Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 15, 1904, Image 2
! I : CUSTR [ COUNTY RPU [ LlCAn I , I By D. M. AMSDERRY. ROKEN DOW. . . NEunASKA ' - - , Admiral } { nmlmum will now find It posslblo to go hOl11o wllhout bollll : clubb cd. Sir Thomns LllJton contlnucs to have faith In good losing ns a bnshlc'Is proposition. An nctress sued for dlvorco says she hnll forgottcn her mnrrlnge. Now , that's renl nctlng. - General 1\Ia nnd Admiral Sah ns yet hnve shown 110 sign oC serious In. compatablllty ot temporament. Gracious , wl1nt a glorious thing It would llava lIeen for the R\lRslnns \ It the , czar's boy had boon twins. Nnturally the projcct to maIm pap 1 money "velvoty" lias railed , and Wf ' 1hal1 go on working har for It as ot old. Sher10ck Helm s Is necded to - plain the true Inwardness ot tl10 ex-I pf the missing jowela down In New- vort. , Cot Younghusbnnd , owing to his In- disposition-to move-mny bo com. l1e1led to go Into winter quarters In Tlbot. Obolonslcy , the new Jovernor of Finland - land , probably Is carrying all the In. surance the companIes care to write Cor him. A Chlcngo journalist Is In jnll. Those WashIngton people " , ho want to have an Injunotlon sened on ; . planlsl should cheer up. It an Injunction " ,111 , not stop a mnn from drumming the scales on n piano tor fifteen hours at n stretch , there nre other wenpons. Jobn Durrougl1s may think tl1nt all the cats ought to bo killed , becnuse they hunt for birds , but dOC ! I1't ho love the 11tUe Idttens ? Thomns Dnlley Aldrich hns written " piny In verse , and It Is to bo put on the stnge. } Jut this Is not brnvery It Is mere reckless daring. A Delaware woman Is reported tc have succeeded In feeding fnmBy 01 > 'lve 1Ieoplo on 27 couts IL day. bIust bavc been very oheap people. This announcement that stogies mD ) be made of sugar.beet leaves clearE up n mntter that had long been 101 mystery to persons who have smoltO lhem. One 100tba11 victim has already beeD listed. Must the gridiron tragedIes b. Ildded so early to the raBroad an Jlteamboat and other Idnds of acel : dents ? . . .i The Grand Duke Doris has been re ca11ed to St. Petersburg In disgrace Kuropatkln found It too much to con tend with the Japs and with the grani duke , too. In spltlil of Mrs. Goelet's socia ; " 'Iromlnence her example of forgetUnn 11. tin cup fu11 of diamonds on thf Idtchen table Is not l1kely to 6 conH fashlonablo. In New Jersey the mosquitoes lirC t so fierce t\1at people are laid up In the hospitals trom tholr attaclts , thus add , ing a new luster to the accident In. suranco proposition. Natura11y the czar doesn't mean tc reform a11 the evils that exist In UU ! ! sin right away. He wnnts , of courS to nave f omethlng to bo done \Thon I the royal baby eets 1tooth. . In West Virginia an eccentric cler. g-yman Is to stnnd on n mountnln top ! , and preach Uuough a megapl1or.e. lIe would do better to stand on his dl ( ; . olty and sit down on his foghorn. Prlncoton Jlrofessors are about to malte A. trip to Egypt for the purpose : If studying the tJyramlds. Prmmma. bly they are familiar with the history : If tbe notable sphinxes of this coun- try. A New Yorle banker recently got' ' \ ! lIne years and ! : Ix months In the p n. 9tranJe that men wl11 persist In tnlt. Ing chances Instead of taldng enough to ' " , In the reputation of being great nnnnciets. . The worst case of "marble heart" on record Is supplied by the story of a Chicago man , " , bo recently "orrled tilL' undertakers by l1Ylng sixteen hours with II. bu11et In that dopartmlnt ! of his Interlvr. I A not d ornltholorlst says the sot - t called English eparrow Is 'Trongly named , and thnt It should bo called tbo Russlnn sparrow. But