Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 22, 1904, Image 7

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    " " " 'i'-- . . _
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" . . ,
, ' Miss Hapgood tells bow abe
, escaped an awful opcratioo by
. ; using Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable -
table Compound.
It DEAn Mns. PnmnA.I1 Buffered
for four 1eMS with whnt t.ho doctors
called Salpingitis ( InOammn.tlon of the
fallopian tubes nd ) 'Which is
II. mostdlstrcssingl1nd painfu ailment ,
I nffecting all the surrounding pn.rts ,
undermining the constitution , and 8:1P-
ping the lito forces. If you had secn
me a year ago , before I belrn.n tn.lcng !
I Ly < Ua E. Pinkha.m's VCJ'ctablo
\ Compound , and had noticed the
Bunken eyes , sallow complexion , nnd
general emnelo.tcd condition , and compared -
pared that person with mo 1\8 I am today -
day , robust , helrty nnd well , you
w uld noL won er thnt I fe l thankful
to you nnd your wondertul medicine ,
which restorcd mo to new life and
health in 1lvo months , and savml mo
1rom an a wlul operntlon.- ImNG ! :
nAI'OOOD , 1022 Sandwich St. Windsor ,
Ont.-.5000 lorftlt II orlal"al 01 abCK'lI/.U"
proulng g nulnonOl' cannot be prodlletd.
Ovnrltill or inflammntlon of the
ovaries or fallopian tubes which adjoin
the ovaries may result from suddcn
stopping of the mouthly 1low , trom
infiammation of the womb , nnd many
other causes. The slightest indication
of trouble with the ovaries , indlcatcd
by dull throbbing pain in the side , accompanied -
companied byhent and shooting pains ,
should claim your Instant attention.
It will not cure itsel ! , and II. hospitnl :
operation , with all its tcrrors , may
eJ.sily result from neglect.
$431115 OREflf SEP1UillTORa
we '" "
' FOR$43 15
If' . hlllh .ut IIrod"
; t hand crum .oparatar bllf
d" eoparaor with a capacity ot 80a
pounds or tiO Ql1&m per hour , ample
tor 1U > 7 da.lrr ot Cea CO" . or los. . .
Lurg.r .be. 0 .00 or COO ponnds per
bo r . . .paeltr : , tor large dl\lrlu , Dilly
: hc . h'k ' e : ; n
IlJr.R , .tron .t , mo.t convenient. cI.a.Il00 , grCR t capacity
and least l1o.ble to ! fet ont ot order -
der ot any cream or"rI\tor mtlde.
2a-YEAR , OUARAliTEI ! . Etert
upat.r la conred b , our 20-
.JR 7rlb 'bdl.vt : rp.l"J. 'i !
TIISTS. conce d by expert. .nlf
rrl'L . . o : . . .ned " ' : : : 'tear ,
In .Te , , way superior to any olhor
pep"ra.tormnde. GUArante.d to Ut. .
thollJ p.r c.ntto ao pO 'cent"orol\tn
t U Woloe. y t"et : : mn :
trom th" pRn . ant be8ld. . . , ou ! lave
tbo sweehldmmed milk tor , .our c < vesl ea.Te. an tht !
or."m , all Che . . . .ot mllkl m"kOll more and t .tter butt.r.
Wllh thla sopara.tor . . 70U wl1lleetO.oo to m.oo per : rear
more trom on , , cow , : rou wlUfot moro Incom. trom
: t " . . . . : . ' a 'r. . ' : 8 : soi t'"s ; a : : : .
