Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 15, 1904, Image 1

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- - - -
Call you see distillclly each
I line of type , or each letter in a
, hook or ncwspupcr ? If 'l1ot ,
) 'our cycs nccd the assistunce of
glasscs. To find out thc strcngth
have a tcst madc. It will cost
nothing. Glasses lilli/Ie from
the prcscription of our optician
will improvc and prcservc thc
Sig I aCh ; ; e ; I ( ; t ; "
. From our stock of Hycglasses
and Spcctaclcs we can lit ol'din-
. ory cascs at small cost.
School Books.
. -AND-
School Supplies.
J. G. Haeberle's :
- - - - - - -
I am now lucated just north of
the Custer National Bank. Come
: ' ! .r. and see me for bargains 1n rel
' , . ' estate. Some choice acre property -
perty for sale.
_ H. J. Edington , who with his
\ wife is spending the summer at
, I Palisade , Colorado , remembered
! a nnmber of his frien s in thelcity
last week with a basket of fine
Colorado Reaches. The editor of
the REPUBLICAN was included in : I
the list.
- - - - - - -
: mmm ; im : < < : t : : t ; im
. '
" "
, Sells Good Groceries !
m M Bowen's extracts W ;
are not weak.
Bowen's Groceries m
are always fresh. m
- -
Bowen's Spices
' have strength.
. m
: , ' W Bowen's Vinegar
. is Pure Old Cider.
m Bowen's 'l'eas
have quality.
. I I , < J
Bowen Sells l
, Good Coffees.
I I" .
. i i
, Bowen Sells
Pure Old Cider Vinegar
' , ,1
ro : : : : : : : : : :
Mrs. Alfred Sdlreyer of
'l'riumph , and bo's , attended the
fair last week.
Merses Dan Sage nnd 'Wm.
\Varren of Triumph , were cit } '
visitors 'l'hursday.
Mrs. 140 IIonts left Monday on
a visit to Polk count } ' to attend
a family reunion.
P. C. I rickson of Brewster ,
was ttending the count } ' fair in
this city last week.
J. M. Christensen of Berw'n , ,
called Saturday and had his sub-
cri ption ad "anced to 11)05.
. qhartey Garton is enjoying a
V1S1t from a newhew of southern
low , who arrived in the city
Wednesday of last week.
R ' 1' . Baker. I-4. A. 'Wells , D.
M. Amsberry and wife went to
Shelton l\Ionday to attend the
distrit convcntion of the l\I.B.A.
1' . ' 1' . Varney , Bdgar Varney , I
'rhos. Blowers and 'V. S. Matley ,
of Ansley , were among those I
who attended the county fair last
'l'hursda ) ' .
Garland and Leland Lewis of
this city , and Claude Kellenbar-
ger of Merna , went to Grand Island -
land the first of the week to attend - I
tend the Baptist College.
John San erson of Berwyn ,
called Saturday and had his sub-
scripti n advanced and improved
the opp rtunit ) ' of getting the
State Journal free for a year.
R. H. Barnard of the firm of
Zumbrum & Barnard has pur"I I
chased Mr. Zumbrums interest in
the Callaway Queen. The l E-
PUBLICAN extends congratula.tions
to Mr. Barnard in his new pur-
Dan Barrett called Saturday
and took advantage of our offer
to furnish the State Journal frce.
Others that waut to avail themselves - ,
selves of this splendid offer should
call at once : "as the limit' is September -
tember 30.
' The 1Uanagers of the county
'fair could greatly add to the
comfort of those who attend the
fair by setting the high ground
in the vicinity of the floral hall
out in shade trees and furnishing
the grounds with scats.
C. n. Case of Mason City , was
awarded first prem1um on one of
his Duroc Jerse.r male pigs , under -
der one year old. It was one of
his own raising and took the
premium over , not enl } ' one he
bought at the State 1"air ! , but
over the one J. D. 'l'royer bought
at Lincoln also. We understand
howc'er that Mr. 'rroyer was
awarded a premium on one of his
\Ve ommitted to mention the
sale of the Calla way 'l'ribune last
week to a stock company of popu-
lists. 'l'he Tribune has been the
standby/for the democrats for a
number of years. By it passing
into the hands of populists it
leaves the county democracy
without an organ. It was reported -
ed that N. L. Reynolds , foreman
of thc RHPum.Ic N , would take
charge of the 'l'ribunp , but we
are informed that statement was
without foundation.
