Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 29, 1904, Image 5

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    r 10 , :
BI.JUleroulI , F'lrobrnllll MothOlls AS:1l11l
COntln" Into VOlIlle : ,
AII1 rlcl\n , ]
ItTOU 11 seem to the lIC1'SOIl of n fnlr
, deree : of IHr'plcnclt : ) ' thnt thl' lesRolI
tnught by the lucllellt ! of 1.1'011 C1.olgos1.
three years ngo Willi ! ! ull1clclltl ) ' forceful
. to hllve lastell longer thnn the presellt
. actions oC certnlll perilOIlS nlltl publications -
tions would lend us to belle\'o It hns last-
ed. A hue alld cry wns raised ngaillst
Prldent ! 1cKlllley nlong the line oC nl-
leged m111tnrlsm. 'fhe nbsl1rl1lty oC thnt
cry wns nllmltted by e\'er'body evell
heforo the great statCmllll1 ! hnll beell III-
:1ul'urnted. llut the seclls oC sellitioll lived
mill thro\'e In the 1I0lsollous soli oC nn-
.nrch ' . In the soul or Czolos1. : ntlll hi ! !
> lur.lerous ad\'lsers the hal'm was dOlle.
'rhe CrOI ) grew 01111lnl' \ " fruit. lIe hall
read the pnlers which flll pl ) ' allli trnl-
torously deelarell thllt Pl'csllhmt [ eKIII- :
h' ' was a mere 11II11let ( In the hllllds or ,
theRe who wtlul.1 . tlll'n the relubllc ( Into
nn emllirc. He hml IIstcned to those who
fnnat\r/lll \ / ' Ilrofe sed to hellcve this IJI\I-
lIn hlu lit' . hll'ller was horn In his little
11111111 , .And the ) ' whoRe dpllhernte allll
craft ) ' l'lng had Iwr\'ed him to the deell
were more gllllty than he who did that
which woultl have becn almo t justlfi/lble /
11nd their wOI'.ls . been true. 'l'hese ( leoilio
who IlIcltell tilt ! m1\l'ller were Ilrolerly (
j mHI thoroll hy ] castigated nt the time.
Btll the lessoll hils not lastell. ow ,
l that the hent or another camllllign Is
\1pOIl us the old sll\llllerous , firebranll
) metholl Is again coming illto vogue , Cer-
' taln lIe\\'SllalIOI'S and certnlll Ilol'lolllcals
t : ire Illetmlllg 'l'heollol'e Uoosevelt as an
' emperor ; as one who Is Itchlug for IIU
A OPllortunlt ) ' to exerclle t'ranulelll power
nnll tnke ' the II 1\1'1) ' houht anll
J nwn ) e \ ) ! ;
) dearlr 1Illtl IIhel'ties of this Ileople. 'l'he ) '
who maIm thce ! claim : ! kuow far belter
) thall II1l\n ) ' who 1\1'0 , Iulluenl'ed b ' theil'
tl'ellSOIl how fnlse these rellreselltatlolHl
. : \re. 'hey Imow that 'fheollore Hooc- !
I , 'elt Is the embollimeut oC pntrlotlsm nUll
10)'alt ) ' to tholroyernmellt / ; the ) '
' Jmow he has foulht tlu'O'Illhout hi : ! ca-
I'eer to secure for the Ilcopio hl'oadcr aud
'I better privileges and hns ! ! tooll hctweell
them nnd those who would ha\'e l'ohhcII
them of the full enjo'ment of these 111'1'-
I rogativcs that Amerlcalls holll snl'l'clI.
1 'l'hc ) ' Imow he has doue this unsclfishl ) '
. ' 1 1\1111 br\\'el : ' aud regardless of tIll' effect
the ' I11Iht ha\'e his polltlcnl ' -
I ) ; : \ on III'os-
i 'l1ects. 1.'ho ) ' know , furthermore , that he
, " ,111 contillue to 110 these thiuls to the
I end or the chapter nnd thnt he Beeks to
t have ahout him ouly such l11en as are
i trne to the cause oC thereat ! : ol11l11on
pr'ople as allied ngnlnst the clnsses , 110-
I lItical tl'lekHtors alld demngogues.
If some wenlmlnllClI llIlllY llunl shoulll
' nccept serlouf < I ' their Ilrenching nnd feel
} llmselr cnllell upon to preyon t the ; \'oku
: from Calling upon the lIeck of hll fcllow-
belnls-shoulll follow in the footsteps of
the III-stanell Czolgosz and take the IIfo
of the Presiclent , either before or after
re-electlon-those Ilapel'S and pel'ioll-
cals would h 'pocrltlcally drape thelt'
columns In mourning and fulsomely pI'ate
of the marvelous ylrtues oC the deceased
6tate5mell , They would tell to the wOl'llI
the truth thcy not enl ) ' conccaled , but
brazenl ' denied , during the lifetime of
the man In whose murder they assisted ,
'fhe ) ' woulll heap auathema Ullon the
head of their poor 1llllle. who knew 110
btter than to belie\'e their traitorous
cateh-penn ) ' mouthings , 1l11d Insist thnt
110 he giYen a speell ) ' quietus ,
: -low Is a good time to haye a care ,
n is 'n ' good time for such puhlicatlons
to call a halt and think a moment of
what might he the rcsults or someonc's
nCCt'lltiUas / truth the exngerations ; and
harefnced lies the ) ' nre now oagerl ) ' and
I'uthlessl ) ' Ilromulgatlng ,
j Have a care , incenlliarles , have a care ,
Gold Democrat8 Shulllllnlt the 11111-
F.heehnn Comblnntion.
The Golil Denlqcrats of ludlana nre
unwll1ln to trust .Tude ; PII'I : el"s spou-
601'11. 'l'he ) ' are wllllug to coutrlbute : : ; 10-
000 to u'1C camllaigll funll , but the mone ) '
" ,111 1I0t be seut to the Hill-Sheehall
comblllntloll. 'l.'hey hnye asl.cII Parker
hll11elC ! ! to tal.e the mone ) ' . I C the Dpmo ,
crats nro unwlllln ; : to trust their lenders ,
how can the mass of the Iwople be ex-
IIoetell to take auy stock III the IIrofes-
1 siolls al1l1 Pl'omises 01' the part ) " ! If the
Goltl Democrats lire cOl'1'ect lu their e ti-
mate of ] 'al'IH r's managers , the latter
arc 110 better than 11 gaug or 1I\IIII-bl1g- :
I gCl'S , Stel'lillg H. Holt , olle 01' the lenti-
I Ing Goltl Democl'at : ! of lIIf1lana , saltl a
few da 's IIgo : "The Gold Democrats
! , me lIot oill ; : to be coaxotl behilld a
hlll'laud rellevetl of their mOIlO ) ' all
I thell Ilri\'t1I ! to the 110IIs 1\1111 voted. "
! It is Jl'I\tif 'ill : : to leal'll that such a
mall as11' : , Holt entertains the same
1 "iew of Hili a11l1 Sheehnn thnt HOlub ) ,
i licans tlo , bllt It Is somewhat remarkallc
that : \11' . Holt does 1I0t realize that Par ,
I 101' Is mel'el ) ' the CI'catllre of his mall'
ngQrs , nlHI that an ) ' money gl\'en to the
, , judge will finll its way , throllgh some
channel , to Democratic hea quarters.
