Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 15, 1904, Image 8

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II ' rt Coed t.Furl1ishin s ! ;
t' _ -
tJ Groceries . , Glass . and Chinaware !
: tIe. : = : l'
ttl 0 , tIe.easl 1I ' square al peale-shep ard
( ! Co.'s is the place to vuy evcrything in the aho\'c . .
: liues. Just try it oncc and you'll be conviuced. t.J ,
irst-class and up-to-date and ti . . .
i I at ] verything the verv lowest strictly price. ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .J.
t Our Spices , Teas , and Coffees I' '
. . =
, E i Arc strictly pure and of - the vest quality. superior:1
. I Ihem aud you will be pleased wilh Iheir superior- :
\ ity over othcrs. tJm. We are also headquarters J ,
' Fruits , and vegetables in their :11 : ;
' tJ i season. for li'resh . . . . . . . . . . Apples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ; : ) J
Yours 10 please , iII i : )
II POHle-Sheppard Co
Ll'J" , . . , . , . . . . . . . , . , . . , , . , , 1II"III"Jl i !
' " ' " ' " ' ' " " " " 11I' ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 ' . : ! ' I" " ' " " " " , " ' " ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ! J ! ' ' ' ' ' ' III ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I" " : " " " " " " " " " "
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< ; : 1II''W : : ) : : : < ; - G , ' ;
. ; Si
) .r SSf ' f * 's- ' ( . : )
J. S. Smith of Callaway , was
a welcome caller at this office
" , , Wm. Shadd of Cliff , bought a
( fine male hog of O. G. McConnell
I at the Fair.
Ray Armour will return next
week to Anarbour Law School to
. continue his studies.
J. F. Haney of Anselmo ,
bought a fine Duroc Jersey pig
of P. H. Munk at the Fair.
. Harry Coffman and wife of
Mason City , attended the fair
last Thursday. They returned
. home Friday afternoon.
A. J. VanAntwerp of Loc1i ,
who graduated recently at the
Fremont Normal was a friend Iv
, 'caller at this office Thursday. -
A light frost caught the tomato -
to and mellon vines Tuesday
night , but the corn is too far
along to do much , if any har .
Will Davis informs'us that his
. meat bill the week of the county
fair was $40.00. It took $6.00
worth of beef stake Thursday
morning for breakfast.
. W. H. Osborne , Sr. , and wife
returned Monday from Iowa ,
: where they bave spent several
weeks visiting with relatives and
old time friends. They report
. havin.g enjoyed a pleasant visit.
J. F. Wilson and wife of An-
selmo , W. H. Daly and D. L.
Hop-kins of Callaway , and J as.
Chittick of Etna , were among
. the delegates from Custer county
who attended the M. B. A. district -
. trict convention at Shelton this
The West Nebraska Annual
Conference of the United Brethren -
ren Church will meet in this
church on 'l'uesdar : , September
22 , at 8:30 : a. m. Bishop N.
Castle of Philomuth. Oregan ,
will preside. The sessions of
th conference will be open to
the public and an are cordially
invited to attend. 'rhere will be
two sessions each day. 'l'hc
business of the conference will
be transacted amI there will be
discus ions of the current religious -
ious topics that will be '
vcr\ helpful -
ful and inspiring. 'rhere , vill be
present several of the general
church officers and visiting' min- .
Buckleu' . Arnica tt"lve.
, Has world-wide fame for mar-
vellous cures. It surpasses any
other salve , lotion , ointment or
balm for Cuts , Corns , Burns ,
' - Boits , Sores , Felons , Ulcers , Tet- I
I' ter , Salt Rheum , Fever Sores ,
Chapped Hands , Skin Eruptions ;
I ' infallible for Piles. Cure guar-
I' ' anteed. Only 25c at Lee Bros. , '
I Druggist.
. -
isters from abroad representing
their several 1l1terests. The ) '
will all have a prominent part in
the deliberations of the confer n-
ce. 'rhere will be in attendance
about 100 ministers aud layman
and these will all be entertained
in the city. On 'Wednesday
evemng there will be held the
first of a series of gospel . meetings -
ings in which the visiting brethren -
ren will preach and participate.
On Friday c\'euing. there will be
Young geoples rally that will beef
of especla11l1terest to the young
peoples work of the city. All
are invite' ! to attend these ser-
vices. On Thursday cvcuing
there will be a special service of
welcome at the opemng of the
meeting. In the absence of Mayor -
or Apple from the city , Councilman -
man A. P. Jonnson will deliver
the address of welcome and Rev.