this lookll like trying to pile more trouble on nn already amlcted country. The Delaware womnn , vho Is Ing tha.t she has fed tamlly of five oc 27 cents a day doesn't say so , but It may bo t1ll1t she substituted saw dust tor the customnry breakfast fool ! and they didn't lenow the dlfteronce. The editor of the London , almes hn ( lecllned II. peerage becAUse ho want , to be free from obl1saUons to the gov ernment aud the crown. A good ren Bon. He might have added , however that ho declined also because ho dliin't need an American heiress In hh business. , THE STRIKE OVER - BUTCHERS' CONTEST AGAINST PACKERS AT AN END. MR. DONNELLY SO DECLARES - Old EmployeR to De Taken Dack liS Nccded-Lol l of Wages During tha ProlonJec ( ! 6truggla Five Million DollarD. - CIIICAGO-'l'ho strllto ot the butcher workmen which Ims demor- the mea.t paeltlng Industry throughout the countr ) ' for the last two JnonthB was officln1ly declnrelt err Thuradlty night by President Michael .J. Donnolly of the Amalgnmnted Men.l Cutters nnd Butcher Worlonen of Amcrlca. 'fhls mOI'nlug Mr. Donne1\y \ telegraphed the members of the national - tional executlvo commltteo usltlns their conscnt to the announccment of the end of the strlko , and tonlJht , having received favorable o.nswern from all , ho dcchll'ed thnt the ! ! trllee of the members of his orgnnlzatlon 'Would end at midnight. The strllto or the members of the anllinted unions nt the Btock yardll. . who quit work In sympathy with the i butehOl'1I : will officlnlly bo cn1\ed \ oft Friday morning at a meeting of the conterence bonr(1 ( of the a11led trades. 'fhls was lleclded upon at fmeet - Inr ; of the central bo y of the tL11I d trades , hoht Thursdn.y night. The contml body wnn at first In favor of continuing the strllw , but Mr. Don- no1\y \ , who waa IlreDen t , nnnouncolt thnt the men were dereated and thnt In ord01' to his union from being entlr,1ly disrupted ho would ordol' hili me' to return to worle , no matter what course mIght bo taken b ) ' other un. Ions. Ions.Whon When the pnckers were notified that It had been decided to end the slrlke they announced that they 'Tould rlvc plnces a3 fn.r aa I10sslblo to the skl110d men , but It wns stated at the SlU110 tlmo that man ) ' of those would bo unl1ble to secure their old place8. nil In man ) ' cases the worle wns being performed In II. sntlsfactory manner by men who hlld been secured slnco the commencement of the ntrllte. It Is cXllcclOll that the mil' jorlt ) ' of unskilled men will be unable - able to secnro their old vlacos again. During the Btrllw approximately 63,000 persons bave been Inyolved In the struggle , wblch Is estimated to hn.vo cost the JUen about $5,000,000 In wagee , o.s against an estimated loss of $7,500,000 to the pnckers In loss of business nnd In Increneed exvenses. The greatesl number of men Idle In Chlcngoo during the strike wns 26,600 and the totAl In the countr ) ' , outside oC this city , Ii ! e tlmated to be about the The orlglnnl cause of the strlko wai n. demand by the butchers' union Umt the pnclwra pny to the unskilled workmen 18 cents an hour The nckers refuGed to sign nn agreement - ment , but otto ! ell to arbitrate the Question. Thl , vas accepted , the strlkors agreeing to return to work pondlng the decIsion of the nrbltrn. tOri. TI10 men , however , were dls. sallst\e(1 ( with the manner In which they were being I111t to worle 1ut dc- claret ! that the ) ' , . . .ould not return un- IC'3s nil of the men were given their old plnces In one dn."s time. The paclwr9 decln.rod thnt this was ph'sl- cally Impoaalb1e , nnd the men weut on strll < o for the second time. The men nO'T return to work under the condltlo liJ that oxlsled before the strlko. TWO ARMIE ARt ! AFTE' ' " HIM. . - Kurokl and Oku Are In Pursuit of Kurtlpatkln. ST. PETERSDURG-A dlopatch from General KuroPRtltln , timed 6:30 : o'clocle " 'edn08dR ) ' evening , was received - ceived Inter In the dny. He relorted that Genernl Kurold's 7\rnlY was 7\hout twcnt--soven miles caRlwRrd of the rnllroall nnd that Gen. oral Oku's al'm ' was twent ) ' mlles ' . 