Parlor'R Nehbborll A"nlnllt 111m ,
Congres man George J. Smith of tlH
Twentfol1l' 1 New ork District , II :
which Is Jlltlgo Pm'kcr's honll' , tolll
l'resltlent Hoose\'elt a tow tI.n 's age
that he had mllile atollI' oC the lstl'lcl
I ontl foulld nQ Hellllhllcnns who woull'
vote fOl' It the Democmth
canllitlate gllln no votes amoll ; : his HI'
I111blicau neighbors , he certallll ) ' shell II
, ; ain 1I0ne ellewhere. III othel' wortls
i ! his lI011l111lrit ) ' Is 1I0t sllmclellt ] ' grea :
to raw votes from these he llallJ' comel
in con nct with , he nee 1I0t expect t (
secure the RUP1l0rt or Helubllcalls ) wll <
lmow him only by what ho has said aUI
I'nrkerlte. Alnrnaell ,
There nre a largo lIumber or BrYnl
Democrats In : - IIYorl State , nllI
their IlI'esent altitlldo Is vlowl'll wltl
ulllrm It ) ' the llilllh'llIolltheehm : 01' '
ganlzatlon. It is saill e\'el' ) ' follower 0
\ \ ' . .T. Brran will vote the l'o\lllll \ t111
tlonal tlelwt , 'l'he 1'ol1l111sts hn'e \111 \
a Iate tlcot ] in the fielll , the lirst II
mall ) ' J'eus : , IIntl a llr'llII ) ) ell\ocl'at ha
1cen IIlacetl at its heall. 'l'he l'III'I.el' lt'
l11'e chnrgillg' Br'an with bad faith. II
f , , ( 'rtilll : that the detection or th Bryal
} ) "lI\ocrats will cot 1'arl.or at least : . ! ,
000 votCI ; .
The Henl Quclltlou ,
On the Ila ) ' of the I slle or Pl'esitll'l1
n60 eTf'It's lettcr of acct.lll1l1cc-the ) dl : ,
ol the flline ele < ' 1loll. b ) ' the wlIlh
IlrrM rellorts notl'll 11 lonl : \'IHlt to J u : ;
l'ark.r I , ) ' DII vhl I1enllel t lUll.
It 1:1 l.roh.llllt' , If 1I0t certnill. tbnt th
t\"O frlflllls who "hll TO dUllk from th
tItme : calltern" lrollhllut ; more than tin
tllApa\fiu \ , eJl\'CusscII , tliorou : bly , O1lC hL
. . . . . . . . .
mortal sa11I1 : of thclr well-belovel1
' , Jeffersoll , 11111\1el ' :
"n' A I > UI P.\ll'L\IeP.\'fQ 0Ii'
OL'PUH , ( IH A L\'I"l' [ l 0 [ " ItGIl'l"
HOW Am'AA cms ' 1'0 1m
1lJI ( D ? 'l'IIOSI BY IH A'l'11 AIm
I"W ; BY Hg [ G A'l'Q , O 1' . "
'l'hls Is , lrlllecl1 , for the Dcmocrab , "a
hnrd sayingl"
Tbe Weoltllou or I'nrker nnll DaTla
Grow. l'lnlner Itnch Un , . ,
It nppears thl1t Judge l' ] of
E80PUS Is going to New York City to
run his own eampnlgn , 'fhe revelation
hus COllie , but It hns cOl11e more swIftI ) '
than most or liS cxpected. 'fhe re\'oll1-
tlon Is simply thil-that the ! llea of the
eoulltr ' that the Demoernts had noml-
lIatell n fne 011 jlilge whose character
led UII to the stllllnrd oC what a judge
should lc I Ihl\I'ed into sllllterR. 'l'wo
'elrs Igo the countr ) ' Imew nothing or
.lldge Alton B. of ew Yorl. ,
nnll lte of 1el ) ' Gnssnwn ' Davis or
West \'Irglllla , two men Illclwll liP , for
a purpo e , 1) ' the mcn who controled the
lemoel'ulc 1alonul con\enton. low
rloar to e\'r 'bolly 1I0W IUSt ho the Rlt-
laton ! Instead of this stateb' jl11ge
who sent the Rtatelr telcrl1l ; to St ,
Louis. appears. unll for al IlerH1enc ' ,
lerelr u deccllt creature of the falOIS
New York lllticinu , Dl1vIll Bennett
I I.
I.I is al fueer , I appears so Insub-
stantal 111 Ildlffereut Hi cOIII
or his tor
ha\e lomlnuted one ereatons
the Prc llenc ) ' !
As the durs IISS in this altumn of
1004 the e 'es or the Amerlcnn Ileople
lro opelling as to the polltcul sltuatoll.
'l'hcro Is 10 auulsh Colowll the open-
! !
in ! I Is Ilractealr ni o\'er , save the
cxhlhitlol or a cel'tlin exubernce next
: -Io\'cmber ,
I Is Imposslbo ] that rmch I people
as are the voters or the Ullle States
cOlld vote geleral ' to place the ; :0\ "
ellolt in the hllldl or 'l'n 1 ia 1) ' alld a
wak blt craft ' Dcmocrntic leader ,
whose lims and ohjects ha\e seemed
e\'el to be for hlmelf alole , onQ who
has ne\'er hOlrd or thought 01' the ex-
IlrOs > lol , "tho greu test good for the
! rcatpst Illher , " aUI who , 'bo\'e ni ,
! cels incolpclel t fO' the best manage-
mOllt of the Ullited States ,
Coulltry II Pro"pcrous , nlli RooRevcl
Wil He Electct _
E , I. larrlmall. one of the best 11-
fOI\cll ralwa ' olcals il the COUI - ,
a ' 1 a contillation of lIatonal pros-
pCI'r 1a ' ! ! nrctl. Hecenty ho said tl
1 Xew ' lel'ail repol'tel' :
"Conlltolf which II other 'ears
caused 1111c ald lIatonal 1llstreS ! 110
not 1I0W cxlst , Iu al localtes-il Xc-
brslm unc Knnsas , in the East alld the
l'arestthe , local mone11 intercsts
are consel'\'atlvc. I Is lIssl110 to In-
\'est:1 te wih accurl1cy any financial or
Ildustrial Iueston , The slnl mone ) '
cClters as wel as the large OHes arc
with , l1ud this fact
wel sUlplel Cunls
lusures cnreful in\cstlent anll mlnl-
ml1.os risk , 'l'hel'e has been 1 slow ,
! teady olhallcement of vnlue ! , and i Is
stl golug on.
