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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1904)
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Just try it once and ) 'ou'll be convinced. - and up-to-date and R &if strictly \ & at Everything tbe "erv lowest price. prst-class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J J' ' \1111 , Our Spices , Tea.s. a.nd COffees ! .1 1 Are strictly pure and of the best quality. Sample W . i ity over others. U@ , . We are also headquarters ! 7) , ! for Fresh li'ruits , Apples and vegetables in their v ail season. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l. . ! &it Yours to please , ; 8 ; II POHle-Sheppard Cui . . . . . . , , , , , , , , . . . , , , , , . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . , 'Ullli . ! : ) ' ) , , II. . ' ' ' ' ' " " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' IIII ' ' ' ' " " ' : ! ' : " ' " " " " " ' " " . " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' " ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ! ! ' ! ! ' ' " ' ' 'r' ' ' ' " " . . . . . " ' ' " " " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' - . . c . : ' . , : ; ; "o'r' / , ( . . ' " ; " : ' < 'f ( : ' ' < JAZ : C ; ' ' ' - ' ' . ' : ' ' \ 't : ' s3'cv ' : > -C'\1)P \ .1 't'w. 'G'J -cv\ : : \ ? 'tJs \1 - DIl\D-Ida May King , Frida ) ' , September , 1904 , in Idaho Springs , Colorado , of ery ipe.1as , age 42 years , 11 months , 1 da ) ' . The deceased was born in Green BaVisconsil1 , Oct. 15 , 18&2. She was married to Edgar 11. King , Dccember 1& , 1883 , in Green Bay , \Visconsin. A few years later she and her husband located near Broken Bow. TIer husband died in 18 % , and for a time she was employed as clerk in Salisbury's dr ) ' goods store ill this city. . The remains of Mrs. Ida King . arrived here 'l'usday morning on 42 from Colorado , accompanied by her son Horrace. li'uneral , services were held Tuesday afternoon - noon in the M. E. church , conducted - ducted by Rev. Trites. The deceased - ceased was for a number of ) 'ears 'a resident of Broken Bow and was a daughter of Capt , Burn- ham. Two or three years after the death of her h sba1Hl she went to Denver , Colorado. She ; was a lady who enjoyed the ac- , qunintance of a large circle of 1 friends of this vicinity and it I was with regret that they learned - ed Sunday by telegram of her I death. The funeral was largely jattended. . Her remains were j laid to rest beside her husband in the Broken Bow cemetery. The RUPUDLICAN joins with the : community in exttnding sympathy - . thy to the bereaved. . , . - - - - - - - - I The West Nebraslm Conterence. of the U. B. Church IS now in session in this city. There are present at this time , Thursday morning- , about 40 ministers and delegates and the incoming trains are bringing manl more. Bishop U. Castle of Phllomath , , Oregon , wiIi preside. Last even- II ing the first public service was held and Rev. Wm. 'l'oole.r of Ord , preached a very acceptable sermon. Among those present from abroad are Rev. H. A. Thompson , D. D. , and Rev.V. . M. Bell , D. D. , of Dayton , Ohio. There will be preaching each evening this week. 'l'he day sessions will be very interesting and full of good things. 'l'hc public is cordially invited to at- tend. On IFrida.y evening will occur the Young Peoples' rally. All young people are urged tc be present. Duck leu' . Arnie" Hnlvc. Has world-wide fame for mar. vellous cures. It surpasses an ) other salve , lotio.n , ointment 01 balm for Cuts , Corns , Burns , Boils , Sores , Felons , Ulcers , Tet. ter , Salt Rheum , Fever Sores , . Hands , Skin Eruptions infalhble for Piles. Cure guar. anteed. Only 25c at Bros. I Druggist I . - - , . ( : hurch Hervlce" . M. H. CHURCH. . SundllY will be the last Sunday of thc conference year at the 1\1. E. church. At the morning hour the IInnual reports of thc v/lrious church deparhllcnts