- CUSTfR COUNTY RfPUBUCAn Dy D , M , AMSBERRY , BROKEN now , . . NEBRASKA . . IncIdentally , the racing automobllo Is not dolnl : II. thing to the Malthusian thcory , Thank goodncss , the oysters never go on a strJko r"r shorter hours or hlgAer wages. It 18 to bo bped IHner Munroo hl\d nsked to have his pia co In the mlnos kept opem tor him to 10 bnck to. Perhaps the Husslans who docilloc1 that AmerlcnD flour was contraband or war bad enten II. deadly Boston dough. nut. The tl1otl11 ot Shanghai appears to cut about as much lure In his own ba111wlck as II. blind man at n schut. zentest. A womnn who Is careless enough to spend $10 tor silk hose Is sure to bo D. trltIo carerul about picking out the muddr : crossings. "Are Americans dlsappcarlng ? " nsks n correspondent ot the Now York Hornld. Vcry tow ot 'em lert In New Y rk , wo'vo noticed. It Is not likely tuat wedding jour. neys on trelght trnlns w1l1 become n popular tad. There Is no romnnco about n trolght trnln. "Inquirer" nslts why the "ord "goo" Is not In the latest dictionary. It "Ill bo tound In the next one. nt nIl events. It has appeared In print. Llvcs there n man with soul so dead who never. to bls trlend hath snld , Beelng him homownrd wend his \Va ) ' : "HI , Sam , what was the score to-day ? " The ne" , dlseaso or the automobll' l8ts Is technically Imown as motor. pathla cerebrnl1s. It Is caused by the vlbratlonlbus ot the automob111enslssl. mus. And now n Brooltlyn man rises to romv.rk that ho has carrlell the same I > Ockct knife for rorty-soven ) 'ears , How Irritating such complacent virtue - tuo Is t In frlcndly salute a Utica man broke the ribs of an acquaintance , who must now be glad that ho did not run across tlAo snluter when the latter was teol. Ing morOJo. Somebody ought to nsle the man who ! 1nnounces that ho bas ca1'l'ied one pocket knIro tor moro thnn forty. five : rears how many umbrellas bo has had menuwhlle. That proclous Russian baby wolghs 10 % pounds now , which 110esn't seem much , considering the weight of the honors and rosl10nsibIUties that hnv ( beOD put upon him. Mnybo there Is something In this no bat fad , atter al1. Hnts are still con Bldered Indlspensablo by most per SODS , but so were nightcaps at one stage In human developmont. Hotty Green vigorously objects tl pnyln $ : < < ) taxes on the old house I ] Mnssuchusotts where she wns barD That Isn't the reason she gives to protesting , but It Is n good oue. Tile en goment ot his daughter t Cnpt. Spender Clay Is said , to bo great rellot to William Waldort AI tor , The cause Is ohvlous , It mlgtJ 80 easily have been Capt. Spend ( : MUDD. - ' ! 'hoso employes who jumped In [ Patofso _ , N. J" nnd rebuilt n burne mill and then bad n , big dlnnor wit the owuer are living proofs that tlJ country hJ stHI tul1 ot good nath Americans. Erncsto Dlondl , the italian sculpta who Is suing the Metropolitan art m soum In Now York for $200,000 dar agcs because of Its refusal to exhllJ bls "Saturnalia , " taltcs blmself SOl ousI1 , doesn't ho ? ITho The yacht America , that won tl famous cup Ct.threo years ngo , stIlI aJtont. In these days a ) 'acht Wt not a mere skimming dish and Wt good tor somothlng moro than jut after the rnco wns over. "Whoso findeth n , wIre , " sa's Sol mon , " nlloth n oed thing. " And S ( omen "as one of the most eXIJorllU1ce busbands that ever JIved. The recorl of modem divorce courts woultl 1m cate thl\t elthor wives or husbanl must ha.o changed moro or less slnl his dar. : A torclrn cable dispatch announc the extraordinary tact that n Germ : professor rode 110rscbacle from Berl to