Wbeu asl.ell Cor his oplnlou on the
probable OltCOlC oC the electon , he sa ill :
"It wl he Hoso\'elt a 11 I'nl'bks ,
Ever ) ' one Wilts them.10 6ne cau aC.
ford to chane. "
nelOClntl Almlre Roocvel
nadlcal De1orratle newslapers are
COlcel to Illmlt that PI'es lolt Hoo'e-
It's IcUel" of Is
\ Icceptnnce a streluous
Il'eseltntion of the issues from a -
lcan staUlllolllt. B\en the Xc" York
\\01'11 ] Ind nen\'er 'l'imes commend the
Pl'es lent'1 "I.e 'note , " 'fhe fact Is , there
II 10t a Democrat In the lali who docs
10t almlre : \11' , Hoosevelt's direct way of
gollg ut thllgs , ald al wOIIIote for
him If the ) ' coulll at the Rnme time re-
tnln tbell pari ) ' organizaton. 'fhere
wl be no Ieal Ie.ret amollg Democrats
when : \1' . Hoose\'elt if elecled , le is
ten tmcs molO popular with the mnss
' ' ' is.
01' Deloclac tlan Jullge lII'ker
Retnl : lerchnllt l1IIY.
Heports fl'om ever ) ci ) ' in the cOlmtr '
tel o ! ! Ieat actvit ) ' nn1n the retai
nwrchants , who arc In 'illg In stocks 111
Ilrepalln : for a lvely fll : uII will tel
, 'IVhell the '
trlle retai luel'chlnts nre
bny ! the cOllllt' ) ' is prospel'ln : : , COl the '
depend lalelr on the worklllg IIople for
custom , Del0crats who al'o howln :
calamiy 111 I ll tmes shonlt retr'1
to the 1all of lenco 1 t Esopns ant
thmuse"'es the
InUI\e unti n
Is o\'er lest the ' he engulfed by the He-
publca1 wa ve 01' II'Ollel'i ) ' ,
Iarker' 101tcal Conferoncel
I js nnno1need , with a tourish or
trumpets , that Hcharll Ohle- , who wai
In Preshlent Clevelllls cahillot , has "Is-
ited Jnllge 11\1'1".1' , spen lng two hours
with him at Hosemoullt. otling Is
snll ahout the visis of "hlue'e'etl" BI '
Sheehall of 'l'amman ) ' fluue , who Is a
Ieal nelghhor of Jntge Parker , and who
ean rnn In an ) ' tlmo , I wonld take mauy
ponllils of Olne'lsl to cure one ounc (
or Sheehanlsl.
lr , Parl.r , Democratc nominee Cor
Preshlent , has lI ver jourt\'ell ; west 01
BnffaloI. , . Y. What ocs ho know 01
, the great \Vlst , IH Il'ople , their Iwhlo"e'
- mcnts , their IIORihltes. ! their needs
How can he relollclo the demands 01
, the 11fCerent SItlonf , a 111 lecllo gren1
( Inestons III'UIII'I ) " anll for the good 01
the whole conntrOf ; Imlell oxperl ,
eneo. n Ilrl'owpd horizon , ho Is not com ,
parahle wllh 'l'heollore Hoose\'el whe
hns trlH'elel1 the country over , Ivell ea1 !
nlll wpst. IUows the JeoJle , the conlltr ) '
a11 Is a Prl'shlellt of the Iloplo , not con
trolet h ) ' Wil Ht'eet allll is Inuonccs
" \Ve nre 10t 1ulluctul of the hi
nclaurnhle contrlhuton which OIU
- forehu-Inrn 1IIIInton hnl mnle tl
the 1plnlhlnc of the He/I I I c. I
work 1111 II ueucu have heen fel ,
throlrhout thc couutry , nli Ullcl 0 :
ni thnt in Jrent OIII/lell I nllut II
II the fruit of i Jonlul IIul 1"lnH
' , " S " Iu ,
tr- lutor 1"4lrlUlks tlo bcuntu , JUIU
i' ur ) ' 1 18
Demot'r tc elalms of cal"'lng Net
YO'k Ihls fal do not : lllnar to allpoal tl
the clas ; or men whosu money talks il
'I ' heUlug ril ! ; , 'l'he $ 10,00 hun : UI
I ) ' 1 wealh ) ' 11'011 strcet I olwr t ,
Wir lhlt Hoosvelt'carrlts Net '
has sl'jrcel ) ' recdved a ten lIeI ctnt IIIL
hIe ,
H Democrnte proml es \\cro of nlu
ItVouhl ho pro\lcr \ to insist le
cXllrsslon oC " " 01" and 1 ltte mor
" 1 : ht , "
- - - = . = - - . . . - - :
- . _ _ _ "
No lllcrlmlnntlon II Trentmelt or
Nntvo lorl nl\l Nntnrnlzell ,
Dlslltches trm St , Peterlblrj r'lre-
8ent the nns lnn Ilress lS commenting In I
f la1.el manner Ullon the effort of til
United States go\orment to Ilrotect Il
, Tcwlsh ciizens In forign coulltrles. 'l'hd
Joural 't. Petershurg cdltolall ) '
te '
" "
chnracterlze1 as "stuper'in ! an trtlclo
In n rccent I rellch paper whlcl Ilrofcslcll
to explain President Hoose\elt's dl'slro ,
to gain more lberal treatment tor Hus
sinn Jews laturall1.ed In the Unied
Statcs and re\181tu ; : Hussl wih IHISS-
porls as AmerI an ctizens ,
In hil letter oC acc ltnnce Prcshlent
noose\'elt gaye nn authoritatve ncount
of the groull tnl en by his own al minis-
tratlon 0111 that of Presllent : \1cKlnle ) '
as rcgards the Ilrotecton oC "American
. oC forel n hirth , or or Iartlcu-
lar creet , who dcslre to trlel : ahrO\I , "
the phrase is quoted from the letter oC
accelltance. I Is nlono as al examlle :
of condensed nnd accuate 1eanlnl In-
structve. Continuing , Pl'esll1ent Uoose-
\lt I 'S :
"HusRla , for Instance , refuscs to nlmlt
' . . . - refuses to -
nnllll'otect .Tewl. Tnl.erefuses at-
mlt and Irotect celtnln Beets or Chris-
tlnns , 1.'hls go\'crnment has conslstent ) '
demanded \qnal protecton abroad for al
American ctzells , 'hcther natl\o or
natlnlzCI. Onrarch : i , 18Secre \ -
' ' sent of to
tl' ) Iay a leter Instretons
consnlar of
'al Ilplomatle 1111 olcers
the Unltcll Htates , In which ho salt :
'This l1epartment does not lscrlmlnate
la'tween uat\e horn alld natlal1ell cii-
zens in nccol'lHllg them protecton whie
they arc ahrOll , equalr of treatment
bplng required b ) ' the II wS or the United
