Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 29, 1904, Image 11

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    , .
. 'QUICK ' 'RE'CC/.ER ' .
IA 'Promlnent Officer of .the 'Ortler 'or
I Rebcccaa wrltcoto rt"harlk .Donn' .
Kidney .pllia fO' : ' lit.
: Mrs. C. E. Dumgardnor. : a lo'al om.
. cor ot the Itobeccos. at rropeku. Knns. . .
Room 10. 812 Knnsno
Avo. . writes : " [ 'used'
, Donn's Kidney 1'111s. !
during the past 'yeo.r. .
, tor .kldney t4oublo
nnd tldndred nthnents.
1 .wns Buttering Irom
palmi 'In ' the bl1lt ) nnd
headaches , but , found \
nttar the use of 01'0 .
box or the remedy
r that the troubleD
gradually dlsapllCJ1red
80 that before I had
1lDlshod 0. .aecor.d
package I , wu well.
I. thcNfore. noartlly
endorse your 'rome. '
dy. " ( Signed ) lrIro.
C. , E. Bumgardner.
-A , FnEE 'l'IUAL-Address : 'Fl'otcr.
1rl1lburn Co. . Buffa o , N.Y. : For sale
by.nll dealers. } ) rlco , [ ; 0 cts.
Tr-y to malte two virtues loole , lUte
. ten , nnd they , \111 ! get so , thin 'Y U
, won't Imow them.
Smokers find lI.riHvls' II Single Blmlmlll
t-Btralght lie elgar better quality than most
11Do bronds. .LC\vls' 1'acwry. Pcorlulll.
, 'Somo men lead .double 'lives lIeCaU1.10
. they 'W'O drlvon 110 'It. '
I ;
Ij j I
. I
I 9
: . : .strirdng
\betweenDdI \ : oo , tn
, and sny other brand wUJ
tbe'found'by chmp ! rfso . '
I Ddronce rch 6turen '
) hften bC8Utlfle.J : witb-
, .out ; rottJng. '
IJt , , gIvescloth . : ) cl'
ItheJr'neWl1 .s.
I , ( . \
t , Is absoluteIY'JtGr'C.
. l'It } UI' not .lnJu be
moot Idellcat ifl1bn .
I ( ' ; ' "
For , fine thlngt ! and aU
'lb 1ga use -bet b st..there
, I $ . @ , c'ianc.eSta"ch :
10 cents for l , ounas :
I .
Otber : bmn 10 cents 1M
' , : : I ounces. . .
\Nstriki \ ont
Tue ER ce STAltCt CO. .
o.w. "
rn ljlen 'CuriletJ 'In ' 'Deots.
Oypsles carry .thelr bablos .In G1/1 / '
' &bawls slung ever 'their ' shoulders and 1 !
tied ubout the waist. North Amerl.
can .Indlans carl'Y their babies on thEl' '
baclco ot squa ws..crad 10 ancl aU. But :
, the I lthno women ot I.abrador carry I
'their babies In their boots. 'I'heso' '
'boots como up Ito the knee n.n < < l , aro'
'wldo at the top , with' a fiap In front. ,
In thesa the .tlttlo brown babIes live
lund are happy.
'Ccats ' With Knotted Tails.
'Thero is a breed of cats In Maluccn
'which ' hM this ; pecullarlt ) . . A.t , first ,
'tra..elers ' are uutter the hnIlresslon
that 'somo cruel person has .tled a
, knot In pussys ( tall "Cor tun , ' ut , tbls
Is not 'flO. The , kittens , are oo.rn 'wltb ,
this pecullnrlty. and It continues ,
'throughout their IlICo.
It should bo a , compenSatlnr ; ! thought
Ito a man who .mea and leaves In\ur. that ho Is b netltlnl ; 'hiD '
, own sex , for some other rtm will
'come nlong anti get hlson
, m9ba. .
"Many ChlltJren Arc " .
'Mother Gray's Sw'ot Po\vders forChIlUrcn ,
used by Mother Gmy.a nurse inCblldren's
1I0moNew Yorlc , euro SUIlllUerComplalnt ,
Foverlsh I\05S \ , IIcaUuchoS tonmch 'J.oou bios ,
" 'cething Dlsorder&nnc1Dcstroy'\\.oms. A I
nll.Drugglsts' , 25c. Sample ma.ilell F.HEE.