Balreuth. Whether this tact Is ( traordlnnry because n German pror , ser 'WIlS able to rldo 0. llorso , or I cause ho rode to Balreuth Is left ' obscurity. A Connecticut minister who miss his horse tound him final1) ' In t study ot the church , the exploring a mal hn.ln ( ; made his way down t church alslo nnd Into the stud ) ' , wi out doing o.ny damage. Horse on t mmlsterl A Phlladeh1hla man nt the rlslt his lito stopped n runawny her I whereupon the drlvor , ; ave his r cuer n ( i.cent picco. Ordinarily 6 COI Is a low prlco ror n humnn 11(0 , but things considered It was probably blJ : estlmato In this caso. , . , ( ' . . . SHEMUSTOISARM LARGE GUNS OF RUSSIAN SHIP TO BE 1 AI < EN OFf. PRESIDENT ISSUES AN OnOEB Transport Len : ! Gc-cs to Marc Island Navy 'Yard to Remain Until War Is Over-Paroled Men to Remain In San Francisco. WASIl1 GTOActing Secretar ' or State AIleD on Thursday gave out the fol1owln ! ; stntemen.t regnrdlng the Russ Inn ship now at San Pranclsco : "Tho Ilresiliont has today issued an order , through the nctlng secretury of stntl" directing that the l\lIsslnll ! ! .Tmed trans110rt Lonn , now nt San Francllco , bo talten Into custody hy the naYnI nuthorltles of the United Stntes nnd disarmed , ' 1'he main tea. tures or the condition prescribed are that the Lenn. bo to.ltcn to the Mo.ro Islanll nnv ) ' 'ard nnd there dlsal'med b ' removal ! If small guns , hreech Joclts of largo guns , ammunition and , : > rtlnance stores amI such other ells- mantlemont ns lUay be } Jrescrlbed by the commandant of the navy yard ; that the captain glvo 11. wrllten guar' antee that the Lena shall not lenvo San Ii'ranclsco unlll ( Jcaco shall have been conchuled ; that the officers nnd crow lUay bo paroled , not to leave San li'ranclsco until seine umlerstandlng I ' ! 1S to their disposal may bo reached hotween the Unltod States and the hollgerents , After the disarmament the vessel mar bo removed to a prize docle for such rcasonable repairs ao ; wltl malO her seaworthy and preserve her In gooll condition during her do. i tontlon , She may ho so ropalred at. . the nn.v ' ) 'ard If the Husslnn com. : namler should so elect ; that while it 11. prlvato dock , the commandant , e the navy ranI nt Mare Island shall 'Javo custody of the ship , anll the re' ( lairs shall bo o\'erseen b ) ' an englncer ' ) mcer to ho detailed by the command. i.nt , and that when so repaired , If ; Jeace shall not then have ' been con- lIlded , the vessel shall 00 tal < on baclt :0 : the Marc Island Im\ ' ' yard and bo hero held 'In custody until the end ilf the war , " 'rIlls action has heon talwn upon the wl'IUon request of the commander , r the Lena , addrmsed to Rear Ad. tnlral Goodrlr , ; ' , setting forth thn.t , as the vessel Is Incapahlo of putting to wn without needrul repairs , she must Isarm , nnd asldng thnt needful re- nlrs bo pormltted after disarmament. The secretar ' of the navy has telegraphed - g-raphed the presldont's order to San Francisco and given Instrucllon to I\dmlral Gooetrl h allli to Cnptnln Mc. Calla , the commandant Ilt the Mare slanet lIa.ard to out Its - ( lIa\ ) ) , carry pro- I"Islons. REPUBLICANS OF NEW YORK. rhe Ticket That They Hnve Placed In the Field. SARATOGA , N. y-The ropubllcan IItnte convention Illjourned ) Thursday - ' .I.rtor nominating unanimously the tel , . lowing tlcltct : For Goyernor-Frllk 'V , HIglns : ) of Cntlru l1gus. For Lloutellmt : Govoronr-M. LInn Druco of ow Yorl , For Secrotarr of Stutc--John F. O'Drlen or Clinton. For Attorney Gonern.-Jullus ! 