2 > y. . . , , tarmer , " 'hoth.r70u ' mille two cowa or ten. You
. I : aye c' ' 1 8t.r'I"Trf . M th l : J. . : n , : ;
eperalllit. no . "JCt1 nc.Is IIICO\Iann'1 : U 10U have
_ n a . . .p..rato1\ malhr. any l ar old bo , . can ban-
mil and run It , the Ideal machlnll tor be7 , II1rl , WOtnalor
111&11 to run , nonll ot the oompllcatod , bara to bandla I'ItrUI
round In olber macblnNL Combines au tbe ! rOOd qualltl. , .
ct all other hllth ltI'Ido .enamtorswtth Chod tocta or nnn _
J " 0 ANY ADDftllSS on'O daa' trial. to cenYlnc. . you
: : t V lf tl ! t D.L E , JA r = :
bl' return . mall , peel paid , our Preo Separaler Catale.u.
' I' "Ith I..go UlU1ItraClons ( plcturesot all our II pa.rato" " .
" .ute. eto. , rull description epecld Inllclo prlCO . Wo
' w1l1s.ndJ'on OurlO : De , . ' Fra. Trial 011 or. Wo..1U e" .
1 (
I. . ' ; plain our Ouuante . our Quality Ohallenge. W. " 'Ill ' 0' "
t > ltJn why our ma.chll1.l. Inll bciJt. You wJlJ ut our lateot
I and me.t marnloully liberal Creem Bap.ralar Orror. an
oUer a.nd PTlcfI ! neTer beCore known. Don't b1l1 a separa-
t. : hn I . n hloO : < 1In I , :
all wo"m eend.ou br : returD maU , POSTPAID. " E
' RSiri : B Ci&wrI ( : ; t ioiGb
Every housekeeper should know
I that it they wlll buy Defiance Cold
[ ater Stnrch for laundry use they
wlll save not only time , because it
never sticks to the iron , but because
I each package contains 16 oz.-ono full
pound-whilo all other Cold Water
Starches are put up inpound pack-
nges , and the prlco is the Iame , 10
cents. Then galn because Defiance
Starch is fi'M trom all Injurious chem-
icals. It your grocer tries to sell you a
12.oz _ paclmgo it 1a because ho has
a stoclt on hand which ho wlshos to
dispose of before ho puts In Defianco.
Ho knows that Defiance Starch has
printed on every package in largo letters -
ters and figure3 " 16 ozs. " Demand
Defiance and save much tlmo and
money and the annoyance of the iron
'iUcking. Defiance never sUcks.
The pessimist always bites the
spots on the apple first.
OnlY $15.00 to Deadwood and Lead ,
S. D. , and return , Sept. 3 , 6 , 10 , 13
ant ! 17 , via The Northwestern Line.
City Offices , 1401 Farnam street ,
Some poHUcal "booms" need nothing -
ing so much as a coroner's inquest.
I Those Wha Have Tried It
, , ' 111 use no other. Defiance Cold Water -
ter Starch has no equ 1 In Quantity
or Quality-lO oz. tor 10 cents. Other
brands ontaln only 12 oz.
God's love was not meant as a cushIon -
Ion for our laziness.
Important to Mothers.
Rumina caratuny every boWc at CASTontA ,
a eafa nnd sure remedy for lnlnnts and chlldrcn ,
and see that It _ _
Dearsth /
Slgnnlnro of
In Uao For Ovcr 30 Yenrs.
The Kind YOIl UIIVO AlWAYS Daught.
Now cometh the dog star days ,
when the thrifty housowlfo may lIve
Y on the doHcatessen plnn.
The value of a mau's prnlclples de-
pands on what It costs him to cash
them in practlco.
Only th050 who face their sins find
their forglvoness.
The reUglon that malccs good w111
make people . good. . .
Prnyor fs the ptU-ont of pars eyer-
. - - - . . - - " .
Theory Regarding the Moon.
The novel theory of Dr. Voight ,
ermnn astronomer , is that the gront.
or part of the moon'f ! craters represent -
sent work of coral insects 'In lon { ; .
vnJlshed sOas. Ho finds tlmt It the
enrth's tropical ocean wore aUddeuly
drIed up the bed would resemble the
fuce of the moon , the corn : torma.
tlons appearing exactl ) . li1to the crat.
ers of the extinct , .olcanoes.