W. O. : fIarper of Kearney will
respond. li'urther announcements -
ments will be made next week.
BRYSON-Saturday , Septemver
10 , 1904 , at 6 a. m. , Roy li'rank-
lin , son of Mr. and Mrs. J. F.
Bryson , age 8 1110nths and 29
days. Funeral services were conducted -
ducted Sunday by Rev. J. R.
Teagarden. The RUPUBLICAN
joins with the friends of the parents -
rents in extending sympathy to
them in their great bereavement.
IItUo Hey hatlllfOlie to reHt.
' 1'0 relgll with G"II fonver hleht.
Dear 0110 weellllot. little Roy would lIa ) ' .
\Ve wllll1\eet Oil J 11I111'0111011 t Day.
Par from a worlll of 11111 allli IItrlf ,
It 1I0W ellju } H a 11eavellh' life.
Where alliH jO } ' alld lo\'e ,
III the lo'ather'H hUnlo above.
Could wo but Hce ItH Hmllllll ( facI' ,
Uelllhtl'd with tile hal'I' } ' Illacl' ,
Wo coU1 < lllot wlHh It back a Ira I II ,
1Iut sa } ' . dear boy wllh GOII relllaill.
Now let 1111 strlvo the prl e to lI'alll , UH COIIIO to ClaiM with hllll remalu ,
'I'lli'll wo flhall Hhare Iu JesuH love.
Allllllleet little Ro } ' abuve.
) ; ntortnlnlllont to 110 UI\'I'II II ) ' Broken
Uow' Ihultt , 8olltOlllllol' ao. 1110 , ' .
Our band is again honored by
the Al-Sar-Hcl1 receiving the most
it.nportal1t place in the proces-
Prof. Garlisch , the director u (
the band has been appointed one
of the comnuttee on music b ) '
the Ak-Sar-Bcl1 , our city no
doubt feels proud of these things ,
and we are all proud of the ham1.
The band appreciates the ldnd.
ness extended it by thc citizens ,
but to mal < e the trip to Omaha ,
with a full band , and one that
will rel1ect credit , there wilt bl :
considerable expense , hencc the
vaml has settled on ha\'ing a first
class entertainment .
for the pur.
pose of aidiug them in the mattel
of expenses , music , etc.
f-4et everyone attend. it will be
a treat in the musical line and nc
-VVa1ts. en.n.edy : CO. .
N ol'th Side
r Brolten Bow , - - - - . Nebraska. ,
- -
. . - ' - " - - ' . " - - - -
pailH wilt he parcil to malc it
thc hcst cntertainJl1cnt of thr
S. P. Morris , who left here
three mOI1thR ago under questionable -
able circumstance surprised the
puvlic vy returuing' 'l'uesday
night from the cast , to settle up
his outstanding accounts. 'rIds
he says he did. His presence
greatly incensed the public and
he was waited on this morning'
by a large numver of prominent
citizens and requested to leave
on the first train. Considering
that a compliance was the better
part of valor he left for the east
on 42. lIe was ; accompanied to
the depot under the protection of
the sheriff. I-Ie states that he
and his wifc have compromised
their differences and they will
make their home in the cast.
1\1. J. Beals antI son Frank were at Ihe
How Saturday on business. I
The threshing is progressing very fast
now , that the grain has died out.
1\Irs. Hunt went to Olllaha , on last } : ri-
Ilay to visit her sister Nellie Hewett for a
short tillle.
A nlllllher of our people attendel1 the
Fair last week and ) 'et the threshers were
kept running.
Nellie Hill spent Saturday at hOllie ,
she says that there is no place like home.
She likes her school however.
A light frost in the tow places Sunday
lIIorning , but no harm was done to corn ,
as it is practically out of the wuy of an
ordinary frost.
John Teahan is feeling pretty good
over having won first with his fancy
black in the single roadster contest at
the COllnty Fair.
Mattie Fol1 c went to her school in the
"Deitz" distnct , near Custer ounty on
Saturday of last week where she has a
six months terlll.
Roy Eastman of Willow Springs , is
visiting with Mrs. Asbaugh's , he being
one of their oll1neigh ors at that place.
lIarry and he will attend the exposition
at St. I.ouis in a couple of weeks.
Cnrd o' TIIIUIUIi.
\Ve hereby extend our beart-
felt and sincere thanks to our
many friends and neighbors for
their kindness and help dur1t1g
the sickness and death of our
veloved darling babe.
Mr. and Mrs.J.F.Bryson.
Church ttcr ICCII.
On next Sunday morning the pastor
will preach his farewell sermon. In the
evelllng he will preach on the amusement
question. L. L. EPI.IW , Pastor.