1'01 , Mayor of New Yorlt. For COmlJtroller-Otto Kelsey 01 Livingston , : For State Treasurer-John G. Wal lenmelor of Eric , For Stllto I nglnel'r nillI SurvJyor- ! Henry A , VanAlstyne or Columbia , Ii'or Chlcr Judge of the Court of AI peals-Edgar 1\1. Cullen ( dem , ) 0 Klnss county. For Assistant Justlco of the Cour , r AIIJoals-Wllllam ( E , Warner 0 Monroe , Pullman Works Now Idle. CHICAGO , I11.-Tho PUllmnn ca , r , u. worlts nt Pullmun ahut down 01 n.rllllrsday. . Pracllcally eyery ono 0 , It : ho COmlmn's 7,000 emlllo 'es Is Idle I. rhe'elmlr dOlmrtmont , where 1,501 'lIen were employed , was the last tl loso. The shutdown has heen grad 10 ' 11\1 during the Il\st thl'ee weelts , tWI Is ilr three departl1Hnts helng closell n is ' 1 time. 'rho worlmlOn were told tl 111 al\O their tools with thorn when the : tIc len , and from this they Infer that : ponslderablo lwrlod of ! llleness cm ; Cronts them , e- 11. 11.d Olney RefuGes to Run. s BOSTON , Mass.-At 11. meeting ( J 11. the democrntlc state committee It wa I1s nnnounced thnt. Richard Olney , whos co ! Iominatlon for go\'ernor has lICe urged , haet absolutely Ilocllned to become como the nomlneo under IIII ' clrcun eS stances , \n In Cause Bla RIGe In War Risk ; ; . tx. .s. SAN li'HANCISCO , Cal.-War rlsll on carl"Oes to Japan jumped from 10- quarter or 1 } Jor cent to frolll a to In IJer cent as a rcsult or the nrrl\'al ( the Husslan cruiser Lena In this IJOr od _ Lumber Combine At An End , ho V ANCOUVEH , B. C.-Tho lumhf . nIl. comblno In the Canadian northwest I ' 10 } 1ractlcally at an ond. All mountal t1 ' mills In British Columho , l1umlJerln 10 IUty , haye rofusell to sell excluslvel to retailers III the northwest and soot the ' will start yal'lls or tholr own 1\11 ot l > e11 to any consulllor who haR tI : se es : cash. It Is thought the Dl'ltish Colin : Its bin co\st : mills will bo compelled 1 011 follow suit. 'rho 11ro\'lnclal ! O\'OI'nmel 11 posltl\'el ' reruses to ha\'o the prohn : tlves tax on logs oXllortod to Washln ' ton state repealoll. . . DR , CHAR LCOTT. I , I r . ) ? 0.15. .a 1' .a777. A goodly number of delegates at. tend d the sessions or the eighth In- tCl nntlonal geogrnphlcal congress at Washlnglon , At the opening session Dr. Churle9 D , Wnlcott , director or the gcolo lcnl survey , welcomed the ccngress to Amerlcn on behalf or the Ilrenident of the Unlled States , and nnnoullced Prl.'sldent HOl1seyelt's ne. CO(1tII\1CO ( of tbo honorarr pres1 < 1 ucy or U.o congrcss. ORDERS FOR ENLISTED MEN , Rule by War Dcpartment on Philip. pine Service. WASHINGTON-An order jest Issued - sued b ) ' the war dOlmrtment directing the Twent-I1I'st Inrantry to prepare for n tour of sorvlce In the PhlllplJlnes Is of geneml Interest to the enlisted hranch of the arm ) ' , It directs tbat all onllsted men of that regiment who on September 15 next have less than two years and seven 1I10nths to serve , o.nd who doslro to ro-enllst Immedlatel ) ' shall ho discharged on that date and ro-enlsled men or the regiment , non. commissioned officers excellted , who , on the dnte mentioned , llI1ve less than six months to serve and who do not desire to re.enllst , wl11 be discharged for the convenience of the government. JAPS CAPTURE SASSALITCH , Rumor that Russian GRneral nnd 3,000 of His Men Arc Prisoners , LONDON-Tho Mornln ! ; Post sa's thnt official Russian dispatches re- cel\'ed In London announces that Lieutenant - tenant General SassaUtch , wbo commanded - manded the portion of the Russian rear guard south of the Hun river , has heen s vorcly wounded and captured , with 3,000.O\lt or his 5,000 men , n Is adlled by the 1\lornlng Post that General