Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 22, 1904, Image 1

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    ' : :3uotct7 :
t rl8t\O 'liS'
' ' . ' ' PAPER OF . ' ' ' ' IN ' ' .
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ uu _ _ _ _ .
. .
. 5"J \ to every wearer of
. : a Simmons Chain
'f/ / , by the trade mark
, I , 1M , , , , \ stamped Inside the
1 ( ( " swlve I bow. It
stands for the
strongest guarantee
that manufacturers
. .
. or dealers can give ,
and which go es
V with everyone of
Watch Cbains
- " ' "
School Books ,
I -ANn-
I School Supplies - ,
1 -AT-
J. G. . Haeberle's :
. , _ .
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
r am now lucatcd just north pf
thc Custer National Bank. COIl1
and sce me for hargains 111 rc l
estatc. Somc choicc acrc Ijro-
perty for salc.
- - - - -
U. B. Andrews of Anselmo ,
J was a social caller last V'riday.
'r' He took aeh'antagc of our special
otTer fot' the l m'uBT.JcAN and
State Journal whid\ furnishes
both papers for the pricc of one.
- - .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
! xm w. x mm I
m : E3ovven. . ffi
Sells Good Groceries !
Bowen's extracts I H
are not weak.
, ; : m
. CE
Bwcn' : : > GrocerIes
! j
al ' frcsh.
are wa ) f.
i - - I CE
Bowen's Spiccs i a
ha\'c ntrength. 8
I t f.
' 1 < 1 :2E :
f et
Bowen's Viuegar
is Pure Old Cider.
. . '
' ' ' m elI
Bowcn'g 'I'c ! ;
h a v e q 11 a li t ) ' . , el
elI I
I ! ; . < 31
Bowen Sells r4 : :1 :
Good Coffees. I
m _ _ ! 1 31
1.1 ;
m M Bowen Sells t I
m Pure Old Cider Vinegar l
m : ' : ' : : Z ! : !
: : : : : : : : : :
Mcsdamcs J. J. and G. O. Joy-
ner of Merna , were in the city
\ Vm.Vorth of the West 'l'ablc ,
was transacting business in the
city Satunlay.
\Vatter Scott , ' 1' . B. l ussell
and B. C. Nmpfield of Anselmo ,
wcre in the city Saturday.
A. J. VanAntwerp left 'l'ues-
da , ) ' morniug for 1-4incoln to at-
tenel the Slate University.
Mrs. W. A. ' 1'11ompson left
'L'uesday morning for Bellvillc ,
Kansas , to attend the funeral of
a ncphew.
II. II. Hiatt , editor of the Sar-
gent Leader , was in the city over
Snuda.y. He returned Monday
by way of Aurora.
Mr. Crou1cham of Sumner , of
Wh0111 we tI1 llle mcntion last
wcek , states that we wcre misin-
iornll'd reganling him.
Mrs. IIcnf ) ' Rceder called
Saturday and took advantage of
our alTer to furnish the State
J ou rnal free for one year.
Mrs. C. A. Chapin and daughter -
ter Myrtle , left 'l'uesday morning
for Chicago. Mrs. Chapin is
going there for , medical treat-
J. n. McGuirc , supervisor of
the Fifth district , was a friendly
caller Saturday morning. lIe
with the othcr mcmbers of the
road committce had been out examining -
amining roads whcre petitions
were pending.
Manager Iszard of the Custer .
Dramatic Compan ) ' informs us
that the com pan ) ' is now rehearsing - ;
entitled "Com- ,
ing a new play -
rads" to prcsct ] t to the eople of
Broken Bow in the near future.
'l'he play he predicts will be hard
to beat.
- - - - - - - - - -
, , . 'VIIAI I I."e.
- -
I n the last analysis nobody
knows , \Jut \ we do 1mow that it is
under strict law. Abuse. that
law eve'n ' shghtly , pain results.
Irregular living means derange-
mcnt of the organs , rrsulting ,
in Constipation , Headache or
f-4iver trouble. Or. King's New
Lifc Pills quickly re-adjusts thiq.
It's gcntle , yct thorough. Only
25c at f4ec Bros. Drug Store.
_ _ _ _ _ _ n. _ . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . .n. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
TM Mmmnm1mmi' mlmmmm ' '
.Fits. . I
\Ve are sole rcpresen-l !
talivcs in this district ;
of threc well known
reliablc 1\lail Order e
'l'ailoring houses In e
. Chicago and guaranS
: tee a perfect fit and H
i satiBfaction on
; tv \ /1 / en ' s S HIts aBe , I g
: Ovc coats , a } d. .