.Ad ressAllen S..0Imstcd. . La &J ; . , N. iY.
In accord with the eternal tncss of
Ithlngs , n. book of love.poems s40uhl be
bountl In. calt.
Evor.y 'bouseleeper &l1ot1d : know
Ithat If , they wBl huy Defiance Cold
"Vater Starch ( ar laundry IISe the '
wll ! save 'not only 11mlf , hecause It
never sticks to the Iran , but because
each pa kngo contalnii 1a oZ.-one full
pouod-'lwhl1e all , other Cola 'Water
Starches are 'put Ul > In % , .por.ud 'pack. '
ages , and the pl'lce , Is the same , 10' '
cents. Then ngaln 'beeause Defiance ,
Star h Is 'Croe 'fi'n ! ' uH 'Inju"lmls , ehem-.I
. ; \OUI6. \ It , your : groccr tries , to ell ou ,
n ' 12.oz. paclcage It 'Is beca\.15e Iho has :
n stocle on bantt which be "wlshes to
dIspose of befora 'he puts in Defiance.
He 'lmows that 'Defil1nco Starch bas
prhrwd Oll every paclmge In iln.rgo 1Iet. , '
ters and 'figures ' 'IlG m s. " ! Demand
Defiance and save .much time and'
money 'Und the annoyance or the iron
sticking. 1De llnee never sUcles.
Man 16 the only animal that .unes .
handleeTchlof. " 'omen'a handkercWot. . :
are merdy for ahow.
Home ' ( , ! altors' ECcurslon Tickets Q
Indlma : and Ohio.
Via The Northwestern Line.
will ' e sol < < l at very low rates on four
Tuesdays. Sept. 13th , :20th : and 27th ,
and Oct. ( l1th , llmitetl to return w4thln
' 30 days from date o eu.1e.
For particulars as 00 terrltoIV to
which excu1'slon ticlCc1 may o sold ,
.etc. , apply
Olty Omces , 1401.H03 FarnamSt. . .
Omaha , Neb.
Ve.ry 1..ow 'R 1tes to St. ? ul.M inne-
Yla 'rho i ortbwestem Line.
& : -cuI'8lon tlclveta w111 be oold .a.t
one faTe 1 > 1us 50 cents on Sept. 28th ,
29th and 80th , with fa.vorable return
UmHfI. .on account of Gldeons' conven.
Uon.Cltr : Officcs , 1401.1.403 Farnnm St. .
Omaha , Nob.
. . \ - . : - - " . _ . . . . . ; , . . . " , r.1' L. , s. : : _ . 'j . 'I. . - , , ; ' _ - _ 'if > ' , ' _ - . ' _ . . -
I For Infamts an . < < Chil ren.
- - - - - - - -
tI t
tt I .
t ; . Bears the
} , . .signatlll'e
I . , of
, .n
. .
al'fJ l.11r SJ1ll.4ZFi1rIIlEIl
\ I n
' \ ' , . . . , Use
Aped'1 Remedy forConsUp"- "
non. Sour Stomac.h.Dinrrh ea 1.1 . .
Worrns.Convulsions.Fcverish- nessandLossOF SLEER " F 0 r. 0 V Q IJ r
. FACS miIo Sgnnlure ; Dr " - ( "
. . Thlrty.I ! !
; , ; - CASTORIA
'Mfl OlllTloUR OOIllI'Cl"T. "nil TOlla IITT.
0' _ , IfJLi.f. : . - - * , ' . : , . ' 1 _ ' : : j . . . . : :1 4 ' . . ; ; _ _ , , .
, ; In shcets ot PURE ANILIt E BLU , No bottlc ! ! . No paddles. No Wl1sto. Gives tno samf
' jh'Hd : ; ; ; i ; ; ; ; ; : : ' 8j : ' L ; ; 'sO ; : M ; ; i i :
U ' e 7J Thompaon's Eye Wai.r
CURES catarrh of the stomach.
SET HIM TO WOR. . . . .
