Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 29, 1904, Image 2
j \ , \ I 1 ' . , . . : : . . " - \ ' . ( USTfR COUNTY RfPUBllA ( L By D. M. AMSBERRV. . . . NBDnASKA DOW. BROKEN . ' . . . - - mimic wnrrnre It Ono beauty nbout Collowia In lint thnt no Inrgo Ilellsioll Its wako. wheat , but who Wo may 110 shy on cares , so 10llg as the 0.111'10 crop Is larger than uBunl. OUler ambillous prl1o fighters are tr'lng to find out what brand , of & ; um Champion Je(1'rks ( chows. . . czarevltcb gel hl8 That foxy young n. to abolish flogging before he wns : > ld enough to got his share. With 2O O mon Itmod In one battle the Urugmwan revolution III'omlses of a rCIll wnr. dlgnlly :0 : rlso to the There are lIomo no\\ ' rules In foot but the old dlrectlonl baU this year , the Injurol1 sUll holtS ror firs aid to S od. Theeo who thought the Ur\\guayal ' rovolulton would 110t amount to mUc' are D ! ergot llo\\ ' many political Jobs stake. Throe hundred gypsies landed n fe' ftl1)8 ngo at Ellis Islnnd. This Is tt 'argest Romany Rye or p thus far r r ported. Last month thcro were only fort two suicides In Chicago. The for I tudo of the Chlcagooso Is somethll I : no.rvelous. An castern sclontlst nsserts that t IVoodpeclwr lIas a nerve extemHng t \ fntlro length at. Its bm. Just 1I1to t gas coUector ! Oklahomn. day was 0. great succ at UIO worll1's fair. Arter all , what o great o.n attraction as II. bunch beauUCul women ? Lowls Nixon Is malting ships will malto sl lhe cznrj ls pnrtner ' or the mlltndo. Uncle Snm's \ ; a.lways strlvo to pleas . . . " The Intost thing In drinks Is . " properly lat JefIrles Il\lDcb. nnder Ute bolt It Is said to glvo the s aggers ull right.I bIrd ' 'rho Now Jersey cranberry crall rear will bo only about halt as ! is It v3.S 0. 'ear ago. Dad nova New Jersey , good news for Capo , Nlcarnguo. and Horiduras nro tll , imlng to go to war , but may thh1\ \ ; or of/It / nnd"atreo upon n post ment unlU they can get somebol ' loolc. Ono of the Chlcngo pnpers prl two column artlclo on "Lcarnln Art of Conversallon , " but whnt I roaly o ght to lenrn Is tilO art of IDg stm. The rellort of n battle In Url ' .n which 6,000 men were Itl11c ! , , 'ounded , ll\cls ono Important : lIent. It doesn't bear the ' : late mnrk. I'"Tho great czar IR , I1tter al 'n. Corlted radish , , vlth a. Illmd llcally carved , " " SI\YS the NC1 Amorlcnn. st. Petersburg will nol copy. , . . Pnnamo. IlnR InvcstcI$4,001 her $10,000,000 ItNc'IT York tate. No'IT , , I\1\t will : tbe do York gets recalcitrant. SOl\\O 1 refuses to pay lho rent ? GUllta' colnchlenccl Quer : otte , ? spcclnl envoy of King wbo bns been sent O\'cr he ! 'peaco mI slon , " arh'oll her < < : Iay of tbe MunroeeKrles fil ; , , King Edwnrll Ims confel hnln of the Ro'nl VIctorl Nlcholl\ and ! m Emperor rnncls Joseph. Tbls Is tll , ' \\'ny of llUtting emllorors In The Casblon dec " , . \utumn cloalts will reveal 1 .f ! \.nd , ,1\en the figure Is rm 'nan that has to par for I ' " iuently do 0. good deal of I . We arc told In the beaut Indy can o.s bat a young , ; , , -uiro tbe graceful round I . . - raceful flnt w .Jst. It Is al ! , f , In\1ch moro asreeabto In I , : ng. 'It ' is said that I\ . diet a I , sure cure for o.lcoh'oll : : hlnk of the borole attcmp , refrain fl to ' Is making 1)0) jrunltnrd when bo . 1111s up rlpo fruit. A Los Angeles woman' ; .ng 11. house Insists tbat t oll\no oft the boards the , , : ays her son so of modcst : ' ! Ow the use of undresse erecting the structure. A Pltt burg man ; mlslo , > ergeant Cor 11. hitching r evening , tied his borso ' 3\ust bl1.vo been a foolish Ing . posts don't lean aa ! orl the lIurllose of cal sleep. , A noW member just the Now York stoc1t exc : coat rlll1ed UII the bacl. , ' 1cclttlo torn oft , and h pver his eyes and the pnd trampled on. Is thi rtmllr funn ) t , . . ' - - - , \ " , : . - " , THE JAP AU JANCE - ' ' . TC. ' CONTINUE Sl.O''l.V SAID TO WARD MUKDEN. - - STORIES OF A BATTLE BE UM - Mukd , ; Regtrded itC Very Important Da3e- Winter ' for Ll o' the Japrtncse Advnnce GULlrd Is Thirty Miles I AWJY. - - ' ' 1\11- JII1aneso St. p'tcrsburg.