! Ia : hes Man 1 allored ;
1 SIc ll'ts. . . . . . .
I -ee our 800 Samples. I
I j Watts-Kennedy I
_ Wil
IlHII-'ID1lillJt ; 'WJ
_ " _ _ _ _ _ " " " ' ' ' ' _ ' ' ' _ ' _ _ _ . " " . . . . . . . . . . . . . , nnnDn. . . . . . . . . . .04. & . U6. - - - - - -
1 I
IPt AwS ; igM hi ; St ; ; : if
In.IIJ"OVV'.1.1 : : !
I 'l'he Singer Manufacturing Co. , manufacturers
of thp cclebrated. . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . .
, Siner ! SoY/in / ! ! Machine , I
have opened a store and gcneral ofi cc in the Cus-
ter Block , 3 doors north of Drake's dry goods '
store. Besides the various styles of family sewing - ,
ing machines manufactured by this ,
the store will carr ) ' a full Ite I of. . . . . company . . . . . . . . .
I A : : : : : '
C. H. Holcomb and family rc-
turned last week from a viSIt at
thcir old home in Indiana.
C. G. Empfield and wife of
McKinley , left Tuesday morning
for St. I40uis to visit the fair.
Ray Armour left ' .ruesday
morning for AnnArbour , Mich. ,
to attcnd the law school there.
J. 1\1. Foc1ge and wi fe of Ortel-
10 , 1Jassed through the city 'l'ues-
day morning on 42 011 their way
to the St. Louis exposition.
.T as. T4Cd wich has commenced
the ercction of a d welling two
blodes sou th of the Commercial
Hotel. When completed it will
contain (111 modcrn improvements
and cost about $3,000.
II. E. Muessel of St. Paul ,
Minn. , was a friendl ) ' caller at
this office vcsterda ) ' , accompanied -
ed by his itncle , J. O. "l'aylor.
Mr. Muessel is a carpenter and
painter by trade and is herc with
the \.iew of locating.
'l'he Custer Dramatic Company
gave an entertainment at Ansley
. ! \Ionday night of last week.
'l'he members of the company
arc very much gratified over the
compliments received on that occasion -
casion by the people of that com-
Of the olllcers of the gtate
malitia , who had taken examinations -
tions before the cxamining board
we notice in the list of those that
passed was Captain E. C. Pickett
of Broken Bow.Ir. ! . Pickett
was elected captain of Co. M to
fill the vacancy occasioned by the
resignation of H. F. Kennedy.
SheritT Richardson returned
Manday night from Ainsworth
where he , vent to receive the
man and woman horse theives
that gave the officers of Dawson
and Custer a lively chase through
the country. But on arriving at
Ainsworth the parties that wcnt
along for the purpose could not
identify the parties under arrest
as being the oncs wanted and
the sheriff had to return without
'rhe Shelton Clipper , published -
ed by : li' . D. Reed gave a very
crehtable write up of the District -
trict convention of the Modern
Brotherhood of America that
was held at Shclton last weee.
'rhe following is the names of
the delegates elected to thc
supreme convcntion to be held at
. ! \Iinncapolis , October 12 : Geo.
W. Lawson , Shelton ; . ! \Irs. F. C.
Wilson , Anselmoj f-4. Nnslow ,
Ravcnnaj II. 1-1. Jones , GotHen-
burgj J. W. RadclitT , 14exington.
Bcing away part of last week
we ommitted to note the burning
of a steam thresher on the Rced
farm west of Merna last Saturday -
day night week. Besides the
machine it is reported some 400
bushcls of grain was burned.
Will and Joe Krem were arrested -
ed , on SuspiclOn for the crime and
brought to the city. 'l'hey were
placed under bon s for their ap"
pearance at the November term
of court. 'l'hey gave the required -
ed hond and were releascd.
'l'he Broken Bow Band will
give a concert in which the best
talent in thc oity will take part
both vocal and instrumental.