.Neat Way In Which Mrl' . Dellclte Got
the Lawn Trlrn"Id.
"FrC'cl. < < letlr , " l'ald I\1r > > . Dt > lI ote.
. ' ' , lrs. N'lghLot. " 'us tl\l\:1u1 \ ; nbout 'ou
the aUlcr dltmd ahe I'm ' let nho
thought 'ott < < 1I n't luolt well.
Do 'OU1ow. ! . I'm getllng to lIe ( l\llt
anxious about 'ou. "
"What 11.1'0 'Ott anxious nbout. I'd
lllto to lenow ? Don't I eJ1t nnd sleep
well ? " ltCsltcd. .
"W Il , .iJ1l sle p r.lrly well , nnd
) 'our uppetlt < l tis not ! ! o bnd , but- "
"But 'wllUt ? 1\111 I lJnt and I'\tooll. ' \
shouldered Qud bald. or w2Jut is It 'ou
mean. ? "
"Wlr : , clem' , I thought that pos8I l '
'ou 'oIlSht. ' . to 'R t ' ( ) nr l10 ! Insured.
\ou lmow 'wo lIa"o vcry 1IWo sn\'cd
UII , anll c1f 'ou were to-- "
" : \Ial' ' Jane , whnt. on earth nre ' ( ) U
taming about. ! To Hsten t.o 'ou .ono
would Ithlnlt Hint I was In the last
stnges , ur n gallopin consuDlption. I
I nm as : IlculUlr and strong as 1 ovcr
was In 1n ' lJle. 'rIlero Isn'.1 ntl ' . sorter
or hard worle whlcll I .cannot < < 10. "
"Oh , :110so : \ glad , to hear that , Prct"
Mrs. : D 1lcate ga..e ' lltt.le 'gasp ot JOY
anil , throw her arms around his neclt.
"I'm so 'glad to hear . ) 'ou sny ' 0'\1 are
w ll nnd f.trong , bncnnse the lawn
needs mowln so hu l ' , And I wus "
readCliUy afraid that J'ou were to 111
to run the ja Wl1 mower. " ,
'Whereupon Mr. Delicate went , Otlt
and sha..e the graftS In .tront { ) 'f the :
, On 'the CollcDC 'Matt.
A Unl\'erstty or .l\llchlgan man 'who
waS .In lthl\ca during navy. weel , Ims ,
the dlstinct.IOll or ha"lng 6een the ICor'
nell can1Pus under the most 1lo.cu1lal' .
clrcumstunce6 WI IT-cca I.
'rho Ann Arbor man \'aB a guest .of
a Corn 011 .uhunnuB , at Glle , Cr the ! om. :
tcrnlty , lodges located ( m the ,0utsllrts ,
. ) t the , canUHl8. 'J.'he 1"0 Im retired
gt u late iho\lr .8.n.ttu'tlar night .und lay
for a. long dhno : s waPlllng J'arns of col. :
lego life. Sleep wu.s Impossible. ,
A bout two \o \ cloclt Sun ay morning
the 'Vestemer : ramal'le that lie had
never seen IUle , Cornell ClllllII\IS. Here
was a chance far the Coruell "grad. "
His Corm 01' 'unilergrn uale spirit re.
. . . . .
t.urned. "Como on , " lHJ ! sal ; .1.11
show 'ou the campus in proper style ,
Don't walt 'to dress ; we'll go M wo
arc. "
'l'he Cornell mlUl wore : a 5ult of plnl ,
pajamas and .the .other a white hlght
shirt. On th lr are feet thc ' cropt.
quietly out of the honse. und b ) . the
light of the brIght moon the Michigan
man viewed tbe statelr halls to great
advantage. It was a ehi11y night , but
when they got cold they ran for a spoil
and warmed Ull.
'rher wonnd up on E dr ftreet : , near
the , entrance or the collcge grounds ,
and with daredevil spirit waited SOIllO
time fOl' a trolley car. Wben none ap'
peared the Cornell man happcncd to
remenrber that he was In Itlmca.
where cal'S do not run 311 .tlght , so
they returned as the ' bad come.
Gov. Holliday on thc J lpaneDe.