Zaroubloff. Krandatavltch and Bllderllng have eheclted General Kur. old's advance. The Dally Mnll's correspondent with the Japanese repe1ts ! from Tlen Tsln the report that General Llnovltch , with [ jOOOO men , Invaded northeastern - orn Corea and cut General Kurolt1's communication with Feng 'Vang Cheng , Port Arthur Situation Critical. PARIS-Tho , Journal's St , Peters. burg correspondent says : ' ( A very high personage Inrorms me that the emperor lans recelvod n report ' { rom 1..loutennnt . General Stoossel to the effect that the situation at Port Ar , thur Is most critical. For 11 weel ; there has been no meat and only D small quantity of fiour , while the am munition there Is not sumclent tor D - long resistance , Ever'thlng I prepared - pared for the blowing up or the forU flcatlons In the event of a successfu : Japanese assault. " Complete Returns from Maln . PORTLAND , Me , - A repub7Lcar plurallt ) ' of 27,130 Is shown by com plete returns from the state electlor of Monda ) ' , the unofficial tabulation 0 : which. from the 522 cities , towns nnl plantations , WIlS com1'leledVcdnes dar. The tolal vote fr go\'ernor , al tabulated , was : Cobb ( republican ) 78,4GO ; Dwls : ( democrat ) , 51,330. Big Fire at Juarez , Mexlcoo. EL PASO , Tex.-Tho clt ) ' or Jaure ? Mex" across the river Crom El Paso Is threateued with destruction b ) ' fire Already one hloclt of the best buslnes : houses haR Imrned nnd all efforts 0 the tlro dl'mrtment have thus far beel futile. The loss Is heav ) ' . Reports Evacuntlon of Mukden. BEIlLIN-A dlsIIntch to the Loltn Anzolger from 1\1llkden , timed 11 : " a , 111 , Ii'rldl ' , sars the evacuation 0 Iulwn Is now In progress and add that the Japanese have not yet cros ! ed the rlvor Hun , which fiows II. fm I' miles south or l\lulden. Bury Japanese Dead. CHE FOO-Advlces from Port AI t1mr sa ) ' that following the terrlfl s bombardment of the fortress tor th n I1vo da 's ending September I , heap Ci or Japanese bodies were remo\'ed b ) r the Chlneso under orders glvcn b ) . th t. Port Arthur lJ.uthorltles , Lena Really Needa Repairs , Ir WASHINGTON-Secretary l\lorto Is received 11. report from Rear Admlrr .n Goodrich , con1llumdor-In-ehler or th Ig 1'nclfie neet , stalin ! ; that he hnd a Ir InsllCction mndo 'estordn. ' of the HUI IY sian shl(1 ( I.ena at San Francisco an Id thnt It was genulnol ) ' In neel ! or rl Ie pairs , 'rho rOl10rl shows rurthor th n. nature or the ropah'8 said to bo 11\e ! : lo sar ) ' , but the ofllclals of the Navy 1\1 1t partment decllno to lIIalO this )1111 ) II. . or the telegrnm public. The 1'01)01 g. has been referred to the State dl uartment for action. lENA IS GUARDED AMERICAN WARSHIPS WATCHING THE RUSSIAN CRUISER , ANOTHER INSPEGTtDtI IS MADE Admiral Goodrich Appoints Special Doard of Officials to Make Exnmlna. tlon. M 1ntennnce of Warships In San Frlnclsco Harbor. SAN FRANCISCO-ouarded by sev. eral Amerlcnn warships , the Russlali lluxl11ary cruiser Lena lies in the same 1I0sition In the bay where It drollped nnchor Sunday afternoon. Today , un. der the direction of the UnltStutes nnvy , a third hlsl1ectlon of the I..ena W begun , nnl\ the disposition of the vessel will doubtless depend on the ro. 1I0rt or the Investigation , Rear Admlrnl Goodrich appointed the rollowlnr board of Inspectors : LleutelHl1It Commander J , C. Lconarll of the gunlJoat Uennlngt4Jn , Lieutenant Commander J. E. Pamer ! of the crulslr : \Iarblchead , nnd Lieutenant . D. Leahy of the Boslon. ' 1'hese omcera are 1\11 trained en. glneors and their worlt will bo search. Ing and concluslvo. It Is anti ciliated that