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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1904)
I Youth and Cupid fl. , ' / ' , . . , 1 Oh , none so bright ! 0Mntl ' bright I Oil , nOM ( I brlrht as If It CIIPVJ el\rcs within my light , Within my light to ny , IIe'lI slngo his wln II , &nl1 then ferr spite ' Declare ho's IIkI to die I ( I only laugh , ] nur-h at hi. plight , And unrelenting cry "It ser\'cs ) 'OU rlht ! It nerves you rl/ht / I , Anl1 'tis no use to 81gh , . . . For though ) 'OU Sh1g0 your wings tonight - night , Again ) 'ou'll venture nl h. " -1'10"00' a"tud. RuU , , ' ' ' . ' ' : . . . , .ft , CJ D & \D \ ) = I ' , llWv Affi@ocf& ' I .BY . : nOL.I'Z : "Il's from Cousin Fred , " said Dora. With convlcUon. I "Ye-ea , " said Amabel , slowly. I , " 1 beHove it's a prOlOsal , " said Lucy. And Amabel said nothing. "I Imoho'd propose to you I" Lucy continuoiJ. "Ho fell in love with you Gtralght away. And he's novel' been really In love with anybodY before , " sha added. "I can't think what to do I" sighed Amabol , gently. "Aren't you going to accept him 1" gasped both the girls at once. "It's a little n\Yltward , " Amabel be- gan. gan."But "But ho's ever so much nicer than anybody elsol" Lucy interrupted hor. i "And you haTe encouraged him , lunnbeI , " said Dora. "But there are the other two , " said Amabol , uncertainly. ' ' 'What other two ? " aslmd Lucy. "Tho two I'm engaged to already. " "Engaged already ! " gasped Lucy. "To two men ! " choked Dora. "Yes , two of them , " said Amabel , hopelessly. "You see , " she explained , "It was lUte this. I was staying with the Law- sons for some dances and Charlie Lawson - , ' son IM"oposod to me during the 'Bluo Danube' waltz , and , BomehoT ; . , I I couldn't say no. Then I 'went to stay wIth the Glbbses and a Captain Harrison - risen proposed to mo ono day 'Then wo went 011 a paper chase. Wo were I simply miles from homo , and It would ' have been so awkward to haTe said "nc then. And now-o ! ! , dear ! what shall I do , gIrls 1" "Of course , } .ou are really engaged . to the man who asked you first , " s'l.ld : Lucy. "You're never going to accept , Cousin Fred as 'Woll ! " gasped Dora. - ; I "He's much the nicest , " Amabel as- I surad her. I j. "Seriously , Amabel , you ar engaged to the waltzing man , " Lucy cxpostu- . lated. iI i I "Charlie Lawson , " said Amabel , with I a resigned shh. . ' "And you must write to the other man sayIng you have made a mlstalte , " Lucy contInued , authoritatively. "I'll wrlto to Captain Harrison at once , " said Amabel , obligingly. "I I never did really 111m him. " . "ot course ! " both girls assented , In. differently. "And tl1ls ? " Amabei glanced at the note In her lap. "Oh , of course , you must oxplaln to I Cousin Fred , " Lucy remarlmd relent. lessly. "Should wo explain' for you ? " Dora offered , kindly. "It might bo awkward for you , and wo could just hlnt"- "No , thanle you , " said Amabel. "I'll do my own explaining. You see , they are my proposals. " "We will leave } "OU to write our I , letters , then , " said Lucy. I "Ho says ho will como for hIs answer - swer this evening , " Amabel sighed. "Poor , dear man ! I'll wrlto him a lIttle note and just slip It Into his I n _ - . , ; . . , . \ 'f " - "I believe It'a a proposal. " band when ho comes , and then run awa } ' , and ho can read It , and go home quietly afterward. " So .Amallel wrote two letters and posted ono ot them. The ether was ttghtlr screwed up In Amabol's hand when the front door bell rl1'lg In an asltatoo manner jUit after G o'c'ocl ' { . It was very nearl ) ' darlt , but there was apleaRII1g' , } of Jlrellght. The , door opened and a tall young man came hopefully into the room. Ama. bel shut her eyes , held her breath and extended her lIttle whlto hand and the note. The hand was eagerly seized and Idesod. ' - " " --'S Ir'S - . " . , . - - - r- / , "Vo-ee , all the Important ones. " "Darllngl" whispered a very glad young man ; and the little vaper 1011 unheeded to the 11001' . Outside , at no great dlstanco away , Dora and Lucy waited with hearts full at sympathy for poor Cousin .Fred. The sympathy became n trlfio uneasy as tlmo 'Went on , and no heavy , heart- brolten tread was heard to descend the stairs and seck the trent door. Presently they venturea a 11ttle nearer within. "Why , what Is this lIttle white thing on the floor. " said Cousin Fred's voice In a curiously mumed tone. "Oh , it's mine , " said Amabel's volco. "I wrote it for ) 'ou ; It's a confesslon- plase read It. " "Confession , you dear baby ! What nn Idea ! Stick It in the fire. I don't mmt to Imow all your little sins , you vreclou8 silly ! " "Oh , but I have been really very bad , " said Amabel , In an ashamed volc ( ! . "Ever so bad ; ) 'OU'VO u Ideo. : and ) 'OU ought to Imow , really. " "Give me the terrlblo list , then , " said Cousin Fred , severely. Dora and Lucy grasped each other's hands. Poor Cousin Fred ! "Are they all here ? " ho continued. "Ye-es , thnt Is , all the Important ones , " Amabel answered. Then the sleepy fire 1l1ckerod upon suddenly , In joy of having something to burn. "What a darling ) 'ou are ! " Cousin Fred began , but the rest of the reo mark , If'th ro was any , was too smoth. ered to reach allY further than Ama- bel's lIttle pink ears. That ovenlng Amabel wrote to Charlie - lie Lnwsoll.