" 1.'hese orders to our ngents abroall
have been repeatell a/aln / allll again , anll
lre treatell lS the f11lnmental rule oC
cOllluct Inhl dOwu for tlem , Ilroceelllng
upon the thenI ) ' 'that llaturlll1.ell cll-
zenl of the Unltell States whie In foreign -
' entitled to anll
eign countrcs al'e shal
receive from this governmellt the Rame
protecton of p'lons and pr01erty which
I' : ! Iccorllell to latl\'e bor citzens. "
Ie Cm'thel' declarcs that in issuing
passport' : ! the Htnte Dellartmellt ne\'er
discriminates or allllles to anr man'l re-
lgion , anll that "In grantng to evelr
Amorlcan ctzen , natye or nntlalzol ,
Olu'lstan or Jew , the lame lnsRllol't , so
far as it has power Ins\ts that ni
forel n go\'ernments shal accept the
pa8'1101t as prlml face Ilroof that the
person thorc \ Ielcrihed is a ctizen 01'
the Ullie.1 Stntes and enttell to protec-
II ! ! such. It Is a standln ; : order to
ton ) ' . \merlcan Ilplomatlc and consular
olcer to protel't e\'I'y Amcrlcan citizen ,
01' whntevor fnih. fl'om unjlst molestl-
ton ; and our olcers ahrond have been
Itl'inentir : requlre to comply wih this
olller. oC course of
enunciaton I acton
1' backed br the eause of justce. The
g 'en the American
recepton recenty
Idea or rolgious lberty in certain qunr-
ters the oC BUI'oe
on contnent ! ataches
al11lUonai pellllIence to the critcsm
with which :11. Hoe evelt closell tlt
of his leter which he deyotell to
the discussion of the theme , "I is a
slrlklllg cvllence. " he Sa9 , "or our op-
l\nellts' Illsillceriy III this mater that
with their demand for rl\1cal artoll h\ '
the State DCllarhlent the ) ' couple 1 d -
ml\11 ! ' a I'ellucton In our smnl ml-
talr estahlshment. Yet ther mlst kllnw
, thnt the heell pall to om' PI'otCSt , .
treatment 01' ' he exact -
I 011' ctizens wi
' , the In our
actIrolortonate ; to helor
ahll ) ' to make these protests electve
shoul the need II'lse. "
It 19 Eaal , . I xJllolOll hy ni AIpoll
to ] nch Qll I IJurcR.
The Ulster COUlt ' candilate , lahor-
Ilg hard over .Tltlgo Parl.or's Rpeech to
til fllthCul Dllocra tic e1101' ' : lcssorell
out whit'h to '
SOIO statistcs wih hal'
Ier the Heplhlt'al nllmlnlstrtol nlt
whic the jltlge was toillg o\"er his
elpl\ ; ' sentences ,
"Ils cOlltnt\'e faciItes Immersed
11 coglhUldl ) ' or eugltlllol , "
his aptitllle for 1:1'es ; wellt on a vaca-
ton anll he preparell , or : lreltld. some
\err qleer conclusions , which he gaye
to the Ilmlrllg ediors wHh much llml
ch'cumstnnce ,
'l'he trouble Is that the Ulstcr Oount ) '
llltclan's deficit Is not 1 Ilelict at
al. when It comes to realties. 'l'he He-
IHh\cans delhtedl ; ) ' accelt the chal-
lenge of the DI'lorl'atc caldllate. for I
; : i\cs them a chalce to show 1 few sta-
tstcs .Tllge 1alk0' nsserts , " sa\'s ; \Vasl-
Ington dlspntch to the hicao : Chl'on-
Icle , "that thol'e if now a dofclt of , I , -
000,00. instead or a surplus or $80,00-
00 whleh11' : . Hoose\'clt founll on bc-
cOllllg President , Both statements are
reckless , as a careful examinaton of
the record , of the treasm'y wi show ,
In regnrd to the defcit , the receipts : \11
eXp\lllres for the fscal ) 'ear Olln :
JUlO ao , m04. slow an aPlarent detci
of $ ,1,000,00 In rOlnd lumbers , but
I lulllg thl1t tme the Unied StateH lail
$ ; OOUOOo for n Panama cannl nnll ali-
I "lm'ell $4 , 0.00 to the Loulslaua 1111'-
chase exposlioll , which later ImOlnt 1'
to ho retullll to the governmelt. I
, : rr. Parker wi dcduct hi : ! 11111rlnt Ihn-
, clt of 4 .OUOOO from the :,00
Ilall for 'he purchase of the Panama
l'anal , nnd the olrolragemcllt of ni ex-
Ilosllon oC wOI'll-wlle scope and 11101'-
taupe. ho woulll fnd 1 halance oC $ I , -
00,00 Inll uIwar 01 the other silo of
the Ic el' .
" ; 0 nn"e Onr TrOlhle8.
' Is the atiude or the
'lhls Helublcall
Ilart In the sent .
) Ir clmIaln.
Is " ' for " It Is "
I "spoil' a Iht ; ; "hile-
- moull ) ' for wnnt of a batn' ; " i Is the
"Crested .Ta'lmwk or the : Itlntaill" 11111
cal filld 10 : - : HIlII of thu
. , Yall ' , " I wants to "tako the 111 h ) '
the horlls , " , : ml Cl't fuII the bll ; i I
trallll Ht coatals In the grolll a 11
Cll't Ihll l\rholy ( to stell 01 them. 1
, '
) " " :1'19 for a Kikenny l'alr anti has Ils'
" , "
t cOYl'rod ollly a "soclabo ]
Wo have our troubl ! ! !
PIrt Vuter' Club. ,
Hooscvclt nUll I airhank > 1.'lrst "ot ,
crs Cuhs are hollll orallled II ewn
Stale In the Uulon , I you are I Ih' 1
votlr nnl IKte11 to cst that yoto fO
Hon.oTelt111 : l alrhalk ! thl' t.ll0
olht tf join one of Ihl e eluht OI
d aillll InfolHltolI allly ) to the halr
I' IHIU or ) 'lur Stale Ulntral Comnlitloe.
'lae lst four "ears of Dprocr III
rile that Wi hat Ihoull he n "arllil :
t(1 ( the Ilvotlll lIot to Tlll'nt tH' eXII'rl
Ilnt , t tnn wil of : rr. UItllllr ,
_ _ _ _ , _
. -
Recent nlmlnlslrntou the puhllc crellt
had hccn lowerl'll , the re\'CIIUe ! were lIe-
elllllll the Ilbllc deht wns growing , la-
her was untulllo'cd nlil buslnct WI
Jaralr1.el1. 'l'he cecton ] oC ( c llIlc ) ' .