they will tlulsh theft. examination ' 1'hurs ar , The visit ot Captain Berllnslty n.nd the Russian consul , 1\1. Koskavltch , to the Mare Island naval stutlon Is re. garded as significant , as It Is belle\'ed to portend the dismantling of the Lenn. . They were courteously received 0) ' Hea\ ' Admiral McCalln , Rear Ad. mlral Goodrich assembled al1 of the naval commanders In this port on bonrd the flagship New Yorlt and nc. qualnted them fully with al1 of the olllcial do\'elopments In the case nnd It Is surmised Instructed them as to proceeduro In the extent of certain con tlngencles. It Is expected that the destroyer Perry will soon be brought dClwn rrom Marc Island aud added to the vessels now surrounding the Lena , I An outcome of the arrival of the I Russian cruiser will probably bo the I maintenance permanently In San Fran. cisco harbor of a. . number or warships ! to bo prepared to deal with any slm. Ilar emergency during the Russo-Jail- anese war , Had the Lena arrived twenty-four hours later , San Fro.nclsco would not 110\0 had a single American - can war vessel , as the squadron had been ordered to sail the next day to other waters for target practice. Another and lIlore thorough Inspection - tion of the Russian transport Len3 was made by naval engineers In order to furnish the State and Nnvy depart. ments with more complete data con' cernlng Its boilers and sea.worthlness , In the event that the Lena Is dls. mantled It will ) lrobabl ' bo laid up at the 1'rare Island nn."y yard , Rear Ad. mira } Goodrich has been directed br the No. " ' department to orrer the nnvy yard to Captain BerllnsltY tor that purllOSO , JAPANESE INSPECT THE NOVIK Find RU lan Vessel Sunk Within Six Hundred Yards of the Shore. 'rOKIO-The officers commanding th .Japanese expedltlotf sent In to examine - amino the wreclt ot the Russian I cruiser Novlle rellort that It Is bCIlch. e' : 900 ) 'ards southwst of Korsalw"sl : lIghthouso. It has a 30-degreo lIst to sto.rboard , and WIUl the exception 01 11. small portion of its bow It Is en. tlrely submerged. Even on Its UppOl deck the water Is knee deep In the L most shal10w places. Its conning tower and upper worlls were ho.a\'ll ) damaged by the Japanese shell fire. It Iii Impossible to ascortaln dofinlte } ) the extent of the damage under the water , but o\'ldently It Is consider nb Ie. Ie.Russian Russian land torcos fired on the .Japaneso expedition whllo the ox. amlnatlon was being made , but the expedHlon retired without sustalnlnE : ; c.ny casualties. Drouth In All Centrol Europe. nOSTON-A report to the Ameri , can board tram Rov. J. S. Porter , Itf mlsslonar ' In Schemmel , Bohemia , stntes that the whole heart or Europe partlculnrly Dohemla and Moravia , IE suffering from the most severe droutll within the memory of any ono living Potntoes and other crops are a tallure rhe sugar beet crops nro so lIght thaI many sugar ractorles will not bo opel1 . ed this ) .ear , The Elbe Is so low thaI for six weolts no steamers ha"e beer nble to move. 1\lI11s and factories ar ( Idle. SerloLls Antl.Semltlc Riots. ST. PETERSBURG-Antl.Semltlc rlollng tool ! plnce at Rovno , In thl government of Volhynll1. , September 4 during which , It Is said , man ) ' per 'sons were Injured and shops pillaged A similar outbreak occurred at Smeh In the govcrnment or 1\loft : , wherl the troops were called , Nlnoty-elsh houses aUlI 145 sho)1s ) were plllagel and sevcml persons seriously am many sllghtl ) ' wounded by the troops Man ) ' of the rioters were arrested ' 1'ho arralr lastcd for two < 1(1)'S , Sep temlJer .t nnd 5. Emperor Issues