Mosquito Cause of Death ,
Jersey mosquito causoo the dentll
of a barber named RO ho Dorsa at
Harrison , N. J. The barber was shav.
Ing and a mosquito lit on hlB nose.
The razor was directly under the bnr.
ber' chin , and In making slap to
drive away the mosquito , he cut a Ileap
gask In his throat. A physician aft
rived too late to save him.
Belated Weddings.
The love ot independence and the
freedom and pleasure of to-day malto
girls less and less anxious to mal'ry ;
before thcy are paat 11.e and twenty.
Perhnps It Is better that there should
be that dlslncHnatlon , Cor our modern
lIfo may fit a woman better to marry
Inte thnn early.-Lndy Jeune In Lon.
don Opinion.
A New York Salad Abroad.
This summer there seems rather a
Bet against Ices at the smart dinners.
'Wo nre now such slaves to health
I\nd dlat cures. At II. well.lmown house
there was a curious dish ot fruit mixed
with watercress , a cross between a
compote and : J. salad. The result was
very satlsfactory.-London Onlooltcr.
Annoying to the Judges.
An English maglstrato remarltcd on
the bench : "I have Imown sorr.e
Judges , when tney hnve termed a theory -
ory In a case too early , to be , "ery
much annoyed when the evldenco h s
not fitted with It. "
Result of Fool Wager.
English newspapers tell ot a laborer
named Samuel Wellington who nt.
tempted for II. wager to Iclss his toe.
In doing so ho broke his thigh nnd
had. to be conveyed to a hospHal.
Everybody'a Magazine.
The secret method of multipl .lng
millions by which the enormous tor.
tunes of Standard Oil and other big
finnncial Institutions were crcated
verItably out of nothing Is the text
of the September inst1llment ; of
"Frenzied FInance , " by Thomas \V.
Lawson , In EverybodY's Mngazlne.
It III no exageratlon to sa ' that the
artlclo Is of the most sensational In.
terest and Importance. The story or
how Standard on set about getting
the control of banlts and trust and
Insurance companies ; how it juggled
their f-unds so as to extend its opera-
tlons ; the process or the "trustifica-
tion" of corporations as they practice
it , and the upbulldlng of the greatest
financial power In America toda ) ' ,
malccs II. revelation of the most startling -
ling significance. ,
Sincerity Is lIke travcling In a plnln ,
beaten road , which commonl7 brings
a man n\Uch sooner to his journoy's
end thm by-ways , In wWch men orten
lose themselves.
Mrs. Burnett's English Home.
Frances Hodgson Burnett , the au.
thor of "Little Lord Fauntleroy , "
whoso story of childhood , "In the
Closed Room , " Is now appearing In
lcClllre's Magnzlne , has returned for
the summer to her English country
homo , Martham : Han , in Kent. Mrs.
Burnell's estate Is a very old one ,
lying In the most beautiful part of
England's most picturesque count . .
The foundations ot the house arc over
700 years old , and the old church on
the grounds Is mentioned In the
Doomsday Book. Attached to the
Hall are two quaint villages , Rolven.
den str t and Rolvenden lane.
Death From Slight Accident.
Vthlle carrying a kes of beer Intended -
tended for a picnic in ReadIng , Pa. ,
Elmer Kerchoff stumbled over a wire.
The keg slipped so sUddenly that the
jar dlslocatod his : neck.
Among AmerIcan artists one of the
most tallted-of and most appreciated
foreign paintings In this country Is
the portrnil of "AVoman In Blnclt , "
by Degas , recently added by Mrs.
Ga.rdner to her Fenwny Court collec.
tlon. One of the leading Amorlcru1
lJOrtralt-tmlnters has called It "the
grcatest mnsterplece In portraits 01
the last century. " A reproduction ot
this canvas , made by permission 01
Mrs. Gnrdner , will appear In the Sep
tember Century , nnd the editor talwf :
this occ1\slon to make a nmv protest
against the application of the prln
ciplc of Protection to works of art.