-Tho Bystander. St. Paul Man Is Industrious. Assistant Postmnster Patrick O'Brien ot Sl. Paul Is a mnn after Uncle Hussell Sage's own heart. Ho has been employed in the Sl. Paul postoffice for thlrty-ono years and has just started on his first vacaUon. Though urged every yel'.1' to talm a rest , ho has always refused. He was flnnll ) ' forced Into It through a can. splracy on the part at Postmaster Mc- Gill : md som at his coworlerl5. 'fhey told 1\11' . O'Brien ho must talto two weeks off and he started on a fishing trf1) on 'l'uesday. "It wouldn't sur. prlse mo to see him back at iUs deslt < > fore the end of the weele , " said th postmnster , "but wo have the lwy to his deslt nnd ho can't get It until the two weeks 0.1'0 up. " Old Saying Rounded Out. Senator Thomas C. Platt wns approached - preached some tlma ago by 0. . friend who had lost a position In the federa ] servlco through the appointment of a new supervisor. The friend wanted the senator to Intercede for him. Ho admitted that ho had been discharged for an Infraction ot the rules , but ho Insisted that the matter was trivial and would have been oyerlooltcd by the new man's prodecessor. "Well , " roplled Senator Platt , YOII should hn-o heen careful. You l\11oW thnt a now broom sweeps clenn. " "Yes , " alJsented the other , gloom. lIy , "but dill ) ' 011 ever consider that It was devllich hard on the carpet ? " - Now Yorlr TimcH , j BEAR ROLLED ON BARREL. - Strenuous ExertIons Necessary h Save Gi'lzzly'.Ife , Bumbo , a porformln grizzly bear , now on exhibition In Luna rk , hnd nn awful experlcmco yesterday. As soon as ho 11nlshed his mld"afternoon performance , Bllmbo left t.ho ring ovar the lagoon nnd stnrted t < 1 lum. bel' acros.s the brldgo to his cngo , U\ . derneath the dancing puU1on. When halt 'Tay noross t.ho . bridge Dumbo look ell o\"er the side Into the limpid " , 'ntor9 ot the lagoQn , Tlum ho became - came dizzy and foIl overboard. Now Dllmbo cannot swim , and wbon at la3t ho wns fisbed out ho was 0.1. most dead. An nmbulanco frOlU the Canoy Island Emergency bospltnl was summoned , and when the doctor cnmo he attended to Dumbo just n if bo were a human being Instea ! ! ot n grizzly. Mter helng rolled oval' bllr. rels , and after the doctor had breathed his own brenth Into 1)001' old Bumbo's nOJtrlls ! , the grIzzly bacle to me.-NoW' York Times. Amazon RegIon No Good. United States Consul A'mo at l'ara , Brn ll , soumIs a note ot warning for the benefit of those who think there 13 a golden field for exploitation In the Amnzon region ot South America. "I < lespalr , " sa's Mr. Aymc , "at find. In language strong enough to ex. press the utter and nbsolutc hopoless. ness of success thnt awaits n.n . ot these unhappy enough to attempt to malte even a bare livIng on the bnnlts of the mlghtAmazon. . I do not say that tbe acquisition ot a fortune or n compete co Is difficult , doubtful or hnpossl le : I sny that such a mls. erablo existence ns would dlsgust : . Dlggor Indian would bo hardly ob. talnnblo by one man In 10,000 at such as 0.1'0 thinking of comln here. It mny be that there are places III Dra- zll where colonists might do well , perhaps - haps , but I do not 1m ow of any such , places. " The rubber trees , 1\11' . Aymo says , 0.1'0 . widely sepnrnted and they can only bo reached by ( orclng ono's way through a thick-matted , almost Impenetrable swamp forest which produces - duces "er ; > " IIttlo food for h'tan ' beings. ) Campanarl Is Democratic. Camlanarl , the singer , Is thorough. Iy democratic. Ho tells with. great amusement of ono of the severest tests his democracb' ever got. "I had just arrived In a New England - land town , " said he , "anl1 was going to sing at a concert to bo given thnt very evening , when word ( rom a felt low-countryman was brouht ! ; mo at my hotel. It was an Invitation to drlvo that afternoon. I sent down ri pleased acceptance. "At 4:30 : o'clock my host 'vms an' nounced , and when I went to him J found him on his banana cart , which was nicely stacl\Cd with a load of the fruit , ench banana looking as though It had been scrubbed and polished. "It was II. staggorer , but I did It , and had a delightful time , too. To be sure , I had a tussle trying to under. stand the patols hurled at mo by my new friend , but for all that I learned' ' : J. lot about bananas. "Oh , one can alwa's learnaddcd the slngor , laughing. "It Is well not to be too excluslve.