'l'he proceeds go to help dtfra ) '
expenses to Omaha. 'l'he ban
will emplo ) ' outside assistance ,
making it one of the best band
in the Paradc and will do mud
to advertise Custer county. ' 1'h ( ;
committee has given the band
thc post of honor in the parad ( ;
which rel1ects greatly to our
standing in musical apprcciatiotj
alld 0\11' citizenH should turn oui
and patronize the. concert and
help the band. The concert wiI ]
be gi\'en Fridav , September 301
in Opera lIe se. Show VOUI
appreciation of the band"am ]
e\'cryone buy a ticket to th (
concert. 'l'h hand will emplo }
I ) men outside of their band and
the bo's need your help to ad.
vertise Broken Bow and Custel
county. Hemember the datel
Frida , September . Oth.
- - - - - - - - -
S. A. Head , Cisco , 'l't > xasl
wriles , i\larch 11th , 1901 : " 1\1)
wrist was sprained so badly by < J
fall that it was useless ; and aftel
using several remedies that failce ;
to give relief , used Ballard' !
Snow Liniment and was curcd ,
I earnesty recommcnd it to an )
one sutTering from sprains. " 25c1
50c , S1.00. Sold by Ed. Mc.
Comas , Broken Bow and Merna.
Jas. Ledwich sold a farm for I
T.V. . Edwards livc miles northwest -
west of the city a fcw days ago
to a son of Joe Whitncy. Consideration -
sideration , S2,600.
Dr. G. F. Bartholomew of
Comstock , who bought Dr. Day's
ofl ce and practice has taken possession -
session and is now in thc city.
'rhe Dr. has also hought the
Broken Bow Hospital which he
will run in conncction with his
profession. Mrs. Bartholomew
will join her husband here about
the first of October.
Mrs. Byron Mack of Sheridan ,
\Vyoming , is visiting in the
vicinity uf Mason City and Ans-
ley. Mrs. 1\1ac1e came to Custer
county in early days with her
parents , Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wea-
ver. After her marriage she
mo\'ed to Wyoming where her
husband is engaged in the sheep
industry. 'L'hey havc residcd
there for the past seventeen
' ' . . .
Curd of'1'I1".kll.
I wish to extend m.r heartfelt
and sincere thanks to the man )
friends who so Inl elly assisted at
the funeral of my belovcd mother.
, , :
- - - - - - - -
You Can Buy I
All Kinds of I
School Books , I
m '
i AT
Eel. McComas'
I . , .
- ' D UGGlt3T
. ' ' ' ' AND .JlnVur.I-H. m
m m
. .
- - - -
: Jen.tist ,
Brolcen Bow , Nebraska.
'Ve..are hcre to stay , and to
guarahtee our work to be as rep-
resented.Ve do not claim to do
anything but what we positively
can do.V c make a special ty of
rcheving pain in all dental operations -
ations ; and for this purpose we
are prepared to administcr
Gas , Vitalized Air and Dentaline ,
at your dcsire. Our fillings ,
platcs , crowns and bridge work
cannot be excelled 111 any manncr .
as we make a spccialty of. all
kinds of dental work.
Our motto is to please you , amI
if you are not pleased we will refund -
fund your money.
T. A. LEACH , D. D. S. ,
'l'elcphone 258 ,
Ofiice in Myers-Glicm . Building.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
JI" . : o'X'-
Th a. . . . .
I Eagle
I Grocery
t h _ ' _ _ _
li'resh Ii'mits ,
H Fresh Vegetables ,
A pple ! ! ,
Watermelons ,
Pure Spices ,
! : i Cider Vinegar.
- _ _ . .
- - - - - - - - - - -
I A Full Line of
I I Fresh Groceries
_ . _ - - . .
I Yale Coffees. I
I .
'Phone 58.
.1 .
" " " "t"t""t"t"'t"t"t " " " " " " " " " ' " " + t"tttttt"t'"t't"'f""t" " , , , " ' " ' " ' " " " " " ]
= = = = 'J
- - 1
I w agon5. I J
- -
= = I bought two enr loads ofV ngons from = = \ !
E : IHlrt es who hud more \Vngons thnn money. = = ;
: : : Among thom Ul' ( , some Bucrkins , Bt'ot'lRmith , = = j
I : : : II'loronce uncI LI ruyetteVugons. . As long as = = i
I : : : these last I am going to sell you \V ngons rot' less = = .i
: : : money thun other denIers ean buy for. Come in = = ' :
: : : u nd let me show you us good It \ V ag'OI1 us other = = '
: - : : dealers UI'lI selling for $65. ( ) ( ) to $70.00 : - : ; . r1 , '
- -
= = = = ' )
I For $55.00 I ] .