'West of the rnllrond. 'I The eneral starr oqlCcls : thnt It big battle will be tought. At 6 : 28 1' . m. Genernl Kuropatldn reported thnt 110 dill not lese a gun during the rutreat. The bet IntormnLlon of the wnr ot- fico Indlcl\teti that G neral Kuropntltln lost about 17OiUlcn \ ) during the ten &Jnys' battle at 1..111.0 Yang. New Dele\flt. \ nnll Aeslstant. ROMB-It df''tlo\1 \ d Tlmr\d7\- : that Father Ambos ( ' A hl : ! , the new ltele- t\te to the l'hl1lpplne ISlrll1ds , will not bo t\ccolnpl\l1led to the Philippines by Dr. Lope ! ! , ' " ISpanlr.h Ben dlctlne , but by un HallnJIIfIcnlnr priest , who hns not ) 'et beflu r.hoJen. Uka that Iverybody Likes. ST. PETEnSBUnG-'rhe Imperln. ' ultl\s. ettenllln the rlghtll of residence - dence ani ! to . .nrnge ; In commercial' ' industrial rnmmlh to the hlEher clnss of educated JlWII meet , , -Ith fnTor both In the vro.Jowlsh and antl-Jow' : Ish pross. Baltic Drlngs Two Thousand. NEW YORK'-1I t Is snld to bo tIlO largcst .lUmber of steorngo vas- s ngers e\'cr hl'ollghl from Greal Drlt- alnIn a lilrglc'ossel ! nrrl\'ed Thurs. dny on the titeamshlp Baltic , which brought 2,000 IIUEFiC"1lgers In the steer- IIge , In PHhlltlon to G71 In the cnhlns , making a totnl of : ! ,1t : ! IJersons on bonrd , Includln ! ; the cI'ew. Among the IIteernse ! lnSRlnncr were n number of roturnln" Anwricallll. William nile ) ' , a well I\I1O\\'n 10' nn , Was In th steerage , II/win , : ; l'ompllt tt hll 20th rottnd tMD acros3 tAlIanUc. ! . - - . . ' - - - - . , I . , , GREAT BATTLE IS EXPECTED. Kuropatkln MOlY Fight at Mukdon erGo Go on North. ST. PETEltSnURG-Genornl Juro- putkln'/I omcln. ! revert , Rent from fult- den Wcdncsd Y evanlng , nnnouncing that the whole ot his army hud arrlvelt at Multdon nnd . . .IlR talelng up poRI. tlons around the city and addln that the army had not 10llt a gun during the retreat , r lleyell the pUbl1 < : an1 : ' lety am ! put au . to the maay alarming r portll whlcb had been current - rent here. From the genernl' rOIlort It seema ovldent thl\t Kuropatkln Is tentntlvely proparll1A' to meet the JaJ:1I1eso agn.1n IIhouilt l < leld MarahaJ OYlllun continue to vresw northward. NothlnA' more ImlJortant thnn rear Iluard action ; martell } the march to Mukden , The region south of that city 1:1 : now clear of Rusalans. It lIS evident that Kllropntkln Is takIng - Ing pracautlons to III'event the Japl\n- ese from oreoplnK around his tlankl' ' ! , as he reortll thnt the Japnncso cavalry - alry Is actlY Ir : wcoutlng wldo on hla I lIaulea. The JalmneHe are reported to be moyln/t / UII : l.bout thirty mllow on either shto of the railroad with the TIOof 9urroundlnMukden / , but whether Kurolmtkln , vll1 accept an engnlement or continuo northward 'W1I1 vrobnhly depend at the docl lve moment Ullon the temIJer I\nd condition - tion of Ilia troov , wbo , doubtless , haTe been much shaken by the Ions fiRht and hardshlV8 attendant upon the rotreat. NEW LINE TO PACIFIC COAST. Rumor that Rockcfellctr Intctrcsta Will Condruot Another Railroad. ST. P A Ur. . . , l\tJnn.