- - - - - - - -
, \Vllla. . Life. .
In the last analysis nobody
knows , but we do know that it is
under strict law. Abuse that
law even shghtly , pain results.
Irregular living means derange-
tIIent of the organs , r'sulting ,
in Constipation , Headache or
TA'er trouble. Dr. King's New
I4ife Pills quic1dy re-adjusts this.
It's gentle , yet thorough. Only
25c at Lee Bros. Drug Store.
wt : : it. : l : ; 1i : mit. : : r. ! zm ! . * ' : : & * m : f :
, I A Sewing Ma.chine Store .
In. . lJIIo'VVD. : : . !
. 'l'be Singer Manufacturing Co. , manufacturers
or the oolohralod. . . . . . . . " " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
f SinJor SewinJ ! Machine , I
. have opened a store and general oflice in the Cus-
I ter Block , 3 doors north of Drake's dry goods .
store. Besides the various st.rles of family sew-
m ing machines manufactured by tl is company ,
the store will carry a full line of. . . . . . , . . . . . . .
Needles , Oil nd Supplies. I
. .
: i : s : t :
\V. V. Mathews was a city
visitor last 'l'hursda } ' .
D. R. White is building a
house in the south.east part of
the city on the Reyner addition ,
M1ss Madge Kay returned to
Peru last week to continue her
studies in the State Normal
J. C. Predmore ofVest Union ,
was a city visitor last 'l'hursday.
'l'his oflice acknowledges a
friendly call.
Miss Mary Conley cOlUmenced
her school at Oconto last week. s
'l'his is her second year in the
Ocon to schools.
J. F. Short of 1-4omax , was in
the cit ) ' several days the latter
part of last week. He made this
ffice a social call.
Mrs. Vanlandingham and Scott
Cooper are enjoying a visit from
a brother of 'l'exas , they had not
se n lor twonty-five years.
Richard Crosley and Miss Lee ,
both of Mason City , were married -
ed at the court house Wednesday
of last week , Rev. J. R. Teagarden -
den , officiating.
'l'he Sargent Lea er is auth r
ity for the statemcnt that Peter
I-4akeman and Mary Bedwell of
Sargent , were married \Vednes-
da } ' of last week.
H. B. Drake will give n special
introductory skirt sale 'l'hursday ,
Ii'rida v and Saturday of next
week. Look up his ad. in this
paper for particulars.
J. D. Haskell of l\Iilldale , was
in the city 'l"hursday and Friday
of last week attending the county -
ty fair. He remembered this
office with a friendly call.
Among those from Mason City
attending the county fair were
Doug Runya and wife , Willie ,
Willis and Elbert Runyan , John
Mulvaney and C. H. Chase.
F. M. Rublee of the Bank of
Commerce informs us that he has
soleI $14,500 worth of farm land
in Custer county in the last 20
days. They were cash denls.
Jas. Henry and wife of Etim
township , were in the city last
'l'hnrsday and Fri ay , attending
the county fair. They made the
REPUBLICAN office a friendly call.
J. M. Fodge of Ortello , made
this office a friendly call Saturday -
day morning. Mr. Fodge had
been 111 the city all week as one
of the managers of the count ) '
Among those down from An-
selmo last week were F. C. 'V11-
son and wife , 1-1. B. Andrews , R
M. li'oster , T. B. Russell , Enis
Scott , E. J. Johnson and B. C.
A. R. Humphrey returned last
Friday night from Iowa , where
he was called September 1 , to attend -
tend the funeral of his mother.
Mr. Humphrey has the sympathy
of the community in his great
H. H. Andrews of Callaway ,
was over to the Fair Friday. He
informs us that he has sold three
farms of his own in the Broken
Bow territory in the past few
days , which includes the last
farm he has in this vicil11t } , .