will he g'en. . I lIul IInxious that all thc IIIcmhers11111 fricl1l1s of the church 11111) ' be . In the evenill the )1l1lplt ) wil he filled byI lIIember of the U. B. conference lIIeeting hcre this weck. G1o. ( 1' . ' 1'llrrli . Pastor. CHIlI 1'IAN CHUHcn. Regular sen'ices at the Christian church Sunday 1II0rning. Preaching l1ud cOlllmunion at I I o'clock , . precceded hy Sunday School at 10 o'clock. At 7:30 : p. m. the Arion Quartette will render two selections , IInd the pulpit will he suppli- ell by an able minister of the l' . H. conference. Vou I1re cordially invited. J. R. Teagarden , Pastor. u. . II. CHURCH. Sunday morning Bishop Castlc will prcach , nnd other services of a special nature will be held. In the morning services will begin nt 10 o'clock. In the nfternooll will be held a Sunlay ( School service at 3:30. : In the eveuing nIl the pulpits of thc city will be filleel hy visitIng - Ing ministers. III MClllorf or , Julin VI\h'Ull. Since within the grave we laid her , Happinesi froUl home has 110wn ; I.ife seellls strallgely dark and dreary , And the days have longer grown ; I or the one we 10\'cd has left liS , And our life is full of care ; Angels clamed our little sister , And 11 place is vacent here. III the corner are ht.r to's , 'fhose with which she used to play ; 'fhen the hours were sweetly numherel , H're flhc passed from earth awny ; Close beside her hed is hanging , I.ittle Ilress she used to wear ; Hut the angels claimed am sister , AlliIn place is vacant here. As we sadly gaze upon them , Burning tcars hedim our cyes ; And ours thatl1y to the grav 'unl , Where our darling sister lics ; We have sUII her little drcsscs , And a lock of sunny huir ; Angels claimcd our little sister , AmI u place is vacant here. -SISTltR I.AUHA. , . OH.Tnl.l.O. Pete I.lIng IInel wife visitel1 at 1\1. Hin's on 'fhursdllY last. The Republicun failell to come on Saturdll's IIIl1il for some cuuse. J. J. Joyner 1\1111 wifc were in this end of the vaHey one duy last week on bu\i. ! ness. ness.D. D. W. Widtlaman anti wife 1111I1 J. 1\1. Ingram's fumilies took cl llllcr with tht ncw postllluster on Suntlay. , 'rIu : weuther hIlS hcen "ery hot in tht dltY time for the past two weeks und ha ! consequently IIIlItnrcel the corn vcry fust mhd Ashhaugh , J. 1\1. \ Fodpc allli wifl go to St. Iouis Tuesday of tillS week tc . see the big fuir. They will be goue tel days or two weeks. , The threshing is being pushetl and ye it scems to go very slow , because of tlu large a1110unt of grain , as \ \ en as stm\ ' per acre. H seems thut about thirt ) acres is ulllhat cun be put through un ) - of the large outfits in a day. l'eurne ) ' Killenhllrger met with II 1'\11I awuy uccident on lust 'l'uesduy whid - - v-atis. en.n.edy : CO. . . N olth Side , , Broken . Bow , - - . . . . Nebraslta ! ) " . r-- " ' . . , , . . . .r.'RIf.m J. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . - - _ . . . . . ' ' - . ' " ' ' ' ' ' " \ ' ' ' ' ' ; ' ' ' ' ' ; { , : . ' : . . ; , T.'i \ ! : ; , < ' gave hllll Ii flhltking up that he wi11 nol forget I\OOn , IInd might have proved 11 fatal aile , hut as It Wml he hae1 a I1\lInher of his teeth jarred loose , anel a very stiff ncek , having heen thrown upon his head lItul shol\lden . Onc of his horses is rnined huving heen hurt ill his hhlll legs so he ilia ) ' huvc to he kill eel SOOIl. Pur l.c cc BUll Arhltl'l1t1on , - - 'l'he demonstration of Peace Set of the annual festival to be celebrated at each reoccuring Mai' 18th , was pORtponed last sprIng until October 3rd. As the 'l'hirteenth International Peace CongreRs of Boston .will ocr.upy the first w ek ill October it is fittiug that the Peace Dem. ; stratton should'continue through- ont the week. As suffrag-ists of Cmter county we bespeak your earnest help. Let us be a unit for peace and arbitration and use all onr influence against this gohstly uncircumcised and unchristian - christian warfare an to usher in the civilize christian and practical era of peace and arbi- tration. N IU.LIU E. 