Some Orders. LONDO-J-The : Dally : \Iall's Sin mlntan correspondent cablln undo date or Soptomher 11 , sa 's : "Genera KouropatIln hll3 retuTl\ClI to Multdel aft or Inspecting the fortifications a ' 1'lell1i'1s , worl , on which was not wel advanced , but which Is bohl1 ; hurrlel alonG. At the same tlmo costly effort ! to delay the Jal1 neSO Ild\'anco are be In malle , I learn from Husslal sources thnt thl3 Is the outcome or thl emporor's orrlers and that the empero o\'el1 } Jorol11ptorl1 ' commanded Koura IJatIe:1 to retnlto Llao YanJt. " " f ' " . . . r ' . . . . _ _ _ - ' ! . . - . . . . , - r NEBRASKA 81' ATE W I . . . . - - BORROWS ON OTHER'S STOCK. - Respected York County Farmer CharJed ( with Swindling Bank. YORK-John V. Evarts , 0. plonee\ ' farmer living north of Waco , this count ) ' , Is In the county jail , Ho waR captured In Kansa8 City , where ho was arrestel ! and charged with mort. gaging cnttlo , norses and wheat to the amount of $700 , giving mortgngf'3 ' on proportr : that the Clt ) ' Niltional bank of this vlnco claims does not belang to him , Mr. Evarl'J Is well known In Waco nnd vicinity , where ho hM been farmlnl : for ma. ) ' : rei/arB , and the com. munlty Is much survrlsed to learn that he mortgaged lroport ) ' "hlch he did not own , For several l'onrs ho hall been rentlnE : lanlI of his relatl"ea ! l.nd once or hl'1ce left the farm and engaged In business. The way ho se. cured the money of the Clb' Nntlonal bank WM from time to time } Jrevlous to thl8 he borrowed money In iHnall nmounts , giving security , nnd each time t1)e no to was duo he came In and promptly arranged for pa'mcnt. In hls wa ) ' he won t .o confidence or ho bank , and when he mortgnS'Xl a. ! ' : a.rge amount ot stock and wheat the bank had reason to bellevo thnt It WM nil J1ght , Ho gave thlo mort- gat'c : In Februnr ' last nnd In : March tlo dlsapeared. Shortly after h1s dls. appearance the banI ; : In\'cstignted nnd round that he did not OW11 the prop. erty which he mortgaged. They then jave the matter to Sherler Brott. I NEW POINT IN TAX CASE , County Cler.k Will Dccllne to Appeal to Supreme Court. AUBURN-A new difficulty confronts - fronts the attorn e- general In the No- maha rounty tax case , brought b ) ' Hon. Church Howe to restrain the extending - tending of the 110r cent Increase On the tn. roUs , Charles R , Hacker , county cleric , and Deputy Clerk James r.r. Wright propose to ta.le II. strolO off their own bat , While the stn.te's Attorney appellred as attorney for the defcnso he failed to hl1ve tbo state board of CQuallzation and nssessment Intervene In the case. and tbo cIeri ; : md his deputy do not Intend to bo tied up In making the to.x list by an appeal - peal It they cn.n help It. Under the In , . . , the : ' must make and deliver to the county treasurer the tnx list by the first of November and an appeal to thCil SUl1reme court would prevent thl . The clerk and his d puty have written a letter to the attorncY gen- ! ral Informing him tliat they do not ! ntend to appeal the case. but are sat. fied with the decision of the district court , and will go to work on the tn.x 1.lst. Under the circumstances how the attorney general can revIew the case In the supreme court Is n quer ) ' . . Jewelry Stolen In Sleeper. LINCOLN-Mrs , Mark Woods of hls city was robbed or $700 worth ot jewelry whl10 on route homo with er husband trom a trip ea15t. Mrs. Woods had placed the jewel I ! In 11. chamois bag , which she pinned to her gown berors retiring to her berth for the night. In the morning the jewels were missing. Mr. Woods thinks the robbers