In umu tranRtol\ed this conditon Into ;
oUe unh'ern I ' which
Ir , IrOSpl'rlty Ill
cOlltnucl1 ti the lu'eselt time. Wh ) '
Invie Illother Ilerlol or husiless lle1lrll'
Low Hnteol FAro Hocnrol b" J.eotnors ,
for IllAllnpoll Jcethll
At the rCluest of the otcers oC the
Natlonul , who nro
HOllblcan Lague
workluJ ) Intcrest In the con\'ontlon or
Hepuhlcan Oluhs at Inllnnalwls , Oct.
nnd 0 , the Central Passener Assocln-
tlon has coucedod a rnte frm , , al llllIt
in the ' or the \ or one
terr1or Issocl\ton
fnre plus : . ! : t'ellts for the roulld trll.
1.'ho selin ! dltes 110 Oct. .1 , and G nl1
the I'etur limi Qct. n , thus tHnblng 1
\ 1llt to St. LouIs , i waf arecd thnt
these fares shoull he tenderetl other n '
soclatlolls cast nud west. o card orders -
ders or certfcates are rcqulred on the
dates .
Presldeut Moore or the National
I.eague. Ifer consullllg wih 1rclllcnt
O. \ . lcGuh'c or the Indl\nl Lenle ; , I
nlll representat\es of the 11110ls ol'gan- I
l1ntion , retured to Phllulehlhia. no
saicl the organl1.atlon or Hellhllcnn
cubs was being llshell with "Igor Inll
that nn attCllance 01' at least 1,00 Ilele-
gates from the "urious State anll tef'l-
torlnl league ! was eXllected at I llan-
nllols. leallquarters wi bo Olnell nt
the Denison Hotel In thu t clt ) ' nt once.
'l'he r.enue lenj nro elleclall ! ) ' pleacc
wih the low rtes or faro seeuell , alld
to honr ' -
alltcilato large aldlellces Het'r\-
tarlei Shn w alli 'l'nf all Sella torR Pall-
hlnl. alli Bo\'erile. ; ald lon. George
A. Kllight of Calfolia.
lnrker'l I'nrt , Afrnhl to 5tollil on It
Piat Hecorll ,
.Tohn B. Stalchlel , ole or the loaders
of the New York Delocrac ) ' , lald 11 l
leech at Sdlloctnd ) :
" 'hl'Y ( thl Delocrnts ) 110 not Itall on
their ' /llst. / If hut ' tl' ' Ilreselt , I Ile Ilter'
prl'lnt on ( IIS8uel
' 1'11) ' , the Delocratc ) ' docs 10t
stanll on Its past , I lares 10t Mtallli
on Its - its alh'ocacy of frell
( 'olnnge orsl\r , 01 Is 11emlill fil thu
of the In the -
hnllil 10wn lag Phll-
111m's , on tlw h\silesi ) aralIH ! that
111Iwd the last pCliol1 llllllg which the
Delocrtc Ilarlr wal 11 control of the
; : o\erllmellt ; on Ii deell'aton thlt the
war Cor thc preservation of 'le Ullion
was I 1nll'c : 011 ni the hllllel'iI op-
posltol of which Is hlstol' ) ' Is a eon-
tilllO\S recol'l1
'l'he Delocratie Iarty does 10t nnll
dares stallll , ' ' ' ,
10t 11,0n iti 1'11'11'1 becalse
Its ! ! ' the most el-
recorl wo111 dlrn'11
tclng promises that It cO\ld male.
As to 1tnlnc ,
A 111 tlll YOU hl'nr the ne\1 from Mnlnc ?
11'01 Inhl. Mnlue , llllel
Shl' hent for Kent ,
Shl'Int hel Go\rnor
AmI 'llllIleennoe , Ullt ' ! ' 3'ler , too ,
Anll so in this year 10 ( ! she has gOlo
-this Inlne uf - the sie or the
Heplblcan Iart ) IUII oh , hnsn't gene
hair wa'ct ; ! I Is sool to contemlinte
the mlnner In which oho wi cOlldlCt
InIovemhel' ,
: Ialne Is I10pled wih Amerlcnns , with
the desrllIlants of tho'o who wrenchell
the , Into \ ' on thl
thoillelefi :
contllellt , "cr ' acnto :11 lellslhle are
the JI"eat-grllllhilllrcn voters of : rainc.
The ) have eXll'essed thelsc"'es ,
A Renr Gunrll Acton ,
Alreacl ) in the IH'eshlental campnln ;
of thlf 'car the DemocI'atH lre Ihtllg ;
" " ' '
actloll. 'l'he
a "rear-glnlll Hlsslull
Gell. Km'ollntkln hal his tl'onhles anll
Ins hell Ihlln ; rear-gnll'l adlons for
' , his is good
sOle thil' hit cOlllllon lS
cOlllnl'ecl with the cOlllltoll or the pres-
elt Ilalllrs of the Delocra tc pnlt )
'l'ho Dmlocrac ) ' Is fightug a "renr-
glll'ti nrton , " Inll Iholt tw enl ' trol-
blo the ? l'\llblllnS \ hn I'e II the II'olles !
If that thlre wi 10t he " f\l , elolgh III
the ( ' : l\pnll. B\el the "I'l'argllartl ae-
" II ' ' to helolt "vcr ,
tol" I 1 l'II'S \
Vlocldn ! to the I'l 1m lnt Clllhl.te ,
' ' ' of Par-
' -
BI''al'l hitel' IlenUlllaton
1.1' Is helll : fl'llt , ) ) Islltches fl'OI
se\'eral ; ateM ropol't thlt the : -Iohrns-
Imu'l : ' ' are to the -
llmi'el's locklll 1011-
. of . ! ' '
lst sllllnrll. SOle .hllgl P/'lwr's
close fril'llIls are accusing II'all ot 11-
' ' the or
I'ect illsplrlll 111sorllon RICh
mcn as : [ eh'll G , Pnlllsl'l' , the New
York leallel' of the 1I''an forccs.
The ARtute ) Ir , " 'utHon.
CandhlatoValsoll klows a thing or
two , I enll Hoose\tlt the "Jenulne
" anll Parker the " : 5nh-
artcle" llrous
stlltC. Holll'kill ; ' 1'01 neell not he
alal'lell for tle rellblc , 'l'ho yoters
wi lIe\'er he foolll h ) ' sOlethlll ; : "jUHt
as gooll" fl'OI the ) acl. of the linerllt
statoiHl : \Volfel'ts Hooft.
Sure SIn or COllfhence.