'l'A VIOI , Chairman of State Peace and Arbitra. tion Committee. A nUIIII , TIle Great F.xcurR- Ion Period. ' 1'0 St. I.ouis : You will regret it for years If you fail to see the St. Louis Ex- position. Special low coach excursion rates IIIlllle daily each week from Sunday to 1'hursday , inclusive ; seven days limit ; slightly higher rates for tickets goo ill slecping cars with IOllger limits. Ver ) ' low olle wity rates to the far west IIl1d 1'IIcific Coast. POI' instance , $25,00 to 1'IIgct SOli lid ; $22.50 ' to Spokane terri. tory ; $20.00 to llelellll allil BUlle terri- tor " This low rates wl/stbollnd , whell ade cd to YOllr return rate eastb0111ul , makes a very low roulld trip rate. To Chicago IInd back : Daily low rates either direct or via St. Louis in cither direction , with stop overs ut St. LOllis , Knnslls City or Omaha. HOUle visitors excursion : Visit the old home back cast. September 20 IInd 27 und October II , half rates plus $2.00 to Indiana , and many points ill Ohio an Kentucky. . NI\IIRA KA DA \ AT TIIIST. . IOUlS HXI'OSITION. Tuesday , October 25. All good Nc- hraskllns shollld be there and help ex-I plait the ) ) ' of our grand cow- 1II0nwenlt \ I. H. I . ORMsm. , IS-IS Ticket Agent. , ' DO8\Vlld IUde l1"or " I.lIce. With family around expecting him to die , and a son ridIng for life , . 18 miles , to get Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption , Coughs and Colds , W. H. Brown of Leesville , Ind. , endured deaths agonies from asthma ; but this wonderful medicine gave instant relief and soon cured 'him. He writes : "I now sleep soundly every night. " Like marvelous cures of Consumption , Pneumonia Bronchitis , Coughs , Colds and Grip prove its matchless merit for all throat and lung troubles. Guaranteed bottles 5c ! ) and $1.00. ' 1'rial bottles free at Lee Bros. , drug store. S. . . : liS To Ht. l.oul8 ulld ueturn. The Burlingtoll offers the above low rate for tickets good ill coaches alld chair cars ( seal < ; free. ) 011 Sale ' ! 'uesdays alld Thursdays during Au ustalld September. See lIIe for full particulars. S'15 II. I. . Ormsby , Ticket Agent. IUl1rket neport lor Toduy. { JIIAIN- Wh"t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 .R7 11111111) ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ZII Oalll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2\1 It'u . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .s : ! eoru. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3S LIVE STltUK.- 1I01l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 25 Hteer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.00 ( (1 ( , 4,50 Cnw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : .1.51 . @ 1.75 1'01Jl.TPY- ' ( Olllckellll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I 'i S\lru'l \ " , Ier , I'UIIII.I ' . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . .05 ' 1'lIIko'II , Jlor l'ollnI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( ) ! j 1'1I01IUml- 11 IIttllr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 KRI : ' , pl'r ' ' 'Iz n. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; :0 : MI 11KI..AN ' IWUII- l'Olllt\O .l'er ' hu&hlll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . .25 IIlll"IIlor \ bullllt\ \ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75 II"vol..rloll" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.00 Hlrllw.\ \ rwt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 : lIIII..r , UrlUlullitud , per OWl. . . . . . . $5..0 @ 6 :10 : I""renl Odelol"Kl1l1uttHhlll Bedridden , alone and destitute. Such , in brief wa the condition of an old soldier by name of J. J. Ha\'cn Versaill s , O. For years he was troubled with Kid- ne ) ' disease and neither doctors not' medicines gave him relief. Allcngth ht : tried Electric Bit- ters. It put him on his feet in short order and now he testifies. "T'm on the road to complete re- co\'en' - . " Best on earth for lAver alHt Kidney troubles and ail forms of Stomach and Bowel I Complaints. Only SOc. Guaran- t ell by f4cc Bros. , Druggist. - . . . - - - , - - . : } BUSINESS POINTERS. : mM mmm m - - Ur. 14cach , Dentist. 