-Kansas Llty Journal. Soldiers' Time of Suffering. Capt. Curtis , who has written a popular - ular story of Indian fighting , says In response to a boy's Inquiry that he never ' . .I1S captured , but on ono occn , slon , when besieged by redsldns In II fort , he realized , . .hnt he had read about wIves having aslted their hus , bands not to let them fall Into the hands of sav ges. "In that siege , " ho say ; , ! , "when It was exceedingly doubt. ful that wo shou.ld survive and alii dGpended upon the swift arrival at n i rescuing party , Mrs. Curtis aslted me i to maIm such a promise-to save ono I bullet for her should we be captured. ' ReUef did not como tor forty.elght hours and during that awful tlmo I suffered Indescribable distress In try. Ing to contrive some way at conceal. Ing wlfo and child from a relentless and merciless foo. " To. Day. Waste not , dear Lo\'e , the swltt , glad hoarR , Dut passlonato kisses tnke nnd give : To-day tJntolds us-It Is ours , To-morrow , Love , "e mny not live. 'ro-morrow Ute rpay sleep In dust , Or sadden Uke a matelcss dove ; And then. too late , a tenr-stalned trust , To , . , 'arm the cold , stili lips ot ] ov. . So cloud no p\e.sure \ ot to.dny , To-morrow , Love , no pleaJ'lUro I"ow _ : Love blossoms In It t101\'el'-lIlcc way , Gu , pluck It , as rnb IJlucks the rose. Alt worthCfls ] unto \III the : rears- 'l'he ) 'ears that pause not on Ule wing : Thl'Y will not dry rerettul tears , The ruined past : they cannot bring. Dut e'er , denr Lo\'e , virgin-white. \ . 'ro-dny ) 'et tronts us br a. ! t to brenst : And It. day-wille. 10\0 tadell In nle-ht , Come , Idss , and lenyo to tate t1I reHt. -Charles Lusted , Condensing Is Hard Work. Champ Clark said that heloro ho began to wrlto his notification speech ho counted the words In Speaker Cannon's speech notifying President Roosovelt. Cannon's sp'ech contained 1CSG words , "I concluded that I " "ould not be ns 10nS'-wlnded as Uncle Joe , " said Ciarlt , "so I wrote 1 , 8G words , and , 110nestl ) ' , It W < iS 'the hard' cst worle lover did In my Uto. A correspondent ot the London 'rimes once sent to that paper 0. letter five column long aud a note to the odltor , ! Hl'lng : 'I semi } 'O\I \ a long letter to- dny because I did not have tlmo to write a short one. ' I now understaml UlO note ot the Times' correslJond. ent. " Bonus for Coolies. The Chlneso Jo\'ernment Is to 1'0- colve .c 300 a thousand for all the Chi. nese coolie's ' shhll1C to the South Af. rlcan mineR. PRt lDfNI W n8 [ lfl1R. [ - - Po1 cy of the Rcpubllcan Party Defended by Its Leader. Says Democrats Are LD.c1t.- ins in Settled Con- , victions. National Welfare Dcm nds Continuance of Party in Pow r. Long Document Addressed to I' enk. er Cannon Deals Exhaustively With the Great Questions Before the Country-Public Duties Ably Performed - formed by Rep'lbllcans-Democrats Not Worthy to Bo Placed In Charge , - Oyster Day , Sept. 12-Prcsldont Roosevelt this morning issued his lot- teI' accepUng the nomination for the Prcsldenay tcndered him by the He- publican NaUonal Convention. In put the documcnt is ns follows : Oystcr Hay N. y" September 12 , 1004 , HOR. J. G. Cnnnon , Chairman or the Notification Commlttco : 1.1) ' Dear Sir : I nccept the nomlnmlon tor the presldenc ) ' tendered mo b ) ' the IlellUbllcm Natlonn ] Conv ntlon , nnd cor- dL'III ) ' approve the pattorm ] ndoptl'd by It. The principles , . . 'hlch wo proCesll are these In which wo belhwe , . , 'Ith henrt and ! loul Ilnd Itrel1 th , Men mn ) ' dlIYor trc > m liS : Imt they cnnnot nccuse us ot shlrtl- nesll or tnslncerlty. 'rho policIes we have purlUc Ilre those wlllch we carnelltly hold as el'et"ntlnl to the natlonnl welCare and repute. Our nctlons upeale even louder than our words tor the faith that 15 In us.0 base uur nppcal ullon whnt we have done nnd 11"doing , ullon ullr record ( It admlnlstratlun and le Ilation ! during the last seven Ollrll , In which wo have had complete control ot the IOV- ernment. 