were niter 1roll of bills which he had dlsplll'od during the early cvoning while lJaylng the con. uctor and vorter for accommodations pn the sll eJer. He Intends to bring lIult against the company. "Con" Man Arrested. LINCOLN-William Call. an un. trnown , was arrested by the Burlington - ton deDQt de ctl1'es while attempting to work n confidence game on passengers - gers oC n wcstbound train. He had hecks tor large amounts , which he IJ.saerted he hl\ll not time to et cash- 00. and wa'S reQuesting small loans with the checks as security when taKen In. To Build Irrlcatlon Ditch. Andrew A , Carlson and Neils Ras. /Cussen / ot Crawford , Da.wes count ' , , nnt to go Into partnership nnll con- , truct an Irrigation ditch nell' Craw. Cord , nnd ha1'e written the state board I Df Irrigation vermlsslon to con. lIolldnte their ditches , T11e ' expect , to slJCnd $6,000 and Irrigate 3,000 acres o ! land , Burned to Death. INDIANOLA-Flre consumed the barn and a lot of har bconglng ; to , Tacob Korb. southwest or here. Three ot his sons were sleelJlng In tbe har- mow , Two escaped br jumping from the haymow window. The charred rpmnlns or the third were found In , the nshes of the ruins , Corn Out of D3ner. ( GRAND ISLAND-A goodly per , centar ; of the corn In this section Is now so far ad\'anced that , rarmers sar , 11. light frost would onh' be help , ful In that 'It ' would hasten the time when the farmer could lJe1ln to plcl ; It , Former Omaha M.m Insa'1e , DEATRICE-J , T. Sullivan , former. 11 employed through this territory nE n salesman for Allen Dros. , whole ale grocers of Omnha , but who has been out or emplo 'l11ent for the last few montJls , living with his brother , N , H Sullivan , n resilient or this c1t3' , wa talton before the Insanlly board oj commlsslonors 011 the chnno or In. sanlt1 , The hearln wes postponed , nnd It Is the Intention or the tamll \to tJ\ke the unrortul1ato man tolIs : , sourl , where ho has relntlvos living 'WIth ' the h01'l0 that ho moy reo over , - - - - - - - - - . . . . . THE NEWG IN NEBRASKA , Flro destro'cd the roIlor louring mills I1t Brainerd , A harvest fcstlval Is to hold at Shelton September 20 , 21 nnd 22. Improvements amounting to soveraI thousand ! ! of dollnrs have been mal1 < t by the Union Pacific about the local depot and 'ards In Sutherland durIng . the past week or two , Henry Tolor , n merchant of AnoIm , J was burned to death trying to save l his wIre attar kerosene cxplodod , cov. crlng her In flames. She may die. . T o building Is l1o.rtln.l1y burnCtl. At a sDeclal election In Osceola. I the bonding ot the town tor 11. sya- I tem of wnter worl ! to cost $25OO ( ) was voted upon , The roeult was a. majority In tavor oC the bonds of over four to ono. The Kearney Construction com- pnny , of which T. Eo Parmelo of Plaltsmoutll Is president and 'V. J. Stadelman of Kearney Is vi co presl- dent , has been granted 11. franchlso for nn Inde1 > endent telephone system at Minden , A first class exchange will bo Installed In the near futuro. The articles ot Incorporntlon flied by the Bank of Benson have becn np- proved by the state banltlng board. I The capital stock Is $50,000 , divided Into shnres valued at $100 ench , and ! the incorporators are James .A. Howard - ard , B , H. Post , C. A , Tracy , Peter Gravnnt , F. D , Pamur , H. O. 'Vulff and ! S , F. Thomas. l' The mcmbers of the National GUll'd who are al1eged to have Insulted - sulted women In David Clty durin , ; , the recent encampment there are to be punished If proven gllllly , and the Investll ; . 