Ii' . L. Bailes of Ortello , was a
business caller at this ofiice Sat-
urday. He reports the corn wcll
out of thc way of the frost in his
vicinity and the crop good. He
says that he had just finished
-threshing a field of twenty acres
of fall wheat that averaged a
little over 28 bushels to the acre.
At the pre"ailing price of wheat
that would be about $23 an acre.
'l'he Agricultural Exper mental
Station at Lincoln states that
th Hessian Fl } ' is becoming a
dangerous pest in Nebraska and
especially in southeastern Ne-
bras 1m. Prof. Bruner of the
University recommends as a preventative -
ventative of their spread the
stubble should be burncd. 'rbat
to make it effectual there should
be co-operation among the farmers -
ers in a communt } . .
- - - - - - - -
S. A. [ ead , Cisco , 'l'e . ; as ,
writes , March 11th , 11)01 : liMy
wrist was sprained so ball ) ' by a
fall that it was useless ; and after
using several remedies that failed
to give relief , used Ballard's
Snow I-4iniment and was cured.
I earnesty recommend it to any
one suffering from sprains. " 2Sc ,
SOc , $1.00. Sold by Ed. Mc-I
Comas , Broken Bow and Merna.I I
Miss Verda 'l'horpe commcnced
her school at Georgetown last
D. L. Myers of Sargent , adver"
tises 100 bushels of tame plums
for sale.
G. R. Russom bought a. fine
guilt of the Duroc Jcrsey stock
of C. H. Chase : .t the li'air.
P. II. Mun1\ \ : had 22 hogs
on exhibition at the county fair
and captured $22 in prem 11ms on
his hogs.
J.V. . Clay was up from Ansley
last'l'hursd-aJ. His famil" who
had been visiting in the city for
a few days returned home with
him l'ridaJ. ;
G. L. Crookham of SlUuner ,
was a friendly caller yesterday.
He had just returned from Knoxville -
ville , Iowa , where he accompanied -
ed his wife who will visit there a
few weeks with her parents.
Mr. CrooJd1a1U owns large land
and Istock interests in the vicinity
of Georgetown as welt as valuable -
le real estate in Iowa.
v-- . . . .
- - - - -
ss m * : i mm
! t )
I Ever TP pular ! ) .
No artlclc of Jcwelr } ' i more .
popular tball thc riug-ouc of the ;
. ,
earliest forlll of personal Ullom-
ment , too. j i _
_ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ - - . - _ t
tI I
We takc particl lor } > 1' < lc in our. i
ring stock-it's varicd richtless is :
extremely aUrnctivc. i. :
. I
Arcn't you lIItercstcc 1 . II I I
Ed. McCOlnas ,
! AND .rn'\VHr.I n.
mmmmms mmSl !
: De:1.tis"t : ,
Broken Bow , Nebraska.
\Ve are here to stay , and to
guarantee our work to be as rep-
resented.Ve do not claim to do
anything but what we positivel ) '
can do. We make a specialty of
reheving pain in all dental operations -
ations ; and for this purpose we
are prepared to administer
Gas , Vitalized Air and Dentallne ,
at your desire. Our fillings ,
plates , crowns and bridge work
cannot be excelled 111 any manner
as we make a specialty of all
kinds of dental work.
Our motto is to please you , and
if JOu are not pleased we will refund - I
fund your money. " , . ,
T. A. LEACI-I , D. D. S. ,
Telephone 258 ,
Office in Myers-Gliem Building.
.x-roolO'"ooIO'.r..r..r..r.M .r..r..r.l'
Ii The. . . . .
R . . N ' "
Fresh li'ruits ,
N li'resh Vegetables ,
Apples ,
! : i Watermelons , s-
Pure Spices , R
Ci "ogar.