-Tho Dl3pl\tch on ' 1'hursllay snM : "ReIlorts recelvod In St. Paul , coming from a thoroughl ' roll able source , state thZl.t L. n.tnn. . nlng of Tacomu. hus Informed rnlhyar omclnls at that 1Iolnt that he Is the 11Ouonal reJll'03cntatiTc of John T. \Voodward , pI'1\8111ent of the Hanover Natlonnl bl\nl. or Ne\T York , II. Hoclte- foHer Institution , nnd that deeds to a11 the Seuttlo nud Tacoma. property which he hns acquired urlng the past six months nre In Proshhmt Wood. ward's hand9. "PresidentVoodwarlt , l\Ir. Manning- now st/\tes. / 16 nctlnr ; for a new trans- contlnentnl route , to ho pushed through to the Pacific coast , ylthln a short time. "Mr. Manning refuses to name the rallwav , but Intlmntcs thnt the reports that the r cent beayy purchnses of terminals were In the Interest of the Harrlmnn comLlno were far from the truth. " JAPANESE INSPECT THE NOVIK Find Russian Vescl Sunk Within Six Hundred Y 1rds of the Shore. TOKIO-The officers commanding th Jnpnnese expedition sent In to examine - amine the wreck of the Russian cruiser Novllt report that It In boach- cd 900 yards southwst of Korsakovsl < lIShthouse. It hils a 30.degreo list to starbonrd , nnd with the exception of a smn.11 portion or Its bow It Is en. tlroly submergcd. Even on Its upper deck the \Tntc ! ' Is Imee deep in the most shn110w plllces. Its conning to\yer n.nll upper works ' ' 'ere hc.\.yllr damnged br the Jnpanese she11 firo. It Is Im.PORslblo to as rtlln definitely the extent of the damogo unller the water , but eyldently It Is con sidor- able. Russian land forcell fired on the , Japanese expedition while the ox- nmlnation wnll being made , but the eXlledllion retlrec.1 without sustalnlnl ; au ' casualties. IN SPITE OF THE FLAMES. . - - Jap9 Get Stores and Ammunition at Llao Yang. TOKIO-'fhe Jenornl stnfT 11:1 : ! ' ! not yet mnlle public the details of the battle of Llno Yang- . The peol1le are still c lebl'atlnl > the YlctOl'y , hut there considerable speculation over the omclnl sl1enco rCl\pectlnJ ; General Ku- raltl's movements since Sunday. It Is rel10rtOl ! that the Japnnese , notwlthstanltlng the'raTl \ e3 of fire , captured yast accuml atlons of nllu- sian stores and ammunition at Llao Yan ! : . The report that Lleutennnt Tara. ollchl , son of Lleut nant General Ter- nOllcl1l. minister of war , ' \UI'I ItlJled In the Urrhtlu [ : before Lloo Yang I do- uled. Had Remllrknble Career. ST. PAUL , l\lInn.-Mr . : ! ! nrnh Ste- yen : ! , II. member of the "WI\Y Down I nst" compsny , plllylnrt at a locnl theater - ater here , dle < t R'lltdenly 7\t the City hospital 'rnurnt'lr.y of uraemia. Mrs , Stcycnl' ' ! WM about 70 yel\rll old , nnd her I /\e / [ ! Cl\r er , which was n notnblg one , datelt from October ! 7 , 1356. 8ho 'VIIS member of the LaurlKecne comlHiny thtnt presented "Our American - can CouDln , " the comelty Lincoln was wltneRHlnlt , , , hen assatJslnlltclt at Ford's theater In WMhlngton , D. C. Vermont III "epubllcnn. WmTE RIVEn. S'I'ATION , Vt.- ermont elected n governor nnl\ other tate ollleers t''l"O members of : ! , : congress - gress , thirty state senntors nnd ono represontntl\'e trom ench city and town. 'I'ho repuhllcans wcre generally vlctorlou ! ! . eloctint ! their entire tlc1tot nllli 11111lutnlnln ! ; control of the leglo , laturo by the usual large majority , 'rho cnmlJ\lgn : WI\8 hard taught by both Ilnrllc3 , the lomocr\lJ ! ! benl1lng I th"lr el1'orln to 1\ rel1l1cllon" the re. i puhllcnn majority of 31,000 rivon to ; \\'ll11am W. Stlcltnel fctr IQTOr1\Or. I - ARMY AT MUKDEN DANGEn MENACING KOUROPAT. KIN HAS PASSED. - GETS BEYOND JAPAUESE TRUOPS The Whole Russian Army Near Muk. den , or at LC1st ; Will So n Arrive Thore-Kouropntkln's Plana for the Future Kept a Secret. - ST. PETERSDUUG-Gcnoral Kou- ropakln hM arrived nt Mukden. From the latest advlces recelTed by the War olnco the nuthorltle8 now bellovo that the danger of Field Marshal Omo.ylJ. . cutting oft General Kourollatkla 11M practically pR/lsed. Accordln