: \Ir. \ S. D. Buck of this clt . relates
that in the course of a con\'enmtlon
which he had some rears ago with
Gov. Holliday of Virginia , the gov'
ernor , who hatl traveled In Japan ex.
tensively n sbort time Ilrevous ( , madc. ,
tht > : prediction 1hat the Japanese would
one day lead the world In war , fcJ.
ence : lI1d witchcraft. " 'fhe governor. "
sa 's Mr. Duck. "was vcr ) ' ontlmslnstlc
about the prospect for Jupalesc ) great.
ness and prowess. He spolw of tlWItJ
as n. . wonderful people. the most won-
derflll , in man ' ways that he hall
over seen. 'And marle my words , ' ho
said to mc. ' 1 may not I1v to see it.
but 'ou' wUl. ' 1'he .Tals ( will some ay
startle the world by their ability In
every line of humlln activity. 'fl\ ( !
IJeol11e there will he grcat in all things
IInd If they ever get Into a war "lth
any other nation they wlll smlrise )
the world. Sholtlel they go to wal'-
mind my words-they wlll cHher con.
quer or be exterminated.Daltl'
more Sun.
Day by Day.
I heard a volec rlt ( ! vcnlm : f1uflJ ' Far ,
Bear not thy 'cstel'dn ' Into tu-ntn/'l'o\\ ' .
Nor ) oad this weelt wllh lallt : wee'll's
load of sorrow ,
Lift all th ' burdens as tlle ' ( 'orne. nor
' 1'0 welsht the present with the b ' and
One Hit' ) ! and thl'n anothel' . tu ) ( @ th '
L1\'e day b ' ( la ' .
I.lve du ' IW da ' .
The l.alll h Core theo duth not ) cIHI
Do the lH'xt duty , It must surel ) ' 11 ( >
'l'he Christ Is In the one lhat's elmH' to
Onward. HUII onward , with a Runny
smile. .
' 1'111 litell h ' step shall end In mile br
"I'll do my bet ! , " unto m ' conscience
sa ' -
Live day b ' day.
J.h'e da ' b ' llay.
'Why art thuu lJenlln toward the harle-
ward wa ' ?
Ono summIt amI another , thou IIhnlt
" 'hy lilu" at every rourl the fllal'e to
The pnst mlftakes IC thou I11Uit . : still
" 'ateh nut the ashes oC the tI 'lns ( "n.
bel' .
"KIndle thy hOIlC , Put all thy . . . fears . a WilY ,
1.lye ay by du ' .
" , -Julia Harris In ) '
"I . , . _ _ _ _
This Topsy.iurvy Werld.
This Is a tOlls . .tur\'y world. One
man Is struggling Cor Justice uncI an.
other Is fieelng from It. Ono man Is
sn-.lng to Imllll a house ancI another Is
try to sell his "for less than It cost. "
Ono man Is speUl1lng all the mOlH' ' he
can make In tal < lnl ; a girl to an ( 'ntt r.
talnment aUlI sending her flowers In
ho hOlle , eyentually. ot mal < lns her
his wire , whllo his nelgh or Is Ii IlC.'n u.
Ing the gold ho has sot to S.t a < < 11.
vorce. Ono man escapps all tf.c : dis
eases man Is hell' to unel gets 1III < > tl on
the rallway. Another gOoea eYer 'whcro
without being hmt , and dies with
whooping cough. Such Is life ! -t' .
, . .
- - - - - -
Wlllow.wOIre' ' Ccnt < < : r.
In ten years Mar'lnud has Jumped
Crom fith to thlrtl Illaco In the willow'
ware Intlustry In the united States ,
rnnltlng now nl'\l : ; to New York nnd
Potlns'lv nlDntthnoro : Is OM ot the
three wlllow.wnre Cl'ntel'S which enl ) '
Imve shown nnr nctunl growth In the
buslneEs. In l\tur'lnnd the center or
the w1l10w , district lies In Howard
county. In the neighborhood of Ellt.
rldgo alone tllo output oC wl110w e't.
ceeds $5,000 per IU1U Illn , whllo AnnQ
Arundol county contributes : ! ,500.