B , lnd In Sanitation.
.A doct\Jr writes In the London Lan.
cot that as regards sanitation and
ventilation the EngHsh churches retAin -
tAin the custom of the mlddlo ages ,
The September Atlantic.
The September Atlantic opens br11.
lillnUy , with the first chapters ot
Isldro , n. romantic serlo.l novel by
Mrs. Mary Austin , the Rcono of which
is laid in Southern Callfornln , anlJ
which Ie full of unusual and attrac.
tlvo Incidents of love anll advonture.
of vivid description and highly Imag.
Inntive narratlvo
The unpublished manuscrIpts 01
Ralph Waldo Emerson supply n. truly
Emorsonlan characterl7.atlon 01
Shaltespearo In the shape of the all'
dress made liy Emerson before th
Boston Saturda ' Club at their Shakes ,
pGarlan tor.centenary meeting
If a negro adventuress could wheo-
dID n cool mlUlon out of a New Yorl1
millionaire how much could a hnrd ,
working deservlnsr wWto "omll ! : Jf1t 1
_ I
-r" -
. . . . ' . I
Yarding Fowls.
A good deal ot oxperhnenUnr ; will
have to be done before the question of
yarding fowls is sottled. With the
amall 1Iock on the farm the problem
Is not a largo one , but with the largo
flock the problems increase bath in
al7.o and number. If 11 man have SOV-
ernl hundred hens shnll he let them
nll hnvo the run of the farm ; ahall
ho con fine them in ono yard ; or in
several ? The man with n good u\lI.ny
fowls " ,111 hardly care to lot them
have the run of the fnnn. W th a
small oclt it is different ; and he will
need to Itcep them confined only wh110
the plants arc getting a start in the
spring. After the gnrdeI\ has got to
growing well the birds may bo turned
in with no pOmlbllIty ! of harm ex copt
to lettuce nnd to tomatoes when they
begin to get rIpe. As to other vegetables -
bles the birds will only provo a help
by plcltlng off the bugs. Also in the
fnll of the 'ear when the grain has
been harvested the birds will o the
farmer much good in his grain flolds
by plcltlng up the seeds that have
dropped from the heads in tlmo of har-
vesting. Incldentnl arrangements and
circumstances also affect the problom.
A lady told the writer that she had 200
Brown Lc horn hens. She said her
hushand ; ns a thresher and much
grain wns hnuled to his farm nnd
threshed there. This gave n considerable -
erablo amount of lost grnln which
supported her 200 fowls with lItUo
other feed. This wns n. happy arrangement -
ment that seldom exists.
All things being equnl , it will bo
better to lwep Inrge flocks yarded
most of the time. If there nre moro
than one floclt they may bo turned out
after the grain harvest , ono floclt one
day and another nnother. But it is
far easier to Iteep the floclts shut up
and establish a regular system ot
'ardlng and feeding them. In tllis
country of cheap land there seems lit.
tle reason in depriving fowls of room.
The more room the less the required
height of the fence. Yards on farms
should be largo enough so that they
can bo divided Into two or three
parts. Green stuff , 1I1to rape and oats
may bo sown in ono part , and after it
has obtained n good growth the fowls
may be turned in and another part of
the yard seeded. It Is not possible to
grow nny crop whllo the fowls are
In the yard as they w111 feed ort the
developing crop to the roots.
If a man have heavy fowls the
fences need bo not moro than three
feet high. The birds will not generally -
erally try to l1y over. This docs not
, Include the Plymouth Roclts , which
are both quite heavy and good flyers.
We have tound that with n good.slzed
yard a four-foot wlro fence will stop
even the Leghorns If there is no banrd
at the top of the fence. They will
not make the attempt to fly over un.
less they cnn have a board to light
on. On the other hand , in cramped
quarters wo have seen Leghorns become -
como very expert in getting over a
wire fence even without a top board.