'Vo IJltend In the tutllre to carryon the rovornment In the unme wny that we have curried It on In the past. past.1'ho 1'ho RCts of the Administration In connection with the " ' 0.1' . with Spain , the Isthmian canal and the upholding of the Monroe doctrine the President detends at Il'ngth , and < leclares the pa.rt ) ' Is prelJarcd fully to accept the Issue on these qucstlons. Ho con. tlnues : In addition to those nets at the admln- I tratlon , vhlch they venturIto nssall atter misrepresonllll them , there are others Thlch they dare not overtly or ot- flclally attack. and ) 'et which they covertly - ertly brlnj ; torward as reason torho ovtrthrow ot the party. In certain gTcat cCllterR Mnd with certain great Interelts our ollJoncnts ) malte every ertort to show , tliat the settlemeAt ot the anthracite coal strllte by the Indlvldllal act ot the presldl'nt nnd the lucccssCul suit n/ttlnst / the Northern Sccurltles Company-the merr-er : slIlt-undertal.en by the department - ment ot justl.ce. "ere acts because ot which the pre ent al1mlnlstrntlon should bo thrown from power. Yet they dare not openly condemn elthllr act. The ) ' dare not In : my authoritative or formnl manner say that In either case wrong was one or error commlttcd In the meth- 011 of nctlon , or In the choice at Instruments - ments for puttlnl ; that nctlon Into eltt ct. But what they dare not m:1ntully : assert In open day , they seek to use furtively nnd tuollJh ] upeclal ur-ents. : Some ot our ol'Ponents complnln because IInder the IU'ItI-tl'URt an.l Interstn.te commerce ] nws suits wcre undbrtaken which have been successful : others , because SlIlts were not undertak\n which would have bcen un- successCul. The Democratic stutl' convention - vention In New Yorlt dCl\lt with the an- thmcltp co' : ! I strike bylemandln / ; In de- lIIw-rn te nnd torma ] fashion that the na- tlonnl government should talto possession ot the coal : lelds : ) 'et champions ot that convention's ClUse now condemn the tnct that t'here , . , 'ns any Rctlon hy the president - dent at nil-though they must Ienow thnt It wns only this actioby the president which pr vented the movement for na- tlonn ] ownership ot the coul lIel s Crom h'11lntnlwhnt mfl1ht well have been an Irresistible - resistible Impetu..I. Such mutually de- structlvo criticisms furnish an adequate IT\l'asure ot the chance for nc- tlon or construotive lelslation , It our' ' oN > on'nts shollld ho plven ; power , So much for what < Jur opponents open- , Iy or co\'erUy advance In the wn.y of nn . attnck on the ncts ot the admlnlstrntlon. 'When we como to consider the policies for whlC'h they proCl'ss to stn.nd wo are ml't with the rllfficuty ] aways urlsln ! ; ' when statemcnts ot Ilolicy fire 1i0 mndo that they can bo Intorllretel\ dlCCerent wa's. On some ot the vHnl flucstlons that l1ave contronted the Amerlcnn IICO- plo In the laut decade our OPPOIHJI1ts take the position that sllenco 15 the best nos- silJle way to'conn'y their views. ' 1 hey C'ontend that their lu\tewarm \ atUtutlo ot partlnl acqulcsenco In what others have n'compllshod entltlcH th1 to bo mnde the custotllans ot the flnancln.l honor ' 11111 commerclnl Interests which they hnve but recently sou ht to ruIn. Delng un- : l.ble to alreo among themselves n.s to whether the gold standard Is 1CUffle or I a blesRln ! ; , n.nll as to whether wo OllllIt , or ouht ! not to have frce I'Ind unlimited I colnle ot sliver. they have apparently 1 thourht It cxpedlimt to avoid any cOII1I I mHtal en thca6 subjects , nml Individually each to follow hili particular bent. ' 1'heir nearest IlFPl'oach to m\jorlty jud'ment lieems to be that It Is now Inexpedient to aSBl'rt their convletloml one way or the other. and thnt the estn.ullshment of the ! , : "old stamlnrd by the Republican party should not be disturbed unless there Is an I\lterl.Uon In the relatlvo quantity ot production ot sliver and gold. Men who hold sincere convictions on vital - tal I1uestlons can respect equally slncero l1I n with wholle vles they radloally dlf- fl'r : and men may contl'sH . change ot faith , . . .ltbollt compromlslnr- their honor or their lielt-rl'sp"ot. But It Iii dJlllcull to resl"ct n attltUl\e \ ot mlnlt lIuch : III has been Calrly doscrlbed above : ami 1\'hore there III no resp"ct there can be no trullt. A polley with 110 I'lender [ \ bM11ut Jlrlnclple would not IItand the stra In of II. single ycar ot business ad- versltr. : 'Ve , on the contrary , believe In the ohl lltanllard all ftxl'd hy the usage and verdict - dict at the huslness world , PIne ! In n flonnd monetary systemali m : ttl'rs ot prlnell'le : all matters not ot mon"tary political - litical eX'ICdlency ) , but ot permanent or- Iunlc policy. In 1S % nnd aJaln In 1(10 tar-sl < < hted men. without re ard to tholr purty tealty In the P'llit. joined to worlt aralnst what they relardcd as a dehal'led munotary 1I'stom. ' 1'he Iwlldes whleh thl'Y championed have heen atelldtastly adhered to hy the all ministration : and by the nct nt March H. 190) . COnlrCEfi ustabllshell the sln'le g'ohl stanlnrl1 as the mealiure of our monotuy : vlLlu. . . . ' 1'hls act received the slipport at every Hellub- IIcan tn the hOIIti' ) , anlot very Hl'pub- IIcan cxel'pt olle In the aennto. or our opponents , cleven Rllpportel\ In the houlle and two In the liflllnte : nn.l one hundred : md UUy opposed It In the hOllse : lntl twenty-el/ht In ! tl sonate. 