'reI. 258. - - . . _ _ .u _ . . .I. C , , Moore , abstracting. 2tC 'l'his ofi ce for neat job work. . - - - Dr. Barnes , the eye doctor will , be at the Grand Central Hotel , 'l'hursday and li'riday October ( , and 7. Call as early as conven. , ien t. 'l'wo days only. Insurance that insures. .13Stf R. G. MO ) H . , . _ . . . . . . . . . . ' ; " " . . . Duroc Jersey male for sate , ; both fall amI spring pigs , S10OO J . to :515,00 : , Also a few sows , 14tf A. ' 1SuvnoLT. . j - - - Dr. T4each will clean teeth free 1 until < ? ctober 1st. \ Farm Lease , Chattle Mortgage i and Warranty Deed blanks at : 'this office. li'ine bunch \Vhiteface and Shorthorn steers for sale. Are dehorned and iu elegant comli- , tion. 'l'ime to right parties \Vanting to feed.I. . I. A. RHNHAU , 14tf Broken Bow , Nebr. Dr. T..each extracts teeth pain- less. 1Stf Dr. Barnes at the Grand Central - tral , Thursday and Friday , October - tober and 7. Renea & Leonard , Bonded Abstracters. Order by phone , we pay the call. . l1"nrlll " .or Hille. 155 acres , } 4 miles south east of Broken Bow , 3 miles north west of Berwyn ; 85 acres in cultivation - vation , 70 acres in pasture ( fenced - ed ) , well and wind mill , sod house , 4 rooms ; sod stable , frame granary , over 1,000 Box : Elder trees , B. & M. track in sight for 3 miles. Price and terms given on application.Vill give possession - session this fa11. J. KAV , lltf Broken Bow , Neb. J. C. Bowen buys cream and pays the highest market pric . - - - - - - - - - - - - \V ANTIw-Men with families. Fair price and good houses. \VnST UNION MILI.ING Co. 34tf \Vest Union , Neb. FOR SAI.U-Tow.J lots and a few five acre lots in this city. -Allen Rey er. I Money to loan on improved farms.-R. G. MOORI" Gleim Block. 41tf Dr. Sumner Davis , Grand Island - land , Nebraska , specialist in disease of eye and ear , examination - tion for glasses. 2tf Drs. Davis and Farnsworth of Grand Island , Nebraska , are prepared - pared to treat all forms of chronic diseases , such as rheumatism , stomach disorders , tumors , cancers - cers , paralysis , kidney diseases , etc. 'l'he doctors use besides medi ine and surgery , th X-Ray , hot-air baths , electricity and massage. 2tf Bring ) 'our chickens to P. J. Simonson and get the highest mark t price. 10 tf Hapgood has opened a paint shop just south of the Globe Ho. tel , where he IS prepared to paint buggies and do all kinds of work. Call and see him. He is the largest contractor in this section. Legal Notices , LEGAL ADVE TI8IUd& TB. AU adfllrtlsementl under tbll head will bo cbarged for at leval rBle , vLz : 81,00 per dquare tor IIrst In ertlon , aud 60C per Iquare for 118cb lub eqnont InllerUon. A "square" III ten IInol or fraction tbereor. ROAD NO'1'ICI . To whom It 111ay COllcerll1 'l'he commlssluller allol II 11'11 10 "Iew a 11I1 If lIe..m.-III.-ceqaf1' ; for Ihe ( l1I"lIc 1001110 : locate a roall ( I.thlolll',1 fur hy Hellry Schneider all,1 olllerR ar.11 C0111111e11c11l1 : ' at lilt ; cellter of Sectloll 19 , ' 1'lI\vIIQhlp 1M. Rail ! : " 17 , CllslI'r COllllly. Nehra..ka. thellce Norlh lolhe 1\111 Ollt mall III Ral11" IH'Ctloli ' 19. towllshlplS , ralll'e : 17. Bel'llIlI' : IIII : ' alalll at the c'-Iller of Sectloll 19 , 'l'OWIIRhlp II ! , Ralll'e : 17 , thellce "Olllh to 11m celller of Sec- tlOIi 30 Oil the half . .ectlnll IIl1e allil thellce we"l oue allli (1IIe.half I11l1e 10 laid Ollt road , hali re- purl.-1I111 favllr of the , 'slal'lIlihnlUut Illereof. allllallohjecllouli Ihetplo , or claims fr.r lIam. al'efl : I1111S1 h. . fllI'd III till' CUlllln' ch'rk's IItllce Oil or hefore 1101111 of the 31..1 d:1IIf : OClo"er , liJO-I. or lillch roall will bo e..tahll..III'1i wllhollt rder- ellcu therelli. 