'fhe Irlce of liwny shnl'es on the
New York Stocle Bxchlnle Is steally
nlh'aneilwhlch Is a sura In.lcatol ]
that rallwl ) tmtc Is0011 I also Is R
MIII that holtlers of Htleks are conl.lcnt .
tll're wi le 10 challge II the natiolal
Iwlt'les whleh have mad ! good time ,
lor tl whole cO\utry.
_ \ 801ld and stahle C\rrelle ) ' , oed at
) ar In ni cOlntrh s , is a hallgo of na' '
tlonal , honor allll n HOlrce or
, 1.01' this the
Ilroft c0\liton Americl !
Ileole are hllebtet to the ) nrt ) ' that ha !
alwa's HloOI for lallltalllllll the I"bll
credit uld 1 sOlnl CUTIUr ) ' .
Unllor the Hopuhll'an polcy of pro
tll'llou lanlrartlcll , Ilrollnl hn\1
, hl'colo o\o-lhhtI of theRe of til !
Ize worltl. n\d A mcrltan workmclI iI
CilO , almost Iln\llo th ! pay for th(11
la bor tha t silill' labor recd \e in oth
er eoullu'les ,
. ) 'ouug mnn : hout to Cl t hili fr
, ,
vote HIoll,1 Ilhmtlfr hlmsl ! wih th
pllrty of II'n I'css , Why Hholll ho 11 :
himsef wih I party Ilt hUl to I
, totll 1m' ! 1 nhout hlllr\d ? ) 'l'lr to fnd lolethlll
Bxpelpnl'c ha ! ! "howl th" t the Ilhll
l'l'cdit anll thl Itionll ( 'lrrenry Ir
alsollll'I ) ' sare In the luwlIH of tae HI' '
Illhleln rll't ) ' . Wi ) rl k "ltrllln
- thcl to nlarty \ that h P nlnr laom
11) cuparil ) ' for lalll/lng thl11
'l'he r\cort of the Hellhlrln ( lrl ,
Is ! IO of thlllJs dUIII' ant Illell"t fl !
Iled ; Omt , fr tJ HI'III'rat ! Ilart I
Ol' , If the I hi 1 : ! prur11 Ild pJedl '
1,1.111 ;
. . .
. _ . - ' , , . - . .
\ '
- - - -
0 <
: ;
n 0 1 1
1nln"CI " "nlnd Jolocrnc" ?
A Den\'cr \ln hns fled a rostnurnnt "
for tunngllg : hi ! ItOlall. le 8a1 the
o the
rcstauunt solcld Iltrolla 01
grolntl thnt It lor\'ell Iood Cod , but
that the Ilroinhl wa 10t fllflell , The
toOl , 'ho nssort ! eRue,1 Itolnch trouble -
ble , trom which ho 1ufferell grlltly , and
he Ixel his tnlages It 10\01'11 thou-
8nlll dolnrR
'l'hls cnso wi bo wntchell with Inter-
elt , tor It opels 1 lIew lell 11 the Illim-
nge suit Ile. I Is 1 IUI1) ' cnlY to f-
cure cOlpclsatory dnmages for losses
causcd by hrokel promises , whell the
has n ' to back
Illalntff wrltel cont'ct
ll his d III\II , or Ir he hus wlnelscs to
a \erhal eoutrnct , but It Is 1I0t nlwars
Ilo > slble to secue retrl's when the
Il'ollse Ii of such a Intue as Is alleged
to hne beel mallo b ) ' the Dl'II\'Ur rus-
' Ulllkse the len\'er Inn IU\1 wln hi !
caSt'11 avnlnlchn or Ilnlle RultR
Ilght folow. lu'lll'S 1I11I who foret ;
, lr ] who ' I ' for
enngclentl ! Wlit1
10\1:1 thnt fIli to cOle , h0'I'nwho
to ' ' lonns. '
1eglect rl'lll ) Illll polltll'II\1
who prollsll allil foret ; , an.1 . I I l 1\11
parties which bil for votes anll 11\'er
leet their oblgatolls-al thlln Ilght
Ie Inhle for dnlnge ! 11' tw ) ) I'I\'er
IIalntI's } suit Is Mustn Ined.
AUII what a 10ulltnin or calI'S Ilght
ho Illel UI' agn Inst } n I 11'1' : C\ ; ' I f the
statute 01' Imlatlols 1111 not Ilrlle to
bo a hall Who wi'm' forl't ; the
woe nll Ilspr ' , the 11ltres' nlil stan'a-
that the ' Iln's
ton eall wih DI'10crtic )
of u.a to lSUi'Imllltrlel 1luulshet :
alHI allli '
trl\lo com1elCO ; clleral
Ill ra 1)11'11 ( lloul of wagenrnt'r
were elhor relldcret 1110 or Ilt 01 short
. 'l'he of the '
tlle. streltl ciies Hwal'lell
wih ulemlllo'ell , ant folll-loUles were
eRtahlshl'l1 to feet the hlllr ) Once
homes ' Illto or
halll ) were t\'II011 Illacei
sualor ( ] , where hI1JI'r'llllhell 10thers
! : \ t' 'ilg to sti thl ! cl ! ! or 1-110\-
IshcII h,1hes , a/\1 where Iaullt , RIIII.II-
e 'etl len broded over thei' Inhllt ) ' to
obain'ork. .
. .11Vlt causet these tlstreRsln
( oudltols ? In the lallpalJ1 of lSf
Delorrnc1:1 1\'lsh 'wih Imlll cs.
'l'ho Heluhllcnll lolir of ) llteetoll WIR
a t , 'he Democl' Illn
Jr\a evi ' : tc tOll
Raid. 'fle Il'lle ] were ugctl to trfl'eo ;
Irclle 0' 1 tnl'lY for rl'ell 0111\ Gl nt
hleslll f \oulll ColoIholtolI of ' '
' \ , ' ' ' 'l'he
II'otect\vo t\IY Iemoll'a { H lll
people wel'e Ilsell ] hy I hl e Il'ollsos
and G ro\er 01e\1111 was elelI'II. 'l'hen
Cllle the OOI'mll1-W\son tllrlff hi n\l
wih I ! en'al , 'l'heso Ilere HII 111 IHllck ' '
cOlllltont cOllltlollS Ilre\'lloll
ult the DIlIgle ) tct wCllt Into effect , '
Iml a hug wa"e or HelHhlcal II'OS-
pellt ) began to engulr the clulltr ' ,
H the Den\er lall 11\1 gl'o\lls for
rCllresR , have 10t the 1110lS who S1C-
fered by renlOI or DelOCI'ae/ vllloll-
alr and brokel promises jlst grle'alco ?