I . _
I A Full Line of I
I B Fresh Groceries I
I Yale Coffees. I
L '
tttt'tttt"ttt"'tt"ttttt" , ' , " , " " ' , " , , " + " " " " " " " " " " " '
- - -
I Wagons ! I
- - -
: : = .I bought two car loads of 'Vagons from = =
: : : parties who had more " "Vugons than money. = =
: : : Among them are some Buerkins , Brocksmith , = =
: : : Florence and Lafayette 'VugoHS. As long as = =
: : : these last I am going to sell yon " "Vngons for less t = =
= = money than other dealers can buy for. Come in = =
: : : and let me show you as good a ' ' 'Vagon ns other = =
= : : dealers arc selling for $65.00 to . $70.00 - = =
- -
- - - - - - .
- - -
I For $55.00 I
- - -
- - - .
- -
= = 1. also have a carof Gang and Sulky = =
: : : Plows which J am selling at prices tl at are less = =
than other denIers buy for. 3
- - -
= = Gang Plows , 12 and 14 inch , $55.00 ' 3
E Gang Plows , 16 inch. . . . . . . . $35.00 : : :
- -
- -
E "The Dealer That Saves Yon Money. " : : :
C. S. MARTIN , Mf1 Agf
: : : : : : -AND DEALEIl IN- : : : : : :
- . - -
= = ANT 1l US'1' GOODS. = =
1111(11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111l11111 ( 1111111111111 S :
J as. 'l'albot of Westen'ille , had
, l fine displa ) ' of fruit at the
OUllty Fair a ! did also G. I ; ' .
PerJdlls of BerwYll. 'l'here were
- . . .
. . .
. .Ad.
a number of others who had ex-
hihits of fruit , but the only other
name we learned was E. II. Pres-
sey of Oconto.
' : .rJ".r..r..r..r..r.r. : r.r.r..Jr # : . . . . . .
. . . .
F.r..r.l'r.r..r..r..r..r..r..r..r.M . . . . . . . . . . . . . )
I Do You Want a I-Iome ?
. . . . . . . -000
, , .
: JrIe > r Sa1e. . '
lone-story , 4-ro0111 honse , ground ( , Ox112. Price. . $ GOO.OO
1 one-story , frame , 3-room house , ground 100x1l2.
I > rice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250.00 S
1 new one-story frame , 5-room house , one block from 8
N public square , with one lot. Price , . . . . . . . . . . 1 ,100.00
lone-story frame , 5-room honse , with barn and two g
ts lots , nicely located. Price. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,100.00 8
1 two-story frame , ( , -room residence , new cave. new
barn , ( , lots , good well and cistern , nicely S
located. Price. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ,200.00
lone-story frame , 5-room honse , with four lots , Ss
gravel wcll , wind mill , barn , chickcn house , S
orchard. Price. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,000.00
Some of the best tcn acre tracts adjoining town
for sale. . . . ' S
Some of the best located lots for res1dence.
' .
. . , I
Broken Bow , - - - - - - Nebraska.
. ' . " . . . . . . . ; " . : . . . : . . . ' . : . . . ' . : . r..r. . . . ' . : . ' " . . . . . . & . . . ,
- - - -
_ . _
. . . IU ' " . . ; . ; m . I " . . : W M ; ; > 1 .
' ' ,
i''i" < : ; J4 { ;
I Have a Good Stock of ,4 : .
I Quick Meal Rangesl : I >
: There is no better ran e in the mal'- :
: ket than the Quick lCal.rr'his is
: the time when the cook is exp eeted
: > to put ou a good meal for tlll'eshers :
: and you should treat them fairly
: t and furnish u rang'e that will bake . . :
: . ! !
. t , )
"e 11 . _ . OJ
c I
c J )
: OUI' ( nr load of 00' . 01 i
. )
: were shipped from L9uisville , K.en- i
tncky , on the 22nd oE August , and :
: wi II be here hy the time yon read If : :
: this. 'l'hel'o i ( heapel' wagons than
the Uld lLickory , but none so good. \ :
1 r you want It good \\'agoll \ bUYIa ; ; ; ; :
: 11 iokOl'Y. ;
; Onr .Motto : "Undersell. " .
c )
i C. W. APPLE , , !
: 'tV est Side quare , Broken Bow , N ebrnsk . ' ,
J : J' v Jii.W J ; : : " . J' . J&J'J& ' : iif . . ' -