$1. . 2S ! To Ht LoulH lIud Return.
The Durlington offers the a eve low
rate for tickets good in coaches and chair
cars ( seats free. ) On Sale Tuesdays and. .
Thursdays during AUJustand ? Septem er.1
See me for full partIculars. I
8-15 H. L. Ormsby , Ticket Agent. I
I1' . rfl-1l OddH " 'KUhudHllul
Bedridden , alone and destitute.
Such , in brief was the condition
of an old soldier by name of J. J.
Ha vens , Versailles , O. . For
years he was troubled with Kidney -
ney disease aud neither doctors
nor medicines gave him relief.
At length he tried Electric Bit-
ters. It put him on his feet in
short order and now he testifies.
"I'm on the road to complete re-
coverv. . " Best on earth forLiver
and Kidney troubles and ail
forms of Stomach and Bowel
Complaints. Only SOc. Guaranteed -
teed by I-4ee Bros. , Druggist.
' - - -
m mmmmm m
Dr. Leach , Dentish Tel. 258.
- -
J. C. 1\'Ioore , abstracting. 2tf
- ; office for neat job work.
- - - -
Duroc Jersey males for sale ,
both fall and spring pigs , $10.00
to $15.00. Also a fcw sows.
14tf A. ' 1' . SUYBOL' ! ' .
- - - -
Insurance that insures.
38tf R. G. l\IoOlm.
FouND-A ladies shoe and pair
of hose , between the town and
fair grounds. Call at this office.
Li'arm Lease , Chattle Mortgage
and Warranty Deed blanks at
th is office.
- - -
Ii'ine bunch of Whiteface and
Shorthorn teers for sale. Are
dchorned and in elegant con(1i-
) tion. 'l'ime to right parties
wanting to feed.I. .
14tf Broken Bow , Nebr.
Irnrlll lor Hale.
155 Heres , ( , .0 miles south east
of Ul'Olen Bow , 3 miles north
W t of Bcrw'n ; 85 acres iu cult i-
va lion , 70 acres in pasture ( fe nc-
ed ) , wen and wind mil1 , sod
house , . . rooms ; sod stable , frame
granHry , over 1,000 Box Eldcr
trees , ll. & 1\ [ , track in sight for
3 miles. Price and terms given
on application.Vill give possession -
session this fall. J. KAY ,
tHf Broken Bow , Neb.
J. C. Bowen buys cream and
pays the highest market price.
\V AN'l'Hn-l\Tcn with fami1it' ' ' '
It'air price IInel gOO ( ! hotseH.
34tf West. Union , Nch.
. _ _
I-4os'l'-li'roml11Y place in city ,
a li ht red sow , with black spots.
\Velght about 200 pounds and
has suclded pigs. Been gone
three weeksr Party finding and
returning will receive liberal re-
ward. I. A. RUNHAU.
- .
Los'I'-At the li'air Grounds ,
Fridry afternoon , September 9th ,
a Croched Lace Collar , with entry -
try tag No. 867 tied 011 it.
Please rcturn same to W. G. .
Purcell , Chief office and reccive. .
Ii'OR SALlt-'rOW.J lots and a
few five acre lots in this city.
-Allen Reyner.
Money to loan on improved
farms.-R. G. MooRU , Gleim
Block. 41 tf
Dr. Sumner Davis , Grand Island -
land , Nebraslm , specialist in
disease of eye and car , examination -
tion for glasses. 2tf
I-4os'l'-A pair of silver frame
spectacles. li'inder return tothis
oflice and get reward.
Drs. Davis and Farnsworth of
Grand Island , Nebraska , are prepared -
pared to treat all forms of chronic
diseases , such as rheumatism ,
stomach disorders , tumors , cancers -
cers , paralysis , lddue ) ' diseases ,
etc. The doctors use besides
medicine and surgery. the X-Ray ,
hot-air baths , electricity and
massage. 2tf
Bring your chickens to P. . J.
Simonson and get the highest
market price. 10 tf
Hapgood has opened a paint
shop just south of the Globe Hotel -
tel , where he IS prepared to paint
buggies and do all kinds of work.
Call and see him. He is the
largest contractor in this section.
Legal Notices.
All ndTertlsementB under tbla hend will bo
charged tor nt leval rnte , vlz : 81.00 per sqoare
tor IIrst Insortlon. IInd Oc per sqnnro tor eacb
IObseqoont Insertion.
A "square" Ie Ion lines or traction thoreot.