-1'he } vallre toward1\lultden continues IIlowly accorcllng to Inforniallolrccc'eci ! by the aulhorltles here. Dolh o"clal , ro- l\lar- dlslmtches place Ilorls nnd Ilress . ' I1dvanco guard thll'ty Iuls ] Oyaml\'a 'miles 50ulh of Multdell , while Rtor1CS printed In the foreign press lhat n he. grcilt hatlle at 1\Iultden hl\s nlrClulY the aclual dc- gun arc dlaIlrovcd tlY volollmclIl at the scene of the opcra' tlons. In the minds ot Thel'e Is no flucsllon the Hussll\n n\1thorlllell : of the Itnporl nnco of 1\ululen \ [ to the Japanese as r the .1alJt\ winter base. It Is helleved , effort to 11I18h au nese will exert every the Hussll11s , but It. Is thought II. strug of the town I glO for the possession The Jall nese wll sOll1e a's dlnlnnt. probnblY hnvo to roclwn on 11. stubbor defense of the FlIshan mines. w .1\Hlglng by pl'esent dovelopmen Is giving Ull the Ide 10 Marquis OyamlIs ' Kuropatltln'a COD Co of cutting General munlcntlons to the nortll\vard , and co : tontlng himself with ndvnllclng upc front nnd flanlt in SI1 < y' the Uusslan tI. fashion as to force the evacuation ' rlS the town , and comllel the Hnsslans retreat. further north. 'rho whole pll advance shows a coo oC the Japanese o shlernhle dlfferenco from the OpCl ,0 lions at Llao Yang. At the same tl1 ho the Jilpanese 0 It Is posslhlo that I\galn malting undisclosed movemen ns they have s\1ccessfu\l \ ) ' ! lone In . t ess nnst . Is Informnl ! 1Jest Accol'dlng to the of concentrnl O'nmn has three armies south o.nd southeast of 1\Iultden , of two dl Is ling COliS for fourth corps , of men I1rafted fr slonA. comppsed II11S the al'mles of Generals teu rold , No ! 10)8 to Dzlnr and Olm , being detnchell sending out finnlt chl\n I\nd thence the columns nOl'thwnl'd nJllnorthenstw Ided with the ohject of pl'otectlng Oyan nl the same tlmo ! lrlvlnl ono right , I\nd the Husslnn outPORtS. movement on Rile An envelOlllng this large scnle as General Knroltl eSSI ] 'big at Llao Yang Is not expecled. that t I for dently the .1allanese realize Coil. stl'englh Is Inl\dequate to jllstlfy other atten1l1t to snrrollnd General reatrOllaUtln , who is noW strollger b ' he was at I.lao ; bel- army COrtlS than pone- Shot Fired at Russian Official y to Odess S'l' PETERSDURG-In Thursllay morning whllo Chief 0 lIce Neldrardt ; , 111 coml1any nts a prlnco Obolensly , 1I1s assistant , the g new gover11 Impectlng SOl\1e Icoplo Nlc' buildings In the Boulevard lOepbuildings l\Oep- nl'ar the Pnshlthmonllment. . a : hlue hlouse fired man wearin a volvor from a" dlstl\nce of slc llgllay , ' ' bullet , dl ! . } 'ho at Neldgardt. IamI : chief of 1101lce I\m Ingrestrllw the Chefoo assastlln was \IImblo ' again before ho was seized h ' ObolensltY. . I , onlY CantnsTHERE ARE NINE DEA rf Yorl ; : - } Ilpers An Electric Car Blown to Pic Dynamite. MEl..nOSE , Mass.-An 0 ) , ( ) { 1 of bound electric car cent lnlng rea cstwo Dersons was blown to 111 If Ne this city Wednesllny night b ay an Ing a fiftlHna \ hex of d'nam hml fall,11 off an eXIII'esR Wl\gl 11ersons wore Itl\lell \ olltrlght ro I . rlln- maI'O dlell of their Injlll'les w I _ eopo Id , hOllr , anll nilloteen olhol's U1\ ro on a WCI'O tl\ltOn to the two hospl ) on th 0 forlng from soyero Injuries. 'ht . ' II. scuro of 1100'sons In the 1t1 vlclnll ) ' of the eX110slon } were rred the fi 'lng glass and splinters. an Order So great was the force 01 EmlorOl' } ploslon that all bllt the tOl e modern the renr IJOrtion or the car , c1mhls. Il\to Rmall 11Iec'f ! . while wltllin 1raillus or a flunl . \ tb a t mile were 9hattered , 10 gnro. , ealed the WASI MEETING AT t will LTO- NEXT ' - ! ; rumbllng. _ Odd Fellows Will Hold 1905t Capital. , 1 columns SAN 1.'nANClSCO-Ab ( el\slly ne- unOdd Pellows and Dl\ughtc the un- \S exellrsll be1mh went on an ' probabl ) 10 Wellne ! FI'anclsco hay the acqnlr. Snn Ing Alcntraz and A11t" ! il ' 110lnts or _ 8to\111lng \ at othOl' 'rho soverolgn : : rl\1ul 101 is f apples sm. 