'fho rec- ortl ot tlie Inst seven yearll 11rovfJI that the pnrty now In power can he truRttJd to takl' the additional action neCeMSnr ) ' to Improve anti strl'lIJthf'n our monetnry Ii'stem. nnd t'hn tour opJonl'ntll ) rannot he so trustl'd. 'rhe fundamental fact Is \hit : In a popu\ur \ goycrnmcnt 'Hlch ns ours no poll C ) " Is Irrevilc'lhly : fettled by lat'l' unlc.s the people Iteel > In control at the r-ovl'rnment : m"n who bollove In that polloy IlS a matter ot deC'p-rootel1 con- \'ltJtlon. JI\1I'1I can nhva's Le revoltetl : It Is the ulllrlt and the IJurIJOSO ot these rNlponRlblo Cor thclr enactment und uti- ministration which mllst bo 1\)1(1 \ : nnd unchnnc alJle. 11 Is Idle to Imy thnt the monetl\l' ) ' IItnnlnrd , ot the nation Is Ir- ro\'ocnbly ttxed so 10nJr liS . tht' party which at the last cectlor ] cnst IIPllroxl- mntely torty-slx pl'r < ; . . .not the total vole. refl1 es tl' > put In Its platfonn nn ) ' : atement tll\t the I\uestlon \ Is settled. J. etermlnatlon to remain RIII'I11 cannot be IIcceptt > < 1 IIU . ! ljulvalent II. recanta- - tlon , Until our opponentll aJI n. ll.rty . expllcltl ) adl'lrt , the views whloh we holl1 nnd upon " 'hfch we have acte.l amt nre nctlll' ' : , In thn mllltl'r ot 11. IOU nil currency - rency , the on I ) ' real wlY to kCCII thu QUftlon ! trom bocomlnr ! unlOltll'lt 19 to ltecp the Hl'Publlc\n pnrty In 110wer. AR ( or what oUr 01ponl'nl9 say In ret- erence to c,1111tnl and Inbor , Inl1lvl'\lIal' or corporl\tc. hero again nil " ' 0 neel ! by wny ot nnflwer Is to ) Iolnt to what we have nctuull ) ' done , IInd to Day that tt contluuc.\ powcr we flhall contlnllo t rnrry out the 110lcy wo hnTo ben pur- 1111 : , 11 It to exeouto the II ws . rooo- lutely und Conrl18sly In the hU.1 as we have executN ! them In the p , t. ' 1'lte netlol ot the altore.gene'l In enforclnl the antl.trullt a til Intertlte ceulnercn lwall \ the ncton of the lut COUlrCR9 In eular/tlnl / the scope ot th" Interstnle commerce law , aul1 In creatl the deplrtment of commerce antI Inbor , with I bureuu oC cor oratlouo , II\e for the frst tlmo opened 1 chlnce tor the natlolml ovenlneut to deal In- teIIRentl ) . and uequntolvltl Ule qle- tolHI aIYlctlnJ floclety , whcfhor forod or tor Ivl , because ot the nocumulltlon ot clplal In great corporations , nnfl be- CUUSI ot the 10W rolntlonl cal'el ! there- I ' . 'rhe Ins nro now bcln ndllnl ter- e.1 with \ntlre ( lclenc ) ' : ami IS , In tholr worldnJ need IR shown Cor nmelllmont or nddltlon to them-wh\thor heler to IHCUrO the proper publlcl ) ' , or hettor to "unrnteo the rf hts ot shippers , or In ni ) ' other dlr\ctlon-thls need wi be met , I Is noaliRl'rtl'd "that the common - mon Inw , as l\evoopl'll ] nn'ords com- pl le legnl remed ) ' ngnlnst monopoles. 1 " lut there Is no comlUI In ot the Unit- . \ Stnte1 , Js rules can be entorcl'd - b ' the IItnto cOllrts nll\ . No nnlb nllolcers. tedoral court or plcer coul1 tnlto nny acton wlntl'\'cr umll'r them , 1 wall this flct , coupled with the Inabiity ot the states to control truRts nld IInopoles. which ] ed to the paSRaae of the Cedernl stAtutell known ni thu Shermnn . - trust nct the lntCstntn commerce nnl RCt ; nld It 10 enl ) thlu/h / the e1orclse ot the l'owel'S conferrl'l b ) ' then nets , und b ) ' the shltlltell oC the Inllt conArelS luJ > plementnf thcm , that the Intlonnl /o\tJrment nCfllllrl'R nny jurisdiction over the subject. ' 1'0 any thnt nctlon Inlnllt trUIt9 [ nd lonolloles shollll be lmied to the nllpllcntlnn or the common Inw l , eqll\nient to HI'IIA thlt the la- tlonal r-o\crnmtJnt : IIhouhtnko no Icton whate\C to regulate them. Umlolbtl'dly. the muliplcaton ot trusts and twlr Ilcrl'aRo In po\cr hns been InrAely dll to the "Cnlluro ot on- cals churAed wih the dllty ot entorc- InA the II\W to tnlte the necessnry pro- ceduro. " Bllch stricture npon the Cnllul'e ot the om claIR at the latlnlnl govern. ment to do their Ilut ) ' In this luttcr Is certnlllly not wholly fnr lllestJrvet 19 IH the 1.lmlnl9trtion 11ecedlnA Prc"l- dent Mcl lnlc"s 15 concerel\ \ : hut It hlR nl1 ut to nd- 10 tlraton al H\llblean mlnlstmUon. IR nlo true I ! ulllolbtelly tha t whut Is molt needed Is "omclnls havlnA both the dlHJoslton ) nmi the cour- aAe to enforce exlsln , ; law. " 'fhls Is the nl'ed that hnl been mot I the conslGtolt and IIteadl continued ) action of the deplrtment ot justlco under - der the IlreSl'l1 ndmlnlstrtlon. 