Defiance Starch
shoull1 be In e\'ery hOlllleho1 < 1 , none o
1:0011. besides 4 or. . l\Iore for 10 cmtR
thun nny other brand at cold waler
Growth of European Population.
Few lIer8IUs have any Idea of the
extrnordlllILry mn.nner In which the
population of Europe haa Increased
during the last centur ' . Accordln ! ; I
to staUsticlans this popu1atlon has
more U1 n doubled Itself from 1880
Lo 1.900. To this' Increase Iho Lutln
nnUons of the west and southwest
contributed the least and the greatest
growth was In the east , where the
fjeoplo hnvl ; ! not ) 'et become thorough.
Iy saturated with the Idens or mod.
ern cl1Ilz Iltl on.
PI O'R CurD Is the be t mct1lclne " 'e ever uCl
ror ul1 u1IccLI01l1i or the throat Ulltl111n t-Wll.
O. EIHl9LST. Vlln\mrcn.lm1. , 1"cb.1U " , tW. ! .
CIvilization and Railroads.
NothIng Is moro significant of the
su den development of Japan ttlt\n tbe
history o ( her railways. The first rall.
ways , eighteen miles In length , waf
completed In 1872. At the llreSenl
time ! there , tlro 1,344 miles or state nnd
8l O mllcLI of prlvato ranwnrs In op.
eration , nnd there nre 852 miles under
canctrnetlon I"or the most llart they
pay'woll. the larger 'Iel lng l"ldcndJ
C110m 1 < ) tQ 12 .IIcr cent.
J\Ir . 'VIII.low's RooltIAIr Ryrnp.
For ( 'hlldrea teethln ! : , IQttt'aI Iho Vlln1l. rolu ( ' ( ' , In-
: taaw tluu. alllY' pllln , curOG wll1ll uoll. . . C& bYttJe.
ChlncGc Most Spolcen LanDuage.
'rhero are 382OOU.000 Chlncso speak ,
Ing the Mme langua/o. / malclng Chi.
nose the most spolell lancuagc. There
are mnny dialects , however , which
Iwum scarcel. ) ' , to belong to the same
tonsuo. The Inhabitants of Mongolia
and Tibet cnn barely understantl the
dialect or the people In Pekln. Other
\\'Idely spolen lauguages arc as (01.
lows , In millions : EntlIah , 120 ; Ocr.
mall , 70 ; Russian , 138 ; Spanish , 44 ;
Portuguese , 32.
. "Dr. ImvtI 1\"un,17'II "nvorltn JtflttUI'1 '
. . . .no 111" pr"'l.t and " "lIIplelo rellcf from d. ' . r' " \ , . , . , I"I
U"Jrllo.lLuKc'l1cnt. " IJ. T. Trowbrl < lcc.III\fJeon .I.Y. : .
Reading With 1 Purpoce.
Reading without purpose Is Hal-nter.
lng , 1I0t ex rclse. More IB got from
one boole on which the thought oct.
tles tor definlto end In Imowle gc ,
than from librarIes sltlmmed over by
wandering eye. A cotta go floy.oer
gives honey to the bee.n Itlng's : ; ar.
den none to the butterfiy-Lord L.t-
, The Murlno Je : 1:1'1111'1 : : ) Co. . , h'natl. lend HOlDe
} -'o ' lJouk IreI' . Wrlto IIIrlll KlJont 1'ur ey. .
Slovenly RusDlan Serv 1nts.
The slovenliness ot wODlen .cr\'ants
In Russia Is fact oCten comm'cntc'
upon by Americans. A maid . . . . .hen
waiting upon the table Is often
dresse In a short print sllrt nnd loose
blouse , Is shoeless and atocltlngless ,
and hns a colored hnndkcrchleJ : tlet1
over her hair.
All 1te Hlausekeepcrs
use Definnce Cold 'Vater Sturch , be.
clI.use It Is better , und 4 oz. mOl' at It
for same money.
Left.Handed Compliment.
In a case Involvlnl ; the mnnage-
IHmt o nn English Insane asylum sev.
eral former Inmates were cnlled as
witnesses and the klng's counsel , who
call1'd ' them , remarked that they were
as Bauo as any ono In the court. ' 1'ho
judso on the bench showed no un.
thusla2tn at the nnnouncement.