To whom It ma } ' concern :
The commlssloller appolntell to view and If
deemednec"sary for the pUblic Irood to locate
a roallIetltlolied for by lIellry Schneider allli
others ani conllllellclnlr at the center of Section
19. 'l'ownshlp 18. RalllCo 17 , Custer County.
Nebraska. thellce North to the laid out roall In
flame sectloll19. towllshlp 18. ran Ire 17. 1Ielrlllll-
IItlr all'aln at the center uf Sectloll 19. 'l'ownl < hlp
18. Rallll'e 17 , thence south to the cellter of Sec-
tlOIt 30 Oil the half sectloll 11110 and theuco weSI
olle and one-Italf miles to laid out roall. hal < reported -
ported In favor of till ! e"la llshment thereof.
and all ubjectlolls thett'lo , or clalmH fr.r dam-
alel < mnl < t be l1Ied 111 the cuunt } ' clerk' onice ou
or before lIoun of the 31st def October. 1904.
or such road will bo estahlillhed without refer-
ellce thereto. In 'Vltlless 'Vhereuf. I have
herellnto set my hand alld seal of said cOllnty.
tltls 30th da } ' of AUlI'lIst. 1904.
Gr.o. W. DEWEY. COllnty Clerk ,
12-15-'J3 [ SltAL ] Jos. 1'IG IAN. Deput } ' .
111 COllllty Count } . . within a 11I1 for Custer
County. Nebrasl < a.
In the matter of the eRtate of Belle C. 11astllllls.
To the credltorR of Ralll estate :
1'011 are . hereby lIotlfied. that I will sit at the
COllllt } . Court Hoom In Brokell Bow In flald
cOllut } Oil October 21. allli December 17. 1904.
and March 18. 1 < ; 05. at 10 o'ucl : ! < a. m. each salll
dates. to receive allli examille all claims alralll'
HI Hald I "tate. with a few to their adjustmellt
and allowance. ' 1'ho time limited for the pre-
Hentatloll of claims ; lIcalllst Halll estate Is IIlx
months. from the 16th da } ' of Septtmber. A. D. ,
190-1 , aud the time IImlteil for pa'me lt of debtfl
Is ulle } 'ear from salll date.
\Vltlless m ) ' hatlll allli the seal of lIalll Count } '
Court. this I.Hh da } ' of Selltember. 1904.
H-17-\UO [ SEAl. ] J. A. AHMOUHCounty Judlre.
To whum It ma } ' cOllcern :
'l'h" cLmmlllsloll apl.olllteil to view a 11I1 If
deenltJII for tlte IHlhllc Iood to lucatu a wall
commellch,1I' at the cellt"r of the lIeJ { Sl'ctloll
22 , 'l'owllshlp 15. Ralliru 22. thellcl' ea'lt about
mile thellce all1'lu nt ! dowu call'oll at ; the
tra'eillow Ioes to a PUIIlI Oil hectloll line
runllhtl : lIorth 0111I1 . .oulh thrnllll'h Sectloll 21.
near the cellter of Sectlull 21. thellce lIorth 011
hectloll IIl1e to sectloll IIl1e bet wee 11 SectlollS
16 alld 21. salll mall havhtll' bl"11 petitio lied for
b } ' N. 1' . Nelsoll allli ulhers. ha" reported Iu
favor of the location thereof. alld all ohjecllulls
th'relo or . claim. . . for .Iamall'e" must belied \ III
thu COUllt } clerk's umce Oil ur bcforu nooll of
the 27th da ) ' of OClober. 19W , ur such w.ul will
bl' e..tabll"hed wi' hout reh'renco there" ' .
In Wltnes Wht'rt'uf. 1 han' IlI'reulllo Hl't my
hallli allli . .eal uf salll count } . , this 2Hh da } ' of
AUIUSII'Ot. ( lm. W. DIwla' .
Count ) ' Clerl ( .
12-15-1)2 [ SH.\IJ B } ' Jos. 1'IGMAN.l > eput } ' .
COUIII } ' cuurt Cu"ter cuunt } ' . N.hrahka. !
' 1'0 the heirs a 11I1 next of kill \Iortlmer : " ' .
Shllmul.H. deceas"II.
You arc hereb } ' IInltll'd that 'I' . B. Morris. of
Hald deceasl'd. ha , ; Hlell hi" Iletllolill III flalll
cOllrt. a"ldllll' that h" ilia } ' be ; 1\pOlllle,1 All-
1II1111..tratur of the elltalu of l\lortllller . SIIII'
11I011' ; amllhat his accoll tt as lI'uanllali of lIalll
Mortllller W. SIIIIIIIOII" ilia } ' be approved alld
lit ! he III"charl'ell a. . Kuch lI'uanllau. Said lIIat.
ter" ha'e I'ell . .et for \lI'arhlll' \ for OClUhur 1.