'l'henItlvo Sons 1\1\11 for the cot to pertaining t lItUe of questions your won . Washington the order. a bolng rom fo meoUn l11aco on the haltas the nnnual convention. _ Wlthont tran81\ctlng an ) ' Intlfrest tl 1\'ho Is bll\1d- \ ness of general ' lollgo I\djournel\ ho worl\lllen gl'n111 use. She in orler thl\t It. ! olllcors 1\ y I\CCO1t the Invllat 'f will not aI- might McCalln to visit d lumber In Admiral laml na" : . ' : , 'ard. - l.ady Curzon Critic : IIt\ng \ R pollco J.ONDON-A bulletin Ito I lost the other Lad ' attem\lnt ; to him. 110 ph'slclnn l\tI ( formerly . Kedloston . BItch. mnn. Chicago and Washington Imst buildings on"Icoroy of hulla , Sf\'s 1 ] lchlng ulI on . It conilition Is Rerlons. _ on WCllnesllay that 11111 : " l:1dlsll0sed , but that hm " "InltlatelIn \ : llango hnd his tlO Immediate cnnso for bls collar and became Imow1Inst ovc is bat pushed condition of Lallr { ' 1Irm : n Imocltcd ott critical , She Is 6\1l' erll l 50Tt of tIling 1111callons consefl\1ent \ tlncmcnt. _ _ T 11 . . : : : WEATHER MEN AT BANQUET. I - I AddresGes Are Made by prominent I Memhor of Gervice. waa ' ' announcement Peoria , l11.-'l'he mlulo Ilt the weuther ( 'onventlon of the I 11\ of .la11leH II. Spencer , , appointment wJ\ther I ( 'hllrgo of the \1l1lt11 Slates of the \ exhibit at Sl. 1.ouls 1\1111 late or I 14lncolll , 1'ob. : , 11lI1ce , to tuke chargc . I this city. , In the stnlloll noW hul\l\lng \ the i heltl at vms ' al\nual 1ll\l1f1l1et 'rho \ . . Ad. Natlonnl hotel 'I'hursdny night. dresses were mudc by Congressmnn .10sellh V. Grnff , Prof. F. R. Sl\11mrl , head of the weather \I\1reaU not CntHulaj George P. mow , representing Cl\lltaln Cleve- ; Prof. States navy the United Dr. I"asig of latHl Abbo of Washington , Dalthnorc , Prof. A. G. McAdle of Sun of Chicago , representing - MI' . Curley " , } "rnnclsco ' of mal'lno' In' department resenting 11 SUrl\nce , 11tH } othel's. was congratull\tlons A telcgram of Wilson. received from Secrclury . n.d. ' 1111 to an gl\'en ' 1'ho fOl'enoon was I1lsc\1sslon on ensuing the Ilress nnd nllIl Research "Instru'tlons the tOllle , " ' Pl'of b Officials , ) 'Yeather Burea\1 , by ' Abbe of Wushlngton. \ - IMMIGRATION l.AW EVADED , t - l.egally Marrlec ; - Woman Chinese Be Deported. Cannot s Arrival After . t , 11 POIl'1'I.A1'D : , . Ol'c.-Accordlng. b rendcrClI n the ' } 'elegrl\l11 , 0. declGlon Commissioner Shuler United Stnte:3 : . Chlne:3 : Gum Yhl , c. t , In the case of Dee wi for deportntlon , ! n womnll hcld , Inunlgrntlo doors If _ the 1throw open numbe wltho\1t nlo celestial women ' marries a reg' the woman III so long as arrlvu Chlncse afte" : h larly admitted chllrged wll oC The Yip womnn was to bolng Illegalh' within the 11reclncts her nrre . After United States. lD the TI Foolt. accordll Wong mnrrlcd Inshe United States , 0.1 - the lawS of the ( ' Stmlen rules no this CommlsslonOl' In this CO\ , ro tlUes her to residence , as the commlssh though tR even , lry , certain the m he er oXIJresses , heJwas , performcd for the p had been rlago . to. enabling the womnn of .on paso . So long o.s 5\ In this country. , cd main marrll the confOI'11\ with II.marriages II. the won United States lvilaws of the lvi- . om Is not liable to deportation. 11.\1 THE NEW YORK DEMOCRA mt- - Ing Judg I D. C. Herl They N9mlnate arl1 for GoveTor. 1a's of a sl SARATOGA , N. Y'Tout , ; In lion which at times seemed aID Impossible of I\mlcable solution , : h II. leaders of tilO clcmocrntlc part ) ' Wednesday found n war to1nanln eld . I thout lIe l v - action ' and nl1jo\\rnCl w 1 Ie i l' aftel' ha\'lng nominated \1nanlmc an- the foHowlng tlclet : IT u- For go\'ernor , Justice Daniel I t wo Alban ' ; lieutenant go\'e . Hel'rlc\t \ , ) ' ang. Francis Burton Hnr1'lson , 1'ew \ ! \ ' In coni . rellreRentl\t\'e . noW II. 'rhlrleenth district ; ' the fl'om on a . .10111A. . Pallace , J f Potnry. . of state , general , John with Monroe : attorner the prescnt Incum was een of Eric , of St. ' Hall Iment comptroller. GeOl'go trcasurel' , 'Y holus , renco ; state 11\uench of Ononl1agn : state enl \ young ' 1'hOlhas H. Stl'yl ' ' ' a reand sll\\'e'or , of the court chief judge paces Home ; 1 not penIs , Edgar 1\1. Cullen , of King - I the PRINCE BISMARCK IS DE to fil'o - Prince CIHlOcellor ' Iron Son of Famous Aw tY Sunday Morning. pnIEDnICnSRUHB - Prine D . hC1't Blsmarcl { lell SunllaY n at 10:15 o'clocl. . The end wa ! ces b 'l ' less. ' Since he ceased to he fOl'ol : u t wUTll- lloter on rctirenHJllt of his fa thlrt.- 18UO Prince lIcrhert Blsml\r eces I 11 . tal.en part 111 p1\bllc affairs ' r t r II 1memher of the nolchsta . lite th lIt\Hle hall lIeell that of a 11 ! In. SI x ullpl'eclatcd by his ! 