'rhelr mOlletal' ' losses '
) wore ellOl'mous
alll their slfferlngs be'ol11 lllalcal
AII Delocracy Is alall Inkln ; : Irom-
Ises. \1 the \Ictms of 18-i Istoll
to the who '
llltcnl slrenl al'e SlnlllIl
the : oug of ruin , in hone'ell WOlls Ild
cUlsitler heglinl the tones'l past. Not i tllY ltOI 111
Delolrac ' his 10thll ; : hut Its past
/'ccord to llanll on , 111 thn t recorll Is
sllewn wHh heaps or hrolwl Ilromises ,
Illaste hOlIes , dismlllltell flctorel ,
throttc Illustl'les of ni 1 > lIlls , hnnk-
rllllt stores wred.s ' '
' . Ild 11111 l'I111S leUOI'-
ni )
N cnnlll.late . 1 ! grentar than his II\t ) ' ,
nld it Is n certailltr that IC Pl'ker
Rhon.I ] , h ) ' all- ehallcl. ho electCI his
'nllmlnlltraton wowld bo Delocmtc , 1111
UOiocrcr lIevor his COllferl'el1 1 real
benelt on the .
) Ion ) " PeOIlo "from ) lffonrl. "
I Is 10W Ralll the larla'r goll tele-
/ral Is a 1)'th , that Pallwr 8elt 10
Rlch ml'ssago to Ht , LOlis , 111 that It
was ( llIcoctell hr Sheohnn 1111 Hi ill
the hOJe of wll.iug the snpllort of golll
[ oIOII'atl. 'hol'c are a grelt 1 a II ) '
11(011 ! "from JlHsol'l" who wi hl\o
to ho shfwlI the orllnal ; tlleglm before
they wi I.elevo It WIS gellllne , hit
they art mnilll ' BI''allcs , However ,
i the t'e ] 11 wa , 10t a m'th , It ccr-
talnl ' .
) was al IftClthought.
"he I'oley of SIelcc _
A Gerlan Ilro\erh /arl "speech II
sl"'er , Hlelee Is gel , " 'l'hn Delocrntc
Illrty cortallll ) ' hal cOle olt fIll goltl
Ir thnt mealls sllmeo on the money q1es-
ton , nlll It eertlinly has IOW hlck 011
. If that moans ! ! -
Ilr 8Jtech IHIltve-
I It to to
commitng frenlllwss
) 111)
sallo s'stem of filllnce.
\Vhel we ilcrenlo 01' POP iia tln wo
Increase onr InUollal I'enues III pro-
Ilorton , Unlesl we redneo the 1te or
taxaton we wOlld 1101hle 011 IItonll
' If Iluuhled ' ,
re\'en1es WI 01' ) lOllulatol
As lI'eHllnt Hoose\'olt salll III his mes-
Rage : ' 'l'he west em hair or the United
States would sUltlln a popliatol greater
thll that oC our whole countr ) ' to"lln ) ' , If
the waters that 10W rim to waste were
saved alt 1sed tor Irrigation. "
'fhe alnlal reort on the coal lad1stry
oC 111101s. fl'ulsholl b ) ' the , Stnto 1m-
rea1 of HtlltstlCS , Ihows thlt milcIs were
ncver RO ' ' as \llieI the leKII-
I ley all Hoole'elt aflllllistltll ! ! , 'l'he
conI outP1t I ! the tate now IH nearl ) '
twice what it wa llllor 0Ie\'e1Inl ; 1-
00 more men are Implo'etl thnl six
) 'earl : , IIII wnes are tul ) ' GO leI
celt , higher thal In 18Di.
"I mn , . wel be thut nur 01)pOlonh
Jln' . no rcalintento. of IluttnJ their
"romlio ltn .lve ] 11pIOI Illelcnl-
IItte1 Into elT.ct , ] f thiN II the CIUIU , If ,
II o'her "orll. , they Ir Inlincero In
the lrlliHe the ) ' mAke , I II 011' ICC-
ellll' ) ' tll Y a"alu tbnt It II uuwl.e to
- trutt ! Ien who Arc fatlu In enc thluJ
r tUllell 'lh IIt\luJ-Hoosevolt's letter -
_ ter ol.cceltn I"
Wlll thl industies or tlw c01lItr '
pro per cOlI 11 in d rnll allll mlncrs
I Il't their ful H1wI of the /Clral 1110 ; '
' ' . Whell
) thl mils :
tlel'I :11 flettlo
clO.1 or wlrk 01Iort tiue fo lat. of
ordfrs , rlllnJ' tralc fall oI ! ld th
mluln IllllHtr ) ' Buffers , { illrs nro U
mlldl ' ' in the '
IlIl'rlstl'd lalntnluln lc'
e [ 1hlt'un 11111 of ) rotrtloll n : An ) ' ethel
' of \ ' .
t'lul ! workll I\'II.
' 1'1 yailr o rann ItllH haR Il/Il 1l'
tfrlal ) ' 11 lltlCell Ii" ruml free delh" " "
' ' ' " of hn ellll ,
l'hl , III'l'a vllu ( la (
ia t hI IHi hhh al r pH ; CI' " III 10lU
ItIS. A 10.IIIt. /tlmt ( Is fWI
S : . ! to I I'tr ' lt'rt' . 1'11 thc ro\llt\ \ dc'
" ulot1n4lt "f rnral ! ro , 'II'cr ) ' t1
1 fUl'ler lre hldcLtt11 to the Ht'lHlblcal
' ,
, . . N. f.- . , " . .
- - - - -
Virtue reigns IUllrCIO to' < n7 a but
I ;
! OIII !
I Is pnrget , oC al thnt jnrlhc 111'0101
TJ10 thing that's ' most conspicuous 'round
I the killd absence ; oJ the lnut cntn :
Aldln .mount the nlr tllt crculntes at ! -
Not n plutocratic o < or cln be Cound :
nut the there' .
somcthlng doln' IUSPOcs
In the 6ubway Esopus , undcr
groun .
Iu the remaining nnll , sha < 7 dlst/mco thoy'ro
Wiy aloll DIe . an wicke AUJlst al
Their hnse Ilresencc 10 more cast n dark
In the ImeHght thnt descends arounl1
the throne ;
For the cumlilnte'l declared ho never
Imew them ;
le rCllats aroulIll ; It whllo the whlo robed nro
'hln he co 'ly tnrns one ear to carth In
'o lust'nctlon from the sub\vny Inller
s 1'0 111
Alld AUJust s 1 les 8erenely o'er nt
} \ ' ' ,
Ant Da\'o loks back nnd wlnles the
other e 'e ;
And ni the whlo thc ) ' I.eep rlJht on aI-
rn nllg ;
The Illncl' nnd 8t'le oC ench plum In
the Ille.
"Yes , ' It Is , " 1 trlfe lonesolc , tl1 s clu-
Snrs ounll. Auglst , "but YOl bet the 1)lan 1
For DI\'e nnd 1 nln't longln' to bo hoo-
'l'hel the ' hit the trai tor nosemount
Ilder ; : ro\u1 .