60 Cnr lS the rhhts of the Inl1vh\unl wle-WOl'lcr and the Ildlvlduul capital- Ist are cUnCClel\ . both as I'egards ono I\nother , iK renrdll the publc , anl ns rcnrds or/allzcl caJlll1 111 labor , the Ilosltion or / tl 1.lmrnlRtmtnn hs bQen se clear thnt there IH no excuse Cnr mis- rCpl'eHontng' I , nnd no grOI.1 for - 0\1- \ IJosllJ It unlosl mlarcllreStJltl1 'Vlth n the delned W the 11\tlonnl constitution - tution the natonol Idmlnlstrtlol hnl 101Aht to secure to ench mun the Cul cnjoyment ot his rl/ht / to lve hili ICe ami dispose ot his Ilroperty Rnd his Inbor ns he "emus best , so IOI ns h6 wrongll no ono tJlse. I has Ihowl In cIYcctvo fnshlon that In endca\orlnA to make Aod thiUI'antee , I trtJuts all men , rich or poor , whltever their creed their color , ur their blrth\ace ] , lS stlndlnl l\to before - fore the Inw , \ Under our Corm ot r-ov- : ermcnt the sllhcro In which the nation RI dlllthmlllshe.1 CI'om the state can nct Is narrowly circumscribed : but w1hln thlt ni that could , bo done has s\hero been done , Al thlnklnr men are aWlre of the restrletlon Ullon the power of nc- tlon at the national government In such mnttors. Beln , ; ollrselvel mind CuI ot them , we have been scrupulously carotul Of _ thc one hand to bo moderte in our i Ilromiseu. and on the other hand to ko'p thlSeromlses ! In leter Ind In IIplrlt ' \hen \romlses up the /rent queston ot the tal'lr we are nt once controntell by the dOllbt as to whether our o\ponentll do or do not menu whnt they . SU \ . ' 1'he ) ' say that "protecton Is I.obber ) " , " Inll promise to carry themselvoll accordil/Iy / It' they are gIven ower. ye prominent ) Jersons thom assert that thtJY < o not realy amonI this and thnt If they come Into power they wl nlopt our ] ) ' as reJanls the tarlIY : 1I'hllo othel's ) oI anxloull torovo that It is Ilte to give them partial 110wer , because the 110wer would be only partial , IUII therefore - fore thPY WOllld 10t he able to o mlu- chief. ' 'hf Inst Is certainly n curluus 1)le' ' to Idvance on behnlt ot a llrty scltlng to obtuln conlrol ot the sovel'n- ment. At the outset It Is 'Torth whie to say n . to , ho atempt to Identfy the ot tarlIY revision or tlrlf re- queston with a solution ot thtJ trust IUOS- tlon , 'fhls It alwa1 I uln ot ! slre to avoid nny renl eftort to deal Ide- quatcly with the trust queRtlon , In ; sptJnldnJ on this Illnt at MinneapOlS , on Apri 4 , 1rO : , J Inld : ] "rhe oC tarlIY revision , spcak- queston , ] wholly npnrt trom al I InS hzmuly ot with the truuts. : dealng tm fl1estwn In tnrlIY dutell can lHve nny eltect In the - Rllbstantal solvlnA so-caled . Certnln g'reat trllsts or trmtroblem. nro wholly corportions unafected by the larlff. Almost nl the othO'S th.\ ar ! of n.ny Importance hnvo as a mntO' or American ot fnct numbers smaler COllletllors : of cOllrso a clmno In the tnl'lIY which wOllld worlt Iljury to the Inr o corporaton would worlt not merely tnjury but destrllctlon to Its umnller compettors : and ol"ally of course such I chanAe woulmenn dlsns- , ter to al the 1I'ae-worlters conncetcll t with either the larAo or the smal cor- ' . From the standpoint ot these nterested In the sollltion of the truRI problem such a change would thereCoro merely mcan tmt the trust wnll releved of the comlcution ot II wenker AmerIcan - Ican comll [ Hors , and thrown only Into with tOI'In cometltors ; and that the frst eIYort to meet'hls nuw competition 1I'ould be mnro hy cuttlnA down wures , nnd woull therefore be pri- at the cusl ot lahol' , In the case mariy ot our greatest trnllts sueh a :0mo e Jllr-ht : center upon ther n pOIII- Uvu . Spealtnl hrondlY , It III ovl- dnt that the clHngcl In thu tarlf wi the trult for weal or for woo slm- afect they aIYect the "hole country. )1) tarlCr aIYectl trustll only as It ut- tects other IntfrestH. J mnlto ull thelle Intereltl Inrro or smnl , IJrolt- able : And' Hs bunults can be taken trom th" Inro only unrler pnaly ot takln& ! the small . " Um from alfo. U\ 'J'hcre IrJ ] tor mo to add to this. ] t II but ten lte yearl since the ] : st attemlJt was made , by means ot lowerln the tarlIY , to Ilrevont HIO people from \ros- Ill'rlng too mich , 'rho atempt wau en- 'fho law ot that trely sllccesHtul the causes which In. . yer wal Junon/ ' thut ! tor some tlmo nfttJrwards yelr lUl prnvcntcd anybody trom pros- ' porln/ / ; too much. . nnd labor from \ros- . at'al. . Undoubtedly It would be perinI lJsslble at the 11resent time to IJrevent ot the trusts from romn.lnlnA llro "ny uy the shnplo expedient of malt- ) ng such a 1\feplnl chnn/e / In the tar- to ? the Industries ot the country. al ' 'ho trusts would cease to ) rOJ- bllt their would ; umaler comllettora 1101 ruined , allll the wace-worltrH would starvo. It would 10t the Carm- whie fay er to haul his \roduce to marlle ! The connected \ the truHts can he wih evis anI ) ' hy ratonal eltorl , IItep by , alon the lnts talten by cOIre s Itel the ( ! xocutvo durlnJ the ) Jnst three yenrs , I a t\rlr ] aw Is Iased nnder which the conntl prospers , IS the country - try hall proslJref [ undlr the IJrestJnt tar- law. then all classoH wil IIHro In the II'osperlty. 