It is a mistalte to suppose that
fowls having the run of the tann lay
moro than birds yarded. Carefully
conducted experiments have fa11011 to
show any advantage of this lelnd ,
popular impressions to the contrnry
notwithstanding. The man that yards
his towls must simply supply them
with the green and animal food they
would. got on their foraging expedI ,
The Narragansett Turkey.
The Narragansetts are next in slzo
to the Bronze. The ground color of
their plumngo is blaclt , each feather
ending with a band of steel gray
e ged witblack. . This gives a gra ' .
Ish color to the surface plnmage
- -
, -
Narrasansett Turkey ( Male ) .
They are beautiful In form nnd feather
and breed true to shape and color.
The female Is lighter In her markings
than the male. The weight of the
males runs from 20 to 30 pounds and
of the femnles 12 to 18 pounds.
An Incubation Experiment.
In the Incubation experiments , 8,67' ,
eggs from various sources have been
sot In the incubators. Ot these , 7,205 ,
or 83 per cent.Tere fertile. Three
thousnn three hundred and fort ) ' .
eight , 01' 46 per cent. , of the fertile
eggs , vore hatched. 'l'hls wa. : s8.6 per
, cent of the total number. 'I'ho
efficiency of hatching under various
conditions range\ ( rom 0 per cent to
S.t per cent. These oxperlments were
planned In the direction of tostlng the
efficiency of the lnachlnes and the In.
Jluence of moisture and room tell1pern.
tllre upon the hntch.-Rholle Island
It pnys to candle eggs unless the
dLte of tbeir being laid Is cortninly
. .
. ; , ' . - - . . , . .
True Ynnkoe Womnn.
"Your wife is BOlUewhal Iitron-
minded , Isn't film , 1 lttlojohn 1"
"Strong.minded IVo.1l I , n furnHuro
polish llClhller cnmo hero yesterday ;
atHl in five minutes' tallt 8ho Bold him
BOlne 1101lsh she hnl\ , hade horsolf-
Doston COIl rogntlonallst.
Remedy for Muscular at1guc.
In formic ncld Dr. Clement of th&
French Acallomy of Medlctno claims
to hn.vo discovered a wonderful rem.
ell ' for muscular fatl lIe. 110 com.
blnes it with lcar onato of sodo ' 0
snvo tbo stomach trom distress.
Suffered Agonies from Kidney Disorders -
ders Until Cured by Doan's Kidney
Pills ,
Geor1f ! : W. Renort , of 1953 Nortb
11th St. , ! ) hiladelphia , Pa" n man ot
. . _ . . good rel\ltat1cn
and standing ,
writes : " 11'10
'ears ago I was
slllIerln ! ; EO with
m ' bnck and Idd.
no 's that I often
had to lay oct.
The kldne ) ' secro.
tlons were unnat.
ural , my legs and
stomnch wore
swollen , nnd 1
had no appetite. Whoa doctors Cnlled
to help 1U0 I began using Donn's Kill.
ney Pills and improved until my baclt
was strong nnd Dl ) ' nppetUo returned.
During the four ) 'enrs slnco I stopped
using them I havc o:1joyed excellent
health. 'I'ho cure was permanent , "
( Signed ) GEORGE W. RENOFF.
' L ostor.
A THIAL l 'HEE-Address
Milburn Co. , BulYalo , N. Y. For snlo
by all dealers. Price , GO cts.
The man who } Hlts bls hend Into a
barrel does not oclll1S0 the SII1l.
IIOrmltnenU , . Ctlred. No IItlor nOt'TC1tI1tM al'toP '
D" sTS ill'll ! da ! " U80 or Dr. Kline' . UN'at Nerve Heoto" ,
tlr. Bo.d Cor 1 nl 11 .OI1 trial bottlu ' ' ' 1\1 trMtioo.
Va. U. U , KuJlIt. Ltd.,1131 Arch 8tl eel , l'hl&.delph1ll'O
, Wo are 0.11 willing to admit the do-
prJ.\'ity . of our neighbors.