I'/W , at III o'c\oc1 \ ( a. III. . at tile COllut } . cuurt
mOlll , ill JlmliClI Jluw. Nehra"ka. whl'lI all III-
ter.h'II partl. . ilia ) ' al'l'ear :11111 hi' h".lrll.
AUIII"1 .n. I'IIH.
12.15-\1 ISII.I J , A , AH IOUH , c.ulIII } '
- - - - -
O'l'll.l : UP'INAI \ , 'J"l'Ig\UN'l' \ : : .
III COUIII ) ' court. Custer coulIlY. Nl'I.raska.
' 1'0 till' credllors alill lIelr.1111 . to all 1hu
are IIIle..I"d III Ih" " tat" 01 1 lIlrh..rt OISUII ,
\'I'ah"II. .
'J'ale 1I0tice. ThaI W. It. \\:11'11 , AlllllllliHtra.
tor 01 till' aforealll I.tal" : . ha' ! 111 < ' < \ a . . 'purt of
hi" dulllll'lI a. . . Hllch. alllaHI'H \ thai till' . .ame hu
al'I'm\'el. allli Ihal III ! \.I. . III..charll'ell from
furtlll'r ohlllraloll tllI'relli. alill that thu COllllty
JI1I11r" 11I111 ( " . .uclt unler aH to Iho IIIHlrlbutluu
uf the a..els be\ulllrlllir \ tu . .aid e..tate as ilia } '
be"1II just allli ellultable : ; 11111 to Ilelllll'lIate the
helr"lHltltI"II tU1 Hhan' III salll 1"lale , ami tel
II'rallt hllch uther relief as lIIab , ' II I'e III ell
lI"ce..sar } ' III the IIl1al "I.ltlelllelll ! of salll I'"late.
Sahllllatier h"H heell . .et for h'arlllll' UII the I"t
Ila ) ' of Ol'luh'r. l'lI. . alto o'clocl , a. III. al the
l'OUllt ) ' cOllrt mom , III Jlml < ell Jlow. Nehmla.
at II hlch Ihu" a 11I1 IliacI' all Ilarlel'I\ \
11I:1\ appear ami IJ. . IlI'anl COIICl'rll I III ( Ihe HaUII' .
l'alelllhl1l21Jlh Ilay ofUIIU'II. . 1'
12.1 -1\ ISI AI,1 J. A. AH ( UUH. COIIIIIJudll" ,
. .
' - - -
- - - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
IJlIlt..II Slate" Iallli OOict' . ,
JlWkl'1I Jlow. ehra..I'a. . AUII'Ubt . ! t. I'l t. ,
Notlc , ' I , ; hcrehy 11'1'11 ' th"t lilt' follll\l'l II 11"
lIallll'II HI'Hler haH 1111',1 lIoIICI' of hlH IlIleulloli
to III a I" , IIl1alllroof III HUI'II"rt ' ur hi" clallll , :11111
that . .allll'mof will h" lII.ulu hoCoru Rell'lHtol'
all,1 Ih'ce"'er at Jlrnlen Jluw. Nehra"ka. Oil
OClohl'r 3. l'lll-I. vl : I'I IHCOI.'PIIAN
N"II' Itell'na. Nehrjl"ka. for the II , I . ' ) ' 14 1- :
. .01-2 Sl'ctloll 26. 1-:12 1Il' ' S.'ctlon 35 , ' 1'oIl'IIHhh.
19 Nurtlt. Rallll' 21 W.
110 lIalll\'H thu folloll'llIl ( wltnetlheH to I'rovo
hlH cOlltllluOUIi resldeliCo u'In ' ami cultlvatloll
of . .aldlallli. "I : OIh'er Swick of > : ew lIelella.
NebraHka I'alrlck Kellt' ' of NI'II'
: } Helella. Nebraska -
braska : Guonre ' 1'elllpler of Ne. . ' 11elella. N. , .
braHka : Arthllr Newbound of Brokell How ,
11.16tl'l J.UIHII WIIITUIIII II. Rel'lster.
- I - /
, , , . . . . , . , . , . . , , , . . . . . . o' . _ , . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . _ , , , _ _ , . _ . . . _ _ . _ . . , _ . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . , . .
: Pt ! . . " ' . " . " " . . , ' - . . . ' . : ' ' ' ' , . : I " " ' " ' ' : ' ' ' ' . ' ' ' . . , ' ' ' ' . . ' ' ' ' I" ' ' . : " . . : . . : " .f'04. . ! : .
J ) : . .I"'j . : j'J.r.11 . . . j . " ! , If , ' . .dO" . ! , . . " , ! i . 'I. , . ' . , ' ' 'mw' ; , 0' . ' . ! . 't.r . ' ' . ' ! . ; ' 10' . . : . ' \ 'iV.\ : . . : . ' ! J
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11\ < : ; O - - - IJ ! '
.1. . , . . FUInl.ture' ' . . ! ; ! ; : ; .1l ; : &I S ' \ , . . .
I FURNITURE ! f ij '
- - - - - - :
jJt : :
lIju \li
. , , , . \ . FurnBlture" \ ) i I
! 7 A . car load of Furniture just re- M / i
i 'j cm vec 1 a. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VrM ! # 1 I
. . . " , , . . , ( tJ . . l. , : ' : I I
J 'l
' " ) Wi I
t . l S Q UlIeS B IOS. , . i
.tl 'I '
: ' whioh we will close out at prices r,1 ,
tf that will not be duplicate t11is side f. [
t , of . Omrtha. . . As our FurnIture room ) r1 .
} : k \ .IS uni e d we must. . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . n..l ! ) '
71 " i1 i\ 1
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in order to mak room fo ' our.sec . -
on car of FUrl l1ture , wInch wIll be r
l . shIpped accordIng to contract N 0- i'\
, : ! vember . 1st. Come . in and get our . "d . l 7.
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i Furniture Out at Prices i
I , Never Before Quoted in Brokel1. Bow I
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United Slates Lalld Ollice , ,
Brokell Bow. Nehra"ka. September 9. 19Ot. i
Notice I herehy Irlvell that the followllll-
named tettler haH filedllollco of Ilt1r IlIlelltlou
tu make IInal proof III HUPllOrt of her claim. al1ll
that said proof will bo made before Rellster
al1ll Receiver at Brokell Bow. Nebraska. 011
October 21. 1m , 'VI : I.ILLIAN I. KING. Mil.
bllrn. Nebraska. for the E Nw 4' . Ne4'SwJi.
NlSeJ { , Section 23. TowlIshlp 21 North ,
Haule 21 West. She lIames the followlnll' wll-
lIehses to prove her cOllthlllOU8 resldellce UPOII
alld cultlvatlOll of said land. vl : John'Vorth-
hllrtoll of Milburn , Nehralllca : Harry Miller of
! \lIlburu. Nebraska : Thomas 'I'YSOII or 1\111-
burn. Nebrasl < a : 'Vashhtl'lolI 1 , " Ranklll of
Milburn , NebraRka ,
14.19-9'1 JAMES 'VU1TIUlRAD , Rell'lster.
Chattel Mortll'ale Sale.
Notice Is Itereb ' glvell that by 'Vlrtuo of a
chat tie mortll'alre dated on the 1st da ) ' of Oc-
tober. 1903. allli duly filed III the onic" of the
Clerk of Custer CUUllt } ' . Nebra ka. alld executed -
ted b } ' Claude B. W. Robl&oll to J. W. SlIell tu
"ecure the pa'mellt of the 8um of $266.:0 alld
UpOIl which there Is 11011' due the Rum of $266.50
allli tell per cent illterest from the 1st da ' uf
October. 1903 ; dcfault havhllr beell made III the
terms of the Hald mortlrall'e. aud the whole sum
haH beell alldl" declared due alld payable. alld
no pruceedlnlrH allaw have beell had : ' collect
the said UOle or all } ' part thereof ; thereforu I
will sell at public auctloll at the town of An-
selmo. Custer Ct Ullt } ' . Nebraska. 011 the 241h
da1' of September. the folluwlllll' descrlbell Jlro-
perty takell and dell verell b , ' Claude B. W.
Roblsoll ullder the said mortll'ale :
Olle dark brown mare 5 } 'earH ohl. well'ht
ahout 1.200.
0110 che..tllut florrellre1 < lhtlr 8 } 'ears old.
Olle black alld white cow 7 yearH 0111.
OIlU rCII cow 3 years old.
Olle red cow with white IIpotS. 5 years old.
I.'our heifers 2 years old.
OIlU heifer 0110 ) 'ear old.
0110 red alld white heifer calf.
Saltl sale to bo helll allli had at the liver } '
barn } 'anl of CurtiH Elder. III the villall'e 0 f A II'
Helmo , Nebrahka. 011 the 241h dar.of September. .