When Bettors Should Quit.
'rho London SIotch fays a prore'3' '
! .Ilonal betting man should go out rar
buslneBB when 50 'ear3 ol . After that
age a man maltes mlstales. DetwcC'n
50 and ! Hi ho stands to lese 75 per
cent of , . . .hat he accumulate befm'l )
Old Fashion Beat.
A Massachusetts man was fined the
otIter day for Idclting a cat. 'l'hls
would make It nppear that the old
boetjaele Is still the best weapon with
which to get e..en with a fellno of.
Why It Is thc Best
hbeenusc mlldo h ' an enlrcly ! dlrrer.
cnt proce liI. Defiance Stul\'h III unlike -
like 11n ) ' otherr hetter unll one.lhlrtI
more tor 10 cents.
A mnn's place In hea..on may be
qulto different trom his Ilew down
lor have trietl all kinds of walerproof
clod1ing and have never round anything
at any price to compuc ; with your Fish
Brand for proteccion fnm : all klOds of
\NC , ther. - " .
( The name and adJecu of I '
wnter of Ihl ! unsolicited Jeller
may b. had upon I pl&calion. )
A. J. TOWER CO.'TheSignorlhcFilh
Balian. U.SA.
CO. . 1.IMITED _ _ .
Toronto. Canada 11.511 ,
Mo. " ' " of W rro.lltd Wt IVNth" ClothIng
. ; '
i . 7
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'oJ.'I ,
' " , . ' " \'I . . : . ; . tI. ' . . : : . . . : : . : . . . . : _ _
' - . . . .
Miss Gannon , .Sec'y Detroit Amateur
Art Association , teIIs young w men ' \vhat to
do to avoid pain and suffering caused by
female troubles.
"DeAn 1\Tne. \ PINKIIA f-I canconsclentiouslyrccommcnd J..ydln.E.
Plnlt1ULlll's Vegct.ablo Compound to those of my sisters Rutl'ol"in ' . with
fOllmlo wcnlrnoss nmi the troubles which so oUen befall women. I su ! .
fered for montlm with g-enemi wenknes9 , aIlli felt so weary that I had
hard work to keep Up. I bud shooting pains , am1 WIlS uttel'ly miserable.
In my distress I WIlS advism1 to UHO Lydln E. Plnldmlll's Vegctnblo
Compound , and it was ( red letter day to mo when I took the first dO
for at that time my restoration began. In six weeks I was ( \ ch Dge ol
woman , perfectly well in every respect. I felt so elated I\nc1 happy that
I want all women who 8uffe'x' to get well as I did.-1\Iss \ GUII..A. GANNON ,
Uljj { Jones St. , Detroit , Mich. , Secretary Ama.teur Art .Association. .
It is clearly shown in this youncIndy's letter tlmt Lydia. E.
Ph.llcham's Vegetable Compound wIll certninly cure the Bufforings
of women ; nnd whcn ono eOllshlerR that ! IllsJ : Gannons letter i9
only ono of the countless Inuulrcls which wo are cotltinually
pub1lsh1ng' in the nowspnpers of this country. tllU great virtue of Mrs. 1)Inlc.
ha.m's medicine lIIust be ll llJitte hy all ; nn for the nbsolute cure > oCf 3.11 kin s
of female ills no su stituto ean possibly take Its place. Women should bear
this Important fact In mind when they A'O into Il. rug 5tore. ann be sure not .
to . ' thnt is claimml to \ \ II ' B. Pinlc-
accept nn .thillg' e jnst as good as L3'lIa -
ham's VCg'ctn.blo COmIOlUHI , for no other mc iclne for fownlo ills h. .
wade so wnny actual cnres.
lio\v Another Sufferer Was Cured.
CI DU.ATt. : M ItS. PnmJIAM : : - I cannot praise your wonderful remedies
enough. for they Imvo done me more good Umn all the doctors I ha.YB
had. For the last eight 'carH unci morc I sun'crod with female troubles ,
was very weak , could not do my housework , also had nervous pros.
tration. Some days I would remain unconscious for a whole day and
night.Iy ] \ neig-hhors thought ] could ncver reeoyer. but , thanks to
your medicine , lnow fccllike a difl'crent woman.
