11111 hnll < ' ' ! t mel of 11 cllses were hnthlJ ; Cor sOI11 111 ' nllll tl1 Joltl slllllll the Dele , Cl'ltiC 111'1) ' , IHI 11 O'llllzatoll , wa Ilaloril ; ; for free sl"er lt Hi to ] , Whel the Ilnrt ' ' ' IellhlCll wntl'Cl\eml' \ IlIg,1 for'protectol to A meriCII 11 II 1 f rc' tlrel'l IUcl workmell , its ollpolellt' wrn Ilh'Ol'ltllg n pole ' 11PRtruclh'c to hoth , Whnt gooll thitlJ ; has the Delocltic ' ' ' dOlle , ' lJI't CVl'r nl 'how ? Nnt the UII JJltOrtnlt . , QncNloll. AIIlltlllJ ; thlt the Jell stlldardl' "I' re"cahl ' IxloI , " ns , ll.I I' 11'IH I' "n'f , thollh he c111 1I0t hep fx I , that 1 : olll . tlIC InlY Jlpol'lalt 1IIIIIIcial lIlies. liul' thllt mn ' COlie 111 11 rclatlol tl lilnllal Iltl'l'S. ' 'he qlestloll of tht 1I'I'-I'I'"ntloll : \ ! or ' ' 11111 ext\1111011 01' f 'S' lel of hllklllj IIlIIl'I'I'ele ' ; Ihe rcllll illg of 011 lIatollnl dl'ut as It la ' , frol tn thnl' , II , ' tle Iwcol le nlll 1111 1th rr Illestols o like illlOrlllIce 11\ J'I ' , ' , l' 'Xo IIlnee the "etlt'll'lt M thl'SI , Ijll < stiOlls \lfl'llltl ' hnllllll mlht ; re hllt Jl sll'h n dlltllalce of hulwlls ! : ! I wO\11 shot'k the whole cOllltlY , Per.ollnl AII.eVlt Nnt " ' 11. TIll ! Delol'rntc } nl't ' hns hl'll HI 10m : 11 the Olll ) , itol 11111 Is \'erJ 11n wI'k hlll so ! IJ IIHI el'Jtlsl that , II fUl'gl1 1hnt 110 latte'WIS ever WOI hv , SWCIII'ill at thc ' ' , Ahu'p ; 111'1 II I I' , HonsCelt wi 1llke votcs fU' hil II II II vel' ' IHlllnl' Inll , 1ersolll 1'l'lldsl wi 10t 1111Iwn ' frol hil 111) ' li1 who 1IIIh'es hll , hut Jt wi ! slh' hhi . ' n.llh'elH to thc 10re ealcst Slp or , } llt hll . \ to the " : ' f01 \ccorl1ug IlukC"1olthl A IIJlIst tllre nre 7O : , :8 111\111111 \I'I".I.l's 11 Iho II\itll" hank ! : ! of thc . , It I' ! Hafc ' 11111..1 StileR 111 tl 11t' thll iWOO : wi'ute fi' thc Hellhll'lIl Illktt , ut lelt ; 11 who I'C 1 < ' " ' , \\1 , 'lal"t'r "No morc Illlortnlt Illc.ton cnn en' JnJc onr ntcntnnlllll none Ihlnl11 reccl\e morc Clrnelt Int thouJhtfnl cnlllllcrltol , thl"l Ole \Thleh Beck _ h I JlunlnntllrcKcr\c thlJ hhh Itlld rll of our . " - 1IlluiltOl 1111 ctzenlhIJ.- S lllor iulrlJlk ln th6SclntlJulIIry I , 18 , ! 