1f I I tarl Inw Is IHHscd flm- ed at preventln the prosperltv or some ot our people , l t b lS curtain us In- be tht this 11m wi be aclitJv- thil' cal cd enl ) ' by cutln down the prosltJrlt ) ' ot ot our \ooille , ni \ From tlmo to tlmo schedules Tust un- dOllbtedl 1) " rearrnGed nnd readjulte.1 to ' the shlCtln needs ot the country - try : hthis can with faCety 1e done enl ) ' by these who nro committed to the , ( 'unlio at the protectlvo Bstem. ' 'o up. root nnd dcstro that S'Htem willd he tn Insul'ohe Itrostratlon ot busln IR. the' ' eloHlnl ot Cuetorle' ! , the Impoverishment of the Carml'r. the ruin ot the nailltll- 1st , uml tho. Rtarvntol ot the WUle-work- I'r. Yet , It Ilroteetion Is Indeed "roblry , " IIHI OUI' re/iy Iclevo what oPlonont8 I the suy , thtu It Is ) Jreclscl ) ' to the de- . . , stMcUon nnd uprootln or te , nn tlrJ therefore of our bUslncsR Industry , , that \ ere . Inl ' thatny 11ClICd. our oppo- lent ! 11\8t ohlulned power It wal on a 'uncoltitutlonlll deelnrln : ' nnd n the cIYort tarJ put this dllnrlton Into prActice was one or the cnusell ot the ' enerl natlonal J'os- tra tlon IMtlnl from ] 8 3 to lS7 , ) ! I I Is " - prteetvo tnrl eiher tonal" or "rohbory , " then "unconsttu- ni' unconsttutional , jllst ni much robbery , to revlS It , lenvlng protec- . 10wn stl i U\'O , us It , , 'ouM bo to cnnct It. In other 'ordll our GPl > nent ! hn ve committd talseh'IR to the 1ltructinn ot the lro- duclplo In the . tectve ) uling tnrl1 wor. 1\'hlch IC honl'Aly uRed Corb thpm from' pC'mlttnj thlll llrlnclplo 1 obtnln In I e\'fn the ImlllRl degree. I'lr claBs at our people II blmented by th protectvo tllrt. During the Inst Cew yenr8 ( ho merchnn has Been expert trde ot this coul'ry row fanter thnn rver In ollr prevlouu history , ThO tuanuCncturer could not Iteep his rnctory rllnllnJ It It wer not for the tlull. The - ] protectve wnJe-worlter wOId wel to remember thnt protection II "rob- " I bery , nnd III to ho punillhed necordlnR1Y , ho wil be the t1rllt to the , tor < Ithr he wi be Jnf llrltt onaly : ly , or hil wnnel wi bo cut down entre- stan'ntlon . Ilolnt. A8 concluRh'ely shown h ) ' the hlletlns ot the burenu ot Inbor. the vurchnslng power ot the ' wnAe r celved b ) ' the wnge-worlter hnl IrOWI fnRter thnn the cost ot , thlt Inplto .ot the eonUI11 shortening , oC hourR , ' worltnl 'rho - 11/1 of the worltlAmen accumulntet cOln IV- , lS shown by the deposll In the savlngll Imnks. have Increnled b ' lenps nn. , hOllds , At no time In the hiltory ot this or nn ) ' other country hal there been In' produetlvo of r-n iJ materlnl bcneft - nlko to workingman nnl1 emlllo'er , Ill -llllnJ the Hovon ) 'earo that have just IHsed. ' 1'ho Carml'r hl ] much beneftel qUle I nR the mnnutncturer , the merchnnt , I the wl Iwnrlter. ' 'he most welcoe Inl Impressive fact elltnblshel bv the InRt IOISII 11 the wide Ill lven IHstrlbuton oC wraith cnlll's ] of our nmonJ ni ! coun- trymln. In ' Tie ehle agoncll produc- Ing' this distribUtion by lte 111118 to be the development of tlo tnctlres , nltha applentlon of new In- ' ventons to universal . . USI. In the Cert ) ) 'enrs endln in thn total vRlue at tarm 190 . lloporty Increle.I twove ] and halt ot I : bilons dolars tht farml'r Illnln oven moro \ this po- rlOI than the , InnllCncturor. . RRO l.onA nver-Ilrolluctlon "oulhnve checltod the marvelou ' dovelopmcnt ot ollr natlonll rlculturc / , but tor the - IIA I\ollnd \ ot steAdiy Incrns- mnnufncturerl tor farl 11roducts reqllired ns raw mn- \Irlnlll tor Itendl ) ' oXllandlnJ Industries. COlltons chnnlo and the lawl must be mOl1fiel1 trom tme to time to \ ft le\ ' exh enles. 11t the ' Pl'llcllle ot protocton. Ael1lno It underl'lnJ ombolll\ al hit ole ot the American tnrlIY laws tor the Inst Corty ) 'enrs , has worltOl Olt l'OIUIS so Lcnefcolt , AO even- I ' wldel ' . Ild ) Ipren.l , HO RI < o to tnrmers and nllvnntaAeOUII call1nllstll nil Inllon , to cnmmel'CO nld trlH\o ot every Ithll , that the Amerlnn pople , It they IIhow their ullllal prctlcnl bURlnclA senae , wi Inslt thnt when thclo laws nro modifed thqy Ilml bo modJed with the ulnoll ! cfro nnd conget'\'atsm , nnlt by the Crlcndll nnd not the enemies ot the proteetvo ! ) 'llem. ' 'hoy calnot aIYord to trust the modlcation to those who trlnt Ilrotection nnd robbery as ' . 8)'nony- mOis terms. Jn CIOlllg what I hnvo to nboul the s'stem at Amcrlcnn im\us- \ Promotn - ty let ml adl n worll ! ot cordial ngrce- ment with the polcy ot In some way In- 1I11ln/ ] within UI henefs , by npproprlate el IHhllol , the Amol'lcnn mcrchant I mn- rile , 1 Is not credltnble to Us na- ni 1 tn thnt our export Import rent nl11 trade shoul ] ho nigh excluslvey ] In handH wel tht ot . Corel/nerll. Our opponont/ / thnt the opponontconteld - melt Is 10W ndmlnlstered Iovern- , nnd that wherenthlre exravnJlntl o $ O , .O In ] 0" thcro III " ourplUI morn than 'JO.OO" In the 1 year thnt has just cloled , Thl1 defct la Imnglnlry , nnll Is ob- talnod hy Inclllding In the ordlnnry cur- rcnt expenseR the of millions. which wns \ tor the - ! ey . Imltor rlr-ht : of way ot the Pn.nnml ennni ot the olt - lutc" surplus In the . RCllmu- - trcnsur1. InA Ulf current or expondltureR ordllnr for the two ) 'earll , there wns \ ot nenrly elr-hty : tor 1 lurp\us year milons H' , nn" o only a little moru than milons for the yenr thnt just CIOfCd. But this diminution ot hnl thl an- nunl Rurplus wns abollt hrolght designedly - edly hy the nboUton ot the wnr II thc Interval between the two tnxes . 