Superior ( lulllity 111111 extra quanUt ) "
must win. 'rhlH Is why Dt'fillnce Starch
19 tllltlng the plllco of 1111 others.
It is eas ' to mlstalco gas works Cor
Good worlts.
The Murlno Hyo JC1netly : Cu" CblcRIO. cnc1 Homo
Eye lIook free , Wrllo thom IIbuut yuur ryes
No man Is so rich ho can n1ford to
lese a friend.
Plso's Cure tor Conl < umpton ! 111 nn lnrnlllble
mcdlelno tor couclls nml col s.N.V. . SAMUEL ,
OCell11 Grove , N. J. . Peb. 17.1000.
Sacrlfico determhlc the YDll10 of
nI1 ' service.
l\rr . Wlnll'low' , . Soot1l1ntr GyruP.
1"or children Icotldnl : , wttoM Iho KUrus , roducOJI Inn -
n mlUutlon , all"ls p ln , curOi wlud coli. . , . ca bottlo.
Manr a man woull1 ho rich if he did
not try so hard to ap1 > ar to b'e.
"I > r. Dlnld . Jenno < ly'lI . . . .nvortto ltanJmly
tur"d ' ' 'If . . , ro or a t.rrllllo 'II. . . . . " . With 1'1.'nt-X "
tOlil1CI to I' " 11Iarvollousoll\IUCY. " .r.w"'t ! , . lb"nyN , Y
It is hard to bo popllinr with pigs
and to keeP Ollt of the trough.
No chromes or chellp premIums , but
a better Qual1t ) an one-thlr more
' ) C Defiance Stnch Cor the ! lIlme prIce
If other stlll"ehes.
Men who expect to dlo lIke dogs are
111ccly to l1vo like ogs.
"From the cradle to the baby chair"
If so , you ought to have a
( PJ. TJrnTJD : )
OUR PHOENIX Walking Ohair
holds the child secnroly , preventing -
venting these pnlnfnl falls nnd
bumps which are so froqnon t whell.
babr. learns to walk.
The chair is provided with II. ro-
movablo,6anitnry cloth seatwhleh
snpports the wolght of the ohild
and prevents bow-loga and aplnal
" troublo9 ; itnlsoh n table attachment -
ment whioh enables baby to 1illd
nmnsOO1Ollt in its toys , otc. , without -
out any attention.
"As Indlspons&blo : as n crtdle : ! '
It is 60 col1struotod , hat it pro-
vonta soiled clothes , si : uoss from
drntw Bud 1l or g < : , nng , and is
reoommondod by phy&icians and
endorsed by both Inothorand baby.
Oombln'J1 ' ploasnro nnd utility.
No shonld be without ono.
OnU at yonr fU'Ilituro del er
and ask to f ( )0 ) ono.
) UJroJ'AOTtffign O LY DY
Can only bo had of your furniture denter.
W. N. U. , Omaha , No. 38-1..904
I'utnnm Fadcless Dyes nro c1Cl1l11r : , 11.11 Utey DI
equlIl1y well , and 18 gUI\Tcntecd'to alve perte
( Urec at 100 1roOlekngo. . Wnto rood : ! ! for frel
1'5 AIGI ! V5'i' CIGAR
NHUAt-5 " : J OO' 000
1' Qr $0111101' or 11t1" ' from F&Ctorr , l'tona. , 111.
I . . . 1 .
Wed In Grandmother'o Dress.
Miss Muriel Arthur , who tnlU'rletl
Mr. Inn Plnlay of the Bcots GroyL' ,
wore n wedlSlng dross , compaRed on.
UrelY'of prIceless 0111 BruslJels lace ,
which was worn by the bridegroom's
great.grntlllmother aL her own \Vod.
ding 109 y nrs2go.
Malta's Chtef Industry.