: : : : : : : : ;
- ' - 1
E I also have 1em' \ of Gang and Sull < y = =
: : : Plows whieh I am selling at ; { ) l'iees thut ; uro loss = =
Ethan otlwr dealers buy for. <
- -
- - '
- - I
E Gang Plows , 12 and 14 Inch , $55.00:3 : ' !
E Gang Plows , 16 inch. . . . . . . . $36.00:3 : '
- -
- -
- -
I "The Dealer That Saves You Money , " 3 1
! C.S.MARTINMfliAgt I . 'j
: : : : : : : {
= = -AND DEALEIt IN- " ,
- - -
: - : : ANTI-rl'.L lJsrl' GOIS. = = ;
11111111111111111111111111il11111111 + 1111111111111111111111111111 1111111 . J ,
J. 'L' . Arthur , super\ ' ser of
District No.1 , called Saturday
and had his sub criplion advanced -
ed to 1905 and got the hencfit of
. _
- . - -
. . . .
- - - - - - - - .
our pecial offer on the State
Journal. Mr. Arthur has been : !
renominated for supervisor on j
t he pop ticket. , . ;
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ---1 > . . _ . _ j
I : . : f"/"J".r.r..r..r..rJ".r..r.Q.Y".r.QJO : JOI'JCICY".rJf.
I Do You Want a I-Iollie ? ;
. S .
Sg -
, " i
S 8 F"'or SB11e. g . . ,
8 S
8 lone-story , 4-roolll house , ground ( , OxI12. Pricc. . $ ( ,00.00 11 I
1 OIte-stor ) ' , frame , 3-room housc , ground 100x112. )
lricc . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250.00 8 '
g 1 new one-stor ) ' framc , 5-room house , one block from S
/I / public square , with one lot. Pricc , . . . . . . . . . . 1 , 100.00
g 1 onc-story f ame , 5-room hO I C , with barn and two 8 ,
lots , mcely locatcd. I ncc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,100.00 11 ' " I
frameroom rcsidence , .
1 two-story -room ncw cave. new
S S barn , ( . lots , good well and cistern , niccly S
located. Price. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,200.00 fi
fi lone-story framc , 5-rool1l housc , with four lot , fi
S gra\'cl wcll , ind mill , barn , chic1mn house , S
orchard. Pncc. . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,000.00
S me of the best tcn acrc tracts , adjoining ' town fi
S for salc. g
6 Some of the hest locatcd lots for rCsidcncc.
I 1
I E. C. HOUSE , I ; . :
Brol < cn Row , - - - - - - Nebraska.
L..r..r.r..r..r.r. 'r.r.M .r.r.r : r..r.Q".r.r..r..r.Q".r.r..r.r..r.r..r..r..r..r..r.r.r.r.r. .r.rJl' 1 ,
, ;
- . . . - - - - . . - . . . . . . . . p . . :1
. '
r.nt.r r. Attttt : : : : : t ( vflt\ ; : : ; 1t : t\ ! t : fzt ii : 1t 1 : : i
C , ' , I Have a Good Stock of ' ; & . : 1
; \ ret. : .
c . ,
II Quick Meal Rangesl : ! , :
c )
( ; t
i . 'rhol'e if better ' ' in the ' )
Cao. ; ! no 1'anrJ'e mlt1'M
: kot than the Quick feal. 'rhis is '
: . , , ! the time when the cook is expontod ;
: ) to put on a good mea I fot' threshel's : . , I
:4 : and you should t'eat ! tlwl1l fail'ly ; - ;
: and furnish a I'ango ; that will bake : ,
: . we 11.- 000 . IJ 1
c . , < *
Out. load or :
! car 000. ' " '
! . . OLD HICKORY WAGONS. . : : \
: were shipped [ " 0111 Louisville , l\.el1- 1
tucky , on the nd of. A ngnst , and : i
: will be hol'o hy the time you I'end : Ij
: this. There iH cheaJ > el' wag'ons tlH111 ; " 1
: . to ; / Old H ickol'y , hnt none so good. : ,
11- yon want a g'oodVag'on hurkH . : i
, . H ' . I
: iukol'Y. :
, '
. C
On1' 1\otto : "Undersell. " : ,1 ,
j. c. W. APPLE , . i' . 1
. : \Vest Si e Square , Bl'okon Bow , N eh1'askn.
: .J"M . . . . > > l& J&J < . . .rJt J&.W J Ji\f'JJ&N. \