"I feel to umi will. . recommend '
yery gmtcful you L3'dln E. Pfnlc-
ham's Vegetable COJllIIOlllHI to all. It has now een four years 8inco
I hac1 the last spell of ncrVOUR l1rostmtion. I ouly weighed ninety-
eight pounds at Oal1.t time ; now I wcigh ono hundred and twenty-three.
" ] consider your Vegetable ComlJounci the llneRt remed ' mnde.
'l'hanking lOU many times for the bCllc11t I , received from your medicinel
I remain , 'lours truly , . ! \Ins. \ .T. H.l"Anmm : , 2801) ) l lliott.Avc" St. Louia , Mo. '
Rcmcmhm. 1\Il's. Pln1ehnm's alYlcc Is free nnd/nll stele women foolish if thl ! ' do not usIc for It. 8ho s } > en1cfi from the widest .
CXllorlcucc , and has beJpclmultltlldes of womCD.
. . FO R FE I T IC wo cannot fnrlhwlth prolllco tlll1 orljtloal loUol1llloool rlnaturea of
S. , 0 0 0 a\'ure \ teatlinoulaJl , which \V1JI1'rur" thulr "bAn ) II to 1(611111nelJln.
U I.ytlla E. l'Jllkh m Iflil. Co. . L"nn , : lraJ .
Great Reduction in Rates via
Home visitors excurslonH soltI every ' .ruesday In September and October
11th. Hnlt tare ( plus S2.00) ) tor the rounll trIp to all points In IndlanlL.
points In Ohio a11 < l Kentuclty.
S8.50 St. I.ouls and return. sold Tnesdn's and ThurstIaYlI ,
$13.80 St. Louis and return. 1'101" ' dall ) ' .
$27.16 Burtnlo. Nlagarn l nll8 or ' .roronto and return , sold dally.
$21.i0 ! Detroit and return. sold tIully.
$ O.OO ( 'hlcu6ro and return ( one way via St. Louis ) , sold ( lally.
Long limit and slop over nllowed ut St. Louis on ALL lI 'et8.
Schedule ot our Fast trains.
neatI down. nend up.
7:45 : a. . : p. m. J..v. Omaha Arr. 9:00 : ] I. m.18:20 : 11. . m.
8:00 : n. m. \ 6:46 I ) . m. 14v. Councll Dlurt Arr. 8:45 : p , m. 8:00 : a. m.
7:35 p. m. 7:00 : a. m , Arr. 'World's } 1'l1lr Stallon I.v. 9:15 : a. m.7:45 ! : p. m.
1:50 : ' . m.17:15 : n. m. Arr. St. Louis Lv. 9:00 : a. m. 7:30 p. m.
' .rhese tralnll run tIall ' . Compare this lime with other lines. .
'l'he " 'nballh lands all pussengers at antI checks bft6r&a& : . to Its own
stnllon ut main entrance ot 'Vorld'lI tulr grounds. 'l'hlnk what thlll means ;
quick lime. extra car tarc lIaved. nntI n tIelighttul trip , nnd yo \ are not all
lIretI out before entering the 1'xposltlon : grounds.
All A enls cun roule you. via. the 'Vabash R. R. For beautiful World's
Fair tolder and all Intormatlon ad drclls ,
G. A. P. D. , Wab R. R. , Omaha , Neb.
. .
Pulnam Fadelen D'el are cleanl ) . u tbe ) neither stain the hands nor lpot 'h kettle. One tOo package colors either aUk. wool or cotto.
equally well , 1U1 ranteoa to ir1ve'perreeL reaulta. l tnam . Fadeeu Dyes are ror sale by aU _ ! food drunlltll eTorywhero. or malJeq
t.lreot. . , 100 . : r1I.e to-4. ) for bookl.t-Bo. . . . . to lJIea.ob . , D'e or 1011:1 : Colon. MONROE DRUG CO. . VnlORvIU. . M. .
, ' . Jwlt . , .
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