-Garret Sllth Inlow York 1.'rI1ne.
Grcnt ThnuJht of Gront Ilolocrata
Shoull HeVllioly Clrculntcd.
'l'he Domocrntc Ilarty Is boasUII/ Or
the fact thn t II this cnmlll11 It Is
! I'llln ; : Olt a grent Illher or tOiS oJ '
ht' I1II'C , tholl h wh ) ' Ilteraturo shouhI
he selt olt b ) ' the Democlnte plrty 110
010 cal IIterlllll. Upon leCOllI
tholghl , tholh ; , It Illt bo nllmltted , )
as u mlttel' of tulrneRs In sllenklng 01
Ilcnlllo who vote the , .
.emocratc tclwt
tla t 1I11e a nlmher or them can read. 1
110\1'1' , thll Is merd ) a Bugeston ,
to th ! ! 11'1 whoso hlsilless It Is tn hantle 1
the Jelocltc cnmpl\hn or education. ,
1.0 he consistent they IU9t keep up ' ;
the cnmllign Hes. In their tons oC lt- - i
C'ature they 1 lSt frst reierato the :
falRehoOI If Henltor Balcy or ' 1'exls ,
wlwl he Iloclnred In a recent speech J
that the Prcsll1ent IIh'ooated '
as I llll:1hllOllt for stealng.
The ) ' sholld Issue a tew miion t
palllhlets ndvocntng the atitude oC
Demoel'lcy'S grent represelltatve , "
Ohl 1 I ) Clnrk , In nsslmlng that when :
! ome one II the nulliellce lsngrees wih
the on the 1IIItform It Is the :
Ireroal\e ; oC the , afer his
HII'ech Is over , to Clt the throat or the
oIjl'tor from ear to ear ,
'l'hore Is al old sa'lng that n le wel
stlcl. to is liS good as the trlth. I
IH lIot a souIII IJ'oloslton , but there Is
In It n sugeston ; , aH to wlln t the Democrat -
crat mlht 110 their In -
; wih mOley cr-
] .
clatlng el111nlgn Iterntue.
I II to bo hOled that they wi bo
srllteflll fO' theMe suggestons , blt the
chalces ure ten to ono that they won't. ' 1
Sluloy Jomocrat , of New York , Pre- 1
ferl Hnofevolt to Parker , ! t
'he RUlda ) ' Democrat or New York , ' ]
one of the odcst ) Irlsh-Amorlcnn an '
Catholc jourllals or the United States ,
hns Ileearcll for Hoosevelt , I sa's e l-
' '
tOI'lnl )
" 101 , 1ore thnn thirty yenrs. 11 poltcnl "
siorm 1111 HIIHhll' . the Hundny Deloernt '
hnH ' ' the ' . ,
HlIIIII't'll Ueloertc 11It ) Illvo I
l'nt'll Is flllltlples 1111 lu5tlilell is CIU-
' , thnt ' \
It bus
clhlnl'H , UIII al Ilel'lol
. ,
1'111111,1 "nllnll' HII\'o to tl pnrty. ,
' , ' ' thnt to
'Ju'llnr hpll'I'IIthnt courl t cnrry \
lhe InwH
Olt cUlsllutun nll or this COUl'
11'3' II a fPII'II' ! unll just Innll'r shoull :
hl' " 11 .
1111 1111 1llllllclllll. ulII foeln/ J
' his
CUlllh'lt flll letolH II tl plst thnt
lh , ' Inl.'n'bll II ' ' 110
01' IleoJII' wi Ilst
' ' ' hlH .
SI'I'II ! \ Ileetul. thlR jourlul hns
l'fllllpc to ICIII 11 Hlllilort to ' ! 'hl'ullom
HIUKI'I'c'lt fur } ' of
HlutlH , " 'wslteut til VultId
The ] 'lrty for Youn" 1ou ,
Btl wH'11 I och , Helhlcan 1I0millee for
GO\'Crl' of 11 1 S/ll / , III an nddros ! at
lnlou , 11 thnt Stah' , .mle . :
"llt 1I0W those vociferous gelltlemen ,
hn\o slllilell ) ' dlfcoveret that the goll , \
tnnllnl'll Is ni right , and ther clnei- '
Iinto for lreflllelt hlandl annonnces
thlt that ql1stou Is 'Irre\'ocably set- ,
tell. YOIII mel shoull join I party , '
tlnt eSnlSl1 oOI prilcipies Gnd 101- . : : '
eIS at thl hl'lllIlll ; : , anti 10t a party
that op"l es e\'l'r ' good thin ultl It i1
'l'I'e\'o'all ) RptUee' Iglll t i allll then
lagl Ilollg wih n helated nllll'o\:1 ot al
that it hll : stlbbolly oPlosel. "
The II ! I 0 in 1 S"loJllle Nuhhel.
In olle crisp selltence of eight worlh
oC hi ! l ter of acceptance lresl elt
Hooso\lt has ! Iven the Irlt llremlso tor
! ! ) ' :
I concllve s'logIRm
Plrt Irlmlsc-"A PAn'ry FI'r TO
GO\Im , IS' . IA VE CO Vl-
ecolt lremlseThe Dcmocratc
art ) ' from , Tudge down to 'l'om
'l'a/art / hni no convlctols.
CUXOI.UHIO-l-'l'llrefore the Demo.
Cltc Ilrtr Is 1I0t ft to go\'erl , .
. \11 thm'o ) 'on ha\o the Iroess oC
rl'asollll : that wi teell ! this election.
Trn.t 1lns"nte ! for l'lrker _
A hlionalre club wi rlso { Parker
111 Vn'Is sik cam\nl 1I banller atc
c reatIec. , X. Y. 'l'ho cub Is com-
11''Pllof " ' 11 : llrelt all trn5t magllatos ,
i Corll : r" 'er , chalrmall of the : -Iew York
Democltlc Stnte Commitee , is U 11.1 ,
Necl. .
i dent lt Llto
le HUln't I.onfel
' 'hlml'I'II'111 Seeretnl' ) ' or Stotc hns
nrl'm\lHhPII Ibout ni that his been at-
tnll'll h\ ; ' thereat dillilmats of the
wo1,11 wlbln the lalt four or f\o ) 'eurs.
In olhermls , , Tohn II ) ' hllm't onQ
' ' ' "
alY "Ion fl' 'rouud the 'rhl'one.
1) Ilerat. ; Ileleve UOM "CI
, Dlrln ! lhe Inst ! o."lol or Congress 1
I Dllo'ratle Senator Irosc In his Illacu
, , UHI 1111'hel : the II'lsh'lIt nlrms
tHnt ' hnd In the
tkll o"ol'nllelt 10 'IUt
I rcvolt or lnnmu. thlttcs I lO fl
tie , I \ '
11 it concret hole\'e hhu.