111 Whuehs Whl'r..of. I have lIerelllllo . .I.t 11I1' halill all,1 MI'lllIf . .alii cOIIUty , , Ih\130tll \ Ilay of AIIICII.t. I'IO . . ( ; tu. : W. ) ) H'HCllllilty ClerIc , 121593 ( sltAr.1 JIIS. . I'lnMAN , 1 > " 1111\1' . i - - - - - - - - - - : IWAD NOTICI' : . i ' 1'0 whom It ma ) ' " 0 II c..rll : I 'l'he cI.lllml"l < lolI al'l.ollI,1 , III view allll If 11'elllell fllr Ihe l'III111C II'lIu.I III Ilicatu a rllall I cOllllllellCIo'1I' ' at Ihe Cl'liter IIf Ihl' lIe . H.-clIlIlI ' 22 , ' 1'IIWII..hIlI15 . , Raugu . ! . ! , thlllCl' ea t abollt M 11I11" Iht'lice alllrh' n. . IIIIWIl . 'aIlYIIII a II. . , Iraveillow 10" : " 10 a I.ullit 1111 . . . .cllull IIl1e rU1I1I11I1 : lIurth alld . .lIlIlh thculliorh Sectiull 21. lIear Ihe celller of SectlOli 21 , IhellCIlIurlh 011 H . . . .ctloll II lie III . . . . . : tloll 1111" belwe.-II Secllllils 16 allli I. balllwall hI\.11I1I' : I"'IHI l'elltlllll.,1 fill' br N. 1' . Nel"ulI :11I11 othl'rll , ha. . lepllrll'll III favor of Ihe locatIOn Iher..uf. :111I1 all objectllllls Iherelo or . : Ialm" for . .Ialllall'elnlllht be flletl III Ihe COIIIII ) ' clerk' ! ! onice 011 or I.elure nooll of the 271h tla ) ' of October , 19I. . or slIch rO.1t1 will be establlshell wl'llOlit referellce then lo. In 'VltnebH Wl1eeof. 1 havl' hereunto ect n1 ' hanll anll Real of salll COIIII ! ) ' . tlll'I lth II a ) ' uf AnllIsl , 1'104. GIW. W. DE\\\ ' , COllnt ) ' Clerk. 12.IS. . . . ' ) . ! 11il\\I.1 lIy Jus. I'luUAN , Uelllll ) ' . . . . - - - - - - - - - - " - - - - - - CUlIIII ) ' conrt Clllller cUlln ! ) ' . N"hra'ka , 'J'lIlhe heir' ! all,1 lIext uf kill of Mortlmel" " ' . Hhnllllll. . . . IIt'c\sl'I. : YIlII arc herell ) ' Iwtllie.1 that 'I' . II. MllrrlM , of . . .aillo'ceaRI'I \ , haK 1110'11 hiM I.etlliolis III hal,1 conrt , aldlllC Ihal II. ! ma ) ' I" , apulnl.,1 \ Ad. mlnlMtrllor of Ihe . . . ; tall' uf Murllmer W. Sim- mon.IlIllh,1I hlfl a'CI"11i1 a"'l/lIanliali " of Haill Morlhller W. Simmolis m"I : ! apl'ro\'t 1l alill hI ! I. . , IlIbchant..11 a. ; MilCh I'lIanliali. : Sa ill lIIat. lerH ha'e b"11 Nel fur lIearlll ! : fur Octo".r I , I'm , at 10 u'cluel , a. III. . at Ihe COllllt ) . COlirt rOOll1 , III IIrollCll 11011' . Nel.rallka , wilen all III' lere..t"IlI'Jrtll' . : " ma ) ' allll he hear.l. Alil/llfl 27 , I . 1 .15-'J ISIiAI.1 J. A. AIUIOIIH , COllnl ) ' Jmhre. . . . . . - - - - - - - Unll..1 Slall'1 1.:111.1 O 1ce , l IIrul'n IIlIw. Nellra.lca.lIl1'lIsl . IIJI . I Nllllc" I. . horohy I'h'"n : Ihat Ihe folllllvllIl : " lIaml',1 . . . ! ltll'r haK 111"11 nolh:1 ! IIf hlR Inttmllun 10 JIIakl ! 1I1I.1lllrouf III " "tltllirluf hi. . . . claim , an,1 thaI "allll.wof 11'11madl \ ! h..fllr" ReI/Isler an,1 Recllvel" at UWk"n 11011' . Nebra"ka , on OCloher 3 , 1'1t,1I. , 'Iz : 1'1 IHn' COlo'lo'MAN New lIelelia. Nebraska fur Ihe ,11. , E. 'J' J4 : . .oi S.tllIIl : 2& , I H no:1 , : S..cllon 35 , 'l'ownshlp , 19 Norlh , Halil/e 21 W. 110 names the followlnl : Wllnl'MReli 10 prove bl8 contlllll0l18 reMldellc" II pO II anll cllltivatlull ( If Kallllallll , "Iz : Olh'er Swick of New Jlelena , Nehraska : I'alrlck Kelley uf New 1I"leua , Ne. braska ; G'orlle 'l'elllpler of Ne , , ' Helena , Ne- bratlka ; Arthllr Nllwoolwll of IIrokell lIow , NIbraska. 11.1C1-119 J.UIKS WmuUIAD : , Uelll&ter. . - - - - - , . . . . . . . . . , , - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . , . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . - - . - . . , . . . . . . . . , . . . , . . ' --7 , , . . ri [ e.u.'IJ'e' 'r.I ! ! . ' . 'l . . . : . . . il. . " . JtI . . ' , : , ; " , " . . M : > i. : ' lif1 : : ! : 1e 1. " : . . . . "f"I . . : ' ' , ' , I"N r.l'e. , ll'iJ' 'I. ' " . f\ ' 1.f " U'.M' ' . 'iii ' ( .f..f " " ; . . . JI'.I. : . . , .I.U . ; . . . . ' . . . . . . . ' . : . . Ni"i . .M' \i , tMf ! ! Ii i ' 1 .t i : : : ' Ftlrnlture' ' . : l/ ' ] ] . 