'ovel'elgn r tl' ' waltlll In the hacltgro ' wns l'tll 11 an I\n ollpor\l\l1 \ I ty to reS1\me his tl Ie cllr Fl'om 1884 to 1887 the lIece t a I S SII f - n mom 1 IeI' a f tl Ie Uerman I I \l 1 cas t 111\11 also fl'om 18U3 to the tin Ilmel 11 a t e Ileath. lie was 11\1\1'l'Iell In . 1 IIIr t 1 Ir COllntCflsIUI'jal'et Hoyes of nobility ami aftl'1' the Jarlall . r tl - ho Inhel'ltel1 the . hi ! > father I f ee 0 1)Tlnco. 'I'ho deccasl'll IH\ll 'as \ I I own \ sl tCl' , who Is the wife of C WsJrother \ WIl ! 'el' 0 { a In HIOl. Chief Joce1h ! Is De SPOKANChlef Josellh liiNGTON mo1\S Nez Pel'co wanIOl' . Is hall een' 111 poor , heallh iesslon of ' hi time. Ho wall silting h ) : 011 the Collvll1o l'esOl'vatlO ! ) \It 2,000 anll was HI ; dlarternoon Irs of Re- Ilians near II ) ' to fall fl'0I1 on trill on to the grounl1. ; l1a ) ' , "IRIt- - lanl1s alld H o n or t 0 J a = , v ' - . < < 1- . FALOOGA , RUSSIA-At gOllmettll\t taltuDe:1tln hOller of the .10 Ins I el'a on cel'tI who al'e l1etnlnOll hen the 0011 of ors of war the society 11 I\S ; electOI1 with ench ether In ahowll' r the next er ) ' attention. , other hutll.ATI.A1'1'IC : , la.-Dul'ln Casl of ' allsenco mentnr ) 10 soverelrn Miller un\mown \ thief an Thurslla ' , 11 ) ol1\e \ Island freh l1l Ro-:1t : 1\\ members \ ( fro Ion of near I11l\do off with $1,5 Hi ' . No arrests have ' the : \ll\re Is. 111'11.wel' mnde. EX3e1s Two ! allY III. Hungary ' ' NNA-Count'l'lsza , - simell b ) ' the VI of the IntOl minlater Il\n ' OUl'zon of ) ss Leiter of l1erel1 l1'c1810n llr hlhl within lIung ) , wife of lho } 11'011n anda ' ' that such a mo , ' 101' lal1 'shll'11 gl'ou11l1 from the I ' both wns Htl\tell l1l'sll'able ' 111111 roll loll I\tato Jlollc ' Curzon WI\S > ' the , Illness gave IHato occasion fol' ut' two Mo the oXlulslon IIn-loty : : , It 111aries , Franltlln Plngreo nltH ; that 111\ , ' fl' II Is noW most \Veltzel. . who came ell ' to Tcmes"nr C'1Ihtc' ' comell ) \ from com- I\j ; I\tlomltCl to onall Illon L-Jr conntl \ } . comm\1nlt . . tI : = A FIGHlw EXPECTED 1 - DOTH ABMIES Pl'tRFECTING Pl.ANS FOR A C'.SH. . . - SITUATION AT PORT ARTHUR - Absolute SlIonce So Far as Reports Concernod-Russlans Bellevo are Mukden Is the (1oal ( That the Mlka. do Is Now Seeking. - Is furl - ' PETEHSDURG-There s'r. ther deJay In the receipt of decisive l news from the Cront. ' 1'he sltuo.tlon at Port Arthur remnlns n. blanlt. The movements In the north are RtIll of a tentn.tlvo nnd prepn.rn.tory character on both sides , which have not crystnlllzed Into n definlto elnsl\ of forces at any ono point. A resumption - nd"anco Is ex- tion of the Japnneso pectel1 to OCCUI' any da ) ' . It Is the thll'l1 weelt since the fighllng at 1.lno I Yang , and the .1npaneso ho.vo had tlmo to trnnsllort reinforcements from Yln Kow and bring up sufficient I men to the Cront to I'eplaco their loss' es. It Is probable that several dnrs will inten'eno before the armies come to close flunrters. The interval Is be' Ing devoted on both sides to Ceelln a out the strength nnd disposition 01 the opposing forces. The Jnpo.nes ( probnblY will attemllt to cnllturo tb ( 11asses of the Do. mOllntl n rangl between the H\II running hnlf way ,1and Tnltso rivers. 'rhe possession 0 for the .1ar r , these passes Is Imllortant Ir I\nese , ns It will not only enable theI to mnrch nortbward , but also scree \ l the movements of their troops fret o the prying gaze of the Russian scout 's ' It Is full ) ' n.ppreclo.ted hcre tImt tl1 IJapanese must try for the } > ossesslc It will 1 IH otherwise of l\Iultden , us m- difficult for them to provide the o.rn 111with winter fluarters. Llno Yang do' ' ) )1- not afford sufficient accommodatlo ' aI'- although man ) ' houses there escap' ' ur- destruction In the recent bnttle. Mc re- unsuitable for tIC reI able huts are quite ' IC I \ hOURlng of the .Tl\pnnese , owing tD t Ige se\'erlty of the cllmato. The avera lan winter tempernture there Is 40 bel , colli Is intensified zel'o. anll the TS. contlnul\l wind and an almost abset of snow. In Sllle of this , however , 1 campaign pl'o\mbh' wl11 continue rick Ing the winter If the Japanese E . ceed In getting to 1\1 ul , en. In t l\la. contingency , General Kuropalltln. 110St will not be 1I1.el ' various reasons , the \ al10w the .1aH\nese to remain In on dlsturhed possession of this pc I\OUS which Is Important not only frOI ela ) ' . 