to their calculatlone the whole Uusslnn nrmy shoull ! reach Muleden tomorrow night. Gcneralrs Kurokl and Kouropal1t1n haye been marching northward along lJnN lel lInee , both I\rmles being creat. IT hampered by heavy roade , the Japnneso In a. rough region and the Russians along Itlat countr ) ' , but embarrassed - barrassed by the high Chinese corn , wh h pI'eyented marching on the side of the ml\In roads. No llltliculty Is bolng experienced at at Hlln river , a few ml1es south of Mukden , where brldgell hl\t been provltled for cross. Inr ; : the 8trelLm. There has been con- 8tant tlrln "t the Russian rear and along the western " " 'Ing , but so far as known by the War office nothing of Im'portl\nce lULs occurred since the roe troot began. The general starr natura11y I ! ! retl- ccnt auout houropntkln's plans , esplt. cla11y whether ho Intend to stop at Mukden. His decision probably wll1 dopel1d on the Intentions of the Japan- . ose. Contingent preparations will. probably bl ! made to evacuate Mul , . lien and thera 18 considerable evl- I donce that Kouropntkln , It coml1c1led ; to go north , will mnke 11 stand I\t Tiel. I Ing. whera the RusBlans wintered last year. , Tl llng Is tort . miles north of Mulellen. At this point there Is 11. nar. . rO'T defile , with the LIao rlyer on one Ride and the mountains running al. most doyn to the railroad on the other. Steps nre being tnken to guard against a 110\slblo attempt to cut the line ther . The report that the sailing of the Bnltlc slJul\dron had been postponed until November Is omcla11y denied , as nlso Is the report that several of the ships composing It deyeloped defects. The squndron will taU ! or Llbo.u Sun- da ) ' . Exactly when It 1'/111 ' all thence Is not Imown. Although the report that Rellr Ad. mlral Ouktomslty , In command at the Russian fleet at Port Arthur , Is to be court martlaled Is untme , the admiralty - alty hns doclded to recall him , proba" bly plnclng Captain Vlren of the ar. mored cruiser Dayan In command. Th bu11e of the Russian 1\1anchu- rlnn army Is nenr Mukden , where It now appears General KouropatJdn has been slnca Mondny. His troops , It Is understood , are not entering the clly , but are taldng up pl'eparod posltlon3 around l\Iuleden. While there Is no specific Intormatlon on this point , the general staff believes that only a small rear gunrd Is In the neighbor. hood of Yontnl. No turther fighting of ImportnnC Is expected oouth of Mukden. The crltlcnl slnge Is regarded - ed as having pnssed. and the announcement - nouncement was made thllt the \Var office will not longer give out bu11o- lIns each day. Mosquitoes Appear In Swarms. SAN ANTONIO , Tex.-A special from l\I1\7.\tlnn , Moxlco , says : A plngue of mO'lqulto ! B Is reportell from the town of Eldorndo , this state. The Insect - sect ! ! are s\ld : to bo of extrnordlnllry size and appear In eWPorms at n ht. Ono woman , Il 19 reported , hns been drl\"en Insane by the nHacke of mos- qultoos and two Infanta have died trom tal' ! polRonlng errectR of their blte8. TIle Deople of the to'l'm have appenled to the : \t'lte : authorltlee tor aId , and the authorities hnTc allkcd Cor eXIJorts from the City of l\Iedco. The plague 3eem3 to he cont'lncd ' to the town and vlclnlt - , the Ins cts orIginating - Iginating In noar' , ) ' swamps. aues Secretary of War. W ASHINGTON-Mnjor Peter n. E n , Rurgoon In the United states I\rmy , brourhl flUlt n alnstV. . H. TaCt , Iecretl.ry ! of war , to com Del him to remOTe trom the recorlt of court- martinI proceedings , ndjudglnr : him ( Major Enn ! ) not guilty on chnrges of ne leet of duty , the Indorsement on the court' ! ttndln of Colonel Sanna , the rorlewlng omcer , then command. Inr ; the dep7\rtment of Colorado , which Indorflement the coml1l/\ln/\nt / snrs In In errect punishment tor n11e ed of- fenel : of which ho was found not rul1ty st Fort Douglas , Utah , In Dc- cember , 1901. ! ! ury Japanese Dead. CIIE FOO-Advlces from Port Arthur - thur s/\y / that fo11owln , ; the terrlttc bombardment of the tortress for the fiTo d/\ye / ending September 1 , heaps of Jl\pan se bodies were removed by the Chln'se under orders glvon by the Port Arthur n.uthorltles. United Sbtes Makes Protest. ST. Pb"1'ERSnURG - The United States hils IJrotested to UusBIn. against the seizure of the cargo of the British stenmer Cnlchas , which was captured whllo bounel trom Puret Sound to Japan br the Vladh'ostok NIuudron. ' 1'ho ! Jrotost ro1l01l'n the lines of the case of the Portlnnd and AsIatic liner Arabia , 1190el1.Cll : 11) ' the Vlfullvostok pqu1\dron , 111 dccllnlnc ; to rC'Cob't11ztJ as of cOIlI1'abZl.nd character ( ; 00 < < 15 and foodstutTt ! In the ordinary course ( If trade 111lnot ielOlpd ! tor the \1st ! ot boUl ereut. ; . " - , , w I . - - , " " - . 1 [ I S _ IN NEB KA THE STATE AT LARGE. The rnces at W'moro wl11 be held September 21. 22 nnd 23. Some caBes of scnrlet fever hnve o.p" peared In Columbun and rQ being quarantined. Lincoln nutomob11lsts nre ta11dng of n. big rnco meet to bo held at the fnJr grounds cQrly In October. Omaha gets the meeting of the Statl ! Tj3ltchcrs' association next JIL.1- nary , and Lincoln retains the poultry IIho\v. RUdolph i3chnelder , aged 5 yenre , died at Lincoln presumably from the : etrects or some polson talten with sui- I cldal Intent. At a. special e1ectlon In Osceoln. , the bonding of the town tor n. system of water worke to cost $2 , OOO , wns voted upon. The r sult . . . . . .n.s a mn.forlt- favor 'Of the bonds of over four to one. L. W. Garounto of Lincoln has been appointed to a 'position on the stn.rr of Governor Mickey. Mr. Go.rouutc Is II. traveling man , and f ls polntment IA expected to smooth out the Ha-os Incident. . A boy Cn1plored : In the drug stor9 of \Vnlter Dros. , Deatrlce , hnd his Ilrm badly bnrned hy suI ph uric acid , the nccldont being co.usod by the bursting . of a largo jug of the lIquld , 'Which e WIl8 handling In the ce11ar. Word hnR been received In West Point of the deltth , In Eric , Pa. , of Robert Po11ock , tormerlr cashier of the First Natlonll.l banle of this place. The renmlns will be Interred In Erie , the tormer home of the deceased. He 'WI00 years of age. IncorporatlonR II.t the oocreto.t'J" of state's office recentlr were the Farm. ers' Elevator comllnnof ' \\'lIber , a co-operatlvo concern , with a cn.pltn.l doek ot U5OOO , 7\nd the Elsomore Place company of Denson , Donglas connty , Iren.l estate firm , with II. capital - ital of ; 15,000. Fo11owlng Is the mortgage report for Gage countr for the month of Angust : Number of farm mortgages flied , ! 5 ; amount , $34H1 ; number of tnrm mortgages released , 19 ; nmount $27,710. : Number of clt - mortgnges flied , 24 ; amount , $13,384 ; number of farm mortgages released , 17 , amount $8,223. The Otoo Preserving company has been running twentr hours II. day tor the PMt ten days cnnnlnA' eweet corn and tomatoes. The pacl < has \'el'aged 90,000 ca.1es a dalnce the plllnt began - gan operlltlons. The 8.eet corn crop Is unl1sua11r larre and of tine ql1l lt- this yoar. Prominent farmers 8a - the crop Is the best they have ever ralecd In thl ! ! IItate. n. R. K'll , as II. taxpayer of Gage count ) ' , filed an Injl1l1ctlon suit In the district court nnd secured II. tempi > 'r- ! \ry restraining order trom Judge Dab. cock enjoining County Ch rJc Plasters and his deputy , G. E. Emery , from extending - tending the 5 per