'lIt I'l. ' ' : ! . . . jIr R : . . . . 'I"I ! : , : ! . : . I'r ; ' . : : e. n'.la FURNITURE ! r _ _ . . - - - . . . ' - - - - - - - - ' - " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I. ' : ; 0- ; : - - - - - - - - ; /1' / ; : . : , : Ie : . i # J Furniture ! i # A ca1' loud of FU1'niture just 1'e- M j' . . .i eel vel l n. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D ! ! f : i " r : f'i , . 1 . . 'fJ : : ( . ; & ' " J S B d. I QlllreS I OS. , which we will dose' out at prices f : : ' that will not be duplicated tl1 s side I , . of Omaha. As our j "ll1'niture ; room i ' . j , is limited we must. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J .l , : : ; ' ' ' ' Itit . " ! jli l C I 0 S e ij . fi : : ! ; ! : f : a : . . . 1 . 3f.1 : ; 'i \ ' ' 1 I th8 0 t - % 1 ; , " : . ' 1'1' . \ ' ; : ' 'a ; : MOM . iI.'K " . II " H. . \ ; ' : . : in order to make room for 0111' sec- ff J end car of Furniture , which will be Jg I. shipped according t ? contnwt N 0- ) } vember . 1st. Come . In and get OUI' . . . . i. 7. tM { > 1'We8 , f 01' we 111 t , en d t ,0 , ( ' 1 ese tl lIS r ! : : ; . . eal , 0 f . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . } i . il ! ' ! J ! re Qut _ ! Pricp t . . . . . ; : : 'i' .a . 7. I . Never B totQuoted . in BrokenBow _ 1) ) I , ) : iti ' i iJ' ; Y' ours f 01' B 11811188 , i . ; li'.oI i G . S qUlros B ros. , . . . . . . . . M ! . . . \ . > , \ 11i { . . : : ; . : if : ' . : ; . . _ . . . ' . . . . . - - ' . . . . . , . . . . . , . . . _ . . . . , , . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . , . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . - - . . . . . : . . . . . ' . . l ' + .C : \ ! . . . W. . .1'rioI. . 't ; . . . . . : 'ui'f. . .J& ! i - ' ! . .iii't.ii . . . " . . : ! . . . . ! ; . : . . : , , . ! ' . . . ' . ' . . . . ! . ; : : : ' /.I. ' " / ' * : . ' . : . . ; . i . ' . " . ! = . ; ; . } . : . . ; ; ' . ftil'i"i ! ; -r : . . : . . ( . , ; ! . ; . : . . : . . ' : .Yt : ; e1Ii > . ; : . . . . . . . ' , . iii"Mi / . . . . : . : . Nilir . ; ro.t. : ; t r -.rr- _ ' NO'l'ICEE 'I'O CRI ut'l'ORS. In Couuty County , wlthlu : uIII for Culer Coullty , NehraMka. Iu the matter IIf th. . . . , .Ialo of Helh ! C. na thIIfR. DecLaKeli. ' 1'0 tlle crellltorR of Raill eRlate : YOII are hereby uotlfiell. that I will Rlt al tht' COllnty Court HoolII III Brokell Bow In "a hi count ) . on October 2 . allll Decelllber 17. I'IIH. ' aud March IS , 1 < ; 05. at 10 o'lock a. III. each ! lalll daleK , to receive and exallllue all clalmli alCaln. ! It ! laid 1 lItate. wltll a few to their alHIIRlmellt anll allowallce. 'I'he lime IImltell for 11Ie In , . seutatlon of clal1ll8 alalust . .aliI elilale 1'1 lilx lIIonlh8 , frolll the 16th day of Seplember. A. D. , 19U4 , alltl the time IImltell for 1'I'lIItlllt of Ileblli III olle ) 'ear from.sald lIate. Wltne'l III ) ' halld allll the blal of Ral,1 CUUU\ ) ' COllrl , tills 14th da ) ' of Seplelllber. 190 . 14.17-100 [ ! H-AL : ] J. A. AH JOUHColluty JulllC" . NO'1'ICI OF PINAl. SE'1"1'I.EMEN'I" In cOllnty court , CIUlter coullty. Nebraslm. ' 1'0 the credllors anllIlelrR. allll to all wl10 are Inlerestell In the \talo \ of Enllhert OlflOIl , . Deceasell. 'rake notice , 'I'bat " ' . 11. " 'anl , Admlnlstra. lur of the aforesalll F..late. ha. . 111ell a rellort of his dolllls aR sucll. anll asks that Iht ! ! Ian. . ! he alll'roved , and that he be IIIMcl1ariorell frolll further oblll'alion : therein. anll that thl ! Cnllny Judl/'e make such orller as IU the tllstrlhullon uf the afl"ell ! beloncrhllc to saltl 1'Itate as ma ) ' "eell1 just anti eqllitable : allll In tleRhl'lIatu the helrR eutltlell to a flhare 111 I < altl eslate , a\1I1 lu Irant slich other relief as iliabe d..eme,1 lIecebsary In the final "eUlelllelit of said eRlale. Salll maUer has beell set for IlI'arllll : 011 the I..t day of October. IIJ04 , at 10 o'clock a. 111. at Ihe COli lit l' cOllrt rO"III , 111 Brokell lIow , Nebrt..ka. at which time all 11 III ace all lIartleli Iliteresled ilia ) ' apl'ear allil he ileaI'll concernllli : ' the same. Hated this 2&lh day of A IIl1'lIst , 11)04. ) 12.15-91 [ SIML ] J. A , AHMOUH. COllnty Jlllli'o. Uilitell Slal..s I.and omce. I Brokell Uuw , Nebraflka. Septelllber , 17. 