1m at 2 o'clock I' . m. J.\V. SNIILL.
12H-'J4 N. T. GAIIII. AU'y.
Cuullty court Cnster count } ' . NebraRka.
To thu lIeirH a 1111 lIext of Kill of Belle C.
lIastllllCs , Deceased.
You are lIereb } ' lIutlfie,1 that JollII S. lIas-
tlllirH of said Ileceaseli. has flied hi" Iletltioll 111
Halll court , askinII' thai Geo.V.McRae. . or somu
other flultable per&OIl ma } ' be appoillted .Ad.
mlnlstrator of tile estate of Dolle C. lIasthtgli.
Ileceased. Said matter has bee II set for he.-ulllll'
for September 10. 11)t. at 10 o'clock a. moo at the
COUllt } . Court Ruom. 111 IIrokeli 1I0w , Nebraska.
wbell allllltereHledl'artles may allpear allli be
Dated the 20th day of of AUlrust. 19Ot.
1.HSBAL ] J. A. AH IOUH. Coullty Ju < llre.
Nollce II ! hereby II'IVell that . .eale < l propo"al. .
will be recelv"d at the ullice uf tlw Cuunt } .
Clerk of CURler Couut } . . Nebraska. UI' to IIUOlt
I ; : o'cloel ( . of Seillember II ) . l'IOt. for duhlll' all
tleCeHsar ) ' medical. "nnclcul alld obsterlcal
work for the Ilimate : > of the count } ' pour farm
allll jail fur the period of 0110 } 'ear. 'J be PhYRI- I .
clall 10 flll'lIlf1b all l\I'ce ! lar } ' medlcllll' and al"
pllatlces. IHO. \ \ ' . liB" ' . . . . . . CUUllly Clel k , '
I3-H-'Ji : hWAI.1 111' Jus , I'IG I N. lIepllt ) ' . 'I
N. B. Prollosals Hellt It } ' mall HhoulIl he I
111 the Dlslrlct Court Browli cOUllt } . . Nebra..II.
Isabelle Klrkllatrlcl. , 1'lallltliT.
Ne } ' Bryoll LUHe. Rutll Iuhe.
1Ilrr > ' Iufle andllavlll O. Iusc.
Nollce III hen'by II'lveli thaI ulldur ; tllIl h ) ' vir-
tnl ! of a judll'enll'nt : tlld urder uf hal. . mad. . a 11I1
rellllcr"II } ' tllo Ulhtrlct Cuurt UfUrll\VIICoullt } ' .
III tllII altuve'lItllh'II cause. un the ltith < la } ' of
April. I'll } ! . wu the underhllClIl'II , w,1I Oil thu 2Hh
day of Sel.temb'r. I'XH. at 10 u'clock a. m. 01
liaill Ila ) ' . at the fronl door of the Court 1I0u..e
III AlnHworth , III Hald COIlIlt } . . HI'II at public
; \IICtlulI. all UpOIi execlltlun. the fullowlIIlI' lie.
. .crlbell real e tatc to'wlt ; ' 1'hl1 north-wl..t
qnarler of thu . .ontb.wesl quarter.NwJ SW ! I
Hl'ctlon Oil" ( I ) allli the 1I0rlb ea"t quarter of the
tUutlt-eaHt quarter ( Ne } SII' ' ( Section two ( J I
Allin tOI\'IIH4Ip lIilleteen ( I' ) ) Hanlre twenty.
two ! ! 2) ) In CUlter COllllt } . . Nebrasla. Alld lOll !
two 2) ) allli three (3) ( ) a 11I1 Iho cast half of tbe I
lIurth.west quarter ( E Nw ! ) Hectlon ehrhteell .
( IS ) ' 1'uwllshlp twenl"ouu (2\J ( Rallll'u twcllty. .
\lvo \ (25) ( ) Ili1IIallte cOUllt ) ' , Nebraska.
Salll sale wll1 bo beldollclI for 0110 hour alill
will be made Ullon thu followhtlC terms. vlz :
all cash.
lIated tl1ll1 2211d da ' of '
} AUl'ust , 1m.
\V.1'ATTEH. . } Referees
Stockers and feeders for sale.