cent Increase In val- lIlUon on hath real and personal property - erty In the count- which WI1.S ordered ) ' the state bOlird. D. E. Fields , the nursery man. has Ibl field of cabbage east of Fremont - mont which are attracting considerable - able atentlon. The ! ; round " , "Us vlanted to smltrees ] ] last IIprlng , but they were drowned out hy heavy rains. It was then plo.ntolt to cabbages. The yield hn..q been good and thert" are ! ! nough cabbl\ges on the tract to loan ! l.n nverago freight train of fortcars. . The peach crop about Humholdt 19 'elnll ; harvested and ItS } ) relIcted enrly In the Benson the yield Is as tine as reported hr the oldest Inhnblt- I.I1t , while the quaHty of the home trown : article Is much superior to thn.t : If any shipped In so far this season. l4'arm.ers arc sutferlnrhowever. . from 1. lack of marlwt , there being no bu . - ! r present. and thus far 11.11 efforts of ho local Commercial club to Interest ! ome buyer hnve proven unavailing. Clark O'Hanlon , democratic nom. \nee \ for count - attorney of Washing- on counthns sent his decllnatlon to Chnlrman Faber of the county central committee , and " , ' 111 not malto the race for that office his fa11. Mrs. Dady of Grand Island aUl'mpt- d sulcldo by taking su1pl111te of cop. Ier. A physlcln.n wo.s ca1led and llY' the ndmlnlstrntlon of a prompt antidote soon hnd the woman out or all danger. Mr. Dl\dy and , , 'Ifo recently cnme hero from Knns/\s / , " , hero he had been. em. ployod In II. canning fnct.or - . ActinA' under the advice of the state department of public Instruction , the various county sUllCrlntendonts arc sending out letters of Instruction to rural school bonrdll contalnln suggestions - gestions for tlie beginning of the fall terms of school. The boards are < ed to Iccop the IIchool ynrds mowed , to renovate bulhtlngs nnd furniture nnd to tl\ko proper IInnitary mensures to prevent contamination of the water supphfnd the posslblo outbroale of dlseaso. The directors also are warned aalnst patronizing representatives of book concerns not recognized ns stand. arlt by the department of pUbll'c In- struction. Farmers about Ord ngrco thnt corn Is practlca11y out of the Wo. ) ' of frost and are now /\I1lng / ! ! for rn.ln to put the soil Into condition for fall plowing. Richard Saml1son , JIving one.hnlC mila northwest of Sownrd , was awa1t. oned by sounds outsillo his house. On opnlng the front door. he found II. three months old bahy Wra\lleli \ In a shl\.wl , 1)'ln on the doorstep. with a slip of IJ1\per fnst01Il'tl to the shawl , fitatlnli ; the birth of the baby. Mr. Snmpson has been unnblo to nscertL1n who are th" pa.rents . of the child or who loft It on Ius doorst p. RESOURCES OF NEBRASKA. It Is Shown In a Dulletln that Is Being Distributed. The State Lnbor bureau has had pUblished a bu1l0tln sJiowlng the resource - source ! ! of Nebrnslm nnd other Items of Intcrest In the state , for dlslrlbu. tlon at the state fnlr. : 1very yenr some Jlteraturo at this lelnd hns been In demand - mand , but heretoCore hns not been supplied. The hulletln Is a portion or " the matter which w1l1 be pUbllshod ( ' In the blennlnl report. It contn.1ns tables showing crops anti vnhlo by counties , Jlvo stocle by counties , and other matter. As nn Introduction to the tables the bulletin sn.'s : Nebraska has the largest crenmery In the world. Nebrnslea has the largest broom fac. tory In the world. Nebraslca hns the largest Individual cattle feeding station In the world. Nebrnska. hns the Inrgest nnd only beet sugnr s'rup and refining pllU1t In the world. Nebraska has the second largest smelting \Vorles In the world. Nebraslm has tile third Inrgest meat' paclelng Industry In the