11\14. i Notlct ! Iii lleaehy I'hcn : Ihat the follotvlnior- lIamell "etlh'r hali 1 I " notice tlf hili 1lIIntloli to make I1l1allfOOf 111 snl'Ilrl of his claim , al1l1 Ihat sa III J'roof will be made before RI'llsll'r alld Hecelverof 11. S. I.alill Ollice at Brok..n . Bow. Nebraska. 011 Octuber ; ! . 'i , IIJ' ) . \17. : CHARI.F.\ . OWI'N of Anl < ellllu , NebraQka , lor tlle Ne ( . Sectloll M , ' 1'owlI..hll' 11 North , Rallcre 2Z 'V'sl 61h 1' . M. Ife nanhfI tlH' fol. lowlllll" wltlleSI < II. . tu lirovo his cOlltllll1llllH r"'II. dellc" IIpOIl allll cllltlvatioll of Ralll lalld17. : JohIlIllp I. . ) . of M..rna . , Nebra..ka ; Charl..y Day of Merlla , NIhrahkaDalliel ; Wuod..rlllall . of , Nebra..ka ; Charh , } ' Zachr ) ' : ; of 1\hrlla , NehraHka. J A ms WIIITlamAlI , 15-20-101 Helrl..ter. . Unltell Siales Lallll Ollic. : , , lIrokellllow , Nebraska , Seplember IJ , IWI , i Notlcl ! IR hereb ) . crlvell that the 101l0wlIIl- lIalllell . .etller has IlIellllolicII of her IlIlellllon 10 make lIual proof In IIlIpporl uf her claim. ami Ihat said Ilroof will be made he fore HeI..lel" ! amI Hecelver al Urokell 1IoNebrabka , 011 OClober 2.1.190-1. vlz : l.11I.IAN I. KING. Mil. bllrll ) Nebraska , for Ille I Nwl. ( , Ne-S\\ ! ' , NwJ.SeJ , Section 23 , Township 21 North , Ranle 11 West. SlIe names thl ! followlllll' wit. nesses to prove lIer contlnuolls resldcllce IIpOIi alld cllltivation of said lalld , vl7. : Johll Worth. Inil'loll of 1\lIIburll , Nebraska : Harry Miller of 1\1I\hllrn. \ Nebrallka : ' 1'holllas 'l'pon ; uf Mil. bllrll , Ne"raska : Wallhlncrloll I. . Ranklll of Mllbllru , Nehraska. 14.1'1-1'1 ' JAM ! ' ! ! WlIlTImllAlI , HellRter. - - - - - - - - - - - - - IlIlhe Dhtrici COllrt Browli COIIIII ) ' , Nel.raska. Isabelll ! Klrklalrlck , I'lalllllf. [ YS. Ne ) ' Bryun 1.lll1e , Rnlh 1.II..e. l1al'O' IIIM' al1l1 Uavhl O. III" , Jr. .i Notice III here" ) ' I/'ivellihal 11l1Iler allil b ' vir. III"of a jllilcremeill allil order of I < al" lIIade allli rellllerell b ) ' the Dlslrlcl COllrl uf Hrown cOllllt ) . , III tile above entitled calille , 011 th. IMlh lIa ) ' of April , I'm.e Ihe uliliersll/'lIeI , will 1111 the . ! 4th daof Seplernb"r , I , at IU o'clock a. m. 01 lial,1 day , at the frolll door of Ihe COllrl l10llKe 111 AIIIIIWIHIII , 111 lIaftl cOIIIII ' . . .ell al Ill1bllc allclloli. as 111'011 ' , , "eclillulI , Ih" folloWlli1/ . - hcrlbe,1 I'"al eMtal" lu.wlt : 'l'hl1 1I0rth-wl'1 qllarlor uf Ihe "oullt.we..t qllarter. ; Nw ! KwJn " , 'CtiOllollo It ) alltllhe norlh east qllarter of lite KOlllh-easl qllarler ( NeJ Sw ! ( S"Ctloll two (2) ( ) AIIIIIIOWIIMhh ) IIll1eleell (19) ( ) Ralll'e : Iwelll ) ' . Iwu (22) ( ) 111 ClIsler cOllllt ) . . Nebraska. Anll luts two (1) ( ) allll three (3) ( ) alld till ! Iast half of the 1I0rllwest qllarler m NwJO sectlClII 1liorltleell Uti ) 'I oWlIshll ) Iwelll ' , ollo (2\J ( \ Halli'e twell\- I1v" (25) ( ) III Ulaille cOllnty , Nehrallka. Said sale will b" held opell for aliI ! hour al1ll will 110 malll ! IIpOIi Ihe followllll : ' lerllls ' Iz : all casll. Uated this 2 ud day of AUIt , 19tH. AKTIJUIt C. TOL I"K , , C.V. . I'ATTKK , } Refere"9 , ' . . -1r . J-77 JAMCS N. LUliu. - - . - - - - Stockers and feeders for sale. , litf li'HANKVmsHNHJWHH. . J. . - All the latest designs in wall J , C. Bowen's. 7tf - - - - . I'HOl'OSI U CONS'I'I'l'I'l'ION A I. , , ' " AMENUMEN I 'I'lle folluwlllir prolll.11 . alllelHlml'lIl In. al'tl COn\'elitioli for Ih" r..vl..lon of , the Con.tltlltlull of lilt ! lilale of Nehraflka , ali Iwrelnafler . . t forth 111 fnll , llilillbmitleillo the eleclorl of the . Slalo of Nebra'lka , 10 be "Illell 111"11 ' at the iorellCral "I"ctlon to I. . , helll 'l' ) ' , November M. A. D. . I'm : ( SHNATH PILI ! No. II . ) . A Bill fOI" a Joint Re..ollitioll f\'colllllu'mlllll ( 10 th , ' ell'cWrR of Ihe Ktale 10 vole at Ihl ! IHI"I electlnll of me 111 hers of the I.elll.tallire for or alalnl < t a cOllvelltloll III revl. ; " . alllellil alill , challle Ihe COIIStltlitioll of the Hlale of Ne"ras- . ka 111 accurdallce with Sectun ! 