All the latest designs in wall
paper at J. C. Bowen's. itf
'l'he followhtll' prollo..ed amelldmellt to , allt !
cUllvelltioll for the revliloll of. tlte COIIStitUtiou
of tlte fltate of Nebraska. as hereillafter het
forlh In full , I" submitted to tlte electurs of the
State of Nebraska. to be voted npon at the
Ireueral election to bo held ' 1'uesda } ' , Nuvember
M.A. D..19O-1 :
( St : : > 1ATII Io'UH No. 114 , ;
A HIli for a Joint Resolutlun rccommellllhlll'
10 tlte electors uf tbe state to 'Vole at tbo lIext
electloll of members of the Lelrl..lature for ur
all'alnst a conventloll to revise. alllelHl alld
challire the Constitution uf th" Stale of Nebras-
Ia In accordallce with Sectlun 2. Arllcle 15. of
tllo Constitutlull or the Statu of Nehrasla.
lie It Resolve,1 b ) ' thc LelrlsJature of the State
of Nebraska :
1. 'I'hall' Is deemedllece"sar } ' to call a cun-
velltlon to re : se. ameud allli chaulle thl1 COli-
stltutlon of the Slate of Nebra..ka.
2. 'l'hat tile electurfl arc reculllmelllied tu vole
at the tllxt election of memberH of the Lelrlllla-
Illre for or all'alnst a convention to re\.e. .
amend allli cballll'e thc Conslltlltloll of the Stale
of Nebrasla.
3. 'I'bat at such uext election of member : > of
the I.elrlHlalUre on the ballot of each elector vo-
tllIJ ( at suclt ulectlon , Hhall bulrhltl d orwrlttell
III such a lIIanller that the elector call hllllcatc
ItIR preferellce , under tlte law the wonl. . : "I.'OR
call1lla convelltloll to revise , alllellli a 11I1
chanlCe the COllstltutlou of the State of Nebras.
ka. " and "AGAINST call1nir aconvenllon to re-
vlHe , alllellli alld cballll'o tlte COllslllutioll of the
Siale of Nebrasla : " a 11I1 If a majurll } ' votlllil.
aillaill electloll Hhall vole for a cunventlon , the
LeiI"lature shall. at IIH next sessloll. provide
b } ' law for call1llir the same.
I. Geu. W. Marsh. Secrelar } ' of Slate of thu
Slate of Nebraska. do hereb } ' certlf } ' that the
forl'lI'ohtlC proposed amelldmellt to theClJltHtltll'
tlon of the Slateof Nebraska. alulpro\'ldllllC fur
a Cunventlon for the ruvlsloll uf sal < l ConHtltu-
tlon of th" State of NchraHka. I. . a true allli correct -
rect COli } ' of the orllfilial ellrolled hili passe < l b } '
the TWelll.ehchth "csAlon of the IeirlslalUre or
the Statu of , a" II al'IJears from said
urhrlnal bill , Oil file In III } ' oOice. alld that Halll
Ilrolu..ell ( amendmellt allli revlHlon of tlte ConH-
tllutlon of the State of NebraHka Is Hnblllitled
tu the qualified volers of the State of Nt'braska.
fur their ado pilon or rejectloll. at Iho I'U neral
ell'ctlull to be hellion ' 1'uesday. the 8th Ila } ' of
No\'ember. A. D. llJOt.
Iu testhuuu } ' whereof , I have herelln to set m } '
hall < l allli amxe,1 Ihe Great Seal of thl. ! Slate u (
NchraHlm. '
UUIIO at rllIcoln this Sill < la } ' of Jul } ' III the
} 'ear of our Ionl One 'l'hulI..allll . Nille 1I111111reli
. ! lIIII'ollr.f till ! IlIIlellelllh'lIc" of Ihe Ulllte,1
Slale" Ih" Olle lIullllrcil alld ' 1'\\1'111) ' Nmth
allli of thlH Slate the 'l'hlrt } ' J ill'hlh.
11 > 0. \ \ ' . l\IAIU' ' ll.
M.:1-82 ; : IGH ; AT ShAI.J Hecretar } ' ul State.
. . . . . . . . .lIcrd lIeluied Uy. . . . . . . . .
Crlmeou ScolI , No. 177.035.
' "
J. . BRENIZER , Breeder of
Pure Scolch I\n,1 , Scotoh 'I'opped Short
Cllt. ,
M1 brrd nUluherl 40
OOWI ! . Will
III & 17 breedlnllllild Ullerlonce has qualllY wltb IIny welt or OhlcalO. I
'alhrlcllnn me tbal 10 IIlvo : Iood
, bretlUnlt clttlomull be raised In
this altllude. 1 expect to raise them
here too equal or
lillytblug raiSed 111 the U.
B. I nw bavo
I1l1\1e \
, 81111ablo tor tbl . and
year 8 eenlco. Aly COWl welglUtrom
pounds. ICome andeoo tbem , .