110lnl slrategic , but the political IUsly iew. . , Cad ' Dl.AME OR\.OFF AND ALEXIE rnor. - orl" Viceroy Also Held Responsible gress Failures t Vental. lecl'O' BERUN-A IIlsllatch fl'om St. l' uf I tersburg to the T.ageblatt , evld , \ 1n'I prompted by the Russian war de benl' for G the blame : ment , } 1I1tS . La- Orloff's failure to hold the Yenta ! 11\Iam \ mines eflUally . on Viceroy Alexlef , y I neer General Orloff. The corl'espo \Or 0 r sa's : of apAlexleff lIetalned Orloff on t ; s. pretexts so thal he reached the uninformed as to the : A D. wltol1y SamsonofI transl General tlon. to him General Kurolmtldn's p:1tsed \ order. to hold the mines at al1 the can' but whell Orloff heard :0 : Herbut Ing In the direction of SI' lornin marched toward that Il1ace , I s pain- Snmsonoff alone to hold then Geneml Kuroltl fell upon tIll n mln- aftel'ward. 111fianl. \ . hnlf an hour ther 111 not possessed of II. Ringle c was cl. hnll completelY sm man a11l1 was only as mainlY His troops , composed Ills at- long sNvlsts , who had been : \an 110t uncontrol1a\ ; the service , was I1\d who in the direction bl'ol\O , going I\nll for tai Instead of. back to the mln ! , career. eral K\J1'opaUtln p < 'rsonal1y 1 lsed was First Siberian corps to the : elclutag SalURonoff pressed of the hnrd 1of his 1 SU2 HunBATTl.E to IMMINENT AT MI the Hun- - 110nlh of Advancing with Eight UUo of Japs Divisions. olll ' one , it MUKDI < : l-A hattle Is aunt yon mlvnncl The .1apanese are Ilam died dlvl l:1sslblY nine olght I\ml } millet hi The crops of tal1 aCfol'dlng II. better : Id. har\'ested , ' , the fl\ ' which to fire on the tlat pll\ 11e Hun Is UIO direct fl'OI ( \ead. \ river fllr some llusslan army. s clllnpfiro Russia Will Pay All CI 1 Wednes- Ore.-The InPORTI.AND , ! ( 'n hy In- hn.vo been rece ' 1\1vlees sa's \ ! 11 his scat Francisco firm of un' ' ( San that the Russian govern men . . al1 clnlms of Portland shh ers. of tic the selzuro enterIng from an Arabln. by ' . steamer 0111Gel'mP.u IlIl11ese . Local sl : Ivostok squndron. 1 as llrlson- statements of U vied 11relJRrltlg mders date with complete evtogether Ig them ev- . to the shipments. - - B ' strikers Getting the mo- r ; 500 f ( Iller C. II. CHICAGO-Ahnost Friday to ta hired entered the ers were :0 : hero and Il1accs o.t the Union stoc1. ' 111 the cash 11e ) > ; OI\\IS \ of non-union mel of strl1c 17,000 ' nbout , as ) 'el been da ) worlt , 8,000 still nwaltlng e - ' - Mormons. - - Orders Cars In Am ' ' chief e . IONnON-1'ho the 11ungar. , ' tube 1'I\\1wa's \ ' YCI'ltes 'Ior. has I'lJIIIho on Wee Interview tlng Mormon In an fOl' III the reason ' ' the Illalning al' ullon . 00 steel cars wll 'e111enl Is un. der for ] InslOl\l1 ! ta11llI10\nts \ of can ear company said that , I. The I n\111 eEn 1I6h firm , that 1\11 ( \eclslon was Y ( 'I'los promised bo ordered In Gre rmon missionshoul11 amI William was fO\lI\ll In\1losslhlo to m Salt La1 , ' ) tlr1l1 In this cO\1ntrr wll on\C'r \ or mnlto steel l'n month ! ! ago the ' , hlo II. Mormon have not the neccssar ) work. bo altdcd t I NEBRASKA ' 0 TE NEWS l 1- - FARM ACREAGE IN NEBRASKA. _ t From the Returns What Is Shown by County A'3SPFors , mnde by the returns shown by AS . assessors to the the , 'arl us count ) Nebro.sltn has a Stnto Later D\1reau. Rml of farms number erable consl . cuI. thollsands of acres under mnny follows - the report tlvatlun. Dy counties number of ncres lows showing the and the numuer of farms : l nrnJS Aeres 1n Occupied 1 1J0 ! . FllrrJ.H. County. April , ! 190J2J ! , Al1umH . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,07i ! 347,127 . \nlelope . . . . . . . . . . 1 , ( l 280 , , ! J1 Ban nor . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 4&IIG4 Blaine . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:11 : 371.:4 : : [ Boone . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,4 0 188S70 . . . 4 H , , Box 1311 ltQ . . . . . . . O ,73 LQyel ! . . . . " . . j. . . . . . . 1.1 0.1 102,7G , . . . . . . . 41:1 : Brown . . . . . . . . . . . 1,8\7 : \ :173.770 " . . . . . . . , P"ffUIO . . . . . .1,210 204.27r IlIrt . . . . . . . . aG4I23 : . . . . . 1,82" , . . BillieI' . . . . . . S 307,9f , . . . : . . . 