'l'hc } ns l e of the atolnl l1htol . \'t 1ll'ket a IICW 11 for the \Vc t Is ITl'Ct 11101 neull letlelelt 11 ' 1101 lIJflh'I ' he eOlllill1 to thlt of tl ' la w , u ' ' I111'ltelll slluet l'rehlel ! : JAlcol1 II ] S ( : ! , 111111' the WI ol low tl'l exports 11 ' ' * , , three ' ( I'eail'll 1-OOOOOOj 11 'lart UI ' thl' ' ' thl' ' Illcrcacl 111'1 I1Jh' tarif ! : ! $ HtOO.O , , . , I . , , - , , . _ _ _ _ _ l : . . . . .M . , ' , , . . _ . _ _ . . . . - - . , ' " " . PARIER'S ( FAVORITE P EM. ( Alou I 1'lr ( r II , ' ( ry ' , . , ul of the 1'1' ' "Y " IIf , ' , - Noh , , ) Inll I Whiloili 111'y-Clrent Ulclc nn.111 Bel1l Ill'H ot Inrkl'r'l , hu ( to stn ' , : . 'o hclp hll Ix hIs frllfr : ni' to toll him I whnt tn SII ' ; ' Dn\'I,1 , t11 ' ! : ' IIBo kCI'I'rll , ,10 VI $011 lte 1' \ I'llclhlntc , t ' ! Or C'lsc thC' "l , :1 : thl' hlst o YUII-thnt's : Jrst I ! II'C ns flt' ; Now tUII't lelll III ' tlleJIIIS , ( 'rellhtl flll'ther ollhl , Or Huollelt ' 1 h'nt , YOII , ' ' I c 'IHI 1101'1 wnhh : Oi t I , , ' Wlllsi IhC' ' wns a 1'Bllllntc : 'lt thollght 1111 hlve a chul'o I ) w't ttl I he Iwollic , whnt he klrw nllll 11111 < r ; , \Vllt nlolt Ih' eoulliry wih n holer nnl " whl)111- I ) " 11'(1' Iw , 'ttI ' , w'u4'litl'l , hc wnl 111' , ' II'1llth IIII . , Stik II whli I Icl YII , or YOII'I nmlilo ' , 1111 ile 11111 1" < ' 1' HIJse"cJ II hCII 'll , . " c Yln ,101'1 wntrh ' ' IJltl " \VI I lt 1 WOl' n rllhe 11111C' : 'I Am ! f I nl'IIICI'1 t , ' ' ' ' ' I h' wrt JeI hlew 1'1 I 1 'llll' fl'CII ! ! IWI ' m ' hlt- " 'hell thl' ' mJ 111' whlt I WI ! , Inn. ' ' ' ' ' ' , kWI'I'rcl 1011 11' 1'1'1 \\'Uh I 1111 hl'l' fl nthl'l' IIIIlIll' whllh renll : " 'I I \ , < lIest J\II. " . Be 'nlr lfe , thlt Dnvll II IJem ' Whlt' II , I - ' , An' Hoe e\1 'I IIIOI.-d' ' " ' . , . I 'nl , lul" WII'h f I , 11111 . , j "nesl II' ) IIII'ly ] ( 11' ril how YIII talk ' nhnnl Ih' trllsl'- I C ynl wnll In trllsl'3 ! 01' , nlltil II hll I'I , All' Ih' " ' , : - ' - ' VIry ! mnch In HI ' A , to 11111 'I I'lls-I'cl < 'I'IIJI 1C'lIry OaH' Hn wny I . SIII ( rJht In whllll'I' , Ilul't 'llI Ilcver : I ! ' In , 111' Sholt . 01' . ( " ' \ ' 1 'I hl'at 'OI , I d ' 'II I ' ' " , lolI't willil ult ! J " \ ' ' ' . ' ' ' ' ' 1 "ln\'p 'L\r'IIIllo la\rl.I'llhn'kl'l'l'flll whnt011 ' ' \011 - WI'II'- ' ; Pllt 011 nl'lh' nil' Inok ovcral ! 110 ' ' " 'l'0III ' IlIh' ; ' 3 'j'nlc 'nll' 1111' 1IIIIIgC Illto the tllclHon ' i In'II ' Clll ' , l ' ' ) wlIlel' yon've . el'll 11'ow fie wien nny. thill/ If H\ ' , : \1111 'onr UI'II DI\il-hl ! IlIggC'tloll ! " I I' "e' 101t- , > , ' ] 01' \ ' ' , HlIHC\'rlt 1 IIlat YOII , ' N YOU . , DO " 11 \ AJOI OU'I'I" J , TRIBULATINS. .OE' } , A" , GREAT 'GRANDFATHER. - - - I \ ' ' ' 1'.hl . " IC'r , ) CO\'II' ( "f 1 11,11 W , \1" < HI'\'I ' , 1 , 1OI , ' \ ' - ' nlnr HOlly-I'vl JII ! Illhrll 1'1111' ' ' , 'l'I'llll " ' ' hall 1 Icl'r IUII IIcl'l o IIlh ' ' I ' Ihe fiI IIH'I Wllt hlll'll II I blalkl'l . ' ' ' thllt ' , Jat'k. ) 't'I' 11'1111 111 10uJh 11111 ; llly , ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' , It ( fi' I 1'11 1'1I'h'll : I "II'oll h'll wlll 111 I'IJ 11 \ ' 11 o hlJh , Ihlt I tI'I'IlS lS I 1'\1'1' 1'011 .IOWI , , , I 11\1' " dll II'C II \nprr \ 10 fiI ot 'n ' ' ' I ) ' ' ' , 1l'II'o/nloll 1101111 In llt C'\I' ) 1111 I\IIY dll'll'cl tll' If Ihl'l Ik { ' / Jull 01 thC' "olnr tha ' . ' IIIXII t tHc\'e II 10 tOI.I of lalkln' . ; 11111 "NIII , ' , " , cllI III'C' . as I holhh.l 'nlo ' ' 1l'lnJllt Ihll 101111' , IhC' II'Ht 11 < ' II.e ' I ' ' pick the IllHlcl 11 1I'IhllHI'hlh Il' Hhlc ' ' , " , " , "t'IJ1 011 of hil I'YI'I "Nlllky 11)1 hc " ' ' ' ' " ' 10111'1I'onll't" "lh 10'1 1'III ) . Icll'r f'1111 YUI of 1 I " 11'I IHI' I'H tO .CIP 1t 11 1111t , . " 11)1 I , , IIHNII' ) tl ' \ " I hi' II.tt 1'1"I'k . ' 1hl'IIR lulhll' l l' I tcw Ihnfl Jolf on , thl' to nil 0111 ' ICltllll IIJIIC ! hlrCI 1111'1 IlIle 10011111' "OU I houlh I 1 mie IOlg , : A hl:1 ) ll'll' of I'olul IkC' Ihlt lu"9 I lUll/ ' ' ' \IY Whl'l 'UI' WIJOI hlll't IIY Hllrll" ! Il' Itrnw , Oi ll hol , 0 I , In' your 011 hll9 Inl flt Ilc 111' I ) t'l ) ' 01 , Alol , Ihal's thl mnlrr wilI , ' ' ' UN 'I'hl' ' h' JJrllc'rl hllli WIIJUI hllll't /ot Oll ' SIJrllJf 101 ! tlW tor "IHlloll 1111 ) ' ' ' ' ' ' ' the 11'111' 1I'IOlP , 11 fl'l'l tn'l fUflhll' 11 ' , ' of ' ' ' ' on I Thil I'I'r 'fl'tlly't 1011I't rn 1'llll'j' 111'1 JI' 11) ' Il'nl wil , hul whnt rlrht hnl he 11')11' 1110 01' , l'ulvldlumfl , ) . , , WI't . 'III"I'tI ' IK I othlH U .w ! lkP ' \ rhr 'JIIUI.'ll' lll"\II'rto'I.hc \ ; 111 ft II tlill 110 11'nr I ( : Ilylhllg 1111 11 ' hi' I , II1HI'c1 I Will 1Ii 011 nM ll 1111 , It he ' ' , l'C , , ) I'h II/N 111 hil or hrfl'C' Klnls , coull ! IIlj'lhllg 'l'hlH 111'11' tOlllllht II oi n 11IIIhll'nl rlft We ) elo(111 hlvcl'l got I , WC'le ' ' ' ' , II' .II'I'H I Ic. thl 'hl11 trnl , We 11\1 IIW 11 I.llg II Ilfllt I Icl I ! ' thp ' ' ' ' ' the tl'l 11 11'1'1111'111 ' olul nlll\II'c' \ ' , fllllll' Ilk , IIIUI11 I IJ 11 1tl'llul WI IrVCI' "OW Ihnt the Ullol )11' ) t'l II , )1"111'\11 , It Ilrc W'I' to II' "IOIh . ' tU , thr ' ' ! ulhI'f rUIIII Inll . )0 Hl'llhlc'll : ' " fl'l 1\11 ) I n 1111 r 111'1 Ihp ol\ for Illh Ullto , " 'I 11\'CI' fnIhnt two Ihhll:1 : ( 'olll 10t , ' ' ' ' thc ' ' ' nl thl' UI'I'II'Y HIII' 1'111'e tlle Illm Ihe ' ' , 111 11'IIIIIInll tulolt'll Ilc hull " nlill ' Ihc hI" "llllnrl Il'f 11 hohllU hl ! \ ' " ' ' h\'C"1 fllc 1111 ' ' " Ilmctlllll 111 ' . 