2 , Article IS , of th. . COIIRtlltioli of Ille Slale IIf Nebraska. lie It Re olved h ) ' Ihe I.elfl'llatllre of thoSlalu of NI'IJra'lka : I. 'l'hat I' Iii IIl'ellle,1 lIece'l'ar ) ' tu call a CUll' \'eliliun to rev : . . , ! . : unel1ll allll chanlrl ! 11111 COli- . .tltutlull of tile Slale of NehraMka. ' f 2. 'l'hat the , 'Iector. ; arc n'clIlIIlII"IIII , ' < 1 10' nle ' / " at tilt ! lIext electloll uf lIIelllher" of the Iec : IMla- I IlIrn for IIr alfalll 1 ; 1 con\'entloll In revise , alllen < 1 alill challlr' ! the ConRlllutlonllf tile Slale IIf Nehra..lm. 3. 'l'hat at . .uch next eleClloll of members of , Ihe Iel/'Islaturn on tllII "allot of each . .1..clur vo. . tllIlI" at snch elecllun , . .lIall he IIrlllh'lorwrIUclI III slIch a lIIanllllr Ihat the l'Il'clol" call IoIlHcate I his Jlreference under the Jaw tile wunl. . : "I.'OR call1lll : a Cllllvention 10 revise. allll'llIl a 11I1 challcre Ille COlllilltllllon of the Statl ! of Nellra . ka. " alld "AGA INH'l' cal II II If acolivenllull tu re. . vise. a III. . 1111 alill chanll'e the CUII.tltlitlon uf Ille Siale of Nehraska : " , ullllr a lIIajorlty votlllil' . at . .altl eh'clloll Mhall VII Ie fnl" a cUII\'entlon , Ille lelslatllfll ! Mhall , at Its lIexl sesslonl. Jlrovldo hy law fllr canllllr Ihe hall. . , . I , o.-u. W. 1\Ial"'III , Hecrelar ) ' of Slale of thl ! Stale 01 NI'hra..lca , , III herdl ' cerllf ) ' Ihat Ihe fur"lfolnlprol"11 " :1IlIelllllllelll III tlleColI.tlln. lion of Ille Hlale of Nehrahla , : ulllllrolvftllolll'lnr a Cllnvenllon for Ihe re\'lslonof . .alII CUII'ItlllI- tlon of Ihe Stale of Nehra.ka , Ih a 11"1111 allol cllr- rect COli ) ' uf th. . orllnall'nwlle,1 ! hili Jla."e,1 hy the 'l'Welll.eilrhth . . . . " . .illnlllllw 1"ICIMlatlll'\ Ihe Slale of Nehra'lca. .I alll'eLrs frulll Kalil r urllflnal hili , 011 tile III III Olliel' . allll tllat salll lwpo,1 amelllllllenl :11111 r\\'I..lonof . Ihe Con II' ; ttUltloli of Ihe Slale of Nehraska I. . . "lIhruIUe,1 , _ , In Ihe "lIalllh',1 , 'olerR of Ihe HIII. . uf NehraRI" , . J for Ihelr adol.lloll . or r.-j cllulI , al Ihe Ielleral 1.It'ctlon (0 be 111I1111111 ' 1'lIe"lIa ) ' , lilt. Mlh oIa ) ' of . Novelllber. . \ . II. IIJ\ ) . J. IlIlusllollnll ) ' wher"f. I haherelllllo . . .et III ) ' 1 halill allll ani"III11' SII of III. . Stale of . N'hra.ka. f DOli" at 1IIIcoili thl' ! Sih 11:1) ' of Jill , . In the ) 'ear IIf Ullr Uunl 011. . 'I'IIIJII allll Nille IIl1l1dreol all,1 , 1"0111' . flf Ihl' IlIIlepelllh'nce of th Unltell Stales the On" I1l1n < 1rell alill 'I'wellt ) . Nillth t anll of thlR State Ihe 'rllirty Wllhlll. GIW. W. 1\IAHSII. : : I.21-S IGHEAT ! : JJAI. ] Secrelar- State. . . - - - - - - - - I . . . . . . . . .llc rd Ilenllert II ) ' . . . . . . . . . OllIl8l1n 8cott , Nil , 177.03.5. $ , . \ . l J ' ' ' ' . " .f. " . , ' ' . . 'liIJ.t . - \ ' I : I J. h. BRENIZER , Breeder of I'uru ScolclJ nl Scotch TOPltIIhort \ ! : Uorn Cat. tlo. My helli nrlluhers 40 oows. Will coruPlrl ! III brePIIlnr allli ( IUIIII ) ' with any \Vuat of Oblcagll. lily O1crllloctl : hIs tugllt mo Ihat 10 ! llvo Irooll eAthfactlou. "r".dlng . cattle mUll ho raIsed In thIs altllude. ( expect to raIse them here tllO eQual of 1I'lhlng rahed In tbe U d. I UJW IIlIvo Z6 bull. tlUltliblo for tille , IlDd nut ) 'Car' , aorvlco. 1\1y \ cow.tolglJltrom 1400 W 1000 pOWlda , , Ooma andljll 'bem , ' . \ . , - i"i' . 't : ' ' ' , . . . . ' , .