1.9H , CaHs . . . . . . . . 4 , G2U . . . . . . . 371 ChnHe . . . . . . G ( Cherry . . . . . . . . . . . . 777 414. Chl'yenno . . . . . . . . . . r,27 1,66G,77 . : Clay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l,7jri 30GG.1 ( Colfux . . . . . . . . . . . . . l,3 3 1 O,2 . . . . . . 1,642 314.111 CuminS' . . . . . . ! . . . . . 2rtiO 8Gl,27 IIHler . . . . . . . . ' DnJtola . . . . . . . . . . . . GGO 12 ,23' 1 . . . . : \S8 \ : :71. : DuweH . . . . . . . . . . ' J18r.2' . . . . IGI0 : . . . \aWRon \ . . . . . 4O 2 , . . . . . . . 463 Dellel . . . . . . . 3 ,30 . . . . . . 1.25J ! , Dixon . . . . . . . . 283.r.2 . . . . . 1.i,60 Dodge . . . . . . . . Doug-Jns . . . . . . . . . . . 1,2G8 143,96 . . . . . . . . . 40r. 10G.46 Dlln(1) ) . ' . . . . 317.0 . . . . 1,827 . l"l11moro . . . . . . FI'nllklln . . . . . . . . . . 1,126 241,3 Fl'ontler . . . . . . . . . . . 1,226 :143,64 : Furnns . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,780 427,64 ! Gngo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , rlJ ! 401,3 77,8J . . . . . 320 Ourllel . . . . . . Gelltler . . . , . . . . . . _ . . . . . . 18 ( .2 ! Granl - . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8\ : \ 48,0' : 179,9 , Greeloy . . . . . . . . . . . . 891 ' . . . . . 1.H : 1 2G7S' Hull . . . . . . . . . . Hnmllton . . . . . . . . . . 1 , ( 70 27J,6 ! Hnrlan . . . . . . . . . . . . lr,80 349.0 . . . . . . 40 188,8 Hayes . . . . . . . Hitchcock . . . . . . . . . tiOE , 18 ,2 . . . . . . . 1.728 ! i62G Holt . . . . . . . . 11,2 lIooltel' . . . . . . . . . . . . 4r. " ( . . . . . . . . . . . . [ , ! ! 2 6,9 \11owu1"(1 JefterHon . . . . . . . . . . 1.r.88 2GJ,6 ! JnhnBon . . . . . . _ . . . . 1.122 16JC ! Kearny . . . . . . . . . . . lIJO : ! 236. ( 11 . . . . . : l60 127,1 . . l\cllh : . . . . . . . : el i Ke 'u I'nlm . . . . . . . . , ,4 : nri. O. Klmllnl1 . . . . . . . . . . . l'O IV- Knox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,70G 317 , : 4J8 ! , ho l..nncaHler . . . . . . . . . . , S90 11n0In . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,02r. 317" ho . . . . . ! J6 22. l.o tan . . . . . . . . 72 , go 1.0up . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . 216 . 304. . . 1.89\ : . . : \Iadillon . . . . . . . OWIadillon : \lerrlelt . . . . . . . . . . . 7J0 ! 139. . b ) ' Nance . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! J 2 IJG 203 ! , , Nemnlw. . . . . . . . . . . . . IG07 , Ice . . . . : :7\ : : \ . NII'ltolls . . . . . . . . . . Lhe Oloe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.J00 ! . :141 185 Pawnee . . . . . . . . . . . .1,230. lurPawnee pl'rltlns. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10S . mc. Phelps . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,2\\1 \ jr. 119 ! Plcrco . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.438 . .hls :13.1 : . . . . lSl\ \ ) PIn He . . , . . . . . . 214 for pollt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,1JO ! ( , to neel " 'l11oW . . . . . . . 780 23 , nlchar son . . . . . . . . l,7JG ! 26l , Ull- ! toclt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4il ! : 2" 201 lint , Sallno . . . . . . . . . . , . . 2,06 , 12 : . . . . . . . . . . . . . lJjl n n SnulHlerH Sarpy . . . . . . . . . . 2. ! J ; ) : \J \ ! : " . . . . . . . : Ire GG Bluff . . . 0. .3eoltH . ; 29 . . . . 1.7j. , Howar . . . . . . . . , Sheridan . . . . . . . . . . 688 r . . . . . . . 23 Sherman . . . . . . . . 12 Sioux. . . . . . . . . . . . . - 403 : FF Slant on . . . . . . . . - . . . . ! J28 2 . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . 1r,3 29 TIH1)'cr 1 'I'homas ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . ' for 'l'1uu"Hlon . . . . . . . . . . 7i,2 1 : ' Vnlley . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.128 2' I 'nHhlngton . . . . . . . 1.3 ( O . Pc'nHhlngton . . . 1 , 22 2. . ' ' . . . . . . . . " 'a'ne ) 2 : entlr \Vehllter . . . . . . . . . . . 1i,12 ' . . . . , . . . . . . 321 I' ! \lart- \ Wheeler YOl'lt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 neral ' i coat' ' Small. Party f nUll Governor' : ] ' thu ndent General J. II. Culver has' receivel1 answers from two mCI ' staff who des rivlal of the governor's ceremonies at .be It mines lltten the Nebro.slm at situ aIng of the battleship E. .1enklns of nltted tie. Co1. George 2trlct Imry aUll Col. C. D. E\'ans of ( General Culver , con costs , bus , and tll signified 110nad- the three wbo hnvo . 