'lUon that Ims been started b ' Adjutnnt General Culver will bo pushed with Tiger until the name of every guilty man 18 known , The state board ot public lands n.nd buildings and the state board of Irrl- i rl tlon held tholr regular meetlnga last wcck , The former board passe I . on a number of claims , Including the one for the construction of the hos. pltal o.t Milford , and the lalter board merely approved the worle done by Secretary Dobson du-Ing the last six months , Rey , James Mark Darby , pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church of 'Vahoo , among the announcements Sun ay morning , made ono of unusual - al interest to his congregation , that ot n donation at a fine new Dlano by a ftlond of the church , Alb"rt C. Kil- lian. The congregation showed Its high nppreclatlon of the costly glit by a rising vote ot thanks , A young Gorman , o.pparentl ) ' about 21 : rears of ago , who has been confined - fined 'In thu rounty jail at Wahoo for some time , 'Wns adjudged Insane by the examining board and talten to the asylum at LIncoln. The young mo.n wne first discovered at Ashland mn- nlng nbout in a halt nude condition , and when parties tried to npproach him ho jumped Into crcek. I A little "alfTaR left just outside tlw dor or the resldonco or Richnrd Sampson , n prominent farmer reshl- Ing about a mlle north of Seward. Cries from the child were beard In the h011so nnd Mr , Sampson wont out and found It lying In a basltet. The baby WII.B 0. male child o.nd wo11 dressed - ed and a. card pinned upon Its clothIng - Ing told of the date or Its birth , A horse nnd buggy bolonglng to Henry Nast , a farmer living four miles south of Scribner , were stolen. Next morning the buggy WII.B tound t bosldo the road on Somers o.venuo just outsldo Fremont , nnd later UI0 horse WII.B tak.cn up near Leavitt , It Is SUIJposod that the thlof stole the rig to come to Fremont with n.nll turned the horse loose just before rea.chlng the clb' , Deputy Garno Warden Smith went out Into Hooker county nnll n.rrestell Jamc9 Clcary nnd A. 0 , Crawford , j charging thcm with Itllllng seven pral. I rlo chlcltens. The men were taken lJeforc n .1ustlco and fino1 $35 al1l1 costs each , which the , . paid. The house of Dr , T. C , Sexton at Fremont " . .n"1sltell by burglars , A marauder secured entrance to it by pinelli ! ; a chair under IU1 unrast:3nell : window nnd climbing In. Ho7ent through oyer'thlng In t\VO rooms , se. cured some small articles and $15 In moner , and then climbed out , taking' Dr. Sexton's clothlnl ; ' with him. Ii'rorn the pocl ts ho toolt a fine gold watch , but ho left the garments on the lawn. GO\'ernor l\lIcke \ ) ' and party will lea\'e tor Seattle to wltnoss the launching of the battloshlp N&bras1ta. about October 3 , It has not yet been decided 'over what roall the p\rty w111 go , but It has been lleclded that no free transportation will bo securelL The trip cannot ronsume moro than i ten day ! ! , ns Oetobor 18 ho.s becll set nmrt ( as Nebraska day at the St. I Louis exposition , aud the go\'ornor and staff will leave tor that place October - bor 1G , Old settlers of Oleo rounty last weel , held their thirty-sixth nnnual (1Ict'lc. . < Judge Paul of St. Paul was In Grand Island the othcr da ) ' and stilted that I he woul11 ha\'e a hill Introduced In the next legislature providing tor the rCQulrement or bonds trom court ro- portorn , It 19 found that the recent de1'lnrturo of Reporter Kendall or that , district nocQssltates the retrial of twc cases In Hall count ) " , ono In Greelc ' , ono In Loup , two In Boone and ono , In Gront becnuS'O the recordaTcre uever completed. !