Llcenll [ ltng ! SiVOR cmp\Qymcnt to
nbout two-fifths of the 1101 > ulaton ! ot
Malta. Smt is the cbief matcrln.lusoo ,
but of late years cotton hll8 bccl1 muen
In denland. The art Is banded down
from family to family. .
More Flexible and Lnstlng ,
won't tllmlcC ! out or blow ollt : by uslnfl
Dcl\ancc \ Starch YOII obtain better ro-
I1Ult than J'08111blo with any other
bl'nm1 IUonothlrll more tor , mmc
Football Gamcs Aid DetectivoB.
The Australian detectives nnd football -
ball uBetul. Crhnh1ll13 " , m hide six
days in the , , 'ook ; but they have to
como out on Saturday to 800 u o foot.
ball ( ; , anll the . are on hand.
Btenls Llttlo Doyo' Shoes.
An English thief was arrested whoso
method was to Induce lIttle bo .s to
take 01Y their shoos in order to run a
race , anll leo.vo him in charllo of the
shoos. When they rfturned , broath.
less , he nnd the abooa were gone.
ll's queer that girls nownllnys prefer -
for ilio } -bu7.z-snw-bugn' ( . In the
ohl.fashloned horse nfl'lllr n. man could
h \Vo ono nrm frQp an 'how if the good
old horse were the only thing In 'SIght.
Black AbaerJo Heat.
French nuthorit . had two lh01' ' "
momotcrs-one ot ordinary gla 8 , th8
otllor painted blacJt-plnced in the
Bun. In the white elMS the mercury.
rose to 144. Under t110 black pn.lnt 11
went IIp ( 'I lG7 In the BalDO position.
The Inference 10 thnt people "ho
wenr black cents nro warmer In thl )
8unshlno than these who dress in
It Is a good denl onsler to sit 111'
strnlght in church than it is to walle
upright In the world.
Ono does have to walt to be flocced
to l1rovo that ho is not n. wolf.
The man who tries to cash flattery
alwa 'R finds it n forger ) ' .
I I " WHeN J
' t I.
7A / OWE
I "
Jt/H BRr& .
WIL KttPrQY p yoN
. . \.e- IN THt
tveR1 oN R. , HARDt T TO Mr
A , J. TOWER co. , OOIlTON , "A. . " US.A.
. vrAg $3n50 & $3 SHOES n
\ 1 $6.00 AND $4.00 CUGTOMLBENCH WonK IN ALL
, ' \ \ \ : \ " THE H'G ' CRADE EATIURO.
. ' 0' . , , $2.60 F'.Qj.ICE. THREE SOLES. $2.50 AND
, . , t . $2.60 , $2.00 f.ND $1.76 BoYs , FOR
. . v. : < : t , v. r. . nl\IIJBII 1nnkell Bn. ' 1101111 more man' .
, ' . $ : J.lm "ncl03.00 IIhwI thlu , BIIY ather 1I1l\nu-
; ? , - , . FJh fl\cturcr III the , , ' . .rlll. The rm.oll they nrlt
' $ : o , - the , oller8 I , tlu'lY ' Bro nlll O ot tbo besD
" 1,1 . lent ICrs , hol < 1 their hnflof1t better , ' \Tenr longer ,
. _ nlllllvo 1II0ro vnlllo thnnllny otber boos.
, : it' W.l , . J > Olllfll16llInrnntcos tholr vnluo by II/tmpe / .
\ . . ; , : , ! \\W' \ . Ilia hl nnmo nnt l'rleo on the bottom. Loot. . tor
' : : / \ " ; It - tnllo 110 Sllb Utlllo. Soh ! by Ehoo denlor.
{ . : . , ' I qver'lThoro. Ful Color Eve1el' tiled trcluljptlV.
" '
: \ "AC COOD AS $7.00 SHOES. "
, wfik "Ilorctoforo r hnv" boon 'woarlng $7.00
, " ' . .hoos. r purcln'luf a pair of W. L. Dougla.