1IIIIIIh't . . \ ' - , .II'I'I" tel' ; 01 , WI1'.C 10 fllll ' (01' tur" . - , nH I ' ' , " . HC'P HIJhl1111 ni fil I'nl 1"h11 ' ' , ' ' . No , ) 1111 fIJ' hlll'HIII 1'lhrl' wUIlt Ihe I IUIII'Y ! II fl' Illrl y 1'lhl'll , no 'IU , ' ' ' ' ' ' ) ' kllfW loukln' \ 11'1'1 Iuldl' II lullr'l II HI ) ' ' . 1111 I , It whl , I )1t'I l\n , I lY 1111 ' ' . ) ' ; I'I't 1II't ' J1011 Ik ' n 10Il' . nli IlY 1'.11 ! 11'1 JI'IIII' tO IUI : thl' ' III'IUIII , Hh,1 ) I'll ) ! \ I I'l ell ' 11 ollllni hllllllltOI , 1111'1'11. ' ' ' , , cll'l'll ly Ifo , Ill'l IJOUIIIoer Helh t , ; llnll , elllnUII ! IY , ' Alol.OI , thl 1111\l hn\c you : , . , ' ' ' ' , I Ihat l'OIHIllcl ul' Iln t ! llc 'lj Ilic " ' ' ' ' ( ' \ thc ulhl'r j 'I'l'I'h tl 'IIII\ . , 'IIII111) ) 111 , Chlrl. lull ( H han' 111t 1II'/IIIIC' o"I'r 111 : I Ihl' ' ' ' to 1'11 ! < IIl' IIIH ' tl . glllll wih- I 01t 1'1111' 11 IIl' 11'1111. I Wnllll' 10 ' 11 'UII Ilt 'ly , ) on Ihe Hrl ) , ' , ' ' ' , . 1'01 'olr ull 111'/ 111'J'mv : C.\HHOWI\Y. l'nrty Uccort , In cvr ' nnlpllnl fn'IIli ) li , ( or" forty' ' ' ' the ' ' hnM , 'l'nl's Ilst Helull'n ) 1I1'ty 110111 HIIOI Is rl'l'unl Af thllls .IOII . ! , ot , la1'lInl'tell , of 111h'le ' e'"LJlhcl'II 111 , ' " ch'l' which the ( 'lllh' hal II'oglC'ssel ) , nllil , 'I'h ' " of lhe ' Ilr IJrlt ! l'c"111 DIIII' . Ol'lati ( ' 1IIIIy Illle il two : lllillisl'a. i ' , wns , or ' . , : tllllS il fiI II 1\ln'ler l'olUller. I ' ' " or ' ) j ca Ihlll\I'II'I" 1111l tlal 1II'aYli nllcl - ' ' ' thnt chief . , lll-lill'SS fnlhl'l'S i ! lI lIess 111 l'I'I'I'lt 'l'al'M hlH hccl 10 get us " fil n \n ' fllll iK l'cl' ll lS 10sihle , ) ; ' \ Ho ' . ' : J'nrlcrVolil ll lfl' ' Wlhullt 1111'MtionhlJ ; the Mllrclity of .IIcl/c In l'ja'l"l IX 11' < 'Sliol-l : 'I tu . ' ' , his , InCII' IUcStol II Wlt hy ownHtalt. 1U1I1 , 10le 1leot , ' 41 to hiM IHlty , rl ' r 1J : : than he' WIM ' 10hilr. . ill t , " ! ) vldlols of l'lght , 'l'hnt hillK the , ( 'nil , WI havc n II ht to nKIIIIC Ihnt h ( lilht , . nt nn CXU'I'10 101CIII , 11ln Ilrcmler Ils lu'llIelel CO' the Kil" , or his IJH'ly. i : ueh , \ IUI c'/lIllt hc' Iwl.1 . HII 1 ! n tnfo I'nwlilntc 10 nrmcnt. fi' Ihl hl1helit Ilo llol In tll