'rho cost of t1 lun he tentlon of going. ' caving has been estimated at $105 , G mines. Culver beHeves that state office thinlts at lenst thlr [ ) left ; 0 an he ' Orloff plo will comprise the governor' out I ' will senll nvalrr- General ClIlvel' ot lhe gOof \ members lrlsed. letter to to malte tI of restaff ul'glng them out of tentlons lmown. lIe and . of Yen- Shootlnn Case Dlsmhsc s. Gen. HUl\1BOLDT-1'he case .ed the Mrs. Holland of Rule , weclnct , sUl1port with sbootlng her husband ' . " tent to 1\\11 \ , WI\S heard In court and dlsmiss d. : JKDEN. Nine At the Old soldiers' .Hor or GRAND ISI.AND-te11Ien ; : } ' passed nmlnent. oC the SOllllers' Home ' . lIe s 70 'ears. of ) with the aga ng Iowa ca Seventh A Company , slons. admlttc . He was ler. 1.VO l1een ' 1. sad from Omahn. homo \1eld \ over General Curtis. the nntlona Ins. The ' wal bollllers' Homes , of or the of ' Nehraslm's I elt ) ' Inspecting In this c1l.y. alms. Telegram New Flouring Mill at B ! Ived from NortOll nRANAUD-The 11erwrlters rol11 , which was I\estroyed \ b , t will pay ' ' Is to be rebuilt arlsrecenU ) . arls- Ipers consls l\atousclt. [ ' The site , I\1r on the . entlro bloct. , was ll\1rchasC ! ' the Vlad. Norton , and : \lr. : 'Ilatouse' llppers are the erection of I once beJln lelr losses ' da tn relatlvo 200 barrels of Hour 1101' Returos With Sm ; ck. -Shel'lff VA KOT A CITYShel'lff mner strl1- returne from : 'Ilarsl' fien lto their 0111 having In chl\rJe n. C. SI ) 'arls , nnd resilIent of this placers \ began. Tomer wantOll on the chl\rgo 1\ ! rs are at mOl'tgaged Ilropert ) ' out of nnplorment. - - Cash Receipts Are ; rlca. LI COI.1'o : outsta ! : mglncer at wl\rra'1ts wl11 be retire In I.ondon , Treasurer : \lorlonse1 this . Inesda ) ' , ex. receipts . In ! ; to tbo 1I1ht Il\clng an or. tl'el\sury. Count ) ' treasu , h an Amerl. collections as very sl01 l of with an malto no remittances t whllo Mr. trensurer unUl late In ( the materia ! this reason the lIermal ! at Britain , it fmllis. which now are b finll n slnglo wm not bo incrensell leh could fill purchase am' securities I cars. ' 1'hey ment , as most of the outl tools lor tbo rants are bel by the scl THE NEWS IN NEBRASKA. - ' . J. F. Dickey celebrnted : \Ir. and l\I'S. . Nebrl\slm City. ' gOlden wCll lng at thell' at . railroad W. W. Aldrich Is ' Sidney , vlco W. D. Clifton , transferl'ed to Kearne ) ' . Wl11lnm Dcrmlngham Is unl1er arrest with robbing chnrged at Nebrnslm City n school houso. n.rrest at Albion ' under Frnnlt Aver ) , ' I cImmlttlng a. crime in } on chnrge of ) offi- Montana , made his escalle from \ cers. 'l'he Call term of the premont public " schools opened with 11. total attendance" ; In students of 1G29. The number of the high school Is 11 5. . of men number A quarrel between a miles north oC Decn- nnd women two tm' rcsllltell In the Idlllng of David Indlnn. Monelt , a ha1f-bloOI at .1ames S\lo.rls \ , an Omnhn convict ' ' Is one of two the slate penltcntlal' ) , prisoners who Is about to be transferred - to the as 'IU11\ . ferred as Insane , bonrd of the Yorlt ' } 'he executive college voted to blllld a g'mna\\1D1 ! , the northwest - erected near which wl11 bo west comOl-'of the Inrge and beaullflll 2 cnmlJ\1S , Dennlng- At Nebrnslm City William ham , alias William Jones , 111 cad gulHY ( ' and was sen- 2 to the cl1tlrge of burglar ) the penl- iu 1 1 tenced to slxtcen months ,0 , tentlar ) ' . Thlrteen-rear.olll Ernest. the son of I ; r. W. A. Kahre , living In Benson. Douglas - . burned by las count , was fatally or from an explosion )3 finmes resulting gasoline. . Annollncement wo.s made of tbe ac- ' ' H ig copto.nce b ) ' Prof. Gcorge E. Howard : of the ; I Chicago , 00 of the Uni\'erslt ) ' of , . In the ! clmlr of Institutional history r , 7 UblversltY of Nebrns1m. : Emil Schultz , a Cumlng count-- : . :9i : rOUng man and n member of the hos- . ' \ g pltal corps now doing dut ) in the 176 Philippines. has just returned home jl g from the Islan ls on 11. furlough. Compnny C met nt Beatrice n.nd de- g In I team 00& cilled to put a strong football GJl : & the field this ) 'ear. Glen Odell. at present - ent manager of the Beatrice hall team. , . the new mn.nnge to ,203 , was engagcd H eleven. : opened with .7ii ! ! The Lexington school3 .74i. enrollment of 515 , one hundred anll , GGS an school. the high . seventy-six of these In I .20r ' " twentytwo boys in .t.he high Therc arc 1:711 : mm- organizing n 1.311 school anll they arc ; .77J ! tl n company. ! ,7GJ : ' miles twel\'e . .101ui Wiese , residing Island , lost several southwest of Grand r.:371 : of oats by ' and 3 , : ' ' stacls of wheat , of r 'e ! J O1' communicating to the the same fire. S:112 : had threshers the 4lG7 stacls shortly I\fter work of threshing. : g stnrted the g Rev. F. N. Snauberg , for the past : Imstor of the Swe lsh twelve years )1,764 ) has bnnd- , ! Lutberan church of Oaklan , , his CQnrrega- ; his resignation to 8:887 cd in : of n. . the posillon 2JSl ! , ( lion and bas . . of the Dea. travelln r9presento.tlve coness institution of the Augustano. "i' IS far synod."i' of Cheyenne nbers When Charles Rowe at the bottom of Ire to county was worldng lunchn. . well seventy-five feet deep II. brick , tbe wall at the . Seat- was dlsloded ! from 11\1cl\Ot , and fell , I . swinging Fair- top by 0. hel\d. Rowe was the \ Rowe on : : olumstrlldng stltuto hrought to the top with sl\\111 crushell live. cannot , elr in- and the doctors say lIe ite trip 'rho corner stone of the Sheridan feneral county CO\11't house was lal br the rs wi11 grand 10dgo of l\Insons o [ Nebraslm. the ty pe - " , lore than 3,000 per sons witnessed sta . fl'om all over the west- s service.lasons 1110th 1'ern parl'of the state were present and 'e s jolnel1 In a parade , assisted br the noI 'oodmen , n- - , Modern " Ie r nGrand Arm- corps Ladles' nellef corps. Highlanders , civic fioats amI the public gencrally. I the lIeople wero- After the ceremonies d. which had extended feast Invlled to an against lleen 11relJllred. Foul' head of cnltle , charged of sheep head six and six head of hogs .vlth . insix and bread coffee district had been roasted ; were In abundnnce. Dert Commissioner Deput ) ' Labor has complctcd his Ins\1ectlon \ of ne. Bush he hogan ' houses ; which : 'Ilartln the pacltlng to see If the chll lahar nwny at some time ago , violated. An ol'll was ervell tn lo.w was being each cord - , vaIn' , as IRsued b ) ' t1le mlllJl\el1l\Jnt ! of to re- d to the poratlon to t1l0 sUllerlntendent ' ' child of school age. fnse to emplo ) an ) 1 Inspect. assaulted Pearl Olson , the little girl ; in this by Howard Daile ) ' , at PI'cmont , is , \ nstltutlon l'all\111y \ recovering. The ph'slclans remarlmble one. a consider her case The II a ) ' after the affair the ) ' did not ralnard. thlnl , she had anr chance of living and , fioul'lng twice Informell the fa 111 11) ' that her of hourR. ' fluestlon here a y fire death was only' lIy .10seph ' } 'he vitality she has lsplaye Is re- tln of an mnrlmblc. I of W. C. or Captain Wagner I , wl11 at At Columbus . national uard. K Nobrasko. \ mill with Company , _ calJaclty. has been missing property helonglng . 1 time amI be. for some _ to the coml11\nr Hoves he has at last caught th 1 Ith. tllioves , bul refuses to furnish their , H. C. Han- names until he benrs rrom General , ; lillilInll. . , h"en j lilli , Culver , to whom the matter has " nlth , n for. rererre l. I..egglns , shirts , shoes , etc. , I I. Smith Is to tbo valno of nbout $50 , have been f removln missed. th state. ' ] 'ho report of Chief 011 Inspcctor- I \ t . for the month of August , flIell wltl1 the lu ' ng Ii t a t e governor. shows the gross collc < 'tlonlJ ' I 1 b" St 113 to have II'en $1,818. The eXllenses \ 1110n tl lOW- were $ nOI ) . In . . . , . at the state ' Ifis\1ed a1\ lla01Shultz of Beatl'lce. \ rors repolt order to the chief of llOHce to thee . and will e(1'ect ( that 11e m\1st enforce the ordln- o the stlto ancos relating to minors visiting bil- Ictober. For lIafll halls and those remaining on the : lent schorJl streel In vlolntlon of the < ' \1rfew ordl- elow $15,000 , lInnce. 110 allo Insists that the orliith sutl1clent to with reference to the sale of anceB InvestanceB for ' tobncco to minors elgnr8 , cigarettes 01' . , tandlm : war. must be riGidenforced. \ . 1001 fund. . - - - - - -