: ; > 1' if- $ . /jO . , hoes , which r hav" worn 01101")1 day for
. . . r do not
four months. They are .so .satisfactory
the . .shoo. . . .
Intonf to return to mora o.xpcndl1o
WJ. , . GR.R'1' " lCliOWLBS , .Rut. City Solicitor , Phil" . '
Drocldoll Loada the Men'a SIoo FashIons of the Wer' " '
UTAaUSHID \ . W. J. . Jlouldll8 UNes Coron" Colhkln n S nd lor Cataloa glulna full/ -
. , 1 7. " , : , Ilh 8:1.,0 : bo. . . Corona Colth l'onrNI ll I tru"tll' " hnw to order bg mall
to bo the IIUDst l'.tent jolllher 'llade. W. L. Douglas , Drocktllu , MaP-
Great Reduction in Rates via
Home visitors excursions 80ld every Tuesday In Septembel" and October
11lh. UnIC fare ( plus $ C.OO ) tor the round trIp to aU points In Indlo.nn ,
1 > olnto In Ohio and KentucltY' .
$8.50 St. Lqllls uml return , sold TitesdnY8 nnd 'l'hursdays ,
$13.80 St. I.ouls nmi return , sold dnlly.
$ 7.16 BlIfrlllo , Nlnsrlra Fulls or Toronto nnd return , sold dally.
$21.1iO Detroit and return , Bolli dally.
' 20.00 ChlcaITo and return ( one , vny via Bt. I.ouls ) , sohl 11ally.
Long I1mlt and 9top over nil owed at St. Louis on ALL tleltets.
Schedule 'of our Fast trnlns.
Read down. Road up.
7:46 : n. m.G:30 : p , m , Lv. Omahn Arr. GOO : , p. m. 8:20 : a. m.
8:00 : n. m. ! 11:46 : p. m. J v. Council Dlurts Arr. 8:4/i : / P. m. 8:00 : a. m.
7:35 : p. m , ; :00 : a. m. Arr. Wo\'ld'l ! Fulr Station Lv. 9:16 : a. m , 7:45 : p. m.
7:60 :1. m,17:1G a. m. Arr. St. Louis Lv. { IOO : a. m. 7:30 : p. m.
TheBe trnlns run dntly. Compue : UtlH time wIth other lines.
The 'Wabash lands nil pasnengers ut and 'checks bllJJllle to Its own
stntlon at mnln cntrnnce otVorld's fllir grounds. 'l'hlnlt what this means ;
qulcl' time , extcll cur Cnrc sllve , and a ellghtful trip , and you Ilre not all
tired out before entering the ExposlUon crounds.
All Agents cnn route you vln ti1e 'Vabash n. n. For beautiful Worli1's
FaIr folder nnll all Information ad dress ,
O. A. P. D. , 'Vab n. n. , tnnllha , Neb.
pdW SWch 11 the . . St.rda ma .
. . . . . Wt. :
, .
Hvn m.t : WID tattf.-t : & )
. r
j1' " . b QDCII ptneL !
''- or tlJtJ tiWi.
y" ; n' _
Dd1.tncct 117 &u 'frcm. - .
II roWs the c1othcsfook baut1fuJ and wID DOt roIlhcm. ,
Get n of JOUr tnXU-
.1& aJfIIQ ( or 10 cttt.f-O th1td f1D" th.1n\
pi &ct of UIJ otxr brmJ. .
. .
Ithcr stllin the hlnds nor po the Itct\lo. Ono 100 pllclmzo colorll cltber RI1I , wool or ootto
eL ros\llt' ! , l'utlluUl FuOelot > s Dye.'I lire for /into by nil 1:0011 rull bt ; evory\'here , or Ul l1ed
I > booklet-'IIow to Uleat'h , Dye or MI Color : ' ! . MONROE DRUG Cu. . UnlonvtJIe. Mo.
When Answering Advertlcements
Kindly Mention ThIs Paper.
CURES catarrh of the stomach.