'Iho ncts of Mnrch 2 , ] 01 , nnd 12. 1902 rut down the Interlnl Apri to nn nt tnxol Imount estmated ono hunl\red \ nnd fve milons a ) 'ear. In other words. UII reducton ot tnxnton hnl lwen con- MIelbly ] Arcater than the In th" nnnual surplus. Since reducton ot the wnr wih Sllln there hns cOO no Ruhstnntlnl change In the rte ot nnnnal expenditures , All compnred the - ca : ) 'eal' ( ndlnA In Jllno , 101 wih , fs- . pie. Ule Iscnl ycar that hns just clO'ell showed n rtJlaUvely Increase In - pOIH\ure ( lxelllding smal cnnul payment IX- alrt'ady referred to ) , whlo the yenr Ilre- vlolls showl'\ \ relatlvol ' smnll . 'Iho tJxpen"ltlres ot the decrfasc. heen mnlaled In n Blllrl ot economy ns tar rllovod from wnsto tS from , ; - nlAarl- 111P8S : nnd In the fllture every ho continued to secure nn economy wl strict ni Is eonslstent with . Our llonelt9 / proml.e Indcpendenco to the Ph I 11)110 ] slln"H. Here arln wo nro contronted hy the Cnct that their Ir- ' reconclablo dlIYernces of opinion , tholr . amoni thtJlRelves proved Innblt ) to cl'tJn to a power. nn.\ constrlctve rrlllleSS pOlcy , wlul II saIt of momentary political expediency , to Ihl\ < on the principles Upon which they hnvtJ Inslstet ns ossentlal , consplro to Ilzzle UR ni to whether they do or do not Intelrl II 1ood faith to carry out this Ilrumlo It they nre given control ot /overnment. / . . I ollr 01111nents cnmo Into , ' . pwer nl1 . nttCull'd to cn.zry out tholr promises to the l"Illos by lvllS thom Independ- ( 'nce , Int wltlHlrn.wlng American control from tll Isln.nds. the result would ho a Crllhtful cllnmity to the , ' : themso1'eR , nnd II Is Inrler nspoct would Imount to n.n International crime. An- Qrch ) would follo1nnd : the moot violent - lent nnrrchlc forces 1\'oull1 ho directed pnrtly laln9t the civiovernment , pa t- Iy ngallst tormA ot nnd al .du- rell/lol ca'ional clvllatln , Woody : . conncts n'oud Inevllhly "neue In the o , nrchl1la nnd jUlit ns Ineviably the Islnnds ollid Ilcole the lre ) ' ot the trst power which , In I ! own Holsh Interest took up the task we Inll crvcnly abandoned. Durinth" ] alt t1ve ) 'fI'S more has h'Jen lone tor the ra lrlnl and moral wtJl-helnr ot the ] . 'lplnos than ever hefore slnc" the IvJunds thc Iten ot clvlze < man. frRt Crmo have opened - ed he tore tll'm 1 vluta ot orerly dovel- Cpment In their own Intlrest , nnd not a /J110Y ot exploltn tlon , J hI / n made to tt the Islnndors fet efort I 'overnml'nt , and they hsve already In larle mealuro r celvell It , whllo tor the nrlt tme In their hhltory their personal rlrbt : IUII civi Ibertas hnve hl'en - Inteed. 'h"y nre belnK educated : they hay" bfel Iven 5choos ] : they hnve been vln IIbrrlrs : rends are beln" buit tor th-Ir use : their henlth Is belncarel1 tor : they hlTe been glTen courtll / which th'y recelvo justice all absolute lS It II In our power to guarantee. Their In. dlvldual rlAhtl to lte , lberty nnd the IUI'ult of happllesR nre no" by act ot con/Tl'sli jl'alolsl ; ' sntegllal'l1ed under the Aml'rlcln fu : : nnd It the 11rotb"ton ot thl nf were wlthdr'n their rhhs w'mll he lost , and the Islands would ho ph1/l'd bact under some form ot vicious tyrann ) ' , 1'he leter concludes : Alco ns Inwmnltrs nnd as ndmlnls- trtor or the law 1\0 have ondeavorc.1 to do our dut In the Interest ot the , ) nH n whole. " 'e mnl < o our ap- pea \ to no cllss and to no secton , but toni , In whntevcr part of ni Aood ciizens the lall ) the ) ' dwel , nnd whatever may . be their occupaton or wortlly ] cndition , We l ave stl1en hoth Cor civic Ight- louanes nnd tor natlonn ] freatne5s , and ' " 0 have faith to beleve that our luuu wi ho upheld 1) ' ni who ftJol love . follntr ) ' Ind trust In the uplttlng ot mnt- kild. 'Vo / nd tor entorcoment ot th. Inw nnd tor obedlonce to the Inw : our Is a /overnment ot orderlY Jovcrnment / c'lunll to tanny and to Ibertv ) " and Its foundation stone Is the IllrcI ot the Inw. nlte by the - lIe and hy the pUblic servlnts. JIC- Illl ever 1eCore us ns the al.lmportant \ of nnd tlon the (1of 110lcy ndrlnlstr relfn ot Ilence nt homo and tlrour-hout : t 10 world ; ot Ilenco , which comeH ani ) ' by doing JuttlJ 'lt'tUIY yours , ' ; ' ROOSEVELT. . . . - " . . . . _ - - " . . , . _ , . _ , _ ' _ M. '