world. Nebrnska. Is the third state In the production of corn. Nebro.sleo. Is the tourth state In the production of wheat. , Nebraska Is the fourth state In the production of oats. ' Nebraska Is the fifth state 1n the . l1rolluctlon of beet sugnr. Nebrnslea Is the first In the production of rye. N bl'aska Is the fourth state In the production of cnttle. Nebraslea Is the fourth state 1n the production of hogs. Nebraska. III the seventh state In the prol1uctlon ( lC horses. Nebrnslta Is the tenth StlltO in the IJroductlon of ml1ch cows. Nebraska ie the first .state In the production of "Ine seeds and sligar corn for aced purposes and produces more than a1l of the balmco of the United States combined. Nobrll8lo. has the greatest number of distinct "a.rlctles of natlvo pasture and bay rro.sses ; of any atate In the union. Nebrnslm hn ! ! , In the cast halt of the stnte , land of higher agricultural value and producing more products than any equal area In the United States. Irrigation Agent Moves. J. C. Stevens , formerl ) ' of the state bonrd ot Irrlgntlon , but now connected with the government sun'e ) ' , wll1 leave Lincoln the first of the month for Denver , where his hendquarters . . .1\1 \ be In the future. : Mr. Stevms has just completed taldng measurements along the NIobrara for II. distance of scvcral hundrad mUes , and Incident- all ) ' looking out for Irrlso.ble lands. He found little of the land that was fit for Irrlgntlon , however. The river "uns through a ean.on and for JB ny . f.- miles Is three or four hundred foot . deep. Prout Gets Notice. LINCOLN-Attorney , General Prout has been advised of the decision of JUdge Ke1llgnr In the Nemaho. tax litigation. Judge Ke1llgar overruled the motion to dissolve the Injunction restrnlnlng the county clerk from npportlonlng the IncrealJe In taxation mnde b ; } ' , the state board. The case wll1 nO\v bo nrgued. Strong feeling has been manifested against the revenue - onue law In thn.t section of the state , nnd the suit wll1 bo bitterly contested. Photographer Takes Polson. FULLEUTON-Lee Richards , photographer - tographer of this cll ) ' , toole a do so 'of str'chnlno with sulclda : Intent and Is not expected to JIve. The I1h'slclan8 say he Is Insane. Jubilee Week at Holdree. [ ) IIOLDREGPreparatlons nre now cmnpletc for the jubilee and agrIcultural - tural exhibit to be held In this city September 5 to 10. The various townships - ships In the count- ; have organized to exhibit th resources of each ! ! Iectlon of the count ' . There wl11 be II. special - cial for each da ) ' ; among tbem a fiow- er parade , Thursdar ; the mocry mal- era Friday. The last daSo.turlln ) - . wl11 bo rlven up to the travellng men of Southwestern Nebraslm _ Gigantic Family Monument. DEA'1'UICE-A record fnmlly monument - ment , which will contoln GOOO pounls ! of granite , Is to be erected br KII- vatrlck Dros. In the Kilpatrick burlnl grounde west at this cltThe Inscriptions - scriptions thereon wl11 consist of GOO letters nnd wl11 cover three senera- tlons of the Kilpatrick famll ) ' . Adams Elevator Burns. DF.JATnICE-The Samuel Q. Adame elevatol' at Odell was tota11y destroyed - ed br fire , ental1lng II. loss of about $3,500. Wanted In Minnesota. YORK-Tho " 1Icgel ! Corger wbo hns severnl names Is now In the county jl\lI. Sheriff Drott received II. mesBag - { from Albert I..en , Minn. , ER'lng It 110 was not prosecute ! ! hell ! him \lntll the nuthorltles nrrh'ed. The coml1lalnt hns been tIled end he will bo prooo- euted to the full extent of the law. The man IJnssed n chlXk : here \lMer the name of E. II. Seaman. The check wnf' on a bunk In Da\'C1nllol't , In. , nnd wllt.n It 'as lJrosantad IH\Y ment . . . .Il refused. j \